Africa South October 16 I Presid ent Mr Sam Nujoma sets rree two white doves at Saturday's Swnkopmund rally to stress the organisation's commitment to peace. Nujoma says pensions are secure, and urges all white Namibians to stay in ttie country '--------------------------------------BYSTANLEyKATZAO--------------------------------____--' SWAPO President Mr Sam Nujoma Fi nally dismissed persistent for all" an end IOcolonial ism, impe­ reconciliation was illustrated when the difference between a freedom allega tions that a Swapo government would claim the pension rialism anddegredation, Mr Nujoma he even welcomed OT A leader Mr fighter and a co1!aborator. money accrued by Namibian civil serva nts. said. Dirk Mudge, who was reporlCd as Mr Dirk Mudge. who used to be He requested the crowd to risc and saying in 198 I al a conference in the deputy in thc colonial admini· During his third 'Star Rally ' on ism" flnt, and later agaimt the South share a moment of silence in memo Geneva that Swapo would suffer a SU'ltion, was now "pretending to be Saturday, Mr Nujoml told the ap­ African-British collaborators with their ory of the heroes who sacrificed their military defeat. a freedom figh ter", he said. proximate 21 000 enthusiastic sup­ ideologies of apartheid and colonial­ lives during the national liberation The same people said Untag would Referring 10 propaganda that the porters II the Swakopmund spons ism. struggle. never arrive in Namibia, and that Swapo leaders previously in exile grounds "nobody has the righl. Many people had suffered in the Urging all Namibians to tAke pan Resoluti on435 wasouldated andnot would kick the civil servants out of whether a government or an individ­ cause of the struggle, Mr Nujoma in the process of reconciliation, Mr a holy cow. " But Swapo stood fmn an independent Namibia, Mr Nujoma ual, \0 take thaI money", continued, and if they had not been N ujoma said the CmU'al Comillee of and insisted that 435 was the only once again e;l{prtssed the policy of I The metting. which was regarded killed, they had starved "'f hunger, Swapo, during an c;l{U'aord inary resolution 10 bring genuine peace future Swapo goverment by saying by SWIPO Election Director Mr Hage while Namibia, wilh the largest fish meeting in February this year, adopIW and in dependence 10 this country." "we are 50 small that we will proba· Gcingob as a "resounding success" . deposits in the world, had produced a policy of nalional reconciliation. Mr Nujoma sU'essed. bly need technical assistance from took place without any incident of more than I 000 000 tonnes of fi sh " By adopting this, we tnean to Condcmning these collaborators, other countries. intimidation or violence being re­ during 1983/84. bring about peace, freedom and inde· who even refcrred to the SADF . " The teachers will maintain their ported. These were some of the reasons pendence to this country," he said. "the bruta l killer5 of our people" . jobs. Thcre will be upgraded schools At the start of his addres ~ . the why Swapo "fought to put once and Mr Nujoma's seriousness with as thcir army, Mr Nujoma explained for them ... lomect international stan­ Swapo President thanked the diplo· dards. The same will be the case with mlltie eOl'pS and the press for their the police and the civil servants." contribullon during the struggle for On thequcstionofland ~form, Mr independence. Children burn Swapo flags Nujoma said "it will be carried OUI The international community scicr.lificaUy". This would ensure "contributed collectively through the th ai those without land, even the FORMER KOtvod members, and now DTA supporltn al Omaalaia vlllagt In norlbtrn Namibia, have rtpor1t dly U ni ~d Nations, Organisation of "poor" whi les, would be given the rtt:rulltd childrt n 10 rtmovt Swapo nags from houKS and IrtU and 10 provokt Swapo Wpporltrs. African Unity" Ilnd other organisa' According 10 a reporl from Nampa, this was rt vtaled by 15·ytar·old Shavuka Nyau, who.sald ht was I!lvtn monty by opportunilY toown their motherl and. tions, while the press was mainly Nghlmbwasha Nakaplpl, ont of al lust tight DT A supp<H'lrrs al Omaaiala, to rt movt Swapo nlqls from housts and Farm owners would be assisted active in exposing the bru talitic.o; of hurn tbtm. Tht boy admltttd to havt burnl a number otnags In rtturn for payment. with funds to improve their produc­ the Pretoria regime toward the people Two tmployttsollbt Oshakall Statt Ilospltai, Paull15 Nangolo and Erkklt NuJoma, both from Omaalala, said a houM' tion so thaI they couJd produce enough of this country, to houK antl-Swaponagrrusadt Mgan a rtwwttks Igo and hassinct contlnutd. ThtlwO men also said thai pt'oplt wtrt food, not only for consumption, but He e;l{~ssed his sympathy with gdting duth thftal~ fl'om DTA 5Uwortus In tht .rtL also for export. \he Frontline StaleS who, despite con· " Qultt a numbtr ofSwapoftags have betn rtmoved f'rom ~ . and trt"' cutlnlo pltc:" and buml" said an angry He regarded the pension phobia as tinuous attacks by South Africa, Nan lC oio .. ho was Ihrtatt nt d ...