Abortion special - see centre pages.

Treble overseas students' fees says MP - back page.


No. 399 Tuesday 28th October, 1975. FREE! Health Centre Less cash but more certainty- unhelpful over abortion cases

It has come to light recently that two women students who became pregnant unsympathet- Government ically dealt with at the Health Centre. In the first case the stndent had become pregnant only two weeks before her examinations. Having decided to have an abortion, she approached the Health Centre and had a pregnancy test which proved positive. policy She consulted one of the doctors at the Health Centre regarding obtaining an abortion. A sympathetic doctor was unable to help because of the time factor involved, but suggested she try a private clinic. This, the student didi and finally had her operation perverse-Rector five days before her examin- ations were due to start — despite this setback she THE RECTOR, in his Commemoration Day address, attacked critics of the higher successfully completed them. education system and government policy on higher education. Although it was important In the second case the to raise the educational standards of the mass of people, there would always be a need student, who is still at IC, was given an appointment with for highly selective education for those of exceptional merit. |t was for this purpose that a doctor who was working at universities had been created. The quality of students entering Imperial College remained the Health Centre temporarily. consistently high and there was no reason for any immediate change in our admission The doctor was most unco- policy. operative and reprimanded her One point of concern at IC Crowther-Hunt's belief that for being irresponsible and if in doing so we have to lose however, was the proportion of manpower planning would promiscuous. The student left some money," he continued. women students which stood at result in economies. Manpower in tears. "Less cash but more certainty; less than 11% of the student this might be a good bargain planning was a notoriously She subsequently had an body. "This is far fewer for the Government and for the inexact science and in abortion arranged for her by women students than we — universities", he declared. anycase it was more Important the Pregnancy Advisory Service. and no doubt the men students! Referring to the self- to train people so that ..they Both cases were brought to — would like, and we are balancing rules for student could exercise the intellectual the attention of the Health making strenuous efforts to residences and refectories he powers to the full. "Criticism Centre who admit that in both remedy it" . The attempts to described government policy can be helpful to the criticised, occasions these events did in attract more women to the as "deliberately calculated to but if thought to be vindictive fact take place. However, it is College would be a slow and be perverse". The College had can do more harm than good; pointed that abortions take a laborious task. To help this endeavoured to make improve- and we must take comfort to long time and it was not and the College as a whole, ments and economise where recall with George Moore that possible to arrange the Sir David Huddie had been possible, but were inevitably 'the lot of critics is to be operations for the student, as asked to consider what bound by strict government remembered by what they qnickly as they desired. subjects should be developed regulations insisting that halls failed to understand'. On that It seems also that the policy at the College in order to and refectories must pay their score alone Lord Crowther- pursued by the Health Centre broaden and enrich its way without subsidy. Hunt was already formed intellectual spectrum. immortality". on abortions will not be altered "That would be perfectly in the light of these two cases. However, this planning for acceptable if the student The Rector also expressed the future suffered due to a maintenance grant was adequate grave concern over the steady lack of certainty over the erosion, in recent years, in the FELIX to meet the proper costs; but financial out lookof universities. it is not adequate... These two capacity of universities to FELIX would like to "In common with everyone elements of Government policy undertake research. Basic apologise to its readers and else the College has experienced are mutually inconsistent; they research was vitally important advertisers for the late severe financial difficulties are also socially divisive and belonged especially in the publication of this issue due during the course of the year, because they penalise the universities and this should be to technical problems. For this with inflation almost making poorer student; and they maintained and not be reason also, the next issue havoc of our budgetory provide a constant source of arbitrarily sacrificed in order of FELIX will not be published planning. What has been potential antagonism between to maintain a pre-ordained until Friday, 7th November. particularly dispiriting is the the student body and its level of student numbers. FELIX would also like to uncertainty in which univer- institution". The universities Inflation and Government apologise for the errors sities have lived". were "close to breaking financial policies had weakened the ' dual support' system on contained in i the "Council "There Is a desparate need point" and urgent action by which university research was report" carried in its last to return to some element of the Government was necessary. based. issue, FELICITY. certainty in our planning, even He poured scorn oh Lord Monday 27th Saturday 1st November CCD Freshers Dinner: 7.00pm for 7.30pm. IC Ents present "Andy Fairweather-Low" plus 'Unicorn' in the Tuesday 28th Great Hall at 8.00pm. Adm IC adv 70p; Adv 80p; Door £1.00. Roneo demo starting 1.00pm in the outer FELIX office. Sunday 2nd IC Jewish Soc: talky by Maurice Singer in Mech Eng 340 at 1.30pm QEC: Disco 20p. Latin American Soc: "What After Vietnam, a talk by Chris Mullin, Chelsea: Disco 10p, Film "Ned Kelly" at 7.00pm. Adm: 150. journalist; at 6.30pm in Lecture theatre A, Sherfield Building. Associated Studies: Wartime Reputations; Who Survives? Talk by Monday 3rd Basil Collier, Military historian. Theatre B, Sherfleld Building at 1.30pm. Tuesday 4th Musicians and their Instruments; Talk by Dr Bernard Robinson. Career Opportunites Talk: The Graduate in the Coal Industry. Theatre A, Sherfield Building at 1,30pm. Mr T Palmer (NCB). Elec Eng 408. 1.30pm. Career Opportunities Talk: Mr WHF Brooks, (CEGB); Career Associated Studies: Innovation by Design Brian Locke, Head of opportunities with the CEGB. ElecEng 408. 1.30pm. Special Projects, National Research Development Corportion. Hall Dinner: Sherfield Building. 7.30pm. Theatre A, Sherfield Building 1.30pm. IC Film Society present 'Romeo and Juliet' ME220. 7.15pm, The Industrial Archaeologist at Work: 1 .'The Need for Action'. 'Adm: Members only. Dennis Smith. Theatre B, Sherfield Building at 1.30pm. Wednesday 29th Wednesday 5th IC Folk Club present 'Blackhurst' in the Union Lower Refectory IC Folk Club present 'Miriam Backhouse'. Union Lower Refectory. at 8.00pm. Adm: members 25p; non-members 45p. Membership 60p. 8.00pm Adm: Membership 25p; non-members 45p. IC South East Asia Society's Commonwealth Institute Tour. Meet Membership 60p. at Mech Eng Dept Entrance - Concourse at 1.45pm. Hall Dinner — Wine Night. 7.00 - 7.30 pm. Sherry 7.30pm dinner. Thursday 30th Sherfield Building. IC Ents present 'Blazing Saddles" in ME 220 at 6.30pm. Adm:150 Chelsea: Bar Night. 'Sean Cannon' at 8.30pm. Adm: free. Lunch hour concert: Library in 53 Princes Gate at 1.30pm. Thursday 6th Socialist Society open meeting on Spain in the Committee Room Associated Studies: Lunch-hour Concert. The Library, 53 (top floor of Union Building) at 1.00pm. Prince's Gate. 1.30pm. Film: 'Airport'. Theatre A, Sherfield Roneo Demostration in the outer FELIX office at 1.00pm. Building. 1.30pm. Associated Studies: Practical Engineering for the Third World. Laboratory — Acquired Infection: Prevention and Cure. Surgeon- Speakers: Mr D Payne and Mr P. Steyner. Theatre B, Sherfield Commander HM Darlow, RN (Retd) Mech Eng 220. 1.30pm. Building at 1,30pm. Career Opportunities Talk: A Career in Marketing. Mr MA Billeston, Career Opportunities Talk: "Management" by Mr HJ Tait, British Institute of Marketing. Elec Eng 408. 1.30pm. Institute of Management. Elec Eng 408 at 1.30pm. Friday 31st IMPERIAL COLLEGE RAG WEEK 1975 - 1976 IC Ents disco in Union Lower Refectory. Adm 10p. IC Ents present 'Good Habit' in the Union Concert Hall, Adm: 50p. Wednesday 5th November1 "1920's" Evening: 8.00pm IC Film Soc present "Virgin and the Gipsy" in Mech Eng 220 at 7.15pm. Adm by membership card — £1.50. Thursday 6th November - Films. "SPYS" John Coffin Memorial Concert in the Great Hall at 7.30 pm. Friday 7th November - Rag & Drag Queen Competition Adm free (See next weeks Felix for further Rag Week events). Tfia Rlsiiclcgicsal LccMig glass

Reflections until the end of October. exceptionally harmonious on the 19th, 22nd and 28th but could go against you around the 26th. ARIES (22Mar-21Apr): Material gains are under good aspect SCORPIO (240ct-22Nov): Your work and health are both and you may find yourself in a financially better position than you protected by Jupiter and they thrive on the 19th and 28th Romance probably expected. Affairs of the heart may cause some strain on the from social gatherings and group activities is highly probable 20th and 26th but you'll really feel like a ram around the 29th! particularly on the 21st. Around the 26th your ironic tongue may TAURUS (21Apr-21May): As in the early part of the month, drop loose and cause some unwanted damage to hearts. you will still be attracting the opposite sex and enjoying the affections of others. The main theme changes around the 24th from SAGITTARIUS (23Nov-22Dec): Activities are still centred work to partnerships th ough the work will still go on. around social gatherings, friendships and partnerships. Your prestige continues to grow especially on the 21st and 31st. Many GEMINI (22May-22Jun): Your charming and witty nature is apt opportunities exist for romance particularly around the 28th. How- to spark off an affair (or two) before the end of the month. One of ever, the 29th may prove trying but don't despair there's so much the most likely dates is the 28th when you may also find yourself tin in November. winning more admirers. CAPRICORN (23Dec-20Jan): Activities involving education CANCER (23Jun-23Jul); There is a possibility of changes in could be the source of a romance. Especially fortunate days are your personal affairs if they have not yet occured. It may be that the 21st and 31st. There may also be extra communication (some of your attitude towards personal relationships is changing. Your it behind the curtain) regarding your present or future career. You prestige, fame and profession continues to grow especially around really have to wait until the end of November if you are looking for the 19th and 28th. a ball. LEO (24Jul-23Aug): Mental activities and all sorts of communi- AQUARIUS (21Jan-19Feb): Education and travel is the main cation continue to play an important role. Jupiter brings success in interest. After the 24th you may. become concerned about your educational areas especially around the 19th and 22nd and 28th. career or prestige particularly on the 26th and 27th. You may also These dates are also fortunate for romantic pleasures. feel more impulsive on those days. There may be some sudden VIRGO (24Aug-23Sep): This is really your month. Personal fortunate changes around the 15th and 25th. Romantically, nothing relationships and affairs of the heart should all make you more than unusual. content especially around the 21st and 31st Financially, owing to PISCES (20Feb-21Mar): Your personal relationships and y>ur prudent nature you're still smiling and may even have a good affairs of the heart all flourish. You may find yourself attracting laugh around the 28th. many members of the opposite sex and having romantic involvements LIBRA (24Sep-230ct): You may find yourself more interested but emotions may run a bit wild! If you try to keep things on a in career considerations as well as your prestige among friends or relatively descent level you should be able to find time for work as associates. Partnerships (cooperation with others) may prove well. 3. mix

