Reservation Ear Program Updated
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Wotaninwowapi Page 11 March 27, 1975 a. CUSTER SOUTH DAKOTA AIM TRIALS BEGIN WOUICTON, D.C. (AIPA) - March 5 "Riot by using force and violence Means--"Without legal cause, with in- Escamilla, Kingfisher and Black Horse mark the opening of South Dakota's with will three or more persons acting to- tent to do bodily harm without are charged with an eleven-count indict- moa against American Indian Movement cause, gether during riot. Banks carried a assault ment which includes the most serious of members charged in connection with and battery on Terrence Mays (AIM) deadly weapon or dangerous weapon (wood- with dangerous weapon (wooden stool), all charges against any of the Wounded =outbreak in Custer, S.D., in February en club or riot baton)." without intent to kill. Assault on Car- Knee defendants, ranging from conspiracy 1973, which followed the murder of an of Banks, B. Nichols, D. Nichols, Laf- rie Mays with intent to inflict great to attempt to commit murder, and carry- Oglala man, Wesley Bad Heart Bull, by a ferty and Carlson--"Burglary in third bodily injury. Riot by using force and ing with them a possible maximum sen- man. The first of this round of degree by breaking and entering vehicle violence together with three or more tence of hundreds of years per defen- . , 11 be tried in Custer. and of structure ,here property was kept persons acting together and without dant. ral persona have been convicted It. with intent to commit larceny by break- authority of law, and ensuing riot." The final set of federal cases will jailed for their part in the Custer ing and into locked passage compartment and "Means carried a deadly or dangerous be tried by Judge Nichol, who dismissed demetration. Sarah Bad Heart Bull, Og- locked trunk of the police vehicle, the weapon (wooden stool). Arson second de- the case last year against Dennis Banks mother of the deceased Wesley, is lala, property of Custer County Law Enforce- gree, aiding the burning of a building, and Russell Means in Minneapolis, Minn. currently on parole after serving lees ment Commission. Took items including the property of another, without owner's Trial has been set for Sioux City, Iowa, year of her sentence. Robert High than a two shotguns and o. rifle. consent, Custer County Courthouse, Tex- pending a change of venue motion by the Digle, Oglala, and Kenneth Dahl, non-In- Banks, Bean, Bad Milk--"Injury to aco Gasoline Station, Custer Chamber of defense, with no set date, in the cases dian, are presently serving identical public building by causing it to burn, Commerce Building." against Leonard Crow Dog, a medicine-man sentences of from five to seven year I Custer County Courthouse, by 1 Banks, In federal cases against Wounded Knee from Rosebud, Sioux Reservation, and sentences. '1 used riot baton and chair and broke win- defendants, Federal District Judge Craig Carter Camp (Ponca) and Stanley Holder , The first defendant is expected to be dow panes and frames in clerk's office. has set May 5 as the trial date to begin (Wichita), both from Oklahoma. AIM executive director Dennis J. Banks, 2. Banks, used flagstaff and broke win- the Phoenix, Az., case of five men char- Camp is charged on a three-count in- Chippewa. Other defendants include dows of the clerk's office. 3. Bad Milk, ged with the so-called "Rap Brown Act," dictment: "impeding, opposing, resisting Bummll Means (Oglala), Vernon ' threw bottles and other debris at Court- conspiring to transport arms across a United States postal inspector; put- Bellecourt (Chippewa), David Hill (Ute), house. 4. Brave Dixon, arson in the sec- state lines to incite a riot. The defen- ting in fear unlawfully and willfully to John Carlson (Chippewa), Paul Clifford ' ond degree by setting fire to and aid dants are Russell Means, Ronald Petite, take from the person of Jack Hansen (Oglala), Delilah Bean, Ronald Bad Milk, the burning of Custer Chamber of Com- Eugene Heavyrunner, Herbert Powlees and (with inspector) a pistol belonging to Boer& Brave Dixon, Donald Lafferty, merce Building." Stanley Holder. A government informant, the United States; and assault against Wined Black Elk, Lawrence Red Shirt, Banks, Bellecourt, Hill, and Means--- Lon Smith, non-Indian, reportedly pur- Vernon Grimes (an FBI agent)." &head Clifford, Bernadine Nichols and conspired to commit arson in the second chased the weapons from a Phoenix pawn Helder is charged with "impeding, op- Darleme Nichols (all Oglala), and Robert degree, and one or more did enact to ef- shop, put them in his car and transport- posing, resisting, intimidating and