93 BIBLIOGRAFIE ARTICLES (43) Continued from JV. IT. 7.G. J50 (p. 217-236, 148-180), 47 (p. 197-247), and pre- vious lists since 1947. — Publications not seen by the compiler of this /nco»»- />/^te bibliography are not included. — The existence of a Summary is indicated by a translation of the title. Pacheco Domacasse . Dramatisatie kan falen van ons onderwijssysteem neu- traliseren. J4W7^;O£ 19.XII. 1974, p. 9, portr. Palm, Edgar: Jacobo Conrad. ATm/ö/2, 1975, 4, p. 190-194. Palm, Jules de: De Antilliaanse literatuur op weg naar volwassenheid? Wj, 1975, 7, p. 3-15, 8 figs. Palm, Jules de & Pos, Hugo: In memoriam René A. de Rooy. 5rtV«.ra/o«r»*j/4, 3I.X11.1974, «, p. 12-13. Page, R.E.: De C.D.M, toen en nu. 7><r/&»o 7, w« 7976, p. 6-10, (2) figs. (Curacao Drydock Company Inc.) Panday, S. Gangaram: Benoembaarheid tot notaris in Suriname. 5«r. _/«r. /S, 1974,p. 24-34. Panday, S. Gangaram: Het lekennotariaat in Suriname. 5«r. y«r. 7.5, 1972, p. 16-31. Papavero, N. & Bernardi, Nelson: Studies of Asilidae (Diptera) systematics and evolution. Ill Tribe Blepharepiini ^r^a/Wr <& Zoo/. 24 (3), p. 163-209, 41 figs., 1 pi. (Incl. Surinam material) Parlementaire contacten worden geïntensiveerd. 5«r. /V/Vai*.; 20, 1970, 77, p. 1-4. Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 09:55:45AM via free access 94 BIBLIOGRAFIE Pater Latour overleden, /4OT;#O* 24.1.1972, p. 3. (Pater P. Mannes Latour o.p., 19.V.1900) Pater van Emstede 40 jaar bij Surinamers.
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