E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2018 No. 194 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was needs, or fighting for our Dreamers, or human rights. These are fundamental called to order by the Speaker pro tem- securing funds for important projects American principles that have guided pore (Mr. CULBERSON). in our community, or passing critical my legislative record. f legislation to help those oppressed by I have been honored to fight for equal totalitarian regimes, or one of the rights for all people by joining efforts DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO many, many other duties that the peo- that will put an end to the discrimina- TEMPORE ple of south Florida have entrusted to tion and the violence against individ- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- me, I have been honored to serve them uals based on their sexual orientation fore the House the following commu- in this distinguished body for almost 30 or gender identity. nication from the Speaker: years, and I have played a small part in I have been proud to advocate for the WASHINGTON, DC, making our slice of paradise an even natural allies of our country, like the December 10, 2018. better place in which to live. democratic Jewish State of Israel, her I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN Every day when I come to this floor, right to exist, and her right to defend ABNEY CULBERSON to act as Speaker pro tem- when I walk these hallowed Halls, or herself; to secure support for a free pore on this day. when I look at that magnificent Cap- trade agreement with Colombia, one of PAUL D. RYAN, itol dome lit up, I pinch myself to our biggest trading partners in Latin Speaker of the House of Representatives. make sure that I am not dreaming. America; and to promote U.S. assist- f That is because as a political refugee, ance that allows Taiwan to resist Bei- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE I have a unique perspective on the jing’s increasing coercion. I have also greatness of our Nation. America worked to promote religious autonomy The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- opened its arms to my family and to for the people of Tibet who are also vic- ant to the order of the House of Janu- me as we fled the Communist Castro tims of Chinese aggression; and to rees- ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- regime. When we arrived in Miami, it tablish democracy and the rule of law nize Members from lists submitted by was in one of the last commercial in my native homeland of Cuba, in the majority and minority leaders for flights out of Cuba. I was only 8 years Nicaragua, in Venezuela, in Syria, and morning-hour debate. old. in so many other countries; and to The Chair will alternate recognition So to think that I have been elected sanction rogue regimes like that in between the parties. All time shall be to serve in the U.S. Congress, that I be- Iran, in Russia, in North Korea, and all equally allocated between the parties, came the first Hispanic woman to serve those who wish to do us harm. and in no event shall debate continue in Congress and the first woman to Domestic issues have been priorities beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other chair the House Foreign Affairs Com- for me as well, Mr. Speaker. Growing than the majority and minority leaders mittee, it is simply astounding, not be- up in south Florida, I learned to appre- and the minority whip, shall be limited cause it is about me but it says a lot ciate the wonderful natural resources to 5 minutes. about the greatest democracy that all around us, and I have made it my f man has ever created: the United priority to protect those treasures so States of America. that future generations are also able to THANKING MY SOUTH FLORIDA We are a country that says: You can enjoy them. CONSTITUENTS be successful no matter where you I have worked to re-nourish our beau- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The started, and that is something that we tiful south Florida beaches, to restore Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from do not ever take for granted in my the seagrass beds and coral reefs, to Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- south Florida community where it provide for advanced wastewater treat- utes. seems like almost everyone seems to ment in our beloved Florida Keys, and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, be from somewhere else. My constitu- to reinvigorate our Miami River. though I still have a few days left be- ents are also a testament to the end- Throughout my tenure I have rep- fore the end of my term, I wanted to less possibilities that all of us have as resented Miami International Airport take this opportunity to thank the free Americans. and Port Miami, two of the largest eco- constituents for allowing me to rep- Mr. Speaker, where I was born is not nomic engines to our county that serve resent them in the U.S. House of Rep- just a place listed on my passport. It as the gateway to the Americas and resentatives for so many years. has defined how I view the world support thousands of jobs and eco- Whether it has been helping a vet- through the prism of democracy, of nomic development across our Sun- eran obtain the VA assistance he or she freedom, of the rule of law, and of shine State. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9769 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Dec 10, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10DE7.000 H10DEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 10, 2018 As the wife of a Vietnam veteran who the Barren-Metcalfe Ambulance Board, RECOGNIZING ADAIR COUNTY JUDGE-EXECUTIVE was wounded in combat and a step- his influence was felt throughout the MIKE STEPHENS mother to marine aviators, I have been region. Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I would proud to support our military and our In his personal life, Mayor Garrett is like to recognize my friend, Judge-Ex- veterans. During my time in Congress, an avid University of Kentucky and ecutive Mike Stephens of Adair Coun- I authored legislation awarding the Yankees fan. He is married to his high ty, Kentucky. His outstanding service Congressional Gold Medal to the World school sweetheart, Teresa, and they are and contributions during his tenure War II Women Air Force Service Pi- the parents to three children and have greatly benefited his community, lots, WASP, and supported efforts to grandparents to five grandchildren. and I am proud to recognize him for his reinstate burial rights at Arlington Na- Mayor Garrett has much to be proud of years of service. tional Cemetery to these women pio- in his life. On behalf of the First Dis- Prior to being elected to public office neers. trict of Kentucky, I thank him for his Judge-Executive Stephens owned and I supported legislation to protect vic- years of achievement and compas- operated his own pharmacy. He has tims of domestic violence and some of sionate service to the Edmonton com- also served on the Homeplace Board of the most vulnerable people in our soci- munity. Directors and the Lake Cumberland ety. RECOGNIZING MONROE COUNTY JUDGE- Area Development District Board of Mr. Speaker, each one of these issues EXECUTIVE TOMMY WILLETT Directors. Judge-Executive Stephens’ is important, not only to me, but to Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I would varied experiences and knowledge of our community in south Florida, and I like to congratulate Monroe County the local community made him a com- will carry them wherever I go next. I Judge-Executive Tommy Willett on his passionate and effective county judge- want to thank the hardworking staff retirement after serving two consecu- executive and an exceptional public and interns with whom I have had the tive terms in office. Prior to his elec- servant. delight to work throughout my tenure tion, Tommy and his father owned and On behalf of the First District of in Congress. Some are still looking for operated Pure Drug Company in Kentucky, I thank Judge Mike Ste- jobs; please hire them. Tompkinsville, Kentucky. Currently, phens for his numerous accomplish- I want to thank my loving and sup- Judge Willett serves as the secretary of ments while serving as Adair County portive family, my parents, Abu Mandy the Barren River Area Development judge-executive. and Abu Kiki. I know they are watch- District Board of Directors. He also f ing me from Heaven, and I thank them served on the Board of Community Ac- MAYOR RITA SANDERS for encouraging me to run for office tion of Southern Kentucky, Monroe and for their love in every step of the County Water Board, Monroe County The SPEAKER pro tempore. The way. Board of Health, and several other sig- Chair recognizes the gentleman from I thank Dexter Wayne for supporting nificant boards and committees over Nebraska (Mr. BACON) for 5 minutes. and joining me on this crazy adventure the years. In his free time Judge Mr.
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