

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2018 No. 194 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was needs, or fighting for our Dreamers, or human rights. These are fundamental called to order by the Speaker pro tem- securing funds for important projects American principles that have guided pore (Mr. CULBERSON). in our community, or passing critical my legislative record. f legislation to help those oppressed by I have been honored to fight for equal totalitarian regimes, or one of the rights for all people by joining efforts DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO many, many other duties that the peo- that will put an end to the discrimina- TEMPORE ple of south Florida have entrusted to tion and the violence against individ- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- me, I have been honored to serve them uals based on their sexual orientation fore the House the following commu- in this distinguished body for almost 30 or gender identity. nication from the Speaker: years, and I have played a small part in I have been proud to advocate for the WASHINGTON, DC, making our slice of paradise an even natural allies of our country, like the December 10, 2018. better place in which to live. democratic Jewish State of Israel, her I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN Every day when I come to this floor, right to exist, and her right to defend ABNEY CULBERSON to act as Speaker pro tem- when I walk these hallowed Halls, or herself; to secure support for a free pore on this day. when I look at that magnificent Cap- trade agreement with Colombia, one of PAUL D. RYAN, itol dome lit up, I pinch myself to our biggest trading partners in Latin Speaker of the House of Representatives. make sure that I am not dreaming. America; and to promote U.S. assist- f That is because as a political , ance that allows Taiwan to resist Bei- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE I have a unique perspective on the jing’s increasing coercion. I have also greatness of our Nation. America worked to promote religious autonomy The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- opened its arms to my family and to for the people of Tibet who are also vic- ant to the order of the House of Janu- me as we fled the Communist Castro tims of Chinese aggression; and to rees- ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- regime. When we arrived in Miami, it tablish democracy and the rule of law nize Members from lists submitted by was in one of the last commercial in my native homeland of Cuba, in the majority and minority leaders for flights out of Cuba. I was only 8 years Nicaragua, in Venezuela, in Syria, and morning-hour debate. old. in so many other countries; and to The Chair will alternate recognition So to think that I have been elected sanction rogue regimes like that in between the parties. All time shall be to serve in the U.S. Congress, that I be- , in Russia, in , and all equally allocated between the parties, came the first Hispanic woman to serve those who wish to do us harm. and in no event shall debate continue in Congress and the first woman to Domestic issues have been priorities beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other chair the House Foreign Affairs Com- for me as , Mr. Speaker. Growing than the majority and minority leaders mittee, it is simply astounding, not be- up in south Florida, I learned to appre- and the minority whip, shall be limited cause it is about me but it says a lot ciate the wonderful natural resources to 5 minutes. about the greatest democracy that all around us, and I have made it my f man has ever created: the United priority to protect those treasures so States of America. that future generations are also able to THANKING MY SOUTH FLORIDA We are a country that says: You can enjoy them. CONSTITUENTS be successful no matter where you I have worked to re-nourish our beau- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The started, and that is something that we tiful south Florida beaches, to restore Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from do not ever take for granted in my the seagrass beds and coral reefs, to Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- south Florida community where it provide for advanced wastewater treat- utes. seems like almost everyone seems to ment in our beloved Florida Keys, and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, be from somewhere else. My constitu- to reinvigorate our Miami River. though I still have a few days left be- ents are also a testament to the end- Throughout my tenure I have rep- fore the end of my term, I wanted to less possibilities that all of us have as resented Miami International Airport take this opportunity to thank the free Americans. and Port Miami, two of the largest eco- constituents for allowing me to rep- Mr. Speaker, where I was born is not nomic engines to our county that serve resent them in the U.S. House of Rep- just a place listed on my passport. It as the gateway to the Americas and resentatives for so many years. has defined how I view the world support thousands of jobs and eco- Whether it has been helping a vet- through the prism of democracy, of nomic development across our Sun- eran obtain the VA assistance he or she freedom, of the rule of law, and of shine State.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Dec 10, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.000 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 As the wife of a Vietnam veteran who the Barren-Metcalfe Board, RECOGNIZING ADAIR COUNTY JUDGE-EXECUTIVE was wounded in combat and a step- his influence was felt throughout the MIKE STEPHENS mother to marine aviators, I have been region. Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I would proud to support our and our In his personal life, Mayor Garrett is like to recognize my friend, Judge-Ex- veterans. During my time in Congress, an avid University of Kentucky and ecutive Mike Stephens of Adair Coun- I authored legislation awarding the Yankees fan. He is married to his high ty, Kentucky. His outstanding service Congressional Gold Medal to the World school sweetheart, Teresa, and they are and contributions during his tenure II Women Air Force Service Pi- the parents to three children and have greatly benefited his community, lots, WASP, and supported efforts to grandparents to five grandchildren. and I am proud to recognize him for his reinstate burial rights at Arlington Na- Mayor Garrett has much to be proud of years of service. tional Cemetery to these women pio- in his life. On behalf of the First Dis- Prior to being elected to public office neers. trict of Kentucky, I thank him for his Judge-Executive Stephens owned and I supported legislation to protect vic- years of achievement and compas- operated his own pharmacy. He has tims of domestic violence and some of sionate service to the Edmonton com- also served on the Homeplace Board of the most vulnerable people in our soci- munity. Directors and the Lake Cumberland ety. RECOGNIZING MONROE COUNTY JUDGE- Area Development District Board of Mr. Speaker, each one of these issues EXECUTIVE TOMMY WILLETT Directors. Judge-Executive Stephens’ is important, not only to me, but to Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I would varied experiences and knowledge of our community in south Florida, and I like to congratulate Monroe County the local community made him a com- will carry them wherever I go next. I Judge-Executive Tommy Willett on his passionate and effective county judge- want to thank the hardworking staff retirement after serving two consecu- executive and an exceptional public and interns with whom I have had the tive terms in office. Prior to his elec- servant. delight to work throughout my tenure tion, Tommy and his father owned and On behalf of the First District of in Congress. Some are still looking for operated Pure Drug Company in Kentucky, I thank Judge Mike Ste- jobs; please hire them. Tompkinsville, Kentucky. Currently, phens for his numerous accomplish- I want to thank my loving and sup- Judge Willett serves as the secretary of ments while serving as Adair County portive family, my parents, Abu Mandy the Barren River Area Development judge-executive. and Abu Kiki. I know they are watch- District Board of Directors. He also f ing me from Heaven, and I thank them served on the Board of Community Ac- MAYOR RITA SANDERS for encouraging me to run for office tion of Southern Kentucky, Monroe and for their love in every step of the County Water Board, Monroe County The SPEAKER pro tempore. The way. Board of Health, and several other sig- Chair recognizes the gentleman from I thank Dexter Wayne for supporting nificant boards and committees over Nebraska (Mr. BACON) for 5 minutes. and joining me on this crazy adventure the years. In his free time Judge Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise and for his unwavering support. The Willett enjoys spending time with his today to honor one of Nebraska’s most same goes to our adult children: two sons, daughters-in-law, and his dedicated and inspirational leaders. Rodrigo, Patricia, Douglas, and Kath- four grandchildren. Rita Sanders has served since Novem- arine. I am so proud of each and every On behalf of the First District of ber 2010 as the mayor of Bellevue, one one of them. I know that they have ac- Kentucky, I congratulate Judge Willett of the oldest cities in Nebraska and complished so much, and there is still on his years of service to Monroe Coun- home to one of the largest bases in the some more to come. ty and wish him many years of contin- , Offutt Air I hope to have contributed to leaving ued success in the community to which Force Base. a better world for our five grand- he has given so much. She concludes her service as mayor children to enjoy with a sixth one com- RECOGNIZING CLINTON COUNTY JUDGE- today, and she has achieved many her- ing before the new Congress is sworn EXECUTIVE RICHARD ARMSTRONG alded results. Mayor Sanders was in- in. I thank each one of my colleagues Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ducted into the Filipino Asian Amer- from both sides of the aisle who have recognize my friend, Clinton County ican Hall of Fame in 2017 as a testa- worked with me in a bipartisan manner Judge-Executive Richard Armstrong. I ment to her tireless work and tremen- throughout my three decades in Con- am grateful for his efforts to better the dous accomplishments as a Filipino gress. I will continue to cheer on my lives of First District Kentuckians American. In addition, the adjutant pals in the bipartisan Congressional through his service on the Lake Cum- general for the Nebraska National Women’s Softball Game. berland Area Development District Guard awarded Rita the Civilian Dis- Mr. Speaker, it truly has been the Board of Directors as well as his in- tinguished Service Medal in March of highest honor of my professional life to volvement with numerous community 2017. represent the great people of south organizations throughout his career. Mayor Sanders was born in in Florida. I am excited to start a new As one of Clinton County’s promi- 1952. Her father served in the United chapter in my life, and for whatever nent community leaders and advocates, States Army and was a Bronze Medal life throws at me, all I have to say is: he has prioritized industrial develop- recipient for heroism in Vietnam. Her Put me in, Coach. ment and spurred economic opportuni- mother was originally from . Muchas gracias. I thank my constitu- ties for those he has served. These sig- Mayor Sanders is married to Rick, and ents. nificant accomplishments, in combina- they have two grown sons. They are f tion with his passion for serving his owners of a very successful business community, have distinguished him as serving the elderly community. RECOGNIZING HOWARD GARRETT one of the region’s most prominent Rita is an outspoken advocate for our OF EDMONTON, KENTUCKY public servants. His achievements and servicemembers and has emphasized The SPEAKER pro tempore. The efforts to improve the lives of his fel- and enacted measures to enhance pub- Chair recognizes the gentleman from low Clinton Countians have forged a lic safety, and community and family Kentucky (Mr. COMER) for 5 minutes. legacy of outstanding character and programs, including programs that Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I would commitment to continuous improve- support our military families at Offutt. like to recognize my friend, Howard ments in all facets of community life. She has served as a longtime board Garrett of Edmonton, Kentucky. In ad- Judge-Executive Armstrong’s passion member for the Offutt Advisory Coun- dition to serving as mayor since 1993, for bettering the community is rivaled cil and was appointed by Governor Pete he has served as an officer of the Ken- only by his love for spending time with Ricketts to the Commission on Mili- tucky State Jaycees, a member of the his family. I join his wife, Joy; his chil- tary and Veterans’ Affairs for the local Industrial Board and 9–1-1 Board, dren, Cannon and Brandy; and his five State of Nebraska. and a deacon of the Edmonton Baptist grandchildren; as well as all those who Mayor Sanders also embraced the im- Church. As an officer of the Barren know him in thanking him for his portance of economic development and River Area Development District and years of service to his community. community enhancement throughout

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Dec 10, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.002 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9771 the city starting from the time she The ACE Kids Act is designed to im- startup capital to contribute to the served as chairman of Bellevue’s Cham- prove care for children with medical foundation of the modern poultry in- ber of Commerce. As mayor, she has complexities who are on Medicaid, dustry. He bought the first truck in his worked with other city and State offi- while also reducing program spending. enterprise in 1924 and developed a cials on the Governor’s Summit on The ACE Kids Act addresses existing weekly schedule of buying barnyard Economic Development to provide ex- challenges facing these children, iden- chickens, butter, eggs, hams, dried ap- pertise on areas such as workforce de- tified by families and physicians, in- ples, honey, and other produce from velopment, new business recruitment, cluding the provision and coordination country stores to sell in Charlotte and and tax policy. of care across multiple providers and Winston-Salem. His business provided a On October 14, 2017, Mayor Sanders services, and easing access to out-of- market for local farms to sell and trade was inducted into the Chicago Filipino State care. their products to produce family farm Asian American Hall of Fame. The con- This legislation has strong bipartisan income. sul general of the Philippines acknowl- support in both Chambers of Congress, This same year, Mr. Lovette married edged Rita’s diligent work to facilitate and I was pleased earlier this year to the love of his life, Ruth Bumgarner. the return of the historic Balangiga join 73 other Republicans and 60 Demo- Ruth deserves just as much credit as bells which were acquired by U.S. sol- crats in working to advance it. Tues- her husband for being a steadfast pillar diers in September 1901 and brought to day, the bill will be up for consider- of support in his business endeavors America as tribute of the war they ation under suspension of the rules. I and encouraging him to succeed. fought and the losses they suffered. encourage my colleagues to support During this time, chicken production Leaders of the Filipino Government this legislation tomorrow. progressed from barnyard chickens to and Catholic Church hold these bells as Grace loves all her nurses from Chil- hothouse chickens, and Lovette was an highly significant religious artifacts dren’s Hospital and Medical Center, early adopter of this farming innova- and expressed their concerns over the which serves the most medically com- tion. In 1928, he built one of the first use of them as a war prize. When plex children in Nebraska and the re- hothouse chicken houses on his farm, Mayor Sanders met with President gion because of their highly specialized with capacity for 250 birds. A portion of Duterte earlier this year, she pledged pediatricians and surgeons. Due to that chicken house is now on display at her support to help retrieve the bells. Children’s wide footprint, Medicaid the Wilkes Heritage Museum. She was successful in her endeavors plays a significant role in their pa- Hothouse chicken farming increased and attended a ceremony at F.E. War- tients’ lives. rapidly in western Wilkes in the 1930s ren Air Force Base in Wyoming where One day, the young fighter known as and 1940s. During World War II, proc- Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis an- Grace hopes to become a pediatric on- essing plants were built in the major nounced the return of the bells. cology nurse. But until then, she will cities on the East Coast to supply the We are proud to recognize Mayor continue to fight for her health and war effort, and live chickens were de- Sanders for her monumental leader- fight for support of the ACE Kids Act. livered to these plants from Wilkes by ship, tireless service, and epic achieve- f Mr. Lovette’s trucks. ments for the city of Bellevue, the In 1946, Mr. Lovette sold his live Omaha area, and the State of Ne- HONORING CHARLIE ODELL chicken business to his oldest son, C. braska. LOVETTE Fred Lovette. However, Charlie contin- RECOGNIZING GRACE FRY The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ued to run a smaller farm-raised food Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from products business and started Lovette today to recognize a young lady in Ne- (Ms. FOXX) for 5 min- Egg Company in North Wilkesboro braska who is a fighter, a fighter utes. with his partner, J.C. Bumgarner. against a medically complex condition Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Fifteen years later, Fred Lovette known as acute myeloid leukemia, and honor Mr. Charlie Odell Lovette of consolidated all the chicken and egg a fighter to gain support for H.R. 3325, Wilkes County in North Carolina’s operations to form Holly Farms Poul- the Advancing Care for Exceptional Fifth District. Recently, Mr. Lovette try Industries. During the 1970s, Holly Kids Act of 2017, or the ACE Kids Act. was posthumously inducted into the Farms Poultry Industries became the That fighter is Grace Fry, who is 11 Wilkes County Agriculture Hall of largest chicken company in the world, years old and is in remission from Fame and 3 miles of Highway NC–16 with chicken operations in North Caro- AML. North were officially renamed in his lina, Virginia, Maryland, and . Grace was diagnosed with AML when honor. Additionally, it was the first chicken she was 9 years old after dark bruises In addition to being a pioneer of the brand nationally distributed in the started appearing on her shins. Her U.S. poultry industry, Mr. Lovette was United States. parents thought the young ballerina an active leader in the community and Not only was Mr. Lovette a smart had suffered a dancing mishap, but advocated for the construction of what businessman with a strong work ethic, these bruises grew larger. Aggressive treatment was started for is now his namesake, C.O. Lovette he was also known for his good char- Grace at Children’s Hospital & Medical Highway, connecting Wilkesboro to acter. If profits were higher than ex- Center in Omaha, and her parents, Jeff Millers Creek. Although he passed pected, he passed on extra earnings to and Mandy, managed to maintain a away in 1978, Mr. Lovette’s legacy is his suppliers. He was an adored father family for their two other children fondly remembered and livelihoods of seven who, alongside Ruth, instilled while going through these treatments. continue to thrive along trails he values of faith into the Lovette family, Mandy was able to step away from her blazed. and he was an active member of Pleas- job to care for Grace, and Jeff was able Charlie Lovette’s life is a shining ex- ant Home Baptist Church. Charlie and to telecommute. Thanksgiving that ample of the American Dream that Ruth were a team in every endeavor year was spent at the hospital cafe- North Carolinians remain proud of and and extended their business success not teria, and Grace’s sister spent her 16th hopeful for. At the young age of 14, just to their children, but also to their birthday at the hospital with her baby Lovette left home to drive trucks for siblings and many nieces and nephews sister. his uncle, distributing farm products in who lived on the farm and worked at the foothills and mountains of Wilkes. Lovette Poultry Company. b 1215 In the summers, he put his farming The Wilkes farming community has Jeff’s job did provide the family with skills to use. been the beneficiary of Mr. Lovette’s private insurance, but the loss of At age 19, he returned to public courage to take and his deter- Mandy’s income and increased travel school to improve his skills to be able mination to succeed. In 1989, Holly costs made for a tight financial situa- to turn his work experiences into a Farms was acquired by Tyson Foods, tion. Medicaid stepped in to help al- business of his own. Starting with a and in Wilkes, the industry still gen- leviate the costs not covered by insur- horse-drawn wagon to sell apples and erates more than $300 million in gross ance, such as deductibles and coinsur- working at R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Mr. annual revenue, employs 3,300 people, ance. Lovette was able to acquire necessary and supports 200 family farms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Dec 10, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.004 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 With a lot of hard work and limited HONORING THE LIFE OF DR. HENRY HERBERT This is truly a heroic event, and I means, Mr. Lovette became a pioneer COBB, III couldn’t be more proud of the actions of the poultry industry, and his legacy Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- of these individuals in the First Con- is enshrined in the Wilkes community. er, I rise today to remember the life of gressional District of Georgia. He is an example for us all of the end- Dr. Henry Herbert ‘‘Nubbin’’ Cobb, a In addition, thank you to the Glynn less possibilities in our country and pharmacist in Athens, Georgia, who County , Glynn Coun- what the seeds of big dreams, with the passed away on November 20, 2018, at ty Police Department, and EMTs, who support and collaboration of family the age of 72. also assisted in saving the individual’s and community, can grow into. Dr. Cobb wore many hats throughout life. his life as a pharmacist, serving our f f Nation and the State of Georgia alike. HONORING MUNFORD HIGH First, Dr. Cobb joined the United RECESS SCHOOL BAND States Air Force for 5 years as chief The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The pharmacist, serving abroad in places ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Chair recognizes the gentleman from like the Philippines. Upon his return, declares the House in recess until 2 Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF) for 5 minutes. he completed a master’s degree and a p.m. today. Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. Mr. Ph.D. degree from the University of Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 27 Speaker, I rise today to honor the stu- Georgia College of Pharmacy. From minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- dents of the Munford High School there, he taught college students, cess. marching band. worked with St. Mary’s Hospital for 44 About 265 students from Tipton years, and practiced as a nursing home f County, Tennessee, will represent pharmacist. His expertise and dedica- b 1400 Munford High School in the Tour- tion will be missed in the pharmacy AFTER RECESS nament of Roses Parade. This annual profession and at the University of tradition takes place each year in Georgia. The recess having expired, the House Pasadena, , on New Year’s As a former student of Dr. Cobb’s, I was called to order by the Speaker pro Day. It is a distinct honor to be invited can attest to his dedication to our tempore (Mr. ISSA) at 2 p.m. to march in the Tournament of Roses great profession. His family and friends f Parade, with only five bands from will be in my thoughts and prayers. across the Nation receiving an invita- PRAYER HONORING BILL BROWN ON HIS 100TH BIRTHDAY tion each year. Munford High School Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick will be the only band from the mid- er, I rise today to recognize Mr. Bill J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: South area selected for this event. Brown as he celebrated his 100th birth- Dear Lord, we give You thanks for This talented group of students, led giving us another day. by Dr. Courtney Fee and director Barry day on December 3. Born and raised in Brunswick, Geor- At the beginning of a new workweek, Trobaugh, will be proudly representing we use this moment to be reminded of not only Munford High School but the gia, Mr. Brown is a stalwart of the Your presence and to tap the resources entire State of Tennessee. They have community. After 100 years, though, he needed by the Members of this people’s made our community proud. is not only a stalwart, but he has also To the students: You have worked made a significant impact on the com- House to do their work as well as it can really long and hard hours for this day munity’s development and countless be done. to come. I hope you take in each and individuals’ lives. May they be led by Your spirit in the every moment of this incredible oppor- During World War II, Mr. Brown decisions they make. May they possess tunity in Pasadena. May you remember joined the shipyards on the Brunswick Your power as they steady themselves this moment and this honor for many River to build Liberty ships for the war amid the pressures of persistent prob- years to come. Best of luck, Cougars. effort. When the war was over, he em- lems. Tennessee is really proud of you. barked on a 60-year career selling real May their faith in You deliver them estate in the area. During this time, he from tensions that make fruitful legis- f had a firsthand perspective of Bruns- lative work difficult and from worries HONORING LIEUTENANT JOHN wick’s growth. that might wear them out. WHITE Although these are only a few of the All this day, and through the week, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The many ways he served his community may they do their best to find solu- Chair recognizes the gentleman from throughout his life, one of his most im- tions to pressing issues facing our Na- Georgia (Mr. CARTER) for 5 minutes. portant may be that he rarely misses tion. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- being in his pew at the First United May all that is done this day be for er, I rise today to recognize Lieutenant Methodist Church. I am glad to see the Your greater honor and glory. John White on his service to both our hundreds of people who came to Mr. Amen. Nation and the city of Savannah. BROWN’s birthday, each with well wish- f Lieutenant White served as a United es and lots of thanks for Mr. BROWN States Marine in the Pacific theater and how he helped them along the way. THE JOURNAL during World War II. There, he became Mr. Brown, happy birthday. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The part of the 51st Defense Battalion, the HONORING BRUNSWICK PILOT JOHN BEIMLER, AP- Chair has examined the Journal of the first African American combat unit. PRENTICE PILOT GORDON STROTHER, JR., AND last day’s proceedings and announces When he returned from war, he was re- CAPTAIN DANNY JONES to the House his approval thereof. cruited by Chief James Roger to join Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- the Savannah Police Department. On er, I rise today to recognize Captain nal stands approved. May 3, 1947, Lieutenant White became Danny Jones, pilot John Beimler, and f the first African American officer in apprentice Gordon Strother, Jr., for the State of Georgia, where he contin- rescuing a man in danger at sea near PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ued to serve for 38 years. He is now the the Saint Simons Island pier on No- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the last surviving member of the original vember 19. gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. nine Black police officers who joined The crew and their boat, the Glynn, WILSON) come forward and lead the the Savannah Police Department. were approaching the pier when they House in the Pledge of Allegiance. I want to thank Lieutenant John noticed a crowd pointing to a person Mr. WILSON of South Carolina led White for his monumental service, floating in the water. The crew spotted the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: which paved the way for other African the unresponsive man and acted swift- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Americans to go to work each day and ly, pulling him onto the boat, applying United States of America, and to the Repub- serve their communities in the State of , and covering him in warm lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Georgia. blankets. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Dec 10, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.006 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9773 HONORING CAPTAIN JAHMAR In conclusion, God bless our troops, nication from the Clerk of the House of RESILARD, USMC and may we never forget September Representatives: (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was the 11th in the global war on . OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, f given permission to address the House Washington, DC, December 6, 2018. for 1 minute and to revise and extend HONORING TYNDALL AIR FORCE Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, her remarks.) BASE The Speaker, House of Representatives, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Washington, DC. (Mr. DUNN asked and was given per- rise today to pay tribute to an Amer- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- mission to address the House for 1 ican patriot and fallen hero, Captain mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of minute and to revise and extend his re- Jahmar Resilard, who was killed in a the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- marks.) midair collision off the Japanese coast tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Mr. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today sage from the Secretary of the Senate on De- just a few days ago. to honor the airmen of Tyndall Air cember 6, 2018, at 1:28 p.m.: A native of Miramar, Florida, Force Base on a special date. Today That the Senate passed S. 2679. Jahmar found a love for flying at a marks exactly 2 months since Tyndall That the Senate passed S. 3561. young age as he pursued opportunities That the Senate agreed to without an took a direct hit from Hurricane Mi- with the local . amendment H.J. Res. 143. chael, a devastating category 4.9 storm After his graduation from college, That the Senate passed without an amend- that damaged more than 90 percent of Jahmar began to consider a higher ment H.R. 1417. the structures on the air base. calling, and when given the oppor- That the Senate passed without an amend- I salute the tremendous efforts of the ment H.R. 1861. tunity to serve his country and pursue Tyndall Air Force community and the That the Senate passed without an amend- his passion for flying, his career as a surrounding civilian community for ment H.R. 3398. Marine aviator took off. their recovery efforts. It is the remark- That the Senate passed without an amend- Upon securing his commission, Cap- ment H.R. 4111. able work of the base leadership and all tain Resilard was assigned to the Ma- That the Senate passed without an amend- of the airmen of Tyndall that enabled rine All-Weather Fighter Attack ment H.R. 5238. this base and its elementary school to Squadron 242, where he flew the F/A18 That the Senate passed without an amend- reopen ahead of schedule today. Hornet and worked tirelessly to defend ment H.R. 6330. The men and women of Tyndall have With best wishes, I am, the freedoms that we as Americans shown great courage and determina- Sincerely, hold dear. tion in a time of extreme adversity. It KAREN L. HAAS. Mr. Speaker, as the stepmother to is my great honor and pleasure to rep- f Marine aviators who flew the F/A18 resent Tyndall Air Force Base, and I Hornet in , I am familiar with the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER commend the work that they are doing courage and resolve that is required to PRO TEMPORE day in and day out to rebuild this base dedicate one’s life to our country, and stronger and better than ever. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Captain Resilard did just that. ant to clause 4 of rule I, the following f My heart goes out to his family and enrolled bill and joint resolution were his friends. To our hero, I say rest easy HONORING KRISANN PEARCE signed by the Speaker on Thursday, in the skies above. (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- December 6, 2018: Semper Fi, Captain. mission to address the House for 1 H.R. 754, to award the Congressional f minute.) Gold Medal to Anwar Sadat in recogni- Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise to tion of his heroic achievements and CONDEMNING HEZBOLLAH’S honor Krisann Pearce, who will leave courageous contributions to peace in TUNNELING ATTACKS the Education and the Workforce Com- the Middle East; (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina mittee at the end of this Congress after H.J. Res. 143, making further con- asked and was given permission to ad- many years of outstanding service. tinuing appropriations for fiscal year dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Krisann began her career as a teach- 2019, and for other purposes. vise and extend his remarks.) er. She brought those lessons with her f Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. to Capitol Hill, where she began her COMMUNICATION FROM THE Speaker, the ongoing malicious and work in education policy on the staff of CLERK OF THE HOUSE provocative construction by Hezbollah her home State Senator, Nancy Kasse- of attack along the Israeli baum. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- northern border have intensified. This While she has thrived in other oppor- fore the House the following commu- puts innocent lives in critical danger, tunities along the way, her main home nication from the Clerk of the House of requiring Israel to destroy the tunnels has been with us, the best committee Representatives: located on Israeli territory. The world in the House, where she has served as OFFICE OF THE CLERK, should condemn Hezbollah, a mur- general counsel since 2011. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, derous terrorist organization, for infil- Washington, DC, December 10, 2018. Krisann has played a major role in Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, tration designed to kidnap Israeli citi- every piece of education legislation The Speaker, House of Representatives, zens. over the past two decades. She is also Washington, DC. The message of National Security one of a very few talented professionals DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- Advisor John Bolton is clear to ‘‘call whose counsel has informed both edu- mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of on Hezbollah to stop its tunneling into cation and workforce policy. the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- Israel.’’ Krisann is renowned for her fierce de- tives, the Clerk received the following mes- This major aggression by the Ira- votion to students, the parliamentary sage from the Secretary of the Senate on De- nian-backed terrorists has also moved cember 10, 2018, at 10:24 a.m.: process, and her beloved That the Senate passed S. 7. the Trump administration to impose Jayhawks. We are grateful to her hus- That the Senate passed S. 1942. greater sanctions on the terrorist band, Evan, and her sons, Carson and That the Senate passed S. 2276. group and to encourage all nations to Nolan, for all the years of long days That the Senate passed S. 2343. stand up against the Iranian malign be- and late nights they have shared That the Senate passed S. 2597. havior. Krisann with all of us, and we wish her That the Senate passed S. 3119. The Hezbollah attack tunnels are a the very best. That the Senate passed without an amend- ment H.R. 315. blatant violation of Israeli sovereignty f and a violation of U.N. Security Coun- That the Senate passed with an amend- ment H.R. 2454. cil Resolutions 1559 and 1701, which call COMMUNICATION FROM THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE That the Senate passed with an amend- for the disarmament of all nonstate ment H.R. 5075. and a verified demilitarized The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Appointments: zone in southern Lebanon. fore the House the following commu- Cyberspace Solarium Commission.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Dec 10, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.008 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 With best wishes, I am, (1) convey to the County all right, title, and bers may have 5 legislative days to re- Sincerely, interest of the United States in and to the Fed- vise and extend their remarks and in- KAREN L. HAAS. eral land; and clude extraneous material on the bill (2) accept from the County a conveyance of f all right, title, and interest of the County in and under consideration. RECESS to the non-Federal land. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (b) EQUAL VALUE AND CASH EQUALIZATION.— objection to the request of the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (1) EQUAL VALUE EXCHANGE.—The land ex- tleman from Utah? ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair change under this section shall be for equal There was no objection. declares the House in recess until ap- value, or the values shall be equalized by a cash Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I proximately 3:30 p.m. today. payment as provided for under this subsection yield such time as he may consume to or an adjustment in acreage. At the option of Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 10 min- the gentleman from California (Mr. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. the County, any excess value of the non-Federal lands may be considered a gift to the United COOK), the sponsor of this piece of leg- f States. islation, to explain why we should ac- b 1530 (2) CASH EQUALIZATION PAYMENT.—The Coun- tually deal with this particular piece. ty may equalize the values of the lands to be ex- Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I thank AFTER RECESS changed under this section by cash payment Chairman BISHOP for yielding me time. The recess having expired, the House without regard to any statutory limit on the Mr. Speaker, I would like to take a amount of such a cash equalization payment. was called to order by the Speaker pro (3) DEPOSIT AND USE OF FUNDS RECEIVED FROM few minutes to talk about my bill, H.R. tempore (Mr. WILLIAMS) at 3 o’clock COUNTY.—Any cash equalization payment re- 5513, the Big Bear Land Exchange Act. and 30 minutes p.m. ceived by the Secretary under this subsection This bill would authorize a land ex- f shall be deposited in the fund established under change of approximately 71 acres of Public Law 90–171 (16 U.S.C. 484a; commonly land in the San Bernardino National ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER known as the Sisk Act). The funds so deposited Forest for approximately 73 acres of PRO TEMPORE shall remain available to the Secretary, until ex- land currently owned by San The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- pended, for the acquisition of lands, waters, and Bernardino County. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair interests in land for the San Bernardino Na- tional Forest. This land would be used by the coun- will postpone further proceedings (c) APPRAISAL.—The Secretary shall complete ty to build a timber processing facility today on motions to suspend the rules an appraisal of the land to be exchanged under that would serve the mountain commu- on which a recorded vote or the yeas subsection (a) in accordance with— nities. Currently, trees and other forest and nays are ordered, or votes objected (1) the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Fed- waste are driven down the mountain to under clause 6 of rule XX. eral Land Acquisitions; and through a narrow and winding pass to a The House will resume proceedings (2) the Uniform Standards of Professional Ap- praisal Practice. processing facility in the valley, re- on postponed questions at a later time. (d) TITLE APPROVAL.—Title to the land to be sulting in increased traffic congestion, f exchanged under this Act shall be in a format significant wear and tear on mountain acceptable to the Secretary and the County. BIG BEAR LAND EXCHANGE ACT roads, and numerous traffic accidents. (e) SURVEY OF NON-FEDERAL LANDS.—Before This has been exacerbated this week. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I completing the exchange under this Act, the We had quite a bit of snow, and, once move to suspend the rules and pass the Secretary shall inspect the non-Federal lands to ensure that the land meets Federal standards, again, it was very, very treacherous. bill (H.R. 5513) to provide for an ex- Safety is always a problem on these change of lands with San Bernardino including hazardous materials and land line surveys. mountain roads. County, California, to enhance man- (f) COSTS OF CONVEYANCE.—As a condition of This land exchange would require the agement of lands within the San conveyance, any costs related to the exchange relocation of a small portion of the Pa- Bernardino National Forest, and for under this section shall be paid by the County. cific Crest Trail. I have worked closely other purposes, as amended. (g) MANAGEMENT OF ACQUIRED LANDS.—The with the Pacific Crest Trail Associa- Secretary shall manage the non-Federal land The Clerk read the title of the bill. tion to include language ensuring that The text of the bill is as follows: acquired under this section in accordance with the Act of March 1, 1911 (16 U.S.C. 480 et seq.; the relocation would include environ- H.R. 5513 commonly known as the Weeks Act), and other mental review and will occur before Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- laws and regulations pertaining to National the exchange takes place. resentatives of the United States of America in Forest System lands. This land exchange has virtually Congress assembled, (h) PACIFIC CREST NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL unanimous local support, including the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. RELOCATION.—No later than three years after city of Big Bear Lake, the Friends of the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Big Bear Land Big Bear Valley, the Big Bear Fire De- Exchange Act’’. in accordance with applicable laws, shall relo- cate the portion of the Pacific Crest National partment, the Big Bear City Commu- SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. Scenic Trail located on the Federal land to— nity Services Department, the Big Bear In this Act: (1) adjacent National Forest System land; Municipal Water District, the Bear (1) COUNTY.—The term ‘‘County’’ means the (2) land owned by the County, subject to Valley Community Healthcare Dis- County of San Bernardino, California. County approval; trict, the Big Bear Chamber of Com- (2) FEDERAL LAND.—The term ‘‘Federal land’’ (3) land within the Federal land, subject to means the approximately 73 acres of Federal County approval; or merce, and the local Big Bear Group land administered by the Forest Service gen- (4) a combination of paragraphs (1), (2), and chapter of the Sierra Club. We haven’t erally depicted as ‘‘Federal Land Proposed for (3). heard from the local bear associations Exchange’’ on the Map. (i) MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS.—As soon at all. That is a bad joke. It passed out (3) NON-FEDERAL LAND.—The term ‘‘non-Fed- as practicable after the date of the enactment of of the House Natural Resources Com- eral land’’ means the approximately 71 acres this Act, the Secretary shall finalize a map and mittee on a unanimous vote. legal descriptions of all land to be conveyed owned by the County generally depicted as Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield ‘‘Non-Federal Land Proposed for Exchange’’ on under this Act. The Secretary may correct any the Map. minor errors in the map or in the legal descrip- myself such time as I may consume. (4) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means tions. The map and legal descriptions shall be Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. the Secretary of Agriculture. on file and available for public inspection in ap- 5513. This bill authorizes an equal value (5) MAP.—The term ‘‘Map’’ means the map ti- propriate offices of the Forest Service. land exchange between the U.S. Forest tled ‘‘Big Bear Land Exchange’’ and dated Au- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Service and San Bernardino County. gust 6, 2018. ant to the rule, the gentleman from The exchange would allow the county SEC. 3. EXCHANGE OF LAND; EQUALIZATION OF Utah (Mr. BISHOP) and the gentleman to build a resource conservation and VALUE. from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will recovery facility adjacent to the cur- (a) EXCHANGE AUTHORIZED.—Subject to valid control 20 minutes. rent transfer station. The Forest Serv- existing rights and the terms of this Act, no The Chair recognizes the gentleman ice would receive an undeveloped par- later than one year after the date that the por- tion of the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail is from Utah. cel currently surrounded by the San relocated in accordance with subsection (h), if GENERAL LEAVE Bernardino National Forest. the County offers to convey the non-Federal Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I H.R. 5513 is supported by the nearby land to the United States, the Secretary shall— ask unanimous consent that all Mem- city of Big Bear, by the Friends of Big

