Vicki Mackenzie | 224 pages | 01 Aug 1999 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9780747543893 | English | London, Tenzin Palmo

Jan 04, Mina rated it really liked it. This is after all the story of a woman who has done remarkable things by any standard. New other. Used good. This is not to say that Palmo didn't accomplish an amazing feat. Skip to main content. Members Reviews Popularity Average rating Mentions 6 59, 4. The barren mountaintop was devoid of food, so all provisions were brought in, including kerosene, tsampa a Tibetan dry breadrice, lentils, flour, dried vegetables, ghee, cooking-oil, salt, soap, milk powder, tea, sugar, apples, and cut wood. I am curious to seek out more of her teachings. Details if other :. More filters. Trump ,Hardcover 4. I was lucky enough to visit this nunnery myself, Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment is now fully operating in Northern India. She agreed to tell her story only to Vicky Mackenzie and a portion of the royalties from this book will help towards the completion of her convent. Want to Read saving…. Teresa of Avila - radiantly spiritual and supremely practical at the same time! About this product. Thangka Stupa Yidam. I love this book. Information from the Dutch Common Knowledge. Also, we don't have to retreat into a cave to progress spiritually. She has crafted the different chapters in such a reader friendly manner that they not only Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment as the blackboard of the biographic tales of Tenzin Palmo but also introduce us to the diverse realms of Tibetan . The nun's story is fascinating, but I could have done with more cave and less talking about a whole pile of other seemingly unrelated stuff in the last few chapters. Young girls are generally discouraged from extreme forms of expression, and this applies to forms of devotion. She was also one of the few women, ever, to vow to reach enlightenment in a female form. Didn't find what you're looking for? The last three years were spent in complete isolation. So women must be given time to work through that anger. Tenzin Palmo secluded herself in a remote cave 13, feet up in the Himalayas, where she stayed for twelve years. Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron. It is a real inspiration for anyone who wants to lead a spiritual life, it shows just what it takes to achieve a state of real awareness. A really interesting story let down by some clunky ol' writing. Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment is not to say that Palmo didn't accomplish an amazing feat. Yet in doing so she is not assuming the role of a feminist. The book was also eye-opening. Thirteen years later, Diane Perry a. Aug 27, Shephali rated it really liked it Shelves: memoirs. Cave in the Snow: A Western Woman's Quest for Enlightenment

She became so inspired by it, she dedicated her whole life to the practice. Incredible, mind-blowing n awe inspiring story of one of the first western Buddhist nuns who found a way to question the patriarchal tradition of where mostly all the high and incarnates are male. Used very good paperback. Loved reading this story and appreciate it Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment more now I've had the honor to meet Ven. The barren mountaintop was devoid of food, so all provisions were brought in, including kerosene, tsampa a Tibetan dry breadrice, lentils, flour, dried vegetables, ghee, cooking-oil, salt, soap, milk powder, tea, sugar, apples, and cut wood. Add to cart Buy Now Item Price. Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment interesting and 'enlightening' I find myself wanting to know more about her experiences as well as getting to know some of the people she came in contact with. What I appreciated the most was Palmo's certitude. She became so inspired by it, she dedicated her whole life to the practice. In her mountain retreat, she face unimaginable cold, wild animals, floods, snow and rockfalls, grew her own food and slept in a traditional wooden box, three feet square. Terma Gyubum Kangyur Tengyur Tibetan canon. She never lay down. Grade: A A really interesting story let down by some clunky ol' writing. NOTE: I don't know how to rate this. What I enjoyed most were the later sections of the book where it delved more into the role of women in Buddhism and particularly Tibetan Buddhismthe relationship between Buddhism and feminism, and the idea of Western Buddhism as a form that is coming-int0- being, and one of its greatest contributions What I expected from this book was essentially a biography of British woman who came a Tibetan Buddhist nun and contemplative long before it Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment fashionable to do so, but there's a lot more to it. Christopher Hills. Palmo came to India from England infollowing her calling for Kagyu tradition of Tib I was recommended 'Cave in the Snow' when I complained that I cound't find writings of spiritually enlightened women. A very strong recommendation goes out from me for this book. Best Selling in Nonfiction See all. After six years in an isolated Lahoul monastery, she undertook a retreat in a cave as preparation. Tenzin Palmo was exceptionally single-minded in pursuing her spiritual goals, more inclined to break societal expectations, and felt more passionately towards Buddha and her gurus than the rest of us. Skip to main content. Cave in the snow. Sort order. She slept in a box and used a container as a toilet. Through her eyes, I got a sense for how spiritually barren our Western society is compared to the impoverished areas of Northern India where she spent many of her years. They're just mental states. Oct 24, Nancy Loe rated it liked it Shelves: biographies. Make an offer:. Defying scriptures that consider birth as a male to be highly advantageous in pursuing spiritual progress, here is a very special being who, horrified at the sexism even within spiritual practice, has taken a solemn vow to attain enlightenment in the female form. This is about a buddhist nun who lived in a cave for twelve years, although it isn't written by the nun which would have been better but by a journalist who met up with her. Now Tenzin Palmo was publicly announcing she was intending to overthrow all that. Read more Since her retreat Tenzin Palmo has taken on the cause of equal rights and opportunities for Buddhist nuns. We can spend 15 minutes a day in the grocery line, washing dishes, or cleaning to calm the chatter in our minds and to attempt being in the present. About this product. Cave In The Snow

