Robin at the Royal Academy in London, March 29, 2007 / Robin à l’Académie Royale, Londres, 29 mars 2007

Robin Letellier 1944-2007

1 À Céline, Chanterelle et Antoine À toute la famille de Robin

Sincères condoléances exprimées par des collègues et amis de Robin Sincere condolences expressed by Robin’s friends and colleagues

Plus qu’un collègue, Robin était un très grand ami personnel pour Renée et pour moi. Nous nous sommes connus en 1971 alors que jeunes professionnels, nous venions tout juste de commencer à travailler pour les services de restauration du Ministère des Affaires Indiennes et du Nord Canadien. Robin était déjà un personnage très spécial. Il avait les cheveux longs et attachés en queue de cheval. Son travail l’amenait dans les coins les plus isolés du Canada. Depuis, nous ne nous sommes plus jamais quittés. Robin était le professionnel le plus engagé et le plus dédié à la cause des relevés et de la documentation des monuments et des sites historiques que j’ai connu dans toute ma carrière. Nos rencontres à Ottawa, Québec, Paris, Potsdam, Chypres, Rome, Torino, Vienne, Antalya, Xi’an, Louvain et j’en passe, ont toujours été extrêmement intenses et joviales. Robin était un professionnel jusqu’au bout des doigts, mais il savait également très bien se divertir et il avait un sens de l’humour à vous faire pleurer. Que de colloques, séminaires, rencontres et projets nous avons organisé ensemble. Que de soirées inoubliables nous avons passé en sa compagnie et celle de sa famille. Robin était un des grands personnages du monde international de la conservation et un être cher que nous ne sommes par prêts d’oublier. Au revoir mon ami! Tous mes collègues du Getty Conservation Institute qui connaissaient bien Robin se joignent à moi pour offrir nos plus sincères condoléances à Céline, Antoine et Chanterelle.

François LeBlanc Head, Field Projects, Getty Conservation Institute, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA [email protected]

Quelle terrible nouvelle ! Même les plus grands sont si fragiles. Robin nous a donné de très bons moments d'amitié et de discussion entre collègues. Il a beaucoup fait pour le patrimoine et pour donner confiance aux autres, parmi les moins bien nantis. Nous nous souviendrons de lui avec tristesse et aussi avec la fierté de pouvoir dire que nous l'avons connu et côtoyé.

Dinu Bumbaru Secrétaire Général, ICOMOS, 1254 rue Ducharme, Outremont, QC H2V 1E5 [email protected]

2 Je suis atterré d'apprendre cette très triste disparition de notre ami Robin. J'aimerais pouvoir exprimer mes condoléances sincères à son épouse et ses enfants.

Daniel Arsenault Département d’histoire de l’art, UQUAM, Montréal, H3C 3P8 [email protected]

La vie nous réserve de ces surprises! Quel choc et le sentiment de ne pas avoir entretenu les liens pendant qu'il était là. Le souvenir très ancré que ce bonhomme, Robin, m'a permis d'accéder à une aventure fantastique, celle de la conservation, celle de me développer en contribuant à Rue principale et à tout ce qui a suivi pour moi à partir de là, celle d'amitiés avec des gens de passion.

Albini Soucy Conseiller professionnel, 271 boul. Riel, Gatineau, QC J8Z 1A6 [email protected]

Very deep regrets

Alejandro Alva Architect, Via dei Balestrari 10A, Rome, Italy [email protected]

What a great shock -- my heartfelt condolences to his wife and family. I have forwarded your announcement to the World Heritage Centre staff. Sadly,

Lon Addison Director, Center for Design Visualization, 390 Wurster Hall #1839, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA [email protected]


Robin à Paris chez Renée et François – Oct. 1982 Robin du temps de Jean-Pierre Jerome

Je suis en état de choc!!!! Il va aussi sans dire que je garde d'excellents souvenirs de Robin... On s'est bien évidemment croisés (professionnellement), mais cela fait plusieurs années, du temps où il était à Parc. Puis par la suite lors de mes années à ICOMOS on a aussi travaillé ensemble sur certains dossiers - et on a eu un fun noir, parce qu'il était assez fou fou le Robin! Pour une raison que j'ignore j'ai pensé à Robin 2-3 fois en fin de semaine et encore ce matin avant de rentrer au bureau, pour découvrir ton courriel!!! La vie est bien étrange des fois... La journée sera bien triste et longue...

Alain Lafrenière Alain Lafrenière, B. Arch., DRFM 6, Senior Realty Advisor - Navy Conseiller principal en immobilier – Marine; Center Block North, Dept. of National Defence 101 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON [email protected]

C'est avec choc et grande tristesse que j`apprends cette nouvelle. Robin et moi devions aller prendre un café la semaine prochaine à notre retour en ville alors qu'il pourrait enfin respirer après ce travail qu'il décrivait comme exigeant. Il semblait stressé par les attentes de ses étudiants... André Audette Architecte, Banque du Canada. 23 Farnham Crescent, Ottawa, ON K1K 0G1 [email protected]


So sorry to hear this news. Robin was still young and able to contribute to us all. How very sad.

Christina Cameron Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti, Canada Research Chair on Built Heritage C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, QC H3C 3J7 [email protected]

I cherished Robin's mentoring and guidance as a new and young member of ICOMOS Canada in the late 1980's. Under the leadership of Robin, the Recording and Documentation committee developed a pilot of an elementary school course for kids which included the students bringing in their family photos, and out of the attics /storage, and to retell the stories they heard from their parents and grandparents about the places and buildings in these family photos. It was great to capture and document the untold stories of the built heritage in a community. I remember trying out the program with a Grade 5 class at the Early Childhood Institute in Toronto. It was wonderful to hear the students’ discovery of the places their relatives and ancestor lived and work at. It was a great idea because of its simplicity and ability to connect children with their family heritage and surroundings. Throughout the past two decades you could always count on reconnecting with Robin at an ICOMOS meeting and hearing about his adventures of training around the world. While it is so tragic that his life was cut short, it seems most fitting that Robin's last moments of life were in a classroom teaching others and sharing his joy about recording heritage sites Robin's passing is indeed a great loss to us all. Tamara Anson-Cartwright Conservation Advisor , Ministry of Culture, 400 University Ave, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M7A 2R9 [email protected]

Robin à Vienne en Autriche dégustant différents vins avant de faire son choix - 2003

5 I m shocked beyond words. I really don’t know what to say! He was always so lively, friendly and helpful, that it is impossible for me to imagine him gone. I have been interacting with him lately organizing the next Recordim meeting in Ottawa and as usual I was hoping to meet him again. Please do convey my condolences to his family; I hope God gives them the courage and strength at this hour.