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.003 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9775 Bear Valley, and by the local chapter bill (H.R. 6108) to provide for partner- ‘‘(G) the paucity of existing battlefield of the Sierra Club. ships among State and local govern- landscapes necessitates preservation and I thank my colleague, Representative ments, regional entities, and the pri- maintenance of what precious little remains COOK, for working to address some of vate sector to preserve, conserve, and today. ‘‘(b) PURPOSES.—The purposes of this Act our concerns with earlier drafts of this enhance the visitor experience at na- are— bill. Thanks to his efforts, we have en- tionally significant battlefields of the ‘‘(1) to act quickly and proactively to pre- sured this exchange will be subject to American Revolution, War of 1812, and serve and protect nationally significant bat- existing law, that it will preserve crit- Civil War, and for other purposes, as tlefields of the American Revolution, War of ical and occupied habitat for endan- amended. 1812, and Civil War through conservation gered species, and that the exchange The Clerk read the title of the bill. easements and fee-simple purchases of those will have minimal impacts on the Pa- The text of the bill is as follows: battlefields from willing sellers; and ‘‘(2) to create partnerships among State cific Crest National Scenic Trail. H.R. 6108 H.R. 5513 demonstrates how a col- and local governments, regional entities, and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- laborative process can meet the inter- the private sector to preserve, conserve, and resentatives of the United States of America in enhance the visitor experience at nationally ests of local stakeholders, while pro- Congress assembled, significant battlefields of the American Rev- tecting the integrity of our environ- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. olution, War of 1812, and Civil War.’’. ment and public lands. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Preserving SEC. 3. PRESERVATION ASSISTANCE. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to America’s Battlefields Act’’. Section 308103(f) of title 54, United States support this piece of legislation, and I SEC. 2. CIVIL WAR BATTLEFIELD PRESERVATION Code, is amended to read as follows: yield back the balance of my time. ACT OF 2002. ‘‘(f) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Section 2 of the Civil War Battlefield Pres- There is authorized to be appropriated to the yield myself such time as I may con- ervation Act of 2002 (Public Law 107–359) is Secretary to provide grants under this sec- sume. amended to read as follows: tion $15,000,000 for each fiscal year through 2025, of which not more than 10 percent may Mr. Speaker, this is a perfect exam- ‘‘SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES. be used each fiscal year as follows: ‘‘(a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- ple of how to do something well. I com- ‘‘(1) Not more than $1,000,000 for projects lowing: mend Congressman COOK for listening and programs that modernize battlefield in- ‘‘(1) Battlefields of the American Revolu- to his local constituents, trying to get terpretive and educational assets through tion, War of 1812 and the Civil War— their input, and getting a bill that has the deployment of technology, disbursed ‘‘(A) provide a means for the people of the through the competitive grant process to total local support. It is the way things United States to understand our Nation’s non-profit organizations. should be done, solving a problem for turbulent first century; ‘‘(2) Not more than $1,000,000 for grants to both the Forest Service, as well as San ‘‘(B) serve as living memorials to those organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of Bernardino County. who fought and sacrificed in these conflicts the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and ex- Not only will the Forest Service get to establish and maintain our freedom and empt from taxation under section 501(a) of liberty; a small parcel of land which solves the such Code to be used for projects that restore ‘‘(C) serve as training grounds for our Na- problem of in-holdings within their day-of-battle conditions on land preserved tion’s Armed Forces; and property, but San Bernardino County through Battlefield Land Acquisition Grant ‘‘(D) serve as heritage tourism destina- gets the ability of solving significant Program funds.’’. tions, generating revenue for local econo- problems they have in the area of pub- mies. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lic safety. This is one of those things ‘‘(2) According to the Report on the Na- ant to the rule, the gentleman from that is a win-win situation: a win-win tion’s Civil War Battlefields, prepared by the Utah (Mr. BISHOP) and the gentleman situation which actually provides safe- National Park Service and updated in 2010, of from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will ty, as well as the changing of that the 383 Civil War battlefields identified as control 20 minutes. trail, if absolutely necessary, but that national preservation priorities— The Chair recognizes the gentleman has to be worked out before any of this ‘‘(A) only at 31 battlefields is more than from Utah. half of the surviving landscape permanently is concluded. GENERAL LEAVE The bottom line here is that we have protected; ‘‘(B) at 227 battlefields, less than half of Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I realized there is a significant problem, the surviving landscape is permanently pro- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- we have recognized this is a significant tected; bers may have 5 legislative days to re- problem, and, by working with local ‘‘(C) 65 battlefields have no protection at vise and extend their remarks and in- communities to get their input trying all; and clude extraneous material on the bill to come up with a locally-driven solu- ‘‘(D) 113 battlefields have been severely under consideration. tion to that problem, this is the way hampered by development since the Civil The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there government should operate. Unfortu- War or are on the verge of being over- objection to the request of the gen- nately, it doesn’t operate that way all whelmed. tleman from Utah? ‘‘(3) According to the 2007 Report to Con- the time, but Congressman COOK has There was no objection. gress on the Historic Preservation of Revolu- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I worked very hard to make sure that tionary War and War of 1812 Sites in the this is one of those positive efforts. United States, prepared by the National yield such time as he may consume to This bill is one of those things that is Park Service, of the 243 principal Revolu- the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JODY a win for all of us. tionary War and War of 1812 battlefields B. HICE), the sponsor of this excellent Mr. Speaker, I heartily ask my col- identified as national preservation prior- piece of legislation that protects our leagues to vote in favor of this, and I ities— heritage and our battlefields. yield back the balance of my time. ‘‘(A) almost 70 percent lie within urban Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The areas as denoted in the 2000 U.S. Census; Speaker, I thank the chairman for the ‘‘(B) 141 are lost or extremely fragmented, question is on the motion offered by opportunity to speak on behalf of my with residential and commercial develop- bill, H.R. 6108, the Preserving Amer- the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) ment being the chief threats; that the House suspend the rules and ‘‘(C) 100 other battlefields retain signifi- ica’s Battlefields Act. pass the bill, H.R. 5513, as amended. cant features and lands from the period of Mr. Speaker, the American Battle- The question was taken; and (two- battle, although on average these battle- field Protection Program was first au- thirds being in the affirmative) the fields retain only 37 percent of the original thorized in 1996 by Congress in order to rules were suspended and the bill, as historic scene; promote and protect significant Amer- amended, was passed. ‘‘(D) of these 100 surviving but diminished ican battlefield sites, as well as to pro- A motion to reconsider was laid on battle landscapes, 82 are partially owned and vide an educational platform for cur- the table. protected by public and nonprofit stewards, rent and future generations of Ameri- although the extent of that protection varies f cans. Since the inception of this pro- from site to site; gram, Battlefield Land Acquisition ‘‘(E) 18 are without any legal protection; PRESERVING AMERICA’S Grants have been used extensively to BATTLEFIELDS ACT ‘‘(F) the condition of two battlefields is un- known, with additional research and survey preserve portions of dozens of battle- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I being required to determine their exact loca- field sites that have played a signifi- move to suspend the rules and pass the tion and condition; and cant role in the American Revolution,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.013 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 the War of 1812, and the American Civil serving our Nation’s history, rings The SPEAKER pro tempore. The War. somewhat hollow. question is on the motion offered by These dollar-for-dollar matching land We need to recognize that the grant the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) grants have saved more than 30,000 program H.R. 6108 extends is funded that the House suspend the rules and acres of battlefields across 20 States. through the Land and Water Conserva- pass the bill, H.R. 6108, as amended. Just this past year, in my own district, tion Fund, which expired in September The question was taken; and (two- this program assisted in securing 180 for the second time this Congress. thirds being in the affirmative) the acres of battlegrounds surrounding the At our committee’s hearing on H.R. rules were suspended and the bill, as site of Kettle Creek Battlefield, which 6108, our distinguished witness from amended, was passed. is the site of the only significant pa- the American Battlefield Trust recog- A motion to reconsider was laid on triot victory in Georgia during the nized that this proposal doesn’t hold the table. Revolutionary War. water unless LWCF is reauthorized. f This bill would reauthorize the suc- Mr. Speaker, while I rise in support GEORGE W. BUSH CHILDHOOD cessful bipartisan Federal grant pro- of H.R. 6108, I also urge my colleagues HOME STUDY ACT grams, and would dedicate a portion of to support the permanent reauthoriza- that authorization for educational pur- tion of LWCF. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I poses and for the restoration and inter- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance move to suspend the rules and pass the pretation of high-priority battlefield of my time. bill (H.R. 3008) to authorize the Sec- sites. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I retary of the Interior to conduct a spe- This will help make these battle- yield myself such time as I may con- cial resource study of the George W. grounds beautiful, historic, and edu- sume. Bush Childhood Home, located at 1412 cational tourist destinations. This pro- Mr. Speaker, this is one of those bills West Avenue, Midland, Texas, and gram has been one of the most success- that makes an old history teacher’s for other purposes. ful and efficient land grant programs in heart fill with joy. It is one of the right The Clerk read the title of the bill. our Nation’s history, continually re- things to do. We are talking about The text of the bill is as follows: ceiving bipartisan support. Both areas that are living memorials to the H.R. 3008 former Presidents George W. Bush and heroism and to the sacrifice of those Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- supported the program’s people who made this country what it resentatives of the United States of America in authorization and subsequent reau- is. Congress assembled, thorizations, respectively. I am very This bill is about preserving our his- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. proud to say that this bill has contin- tory, helping us know, understand, and This Act may be cited as the ‘‘George W. Bush Childhood Home Study Act’’. ued in that rich tradition of bipartisan retain the story of who we are as a na- SEC. 2. SPECIAL RESOURCE STUDY. support here in the 115th Congress. tion, and also how we arrived there as (a) STUDY.—The Secretary of the Interior With the 250th anniversary of our Na- a nation. All of that is significant. shall conduct a special resource study of the tion’s founding fast approaching, there It is significant in that it will reau- George W. Bush Childhood Home, located at is no better time to protect our battle- thorize the program through 2025, it is 1412 West Ohio Avenue, Midland, Texas (re- fields and prepare them for the influx significant because it also will reau- ferred to in this section as the ‘‘site’’). of visitors expected during that time. thorize an authorization level, which (b) CONTENTS.—In conducting the study Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman is, in practicality, what we have avail- under subsection (a), the Secretary shall— (1) evaluate the national significance of BISHOP, the minority, our hardworking able to spend on this particular pro- Natural Resources Committee staff, the site; gram, but, more importantly, it also (2) determine the suitability and feasi- and the American Battlefield Trust for involves the private sector becoming bility of designating the site as a unit of the helping us get this bill across the finish involved in this. Indeed, if our history National Park System; line. is to be maintained, it is not going to (3) consider other alternatives for preserva- Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield be done simply by the government tion, protection, and interpretation of the myself such time as I may consume. mandating it. We have to involve the site by Federal, State, or local governmental Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. private sector to become part of under- entities, or private and nonprofit organiza- 6108, which authorizes additional fund- standing why these areas are signifi- tions; ing for the Battlefield Acquisition (4) consult with interested Federal, State, cant and what is the lesson to be or local governmental entities, private and Grant Program. learned there. nonprofit organizations or any other inter- This program has a long track record Not only will his bill talk about ac- ested individuals; of efficiently and cost-effectively pre- quisition of land for these battlefield (5) determine the effect of the designation serving battlefield sites from the areas, but also about how we restore of the site as a unit of the National Park American Revolution, the Civil War, this land to the way it was at the time System on existing commercial and rec- and the War of 1812. that history was being made on these reational uses, and the effect on State and By utilizing public-private funding properties, and, more importantly, how local governments to manage those activi- ties; matches, through which Federal con- do we improve the education resources. tributions are leveraged with private (6) identify any authorities, including con- So the story of what we are as a Na- demnation, that will compel or permit the sector funds, the program maximizes tion, the story of what this specific site Secretary to influence or participate in local the preservation impact of every dollar meant as we become a unified Nation land use decisions (such as zoning) or place spent. It is critical that we extend this as we move forward, that is retained restrictions on non-Federal land if the site is grant matching program because many and passed on from generation to gen- designated a unit of the National Park Sys- of these historic battlefield sites lack eration. That is a significant issue and tem; and permanent protection and are under is a significant process. (7) identify cost estimates for any Federal threat from encroaching development. acquisition, development, interpretation, op- If we don’t act swiftly, we could soon b 1545 eration, and maintenance associated with Mr. Speaker, I commend the gen- the alternatives. lose access to sites of significant his- (c) APPLICABLE LAW.—The study required torical importance. tleman from Georgia for his commit- under subsection (a) shall be conducted in By extending additional funding to ment to understanding how important accordance with section 100507 of title 54, this program, and by allowing a por- battlefields are to the history of this United States Code. tion of this new funding to go towards country and how important it is that (d) STUDY RESULTS.—Not later than 3 years educational and interpretive upgrades that history is passed on to future gen- after the date on which funds are first made at these sites, we ensure that future erations. That is why this is a signifi- available for the study under subsection (a), generations of Americans will always cant program that needs to go forward. the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Rep- remember the sacrifices made to pre- Mr. Speaker, once again, I urge my resentatives and the Committee on Energy serve our Nation. colleagues to vote in favor of this par- and Natural Resources of the Senate the re- Unfortunately, I worry that this leg- ticular legislation, and I yield back the sults of the study and any conclusions and islation, as important as it is for pre- balance of my time. recommendations of the Secretary.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:21 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.015 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9777 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- mian Basin or lower Panhandle region Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, on ant to the rule, the gentleman from of Texas. I can think of no better first that I demand the yeas and nays. Utah (Mr. BISHOP) and the gentleman addition to the system than a struc- The yeas and nays were ordered. from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will ture that celebrates the Bush family, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- control 20 minutes. the pride of west Texas. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Although the site is currently open ceedings on this motion will be post- from Utah. to the public, oversight by the Na- poned. GENERAL LEAVE tional Park Service will ensure that it f Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I is maintained and gives many more AMERICAN WORLD WAR II HERIT- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Americans access to the site to be in- AGE CITY ANNUAL DESIGNA- bers have 5 legislative days to revise spired by one of America’s and Mid- TIONS and extend their remarks and include land’s premier families. Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield extraneous materials on the bill under Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I myself such time as I may consume. move to suspend the rules and pass the consideration. Mr. Speaker, this bill authorizes a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there bill (H.R. 6118) to direct the Secretary special resource study of the George W. of the Interior to annually designate at objection to the request of the gen- Bush Childhood Home to determine the least one city in the United States as tleman from Utah? significance of the site and the feasi- an ‘‘American World War II Heritage There was no objection. bility of designating it as a unit of the Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I City’’, and for other purposes, as National Park Service. The home in amended. yield such time as he may consume to Midland, Texas, is where George W. the gentleman from Texas (Mr. CON- Bush lived for 4 years between the ages The Clerk read the title of the bill. AWAY), the sponsor of this bill, to ex- of 5 and 9, and not coincidentally, it is The text of the bill is as follows: plain the significance of this study. also where George H.W. Bush lived at H.R. 6118 Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the beginning of his political career. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the gentleman for yielding me the time The structure is listed in the Na- resentatives of the United States of America in and bringing this bill forward. tional Register of Historic Places and Congress assembled, Mr. Speaker, as the title says, this currently operates as a museum. I sup- SECTION 1. AMERICAN WORLD WAR II HERITAGE bill authorizes the National Park Serv- port the proposed study to consider CITIES. ice to study the feasibility of main- designating this site a unit of the Na- (a) DESIGNATION.—In order to recognize and ensure the continued preservation and im- taining the George W. Bush Childhood tional Park Service and determine the Home. It has already undergone a re- portance of the history of the United States appropriate management to ensure its involvement in World War II, each calendar connaissance study, which says that preservation. year the Secretary of the Interior (referred the Service does believe that it meets Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance to in this section as the ‘‘Secretary’’) may these criteria, but this will be the final of my time. designate not less than one city located in piece in that process. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I one of the several States or a territory of the Mr. Speaker, last week, our Nation yield myself such time as I may con- United States as an ‘‘American World War II honored, mourned, and celebrated the sume. Heritage City’’. Not more than one city in life of George H.W. Bush, as we should. Mr. Speaker, once again, we have a each State or territory may be designated As a part of that, I think it is really situation here where there is already a under this section. timely that, this week, we have an op- museum that is run by a nonprofit en- (b) APPLICATION FOR DESIGNATION.—The tity in this area. What is being asked Secretary shall— portunity to further that memorializa- (1) establish and publicize the process by tion of the Bush family by pushing the here is for a study to be done by the which a city may apply for designation as an National Park Service further in its re- National Park Service to find the sig- American World War II Heritage City based sponsibilities to maintain this home. nificance of including this as part of on the criteria in subsection (c); and We are reminded, as of last week, of the National Park Service’s portfolio (2) encourage cities to apply for designa- the importance of preserving the visual of properties. tion as an American World War II Heritage imprints of our past for the benefit of It is fitting that we try to do this, City. our future. The Bush family is the epit- for, indeed, in American history, there (c) CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION.—The Sec- retary, in consultation with the Secretary of ome of the American Dream. They not have been only two times when there has been both a father and a son who the Smithsonian Institution or the President only worked hard and achieved success, of the National Trust for Historic Preserva- but built on their accomplishments and have served as President of the United States, once with the Adams and now tion, shall make each designation under sub- devoted their entire lives to public section (a) based on the following criteria: service. Personal success means noth- with the Bushes. (1) Contributions by a city and its environs So having a home where they, as well ing, Mr. Speaker, without the initia- to the World War II home-front war effort, as the future Governor of Florida, ac- tive to give back. including contributions related to— tually resided is one of those things The George W. Bush Childhood Home (A) defense manufacturing, such as ships, that clearly is a unique sense of his- serves to educate its visitors and cele- aircraft, uniforms, and equipment; tory. It is a unique property that pro- (B) production of foodstuffs and consumer brate the strong work ethic and earned vides that sense of history. So for a items for Armed Forces and home consump- west Texas grit of the Bush legacy, of study to be done on whether it should tion; the home that tells the story of two be added to the National Park Service (C) war bond drives; Presidents, two Governors, and a re- (D) adaptations to wartime survival; repertoire of sites is a proper thing to markable First Lady. (E) volunteer participation; do. (F) civil defense preparedness; It was in this home that George H.W. Mr. Speaker, I commend Congress- Bush and Barbara jump-started their (G) personnel serving in the Armed Forces, man CONAWAY’s efforts to recognize lives to west Texas, his career in the their achievements, and facilities for their and honor two of our country’s Presi- rest and recreation; or oil and gas business, and raised George dents, and I urge my colleagues, once (H) the presence of Armed Forces camps, W. Bush through the formative years of again, to adopt this bill. bases, airfields, harbors, repair facilities, and his childhood. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance other installations within or in its environs. This home was the backdrop for the of my time. (2) Achievements by a city and its environs quiet beginnings of a young family The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to preserve the heritage and legacy of the that found themselves moving West, question is on the motion offered by city’s contributions to the war effort and to preserve World War II history, including— like so many families before them, the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) seeking their own opportunities and a (A) the identification, preservation, res- that the House suspend the rules and toration, and interpretation of World War II- path through life. pass the bill, H.R. 3008. related structures, facilities and sites; Mr. Speaker, there are currently no The question was taken. (B) establishment of museums, parks, and National Park Service units relating to The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the markers; the George W. Bush childhood, career, opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being (C) establishment of memorials to area or Presidency located within the Per- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. men who lost their lives in service;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:35 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.018 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 (D) organizing groups of veterans and Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman World War II Heritage City. It is appro- home-front workers and their recognition; and the ranking member of the com- priate that we go forward on this. (E) presentation of cultural events such as mittee for their help with and accom- Mr. Speaker, I fully support its ef- dances, plays, and lectures; modation of this bill. I would also like forts, and I urge the adoption of this (F) public relations outreach through the bill by my colleagues. print and electronic media, and books; and to thank our State Legislature for (G) recognition and ceremonies remem- their very active support and endorse- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance bering wartime event anniversaries. ment, the Wilmington City Council, of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and Mayor Bill Saffo. I also should question is on the motion offered by ant to the rule, the gentleman from mention the great work of Senator the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) Utah (Mr. BISHOP) and the gentleman BURR and Senator TILLIS on the other that the House suspend the rules and from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will side of the Capitol for their help in get- pass the bill, H.R. 6118, as amended. control 20 minutes. ting this legislation passed so that, The Chair recognizes the gentleman hopefully, it will be signed into law by The question was taken; and (two- from Utah. the President in the next couple of thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill, as GENERAL LEAVE weeks. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield amended, was passed. The title of the bill was amended so ask unanimous consent that all Mem- myself such time as I may consume. as to read: ‘‘A bill to authorize the Sec- bers have 5 legislative days to revise Mr. Speaker, this bill authorizes the retary of the Interior to annually des- and extend their remarks and include Secretary of the Interior to honor the ignate at least one city in the United extraneous materials on the bill under contributions and war efforts made by States as an ‘American World War II consideration. American cities during World War II, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there including the work by these cities to Heritage City’, and for other pur- objection to the request of the gen- preserve this history. poses.’’. tleman from Utah? This bill honors the history of our A motion to reconsider was laid on There was no objection. Nation and enshrines the efforts made the table. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I by American cities that were integral f yield such time as he may consume to to our success in World War II. the gentleman from North Carolina For example, Wilmington, North b 1600 (Mr. ROUZER), the sponsor of this piece Carolina, constructed 243 cargo vessels, of legislation. served as a base for all five military OFFSHORE WIND FOR Mr. ROUZER. Mr. Speaker, our coun- branches, hosted German prisoners of TERRITORIES ACT try has been and continues to be the war, and dispatched thousands of sol- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I greatest force for good known to man- diers to fight. move to suspend the rules and pass the kind. The men and women of our mili- Current efforts to preserve this his- bill (H.R. 6665) to amend the Outer Con- tary have played a central role in this tory include landmarks such as the tinental Shelf Lands Act to apply to virtuous effort. There was no greater Battleship North Carolina and the Han- territories of the United States, to es- time of difficulty and challenge that nah Block Historic USO Building. This tablish offshore wind lease sale re- tested this notion more than during will give the Secretary the authority quirements, to provide dedicated fund- World War II. to validate these contributions, along ing for coral reef conservation, and for H.R. 6118 provides a way to honor the with those of countless other cities other purposes, as amended. major contributions made by our cities that contributed to the war effort. The Clerk read the title of the bill. during World War II by granting the Mr. Speaker, I thank Representative The text of the bill is as follows: Secretary of the Interior the ability to ROUZER for his work on this bill, and I H.R. 6665 designate one city each year as a World am happy to voice my support of it. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- War II heritage city, provided that city Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on resentatives of the United States of America in meets the criteria for recognition out- this bill, and I yield back the balance Congress assembled, lined in the legislation. of my time. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. As many from the Greatest Genera- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Offshore tion know, World War II required a na- yield myself such time as I may con- Wind for Territories Act’’. tionwide effort to assist with the many sume. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF LANDS ACT WITH RESPECT components of war production. Yet, Mr. Speaker, during World War II, TO TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED there are many all across this great our cities built armaments; they had STATES. land who do not know that cities from war bond drives; and they grew victory (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 2 of the Outer across the Nation stepped up in a gardens. They did what they could to Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331) major way to assist with defense manu- support our troops who were fighting is amended— facturing and the production of food, abroad in a two-front war. (1) in paragraph (a)— clothing, and other necessary goods. It is significant and important that (A) by inserting after ‘‘control’’ the fol- No one can attest to these efforts we recognize the efforts that went into lowing: ‘‘or lying within the exclusive eco- nomic zone of the United States and the better than Captain Wilbur D. Jones of that part of our history and also that outer Continental Shelf adjacent to any ter- Wilmington, North Carolina. Captain we reward, in some way, the efforts to ritory or possession of the United States’’; Jones is retired from the U.S. Navy, a protect that history so that we will al- and distinguished author, an active vet- ways remember the sacrifices that (B) by adding at the end before the semi- eran, and a war historian who has were made by the Greatest Generation colon the following: ‘‘, except that such term worked to preserve our States’ World and recognize their efforts on the field shall not include any area conveyed by Con- War II history for the past two decades. of battle, as well as back home, to pre- gress to a territorial government for admin- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Captain serve that and support that. istration’’; Jones for his hard work and steadfast The past will not be forgotten. This (2) in paragraph (p), by striking ‘‘and’’ dedication to this cause. Without his after the semicolon at the end; part of our American history will be re- (3) in paragraph (q), by striking the period leadership, the idea, introduction, and membered going forward. at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and passage of this bill never would have Mr. Speaker, this is a wonderful ef- (4) by adding at the end the following: come to fruition. fort to do that, to actually provide, ‘‘(r) The term ‘State’ includes each terri- This legislation will provide every once again, for the history of this tory of the United States.’’. city that contributed to the many he- country, for the symbols of this coun- (b) EXCLUSIONS.—Section 18 of the Outer roic World War II efforts an incentive try, for the future of this country, to Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1344) to preserve that history, a great and remember how we got to the position is amended by adding at the end the fol- lowing: noble undertaking so that all citizens in which we are. ‘‘(i) This section shall not apply to the will have a better understanding of our This bill authorizes the Secretary of scheduling of lease sales in the outer Conti- history and even more pride in our the Interior to designate at least one nental Shelf adjacent to the territories and great heritage. city a year, each year, as an American possessions of the United States.’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.007 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9779 SEC. 3. DISPOSITION OF REVENUES WITH RE- tives from American Samoa, , the (2) in subsection (a)— SPECT TO TERRITORIES OF THE Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and (A) in the subsection heading, by striking UNITED STATES. the Virgin Islands of the United States, re- ‘‘FUND’’ and inserting ‘‘PUBLIC-PRIVATE Section 9 of the Outer Continental Shelf spectively. PARTNERSHIP’’; and Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1338) is amended— ‘‘(E) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The study re- (B) by striking ‘‘, hereafter referred to as (1) by striking ‘‘All rentals’’ and inserting quired under subparagraph (A) and results the Fund,’’; and the following: submitted under subparagraph (C) shall be (3) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘Fund’’ ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise pro- made readily available on a public Govern- and inserting ‘‘separate interest bearing ac- vided in law, all rentals’’; and ment internet website. count’’. (2) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(2) CALL FOR INFORMATION AND NOMINA- ‘‘(b) DISPOSITION OF REVENUES TO TERRI- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- TIONS.—The Secretary shall issue a call for TORIES OF THE UNITED STATES.—Of the rent- information and nominations for proposed ant to the rule, the gentleman from als, royalties, and other sums paid to the wind lease sales for areas determined to be Utah (Mr. BISHOP) and the gentleman Secretary under this Act from a lease for an feasible under the study conducted under from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will area of land on the outer Continental Shelf paragraph (1). control 20 minutes. adjacent to a territory and lying within the ‘‘(3) CONDITIONAL WIND LEASE SALES.— The Chair recognizes the gentleman exclusive economic zone of the United States ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For each territory, the from Utah. pertaining to such territory, and not other- Secretary shall conduct not less than 1 wind GENERAL LEAVE wise obligated or appropriated— lease sale on an area of the outer Conti- ‘‘(1) 50 percent shall be deposited in the nental Shelf within the territorial jurisdic- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Treasury and credited to miscellaneous re- tion of such territory that meets each of the ask unanimous consent that all Mem- ceipts; following criteria: bers may have 5 legislative days to re- ‘‘(2) 12.5 percent shall be deposited in the ‘‘(i) The study required under paragraph vise and extend their remarks and in- Coral Reef Conservation Fund established (1)(A) concluded that a wind lease sale on the clude extraneous materials on the bill under section 211 of the Coral Reef Conserva- area is feasible. under consideration. tion Act of 2000; and ‘‘(ii) The Secretary has determined that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘(3) 37.5 percent shall be disbursed to terri- the call for information has generated suffi- tories of the United States in an amount for objection to the request of the gen- cient interest for the area. tleman from Utah? each territory (based on a formula estab- ‘‘(iii) The Secretary has consulted with the lished by the Secretary by regulation) that Secretary of Defense regarding such a sale. There was no objection. is inversely proportional to the respective ‘‘(iv) The Secretary has consulted with the Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I distance between the point on the coastline Governor of the territory regarding the suit- yield myself such time as I may con- of the territory that is closest to the geo- ability of the area for wind energy develop- sume. graphic center of the applicable leased tract ment. Mr. Speaker, I am going to read this and the geographic center of the leased ‘‘(B) EXCEPTION.—If no area of the outer part. tract.’’. Continental Shelf within the territorial ju- From the whooshing in the western SEC. 4. WIND LEASE SALES FOR AREAS OF OUTER risdiction of a territory meets each of the Pacific to the windswept waters of the CONTINENTAL SHELF. criteria in clauses (i) through (iii) of sub- (a) CONDITIONAL WIND LEASE SALES IN TER- Atlantic, a wonderful wealth of off- paragraph (A), the requirement under sub- shore wind exists. While this wonderful RITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES.—The Outer paragraph (A) shall not apply to such terri- Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 tory.’’. resource weapon withstood the tests of et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the SEC. 5. ESTABLISHMENT OF CORAL REEF CON- time in , we have waffled in our following: SERVATION FUND. worldview on wind power. ‘‘SEC. 33. WIND LEASE SALES FOR AREAS OF (a) IN GENERAL.—The Coral Reef Conserva- But worry not. With this worthy bill, OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF. tion Act of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 6401 et seq.) is we will warrant our Nation’s terri- ‘‘(a) AUTHORIZATION.—The Secretary may amended by adding at the end the following: conduct wind lease sales on the outer Conti- tories—from Guam to Puerto Rico— ‘‘SEC. 211. CORAL REEF CONSERVATION FUND. will no longer be wasting their nental Shelf. ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established ‘‘(b) WIND LEASE SALE PROCEDURE.—Any in the Treasury the Coral Reef Conservation overwater reward and will be powered wind lease sale conducted under this section Fund, hereafter referred to as the Fund. with the waterproof windmills. shall be considered a lease under section 8(p). ‘‘(b) DEPOSITS.—For each fiscal year, there Now I have to stop because I did that ‘‘(c) WIND LEASE SALES OFF COASTS OF shall be deposited in the Fund the portion of for the staffer who wrote it. Obviously, TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES.— such revenues due and payable to the United I don’t do this kind of stuff, and I lost ‘‘(1) STUDY ON FEASIBILITY OF CONDUCTING States under subsection (b)(2) of section 9 of the bet. WIND LEASE SALES.— the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 However, despite the alliteration ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall con- U.S.C. 1338). duct a study on the feasibility, including the ‘‘(c) USES.—Amounts deposited in the Fund that went there, this is still a good bill technological and long-term economic feasi- under this section and appropriated to the which will move us forward in energy bility, of conducting wind lease sales on an Secretary of Commerce under subsection (f) production, especially in our terri- area of the outer Continental Shelf within shall be used by the Secretary of Commerce tories of the United States. the territorial jurisdiction of American to carry out the Coral Reef Conservation Act With that, Mr. Speaker, I obviously Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Is- of 2000 (16 U.S.C. 6401 et seq.), with priority urge my colleagues to support it and lands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of given to carrying out sections 204 and 206 of move us forward, and I reserve the bal- the United States. such Act (16 U.S.C. 6403 and 6405). ance of my time. ‘‘(B) CONSULTATION.—In conducting the ‘‘(d) AVAILABILITY.—Amounts deposited in study required in paragraph (A), the Sec- the Fund shall remain in the Fund until ap- Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield retary shall consult— propriated by Congress. myself such time as I may consume. ‘‘(i) the National Renewable Energy Lab- ‘‘(e) REPORTING.—The President shall in- Mr. Speaker, this bill provides a oratory of the Department of Energy; and clude with the proposed budget for the number of benefits for the territories of ‘‘(ii) the Governor of each of American United States Government submitted to the United States: Puerto Rico, the Congress for a fiscal year a comprehensive Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Is- Virgin Islands, Guam, American lands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of statement of deposits into the Fund during the previous fiscal year and estimated re- Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the the United States. quirements during the following fiscal year Northern Mariana Islands. It adds ‘‘(C) PUBLICATION.—The study required in for appropriations from the Fund. paragraph (A) shall be published in the Fed- them to the Outer Continental Shelf ‘‘(f) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— eral Register for public comment for not Lands Act, allowing them to begin de- There are authorized to be appropriated from veloping offshore wind in their waters, fewer than 60 days. the Fund to the Secretary of Commerce, an ‘‘(D) SUBMISSION OF RESULTS.—Not later amount equal to the amount deposited in the a potentially crucial source of new than 18 months after the date of the enact- Fund in the previous fiscal year. clean energy for their residents. It sets ment of this section, the Secretary shall sub- ‘‘(g) NO LIMITATION.—Appropriations from up a system by which the territories mit the results of the study conducted under the Fund pursuant to this section may be receive a share of the revenue gen- subparagraph (A) to: made without fiscal year limitation.’’. erated by any new offshore wind devel- ‘‘(i) the Committee on Energy and Natural (b) RENAMING OF EXISTING FUND.—Section opment. Resources of the Senate; 205 of the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 ‘‘(ii) the Committee on Natural Resources (16 U.S.C. 6404) is amended— Currently, our territories rely pri- of the House of Representatives; and (1) in the heading, by striking ‘‘CORAL REEF marily on imported diesel for gener- ‘‘(iii) each of the delegates or resident CONSERVATION FUND’’ and inserting ‘‘CORAL ating electricity, putting them at high commissioner to the House of Representa- REEF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP’’; of supply disruptions and forcing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.012 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 residents there to pay some of the environmental impact and increase ef- States is derived from oil and gas. That highest electricity rates anywhere in ficiency. is how the majority of this Nation’s the country, particularly when oil Since, today, many of the territories economy is powered. prices spike. rely on expensive diesel- or fuel oil- There are a handful of States that As hurricanes and extreme weather generation systems, an integration of provide that energy. For example, as events continue to challenge the en- greater diversity of generating sources this bill pertains only to offshore in ergy security of these territories, de- will provide them greater flexibility in Federal waters, in the offshore you veloping offshore wind will make for their development plans. have the State of Alaska represented more resilient communities, decrease At the same time, however, this up- by our dean. You have the States of dependency on fossil fuels, and poten- grade on our generation’s sources Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana—my tially bring electricity prices down sig- should be conducted in each jurisdic- home State—Texas, and, Mr. Speaker, nificantly. tion based on its technical, economic, the State of California. Those are all However, because the territories are and environmental viability and rely States that produce offshore energy. currently not covered by the Outer more on private investment participa- You have a lot of States that are pro- Continental Shelf Lands Act, there is tion instead of taxpayer funding. ducing onshore energy with the shale no legal mechanism for putting wind This legislation will direct the De- revolution in Texas, in the Dakotas, in turbines in the waters off their coast- partment of the Interior to study what , in Ohio, in Louisiana lines. This bill fixes this longstanding is the viability of Continental Shelf and other areas. We are producing on- shore production as well. Once again, unfairness, offers them a share of any wind resources off the shore of the ter- this is fueling our Nation’s economy, revenues generated by offshore wind, ritories. If the result is positive, then and all 50 States are benefiting from and also protects their coastlines by the Department of the Interior will ini- this. leaving them off of the offshore oil and tiate the process of auctioning the But, Mr. Speaker, going back to the gas leasing process. leasing rights for such projects on the offshore, we provided about $200 billion Additionally, some of the revenues same basis as for the waters outside from energy production in the offshore generated by this bill are allocated to the States. If such development pro- to the United States Treasury. With the Coral Reef Conservation Program, ceeds, 2.5 percent of the revenues col- this bill, on the first dollar of energy preserving, sustaining, and restoring lected will be reserved for coral reef produced in the Federal offshore from the condition of coral reef ecosystems protection and 37.5 percent for the re- wind energy in the territories, a por- that, in many cases, are crucial for the spective territory for environmental tion of it is going to be shared with the environment and tourism economy of remediation uses. territory and going to be shared for these same territories. This way is the better way to develop conservation activities. Yet the dis- H.R. 6665 is a commonsense bill for energy resources and provide, also, parity, or the opposite, happens for on- the growth and success of U.S. terri- funding for the territories to take their shore. tories and the environment, while also own measures for securing better envi- For onshore energy, what they do is providing new sources of clean, carbon- ronmental conditions. I expect the they take the initial dollars and they free energy. House will support this effort to bring put it toward conservation, land con- Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on uniform treatment to all jurisdictions servation in other States—not where this bill, and I reserve the balance of under the American flag in an impor- this energy is produced, but in other my time. tant area of policy, which is energy, States. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, and open up investment and develop- The gentleman from Arizona even the gentleman could at least put some ment opportunities to all of us. noted that there are impacts from off- kind of rhyme in there. Once again, I want to thank my col- shore energy production. I agree with Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the league from Guam (Ms. BORDALLO) and him; there are impacts. Most of them gentlewoman from Puerto Rico (Miss the chairman of the committee for have been historic impacts. GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N) to speak on this par- having this bill, and, of course, for But for us to take this revenue ticular bill. their support and legacy on behalf of stream and put it toward other States Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto equal treatment for Puerto Rico and and not where this energy is produced, Rico. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the the territories. when you are talking about $200 bil- honorable Delegate from Guam (Ms. Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I re- lion, Mr. Speaker, that is wrong. That BORDALLO) for taking this initiative to serve the balance of my time. is why we have introduced H.R. 6771. present H.R. 6665, and Chairman BISHOP Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, that bill passed the and Ranking Member GRIJALVA for yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from House Natural Resources Committee having moved this legislation to con- Louisiana (Mr. GRAVES). unanimously by a voice vote, and I tinue to extend equal treatment to the Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Mr. want to thank the gentleman from Ari- American community of citizens in the Speaker, I appreciate the opportunity zona and many other Members for territories. to come speak in support of this legis- working with us on this legislation. It It has been a privilege to join in on lation. was a bipartisan bill. bipartisan proposals for applying, uni- I think this is important legislation Mr. Speaker, I want to engage the formly, the Federal laws for the benefit to ensure that our territories can share chairman in a colloquy. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 6771 shares reve- of the people of our territories. Equal in the revenues from offshore energy nues from offshore energy production treatment for all American commu- production. I believe the States and I with States. It increases the revenue nities is a goal that should be shared believe the territories should share in sharing, and those dollars have to be by all in this Congress, and we will that revenue production. used for coastal restoration, hurricane continue to seek it. Mr. Speaker, I think there is an im- protection for community resiliency America’s continued prosperity re- portant discussion for us to be having projects. quires a modernized energy system here. Yes, as the gentleman from Ari- I want to ask the chairman if he sup- that makes the best use of all the do- zona noted, this will be contributing to ports that policy and if he will con- mestic resources available, including our Nation’s energy production, which tinue to work with us to advance that expanding use of wind in our domestic is a good thing. It is generating a rev- legislation just like this legislation is waters. enue stream based on market forces, being advanced today. Puerto Rico has directly experienced which is a good thing, and it does, Mr. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Will the gen- the need to have better energy infra- Speaker, return a portion of the reve- tleman yield? structure in place. Today, only 2 per- nues back to the territories or the ad- Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. I yield to cent of our energy in Puerto Rico jacent host’s entity of this energy pro- the gentleman. comes just from renewable sources. Our duction, and it invests dollars in con- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Yes. plans for long-term recovery of our servation. Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. I couldn’t electric grid include a much higher re- Now, to contrast, Mr. Speaker, the have said it better myself, Mr. Speak- liance on renewable energy to reduce majority of the energy in the United er.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.023 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9781 Mr. Speaker, with that, I will again The Clerk read the title of the resolu- There was no objection. say I support this legislation. I think tion. b 1615 the policy concept of revenue sharing The text of the resolution is as fol- from energy production is a solid one, lows: Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may con- but we have got to make sure that we H. RES. 792 don’t have conflicting policies when we sume. Whereas Roberto Clemente was an Amer- Mr. Speaker, this has been, for me, talk about fossil fuels versus alter- ican baseball legend who embodied the val- an exciting day, as we have talked native energy streams. ues of a model citizen; about bills that provide for the history Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Whereas Roberto Clemente won two Major of this country and move it forward; as back the balance of my time. League Baseball World Series Champion- we talked about energy, which I find Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I ships, was named World Series Most Valu- able Player, and was an All-Star for 12 sea- significant, especially for my State, yield myself such time as I may con- sons; which has so much Federal land and sume. Whereas Roberto Clemente served this Na- energy available to it; and now you are Mr. Speaker, I appreciate those who tion as a United States Marine Reserv- coming into one of the heroes of my have spoken on this particular piece of ist; childhood with Roberto Clemente. legislation. Whereas Roberto Clemente was the first Mr. Clemente won 12 Gold Gloves; 4 Mr. GRAVES, I didn’t want to be too Puerto Rican inducted into the Baseball Hall National League batting titles; 12 All- flippant, although I was, does raise a of Fame; Star Game selections; 2 World Series major point of concern that, on Federal Whereas Roberto Clemente was inducted Championships—although the 1961 still lands and on Federal waters, how we into the Marine Corps Sports Hall of Fame; Whereas Roberto Clemente was committed pains me to no end, but he still had two deal with the resources that are there to caring and helping those in need, regard- championships—and reached the 3,000- is significant, and they play a role in less of their location; hit milestone. He was the first player the entire Nation. Whereas Roberto Clemente selflessly chose born in Latin America to be inducted But we also have to recognize the to travel to an -ridden Nicaragua into the National Baseball Hall of role that those States and territories to provide humanitarian aid; Fame and was posthumously awarded play where we find those particular re- Whereas Roberto Clemente’s plane crashed both the Congressional Gold Medal and sources, whether it be offshore on Fed- shortly after taking off from Isla Verde International Airport/Aeropuerto the Presidential Medal of Freedom. eral waters or onshore on Federal I still have his baseball cards, and I lands. For us to review that policy is a Internacional de Isla Verde on December 31, 1972; cherish them. He was a special person wise thing we should do. Whereas Roberto Clemente was only 38 not necessarily on the field—he was I also am appreciative of the Resi- years old when he tragically passed away; unique and wonderful—but even off the dent Commissioner from Puerto Rico Whereas Roberto Clemente’s passion and field he was an even greater individual. for explaining the significance this has advocacy demonstrated the positive influ- His accomplishments off the field for all those areas that have not yet ence that professional athletes could have in speak to the quality of man Roberto been considered as we deal with a new improving the lives of others; Whereas Roberto Clemente challenged the Clemente was. kind of alternative energy, in this case, He spent his time in the off-season wind power. That is significant, and it stereotypes that had marginalized native Spanish speakers in this Nation and remains involved in charity work. He also spent plays a significant role in the future an icon to many Puerto Ricans and Latinos his time in the off-season helping the development of those territories that in the United States and Latin America; game of baseball in his home in Puerto are using and in which the energy and Whereas Major League Baseball presents Rico. He made people’s lives better. He the cost of energy is more significant an annual Roberto Clemente Award to the ended his life, once again, trying to player that best embodies Roberto than you find on the mainland, and yet head a relief effort for Nicaragua. He we need to find a way to build their Clemente’s value of service to others and represents the game of baseball through ex- gave his life in defense of other people. economies by having an affordable and He is definitely someone who is worthy renewable and reliable energy source traordinary character, community involve- ment, philanthropy, and positive contribu- of being remembered in what he did on coming in the future. tions, both on and off the field; the ball field, which was spectacular, Because of that, I find this to be a Whereas Roberto Clemente was post- but what he did at home with real peo- significant piece of legislation. I urge humously awarded the Presidential Medal of ple, which was even better than what adoption, Mr. Speaker, and I yield back Freedom, Presidential Citizens Medal, and he did on the ball field. the balance of my time. the Congressional Gold Medal for his civic I am proud to be here and wish to add The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. and charitable contributions; and Whereas the crash site in the adjacent area my support to this resolution to recog- FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida). The ques- nize a great, great American hero. tion is on the motion offered by the to Playa Aviones in the municipality of Loı´za, Puerto Rico, was the last place where Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) that Roberto Clemente graced this world: Now, my time. the House suspend the rules and pass therefore be it Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield the bill, H.R. 6665, as amended. Resolved, That the House of Representa- such time as he may consume to the The question was taken; and (two- tives requests that the Secretary of the Inte- gentleman from (Mr. thirds being in the affirmative) the rior recognize the crash site of Roberto SERRANO). rules were suspended and the bill, as Clemente’s airplane and the adjacent land by Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I thank amended, was passed. adding such site to the National Register of the chairman and ranking member for Historic Places. A motion to reconsider was laid on bringing this resolution to the floor. the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ask my f ant to the rule, the gentleman from colleagues to support H. Res. 792, which Utah (Mr. BISHOP) and the gentleman would urge the Secretary of the Inte- URGING SECRETARY OF THE INTE- from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will rior to recognize the historical signifi- RIOR TO RECOGNIZE THE HIS- control 20 minutes. cance of Roberto Clemente’s place of TORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF RO- The Chair recognizes the gentleman death near Pinones in Loiza, Puerto BERTO CLEMENTE’S PLACE OF from Utah. Rico, by adding it to the National Reg- DEATH GENERAL LEAVE ister of Historic Places. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I Formalizing the site of his untimely move to suspend the rules and agree to ask unanimous consent that all Mem- death will create a place for our Nation the resolution (H. Res. 792) urging the bers may have 5 legislative days to re- to honor Roberto Clemente’s career Secretary of the Interior to recognize vise and extend their remarks and in- and legacy. He was a trailblazer in the historical significance of Roberto clude extraneous materials on the bill baseball and in his life of service out- Clemente’s place of death near Pin˜ ones under consideration. side of baseball. in Loı´za, Puerto Rico, by adding it to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Born in 1934, in Carolina, Puerto the National Register of Historic objection to the request of the gen- Rico, Roberto Enrique Clemente Walk- Places, as amended. tleman from Utah? er’s pride and humanitarian ways won

