Radecka 2.Indd

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Radecka 2.Indd 1 11th International Conference EURO–ECO 2006 Interdisciplinary Co–operation for the Sustainable Development of Historical Cities and Protected Areas. Perspectives of Sound Tourism 2 Honorary Committee: Rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology – Prof. Antoni Tajduś, Ph.D. Sc., Eng. President of the Council of Rectors of Cracow Universities – the Rector of the Jagiellonian University Prof. Karol Musioł, Ph.D. Sc. President of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Cracow Branch – Prof. Jerzy Haber, Ph.D. Sc. President of the Federation of the Regional Association of Municipalities and Districts of the Republic of Poland – – Kazimierz Barczyk Marshall of the Małopolskie Voivodship – Janusz Sepioł Scientifi c Committee: Chairman – Prof. Dr. J. W. Dobrowolski (Poland) Prof. Dr. M. Anke (Germany) Prof. Dr. M. Cesario (UK, Brazil) Prof. Dr. D. Crowther (UK) Prof. Dr. J. Dominik (Switzerland) Prof. Dr. S. Ermidou–Pollet (Greece) Prof.Dr. P. Gajo (Italy) Prof. Dr. L. Hens (Belgium) Prof. Dr. A. Kadłuczka (Poland) Prof. Dr. K. Miyamoto (Japan) Prof. Dr. M. Narodoslawsky (Austria) Prof. Dr. J.–P. Oudinet (France) Prof. Dr. J. Ostrowski (Poland) Dr.S. Pollet (Greece) Prof. Dr. J. Purchla (Poland) Prof.Dr. B. Ribas Ozonas (Spain) Prof. Dr. A. Stasch (Germany) Prof. Dr. E. Stuhler (Germany) Prof.Dr. S. Teranishi (Japan) Prof. Dr. S. Wicherek (France) Organizing Committee: Dir. Richard Fenollo, M. Sc., Eng. – the Co–ordinator of the Terre des Rivieres (France) Dr. Aleksandra Wagner – scientifi c secretary (Poland) Małgorzata Śliwka, M.Sc., Eng.– secretary (Poland) Mateusz Jakubiak, M.Sc., Eng. (Poland) Anna Zborowska, M. Sc., Eng. (Poland) Maria Zielińska, Eng. (Poland) Robert Mazur, M.Sc. (Poland) Dr. Piotr Lewicki, Eng. (Poland) Katarzyna Gowin, M. Sc. (Poland) Barbara Patuła, M.Sc. (Poland) Kamil Kasztalski (Poland) Sponsors Union des Terres de Rivieres, INTERREG III C Centre of Japanese Arts and Technology – “Manggha” in Cracow Urząd Miasta Krakowa, Wydział Kultury “Dziennk Polski” TVP, Program 3, Kraków Preparation of Conference Materials Aleksandra Wagner, Jan. W. Dobrowolski Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 15, No 5c (2006), 3–53 Preface The Main Purposes of the 11th International Conference J. W. Dobrowolski* AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Chair of Environmental Biotechnology and Ecology 1International community of scientists has a special of cooperation of experts, society and decision–makers mission focused on knowledge–based society in the on regional scale and managers of enterprises, which UNESCO Decade of Education for Sustainable Devel- may be useful in many countries. One of these problems is opment. I believe that exchange of experiences during this reduction of negative effects of motorized tourism, re- Conference, followed by interdisciplinary and international ferring to more successful protection of human health pilot projects, will be a proper way for the development of (against direct and indirect risk factors), biodiversity, old mission to make our life more reasonable and our civi- architecture, monuments, etc. lization more human–oriented. Let me refer to the basic The crucial problem seems to be linkage between com- concept I introduced at the starting points of National and mon expectations of better health and quality of life as well International Summer Schools on the Human Environment as development of labour market (e.g. offering new job in 1967 as well as at the beginning of series of the Interna- opportunities for graduates of universities). Promotion of tional Conferences on Sustainable Development in 1989. sound tourism in cities with culture heritage and eco–tour- The basic principle is linkage between interdisci- ism in ecologically important regions is a big chance of plinary research and problem solving training, sup- sustainable development for many regions in Europe and plemented by education of the whole society as impor- outside. The key factor for sustainability is integration in tant partners to experts. The key word for success is this fi eld of activity of organizers of mass tourism with integration of all age and professional groups for com- all other experts. Especially important is minimization of mon action focused on better quality of life. From our negative effects of mass tourism concentrated in regions 1st School in 1968 we recognized the necessity of linkage of high natural and cultural values based on dissemina- between learning about different (social, natural, technical tion knowledge about human ecology, ecotoxicology and etc.) aspects of global problems of the protection of the ecological engineering as integrating factors for common Biosphere and integrated action on local scale (including action of experts in different levels of education (includ- exchange of methodological experiences not only on pan– ing both formal and informal education in cooperation with European scale, but open for experts all over the world). mass media, NGOs, etc.) and different fi elds of natural, The basic subject of this Conference – sound tourism – technical and socio–economical sciences together with lo- seems to be really useful for the integration of education cal society and decision–makers. of local community and tourists focused on common ac- Under democratic condition the key factor of success tion for the promotion of sustainable development of re- is to disseminate among local communities knowledge gions, offering valuable nature and culture heritage. We about environmental risk factors for health, culture and are facing similar problems and exchange of good practice nature in their regions, together with knowledge about new best available technologies for the reduction of hazard related to these factors by common action of experts and so- * Chairman of 11 International Conferences on Sustainable Devel- ciety. Distribution of up–to–date knowledge about methods opment from 1989 to 2006, Chair of Environmental Biotechnolo- of early detection of risk of irreversible biological effects gy and Ecology, Wydz. GGiIS AGH, TUO AGH Open University, (mutations, congenital malformation, higher incidence of in- Sci. Council of the Goetel’s School of Environmental Protection curable diseases of civilization, as well as cancer, reduction and Engineering, 30–059 Krakow, Mickiewicza 30, Poland of fertility and increase of mortality during early develop- e-mail: [email protected] 4 Dobrowolski J. W. ment and risk for ecosystems and biodiversity etc.) together Complementary experiences are very useful not only for with knowledge about innovative methods of more effective early detection of risk factors but also for more effective primary prevention against related environmental risk fac- at–source–prevention of the deterioration of the human tors – is a chance of execution by local society from deci- environment. Tragic experiences of Japanese victims of sion–makers human right for proper quality of the natural incurable diseases of contemporary civilization make the environment. For successful activity it seems necessary to best motivation for common action of scientists, engineers, have both strong enough motivation and practical ability of managers as well as local and international society. Good active contribution of all the members of local society and examples of international solidarity in this fi eld could be visitors in common action in this fi eld. Ecologically orient- e.g. 1st International Congress Scientists for Better Hu- ed tourism gives a special chance for integration of stake- man Environment in Kyoto in 1975 as well as at present holders and tourists for better protection of natural and so–called Kyoto Protocols. cultural landscape as well as proper conditions for healthy In practice the only one effective activity seems to be recreation (especially in health resorts). The most impor- common action of experts, society and decision–makers in tant for pilot projects is interdisciplinary cooperation of real regions involved in international cooperation for pro- all experts (coordinated by environmental generalists having motion good practice in sustainable development. I hope knowledge in ecological, technical, social and other issues) that one of promising for the future is cooperation of several with local inhabitants followed by wide–scale application universities and still more and more administrative units of of good practice. European countries involved in promotion sustainable de- We have to fi nd also common weak points limiting ef- velopment (including eco–tourism) in river regions within fective prevention of environmental risk factors as well as Network; Union of The Rivers Regions – Union des Terres overexploitation of natural resources. The most important de Rivieres. Promising for the future is also the extension seems to be the lack of opportunities of training toward of the co–operation of experts from Europe and outside of system solving of real problems based on interdiscipli- Europe e.g. within the project of the European Commission nary case studies and common action, as well as the lack Asia Links and similar, as well as expected 7th Framework of knowledge about useful achievements of science and Programme and new Multicultural Programme, hopefully technology among common people and decision–mak- strongly linked with sustainability. ers. Introduction of model of permanent improvement of This special issue of the Polish Journal of Environ- related activity based on heuristic approach and exchange
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