Divay Gupta Director Programmes, Arch. Heritage Division, Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, 71, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi, INDIA [email protected]

Robin et François à Potsdam, Allemagne, 2001 Robin au Getty Center, Los Angeles - 2002

I am deeply shocked and very sad of the news about Robin. I feel fortunate to have met him. How old was he? I remember him as such a young vigorous and enthusiastic person. What a loss for all.

Francesca Piqué Wall Paintings Conservator, Via di Canneto, 16, Prato, 59100, ITALY [email protected]


These are terrible news! I met Robin while I was at GCI and through him I was introduced to CIPA. His enthusiasm and passion for his work were contagious and I became involved in CIPA's activities because of him. I will always remember Robin, he had the courage of his ideas and through his passion he has inspired many young professionals.

Dr. Gaetano Palumbo Director of Archaeological Conservation, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, World Monuments Fund, 34, Avenue de New York 75016 Paris - FRANCE [email protected]

How shocking! Robin was one of those people who I thought would be with us forever. That of course brings complacency and it is not until times like this that we realize how special the person is, how much he achieved and how much he will be missed. Robin was one of the Canadian experts I brought to to teach at the 2 year training programme I ran at the Israel Antiquities Authority for team leaders. The participants certainly learned the difference between "recording" and "documentation", international standards for recording, and methods to improve accuracy and speed in their work. At that time in the mid- 90's with new construction in Israel, there was an urgent need for rescue archaeology. Recording mosaics could take as much as 40 days. On a subsequent project, I invited Robin and scientists from NRC to Israel to do practical field tests the laser scanner they were developing. Recording dropped to 1/2 day! Although the scanner was not available for purchase at that point, Robin brought a new tool to the conservation field. NRC used the field tests at Caesarea and Jerusalem in their promotional literature for the scanner so I am sure Luc Cournoyer will have images of Robin at work in Israel. Mine are of a more informal nature.

I am leaving in a few hours for Barcelona and Prague to continue his work in the preservation of our cultural heritage, knowing that I have been enriched by Robin and I will share his legacy with others.

Sarah Gail Sussman Principal, Rimmonim Preservation Consultants, Suite 208, 20 Shallmar Blvd., Toronto, ON, M5N 1J5, Canada [email protected]

J'ai eu la nouvelle ce matin. Je perds un ami et un collègue de travail pour tellement d'années. Comme c'est malheureux… était encore si jeune. Jean-Pierre Jerome 1233 Vancouver Ave., Ottawa, ON [email protected]

7 This is very sad news for all of us.

Gordon Fulton Director, Historical Services Branch, National Historic Sites, Parks Canada, 25, rue Eddy (25-5-R), Gatineau, Québec K1A 0M5 [email protected]

I met Robin in 1974 when I joined the Department of Northern and Indian Affairs in Canada, and he was serving as a Restoration Architect. Robin and I worked together on several projects across Canada. One example is when Robin and I spent several weeks together in Batoche, Saskatchewan where we investigated the Battle Site at Batoche Church. What impressed me at that time was Robin’s professionalism, easy going attitude and interest in details. During the 24 years we worked together, Robin’s love for Historic Preservation and his interest in new technologies were two of his distinguished qualities. Robin will be missed by his friends and by the Historic preservation communities in North America, Europe and the Middle East where he made great contributions.

Ghassan Attar Structural Engineer, 563 Craftsman Circle, Brea, CA, USA 92821 [email protected]

One can't say it better than Mario, Robin leaves a legacy of friendship, professionalism, and a life long dedication to heritage recording and documentation. He was passionate about his mission in life, it is a shock and a dark day to feel and know that Robin is not with us any more. Robin loved life, loved what he was doing, and loved to share his knowledge and professional activities with all. The pleasure of his company and his sense of humor brightened many an event. We will miss him dearly.

Gouhar Shemdin-Simison Architect, 64 Glebe Ave., Ottawa, ON K1S 2C3 [email protected]

8 I, like the rest of the Metric Survey team, was deeply saddened to hear of Robin’s sudden passing. We all send our heartfelt condolences to Robin’s family at this difficult time. Please find attached to my e-mail some of the images we have of Robin from our most recent meetings. The photograph of him taken at the British Academy in London on the 29th March 2007 is a particularly nice one and encapsulates how we shall remember him – doing what he loved best and was passionate about. With kind regards and best wishes

Heather Papworth Historic Buildings Surveyor, Metric Survey Team, English Heritage, NMRC, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2GZ [email protected]

I am sorry to hear of Robin's death. I was always impressed with his work. I knew that he was on the cutting edge of technology that was applicable to CRM management and stewardship. I got to know him through APT and ICOMOS. While I was chief historical architect, NPS, I tried to develop collaborative projects with him. Unfortunately, the timing was not right in the U.S. We should put him on our APT legacy project list. Please extend my condolences to his wife and family.

Hugh C. Miller APT Fellow, 2629 West Grace Street, Richmond, VA, 23220 USA [email protected]

It is always with sadness that we hear of a colleague’s passing too early in life. We met Robin on the International ICOMOS Congress in Xi'an, China, Fall 2005. He was very excited about the Recording Documentation Presentation that he would be doing in Xi'ian and spoke so enthusiastically about it.

I am including two photos of him with the Canadian Delegation at a wonderful meal we had with the deputy mayor of Xi'an and other planners of the City. It was truly a memorable evening with lots of laughter and jokes. The City of Quebec and Xi'an were twin cities, and so we were welcomed so royally and exchanged gifts. We all came away with beautiful ancient coins and a feeling of goodwill.

Mary and Ian McGillivray Architect, 416 Moore Ave. Suite 103, Toronto, ON [email protected]


Official dinner hosted by the city of Xi’an, ICOMOS 2005

Obituary prepared by ICCROM Robin Letellier, 1944 – 2007

It is with great sorrow that ICCROM informs its network of professionals in the conservation community of the death of long-time collaborator and friend, Robin Letellier. Robin passed away on 20 April 2007 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA), where he was giving a course within the Graduate Group in Historic Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania.

Robin received a degree in architecture from Laval University in Quebec in 1970. He joined Parks Canada shortly after graduation and reached the position of Chief of the Heritage Recording Services Division, Heritage Conservation Programme by the time of his retirement in 1997. After 2000, he worked as a Heritage Conservation Management Consultant, specialized in heritage recording.