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.024 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 him universal admiration. Some said we are doing. I applaud and support the vulnerable in 1966, the Cubbies had that he had a very unorthodox way of efforts of the chairman and the rank- picked him up, instead of the Pirates. hitting the ball, yet he had four bat- ing member. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ting titles and 3,000 hits exactly on the Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield of my time. last day of the season—the last season back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The he played before he passed. He won four Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I question is on the motion offered by batting titles. yield such time as she may consume to the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) He had one of the most incredible the gentlewoman from Puerto Rico that the House suspend the rules and arms in right field you ever saw. I still (Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N). agree to the resolution, H. Res. 792, as remember a day in New York when he Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto amended. threw a ball from the right field fence Rico. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chair- The question was taken. to third base without a bounce. For a man for allowing me to speak on behalf The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the person of my age, who cannot throw of this resolution. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being the ball but 100 feet, perhaps, that was Mr. Speaker, I really believe this is in the affirmative, the ayes have it. quite a sight to see. important. Puerto Ricans feel very Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, on But there was another person in proud of the legacy of Roberto that I demand the yeas and nays. Clemente: the person who was always Clemente. He was not just a local hero, The yeas and nays were ordered. trying to build up people of color; who but a national hero, both in the arena The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- was always trying to build up a rela- and in his life. Actually, that is the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- tionship with Latin America, knowing reason, when Puerto Rico becomes a ceedings on this motion will be post- how important baseball was to Latin State, it will be the recommendation poned. America and how important baseball for one of his statues to be sent to the f was to Latin Americans and people in capital. He is a figure that united Puer- the territory of Puerto Rico. He played to Rico. INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY DEVEL- a role in being that ambassador, to the I rise today to express my strongest OPMENT AND SELF-DETERMINA- point where, when Nicaragua suffered a support for H. Res. 792, introduced by TION ACT AMENDMENTS OF 2017 OSE´ hurricane that killed about 7,000 people my good friend and colleague, J Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I SERRANO. This resolution will urge the and thousands of people were without move to suspend the rules and pass the Secretary of the Interior to recognize food or water, he decided to lead a cou- bill (S. 245) to amend the Indian Tribal the significance of the place of death of ple of planeloads of relief efforts to Energy Development and Self Deter- Puerto Rican baseball star Roberto Nicaragua. mination Act of 2005, and for other pur- But as times had it in those days— Clemente, located near Pinones in poses. and perhaps even these days, too— Loiza, Puerto Rico, by adding it to the The Clerk read the title of the bill. some, if not all of the supplies he was National Register of Historic Places. The text of the bill is as follows: sending of food and water to Nicaragua Roberto Clemente, as I said, was a were being stolen and sold on the black hero and role model in Puerto Rico and S. 245 market. So he decided he was going to across the nation. Throughout his dis- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- go himself on the next trip. He was so tinguished career, he won two Major resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, revered and respected in Nicaragua, no- League Baseball World Series Cham- body would dare touch anything if he pionships, was named Most Valuable SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Indian Trib- was on the ground. So he left on a Player, and was an All-Star for 12 sea- al Energy Development and Self-Determina- plane on December 31, 1972. After tak- sons. Clemente also served this Nation tion Act Amendments of 2017’’. ing off, the plane went into the water. as a United States Marine Corps Re- SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Roberto’s body was never found. servist. The table of contents for this Act is as fol- I am not a psychologist or psychia- Roberto Clemente was committed to lows: trist, but I so believe that we Puerto caring and helping those in need. In the Sec. 1. Short title. Ricans, whether we are from New aftermath of a devastating earthquake Sec. 2. Table of contents. York, New Jersey, or Puerto Rico, born in 1972, he decided to travel to Nica- TITLE I—INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY DE- or not born in Puerto Rico, still hold a ragua to provide humanitarian aid. His VELOPMENT AND SELF-DETERMINA- certain need to have found him and to plane crashed shortly after departing TION ACT AMENDMENTS have given him the proper burial. But Puerto Rico, and he tragically passed Sec. 101. Indian tribal energy resource devel- that never happened. at the age of 38. opment. When we do what we do today, hope- That is the reason his family, still in Sec. 102. Indian tribal energy resource regu- fully, we continue to honor this man Puerto Rico, started a foundation. lation. who was not only the first Latino in Many schools have his name on it, but Sec. 103. Tribal energy resource agreements. the Hall of Fame, who not only batted he also has the legacy of supporting Sec. 104. Technical assistance for Indian 317 in his lifetime, which is not an easy young people to play baseball and com- tribal governments. Sec. 105. Conforming amendments. accomplishment, and who not only had mit to their communities and be better Sec. 106. Report. 3,000 hits and had a rifle for an arm, in society. Clemente was that role TITLE II—MISCELLANEOUS who was—although people would say it model. AMENDMENTS was only two World Series—the only He was a great humanitarian and Sec. 201. Issuance of preliminary permits or player to get a hit in every single great athlete. He was the embodiment licenses. World Series game he played—14 of of a baseball legend who contributed to Sec. 202. Tribal biomass demonstration them—he was just exceptional. To this the betterment of society. I am glad project. day, I can tell you that there are more that this House is honoring his legacy Sec. 203. Weatherization program. Puerto Ricans who use the number 21, by considering H. Res. 792. Sec. 204. Appraisals. although it has nothing to do with Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Sec. 205. Leases of restricted lands for Nav- them, on their email, than any other support this legislation. I thank Con- ajo Nation. Sec. 206. Extension of tribal lease period for number. There are more kids in Puerto gressman SERRANO for allowing this recognition that unites hundreds of the Crow Tribe of Montana. Rico and throughout the States and Sec. 207. Trust status of lease payments. the other territories who, when joining people not only in Puerto Rico, but for a team, ask for number 21 on their uni- sports all over. I also thank Chairman TITLE I—INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY DEVEL- OPMENT AND SELF-DETERMINATION form, for Roberto. BISHOP for supporting this, although I ACT AMENDMENTS That is what he means to us, that is was expecting him to have the numbers SEC. 101. INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY RESOURCE DE- what he means to the country, and as of his baseball career. VELOPMENT. the people in will tell you, Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 2602(a) of the En- it is not just Puerto Ricans. It is Amer- this is a good piece of legislation. I just ergy Policy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3502(a)) is icans in general. This is a great thing wish that when the Dodgers left him amended—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.027 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9783 (1) in paragraph (2)— SEC. 103. TRIBAL ENERGY RESOURCE AGREE- odic review and evaluation of the activities (A) in subparagraph (C), by striking ‘‘and’’ MENTS. of the Indian tribe under the agreement, to after the semicolon; (a) AMENDMENT.—Section 2604 of the En- be conducted pursuant to subparagraphs (D) (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking the pe- ergy Policy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3504) is and (E) of subsection (e)(2)); or riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and amended— ‘‘(B) by the Indian tribe and a tribal energy (C) by adding at the end the following: (1) in subsection (a)— development organization for which the In- ‘‘(E) consult with each applicable Indian (A) in paragraph (1)— dian tribe has obtained a certification pursu- tribe before adopting or approving a well (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘or’’ ant to subsection (h); and spacing program or plan applicable to the en- after the semicolon at the end; ‘‘(3) has a term that does not exceed 30 ergy resources of that Indian tribe or the (ii) in subparagraph (B)— years.’’; members of that Indian tribe.’’; and (I) by striking clause (i) and inserting the (3) by striking subsection (d) and inserting (2) by adding at the end the following: following: the following: ‘‘(4) PLANNING.— ‘‘(i) an electric production, generation, ‘‘(d) VALIDITY.—No lease or business agree- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out the pro- transmission, or distribution facility (in- cluding a facility that produces electricity ment entered into, or right-of-way granted, gram established by paragraph (1), the Sec- pursuant to this section shall be valid unless retary shall provide technical assistance to from renewable energy resources) located on the lease, business agreement, or right-of- interested Indian tribes to develop energy tribal land; or’’; and way is authorized by subsection (a) or (b).’’; plans, including— (II) in clause (ii)— (4) in subsection (e)— ‘‘(i) plans for electrification; (aa) by inserting ‘‘, at least a portion of (A) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting ‘‘(ii) plans for oil and gas permitting, re- which have been’’ after ‘‘energy resources’’; the following: newable energy permitting, energy effi- (bb) by inserting ‘‘or produced from’’ after ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.— ciency, electricity generation, transmission ‘‘developed on’’; and ‘‘(A) AUTHORIZATION.—On or after the date planning, water planning, and other planning (cc) by striking ‘‘and’’ after the semicolon of enactment of the Indian Tribal Energy De- relating to energy issues; at the end and inserting ‘‘or’’; and velopment and Self-Determination Act ‘‘(iii) plans for the development of energy (iii) by adding at the end the following: Amendments of 2017, a qualified Indian tribe resources and to ensure the protection of ‘‘(C) pooling, unitization, or may submit to the Secretary a tribal energy natural, historic, and cultural resources; and communitization of the energy mineral re- resource agreement governing leases, busi- ‘‘(iv) any other plans that would assist an sources of the Indian tribe located on tribal ness agreements, and rights-of-way under Indian tribe in the development or use of en- land with any other energy mineral resource this section. ergy resources. (including energy mineral resources owned ‘‘(B) NOTICE OF COMPLETE PROPOSED AGREE- ‘‘(B) COOPERATION.—In establishing the by the Indian tribe or an individual Indian in MENT.—Not later than 60 days after the date program under paragraph (1), the Secretary fee, trust, or restricted status or by any on which the tribal energy resource agree- shall work in cooperation with the Office of other persons or entities) if the owner, or, if ment is submitted under subparagraph (A), Indian Energy Policy and Programs of the appropriate, lessee, of the resources has con- the Secretary shall— Department of Energy.’’. sented or consents to the pooling, unitiza- ‘‘(i) notify the Indian tribe as to whether (b) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY INDIAN ENERGY tion, or communitization of the other re- EDUCATION PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT AS- sources under any lease or agreement; and’’; the agreement is complete or incomplete; SISTANCE PROGRAM.—Section 2602(b)(2) of the and ‘‘(ii) if the agreement is incomplete, notify Energy Policy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. (B) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the Indian tribe of what information or docu- 3502(b)(2)) is amended— the following: mentation is needed to complete the submis- (1) in the matter preceding subparagraph ‘‘(2) a lease or business agreement de- sion; and (A), by inserting ‘‘, intertribal organiza- scribed in paragraph (1) shall not require re- ‘‘(iii) identify and notify the Indian tribe of tion,’’ after ‘‘Indian tribe’’; view by, or the approval of, the Secretary the financial assistance, if any, to be pro- (2) by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and under section 2103 of the Revised Statutes (25 vided by the Secretary to the Indian tribe to (D) as subparagraphs (D) and (E), respec- U.S.C. 81), or any other provision of law (in- assist in the implementation of the tribal en- tively; and cluding regulations), if the lease or business ergy resource agreement, including the envi- (3) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the agreement— ronmental review of individual projects. following: ‘‘(A) was executed— ‘‘(C) EFFECT.—Nothing in this paragraph ‘‘(C) activities to increase the capacity of ‘‘(i) in accordance with the requirements of precludes the Secretary from providing any Indian tribes to manage energy development a tribal energy resource agreement in effect financial assistance at any time to the In- and energy efficiency programs;’’. under subsection (e) (including the periodic dian tribe to assist in the implementation of (c) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY LOAN GUAR- review and evaluation of the activities of the the tribal energy resource agreement.’’; ANTEE PROGRAM.—Section 2602(c) of the En- Indian tribe under the agreement, to be con- (B) in paragraph (2)— ergy Policy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3502(c)) is ducted pursuant to subparagraphs (D) and (i) by striking ‘‘(2)(A)’’ and all that follows amended— (E) of subsection (e)(2)); or through the end of subparagraph (A) and in- (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘or a trib- ‘‘(ii) by the Indian tribe and a tribal energy serting the following: al energy development organization’’ after development organization for which the In- ‘‘(2) PROCEDURE.— ‘‘Indian tribe’’; dian tribe has obtained a certification pursu- ‘‘(A) EFFECTIVE DATE.— (2) in paragraph (3)— ant to subsection (h); and ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—On the date that is 271 (A) in the matter preceding subparagraph ‘‘(B) has a term that does not exceed— days after the date on which the Secretary (A), by striking ‘‘guarantee’’ and inserting ‘‘(i) 30 years; or receives a tribal energy resource agreement ‘‘guaranteed’’; ‘‘(ii) in the case of a lease for the produc- from a qualified Indian tribe under para- (B) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘or’’; tion of oil resources, gas resources, or both, graph (1), the tribal energy resource agree- (C) in subparagraph (B), by striking the pe- 10 years and as long thereafter as oil or gas ment shall take effect, unless the Secretary riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and is produced in paying quantities.’’; disapproves the tribal energy resource agree- (D) by adding at the end the following: (2) by striking subsection (b) and inserting ment under subparagraph (B). ‘‘(C) a tribal energy development organiza- the following: ‘‘(ii) REVISED TRIBAL ENERGY RESOURCE tion, from funds of the tribal energy develop- ‘‘(b) RIGHTS-OF-WAY.—An Indian tribe may AGREEMENT.—On the date that is 91 days ment organization.’’; and grant a right-of-way over tribal land without after the date on which the Secretary re- (3) in paragraph (5), by striking ‘‘The Sec- review or approval by the Secretary if the ceives a revised tribal energy resource agree- retary of Energy may’’ and inserting ‘‘Not right-of-way— ment from a qualified Indian tribe under later than 1 year after the date of enactment ‘‘(1) serves— paragraph (4)(B), the revised tribal energy of the Indian Tribal Energy Development ‘‘(A) an electric production, generation, resource agreement shall take effect, unless and Self-Determination Act Amendments of transmission, or distribution facility (in- the Secretary disapproves the revised tribal 2017, the Secretary of Energy shall’’. cluding a facility that produces electricity energy resource agreement under subpara- SEC. 102. INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY RESOURCE from renewable energy resources) located on graph (B).’’; REGULATION. tribal land; (ii) in subparagraph (B)— Section 2603(c) of the Energy Policy Act of ‘‘(B) a facility located on tribal land that (I) by striking ‘‘(B)’’ and all that follows 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3503(c)) is amended— extracts, produces, processes, or refines en- through clause (ii) and inserting the fol- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘on the re- ergy resources; or lowing: quest of an Indian tribe, the Indian tribe’’ ‘‘(C) the purposes, or facilitates in carrying ‘‘(B) DISAPPROVAL.—The Secretary shall and inserting ‘‘on the request of an Indian out the purposes, of any lease or agreement disapprove a tribal energy resource agree- tribe or a tribal energy development organi- entered into for energy resource develop- ment submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) or zation, the Indian tribe or tribal energy de- ment on tribal land; (4)(B) only if— velopment organization’’; and ‘‘(2) was executed— ‘‘(i) a provision of the tribal energy re- (2) in paragraph (2)(B), by inserting ‘‘or ‘‘(A) in accordance with the requirements source agreement violates applicable Federal tribal energy development organization’’ of a tribal energy resource agreement in ef- law (including regulations) or a treaty appli- after ‘‘Indian tribe’’. fect under subsection (e) (including the peri- cable to the Indian tribe;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.017 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 ‘‘(ii) the tribal energy resource agreement following: ‘‘date of disapproval, provide the ‘‘(iii) amend an approved tribal energy re- does not include one or more provisions re- Indian tribe with— source agreement to assume authority for quired under subparagraph (D); or’’; and ‘‘(A) a detailed, written explanation of— approving leases, business agreements, or (II) in clause (iii)— ‘‘(i) each reason for the disapproval; and rights-of-way for development of another en- (aa) in the matter preceding subclause (I), ‘‘(ii) the revisions or changes to the tribal ergy resource that is not included in an ap- by striking ‘‘includes’’ and all that follows energy resource agreement necessary to ad- proved tribal energy resource agreement through ‘‘section—’’ and inserting ‘‘does not dress each reason; and without being required to apply for a new include provisions that, with respect to any ‘‘(B) an opportunity to revise and resubmit tribal energy resource agreement;’’ and lease, business agreement, or right-of-way to the tribal energy resource agreement.’’; (G) by adding at the end the following: which the tribal energy resource agreement (D) in paragraph (6)— ‘‘(9) EFFECT.—Nothing in this section au- applies—’’; (i) in subparagraph (B)— thorizes the Secretary to deny a tribal en- (bb) by striking subclauses (I), (II), (V), (I) by striking ‘‘(B) Subject to’’ and insert- ergy resource agreement or any amendment (VIII), and (XV); ing the following: to a tribal energy resource agreement, or to (cc) by redesignating clauses (III), (IV), ‘‘(B) Subject only to’’; and limit the effect or implementation of this (VI), (VII), (IX) through (XIV), and (XVI) as (II) by striking ‘‘subparagraph (D)’’ and in- section, due to lack of promulgated regula- clauses (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V) through (X), serting ‘‘subparagraphs (C) and (D)’’; tions.’’; and (XI), respectively; (ii) in subparagraph (C), in the matter pre- (5) by redesignating subsection (g) as sub- (dd) in item (bb) of subclause (XI) (as re- ceding clause (i), by inserting ‘‘to perform section (j); and designated by item (cc))— the obligations of the Secretary under this (6) by inserting after subsection (f) the fol- (AA) by striking ‘‘or tribal’’; and section and’’ before ‘‘to ensure’’; and lowing: (BB) by striking the period at the end and (iii) in subparagraph (D), by adding at the ‘‘(g) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN LIEU OF AC- inserting a semicolon; and end the following: TIVITIES BY THE SECRETARY.— (ee) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(iii) Nothing in this section absolves, lim- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Any amounts that the ‘‘(XII) include a certification by the Indian its, or otherwise affects the liability, if any, Secretary would otherwise expend to operate tribe that the Indian tribe has— of the United States for any— or carry out any program, function, service, ‘‘(aa) carried out a contract or compact ‘‘(I) term of any lease, business agreement, or activity (or any portion of a program, under title I or IV of the Indian Self-Deter- or right-of-way under this section that is not function, service, or activity) of the Depart- mination and Education Assistance Act (25 a negotiated term; or ment that, as a result of an Indian tribe car- U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) for a period of not less ‘‘(II) losses that are not the result of a ne- rying out activities under a tribal energy re- than 3 consecutive years ending on the date gotiated term, including losses resulting source agreement, the Secretary does not ex- on which the Indian tribe submits the appli- from the failure of the Secretary to perform pend, the Secretary shall, at the request of cation without material audit exception (or an obligation of the Secretary under this the Indian tribe, make available to the In- without any material audit exceptions that section.’’; dian tribe in accordance with this sub- were not corrected within the 3-year period) (E) in paragraph (7)— section. relating to the management of tribal land or (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘has ‘‘(2) ANNUAL FUNDING AGREEMENTS.—The natural resources; or demonstrated’’ and inserting ‘‘the Secretary Secretary shall make the amounts described ‘‘(bb) substantial experience in the admin- determines has demonstrated with substan- in paragraph (1) available to an Indian tribe istration, review, or evaluation of energy re- tial evidence’’; through an annual written funding agree- source leases or agreements or has otherwise (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘any ment that is negotiated and entered into substantially participated in the administra- tribal remedy’’ and inserting ‘‘all remedies with the Indian tribe that is separate from tion, management, or development of energy (if any) provided under the laws of the Indian the tribal energy resource agreement. resources located on the tribal land of the tribe’’; ‘‘(3) EFFECT OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Notwith- Indian tribe; and (iii) in subparagraph (D)— standing paragraph (1)— ‘‘(XIII) at the option of the Indian tribe, (I) in clause (i), by striking ‘‘determine’’ ‘‘(A) the provision of amounts to an Indian identify which functions, if any, authorizing and all that follows through the end of the tribe under this subsection is subject to the any operational or development activities clause and inserting the following: ‘‘deter- availability of appropriations; and pursuant to a lease, right-of-way, or business mine— ‘‘(B) the Secretary shall not be required to agreement approved by the Indian tribe, that ‘‘(I) whether the petitioner is an interested reduce amounts for programs, functions, the Indian tribe intends to conduct.’’; party; and services, or activities that serve any other (iii) in subparagraph (C)— ‘‘(II) if the petitioner is an interested Indian tribe to make amounts available to (I) by striking clauses (i) and (ii); party, whether the Indian tribe is not in an Indian tribe under this subsection. (II) by redesignating clauses (iii) through compliance with the tribal energy resource ‘‘(4) DETERMINATION.— (v) as clauses (ii) through (iv), respectively; agreement as alleged in the petition.’’; ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall cal- and (II) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘determina- culate the amounts under paragraph (1) in (III) by inserting before clause (ii) (as re- tion’’ and inserting ‘‘determinations’’; and accordance with the regulations adopted designated by subclause (II)) the following: (III) in clause (iii), in the matter preceding under section 103(b) of the Indian Tribal En- ‘‘(i) a process for ensuring that— subclause (I) by striking ‘‘agreement’’ the ergy Development and Self-Determination ‘‘(I) the public is informed of, and has rea- first place it appears and all that follows Act Amendments of 2017. sonable opportunity to comment on, any sig- through ‘‘, including’’ and inserting ‘‘agree- ‘‘(B) APPLICABILITY.—The effective date or nificant environmental impacts of the pro- ment pursuant to clause (i), the Secretary implementation of a tribal energy resource posed action; and shall only take such action as the Secretary agreement under this section shall not be de- ‘‘(II) the Indian tribe provides responses to determines necessary to address the claims layed or otherwise affected by— relevant and substantive public comments of noncompliance made in the petition, in- ‘‘(i) a delay in the promulgation of regula- on any impacts described in subclause (I) be- cluding’’; tions under section 103(b) of the Indian Trib- fore the Indian tribe approves the lease, busi- (iv) in subparagraph (E)(i), by striking al Energy Development and Self-Determina- ness agreement, or right-of-way;’’; ‘‘the manner in which’’ and inserting ‘‘, with tion Act Amendments of 2017; (iv) in subparagraph (D)(ii), by striking respect to each claim made in the petition, ‘‘(ii) the period of time needed by the Sec- ‘‘subparagraph (B)(iii)(XVI)’’ and inserting how’’; and retary to make the calculation required ‘‘subparagraph (B)(iv)(XI)’’; and (v) by adding at the end the following: under paragraph (1); or (v) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(G) Notwithstanding any other provision ‘‘(iii) the adoption of a funding agreement ‘‘(F) EFFECTIVE PERIOD.—A tribal energy of this paragraph, the Secretary shall dis- under paragraph (2). resource agreement that takes effect pursu- miss any petition from an interested party ant to this subsection shall remain in effect that has agreed with the Indian tribe to a ‘‘(h) CERTIFICATION OF TRIBAL ENERGY DE- to the extent any provision of the tribal en- resolution of the claims presented in the pe- VELOPMENT ORGANIZATION.— ergy resource agreement is consistent with tition of that party.’’; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days applicable Federal law (including regula- (F) in paragraph (8)— after the date on which an Indian tribe sub- tions), unless the tribal energy resource (i) by striking subparagraph (A); mits an application for certification of a agreement is— (ii) by redesignating subparagraphs (B) tribal energy development organization in ‘‘(i) rescinded by the Secretary pursuant to through (D) as subparagraphs (A) through accordance with regulations promulgated paragraph (7)(D)(iii)(II); or (C), respectively; and under section 103(b) of the Indian Tribal En- ‘‘(ii) voluntarily rescinded by the Indian (iii) in subparagraph (A) (as redesignated ergy Development and Self-Determination tribe pursuant to the regulations promul- by clause (ii))— Act Amendments of 2017, the Secretary shall gated under paragraph (8)(B) (or successor (I) in clause (i), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the approve or disapprove the application. regulations).’’; end; ‘‘(2) REQUIREMENTS.—The Secretary shall (C) in paragraph (4), by striking ‘‘date of (II) in clause (ii), by adding ‘‘and’’ after the approve an application for certification if— disapproval’’ and all that follows through semicolon; and ‘‘(A)(i) the Indian tribe has carried out a the end of subparagraph (C) and inserting the (III) by adding at the end the following: contract or compact under title I or IV of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:36 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.017 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9785 the Indian Self-Determination and Edu- lations that are necessary to implement this tion, management, or development of energy cation Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.); section, including provisions to implement— resources located on the tribal land of the and (1) section 2604(e)(8) of the Energy Policy Indian tribe.’’; and ‘‘(ii) for a period of not less than 3 consecu- Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3504(e)(8)), including the (3) by striking paragraph (12) (as redesig- tive years ending on the date on which the process to be followed by an Indian tribe nated by paragraph (1)) and inserting the fol- Indian tribe submits the application, the amending an existing tribal energy resource lowing: contract or compact— agreement to assume authority for approv- ‘‘(12) The term ‘tribal energy development ‘‘(I) has been carried out by the Indian ing leases, business agreements, or rights-of- organization’ means— tribe without material audit exceptions (or way for development of an energy resource ‘‘(A) any enterprise, partnership, consor- without any material audit exceptions that that is not included in the tribal energy re- tium, corporation, or other type of business were not corrected within the 3-year period); source agreement; organization that is engaged in the develop- and (2) section 2604(g) of the Energy Policy Act ment of energy resources and is wholly ‘‘(II) has included programs or activities of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3504(g)) including the man- owned by an Indian tribe (including an orga- relating to the management of tribal land; ner in which the Secretary, at the request of nization incorporated pursuant to section 17 and an Indian tribe, shall— of the Act of June 18, 1934 (25 U.S.C. 5124) ‘‘(B)(i) the tribal energy development orga- (A) identify the programs, functions, serv- (commonly known as the ‘‘Indian Reorga- nization is organized under the laws of the ices, and activities (or any portions of pro- nization Act’’) or section 3 of the Act of June Indian tribe; grams, functions, services, or activities) that 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1967, chapter 831) (commonly ‘‘(ii)(I) the majority of the interest in the the Secretary will not have to operate or known as the ‘Oklahoma Indian Welfare tribal energy development organization is carry out as a result of the Indian tribe car- Act’)); and owned and controlled by the Indian tribe (or rying out activities under a tribal energy re- ‘‘(B) any organization of two or more enti- the Indian tribe and one or more other In- source agreement; ties, at least one of which is an Indian tribe, dian tribes) the tribal land of which is being (B) identify the amounts that the Sec- that has the written consent of the gov- developed; and retary would have otherwise expended to op- erning bodies of all Indian tribes partici- ‘‘(II) the organizing document of the tribal erate or carry out each program, function, pating in the organization to apply for a energy development organization requires service, and activity (or any portion of a pro- grant, loan, or other assistance under sec- that the Indian tribe with jurisdiction over gram, function, service, or activity) identi- tion 2602 or to enter into a lease or business the land maintain at all times the control- fied pursuant to subparagraph (A); and agreement with, or acquire a right-of-way ling interest in the tribal energy develop- (C) provide to the Indian tribe a list of the from, an Indian tribe pursuant to subsection ment organization; programs, functions, services, and activities (a)(2)(A)(ii) or (b)(2)(B) of section 2604.’’. ‘‘(iii) the organizing document of the tribal (or any portions of programs, functions, (b) INDIAN TRIBAL ENERGY RESOURCE DE- energy development organization requires services, or activities) identified pursuant VELOPMENT.—Section 2602 of the Energy Pol- that the Indian tribe (or the Indian tribe and subparagraph (A) and the amounts associ- icy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3502) is amended— one or more other Indian tribes) the tribal ated with each program, function, service, (1) in subsection (a)— land of which is being developed own and and activity (or any portion of a program, (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘tribal en- control at all times a majority of the inter- function, service, or activity) identified pur- ergy resource development organizations’’ est in the tribal energy development organi- suant to subparagraph (B); and and inserting ‘‘tribal energy development or- zation; and (3) section 2604(h) of the Energy Policy Act ganizations’’; and ‘‘(iv) the organizing document of the tribal of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3504(h)), including the proc- (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘tribal en- energy development organization includes a ess to be followed by, and any applicable cri- ergy resource development organizations’’ statement that the organization shall be teria and documentation required for, an In- each place the term appears and inserting subject to the jurisdiction, laws, and author- dian tribe to request and obtain the certifi- ‘‘tribal energy development organizations’’; ity of the Indian tribe. cation described in that section. and (2) in subsection (b)(2), by striking ‘‘tribal ‘‘(3) ACTION BY SECRETARY.—If the Sec- SEC. 104. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR INDIAN energy resource development organization’’ retary approves an application for certifi- TRIBAL GOVERNMENTS. and inserting ‘‘tribal energy development or- cation pursuant to paragraph (2), the Sec- Section 2602(b) of the Energy Policy Act of ganization’’. retary shall, not more than 10 days after 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3502(b)) is amended— (c) WIND AND HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY making the determination— (1) by redesignating paragraphs (3) through STUDY.—Section 2606(c)(3) of the Energy Pol- ‘‘(A) issue a certification stating that— (6) as paragraphs (4) through (7), respec- icy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3506(c)(3)) is amend- ‘‘(i) the tribal energy development organi- tively; and ed by striking ‘‘energy resource develop- zation is organized under the laws of the In- (2) by inserting after paragraph (2) the fol- ment’’ and inserting ‘‘energy development’’. dian tribe and subject to the jurisdiction, lowing: (d) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Section laws, and authority of the Indian tribe; ‘‘(3) TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC RE- 2604(e) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (25 ‘‘(ii) the majority of the interest in the SOURCES.—In addition to providing grants to U.S.C. 3504(e)) is amended— tribal energy development organization is Indian tribes under this subsection, the Sec- (1) in paragraph (3)— owned and controlled by the Indian tribe (or retary shall collaborate with the Directors of (A) by striking ‘‘(3) The Secretary’’ and in- the Indian tribe and one or more other In- the National Laboratories in making the full serting the following: dian tribes) the tribal land of which is being array of technical and scientific resources of ‘‘(3) NOTICE AND COMMENT; SECRETARIAL RE- developed; the Department of Energy available for trib- VIEW.—The Secretary’’; and ‘‘(iii) the organizing document of the tribal al energy activities and projects.’’. (B) by striking ‘‘for approval’’; energy development organization requires SEC. 105. CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. (2) in paragraph (4), by striking ‘‘(4) If the that the Indian tribe with jurisdiction over (a) DEFINITION OF TRIBAL ENERGY DEVELOP- Secretary’’ and inserting the following: the land maintain at all times the control- MENT ORGANIZATION.—Section 2601 of the En- ‘‘(4) ACTION IN CASE OF DISAPPROVAL.—If ling interest in the tribal energy develop- ergy Policy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3501) is the Secretary’’; ment organization; amended— (3) in paragraph (5)— ‘‘(iv) the organizing document of the tribal (1) by redesignating paragraphs (9) through (A) by striking ‘‘(5) If an Indian tribe’’ and energy development organization requires (12) as paragraphs (10) through (13), respec- inserting the following: that the Indian tribe (or the Indian tribe and tively; ‘‘(5) PROVISION OF DOCUMENTS TO SEC- one or more other Indian tribes the tribal (2) by inserting after paragraph (8) the fol- RETARY.—If an Indian tribe’’; and land of which is being developed) own and lowing: (B) in the matter preceding subparagraph control at all times a majority of the inter- ‘‘(9) The term ‘qualified Indian tribe’ (A), by striking ‘‘approved’’ and inserting est in the tribal energy development organi- means an Indian tribe that has— ‘‘in effect’’; zation; and ‘‘(A) carried out a contract or compact (4) in paragraph (6)— ‘‘(v) the certification is issued pursuant under title I or IV of the Indian Self-Deter- (A) by striking ‘‘(6)(A) In carrying out’’ this subsection; mination and Education Assistance Act (25 and inserting the following: ‘‘(B) deliver a copy of the certification to U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) for a period of not less ‘‘(6) SECRETARIAL OBLIGATIONS AND EFFECT the Indian tribe; and than 3 consecutive years ending on the date OF SECTION.— ‘‘(C) publish the certification in the Fed- on which the Indian tribe submits the appli- ‘‘(A) In carrying out’’; eral Register. cation without material audit exception (or (B) in subparagraph (A), by indenting ‘‘(i) SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY.—Nothing in this without any material audit exceptions that clauses (i) and (ii) appropriately; section waives the sovereign immunity of an were not corrected within the 3-year period) (C) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘ap- Indian tribe.’’. relating to the management of tribal land or proved’’ and inserting ‘‘in effect’’; and (b) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 1 year natural resources; or (D) in subparagraph (D)— after the date of enactment of the Indian ‘‘(B) substantial experience in the adminis- (i) in clause (i), by striking ‘‘an approved Tribal Energy Development and Self-Deter- tration, review, or evaluation of energy re- tribal energy resource agreement’’ and in- mination Act Amendments of 2017, the Sec- source leases or agreements or has otherwise serting ‘‘a tribal energy resource agreement retary shall promulgate or update any regu- substantially participated in the administra- in effect under this section’’; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.017 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 (ii) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘approved by (I) any lease of land held in trust or re- this section, an Indian tribe shall submit to the Secretary’’ and inserting ‘‘in effect’’; and stricted fee on behalf of any Indian tribe or the Secretary an application— (5) in paragraph (7)— individual Indian; and ‘‘(1) containing such information as the (A) by striking ‘‘(7)(A) In this paragraph’’ (II) any rights-of-way on that land in ef- Secretary may require; and and inserting the following: fect; ‘‘(2) that includes a description of— ‘‘(7) PETITIONS BY INTERESTED PARTIES.— (B) how the information from the database ‘‘(A) the Indian forest land or rangeland ‘‘(A) In this paragraph’’; is made available to— under the jurisdiction of the Indian tribe; (B) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘ap- (i) the officials of the Bureau of Indian Af- and proved by the Secretary’’ and inserting ‘‘in fairs with responsibility over the manage- ‘‘(B) the demonstration project proposed to effect’’; ment and development of Indian resources; be carried out by the Indian tribe. (C) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘ap- and ‘‘(d) SELECTION.—In evaluating the applica- proved by the Secretary’’ and inserting ‘‘in (ii) resource owners; and tions submitted under subsection (c), the effect’’; and (C) any barriers to identifying the informa- Secretary shall— (D) in subparagraph (D)(iii)— tion described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) ‘‘(1) take into consideration— (i) in subclause (I), by striking ‘‘approved’’; or any deficiencies in that information; and ‘‘(A) the factors set forth in paragraphs (1) and (3) an evaluation of— and (2) of section 2(e); and (ii) in subclause (II)— (A) the ability of each applicable agency to ‘‘(B) whether a proposed project would— (I) by striking ‘‘approval of’’ in the first track and monitor the review and approval ‘‘(i) increase the availability or reliability place it appears; and process of the agency for Indian energy de- of local or regional energy; (II) by striking ‘‘subsection (a) or (b)’’ and velopment; and ‘‘(ii) enhance the economic development of inserting ‘‘subsection (a)(2)(A)(i) or (B) the extent to which each applicable the Indian tribe; (b)(2)(A)’’. agency complies with any intermediate and ‘‘(iii) result in or improve the connection SEC. 106. REPORT. final deadlines. of electric power transmission facilities serv- ing the Indian tribe with other electric (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 18 months TITLE II—MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS transmission facilities; after the date of enactment of this Act, the SEC. 201. ISSUANCE OF PRELIMINARY PERMITS Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the OR LICENSES. ‘‘(iv) improve the forest health or water- Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7(a) of the Fed- sheds of Federal land or Indian forest land or and the Committee on Natural Resources of eral Power Act (16 U.S.C. 800(a)) is amended rangeland; the House of Representatives a report that by striking ‘‘States and municipalities’’ and ‘‘(v) demonstrate new investments in infra- details with respect to activities for energy inserting ‘‘States, Indian tribes, and munici- structure; or development on Indian land, how the Depart- palities’’. ‘‘(vi) otherwise promote the use of woody ment of the Interior— (b) APPLICABILITY.—The amendment made biomass; and (1) processes and completes the reviews of by subsection (a) shall not affect— ‘‘(2) exclude from consideration any mer- energy-related documents in a timely and (1) any preliminary permit or original li- chantable logs that have been identified by transparent manner; cense issued before the date of enactment of the Secretary for commercial sale. ‘‘(e) IMPLEMENTATION.—The Secretary (2) monitors the timeliness of agency re- the Indian Tribal Energy Development and shall— view for all energy-related documents; Self-Determination Act Amendments of 2017; ‘‘(1) ensure that the criteria described in (3) maintains databases to track and mon- or subsection (c) are publicly available by not itor the review and approval process for en- (2) an application for an original license, if later than 120 days after the date of enact- ergy-related documents associated with con- the Commission has issued a notice accept- ment of this section; and ventional and renewable Indian energy re- ing that application for filing pursuant to ‘‘(2) to the maximum extent practicable, sources that require Secretarial approval section 4.32(d) of title 18, Code of Federal consult with Indian tribes and appropriate prior to development, including— Regulations (or successor regulations), be- intertribal organizations likely to be af- (A) any seismic exploration permits; fore the date of enactment of the Indian fected in developing the application and oth- (B) permission to survey; Tribal Energy Development and Self-Deter- erwise carrying out this section. (C) archeological and cultural surveys; mination Act Amendments of 2017. ‘‘(f) REPORT.—Not later than September 20, (D) access permits; (c) DEFINITION OF INDIAN TRIBE.—For pur- poses of section 7(a) of the Federal Power 2019, the Secretary shall submit to Congress (E) environmental assessments; a report that describes, with respect to the (F) oil and gas leases; Act (16 U.S.C. 800(a)) (as amended by sub- section (a)), the term ‘‘Indian tribe’’ has the reporting period— (G) surface leases; ‘‘(1) each individual tribal application re- (H) rights-of-way agreements; and meaning given the term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education ceived under this section; and (I) communitization agreements; ‘‘(2) each contract and agreement entered (4) identifies in the databases— Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304). SEC. 202. TRIBAL BIOMASS DEMONSTRATION into pursuant to this section. (A) the date lease applications and permits ‘‘(g) INCORPORATION OF MANAGEMENT are received by the agency; PROJECT. (a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section PLANS.—In carrying out a contract or agree- (B) the status of the review; is to establish a biomass demonstration ment under this section, on receipt of a re- (C) the date the application or permit is project for federally recognized Indian tribes quest from an Indian tribe, the Secretary considered complete and ready for review; and Alaska Native corporations to promote shall incorporate into the contract or agree- (D) the date of approval; and biomass energy production. ment, to the maximum extent practicable, (E) the start and end dates for any signifi- (b) TRIBAL BIOMASS DEMONSTRATION management plans (including forest manage- cant delays in the review process; PROJECT.—The Tribal Forest Protection Act ment and integrated resource management (5) tracks in the databases, for all energy- of 2004 (25 U.S.C. 3115a et seq.) is amended— plans) in effect on the Indian forest land or related leases, agreements, applications, and (1) in section 2(a), by striking ‘‘In this sec- rangeland of the respective Indian tribe. permits that involve multiple agency re- tion’’ and inserting ‘‘In this Act’’; and ‘‘(h) TERM.—A contract or agreement en- view— (2) by adding at the end the following: tered into under this section— (A) the dates documents are transferred be- ‘‘SEC. 3. TRIBAL BIOMASS DEMONSTRATION ‘‘(1) shall be for a term of not more than 20 tween agencies; PROJECT. years; and (B) the status of the review; ‘‘(a) STEWARDSHIP CONTRACTS OR SIMILAR ‘‘(2) may be renewed in accordance with (C) the date the required reviews are com- AGREEMENTS.—For each of fiscal years 2017 this section for not more than an additional pleted; and through 2021, the Secretary shall enter into 10 years.’’. (D) the date interim or final decisions are stewardship contracts or similar agreements (c) ALASKA NATIVE BIOMASS DEMONSTRA- issued. (excluding direct service contracts) with In- TION PROJECT.— (b) INCLUSIONS.—The report under sub- dian tribes to carry out demonstration (1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: section (a) shall include— projects to promote biomass energy produc- (A) FEDERAL LAND.—The term ‘‘Federal (1) a description of any intermediate and tion (including biofuel, heat, and electricity land’’ means— final deadlines for agency action on any Sec- generation) on Indian forest land and in (i) land of the National Forest System (as retarial review and approval required for In- nearby communities by providing reliable defined in section 11(a) of the Forest and dian conventional and renewable energy ex- supplies of woody biomass from Federal land. Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning ploration and development activities; ‘‘(b) DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS.—In each Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1609(a)) administered by (2) a description of the existing geographic fiscal year for which projects are authorized, the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through database established by the Bureau of Indian at least 4 new demonstration projects that the Chief of the Forest Service; and Affairs, explaining— meet the eligibility criteria described in sub- (ii) public lands (as defined in section 103 of (A) how the database identifies— section (c) shall be carried out under con- the Federal Land Policy and Management (i) the location and ownership of all Indian tracts or agreements described in subsection Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1702)), the surface of oil and gas resources held in trust; (a). which is administered by the Secretary of (ii) resources available for lease; and ‘‘(c) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.—To be eligible the Interior, acting through the Director of (iii) the location of— to enter into a contract or agreement under the Bureau of Land Management.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.017 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9787

(B) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘‘Indian tribe’’ (B) may be renewed in accordance with ‘‘(2) approve the appraisal unless the Sec- has the meaning given the term in section 4 this subsection for not more than an addi- retary determines that the appraisal fails to of the Indian Self-Determination and Edu- tional 10 years. meet the standards set forth in regulations cation Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304). SEC. 203. WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM. promulgated under subsection (d). (C) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ Section 413(d) of the Energy Conservation ‘‘(c) NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL.—If the Sec- means— and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6863(d)) is retary determines that an appraisal sub- (i) the Secretary of Agriculture, with re- amended— mitted for approval under subsection (b) spect to land under the jurisdiction of the (1) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting should be disapproved, the Secretary shall Forest Service; and the following: give written notice of the disapproval to the (ii) the Secretary of the Interior, with re- ‘‘(1) RESERVATION OF AMOUNTS.— Indian tribe and a description of— spect to land under the jurisdiction of the ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph ‘‘(1) each reason for the disapproval; and Bureau of Land Management. (B) and notwithstanding any other provision ‘‘(2) how the appraisal should be corrected (D) TRIBAL ORGANIZATION.—The term ‘‘trib- of this part, the Secretary shall reserve from or otherwise cured to meet the applicable al organization’’ has the meaning given the amounts that would otherwise be allocated standards set forth in the regulations pro- term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Deter- to a State under this part not less than 100 mulgated under subsection (d). mination and Education Assistance Act (25 percent, but not more than 150 percent, of an ‘‘(d) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall U.S.C. 5304). amount which bears the same proportion to promulgate regulations to carry out this sec- (2) AGREEMENTS.—For each of fiscal years the allocation of that State for the applica- tion, including standards the Secretary shall 2017 through 2021, the Secretary shall enter ble fiscal year as the population of all low- use for approving or disapproving the ap- into an agreement or contract with an In- income members of an Indian tribe in that praisal described in subsection (a).’’. dian tribe or a tribal organization to carry State bears to the population of all low-in- SEC. 205. LEASES OF RESTRICTED LANDS FOR out a demonstration project to promote bio- come individuals in that State. NAVAJO NATION. mass energy production (including biofuel, ‘‘(B) RESTRICTIONS.—Subparagraph (A) (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (e)(1) of the heat, and electricity generation) by pro- shall apply only if— first section of the Act of August 9, 1955 viding reliable supplies of woody biomass ‘‘(i) the tribal organization serving the (commonly known as the ‘‘Long-Term Leas- from Federal land. low-income members of the applicable Indian ing Act’’) (25 U.S.C. 415(e)(1)), is amended— (3) DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS.—In each fis- tribe requests that the Secretary make a (1) by striking ‘‘, except a lease for’’ and cal year for which projects are authorized, at grant directly; and inserting ‘‘, including a lease for’’; least 1 new demonstration project that ‘‘(ii) the Secretary determines that the (2) by striking subparagraph (A) and in- meets the eligibility criteria described in low-income members of the applicable Indian serting the following: paragraph (4) shall be carried out under con- tribe would be equally or better served by ‘‘(A) in the case of a business or agricul- tracts or agreements described in paragraph making a grant directly than a grant made tural lease, 99 years;’’; (2). to the State in which the low-income mem- (3) in subparagraph (B), by striking the pe- (4) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.—To be eligible to bers reside. riod at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and enter into a contract or agreement under ‘‘(C) PRESUMPTION.—If the tribal organiza- (4) by adding at the end the following: this subsection, an Indian tribe or tribal or- tion requesting the grant is a tribally des- ‘‘(C) in the case of a lease for the explo- ganization shall submit to the Secretary an ignated housing entity (as defined in section ration, development, or extraction of any application— mineral resource (including geothermal re- (A) containing such information as the 4 of the Native American Housing Assistance sources), 25 years, except that— Secretary may require; and and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. ‘‘(i) any such lease may include an option (B) that includes a description of the dem- 4103)) that has operated without material to renew for 1 additional term of not to ex- onstration project proposed to be carried out audit exceptions (or without any material ceed 25 years; and by the Indian tribe or tribal organization. audit exceptions that were not corrected ‘‘(ii) any such lease for the exploration, de- (5) SELECTION.—In evaluating the applica- within a 3-year period), the Secretary shall tions submitted under paragraph (4), the Sec- presume that the low-income members of the velopment, or extraction of an oil or gas re- retary shall— applicable Indian tribe would be equally or source shall be for a term of not to exceed 10 (A) take into consideration whether a pro- better served by making a grant directly to years, plus such additional period as the posed project would— the tribal organization than by a grant made Navajo Nation determines to be appropriate (i) increase the availability or reliability to the State in which the low-income mem- in any case in which an oil or gas resource is of local or regional energy; bers reside.’’; produced in a paying quantity.’’. (ii) enhance the economic development of (2) in paragraph (2)— (b) GAO REPORT.—Not later than 5 years the Indian tribe; (A) by striking ‘‘The sums’’ and inserting after the date of enactment of this Act, the (iii) result in or improve the connection of ‘‘ADMINISTRATION.—The amounts’’; Comptroller General of the United States electric power transmission facilities serving (B) by striking ‘‘on the basis of his deter- shall prepare and submit to Congress a re- the Indian tribe with other electric trans- mination’’; port describing the progress made in car- mission facilities; (C) by striking ‘‘individuals for whom such rying out the amendment made by sub- (iv) improve the forest health or water- a determination has been made’’ and insert- section (a). sheds of Federal land or non-Federal land; ing ‘‘low-income members of the Indian SEC. 206. EXTENSION OF TRIBAL LEASE PERIOD (v) demonstrate new investments in infra- tribe’’; and FOR THE CROW TRIBE OF MONTANA. structure; or (D) by striking ‘‘he’’ and inserting ‘‘the Subsection (a) of the first section of the (vi) otherwise promote the use of woody Secretary’’; and Act of August 9, 1955 (25 U.S.C. 415(a)), is biomass; and (3) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘In order’’ amended in the second sentence by inserting (B) exclude from consideration any mer- and inserting ‘‘APPLICATION.—In order’’. ‘‘, land held in trust for the Crow Tribe of chantable logs that have been identified by SEC. 204. APPRAISALS. Montana’’ after ‘‘Devils Lake Sioux Reserva- the Secretary for commercial sale. (a) IN GENERAL.—Title XXVI of the Energy tion’’. (6) IMPLEMENTATION.—The Secretary Policy Act of 1992 (25 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) is SEC. 207. TRUST STATUS OF LEASE PAYMENTS. shall— amended by adding at the end the following: (a) DEFINITION OF SECRETARY.—In this sec- (A) ensure that the criteria described in ‘‘SEC. 2607. APPRAISALS. tion, the term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- paragraph (4) are publicly available by not ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—For any transaction retary of the Interior. later than 120 days after the date of enact- that requires approval of the Secretary and (b) TREATMENT OF LEASE PAYMENTS.— ment of this subsection; and involves mineral or energy resources held in (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in (B) to the maximum extent practicable, trust by the United States for the benefit of paragraph (2) and at the request of the In- consult with Indian tribes and appropriate an Indian tribe or by an Indian tribe subject dian tribe or individual Indian, any advance tribal organizations likely to be affected in to Federal restrictions against alienation, payments, bid deposits, or other earnest developing the application and otherwise any appraisal relating to fair market value money received by the Secretary in connec- carrying out this subsection. of those resources required to be prepared tion with the review and Secretarial ap- (7) REPORT.—Not later than September 20, under applicable law may be prepared by— proval under any other Federal law (includ- 2019, the Secretary shall submit to Congress ‘‘(1) the Secretary; ing regulations) of a sale, lease, permit, or a report that describes, with respect to the ‘‘(2) the affected Indian tribe; or any other conveyance of any interest in any reporting period— ‘‘(3) a certified, third-party appraiser pur- trust or restricted land of any Indian tribe or (A) each individual application received suant to a contract with the Indian tribe. individual Indian shall, upon receipt and under this subsection; and ‘‘(b) SECRETARIAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL.— prior to Secretarial approval of the contract (B) each contract and agreement entered Not later than 45 days after the date on or conveyance instrument, be held in the into pursuant to this subsection. which the Secretary receives an appraisal trust fund system for the benefit of the In- (8) TERM.—A contract or agreement en- prepared by or for an Indian tribe under dian tribe and individual Indian from whose tered into under this subsection— paragraph (2) or (3) of subsection (a), the Sec- land the funds were generated. (A) shall be for a term of not more than 20 retary shall— (2) RESTRICTION.—If the advance payment, years; and ‘‘(1) review the appraisal; and bid deposit, or other earnest money received

