A Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), 63 Agricultural Drains, 39
Index A Antimicrobial cationic peptides (AMPs), 243 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 63 Antioxidants, 129, 148, 189, 199, 205, 218, 361 Agricultural drains, 39 Aphelenchoides besseyi, 136 Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Aphis sp. Institute (AGERI), 213, 219–226, A. craccivora,92 356, 361 A. gossypii, 110, 111 Agricultural intensification, 83, 102, 196 Applicability, 3 Agriculture, 3, 57, 138, 304 Aquaponics, 193 development, 8 Arsenic, 67, 166 modernization, 13 Azotobacter sp., 88 precision (PA), 257, 260–264, 286, 307 rainfed, 299, 317 sustainable, 3, 6, 81, 182, 190, 219, 255, B 274, 296 Bacillus spp., 88, 151 Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated B. subtilis, 69, 150 transformation, 221 B. thuringiensis (Bt), 216 Agroclimatic zones, 304 Bactericides, 66 Agro-diversity, 201 Bacteriocins, 232–234, 241, 242 Agroecological zones (AEZs), 305 Bacteriolysins, 241 Agroforestry, 193, 198 Barley, 84, 268 Agrotis ipsilon, 111 Berseem, 88, 95, 96 Alfalfa, 89–91, 97, 217 Bioavailability, 60, 67, 70, 182, 354 Alkaline phosphatase, 89 Biochar, 57 Alum, 163 Biocoagulants, 165 Aluminum sulfate, 163 Bio-preservation, 231, 241 Amaranth, 199 Bioremediation, 57, 69 Ammonia, 14, 97 Biosafety, 213, 224, 365 Anise, 94 Black cumin (Nigella sativa), 204, 205 Annatto, 236 Black cutworm, 111 Antibacterial agents, 147, 154, 242, 355 Brassica napus, 109, 204 Antibiotics, 14, 150, 157, 239–244 Brevibacillus spp., 69 Antifungal agents, 147, 151, 243 Brochothrix thermosphacta, 234 A. M. Negm and M. Abu-hashim (eds.), Sustainability of Agricultural Environment 371
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