Beginning in 2002, he was also strongly involved, as the International Coordinator, in the RecorDIM Initiative a partnership of a number of international and national heritage organizations, working together to bridge the gaps that currently exist in the heritage field between information users and information providers. As part of this initiative, he was in the process of publishing a new book with the Getty Conservation Institute entitled, Recording, Documentation and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places – Guiding Principles.

In regard to his long service to ICCROM, Robin was a regular lecturer on aspects of heritage recording at many of ICCROM’s courses for more than 20 years. He taught at the Architectural Conservation Course (ARC) starting in 1986 until the last course in 1998, and the International Course on the Preservation of the Earthen Architectural Heritage (PAT) from 1989 to 1996. He also participated in the GRADOC Initiative (Graphic Documentation Systems in Mural Paintings Conservation) and recently taught in several of the courses held as part of the ATHAR Programme (Conservation of Archaeological Heritage in the Arab Region).

10 Robin participated in the development of the Course on Architectural Records, Inventories, and Information Systems for Conservation (ARIS) where he taught in 2003 and 2005. Robin was scheduled to teach again at the upcoming ARIS course that will begin in September 2007.

Robin was also an active member of ICOMOS for many years and was a founding member of the Recording and Documentation Committee of ICOMOS Canada. He was the Chairperson of that committee between 1983 and 1991. During this period, he organized five international seminars and symposia on traditional and new technologies for recording, documentation and information management of cultural heritage resources. Starting in 1974, he was a member of the ICOMOS International Committee for Architectural Photogrammetry (CIPA) and served in various positions on that committee including Secretary General, Vice-President, and Task Group Coordinator starting in 1993.

Joseph King Site Unit Director, ICCROM, 13 via di San Michele, Rome, ITALY [email protected]

Robin assis sur le Mur de Chine, Xi’an, Chine - 2005

Quelle triste nouvelle! Quel choc! Je vais communiquer à d'autres collègues. Lyette Fortin Bureau de la planification à long terme, Conseillère spéciale auprès du Sergent d'armes, 151 Sparks St. suite 614, Ottawa, ON [email protected]


This is a real shock. We were in touch remotely over the years, but only met for the first time last month, teaching on the GCI-INP course in Tunisia. It was a real pleasure to work with him on this occasion, and we got on very well. I am sure that the publication of his book will be a fitting tribute and memorial to his great contribution to the field.

John Stewart Senior Architectural Conservator, English Heritage, 23 Saville Row, Room 329, London, UK [email protected]

I am deeply saddened at this news. Please give my regrets to Robin’s family.

Leslie Rainer Senior Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA [email protected]

Évidemment nous sommes tout estomaqués par cette vision d'un monde sans Robin. Un homme de vision, plein de ferveur et de dévotion; un rassembleur; un ami sincère; un homme heureux, professionnel et amoureux de la vie. Il me disait toujours quand on se croisait dans les corridors au bureau: "Lyse, il faut sourire". Je voudrais présenter mes plus sincères condoléances à sa famille.

Lyse Blanchet Ing. M.Sc. / Eng. M.Sc. Senior Conservation Engineer, Executive Member of ICOMOS Canada, CIF Vice-President, President of the ICOMOS Canada Specialized Committee on Training PWGSC, RPB, P&TP, Heritage Conservation Directorate, 25 Eddy Street, 5th Floor, Area 25-5-U Gatineau (Sector Hull), Quebec J8X 4B5 [email protected]

12 We are all in shock. I will be sending you the response e-mails that I will get back from people that I know. We are so sorry for his family. ICOMOS Canada will certainly organize something, we will let you know. It is a big lost for the World Conservation Community.

María Inés Subercaseaux Senior Conservation Architect, Public Works and Government Services, 25 Eddy Street 5th Floor, Gatineau, QC K1A 0M5 [email protected]

I am shocked and saddened as I am sure you and Renée are. Robin was here at HCF for our Christmas party this year, as handsome and full of ideas as ever. I will let Andrew Powter know, I will be seeing him in England early next week. I am sure he will have stories to share from Parks days and the RecorDIM project when he is back on-line after his travels.

Natalie Bull Executive Director, Heritage Canada Foundation, 5 Blackburn Ave., Ottawa, ON, K1N 8A2 CANADA [email protected]

Robin et Lyse Blanchet à Xi’an en Chine - 2005


I was very sad to receive the news that Robin is no longer with us. I met Robin for the first time at the CIPA event in Antalya and since then we worked together in the area of standards in cultural heritage. He attended the joint event in Cyprus and he was very successful at bringing the different professional communities together. At the following weblink you can find some pictures of Robin in his element with colleagues, pushing forward his work within RECORDIM. It is with a heavy heart that I send this message out and may his work as well as spirit live on in our work as well.. Sincerely,

Marinos Ioannides Higher Technical Institute, P.O. Box 20423, CY – Nicosia, CYPRUS [email protected]

Thank you for letting me know this shocking and unexpected news. It is hard to imagine, at his age with so much still to give. It is little consolation that he was busy sharing his great experience with a younger generation at the time of his stroke. I send my sympathy to you and to all at GCI who knew him and had worked with him over the years. He was a valuable and delightful colleague.

Nicholas Stanley Price Former Director of ICCROM, Via Giulia 167, Rome 00186, ITALY [email protected]

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I know what a good friend he was to you. I'll never forget what a pleasure it was to work with him in Paris and the words of wisdom he shared with me. Just the other day we were talking about me spotting Leonard at the Zen center and how he'd love the chance to meet him or see him perform.

Nick Swarts Project Coordinator, Getty Conservation Institute, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA [email protected]


Pourquoi faut-il que ce soit un si triste événement qui fasse que l'on reprend contact ? Dire que j'ai été avec lui il y a à peine un mois. Je me souviens bien du souper que nous avons pris ensemble à l'hôtel Sindbad vendredi le 23 mars et où nous nous sommes remémoré de nombreux souvenirs... Il était si fier d'avoir perdu 40 livres grâce à de petits efforts, que j'applique tant bien que mal depuis cette dernière rencontre.