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.017 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 by the Secretary results from competitive caretakers of their lands. This is what There was no objection. bidding, upon selection of the successful bid- Tribal self-determination is all about: Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. der, only the funds paid by the successful empowering Native communities with Speaker, I rise today in support of the bidder shall be held in the trust fund system. the tools and authority to manage Indian Tribal Energy Development and (c) USE OF FUNDS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—On the approval of the their resources. Self-Determination Act Amendments Secretary of a contract or other instrument S. 245 makes important progress in and, specifically, the Tribal biomass for a sale, lease, permit, or any other con- this effort. The bill incorporates a vari- demonstration provision. veyance described in subsection (b)(1), the ety of policy changes to enhance Indian Mr. Speaker, in the Northwest, we funds held in the trust fund system and de- energy development. This includes ex- rely on baseload renewables like bio- scribed in subsection (b), along with all in- panding the ability of the Department mass. In recent years, we have seen come generated from the investment of those of Energy to provide technical assist- catastrophic fires in the Pacific North- funds, shall be disbursed to the Indian tribe west devastating our natural resources. or individual Indian landowners. ance to tribes and Tribal organizations When we expand these biomass op- (2) ADMINISTRATION.—If a contract or other for energy projects, improving the De- instrument for a sale, lease, permit, or any partment of the Interior’s process for tions, we can reduce forest fire risk by other conveyance described in subsection approving energy resource agreements, keeping our forests healthier, while (b)(1) is not approved by the Secretary, the and requiring FERC to give tribes also creating a stable energy source. I funds held in the trust fund system and de- equal footing with municipalities for believe that our Tribes can and should scribed in subsection (b), along with all in- hydroelectric licenses. be taking a leading role in this effort. come generated from the investment of those I am also pleased that the bill in- In 2015, eastern Washington was dev- funds, shall be paid to the party identified cludes a Tribal biomass demonstration astated by the wildfires burning more in, and in such amount and on such terms as than a million acres in our State and set out in, the applicable regulations, adver- program that mirrors a provision in tisement, or other notice governing the pro- my Native American Energy Act. devastating the Colville Tribe’s res- posed conveyance of the interest in the land I appreciate Chairman HOEVEN’s will- ervation. Following that, I joined the at issue. ingness to continue to work on Indian late Colville Tribal chairman, Jim (d) APPLICABILITY.—This section shall energy and his commitment to hold a Boyd, and authored an op-ed in the Se- apply to any advance payment, bid deposit, hearing on my Native American En- attle Times advocating for the Tribes or other earnest money received by the Sec- to have more tools to manage their retary in connection with the review and ergy Act in 2019. My bill can serve as Secretarial approval under any other Fed- the foundation for the next step in pro- lands. eral law (including regulations) of a sale, moting Indian energy. I urge my col- This legislation will allow them to lease, permit, or any other conveyance of leagues to support passage of this bill. take a more active role as it relates to any interest in any trust or restricted land Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield biomass. This new authority allows of any Indian tribe or individual Indian on or myself such time as I may consume. Tribes to secure agreements with Fed- after the date of enactment of this Act. Mr. Speaker, we talk a lot about lev- eral land managers, with terms up to 30 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- eling the playing field when it comes to years, to enable long-term investment ant to the rule, the gentleman from economic development on Tribal lands. in and local commu- Utah (Mr. BISHOP) and the gentleman Passage of S. 245, the Indian Tribal En- nities. from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will ergy Development and Self-Determina- Tribal land management practices control 20 minutes. tion Act Amendments of 2017, will help are widely acknowledged as more flexi- The Chair recognizes the gentleman achieve that goal in the area of energy ble and more effective than those on from Utah. development. other Federal land. GENERAL LEAVE Tribes have stated for years that the I look forward to working with the Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I many Federal laws governing the de- U.S. Forest Service and the Tribes to ask unanimous consent that all Mem- velopment of Tribal energy resources make sure that this authority is imple- bers may have 5 legislative days in are complex and often lead to signifi- mented quickly, and I urge my col- which to revise and extend their re- cant costs, delays, and uncertainties leagues to pass this legislation to pro- marks and include extraneous material for all parties. This tends to discourage vide flexibility in how we effectively on the bill under consideration. development of Tribal trust energy re- manage our land for the benefit of so The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sources and drive development invest- many within our local communities. objection to the request of the gen- Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield tleman from Utah? ments to private or non-Tribal lands, resulting in Tribes losing out on much- myself such time as I may consume. There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, based on recent con- Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I needed revenue and jobs. versations with the Committee on En- yield such time as he may consume to S. 245 will provide Tribes with great- ergy and Commerce Democratic staff, I the gentleman from Alaska (Mr. er control and flexibility in developing would also like to note that the Senate YOUNG). Much of his bill is incor- and managing both their traditional has included an amendment to the Fed- porated in this. He has been a long- and renewable energy resources, so I eral Power Act in this bill that con- time champion and supporter of this ef- am happy to support this bill today. fort. But this is just a start. tains the definition of the term ‘‘Indian (Mr. YOUNG of Alaska asked and was In the next Congress, I hope we can Tribe’’ for the purposes of section 7(a) given permission to revise and extend work together to pass legislation that of the act. The intent of the Senate his remarks.) addresses the other disparities that seems to be to ensure that Alaska Na- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, hinder Tribal economic development as tives are included within that term. first, I would like to thank the chair- well as incentivize renewable energy The Federal Energy Regulatory Com- man very much for bringing this legis- development on Tribal lands. mission, or FERC, currently and his- lation to the floor. It is a Senate bill Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of torically has interpreted the term ‘‘In- very much like the bill I introduced my time. dian Tribe’’ in the Federal Power Act to include Alaska Native villages or re- that came out of the committee. b 1630 The bill promotes energy projects gional or village corporations. Explic- critical for economic development Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I itly including this reference in the areas around Indian Country. Native want to do two motions simulta- amended section 7(a) should in no way communities face a significant number neously here. I yield 4 minutes to the be interpreted to exclude Alaska Na- of obstacles to developing and deliv- gentlewoman from Washington (Mrs. tive villages or regional or village cor- ering energy on their land. Ultimately, MCMORRIS RODGERS), and I ask unani- porations within the meaning of the the lack of affordable energy under- mous consent that the remainder of term ‘‘Indian Tribe’’ elsewhere in this mines efforts to promote social and the time be managed by the gentleman act. economic well-being in these commu- from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG). Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance nities. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there of my time. I have always said Alaska Natives objection to the request of the gen- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I and American Indians are the best tleman from Utah? yield back the balance of my time.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:41 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.017 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9789 Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, section est management. Compared to federal land (B) impose any obligation, term, or condi- 202(b) of S. 245, the ‘‘Tribal Biomass Dem- managers, tribes find increased forest man- tion on the Consortium; or onstration Project Act,’’ amends the Tribal For- agement efficiencies in the tiered environ- (C) allow for any reversionary interest of the United States in the property. est Protection Act of 2004 (TFPA) to include mental compliance afforded by tribal Inte- new authority that directs the Secretary (of Ag- grated Resource Management Plans and the SEC. 3. PROPERTY DESCRIBED. riculture or the Interior) to enter into a min- limitation on third party appeals in Bureau of The property, including all land and appur- tenances, described in this section is the imum number of contracts or agreements with Indian Affairs forestry regulations (which are property included in U.S. Survey 1496, Lots 3, Indian tribes to enable the tribes to carry out incorporated into tribal forest management 5, 6, 9, 10, 11A, 11A Parcel A, and 11B, par- various activities on Federal land. Unlike the plans). These and other on-reservation man- tially surveyed Township 55 South, Range 63 current TFPA, which is discretionary, the Sec- agement practices could and should be in- East of the Copper River Meridian, con- retary must enter into agreements with tribes cluded in agreements under Section 202 at a taining 19.07 acres, in Sitka, Alaska. under this new authority. These activities will tribes’ request. SEC. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY. benefit the Indian tribes that enter into the On a final note, nothing in the TFPA or the (a) LIABILITY.— agreements as well as the surrounding com- amendments made to the TFPA under Sec. (1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any munities, and they will promote healthy forests 202 of S. 245 provide, or imply a provision, for other provision of law, the Consortium shall to stem the plague of wildfires afflicting many tribal management of non-tribal interests in not be liable for any soil, surface water, groundwater, or other contamination result- Western communities, tribal and non-tribal Federal land (and non-tribal users of such ing from the disposal, release, or presence of alike. land) beyond the specific forest management- any environmental contamination on any As an initial matter, Section 202(e) requires related functions set forth in the Act. portion of the property described in section 3 the Secretary to consult with tribes and tribal The SPEAKER pro tempore. The on or before the date on which the property organizations in developing the eligibility cri- question is on the motion offered by is conveyed to the Consortium, except that teria and to make the criteria public within 120 the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) the Secretary shall not be liable for any con- days of enactment. It is critical that the Sec- that the House suspend the rules and tamination that occurred after the date on retary meet this deadline to ensure that tribes pass the bill, S. 245. which the Consortium controlled, occupied, and used such property. The question was taken; and (two- are able to submit applications for projects in (2) ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION.—An the remainder of fiscal year 2019. thirds being in the affirmative) the environmental contamination described in As provided in the bill, in evaluating tribal rules were suspended and the bill was paragraph (1) includes any oil or petroleum projects, the Secretary is directed to weigh passed. products, hazardous substances, hazardous several factors. Given the severe impact of A motion to reconsider was laid on materials, hazardous waste, pollutants, toxic wildfires over the past decade, the importance the table. substances, solid waste, or any other envi- of one of the factors, improving the forest ronmental contamination or hazard as de- f fined in any Federal or State of Alaska law. health of Federal land, cannot be emphasized (b) EASEMENT.—The Secretary shall be ac- enough. For example, in August of 2015, two SOUTHEAST ALASKA REGIONAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM LAND corded any easement or access to the prop- wildfires burned more than 255,000 acres of erty conveyed under this Act as may be rea- the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington TRANSFER ACT OF 2017 sonably necessary to satisfy any retained ob- State. The fires burned nearly 20 percent of Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I ligation or liability of the Secretary. the reservation land base and more than 800 move to suspend the rules and pass the (c) NOTICE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE AC- million board feet of timber, making it the most bill (S. 825) to provide for the convey- TIVITY AND WARRANTY.—In carrying out this damaging fire event in history in terms of ance of certain property to the South- Act, the Secretary shall comply with sub- board feet of timber lost on any Indian res- paragraphs (A) and (B) of section 120(h)(3) of east Alaska Regional Health Consor- the Comprehensive Environmental Response, ervation. As noted in a November 8, 2015, tium located in Sitka, Alaska, and for Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 column in the Seattle Times by then-Colville other purposes. U.S.C. 9620(h)(3)). Chairman Jim Boyd and the Gentlelady from The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Washington, the Honorable CATHY MCMORRIS The text of the bill is as follows: ant to the rule, the gentleman from RODGERS, the damage to the Colville Reserva- S. 825 Alaska (Mr. YOUNG) and the gentleman tion was amplified because major fire-suppres- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will sion resources were tied up suppressing fires resentatives of the United States of America in control 20 minutes. on undermanaged areas of nearby National Congress assembled, The Chair recognizes the gentleman Forest land, leaving the Colville Reservation SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. from Alaska. with little protection. The Secretary should, ac- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Southeast cordingly, give strong weight to tribal pro- Alaska Regional Health Consortium Land GENERAL LEAVE posals that will improve the forest health on Transfer Act of 2017’’. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I Federal land and protect tribal lands. SEC. 2. CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Finally, Section 202(b) requires the Sec- (a) IN GENERAL.—As soon as practicable, bers may have 5 legislative days in retary to incorporate, at a tribe’s request and but not later than 2 years, after the date of which to revise and extend their re- enactment of this Act, the Secretary of to the maximum extent practicable, the tribe’s marks and include extraneous mate- Health and Human Services (referred to in rials on the bill under consideration. on-reservation management plans in the con- this Act as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall convey to tracts or agreements under which the tribe will the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there perform the activities on Federal land. The re- sortium located in Sitka, Alaska (referred to objection to the request of the gen- quirement that on-reservation management in this Act as the ‘‘Consortium’’), all right, tleman from Alaska? plans be incorporated into tribal activities on title, and interest of the United States in There was no objection. Federal land is an extension of what Congress and to the property described in section 3 for Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I has already required. For example, since its use in connection with health and social yield myself such time as I may con- services programs. enactment in 1976, Section 202(b) of the Fed- sume. (b) EFFECT ON ANY QUITCLAIM DEED.—The Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support eral Land Policy and Management Act has re- conveyance by the Secretary of title by war- quired the U.S. Forest Service to coordinate ranty deeds under this section shall, on the of S. 825, the Southeast Alaska Re- the lands use plans for National Forest Sys- effective date of the conveyance, supersede gional Health Consortium Land Trans- tem lands with tribal management practices. and render of no future effect any quitclaim fer Act of 2017. As highlighted over the years in numerous deed to the property described in section 3 The consortium provides comprehen- Committee on Natural Resources hearings, executed by the Secretary and the Consor- sive healthcare to Native communities tribal land management practices are widely tium. throughout Alaska’s panhandle. It also acknowledged as more flexible and as having (c) CONDITIONS.—The conveyance of the delivers healthcare on behalf of the property under this Act— forest health outcomes superior to those in ef- (1) shall be made by warranty deed; and Federal Government through self-de- fect on non-tribal Federal land. The Committee (2) shall not— termination compacting. on Natural Resources examined this at an (A) require any consideration from the The consortium operates Mt. April 10, 2014, oversight hearing on tribal for- Consortium for the property; Edgecumbe Hospital in Sitka, a 25-bed,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.018 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9790 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 critical-access facility. The hospital COMMERCIAL ENGAGEMENT portable instrumentation for the operation was constructed towards the end of THROUGH OCEAN TECHNOLOGY of unmanned maritime systems and other World War II. It is in dire need of up- ACT OF 2018 types of systems. (6) UNMANNED MARITIME SYSTEMS.— dating due to its age and condition. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I For the consortium to secure financ- (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘unmanned move to suspend the rules and pass the maritime systems’’ means remotely operated ing for the project to update the condi- bill (S. 2511) to require the Under Sec- or autonomous vehicles produced by the tions of the facilities, they need land retary of Commerce for Oceans and At- commercial sector— on the hospital campus, which is cur- mosphere to carry out a program on (i) designed to function without an on- rently held by IHS, conveyed by war- coordinating the assessment and acqui- board human presence; and (ii) that may include associated compo- ranty deed. sition by the National Oceanic and At- S. 825 is a companion bill to my bill, nents such as control and communications, mospheric Administration of un- H.R. 1901. Simply, it would transfer 19 instrumentation, data transmission, and manned maritime systems, to make acres of Federal land to the consor- processing systems. available to the public data collected (B) EXAMPLES.—The term ‘‘unmanned mar- tium, allowing them to update and im- by the Administration using such sys- itime systems’’ includes the following: prove healthcare services for Alaska tems, and for other purposes, as (i) Unmanned undersea vehicles. Natives. (ii) Unmanned surface vehicles. From the 112th to the 114th Congress, amended. The Clerk read the title of the bill. (iii) Autonomous underwater vehicles. three of my bills that authorized simi- The text of the bill is as follows: (iv) Autonomous surface vehicles. lar land transfers for different entities (C) TREATMENT OF AERIAL VEHICLES.—The were signed into law. These bills were S. 2511 term ‘‘unmanned maritime systems’’ in- nearly identical to S. 825. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- cludes unmanned aerial vehicles and autono- Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank resentatives of the United States of America in mous aerial vehicles that are used to address Congress assembled, maritime issues to the extent the Adminis- Chairman BISHOP and his staff for mov- trator determines it is necessary and appro- ing this bill through committee. I SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as priate to achieve the purposes of this Act. would also like to thank Ranking the ‘‘Commercial Engagement Through SEC. 3. COORDINATION REGARDING ASSESS- Member GRIJALVA and his staff for Ocean Technology Act of 2018’’ or the MENT AND ACQUISITION BY NA- their bipartisan work on this legisla- ‘‘ Act of 2018’’. TIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOS- tion. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- PHERIC ADMINISTRATION OF UN- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to tents for this Act is as follows: MANNED MARITIME SYSTEMS. support the passage of this bill, and I Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Administrator reserve the balance of my time. Sec. 2. Definitions. shall direct the Office of Oceanic and Atmos- Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Sec. 3. Coordination regarding assessment pheric Research (in this Act referred to as myself such time as I may consume. and acquisition by National ‘‘OAR’’) and the Office of Marine and Avia- Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- tion Operations (in this Act referred to as Mr. Speaker, the Southeast Alaska ‘‘OMAO’’)— Regional Health Consortium, composed ministration of unmanned mar- itime systems. (1) to coordinate the Administration’s re- of 18 Native communities, is one of the Sec. 4. Regular assessment of unmanned search, assessment, and acquisition of un- oldest and largest Native-run health maritime systems to support manned maritime systems; and organizations in the Nation. The con- National Oceanic and Atmos- (2) to consider the use of unmanned mari- sortium operates the Mt. Edgecumbe pheric Administration mis- time systems in cooperative activities of the Hospital in Sitka, Alaska, which serves sions. Administration. as a regional hospital for people Sec. 5. Acquisition of unmanned maritime (b) COORDINATION WITHIN THE ADMINISTRA- throughout southeast Alaska. systems. TION.— At 67 years old, the Mt. Edgecumbe Sec. 6. Reports on unmanned maritime sys- (1) UNMANNED SYSTEMS EXECUTIVE OVER- tems and usage for mission of SIGHT BOARD.—In meeting the requirements Hospital is the oldest facility in Alaska the National Oceanic and At- described in subsection (a), the Adminis- and one of the oldest in the Nation. As mospheric Administration. trator shall— such, it is in dire need of updates and Sec. 7. Funding and additional authorities. (A) utilize the Unmanned Systems Execu- repairs. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. tive Oversight Board (in this Act referred to However, the title to the hospital is In this Act: as the ‘‘USEOB’’) as the coordinating mecha- currently held by the Indian Health (1) ADMINISTRATION.—The term ‘‘Adminis- nism; and Service. In order to obtain the financ- tration’’ means the National Oceanic and At- (B) ensure that OAR and OMAO address re- ing necessary to facilitate the renova- mospheric Administration. quirements throughout the Administration. tions, it is necessary for the consor- (2) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘Adminis- (2) INCLUDED.—In utilizing the USEOB under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall tium to hold unencumbered warranty trator’’ means the Under Secretary of Com- merce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Ad- ensure that representation on the USEOB is title to the land. S. 825 will convey the ministrator of the National Oceanic and At- included from the following: land to the consortium by warranty mospheric Administration. (A) The Office of Ocean Exploration (OER). title to ensure that the process moves (3) COOPERATIVE ACTIVITIES OF THE ADMINIS- (B) The program office of the Integrated forward. TRATION.—The terms ‘‘cooperative activities Ocean Observing System. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to of the Administration’’ means cooperative (C) Such other offices of the Administra- support this legislation, and I yield activities between the Administration and tion as the Administrator determines are ac- back the balance of my time. an external entity, such as the Cooperative tively engaged with unmanned maritime sys- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I Institutes, Sea Grant Colleges, National Es- tems. have no more speakers, and I yield tuarine Research Reserves, the National (c) COORDINATION WITH THE NAVY.— back the balance of my time. Oceanographic Partnership Program estab- (1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out this Act, lished under chapter 665 of title 10, United the Administrator shall— The SPEAKER pro tempore. The States Code, and regional associations of the (A) make efforts to coordinate with the question is on the motion offered by Integrated Ocean Observing System. Secretary of the Navy to leverage expertise the gentleman from Alaska (Mr. (4) DATA SPECIFICATIONS.—The term ‘‘data in the development and operational transi- YOUNG) that the House suspend the specifications’’ shall refer to the type, reso- tion of unmanned maritime systems; rules and pass the bill, S. 825. lution, periodicity, and quality of data re- (B) align with, utilize, and inform the Dep- The question was taken. quired by an program of the Administration. uty Under Secretary of Commerce for Oper- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the (5) TEST OR TRAINING RANGE.— ations and the Oceanographer of the Navy’s opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘test or train- strategic and operational priorities, particu- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ing range’’ means an area designated for op- larly for missions and geography within the Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, erating unmanned maritime systems and Administration’s purview; other types of systems for the purpose of— (C) seek to utilize Naval unmanned sys- on that I demand the yeas and nays. (i) evaluating the performance of such sys- tems test or training ranges, such as the The yeas and nays were ordered. tems; or Gulf of Unmanned Systems Test and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (ii) training personnel on operating proce- Training Range of the Naval Meteorology ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- dures for such systems. and Oceanography Command, and maximize ceedings on this motion will be post- (B) INCLUSIONS.—The term ‘‘test or train- interagency cooperation and sharing of best poned. ing range’’ may include specialized fixed or practices; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.033 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9791 (D) to formalize coordination, execute a (1) to support the commercialization of un- ministration, a summary of the data they memorandum of understanding with the Sec- manned maritime systems; and have returned, and the benefits realized from retary of the Navy that includes— (2) to assist with their assessment of com- having such data. (i) incorporating consideration of priorities mercially available unmanned maritime sys- (2) A prioritized list of data requirements and requirements of the Administration into tems to support the missions and goals of of the Administration that could be met research and development activities con- the Navy, the Administration, and coopera- with unmanned maritime systems, and the ducted by the Secretary of the Navy; tive activities of the Administration. commercially available unmanned maritime (ii) consultation intended to encourage and SEC. 4. REGULAR ASSESSMENT OF UNMANNED systems with the operational capabilities to facilitate efforts by the Administration to MARITIME SYSTEMS TO SUPPORT collect such data. NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOS- partner with the Navy to procure unmanned (c) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES OF CONGRESS maritime systems and to establish, instru- PHERIC ADMINISTRATION MISSIONS. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator, act- DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘appro- ment, and operate test or training ranges ing through the Assistant Administrator for priate committees of Congress’’ means— and related facilities; Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and the (1) the Committee on Appropriations, the (iii) adopting procedures defined by the Director of the Office of Marine and Aviation Committee on Armed Services, and the Com- Secretary of the Navy for the Administra- Operations and the National Oceanic and At- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tion to access and utilize test or training mospheric Administration Commissioned Of- tation of the Senate; and ranges or related Naval facilities for pur- ficer Corps, shall regularly assess publicly (2) the Committee on Appropriations, the poses identified in paragraph (2)(B); and and commercially available unmanned mari- Committee on Armed Services, the Com- (iv) such other topics as the Administrator time systems for potential use to support mittee on Natural Resources, and the Com- considers necessary or advisable, including missions of the Administration. mittee on Science, Space, and Technology of mapping, bathymetry, observations, and (b) SCIENCE-BASED ASSESSMENTS.—The Ad- the House of Representatives. ocean exploration. ministrator shall carry out subsection (a) (2) LOCATION.—The Administrator shall, if through the Assistant Administrator for all SEC. 7. FUNDING AND ADDITIONAL AUTHORI- practicable, carry out the activities author- matters relating to assessment of the suit- TIES. ized by this Act at a facility where the Navy ability, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness of (a) FUNDING.—The Administrator shall and the Administration are co-located, for unmanned maritime systems to meet data carry out this Act using existing amounts the following purposes: specifications required by programs of the appropriated or otherwise made available to (A) Gaining efficiencies through collabora- Administration. the Administration. (c) ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIONAL UTILITY.— tion. (b) ADDITIONAL AUTHORITIES.—In carrying (B) Advancing development of unmanned The Administrator shall carry out sub- section (a) through the Director for all mat- out this Act, the Administrator may— maritime systems, including— ters relating to assessment of whether un- (1) enter into contracts, cooperative agree- (i) systems research and development; manned maritime systems are operationally ments, and other transactions with any do- (ii) systems testing; reliable, feasible, and cost effective enough mestic or foreign government; (iii) systems modifications; and to make observations required by programs (2) notwithstanding section 1342 of title 31, (iv) systems integration. of the Administration. United States Code, accept donations and (C) Accelerating transition from concept (d) ENGAGEMENT.—The Assistant Adminis- voluntary and uncompensated services; to manufacturing and acquisition. trator and the Director shall jointly— (3) accept funds from other Federal depart- (d) COORDINATION WITH OTHER FEDERAL (1) convene and consult the Unmanned ments and agencies; AGENCIES.—In carrying out this Act, the Ad- Maritime Systems Ocean Technology Coordi- (4) utilize the National Oceanographic ministrator and the Secretary of the Navy nating Committee established under section Partnership Program established under may utilize the National Oceanographic 3(b); and chapter 665 of title 10, United States Code, to Partnership Program, established under (2) consult with the heads of other offices accept funds from other Federal departments chapter 665 of title 10, United States Code, as of the Administration, the academic sector, a mechanism for providing interagency co- and agencies, to accept donations, and to and developers and manufacturers of un- enter into contracts and award grants; ordination for the advancement of unmanned manned maritime systems to conduct the as- maritime systems. (5) under an agreement entered into under sessments under subsection (a). (e) COORDINATION WITH ACADEMIC SECTOR.— paragraph (1), transfer funds appropriated to In carrying out this Act, the Administrator, SEC. 5. ACQUISITION OF UNMANNED MARITIME carry our this Act to any organization; and SYSTEMS. (6) use, with their consent, with or without in consultation with the Secretary of the (a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall Navy, may coordinate and co-locate with an reimbursement, and subject to the avail- coordinate and centralize the acquisition by ability of appropriations, the land, services, academic research institution, or consor- the Administration of unmanned maritime equipment, personnel, and facilities of— tium of academic research institutions, for systems to meet the prioritized list of data (A) any department, agency, or instrumen- the following purposes: requirements identified by OAR and OMAO tality of the United States; (1) Maximizing opportunities for research in carrying out this Act in their regular as- and development of unmanned maritime sys- sessments and approved by the USEOB. (B) any State or local government or tribal tems. (b) MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING.—In government; or (2) Providing training in unmanned mari- order to realize greater savings and effi- (C) any foreign government or inter- time systems as part of an accredited certifi- ciency, the Administrator may develop and national organization. cate or degree program of education. execute a memorandum of agreement with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (3) Facilitating the commercialization of the Secretary of the Navy to— unmanned maritime systems through public- (1) participate in procurements conducted ant to the rule, the gentleman from private partnerships that includes academic by the signatories to the memorandum of Alaska (Mr. YOUNG) and the gentleman research institutions, private industry, and understanding; from Arizona (Mr. GALLEGO) each will public safety agencies. (2) accept decommissioned unmanned mar- control 20 minutes. (4) Arranging access to and use of addi- itime systems from the Navy; The Chair recognizes the gentleman (3) develop policies and procedures to share tional facilities that support testing and as- from Alaska. sessment of or training with respect to un- unmanned maritime systems; or manned maritime systems under environ- (4) provide for other means of creating effi- GENERAL LEAVE mental conditions of interest, increasing ciency and savings in Federal acquisition of operational tolerance under such conditions, unmanned maritime systems. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I certifying operational capacity under such (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in ask unanimous consent that all Mem- conditions, whether real or simulated, and this Act shall be construed to modify Fed- bers may have 5 legislative days in training operators of unmanned maritime eral procurement law. which to revise and extend their re- systems in real or simulated environments. SEC. 6. REPORTS ON UNMANNED MARITIME SYS- marks and include extraneous mate- (5) Facilitating engagement with other TEMS AND USAGE FOR MISSION OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT- rials on the bill under consideration. academic institutions with interest or rel- MOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there evant expertise in unmanned maritime sys- (a) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out this Act, tems. the Administrator shall, not later than one objection to the request of the gen- (6) Promoting information sharing between year after the date of the enactment of this tleman from Alaska? the academic, environmental, and military Act, and every 4 years thereafter, submit to There was no objection. institutions to lead to more robust, mission- the appropriate committees of Congress a re- oriented unmanned maritime systems. port on the usage of unmanned maritime Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I (f) ENGAGEMENT WITH THE PRIVATE SEC- systems for the mission of the Administra- yield myself such time as I may con- TOR.—Other than as described in subsection tion. sume, and I rise in strong support of (e), the Administrator, in consultation with (b) CONTENTS.—Each report submitted the legislation. the Secretary of the Navy, may, in carrying under subsection (a) shall include, for the pe- out this Act, to the extent practicable, co- riod covered by the report, the following: Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the ordinate and consult with the private sec- (1) An inventory of current unmanned mar- gentleman from Mississippi (Mr. tor— itime systems used by programs of the Ad- PALAZZO).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.020 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9792 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, I rise This is an important bill that em- the legislation which fall within its Rule X today in support of S. 2511, the Com- braces 21st century technology to ad- jurisdiction. The committee also reserves mercial Engagement Through Ocean dress the increasing challenges and the right to seek appointment to any House- Technology Act, as amended, also needs facing our oceans today. Senate conference on this legislation and re- quests your support if such a request is known as CENOTE. Mr. Speaker, this is a good bill. I made. This bicameral, bipartisan, and commend Senators WICKER and SCHATZ Please place this letter into the Congres- bicoastal legislation advances the Na- and Congressmen PALAZZO and PA- sional Record during consideration of the tional Oceanic Atmospheric Adminis- NETTA for their work on this bipartisan measure on the House floor. Thank you for tration’s use of unmanned maritime bill. the cooperative spirit in which you have systems by coordinating the private Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to worked regarding this matter and others be- and academic sectors with the Navy on join me in supporting passage of this tween our respective committees. evaluating unmanned maritime sys- bill, and I reserve the balance of my Sincerely, time. WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ THORNBERRY, tems technology and their utility in Chairman. science and management. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I The legislation highlights the unique yield myself such time as I may con- Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield role that nondefense interests such as sume. back the balance of my time. NOAA, academia, and the private sec- Mr. Speaker, at this time I would Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I tor play in the advancement of un- like to thank Chairman SMITH of the yield back the balance of my time. manned systems, which can gather a Science, Space, and Technology Com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The wide range of ocean data with fishery mittee; Chairman THORNBERRY of the question is on the motion offered by management, navigation, and eco- Armed Services Committee; and Con- the gentleman from Alaska (Mr. nomic benefits. Additionally, sensors gressman STEVEN PALAZZO, who spon- YOUNG) that the House suspend the can be utilized for dozens of meteoro- sored the House counterpart of this rules and pass the bill, S. 2511, as logical and oceanographic readings, in- legislation, for their cooperation in amended. cluding acoustics, water temperature, getting S. 2511 to the floor today. The question was taken; and (two- salinity, and much more. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of thirds being in the affirmative) the The evolution of unmanned systems my time. rules were suspended and the bill, as amended, was passed. continues to present opportunities to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, replace, enhance, and reinforce tradi- COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, A motion to reconsider was laid on tional tools and infrastructure, such as Washington, DC, December 10, 2018. the table. moorings and manned research vessels, Hon. MAC THORNBERRY, f Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, while minimizing operational costs. b 1645 Demand greatly outpaces supply in Washington, DC DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Majority Leader the fielding of these assets. Specifi- SECRET SERVICE OVERTIME PAY wishes to schedule S. 2511, the Commercial EXTENSION ACT cally, NOAA is charged with the dif- Engagement Through Ocean Technology Act ficult tasks of mapping, observing, and of 2018, for consideration under suspension of Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. exploring our oceans, which cover over the rules this week. This bill was primarily Speaker, I move to suspend the rules 70 percent of our Earth’s surface. It is referred to the Committee on Natural Re- and pass the bill (H.R. 6893) to amend no surprise, then, that 80 percent of our sources and additionally referred to the the Overtime Pay for Protective Serv- ocean is unmanned, unobserved, and Committee on Armed Services and the Com- ices Act of 2016 to extend the Secret mittee on Science, Space and Technology. unexplored. Because of the limitations I ask that the Committee on Armed Serv- Service overtime pay exception of funding and fielding, NOAA con- ices not insist on its referral of the bill so through 2019, and for other purposes, as tinues the slow process of mapping. that it may be considered on the Floor with amended. However, legislation like this can as- an amendment requested by the Committee The Clerk read the title of the bill. sist in the process. This legislation on Science, Space and Technology. This con- The text of the bill is as follows: would require NOAA to leverage the cession in no way affects your jurisdiction H.R. 6893 technical and procurement expertise of over the subject matter of the bill, and it will not serve as precedent for future refer- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the Navy and other partners to assess resentatives of the United States of America in existing capabilities and initiate acqui- rals. In addition, should a conference on the bill be necessary, I would support your re- Congress assembled, sition strategies. quest to have your committee represented on SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Ultimately, CENOTE is a win for de- the conference committee. Finally, I would This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Secret Serv- fense, commerce, fisheries, environ- be pleased to include this letter and your re- ice Overtime Pay Extension Act’’. mental monitoring, and research and sponse in the Congressional Record during SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF OVERTIME PAY EXCEP- disaster planning and recovery. debate on the bill. TION THROUGH 2020 FOR PROTEC- Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- Thank you for your consideration of my TIVE SERVICES. leagues to support this bill. request and for the extraordinary coopera- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 2 of the Overtime Finally, I want to thank Chairman tion shown by you and your staff over mat- Pay for Protective Services Act of 2016 (5 ters of shared jurisdiction. U.S.C. 5547 note), as amended by Public Law ROB BISHOP and his professional staff, Sincerely, 115–160, is further amended— Bill Ball, for assisting my office in ROB BISHOP, (1) in the section heading, by striking bringing this legislation to the floor. Chairman, ‘‘2018’’ and inserting ‘‘2020’’; Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Committee on Natural Resources. (2) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘or 2018’’ myself such time as I may consume. and inserting ‘‘2018, 2019, or 2020’’; and Mr. Speaker, S. 2511 directs NOAA to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, (3) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ‘‘and coordinate the use and data collection COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, 2018’’ and inserting ‘‘2018, 2019, and 2020’’. of unmanned maritime systems, in- Washington, DC, December 10, 2018. (b) REPORT ON EXTENSIONS.—Not later than cluding with the Navy. In addition, DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing to you January 30 of each of calendar years 2020 and concerning S. 2511, the ‘‘Commercial Engage- 2021, the Director of the Secret Service shall this bill directs NOAA to regularly as- ment Through Ocean Technology Act of submit to the Committees on Appropriations sess how these technologies can be used 2018.’’ There are certain provisions in the bill of the House of Representatives and the Sen- to support NOAA’s missions. which fall within the Rule X jurisdiction of ate, the Committee on Unmanned maritime systems are ex- the Committee on Armed Services. and the Committee on Oversight and Govern- citing new technologies that are re- In the interest of permitting your com- ment Reform of the House of Representa- motely operated or autonomous vehi- mittee to proceed expeditiously to floor con- tives, and the Committee on Homeland Secu- cles used to collect data for seafloor sideration of this important legislation, I am rity and Governmental Affairs of the Senate mapping, atmospheric conditions, wave willing to waive this committee’s further a report on the effects of the amendments consideration of S. 2511. I do so with the un- made by subsection (a). The report shall in- heights, water temperature, salinity, derstanding that by waiving consideration of clude, with respect to the previous calendar and carbon dioxide content. They can the bill, the Committee on Armed Services year, the information described under para- even be used to study marine mammals does not waive any future jurisdictional graphs (1) through (7) of section 2(c) of Pub- and help with fishery management. claim over the subject matters contained in lic Law 115–160.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.035 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9793 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- end of 2018 by the Secret Service Re- with the overtime pay that they have ant to the rule, the gentleman from cruitment and Retention Act. Without earned and that they deserve. Georgia (Mr. JODY B. HICE) and the a further extension, Secret Service per- In 2017, we passed legislation on a bi- gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. sonnel will once again be subject to the partisan basis to retroactively author- LYNCH) each will control 20 minutes. lower pay cap. ize overtime pay for the thousands of The Chair recognizes the gentleman H.R. 6893 extends the premium pay additional hours worked by Secret from Georgia. cap waiver to the end of 2020. Between Service employees in the midst of an GENERAL LEAVE 700 and 900 personnel will be eligible for extraordinarily taxing and extended Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. extra pay in 2019, while approximately 2016 Presidential campaign season. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that 1,150 will be eligible in 2020. Recognizing that the agency now all Members have 5 legislative days to The bill also continues a series of re- provides security details for a Presi- revise and extend their remarks and in- ports due to Congress on the premium dent with a larger First Family and clude extraneous material on the bill pay cap, to ensure its appropriate use. multiple and extensive travel sched- under consideration. Extending the premium pay cap ules, we subsequently passed legisla- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there waiver also gives time for the Govern- tion extending that authorization objection to the request of the gen- ment Accountability Office to com- through 2018. tleman from Georgia? plete ongoing review of the Secret As underscored by the Federal union There was no objection. Service’s staffing issues. representing rank-and-file Secret Serv- Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. Finally, it ensures the agency doesn’t ice agents, the 2020 Presidential cam- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I backtrack on staffing progress made to paign season is expected to involve the may consume. date. The Oversight and Government participation of multiple candidates Mr. Speaker, the U.S. Secret Service Reform Committee continues to main- who may require earlier Secret Service is the premier protective agency in the tain that the premium pay cap waiver protection than customary and include world. Secret Service agents and offi- cannot be a permanent change and that an extended Presidential primary cers play a vital role in defending the the Secret Service must fix its own cycle, thereby imposing further de- President, high-ranking government staffing issues and problems. mands on the already understaffed Se- officials, and events of national signifi- For now, however, I do urge my col- cret Service workforce. cance. leagues to support this bill, and I re- That is why our committee approved Protection is a round-the-clock job, serve the balance of my time. Representative STEVE RUSSELL’s legis- and Secret Service personnel often Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- lation to fund overtime pay for the Se- work extensive overtime to fulfill their self such time as I may consume. cret Service for calendar year 2019, as zero-fail mission. Mr. Speaker, first of all, I thank and well as an amendment introduced by Under current law, Federal employ- acknowledge the remarks of the gen- our full committee ranking member, ees across the government may not be tleman from Georgia on this bill. As the gentleman from Maryland, ELIJAH paid above an annual premium pay cap. ranking member of the Subcommittee CUMMINGS, to extend this authorization The cap consists of base pay, including on National Security, I also express my through the 2020 campaign year. I note locality pay, and premium pay, such as strong support for H.R. 6893, the Secret that the 2-year authorization request overtime. The cap is in place to ensure Service Overtime Pay Extension Act, was specifically supported by the Se- a hierarchy of pay so that frontline introduced by my friend STEVE RUS- cret Service. employees do not earn more than their SELL from Oklahoma, who is the chair- The hardworking men and women of supervisors who are ineligible for over- man of our subcommittee. the Secret Service put their lives on time pay. It also helps to control agen- In light of previous legislation re- the line every day and make tremen- cy spending on compensation. ported out of the Committee on Over- dous personal sacrifices for our coun- The cap, however, has led to issues at sight and Government Reform on a bi- try. Congress has a fundamental re- the Secret Service. Due to a staffing partisan basis, this bill would ensure sponsibility to provide the resources shortage and increased protective re- that the United States Secret Service that they need to do their jobs safely sponsibilities, Secret Service personnel retains the ability to provide overtime and successfully. are expected to work increasing pay to its dedicated workforce for the While I believe Congress should also amounts of overtime, causing them to additional work that agents will be re- spend some time working together on a hit the premium pay cap well in ad- quired to perform in 2019 and through permanent fix to this problem, I, never- vance of the end of the year. the 2020 Presidential election process. theless, stand proud to join my col- Secret Service personnel are ex- The bipartisan investigation con- leagues in this bipartisan effort to sup- pected to continue working once they ducted by our committee during the port the Secret Service in this effort. hit the cap, but they receive no extra 114th Congress examined how best to Mr. Speaker, I also urge my col- compensation for this work. This phe- strengthen the core protective mission leagues on both sides of the aisle to nomenon is known as maxing out at of the Secret Service. The Secret Serv- support this bill, and I reserve the bal- the agency, and it can cause morale ice is our Nation’s primary security ance of my time. and attrition problems. force for the protection of the Presi- Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. Committee staff recently traveled to dent, the First Family, Presidential Speaker, I yield myself the balance of observe Secret Service operations in candidates, and, when necessary, other my time. Europe. During that trip, the topic of elected officials and world leaders. Mr. Speaker, I will take just a mo- maxing out came up as an issue con- The Secret Service currently faces ment to give a huge thank you to the sistently on the minds of personnel in serious administrative challenges. Ac- sponsor of this bill, Mr. STEVE RUSSELL the field. The maxing out issue is ex- cording to the bipartisan report unani- from Oklahoma. Unfortunately, his pected to get worse in 2020, when the mously adopted by our committee in flight was delayed. I know he would burdens of the Presidential campaign 2016, chief among those challenges is a have loved to have been here to speak cycle cause a large increase in hours staffing crisis that poses perhaps the on this bill. I give a shout-out to him, worked by the Secret Service. greatest threat to the agency and that thanking him for his leadership here. In the previous Presidential election allowed a series of brazen security And also, as the gentleman from Mas- cycle, Congress raised the premium pay breaches during both the Obama and sachusetts mentioned, other cospon- cap for Secret Service personnel to the Trump administrations. sors, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mrs. WATSON Executive Schedule Level II, ensuring The safety and security of the Secret COLEMAN, the gentleman from New Secret Service personnel receive addi- Service mission demands that the Con- York (Mr. KATKO), and others, thanks tional compensation commensurate gress provide sufficient funding to re- to each of them. with the amount of time they must store the agency to adequate staffing Mr. Speaker, may the gentleman work. levels. At a minimum, we must first from Massachusetts be aware that I This waiver of the governmentwide ensure that the agency retains the have no further speakers, and I am pre- premium pay cap was extended to the basic ability to compensate its agents pared to close.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.039 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9794 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Sec. 104. Provision of information on re- TITLE I—EDUCATION my time. quired additional actions to SEC. 101. INCLUSION OF CERTAIN ADDITIONAL Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I have no allow individuals to stay en- PERIODS OF ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE further speakers. rolled in courses of education FOR PURPOSES OF SUSPENSION OF pending receipt of educational CHARGES TO ENTITLEMENT DURING Mr. Speaker, again, I urge my col- assistance from department of PERIODS OF SUSPENDED PARTICI- leagues on both sides of the aisle to veterans affairs. PATION IN DEPARTMENT OF VET- support this bill, and I yield back the ERANS AFFAIRS VOCATIONAL REHA- Sec. 105. Calculation of monthly housing sti- BILITATION PROGRAMS. balance of my time. pend under high technology Section 3105(e)(2) of title 38, United States Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. pilot program based on location Code, is amended by striking ‘‘or 12304’’ and Speaker, I also urge adoption of this of campus where veteran at- inserting ‘‘12304, 12304a, or 12304b’’. bill, and I yield back the balance of my tends classes. SEC. 102. PROVISION OF MONTHLY HOUSING STI- time. Sec. 106. Clarification regarding applica- PEND INFORMATION UNDER POST-9/ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bility of authority to use edu- 11 EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PRO- cational assistance to pursue GRAM. question is on the motion offered by Section 3313 of title 38, United States Code, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JODY independent study programs at certain educational institutions is amended by adding at the end the fol- B. HICE) that the House suspend the that are not institutions of lowing new subsection: rules and pass the bill, H.R. 6893, as higher learning. ‘‘(k) PROVISION OF HOUSING STIPEND PAY- amended. MENT INFORMATION.— The question was taken; and (two- TITLE II—MEMORIAL AFFAIRS ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall fur- thirds being in the affirmative) the Sec. 201. Eligibility of spouses and children nish to individuals receiving educational as- rules were suspended and the bill, as of veterans buried in tribal sistance under this chapter documentation cemeteries for certain Depart- that verifies the amount of the monthly amended, was passed. housing stipend the individual receives The title of the bill was amended so ment of Veterans Affairs burial benefits. under this section. as to read: ‘‘A bill to amend the Over- ‘‘(2) MANNER.—The Secretary shall make time Pay for Protective Services Act of Sec. 202. Department of Veterans Affairs such documentation available to the indi- 2016 to extend the Secret Service over- provision of headstones and vidual using an internet website in the same markers for, and interment in time pay exception through 2020, and manner the Secretary provides documenta- national cemeteries of, spouses tion verifying compensation and other bene- for other purposes.’’. and dependent children of mem- A motion to reconsider was laid on fits furnished by the Secretary to individ- bers of the Armed Forces serv- uals.’’. the table. ing on active duty. SEC. 103. DISAPPROVAL FOR PURPOSES OF EDU- TITLE III—CIVIL RELIEF CATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS f OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- Sec. 301. Termination of leases of premises FAIRS OF CERTAIN COURSES OF of deceased servicemembers EDUCATION THAT DO NOT PERMIT PROVIDING CERTAIN BURIAL BEN- who die while in military serv- INDIVIDUALS TO ATTEND OR PAR- EFITS FOR SPOUSES AND CHIL- ice. TICIPATE IN COURSES PENDING PAYMENT. DREN OF VETERANS WHO ARE Sec. 302. Residence of spouses of service- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 3679 of title 38, BURIED IN TRIBAL CEMETERIES members for tax purposes. United States Code, is amended by adding at Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I Sec. 303. Residence of spouses of service- the end the following new subsection: move to suspend the rules and pass the members for voting. ‘‘(e)(1) Notwithstanding any other provi- bill (S. 2248) to amend title 38, United Sec. 304. Termination of multichannel video sion of this chapter, beginning on August 1, States Code, to authorize the Secretary programming and internet ac- 2019, a State approving agency, or the Sec- cess service contracts. retary when acting in the role of the State of Veterans Affairs to provide certain approving agency, shall disapprove a course burial benefits for spouses and children TITLE IV—TRANSITION ASSISTANCE of education provided by an educational in- of veterans who are buried in tribal Sec. 401. Study of community-based transi- stitution that has in effect a policy that is cemeteries, and for other purposes, as tion assistance programs for inconsistent with any of the following: amended. members of the Armed Forces ‘‘(A) A policy that permits any covered in- The Clerk read the title of the bill. after separation, retirement, or dividual to attend or participate in the The text of the bill is as follows: discharge. course of education during the period begin- ning on the date on which the individual pro- S. 2248 TITLE V—DEPARTMENTAL vides to the educational institution a certifi- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ADMINISTRATION cate of eligibility for entitlement to edu- Representatives of the United States of America Sec. 501. Misuse of Department of Veterans cational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 of in Congress assembled, Affairs purchase cards by De- this title and ending on the earlier of the fol- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. partment employees. lowing dates: (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as Sec. 502. Updating dependent information. ‘‘(i) The date on which the Secretary pro- the ‘‘Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of vides payment for such course of education Sec. 503. Oversight of Electronic Health 2018’’. to such institution. Record Modernization Program. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘(ii) The date that is 90 days after the date tents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 504. Department of Veterans Affairs no- on which the educational institution cer- tice relating to debt collection Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. tifies for tuition and fees following receipt activities. from the student such certificate of eligi- TITLE I—EDUCATION TITLE VI—MEDICAL FACILITIES bility. Sec. 101. Inclusion of certain additional peri- ‘‘(B) A policy that ensures that the edu- ods of active duty service for Sec. 601. Authorization of major medical fa- cational institution will not impose any pen- purposes of suspension of cility projects for fiscal year alty, including the assessment of late fees, charges to entitlement during 2019. the denial of access to classes, libraries, or periods of suspended participa- Sec. 602. Plans to improve medical facilities other institutional facilities, or the require- tion in Department of Veterans of the Department of Veterans ment that a covered individual borrow addi- Affairs vocational rehabilita- Affairs. tional funds, on any covered individual be- tion programs. cause of the individual’s inability to meet Sec. 102. Provision of monthly housing sti- TITLE VII—OTHER MATTERS his or her financial obligations to the insti- pend information under Post-9/ Sec. 701. Homeless veterans reintegration tution due to the delayed disbursement of a 11 Educational Assistance Pro- programs. payment to be provided by the Secretary gram. Sec. 702. Technical corrections. under chapter 31 or 33 of this title. Sec. 103. Disapproval for purposes of edu- ‘‘(2) For purposes of this subsection, a cov- cational assistance programs of Sec. 703. Medical Surgical Prime Vendor ered individual is any individual who is enti- Department of Veterans Affairs program. tled to educational assistance under chapter of certain courses of education Sec. 704. Report on expanding access to den- 31 or 33 of this title. that do not permit individuals tal care for veterans eligible for ‘‘(3) The Secretary may waive such re- to attend or participate in from the Depart- quirements of paragraph (1) as the Secretary courses pending payment. ment of Veterans Affairs. considers appropriate.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.040 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9795 ‘‘(4) It shall not be inconsistent with a pol- rolled’’ and inserting ‘‘the campus of the in- serving on active duty under conditions icy described in paragraph (1) for an edu- stitution where the individual physically other than dishonorable, as shown by a cational institution to require a covered in- participates in a majority of classes’’; and statement from a general court-martial con- dividual to take the following additional ac- (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘the vening authority, at the time of the spouse’s tions: amount payable’’ and all that follows death if such death occurs before October 1, ‘‘(A) Submit a certificate of eligibility for through ‘‘subparagraph (A)’’ and inserting 2024’’ after ‘‘veteran’’; and entitlement to educational assistance not ‘‘the national average of the monthly (2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ‘‘, or later than the first day of a course of edu- amount of the basic allowance for housing the eligible dependent child of a member of cation for which the individual has indicated payable under section 403 of title 37, United the Armed Forces serving on active duty the individual wishes to use the individual’s States Code, for a member with dependents under conditions other than dishonorable, as entitlement to educational assistance. in pay grade E–5’’. shown by a statement from a general court- ‘‘(B) Submit a written request to use such SEC. 106. CLARIFICATION REGARDING APPLICA- martial convening authority, at the time of entitlement. BILITY OF AUTHORITY TO USE EDU- the child’s death if such death occurs before ‘‘(C) Provide additional information nec- CATIONAL ASSISTANCE TO PURSUE October 1, 2024’’ after ‘‘veteran’’. essary to the proper certification of enroll- INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAMS (b) INTERMENT IN NATIONAL CEMETERIES.— ment by the educational institution.’’. AT CERTAIN EDUCATIONAL INSTITU- Section 2402(a)(5) of such title is amended by TIONS THAT ARE NOT INSTITUTIONS (b) PROMPT PAYMENTS.— OF HIGHER LEARNING. inserting ‘‘, and the spouse, minor child, and, (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Veterans The section heading for section 302 of the in the discretion of the Secretary, unmarried Affairs shall take such actions as may be Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational As- adult child of a member of the Armed Forces necessary to ensure that the Secretary sistance Act of 2017 (Public Law 115–48; 131 serving on active duty under conditions makes a payment to an educational institu- Stat. 990) is amended to read as follows (and other than dishonorable, as shown by a tion on behalf of an individual, who is enti- the table of contents for such Act is con- statement from a general court-martial con- tled to educational assistance under chapter formed accordingly): vening authority, at the time of the spouse’s 31 or 33 of title 38, United States Code, and ‘‘SEC. 302. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF EDU- or child’s death if such death occurs before who is using such assistance to pursue a pro- CATIONAL ASSISTANCE UNDER ANY October 1, 2024’’ after ‘‘paragraph (7)’’. gram of education at the educational institu- OF THE EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE TITLE III—CIVIL RELIEF tion, not later than 60 days after the date on PROGRAMS OF THE DEPARTMENT SEC. 301. TERMINATION OF LEASES OF PREMISES OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO PURSUE which the educational institution certifies to OF DECEASED SERVICEMEMBERS INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAMS the Secretary the applicable tuition and fees WHO DIE WHILE IN MILITARY SERV- AT CERTAIN EDUCATIONAL INSTITU- for the individual. ICE. TIONS THAT ARE NOT INSTITUTIONS (2) SEMIANNUAL REPORTS.—Not later than OF HIGHER LEARNING.’’. Section 305(a) of the Servicemembers Civil May 1 and October 1 of each year, the Sec- TITLE II—MEMORIAL AFFAIRS Relief Act (50 U.S.C. 3955) is amended— retary shall submit to the Committee on (1) in the subsection heading, by striking SEC. 201. ELIGIBILITY OF SPOUSES AND CHIL- Veterans’ Affairs of the Senate and the Com- ‘‘BY LESSEE’’; mittee on Veterans’ Affairs of the House of DREN OF VETERANS BURIED IN TRIBAL CEMETERIES FOR CERTAIN (2) in the heading for paragraph (1), by Representatives a semiannual report sum- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AF- striking ‘‘IN GENERAL’’ and inserting ‘‘TERMI- marizing any cases in which the Secretary FAIRS BURIAL BENEFITS. NATION BY LESSEE’’; and failed to make a payment described in para- Section 2306 of title 38, United States Code, (3) by adding at the end the following new graph (1) within the period set forth in such is amended— paragraph: paragraph and an explanation for each de- (1) in subsection (a)(4), by inserting ‘‘or a ‘‘(3) DEATH OF LESSEE.—The spouse of the layed disbursement of payment. veterans’ cemetery owned by a tribal organi- lessee on a lease described in subsection (c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—In a case in zation or on land owned by or held in trust (b)(1) may terminate the lease during the which an individual is unable to meet a fi- for a tribal organization’’ after ‘‘State’’; one-year period beginning on the date of the nancial obligation to an educational institu- (2) in subsection (b)(1), by inserting ‘‘, a death of the lessee, if the lessee dies while in tion due to the delayed disbursement of a veterans’ cemetery of a tribal organization military service or while performing full- payment to be provided by the Secretary or on land owned by or held in trust for a time National Guard duty, active Guard and under chapter 31 or 33 of such title and the tribal organization’’ after ‘‘owned by a Reserve duty, or inactive-duty training (as amount of such disbursement is less than an- State’’; such terms are defined in section 101(d) of ticipated, nothing in section 3679(e) of such (3) in subsection (f)— title 10, United States Code).’’. title, as added by subsection (a), shall be (A) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) SEC. 302. RESIDENCE OF SPOUSES OF construed to prohibit an educational institu- as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively; SERVICEMEMBERS FOR TAX PUR- tion from requiring additional payment or (B) by striking ‘‘The Secretary’’ and in- POSES. imposing a fee for the amount that is the dif- serting ‘‘(1) The Secretary’’; (a) RESIDENCE FOR TAX PURPOSES.—Section ference between the amount of the financial (C) by striking ‘‘a national cemetery or in 511(a)(2) of the Servicemembers Civil Relief obligation and the amount of the disburse- a veterans cemetery of a State or tribal or- Act (50 U.S.C. 4001(a)(2)) is amended— ment. ganization for which the Department has (1) by striking ‘‘A spouse’’ and inserting SEC. 104. PROVISION OF INFORMATION ON RE- provided a grant under section 2408 of this the following: QUIRED ADDITIONAL ACTIONS TO title’’ and inserting ‘‘a covered cemetery’’; ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A spouse’’; and ALLOW INDIVIDUALS TO STAY EN- and (2) by adding at the end the following new ROLLED IN COURSES OF EDUCATION (D) by adding at the end the following: subparagraph: PENDING RECEIPT OF EDU- ‘‘(2) The term ‘covered cemetery’ means CATIONAL ASSISTANCE FROM DE- ‘‘(B) ELECTION.—For any taxable year of PARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. any of the following: the marriage, the spouse of a servicemember ‘‘(A) A national cemetery. Section 3698(c)(1)(C) of title 38, United may elect to use the same residence for pur- ‘‘(B) A veterans’ cemetery of a State for States Code, is amended— poses of taxation as the servicemember re- which the Department has provided a grant (1) in clause (x), by striking ‘‘; and’’ and in- gardless of the date on which the marriage of under section 2408 of this title. serting a semicolon; the spouse and the servicemember oc- ‘‘(C) A veterans’ cemetery of a tribal orga- (2) in clause (xi), by striking the period at curred.’’. nization or on land owned by or held in trust the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and (b) APPLICABILITY.—The amendments made for a tribal organization for which the De- (3) by adding at the end the following new by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to partment has provided a grant under sub- clause: any return of State or local income tax filed section (f) of such section.’’; and ‘‘(xii) information on whether the institu- for any taxable year beginning with the tax- (4) by adding at the end the following new tion requires a covered individual to take ad- able year that includes the date of the enact- subsection: ditional action pursuant to section 3679(e)(4) ment of this Act. ‘‘(i) In this section, the term ‘tribal organi- of this title to stay enrolled in a course SEC. 303. RESIDENCE OF SPOUSES OF zation’ has the meaning given such term in pending receipt of educational assistance SERVICEMEMBERS FOR VOTING. section 3765 of this title.’’. under a law administered by the Secretary.’’. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 705(b) of the SEC. 202. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. SECTION 105. CALCULATION OF MONTHLY HOUS- PROVISION OF HEADSTONES AND 4025(b)) is amended— ING STIPEND UNDER HIGH TECH- MARKERS FOR, AND INTERMENT IN NOLOGY PILOT PROGRAM BASED ON NATIONAL CEMETERIES OF, (1) by striking ‘‘State or local office’’ and LOCATION OF CAMPUS WHERE VET- SPOUSES AND DEPENDENT CHIL- all that follows through the period at the ERAN ATTENDS CLASSES. DREN OF MEMBERS OF THE ARMED end of paragraph (3) and inserting ‘‘State or Section 116(d)(1) of the Harry W. Colmery FORCES SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. local office—’’; and Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017 (a) HEADSTONES AND MARKERS.—Section (2) by adding at the end the following new (Public Law 115–48, 38 U.S.C. 3001 (note)), is 2306(b)(2) of title 38, United States Code, is paragraphs: amended— amended— ‘‘(1) a person who is absent from a State (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘the (1) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ‘‘, or because the person is accompanying the per- institution at which the individual is en- the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces son’s spouse who is absent from that same

