State aids cases - Last three months

october 24 october 2018 SA.51971 , Biogas production, remuneration and commercialisation in Luxembourg (Decision) SA.50709 Ireland, Teagasc Joint Pig Programme (Decision) SA.50584 , Structural aid measure reducing the cost disadvantage of bundling volumes transported by rail/inland waterways to and from Flemish seaports in order to promote a modal shift (Decision)

23 october 2018 SA.49710 , Welfare of ducks (Decision)

22 october 2018 SA.49405 , Media Aid - Sweden (Decision) SA.49180 , Soutien par appels d'offres au développement des installations de production d'électricité à partir de sources renouvelables en autoconsommation (Decision)

19 october 2018 SA.51200 , Prolongation of the winding-up scheme for small banks (Public version available) SA.51108 , Indemnisation des producteurs agricoles affectés par les tempêtes de février et mars 2018 (Public version available) SA.50710 , Piemonte Region RDP 2014-2020- Measure 16- Cooperation- "rural areas" (Public version available) SA.50233 , E65 Motorway Concession (Lamia- Xiniada Section) (Decision) SA.49875 France, Modification of the scheme in favour of undertakings exposed to a carbon leakage risk in France (Public version available) SA.49336 Italy, Motorways investment plan for Autostrade per l'Italia Spa (Public version available) SA.49335 Italy, Motorways investment plan for Società Asti Cuneo and Satap A4 (Public version available) SA.47866 , Damage compensation linked to gas extraction in Groningen province (Public version available) SA.43005 Italy, Fiscal incentives for investments in innovative start-ups (Public version available) SA.38651 Czech Republic, The provision of catering services in schools in the Czech Republic (Public version available) SA.28973 Greece, Measures to certain Greek Casinos (Public version available)

18 october 2018 SA.51049 , Programme d’aides pour la reproduction, l’incubation et l’élevage dans le secteur avicole (Decision) SA.50608 Czech Republic, Aid for demonstration farms (Decision) SA.48855 Luxembourg, Aides au programme de mesures pour protéger les ressources en eau du Lac de la Haute-Sûre - composante agricole (Decision) SA.38373 Ireland, $ - Aid to Apple (Decision)

17 october 2018 SA.45852 , German capacity reserve (Decision)

16 october 2018 SA.51521 Germany, Bund: GAK framework plan - support area 3A "Improving the processing and marketing structures of agricultural products", measure 2.0 "Investments for processing and marketing of agricultural products" (Decision)

15 october 2018 SA.49518 , Freight Facilities Grant (Decision) SA.46945 Germany, Erfurt-Weimar airport (Decision) SA.38283 Denmark, ERTMS funding for Danish rail freight operators (Decision) SA.38105 Belgium, Subside en faveur de certaines compagnies aériennes opérant à l’aéroport de Bruxelles-National (Public version available)

12 october 2018 SA.49614 , Development of Next Generation Access Infrastructure – RAIN 3 – Lithuania (Decision) SA.49469 France, Compensation de la mission d''aménagement du territoire en faveur de La Poste pour la période 2018-2022 (Decision) SA.45300 Denmark, Amendment of the Danish Tonnage Tax scheme (Extension of the tonnage tax scheme to cover a number of specialized vessels) (Decision) SA.36511 France, Support for EIU under the CSPE in France (Decision)

11 october 2018 SA.51031 , Régime de compensation pour le transport maritime et aérien de marchandises incluses dans l'Annexe I du TFUE des ou vers les Iles Canaries (Decision)

10 october 2018 SA.38967 Greece, Greek "New Deal" for RES and CHP support (Decision)

09 october 2018 SA.38613 Italy, Aid to Ilva (Public version available)

05 october 2018 SA.51225 , Aide destinée à remédier aux effets des dommages occasionnés dans le secteur agricole par la sécheresse de 2017 - grandes entreprises (Public version available) SA.50651 Ireland, Temporary Restructuring Support (extension of SA 49040) (Public version available) SA.50551 Czech Republic, Aid for the improvement of the welfare of suckler cows (Decision) SA.49923 United Kingdom, Amendments to the existing aid scheme "Enterprise Investment Scheme" and "Venture Capital Trust scheme" (Public version available) SA.49898 Italy, Critères d'octroi d'aides en faveur des entreprises agricoles touchées par les séismes qui ont frappé les régions Abruzzes, Lazio, Marche et Ombrie à partir du 24 août 2016 (Public version available) SA.49897 Italy, Aides aux investissements dans le secteur apicole (Public version available) SA.49827 , Modifications to the support for the training of advisors (Public version available) SA.49709 Germany, Rostock Airport (Public version available) SA.49624 Denmark, Compensation for damages caused by wolves, including the removal and destruction of fallen stock, and aid for wolf- proof fences (Public version available) SA.49548 , Potato-growing ZAMARTE Sp. z o.o. (Public version available) SA.48992 , Measure ‘Promotion on third-country markets’ (wine) (Public version available) SA.48623 Netherlands, Support for marginal off-shore gas fields in the Netherlands (Public version available) SA.47707 Denmark, Compensation to PostNord for Universal Service Obligations imposed on Post Danmark (Public version available) SA.47509 Italy, Alleged aid to concession holders managing state gaming network for AAMS (Public version available) SA.46013 Belgium, Green electricity certificates and CHP certificates in Flanders (Public version available) SA.44664 Ireland, Alleged aid to HelpLink South (Public version available)