René Rivard CULTURA bureau d'études, 1070 avenue Lajoie, porte 12, OUTREMONT, QC H2V 1N6 [email protected]

I knew Robin for many years through both the Heritage Recording Unit and his outside activities with APT and ICOMOS. I always thought that his idea of a documentation ‘centre’ identifying records and where they resided (rather than requiring them all to reside in one place) was an innovative and quite realistic approach to the management of many records related to heritage conservation, but the approach was unable to find substantial support. It is good to hear that you will write a tribute in Robin's book. Best wishes,

Susan Buggey 470 Laurier Ave. West Apt. 1002, Ottawa, ON K1R 7W9 [email protected]

I am shocked to hear the sad news about Robin. I can't imagine he had much advance notice if he had a stroke when teaching. We all grew up together and seeing a brother in arms fallen is a sad day for all of us. I didn't know Robin the way you did, Francois, and knew him more as a colleague and a friend, rather than ever having worked with him directly. He did teach at Uvic in the 1980s and that is where I first met him.

Alastair Kerr Heritage Legislation and Standards Officer, B.C. Heritage Conservation Branch, PO BOX 9818 Stn Prov. Govt., Victoria, BC V8W 9W3 [email protected]

15 It is tragic and sad. Of course I knew Robin for many years, whilst he was with Parks Canada and onward. I think it was Dec 1994 that he joined a GCI-led documentation meeting in Santa Fe, New - also with Margaret MacLean and Molly Lambert. Robin and I enjoyed a memorable and relaxing drive into the surrounding hills after the event concluded. It should be likely that there are photos of this meeting in the GCI visual resources. I hope that his book will be well received. Lori Anglin [email protected]

This is very, very sad news. Although I have not seen him in years, I have such fond memories of Robin as an enthusiastic, energetic teacher and practitioner, someone who seemed to be eternal. His contribution to ICCROM was important.

Susan Bronson Architect, Université de Montréal, 4665 rue Jeanne-Mance, Montréal, QC H2V 4J5 [email protected]

I was deeply saddened to hear about Robin’s passing. I retired from the Federal Government at the end of December. Robin and I were friends and worked together in heritage recording in the early years when Charles Dumais and I were Area Supervisors of Heritage Recording for the Heritage Conservation Group in the early to late 1970-‘s. He had Marje and I over to dinner and gave me a pair of simple candleholders that he made in pottery class when I took the Restoration Architect’s job in Calgary in 1979. I still have them. When we were competing for jobs in Ottawa following the service contract blow-up, I competed for two jobs, the Head of Heritage Recording and Architect, Analysis and Evaluation. I won the board for the Heritage Recording Position and did not qualify for the Architect’s position. Robin, my supervisor and a close personal friend, qualified second. We had some discussions following that and I told Robin that I was going to reject the position and opt for a lesser position in conservation architecture because it was where I wanted to be. He said that he was considering refusing it as well. I think that he was quite hurt at the time. I said, “No Robin, you take it, these people don’t know you like I do!” He did take the job and did so much for the field of Heritage Recording. He had a passion for the field that I did not and that came through whenever you dealt with him. I will miss him deeply. William B. Hockey, B. Arch., MEDS(Conservation) Architectural Conservation Services, 69 St. Margaret's Bay Road, Halifax, NS B3N 1J8

Gracias por hacerme saber la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Robin. Una gran pérdida para su familia, amigos y para el campo de la conservación. Su legado es inmenso y su trabajo pionero en fotogrametría ha sido significativo y ha definido los estándares de práctica en "heritage recording". Aunque el no estará con nosotros, su trabajo, y el impacto de este, sin duda seguirá siendo parte íntegra de las faenas de los profesionales dedicados a la protección de recursos culturales. Eduardo. (Edurado Villafranca es arquitecto de paisaje de Winnipeg y ha trabajado en Isla de Pascua en convenios Chileno Canadiense de PWGSC en conservación y presentación.)

So sad to here we have lost Robin. He taught for us back in the early years of the CRMP. Very, very likable and a most effective teacher. The professionals will really miss a colleague who has contributed a lot. Martin Segger M.Phil., F.R.S.A. Adj. Professor & Director, UVIC Community Relations, (Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery & University Centre Farquhar Auditorium), University of Victoria, University Centre, Rm. B115, 3800 Finnerty Road, P.O. box 3025 STN CSC, Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P2 [email protected]


Deeply saddened by the sudden death of Robin Letellier, a dear colleague and friend from ICOMOS Canada, US/ICOMOS joins all ICOMOS in mourning for an ardent supporter of international cooperation in heritage conservation. His death arrived suddenly and unexpectedly while in Philadelphia, where he was lecturing at the University of Pennsylvania. Robin generously and ably served ICOMOS well over many years. His work included his active involvement in the strategic planning work that led to the formation of the Scientific Council in Xi'an. For future generations of preservationists, and for the world at large, Robin leaves a rich and lasting legacy that will live on in our heritage sites, and in the documentation of them for which he worked so hard and effectively. Our heartfelt condolences to his family.

Gustavo Araoz Director, US/ICOMOS, 401 F Street, NW, Suite 331, Washington, D.C., USA [email protected]

I was so sorry to hear this terrible news. Sincere condolences to all Robin's family, friends and colleagues. It was only through last November's RecorDIM workshop and the Task Group 16 workshop in March this year that I came into contact with Robin. His work with RecorDIM speaks for itself. But for what it's worth I would like to say that I was left with a strong impression of quiet intelligence and genuine kindness that will stay with me for a long time. Sincere condolences

Isabel Holroyd Chief Bibliographer & Editor, The British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH, [email protected]

Thanks letting me know the terrible news. Can you please let his wife know that I send my deep condolences and thinking of their family. I am so sorry

Christopher Gray, MRICS Director, GBG-US Inc,

17 I was shocked to here about the death of our good friend and colleague Robin. I always welcomed meeting him at the ICOMOS get-togethers and found wisdom in his ways.