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.023 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 State in compliance with military or naval amended by striking ‘‘TELEPHONE’’ and in- technology systems of the Department of orders shall not, solely by reason of that ab- serting ‘‘COMMUNICATIONS’’. Veterans Affairs, including the eBenefits sence— (2) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- system or successor system, as may be nec- ‘‘(A) be deemed to have lost a residence or tents in section 1(b) of the Servicemembers essary so that whenever the Secretary domicile in that State, without regard to Civil Relief Act is amended— records in such systems information about a whether or not the person intends to return (A) by striking the item relating to title dependent of a person, the person is able to to that State; III and inserting the following new item: review and revise such information. ‘‘(B) be deemed to have acquired a resi- ‘‘TITLE III—RENT, INSTALLMENT CON- SEC. 503. OVERSIGHT OF ELECTRONIC HEALTH dence or domicile in any other State; or RECORD MODERNIZATION PRO- TRACTS, MORTGAGES, LIENS, ASSIGN- GRAM. ‘‘(C) be deemed to have become a resident MENT, LEASES, COMMUNICATIONS (a) PROGRAM DOCUMENTS.—Not later than in or a resident of any other State; and SERVICE CONTRACTS’’; ‘‘(2) the spouse of a servicemember may 30 days after the date of the enactment of and elect to use the same residence as the serv- this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (B) by striking the item relating to section shall submit to the appropriate congres- icemember regardless of the date on which 305A and inserting the following new item: sional committees the following documents the marriage of the spouse and the service- concerning the Electronic Health Record member occurred.’’. ‘‘Sec. 305A. Termination of telephone, mul- tichannel video programming, Modernization Program: (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments (1) Integrated Master Plan. made by subsection (a) shall take effect on and internet access service con- tracts.’’. (2) Integrated Master Schedule. the date that is 90 days after the date of the (3) Program Management Plan. enactment of this Act. TITLE IV—TRANSITION ASSISTANCE (4) Annual and lifecycle cost estimates, in- SEC. 304. TERMINATION OF MULTICHANNEL SEC. 401. STUDY OF COMMUNITY-BASED TRANSI- cluding, at a minimum, cost elements relat- VIDEO PROGRAMMING AND INTER- TION ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS FOR ing to— NET ACCESS SERVICE CONTRACTS. MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES (A) Federal Government labor; (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 305A of the AFTER SEPARATION, RETIREMENT, (B) contractor labor; OR DISCHARGE. Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. (C) hardware; (a) STUDY.—The Secretary of Veterans Af- 3956) is amended— (D) software; and fairs, in consultation with State entities (1) in the section heading, by inserting ‘‘, (E) testing and evaluation. that serve members of the Armed Forces who MULTICHANNEL VIDEO PROGRAMMING, AND (5) Cost baseline. are retired, separated, or discharged from INTERNET ACCESS’’ after ‘‘TELEPHONE’’; (6) Plan. (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘cellular the Armed Forces, shall enter into an agree- (7) Health IT Strategic Architecture Plan. telephone service or telephone exchange ment with an appropriate non-Federal entity (8) Transition Plan for implementing up- service’’ and inserting ‘‘commercial mobile to carry out a study to identify community- dated architecture. service, telephone exchange service, internet based programs— (9) Data Migration Plan. access service, or multichannel video pro- (1) that provide transition assistance to (10) System and Data Security Plan. gramming service’’; such members; and (11) Application Implementation Plan. (3) in subsection (c), by inserting ‘‘for com- (2) operated by nonprofit entities. (12) System Design Documents. mercial mobile service or telephone ex- (b) TRANSMISSION TO MEMBERS.—The Sec- (13) Legacy Veterans Information Systems change service’’ before ‘‘terminated’’; retary of Veterans Affairs shall transmit the and Technology Architecture Standardiza- (4) in subsection (d), in the matter pre- list of programs identified under this section tion, Security Enhancement, and Consolida- ceding paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘cellular to the Secretary of Defense so the Secre- tion Project Plan. telephone service’’ and inserting ‘‘commer- taries of the military departments may pro- (14) Health Data Interoperability Manage- cial mobile service’’; vide information in the list to members of ment Plan. (5) in subsection (e)— the Armed Forces who participate in the (15) Community Care Vision and Imple- (A) by striking ‘‘For any’’ and inserting Transition Assistance Program under sec- mentation Plan, including milestones and a the following: tions 1142 and 1144 of title 10, United States detailed description of how complete inter- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For any’’; Code. operability with non-Department health care (B) by striking ‘‘If the’’ and inserting the (c) ONLINE PUBLICATION.—The Secretary of providers will be achieved. following: Veterans Affairs shall publish the most re- (b) QUARTERLY UPDATES.—Not later than 30 ‘‘(2) REINSTATEMENT OF SERVICE.—If the’’; cent version of the list of programs identi- days after the end of each fiscal quarter dur- and fied under this section on a public website of ing the period beginning with the fiscal quar- (C) by adding at the end the following: the Department of Veterans Affairs. ter in which this Act is enacted and ending ‘‘(3) RETURN OF PROVIDER-OWNED EQUIP- TITLE V—DEPARTMENTAL on the date on which the Electronic Health MENT.—If a servicemember terminates a con- ADMINISTRATION Record Modernization Program is completed, tract under subsection (a), the servicemem- the Secretary shall submit to the appro- SEC. 501. MISUSE OF DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS priate congressional committees the most ber shall return any provider-owned con- AFFAIRS PURCHASE CARDS BY DE- recent updated versions, if any exist, of the sumer premises equipment to the service PARTMENT EMPLOYEES. following documents: provider not later than 10 days after the date (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter I of chapter 7 (1) Integrated Master Schedule. on which service is disconnected.’’; and of title 38, United States Code, is further (2) Program Management Plan, including (6) in subsection (g)— amended by adding at the end the following any written Program Management Review (A) by redesignating paragraph (2) as para- new section: material developed for the Program Manage- graph (4); and ‘‘§ 728. Misuse of Department purchase cards ment Plan during the fiscal quarter covered (B) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—(1) The Secretary shall by the submission. the following: prohibit any employee of the Department (3) Each document described in subsection ‘‘(1) The term ‘commercial mobile service’ who the Secretary or the Inspector General (a)(4). has the meaning given that term in section of the Department determines has knowingly (4) Performance Baseline Report for the 332(d) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 misused a purchase card from serving as a fiscal quarter covered by the submission or U.S.C. 332(d)). purchase card holder or approving official. for the fiscal quarter ending the fiscal year ‘‘(2) The term ‘multichannel video pro- ‘‘(2) Such a prohibition shall be in addition prior to the submission. gramming service’ means a subscription to any other applicable penalty. (5) Budget Reconciliation Report. video service offered by a multichannel video ‘‘(b) MISUSE.—For purposes of this section, (6) Risk Management Plan and Risk Reg- programming distributor, as that term is de- the term ‘misuse’ means— ister. fined in section 602 of the Communications ‘‘(1) splitting purchases; (c) CONTRACTS.—Not later than 5 days after Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 522), over a system the ‘‘(2) exceeding applicable purchase card awarding a contract, order, or agreement, in- distributor owns or controls. limits or purchase thresholds; cluding any modifications thereto, under the ‘‘(3) The term ‘provider-owned consumer ‘‘(3) purchasing any unauthorized item; Electronic Health Record Modernization premises equipment’ means any equipment ‘‘(4) using a purchase card without being Program, the Secretary shall submit to the that a provider of internet access service or an authorized purchase card holder; or appropriate congressional committees a copy multichannel video programming service ‘‘(5) violating ethics standards.’’. of the entire such contract, order, agree- rents or loans to a customer during the pro- ment, or modification. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of vision of that service, including gateways, (d) NOTIFICATION.— sections at the beginning of such chapter is routers, cable modems, voice-capable (1) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 10 days amended by inserting after the item relating modems, CableCARDs, converters, digital after an event described in paragraph (2) oc- to section 728 the following new item: adapters, remote controls, and any other curs, the Secretary shall notify the appro- equipment provided.’’. ‘‘728. Misuse of Department purchase cards.’’. priate congressional committees of such oc- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.— SEC. 502. UPDATING DEPENDENT INFORMATION. currence, including a description of the (1) TITLE HEADING.—The heading for title The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall event and an explanation for why such event III of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is make such changes to such information occurred.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.023 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9797

(2) EVENT DESCRIBED.—An event described mit to Congress notice of the completion of outpatient facilities in Canandaigua, New in this paragraph is any of the following the respective development. York, in an amount not to exceed $351,980,000 events regarding the Electronic Health (2) PROGRESS REPORTS.—If the Secretary (an increase of $193,000,000 as compared to Record Modernization Program: has not submitted each notice required by the previous authorization for such project). (A) The delay of any milestone or deliver- paragraph (1) by the date that is 90 days (2) Renovation of space for a simulation able by 30 or more days. after the date of the enactment of this Act, training education center in North Chicago, (B) A request for equitable adjustment, eq- the Secretary shall— Illinois, in an amount not to exceed uitable adjustment, or change order exceed- (A) submit to Congress a report describing $15,980,000. ing $1,000,000 (as such terms are defined in the progress of the Secretary toward imple- (3) Construction of a surgical intensive the Federal Acquisition Regulation). menting subsections (a) and (b) and an expla- care unit and renovation to expand the oper- (C) The submission of any protest, claim, nation for why the respective development ating room suite in Oklahoma City, Okla- or dispute, and the resolution of any protest, has not been completed; and homa, in an amount not to exceed $29,461,000. claim, or dispute (as such terms are defined (B) every 30 days thereafter until all of the (4) Construction of a new medical facility in the Federal Acquisition Regulation). notices required by paragraph (1) have been in Louisville, Kentucky, in an amount not to (D) A loss of clinical or other data. submitted, submit to Congress an update to exceed $450,000,000 (an increase of $300,000,000 (E) A breach of patient privacy, including the report under subparagraph (A) that in- as compared to the previous authorization any— cludes an additional explanation for the fail- for such project). (i) disclosure of protected health informa- ure to complete the respective development. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— tion that is not permitted under regulations (d) STUDY AND REPORT.— There is authorized to be appropriated to the promulgated under section 264(c) of the (1) STUDY.—The Secretary of Veterans Af- Secretary of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year Health Insurance Portability and Account- fairs, in coordination with the Secretary of 2019 or the year in which funds are appro- ability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–191; 42 the Treasury, shall conduct a study on the priated for the Construction, Major Projects U.S.C. 1320d–2 note); and process by which individuals who are in- account, $847,421,000 for the projects author- (ii) breach of sensitive personal informa- debted to the United States by virtue of ized in subsection (a). their participation in a benefits program ad- tion (as defined in section 5727 of title 38, SEC. 602. PLANS TO IMPROVE MEDICAL FACILI- United States Code). ministered by the Secretary of Veterans Af- TIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VET- fairs are notified of debt collection efforts (e) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: ERANS AFFAIRS. relating to such indebtedness. (1) The term ‘‘appropriate congressional (a) PLANS REQUIRED.— (2) ELEMENTS.—The study required by para- committees’’ means— (1) PLANS OF DIRECTORS OF MEDICAL FACILI- graph (1) shall include the following: (A) the Committees on Veterans’ Affairs of TIES.—Not later than 90 days after the date (A) An analysis of the scope of the problem the House of Representatives and the Senate; of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of individuals who are indebted to the United and of Veterans Affairs shall require each direc- States by virtue of their participation in a (B) the Committees on Appropriations of tor of a medical facility of the Department benefits program administered by the Sec- the House of Representatives and the Senate. of Veterans Affairs to submit to the director retary of Veterans Affairs not receiving debt of the Veterans Integrated Service Network (2) The term ‘‘Electronic Health Record collection notices relating to such indebted- Modernization Program’’ means— that covers the facility a plan to improve ness. such facility. (A) any activities by the Department of (B) Identification of administrative actions (2) PLANS OF DIRECTORS OF VETERANS INTE- Veterans Affairs to procure or implement an the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the GRATED SERVICE NETWORKS.—The Secretary electronic health or medical record system Secretary of the Treasury can carry out to shall require each director of a Veterans In- to replace any or all of the Veterans Infor- reduce the number of incorrect or unknown tegrated Service Network to submit to the mation Systems and Technology Architec- addresses of such individuals in the data- Secretary, not later than 60 days after re- ture, the Computerized Patient Record Sys- bases of the Department Veterans Affairs ceiving all of the plans under paragraph (1), tem, the Joint Legacy Viewer, or the Enter- and the Department of the Treasury and a a plan, based on the plans received under prise Health Management Platform; and timeline for carrying out such actions. paragraph (1), to improve the facilities with- (B) any contracts or agreements entered (C) An estimate of the costs associated in that Veterans Integrated Service Network into by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to with sending debt collection notices to such in such a fashion that would improve the carry out, support, or analyze the activities individuals by certified mail. under subparagraph (A). (D) An analysis of whether, or to what ex- ability of all facilities within that network to provide the best and most efficient care to SEC. 504. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS tent, sending debt collection notices to such NOTICE RELATING TO DEBT COL- individuals by certified mail would address patients. (b) REGULAR REPORTS.—The Secretary LECTION ACTIVITIES. the problem analyzed under subparagraph shall ensure that each director of a Veterans (a) DEBT NOTIFICATION LETTER FORMATS.— (A). Integrated Service Network submits to the The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall col- (E) An analysis of the requirements and re- Secretary, not later than two years after the laborate with veterans service organizations sources that would be necessary for the Sec- date of the enactment of this Act and not to develop a standard format for any letter retary of Veterans Affairs to establish a less frequently than once every two years provided to an individual who the Secretary method for the Secretary to display in one thereafter, a report on the actions taken by determines is indebted to the United States consolidated document the details regarding the director to improve the facilities within by virtue of such individual’s participation all of the debts of an individual to the United that Veterans Integrated Service Network in a benefits program administered by the States by virtue of such individual’s partici- and what further such actions might be nec- Secretary. Such letter shall be written in pation in a benefits program administered by essary. plain language and shall include a notice of the Secretary. (c) SENSE OF CONGRESS ON USE OF AUTHORI- the debt and a clear explanation of— (F) An analysis of the extent to which such TIES TO INVESTIGATE MEDICAL CENTERS OF (1) why the individual is indebted to the individuals are so indebted by reason of ac- THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS.—It United States by virtue of such person’s par- tions by the Secretary or by actions of the is the sense of Congress that the Secretary of ticipation in a benefits program adminis- individual, including any trends relating to Veterans Affairs should make full use of the tered by the Secretary; and whether the actions of the individual may be authorities provided by section 2 of the En- (2) the options available to the individual. by reason of error, misrepresentation, or hancing Veteran Care Act (Public Law 115– (b) DELIVERY OF DEBT NOTICES BY STAND- fraud. 95; 38 U.S.C. 1701 note). ARD MAIL AND ELECTRONIC MEANS.—The Sec- (3) REPORT.—Not later than one year after retary shall develop a method by which indi- the date of the enactment of this Act, the TITLE VII—OTHER MATTERS viduals may elect to receive notice of debt Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in coordina- SEC. 701. HOMELESS VETERANS REINTEGRATION by electronic means and shall ensure, to the tion with the Secretary of the Treasury, PROGRAMS. extent practicable, that the letter developed shall submit to Congress a report on the Section 2021(a) of title 38, United States under subsection (a) is delivered— findings of the Secretaries with respect to Code, is amended— (1) by both standard mail and by electronic the study conducted under paragraph (1). (1) by striking ‘‘reintegration of homeless means to intended recipients who have made TITLE VI—MEDICAL FACILITIES veterans into the labor force.’’ and inserting such an election; and SEC. 601. AUTHORIZATION OF MAJOR MEDICAL the following: ‘‘reintegration into the labor (2) only by standard mail to intended re- FACILITY PROJECTS FOR FISCAL force of—’’; and cipients who have not made such an election. YEAR 2019. (2) by adding at the end the following new (c) NOTICE TO CONGRESS.— (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Vet- paragraphs: (1) NOTICES OF COMPLETION.—Upon comple- erans Affairs may carry out the following ‘‘(1) homeless veterans (including veterans tion of the development of the standard let- major medical facility projects in fiscal year who were homeless but found housing during ter format required under subsection (a) and 2019 at the locations specified and in an the 60-day period preceding the date on upon completion of development of the amount for each project not to exceed the which the veteran begins to participate in a method by which individuals may elect to re- amount specified for such location: program under this section); ceive notice of debt by electronic means (1) Construction of a community living ‘‘(2) veterans participating in the Depart- under subsection (b), the Secretary shall sub- center and renovation of domiciliary and ment of Veterans Affairs supported housing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.023 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 program for which rental assistance is pro- (A) the percentage of eligible veterans cur- There was no objection. vided pursuant to section 8(o)(19) of the rently enrolled in dental insurance through a Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. third-party payer, including— yield myself such time as I may con- 1437f(o)(19)) or the Tribal HUD–VA Sup- (i) the dental insurance plan for veterans sume. portive Housing (Tribal HUD–VASH) pro- and survivors and dependents of veterans Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support gram; under section 1712C of title 38, United States ‘‘(3) Indians who are veterans and receiving Code; of S. 2248, as amended, the Veterans assistance under the Native American Hous- (ii) the Medicaid program under title XIX Benefits and Transition Act of 2018. ing Assistance and Self Determination Act of of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et This legislation is a prenegotiated, bi- 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.); seq.); and partisan package of bills that we have ‘‘(4) veterans described in section 2023(e) of (iii) employer-sponsored dental insurance; worked out with the Senate Committee this title or any other veterans who are (B) the affordability of dental insurance on Veterans’ Affairs. The amended transitioning from being incarcerated; and described in subparagraph (A); and ‘‘(5) veterans participating in the Depart- version of the bill contains 23 sections, (C) the comprehensiveness of benefits of many of which originated in the 80-plus ment of Veterans Affairs rapid rehousing and dental insurance described in subparagraph prevention program authorized in section (A). veterans bills that the House passed in 2044 of this title.’’. (2) An analysis of the current oral health the 115th Congress. SEC. 702. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. needs of eligible veterans, including an esti- Though S. 2248, as amended, reflects (a) TITLE 38.—Title 38, United States Code, mate of the number of eligible veterans just a fraction of our collective efforts, is amended as follows: who— as we were unable to come to an agree- (1) In the table of sections at the beginning (A) experience untreated cavities or decay; ment with the Senate on several out- of chapter 55, by inserting a period at the (B) require dentures, implants, or other re- end of the item relating to section 5501A. standing issues, it, nonetheless, con- storative dental services; or tains many important provisions that (2) In section 7463(c)(2)(B), by striking ‘‘to (C) have not received regular dental answer to answer’’ and inserting ‘‘to an- cleanings within the two-year period pre- we can all be pleased to support. swer’’. ceding the report. For example, one provision of the bill (b) VETERANS’ BENEFITS IMPROVEMENTS (3) An analysis of the financial impact to would make schools ineligible for GI ACT OF 1996.—Section 504 of the Veterans’ the Department of Veterans Affairs of pro- Bill tuition payments if they place pen- Benefits Improvements Act of 1996 (Public viding dental care to eligible veterans, in- alties or burdens on students due to the Law 104–275; 38 U.S.C. 5101 note) is amended cluding— by redesignating the second subsection (c) as Department of Veterans Affairs’ inabil- (A) whether the provision of such services subsection (d). ity to pay the GI Bill payments to would result in a reduction in total health schools on time. This provision was SEC. 703. MEDICAL SURGICAL PRIME VENDOR care costs; PROGRAM. (B) a cost-benefit analysis that indicates championed by Vice Chairman BILI- (a) VENDORS.—In procuring certain med- RAKIS, and I thank him for his advo- ical, surgical, and dental supplies or labora- potential cost savings to the Department over a 5-, 10-, and 20-year period; and cacy. tory supplies for medical centers of the De- There are several provisions in the partment of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary (C) projected cost savings to the Depart- of Veterans Affairs shall carry out the Med- ment and across the broader health care sys- bill that make improvements to the ical Surgical Prime Vendor program, or suc- tem. Servicemembers Civil Relief Act that cessor program, in a manner that— (4) An analysis of the number and types of protect deployed servicemembers from (1) requires the Secretary to award con- dental providers necessary to treat eligible commercial penalties, which they can tracts to multiple regional prime vendors in- veterans, including— occur as a result of their service. stead of a single nationwide prime vendor; (A) dentists; (B) hygienists; The bill also includes provisions that and would improve burial benefits for serv- (2) prohibits a prime vendor from solely de- (C) dental technicians; and signing the formulary of such supplies. (D) dental therapists. icemembers, veterans, and their fami- (b) CLINICALLY DRIVEN SOURCING.— (c) CATEGORIES OF ELIGIBLE VETERANS.— lies; expand eligibility for a successful (1) EXPERTISE.—In carrying out the for- The report required by subsection (a) shall homeless veteran job training program; mulary of supplies under the Medical Sur- be disaggregated by each of the following authorize funding for VA construction gical Prime Vendor program, or successor categories of eligible veterans: projects; and provide critical oversight program, the Secretary shall ensure that (1) Veterans enrolled in the system of an- of government purchase cards and the nual patient enrollment of the Department each employee of the Department of Vet- development of VA’s new electronic erans Affairs who conducts formulary anal- pursuant to the priority group under sub- yses or makes decisions with respect to in- section (a)(6) of section 1705 of such title. health record. cluding items on the formulary has medical (2) Veterans enrolled in such system pursu- Mr. Speaker, before yielding back, I expertise relevant to the items for which the ant to the priority group under subsection will take a moment to say that serving employee conducts such analyses or makes (a)(5) of such section. as chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs such decisions. (3) Veterans enrolled in such system pursu- Committee has been an immense honor (2) LISTS.—Not later than 30 days after the ant to a priority group under any of sub- to me, and I am grateful to all of those date of the enactment of this Act, and every sections (a)(1) through (a)(4) of such section. who put their trust and faith in me to (4) Veterans enrolled in such system pursu- six months thereafter with respect to any fulfill this role for Congress. updates, the Secretary shall submit to the ant to a priority group under subsection Committees on Veterans’ Affairs of the (a)(7) or (a)(8) of such section. I thank a number of individuals who House of Representatives and the Senate a (d) ELIGIBLE VETERANS DEFINED.—In this have been instrumental in this com- list of each employee described in paragraph section, the term ‘‘eligible veterans’’ means mittee’s success during the 115th Con- (1) and the relevant medical expertise of the veterans enrolled in the system of annual pa- gress. employee, listed by the categories of items tient enrollment of the Department of Vet- First, I thank Ranking Member in the formulary described in such para- erans Affairs established and operated under WALZ, the newly elected Governor of graph. section 1705 of title 38, United States Code. the very cold State of Minnesota; my SEC. 704. REPORT ON EXPANDING ACCESS TO The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE subcommittee chairmen and ranking DENTAL CARE FOR VETERANS ELI- of Texas). Pursuant to the rule, the GIBLE FOR HEALTH CARE FROM members; and the members of the com- THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. ROE) mittee. Without their continued hard AFFAIRS. and the gentleman from California (Mr. work and involvement, none of this (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 360 days TAKANO) each will control 20 minutes. congressional success in the veterans after the date of the enactment of this Act, The Chair recognizes the gentleman area would have been realized. Many the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall sub- from Tennessee. mit to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of members on our committee had numer- the Senate and the Committee on Veterans’ GENERAL LEAVE ous other duties but never, ever ne- Affairs of the House of Representatives a re- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I glected the Veterans’ Affairs Com- port on the feasibility and advisability of ex- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- mittee. panding access to dental care for eligible bers have 5 legislative days to revise I thank the Senate Veterans’ Affairs veterans. and extend their remarks and add ex- Committee chairman, Senator ISAKSON, (b) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- section (a) shall include the following: traneous material. and Ranking Member JON TESTER for (1) An analysis of access to dental care for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there their hard work, and I look forward to eligible veterans outside of the Department, objection to the request of the gen- working with them in the next Con- including— tleman from Tennessee? gress.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.023 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9799 b 1700 sions written by my colleagues that to the needs of the service. In the sad I am also grateful to the House lead- will improve the lives of our student and difficult time after the passing of a ership on both sides of the aisle, but veterans and those of our Gold Star servicemember, spouses should not be particularly Speaker PAUL RYAN, Lead- spouses. locked into a rental lease far away er MCCARTHY, Whip STEVE SCALISE, This package also includes a provi- from their home and support network and CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS. Lead- sion that helps our reservists and Na- and face an additional financial burden ership support for this committee was tional Guard members access the valu- to return home. unwavering and ensured that veterans’ able help that the vocational rehabili- This small detail can make life a lot matters received the time and atten- tation program can provide. easier for a grieving spouse, and I am tion they so richly deserve. I would first like to highlight legisla- pleased to see my colleague’s bill in- Finally, I want to thank all Members tion written by Mr. PETERS, our col- cluded in this package. Congressman LOU CORREA, our col- of the House of Representatives who league on this committee. This meas- league on this committee, introduced strive, day in and day out, to do right ure contains his bill, H.R. 5538, that H.R. 4335, the Servicemember Family by America’s veterans. With Members’ would provide parity to our National Burial Act, which makes permanent support, we have helped enact land- Guard and Reserve servicemembers in- VA’s practice of providing burials and mark legislation this Congress, includ- voluntarily mobilized to Active Duty headstones for the family of service- ing: The VA MISSION Act, the Forever under 12304b of title 10 in support of commands that conduct combat mis- members who predecease them. GI Bill, the VA Accountability Act, ap- When an Active-Duty servicemember peals reform, and many, many other sions. As our country continues to utilize loses a spouse or a child, it is always in smaller, yet impactful pieces of legisla- tragic and difficult circumstances. VA tion which Americans, and especially our Guard and Reserve members as an operational reserve force, it is criti- should continue to seamlessly provide veterans, can be proud of. this benefit with dignity, sensitivity, The bipartisan nature of this com- cally important that we modernize our statutes to treat our Guard and Re- and compassion. mittee is unique in Congress, and it is I want to thank Congressman CORREA nothing less than what our veterans de- serve members who have served shoul- der to shoulder with Active-Duty serv- for sponsoring this legislation, and I serve. I look forward to serving as am pleased to see it included in this icemembers on multiple deployments ranking Republican member of the measure. with parity while they serve in uni- committee next Congress and con- I also wish to highlight legislation form. tinuing our work with soon-to-be written by Congresswoman PINGREE, This bill allows Guard and Reserve Chairman MARK TAKANO. the Veterans Fair Debt Notice Act of members to stop the clock on the 12- I urge my colleagues to support S. 2017, which is included in this legisla- year limit to use vocational rehabilita- 2248, as amended, and I reserve the bal- tive package. ance of my time. tion programs while they are sup- The American Legion, the Disabled Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield porting active combat missions. Cur- American Veterans, the Paralyzed Vet- myself such time as I may consume. rently, the clock is stopped for most erans of America, the Tragedy Assist- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support other instances in which National ance Program for Survivors, and the of the House amendment to S. 2248, the Guard and Reserve are mobilized, but Veterans of Foreign testified be- Veterans Benefit and Transition Act of this particular authority was over- fore our committee that the debt col- 2018. This bipartisan measure contains looked. lection letters VA sends veterans are legislation championed by my House This is an important fix because the confusing, do not clearly explain the and Senate colleagues on both sides of Department of Defense continues to in- reason for the debt or clearly describe the aisle and is a testament to the bi- crease the use of its 12304b authority. the steps a veteran must take to dis- partisan relationships we cultivate and With this provision, Congress has the pute or mitigate the debt. preserve on both the House and Senate authority to be proactive in addressing This legislation would require VA to Veterans’ Affairs Committees. the needs of our servicemembers. explain the reason the veteran incurred I thank Chairman ROE and all mem- Now, let me turn to Congressman a debt in plain language and clearly ex- bers of the House and Senate Veterans’ HIMES’ bill, H.R. 3634, the Securing plain the steps they can take to dis- Affairs Committees, both Democrats Electronic Records for Veterans’ Ease pute or repay the debt. and Republicans, for their hard work Act of 2017. It is included in this meas- It would also require VA to give vet- putting together this legislative pack- ure as well. erans the option to opt-in to electronic age that will improve the benefits and For student veterans, the VA does notification and require VA to deter- support our country owes America’s not currently provide sufficient infor- mine the number of veterans who are veterans. mation about the exact amount of not receiving debt notification letters I want to specifically acknowledge housing stipend that a beneficiary will due to incorrect addresses on file, my Democratic colleagues, Ranking receive under the GI Bill benefits; but which prevents veterans from taking Member WALZ, now Governor-elect of many veterans rely on their housing action because they have not been no- Minnesota—and, yes, Chairman ROE, it stipend to pay for housing while they tified. This legislation forces VA to is very cold there—Congressman SCOTT are attending school, making it nec- make these changes within 90 days of PETERS, Congressman CORREA, Con- essary for them to show proof of their enactment. gresswoman PINGREE, Congressman housing allowance as proof of income. Finally, I wish to thank my good HIMES, and Congresswoman BUSTOS, Without this proof of income, veterans friend, Ranking Member TIM WALZ, for who have made valuable contributions often find themselves unable to secure his leadership on this committee dur- to this legislation. housing before the start of school. ing the 115th Congress. The Governor- I would also like to take this time to Now, this is a commonsense piece of elect of Minnesota leaves the United thank Dr. ROE for his leadership as documentation that VA can electroni- States House of Representatives with a chairman of this committee in this cally provide to allow our veterans to legacy of bipartisan legislative accom- Congress. I look forward to working easily use their earned benefits, and I plishments that will undoubtedly im- with Dr. ROE as ranking member of the am pleased this great idea by Congress- prove the lives of veterans for years to 116th Congress so that we can continue man HIMES was included in this pack- come. to function as a productive committee age. I want to thank Chairman ROE and in the 116th, free from partisan grid- Congresswoman BUSTOS’ legislation, our Senate colleagues for including his lock, on behalf of the veterans whom H.R. 5882, the Gold Star Spouses Leas- bill, H.R. 4245, the Veterans’ Electronic we represent. ing Relief Act, would allow the spouse Health Record Modernization Over- Now, as a former teacher—actually, a of a deceased servicemember to termi- sight Act of 2017, in this measure, ena- current teacher—and advocate for im- nate a housing lease following the bling this committee to continue its proving educational and training op- death of his or her loved one. oversight of the $16 billion Electronic portunities for veterans, I am pleased Servicemembers and their families Health Record Modernization, or this legislation contains several provi- are often stationed far from home due EHRM, program over the next 10 years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.043 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9800 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I say to the gentleman, created backlog, adding a significant This bill codifies existing current Chairman ROE, we are going to do in- amount of stress to our heroes who rely practice to ensure the VA’s process oc- tensive oversight of this project; I on their monthly stipends and tuition curs with dignity, sensitivity, and com- guarantee you that. benefits. In some cases, delays meant passion. This legislation requires the VA to the schools putting a hold on a stu- In summary, this is a simple change submit contract, technical, and other dent’s account or forcing the student that allows for the burial and provi- documents to Congress and to provide to begin payment of tuition and fees on sions of headstones for eligible spouses updated documents on a quarterly a payment plan until they receive the and dependents of children of Active basis. money from the VA. Duty servicemembers in a timely man- The legislation also requires VA to It is unacceptable. We cannot allow ner. notify Congress about program chal- this type of uncertainty for our Na- Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the inclu- lenges, including incidents affecting tion’s heroes, Mr. Speaker, and my sion of my legislation within the larger patient safety, cost overruns over $1 SIT-REP bill protects these veterans bill, which contains a range of notable million, and a milestone delay of 30 from additional penalties from schools. measures aimed at assisting our Na- days or more, bid protests, or a data or It is not the veterans’ fault, and they tion’s veterans. privacy breach. should not be punished for the actions Mr. Speaker, I urge passage of this Now, we know that we will likely of others. It is as simple as that. legislation. Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I need to expand these reporting require- I urge my colleagues to join me in yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from ments in the future to include other support of this commonsense, bipar- Michigan (Mr. BERGMAN), my good contract and technical documents as tisan legislative package which con- friend, and chairman of the Sub- the program matures and additional tains many additional provisions to committee on Oversight and Investiga- technical capabilities are achieved. I help our veterans, such as a study on tion, and a retired Marine Corps lieu- look forward to working with my col- community-based transition assistance leagues in the next Congress to ensure tenant general. programs, a report on the feasibility of that we maintain close oversight of Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank expanding access to dental care for vet- this program and hold VA accountable, Chairman ROE and Chairman ISAKSON erans at the VA, and the expansion of if necessary. for their leadership throughout the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to eligibility under the Homeless Vet- 115th Congress in a bipartisan, bi- support the House amendment to S. erans’ Reintegration Program. cameral way for putting together one 2248, and I reserve the balance of my I hope the Senate takes this up last package of veterans priority bills. time. quickly, and I know they will. I want To be able to sponsor any bill is a Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I them to pass the Veterans Benefit and privilege, but to be able to sponsor a yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Transition Act of 2018 so we can send it veteran-related bill is both an honor Florida (Mr. BILIRAKIS), vice chair of to the President’s desk before the and a privilege. the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and year’s end. I want to talk just very quickly one of the most fierce advocates for our Mr. Speaker, the chairman did an about a couple of bills that I was proud veterans in this Congress. outstanding job as chairman, and my to sponsor. The VA Purchase Card Mis- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise friend Ranking Member WALZ did as use Mitigation Act: The VA has been today in strong support of the House well on behalf of our heroes. able to use purchase cards for up to amendment to S. 2248, the Veterans I thank Mr. TAKANO and congratulate $10,000 using government cards. This Benefit and Transition Act. him on being the next chairman of the act basically allows them to continue I am proud of the work Chairman committee. I look forward to working to do that, but also allows the Sec- ROE and the rest of our committee did with him. retary of the VA to revoke purchase to pass the multiple historic pieces of Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, may I in- card approval authority from any em- legislation over the course of this Con- quire how much time I have remain- ployee who is found to be misusing gress, including the Forever GI Bill and ing? that card. the VA MISSION Act. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- As chairman of the Oversight and In- Despite all the progress we have tleman from California has 101⁄2 min- vestigations Subcommittee, trans- made, there is still more work to be utes remaining. parency and accountability have been my priorities, and this bill will done. I look forward to working on b 1715 these issues for our heroes. bad actors in check while making the This legislative package contains Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 VA more efficient. many commonsense, zero-cost bills we minutes to the gentleman from Cali- The second bill I was proud to spon- passed in the House over the past year fornia (Mr. CORREA), my colleague, my sor is the Medical-Surgical Purchasing but have stalled in the Senate. But I good friend and fellow Californian, and Stabilization Act. In pure and simple know there is an agreement in the Sen- member of the House Committee on terms, going to a prime vendor pro- ate, and we are going to get this done Veterans’ Affairs. gram in med-surge purchasing was a before the end of the year. Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in good idea to control costs and increase I am especially proud that this pack- support of the House amendment to S. patient outcomes. However, we need to age contains a provision that includes 2248. ensure that the providers, the doctors my bill, H.R. 4830, the SIT-REP Act, Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman ROE and the nurses who are actually using which will hold student veterans harm- for his service and leadership in the those instruments in surgery or in the less from bureaucratic red tape and committee. I also thank Ranking Mem- clinic, have a say in what is being pur- delays at higher education institutions ber WALZ, as well as the committee chased, because the goal is to provide and at the VA. This legislation pre- staff, for their efforts in this legisla- outcomes for the veteran, and those vents educational institutions from im- tion and for including my bipartisan healthcare providers know which in- posing a fee on student veterans or de- bill, the Servicemember Family Burial struments are the best to use. nying their access to education when Act, as a provision of this larger bill. Lastly, the Veterans’ Electronic tuition payments are delayed by bu- When the Department of Veterans Health Record Modernization Act, reaucracy, no fault of the veteran. Affairs provides burial and headstones which we have already talked about In our subcommittee hearings on the or markers for eligible family members here, this is key to providing seamless implementation of the Forever GI Bill, who predecease active servicemembers, care from the veterans beginning of we heard many concerns about delays it is always under very difficult situa- their service to the end of their service. and processing of tuition payments be- tions. The loss of a spouse or a child is This is overdue, and it needs to be tween schools and the VA. I also had a very painful occurrence, and we want monitored, it needs to be assessed so roundtables in my district and heard to make sure that the burial benefits that we, as the committee, in a bipar- the same concerns, Mr. Speaker. and the whole process is as easy as pos- tisan way can make it happen. This fall semester, IT failures and sible for our Active Duty servicemem- Mr. Speaker, in closing, I am ex- delay at the VA led to an artificially bers during these very difficult times. tremely proud of the bipartisan work

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.044 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9801 and I am looking forward to the 116th It includes several provisions that I versation I had with a retired marine Congress. was honored to support during my time at Sacred Heart University in Fair- Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, field, Connecticut, in which I simply minutes to the gentlewoman from including updates to our educational asked Nicholas Quinzi of the Marine Maine (Ms. PINGREE), my good friend. assistance programs at the Department Corps, ‘‘What can we do to make your Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Speaker, I thank of Veterans Affairs and additional em- life a little easier?’’ the gentleman from California for phasis on transition services provided And he said, ‘‘You know, the problem yielding the time. to our servicemembers. That one is I have, like so many of my fellow vet- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the very near and dear to me. erans, I have post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, Veterans Benefit and Transition Act of Importantly, it includes provisions to but there is no way for me, when I go 2018. Frankly, it is always a good feel- help the most vulnerable in the veteran to a landlord to rent an apartment to ing to be able to speak for common- community. It includes the Homeless be here at school, there is no way for sense legislation put together in a bi- Veterans Reintegration Program’s Re- me to verify that income, and as a re- partisan fashion for the good of Amer- authorization Act, which is a bipar- sult, I have had a rough time getting ica’s veterans. tisan bill I introduced with Congress- housing even though I have got this In particular, I welcome the inclu- woman BROWNLEY. This legislation en- stipend from the Federal Government sion of section 504, the Veterans Fair sures those eligible for the Department which comes to me as a result of my Debt Notice Act. I introduced this last of Housing and Urban Development’s service.’’ year in response to frustrations vet- Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing So there it was: a problem with an erans have been experiencing with the Program and other housing assistance easy solution. VA’s debt management system. It in- programs are also eligible for the The SERVE Act, which is now incor- corporates some refinements made in Homeless Veterans Reintegration Pro- porated into the amendment to S. 2248 the Senate companion bill introduced gram. will simply require the VA to provide by Senator DEB FISCHER, which dem- By prioritizing the reintegration of proof of that stipend so that landlords onstrates the bipartisan nature of this homeless and recently homeless vet- and other housing organizations can effort. erans, we will empower our veterans to see that our veterans have a steady The legislation improves the way reenter the workforce and help them source of income to help them pay that that veterans are notified about debts regain self-sufficiency. rent. It is a small thing, but it is some- that they may owe from the VA bene- This legislation also includes the thing that matters an awful lot to fits program. Because of the VA’s fail- Gold Star Spouses Leasing Relief Act, Nicholas Quinzi and the roughly 1.1 ure to notify or due to confusingly which I introduced along with Con- million other veterans who are getting worded letters or letters that actually gresswoman BUSTOS. It recognizes that this kind of benefit. just never reach the vet, many vet- after the loss of a military spouse, Gold So this is an example of what hap- erans in Maine and elsewhere are Star families may need flexibility to pens when you listen to your constitu- shocked to learn that they owe debts, relocate to fit their family’s needs. ents. It wasn’t my idea, but I am just and for many, they have missed the It would help spouses like Cindy so thrilled that Republicans and Demo- deadlines to dispute or seek forgiveness Southern, a native of Portsmouth, crats were able to come together for the alleged debt. Ohio, in my district. Cindy lost her around this small, good thing for a lot This bill directs the VA to work with husband while he was serving in the of young veterans who are post-service, veterans service organizations to de- Navy overseas during Operation Desert trying to get educated, trying to get velop standard notification notices Storm. As she grieved, all she wanted the kind of tools they will need to suc- that are written in plain language that to do was move home, but she had ceed. anyone can understand and it also al- signed a one-year lease on a home in Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. ROE for his lows veterans to receive notices elec- North Carolina. Her landlords refused hard work. I thank TIM WALZ and wish tronically. to waive her lease without massive ter- him well as he goes off to other things. To promote accountability, the bill mination fees. This bill would ensure And to Chairman-elect TAKANO, I requires the VA to report to Congress Gold Star families are not trapped into thank him for his good work on this on the new standard and on the VA’s a jointly-held residential lease after bill. efforts to reduce the number of errors the death of a servicemember. in its debt notification system. Mr. Speaker, our veterans have given Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman ROE so much to our Nation. This legislation from New York (Ms. STEFANIK), my and Ranking Member WALZ for their before us today makes sure we provide work in support, and I urge passage. the benefits they deserve, properly sup- good friend and fellow member of the Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I port their families, and prepare them Education and the Workforce Com- yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from for success in civilian life. mittee. Ohio (Mr. WENSTRUP), my good friend, Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I thank who currently serves and has served on minutes to the gentleman from Con- Mr. ROE for his leadership. the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee necticut (Mr. HIMES), my good friend Mr. Speaker, my legislation included as the Health Subcommittee chair. He and also a member of the House Intel- in this package gives all military also serves on the House Armed Serv- ligence Committee. spouses, regardless of which State they ices Committee, Intel Committee, and Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, I rise in married in, the choice to establish the is a in the reserves. support of this bill, and I want to start same State of residency as the service- Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, I by thanking Mr. TAKANO, Governor- member for both voting and tax pur- thank the gentleman for yielding the elect WALZ, and Dr. ROE for their work poses. time. on this bill. As the proud representative of Fort Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this As I have sat here and listened to not Drum and the Navy nuclear site at legislation, the Veterans Benefits and so much a debate, but a celebration of Kesselring, I understand the challenges Transition Act of 2018. the bipartisan work that was done to military families face and the sac- Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman ROE create this bill, including so many rifices these families make to help pro- and Ranking Member WALZ and all the things that I know will assist our vet- tect our Nation and safeguard our free- members of the committee and staff erans, it is great to see the parties doms. who work so hard on behalf of our vet- working together as we close out this Military families are constantly relo- erans. I would like to congratulate Mr. Congress. cating to meet the needs of the mili- TAKANO as chairman-elect. Mr. TAKANO was very kind in saying tary. They sacrifice so much during This legislation we are talking about that the SERVE Act, which is included these relocations, uprooting their lives today includes reforms to ensure Amer- in this legislation, was my idea. It and disrupting their families. This is ica’s heroes receive the benefits and wasn’t actually my idea. It was better often a very difficult and trying time, recognition that they so richly deserve. than that, because it grew out of a con- with the heaviest burden falling upon

