2016 Minerals Yearbook


U.S. Department of the Interior October 2019 U.S. Geological Survey The Mineral Industry of By Philip A. Szczesniak

In 2016, the production of mineral commodities—notably International—Latin America and Canada, which are available cement, gold, and petroleum (crude as well as refinery at https://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/country/sa.html. products)—represented only a minor part of the economy of Suriname (Central Bank of Suriname, 2017a, p. 19, 75–77; References Cited 2017b). The legislative framework for the mineral sector in Central Bank of Suriname, 2017a, Suriname country profile—Economic Suriname is provided by the Mining Decree of May 8, 1986, and financial data: Central Bank of Suriname, May, 90 p. (Accessed and the Petroleum Law of 1990. Data on mineral production are July 26, 2017, at https://www.cbvs.sr/images/content/statistieken/CP/ in table 1. Table 2 is a list of major mineral industry facilities. Suriname_Country-Profile_12mei2017.pdf.) Central Bank of Suriname, 2017b, Table 21—Suriname—Gross domestic More-extensive coverage of the mineral industry of Suriname product by economic activity at current prices: Central Bank of Suriname, can be found in previous editions of the U.S. Geological 1 p. (Accessed March 1, 2018, at https://www.cbvs.sr/images/content/ Survey Minerals Yearbook, volume III, Area Reports— statistieken/Database/Table21_4102017.pdf.)

TaBLe 1 Suriname: PrODuCTiOn OF mineraL COmmODiTieS1

(Thousand metric tons, gross weight, unless otherwise specified)

Commodity2 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 meTaLS alumina 1,203 1,149 1,149 748 -- Bauxite 2,873 2,706 2,708 1,600 -- Gold, mine production, au content kilograms 33,474 34,213 33,000 e 28,800 r, e 30,200 e inDuSTriaL mineraLS Cement, hydraulice 114 131 130 r 160 160 mineraL FueLS anD reLaTeD maTeriaLS Petroleum:3 Crude thousand 42-gallon barrels 5,940 5,980 6,130 6,189 5,950 refinery production do. 2,310 2,780 1,460 2,900 3,825 eestimated. rrevised. do. Ditto. -- Zero. 1Table includes data available through november 29, 2017. all data are reported unless otherwise noted. estimated data are rounded to no more than three significant digits. 2in addition to the commodities listed, clay, gravel, sand, and crushed stone may have been produced in Suriname, but available information was inadequate to make reliable estimates of output. 3Source: Staatsolie maatschappij Suriname n.V.

Suriname—2016 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 18.1 TaBLe 2 Suriname: STruCTure OF THe mineraL inDuSTrY in 2016

(Thousand metric tons unless otherwise specified)

major operating companies and major annual Commodity equity owners Location of main facilities capacity alumina Joint venture of Suriname aluminum Suralco refinery at Paranam, about 2,207 1 Company, L.L.C. (Suralco), 55%, 25 kilometers south-southeast of and n.V. alcoa minerals of Suriname, 45% Bauxite do. Caramacca mine, about 40 kilometers na 2 southeast of Paramaribo Do. do. Coermotibo area open pit mines, about na 2 100 kilometers east-southeast of Paramaribo Do. do. Onverdacht area open pit mines, about na 2 20 kilometers south-southeast of Paramaribo Cement Vensur n.V. (joint venture of Clinker grinding facility near Livorno, 160 C. Kersten en Co. n.V. and about 5 kilometers south of Paramaribo Cementos argos S.a.) Gold: mine kilograms newmont Suriname, LLC (newmont merian mine, 60 kilometers south of 18,000 mining Corp., 75%, and Staatsolie maatschappij Suriname n.V., 25%) Do. do. nana resources n.V. Lawagebied, Benzdorp area na Do. do. rosebel Gold mines n.V. (iamGOLD rosebel mine, District, about 12,500 Corp., 95%, and n.V. Grassalco, 5%) 80 kilometers south of Paramaribo Do. do. Sarafina n.V. aqua azul na Do. do. artisanal miners Various locations, including the Brokopondo, 25,000 e marowijne, and the Sipaliwini Districts refined do. Kaloti Suriname mint House Wit’ Santi, about 50 kilometers south of 60,000 (Government, Kaloti Jewellery Group, Paramaribo and private investors) Petroleum: Crude thousand 42-gallon Staatsolie maatschappij Suriname n.V. Calcutta field, Tambaredjo field, and 6,200 barrels (Government, 100%) Tambaredjo north West field, refined do. do. Crude oil refinery at Tout Lui Faut, 5,500 products near Livorno, about 5 kilometers south of Paramaribo eestimated. Do., do. Ditto. na not available. 1alumina facility closed in 2015. 2Bauxite mines closed in 2015.