Share, Reuse, Remix — Legally

NEWSLETTER Issue No. 12 April 2009 Alex Roberts. “Melissa Reeder.” CC-BY 3.0

Dear Creative Commoner,

In this newsletter, you will find the latest news updates on internationally and in science, education, and arts & culture. As you will see, there is a lot going on for CC - and all thanks to you, our community of advocates, users, creators, volunteers, and supporters. The stories below are your stories, the stories of everyone working around the world to build a more participatory culture. We couldn’t possibly include as many highlights and success stories as we’d like to, so if you’d like to stay up to date with more CC news, I encourage you to subscribe to our weblog: CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 Each newsletter we produce is also available in beautifully-designed PDF format, thanks to our CC Philippines team. Be sure to check out this and past months’ newsletters: 2


Melissa Reeder Development Manager Creative Commons

This newsletter is licensed under http://creativecom- — please share and remix! Breaking News

Esther Wojcicki, new CC board chair Launch of CC Zero — no rights We’re very pleased to announce that reserved effective April 1, noted educator, education innovator and journalist Esther Wojcicki is the new chair of the Creative We are pleased to formally introduce Commons board of directors. From the CC0 (read “CC Zero”), a universal waiver press release: that may be used by anyone wishing to permanently surrender the and “I am thrilled to take on this new role,” database rights they may have in a work, said Wojcicki. “I strongly believe that the thereby placing it as nearly as possible into Creative Commons approach to sharing, the public domain; essentially, it is a “no reuse, and innovation has the power to rights reserved” option. CC0 is universal totally reshape the worlds of education, in form and may be used throughout the science, technology, and culture at large. world for any kind of content, without 3 My main goal as chair is to make average adaptation to account for laws in different Internet users worldwide aware of Creative jurisdictions. Like all other CC licenses, Commons and to continue building the CC0 has the benefit of being expressed organization’s governance and financial in three ways – legal code, a human

resources. I am also very eager to help readable deed, and machine-readable CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 CC’s education push at high school and code that allows works distributed under college journalism programs worldwide.” CC0 to be easily found.

Outgoing chair James Boyle, a founder of 20x200 Benefit Edition: Buy Art, the modern movement for the intellectual Support CC commons and CC itself, will remain deeply engaged in the movement. There remains no better in depth explanation On Tuesday, April 7th, 20×200, a project of the intellectual commons than Boyle’s started by Jen Bekman that produces book, The Public Domain. affordable, exhibition quality art prints and sells them exclusively online, will release Thank you and congratulations to both a special benefit edition by designer Matt Wojcicki and Boyle! Jones with proceeds to benefit Creative Commons. This is an incredible way to support CC, so be sure to sign up for the CC recognized with Free Software twice-weekly 20×200 newsletter to to be Award for Projects of Social Benefit among the first to collect Matt’s print for At the Free Software Foundation’s annual as little as $20. Popular editions often sell conference, Libre Planet, FSF founder and out via the mailing list before they’re even president Richard Stallman presented CC available on the 20×200 homepage, with an annual award given to a project so add yourself to the list for your best that applies the ideas of the free software shot at getting one of Matt’s prints and movement in ways that intentionally and supporting CC in this unique way. significantly benefits society in other aspects of life. This is a great honor for CC, as free software blazed the path forward for us. CC News - International

