Elementary Schools Christmas Holiday Ideally Celebrated
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°80RGb I ' SU>*ItorlriM ftoDAXi) T : £»&; '-'*•; rv^.'' • -'•'l «^t' iV Jtfi V V »f _ .sj'V *• • ; ' ' '•»>:'«i frW. • i r^.- Wi-> , i^ssiP •'•' v j. Vs*' fc#ISI":J' •'«*. »jr *" \ /1, JS /*, '< * • „ . ii.i'w^r JiS-r-.s'v • • • • ' v «s^ •.* . •• • •'-'"'•^i.-i^ ;-"-"4 - 6^ J i ,wa< SAir&T COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE ,c3iFifty-Fiftt Yeat—No. 37. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Cepy 5c. POST OFFICE HAS NEW YEAR'S DEFER MEETING LARGEST HOLIDAY HERE OF PRESIDENT'S Christmas Holiday There will be practically no devia tion from the customary manner ofi Elementary Schools BUSINESS EVER j observing the New Year's holiday BALL COMMITTEE Ideally Celebrated |which comes next Wednesday. Busi ly™ ™ „,;ii vi d Volume of ChristmasfK'j^™SL„TiSIi\SSs "niOrgariization Session to Th G e tpestainav Events Here Were Thor- Interesting Result of Check-Up oh the Hearing M«:I TIIA H»V HV HOIN.Re ,.w«i „«•! IT„M c<I A— XIIC uicdi rc»ID,I ruvcuLd nere were inor- Mail Far Exceeds W1 by. j» ^f ci°sed, as; Be Held Shortly After -r*. • T* i» i * • " Practically all the business places T,. 0 -.T *V, . s oughly In Keeping With Best Traditions ; of Pupils From 4 to 8 Inclusive, Conducted by Previous Holiday In; and public offices in the town. Thej First of Year—Expect •i TT . oji T Enfield Public Library will beclosed! r• § Miss Anna M. Sullivan, the School Nurse. tile History Ol tne LiO^-fbr the day also. At the municipal; J-JcirfifG General *Com- of the Holiday. r»nl Msiil AI*V ! headquarters at the town building! S Jl W Mw|„ .°| T *V!* ! the usual activities will be suspended mittee to Act. Christmas in Enfield was celebrat- An audiometer test by which the - I i r's^. for the day, as will all public works ' REGISTRATION condition of the hearing of nearly According' to the tentative estimate The hours at the Thompsonville j Chairman Miss Julia H. Doyle of !ed in keeping, with the finest tradi ASSESSORS TO tions of this great festal day. In all 1,200 pupils in the grade schools of made by Postmaster Patrick T. Mai- Post Office will be from 6 to 8 in the ^ president's Ball committee has! jthat the day signifies the celebration PLATES LEGAL «h. t.™ has iost been conjpUW|*ii&^r3S£ &Thf iSy *>•««« :was adequat, The ^ reliel„us ATTEND MEETING Miss Anna M. Sullivan, the School j holiday in the history of the local, the office will be open for those who the geneial committee until after thej , . , 1 + Nurse. It proved exceedingly satis- j mail service. This was true in thej wish to collect their mail from the holidays. Miss Doyle feels that it!?'arac ° "e e a ora e" y e phaslzed Wlth OF STATE GROUP IPMB.29TH factory from the general health volume of the incoming and outgo-j boxes. The plant of the Bigelow- wouid be an inopportune time to call i , ™ . the customary 0 01 0 . , . , ... ing mail; The receipts at the office j.oanfora Carpet Company which will such a nieetine while the Deonlp of; " " " ceremonies in all the parishes h d lf ? the a SSfStat'a.e ~rS&° " supiG » ten dW? priding Chrtotai. ta tt«.tay»U1 also partial- to w ™rf '^d with ShoS' „f the tan,. As is usual on this «- Commissioner Connor as show y day act}vities While n0 Local Officials Will Take S defMtivrh^rin^ was foun^to ?omparedjvith a year ago i + l has been set- for th definite date traordinary religious occasion, the at- Makes Announcement vatnbe comparatively^rective nearing small. was foundThe test to an increase of 40 per cent. ! , n Z u ® meeting, it is | tendance was exceptionally large at Part in Gathering to was conducted for the pupils in Postmaster Malley made the usual jing theannual[inventory It will re- planned to hold it in the high school! all the services. With their custo- extra preparations to handle the busi-1sume full operations Thursday, Jan- auditorium immediately after Janu-!marv reverence for this g^eat feast, Be Held at State Cap In Response to Many grades 4 to 8 inclusive and in all 1,195 ar 2 aVe been ary lst Th children were examined. The" result ness. In all, ten additional persons| " y - -., - e executive committee has: the people of the town responded Inquiries—Colors Will were employed in the sorting of the, closed for the^ holidays will resume sent out approximately 500 invita- heartilv to its religious appeal itol In Hartford Next of each individual test will be re 1 maj and assisting _the earners inisessions^Thursday mormng, January tions to citizens to serve on this com-! On the lighter side, not only was it Be Blue and Gold. corded on the health card of the pupil making their deliveries. Seven of the ;2- All the churches will conduct the tee. | Merry Christmas here but as the Monday Morning. which contains the general health niit a as ten were used inside the office and j ^ual New Year s Day services on At the forthcoming meeting, sev-' pre-holiday activities it. record of the chlidren. three on the outside. Three trucks New Year s Day. The us"°' M""' • • - • * • Commissioner Michael A. Connor In the audiometer test just com' were used for several days before the Years eve festivities will eeneral 1 rthur Ge ^announced this week that the Depart **.