2012 Guidance for TB Notification in

Central TB Division, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India

July 2012

For any queries, please write to [email protected] Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Sr No Contents: Page no

1 Background 2 2 Why should private health facilities notify TB? 3 3 Objectives 3 4 Minimum information requirement for TB notification 3 5 Definitions for TB notification 3 6 List of RNTCP endorsed TB diagnostics 4 7 Registration of the Health establishments for TB 5 notification 8 Mechanisms for TB notification 6 9 Responsibility of the district level nodal officer 7 10 Responsibility of the Local public health authority 7 11 Responsibility of the health worker 8


I Health Establishment registration form for TB Notification 9

II Undertaking for Health establishments not routinely 10 diagnosing / treating Tuberculosis patients

III Formats for TB notification 11 IV List & contact details of Local Health Authority (Nodal 13 Officer) for TB notification


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

1 Background: Tuberculosis is a major public health problem in India. Early diagnosis and complete treatment of TB is the corner- stone of TB prevention and control strategy. India’s National TB Control programme provides quality assured diagnostic and treatment services to all the TB patients including necessary supportive mechanisms for ensuring treatment adherence and completion. The country has a huge private sector and it is growing at enormous pace. Private sector predominates in health care and TB treatment. Extremely large quantities of anti-TB drugs are sold in the private sector. Non standerdized prescribing practices among some of the private providers with inappropriate and inadequate regimens and unsupervised treatment continues without supporting patient for ensuring treatment adherence and completion with unrestricted access to first and second line TB drugs including without prescription. This frequently leads to treatment interruptions and subsequent drug resistance. Revised National TB Control Programme provides mechanisms to ensure treatment adherence support including Directly Observed Theray (DOT). But a large number of patients are not benefitted with these programme services and leads to non adherence, incomplete, inadequate treatment leading to M/XDR TB, mitigating all the efforts of the programme to prevent emergence and spread of drug resistance. If the TB patients diagnosed and treated under all sectors are reported to public health authorities, the mechanisms available under the programme can be extended to these patients to ensure treatment adherence and completion. The impending epidemic of M/XDR TB can only be prevented to a large extent by this intervention. In order to ensure proper TB diagnosis and case management, reduce TB transmission and address the problems of emergence of spread of Drug Resistant-TB, it is essential to have complete information of all TB cases. Therefore, Govt of India declared Tuberculosis a notifiable disease on 7th May 2012. All public and private health providers shall notify TB cases diagnosed and/or treated by them to the nodal officers for TB notification. This guidance document aims to to minimize variations in notification practice and improve the quality ofdata in the local TB surveillance system.


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

2 Why should private Notification gives an opportunity to support private sector for health facilities following standerdized practices in terms of Standard TB Care notify TB? It helps the patients to get right diagnosis, treatment, Follow up, Contact Tracing Chemoprophylaxis & facilitates social support systems. Complete and accurate data obtained from notification will allow continuousevaluation of the trend of the disease with better estimation of burden/impact. 3 Objectives: 1. To establish Tuberculosis surveillance system in the country 2. To ensure proper TB diagnosis and case management and further accelerate reduction of TB transmission 3. To extend mechanisms of TB treatment adherence and contact tracing to patients treated by all health care providers 4. To mitigate the impeding Drug resistant TB epidemic in the country 4 Minimum 1. TB Case name information 2. Age requirement for TB 3. Sex 4. GoI-issued personal unique identification number notification: (Aadhaar, Driving license etc) 5. Detailed address of TB case with pin code 6. Phone number 7. Basis of diagnosis: Microbiologically-confirmed TB case / Clinical TB case 8. Patient category: New / Recurrent TB case / Treatment change 9. Site of disease: Pulmonary / Extra-pulmonary only 10. Rifampicin resistance: Resistant / sensitive / not available (& other drug resistance pattern by laboratories) 5 Definitions for TB Basis of diagnosis:

notification 1. Microbiologically-confirmed TB case – Patient diagnosed with at least one clinical specimen positive for acid fast bacilli, or Culture-positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or RNTCP-approved Rapid Diagnostic molecular test positive for tuberculosis


2. Clinical TB case – Patient diagnosed clinically as tuberculosis, without microbiologic confirmation and


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

initiated on anti-TB drugs.

Patient type:

New TB case – Patient who has never been treated with anti-TB drugs or has been treated with anti-TB drugs for less than one month from any source

Recurrent TB case – Patient who has been treated for tuberculosis in the past and been declared successfully treated (cured/treatment completed) at the end of their treatment regimen.