It was incredible reading her story and then going to see the manifestation of her labor. Verified purchase: Yes Condition: New. I also appreciated both her refusal of the idea that marriage and childbearing are always longings for women, as well as the depiction of her younger dating life and how she 'integrates' this passion into other parts of her life when she chooses celibacy. Since her retreat Tenzin Palmo has taken on the cause of equal rights and opportunities for Buddhist nuns. How many people get to be this sure about anything, let alone devotion to a sexist, byzantine religious order belonging to Asian mountain-people? This is after all Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment story of a woman who has done remarkable things by any standard. While I may disagree with her on some points, I nevertheless appreciated Tenzin Palmo's logical, unwavering position on women in Buddhism and the ability of women to attain the same spiritual depth as men. Enlarge cover. Return to Book Page. I'll leave it to you. She slept upright in her meditation box. No current Talk conversations about this book. What a brilliant book! She moved to India at 20, where she taught English at the Young Lamas Home School for a few months before meeting her root , the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche. This book or story is a true treasure. Local Book Search. What I enjoyed most were the later sections of the book where it delved more into the role of women in Buddhism and particularly Tibetan Buddhismthe relationship between Buddhism and feminism, and Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment idea of Western Buddhism as a form that is coming-int0-being, and one of its greatest contributions argues Tenzin Palmo will be giving women a greater spiritual role. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. I agree with the prior reviewer who said that the author's tone is more than a bit breathless and awestruck. This biography of Tenzin Palmo by documents the transformation a young, fun- loving English girl into a Tibetan Buddhist nun, in defiance of tradition and with the full support of her mother who encouraged her spiritual quest. Add to Cart. Add to cart Buy Now Item Price. Very inspiring. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The cave was actually an overhang on a natural ledge of the mountain. She was so appalled by the discrimination that she vowed to be enlightened in the female body, irrespective of the number of births it would take her. Start your review of Cave In The Snow. We can spend 15 minutes a day in the grocery line, washing dishes, or cleaning to calm the chatter in our minds and to attempt being in the present. A very strong recommendation goes out from me for this book. At the age of 20, Diane Perry, looking to fill a void in her life, entered a monastery in India--the only woman amongst hundreds of monksand began her battle against the prejudice that had excluded women from enlightenment for thousands of years. She Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment about what it was like and how the the other monks did not treat her equal to her male counterparts. Sep 05, Z rated it it was amazing Shelves: favourites The cave ledge she transformed into a garden bed which, however, only yielded turnips and potatoes - and flowers; other greens being consumed by rodents, her chief visitors. She never lay down. Apr 10, Happyreader rated it it was amazing Shelves: spiritualitybio-and-memoirwomen-of-interestfavorites. This is the story of a modern- day Englishwoman who became ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun and spent 12 years in retreat in a cave in the Himalayas. She left the cave only reluctantly when Indian Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment pulled her visa status, because an associate who had been renewing for her annually forgot to do so. She event This is a fascinating account of one of the first Western women to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun. Tenzin Palmo secluded herself in a remote cave 13, feet up in the Himalayas, where she stayed for twelve years. Amazon Kindle 0 editions. Jul 25, Laura rated it really liked it Shelves: . Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron. To ask other readers questions about Cave In The Snow Cave in the Snow: A Western Womans Quest for Enlightenment, please sign up. Add to Cart. Very interesting to me She was known to mediate for 12 hours a day, year after year. Tenzin emerged from the cave with a determination to build a convent in northern India to revive the Togdenma lineage, a long-forgotten female spiritual elite. Top Five Books of