Brian Egloff Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage Studies, University of Canberra, School of Resource, Environmental & Heritage Sciences, Canberra, AUSTRALIA [email protected]

It is with deep regret that we received the so sad news about Robin. The heritage conservation community has lost one of its significant stones. We had the great pleasure to be invited by him to visit the Heritage Conservation Program for Parks, Canada, during 1992, in order to change experiences about digitising heritage archives, to colaborate in the revision of the "Guidelines for the Recording, Documentation and Information Management of the Cultural Heritage", in 1995 and we shared with him the ARIS03 and 05 team. Please do convey our condolences to his family and friends. Sincerely,

Margarida Alçada and Vasco Martins Costa Direcção-Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais, Praça do Comércio, Ala Oriental 2º 1149-005 Lisboa, PORTUGAL [email protected]

What sad news. I lost one of the best friends. I know him more than 30 years. We have a plan to do something for the experts in South-East Europe together with him in Recording of Cultural Heritage. I promise that I will do my best to organize it in the memory of Robin. Please send my deepest condolences to Robin wife and family. With best regards,

Lazar Sumanov, ICOMOS Macedonia Friend of Robin Letellier [email protected]


I was also with Robin in Galle and in Istanbul Recordim 2004. I will keep from him an unforgettable and kind memory. Someone also with an astonishing creativity namely reflected on its epistemological interdisciplinary approach. But let me point out: he was the right man to develop the "hub concept" - namely because he had a "hub" character. Cordialmente," Francisco Alves [email protected]

The task of living longer becomes heavier on each of us to pass on the knowledge Robin blessed us with. Richard O. Byrne 114 Fayette, Staunton, VA, 24401 USA [email protected]

As you can well imagine, I, as many of Robin's colleagues, am in total shock at this sad news. When I was with Heritage Conservation, I had the privilege of being Robin's colleague, then director. Of all my managers, I fondly remember Robin as the one who was always110% promoting the field of heritage recording in every thing we did, looking for opportunities to collaborate with partners, seeking to be at the leading edge despite, at times, our inability to commit long term to his dreams and plans. But this was not selfish on his part - he wanted us to be better, to challenge us, to contribute on a big scale and make a difference. When we could not rise to his expectations, he retrenched and found more modest ways to deliver on commitments. He made us better and opened our eyes to what could be in the field of heritage recording. Since his retirement from the public service I know he has been living his dreams. Our occasional talks were always about a bigger opportunity to work with important partners such as the Getty and ICOMOS. He will be missed. Sue Hum-Hartley Special Advisor to the Assistant Deputy Minister, Real Property Branch, PWGSC [email protected]

I just received your email, which really gave me a shock. It is 1:30 midnight here, when I accidentally checked your mail. The reason, why I am still busy is, I try to finish a paper for VSMM in Brisbane, to which I was kind invited by Mario and my thoughts are all the time in remembrance of our RecorDIM meetings, which Robin chaired in his sovereign and constructive manner. My wife and I are very sad. We would like to give our condolences to Robin’s wife and family. Sincerely.

Gui-Ja and Walter Schuhr Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg, Breitscheidstr. 2, Magdeburg, 39114, GERMANY [email protected]


I worked for Robin during my brief 'career' with Parks in 1989, before starting my work in Nova Scotia, and certainly he was a kind and gentle 'boss'. Always I admired Robin's capacity to look beyond the confines of bureaucracy, with his many - and inevitable - ideas and plans for future 'projects'. Please pass on my condolences to his family.

Wayde Brown MRAIC, IHBC Assistant Professor College of Environment & Design, 609 Caldwell Hall,Univeristy of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-1845 [email protected]

That is terribly sad and sudden. Please forward my most sincere condolences to Robin's family and friends.

Françoise Pellé [email protected]

I learned this very sad news already yesterday night from Rand. It is so terrible and unbelievable ... I am deeply shocked and can't accept not to meet Robin again in this life. With best regards.

Werner Schmid Conservator, Via A. Cesari 43, Rome, 152 ITALY [email protected]

I worked with Robin and John Bell at Herschel Island in 1985 and enjoyed the experience immensely. Robin was not only a font of knowledge about extant recording technique and technology; he was a wonderful person to spend time with. The conditions were fairly rough, but he made the best of it, and his humor, energy and talents made for a memorable and fun experience. He was also a good guy to drink a beer with. Bruce Barrett Historic Sites Project Officer, Cultural Services Branch 20

I was really shocked about the news of Robin's death that I've just received when passing to the office today. We will inform ICCROM administration and OCI accordingly to consider posting an obituary/ tribute on ICCROM's website for a true pioneer in this field.

I personally have known Robin not only from ICCROM, ICOMOS Canada, and CIPA but Also in Canada when I first met him as teacher at l'Université de Montéal in 1989, then working at Parks Canada. His contribution to the first ICCROM's ATHAR course devoted to "Documentation and Management of Archaeological Sites" (held in Jordan last November) was particularly remarkable, as you know, with his first introduction to methodologies aimed at integrating documentation in the site management process, using up-to-date communication technology. In this connection, I hope that your joint article to ATHAR Programme with Mario will reflect Robin's latest views as much as possible. Robin's death will be a loss of a professional who developed a vision in this specialized field for the service of conservation of cultural heritage world-wide.

Zaki Aslan Project Manager, ATHAR Programme (Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Arab Region), ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property), Via di San Michele 13, Rome, 00153, ITALY [email protected]

I was very saddened to hear the news of the passing of Robin Letellier. I met him at the ICUCH meeting in Sri Lanka in 2003 and shared some fun moments - not the least of which was a Tuk-Tuk journey with three of us thinking we were going to be sandwiched between a half dozen cars, buses and trucks at any moment. Robin caught a brilliant video clip of this on his digital camera. Unfortunately I do not have that or I would pass it on but no doubt it is in his computer files somewhere. Kind regards. David Nutley, M.ICOMOS, Coordinator, Underwater Cultural Heritage Program, Heritage Office, Department of Planning,Locked Bag 5020, Parramatta, NSW, Australia, 2124 [email protected]

Robin was part of our lives for over 25 years as Head of the "Heritage Recording Services" of Parks Canada. He was always a leader with vision, passion and knew how to inspire people to get involved in the cause. He stimulated our interest and provided us constantly with new ideas and worldwide contacts to broaden our knowledge in the field of documentation and information management. Above all, he was a friend with constant good humour which made working with him a pleasure and learning experience. We will miss him but his passion will remain with us. John Bell, Peter Sawyer and Jean-Pierre Jérôme [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Yes, indeed it was a privilege to have met Robin in Sri Lanka during our ICUCH meeting. I remember him as very generous, multitalented and dedicated to his work and to the concepts of communication and service. I liked him very much and am saddened for his wife and sincere sympathy to them belief is that he has just stepped into the next plane of existence... Peggy Leshikar-Denton [email protected]

21 Quelle triste nouvelle! Toutes mes pensées vont à Céline, aux enfants et à ses plus proches collaborateurs. Merci. Luce Vermette [email protected]

I'm just so sad to hear that Robin has passed away. Since my move to Germany, I'd meant to write to him and now it's too late. Please give my condolences to Robin's family.

Elizabeth Jackson Director, Christopher Hills School, Sandeldamm 12, 63450 Hanau, GERMANY [email protected]

That is shocking! I am so sorry. I think it would be wonderful to put something in the documentation book - and the timing is perfect. I did not know his widow, but if you are in contact, he has made an important contribution to conservation and will be missed.