by <7 Stella F Only?. Godfrey This year's IF/RSM Disco was a great success with a turn-out During the coming session at least one member of ICWA will of nearly two hundred people, Everyone I have talked to enjoyed become pregnant. Consider her situation; there will be three it and it was very gratifying to know that all our work had not courses of action she could take. been in vainl effectively make it impossible All too often it is a problem college, ?iave the child and for any woman not in the at IF to get in touch with said) that dancing is thirsty then put the child up for following categories to have a everyone and tell them what is work! adoption. (This presupposes legal abortion. Under the Bill, going on. However, this time The music began at 8.30pm that her parents will support to qualify for a legal abortion, the Union made a special effort and after the initial shyness, her during her confinement.) a woman would have to be in a and spent half the week dashing the lust of Fanny's "amazing" Hopefully, she could then position of risking grave from class to class in an effort Disco soon proved to be resume her studies a year later. physical or mental harm by to let everyone know. They got irresistible. More and more Secondly she could leave continuing the pregnancy or sick of the sight of us after a people arrived, the backs of college, have the child and she would have to establish while, but we were very pleased their stamped with RSMU, for then attempt to keep it, that the child if born would with theeupport shown by IF. all the world like a flock of resuming her studies this time seriously threaten the stability The food was provided by prize sheep. Still what better with the added responsibility of her existing family unit. This us, and if it was not exactly way of proving that you've of trying to rear a young child. neatly excludes the large in the Cordon Blu class (du paid? I shall not go into the problems majority of women who at pain et du fromage — it sounds Anyway, it was getting so of accommodation and finance present obtain legal abortions. better in French!), there can crowded and hot that it became that this would also involve. Once again we would hear 01 be no comparison to the way of paramount importance to Thirdly, she could have an girls dying at the hands of we slaved, not over the cool off and so, as I cannot abortion. That is, at present glorified butchers; of girls traditional hot stove, but stomach beer, I thought it she could have an abortion. It being rendered permanently over what seemed like tons of prudent to retire to the bar. This seems abundantly clear to me infertile by the inexpertise of cheese and endless French also seemed to be a popular which step she would choose the illegal abortionist. A loaves with only two knives idea'with quite a few other to take, James White permitting. return to the Middle Ages — between us! I think we'll have people and it began to get James White, for those to with a vengeance! to admit to a slight mismanage- uncomfortably hot in there as whom the name is not familiar, Consistently every opinion ment there. Still, it was rapidly well. is a man who would force this is given preference to over consumed by all and sundry, so All the same, an enjoyable as yet hypothetical ICWA that of women themselves. As it must have been quite good. evening was had by all, and member into adoping one of the women, we demand the right to Three barrels of beer also we hope that in the future all first two courses of action I control our own bodies; the disappeared down the hatch such events will be as well have outlined or into placing right to a tension-free sex-life which proves (as I have always attended. herself at the far from tender (no contraceptive is 100% mercies of the "back-street" effective); the right to a abortionist. career; the right not to say '/ In 1967 an enormous step didn't plan for this child, I forward was made towards don't want this child' but to giving women a real opportunity say '/ shall not have this to plan their lives as they chose, child'. to govern their Own bodies and During the coming session to be free from the fear of at least one member of ICWA unwanted pregnancies; abortion will become pregnant; you may Telix was legalised. be her, you may know her, you Eight years later the James may be going out with her - White Abortion (Amendment) demand her right to choose, Bill is before Parliament. If oppose the Abortion (Amend-- Overseas Students' Fees this Bill becomes law it will ment) Bill. Yet another MP has jumped on the 'charge overseas students more' bandwagon. Dr Hampson has suggested we repeat Mr Crosland's 1966 move and treble overseas students' fees. This will NOT drive overseas students away especially since our courses are highly prized. NONSENSE! If their fees were trebled, these students would be paying fees of up to £1000 a year. On top of this would be Telix their hall fees which in some universities and polytechnics are as much as three times those for British students. In one polytechnic overseas students are being charged £61 a week to live in halls of residence. However, the poly- technic is not reaping in any money from this because these Newspaper of Imperial College Union students have refused to live in hall. The average halls of Editor residence fees for overseas students is at least as high as the weekly rate of the student maintenance grant paid at Paul Ekpenyong FELIX © 1975 the full rate. The consequences of such a measure would be far reach- Published by the Editor on behalf of the Imperial ing, especially for Imperial College. With a large percentage College Union Publications Board'. Printed offset- of our students coming from overseas the move could prove litho on the UnlTjn premises. disastrous if a large enouch drop occurred in their numbers. Many thanks to Gill, Ian, Phil, Terry, John, Andrew H, Abortion Andrew W, Duncan, Nigel, Ricky, Nick, Sue, Karen and Mike who all play a vital part in the production of this This week FELIX present in the centre pages the various issue of FELIX. views of both factions of the abortion debate viz the pro and anti-abortionists. The aim of the 1967 Abortion Act was FELIX Office, Imperial College Union, Prince Consort essentially to curtail the number of deaths by backstreet Road, SVY7 2BB. abortions by legalising it. The act has been liberally abused and it is for this Int. 2881 reason that further legislation has been put forward to Teh 01 - 589 5111 ext 1048/1042/3 curtail these abuses. However, the James White Abortion (Amendment) Bill, which was designed to do this has been the subject of much controversy and rightly so. It would Squash Courts have been (it lapses at the end of this session) a restrictive piece of legislation. The South Kensington Sports Committee has decided There are valid sociological reasons in many cases for that the playing sessions on the squash courts will be abortion, but this does not detract from the fact that it is murder in the strictest meaning of the word. reduced from 45 to 30 minutes for a trial period from 27th October 1975 to 31st January 1967 to enable more students to use the courts. The charges per session will remain as at present. 4 FilIX 'Cocktail'

