°80RGb I ' SU>*ItorlriM ftoDAXi) T : £»&; '-'*•; rv^.'' • -'•'l «^t' iV Jtfi V V »f _ .sj'V *• • ; ' ' '•»>:'«i frW. • i r^.- Wi-> , i^ssiP •'•' v j. Vs*' fc#ISI":J' •'«*. »jr *" \ /1, JS /*, '< * • „ . ii.i'w^r JiS-r-.s'v • • • • ' v «s^ •.* . •• • •'-'"'•^i.-i^ ;-"-"4 - 6^ J i ,wa< SAir&T COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE ,c3iFifty-Fiftt Yeat—No. 37. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Cepy 5c. POST OFFICE HAS NEW YEAR'S DEFER MEETING LARGEST HOLIDAY HERE OF PRESIDENT'S Christmas Holiday There will be practically no devia­ tion from the customary manner ofi Elementary Schools BUSINESS EVER j observing the New Year's holiday BALL COMMITTEE Ideally Celebrated |which comes next Wednesday. Busi­ ly™ ™ „,;ii vi d Volume of ChristmasfK'j^™SL„TiSIi\SSs "niOrgariization Session to Th G e tpestainav Events Here Were Thor- Interesting Result of Check-Up oh the Hearing M«:I TIIA H»V HV HOIN.Re ,.w«i „«•! IT„M c<I A— XIIC uicdi rc»ID,I ruvcuLd nere were inor- Mail Far Exceeds W1 by. j» ^f ci°sed, as; Be Held Shortly After -r*. • T* i» i * • " Practically all the business places T,. 0 -.T *V, . s oughly In Keeping With Best Traditions ; of Pupils From 4 to 8 Inclusive, Conducted by Previous Holiday In; and public offices in the town. Thej First of Year—Expect •i TT . oji T Enfield Public Library will beclosed! r• § Miss Anna M. Sullivan, the School Nurse. tile History Ol tne LiO^-fbr the day also. At the municipal; J-JcirfifG General *Com- of the Holiday. r»nl Msiil AI*V ! headquarters at the town building! S Jl W Mw|„ .°| T *V!* ! the usual activities will be suspended mittee to Act. Christmas in Enfield was celebrat- An audiometer test by which the - I i r's^. for the day, as will all public works ' REGISTRATION condition of the hearing of nearly According' to the tentative estimate The hours at the Thompsonville j Chairman Miss Julia H. Doyle of !ed in keeping, with the finest tradi­ ASSESSORS TO tions of this great festal day. In all 1,200 pupils in the grade schools of made by Postmaster Patrick T. Mai- Post Office will be from 6 to 8 in the ^ president's Ball committee has! jthat the day signifies the celebration PLATES LEGAL «h. t.™ has iost been conjpUW|*ii&^r3S£ &Thf iSy *>•««« :was adequat, The ^ reliel„us ATTEND MEETING Miss Anna M. Sullivan, the School j holiday in the history of the local, the office will be open for those who the geneial committee until after thej , . , 1 + Nurse. It proved exceedingly satis- j mail service. This was true in thej wish to collect their mail from the holidays. Miss Doyle feels that it!?'arac ° "e e a ora e" y e phaslzed Wlth OF STATE GROUP IPMB.29TH factory from the general health volume of the incoming and outgo-j boxes. The plant of the Bigelow- wouid be an inopportune time to call i , ™ . the customary 0 01 0 . , . , ... ing mail; The receipts at the office j.oanfora Carpet Company which will such a nieetine while the Deonlp of; " " " ceremonies in all the parishes h d lf ? the a SSfStat'a.e ~rS&° " supiG » ten dW? priding Chrtotai. ta tt«.tay»U1 also partial- to w ™rf '^d with ShoS' „f the tan,. As is usual on this «- Commissioner Connor as show y day act}vities While n0 Local Officials Will Take S defMtivrh^rin^ was foun^to ?omparedjvith a year ago i + l has been set- for th definite date traordinary religious occasion, the at- Makes Announcement vatnbe comparatively^rective nearing small. was foundThe test to an increase of 40 per cent. ! , n Z u ® meeting, it is | tendance was exceptionally large at Part in Gathering to was conducted for the pupils in Postmaster Malley made the usual jing theannual[inventory It will re- planned to hold it in the high school! all the services. With their custo- extra preparations to handle the busi-1sume full operations Thursday, Jan- auditorium immediately after Janu-!marv reverence for this g^eat feast, Be Held at State Cap­ In Response to Many grades 4 to 8 inclusive and in all 1,195 ar 2 aVe been ary lst Th children were examined. The" result ness. In all, ten additional persons| " y - -., - e executive committee has: the people of the town responded Inquiries—Colors Will were employed in the sorting of the, closed for the^ holidays will resume sent out approximately 500 invita- heartilv to its religious appeal itol In Hartford Next of each individual test will be re­ 1 maj and assisting _the earners inisessions^Thursday mormng, January tions to citizens to serve on this com-! On the lighter side, not only was it Be Blue and Gold. corded on the health card of the pupil making their deliveries. Seven of the ;2- All the churches will conduct the tee. | Merry Christmas here but as the Monday Morning. which contains the general health niit a as ten were used inside the office and j ^ual New Year s Day services on At the forthcoming meeting, sev-' pre-holiday activities it. record of the chlidren. three on the outside. Three trucks New Year s Day. The us"°' M""' • • - • * • Commissioner Michael A. Connor In the audiometer test just com' were used for several days before the Years eve festivities will eeneral 1 rthur Ge ^announced this week that the Depart­ **.