Kate Clark Deputy Director (Policy & Research), Heritage Lottery Fund, UNITED KINGDOM [email protected]

Collègues du comité international CIPA Heritage Documentation

This is very sad news indeed. We have lost a colleague, friend and champion for documentation. I received an email from Robin several days ago discussing the RecorDIM partners meeting in Ottawa, so this comes as a complete shock and surprise. I have lost a friend I first met in the early 1980s. As CIPA President I will arrange a suitable response from the organization. Life is precious, and, as always, unpredictable. Robin has left CIPA with the RecorDIM legacy, and because of him we are a more active, cohesive and focused organization. We owe him and his memory a great deal. Regards,

Cliff Ogleby President of CIPA Heritage Documentation [email protected]


It is very difficult for everyone knowing Robin to accept the sad news. Especially for us having worked with him all these years the loss is really unbelievable. I think that Robin’s departure has left a large gap for us -involved in CIPA- to bridge. Definitely the forthcoming XXI CIPA Symposium will be a tribute to his memory. Prof. A. Georgopoulos National Technical University of Athens School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, Lab. of Photogrammetry NTUA, 9, Iroon Polytechniou, 15780 Zografos, Athens, Greece [email protected]

Dear Colleagues and friends, It is with deep regret that I would like to inform you that Robin Letellier passed away on April 20, 2007 in Philadelphia. He was teaching the Graduate Group in Historic Preservation at University of Pennsylvania when he was suddenly struck by a massive stroke. We have a duty to his memory to build on his foundation of the RecorDIM project in developing a strong framework for an international standard in Heritage Documentation. He had a much greater role in the initiation of the documentation standards group than was apparent from the two meetings we have had. It was Robin who enabled the open forum within CIPA that we have been able to build on. Robin was a natural convener and was able to keep the disparate and diverse opinions of many disciplines working together to the benefit of all. It is to him we owe our confidence in bringing our work to a wider world and in sharing our knowledge in the pursuit of better working practice and professionalism. Let us make our report a fitting tribute to the life of Robin and let us make its outcome a lasting contribution to heritage documentation!

Bill Blake [email protected]

I am so sad with the news, Robin leaves in all of us a legacy of friendship and the highest standards of professionalism. I hope we can live up to his expectations. I am very sad for his family, Francois please convey my deepest condolences, I wish I could go to Canada right away, sincerely

Mario Santana Quintero Raymond Lemaire Int’l Center for Conservation, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arengerg 1, Leuven (Heverlee) BELGIUM [email protected]

Dear friends I am devastated with the news of Robin, I really consider him a mentor and a friend, I hope we can make sure that his legacy and ideal life with us in our activities for the conservation of cultural heritage, I have to say that I always enjoyed the time with Robin, he was truly an engage professional in our field and he will be really missed, this is very sad for all of us at CIPA, RecorDIM and those who had the honor to teach

23 with him in Philadelphia. My sincere condolences to al of you and especially to his family, Dr. Mario Santana Quintero [email protected]

Dear Friends, I join the preceding messages and feel sad as you are all. CIPA is a group of friends and we lost one of our organizers. I will never forget how Robin was active in the last years, always ready to represent CIPA around the world, always having new ideas to develop Recording Documentation and always open to discussions. My sincere condolences to Robin's family. Adieu Robin

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pierre Grussenmeyer CIPA Treasurer, INSA Strasbourg, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Photogrammetry & Geomatics Group (MAP-PAGE UMR 694) 24, Boulevard de la Victoire, 67084 STRASBOURG Cedex, FRANCE [email protected]

Dear friends, This week for me begins with a hard shock and deep sadness. Robin was always a friend and really true colleague. I first met him at a CIPA symposium in Sinaia in 1993. His straight engagement for CIPA, RecorDIM and the field of Cultural Heritage Documentation has been exemplarily and unique. We lost Robin, a man who always tried "to bridge the gap". Now he left back a gap by himself which nobody is able to fill. We will miss him. But he also entailed us a heritage: to proceed in this work which was so important for him. My sincere condolences especially to his family.

Prof. Klaus Hanke CIPA Vicepresident, Surveying and Geoinformation Unit, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 13a, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria [email protected]

Dear all, Let me joint you for all the condolences. Difficult to assimilate but true. We'll never miss him!! Let's try to prepare our best memorial. My deepest sympathy.

Jose Luis Lerma Garcia [email protected] 24

I receive this with great sadness and send my condolences to his family and all friends. Yours Minna lonnqvist [email protected]

Dear all, I received the following mail from Bill and I feel to express my deep pain and my condolences to his family and all friends of RecorDIM family. I first met Robin in 1991 in Athens and Delphi at CIPA meetings and from the first time we had a friendship, so when in 2002 in Corfu he suggest to establish a group for standardization in cultural heritage I said to him start it and I am in. All those years he was quiet and smiling and all the time he was working to built the bridges between the experts dealing with monuments and I think he has made the start of RecorDIM. I feel very sad because of his unexpected going and I am afraid that my feelings will not allow me to be present in Ottawa due to his absence. I want to apologize to all receivers of this mail if it sounds too sorrowful to you but this is how I feel. With his memory in my heart I remain yours very truly Kostas Tokmakidis Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece [email protected]

Dear Friends I find it difficult to accept this tragic news as reality. Robin seemed in the middle of life, full of energy and enthusiasms, totally indestructible with so much still do achieve. This is a great loss for world heritage as a whole. My thoughts are with his family and those close to him.

Heinz Ruther [email protected]

Unfortunately very bad news, Rand informed me that Robin passed away this afternoon. I still cannot believe it; I spoke with him last week about the ARIS course and our article for ATHAR and he was fine, everything happened so quickly. He was a great professional and a really friendly person and I personally learned so much from him in the last years. A great loss, specially for his family but also for all his friends and for ICCROM. We will all miss him so much.

