Socio-Economic, Health and Environmental Impacts of Mining in Suriname, with a Focus on Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining

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Socio-Economic, Health and Environmental Impacts of Mining in Suriname, with a Focus on Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Socio-economic, health and environmental impacts of mining in Suriname, with a focus on Artisanal and Small-scale gold Mining Socio-economic, health and environmental impacts of mining in Suriname, with a focus on Artisanal and Small-scale gold Mining May 2017 | Final report Produced for: Global Environmental Facility / United Nations Development Program Produced by: Siriusstraat 14, Elizabethshof Paramaribo, Suriname Tel: (597) 457885 Authors: Marieke Heemskerk and Celine Duijves E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Reviewed by: Nathalie Emanuels, National Project Coordinator MIA, PPG, NAP; UNDP Clara Champalle, Climate Change Adaptation Consultant; OKAPI consulting Dirk Noordam, Environmental specialist; NEC Consulting Abbreviations ABS General Bureau of Statistics (Algemeen Bureau voor de Statistiek) ADEK Anton de Kom (University of Suriname) AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ALCOA Aluminum Company of America a.o. among others ASM Artisanal and Small-scale gold Mining ATM Labour, Technological development and Environment (Arbeid, Technologische ontwikkeling en Milieu), Ministry of ATV All Terrain Vehicle Au Gold (chemical symbol) BIS Bauxite Institute Suriname BOG Bureau Public Health care (Bureau Openbare Gezondheidszorg) cabaret Brothel in the ASM areas CAN Canadian CARICOM Caribbean Community and Common Market CBvS Central Bank of Suriname (Centrale Bank van Suriname) CI Conservation International CO2 Carbon dioxide (chemical symbol) COGASUR Gold Miners’ Cooperative Suriname (Cooperativo de Garimpeiros Suriname) curetela gold miners’ community CSW Commercial Sex Worker DC Districts Commissionar (Districtscommissaris) DNA The National Assembly DoS Department of State € Euro ECD Economic Control Service (Economische Controle Dienst) e.g. for example EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA) ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment et al. and others FPIC Free, Prior and Informed Consent FSP Full Sized Project g gram garimpeiro Gold miner (Brazilian Portuguese) GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GMD Geology and Mining Department (Geologisch Mijnbouwkundige Dienst) GNI Gross National Income GoS Government of Suriname Grassalco N.V. Grasshopper Aluminum Company ha. hectare HFLD High Forest cover Low Deforestation HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV+ HIV-Positive HSE Health, Safety and Environment HSEL Health, Safety, Environment and Land hg mercury (chemical element) Ibid. ibidem; as in the previous ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Managment i.e. “that is to say” ILO International Labor Organization IOM International Organization for Migration JAP Johan Adolf Pengel (international airport) Kg Kilograms Km² Square Kilometer KPS Suriname Police Corps (Korps Politie Suriname) LBMA London Bullion Market Association LSM Large-Scale Mining Mln Million MMO Marine Mammal Observer MoU Memory of Understanding MZ Medical Mission Primary Health Care Suriname (Medische Zending) NATIN Technical college (Natuurtechnisch Instituut) NGO Non Governmental Organisation NH Natural Resources, Ministry of NIMOS National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (Nationaal Instituut voor Milieu en Ontwikkeling in Suriname) NH Natural resources (Natuurlijke Hulpbronnen), Ministry of NV Public Company (Naamloos Vennootschap) OGS Regulation of the Gold Sector (Ordening Goudsector) PAHO Pan American Health Organization pers. com personal communication POC Paramaka Negotiation Committee (Paamaka Onderhandelingscommissie) RBT Regional Support Team (Regionaal Bijstands Team) RDA Residue Disposal Area REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries. SBB Foundation for Forest Management and Control (Stichting Bosbeheer en Bostoezicht) RGM Rosebel Gold Mines N.V. SEMIF Suriname Environmental and Mining Foundation SHMR Foundation Mining Title Holders (Stichting Houders Mijnbouw Rechten) SGMT School of Geology and Mining Technology SMART indicators Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound indicators SMMP School of Mining and Mineral Processing SORTS Foundation for Development of Radio and TV in Suriname (Stichting voor Ontwikkeling Radio & TV in Suriname) SPL Spent Pot Lining SRD Suriname Dollar (Surinaamse Dollar) STAR allocation System for Transparent Allocation of Resources SUR Suriname SURALCO Suriname Aluminum Company SWM Suriname Water Company (Surinaamse Waterleiding Maatschappij) TIP Trafficking in Persons µg Microgram; one millionth of a gram (10-6g) UMC University Medical Center UN United Nations UNASAT University of Applied Sciences and Technology UNDP United Nations Development Program UNEP UN Environment Program US United States US$ Unites States dollar USGS U.S. Geological Survey WHO World Health Organization WWF World Wide Fund for Nature yr year Contents Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Country map and key statistics ................................................................................................................... 12 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 14 1.1 Project background ....................................................................................................................... 14 1.2 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 15 1.3 Methods ........................................................................................................................................ 16 1.4 Report outline ............................................................................................................................... 16 2. Large-scale mining impacts ................................................................................................................. 17 2.1 Summary of Large Scale Mining impacts....................................................................................... 17 2.2 Oil.................................................................................................................................................. 20 2.3 Gold ............................................................................................................................................... 22 2.4 Bauxite ........................................................................................................................................... 26 2.5 Construction materials .................................................................................................................. 30 3. Socioeconomic Impacts of ASM ......................................................................................................... 32 3.1 Stakeholders .................................................................................................................................. 32 3.2 Demographic and social structure ................................................................................................ 34 3.2.1 Demographics ......................................................................................................................... 34 3.2.2 Organizational structure......................................................................................................... 35 3.2.3 Child labor .............................................................................................................................. 36 3.3 National Revenues ......................................................................................................................... 37 3.3.1 Royalty payments, license duty and statistical fee ................................................................ 37 3.3.2 Income tax .............................................................................................................................. 37 3.4 Mining incomes ............................................................................................................................. 37 3.5 Community development .............................................................................................................. 39 3.6 Crime ............................................................................................................................................. 40 3.6.1 Armed robbery ....................................................................................................................... 40 3.6.3 Illegal possession of weapons ................................................................................................ 41 3.6.4 Fighting crime ......................................................................................................................... 41 3.7 Irregular migration and overstay................................................................................................... 42 3.8 Commercial sex work ...................................................................................................................
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