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.046 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 military spouses, who serve as a crit- eral years. He will do a great job as tempore (Mr. PAULSEN) at 6 o’clock and ical support system for their loved chairman, and I look forward to serv- 30 minutes p.m. ones. ing. f Current law allows Active Duty serv- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance icemembers to maintain one State of of my time. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER legal residence for tax and voting pur- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The PRO TEMPORE question is on the motion offered by poses even when those servicemembers The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. receive military orders requiring them ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings ROE) that the House suspend the rules to relocate, but this does not apply will resume on motions to suspend the evenly to spouses. Spouses are forced and pass the bill, S. 2248, as amended. The question was taken; and (two- rules previously postponed. to establish residency every time the Votes will be taken in the following servicemember receives a new assign- thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill, as order: ment, adding additional stress to fami- H. Res. 792, by the yeas and nays; and lies as they manage these relocations amended, was passed. A motion to reconsider was laid on H.R. 3008, by the yeas and nays. and seek new employment. the table. The first electronic vote will be con- My legislation, the Military Resi- ducted as a 15-minute vote. The second f dency Choice Act, fixes this inconsist- electronic vote will be conducted as a ency to better ease these trying transi- RAY HENDRIX VETERANS CLINIC 5-minute vote. tions. Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I f Mr. Speaker, I thank Mr. ROE for his ask unanimous consent to take from leadership, Ranking Member WALZ, as the Speaker’s table the bill (H.R. 3946) URGING SECRETARY OF THE INTE- well as Chairman-elect TAKANO. to name the Department of Veterans RIOR TO RECOGNIZE THE HIS- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Affairs community-based outpatient TORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF RO- support this bill on a bipartisan basis. clinic in Statesboro, Georgia, the ‘‘Ray BERTO CLEMENTE’S PLACE OF Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Hendrix Veterans Clinic’’, with the DEATH myself the balance of my time. Senate amendments thereto, and con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Mr. Speaker, I have no further speak- cur in the Senate amendments. finished business is the vote on the mo- ers. The Clerk read the title of the bill. tion to suspend the rules and agree to I want to urge all my colleagues to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the resolution (H. Res. 792) urging the join me in passing this important legis- Clerk will report the Senate amend- Secretary of the Interior to recognize lation, S. 2248. I want to announce my ments. the historical significance of Roberto intention to work with Mr. ROE, my The Clerk read as follows: Clemente’s place of death near Pin˜ ones colleague from Tennessee, in the next Senate amendments: in Loı´za, Puerto Rico, by adding it to Congress, that we will preserve the sa- SECTION 1. NAME OF DEPARTMENT OF VET- the National Register of Historic cred bipartisan space that we have here ERANS AFFAIRS COMMUNITY-BASED OUTPATIENT CLINIC, STATESBORO, Places, as amended, on which the yeas for America’s veterans in the Veterans’ GEORGIA. and nays were ordered. Affairs Committee. We have so much The Department of Veterans Affairs commu- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- more to do, and I hope it lays the nity-based outpatient clinic in Statesboro, Geor- tion. groundwork for this Congress to con- gia, shall after the date of the enactment of this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tinue to heal and reach out to each Act be known and designated as the ‘‘Ray question is on the motion offered by other and serve America as well as our Hendrix Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic’’ or the ‘‘Ray Hendrix VA Clinic’’. Any reference the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) veterans. to such clinic in any law, regulation, map, doc- that the House suspend the rules and Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ument, record, or other paper of the United agree to the resolution, as amended. of my time. States shall be considered to be a reference to The vote was taken by electronic de- b 1730 the Ray Hendrix Department of Veterans Af- fairs Clinic. vice, and there were—yeas 385, nays 1, Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘An Act to answered ‘‘present’’ 2, not voting 44, as yield myself such time as I may con- name the Department of Veterans Affairs follows: sume. community-based out-patient clinic in [Roll No. 426] Mr. Speaker, I, too, want to encour- Statesboro, Georgia, the Ray Hendrix De- YEAS—385 partment of Veterans Affairs Clinic.’’. age all Members to support S. 2248, as Abraham Brown (MD) Comstock amended. Mr. ROE of Tennessee (during the Adams Brownley (CA) Conaway As I close, I thank both the Repub- reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous Aderholt Buck Connolly lican and Democratic members of the consent to dispense with the reading. Aguilar Bucshon Cook The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Allen Budd Cooper committee and of the full House for the Amodei Burgess Correa incredible work that they have done. objection to the request of the gen- Arrington Bustos Costello (PA) This committee is an example of how tleman from Tennessee? Babin Butterfield Courtney There was no objection. Bacon Byrne Cramer Congress should work. We put our par- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Balderson Calvert Crawford tisanship aside at the door and we objection to the original request of the Banks (IN) Capuano Crist think about one thing: what is good for Barr Carbajal Crowley gentleman from Tennessee? Barraga´ n Ca´ rdenas Cuellar America’s veterans and their families. There was no objection. Barton Carson (IN) Culberson You heard today how Members on A motion to reconsider was laid on Bass Carter (GA) Cummings both sides of the aisle have gone home the table. Beatty Carter (TX) Curtis and listened to their constituents and Bera Cartwright Davidson f Bergman Castor (FL) Davis (CA) come back with great ideas. Often, the Biggs Castro (TX) Davis, Danny great ideas don’t emanate from here; RECESS Bilirakis Chabot Davis, Rodney they emanate from the citizens of this The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bishop (GA) Cheney DeFazio Bishop (UT) Chu, Judy DeGette country. I thank them and the 20 mil- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Black Cicilline Delaney lion or so surviving veterans in this declares the House in recess until ap- Blackburn Clark (MA) DeLauro country for their incredible service. We proximately 6:30 p.m. today. Blum Clarke (NY) DelBene will never get it all straight up here, Accordingly (at 5 o’clock and 32 min- Blumenauer Clay Demings utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. Blunt Rochester Cleaver DesJarlais but I can assure you that we are trying Bonamici Cloud Deutch our very best to do what is right. f Bost Clyburn Diaz-Balart I congratulate Mr. TAKANO in his ele- Boyle, Brendan Coffman Dingell b 1830 F. Cohen Doggett vation to the chairmanship. I know we Brady (TX) Cole Donovan have worked very closely together AFTER RECESS Brat Collins (GA) Doyle, Michael through the last several years—not The recess having expired, the House Brooks (AL) Collins (NY) F. just the last 2 years, but the last sev- was called to order by the Speaker pro Brooks (IN) Comer Duffy

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.047 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9803 Duncan (SC) LaMalfa Rohrabacher ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—2 Delaney Kind Richmond Duncan (TN) Lamb Rokita DeLauro King (IA) Roby Rice (SC) Sanford Dunn Lance Rooney, Francis DelBene King (NY) Roe (TN) Emmer Langevin Ros-Lehtinen Demings Kinzinger Rogers (AL) Eshoo Larsen (WA) Rosen NOT VOTING—44 DesJarlais Krishnamoorthi Rogers (KY) Espaillat Larson (CT) Rothfus Deutch Kuster (NH) Rokita Estes (KS) Latta Rouzer Barletta Hudson O’Halleran Diaz-Balart Kustoff (TN) Rooney, Francis Esty (CT) Lawrence Roybal-Allard Beyer Jenkins (KS) Pittenger Dingell Labrador Ros-Lehtinen Evans Lawson (FL) Royce (CA) Bishop (MI) Jones (NC) Polis Doggett LaHood Rosen Faso Lee Ruiz Brady (PA) Keating Price (NC) Donovan LaMalfa Rothfus Buchanan Knight Ferguson Lesko Ruppersberger Rooney, Thomas Doyle, Michael Lamb Rouzer Costa Lamborn Fitzpatrick Levin Russell J. F. Lance Roybal-Allard Curbelo (FL) Lewis (GA) Fleischmann Lewis (MN) Rutherford Roskam Duffy Langevin Royce (CA) Denham Lieu, Ted Flores LoBiondo Ryan (OH) Ross Duncan (SC) Larsen (WA) Ruiz DeSaulnier Lipinski Fortenberry Loebsack Sa´ nchez Rush Duncan (TN) Larson (CT) Ruppersberger Ellison Loudermilk Foster Lofgren Sarbanes Shuster Dunn Latta Russell Engel Lujan Grisham, Foxx Long Scalise Simpson Emmer Lawrence Rutherford Gabbard M. Frankel (FL) Love Scanlon Eshoo Lawson (FL) Ryan (OH) Gonzalez (TX) Marchant Tipton Frelinghuysen Lowenthal Schakowsky Espaillat Lee Sa´ nchez Gowdy Mast Tsongas Fudge Lowey Schiff Estes (KS) Lesko Sarbanes Grijalva McSally Walz Gaetz Lucas Schneider Esty (CT) Gutie´rrez Noem Levin Scalise Gallagher Luetkemeyer Schrader Evans Lewis (MN) Scanlon Gallego Luja´ n, Ben Ray Schweikert Faso LoBiondo Schakowsky Garamendi Lynch Scott (VA) b 1853 Ferguson Loebsack Schiff Garrett MacArthur Scott, Austin So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Fitzpatrick Lofgren Schneider Gianforte Maloney, Scott, David Fleischmann Long Schrader Gibbs Carolyn B. Sensenbrenner tive) the rules were suspended and the Flores Loudermilk Schweikert Gohmert Maloney, Sean Serrano resolution, as amended, was agreed to. Fortenberry Love Scott (VA) Gomez Marino Sessions The result of the vote was announced Foster Lowenthal Scott, Austin Goodlatte Marshall Sewell (AL) as above recorded. Foxx Lowey Scott, David Gosar Massie Shea-Porter Frankel (FL) Lucas Sensenbrenner Gottheimer Matsui Sherman A motion to reconsider was laid on Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Serrano Granger McCarthy Shimkus the table. Fudge Luja´ n, Ben Ray Sessions Graves (GA) McCaul Sinema Gaetz Lynch Sewell (AL) Graves (LA) McClintock Sires f Gallagher MacArthur Shea-Porter Graves (MO) McCollum Smith (MO) Gallego Maloney, Sherman Green, Al McEachin Smith (NE) GEORGE W. BUSH CHILDHOOD Garamendi Carolyn B. Shimkus Green, Gene McGovern Smith (NJ) HOME STUDY ACT Garrett Maloney, Sean Sinema Griffith McHenry Smith (TX) Gianforte Marino Sires Grothman McKinley Smith (WA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Gibbs Marshall Smith (MO) Guthrie McMorris Smucker finished business is the vote on the mo- Gohmert Matsui Smith (NE) Hanabusa Rodgers Soto Gomez McCarthy Smith (NJ) Handel McNerney Speier tion to suspend the rules and pass the Goodlatte McCaul Smith (TX) Harper Meadows Stefanik bill (H.R. 3008) to authorize the Sec- Gosar McClintock Smith (WA) Harris Meeks Stewart retary of the Interior to conduct a spe- Gottheimer McCollum Smucker Hartzler Meng Stivers cial resource study of the George W. Granger McEachin Soto Hastings Messer Suozzi Graves (GA) McGovern Speier Heck Mitchell Swalwell (CA) Bush Childhood Home, located at 1412 Graves (LA) McHenry Stefanik Hensarling Moolenaar Takano West Ohio Avenue, Midland, Texas, and Graves (MO) McKinley Stewart Hern Mooney (WV) Taylor for other purposes, on which the yeas Green, Al McMorris Stivers Herrera Beutler Moore Tenney Green, Gene Rodgers Suozzi Hice, Jody B. Morelle Thompson (CA) and nays were ordered. Griffith McNerney Swalwell (CA) Higgins (LA) Moulton Thompson (MS) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Grothman Meadows Takano Higgins (NY) Mullin Thompson (PA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Guthrie Meeks Taylor Hill Murphy (FL) Thornberry question is on the motion offered by Hanabusa Meng Tenney Himes Nadler Titus Handel Messer Thompson (CA) Holding Napolitano Tonko the gentleman from Utah (Mr. BISHOP) Harper Mitchell Thompson (MS) Hollingsworth Neal Torres that the House suspend the rules and Harris Moolenaar Thompson (PA) Hoyer Newhouse Trott pass the bill. Hartzler Mooney (WV) Thornberry Huffman Nolan Turner This is a 5-minute vote. Hastings Moore Titus Huizenga Norcross Upton Heck Morelle Tonko Hultgren Norman Valadao The vote was taken by electronic de- Hensarling Moulton Torres Hunter Nunes Vargas vice, and there were—yeas 382, nays 4, Hern Mullin Trott Hurd O’Rourke Veasey answered ‘‘present’’ 2, not voting 44, as Herrera Beutler Murphy (FL) Turner Hice, Jody B. Nadler Upton Issa Olson Vela follows: Jackson Lee Palazzo Vela´ zquez Higgins (LA) Napolitano Valadao Jayapal Pallone Visclosky [Roll No. 427] Higgins (NY) Neal Vargas Hill Newhouse Veasey Jeffries Palmer Wagner YEAS—382 Johnson (GA) Panetta Walberg Himes Nolan Vela Johnson (LA) Pascrell Walden Abraham Brooks (AL) Clyburn Holding Norcross Vela´ zquez Johnson (OH) Paulsen Walker Adams Brooks (IN) Coffman Hollingsworth Norman Visclosky Johnson, E. B. Payne Walorski Aderholt Brown (MD) Cohen Hoyer Nunes Wagner Johnson, Sam Pearce Walters, Mimi Aguilar Brownley (CA) Cole Huffman O’Rourke Walberg Jones (MI) Pelosi Wasserman Allen Buck Collins (GA) Huizenga Olson Walden Perlmutter Schultz Amodei Bucshon Collins (NY) Hultgren Palazzo Walker Joyce (OH) Perry Waters, Maxine Arrington Budd Comer Hunter Pallone Walorski Kaptur Peters Watson Coleman Babin Burgess Comstock Hurd Palmer Walters, Mimi Katko Peterson Weber (TX) Bacon Bustos Conaway Issa Panetta Wasserman Kelly (IL) Pingree Webster (FL) Balderson Butterfield Connolly Jackson Lee Pascrell Schultz Kelly (MS) Pocan Welch Banks (IN) Byrne Cook Jayapal Paulsen Waters, Maxine Kelly (PA) Poe (TX) Wenstrup Barr Calvert Cooper Jeffries Payne Watson Coleman ´ Kennedy Poliquin Westerman Barragan Capuano Correa Johnson (GA) Pearce Weber (TX) Khanna Posey Wild Barton Carbajal Costello (PA) Johnson (LA) Pelosi Webster (FL) ´ Kihuen Quigley Williams Bass Cardenas Courtney Johnson (OH) Perlmutter Welch Kildee Raskin Wilson (FL) Beatty Carson (IN) Cramer Johnson, E. B. Perry Wenstrup Kilmer Ratcliffe Wilson (SC) Bera Carter (GA) Crawford Johnson, Sam Peters Westerman Kind Reed Wittman Bergman Carter (TX) Crist Jones (MI) Peterson Wild King (IA) Reichert Womack Bilirakis Cartwright Crowley Jordan Pingree Williams King (NY) Renacci Woodall Bishop (GA) Castor (FL) Cuellar Joyce (OH) Pocan Wilson (FL) Kinzinger Rice (NY) Yarmuth Bishop (UT) Castro (TX) Culberson Kaptur Poe (TX) Wilson (SC) Krishnamoorthi Richmond Yoder Blum Chabot Cummings Katko Poliquin Wittman Kuster (NH) Roby Yoho Blumenauer Cheney Curbelo (FL) Kelly (IL) Posey Womack Kustoff (TN) Roe (TN) Young (AK) Blunt Rochester Chu, Judy Curtis Kelly (MS) Quigley Woodall Labrador Rogers (AL) Young (IA) Bonamici Cicilline Davidson Kelly (PA) Raskin Yarmuth LaHood Rogers (KY) Zeldin Bost Clark (MA) Davis (CA) Kennedy Ratcliffe Yoder Boyle, Brendan Clarke (NY) Davis, Danny Khanna Reed Yoho NAYS—1 F. Clay Davis, Rodney Kihuen Reichert Young (AK) Brady (TX) Cleaver DeFazio Kildee Renacci Young (IA) Amash Brat Cloud DeGette Kilmer Rice (NY) Zeldin

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.027 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9804 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 NAYS—4 retary for the Countering Weapons of Mass provision of law may be construed to affect Amash Massie Destruction Office. or reduce the responsibilities of the Federal Biggs Rohrabacher ‘‘(2) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.—The term Agency or the Ad- ‘intelligence community’ has the meaning ministrator of the Agency, including the di- ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—2 given such term in section 3(4) of the Na- version of any asset, function, or mission of Rice (SC) Sanford tional Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4)). the Agency or the Administrator of the NOT VOTING—44 ‘‘(3) OFFICE.—The term ‘Office’ means the Agency.’’; Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Of- (4) by striking section 1905; Barletta Gutie´rrez O’Halleran fice established under section 1901(a). (5) by redesignating sections 1902, 1903, Beyer Hudson Pittenger Bishop (MI) Jenkins (KS) Polis ‘‘(4) WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION.—The 1904, 1906, and 1907 as sections 1923, 1924, 1925, Black Jones (NC) Price (NC) term ‘weapon of mass destruction’ has the 1926, and 1927, respectively, and transferring Blackburn Keating Rooney, Thomas meaning given the term in section 101 of the such sections to appear after section 1922, as Brady (PA) Knight J. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 added by paragraph (3); Buchanan Lamborn Roskam (50 U.S.C. 1801). (6) in section 1923, as redesignated— Costa Lewis (GA) Ross (A) in the section heading, by striking Denham Lieu, Ted ‘‘Subtitle A—Countering Weapons of Mass Rush DeSaulnier Lipinski Destruction Office ‘‘MISSION OF OFFICE’’ and inserting ‘‘RESPON- Shuster Ellison Lujan Grisham, ‘‘SEC. 1901. COUNTERING WEAPONS OF MASS DE- SIBILITIES’’; and Simpson Engel M. STRUCTION OFFICE. (B) in subsection (a)(11), by striking ‘‘Do- Tipton Gabbard Marchant ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established mestic Nuclear Detection Office’’ and insert- Gonzalez (TX) Mast Tsongas ing ‘‘Office’’; Walz in the Department a Countering Weapons of Gowdy McSally Mass Destruction Office. (7) in section 1925, as redesignated, in sub- Grijalva Noem ‘‘(b) ASSISTANT SECRETARY.—The Office section (a), in the first sentence, by striking b 1902 shall be headed by an Assistant Secretary for ‘‘section 1902’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1923’’; the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (8) in section 1926, as redesignated— So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Office, who shall be appointed by the Presi- (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1)— tive) the rules were suspended and the dent. (i) by striking ‘‘Director for Domestic Nu- bill was passed. ‘‘(c) RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Assistant Sec- clear Detection’’ and inserting ‘‘Assistant The result of the vote was announced retary shall serve as the Secretary’s prin- Secretary’’; and as above recorded. cipal advisor on— (ii) by striking ‘‘paragraphs (6) and (7) of A motion to reconsider was laid on ‘‘(1) weapons of mass destruction matters section 1902(a)’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1923’’; the table. and strategies; and and ‘‘(2) coordinating the efforts of the Depart- (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘para- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ment to counter weapons of mass destruc- graphs (6) and (7) of section 1902(a)’’ and in- Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I regret that tion. serting ‘‘section 1923’’; I was unable to vote on Monday, December ‘‘(d) DETAILS.—The Secretary may request (9) in section 1927, as redesignated— 10, 2018, as I was attending an important that the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary (A) in subsection (a)(1)(C), in the matter event in Contra Costa, California. of Energy, the Secretary of State, the Attor- preceding clause (i), by striking ‘‘Director of Had I been present, I would have voted ney General, the Nuclear Regulatory Com- the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office’’ and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 426, H. Res. 792 and mission, and the heads of other Federal inserting ‘‘Assistant Secretary’’; and agencies, including elements of the intel- ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 427, H.R. 3008. (B) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘section ligence community, provide for the reim- 1902’’ and inserting ‘‘section 1923’’; and f bursable detail of personnel with relevant (10) by inserting after section 1927, as re- COUNTERING WEAPONS OF MASS expertise to the Office. designated, the following: ‘‘(e) TERMINATION.—The Office shall termi- DESTRUCTION ACT OF 2018 nate on the date that is 5 years after the ‘‘SEC. 1928. SECURING THE CITIES PROGRAM. Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask date of the enactment of the Countering ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary, unanimous consent that the Com- Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018.’’; through the Assistant Secretary, shall estab- mittee on Homeland Security and the (3) by adding at the end the following: lish a program, to be known as the ‘Securing Committee on Energy and Commerce ‘‘Subtitle B—Mission of the Office the Cities’ or ‘STC’ program, to enhance the be discharged from further consider- ‘‘SEC. 1921. MISSION OF THE OFFICE. ability of the United States to detect and ation of the bill (H.R. 7213) to amend ‘‘The Office shall be responsible for coordi- prevent terrorist attacks and other high-con- nating with other Federal efforts and devel- the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to sequence events utilizing nuclear or other oping a strategy and policy for the Depart- radiological materials that pose a high risk establish the Countering Weapons of ment to plan for, detect, and protect against to homeland security in high-risk urban Mass Destruction Office, and for other the importation, possession, storage, trans- areas. purposes, and ask for its immediate portation, development, or use of unauthor- ‘‘(b) ELEMENTS.—Through the STC program consideration in the House. ized chemical, biological, radiological, or nu- the Secretary shall— clear materials, devices, or agents in the The Clerk read the title of the bill. ‘‘(1) assist State, local, Tribal, and terri- United States and to protect against an at- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. torial governments in designing and imple- tack using such materials, devices, or agents SMUCKER). Is there objection to the re- menting, or enhancing existing, architec- against the people, territory, or interests of tures for coordinated and integrated detec- quest of the gentleman from New the United States. York? tion and interdiction of nuclear or other ra- ‘‘SEC. 1922. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER DEPART- diological materials that are out of regu- There was no objection. MENT COMPONENTS AND FEDERAL The text of the bill is as follows: AGENCIES. latory control; ‘‘(2) support the development of an oper- H.R. 7213 ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The authority of the As- ating capability to detect and report on nu- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- sistant Secretary under this title shall not affect or diminish the authority or the re- clear and other radiological materials out of resentatives of the United States of America in sponsibility of any officer of the Department regulatory control; Congress assembled, or any officer of any other Federal agency ‘‘(3) provide resources to enhance detec- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. with respect to the command, control, or di- tion, analysis, communication, and coordina- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Countering rection of the functions, personnel, funds, as- tion to better integrate State, local, Tribal, Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018’’. sets, or liabilities of any component of the and territorial assets into Federal oper- SEC. 2. COUNTERING WEAPONS OF MASS DE- Department or any other Federal agency. ations; STRUCTION OFFICE. ‘‘(b) OFFICE FOR STRATEGY, POLICY, AND ‘‘(4) facilitate alarm adjudication and pro- (a) IN GENERAL.—Title XIX of the Home- PLANS.—Not later than one year after the vide subject matter expertise and technical land Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 591 et seq.) date of the enactment of the Countering assistance on concepts of operations, train- is amended— Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018, the ing, exercises, and alarm response protocols; (1) in the title heading, by striking ‘‘DO- Assistant Secretary shall, in coordination ‘‘(5) communicate with, and promote shar- MESTIC NUCLEAR DETECTION OFFICE’’ with the Under Secretary for Strategy, Pol- ing of information about the presence or de- and inserting ‘‘COUNTERING WEAPONS OF icy, and Plans, submit to the appropriate tection of nuclear or other radiological ma- MASS DESTRUCTION OFFICE’’; congressional committees a strategy and im- terials among appropriate Federal, State, (2) by striking section 1901 and inserting plementation plan to direct programs within local, Tribal, and territorial government the following: the Office and to integrate those programs agencies, in a manner that ensures trans- ‘‘SEC. 1900. DEFINITIONS. with other programs and activities of the De- parency with the jurisdictions designated ‘‘In this title: partment. under subsection (c); ‘‘(1) ASSISTANT SECRETARY.—The term ‘As- ‘‘(c) FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ‘‘(6) provide augmenting resources, as ap- sistant Secretary’ means the Assistant Sec- AGENCY.—Nothing in this title or any other propriate, to enable State, local, Tribal, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.028 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9805 territorial governments to sustain and re- ‘‘(ii) documentation relating to the curity Act of 2002 is amended by striking the fresh their capabilities developed under the changes, including plans, strategies, and re- item relating to section 516. STC program; sources to implement the changes; and (d) WORKFORCE HEALTH AND MEDICAL SUP- ‘‘(7) monitor expenditures under the STC ‘‘(iii) an assessment of the effect of the PORT.—Title VII of the Homeland Security program and track performance in meeting changes on the capabilities of the STC pro- Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 341 et seq.) is amended the goals of the STC program; and gram, taking into consideration previous re- by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(8) provide any other assistance the Sec- source allocations and stakeholder input.’’. ‘‘SEC. 710. WORKFORCE HEALTH AND MEDICAL retary determines appropriate. (b) REFERENCES AND CONSTRUCTION.— SUPPORT. (1) IN GENERAL.—Any reference in any law, ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Under Secretary for ‘‘(c) DESIGNATION OF JURISDICTIONS.— regulation, document, paper, or other record Management shall be responsible for work- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out the STC of the United States to— force-focused health and medical activities program under subsection (a), the Secretary (A) the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office of the Department. The Under Secretary for shall designate jurisdictions from among shall be deemed to be a reference to the Management may further delegate responsi- high-risk urban areas under section 2003. Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Of- bility for those activities, as appropriate. ‘‘(2) CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION.—The fice; and ‘‘(b) RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Under Sec- retary for Management, in coordination with Secretary shall notify the Committee on (B) the Director for Domestic Nuclear De- the Chief Medical Officer, shall— Homeland Security and the Committee on tection shall be deemed to be a reference to ‘‘(1) provide oversight and coordinate the Appropriations of the House of Representa- the Assistant Secretary for the Countering medical and health activities of the Depart- tives and the Committee on Homeland Secu- Weapons of Mass Destruction Office. ment for the human and animal personnel of rity and Governmental Affairs and the Com- (2) CONSTRUCTION.—Sections 1923 through the Department; mittee on Appropriations of the Senate not 1927 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as ‘‘(2) establish medical, health, veterinary, later than 3 days before the designation of a redesignated by subsection (a), shall be con- and occupational health exposure policy, new jurisdiction under paragraph (1) or any strued to cover the chemical and biological guidance, strategies, and initiatives for the change to a jurisdiction previously des- responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary human and animal personnel of the Depart- ignated under that paragraph. for the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruc- ment; tion Office. ‘‘(d) ACCOUNTABILITY.— ‘‘(3) as deemed appropriate by the Under (3) AUTHORITY.—The authority of the Di- ‘‘(1) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN.— Secretary, provide medical liaisons to the rector of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Of- ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall de- components of the Department, on a reim- fice to make grants or enter into cooperative velop, in consultation with relevant stake- bursable basis, to provide subject matter ex- agreements is transferred to the Assistant holders, an implementation plan for carrying pertise on occupational medical and public Secretary for the Countering Weapons of out the STC program that includes— health issues; Mass Destruction Office, and such authority ‘‘(i) a discussion of the goals of the STC ‘‘(4) serve as the primary representative for shall be construed to include grants for all program and a strategy to achieve those the Department on agreements regarding the purposes of title XIX of the Homeland Secu- goals; detail of Commissioned Corps officers of the rity Act of 2002, as amended by this Act. ‘‘(ii) performance metrics and milestones Public Health Service of the Department of (c) CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER.— for the STC program; Health and Human Services to the Depart- (1) REPEAL.—Title V of the Homeland Se- ‘‘(iii) measures for achieving and sus- ment, except that components of the Depart- taining capabilities under the STC program; curity Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 311 et seq.) is amended by striking section 516. ment shall retain authority for funding, de- and termination of specific duties, and super- (2) AMENDMENT.—Title XIX of the Home- ‘‘(iv) costs associated with achieving the vision of such detailed Commissioned Corps goals of the STC program. land Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 591 et seq.), as amended by subsection (a), is fur- officers; and ‘‘(B) SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS.—Not later ‘‘(5) perform such other duties relating to than one year after the date of the enact- ther amended by adding at the end the fol- lowing: the responsibilities described in this sub- ment of the Countering Weapons of Mass De- section as the Secretary may require.’’. struction Act of 2018, the Secretary shall ‘‘Subtitle C—Chief Medical Officer (e) TRANSFERS; ABOLISHMENT.— submit to the appropriate congressional ‘‘SEC. 1931. CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER. (1) TRANSFERS.—The Secretary of Home- committees and the Comptroller General of ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There is in the Office a land Security shall transfer to— the United States the implementation plan Chief Medical Officer, who shall be appointed (A) the Countering Weapons of Mass De- required by subparagraph (A). by the President. The Chief Medical Officer struction Office all functions, personnel, ‘‘(2) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than one shall report to the Assistant Secretary. budget authority, and assets of— year after the submission of the implementa- ‘‘(b) QUALIFICATIONS.—The individual ap- (i) the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, tion plan under paragraph (1)(B), the Sec- pointed as Chief Medical Officer shall be a li- as in existence on the day before the date of retary shall submit to the appropriate con- censed physician possessing a demonstrated the enactment of this Act; and gressional committees and the Comptroller ability in and knowledge of medicine and (ii) the Office of Health Affairs, as in exist- General a report that includes— public health. ence on the day before the date of the enact- ‘‘(A) an assessment of the effectiveness of ‘‘(c) RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Chief Medical ment of this Act, except for the functions, the STC program, based on the performance Officer shall have the responsibility within personnel, budget authority, and assets of metrics and milestones required by para- the Department for medical issues related to such office necessary to perform the func- graph (1)(A)(ii); and natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and tions specified in section 710 of the Homeland ‘‘(B) proposals for any changes to the STC other man-made disasters, including— Security Act of 2002 (relating to workforce program, including an explanation of how ‘‘(1) serving as the principal advisor on health and medical support), as added by this those changes align with the strategy and medical and public health issues to the Sec- Act; and goals of the STC program and, as appro- retary, the Administrator of the Federal (B) the Management Directorate of the De- priate, address any challenges faced by the Emergency Management Agency, the Assist- partment of Homeland Security all func- STC program. ant Secretary, and other Department offi- tions, personnel, budget authority, and as- ‘‘(3) COMPTROLLER GENERAL REVIEW.—Not cials; sets of the Office of Health Affairs, as in ex- later than 18 months after the submission of ‘‘(2) providing operational medical support istence on the day before the date of the en- the report required by paragraph (2), the to all components of the Department; actment of this Act, that are necessary to Comptroller General of the United States ‘‘(3) as appropriate, providing medical liai- perform the functions of such section 710. shall submit to the appropriate congres- sons to the components of the Department, (2) ABOLISHMENT.—Upon completion of all sional committees a report evaluating the on a reimbursable basis, to provide subject transfers pursuant to paragraph (1)— implementation plan required by paragraph matter expertise on operational medical (A) the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (1) and the report required by paragraph (2), issues; of the Department of Homeland Security and including an assessment of progress made ‘‘(4) coordinating with Federal, State, the Office of Health Affairs of the Depart- with respect to the performance metrics and local, and Tribal governments, the medical ment of Homeland Security are abolished; milestones required by paragraph (1)(A)(ii) community, and others within and outside and and the sustainment of the capabilities of the Department, including the Centers for (B) the positions of Assistant Secretary for the STC program. Disease Control and Prevention and the Of- Health Affairs and Director for Domestic Nu- ‘‘(4) BRIEFING AND SUBMISSION REQUIRE- fice of the Assistant Secretary for Prepared- clear Detection are abolished. MENTS.—Before making any changes to the ness and Response of the Department of (f) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— structure or requirements of the STC pro- Health and Human Services, with respect to (1) OTHER OFFICERS.—Paragraph (4) of sec- gram, the Assistant Secretary shall— medical and public health matters; and tion 103(d) of the Homeland Security Act of ‘‘(A) consult with the appropriate congres- ‘‘(5) performing such other duties relating 2002 (6 U.S.C. 113(d)) is amended by striking sional committees; and to such responsibilities as the Secretary may ‘‘A Director for Domestic Nuclear Detec- ‘‘(B) provide to those committees— require.’’. tion’’ and inserting ‘‘An Assistant Secretary ‘‘(i) a briefing on the proposed changes, in- (3) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of for the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruc- cluding a justification for the changes; contents in section 1(b) of the Homeland Se- tion Office’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.030 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9806 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018

(2) NATIONAL BIOSURVEILLANCE INTEGRATION ‘‘Sec. 710. Workforce health and medical nities to work with you the remainder of CENTER.—Section 316(a) of the Homeland Se- support.’’; this Congress. curity Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 195b(a)) is amend- and Sincerely, ed by striking ‘‘Secretary shall’’ and insert- (3) by striking the items relating to title MICHAEL T. MCCAUL, ing ‘‘Secretary, acting through the Assistant XIX (including items relating to section 1901 Chairman. Secretary for the Countering Weapons of through section 1907) and inserting the fol- Mass Destruction Office, shall’’. lowing: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, (3) INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION.—Section COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE, ‘‘TITLE XIX—COUNTERING WEAPONS OF 317(f) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 MASS DESTRUCTION OFFICE Washington, DC, December 10, 2018. U.S.C. 195c(f)) is amended by striking ‘‘the Hon. MICHAEL T. MCCAUL, Chief Medical Officer,’’ and inserting ‘‘the ‘‘Sec. 1900. Definitions. Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, Assistant Secretary for the Countering ‘‘Subtitle A—Countering Weapons of Mass Washington, DC. Weapons of Mass Destruction Office,’’. Destruction Office DEAR CHAIRMAN MCCAUL: Thank you for (4) FUNCTIONS TRANSFERRED.—Section ‘‘Sec. 1901. Countering Weapons of Mass De- your letter concerning H.R. 7213, Countering 505(b) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 struction Office. Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018. U.S.C. 315(b)) is amended— ‘‘Subtitle B—Mission of the Office I agree to allow the Committee on Energy (A) by striking paragraph (4); and Commerce to be discharged from further (B) by redesignating paragraph (5) as para- ‘‘Sec. 1921. Mission of the Office. consideration of H.R. 7213 so that it may be graph (4); and ‘‘Sec. 1922. Relationship to other Depart- scheduled by the Majority Leader, and I (C) in paragraph (4), as so redesignated, by ment components and Federal thank you for your assurance that this dis- striking ‘‘through (4)’’ and inserting agencies. charge in no way affects the Committee’s ju- ‘‘through (3)’’. ‘‘Sec. 1923. Responsibilities. risdiction over the subject matter of the bill, ‘‘Sec. 1924. Hiring authority. (5) COORDINATION OF DEPARTMENT OF HOME- and it will not serve as precedent for future ‘‘Sec. 1925. Testing authority. LAND SECURITY EFFORTS RELATED TO FOOD, referrals. In addition, should a conference on ‘‘Sec. 1926. Contracting and grant making AGRICULTURE, AND VETERINARY DEFENSE the bill be necessary, I appreciate your sup- authorities. AGAINST TERRORISM.—Section 528(a) of the port for the Committee to be represented on ‘‘Sec. 1927. Joint annual interagency review Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. the conference. of global nuclear detection ar- 321q(a)) is amended by striking ‘‘Health Af- Sincerely, chitecture. fairs,’’ and inserting ‘‘the Countering Weap- GREG WALDEN, ‘‘Sec. 1928. Securing the Cities program. ons of Mass Destruction Office,’’. Chairman. ‘‘Subtitle C—Chief Medical Officer (g) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY f CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND ‘‘Sec. 1931. Chief Medical Officer.’’. NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES.—Not later than one The bill was ordered to be engrossed HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY year after the date of the enactment of this and read a third time, was read the OF CONGRESSMAN MAC COLLINS Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary (Mr. FERGUSON asked and was of Homeland Security shall provide a brief- third time, and passed, and a motion to ing and report to the appropriate congres- reconsider was laid on the table. given permission to address the House sional committees (as defined in section 2 of f for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. PERMISSION TO PLACE INTO THE 101)) on— Mr. FERGUSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise (1) the organization and management of RECORD AN EXCHANGE OF LET- today to honor the life and legacy of the chemical, biological, radiological, and TERS ON H.R. 7213 Congressman Mac Collins. Mac rep- nuclear activities of the Department of Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask resented the good people of Georgia’s Homeland Security, including research and unanimous consent to include in the Third District, including myself, in development activities, and the location of RECORD an exchange of letters between each activity under the organizational struc- this Chamber for a decade. ture of the Countering Weapons of Mass De- the chairman of the Committee on En- He was a real champion for the work- struction Office; ergy and Commerce and the chairman ing men and women of America, and (2) a comprehensive inventory of chemical, of the Committee on Homeland Secu- his life was an example of the Amer- biological, radiological, and nuclear activi- rity on the bill, H.R. 7213. ican Dream. He started with nothing ties, including research and development ac- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and built an amazing business and a tivities, of the Department of Homeland Se- objection to the request of the gen- wonderful life for his family. curity, highlighting areas of collaboration tleman from New York? In 1964, Mac enlisted in the Georgia between components, coordination with There was no objection. other agencies, and the effectiveness and ac- Army National Guard and, like so complishments of consolidated chemical, bi- Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I in- many brave men and women before ological, radiological, and nuclear activities clude in the RECORD the exchange of him, he donned the uniform to defend of the Department of Homeland Security, in- letters. the freedoms we hold so dear. cluding research and development activities; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, From there, Mac went on to serve (3) information relating to how the organi- COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY, Georgians at the local and State level zational structure of the Countering Weap- Washington, DC, December 10, 2018. before coming to Washington to rep- ons of Mass Destruction Office will enhance Hon. GREG WALDEN, resent the Third District of Georgia. the development of chemical, biological, ra- Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, After this lifetime of service, Mac diological, and nuclear priorities and capa- Washington, DC. passed away shortly before Thanks- bilities across the Department of Homeland DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: On December 3, 2018, Security; the H.R. 7213—Countering Weapons of Mass giving at the age of 74. As we reflect on (4) a discussion of any resulting cost sav- Destruction Act of 2018 was introduced. This Congressman Mac Collins’ life and ings and efficiencies gained through activi- bill was additionally referred to the Com- mourn his passing, let us strive to fol- ties described in paragraphs (1) and (2); mittee on Energy and Commerce. low his example and honor a lifetime of (5) information on how the Assistant Sec- Since similar language passed the House of public service. retary for the Countering Weapons of Mass Representatives by voice vote earlier this He lived the scripture, Luke 22:26: Destruction Office is coordinating with the year, I ask that you allow the Committee on ‘‘The greatest among you should be Under Secretary of Science and Technology Energy and Commerce to be discharged from of the Department of Homeland Security on further consideration of the bill so that it like the youngest, and the one who research and development activities; and may be scheduled by the Majority Leader. rules like the one who serves.’’ (6) recommendations for any necessary This discharge in no way affects your juris- f statutory changes, or, if no statutory diction over the subject matter of the bill, changes are necessary, an explanation of and it will not serve as precedent for future CYBERSECURITY EDUCATION why no statutory or organizational changes referrals. In addition, should a conference on INTEGRATION are necessary. the bill be necessary, I would support your (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given (h) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.—The table of request to have the Committee on Energy permission to address the House for 1 contents in section 1(b) of the Homeland Se- and Commerce represented on the conference minute and to revise and extend his re- curity Act of 2002 is amended— committee. Finally, I would be pleased to in- (1) by striking the item relating to section clude this letter and your response in the marks.) 516; Congressional Record. Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, today I (2) inserting after the item relating to sec- Thank you for consideration of my re- rise with my good friend and fellow co- tion 709 the following: quest, and I look forward to further opportu- chair of the Congressional Career and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.030 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9807 Technical Education Caucus, Mr. HONORING PROFESSOR JOHN most always have more in common than not. THOMPSON, to introduce the Cybersecu- KEENE FOR THE MACARTHUR Our nation deserves this cooperation and ef- rity Education Integration Act, a bill GENIUS GRANT fectiveness, and Tom has directed our many, to develop CTE programs that include (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given many bipartisan accomplishments. cybersecurity education. permission to address the House for 1 Tom will be missed by many in Congress, Whether in our hospitals or our minute and to revise and extend his re- but he surely will continue contributing to our power grid, systems that make up our marks.) nation’s security and prosperity. Tom, con- critical infrastructure are increasingly Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise gratulations on your career in the House. I am internet-enabled. These connections today to honor John Keene, a Jersey grateful for your service, and wish your fam- undoubtedly increase efficiency and City resident and chair of the Depart- ily—wife Elizabeth, and children Emma, T.R. service quality but, unfortunately, ment of African American and African and Jackson—the very best. they also provide pathways for cyber Studies at Rutgers-Newark. f intruders to wreak havoc. Last month, Professor Keene was Mr. Speaker, we need to provide awarded the $625,000 MacArthur Foun- HONORING CAPTAIN ANDREA training for workers who deal with dation Genius Grant. Professor Keene KAMAN these systems on a day-to-day basis, (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given whether it is in the transportation, en- is one of only 25 people to receive the permission to address the House for 1 ergy, or health sectors, so that they award this year. He is a minute and to revise and extend her re- can keep us safe, so they can identify groundbreaking author who has stud- marks.) these cybersecurity vulnerabilities ied, taught, and written about the Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, today I early on and prevent them, hopefully, intersection of race, society, and the proudly recognize and honor a true from happening in the first place. human experience. Many CTE programs already have Professor Keene’s work has inspired public servant, Captain Andrea Kaman, strong physical safety elements; how- his students, and his community, and of the . Soon, An- ever, cybersecurity is rarely included. myself. I am so proud of Professor drea will transition from her Army We can’t think of this as an after- Keene and all of Rutgers-Newark for Congressional Fellow assignment to thought. It needs to be a forethought. keeping our city and my district at the continue service as an Army Human By funding the creation of CTE pro- top of the academic field. Resources Officer. grams that fully integrate cybersecu- I ask my colleagues to join me in In 2016, the people of Ohio’s Ninth rity into their coursework, we can en- honoring Professor Keene, and I leave District were rewarded when Andrea sure workers have the skills to protect you with his words: joined our team as my first Defense our Nation’s infrastructure. The most important thing is to read as Fellow. On behalf of a grateful Nation, I thank Representative THOMPSON for much as you can, work on your writing, to it is my honor to recognize her selfless his partnership on this bill, and I urge try to engage in our community with people service and sacrifice, and that of her my colleagues to support our bipar- who you can share your work with and learn family, too, her husband, Drew, and tisan effort. from. children, Elle and Jack. I wish her well f f in her journey with the United States RECOGNIZING THOMAS P. SHEEHY Army. CYBERSECURITY EDUCATION And the type of commitment that (Mr. ROYCE of California asked and INTEGRATION her life represents is necessary for our was given permission to address the (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania Nation today as much as it ever was. House for 1 minute and to revise and asked and was given permission to ad- Today, in my own State of Ohio, the extend his remarks.) dress the House for 1 minute and to re- FBI arrested two individuals suspected Mr. ROYCE of California. Mr. Speak- vise and extend his remarks.) of plotting to kill a rabbi and Jewish er, I rise in recognition of Tom Sheehy, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. worshippers in our region. Let me ex- staff director of the Foreign Affairs Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of press to the FBI—which has been get- Committee. H.R. 7214, the Cybersecurity Education ting some criticism by members of the Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize years of Integration Act. executive branch—and local Toledo Po- outstanding service by Tom Sheehy, staff di- As co-chair of the House Career and lice Division Officers, and other law en- rector of the Foreign Affairs committee that I Technical Education Caucus, I am forcement officials, deepest gratitude chair. Tom has been working on the com- proud that we continue to provide the for their professionalism and dedica- mittee for over twenty years, serving as a staff resources necessary to have a domi- tion to duty, to protect and defend the director for two subcommittees—one being Af- nant and prosperous workforce. For in- American people against all enemies, rica, where together we greatly improved U.S.- stance, this past June, we reauthorized foreign and domestic. Africa policy. During the last six years, Tom the Carl D. Perkins Act to advance ca- Today, in Ohio, the FBI’s motto of has expertly run the committee, advancing my reer and technical Education. ‘‘Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity’’ was agenda during challenging times. We must continue developing a 21st demonstrated again, backed by the Tom is known as a hard worker who takes century workforce to meet the tech- brave blue line of the Toledo Police Di- a strong interest in the well-being of his staff nical demands our country is facing vision. and is a problem solver. A first-rate communi- now and in the future. That is why, to- This Member of Congress says: I sa- cator who helps other staffers to improve their gether with my friend, Congressman lute you. Thank you on behalf of the skills, he has created a well-coordinated team LANGEVIN, we introduced a bill to help people of our region and the American of top-flight professionals. The Foreign Affairs protect sensitive data and our critical people. God bless you. infrastructure from bad actors. Committee staff is widely-known and well-re- Our legislation directs the Depart- spected as a result. Tom takes great pride in b 1915 ment of Education to create a competi- the committee’s good reputation. tive grant program to integrate cyber- The committee has been extremely produc- UNSAFE AND UNHEALTHY SITUA- security education into new and estab- tive. We have turned over 60 bills into public TION ALONG SOUTHWEST BOR- lished CTE programs. With over 16 crit- laws, including sanctions, development, and DER ical infrastructure sectors in our coun- export control legislation. This has required (Mr. POLIQUIN asked and was given try, we must prepare our next genera- Tom’s high level of commitment, knowledge, permission to address the House for 1 tion of learners to have the most so- and negotiation skills; and his empowerment minute and to revise and extend his re- phisticated and comprehensive edu- of our excellent committee staff. Under his di- marks.) cational programs to protect our Na- rection, we have held hearings and performed Mr. POLIQUIN. Mr. Speaker, Ameri- tion’s most dire assets, systems, and oversight on almost every issue of importance cans are alarmed by the unsafe and networks. to our foreign policy. unhealthy situation along the South- I encourage my colleagues to support Nearly all of our committee work has been west border. A caravan of thousands this bill and thank Mr. LANGEVIN for bipartisan. Not because we don’t differ over and thousands of Central Americans his work and leadership on this issue. policy. But because we understand that we al- has made its way through Mexico to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.058 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 camp just on the other side of the bor- My deepest condolences go out to the think his favorite title was that of hus- der fence in Texas. Vilela family. And, Shalynne, this one band to his beloved Bar, and I believe Now, my heart, Mr. Speaker, goes is for you. his greatest accomplishment was in out to these people, but we cannot let f raising children and grandchildren who them be allowed to overwhelm our bor- serve their Nation with dedication and der and to enter our country illegally. LET’S HELP OUR COLLEGE patriotism. These individuals, Mr. Speaker, have STUDENTS SUCCEED I believe our country and our State been offered asylum and work permits (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was can agree that we have lost a man of by Mexico, but they have refused. given permission to address the House honor and character, who leaves a leg- Homeland Security has confirmed for 1 minute and to revise and extend acy of love and service to his Nation that 600 known criminals are among her remarks.) and family. those in the encampment, and beyond Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, So, today, we all want to share with you a little bit about our relationship that, we simply do not know, Mr. many of us will see this as the holiday with the beloved President Bush. Speaker, who these people are. season, but many of us know that our This dangerous situation is going to I consider myself a proud part of the young college students will be finishing get only worse, unless it is addressed. Bush legacy. On the Ways and Means their first semester of whatever year That is why, Mr. Speaker, I have con- Committee, I hold the seat that was they are in college. nected with almost every one of our 235 previously held by President Bush, As I was home this season greeting Republican Members in the House, ask- then a Member of Congress, and Bill my constituents, one very dedicated ing them to join me to solve this na- Archer of Houston, later the chairman constituent came to me and said: What tional security and immigration prob- of the Ways and Means Committee are we doing about helping students lem. from Texas. I am truly blessed to be There is overwhelming support, Mr. get rid of this enormous burden of debt, part of a legacy on this committee that Speaker, to do so, and I will bring this trying to become a contributing citizen has achieved so much. up tomorrow at conference, along with to this country? As a matter of fact, my interest in lots of other Republicans. I made a commitment to him that we major issues from trade to tax reform The primary responsibility of Con- would work together to reduce the in- to healthcare is due in large part to gress is to protect our families, Mr. terest rates on student government President Bush. After I became elected Speaker. This is our last chance as Re- loans, to look forward to providing ac- to Congress, I spent a lot of time vis- publicans in the majority to fix this cess to education to all Americans. iting President Bush and Secretary mess. Otherwise, next year, the Demo- I believe, as students finish their James Baker, asking their advice on crat majority has signaled they will first semester, looking to their second, these issues. In fact, one of the reasons push for open borders and amnesty leg- some of them graduating, that we do I have been involved in 12 of the 14 islation. have a responsibility to make sure that American free trade agreements and This is our last chance as Repub- education is reasonable, accessible, and led the Central American Free Trade licans in the majority to get this right. not the enormous burden that it is. Agreement was directly because of my f Let’s help our college students. Let’s discussions with President Bush and help them succeed. I look forward to Secretary Baker. HONORING SHALYNNE VILELA doing that. President Bush was incredibly sup- (Mr. KIHUEN asked and was given f portive of me, both in my early cam- permission to address the House for 1 paigns for Congress and once I started minute and to revise and extend his re- HONORING PRESIDENT GEORGE serving. There was always an open door marks.) HERBERT WALKER BUSH to talk about issues dealing in tax and Mr. KIHUEN. Mr. Speaker, today, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under trade, healthcare, welfare, Social Secu- rise to share the story of Shalynne the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- rity, and Medicare. I always knew I had Vilela, the loving daughter of Amy and uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Texas someone I could lean on for sage ad- David Vilela. (Mr. BRADY) is recognized for 60 min- vice. At just 22 years old, Shalynne was a utes as the designee of the majority Because I used to represent College smart, ambitious, and dedicated young leader. Station, I had the pleasure of being in woman who loved her family. She was office when President Bush’s library GENERAL LEAVE working hard to become a registered was opened at A&M, and I worked nurse. Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I closely with the foundation for the 8 In 2015, Shalynne was admitted to ask unanimous consent that all Mem- years I represented it. the ER with symptoms of deep vein bers may have 5 legislative days in The library is remarkable, but it goes thrombosis, a highly treatable condi- which to revise and extend their re- way beyond the bricks and mortar. It tion, if treated in time. marks and include extraneous material is a tangible reminder of the impact Upon arrival to the ER, Shalynne on the topic of this very Special Order. President Bush had on College Station told the hospital staff that she did not The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and the State of Texas. have insurance, and she was advised to objection to the request of the gen- The library brought world leaders to leave the hospital without being given tleman from Texas? College Station, allowed young men proper care. There was no objection. and women from the small towns in Three weeks later, Shalynne died of a Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Texas to interact with President Bush pulmonary embolism caused by a blood few Americans will ever rival the depth as well as United States and world clot that originated in her leg. and the breadth of the service to our leaders on a one-on-one, close, personal It is unacceptable that, in one of the Nation exhibited by George Herbert level. That incredible legacy for those richest and most powerful countries in Walker Bush. young people will last for ages to come. the world, a tragedy like this can still Today, I join the Bush family, my I will finish with this. One of my fa- occur. Everyone in the United States of colleagues, fellow Texans, and a grate- vorite moments with President Bush America should have access to quality ful Nation in remembering and hon- came just after I was named Ways and and affordable health insurance. Access oring the life of President George H.W. Means chairman. President Bush’s of- to healthcare is a basic human right, Bush. fice reached out and said the President and no one should ever be denied med- He was a courageous war hero, a key wanted me to come down to his office ical care because of their inability to member of the Committee on Ways and in Houston and visit about Ways and pay. Means while he was here in Congress, Means issues, so, you can imagine, I This is why, Mr. Speaker, I have re- Ambassador, Director of the CIA, Vice was thrilled about it. cently pledged my support to the Medi- President, and the President of the So I went to his office, and my staff care for All Act, which provides uni- United States. really urged me to take a pair of crazy versal coverage to all those living in That is a remarkable and historical socks to present to President Bush, be- the United States of America. level of service to America, but I still cause he loved them; he wore them; he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.061 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9809 had a lot of fun with them. I decided, playing basketball and sailing on the District, I called President Bush for ad- instead, to bring one of three specially water, sharing and listening to Presi- vice. He encouraged me to run and gave made Ways and Means ties that we had dent Bush’s stories until the sun went me the push that I needed. I will never just created. down. forget it. Years ago, I announced my I brought that to the President, and I remember one basketball game. My congressional campaign in his office he seemed thrilled, but it was Barbara daughters were playing, and they with him by my side sitting next to who was most excited. When I pre- didn’t have any tennis shoes. Mrs. Bush me, and the rest in my world is history. sented the tie, she exclaimed: Thank went and got her tennis shoes and gave I am forever grateful to President God. No more socks, please. them to my daughters. When they Bush. He has been an inspiration I will finish, too, with this. Finally, began to shoot, there were vines that throughout my life. He has been like a every Veterans Day and Memorial Day had grown up on the basketball goal, father. Whether it be in my faith or in as I address our events in the Eighth and she made the President get hedge my path to public service, he was very Congressional District of Texas, I often clippers and clip the vines down before kind to me. conclude with my most memorable the girls could shoot baskets. He was the first person to call me quote from President Bush. It is a What a man he was. I am grateful for while I was in the hospital after the quote that is emblazoned in the library these priceless moments with Presi- baseball shooting back in June of 2016. in College Station in letters 10 feet dent Bush that exist now only as He said he was praying for me and tall, where that Brazos Valley sun can memories, and great memories. praying for our team. Two days later, catch it every day and afternoon on the In addition to traveling together as he called to check on me again. library. The quote is this: ‘‘Let future friends, we also shared a love for base- He has always answered the phone to generations understand the burden and ball. I was proud to be awarded with offer his sage wisdom when I called and the blessings of freedom. Let them say his award, the George H.W. Bush Dis- given me his advice, and I truly miss we stood where duty required us to tinguished Alumnus Award, by the Na- him terribly. stand.’’ tional College Baseball Hall of Fame. Over a week has gone by now that That quote embodies President To this day, I wear a ring that has his our country has been without one of George H.W. Bush, and it is a call to us name on it. the greatest Americans to ever live. as well to stand where duty requires us It was during our baseball days that This is an immeasurable loss for Amer- to stand today in all things and in the something very interesting happened. ica, but I am comforted knowing that future. We were having lunch one day in his of- he has been reunited with his beloved Mr. Speaker, the next Member to fice at College Station, and it was my- Barbara and their daughter Robin. speak will be the gentleman from self; President Bush; Jean Becker, his It has been a true honor to experi- Texas (Mr. WILLIAMS), a dear friend of chief of staff; and Drake McLane, who ence life with President Bush in it. Our President Bush for more than three owned the Astros. President Bush, just country is better because of him, I am decades, a partner and a colleague, and out of nowhere, said: I need to bring better because of him, and my family is a huge admirer. something up that I have gotten no better because of him. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance credit for. He once said, and we have all heard of my time. Ms. Becker said: No, don’t go there, it: Public service is the most noble Mr. President. f calling of all. And he answered that He said: No, I am going to go there. call. Each and every day, I am praying HONORING PRESIDENT GEORGE b 1930 for the entire Bush family, as we all HERBERT WALKER BUSH And Ms. Becker said: No, don’t go are, and I hope they find peace during The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under there, Mr. President. this difficult time. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- And he said: No, I am going to go One more story. uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Texas there. There is plenty of time between We were in Fort Worth one day and (Mr. WILLIAMS) is recognized for the re- that. he spoke. He found out that one of our mainder of the hour as the designee of He said: I said a statement that I get civic leaders was not doing well, from a the majority leader. no credit for, and that statement is, health standpoint. We got in the car. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I am ‘‘You da man.’’ He had his cell phone, and he dialed the reminded of a time in Texas when we He explained that he was at an number. A lady that worked in his were at a breakfast, and we had two Astros game—it was actually the Colt house answered the phone, and he groups. We had a group that was very .45s in 1961—and they had a player asked to speak to this gentleman. She close to , the Governor of named Rusty Staub. Rusty Staub held a minute, and the wife of this gen- Florida, and one that was close to wanted to meet President Bush. After tleman got on the phone. George W. Bush. the game, Staub came toward Presi- He said: This is President Bush. I Mrs. Bush was our guest speaker, and dent Bush, who then was not President, would like to speak to your husband. she spoke. When she opened up for and President Bush said: I don’t know She said: He cannot speak. questions, one of the questions was: why I said it and don’t know what it He said: Well, take this phone into Mrs. Bush, a lot of us in here know Jeb meant, but when he came closer to me, his bedroom right now, and I want to better than George; we know George I said, ‘‘You da man.’’ tell him I love him. better than Jeb. How are they alike? Drayton McLane said: Well, if you That is the kind of man President How do they differ? haven’t got any credit for it, we are Bush was. Mrs. Bush said she had been blessed playing the Dodgers tomorrow night, So God bless President Bush, God to have a great family, but she said we will put on the diamond vision your bless this family, and God bless Amer- these words: You could put all my boys picture, and we will put, ‘‘You da ica. together, and they would not equal man.’’ Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman their father. The next night, they did, and he got from Texas, (Mr. CULBERSON), who I I thought that was powerful. that credit for ‘‘You da man.’’ think represents where President Bush On November 30, 2018, America lost a So I would just say to the President, lives. great servant, and I lost a great friend. and I think we would all agree: Mr. Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, I President Bush epitomized every- President, you da man. thank the gentleman for yielding. thing wonderful about America, and We had a relationship that was very In 18 years, it has been my extraor- like his country, he was tough, strong, unique and very dear to my heart. This dinary privilege to represent the people and kind. great man served as a mentor to me of District 7. I have had the world’s Over the years, I was able to get to and had a huge impact on my life. In best role model as a Congressman. know the President and his family very fact, he was the reason I am standing My predecessor, George H.W. Bush, well. My family and I had the oppor- here before all of you today. was the first Congressman to represent tunity to visit them in Kennebunkport When I was contemplating running to District 7. He, just as he was to ROGER many summers. Our days were spent represent Texas’ 25th Congressional WILLIAMS and as he was to KEVIN