Ana Almagro Vidal [email protected]

These are very sad news. I am deeply touched. All the day I looked through the many pictures I have from Robin who was "my" reporter during our last travel together in China before, during and after the last ICOMOS General Assembly in Xi'an. I knew him since 1974, when we the first time met on the occasion of the Athens CIPA Symposium. That is 33 years ago. Since then we were together at nearly all CIPA

25 symposia, specially close since 1989 in Rome, when we started the first CIPA revolution and fought for new statutes and for Working Groups. We travelled together several times, met in the Americas, in Japan, China and often in various places of Europe. Robin disliked the predominantly technical orientation of CIPA and he was right with it. We fought together for a better CIPA. We corrected each other and we added ideas to each other's drafts. We had many disputes, but we always found a compromise, a concensus. When Robin tended to leave CIPA and to organize something for himself, I was lucky to hold him back, to keep him in CIPA and for CIPA. And finally he handed over his RecorDIM Initiative to CIPA as a valuable heritage CIPA can really be proud of. Robin served CIPA as Ordinary Member, as Working Group Chair, as Secretary to President Badekas, as Vicepresident to me and Petros Patias, and as creator of the RecorDIM Initiative. CIPA will not forget. Thank you, Robin.

Peter Waldhäusl Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna University of Technology, Gusshausstrasse 27- 29, Vienna, AUSTRIA [email protected]

Robin avec des membres du comité exécutif de CIPA Heritage Documentation Mario Santana (Belgique), Steve Nickerson (Canada), Robin, Pierre Grussenmeyer (France), Petros Patias (Grèce)


The last two weeks have seemed like years. The world changed for all of this, professionally and personally. It all happened so fast and following a rousing class finale. Robin was first and foremost a teacher, and he died teaching. That afternoon, over lunch, I asked him if he would be the keynote speaker for a symposium we were planning next spring on New Directions in the Digital Recording of Heritage. He of course agreed and had many ideas for the event. I would still like to hold that symposium as planned, now in Robin's memory.

Frank G. Matero Professor of Architecture and Chair, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, School of Design 115 Meyerson Hall, 210 South 34th Street, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA [email protected]

It has been difficult to think that Robin will be away. I have always counted on him in many ways. the history of this field, CIPA, as a stable and bridging voice between two very different groups of professionals. I will miss him as a friend. A great memory for me is when, after the ARIS course in 2005, we went to a very small restaurant and ate only sardines with olive oil and fresh bread and white wine with water. it was a very simple meal but the conversation was one of the most complex and interesting I have ever had about Rome, conservation, documentation, ICCROM and his years of teaching, the Getty, all the interesting friends and people he has worked with, snow in Canada, and his ideas of building a prefab house on a slanted rock in the woods. We must have eaten pounds of the sardines and talked for over five hours. I have a lot of these memories and my life is so much richer for having known Robin. he won't be away but I will always think of him when I remember these times, work and places. Please tell his family personally that I feel for them as their experience must have been 1000 times greater than mine as I have only known him a few years and in between places. Please also tell his other friends that I do not know the same as I am sure their time with him was as valuable as mine

Rand Eppich Senior Project Manager, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA, 90049 USA [email protected]

Like so many friends and colleagues around the world, I was shocked and saddened to learn of Robin’s untimely death. I first met Robin in the early 1980’s when a participant on ICCROM’s Architectural Conservation Course in Rome and was privileged to work with him for many years thereafter when he came to Rome to teach for the course. He was an incredibly dedicated and innovative professional, an inspiring teacher, and a special human being. He was generous with his knowledge and enjoyed life to the fullest. I have many fond memories of him from that time, both in the classroom and at many shared meals and social events with ICCROM participants from many parts of the globe. Our paths continued to cross thereafter, as we each pursued various professional paths. Most recently, Robin has been an important collaborator of the Getty Conservation Institute in work dedicated to his lifelong passion, the recording and documentation of historic buildings and sites. It is still hard for me to believe that just a couple of months ago, we shared a meal together in Tunisia where Robin once again inspired a group of young professionals

27 with his extraordinary knowledge and spirit. I will miss Robin as will the conservation community to which he dedicated his life. However, he leaves behind an incredible legacy that it is our responsibility to take forward in his memory. My sincerest condolences to his wife and family.

Jeanne Marie Teutonico Associate Director, Program, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA USA 90049 [email protected]

Please forward our deepest sympathies to his family Regards Ashley de Vos [email protected]

Robin Letellier in Memoriam In tiefer Trauer nehmen die deutsche Photogrammetrie und der Denkmalschutz in Deutschland Abschied von Robin Letellier, der am 20.April 2007 während einer Lehrveranstaltung für einen Konservator- Masterkurs an der University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia verstarb.

Robin Letellier hat sich nicht zuletzt auch als CIPA Vizepräsident durch sein unermüdliches Eintreten für die Überwindung der Kluft zwischen Produzenten und Anwendern von Information im Denkmalschutz,, auch um die deutsche Photogrammetrie verdient gemacht. So ist seine vehemente Werbung für dieses Konzept, z.B. bereits anlässlich des CIPA Symposiums 2001 in Potsdam, allen Beteiligten in bleibender Erinnerung.

Robin Letellier absolvierte 1969 sein Architekturstudium an der Laval University in Quebec City (Kanada).. Bereits ab 1970 bis 1997 wirkte er als Leiter des Dokumentationszentrums für die Verwaltung der Kulturdenkmäler der Nationalparks in Kanada, inklusive der Goldrauschstädte am Klondike und am Yukon, wie er nicht ohne Stolz hinzuzufügen pflegte.

Von 1974 bis 1999 war Robin Letellier Kanadas nationaler CIPA-Delegierter. Robin Letellier war auch Gründungsmitglied des “Recording and Documentation Committee” der kanadischen Sektion von ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites), dessen Vorsitz er von 1983 bis 1991 innehatte. Zwischen 1984 und 1999 gab er jährlich am Zentrum der Internationalen Organisation für den Denkmalschutz in Rom (ICCROM) Kurse in Dokumentation und Informationsverarbeitung. Seit 1996 fungierte Robin Letellier als Berater zahlreicher nationaler und internationaler Denkmalschutz- Organisationen.

In letzter Zeit hat er im Rahmen von Seminaren, Workshops und Vortragsreihen u.a. in Brasilien, in Indonesien, in Italien, in Japan, in Laos, in Österreich, auf den Philippinen, in Polen, in Slovenien und in Thailand neue Methoden zum Management von Baudenkmälern gefördert.

Robin Letellier arbeitete in sehr enger Kooperation mit dem Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) in einer “Bridging-the-Gap“ Initiative daran, im Rahmen von Partnerschaften zwischen internationalen Denkmalschutzorganisationen wie ICOMOS, UNESCO, ICCROM, CIPA, GCI usw., eine Verbesserung der Standards und der Praxis zum Management von Baudenkmälern zu erreichen. .