Creative Commons works New excitement, new energy, and users of CC, such as Interactiva Web and internationally to “port” new face for CC Korea Maestros del Web - two firm supporters the core Creative Commons As of January 23, Creative Commons for the creation of a Guatemalan shared Licenses to different Korea restarted as an independent culture. copyright legislations legal association under the title of around the world, involving both linguistically Creative Commons Korea Association translating the licenses and and welcomed 17 new volunteers with CC and free culture continue to gain legally adapting them to an orientation session to gain a better momentum in the Arab world particular jurisdictions. This understanding of CC values and ongoing As CC Jordan continues to publicly discuss work is lead by International domestic projects. As an organization run the first Version 3.0 draft of CC licenses Director Catharina Maracke entirely by a community of volunteers, in Arabic, and with the release of Al and volunteer teams in their new energy is expected to bring a Jazeera’s Gaza footage under CC BY, the each jurisdiction who are a renewed vitality to CC Korea’s future Arab World is poised for greater adoption committed to introducing projects. of open ideals. In Saudi Arabia, King CC to their country. Abdullah created the Initiative for Arabic Digital Content, which earlier this year CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 RiP: A remix manifesto held a two-day workshop on “Open Arabic CC Canada is thrilled to announce Content” in Riyadh, with CC legal expert the premiere of RiP: A remix manifesto, Rami Olwan from Jordan in attendance to written and directed by Canadian Web discuss the licensing system. Ziad Maraqa, 4 activist and filmmaker Brett Gaylor and co-Project Lead from CC Jordan, spoke produced by the National Film Board of in early February in Damascus at the Canada. RiP explores issues of copyright iCommunity FOSS Workshop, a notable in the information age, mashing up the gathering for the Syrian Free Software media landscape of the 20th century community. The Creative Commons and shattering the wall between users Al Jazeera Forum held on March 14 in and producers. A participatory media Doha, Qatar was also a great success at experiment from day one, Brett shares his spreading awareness and dialogue about raw footage at for CC. The forum was broadcast live on the anyone to remix. Al Jazeera version of C-SPAN, and CEO and given the upcoming launch of the Jordan CC licenses, other jurisdictions Guatemala’s first BarCamp a are ready to follow suit. There is still much success translation and outreach to be done, so Guatemala held its first-ever BarCamp if you would like to get involved, send on March 14. It was a huge success, an email to addressed to Donatella Della Ratta, active members of the iCommunity in our Arab World Media and Development Guatemala, in addition to members Manager. of the ccGuatemala team, who helped organize the event. Widespread support CC Case Studies Book: Remix, Reuse for Creative Commons in the country and Recycle is growing, and many of the event’s Many of you will already have seen sponsors and speakers are advocates and Building an Australasian Commons: Creative Commons Case Studies Volume Athens and organized by the National I, the stunning publication launched Documentation Centre (NDC) of Greece late last year by Creative Commons and the National Hellenic Research Australia (CCau). The book, edited by Foundation (NHRF). CC Board Member Rachel Cobcroft, highlights 60 exemplary Michael Carroll’s is in English; Dionysia CC-licensed users in Australasia and Kallinikou’s, Marinos Papadopoulos’ & worldwide, discussing their motivations Theodoros Karounos’ are available in and licensing business models - all under Greek: an an Attribution (CC BY) license. • conference2008/speakers/ The exciting news is that Building • an Australasian Commons is now pdfs/EIE_15.Dec.08_Dionysia.pdf available from the CCau website • ( pdfs/EIE_15.Dec.08_Marinos.pdf casestudiesvol1) in digestible booklets, each focusing on a specific field: visual The latest from Creative Commons arts, audio, text, moving images, Puerto Rico government, education, and research. CC Puerto Rico (CC PR), under the This makes it simple for people to print off supervision of Co-Project Lead Chloé and distribute those parts of the publication S. Georas, recently developed a CC PR that interest them, or that are relevant to section for the Pro Bono Program of the their meeting, conference, workshop, etc. University of Puerto Rico Law School, CCau has also made the source files of the wherein students prepared educational 5 entire publication available for download materials (e.g. CD tutorials, brochures, -- prime for remixing. So why not make PowerPoint) and gave presentations at your own booklets, fact sheets or hand “Gráfica del Caribe” on March 13-14, outs tailored to your region, industry or 2009, the most important graphic arts event? If you do, let CCau know at info@ commercial fair in the Caribbean, CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 and they’ll be attracting over 3,000 participants. Chloé added to the official CC case studies S. Georas been actively spreading the collection. word about CC by giving over a dozen presentations to various institutions and You can also contribute new case writing the script of a one-hour episode studies and improve existing ones on about CC PR for Emmy Award-winning the CC case studies wiki at http://wiki. public television program on Spanish language arts and culture, “En la punta de la lengua,” released on October New online resources available 16, 2008. In addition, two articles on from Creative Commons Greece Creative Commons, one by Project Lead (CC-GR) Hiram Meléndez and the other by Chloé The Greek Research & Technology S. Georas, have appeared in two of Puerto Network s.a. has published an eloquently Rico’s legal publications. illustrated four-page brochure for CC licenses in Greece. The brochure was created by legal and technical experts Marinos Papadopoulos (Legal Lead, CC- GR), Galatia Kapellakou, and Theodoros Karounos. Soft copies of the brochure are also available online (in Greek) on the CC GR site:

Also available online: presentations from “Open Access Infrastructures: The Future of Scientific Communication,” a conference held last December in CC News in Science