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.062 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 BRADY, has been not only a role model stand him in strong stead through the then Senator Gramm took the Presi- to me, but an adviser who helped to ebbs and flows of posterity’s judgment. dent’s handwoven silk tie, and I ended guide me when I first decided to run for On that score, George H.W. Bush was a up with Gramm’s polyester tie. The office. uniquely good man. President said: Well, JOE, you are the He has always been there for me to In a political universe where good junior man here. You just have to suck offer advice every step of the way. He men are hard to come by, there was bi- it up. is an extraordinary role model. Every- partisan consensus a quarter century Later that week in Fort Worth, Sen- one who knew him understood imme- after he left the White House. We will ator Gramm and I were at a fundraiser diately that they were in the presence miss this great, good man, and Amer- for the Republican women, and I no- of someone extraordinary. ica and Texas are far, far better that he ticed he was wearing the President’s As Mark McKinnon remembers: lived and he served his Nation so well. handwoven silk tie. So at the end of ‘‘George H.W. Bush will be remembered Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield the event, I stood up and I said: Now, by history as a deeply accomplished to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. BAR- ladies, we need to raise some more public servant. But the many of us who TON), the dean of our Texas delegation. money. were lucky enough to pass through his Mr. BARTON. Mr. Speaker, I think it We auctioned off the President’s tie. orbit will remember him for his un- is a measure of President George H.W. Phil Gramm had to be a good sport, common grace and love toward family Bush that we all think of him as a per- and I think we got $2,000 for it. and friends.’’ sonal friend. It is literally true that he When Bush was President, he was a The editor-in-chief of Texas Monthly had tens of thousands, possibly hun- strong supporter of the Super Collider once said of George H.W. Bush that it dreds of thousands, of men and women project in my district. I invited him to is clear there is a narrative that runs who considered themselves personal come to Ellis County to tour it, and he through the Bush family: ‘‘be polite, friends. did. I got to ride on Air Force One, and treat people decently.’’ I felt I was very close to the Presi- I got to ride on Marine One and show This came from his father and from dent, although obviously not as close him the project. He had on a hard hat his mother. They passed it on to their as Mr. WILLIAMS, who went to that said ‘‘President George Bush.’’ children. Kennebunkport and really knew the When he went back to the helicopter, He remembers: ‘‘Every encounter I family. as he got out of the Presidential mo- ever had with George W. Bush, whether I knew the President first as Vice torcade, he threw his hat on the back it was Governor Bush or President President. When I was a White House seat. I said: Mr. President, can I have Bush 43 or ex-President Bush, he was Fellow, it was Vice President Bush who that hard hat? the same guy. He is very much his fa- had a reception in the White House and He said: Well, keep it for me until the ther’s son, and all of us who are par- gave my class their White House Fel- next time I come down here to open the ents hope that whatever else we don’t low certificates. SSC. do right, the thing we do do right is to As a candidate, one of the reasons As we all know, he got defeated for convey the fundamental values of who that I am here today is because he took reelection. President Clinton didn’t we are and who we’re supposed to be to a personal interest in me. We had an strongly support the SSC and it was our kids.’’ event that we had planned for myself killed, but I still have that hard hat. One of the things that survives about in Fort Worth, but the NRCC decided After he left office and a decision was George Bush, the elder, is the fact that that I couldn’t win, and they gave that made to put the Bush library at Texas he passed along to his own children date and that time to Dick Armey. A&M, I put a bill on the floor that got that same decency, that same line of They did the event in Denton, Texas, $15 million to set up the Bush Fellows decency that he learned from his par- instead of in Fort Worth, for Dick at Texas A&M, and I am very, very ents. Armey. proud of that. In fact, Jeb Bush once said: How I was so mad that I crashed his event. The last story I will tell is that in great is this country that it could elect I went up to the security checkpoint my reelection in 1986, I was the number a man as fine as our dad to be Presi- and they wouldn’t let me in. I asked to one target in the State of Texas and dent? speak to the events team, and the head one of the top 10 targets in the coun- If we remember what George W. said of the events team was a gentleman try. The Vice President called me and as he accepted the Presidential nomi- named Ron Kaufman. Ron knew me. He said: Would you like me to do an nation in the year 2000, President Bush said: Well, JOE, that is pretty unusual. event? 43 said, as he accepted the nomination: This is really for Dick Armey. Of course, I said yes. ‘‘My father was the last President of a But he went and talked to the Vice We did that event in Fort Worth. great generation, a generation of President, and the Vice President said Fran and Eddie Chiles hosted it, and we Americans who stormed beaches, liber- sure. So I got on the stage with Roger raised, I believe, over $200,000, which in ated concentration camps, and deliv- Staubach and Dick Armey and the Vice that time and era, for me, was a lot of ered us from evil. Some never came President. I was only there for about 3 money. home. Those who did put their medals minutes, but my picture and the video The Vice President spent a lot of in drawers, went to work and built on was in the TV market that night. time there and was very gracious to a heroic scale highways and univer- The Vice President asked me to go to my family and to my parents. He in- sities, suburbs and factories, great cit- Houston. I had Montgomery County, vited my mother and father to the ies and grand alliances, the strong and so I went. He flew, but I drove, and White House when he was President for foundations of an American century.’’ I got to be in the rally that night. the White House Christmas Ball, and George H.W. Bush brought the Cold When he was going to Texas A&M as that was one of the highlights of their War to a peaceful conclusion, success- President, I represented A&M. I got in- lives. fully managing the fall of the Berlin vited to fly on Air Force One with Sen- So to the Bush family, thank you for Wall, the reunification of Germany, ator Gramm to Texas A&M, and I wore sharing the President with us all these and the end of the with- my Texas A&M tie. years. out provoking violence from com- As we were sitting up in the Presi- As I said at the start, it is a measure munist bitter enders. dential cabin of Air Force One, I no- of an individual when he has so many In the first Gulf War, George H.W. ticed that the President had on a people who consider themselves to be Bush established that on his watch handwoven, beautiful silk tie, and I no- personal friends. My guess is that America would not retreat from the ticed that Senator Gramm had on an President Bush has more of those types world but would intervene decisively old, cheap polyester tie. Senator of individuals than just about anybody when the global balance of power was Gramm looked at me, and he said: JOE, else in the country. in jeopardy. you ought to give your tie to the Presi- God bless the late President Bush. His life was spent in the service of his dent. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Nation, and his spirit of conciliation, I volunteered to give my Texas A&M to the gentleman from San Antonio, common sense, and love of country will tie to the President, which I did; but Texas (Mr. SMITH).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.064 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9811 Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I through his loved ones on Wednesday the 26th District of Texas, I thank him thank my friend and colleague from during his memorial service. As his son for his matchless service to our coun- Texas, ROGER WILLIAMS, for yielding to President George W. Bush said—who try, and I join a grateful nation to me. has the same sense of family and dedi- thank the Bush family for sharing him Mr. Speaker, I would like to com- cation to the Nation—of his father: with us. memorate the life and public service of ‘‘Your decency, sincerity, and kind Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield our 41st President, George Herbert soul will stay with us forever.’’ to the gentleman from Texas, Con- Walker Bush. So through our tears, let us know the gressman PETE OLSON, a great veteran. President Bush was simply one of the blessings of knowing and loving you, a Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I thank my most honorable people I have ever met great and noble man. George H.W. friend from Texas 25 for setting up this in or out of politics. As a fellow Texan, Bush’s greatness shows in the strength Special Order for a great American, I was privileged to know and work with of his family, and he has given us all a George Herbert Walker Bush, back him over the years. lesson in how to be a good friend. home known as Bush 41. One of my happiest memories was President Bush accomplished much There are many words which describe when I was a junior Member of Con- in his long life. He epitomized what it his life: statesman, dignified, hero, fa- gress. I was invited by the President to means to be a public servant, and I am ther, husband, devoted leader, and accompany him on Air Force One. This honored to recognize this distinguished human being. was my first flight. We went down to Texan today and thank him for his My wife, Nancy, and I met him twice my hometown of San Antonio for the service to our country. in very relaxed settings in Houston, signing of the North American Free Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Texas. We loved how funny he was. He Trade Agreement. to the gentleman from Texas, Con- loved to make people laugh. After we were in the air, the Presi- gressman MICHAEL BURGESS, from Den- He and I talked about being former dent asked me to join him and the ton County. naval aviators and running back home First Lady, Barbara Bush, in the for- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I thank in Houston for Congress. Both of us had ward cabin. I expected the visit to last the gentleman from Texas for bringing a big problem with our first campaign: about 5 minutes, but, instead, I ended us together for this hour to pay tribute We weren’t born in Texas; we weren’t up spending the entire 21⁄2-hour flight to our American hero who served on native Texans. Some called us carpet- with them all the way down. the front lines of our Nation’s history baggers. for, really, almost a century. President Bush had the best reply I b 1945 From the skies of the Pacific to the have ever heard. To paraphrase, he Mr. Speaker, I have to say that I felt Yale baseball diamond, to the oilfields said: It is true, my friend, I wasn’t born a twinge of guilt because I felt like he of Texas, to the floor of the United in Texas. But on my birthday, it was should have been spending this time States House of Representatives, to the very important that I was with my making phone calls or writing those streets of Beijing and the halls of the mother; and, sadly, my mom was not in well-known personal notes that he was White House, President George Herbert Texas on June 12 of 1924. famous for. Walker Bush led a life of humble lead- I wish I had the wisdom of that line This was an election year and, cer- ership, courage, and conviction. when I ran in 2008. tainly, he could have taken my support Over five decades, he built an un- He loved having fun with his soul for granted. But instead, this gesture matched resume. His accomplishments, mate, Barbara Bush. He was married on his part I think showed his big heart while impressive on their own, are ex- for 73 years, and she was the first and how gracious and friendly he was. traordinary when bundled together. woman he ever kissed. Earlier this year, I arranged for a After the war, he left his New Eng- And check out this photo. That is tree to be planted on the Capitol land home to move his young family to President Carter and Rosalynn; Presi- Grounds to honor President Bush. It west Texas, where he pursued an oil ca- dent Ford and Betty; Lady Bird John- was the first tree to be dedicated to a reer and later served the people of the son; and President George H.W. Bush President. His selfless public service Seventh Congressional District here in and Barbara Bush. Guess who has rab- and commitment to family continues the United States House of Representa- bit ears? Our First Lady, Barbara Bush. to be a worthy example for all of us. tives. George Bush never let the job take Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield As a leader, President Bush faced over his humanity. to the gentlewoman from Fort Worth, some of the greatest challenges of his Mr. Speaker, I have a final story Texas, Congresswoman KAY GRANGER. time: He worked to open new paths of about President Bush having fun with Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, George diplomacy in China; he helped to re- the same photographer back in Hous- H.W. Bush was a giant of a man, a store confidence in the Central Intel- ton. He has been with the Bush family decorated naval aviator who nearly ligence Agency; and he worked along- for about 40 years. lost his life in World War II, Ambas- side President Reagan to make Amer- As President Bush’s health faded, he sador to the United Nations, Director ica great. went there one fall to take some pic- of the Central Intelligence Agency, Though he is perhaps better known tures for Christmas. I asked my friend: Vice President, and, most notably, for making waves overseas, our 41st How is the President doing? President of the United States. President achieved new heights at He said: He is doing fine. His brain is But more than any of that, he is home when he opened new doors for great, but he can’t walk anymore. He is someone to admire because he spent Americans with disabilities. wheelchair bound, and we take a photo his life dedicated to serving his coun- While President Bush had a robust every year with the First Lady after try and his fellow man. His dedication resume stacked with prestigious jobs they come back home from to his country was only rivaled by his at critical times in American history, Kennebunkport for photos for Christ- dedication to his family, marked by his most of us will remember him from the mas and for the entire year. Those 73-year marriage to his wife, Barbara, roles he held most dear: for 73 years, shoots have become very, very tough. and his loving relationships with his President Bush was a devoted husband I can’t stand him up. He has to sit children, his grandchildren, and his of Barbara Pierce, a legend in her own down in his wheelchair. He was 6 foot 2, great-grandchildren. right, with whom he built an honorable 6 foot 3. Barbara was probably 5 foot 7. As important as he was, he took time family of children, grandchildren, and He towered over her in real life. In the to greet people who came to see him. great-grandchildren. Together, Presi- wheelchair, she towered over him. He knew the value of a written note of dent and Mrs. Bush wove their own So how do you fix that? praise and a hug and a handshake. He story of the American Dream. He said: I worked the First Lady out laughed as well as he led, and he knew There is no doubt that President hard. I made her squat down, get on her the importance of relationships. Bush made the State of Texas, the knees so she is below him as they have Those who didn’t have the privilege United States of America, and the been their whole life. And then to try of knowing President Bush personally global community a better place to to hide that wheelchair from the were given a glimpse of his character live. On behalf of my constituents in photos, I put her up to the left down

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.066 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 low, to the right down low, behind to his legacy as President will continue to sions—missions defined and missions the right down low, behind to left down grow long after his passing. completed. Today, George Herbert low—moved her all over. Thank you for your service. Rest in Walker Bush’s mission on Earth is Then he started laughing and said: peace, Mr. President. complete, and I join my friend, Presi- What made their love so special, so Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield dent George W. Bush, the entire Bush dear, is that both, at 90 years old, as to the gentleman from Texas, Con- family, and all Americans in cele- our First Lady walked in front of the gressman WILL HURD, who represents a brating a life well-lived and rejoice President, about 10 times she stopped very large district in Texas. with them in the promise of life ever- and said, ‘‘George, stop that. Stop Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I would like lasting. that.’’ Our President was pinching her to thank my friend and colleague for God, no doubt, has blessed this great behind out of love. arranging this conversation. country in many ways, not the least of There is good news today for the I want to join my colleagues and a which is with men like George Herbert Bush family. President Bush and Bar- mourning nation today as we continue Walker Bush. bara are walking hand in hand with to honor the legacy of President God bless the Bush family, and God their daughter, Robin, in Heaven right George H.W. Bush, a giant of a man continue to bless America. now. that we should all aspire to be. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I will close by saying He was also a man of integrity who to the gentleman from California (Mr. the last four words President Bush said focused on his family and his faith. He LAMALFA). when he was with us. He said these was a loving and caring husband, fa- Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I thank words to our President George W. Bush, ther, grandfather, and great-grand- my colleague from Texas (Mr. WIL- so-called Bush 43. He said, ‘‘I love you, father who treated his friends and his LIAMS) for leading this tonight. He fi- nally ran out of Texans to present too.’’ foes with kindness, civility, and re- He said that to George W., but we all spect. here, so we are now up to California. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to be able know he said that to every American, I will be forever grateful that he fell to be here tonight to join in the com- every person in this world. This man in love with Texas A&M University, memoration celebration of President loved life. He loved America. He loved my alma mater, because that is where I had the opportunity of meeting and Bush 41. When he was looked to for humanity. He was a great man. leadership, he came through in spades. Rest well in Heaven, and have fair becoming friends with the late Presi- dent. I recall mostly, I think, one of the winds and following seas. strongest moments was, indeed, during Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield He encouraged me to join the CIA and had a lasting impact on me and the Gulf war, Desert Storm, and his to the gentleman from Texas, Dr. steady hand was what was needed at a BRIAN BABIN. many of my peers to answer the call to service and work toward causes greater very perilous time for our allies and Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the neighbors in the Middle East who were gentleman for yielding. than ourselves. I will be forever grate- ful for him instilling this spirit in me. counting on us, but also on the ability Our Nation lost a true patriot on No- to keep the coalitions that America vember 30 with the passing of George Forty-one was the epitome of a pub- lic servant and a beacon of light in this had built over so many years and, in- Herbert Walker Bush. deed, form that coalition to help us be Our 41st President ascended to the of- world embodying America at its best. Rest in peace, Mr. President. Thank successful on the world stage in that fice with an impeccable resume for the effort. position, having served as Congress- you for your selfless service, and thank you for being an example to us all. He exuded leadership. I love the pho- man, Ambassador to China, CIA Direc- tograph—I think it is the best of him. tor, and Vice President to our 40th b 2000 He is standing there in that bomber President, Ronald Reagan. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield jacket, looking off in the distance, and His service as a Navy pilot during the to the gentleman from Lubbock, Texas just that photo exudes confidence and Second World War, during which he (Mr. ARRINGTON). gives us confidence in him as a leader was shot down over the Pacific, ce- Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I at that time when it was so very per- mented his status as an American hero. thank the gentleman for hosting this ilous. But the humble Bush rarely referenced Special Order, my friend ROGER WIL- He was a good man. He learned from his war experiences. Indeed, President LIAMS, a fellow Texan, to honor the life mistakes that happened, and he built Bush rarely discussed his own record. and legacy of President George Herbert upon them to be successful. His accomplishments as President, Walker Bush. As a President and I think most im- particularly on the world’s stage, seem Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor portantly, he would say, as a family more impressive with the passing time, the life of a great American and a man—indeed, when we all viewed the and historians and scholars hold his ad- proud Texan, President George Herbert service for him last week here, that ministration in increasingly high es- Walker Bush. This past week, we as a beautiful family that he was so proud teem. nation said good-bye to a true states- of really is a legacy that he can be Mr. Speaker, I met President Bush man. We reflected on a life of duty, proud of, along with Barbara. That is only once, but I still treasure the pho- honor, and, above all, service to others. the most important legacy. tograph that I had taken with him. He From one of the youngest Navy pi- But also what he brought to the of- was a real gentleman. lots in our Nation’s history to the lead- fice—civility, it is something that Despite a life spent in public service er of the highest office in the land, our might be a little shorthanded in the at the highest levels, President Bush 41st President’s life was defined by dealings in Washington, D.C., these was a devoted family man. He was con- service to others, and his dedication to days. He brought civility, and he stantly surrounded by his loved ones. our country was matched only by his brought respect to the office, the insti- His children adored him, and his rela- love for and devotion to his family. tution, and the interactions. tionship with his wife, Barbara, has Throughout his life, President Bush Indeed, his ability to work across the long been celebrated for its commit- taught us that public service is a noble aisle, and post-Presidency, work with ment and its warmth. calling and that being a politician and people who had been his opponents pre- The people of Texas, which became a gentleman aren’t necessarily mutu- viously for causes that were bigger his adopted home after his service in ally exclusive. His example inspired than all of us, he showed the way. He the Navy, will forever hold President countless other Americans to get in- showed the light when he talked about Bush in special regard. volved in public service, which made a the thousand points of light and being George Bush led an exemplary life. tremendous impact on many lives, such able to accomplish and help others His service to his country and his kind- as mine, and, no doubt, has had an im- post-Presidency. ness to his fellow Americans ranks him pact on this country. It has made it a His sense of adventure, jumping out among our most beloved of Presidents. better and brighter place to live. of perfectly good airplanes at each His reputation as a loving husband and Mr. Speaker, President Bush once birthday or landmark birth date, that father will persist, and I believe that said that he saw life in terms of mis- is something else. It makes me smile.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.068 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9813 Mostly, he had a sense of humor. You Budapest and see the economic vitality Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman saw it in his son, George W., as well. of free-market capitalism at work. from the State of Georgia (Mr. ALLEN). You see it all the time, but he could But there were other exceptional mo- Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Speaker, I thank take a joke and give one out. ments in the international portfolio, the gentleman so much for this oppor- Always one of my favorite things was including the completion of the North tunity to come talk about someone we his interacting with Dana Carvey on American Free Trade Agreement; the have talked about for some time now, the Saturday Night Live skits there reinforcement of the Monroe Doctrine but we could talk about him for a very and his playing along, because he saw by ejecting the threatening thug long time. the fun in it. He saw the humor in it Manuel Noriega from Panama; the deli- It is with a heavy heart that I rise when people chalked him up as a com- cate punishment of China while bal- this evening, along with my colleagues, bination of John Wayne and Mr. ROG- ancing our relationship during the re- to recognize the life and legacy of a ERS in how he carried himself and the gime’s horrible, murderous actions in true American statesman and patriot, whole ‘‘na ga da’’ thing. That he Tiananmen Square; and ending the our late President George H.W. Bush. interacted with Dana Carvey just years of tension between the United My association with President Bush showed what a well-rounded and great States and our ally Japan by creating was through my hometown of Augusta, man this man was. the Structural Impediments Initiative home of the Masters Tournament, We are appreciative of the oppor- that opened Japanese markets by re- founded by the greatest amateur golfer tunity to commemorate him and his moving nontariff barriers to American of all time, Bobby Jones. The Walker service in all capacities and all phases exports and services. Cup, played by teams of the best ama- of his life. On the domestic front, this man of teur golfers from the United States, God bless him, and God bless the the House, Bush 41, developed an out- Great Britain, and Ireland every 2 whole Bush family. standing creative agenda, starting first years, was named after President Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield with cleaning up the failure of the S&L Bush’s grandfather and his namesake. to the gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. crisis of the 1980s. He proposed the I got to know President Bush. He was HILL). Americans with Disabilities Act that the first honorary chairman of the Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I thank my was accepted by Congress and has pro- First Tee organization. The sole pur- friend from Texas for coordinating this vided millions of Americans with more pose of the First Tee organization is to opportunity to stand in solidarity on opportunities for work and access. His give those young people who do not the House floor and memorialize a dear Clean Air Act amendments set the otherwise have the economic means to family friend and my former boss, standard in the world for cleaning up play the game of golf the opportunity George Herbert Walker Bush, our 41st acid rain challenges using market to play this great game. President President. mechanisms, benefiting not only Amer- Bush was also only one of two Presi- President Bush was a great sports- ica but our neighbor to the north, Can- dents to be inducted into the World man, a man of warm and goofy humor, ada. He left office with a reputation of Golf Hall of Fame. and a man who in every instance put constraining government spending and He led a life of utmost distinction, himself in the position of serving oth- responsible budgeting. and the family and friends he leaves be- ers. But, of course, along the way, there hind will always cherish the valuable He was willing to enlist and became were heartbreaks, beginning with the time spent with this American hero. As the Navy’s youngest aviator. A brave failure to have his close friend, Senator he is reunited with his wife, Barbara, aviator, indeed, he was, flying some 58 John Tower, confirmed as Secretary of and daughter, Robin, in Heaven, we combat missions. Defense for ridiculous and spurious will continue to learn by his example But at every stage of his life until he partisan reasons. always. Those young folks who are passed on to be with Barbara and Robin On Capitol Hill, President Bush 41 playing golf now and learning those on November 30 at the age of 94, Bush struggled with incredible partisanship values much appreciate it as well. 41 continued to put himself in the posi- from Senate Leader George Mitchell Rest in peace, Mr. President. tion of serving others. That is his leg- and House Majority Leader Dick Gep- Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield acy, helping spread a thousand points hardt, but he treasured his friendships to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. of light—American helping American, of cooperation and success with Mem- WEBER). Americans helping the less fortunate, bers like John Murtha, Dan Rosten- Mr. WEBER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Americans reaching out across the kowski, and Speaker Tip O’Neill. George Herbert Walker Bush asked all ocean to help those in time of need. Mr. Speaker, George Bush 41 treas- of us to be light in this world, to be As I noted, he was a great sportsman. ured God, faith, and family. He prided gracious, to be diligent, and to be hon- He loved speed, fast boats like the Fi- himself in the Army mantra of duty, est. And then he led the way by exam- delity, fast planes like his Avenger honor, and country. In his memorial ple. Barbara III. He was said to be Grum- service at Washington National Cathe- His patriotism was innate. It was his man’s best customer after losing three dral, historian Jon Meacham stated guiding light, Mr. Speaker. And Bar- planes as a naval aviator. Even in that he believed Bush 41 was striving bara was his soulmate, his compass, sports that were known for being relax- every day to justify why he had been and part of his true north. ing, Mr. Speaker, he made them fast: 18 saved on that day off Chichi Jima. Mr. Speaker, George H.W. Bush was holes of ready golf, or cart polo, as it Thus, his focus on service as well as his one of our last great statesmen, a was referred to, in minutes, not hours; commandments: Don’t blame others member of the Greatest Generation. supercompetitive doubles tennis and and always share the credit—warm ad- His love for his Nation was bested only fishing. He always loved fishing—that monitions from his beloved mom. by his love for his family. This endur- is, when he wasn’t skydiving. So, Mr. Speaker, I stand today with ing love for both is how we will long re- But this sportsman, gentleman, serv- my friends from Texas to salute George member George H.W. Bush, Mr. Speak- ant leader accomplished an extraor- Bush, a good and faithful servant who er, and, oh, that we would emulate dinary portfolio of successes in his sin- ran a full and fast life. I was lucky to him. gle term of 4 years as our President. know him, work for him, and recognize President Bush could walk into a Called upon by the media and many him for being the exceptional man of room and make everyone feel like they to dance atop the crumbled Berlin character that he was. Our country is belonged. He was the epitome of the Wall, President Bush did not dance. In- blessed to have him as our Commander true Southern gentleman, even though stead, he put his shoulder down and in Chief and our 41st President of the he wasn’t born in the South. The South produced an agreement that, in turn, United States. did adopt him, however, I might add, has produced extraordinary growth and Mr. Speaker, I thank my friend from Mr. Speaker. His mannerisms and his prosperity among the peoples of Eu- Texas for yielding. convictions gained him respect far and rope. There is no greater memorial to Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, for the wide—worldwide, in fact. this success than to walk down the remaining speakers, we have 12 min- This great and good man brought us streets today of Warsaw, Prague, or utes remaining. together and led the way, once again,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.069 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 in that, during our time of mourning chair of the RNC, the envoy, among will forever be grateful for his service his passing, his example quieted some others—the Vice-President, President, to this great country. of the divisiveness that is on display the Director of the CIA, and most of Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, faith, all too often, Mr. Speaker. all, a hero of World War II, where he, in family, and friends. We may never see We have a lot to learn from his mis- his effort to fight for this Nation also, the likes of George H.W. Bush again, sion and his life. Oh, that we would was shot down and looked to save his although we hope we do. Praise the emulate him in that. colleagues. Lord for the President. Praise the Lord Last week, George H.W. Bush arrived He is a hero. He is a friend. He is a for his family. In God we trust. at his final, kindest, gentlest resting man we will honor and continue to Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance place with Barbara and Robin. He is honor. By our lives and our service we of my time. home. hope to affirm both the wonderful life f Mission accomplished, Mr. President. of his lovely bride, as well as himself, CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 2, George Herbert Walker Bush, Mr. and to say to his children, grand- AGRICULTURE AND NUTRITION Speaker, is worth emulating. Oh, that children, great grandchildren, and oth- ACT OF 2018 we would all do so. ers: Rest well. Thank you for sharing Mr. CONAWAY submitted the fol- him with us, for he did serve his Na- b 2015 lowing conference report and state- tion. By that, he has served the people Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield ment on the bill (H.R. 2) to provide for of this Nation. My God bless. the reform and continuation of agricul- to the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I yield JACKSON LEE). tural and other programs of the De- to the gentleman from Florida (Mr. partment of Agriculture through fiscal Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I YOHO). rise to join my colleagues tonight in year 2023, and for other purposes: Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I would like (For conference report and state- what is a tribute to George Herbert to take this time to honor the late Walker Bush and Barbara Bush, a trib- ment, see proceedings of the House of President George Herbert Walker Bush, December 10, 2018, published in Book ute of which I hope we will continue to our 41st President of the United States, II.) live. and express our condolences to the f It is my great honor to salute Presi- Bush family. dent Bush and to be reminded of the President Bush accomplished many IGNORANCE OR EVIL beauty of his love of 73 years, a part- policy objectives during his nearly 30 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. nership of service, raising a family, and years in government, but I believe his BERGMAN). Under the Speaker’s an- serving a Nation. Last week’s tribute greatest legacy is his complete devo- nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the of mourning, memorials, and funerals tion to this Nation and its people. In Chair recognizes the gentleman from was an opportunity for not only the and out of office, President Bush dedi- Virginia (Mr. GARRETT) for 30 minutes. Nation, but the world to learn of the cated his life to public service and Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, over depth and the level of integrity, hon- helping others. He belonged to that era Thanksgiving, I had the amazing op- esty, statesmanship, and leadership of of Americans known as the Greatest portunity to accompany some impres- our 41st President. Generation. sive individuals and thought leaders I am glad to have known him, as a Whether it was serving in the U.S. from the Freedom Research Founda- Houstonian, and delighted to have Navy during World War II or achieving tion, on my own dime and my own worked with his wife, Barbara Bush, on the highest office in the land, Presi- time, into Iraq and northeastern Syria. her great commitment that everyone dent Bush never failed to demonstrate There was a debate that ran between should have the ability to read. Lit- selflessness and compassion. When myself and one of these individuals eracy was a standard-bearer by which faced with conflicts and adversity, over what was more dangerous, igno- she guided her later life. So many peo- President Bush always responded with rance or evil. Ultimately, I suggest ple learned to read and cherish books grace and honor. He lived at a time that perhaps ignorance is dangerous because of her service. when Americans and America knew and evil is dangerous, but the most I got to know the President more who we were. His lifetime of service dangerous thing might be the igno- closely because of his relationship with was rightly recognized in 2011, when he rance of evil itself. In order to van- my husband, Dr. Elwyn C. Lee. What received the Presidential Medal of quish evil, we must first vanquish igno- most people don’t know is, preceding Freedom, the Nation’s highest civilian rance. We must recognize the evil that the Honorable Barbara Jordan and honor. Even though he is no longer exists in order to correct it. Tonight, to that end, I will speak to Mickey Leland, parts of the 18th Con- with us, his legacy of kindness and self- the realities on the ground, not only in gressional District, of which I rep- sacrifice will live on. the Middle East, but in so many parts resent, was represented by this young As we transition into the 116th Con- of the world, but specifically in Iraq Congressman by the name of George gress, I would like us to remember and Syria right now as I speak. If we Herbert Walker Bush. They were Afri- President Bush for his complete devo- don’t get this right, not only will innu- can Americans in a segregated Hous- tion to this country and its citizens. It merable lives vanish, but entire cul- ton. He was beloved because of his ea- is an honor to have a career in public tures will vanish. gerness to treat everyone as a human service, and I am grateful our country To my left is an image of individuals being. had a role model like President Bush. I restrained and then set on fire, one of One of his dear friends, who will turn hope my colleagues in Congress feel many barbaric acts that I could have 90 in a couple of weeks, Reverend Dr. the same. chosen to visually depict the horrors F.N. Williams, the pastor of the Anti- At a time in history when the Nation that have been visited upon this region och Baptist Church—he still is the pas- feels divided, we must remember those since the rise of ISIS and the Syrian tor—and I remember standing next to who have stood before us and worked civil war began. him in Acres Homes when then-Presi- to bring the American people together Edmund Burke once said—and I will dent Herbert Walker Bush landed his for the good of the country. The align- paraphrase, ‘‘The only thing necessary big helicopter right there in our com- ment he had in life is a simple one. In for evil to triumph is for good people to munity, showing and affirming the fact, our Nation would be better served do nothing.’’ I might submit that the friendship. if we followed it. It is: God, country, only thing worse than doing nothing is We further enjoyed the opportunity and family. doing the wrong thing. All too often in to know him, along with my husband, I ask that we honor late President the Middle East Western governments’ through his assisting him in his own Bush, we remember his encouragement policies are some combination of the high school, Andover Academy, and to work hand-in-hand with our neigh- two: nothing and the wrong thing. how kind he was to send a gift for our bors to give back to our community There are any number of ways to il- wedding from China. and to our country. The American peo- lustrate this, but one might be this de- He is more than the President of the ple are lucky to have such a compas- piction of an individual who was ac- United States, the Congressman; the sionate and honorable leader and we tively committing atrocities against