}» ^ »»»?>,?><>« — - • • - -- • - "- ment of Motor Vehicles has received pupils and Scitico with 20 headed the I a„es' public demonstration p.anned <or the ^itft'e SttS SfiPl} S- j ST many calls for information as to The outgoing mail practically end-j day. u Street School with 33 pupilsLj at.noon on Tuesday, but the in-! — S plained. The tickets for the ball will general air of unrestrained joy in-1 in Hnrtfnr^ Tl!^ L when the new registration plates for ;be ready for distribution at the first|dicated throughout the community' a1 unard Jitf 1936-1937 musj; be secured. The fol­ tewvPeLCfi!t n?Tfal and ^PiooCent comine mail continued in consider-:IfA\TAD DAf I AT ; meeting of the general committee. 1 which was not only influenced by the ! J have also, been in- lowing bulletin has been sent to all ! meeting and it is pos- SJrSM'?nafwrThe22£«&howi^bfe ^'HOINUK KOLL Al • It will be the effort of the committee j inspiring religious character of the si|3ip that some of them will attend 'branches of * the Motor Vehicle De­ d S 0 ed in the Kin* Street School disclos-l0ffice closed Tuesday eveninir Yes- iH&JSir ^ i :'> .!!fe lit- The session will begin at 10 A. M. partment/for posting so that the pub­ UirriMC cmnni •» P* because of ^comfort and happiness in thVt if WMiS ti°'VtSJ"°CaSl°S° lic may fee informed. ed 99 per cent normal and 1 jer cent|SayAwhile «fZ^Is ofenlnfy! mUUllMd MnUUL definite purpose to which most of the possible from the material side ofjg "1935 Connecticut Registration o a ^ J f .? ifor a brief period in the morning, the! fund will be devoted. er n eC 1V is felt that mar, wh : ! assessment problems by the foremost Plates are leg^tl for use. on Connecti­ L Jl? Jl M «•!, o i^ t 1 delivery of the Christmas packages) TC A AnVAITTVfrrn y ° will have j feast with more of" a feeling of se- i authm'itiM on t-Vio 0„'hiVpf A™„n„ cut motor vehicles up to and includ­ iooJ # QQ v6 ? \ §? ! was continued until every piece of j lo "O idea of attending the ball will be purity than for years. ^he spSkers wi« be tte Ho^rawl test of 98 pupils showed that 97 per; matter that bore any evidence of be- ing the last day of February, Sat­ cent of them were normal, 3 per cent glad of the opportunity to purchase | The celebration of .the feast here! .Tnm« .T rfc.taSS. B«."^5 urday, February 29th, 1936. The ing intended for Christmas was de- C e e< U e use t0 h1 w n0ta b e 0T e fact that not a new registration plates for 1936 can­ defective in the right ear and 96 per livered • ?u?the. money* ±i i*is tol U°fbe ^put .here.„ The^ 70]^ I single;^:i untoward. l .? ? %incident., . I Assessors of Cambrid™, Mass Mr! cent normal and 4 per cent defective one o'clock occurred (Qasey js the originator of the Cam- not be used prior to Saturday, Feb­ in the left ear. Hazardville School per cent of the net receipts of the-during the day. It was in ruary 29th, 1936. This establishes Speaking of the holiday business al hich is pt e f loCal om the with 143 tests gave a percentage of List of Pupils Entitled ^ \T v -,K ^ J ^ !^ , slightest disorder or mis-j tion," an«f his wofk in We" field of^lo- :a new registration date for motor at the office this morning, Postmaster. 11* L c< i. i i' health work wiH be divided between I hap of any character that endangered I Pai .vafinn Wn^ vehicles in Connecticut. The color 97 normal and 3 defective in both,MalleyCA1 ,expressed1C00CU hisIllo appreciationaiJpiccIttLiuI1 ofUJL ^ Higher Scholastic the School Health Department and the public safety. This was remark- years noteworthy for ears. In the Brainard School 97 per, faithful and untiring efforts of years. scheme of the Connecticut 1936 plates Standing For the Past '^e E"field VisitingVisi.ting Nurs? Associa-Jable in view of the fact that the holi- State Tax Commissioner William for cars and trucks will be a blue cent of 142 pupils tested had a normal • the clerks and carriers in tackling tion for use in corrective health day shopping crowd was the largest ear a per H.
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