Alter nearly a year of graphic silence we return with "Cocktail", A decision is being made this week about our workshop but we WELLSOC hope we will be publishing many more prints this session. Don't pay anymore society to allow the design and subscriptions until you see production of stickers, transfers Contrary to expectations, WELLSOC's lecture on Monday, what you can make with us. and 'T' shirts as well as October 20th was not "The Future of Communication", to have You owe it to yourself. posters. been delivered by Pearce Wright. This was mainly to do with a Our future now secure, we Have you got an idea? Why certain lack of communication. This lecture will probably-be need a larger membership. Not not try it out? If not we can given later in the term, eg Nov 17th . for you? Well, do you like our give you a title and carte Instead, Sir David Huddie One section of the question- poster? If yes then come along blanche though assistance is from Mech Eng stepped into naire sent round asked what and see what it's all about. always at hand. the breach at the last moment subject the graduates felt should I'm sorry if you think "Cock- Come along to the meeting and delivered a fascinating have been included in the tail" is a waste of paper or it on Tues 28th in the Bio Common lecture on a survey conducted course, or enlarged upon. The doesn't look nice, but why Room at 1.00pm. in IC a few years ago. This highest scorer? Mathematics, don't you come and tell me, If you'd like to see some was concerned with what all the way across the board. perhaps you could influence screen prints you could go to success IC graduates felt they The other main area was the looks of the next Graffitti the Thumb Gallery in D'arblay met in their jobs. This opinion management and economics. poster or even produce it Street, W1, where the works of of success was split into three MIT conducted a similar yourself. Metka Krasovec are on display main parts: Firstly salary, then survey of their graduates Our facilities stretch enough till November 1st. responsibility, and the amount recently. The survey boiled they enjoyed their jobs. A table down to one basic question: showed how little difference it Are you happy? In answer, 70% meant to your salary and felt that they were successful, responsibility prospects if you 50% enjoyed their job, and 40% ICWA had a first class degree.Also, felt that MIT gave them an interestingly, an anomaly advantage. appeared at the lower end of the degree scale: If you are a I could go on. Sir David debate on abortion person in the 3rd class Honours produced any number of bracket who will probably not fascinating statistics which The sad lack of an IC Debating Society is being compensated make a 2nd, it appears to be I could reproduce. If you're for by a series of debates organised by ICWA. The first of these worthwile to do a little worse, interested and want to hear took place on Tuesday in the ICWA lounge. The subject of the and get a pass degree instead more, there is a rather rare debate was "Abortion is every woman's right". of an Honours. But please, if report on the IC survey you must experiment, don't "around". But in an ostensibly The first speaker for the blame me, or Sir David, if it literary publication, any more motion was Karen Gadd. Ms sidering the structure of the goes wrong on you. statistics might not go down Gadd, inspite of wallowing in fertilised egg. Ms Hands' very well. her own brand of bigotry about speech was well thought out women, produced a very and thoroughly researched. convincing case. The chairperson, Ms Dot The first speaker for the Griffiths, then opened the debate opposition was Janucsz Fiedler. to the floor. An amicable and Opsoc Mr Fiedler's argument rested on surprisingly calm discussion the belief that abortion would ensued but unfortunately few automatically lead to euthanasia people discussed the points summer tour report and men could treat women badly raised in the debate and used and irresponsibly if they be- it as an opportunity to air their lieved that these women could own particular prejudices on On Saturday July 19th seven ty people who made up this obtain abortions. abortion. year's tour company set out on the annual pilgrimage from The next speaker for the The motion was overwhelm- all parts of the country. proposition, Nick Payne, ingly carried. On Saturday July 19th considered abortion within It seems a pity that more seventy people who made up shone almost continually the framework of our society, occasions of this kind are not this year's tour company set (during the day) which helped dismissing the idea that organised at this college. The out on the annual pilgrimage the usual tennis tournament to abortion could not exist. He people who attended Tuesday's from all parts of the country actually be completed even talked about the horrors of back debate all asked when the to Budliegh Salterton in Devon . though the beach put in a strong street abortion and the good next would be. There certainly It was the eighth visit time challenge this year. sense of legalised abortion. He seems to be a strong case for time and we were pleased that On our one whole day off refuted the opposition's claim setting up an IC Debating the Devonians were not fed up most people deserted Budleigh that abortion was murder by Society. The series of debates with us yet. for the charms of Dartmoor and citing the case of test-tube organised by ICWA this term We thought that the choice other beauty spots — ensuring babies. should establish this point of production — "Patience" that they got back to the local The final speaker was Ms beyond doubt. It would certainly by Gilbert and Sullivan, would in time for the Opsoc Sing-song. Christine Hands who used the be pleasant to see more events cause a marked drop in our Our concert .in Budleigh biological argument by con- of this kind. ticket sales over the' 1974 tour, Church went very well and since it was relatively less- made over £80 for charity. The known than the all-time programme included the Bach favourites "Trial by Jury" & Cantata no 141 (Wachet auf) "HMS Pinafore". Fortunately the Beethoven Symphony No 1, Rifle Club over 2000 people came to see the Brandenburg Concerto No 4 us - a 91% sellout! and some madrigals with voices ICRPC is run by eight is also an annual rifle and pistol competition for the The production was not from the cast, orchestra, stage- volunteers for those interested coveted Clothworkers & traditional but set in the crew and front of house staff in 0.22 target shooting. For Skinners Cup, the Huntingdon 1920's. An interesting re- taking part. We followed the rifle shooters there is a choice Cup and the club Championship. arrangement in the final act concert with the Tour Dinner of six excellent target rifles; ICRPC is open all weekday brought the curtain down with a at the Grand Hotel, Exmouth. for pistol shooters there are two semi-automatics. Standing lunchtimes and all Wednesday show-stopping Charleston! - All in all everyone really and kneeling rifle shooting is afternoon/early evening. the audience loved it. enjoyed this year's tour and also taught. Ammunition may be bought at we hope that 1967 will be as We had booked our weather the range, which is situated in for the fortnight and the sun successful and enjoyable. There is an inter-union competition run annually the Southside Sports Complex, between teams selected from for 35p per 50 rounds. Annual NOTICE club members. Day trips to the subscription is £1.80. The Bar Committee regrets to Inform that due to National Rifle Association Anyone just interested or increased costs in the college bars, it is necessary ranges at Bisley Camp are wishing to join is welcome to organised for 7.62mm Nato come and have a chat with to increase prices, to take effect on Wednesday 29th either myself or one of the October. rifle shooting. Members who show good progress may find Committee members at the range This will mean an increase of approximately 1p on themselves shooting for IC any lunchtirrte and Wednesday most drinks in Southside, College block and Union against other UL colleges or afternoon. bars. perhaps shooting for UL.There VLC Phillips 5 FELIX The Refectory price syndrome. TRUST is needed If there are two heads which ought to be mercilessly smashed together at the present time, then those heads belong to Peter Teague, the Union President, and Victor Too many students are exasperated at being unable to Mooney, the College Refectory manager. Whilst the refectory do anything constructive about refectory prices. This price situation at IC seems to get worse, these two key plan would at least give students the opportunity to do figures, who could if they really tried ease the situation something about it. somewhat, seem content to just watch the opportunity This is a plan which calls for TRUST. The Union would, disintegrate like a dea"d sausage. The fact that Mr Mooney expected to put up prices by have to TRUST Mr Mooney to maintain the high quality of 40% without increasing the quality of the meats served in food and service which he would initially undertake to reach; Southside clearly indicates that he is a total loony. The Mr Mooney would have to TRUST the Union to keep its part fact that Mr Teague is encouraging the students to eat of the bargain and get students to fill the refectories. If elsewhere thus doing harm to the College's refectory account arbitration could help, then maybe the Rector should be and thus ensuring that the prices increases at Christmas asked to step in. will probably be double what they were first expected to be Doubtless the smug little cynics on both sides of the indicates that he too is a total loony. fence will point to the difficulties involved in monitoring" "It's the UGC's fault with their self-balancing catering fairly the "quality of the food"; will quote Union policy rules!" they scream indignantly in an improbable incestuous which might preclude such a plan. May I be the first to unison, "The buck stops there, not with us.'' "Meatballs," metaphorically spit in their eyes. This "plan" is a roughly I murmur, sotto voce. (Naive hysterical catcalls broach my hewn principle; no-one is denying that the College and train of thought: "Come on then, nitwit! So what's your Union bureaucrats would have to work overtime, to determine solution then, eh??" I unsuccessfully try to stifle a snigger the necessary details which make up a proposition viable to andmanage to purr "Glad you asked". both the Union and the Coljege. Difficulties' CAN be Here goes:- overcome; Union policy CAN be changed at a single UGM; tJC Boycotting the refectories or encouraging students to all it needs is painstaking commonsense and the belief that eat elsewhere is crass stupidity: it simply perpetuates it can work. the loss on the Col lege refectory account thus provoking Don't you think it would be worth all the effort? If it further price increases. worked, the goal of good quality food optimally priced $Z The cost of a refectory item is essentially in two parts: would be realistically attainable, not just a figment of our A. the basic cost of the item; B. the cost of preparation already exasperated imaginings. Not only that, but it plus staff wages, plus overheads. would be a storming victory for diplomacy, trust and common & If part A cannot be altered, what can be done about sense in a situation that was crying out for it. part B? Answer: Get more students to eat at the PLEASE MR MOONEY, MR TEAGUE AND ANY OTHEfl refectories to increase the turnover and thus produce a INTERESTED PARTIES (AND THAT INCLUDES ALL refectory profit which can be used to keep the prices 4,000 IC STUDENTS) GIVE THIS IDEA FAIR CONSIDERS down. ATI ON WHEN DETERMINING YOUR ATTITUDES ON How cmn you do that? Answer: SERVE BETTER REFECTORY PRICES. IT CAN WORK. IF YOU DISAGREE, PREPARED FOOD. Once the quality is established, PLEASE WRITE TO FELIX AND TELL US WHY. IC Unifm can play its part by vigorously campaigning for students to support the College and eat in the MIKE WILLIAMS refectories as much as possible. FELIX City & Guilds SILLY SPORTS

Last Saturday saw the unveiling ofGuilds^athletic powers,, as the Super Guildsmen competed in trie Annual Silly Sports, outside Harrods." Here is a run down of the meeting: 09.30: The athletes met in the Guilds Union Office, and started their pre-event warm ups, name doing press ups, some touching toes, some smoking and some sleeping. 10.00: Super Guilds net out, the first event being the n-legged race down to the wrme, sending a Boomalaha outside southside on the way. 10.15: The athletes arrive outside Harrods, to find the place deserted, which is good for the rag collecting. 11.00: The events are well under way, however some competitions have succumbed to the easy life, preferring to hold collecting cans, rather than exert themselves in the events. Collecting is going a little better, a profitable sideline being charging people to take photo's of Bo. 4 ,11.30: The last race! A marathan leap frog around Knightsbridge. 4 The marathon set out, with shoppers stopping to stare at the rippling muscles of the Super Guildsmen. 4 11.35: The rippling muscles giving way to ragging flab, and with 4 several shoppers picking themselves up off the floor, the marathon 4 came to an end. 4 4 12.00: The competition and collections reture to that haven of good piss water - The Ennismme Arms. z 4 13.00: The money was counted, and after much argument, the 4 4 total was set at around £100. 4 4 4 4 Photographs by Nigel Williams | Boys will be boys!

Bottoms up! The End 44*4***4****4444*****44*4»444************************

Blood Doning The committee of the IC Hellenic Society, at its meeting on 7 October 1975 passed the following There will be a blood transfusion unit visiting the college on resolution: Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th October. The The committee of the IC Hellenic Society sees with doning sessions will take place in the Union concert hall. There abhorrence the spasmodic reactions of the falling are lists of times in the ICR, to enable you to book a convenient Spanish fascist regime, which are manifested in the time. increase of repression in Spain, culminating in the recent executions. * Condemns the barbaric methods of the tyrannical COPY DATE Franco regime. * Expresses its solidarity with the just struggle of the Spanish people for the overthrow of the fascist FOR THE NEXT ISSUE IS regime and the victory of democracy. * Calls for the immediate ending of executions of THURSDAY 30TH OCT. Spanish democrats.