Creative Commons works GreenXchange — a project of the way into standard commercial patent to advance CC in the field Creative Commons, Nike and licensing for sustainability purposes. Our of science by designing Best Buy model is open innovation, our methods strategies and tools for On February 10, 2009, Creative are those of the digital commons, and we faster, more efficient web- enabled scientific research Commons, in collaboration with Nike are very excited to be working with our new in the hope of speeding and Best Buy, announced a new project partners to help them overcome “failed the translation of data - GreenXchange - exploring how the sharing” to help us all work towards a into discovery. The wing digital commons can help holders of sustainable world. For more information of Creative Commons patents collaborate for sustainability. on the project, we invite you to check out dedicated to making the GreenXchange will be hosted inside the informational video over at Science web work for science is Science Commons. Commons and is led by Vice President GreenXchange draws on the experience John Wilbanks. of Creative Commons in creating “some rights reserved” regimes for artists, musicians, scientists, and educators, CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 but also on the hard-won successes of patent “commons” projects like the Linux Patent Commons, the BIOS project, Sage: a new nonprofit dedicated to FreePatentsOnline and the Eco-Patent growing the commons 6 Commons. We will examine how best Merck & Co., Inc., a global research- to reconstruct the academic research driven pharmaceutical company, recently exemption eliminated in the United States announced the formation of Sage, a non- in the Madey v. Duke case, how to extend profit entity through which it will donate that exemption to corporate research, a large amount of data and software to how private contract systems can be the commons, the body of work available used to construct a commons for use in to the public for free and legal sharing, sustainability. There is also a technical use, repurposing, and remixing. Sage will component - we are very interested in be the home of an open access disease how tools like ccMixter and the semantic biology platform based on the work web will allow for new methods of previously done at Rosetta Inpharmatics tracking use and re-use of patents and and will be led by Stephen Friend and integration of shared patents into climate Eric Schadt, two leading thinkers in and sustainability model. biotechnology. Sage will be hosted at a set of major US research universities, including UCSF, University of Washington, and Yale University. Science Commons is working with Sage on its sharing strategies and governance plans. John Wilbanks, Vice President of Science, has joined the GreenXchange is very much an Sage Board of Directors at the founding exploratory project. Our goal is to of the organization. stimulate innovation in the operational space by increasing research use and rights through the “some rights reserved” model, and to extend the model itself all CC Zero and scientific data: opening up possibilities Two early adopters of the CC0 waiver related to scientific databases are Tranche and the Personal Genome Project (“PGP”). Tranche is a free and open source data sharing tool for sharing large sets of scientific data. PGP is an effort to sequence and interpret genes at an individual level (“personal genomics”) to help individuals better understand their personal disease risk profiles, biological characteristics, and ancestry. Tranche will offer CC0 as a default option for sharing scientific 7 data sets. PGP, in addition to releasing a significant data set at the launch of CC0, is planning to release all future genomic data under CC0. This is great news for

scientific and medical research, and we CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 feel confident that the future will bring even more initiatives like these to adopt CC0. CC News in Education

ccLearn, the education Hewlett OER Grantees Meeting ccLearn Productions wing of Creative Commons We were thrilled that the ccLearn team was led by Executive Director able to attend the Hewlett OER Grantees productions/ Ahrash Bissell, works with Meeting in beautiful Monterey, California, an international community in early March. The William and Flora Check out these three productions meant of open education advocates and supporters Hewlett Foundation is not only our biggest to give brief overviews and instructions to improve open learning supporter, but one of OER’s boldest about open education topics: on the internet. ccLearn, the advocates. They fund an impressive 1. ccLearn Explanations: Open education wing of Creative number of OER projects and programs, Educational Resources and Creative Commons led by Executive the leads of which were all present as we Commons Licensing. If you are a Director Ahrash Bissell, came together to share ideas and to fill teacher or creator of educational works with an international each other in on what we had been up to resources, this primer gives you community of open for the past year. an introduction to the concepts of education advocates and open education, Creative Commons supporters to improve open learning on the internet. ccLearn’s Executive Director, Ahrash licensing, and other issues pertinent Bissell, presented on Licensing and OER, to putting your educational materials

CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 Truly open learning happens when learners (you, me and espousing the idea that open licenses on the Internet. everyone else we know) can are critical for defining open educational 2. ccLearn Recommendations: Increase not only access educational resources. You can read more about Funding Impact. Recommendations materials but improve upon licensing for OER in his recent paper, for organizations that fund the 8 them, adapting the resources “Permission granted: open licensing for production of OER. to our individual needs and educational resources,” available in the 3. ccLearn Recommendations: Publishing local contexts, without the OER issue of Open Learning: The Journal Your Open Educational Resources on restrictions imposed by standard copyright laws. of Open and Distance Learning: the Internet. These are best practices Through openly licensed site hosting OER. resources (OER), we can collaborate across state Open Ed Community Site In addition, we are working on a very lines and country borders, We also had a chance to demo the new basic ccLearn Step by Step Guide: discovering opportunities Open Ed Community Site during the OER Applying Creative Commons Licenses to for partnerships we never Showcase at the start of the conference. Your Educational Resources. knew existed. The Open Ed site was built in the hope that it will serve as the landing space for These productions are available on everyone interested in open education, our website for you to view, print, and from the experienced OER community at disseminate. What’s more, we encourage large to teachers, learners, and those who you to improve, alter, or translate simply want to find out more. The site will them, as they are all licensed under the feature events, news, projects, persons, permissive Attribution license (CC BY). and more. We encourage you to check Please check the ccLearn site periodically out the beta version, online now: or subscribe to the ccLearn blog, mailing list, or twitter/ feeds!

