BIBLIOGRAFIE ARTICLES (40) Continued from N. If./.(J. 47, 1970, p. 197-247, and previous lists since 1947. — Publications not seen by the compiler of this incomplete bibliography are not included. — The existence of a Summary is indicated by a translation of the title. = Amigoe di Curacao = Beurs- en Nieuwsberichten = Nieuwe West-Indische Gids = De Surinaamse Landbouw /. Car. = Studies on the fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean islands /. 5W. = Studies on the fauna of Suriname and other Guyanas 5«r. Aftfg. = Suralco Magazine Bo». £«//. = Bonaire Bulletin J«r. 7«r. = Surinaams Juristenblad Abbé.C: Alimentatie naar Nederlands Antilliaans recht.y«i/i'cM 6, 1970, l,p. 1-4. Abbé, C.: De hoogsttoelaatbare huurprijs. ./«///'«ij J, 1969, 4, p. 109-110. ABC islands — lessons to be learned. IT./. C>in>w. S7, 1972, 7469, p. 3óB-3é4, 1 fig- Abortus op Curacao . ;4»»»go* 19.IX. 1970, p. 9. Abraham, Jopie: Host krijgt Bonaire cadeau. A»>;£O« 20.XI.1970, p. 9- — Wat doet Host op Bonaire, 3.XII, p. 6. (See Host Enterprises) Abraham, Jopie: Subsidio na Shell i Lago. /Co»tó<é/o A»/<j>tf»o 6, 1974, .5, p. 17-21. Abraham - van der Mark, E.E.: De kerk en de Shell beïnvloeden de gezinsstruc- tuur op Curacao. /»/;rm«</M/>6, 20.XI. 1970, 46, p. 65, 67, 2 figs. Abraham- van der Mark, Eva E.: Differences in the upbringing of boys and girls in Curacao, correlated with differences in the degree of neurotic instability. Car. J/iufcj 70, 1970, 1, p. 83-88. Abraham - van der Mark, Eva E.: (Review of) Julia Gorham Crane, Concomi- tants of selective emigration on a Caribbean island, 1966.
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