ALL COPY MUST BE IN S Polychronakis (Secretary) BY 2.00PM. FELIX 2 What is wrong AFFAIRS with abortion? CORNER This was the title of a lecture given at Imperial College recently, by JJ Scarlsbrlck, Professor of History, and Pro Vice PG Chancellor of the University of Warwick. Professor ScaHsbrlck commenced his talk with a unsoclallsed this was no series of very emotive slides, reason to treat him or her as a showing foetuses aborted in a second class citizen. In fact Tom Abraham number of different ways. One it could be argued that an of the most shocking of these apartheid system operates was the Vacuum aspiration' between the born and unborn, This is the first PG affairs corner of the term. Articles from method, in which the foetus is as a result of the total vulner- PG students on any aspect of postgraduate life at IC would be sucked down a tube into a ability of-the foetus. welcome. Although there were a number of contributions from rank disposable jar. In the process If carried to its logical and file PG's last year, we could do with quite a few more since the body'isshredded by a set conclusion this criterion there are supposed to be some 1500 PG's at this College. of blades in the tube. formed a very dangerous threat Pete Teague and I went to to our society, since we would see the Registrar, Peter Mee, The talk continued with a then be bounded to consider number of very persuasively to discuss the position of children, and handicapped postgraduate students who couched arguements, the broad people as similar, second class over-run their three year theme of these being, 7s citizens. research period. As far as murder morally acceptable? The talk, which was those who are registered as Professor Scarlsbrook argued arranged by IC Catholic 'writing-up' are concerned, they The rector's comment that that a just society was one that society, ended with a question are allowed to do a certain he did not feel that the union secures equality before the session, which lamentably amount of experimental research was catering for the post- law, for all its members, produced no real discussion work which is related to the graduates at IC is most welcome. regardless of race, creed, and between the pro and anti wrlting-up of the thesis . The Most of the PG's would agree size. However he omitted to abortion factions. Pro: But sort of work involved would be with the rector wholeheartedly. point out that a just society despite this the occasion was either calibrating a system or The IC postgraduate group was should also look to the plight undoubtedly very stimulating to checking out experimental set up specifically to cater for of the pregnant mother and those considering abortion for results or even doing minor postgraduates. It was meant to child once It is born, and that the first time, as well as being experiments to verify theories function within the Union abortion facilitates this. very searching to those who formulated to explain certain structure. However the Union Merely because an unborn already had opinions on the observations. While this is has not tried to integrate the child Is uneducated, and matter. by Njck payne satisfactory, we also raised the group into the Union structure. question of the exemption from This can only be done if ICPGG tuition fees, of students who is given full representational RFC Bonfire Dance over-run their research period rights with regard to PG's. It due to circumstances beyond could only operate if there was at Harlington Sunday November 2nd their control. The students who specific postgraduate represent- Tickets from Pam in the Union would come under this category ation both on college and union £1 in advance £1.20 on night are: committess. In addition certain Bonfire — Disco — Food — Free Transport Fireworks 1. .those who have experienced minimal facilities should be ong delays in the delivery of accorded to the group and its materials and/or equipment. officers. I would reject criticism 2. those who have had to that we are being elitist in Refectory campaign change their project because making these demands and state the original one was non- that it is time the union Sir — Congratulations for your viable and recognised the very different campaign "tor a better refectory nature of PG work. service. I have one suggestion 3. those who have been Karl Ibribian? resigned as Letter about these services, which I subject to bad supervision. PGAO because he felt that he think ought to be aired. On The college is quite aware Knock all extremism could not cater for the needs of Tuesday (Oct 8th), I had a meal of these sort of problems, and the postgraduate students under in Sputhside, of cod and chips, would if the individual students Sir - Having just read the circumstances which made it followed by apple pie. The cod department so recommended, circular of the combined group very difficult to carry out that was marked-up as 35p and the react favourably to any of the Socialist Worker and job. It would be pointless for piece-of apple pie as 11p. The application for exemption from Hammersmith Hospital shop him to spend all his time chips had no price marked, but tuition fees. However it is not Stewards, we were appalled at fighting for the basic demands let us estimate their value at a possible to lay down any the lack of insight and totally detailed above. I sympathise nominal 4p. Now, my mathematics definitive guidelines and each bigotted views put forward by with him and I would find it states that this should total 50p, case would be looked at on its the said organisations. We are difficult to recommend the job but the lady on the till reckoned own merits. not politically motivated, how- to anyone unless the union is it to be 41p. Being particularly We welcome the open-minded ever, we abhor the twisted and prepared to discuss our demands. short on cash that evening, I was attitude adopted by the college distorted ideas of these I would however add that Pete very grateful, but the refectory on this matter, since we uncelebrated gentlemen. Teague's efforts on behalf of made a loss of 18% on that meal. believe that it is impossible to Why do we not see them the PG's is very much appre- Perhaps this might be their I imit research work to a campaigning against other ciated. But Pete Teague "slight mismanagement problem" predetermined rigid time period. extremist organisations such although being president, is not that leads to the £78,000 deficit, If any postgraduates are as those who support the IRA the IC Union. It is the union and that because of this, the experiencing difficulties (eg the communists)? It is also which will have to make 40% increase was more than because they have to stay on, a well publicised fact that, fundemental changes if it necessary. please get in touch with either. rather than the National Front, Pete Teague or my and we wifl actually wants to represent the With regards to prices, I have it is the marxists and communists see what can be done. postgraduates at IC. who are the main causes of sampled a reasonable meal at a industrial strife today. Teacher Training College in South London, for 30p. This Why point to one group of Council meetings extremists when there is an consisted of soup (with roll and equally great if not worse butter), fish and chips and a rireat from other political piece of cake. This is perhaps Sir, — Surely your information was not unusual in the 1950's wing. not exactly very nutritional, but about the 'Shortest Council for Council Meetings to last was good value for 30p. Perhaps, meeting ever held at IC is less than 2 hours. I suggest if our refectories were more before you make such a claim Yours faithfully, incorrect. There was a meeting efficient, then we might have a last session which is recorded in the future you consult past I Huntingdon, meal for a comparable price. as opening at 6.00pm and Council Minute Books, which JG Turzynski, Best of luck for the future. closing at 8.40pm — which are kept in the Union Office. R Hasler, appears to equal the time of BV Speed, Yours faithfully, last weeks Council. Indeed it Yours faithfully, Civil Engineering II Anon (1st year Aero). Jacqui Gerrard mix National Abortions - Abortion Campaign not that simple The National Abortion Campaign was set up in March 1975, Abortion is an emotive issue, it involves basic human rights. specifically aimed at defeating the James White Abortion The operation can be one of the most unpleasant: it has long (Amendment) Bill, legislation which was then going through term physical and psychological effects. It is important, therefore, Parliament, seeking to restrict the 1967 Abortion Act. that the practical aims of interested bodies and the real effects Since that initial meeting, of legislation are fully understood. NAC has attracted thousands and discuss the future direction Too many people have of women and men to support of the campaign. The slogan, reduced the situation to a to be set up in all regions, thus it. Its philosophy has widened, Abortion on Demand; A Womans pro/ann abortion fight. It is not reducing the delay between and the campiagn has developed. Right to Choose was adopted so simple. Opposition to abortion referral by a GP and NUS has supported NAC since as the central focus of the restrictive legislation is based appointment with a gyneacologist its inception; many Students campaign. NAC has now moved on a campaign'that is struggling to a few days. At present 40% Unions are active around the on from being a campaign for research into safer, free of NHS patients have to wait 2 demands of NAC, a situation which grew out of the need for contraception and general to 5 weeks. The clincs would that arose very much out of a coherent opposition to the education/counselling on both also have a sound economic the prioritisation of the James White Bill, into a contraception and abortion. advantage for the struggling Emergency Motion at Llandudno campaign which is seeking to Contraception has to be an NHS, according to the medical Conference on the James White put forward a positive position integral part of any such issue. journal 'Pulse', which quotes a Abortion (Amendment) Bill. on actually achieving a However, the focus of publicity saving of one million pounds a NAC itself has come a long situation where women have remains on abortion because it year if all abortions currently way since March. The demon- the right to choose whether or is abortion that is under performed on the NHS were to stration on 21st June was far not to have a child. NAC has discussion and threat of be performed in out-patient larger than even the most very much gone on the legislation. . clinics. optimistic predictions (25,000) offensive, No-one can believe in. In 1973 the Lane Committee and before and since that major NUS will continue to sup- abortion as an end in itself. report concluded that the event much activity has gone port the initiatives of NAC, But it is unrealistic to advantages of the 1967 Act far up and down the country. but our support efforts will imagine that making it illegal outweighed the disadvantages The NAC Conference on the only bear fruit if support is will prevent those women who and it recommended administ- 18/19 October at Imperial given by individual colleges. cannot, for some reason, face rative action to prevent abuses, College saw a positive turning That is where the campaign having a child, from taking The Government took no action, point for NAC. This was the has to be taken up in NUS. steps to remove it as best they In June, 356 out of 360 local first occasion that all the 0„ „ /«--__, can. Abortion is a very big medical committees asked the many local groups have had fenny cooper, decision. There is nothing BMA to oppose the White Bill, the opportunity to get together NUS Executive member. casual about a woman who sees In September, the 1975 Annual it as the only course of action. Congress of the TUC and the In 1971, the Lane Committee Labour Party Conference, both was set up to investigate the called for abortion on request workings of the 1967 Act. on the NHS. But nothing will be Offences of procurring illegal done without continued pressure, abortion known to the police The National Abortion have dropped from 314 in 1967 Campaign therefore calls for