CC News in Arts and Culture

Attributor launches FairShare for commercial licensing, but it now One of Creative Commons’ includes videos available via download core goals is to expand in Ogg Theora, a free and open video the body of open and free On March 4, Attributor launched compression format. Under CC-BY, users cultural works available to the public. This is FairShare, a CC-aware self service of the content are required only to give accomplished through platform for tracking the spread of your attribution to Uncensored Interview as the outreach, advisement, works around the web, building on their content source. The site is also creatively and specific project based index of 35 billion web pages. FairShare using our CC+ protocol to help users initiatives with individuals encourages choosing a CC license to purchase permissions outside the scope and communities that make clear the terms under which you of the Attribution license, such as the promote a similar emphasis want your works to be spread, then gives right to use the video unaccredited or for on community, sharing, and you feeds showing exactly where all or endorsement of a commercial product. innovation. This effort is parts of your works have been used, with headed by Creative Director Eric Steuer. or without attribution to you. This should CC Portal now available from 9 be useful for both requesting proper use CASH Music of your work under the terms of the CC license you’ve chosen, but perhaps more interestingly, for quantifying the spread CASH Music, the CC license using music

and impact your works are having in a label/creative community, recently launched CC Newsletter - Issue No. 12 way that has previously not been possible a wonderful new Creative Commons Portal using only keyword and link searches. for understanding how CC licenses can be utilized by record labels and artists. YouTube now testing CC Licenses The portal is beautifully designed with YouTube, the popular video sharing an emphasis on simplicity: it gives an website, is now testing an option that introduction to CC, hypothetical uses, and gives video owners the ability to allow real world examples. Meant to grow and downloads and share their work under expand overtime, the portal is a great Creative Commons licenses. The test resource for record labels looking into how is being launched with a handful of they can adopt CC. As CASH expands upon partners, including Stanford University, its mission to “develop open source tools Duke University, UC Berkeley, UC Los for artists and promote best practices in the Angeles, and UCTV. Stay tuned for more music industry,” resources like the CC Portal information on YouTube’s possible further will become increasingly more valuable. integration of CC licenses. , CC-licensed Uncensored Interview releases animated film 1000+ Creative Commons Theora videos Talented animator, writer and producer Nina Paley has freely released her Uncensored Interview, a video producer animated film, Sita Sings the Blues under and licensor of musician interviews, is our license, Attribution-ShareAlike releasing thousands of videos from its (CC BY-SA). Nina’s film retells the classic interview footage archive under our most Indian myth Ramayana and it has already permissive license, Attribution (CC BY). received critical acclaim, including the Previously, Uncensored Interview’s library New York Times and Roger Ebert (who consisted of premium content available gave it two thumbs up).

We rely on our supporters to continue our work enabling stories like those listed above. Check it out:


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Creative Commons was built with and is sustained by 10 the generous support of organizations including the Center for the Public Domain, the Omidyar Network, The Rockefeller Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, as well as members of the public.

Creative Commons newsletters are also posted to the CC Weblog. For back issues please visit

Cover: “Here comes the sun” © 2009. Lairaja. Some Rights Reserved. Except when otherwise noted, this work is licensed under This remixed image is derived from Hamed Masoumi’s “Sunflower,”; Syntopia/Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen’s “Sunflower,”; Javier Aroche’s “Calcomanía de Creative Commons,”; Joi Ito’s “Nathan Yergler,”; “Zachary Leary,” com/photos/joi/3267063668/; “Alex Roberts,”; “Nathan, Kaitlin, Nathan and Catharina, “; “Kaitlin Thaney,” http://www.; “Christopher Graves,”; “Ralph Metzner,”; “Mike Linksvayer,” com/photos/joi/3273599641/; “John Perry Barlow and Galen Brandt,” joi/3267049414/; “Denis Berry greeting Graves brothers,”; “CC Staff,”; “Allison Domicone,” photos/joi/3272748508/; “John Perry Barlow,”; “SilviaO,”; “Cameron Parkins,” joi/3274906487/; and “Michelle Thorne,”; all under CC BY 2.0.