Wenn es noch Vorbilder gibt, so gehört Robin Letellier unzweifelhaft dazu. Seine periodischen internationalen RecorDIM Roundtable-Veranstaltungen zur Verbesserung des Managements im Denkmalschutz unter dem Dach von CIPA, ICOMOS und GCI waren Legende. Durch die Konsequente

28 Vorlage von Progress Reports mit Vortrag und Diskussion förderte er die Effektivität dieser inzwischen 16 internationalen Arbeitsgruppen.

Als ein bleibendes Resultat seiner Arbeit als Internationaler Koordinator der RecorDIM Initiative und damit seines Schaffens sei nicht zuletzt auch allen Kritikern zum Trotz auf das vom GCI publizierte Buch mit dem Titel “Recording, Documentation and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places – Guiding Principles“ verwiesen, für dessen posthume Herausgabe der Name Robin Letellier steht und das auch international bereits stark nachgefragt wird.

Robin Letellier war eine sehr präsente Persönlichkeit, mit der eine Zusammenarbeit als großes Glück empfunden wurde.

Robin war aber auch ein ausgeprägter Familienmensch, was z.B. wieder anlässlich des noch kürzlich von ihm organisierten Familientreffens der kanadischen Letelliers deutlich wurde. Robin hinterlässt eine Frau und 2 Kinder, denen unser Mitgefühl gilt..

In Robin haben wir einen Kollegen und Freund verloren, der im Alter von 63 Jahren viel zu früh von uns ging..

Walter Schuhr, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal und Francois LeBlanc, GCI, Los Angeles

My condolences and warm regards to Robin's family. Many people will no doubt comment that he died as he lived, intensely committed to passing on his experience and passion for his material. For which we all give thanks. What a loss to the conservation world. Such sadness for family and friends. What I shall recall, is that being with Robin was great fun- you knew you were with a very intensely committed bloke. A man who would not let go of an argument until he was sure you understood CIPA's perspective. A great contributor and teacher. We will each miss him in many ways. Sincerely, Sheridan Burke Co President ICOMOS Twentieth Century ISC [email protected]

We wish to express our deep regret and sincere condolence. Sincerely ICOMOS Spain

I just knew tonight the sad news that Robin passed away. He started to be my teacher in ICCROM, Rome, some 20 years ago (ARC 87) and we became fellows in his efforts to spread his method of documentation. Sincere condolences to his family. Fernando Pinto (former ICOMOS Earten Architecture ISC Chairman) Évora - Portugal [email protected]

I remember Robin well from my student days at DINA. Robin was terrific guy, quiet, funny and very knowlegable. He will be missed in the conservation world. Robert Lemon [email protected]


I was sad to hear the news of Robin's death. He seemed to be off doing work that he always enjoyed and in interesting places. His lose from our community will be significant. Richard Unterman Unterman McPhail Associates [email protected]

What Is Recordim? (Robin’s original idea for an international initiative) It is an international 5-year (2002-07) partnership between heritage conservation organizations or institutions working together to bridge the gaps that currently exist between the information users (researchers, conservation specialists of all trades, project managers, planners etc.) and the information providers (photographers, heritage recorders, photogrammetrists, surveyors, etc.).

The Partners in this Initiative are individuals from institutions that have created and support an active Task Group to bridge one or several of the gaps identified in earlier meetings. The Partners meet once every year to review progress, receive feedback, and approve the creation of new task groups.

(16 international Task Groups were created through this initiative, the last one dedicated to the creation of international standards for recording, documentation and information management of cultural heritage / 16 groupes internationaux de travail ont été créés à travers cette initiative, le dernier se consacrant à la création de standards internationaux pour les relevés, la documentation et la gestion de l’information)


Hommage commémoratif présenté le 28 sept. 2007 à l’église du Sacré Coeur, Ottawa, lors du service commémoratif pour Robin Memorial tribute presented during Robin’s memorial service on Sept. 28 at the Sacré Coeur church in Ottawa.

À Robin

Entre deux vols une aile s’est brisée Le moteur s’est arrêté… Le voyage continue car tu nous as laissé tes bagages

En les ouvrant délicatement il y avait des souvenirs inoubliables : la voix chaude de Léonard Cohen nous a enveloppés tes pas feutrés du matin se sont faits entendre et une senteur de café corsé nous a réveillé des photos pour nous rappeler comment tu savais capter des moments importants ton humour réservé s’en est échappé et nous avons rigolés un parfum léger de rhum nous a enivré et une longue liste de projets que tu n’as pu terminés. 30

Heureusement que tu nous laisses Des êtres chers à aimer

Par: Margot Bujold (sœur de Céline)

Une joie tranquille un bonheur tant désiré dans la durée malgré le temps qui raccourcit sa persévérance et sa détermination à renouveler sans cesse tous les espoirs sa confiance en la vie à trouver le meilleur chez les siens une voie pas tracée d’avance malgré toutes ses tentatives … comme nous, à la merci de la vie et de ses chemins cahoteux les voyages toujours prometteurs ouvertures des peuples et des beautés de ce monde … privilège des initiés un amoureux, un père, un frère, un ami, un confident il fallu que tu prennes le dernier billet, sans retour ce que j’essaie de dire : Robin tu nous laisses le meilleur de toi

Nous en sommes les privilégiés et les plus fiers

Merci Par: Carol Poulin (artiste peintre et restaurateur d’œuvres d’art, ami personnel de Robin)

Robin - 2004 - Assembléè Générale spéciale Robin 2005 - Assemblée Générale ICOMOS, Chine ICOMOS, Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe


Robin et Renée LeBlanc, Santa Monica, 2002 Robin au Sri Lanka - 2004

RecorDIM 2002 - Los Angeles, USA - Group photo at the Getty Conservation Institute

RecorDIM 2003, Los Angeles, USA - Visit of the Getty Conservation Institute labs


RecorDIM 2003, Vienne, Austriche

RecorDIM 2004, Louvain, Belgique

RecorDIM 2004 - Istanbul, Turquie RecorDIM 2004 - Londres, Royaume Uni


RecorDIM 2005 - Paris, France RecorDIM 2005 - Torino, Italie

RecorDIM 2006, Rome (ICCROM), Italie RecorDIM 2006, Nicosia, Chypre

RecorDIM 2007, Londres, Royaume Uni Robin, Tunisie 2007, cours de formation du Getty


Robin Mars 2007, enseignant aux gestionnaires de l’Institut National du Patrimoione, Hamamet, Tunisie

Église Sacré Coeur, Ottawa, Canada - Lieu du service commémoratif pour Robin, 28 avril, 2007

Céline Bujold, partenaire de Robin remerciant les participants pour leurs condoléances