SPUC-an extremist to 36 in 1973. Deaths attributable free contraception and research to illegal abortion have fallen into safer methods, counselling An opinion by Karen Gadd, from 28 in 1967 to 5 in 1974. centres on contraception and Late abortions are difficult, abortion, and finally free abortion group Sue Tanner and J Sweet dangerous and ethically on demand in oat-patient clinics dubious. It is obvious that if within the NHS so that women abortion must take place, it can obtain early, legal abortions In these times of economic unrest repressive, extremists should do so as early as if forced to such a course of groups are emerging such as the National Front, SPUC (Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child) and Life. All are intent possible. The National Abortion action. on the repression of individual rights, which they claim is for Campaign is therefore fighting the good of our society. To a certain extent these groups are for out-patient abortion clinics Erica Graham. interconnected. The National Front is proud to affiliate itself with SPUC, but as yet SPUC has'given no official encouragement- to its members to join the National Front. In spite of their denial of basic human rights to women, all these groups have women members. At the head of these "anti- Nightline women" movements is SPUC, a powerful and dangerous organisation. It has the backing and financial support of many respected members of our society. It also has the support of many needs Volunteers religious organisations including the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of and the Methodist Church. Who are the volunteers Many, influential people sit on the SPUC executive and their Ordinary students from all the colleges in the area, chairman is the bachelor Viscount Barring ton, an ex—Eton, Royal scientists, musicians and artists. There are probably some Artillery and Diplomatic Service lord in his sixties. They receive in your department. It is impossible to describe a typical extensive publicity and are frequently quoted, but this has not volunteer because each is so different. One thing they always been tg their advantage as they have an apparent disregard 'share is an interest in people. for accuracy. Their statistics are so wildly, inaccurate that only the extremely What do they do? ignorant or gullible could possibly believe them. Two SPUC Talk to people, (as you do with your owlfriends) either supporters have claim that the birth rate has fallen by 99% since on the phone or in the flat. This involves finding information the 1967 Act! Or Margaret White, vice-president of SPUC and an from our files on legal advice, emergency accommodation, ardent supporter of SPUC, is quoted as saying, "Unborn babies local hospitals, late night shops etc. Often people just want have no votes and they are to be sacrificed to placate extreme a chance to put their ideas in perspective. It can help to left-wing members of the Party who are restive about the slaughter talk confidentially with someone outside their immediate in Vietnam and the wage freeze". Prof Hugh McClaren, who is a circle of friends about a problem they have with any kind member of the SPUC executive claims that "Most woen seeking of relationship. abortions are blondes, quite healthy, with cars. .". SPUC pursue a purely emotive and sentimental line of How do they do it? . argument against abortion and accompany talks and seminars with explicit (and in our opinion obscene) slides showing the gory About once a fortnight they spend the whole evening details of a simple operation. They specialise in blown-up and night in the flat in South Kensington. They have a photographs of foetuses showing their human characteristics. comfortable flat with beds, kitchen unit, bathroom and at These foetuses are invariably thought of as males. least three volunteers. It is thus that they seek to protect the unborn child even at How can you find out about getting involved? the expense of the mother. Phone 581 2468 after 6 and arrange to meet a volunteer The views expressed in this article are solely those of the and talk more about it. Then come on our introductory authors and are not those of the FELIX Editorial Board. weekend 24th October in Sussex. 9 mix ABORTION-the issues Life - A fate involved worse The abortion issue has been much debated in and around IC recently with the Life lecture, the NAC conference and the ICWA debate. These debates whilst serving to clarify the views and aims of each of the camps involved has not involved a wide audience. Thus, FELIX presents on these pages the various than death? aspects of the abortion debate. A rather melodramatic title I will admit, but is this not the The passing of the 1967 question we drum ourselves fit to answer for the unwanted child? Act helped to focus attention The amendment bill would It is considered better to kill a foetus rather than allow him or on the need for better con- alter (a), (b) and (c) so that her to become a possibly disadvantaged child. We, in our so- traception, for more and abortion would be justified if — called 'civilized' society, have assumed the right to dispose of improved sex education, and (i) continuing the pregnancy 'unwanted' fellow human beings, because they have not yet passed for safer abortion techniques. meant Grave Risk to the through the incident In their life known as birth. The Act also exposed many of woman's life; or For example, we could try to the problems faced by con- (ii) continuing the pregnancy Of course, opponents of this temporary women, and the meant a risk of serious injury point of view would maintain remedy the situation whereby services provided under the to the woman's mental or that the foetus is not a fellow 40% of our homeless are one Act helped to alleviate these physical health; or human, but is, rather, some parent families. One reason for problems. By legal Using (iii) continuing the pregnancy collection of cells, to be saying this is that abortion, abortion, much jndi vidua I meant a risk of serious injury removed, like a cancerous although a fairly swift operation, suffering was relieved. to the mental or physical health growth, for the benefit of a is by no meanson a par with a tonsilectomy, and can result in Unfortunately, sufficient of the existing children. severely distressed mother. various physical after-effects provision was not allowed for These restrictions will However, for a foetus whose including sterility, future the Act — with the result that seriously reduce the legal heart beats at 25 days and miscarriages, severe period considerable strain was imposed grounds for abortion. Experts whose brain waves can be pains and so on. Most of these on the NHS. This has lead to from both the pro and anti- detected at 6 weeks after are caused by the basic nature marked inequalities over the abortion lobbies have estimated conception, I can see no point of abortion in truncating country in the provision of that legal abortions would be at which the continuous process gestation; during pregnancy a services for legal abortion as reduced by nearly 80,000 a of its develpment can be woman's body is geared to illustrated by our own Health year. Among thse 80,000 unable considered to make the camping the child, both Centre. to get abortions under the new transition between non-life and physically and metabolically law would be rape victims, the human life so demonstrably Due to the fact that the services and, thus, any premature unmarried or unsupported visible after birth. Therefore, provided by the NHS have been termination of the pregnancy is mothers, women who have to as the fertilized ovum is already inadequate, profit-making likely to cause these physical give up their careers to have living and genetically unique, practices have flourished, difficulties as well as many babies and women whose I feel it is only reasonable to which for sufficient money will severe and long-lasting marriages are threatened by consider this conception as provide abortion on demand. psychological guilt problems. pregnancy. The bill also having human life. Moreover I However, the report from These factors lead me to the contains several retrogressive deem it a gross assumption to the committee on the Abortion conclusion that abortion — far clauses — for instance, girls continue removing foetuses from Act shows that abuse of the from being the only way out of under 16 years of age cannot the womb until such time as it act has been limited. an 'unwanted' pregnancy, is be advised on abortion unless has been proved that what is The James White (Amend- not even one of thebetter ones, in the presence of their parents killed is definitely nof a human ment) Bill (which lapses at the even from the mother's point of — information pamphlets on being, which proof has yet to be end of this parliamentary produced. view. session) is an attempt to limit abortion would become illegal. However, we must also show abuse of the 1967 Act, but it The bill, which lapses at Moreover, returning to the compassion for the terrible seems to have failed to do so. the end of this parliamentary foetus, it can readily be seen position of the mother in the The present law allows a session, will probably be re- that abortion is not the best case of an unwanted pregnancy. woman an abortion if two introduced in the next session. solution for him or her, as it Indeed, any society which sees doctors agree that It is expected that it will be leaves him (her) with no abortion as the,only way out of (a) continuing the pregnancy more refined than the crude opportunity for any choice but her:predicament must be a very involves greater risk to her bill presented by James White. rather imposes a most barbaric callous and lazy one. Would it life; or form of capital punishment on a In the meantime the not be better to give the woman vulnerable, innocent human (b) continuing the pregancy Government has accepted, in being whose only crime is involves greater risk to injury the 'right to choose' by provid- principle, the nine recom- that of being socially incon- to her physical or mental health ing a viable alternative; put as mendations of the Select venient. What price a society of than an abortion; or much finance and effort into Committee on the Abortion which makes social inconven-. (c) continuing the pregnancy (Amendment) Bill. Mrs Castle, providing more effective and readily available forms of ience a capital offence within involves a greater risk of Secretary of State for Social its civil law? injury to the physical or Services, has also promised contraception and, also, help for the term of the pregnancy mental health of the existing that a motion to reestablish Tony Fizgerald children in the family than an the select committee will be and if necessary, thereafter. abortion; or tabled early in the next (d) there is a substantial parliamentary session. risk that the child will be bom 11 seriously deformed . Karen Gadd NOTICE Clause (b) is known as the "social clause". Paul Ekpenyong Yet Again .... Although sports articles are much in demand for FELIX in future articles will be rejected unless MEETING 1. They are written on alternate lines HORSE-RIDING 2. Proper names, place names, technical words are Britain's Economic Crisis — written in capitals Cause and Cure Interested contact Adam 3. That the writing is LEGIBLE. Speaker:- George Matthews Rawicz-Szezerbo These conditions are to aid editing and to help the — National Executive Member, Elec Eng I. varitypist when she comes to type the article. Help in Communist Pary these matters would be appreciated. Tuesday October 28th 1.00pm Mech. Eng. 664 Sports Editor FIIIX

1 U Jt a i F H 9 I I . i m i • m i I 1 "

Ten Years After Ivan Denisovich Some words must be said about the are withdrawing into their private heavens, by Zhores Medvedev (Penguin Books) style and content of the book. The book buttressed by consumer durables and chronicles the progress of soviet mesmerised by the media. The book shows If Alexander Solzhenitsyn had not literature from 1962 onwards. It is written how this withdrawal is visibly reflected suddenly become extremely fashionable from the viewpoint of the author with an in Politics sport and entertainment. to read,such a book would never have excessive use of phrases such as, 'I did Further, ne argues that such life has led been published. It is a symptom of the this', 'Imet him' and continuous references to the acceptance of a preferred media- publishers desire to cash in on the boom. to obscure journals. induced reality as apposed to the primary Anything vaguely related to the great man If you are taking a degree in Russian reality. As the logic proceeds one feels (and I am not denying the fact that literature then by all means buy this book that not only may such a situation exist Solzhenitsyn is a great novellist) will sell, but if you just happen to be vaguely for the faceless public, but also for one- so publish and con the public. I wonder interested in the literature and have been self. At this point it becomes a profoundly how many people having bought this moved by the novels of Solzhenitsyn such disturbing book and one looks, in vain for introverted book will have managed to as 'Cancer Ward', 'The First Circle' and a solution to be offered. plough through the minutae of detail of 'A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' do It is written in a readable manner Soviet literary life. It reads like one long not get conned. despite the sprinkling of socialogical whimpering cry that the world is not a jargon. The book is full of phrases that fair place, which is hardly a dramatic The Private Future by Martin Pawley are compelling, for example, "alone in a revelation. It also tends to reinforce the (Pan Books) centrally heated, air conditioned capsule, preconceived nations;of the USSR which drugged, fed with music and erotic we in the West possess. This is a bad Martin Pawley's first book not related imagery, the private cHizen of the future thing to stem from the book in itself to architecture consists of a closely will have become one with the end of since like all preconceived notions they reasoned analysis of the trends in consumer effort and the triumph oi sensation". The are nothing like the truth. The idea tends society. It hits home as he argues that index seems both useless and pointless, to be implied that nothing like that could community in the West is gone leaving but this is only a small point and overall ever happen in the West but that in itself only a linear pattern of supply and I would recommend it as a compelling, if is demonstrably untrue. consumption. He demonstrates how people disturbing book. DBH

Concerts Ian Morse

much subtlety which they tried to expound charging into each other with all the Horslips/ with a few slower numbers, Horslips' ferocity of an All Black pack - all attempt to vary what was always going Jonathan Kelly amazingly carried out in the greatest to be a breakneck pace, was an abortive Saturday night's concert in the Great of humour. It came as no surprise that one. So they gave the punters what they Hall was really the story of an audience the bass-player of the band appealed for wanted — the well proven formular of jigs/ (or at least a manic section of it) taking a little calm, stating that the life- reels and rock equal success, the over a gig as far as sheer spectacle goes, expectancy up front was about one musicians being brought back for two the band on stage merely providing the minute! All this and we were only into encores. necessary spark to set off their fanatical the third number. So it went on, by the followers on the road to what seemed, fifth song most of the audience were up Earlier, Jonathan Kelly was given a must eventually lead to their ultimate on their feet, caught up with Horslip's generally warm reception. Having self-destruction. particular brand of jig-rock, the Mancunians dispensed with his backing band Outside, in front of the stage seeming to have which on the one occassion I saw them A contingent of particulary volatile perform together, seemed to get in each Horslips fans had made the journey from some sort of lemming complex, relentless in their quest to self-destruct. others way Kelly is fully capable of especially to see their heroes holding an audience by himself, with perform. It was quite clear after the The overall atmosphere of the event his slightly whimsical offerings. Familiar first few bars of the band's set that these was further enhanced by the fellow who Kelly songs like 'Madalaine', 'The people were out to make the gig into an thoughtfully chundered by the exit door- Curse of Anna Store' and 'Stoned Junkies' event. Spurred on by obvious intoxication, so providing an ideal skid-trap for the were very well received, Kelly's perform- the scene was more reminiscent of say, unfortunates who took that particular ance enhancing his reputation as one of the Eton Wall game — bodies falling path, and there were many. It must have the countries most underrated folk everywhere, groups of fans forming accounted for at least a dozen people. singers. themselves into rugby scrums and Although their music is capable of

Van Der Graaf Generator - Great Hall arrangements. Throughout the set, Generator's violence heared since Magma last invaded intensity level was not allowed to There have been, occassions in the these isles. slacken for a moment, each number as past when I found the Stark solemnity of Playing mostly new songs from the vehement as the last, showing all the 's music little 'Godblutf album [Undercover Man, subtleties of a division of Panzer tanks. short of overpowering. The relentless Scorched Earth, Larrossa), plus some Although at their best hypnotically violent force portrayed in their music was vintage violence courtesy of 'Angels stimulating, this complete lack of musical previously countered by tongue-in-cheek Savours, Refugees', 'Lemmings' and dynamics will, in my opinion be the main renditions of, for instance, 'Dambusters' 'Black Room', the band interpreted them- reason why the group will always fail to March' or 'Theme One', the signature tune with great conviction. 's win'mass acceptence like others of their of Radio One .Judging by the performance distinctive voice piercing the melee of genre. given by the new MKII Generator last Mahler — inspired signatures laid down by At the end of the performance Generator Tuesday night, it would seem that they Hugh Banton on keyboards and drummer were brought back for an 'encore by a have forsaken this sometimes releaving , whilst Dave Jackson with his generally ecstatic audience, although for " part of their personia, instead treating array of electric reeds (looking for all . me, two and a quarter hours of walking the audience to two and a quarter hours the world like a battery-powered Action the same high voltage tension wire can of some of the most incessant musical Man) adding a much needed top to the lead to positive overkill. ,

NOTICE ADVERT Anyone interested in joining Opsoc on Tour or in London as cast, stagecrew, orchestra or front of house might like to The infamous Ents Disco - as sampled on Friday ring the Opsoc Tour nerve-centre on 720 7239. They will nights AND at Falmouth Party is now for hire - ring be pleased to hear from you 1967 TOUR PRODUCTION 2898 - ..THE ZOO & THE PIRATES OF PENSANCE... JULY 24th or see anybody at Disco / Consert / in room at top / FOR TWO WEEKS. Union Office.