04 october 2018 SA.45359 , Regional investment aid to Jaguar Land Rover - LIP - SK (Decision) SA.44865 Germany, Alleged State aid to German beverage border shops (Decision)

02 october 2018 SA.51944 France, Prolongation of support to live performances – France (Decision)

september 28 september 2018 SA.51981 Denmark, Complaint about alleged unlawful aid to Femern A/S and Femern Landanlaeg A/S (Decision) SA.49580 , LIP -Hungary - Regional investment aid to BorsodChem (Decision)

27 september 2018 SA.51306 Belgium, Individual aid to 3 offshore windfarm projects (Mermaid, Seastar and Northwester2) - EFSI case (Decision)

26 september 2018 SA.49947 Belgium, Aid for videogames (VAF Gamefonds) - Flanders – BE (Public version available)

25 september 2018 SA.49843 Germany, Germany - CHP plant Herne (Decision) SA.49371 Germany, Germany - Modernisation of CHP Plant GuD2 in Munich (Decision)

21 september 2018 SA.51262 Italy, Indemnités pour les dommages causés par les loups au patrimoine zootechnique (Public version available) SA.51214 Germany, Bund - GAK framework plan - support area 3A "Improving processing and marketing structures of agricultural products", measure 3.0 "co-operations" (Public version available) SA.51144 Italy, RDP of the Piedmont Region for 2014-2020, measure 7.6.2 "Handbooks relating to landscape-architectural elements" (Public version available) SA.51041 Portugal, Ninth Prolongation of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme on EIB lending (Public version available) SA.50938 Portugal, Sous-mesure 9.1 - "Création des groupements de producteurs et d'organisations dans les secteurs agricole et forestier (Public version available) SA.50763 Italy, Rules on the compensation to be granted to undertakings active in the primary production for damage caused to crops and livestock by protected animals (Public version available) SA.50627 France, Aides à la coopération dans le secteur agricole et agroalimentaire pour la période 2018-2020 (Public version available) SA.50512 France, Fonds d''aides aux jeux vidéo - volets écriture, création de propriétés intellectuelles et opérations à caractère collectif (Public version available) SA.50448 Netherlands, NL_LNV_AGRO Energy-efficiency glasshouse horticulture (Decision) SA.50428 Denmark, Aid for restoring forestry potential after storm damage (Public version available) SA.50367 Germany, Saxony: Compensation for damages caused by predators (Public version available) SA.50327 Germany, Saxony: Granting of aid by the Saxon Animal Disease Fund for the agricultural sector (Public version available) SA.49954 Spain, Projets d'innovation et d'intérêt général pour des groupes opérationnels du Partenariat européen d’innovation en matière de productivité et durabilité dans le secteur forestier (Public version available) SA.49523 Croatia, Croatian "maritime" PSO 3 (Public version available) SA.49214 Slovenia, Restructuring aid to Semenarna Ljubljana d.o.o. (Public version available) SA.49203 Romania, SGEI Compensation for Bacau Airport (Public version available) SA.49070 Romania, Aide pour les animaux trouvés morts (Public version available) SA.48929 Portugal, Tonnage Tax and Seafarer Scheme (Public version available) SA.48325 , NGA-Broadband project in Upper Austria (Public version available) SA.48119 Croatia, Croatian Ferries PSO (Public version available) SA.45697 Italy, Aid for co-operation in the forestry sector (Public version available) SA.31149 Germany, Lübeck-Blankensee airport - Alleged State aid to Infratil and to the airport (Public version available)

20 september 2018 SA.37389 Italy, Alleged illegal State aid in the port of Naples (Italy) (Decision) SA.36112 Italy, Alleged aid in favour of the Port Authority of Naples and Cantieri del Mediterraneo S.p.A. (Decision)

19 september 2018 SA.38945 Luxembourg, Alleged aid to Mc Donald's – Luxembourg (Decision)

17 september 2018 SA.51768 France, Aides destinées à remédier aux dommages causés par des animaux protégés en France (Decision)

14 september 2018 SA.49406 Spain, Subsidies for the production of solid biomass fuels in Estrémadura, Spain (Decision) SA.48810 United Kingdom, Forestry Aid Scheme England (Decision) SA.46491 Netherlands, Alleged aid - Supermarket in Meerssen (Decision)

13 september 2018 SA.49968 France, Aide à la relance des exploitations agricoles (Decision)