in- Anko (Kiowa). fect the object of the conspiracy." ed them from the establishment. terfering with a postal inspector; and "The events at Custer," states the Means, Hill, Lafferty, Black Elk, Red Smith was not charged as a party to taking a pistol from Jack Hansen." Crow irdictment, "were extensively documented Shirt, Anko, Bad Milk, Brave Dixon, the alleged crime. Following pre-trial Dog is charged with the same two counts y by still photographs, t.v. and radio Bean, P. Clifford and E. Clifford--Riot motions in early February, Arizona news- with the addition of a one-count larceny °maws, and interested citizens during which arson in second degree, boy papers carried an unrelated report that indictment for "taking from the Wounded Numrss. CBS, UPI were there, as well as using force and violence with three or Smith, a resident of Phoenix, was a CIA Knee Trading Poet, with intent to steal cameramen from the Department of Crimi- more persons: acting together and during agent of seven years. Court records show or purloin firearms, food and other nal Investigation." As listed, the spe- the course of said riot. Smith to be an agent of the FBI. Accord- items." cific charges as follows: Hill--"Assault and battery on Bernard ing to informed sources, Smith wrote Camp and Holder face maximum sen- Banks--"Riot by tieing force or vio- Christianson with weapon (riot baton) numerous letters to AIM members during tences and fines of 21 years and/or lence without legal cause or authority with intent to do bodily harm without the 1973 Wounded Knee siege stating that $10,000. Crow Dog faces possible penal- of law, with three or more persons act- excuse and without intent to kill." he could buy gum. Reportedly, Smith ties of 26 years and/or $15,000.# ing together and during the riot, Banks Means, Hill, Lafferty, Black Elk, Red made a trip to Rapid City, S.D., to meet directed others who participated in the Shirt, Anko, Bad Milk, Brave Dixon, with defendants in the conspiracy case, riot - to acts of force or violence. As- Bean, P. Clifford and E. Clifford--"Riot initiating the Phoenix purchase that re- sault and battery on Dale Stoner with during which arson in second degree by sulted in the five indictments. dangerous weapon (riot baton or club) using force and violence with three or Other federal cases against Wounded with intent to do bodily 'harm without more persons together and during the Knee defendants are set to begin within intent to kill. course of said riot. the month of March in Council Bluffs, "Arson in second degree by setting "Arson in second degree was committed Iowa. Defendants in those cases include: fire to and aiding in the burning of a by one or more of the rioters in that Bernard Escamilla, Genieva Red Thunder, .ing, Texaco Gasoline Station, with- the Custer County Chamber of Commerce Joe Bill, Martina White Bear, Frank :'ssier's consent and of by another. Building, the Texaco Gas Station, the Black Horse, Colin Kingfisher and nine rn in second degree by setting fire Standard Oil Bulk Statton and a Custer non-Indians arrested during the occupa- to and aiding the burning of a building, County police car were burnt and set tion when they told South Dakota police Cuter Chamber of Commerce, the property fire contrary to law and without owner's they were on their way to Wounded Knee. of another without owner's consent. consent." Third degree burglary by breaking and entering of a vehicle, where property was kept, with intent to commit larceny or any other felony, sheriff's law en- foroment car. 11 11 11 • RESERVATION EAR PROGRAM UPDATED Riok Figenshow, a pars-medic working for the Indian Health Rick Figenshow, seated. and Dr. Cheng inspect patient's Service, checks Chad Bear's ears. Rick travels around to ears with new equipment installed in the IRS clinic in Montana's seven Indian reservations and Wind River Reser- Poplar. Dr. Cheng visits Poplar once a month to serve vation in Wyoming as part of the IBS Mobile Ear Clinic Shannon Ching. seated, is an audiologist station- any Indian people with ear problems referred to him by checking pre-school and grade school children for ear prob- ed at the Eastern Montana Audiological Facility the IRS Doctors. The microscope pictured and related lems. The most common ear problem on the Fort Peck Reser- in Glendive. Shannon covers 17 counties in Eastern equipment behind Dr. Cheng cost approximately $6,000. vation is Acute Otitis Media, which rates as number six- Montana. Fe is shown testing Diane Chase. Poplar, teen of twenty leading causes for outpatient services at in a /15. -v)0 sound proof booth instalted at the the IRS Clinic' in Poplar for 1974. clinic..