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.070 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9815 their fellow man and who was later have done nothing, truly, to effectively communities in Bosra, in Baghdad and welcomed into a Western nation as a stop this. Mosul. Now we have seen them rolled refugee. That he went through a vet- There was lament from the White up, pushed out of the country, mur- ting process and was deemed to be a House and many others, myself in- dered, and then, now, essentially con- refugee from the very horror which he cluded, about the disproportionate tained, by and large, in an end of a perpetrated is an anecdotal but very numbers of individuals admitted as ref- plain. real evidentiary indicator of the fact ugees by virtue of how it reflected the The Khabur River area in Syria was that sometimes governments get it total population of these areas and under siege by ISIS, where churches wrong. their faith. But the answer is not to re- and homes were destroyed, but where, We have gotten it wrong enough in move Christians or Yazidis or also, the regime of Bashar al-Assad this part of the world recently that we Circassians or Armenian minorities dropped bombs from aircraft. have seen not only ethnic cleansing but from Iraq and Syria; it is to create a And if this victimization isn’t bad genocide on a scale that really and circumstance where they can live in enough, it is multiplied by the fact truly is hard to imagine the mirror of— their home safely without fear. that ISIS and those who fight against perhaps Cambodia, certainly during the Yet we haven’t done that. Mr. Speak- ISIS, in the case of the Free Syrian Second World War. In fact, I spent the er, 2.7 million, ballpark. Again, you can Army, hold with great disdain the better part of a year living in a tent in go to CIA World Factbook or any num- West. And so, therefore, if you happen the former Yugoslav Republic of Bos- ber of sources. That is three people dis- to be Christian, you are identified by nia because of ethnic cleansing and placed, killed, et cetera, roughly, for default as pro-Western, and, therefore, genocide. But let’s put this in light. every one in Rwanda. That is 325 people the argument is let them help you. displaced or killed for every one in Well, these people are not any more b 2030 Srebrenica. Western than I am Middle Eastern, but We look the other way or do nothing And we sit. And our foreign policy they are victims of that perception. so often that it becomes almost second seems to be driven, oftentimes, by And we do nothing. nature. In 70 years, as civil war has whatever the largest interests at play So we know that minority groups raged in Burma, minority peoples—the are. We are much more concerned with have been victimized by Sunni extrem- Chin; the Kachin; the Wa; the Shan; what the Russians are doing, with what ists and ISIS, Shia extremists, and now, finally, receiving some atten- the Turks are doing, with what the Ira- Hezbollah, radical elements of the tion, the Rohingya—are persecuted, nians are doing. I could say what the PMU, the Hashd al-Shaabi, by the Free exterminated, and displaced by a rag- regime was doing, but I have already Syrian Army, by Turkey and their co- ing government. mentioned the Russians. opting of some of these very elements, And the West is quiet, perhaps not I understand that from a geopolitical by Russia, and by the regime, who not because we condone it but because we sort of big-picture scale, but I would only drops chemical weapons on those are not aware of it. submit the following, Mr. Speaker: If who oppose them in regime-controlled In Rwanda, over a period of 100 days, you want to get the big things right, areas, but also in the areas that are we lost about 10,000 lives a day. That is you must first start by getting the not. a million people. small things right. If you want to un- All of these exploit or target reli- In Bosnia, 8,000 were killed in derstand what is going on in the world gious minorities in order to maintain Srebrenica in 1995. and get it right for tomorrow so that political power. And it is a play that is These war crimes begat the ICTY, we can prevent this sort of suffering as old as tyranny itself, that you would the International Criminal Tribunal and inhumanity in the future, then you find a minority group that was large for the former Yugoslavia. Yet, as we must first find those who share your enough that everyone might know see ISIS rolled up into its final strong- values and align with them today. someone in that minority group and What are these atrocities that have hold in the Deir ez-Zor province of then ascribe to them all the problems been committed, specifically against Syria, with fighting currently going on of your society; and then, in creating a the Christian community but not ex- as we speak around Hajin, no similar victim, unite your society against that clusively, against the Yazidi commu- thing exists. minority group in order to maintain nity, against Shia or Sunni, depending In fact, we see individuals whom we your own power. upon who had the upper hand, where, can identify who have immigrated to It is the face of evil. and when—crucifixions? And who does this? Well, the regime, Europe who have not at all been held There is a cottage industry in kid- Russia, but Turkey. Turkey, in par- to account. That, in itself, is a shame napping and ransom. At one point, over ticular, has been guilty and, I think, is and a tragedy and something that I 200 Christians were kidnapped and ulti- egregiously so by virtue of the fact would hope to see corrected. mately ransomed off for millions of that we refer to them constantly as our But in Syria and Iraq not only have dollars, which then went to fund the NATO ally. we done nothing; we have gotten it very entities that kidnapped them to Turkey has taken the occasion of ca- wrong. We gave roughly a billion dol- begin with. lamity in Syria in order to enhance lars to the Free Syrian Army. Compo- And when things didn’t move quickly and expand Turkey itself. This is abso- nents of the Free Syrian Army in- enough, Mr. Speaker, three innocent lutely, positively, unequivocally unde- cluded Jabhat al-Nusra, which was es- people were murdered just to make a niable. sentially al-Qaida—we have now armed point. We didn’t hear about it on the To my left, your right, you see pic- and funded al-Qaida to fight ISIS— nightly news. tures of the entrance to the hospital in components now of antiregime forces We see a displacement and an ethnic Afrin, along with al-Bab and Jarabulus like al-Sham, which has been co-opted cleansing taking place particularly in areas that the Turkish have taken by an expansionist, arrogant, hostile, Iraq, where collaborators search military control of under the auspices evil Turkish leader named Erdogan. through titles and then find a cousin of a cleverly named marketing ploy And, in the meantime, we have seen and take a deed and sell it to someone called Euphrates Shield, which tacitly any number of minority communities who has been selected by entities that was designed to help root out ISIS. persecuted, displaced, murdered, and seek to change the demographic make- If indeed this was designed to help raped across the region. up of an area, who is of a particular root out ISIS, why do Turkish flags fly To my left, your right, you will see a faith. above the buildings in Afrin as opposed pie chart. It is 100 percent of a pie So the Shabak population, perpet- to Free Syrian flags? chart. That represents the approxi- ually a victim population in itself, has Why is it that the sign in front of the mately 3 million Christians in Iraq and been moved into Christian areas to re- hospital is no longer in Kurdish and Syria at the high point of their popu- populate them with those who will be Arabic but now in Turkish and Arabic? lation in the 21st century. What re- complicit in the rearrangement of en- Why are they changing the names of mains of that pie chart is that: 2.7 mil- tire regions. the streets in Afrin to Turkish names? lion human beings displaced, raped, In fact, before the conflict in Iraq, Why have they changed the language murdered, tortured, et cetera. And we there were vibrant, thriving Christian in which students are taught in school?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.072 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 Why is the police force in Afrin In fact, where I stood, machine-gun b 2045 equipped with Turkish equipment fire had impacted that same very day They have bombed not only their swearing allegiance to Erdogan, speak- from forces of the Free Syrian Army own civilians but the Khabur River ing Turkish, and imposing a Turkish who sat about 3 kilometers in front of Valley in areas they didn’t control, and will upon a people who are not even the Turkish military base on that side then stood back and gladly blamed ethnically Turkish? of the line. those atrocities on other parties. And In fact, to compare Afrin or In other words, and I can tell you they do this because we don’t under- Jarabulus or al-Bab to the Sudetenland this based on my time in a uniform, if stand exactly what is being done. is to forget the fact that there were ac- Turkey didn’t want them to be there, So we have identified the problems, tually Germans in the Sudetenland they wouldn’t be there. And what was but what are the solutions? Long-term when it was ceded to Hitler. ISIS that the Turkish said they would solutions mean getting the little So we have seen an expansionist Tur- vanquish is now the same people in dif- things right first. To get the little key use the calamity of ISIS and the ferent uniforms working for Turkey, things right, we have to find the people Syrian civil war to grab land and then spreading the same sort of terror. who share our values. And they do And they have the hubris to demand impose upon a people a language that exist. is not their own, rules that are not that the Syrian Democratic Forces, What can we do to this end? In Iraq, their own, enforcement that is not which are a multiethnic, tolerant, plu- I think, recognizing the KRG as a self- their own, and tyranny that is not ralistic group which represents the var- governing subentity of a greater Iraq, their own. ious ethnicities and religions of the in- their legitimacy, and then fostering And this is the tip of the iceberg. dividuals on the ground, is synonymous and encouraging their devotion to plu- with the Kurdish element, the YPG, These are our NATO allies. They spend ralism. millions of dollars a month in this city which, yes, indeed, had a great deal to We talk about atrocities committed. to influence policy and opinion. They do with liberating Manbij from ISIS It is interesting how many times I put our air base at Incirlik under siege, but is no longer responsible for that heard the story of a million Christians quite literally, cutting water and area. Why? So that they can co-opt murdered at the hands of the Ottoman power to that facility where nuclear control of that area without firing a Turks, having contracted the Kurdish weapons are stored and, candidly, were shot. population in 1915. And so the Chris- And I can assure you of this: The peo- a scintilla away from storming the tians said when the Iraqi government gates and visiting unimaginable terror ple there are rightly afraid. And as if Turkey was not bad enough, forces pulled out from in front of the on our servicemen and -women sta- Mr. Speaker, Iran. We, the United Christian towns, particularly the tioned there. States, withdrew from Iraq to maintain Nineveh Plains, and left them exposed They brutalized, kicked, stomped, a political promise, thus creating a and defenseless to the rise of ISIS, they punched, and hit with ASPs and wands vacuum, and everyone knows that knew—they just knew that no one American citizens on American soil. power abhors a vacuum. And so when would help because the Kurds had not They attacked and killed civilians in that vacuum was created, the Iranian been their friends 100 years earlier. And Syria with U.S.-made weapons, F–16s, regime took advantage of years of ex- yet it was these Kurds who stepped in and now we are going to sell them F– ploitation of Shia in Iraq by Sunni and and stopped ISIS, at least long enough 35s? the Hussein the Ba’athist administra- for people to flee with their lives. Erdogan speaks in favorable terms of tions and essentially flipped the script. And so this commitment to religious the Nazis. Turkey, our NATO ally, is Now, there are people in Baghdad minorities to other minorities is per- engaged in three-party talks regarding who are working very hard to get this haps bred of the fact that the Kurds the future of Syria with such global right. We have friends in Baghdad, but themselves, within the greater nation good actors as Iran and Russia, negat- Iran is working, as we speak, to under- of Iraq, are a minority. But I am not ing the thoughts or interests of their mine this fact. terribly concerned with where it comes ‘‘NATO allies’’ or, more importantly in They promote and fund ethnic from. I have more concern with what my estimation, the very people who cleansing. They help to move prop- the result is. suffer under their jackboot. erties where Christians or other mi- So if there is a commitment to toler- They have imprisoned over 50,000 peo- norities have been displaced into the ance anywhere that has been dem- ple as a result of an uprising and have hands of other groups, which will onstrated on the ground in Iraq, it is in been rated to have one of the least free change the composition of the area, the subregion of Iraqi Kurdistan. This presses on the planet Earth. thus allowing them greater ease in con- is a shared value. These are people with They conflate truth with fiction, and trol. They have killed, maimed, injured whom we can work. they manipulate U.S. policy by innumerable of our brothers and sis- We should insist that Iraqi authori- conflating the YPG with the PKK and ters, Iranian weaponry on the battle- ties in the central government in Bagh- the PKK in Syria with the PKK in Tur- field in Iraq. dad adhere to their own constitution. key and, even now, are demanding a And then there is the regime and What I do mean by that? Well, in the ‘‘Kurdish withdrawal’’ from Manbij, Russia. So many people suggest that, Iraqi constitution, there is a revenue- where I met with members of the mili- perhaps, in the Middle East, in Syria in sharing agreement that creates a fed- tary council, suggesting that the YPG particular, there are no good guys. eralist system by virtue of funneling unilaterally controls Manbij. Well, there are. And the regime and moneys to areas based on population, Well, I have news for you, Mr. Russia have sought to play this to et cetera. And for years on end, this Erdogan. It has already been done. The their advantage. very money was lorded over the Kurd- SDF controls Manbij, and the leaders Make no mistake; the Russians don’t ish regions in order to demand compli- of that military council might have care so much about the Assad regime ance. some Kurds among them, but they also as they do about a warm-water port in And, again, I am not advocating for include Arabs and Christians and ev- the Mediterranean, which has been a an autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan. I am eryone else who lives in that region. dream in Russia since the czars, transit advocating for a self-administrating And we are negotiating with them to the Atlantic through the Mediterra- subentity of a greater Iraq. But if we over this because they play word games nean without the need to cross the Bos- are going to help the Iraqis, we need to and they are a step ahead of us. porus out of the Black Sea. demand that they actually follow their One of the most amazing stories I But they have also weaponized reli- own constitution, because they are heard was outside Jarabulus at the gious leaders against their own people, right now weaponizing against the very front lines from a local commander essentially creating circumstances people that they purport to serve. who said that when the Turks came wherein, if bishops and patriarchs told We should direct U.S. aid in any form into Jarabulus, the ISIS fighters that the whole story about what was hap- that it is administered to the govern- the Turks said they had vanquished pening to their flock on one side of an ment at the closest level to the people. never actually vanished but only imaginary line, they might endanger Decentralize—as Thomas Jefferson changed uniforms. their flock on another. once said, that government closest to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.074 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9817 the people governs best and is most again, just like a State government I am not suggesting that we say that easily held to account. might govern a subentity of the United the SDC social contract should be Too often American aid is pilfered States. There is not some desire for adopted by all of Syria. I am sug- along its way from the United States independence from Syria, but instead gesting that we suggest that when we through a central government to a re- for a greater Syria that respects basic negotiate this, because heretofore they gional government to a local govern- human rights and freedoms. These are are not even invited to the table, that ment or entity. Let’s find the good American values and ideas. they look at those values and seek to guys. Send it straight to them. And it is not just the SDC in north mirror those as part of any source of a How do you do this? Well, within and eastern Syria. They have separate sustainable future in that country. these subregions, we can find other councils in every single town, and To that end, we should insist on the subregions. For example, the Nineveh these towns’ councils look like the inclusion and recognition of the SDC in Plains in Iraq. I have spoken with towns. any peace negotiations. We should es- Prime Minister Barzani, with the inte- If a population of Circassians exist, tablish immediately a no-fly zone over rior minister, with the finance min- then Circassians have representation. north and eastern Syrian. If the north ister—entire communities, literally There are more women in leadership and eastern Syrian SDC doesn’t want towns and cities pushed free of their positions by proportion in north and you flying and the United States generational inhabitants that could eastern Syria than there are in the doesn’t want you flying, you can’t fly. come back and create a of tol- United States House of Representa- Why? Well, because the Turks have sta- erance and adversity inside of a region tives. The Turks tell us that north and tioned artillery on the border. They that knows far too little of both. eastern Syria, the Syrian Democratic have shelled across the border. They And so the establishment of a Council, is a subentity of the Kurds. have killed civilians across the border. Nineveh Plains Council and the direct- The Turks are lying. The regime has dropped barrel bombs ing of aid to that Nineveh Plains Coun- Let me tell you what the Syrian in the Khabur River Valley and killed cil, not as an independent entity of a Democratic Council looks like. It looks civilians across the border, and the nation of Iraq or from Iraqi Kurdistan, Arab. It looks Kurdish. It looks Chris- SDC—God bless them for trying— but there within, in the Federalist con- tian. It looks Yazidi. It looks doesn’t have any way of stopping it. struct, we would be siding with those Circassian. It looks like a man. It We should inform Turkey that the who share our values to create out- looks like a woman. It looks liberal. It YPG is already out of Manbij and that comes that are consistent with our val- looks conservative. It looks like you the SDF isn’t the YPG. We should in- ues. and me. form Turkey, ultimately, that they can And let me articulate briefly on what And what do we do to get it right? get out of Syria or they can get out of those values are: that all people are Well, the first thing that we could do NATO. created equal and endowed by their that wouldn’t involve spending a single The farce that suggests that Euphra- creators with inalienable rights, and dime of taxpayer money is recognize tes Shield is somehow in operation among these are life, liberty, and the the right of the Syrian Democratic where Turkey collaborates with the pursuit of happiness. Council to exist as an independent sub- world to rid it of the evil of ISIS is Now, if I could spend 11 days in the entity of a greater Syria. Mr. Presi- proven false by virtue not only of the United States of America and hear Jef- dent, you could do this with one tweet. horrific atrocities committed by the Again, I am not advocating on behalf ferson and Locke and Hobbes and Madi- Turks, not only of the allowing of the of an independent nation in north and son and Mason quoted nearly as often Turks—of the forces that are osten- eastern Syria. I am advocating on be- as I did in north and eastern Syria or sibly under their control to continue to half of a Syrian nation that shares val- attack peaceable peoples in the region, northern Iraq, I would think we were ues based on what the leaders in this but also by the renaming of the streets, getting civics and history right. But land that have undergone so much the hospitals, the schools, the police these common values are what we will tragedy, so much dying, so much rape, departments in the areas which they build a sustainable and peaceful future have suffered through to beget. have occupied under the auspices of on. Instead, we shape our policy on what combating ISIS. Support concrete steps to establish a might the Turks do, what might the When was the last time the United true multiethnic, multireligious, plu- Iranians do. I have got bad news. There States Army ever liberated an area and ralistic government in Iraq. The frame- is not a darn thing we can do to make then changed the language to English work exists. So, for example, if Iraq is them like us. Meanwhile, we have got and flew the U.S. flag over the hospital the United States, then Iraqi Kurdistan people who inherently are drawn to us and the county administration build- is California, and Nineveh Plains is Los by virtue of an idea that everyone has ing? These are not our allies. Angeles, and separate, between these a right to go to sleep in his or her own What can we do to help not only in entities, into the appropriate realms, community without fear that they Syria and Iraq but in both? Make a those government structures of each. won’t wake up in the morning; who concrete commitment to governments In other words, the political leaders just need us to say: Yes, you have a at whatever level—at the local level as shouldn’t be making religious deci- right to be there. embodied by the conceptual Nineveh sions. The religious leaders shouldn’t What other steps? Allow visas for the Plains Council; the state level as em- be making political decisions. The eco- SDC leaders to get to the United bodied by a KRG, who, while not per- nomic leaders shouldn’t be making se- States. That is right. They have essen- fect, is acting a whole lot more in curity decisions. And security leaders tially what is a state government. alignment with values of tolerance and shouldn’t be making economic deci- Their leaders aren’t allowed to come secularism than anyone else in the re- sions. This isn’t Tom’s idea. These here. Their leaders aren’t allowed to gion; and the Federal level in the in- folks have figured this out. What we walk the halls of this building like stances of places like Jordan, make are not doing is helping them get it leaders from every other nation in the concrete commitments to these people right. world and tell their story. who share our values. Again, if Iraq is the United States, Stroke of a pen. Suggest that the val- This means more than money. Sup- then the KRG is California, and ues articulated in the SDC social con- port Iranian opposition groups, insist Nineveh Plains is Los Angeles. Get Los tract be mirrored in foundational docu- that our allies ought to do business Angeles right, it will help California. ments for a new Syria. These values in- with us or with the Iranians, suspend Get California right, it will help Iraq. clude tolerance, pluralism, secular gov- the sale of weapons to Turkey until the And the same can be said in Syria. ernment—not secular society—freedom Turks begin to behave like a nation What does right look like? Again, re- of religion, freedom from religion, that belongs amongst the community peatedly, people coming to me saying: equal rights for women, no persecution of nations. Well, Mason said; Madison said; the of people based on sexual orientation, In closing, Mr. Speaker, I am proud Declaration said; the Constitution said. the right to aspire and attempt and en- to be an American. I am proud of The SDC, the Syrian Democratic Coun- deavor and succeed. These are Amer- American values. But we, like all cil, governs north and eastern Syria, ican values. human beings, are imperfect.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.076 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 Contrary to the thoughts of some, ADJOURNMENT tled, ‘‘Report to Congress: Evaluation of the America is not the source of all the Independence at Home Demonstration’’, pur- Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, I move suant to 42 U.S.C. 1395cc-5(g); Public Law 111- world’s problems, we are also not the that the House do now adjourn. solution. But with great power comes 148, Sec. 3024; (124 Stat. 407; to the Com- The motion was agreed to; accord- mittee on Energy and Commerce. great responsibility, Mr. Speaker, and ingly (at 8 o’clock and 57 minutes 7110. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media we have been given great power. p.m.), under its previous order, the Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- It is our duty to get this right. Just House adjourned until tomorrow, Tues- sion, transmitting the Commission’s final like in the parable of the talents—to day, December 11, 2018, at 10 a.m. for rule — Modernization of Media Regulation whom much is given, from whom much morning-hour debate. Initiative: Procedural Revisions to the Fil- is expected. There is no excuse in re- ing of Open Video System Certification Ap- f maining ignorant. People are dying. We plications [MB Docket No.: 17-105] received November 27, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. need to get this right. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and of my time. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Commerce. f communications were taken from the 7111. A letter from the Secretary, Federal Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Trade Commission, transmitting the Com- mission’s final rule — Test Procedures and ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT 7103. A letter from the Deputy Secretary, Labeling Standards for Recycled Oil (RIN: RESOLUTION SIGNED Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary 3084-AB48) received November 28, 2018, pursu- Oversight, Commodity Futures Trading Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Commission, transmitting the Commission’s reported and found truly enrolled a bill 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee final rule — Margin Requirements for and joint resolution of the House of the on Energy and Commerce. Uncleared Swaps for Swap Dealers and Major following titles, which were thereupon 7112. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Swap Participants (RIN: 3038-AE71) received Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of signed by the Speaker, on Thursday, November 28, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. December 6, 2018: State, transmitting a report on United 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 States Citizens Detained by Iran, pursuant H.R. 754. An act to award the Congres- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture. to the Countering America’s Adversaries sional Gold Medal to Anwar Sadat in rec- 7104. A letter from the Administrator, Ag- Through Sanctions Act, Public Law 115-44; to ognition of his heroic achievements and cou- ricultural Marketing Service, Specialty the Committee on Foreign Affairs. rageous contributions to peace in the Middle Crops Program, Department of Agriculture, 7113. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- East. transmitting the Department’s final rule — ment of Education, transmitting the Depart- H.J. Res. 143. Joint Resolution making fur- Pears Grown in Oregon and Washington; In- ment’s 59th Semiannual Report to Congress ther continuing appropriations for fiscal creased Assessment Rate for Fresh Pears on Audit Follow-up, covering the six-month year 2019, and for other purposes. [Doc. No.: AMS-SC-18-0048; SC18-927-1 FR] re- period ending September 20, 2018, pursuant to Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, ceived November 28, 2018, pursuant to 5 Sec. 5(b) of the Inspector General Act, as U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. amended; to the Committee on Oversight and further reported and found truly en- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ag- rolled bills of the House of the fol- Government Reform. riculture. 7114. A letter from the General Counsel, lowing titles, which were thereupon 7105. A letter from the Alternate OSD Executive Office of The President, transmit- signed by the Speaker, on Friday, De- FRLO, Office of the Secretary, Department ting seven (7) notifications of either a federal cember 7, 2018: of Defense, transmitting the Department’s vacancy, nomination, action on nomination, H.R. 1417. An act to amend the National final rule — DoD Identity Management or change in previously submitted reported Law Enforcement Museum Act to allow the [Docket ID: DOD-2015-OS-0054] (RIN: 0790- information, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3349(a); Museum to acquire, receive, possess, collect, AJ36) received November 28, 2018, pursuant Public Law 105-277, 151(b); (112 Stat. 2681-614); ship, transport, import, and display firearms, to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- and for other purposes. Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ment Reform. H.R. 1861. An act to award a Congressional Armed Services. 7115. A letter from the Chairman and The Gold Medal in honor of Lawrence Eugene 7106. A letter from the Alternate OSD General Counsel, National Labor Relations ‘‘Larry’’ Doby in recognition of his achieve- FRLO, Office of the Secretary, Department Board, transmitting the Board’s Semiannual ments and contributions to American major of Defense, transmitting the Department’s Report of the Office of Inspector General for league athletics, civil rights, and the Armed final rule — Registration of Privately Owned the period April 1, 2018, through September Forces during World War II. Motor Vehicles [Docket ID: DOD-2018-OS- 30, 2018, pursuant to Sec. 5(b) of the Inspector H.R. 3398. An act to amend the Real ID Act 0006] (RIN: 0790-AK15) received November 28, General Act of 1978; to the Committee on of 2005 to permit Freely Associated States to 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Oversight and Government Reform. meet identification requirements under such Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the 7116. A letter from the Staff Director, U.S. Act, and for other purposes. Committee on Armed Services. Commission on Civil Rights, transmitting H.R. 5238. An act to designate the facility 7107. A letter from the Associate General the Commission’s annual Performance and of the United States Postal Service located Counsel for Legislation and Regulations, Of- Accountability Report for FY 2018, pursuant at 1234 Saint Johns Place in Brooklyn, New fice of Housing — Federal Housing Commis- to 31 U.S.C. 3515(a)(1); Public Law 101-576, York, as the ‘‘Major Robert Odell Owens sioner, Department of Housing and Urban Sec. 303(a)(1) (as amended by Public Law 107- Post Office’’. Development, transmitting the Depart- 289, Sec. 2(a)); (116 Stat. 2049); to the Com- H.R. 6330. An act to amend the Small Busi- ment’s final rule — Manufactured Home Pro- mittee on Oversight and Government Re- ness Act to modify the method for pre- cedural and Enforcement Regulations; Clari- form. scribing size standards for business concerns. fying the Exemption for Manufacture of Rec- 7117. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- reational Vehicles [Docket No.: FR-5877-F-02] fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- f (RIN: 2502-AJ33) received November 28, 2018, tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- porary rule — Coastal Migratory Pelagic Re- PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT mittee on Financial Services. sources of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, 7108. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Region; 2018-2019 Commercial Accountability reported that on December 6, 2018, she ment of Health and Human Services, trans- Measure and Closure for King Mackerel in presented to the President of the mitting a Declaration of a Public Health the Gulf of Mexico Western Zone [Docket Emergency and Waiver and/or Modification No.: 160426363-7275-02] (RIN: 0648-XG523) re- United States, for his approval, the fol- of Certain HIPAA, and Medicare, Medicaid, ceived November 28, 2018, pursuant to 5 lowing bills and joint resolution: and Children’s Health Insurance Program U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. H.J. Res. 143. Making further continuing Requirements (wildfires on the State of Cali- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- appropriations for fiscal year 2019, and for fornia), pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 247d(a); July 1, ural Resources. other purposes. 1944, ch. 373, title III, Sec. 319(a) (as amended 7118. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- H.R. 754. To award the Congressional Gold by Public Law 107-188, Sec. 144(a)); (116 Stat. fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Medal to Anwar Sadat in recognition of his 630) and 42 U.S.C. 1320b-5(d); Aug. 14, 1935, ch. tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- heroic achievements and courageous con- 531, title XI, Sec. 1135(d) (as added by Public tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- tributions to peace in the Middle East. Law 107-188, Sec. 143(a)); (116 Stat. 628); to porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- H.R. 1207. To designate the facility of the the Committee on Energy and Commerce. nomic Zone Off Alaska; Northern Rockfish in United States Postal Service located at 306 7109. A letter from the Assistant Secretary the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Manage- River Street in Tilden, Texas, as the ‘‘Tilden for Legislation, Department of Health and ment Area [Docket No.: 170817779-8161-02] Veterans Post Office’’. Human Services, transmitting a report enti- (RIN: 0648-XG492) received November 28, 2018,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10DE7.077 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9819 pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law land conveyances, and for other purposes; Baker Post Office’’; to the Committee on 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- with an amendment (Rept. 115–1071). Re- Oversight and Government Reform. mittee on Natural Resources. ferred to the Committee of the Whole House By Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania: 7119. A letter from the Solicitor General, on the state of the Union. H.R. 7231. A bill to provide regulatory re- Department of Justice, transmitting a deci- Mr. CONAWAY: Committee of Conference. lief for conventional marginally producing sion from the U.S. District Court for the Conference report on H.R. 2. A bill to provide oil and gas from the Environmental Southern District of Florida on United for the reform and continuation of agricul- Protection Agency’s ‘‘Methane Rule’’; to the States v. Pryor, No. 15-cr-20404 (S.D. Fla. tural and other programs of the Department Committee on Energy and Commerce. Jan. 27, 2016), appeal pending, No. 16-10806 of Agriculture through fiscal year 2023, and By Mr. BEYER: (11th Cir. filed Feb. 25, 2016), pursuant to 28 for other purposes (Rept. 115–1072). Ordered H.R. 7232. A bill to establish a National U.S.C. 530D(a)(1); Public Law 107-273, Sec. to be printed. Wildlife Corridors Program to provide for the protection and restoration of certain na- 202(a); (116 Stat. 1771); to the Committee on DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEE tive fish, wildlife, and plant species, and for the Judiciary. Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the 7120. A letter from the Administrator, other purposes; to the Committee on Natural FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, Committee on Homeland Security dis- Resources, and in addition to the Commit- transmitting a report advising that the cost charged from further consideration. tees on Armed Services, Agriculture, and of response and recovery efforts for FEMA- H.R. 3593 referred to the Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure, for a pe- 3399-EM in the State of Hawaii has exceeded the Whole House on the state of the riod to be subsequently determined by the the limit for a single emergency declaration, Union. Speaker, in each case for consideration of pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5193(b)(3); Public Law such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- f 93-288, Sec. 503(b)(3) (as amended by Public tion of the committee concerned. Law 100-707, Sec. 107(a)); (102 Stat. 4707); to By Ms. CASTOR of Florida: PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 7233. A bill to amend the Public the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Health Service Act to authorize grants for structure. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public graduate medical education partnerships in 7121. A letter from the Administrator, bills and resolutions of the following States with a low ratio of medical residents FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, titles were introduced and severally re- relative to the general population; to the transmitting a notification that the cost of ferred, as follows: Committee on Energy and Commerce. response and recovery efforts for FEMA-3405- By Ms. JENKINS of Kansas (for herself By Mr. CONAWAY: EM in the State of Florida has exceeded the and Mr. LEWIS of Georgia): H.R. 7234. A bill to amend the Sarbanes- limit for a single emergency declaration, H.R. 7227. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Oxley Act of 2002 to require certain issuers pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5193(b)(3); Public Law enue Code of 1986 to modernize and improve to disclose to the Securities and Exchange 93-288, Sec. 503(b)(3) (as amended by Public the Internal Revenue Service, and for other Commission information regarding foreign Law 100-707, Sec. 107(a)); (102 Stat. 4707); to purposes; to the Committee on Ways and jurisdictions that prevent the Public Com- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Means, and in addition to the Committee on pany Accounting Oversight Board from per- structure. Financial Services, for a period to be subse- forming inspections under that Act, and for 7122. A letter from the Chief, Publications quently determined by the Speaker, in each other purposes; to the Committee on Finan- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue case for consideration of such provisions as cial Services. Service, transmitting the Service’s final fall within the jurisdiction of the committee By Ms. DELBENE (for herself and Ms. rules — Religious Exemptions and Accom- concerned. SEWELL of Alabama): modations for Coverage of Certain Preven- By Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts (for H.R. 7235. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- tive Services Under the Affordable Care Act herself, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. enue Code of 1986 to establish Lifelong [TD-9840] (RIN: 1545-BN92) received Novem- LEE, Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, Ms. Learning and Training Account programs; to ber 27, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. CLARKE of the Committee on Ways and Means. Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to New York, Mr. MOULTON, Mr. CON- By Mr. HUNTER: the Committee on Ways and Means. NOLLY, Ms. MENG, Mr. CARBAJAL, Mr. H.R. 7236. A bill to amend the Communica- f HASTINGS, Ms. NORTON, Mr. MCNER- tions Act of 1934 to provide for the establish- NEY, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. COHEN, ment of a radiofrequency radiation site safe- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. CICILLINE, ty information database, and for other pur- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Mr. PAYNE, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. JOHN- poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- SON of Georgia, Ms. DELAURO, Ms. merce. Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of By Mr. KELLY of Mississippi (for him- committees were delivered to the Clerk TITUS, Ms. KUSTER of New Hamp- shire, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, Mr. KIL- self and Mr. WALZ): H.R. 7237. A bill to amend title 10, United for printing and reference to the proper DEE, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of States Code, to ensure that the final pay and calendar, as follows: New York, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. DANNY certificate of discharge or release for a re- Mr. GOWDY: Committee on Oversight and K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. QUIGLEY, serve member of the Armed Forces is ready Government Reform. H.R. 1552. A bill to pre- Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. upon discharge or release of that member serve open competition and Federal Govern- PALLONE, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Miss from active status; to the Committee on ment neutrality towards the labor relations RICE of New York, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Armed Services. of Federal Government contractors on Fed- Ms. LOFGREN, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALO- By Mr. KILMER (for himself, Mr. eral and federally funded construction NEY of New York, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Ms. CARTWRIGHT, Ms. NORTON, Ms. CLARK projects, and for other purposes (Rept. 115– DEGETTE, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. DOG- of Massachusetts, Mr. BERA, and Mr. 1068). Referred to the Committee of the GETT, Mr. SHERMAN, Ms. JUDY CHU of LAMALFA): Whole House on the state of the Union. California, Ms. SPEIER, and Mr. H.R. 7238. A bill to prohibit discrimination Mr. GOWDY: Committee on Oversight and POCAN): on the basis of military service, and for Government Reform. H.R. 6893. A bill to H.R. 7228. A bill to amend the Foreign As- other purposes; to the Committee on Edu- amend the Overtime Pay for Protective sistance Act of 1961 to include in the Annual cation and the Workforce, and in addition to Services Act of 2016 to extend the Secret Country Reports on Human Rights Practices the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period Service overtime pay exception through 2019, a section on reproductive rights, and for to be subsequently determined by the Speak- and for other purposes; with amendments other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign er, in each case for consideration of such pro- (Rept. 115–1069). Referred to the Committee Affairs. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the of the Whole House on the state of the By Mr. BRAT (for himself, Mr. BUDD, committee concerned. Union. Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. GAETZ, Mr. GOSAR, By Ms. LOFGREN: Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. GIANFORTE, and H.R. 7239. A bill to prohibit requests for the ural Resources. H.R. 3593. A bill to amend Mr. NORMAN): disclosure of a social security account num- the Wilderness Act to authorize U.S. Cus- H.R. 7229. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- ber in commercial transactions, and for toms and Border Protection to conduct cer- cation Act of 1965 to protect student rights, other purposes; to the Committee on Energy tain activities to secure the international and for other purposes; to the Committee on and Commerce, and in addition to the Com- land borders of the United States, and for Education and the Workforce. mittee on Ways and Means, for a period to be other purposes; with an amendment (Rept. By Mr. CLYBURN (for himself, Mr. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in 115–1070, Pt. 1). Referred to the Committee of NORMAN, Mr. DUNCAN of South Caro- each case for consideration of such provi- the Whole House on the state of the Union. lina, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Mr. RICE of South Carolina, Mr. committee concerned. ural Resources. H.R. 5727. A bill to establish GOWDY, and Mr. SANFORD): By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of the San Rafael Swell Western Heritage and H.R. 7230. A bill to designate the facility of New York (for herself, Mr. NADLER, Historic National Conservation Area the United States Postal Service located at Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, and Mr. ESPAILLAT): in the State of Utah, to designate wilderness 226 West Main Street in Lake City, South H.R. 7240. A bill to designate the Manhat- areas in the State, to provide for certain Carolina, as the ‘‘Postmaster Frazier B. tan Campus of the New York Harbor Health

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10DE7.000 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9820 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018

Care System of the Department of Veterans COSTELLO of Pennsylvania, Mr. Mr. SWALWELL of California, Mr. Affairs as the ‘‘Margaret Cochran Corbin CRAMER, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. CULBER- PAYNE, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. RUSH, Mr. Campus of the New York Harbor Health Care SON, Mr. CURBELO of Florida, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. JAYAPAL, System’’; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- CURTIS, Mr. DELANEY, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. ELLISON, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. SCHA- fairs. Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. KOWSKY, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. By Mr. MEADOWS: DOGGETT, Mr. DUNCAN of South Caro- CICILLINE, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. HUFFMAN, H.R. 7241. A bill to protect freedom of lina, Mr. EMMER, Mr. ESTES of Kan- Mr. VEASEY, Ms. CLARKE of New speech in America’s electoral process and en- sas, Mr. FASO, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. York, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. BROWN of sure transparency in campaign finance; to FLEISCHMANN, Mr. FORTENBERRY, Mr. Maryland, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. POCAN, the Committee on House Administration. GIANFORTE, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. MCNERNEY, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. By Mr. MEADOWS: Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, Miss PETERS, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mrs. WAT- H.R. 7242. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Rico, Mr. SON COLEMAN, Ms. CLARK of Massa- enue Code of 1986 to allow certain areas af- GOSAR, Mr. GOWDY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. chusetts, and Mr. HULTGREN): fected by certain Federally declared disas- GRAVES of Missouri, Mr. GRAVES of H. Res. 1174. A resolution recognizing the ters to be designated as opportunity zones; Louisiana, Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, 70th anniversary of the Universal Declara- to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. GUTHRIE, tion of Human Rights and the celebration of By Mrs. MURPHY of Florida: Mrs. HANDEL, Mr. HARPER, Mr. HAR- ‘‘Human Rights Day’’; to the Committee on H.R. 7243. A bill to amend Public Law 115- RIS, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. HENSARLING, Foreign Affairs. 217 to change the address of the postal facil- Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, Mr. f ity designated by such Public Law in honor HIMES, Mr. HOLDING, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. of Sergeant First Class Alwyn Crendall HUIZENGA, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. ISSA, CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Cashe, and for other purposes; to the Com- Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Ms. EDDIE STATEMENT mittee on Oversight and Government Re- BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JOHN- form. SON of Ohio, Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, Mr. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. O’HALLERAN: KATKO, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 7244. A bill to provide for the Mr. KELLY of Mississippi, Mr. KING of tives, the following statements are sub- unencumbering of title to non-Federal land New York, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. mitted regarding the specific powers owned by Win Oil Company, Incorporated, KINZINGER, Mr. KUSTOFF of Ten- granted to Congress in the Constitu- for purposes of economic development by re- nessee, Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. LAMALFA, tion to enact the accompanying bill or moving the Federal reversion interest in Mr. LAMBORN, Mrs. LESKO, Mr. joint resolution. that land, and for other purposes; to the LOUDERMILK, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. LUETKE- Committee on Natural Resources. MEYER, Mr. MACARTHUR, Mr. MARCH- By Ms. JENKINS of Kansas: By Mr. SIRES (for himself, Ms. ROS- ANT, Mr. MARINO, Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. H.R. 7227. LEHTINEN, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, MCCAUL, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. MEAD- Congress has the power to enact this legis- and Mrs. TORRES): OWS, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 7245. A bill to provide humanitarian MULLIN, Mrs. MURPHY of Florida, Mr. Article I, Section 8: relief to the Venezuelan people and Ven- NEWHOUSE, Mr. NORMAN, Mr. The Congress shall have Power To lay and ezuelan migrants, to advance a constitu- O’HALLERAN, Mr. OLSON, Mr. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, tional and democratic solution to Ven- PALAZZO, Mr. PETERSON, Ms. PIN- to pay the Debts and provide for the common ezuela’s political crisis, to address Ven- GREE, Mr. PITTENGER, Mr. POE of Defence and general Welfare of the United ezuela’s economic reconstruction, to combat Texas, Mr. POLIQUIN, Mr. POSEY, Mr. States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises public corruption, narcotics trafficking, and RATCLIFFE, Mr. RENACCI, Mr. ROE of shall be uniform throughout the United money laundering, and for other purposes; to Tennessee, Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, States. the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in ad- Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida, Mr. By Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts: dition to the Committees on the Judiciary, THOMAS J. ROONEY of Florida, Ms. H.R. 7228. and Financial Services, for a period to be ROSEN, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. ROSS, Congress has the power to enact this legis- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in Mr. ROTHFUS, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. SCA- lation pursuant to the following: each case for consideration of such provi- LISE, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Article I, Section 8, U.S. Constitution sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Mr. SESSIONS, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Mr. By Mr. BRAT: H.R. 7229. committee concerned. SHUSTER, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. SMITH of Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. TONKO: Nebraska, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, H.R. 7246. A bill to direct the Secretary of lation pursuant to the following: Mr. SMITH of Missouri, Mr. SMITH of the Interior to establish a nonregulatory Article I, Section 8. Texas, Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. STIVERS, program to support restoration and protec- By Mr. CLYBURN: Ms. TENNEY, Mr. THOMPSON of Penn- tion efforts in the Hudson-Mohawk River H.R. 7230. sylvania, Mr. THOMPSON of Cali- Basin region, and for other purposes; to the Congress has the power to enact this legis- fornia, Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. TIPTON, Committee on Natural Resources, and in ad- lation pursuant to the following: Mr. TURNER, Mr. VEASEY, Mrs. WAG- dition to the Committee on Transportation Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United NER, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. WALKER, Mrs. and Infrastructure, for a period to be subse- States Constitution. WALORSKI, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, quently determined by the Speaker, in each By Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania: Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. WEBSTER of case for consideration of such provisions as H.R. 7231. Florida, Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Congress has the power to enact this legis- WESTERMAN, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. concerned. lation pursuant to the following: WOMACK, Mr. WOODALL, Mr. YOUNG of By Mr. JONES of North Carolina: This bill is enacted pursuant to the power Iowa, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. H. Con. Res. 145. Concurrent resolution rec- granted to Congress under Article I, Section ZELDIN, Mr. BRAT, Mr. LATTA, Ms. ognizing the honorable service of military 8 of the United States Constitution which BROWNLEY of California, Mr. VELA, working dogs and soldier handlers in the tac- gives Congress the power ‘‘to regulate Com- Mr. BERGMAN, and Mr. GROTHMAN): tical explosive detection dog program of the H. Res. 1172. A resolution honoring the life merce with foreign Nations, and among the Army and encouraging the Army and other of President George Herbert Walker Bush; to several states, and within the Indian government agencies, including law enforce- the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Tribes.’’ ment agencies, with former tactical explo- ment Reform. By Mr. BEYER: sive detection dogs to prioritize adoption of By Mr. CONAWAY: H.R. 7232. the dogs to former tactical explosive detec- H. Res. 1173. A resolution encouraging the Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion dog handlers; to the Committee on Department of Defense and the Department lation pursuant to the following: Armed Services. of the Navy to enter into an international Congress under Article I, Sec. 8, Clause 3; By Mr. FLORES (for himself, Mr. joint-build, cost-sharing program for the Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2; and Article I, ABRAHAM, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. BABIN, next generation nuclear-powered fast attack Sec. 8, Clause 18 of the United States Con- Mr. BACON, Mr. BANKS of Indiana, Mr. submarine program, and encouraging the De- stitution. BARR, Mr. BARTON, Mr. BILIRAKIS, partment of the Navy to maximize the util- By Ms. CASTOR of Florida: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, Mr. BISHOP ity of autonomous underwater vehicles; to H.R. 7233. of Georgia, Mrs. BLACK, Mrs. BLACK- the Committee on Armed Services. Congress has the power to enact this legis- BURN, Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mrs. By Mr. LOWENTHAL (for himself, Ms. lation pursuant to the following: BROOKS of Indiana, Mr. BUCK, Mr. MCCOLLUM, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. GRI- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United BUDD, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. CARTER of JALVA, Ms. LEE, Mr. PALLONE, Ms. States Constitution Texas, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mr. BONAMICI, Ms. NORTON, Mr. FOSTER, By Mr. CONAWAY: CHABOT, Ms. CHENEY, Mr. CLOUD, Mr. Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. H.R. 7234. COHEN, Mr. COLE, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. MOULTON, Ms. MOORE, Mr. HASTINGS, Congress has the power to enact this legis- COOPER, Mr. CORREA, Mr. COSTA, Mr. Ms. ESHOO, Mr. CORREA, Mr. COSTA, lation pursuant to the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10DE7.100 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE December 10, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9821

Article I, sec 8. By Mr. TONKO: H.R. 6033: Ms. MAXINE WATERS of Cali- By Ms. DELBENE: H.R. 7246. fornia. H.R. 7235. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6043: Mr. SMITH of Washington, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: BORDALLO, Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. GABBARD, Ms. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 DELBENE, Mr. O’ROURKE, and Mr. HECK. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States The Congress shall have Power * * * To H.R. 6060: Ms. NORTON, Mr. SEAN PATRICK Constitution. make all Laws which shall be necessary and MALONEY of New York, Mr. TONKO, Mr. By Mr. HUNTER: proper for carrying into Execution the fore- SUOZZI, Mr. HASTINGS, and Mr. MCNERNEY. H.R. 7236. going Powers, and all other Powers vested by H.R. 6081: Mr. RYAN of Ohio and Mr. SIMP- Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Constitution in the Government of the SON. lation pursuant to the following: United States, or in any Department or Offi- H.R. 6085: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. LOFGREN, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United cer thereof. Miss RICE of New York, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. States Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 AGUILAR, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, By Mr. KELLY of Mississippi: The Congress shall have Power * * * To and Mr. LAMBORN. H.R. 7237. regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, H.R. 6135: Ms. SCANLON. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and among the several States, and with the H.R. 6278: Ms. LOFGREN. lation pursuant to the following: Indian Tribes. The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 6454: Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. bill rests is the power of Congress to make f GALLEGO, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Ms. CLARKE rules for the government and regulation of of New York, and Ms. MOORE. the land and naval forces, as enumerated in ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 6502: Mr. COOK. Article I, Section 8, Clause 14 of the United H.R. 6543: Mr. PASCRELL. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 6590: Ms. LOFGREN. States Constitution. were added to public bills and resolu- By Mr. KILMER: H.R. 6615: Ms. NORTON, Mr. COHEN, and Mr. H.R. 7238. tions, as follows: HIGGINS of New York. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 154: Ms. MATSUI and Mr. YARMUTH. H.R. 6653: Mr. BABIN. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 866: Mr. HASTINGS. H.R. 6685: Mr. HASTINGS. Article 1, sec 8, cl.3 (commerce clause), & H.R. 930: Mr. MORELLE. H.R. 6693: Mr. HASTINGS. cl. 18 (necessary and proper clause); section 1 H.R. 1138: Mr. PETERS. H.R. 6714: Mr. QUIGLEY. of the 14th Amendment (due process and H.R. 1318: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. MORELLE, Mr. H.R. 6759: Ms. ROSEN, Mr. LARSEN of Wash- equal protection clauses), and section 5 of GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. LATTA, and Mr. ington, Mr. PERLMUTTER, and Mr. CUELLAR. the 14th Amendment (enforcement). In addi- CA´ RDENAS. H.R. 6795: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of tion, Article 1, sec 8, & cl. 16. H.R. 1339: Mr. BERGMAN. New York, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. SIRES, Mr. RUP- By Ms. LOFGREN: H.R. 1438: Mr. ESPAILLAT and Ms. JAYAPAL. PERSBERGER, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. H.R. 7239. H.R. 1475: Mr. MORELLE. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. LAWSON of Flor- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1612: Mr. MORELLE and Ms. SCANLON. ida, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Ms. LEE, Ms. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1832: Mr. CLAY. BASS, Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 1847: Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. CARSON of In- Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. TONKO, Mr. Constitution diana, Ms. GRANGER, and Mrs. WALORSKI. RUSH, and Mr. PERLMUTTER. By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H.R. 2044: Mr. COHEN and Mr. LARSEN of H.R. 6807: Mr. MOULTON. New York: Washington. H.R. 6854: Mr. BUTTERFIELD. H.R. 7240. H.R. 2309: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 6888: Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. CHABOT, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2315: Mr. CARSON of Indiana and Ms. Mr. CASTRO of Texas. lation pursuant to the following: KUSTER of New Hampshire. H.R. 6903: Mr. LOWENTHAL. Article I, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 2472: Mr. CICILLINE. H.R. 6932: Mr. GUTHRIE. Constitution H.R. 2475: Ms. SCANLON. H.R. 6993: Mr. KILMER. By Mr. MEADOWS: H.R. 2886: Mr. POCAN and Ms. JUDY CHU of H.R. 7062: Mr. MORELLE and Mr. AGUILAR. H.R. 7241. California. H.R. 7116: Mr. SOTO. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3128: Mr. PETERSON. H.R. 7123: Mr. COHEN. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3137: Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 7127: Mr. AGUILAR. According to Article 1, Section 4, Clause I H.R. 3195: Mr. LUETKEMEYER. H.R. 7136: Mr. FITZPATRICK and Mr. VELA. ‘‘The Times and Manner of holding Elections H.R. 3197: Mrs. BEATTY and Mr. AGUILAR. H.R. 7141: Ms. PINGREE. for Senators and Representatives, shall be H.R. 3288: Mr. FASO. H.R. 7142: Ms. CLARKE of New York. prescribed in each State by the Legislature H.R. 3440: Ms. SCANLON. H.R. 7146: Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ and Mr. thereof; but the Congress may at any time H.R. 3464: Mr. MORELLE and Ms. SCANLON. POCAN. by Law make or alter such Regulations, ex- H.R. 3918: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. H.R. 7209: Mr. MEADOWS and Mr. REED. cept as to the Places of chusing Senators.’’ H.R. 4022: Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 7217: Ms. ESHOO, Ms. HERRERA By Mr. MEADOWS: H.R. 4143: Mr. LOUDERMILK. BEUTLER, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, and Mr. H.R. 7242. H.R. 4198: Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. DEFAZIO, BILIRAKIS. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and Ms. WILD. H.J. Res. 129: Ms. WILSON of Florida. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4256: Ms. GRANGER. H. Con. Res. 138: Mr. LARSON of Con- Article 1, Section 8, Clause I says, ‘‘The H.R. 4271: Mr. NADLER, Mr. BEYER, Mr. necticut. Congress shall have Power To lay and collect THOMPSON of California, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. H. Con. Res. 142: Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. COURT- Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay KILDEE, and Mr. PALLONE. NEY, Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. the Debts and provide for the common H.R. 4444: Mr. PETERS. CAPUANO, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. Defence and general Welfare of the United H.R. 4471: Mr. FASO. JAYAPAL, Ms. MOORE, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. States. . . .’’ H.R. 4691: Mr. TIPTON. SPEIER, Ms. LOFGREN, Ms. BASS, Ms. By Mrs. MURPHY of Florida: H.R. 4732: Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, HANABUSA, Mr. WALZ, Mr. JEFFRIES, Mr. KIL- H.R. 7243. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. ABRAHAM, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. DEE, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Ms. MCCOLLUM, lation pursuant to the following: KHANNA, and Ms. MATSUI. Ms. ESHOO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. CARBAJAL, Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 7: ‘‘to establish H.R. 5058: Ms. BONAMICI. ELLISON, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. post offices and postal roads.’’ H.R. 5160: Ms. PINGREE and Mrs. WATSON GALLEGO, Mr. BUCK, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. YAR- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18: The Nec- COLEMAN. MUTH, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Il- essary and Proper Clause H.R. 5282: Mr. KILMER, Mr. CLAY, Mr. linois, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. MEEKS, By Mr. O’HALLERAN: DEFAZIO, Mr. TONKO, and Mr. ROGERS of Ala- Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, Ms. BONAMICI, H.R. 7244. bama. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 5499: Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. BUDD, VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. HECK, Mr. JOHNSON of Geor- lation pursuant to the following: Mr. BUCSHON, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. gia, Mr. LABRADOR, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mr. DOG- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 COLLINS of New York, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. GETT, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, By Mr. SIRES: DEUTCH, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. GOWDY, Mrs. Mr. COHEN, Mr. HIMES, Mr. PRICE of North H.R. 7245. HARTZLER, Mr. HILL, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Carolina, Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, Mr. SIRES, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Texas, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. PRICE of North Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. SOTO, Mr. GOMEZ, Mrs. lation pursuant to the following: Carolina, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Mr. UPTON, TORRES, Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. Pursuant to clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII of Ms. WILSON of Florida, and Mr. WOMACK. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. LARSON the Rules of the House of Representatives, H.R. 5885: Mr. FASO and Mr. SUOZZI. of Connecticut, Ms. PELOSI, and Mr. BIGGS. the Committee finds the authority for this H.R. 5911: Mr. LYNCH. H. Con. Res. 144: Mr. POE of Texas. legislation in article I, section 8 of the Con- H.R. 6016: Mr. TAKANO, Mr. QUIGLEY, and H. Res. 35: Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. stitution. Mr. AGUILAR. H. Res. 356: Ms. SPEIER.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:16 Dec 11, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.010 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018

H. Res. 1031: Mr. TAKANO, Ms. WILD, Ms. H. Res. 1145: Mr. SERRANO, Mr. HECK, and MEADOWS, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. GON- SCANLON, Mr. KIND, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Ms. WILD. ZALEZ of Texas, Mr. KILDEE, and Mr. POE of Georgia, and Mr. LOEBSACK. H. Res. 1162: Mr. FITZPATRICK. Texas. H. Res. 1034: Mr. GRIFFITH, Mr. H. Res. 1165: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mrs. WAG- WESTERMAN, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. HUNTER, and NER, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. STIVERS, Mr. RUTHER- H. Res. 1168: Mr. CHABOT and Mr. WALBERG. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. FORD, Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia, Mr.

N O T I C E For conference report and statement, see proceedings of the House of December 10, 2018, published in Book II.

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