}» ^ »»»?>,?><>« — - • • - -- • - "- ment of Motor Vehicles has received pupils and Scitico with 20 headed the I a„es' public demonstration p.anned <or the ^itft'e SttS SfiPl} S- j ST many calls for information as to The outgoing mail practically end-j day. u Street School with 33 pupilsLj at.noon on Tuesday, but the in-! — S plained. The tickets for the ball will general air of unrestrained joy in-1 in Hnrtfnr^ Tl!^ L when the new registration plates for ;be ready for distribution at the first|dicated throughout the community' a1 unard Jitf 1936-1937 musj; be secured. The fol tewvPeLCfi!t n?Tfal and ^PiooCent comine mail continued in consider-:IfA\TAD DAf I AT ; meeting of the general committee. 1 which was not only influenced by the ! J have also, been in- lowing bulletin has been sent to all ! meeting and it is pos- SJrSM'?nafwrThe22£«&howi^bfe ^'HOINUK KOLL Al • It will be the effort of the committee j inspiring religious character of the si|3ip that some of them will attend 'branches of * the Motor Vehicle De d S 0 ed in the Kin* Street School disclos-l0ffice closed Tuesday eveninir Yes- iH&JSir ^ i :'> .!!fe lit- The session will begin at 10 A. M. partment/for posting so that the pub UirriMC cmnni •» P* because of ^comfort and happiness in thVt if WMiS ti°'VtSJ"°CaSl°S° lic may fee informed. ed 99 per cent normal and 1 jer cent|SayAwhile «fZ^Is ofenlnfy! mUUllMd MnUUL definite purpose to which most of the possible from the material side ofjg "1935 Connecticut Registration o a ^ J f .? ifor a brief period in the morning, the! fund will be devoted. er n eC 1V is felt that mar, wh : ! assessment problems by the foremost Plates are leg^tl for use. on Connecti L Jl? Jl M «•!, o i^ t 1 delivery of the Christmas packages) TC A AnVAITTVfrrn y ° will have j feast with more of" a feeling of se- i authm'itiM on t-Vio 0„'hiVpf A™„n„ cut motor vehicles up to and includ iooJ # QQ v6 ? \ §? ! was continued until every piece of j lo "O idea of attending the ball will be purity than for years. ^he spSkers wi« be tte Ho^rawl test of 98 pupils showed that 97 per; matter that bore any evidence of be- ing the last day of February, Sat cent of them were normal, 3 per cent glad of the opportunity to purchase | The celebration of .the feast here! .Tnm« .T rfc.taSS. B«."^5 urday, February 29th, 1936. The ing intended for Christmas was de- C e e< U e use t0 h1 w n0ta b e 0T e fact that not a new registration plates for 1936 can defective in the right ear and 96 per livered • ?u?the. money* ±i i*is tol U°fbe ^put .here.„ The^ 70]^ I single;^:i untoward. l .? ? %incident., . I Assessors of Cambrid™, Mass Mr! cent normal and 4 per cent defective one o'clock occurred (Qasey js the originator of the Cam- not be used prior to Saturday, Feb in the left ear. Hazardville School per cent of the net receipts of the-during the day. It was in ruary 29th, 1936. This establishes Speaking of the holiday business al hich is pt e f loCal om the with 143 tests gave a percentage of List of Pupils Entitled ^ \T v -,K ^ J ^ !^ , slightest disorder or mis-j tion," an«f his wofk in We" field of^lo- :a new registration date for motor at the office this morning, Postmaster. 11* L c< i. i i' health work wiH be divided between I hap of any character that endangered I Pai .vafinn Wn^ vehicles in Connecticut. The color 97 normal and 3 defective in both,MalleyCA1 ,expressed1C00CU hisIllo appreciationaiJpiccIttLiuI1 ofUJL ^ Higher Scholastic the School Health Department and the public safety. This was remark- years noteworthy for ears. In the Brainard School 97 per, faithful and untiring efforts of years. scheme of the Connecticut 1936 plates Standing For the Past '^e E"field VisitingVisi.ting Nurs? Associa-Jable in view of the fact that the holi- State Tax Commissioner William for cars and trucks will be a blue cent of 142 pupils tested had a normal • the clerks and carriers in tackling tion for use in corrective health day shopping crowd was the largest ear a per H.