12 MUX

Deputy President's business Elections The theme of the DP's Elections for foor rep and UGM Report business, for the second one ordinary member of UFC successive UGM, was discipline were held. The candidates and A Union General Meeting was held last Tuesday lunchtime, People leaving posters up in their proposers were called on prior to the demonstration organised by the SE region of the TUC, the Union Building for more to speak. Mr M Kessler although the question of cuts in public spending were not than two days after an event (proposed by Mr K Ahlers), Mr specifically discussed. No matters arose from the minutes of the will be liable to a fine and R Mills (proposed by Mr J last UGM, and the only correspondence received was that may suffer more severe White) and Mr T Shanks mentioned in the Council Report printed in FELICITY on Friday disciplinary measures if they (proposed by Mr P Ekpenyong) 171th October. continue flouting this rule. Mr were the candidates for floor Shakir was not pleased to see rep. Mr A Potter (proposed by President's report that hall rents be increased that sellotape was still being Mr D Everett) and Mr R Genner Formal dinner prices have after Christmas. The halls used to put up posters — blue (proposed by Mr M Wright) been revised downwards after made a heavy financial loss tack is supplied for this contesteed the post for UFC. consultation with Mr Mooney. last year. purpose. He will also be The results of these elections Ms Cowell, from the DES and This led to a recommendaion challenging people in the will be announced in the next UGC, will, be approached with that the meeting reaffirm the Union to produce their issue of FELIX. Several the idea that she comes to Union's opposition to mid- registration cards without uncontested posts were also investigate the refectory set-up sessional price increases in which they could be evicted. ratified. at IC. However, due to her view of the fact that grants Refusal to leave would be a There being no AOB the performance at LSE, the are reviewed annually. disciplinary offence. However, meeting closed at2-».pm. president expressed doubt about A recommendation from the this part of the DP's report the outcome of such a visit president that only one observer proved contentious and was from her. She apparently fell be sent to the next NUS national referred back. Andrew Walker down a set of stairs and broke conference was rejected in her leg after only two hours favour of a recommendation going round the refectory at that the delegation leader LSE and produced a report reports on the possible effects based on her two hour stay I a decrease in observers has on a delegation's performance. NAC Conference The president also informed the meeting of a developing situation at QEC (Queen Honorary Secretary's business It was decided by IC council last year to show support Elizabeth College) where the There was little of general for the National Abortion Campaign by offering free use of Union there had hired catering interest except that an IC slop- facilities for a two day conference, in place of money. The equipment and were paying shirt may soon be available. offer was accepted and an open, national conference took students to produce lunches Suggestions as to what should place the weekend before last. being sold to students at only go on it are welcomed. 20p per main course. (A full A suggestion, to combat During the summer, the NAC structure, aims and future report will appear in the next illegal car-parkers in Southside, and its supporting groups had actions of the NAC. issue of FELIX.) Peter Teague, was put forward. This involves found the campaign at a low Until now, the administration ICU president, and John Downs putting 10 inch square stickers ebb. There was no definite has been dealt with by an ad will be investigating the on the offender's windscreen. policy in view, and different hoc committee of about fifteen practicabilities of this system These are extremely difficult factions had become isolated. women, called the Steering for IC. to remove and the culprit would The conference was held in Committee, who were prepared It is almost certain that hopefully be caught whilst in order to unify support; to define, to organise publicity, meetings, SRC finance will recommend the process of so doing. discuss and decide on the advice and in general to build the kind of the Kernel of the NAC. This 18. Iron mine after 1001. Very committee had produced a PRIZE CROSSWORD No.23 ladylike (8) series of resolutions regarding 19. We love Latin! (6) policy, which were put before 21. Bean up for second place (6-2)| the conference as a basis for MEG 23. Helps to balance one's discussion, to be amended and outgoings (16) finally adopted by a majority 26. Proportion of rodent and one vote. duck (5) Saturday morning was used 27. Audit loan with alterations, to put forward new resolutions love (9) amendments submitted by the 28. Go through line-up again for various groups. In the afternoon, work force discussion groups were organ- Down ised, of about 30 people each, in order to debate the issues so 1. Picture of gold under that individuals could clarify table (7) their ideas. 2. New car is a brilliant Sunday was designated success (5) decision day. Votes were taken 3. Bullfighters shout nothing on all the resolutions and about sin. This should cure important amendments put them (9) forward by the various sections and the steering committee. 4. Fuel below temperature makes hard work (4) Most urgent was a motion 5. Short notice over account calling for a mass walk out of gves pain if he's at both ends (8) the conference to picket the 6. Answer concerning strand (5) simultaneous SPUC demon- 7. Expand practice chamber stration. It was defeated, being for Artic sled drivers (8) deemed bad policy to present a 8. Master of the French vessel(6) puny, impromptu NAC handful 14. Spirit in blended tea; chew in comparison with the organis- it over (8) ation of the SPUC demonstration. 15. Aquae Sulis (5,4) Unfortunately, supporters of 17. Nurture baby fox in inate the motion decided to attend surroundings (8) the demonstration regardless. 18. Pelt with rock and cause Other decisions taken rumpus (6) referred to the organisation 20. Mute SRN resets the bone (7) of the NAC and its future actions 22. Call forth agreeable response It was generally agreed to keep in first lady (5) to a single issue campaign and 24. Duck quick under tree (5) not therefore to affiliate to any 25. Quiet classy car. Does this other groups. The slogan 'Free Across 11. Complete rent that is describe the noise it makes? (4) Abortion on Demand, A Woman's adjusted (6) Right to Choose' was adopted. 1. Sold the torch broken for a 12. Lordship's wife from her The £1 winner will'be It was decided that it was too song (3,4,5) pelvis (8) drawn from the Editor's Hat short notice to arrange a mass 9. Dancer from troubled Neria 13. Disquiet results from United at noon Wednesday 5th Nov. demonstration by Dec 6th but following Ball (9) Nations recess (6) that a date will be agreed on 10. Father takes us East; Wait 15.Mass produce small church The Editor's decision will a moment (5) pot without (5,3) be final. Continued on back page 13 mix


Last Wednesday, 15 October, we ran against the LSE on our IC Water Polo Club took a great step towards winning their home course at Petersham and totally annihilated them. Owing to first major honour of the year when, on Monday 6th October they R Allinson's F...ting about during the race, ( as well as before it) won the first leg of the Winter Handicap KO Cup Rnal. For those The suprise winner was the "new" (ie fit) Ian Ellis, who just of you who haven't been following this competition avidly (OK failed to complete the course in under 30 mins (a cherished club hands up) this is last year's winter, which has been somewhat honour.) This was mainly due to the ignorance of some sheep who delayed. The match was the home leg against Hatfield and we did not seem to realise that we wanted tb organise a race, and started 0 — 5 down on handicap. However for once we roared off were busily feeding themselves on our starting line. Consequently to a great start with Cliff Spooner scoring three early goals, only the course was extended, Ian was robbed, and the sheep became the target of much abuse. A close second was D Rosen with S to recapture our more accustomed Webb third. C Dale in his first race for the club ran well to finish style and concede two soft goals Meanwhile back in the before the end of the first fourteenth. Middlesex League Division 2, quarter. In the second quarter a weakened IC side met a On the following Saturday, we made further inroads into weakened Isleworth side on the club had to honour two to merge with the LSE, whose the Hatfield lead with a goal Friday 10 October. The match fixtures, one at Brightonjhe shares were suffering from each from Pete McCartney and proved to be a very tight affair other at Bristol. The tatter was lack of support. However the Cliff, however it was the third up to half time when we were a league race and so we had to merger turned out to be an quarter which proved decisive. actually losing 1 — 2 but from send most of our star members, unprofitable one and the team With Hatfield tiring five goals then on our superior fitness who did the club proud in finished a good third. The were banged in, Cliff and Pete took it's toll and we strolled finishing as one of the top highlight of the day was when each scoring another and Mike in for an astonishing 9 — 2 clubs. R Allinson ran a great M 'Wilf' Welford whose over- McCartney and Nick with two victory. Goals came from Rory race and came a very commend- whelming enthusiasm, (which goals putting themselves on 'Ignor' Lewis 4, Pete McCartney able fifth. The remaining is an example to us all) had the score sheet. Thus at the 2, Andy Smith, Paul Frieze and members — all proven superstars. caused him to run an extra start of the last quarter we Nick. PA's — travelled to Brighton three-quarters of a mile, finally held a commanding 10 — 7 lead. So don't forget if you think to race against Sussex and finished. All the modest lad This was stretched further by you can put up with at least Hasting's AC. could say was "I got Lost". yet another goal from Cliff and one of the following (a) water, For the race IC was forced one from Rory Lewis before (b) yellow balls, (c) Stan's bar, we conceded a late penalty to (d) friendly Irishman, (e) friendly UC Relay - Sat. 21 Oct. make the final score 12 — 8. Welshman, then please come Thus we go into the second along to the pool on a Monday game at Hatfield on 24 October IC 1st — 14th IC 2nd—34th or Friday at 7pm and we'll get confident of achieving our first the other four points sorted out. ever win in the competition, Alf Garnett 8.52 Andy Davey 9.36 though we are again under the Ian Ellis 8.37 Pete Johnson 10.03 handicap of a five goal deficit. by Andy Smith ^ohn Shearer 9.57 Pad Donelly 12.57 Paul Clarke 8.58 Colin Dale 10.01 , Rob Allinson 8.18 Martin Tarrowski 10.18 Dave Jones 9.31 63.36 547t3 BOAT CLUB