-ith dtath a ft w days ago. a "serious "rimc" whkh ..... as b.!ing "remained firm toward the struggle lit said tht situation had worsrntd slntt lilt m:usivr Swapo rally at Oshakall on OcloMr 7 In ttrln'l of dtalh Ihrrats put on the shl)uldcrs of Swapo, but uf SWllpU" . a nd ad.~ ofinlimidatlon against Swapo sll pporlt rs. lit said Ihat ht had Men Ihru tt ned ...-ith dt;dh for 'hrlnj:inl/: Sv.apu the movement would gUManlce the Mr NUJoma paid tribute to the 10 Umaalala". pensions of those "'. hl) ..... cre current I y Witboois, MahCfl:r05, Mandumcs and NanlCoi o gavt t ight natl'ks of formtr Korvorl members who Wt rt c:onSlanlly thrt attnlnR pl"Opt t al Om .... I .. la \'iU al!t wl)rking in NlUTlihia. the Hainyckos, and said SWllPO was vlllalCt. Tht y art ailtKtd to M Davi d KalonRt, Nghimhwasha Nakaplpl (S wa pol nwmbl'f'). ";mbunRu Nguyo, "1l1 cmon Mr NujolUa urgcd whitc Namihi· very proud tllat it had fulfilled the Mutlkisha and Nunkonli Mathrus. Most orthem art .\aId 10 hllvr hern Sot'tn wllh pistols. ans In Silly in the e.HUllf)'. rarti,·u. .... ishes I>f the foref:nh('TII, who " fouJ::ht " W t slronl!ly appd.lto UntaR, and t sptcl all y S wapl ~, which Is fCsponsihl t for malnhlininl: la'" and ord~' r , tn acl imml.'dialtiy ht'ror ~ th ~ !Jlua ti ulIRcls out of hand" , Na nl:olo said, uprts!Jn J,: Ihe St' ntimt'nts of many Vlltlll:t r "., i . knl .~. herlH c ~lIy aJ::ainst Gt:rman impt:rial. CONTINUE• D ON P,\(; r. J 2 Monday October 16 1989 THE NAMIBIAN EVERY STF. I'ofNo"cmber's e)«lion proces..'t will, in theory, be will be appointed as oontrollf... -n, eloc­ polling stations as widely known as and Untag, the AG and SI{ being the watched ovcr by Unlag monitors, who are charged wit h k~pi n g tonll officers and presiding officers, possible. final judges when no agreement is a constant check on stafT appointed by the South Afr ican while all polling and counting offi­ .. Presiding officers must have the reathed. ecrs will have to be of' 'proven inte­ administration to Tun the polling process. agrecment of their Untag counter­ • 8&1101 counting officers must girty, impaniality and good stand­ parts before stopping voting at any have the go ahead from Untag per­ From the polling Sial ion 10 the • During the d caiun pmccss, UOlag ing", These people can only be ap­ polling station because of an emer­ sonnel before rejecting any ballOl. or wunling of votes \0 the guarding of slaff are allowed LO be present at: the pointed once each person's panicu­ gency. Agrocmoll must also be sought deciding which party should beCfed­ ballot boxes, Un lag staff win moni ­ offices of the chief el C:C lOrial officer lars have been submiued to Mr Ahti­ from Untag before presidingoffieers ited with an doubful vote. lor the work of their administration and controllers appointed by the lat­ saari. who has the right 10 refuse the c~ fon;e a person to leave a polling .. The electoral officer must have counterparts, the Adminislflllor ler; the offices of each district's eJee­ appoimment of any of these election statio n or prevent any person from Untag's agreement before the elec· General (AG ) and the UN Special IOral officer: all polling stations; all officers. voting. tion results at both district and na­ Representative (SR) have agreed. places where ballot bmes are kept: .. The AG shall keep the SR in­ .. Untag staff eanoversce th e proc­ tional level are announced. Even lhe ..... ork of the Chief Elec­ all places where ballot holies are formed about the nwnber and loca­ ess by which elcclion saff check .. Disputes between parties and the toral Officer. Mr Andries ViSSI.:r, ...·iII opened, tendered 0011015 checked, lions of poll ing stations. Decisions whether voters are entilled to vote. chief electoral officer about the liS! have 10 be oveneen by Unlag person­ ballolS counted and where theresults on the usc and location of mobile .. Presising officers musl consul! of candidates must be resolved by nel. arc decided: all places where regis­ polling stations will be taken jointly with Unlag before making a voter consulting with the AG and SR. Aflcr much negotiation. AG Mr tration cards arc checked : and "aU by the chief electoral offiCl.: r and his cast a "tendered ballot" (see EJec­ .
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