~7 sun _...,,t_,_ _-s. -.__.. H»..-_._..,,..-.. _.. , 6 .- X "17 _ , _ _~ __ . _, s asFD-30g= F REV-,3-8-7?! . A V ! - _, » -_¢.._. - ~ _ I ' ~ . 41 -" , . _ ._ ' a Q FEDERAL BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION ' ~§ K 1 , F_ 1 i v , ' -1 7 _ _ Q A . Cale oi tran_scrl;itlon_N 1, > . _ A _ " a ~|AbexfCorpora= '* r tion, 1. , Sth Aves, , New Xork NY!, tele- * phoné _ ! was interviewed:at_his placewof business. ' ~ , - After being advised of the identity of the.interviewing agent Q ', and his purpose,[::::::]furnished the folIowing*information1 e _ ~ * 1 b6 . % 9 fbexCorporation Stated I b7C 4; ~ , x - _ - . _ . . ;~ _ Q .11: _ , t E:::::::]then related a;businessventrein which he e came to know Congressman JOHN'MUE$HA,, h A ~

_ . Abex Corporation has a process to make caste steel 92 _ ,_ railroad car wheels. ~Sometime after the Johnstqwn, Pennsyly r ~ vania flogd, Abex.Corporation and Bethlehem Steel were in negotiation or Abex to purchase Bethlehem'swrough forged! . steel railroad car wheélvplantm -BethléhemsLplant-was rnnning W pon-pr9fitahly~and Abek, knowing it"Made a snperior product at ' ~'aYlower cost to completion", wanted to fill the void ibr the f carrailroad-car ?nd wheels;g1gn§with other Bethlehem railroad producedcar.bqiIders,in a very good railroad,area, the i Apex saw the demand in_this area, Negotiations fell through becapse| Isaw Beth1ehem'splant Ibcated within Bethlehem overall property-as being_detrimenta1_to Abex's 1 ~' Y 9fl97%t£EEEE§;]receivéda phone _ gallifrom Congressman JOHN MURTHA. felt thatMURTHA . W was put in tonch with him throhgh Bethlehem_StéeL.'_MURTHAfs~ position and interest was to provide jobs ahd

~. e T £7 ;=~qj 4 ~ * _ . ; 1 s ~* 7 w1 "e 1 - »-z< 92 C" 92~ - _ rug -. y _ » . Tnls'dgcument cqnfalnsnhlthe/_r recommendationsnoi concluilorpspt theFB__l. It I; ;heprepergy tn FglQt 30 _you?a . -it anq lts,contetsar};ngf tobe distiibulgq giuisjde youragency. - ' l @_ ; _._i ' U _ ' 4 . _ ¢ ~ I 92-> _ u 92 . ' . » '¢ 1' _ ' Q _ 2 * _ _: 1 L 92 ' - -' e z >- 1 * A Q - » J -?~A Ir: /- W -.1 ~ Q * """>»'.~_q;,~,;,_~ / ' $55:42915 <2>» , "92

w. 92

BQ s7-s1q67 Q Z; - L [:::::::]stated that the majorbanks inthe area guaranteed help in financing hiS'prOj6Ct3[::::::]QOClded that Abex purchased land and will be opening a~plant"in the Industrial Development Park, Queemohoring, ; which is within MURTHK'sCongressional District. [::::::]stated that_all hisdealings with Congress- _pan JOHN MURTHA were of the highest level of integrity and honesty, [::::::]stated that at no time did Congressman MURTHA mentionor even~suggest,any business dealings con- cerning Arab investments92around January, 1980 or anyfother b6 period. Further;[::::::]stated that he has not orally ib/C comunicated with Congressman MURTHAin the January time frame. i

2 _ [:::::] then provided-copies of all commqniéations I I £rom'his CongressmanJOHN MURTHA»§[email protected],of the A u'ir cations-refledtedlany mentionof Arabinvestments» [f?%?:] stated that he did not know Congressman.JOHN'MURPH¥. $ _ _Dhring the interview,[::::::]always referred to~ Congressman MURTHAas.JACK. The following informatipn.was obtained through sir ~

Name A b6 Address b7c 1» A


1. 92


< $ K u 2 5 1 7 P 1. J > 1. il 1 M >Z_ ' I ~ -.~-Yr ¢ 1 ,9 » , 'I



nkNh In Reply, Please Refer so , ' Pennsylvania' May 29, 1980

ABSCAM; INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF STOLEN PROPERTY I On May 15, 1980, the following representatives of their respective banking institutions were contacted and advised that "F since January 1, 1980, Congressman John P. Murtha had.not contacted them or their bank in connection with his placing of large deposits, certificates of deposit, or other significant capital investments there. They also advised that Murtha had no accounts or loans of any kind at their institutions: I I u. s. National Bank in J6hnstown, 216 Franklin Street, Johnstown, PA. LN I, Moxhamé bg ational Bank, 550 Central Avenue, Johnstown, PA. b7c LL I Slovenian Savings and 'oan Association, First Street, East Conemaugh, PA.