07 september 2018 SA.51191 , Amendment of aid for promoting waste recycling (ex SA.46525 (2016/N)) (Public version available) SA.50829 Germany, Modification of the Geman Film Fund (DFFF) (Public version available) SA.50768 Hungary, Further Amendment of the Hungarian Film Support Scheme (Public version available) SA.50395 Germany, Offshore-surcharge reduction for railway undertakings in Germany (Public version available) SA.50370 France, Aide fiscale à l''investissement outre-mer (logement social) (Public version available) SA.49331 Denmark, SGEI compensation for Bornholm Airport (DK) (Public version available) SA.47412 Greece, Evaluation plan of the aid scheme "General Entrepreneurship" of Development law 4399/2016 (Public version available) SA.47083 , Prevention of extensive forest damages caused by damaging agents already existing in Finland (Public version available) SA.46525 Latvia, Aid for promoting waste recycling (Public version available) SA.46228 Latvia, Development of separate waste collection systems (Public version available)

august 31 august 2018 SA.51482 Poland, Eighth prolongation of the Credit Unions Orderly Liquidation Scheme (Decision) SA.51200 Denmark, Prolongation of the winding-up scheme for small banks (Decision) SA.51026 Italy, Prolongation of the Italian guarantee scheme for the securitisation of non-performing loans (Decision)

28 august 2018 SA.51408 Netherlands, Aid to Terramass B.V. (Decision) SA.35334 , Liquidation aid for the orderly market exit of Cyprus Cooperative Bank Ltd (Decision)

22 august 2018 SA.51108 Portugal, Indemnisation des producteurs agricoles affectés par les tempêtes de février et mars 2018 (Decision) SA.50409 Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz: Directive for the support of nature conservation measures in forests (Decision)

21 august 2018 SA.50512 France, Fonds d''aides aux jeux vidéo - volets écriture, création de propriétés intellectuelles et opérations à caractère collectif (Decision)

17 august 2018 SA.51036 Poland, Modification of scheme SA. 48093 (2017/N) – Aid for the implementation of intermodal transport projects (Public version available) SA.50953 Ireland, 13th prolongation of the Credit Union Resolution Scheme 2018 (Public version available) SA.50717 Denmark, Aid scheme for onshore wind for test and demonstration projects outside the two national test centers for large wind turbines (Decision) SA.50715 Denmark, Transitional aid scheme for onshore wind (Decision) SA.50692 Ireland, Seventh prolongation of the Credit Union restructuring and stabilisation scheme (Public version available) SA.49918 Denmark, Multi-technology tender 2018-2019 (Decision) SA.49482 United Kingdom, Highlands and Island Airports Limited - Sumburgh Airport (Public version available) SA.48840 Austria, Austrian Risk Capital Premium Scheme (Public version available) SA.48350 Netherlands, Uitgebreide groeifaciliteit – Nederlandse garantieregeling voor middelgrote en grote ondernemingen met een aanzienlijk groeipotentieel – Nederland (Public version available) SA.48197 Netherlands, Groeifaciliteit (Public version available) SA.46697 Germany, Further complaint against the NNVG (Public version available) SA.46538 Germany, Complaint against the NNVG (Public version available) SA.44058 Germany, Saarbrücken Airport (Public version available)

14 august 2018 SA.51225 Slovenia, Aide destinée à remédier aux effets des dommages occasionnés dans le secteur agricole par la sécheresse de 2017 - grandes entreprises (Decision)

13 august 2018 SA.50305 Poland, Płock 600MW CCGT (combined heat and power certificates) (Decision)

10 august 2018 SA.51403 Poland, Second prolongation of the resolution scheme for cooperative banks and small commercial banks (Decision) SA.49709 Germany, Rostock Airport (Decision) SA.33229 Slovenia, Amendment of the restructuring commitments of Nova Ljubljanska Banka d.d. (Decision)

09 august 2018 SA.51042 Portugal, 17th Extension of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme (Decision) SA.51041 Portugal, Ninth Prolongation of the Portuguese Guarantee Scheme on EIB lending (Decision) SA.28973 Greece, Measures to certain Greek Casinos (Decision)

06 august 2018 SA.49518 United Kingdom, Freight Facilities Grant (Decision)

03 august 2018 SA.49077 Croatia, Damage caused by birds and other animals to carp fishponds (Public version available)

01 august 2018 SA.49522 Germany, Germany - Reduced surcharge for cogeneration under EEG 2017 (Decision)

july 31 july 2018 SA.36511 France, Support for EIU under the CSPE in France (Decision)

30 july 2018 SA.50152 Greece, New Greek transitory flexibility mechanism (Decision) SA.38613 Italy, Aid to Ilva (Decision)

26 july 2018 SA.50165 Germany, Support for the promotion of energy efficiency in rail transport (Decision) SA.48325 Austria, NGA-Broadband project in Upper Austria (Decision) SA.46874 France, Project for an ocean farm in Normandie France (Decision)