Swapo Leader Acts on Death Attempt
Friday June 13 1986 SOc Swapo leader acts on death attempt STAFF REPORTER IN AN URGENT COURT application yesterday afternoon, Swapo's Education Secretary, Mr Joshua Hoebeb, called for a Nudo member, Mr Unotjari Katjimune, to hand in his firearms and ammunition, and to stop Mr Katjimune from assaulting, molesting, or threatening to physically harm his fundamental human rights. The.application arises from an. alleged attempt on the life of Mr Hoebeb last Sunday evening, in which shots were fired into his car and windows smashed with sticks and metal rods. Mr Katjimune is cited as the First Respondent, and the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), of NATIONAL STATE which Nudo is a member party, as · the second. The notice of motion called upon OF EMERGENCY the Supreme Court in Windhoek to declare that Mr Katjimune was un fit to legally possess a firearm, and IN SOUTH AFRICA ·~ that he immediately surrender such firearm and ammunition to the Police, pending the outcome of - INSIDE criminal charges laid by Mr Hoe.beb, at the Katutura Police station. Affidavits by several people were filed in support of Mr Hoebeb's Specialists for hearing aids application. Included among them are affidavits by ' Mr Vezera Kandetu, Mr Daniel Tjongarero, Mr Otniel Kazombiaze, Ms Nora Windhoek PORTUS BLASIUS, a 15·year~0Id schoolboy Chase and two Windhoek jour nalists, Mr John Liebenberg and Hearing Aids from northern. Nainibia, whose face was Mr David Pieters. badly burned when soldiers put his head ¥r Hoeb~b broullh!. the applica Continental Building PO Box 3552 against the exhaust sys.em of an Idling tipn in his capacity as member of 1st Floor, Room 48 Kaiser Street.
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