This 6 x VA mile relay was run on an unusually dry Parliament Dodging the pleasure Hill course, the monsoons being delayed for another occasion. The cruisers on the river at Putney pint pot at the Thames Scratch first lap hurtled off at breakneck speed and even Andy Davey could can often be seen members of regatta. not avoid breaking ten minutes. The first earn finished a creditable the Boat Club and here is a A smaller number of people 14th, thanks to fine runs from Rob, Ian and Granny, and with a fully report of them from MR Jones. than usual turned up for the fit team we might well have finished in the first ten. So far this term we have been first trial. However we are The progress of the second concerned mainly with sorting running three eights of a team was abruptly slowed by more unwelcome was the uphill crews into eights and trying to general quality above average Pad Donnelly, whose temporary sprint which enabled us to negotiate some fixtures. At for this time of year (some return from Essam's (esorted by finish last but one. It was present we have Ladies eight, eights of his wife) produced very little learnt afterwards, from the three Novice crews and three members have confessed to glory in breaking 13 minutes. official UC results, that Mike Senior crews (The difference having run during the summer Owing to the unsporting action had been credited with a time of between the last two catagories vac.). The first eight has been of a couple of teams at the 9.13, which was surprisingly is based upon the number of split into fours and is training back, who dropped out halfway looked on with much humour regattas won). for a fours competition on through the race, Mike Welford and hilarity. The evening was The novices have been put November 1st which is steered was left with the unwelcome spent sampling real ale at the into 'clicker' boats and are coxless and results in an task of preserving IC's honour City University Beer Festival. beginning to understand basic erratic course down the river. and not finishing last. Even points such as which end of the by Mike Welford The training has taken its toll, Ear to hold. Although they are with people walking round like lighter than last years Novice robots for a week or so eight, this should not affect afterwards. SPORTING MOTORCYCLE their performance and many This term is used mainly good races are anticipated. for technique training so we The women are running at compete in no regattas other CLUB least one eight this year and than the UL Winter Eights, already have one win to their the Vesta Eights and of course credit. A week last Saturday Morphy Day. So watch this The final "Bemsee" club Gerry Taplin in a four won a space for details. meeting was held two Saturdays by a more than average number ago at Brands Hatch. Unfortun- of accidents due to the wet ately the College racer weather and deteriorating developed a bent right front light; none of the riders fork, so we had to cancel our however, received Injuries COPY DEADLINE two entries. Nevertheless a more serious than bruises. As hardy group of members left regards the racer, we shall try All sports reports must be in by 2.00pm on Thursday Southside at 10.30am to brave and let as many new members 30th October except for matches played on Saturday cold winds and heavy showers as possible'have a ride during 1st November which should be in by 2.00pm on to spectate and/or marshall. the winter in readiness for next The marshal Is were kept busy season...... Monday 3rd November by Steve Walks 14 MUX FELIX SPORT 2 WOMEN'S HOCKEY

HOCKEY Saturday 18 October: IC 4 Goldsmiths 7 opposition to arrive, the game Imperial College 2 Brunei 2 finally got under way and after The fact that IC could only muster 6 females mad enough to 15 minutes IC were 3 goals up, play hockey on this sunny autumn afternoon did not deter them On Wednesday IC 1sts Trev Futu scoring two and from facing up to a full team of 11 daunting Goldsmiths play,ers. entertained Branel University Nigel Woodhouse collecting However as the match was only a 'frierldly' (and a friendly one at at Harlington and after a hard his first goal-of the season. At that) Goldsmiths agreed to loan 2 players to help swell the ranks fought match, the honours ended this point it looked as though a of the brave IC team. Another player dropped out to umpire, and so even at 2-2. IC started well masecre was imminent but St the teams bullied off at 8 — a-side. and looked like taking control Marys changed their style to of the middle, until a poor Goldsmiths immediately to take the lead. Some fast stopping the man at any cost. clearance from defence set up launched i.nto attack, but our moving play followed but as Using these tactics, the game the Brunei forwards who gallant 'I'll try anything once' tie match drew to a close IC degenerated tempers were lost promptly scored. IC pulled goalie played well to prevent were struggling again and a and the standard of hockey fell. back :.nd although generally any stray balls gettjng into the final flourish by Goldsmiths No more goals were scored in on top, the Brunei forwards back of the net. But, alas, after (while IC stood and watched!) either half although Boodie looked very sharp on the break. about 20 mins Goldsmiths gave them yet another goal Middleton did hit the post with Just before half-time IC got 2 rapid goals, and while IC leaving the score 7 — 4 at the a glancing shot. This was a equalised when Trev Futu recovered from the shock, one final whistle. On the whole satisfactory result, as it was latched onto a through ball, of our borrowed players made however it was not a bad the first win and the first beat two defenders and pushed it 2 — 1 and spurred on by this performance from IC and shows league match of the season. the ball through the advancing it was soon 2—2, although by promise for the future. Special mention should be made goalkeepers legs . In the second half time Goldsmiths had Team:- Eileen Sproates, of Charlie Brown, whose kicking half the play was very even, snatched another to make it Jacqueline Hawson, Chris was a definite improvement on IC with more of the ball but 3-2. Forsyth, Ruth White, Sarah the previous Wednesday. (Anyone Brunei dangerous and more Refreshed by dainty marsels Horn, Diana Mounsey (capt), finding John Andrew's pension mobile. John Latter put IC into of orange, goals came in quick and two borrowed from Goldsmiths. book should return it to him as the lead with a goal from close secession to both teams, Goals:- D Mounsey (2), and soon as possible.) in midway through the half and although IC never quite managed Goldsmiths players (2). Team Wednesday:- C. Brown, it looked as though the 1st XI J Cook, J Marshall Capt, M was on the way to its first win. Lauiless, I Hodgson, A Brown, However slack marking at the J Latter, B Middleton, T Futu, back allowed Branel to equalise MIXED HOCKEY J Andrews, N Woohouse. towards the end of the game. Team Sunday:- C Brown, K IC 2 Guinness 0 by KP Houlden Holden, J Marshall Capt, M Lauiless, I Hodgson, A Brown, St Marys College 0 IC 3 The IC team arrived early at the Guinness ground — a change J Latter, B Middleton, T Futu, from the previous week when the team "got lost" on the way to Saturday saw the start of the J Andres, N Woodhouse. Harlington and did not arrive until after 3 o'clock! Anyhow the league programme, with an (Please excuse any mistakes game started promptly with, it was noticed, the Guinness team away match against St Marys in this article especially names having the unfair advantage of 7 blokes in the side Instead of the College on an all weather as the writing is illegible.) normal maximum of 6. The game turned out to be close in fact, pitch. After waiting for the with IC perhaps having the upper hand and although there were several scoring chances at both ends of the pitch the score was 0 - 0 at half-time: IC2nd XI Hockey vs. Egham 2 XI. The second half started Diana on the right wing, beating 0, what rogues and peasant slaves are we! similarly but as time went on two defenders and then leaving Is it not monsterous that these players here IC began to co-ordinate better the goalkeeper wrong-footed But in a fight, a creaming of eleven to one, as a team. IC in fact had more with a superb shot. Could force the ball so to our defeat? and more of the play, and Chris The score remained at 2 — 0 That for all our working, all our visages wanned, Parker in goal spent a large until the final whistle and Tears in our eyes, blood spilt on't field— proportion of the second half congratulations must go to all And alI for nothing! sitting down admiring the view. members of the side for such a For Egham, dull, muddy-mettled rascals About half-way through the fine performance. Thanks must Upon our property and most dear life a damned second half IC took a short a'lso go to Dave Balderstone Defeat did make. Are we cowards? corner and the resulting shot for such capable umpiring Pluck off their beards! deal them blows in the face- by Jim Marshall was saved by which kept the game well under Tweak them by the nose — The game's the thing a defender's foot and so a control from beginning to end. However, wherein the ball never got so far as our wing.' penalty flick was awarded. The Team:- Chris Parker, Kim ball was put in the back of the Team:- N. Harrison, Ft Vaz, J Huckle, T Sethi, C Hardy (Capt.) Houlden,. John Huckle, Christine, net by Kim Houlden and a goal B Speed, R Fatania, S Lee, J Brownridge, B Orlean (Plagiarist). Pete Nowell, Ruth, Diana, Jim was duly awarded. Marshall, Tina Pearson, Chas PS They lost 11 -1 (Ed.) The second goal came from Hardy, Sarah Horn; umpire a fine individual display by Dave Balderstone.

