Cahinet Reeords Its 'Aehievements'
.. * Workers will strike on Monday and Tuesday if bases are not moved · inside today * POLICE. UPROAR. OVER DOCUMENT Swoop ~noffices of The Namibian .to· confiscate copies STAFF REPORTER P.OLICE are in uproar about a document apparently 'leaked' from their offices. Colonel Willem Nel of the Security Police, and Colonel Harry Homann, the police legal affairs officer, swooped on the offices of The Nami bian yesterday midday, to confiscate the document in . order to investigate the niatter. Although neither the document, nor copies of it, are presently in our posses sion, it sets out·a draft law for the maintenance of law and order in Namibia, and allocates sweeping powers to the Police Commissioner. Colonels Nel and Homann said they Namibia, the document provides for had been informed that the sweeping powers to prohibit meetings, newspaper's editor, Gwen Lister, had' prohibit people from attending a copy of the document, and demand meetings, and to declare certain peo ed the said papers for the purposes of ple as affected persons. investigation. They said that although Wide indemnity is provided in the they wou~d not like to do so, they could police document for any civil servant invoke thl\ prQvi.aiMs of A.G 9 and . (whether they be polka. ~lllY. -'ll:... ....-:- _~..,.,..~ . search both the offices of The Nami terim government member), and bian as well as Lister's home, if the members ofthe public are prevented document was not handed over. from taking legal action against any The only copy in the newspaper's ofthe above .. po'ssession was then handed to the The proposed draft law provided that police, and Lister declined to answer ' offences in terms of this draft are questions as to how or when it had punishable by a fine ofR20 000 or ten come into her possession.
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