Yury Revich is 21 yeas old and is already one of the most expressive Russian violinists of his generation.

His performances include prestigious venues in Europe, the Middle East, North America, North Africa, and Asia.

He caused a sensation with performances at Carnegie Hall, Musikverein Vienna, Zurich Tonhalle, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in , Munich Gasteig, Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord in , Glenn Gould Studio Toronto, Kolarac Belgrad etc.

Performances at international music festivals include the Verbier Festival, Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad Festival, Radio Festival in Montpellier, Vladimir Spivakov’s Festival in Colmar, France, the Rostropovich Festival in Baku, Azerbaijan, Rome Chamber Music Festival, Liana Isakadze’s Festival in Batumy, Eilat Festival in Israel, Beethoven Festival in Vienna, and many others.

He tours with the Nord- West Deutsche Philarmonie, Svetlanov Russian State Symphony, Amadeus Chamber Orchestra, I Pomeriggi Musicali Orchestra, Zagreb Soloists, Bucharest Philharmonic, Russian National Orchestra with Pletnev, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra with Simonov, Moscow Soloists with Bashmet, Svetlanov State Symphony Orchestra, Georgian-German Chamber Orchestra with Isakadze, Morocco Royal Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, AzerbaijanState Chamber Orchestra, Finish Youth Symphony "Ristavesi", with them he performed Paganini Concerto no.2 at the age of 12.

In the coming season he will play the Tchaikovsky Concerto in D Major for Violin and Orchester in Teatro Alla Scala on September 15th, touring USA, Mexico, South Africa, Europe.

He released his debut album "Russian Soul"in 2012, in 2013 : Romberg „Concertos and Ouvertures“ and "Violin Sonatas" by Sony Classical, Anton Garcia Abril and coming soon are „Steps through the centuries“ for Odradek Records and „Mozart and Sarasate“ for onepoint.fm.

Yury has many recordings on wdr, BR, Radio France, Radio slovenia, Radio Belgrad, and many other Radios and TVs of Europe and America.

Yury is the prizewinner of International Violin and Chamber Music Competitions. He is Ambassador of Beethoven Center Vienna and International Amadeus School Vienna, he is a scholarship holder of Rostropovich Foundation.

He is holder of the "Christmas Star" National Prize by the Russian Patriarch, and the “Bernsteingeige” Young Musician Award of Beethoven Center Vienna.

Yury is medal holder “For the generous deeds for the glory of the Motherland.”

He studied with G.Turchaninova, V.Pikayzen, V.Vorona, P.Vernikov and his father A.Revich.

As a chamber musician Yury grounded Quatuor du soleil in Vienna, and performs with musicians like Gary Hoffman, Liana Isakadze, Lawrence Dutton, Robert McDuffie, Richard Dubugnon, Denis Kozhukhin, Daniil Trifonov and others

INSTRUMENTS: In 2008 the French master Alan Karbonar crafted a violin especially for Yury. He is also under the invitation of the Stradivari Society and has performed on violins by Guarneri del Gesu “ Ex- Max Rostal” and Stradivari “Duke Alba". He has also performed on the legendary Guarneri "the King". He proudly plays on a Balestrieri 1783 given to him by the Goh Family Foundation of Singapore