Illrd XI Match Report. ORIENTEERING Wan that Octobre, with it's shoures soote, Down in the forest, something stirred. Was it a deer? No — it The winde fierce haddle pierced us to the roote, was a member of the newiy formed Imperial College Orienteering Those brave knightes who nombred ten plus one, Club! fought for life and soul, atte Harlingtonne. Last weekend, four members Sundays and normally take place Jasper the Jester saved the daye^ travelled to Lower Bourne in forests. It is suitable for Whenne he missed the firste team, thankes to British Railwaye;' Forest, near Farnham, to take people of all ages and abilities For hadde he noght, we would have been downe one, part in a National Badge Event. as there is always a range of Which, saith he, "Wouldna be much fun!" Alan Leaky did well to achieve courses to choose from, varying As for the match, tho th'opposltione was rapt in awe, a Silver standard on the 6 mile from 2 miles to 8 miles in The result, allack, endede in a drawe. course, and Tony Warwick also length. One can treat it as a Goales, one each, hadde we scored. ran well on the shorter Under- stroll, or as a highly competitive But none, by no means, were at aile bored. 21 course. race, and of course it is not To and fro the balle did flye through th'aire, For those of you who still usually the fastest runner that Muche helpted by the captain, Christophere. think orienteering is something wins — navigational skill is Many effortes were made to put up the balle, to do with the Far East, let me just as important as speed. But whenne it was there, nought happened atte alle! explain. It consists of cross- If you are interested in taking Alias my badde tale muste come to an ende, country walking or running, using part, contact David Rosen, So we ajourned to the barre, for dartes with Effende; a map and compass to navigate Astronomy Dept. (int. 4463) or Team:- N Harrison, M Cullun, JJ Cook, C Parker (Capt.), A Ross, between a set of checkpints. look on the club's noticeboard Events are usually held on in the Union Entrance Hall. E Reed, E Rahman, D Carlile, S Lea, S Golding, B Or lean ('Poet'). FiUX I) FELIX SPORT 3 RUGBY IC 1st 22 LSE 14 by Chris Cuthberson IC played their second game of the season on Wednesday, Imperial College A's: 4 15th October against their great rivals LSE. The game started Chelsea College 1st XV: 0 with IC playing with the wind and without anything resembling rugby. Within a few minutes LSE had scored a try after the ball The A's boarded their coach on Saturday emanating an air of somehow slipped out of X's hands into the hands of an LSE confidence. They had won the previous week (44 - 0) against player. Middlesex Hospital, RCS had thrashed Chelsea College the previous] However, IC at last began debut in the centre, LSE used year. to wake-up and play rugby as the wind advantage to reduce Alas, any thought of an easy victory was swept away by a team.The forwards, especially the leeway to two points. Chelsea's trick of fielding fifteen fit men, totally unlike those who were much improved and rucked However, IC came right back confronted RCS last year. and mauled well, with John at them, and from a scrum on Every IC player threw himself desperately into the fray. Hugh Smith outstanding in this the LSE line, Any Devaney Duncan abandoned the newspaper he had brought to read in the respect. After two well taken picked up a fine try to restore anticipated quieter moments. Lynne Davies, on the wing, thought tries by M West and A Gregory, the 8 point lead. Despite a it wiser to remove his bassoon to the sidelines. and a try by LSE, Steve Aspden strong late challenge by LSE, finished off a forward move in IC held out well to chalk up a The first half was uneventful which lain Maclain, Phil Turley good win; 22 — 14. but energetic, and at half time found the IC backs ready and and Paul Robins were all Team:- IC 1st XV - A Williams, IC were unlucky not to be in waiting. Bob Leeson broke involved, with a fine try . At A Gregory, N Gibbs, J Gilbert, the lead. Slowly things started through feeding the ball to Chris half-time the score was 16 — 8. M West, A Devaney, M Calter, to swing in IC's favour in the Becque who gave a simple After the break, despite fine I Maclain, R Austin, B Andrews, second half. Jon Pitcher came scoring pass to Jon Pitcher, team play from IC, with Nigel S Aspden, S Booth, J Smith, close to scoring, and afterwards and Jon was so close to the Gibbs making a most impressive P Turley and P Robins. gave many reasons for not line that even he couldn't doing so, each of them totally fumble it. John Fishburn narrowly^ convincing. IC were under missed with the conversion (the pressure a few times but the fourth best kick of the game) forwards held their own, the but IC had won anyway. line being cleared by Hugh LACROSSE It was a fine victory and Duncan after the inevitable everybody played their part Kenton 'A' v Imperial (or If Six Was Nine We'd Still be oneshor penalty. well, but a special word of During the whole of the thanks must go to Tony On Saturday 11th October The Imperial College Men's Lacrosse second half the backs tackled Fitzgerald who was dragged, Club played it's first match of the season. The match was against extremely well prevented literally, out of bed to fill a Kenton, at Kenton and should have been a league fixture. However Chelsea getting into their gap in the team. due to lack of support on the part of the members of Imperial stride. Rod Edney — out:of Many thanks to all who turned College, we only managed to collect a grand total of six players position — played well and out. (It should have been ten), so we borrowed two of Kenton's players and played a friendly match. gave no anxious moments. It 4 Edney, J Pitcher, B Leeson, was the last ten minutes and C Becque, L Davies, 'l—Harery, As the weather was fairly attacked, for which our goal- then IC's fitness began to tell M Duncan, M Zawarotco, warm, an enjoyable 80 minutes keeper and Captain (me) was as John T Fitzgerald, B Budd, C ensued. It was an end to end duly grateful. Modesty of course Fishburn had predicted. A good Cuthbertson, R Porter, J game, in which even the goal- forbids me to mention all the pass from a Chelsea line-out Fishburn, R Jennec, N Wiltshire keepers managed to get into incredible saves our goalkeeper the opposition's half and much made, or what a good job our running about was enjoyed by captain did giving much Rugby Extras 1st XV by Paul Jeffs all. In the middle of all this encouragement and moral phrenetic activity one or two The day started unusually for the extra's with fifteen players support; so I won't. goals were scored, even some turning up as planned. Events continued to go well throughout by Imperial, so by half time In closing I would like to the afternoon with beneficial factors ranging from a slightly the score was 6 — 4 in Kenton's thank Kenton for lending us weakened QMC 2nd XV to the sunny weather.The QMC captains favour. two players, one of whom call of "edge" proved correct at the coin tossing and they played The second half was similar scored two of our goals, and with the wind for the first half. This restricted the score to 12 — 0 to the first, but by now some of for giving us an enjoyable start at half time, with the IC pack the cobwebs had been removed to the season. The final score skillfully demonstrating how to from the coordinating centres was 9 — 7 in Kenton's favour Doyle falling over the line be twice as heavy as the of the Imperial College players. (sob, sob) twice each, and Nigel Glbbs opposition, but still lose For example, Mike Burke Team:-i Bob Strangeway (Capt.), possession. sidestepping over for a hat-trick ofemonstrated his ability to run Phil Varght, Paul Jepson, "The Dave Turner capped a solid Matters improved slightly In about all over the place (and Happy Hacker", Bill Jackson, the second half but there were display at full back by kicking very well he did it too.), and Mike Burke and Two Guest still some Identification pro- over five conversions from should be a permanent fixture Players fmm Kenton. blems within the new team; seven attempts. in the midfield. Tony, The Commercial Break:- Anybody Keith Lipscombe was seen The team, every member of Happy Hacker, gave an object interested in learning how to still pushing IC players off the which deserves mention lesson in how to miss a barn win friends and influence ball 5 minutes after the QMC (especially John Smith) was: door from five feet, but did people, get a bit of exercise at forwards had been removed Andy Witheside. Paul Chlsnell, make up for it with his five least once a»week, wanrJSf from the maul. Rob Doyle, Keith Lipscombe, jammy goals. Our new recruit, around London on Saturdays, The final score after an Paul Jeffs, Terry Griffiths, Phil Varght, played very well and generally have a good laugh Impressive last 20 minutes was Dave Buckley, John Smith, seeing as he hadn't played (well you'd laugh if you saw us 46 nil, with Steve Sharpe, Dave Neil Rust, Nigel Bass, Gerry before Saturday. With a bit of baying I) shod Id contact the Buckley and Andy Whiteside Molloy, Nigel Gibbs, Steve practice and encouragement he following:- running in one try each, Steve Sharpe, Steve Jenkins, Dave should make a useful player. Bob Strangeway Physics PG Jenkins and (surprisingly) Rob Turner. Our defense, Paul Jepson and Bill Jackson Chemistry II Bill Jackson both worked very Paul Jepson Zoology III bard and did a good job of trying Mike Burke Physics III to make themselves look like No Experience necessary, At least it's mixed!! four people whenever Kenton just a willingness to learn.

by Dave Balderstone penetrating crosses from Sarah, suggestion that we might get caught in a tube train, miles Ever got lost on the way to mesmeric dribbling from Janet, from anywhere, brought the your home ground? Try asking Ever seen a low flying Greenline devastating runs from Tina and comment, "At least it's mixed!" a bus driver how to get to bus? Ask Mr Teague magical tackling from Chris. Harlington. (Our opposition Excellent umpiring from Chris arrived before we did!) IC (10 players) 0 QEC (II) 1 Parker and hard work from all Rag Week Events Ever had half your team A single goal from a short the men made this a superb all corner decided on otherwise round performance. arrested for practicing in a W» to 15th November bus station? You haven't very level and enjoyable game. Our troubles on the return played IC mixed hockey team. Our ladies "did us proud", journey were few, but a FELIX

Continued from page 12 by the Steering Committee. Some kind of demonstration will be organised for Inter- Treble overseas students' national Women's Day on March 6th. National planning meetings will take place at least every two months, and fees says MP the Steering Committee will meet twice a month, both being would receive a sum in excess open to any interested persons. DR KEITH HAMPSON, Conservative MP for Ripon and secretary of £750,000. NAC aims were established as of the Conservative backbench Education Committee, told a being to make it a woman's meeting at Leicester Polytechnic last Friday that there was no Trevor Phillips, ULU decision to have an abortion, case for subsidising foreign students at the present rate and we president and NUS Exec in practice as well as in law. should worktowards doubling or tripling overseas students' fees. member responsible for Overseas Students, commented To that end, to make abortion "The economic situation is free of charge and to set up yesterday: "We oppose dis- currently not one which can crimination in the provision of centres which would provide allow us to be over-romantic. decline in British post- counselling on all aspects of education. The increasing Harsh reality necessitates the graduate numbers was a terrible discrimination in fees and abortion and contraceptives, raising of more money if our indictment. In 1971 two thirds through the NHS. other ways has meant that prized standards are to be of the post-graduate civil overseas students who are not The conference made it maintained", he told the engineers were British but independently wealthy, or clear that many political and meeting. A realistic scale of today one quarter were. backed by business or govern- social groups were trying to use fees had to be established. This call for the increasing ment are being denied the the NAC as a spring board Certain groups of overseas of overseas students' fees opportunity forhigher education. towards their own ends. In students could then be follows the CVCP's suggestion Three quarters of all overseas particular, the Women's Voice subsidized, either by the that overseas students should students are self-financed group, who see the campaign Ministry of Overseas Develop- pay more. either by family support or by as a class issue. Without ment or by various forms of At Imperial College over solidarity the campaign seems Government scholarship, aid, 35% of all students are personal savings. Exclusion of unlikely to have the con- or help. overseas students and they those people would make a sistency required to achieve The increase in numbers of form nearly 50% of the post- mockery of the Government's its own realistic aims. It is to overseas students, especially graduates in the College, tf position that education for be hoped that all factions will post-graduate overseas overseas students' fees were overseas students is a form now work in support of the students, together with a trebled immediately IC of overseas aid". Steering Committee, towards

the aims of the NAC. B:^u.. ensure that at least one RONEO DEMOS person from their organisation STOIC knows how to use the Roneo ERROR Roneo demonstrations are duplicators. Apologies to Filmtalk with Barry being held today and on those people who attended Humphries next Tuesday 4th In the 'Wotzon' column, IC Thursday, 30th October the last demonstration which November at 1.00pm in Folk Club do not have commencing at 1.00pm. All unfortunately did not take Southside, JCR and Union 'Backhurst' as shown but clubs and societies should place. Building. 'Fraser Nlmmo'. r E NHUENTIA1

HilOCIEl T SOur society is a melting-pot of considerable and the rewards in £2853 and then can rise to £3474 and influences. Some good. And some bad. human terms are great indeed for above by promotion. The highest Many graduates are concerned the right sort of person. grades earn up to £9609. Probation enough about society to realise How do you start? Normally officers working in the London area that some of its most acute conflicts through sponsorship as a trainee receive additional remuneration. occur in the treatment of offenders. probation officer on a course of For more information about the And as a result they join the professional training recognised by Probation & After-Care Service as Probation & After-Care Service. the Central Council for Education a career please get in touch with As probation officers, their job is and Training in Social Work and your local Chief Probation Officer to enquire into the background of leading to the Council's Certificate whose address and telephone number those who have got into trouble of Qualification in Social Work. are in the telephone book or send with society and to work across the Courses last between one and two your name and address on a postcard boundaries of the-problems that years depending on your degree to the Home Office, Probation and present themselves. The range of subjects. Graduate trainees are After-Care Department ( ) Room social work and the element of paid at present a salary of at least 446, Romnev House, Marsham personal involvement is £2127. This rises after training to Street, London SW1P 3DY. Probation & After-Care Service