I Savings and Loan Association, 11 61 Market Friendly Street, City FederalJohnstown, PA I I Cambria Savings and Loan Association, 225 Franklin Street, Johnstown, PA. On May 15, 198O,g I Jbhnstown W» Bank and Trust Company, 53 Main Street, Johnstown, PA, advised that Congressman John P. Murtha-had not contacted him_or anyone-else connected with his bank since January 1, 1980, concerning his placing of large deposits, certificates of deposit, or other significant- capita investments there. He also advised that neither John P. Murtha or any member of his family had any type of savings accounts, checking accounts, certificates of deposit, or loans with his banki He did advise that the Murtha for Reelection Committee had both a checking and savings account at his bank. We?/awMM? I This document contains neither recommendations nor I _ conclusions of the FBL. It is the property of the I FBI are not andto isloaned oe distributed to youragency; outside youra38§§§§§Q§?_* itIandfitscontents-If I ,"92 -2: . WM I 92l.§92I 1' IIHI- ,_,-.--i._,: ab, 0

' .1 1 T G 6 a


The DaleNational0nMa 15Bank,198o[57l Bedford I Street, dohnstown,P1 i jbéb7c advised that he felt quite sure that CongressmanJohn P. urtha had not contacted that bank since January 1, 1980, concerning his placing of large deposits, certificates of deposit, or ' thatother significant the tobest of ca ital is knowledge investments there. Congressman HeMurtha further his advised and a family did all of their banking with he Dale National Bank and he knew for a'factthat they had two loans with that bank, certificates of deposit there and both checking and savings accounts.



2* / Q E _ FD-302n-27-70! , !,REV,. J ' Q


l _ u. Dolelrcnscripljon of Ma

PA, telepklone L number advised thatwhile Johnstown, hewas 2? I now reti e a iona Bank, duri 's he w of that bank and n t 1S capacity he did financ a loan for the now; ongressman John P. Murtha who was just a local businessman at that time. This loan was for Murtha's wash carbusiness and he did not knowMurtha before that time. , - He could'notrecall the exact amount of the loan without a review of the records but recalled it to be a sizeable . loan for a small business. Heknew ofno particular reasonwhy Murtha couldn'thave obtained this loan elsewhere but assumed that since he was asmall businessman hecame to Dale National Bank because it was a small bank. 1 He did recall that there were periods of time when, because of poor business conditions, Murtha could not meet the loan paymentsas originally established. Onthese occasions, Murtha initiatedcontact withthe bankand other.arrangements were madeso that least partial paymentswere made on this loan andit was therefore neverin default. Conceivably, for this reason, Murtha mightfeel someobligation to the Dale National Bank. v /

Q; xi 97-?I1,3l_~f 1%? lnierviewed 23, °' on B-A Fm: _ b6 by kd .b7c Dale di¬Ialedt - , _ Ibis documemcontains neilherr-xcommendalions conclusions nor the 0| FBL I B "W P'°P¢"YOf "WF5 Ind55'|>11:2d Y°"""i"|aQY= |° ;| and5|; gqnlgnlg01¢ notlo be dislribuledoulside youragency. I us. '" v v-4 , ,>,,,» 4.; , t __i / _ A A A * '_ ;~,_;~7 ' _ - _ 1 '-r, ll 4 a _..-».l.-L __ 7 : I 1 -5

ornou/u.. roamno. no T}. MAY mz somou ,1 7 92 csa FPMR 1 urn! m-||.c 4 GOVERNMENT 4 1 Memorandum ; t |

TO 1 SAC, BROOKLYN-QUEENS 87-81067! nan DATE; 5/29/so _ we ' FR0n"= SAC,PITTSBURGH ss_2s1! RUC!


Re BQMRA teletype to Pittsburgh dated 5/15/so. of suboenasEnclosed herewith for] ! BQMRA are executeg es I Q [;;::::ijand.; original Custod and four an of COp1eS Recor of a Daleself-explanatory s, National Bank, LHM, Johnstown, and original and two copies of an FD-302 interview of | |on 5/23/80, with interview notes. 9 Per telephonic request of Thomas P. Puccio, Attorney in Charge, Organized CrimeStrike Force, Brooklyn, NewYork, the results of negative investigation conducted by Pittsburgh are set forth in the enclosed LHM, copies of which dshould be forwarded to Attorney Puccio. _L§_2E béc ib BROOKLYN-QUEENS 4 AT BROOKLYN, NY Will forward appropriate copies of enclosures to _ Attorney in Charge Thomas P. Puccio, Organized Crime Strike Force, Brooklyn, NY. §gg:gi§;%ueenSzk or.-13! [Q57- gluesA 1 I

" EWG/ked/jem swam-:o_.._'...._J|noe

n-5 SOIO-I014!A Buy U.$. SaviizgsBond: Regularly on t/2:Payroll Saving:Plan

t 7 __ _ 4- srse