Treatment change – Patient returning after interruption, or patients put on a new treatment regimen and due to failure of the current treatment regimen.

Site of disease

Pulmonary TB case – Patient with TB of the lungs (with or without involvement of any extra-pulmonary locations).

Extra-pulmonary TB case – Patient with TB of any organ other than the lungs, such as pleura, lymph notes, intestines, genito- urinary tract, skin, bones and joints, meninges of the brain, etc, diagnosed with microbiological, histological, radiological, or strong clinical evidence.

Rifampicin resistance:

Rifampicin resistant – Patient with a drug susceptibility test result from a RNTCP-certified laboratory or WRD (WHO- endorsed Rapid Diagnostics) drug susceptibility test report showing resistance to rifampicin.

Rifampicin sensitive – Patient with a drug susceptibility test result from a RNTCP-certified laboratory or WRD drug susceptibility test report showing sensitivity to rifampicin.

Not available – Patient without a drug susceptibility test result from a RNTCP-certified laboratory or WRD drug susceptibility test report. 6 List of RNTCP Smear Microscopy (for AFB): endorsed TB – Sputum smear stained with Zeil-Nelson Staining or diagnostics – Fluorescence stains and examined under direct or indirect microscopy with or without LED. Culture: – Solid(Lowenstein Jansen) media or


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

– Liquid media (Middle Brook) using manual, semi- automatic or automatic machines e.g. Bactec , MGIT etc. Rapid diagnostic molecular test: – Conventional PCR based Line Probe Assay for MTB complex or – Real-time PCR based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) for MTB complex e.g. GeneXpert

[Sputum Smear Microscopy (for AFB): Sputum smear stained with Zeil-Nelson Staining or Fluorescence stains and examined under direct or indirect microscopy. Sputum Culture: Sputum culture on solid (Lowenstein Jansen) media or liquid media (Middle Brook) using manual, semi-automatic or automatic machines e.g. Bactec , MGIT etc. Rapid diagnostic molecular test: Line Probe Assay for MTB or Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CB-NAAT) Note: Diagnosis of TB based on radiology (e.g. X-ray) will be termed as clinical TB] 7 Registration of the For operational simplicity, the types of Health establishments Health will be divided into three categories establishments for 1. Laboratories 2. Private practitioner / Clinic (single) TB notification 3. Hospital / Clinic / Nursing Home (multi)

Laboratories will include those Health Establishments carrying out any of the RNTCP endorsed TB diagnostics

Private practitioner / Clinic (single) will include any Health Establishments where TB cases are treated or diagnosed clinically / radiologically and the medical services are provided by single medical practitioner

Hospital / Clinic / Nursing Home (multi-practitioners) will include any Health Establishments where TB cases are treated or diagnosed clinically / radiologically&medical services are provided by more than one practitioner

Each of the Health Establishment will be registered for TB Notification by submitting a simple registration form mentioning the details of the establishment. This registration form can be availed from the nodal officer for TB Notification in the district or can be downloaded from http://tbcindia.nic.in.


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Alternatively health Establishments can be automatically registered by the respective nodal officers after submission of their first TB notification report to respective nodal officer in the district. Each Health Establishment on receipt of request for registration for TB Notification or submission of first TB notification report will receive the Unique number for further correspondence after verification / confirmation of the submitted details.

8 Mechanisms for TB Route of information transmission: notification 1. Submission of hard copy of the TB to the Nodal Officer for TB notification o by post o by courier o by hand 2. Submission of the soft copy to the Nodal Officer for TB Notification by authorized Email 3. Submission of information to the Nodal Officer for TB Notification using authorized mobile o by Mobile phone call * o by IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) * o by SMS * (*will be incorporated in future) 4. Uploading of information directly on the Nikshay portal http://nikshay.gov.in(this website is under construction & such facility may be available from 2013 after the health establishments are registered) This, in future, may include direct online TB cases information transmission from newer diagnostic machines like CB- NAAT or MGIT etc. 5. In States/UTs or districts where the bilateral understanding is established between the Health Establishments and the local public health authorities for convenient local TB notification, the information on TB Notification can be submitted to the local public health authorities (e.g. Medical Officer of the Primary Health Center) as designated by the district nodal authority for TB notification. However, this should be done only in consultation with the concerned district nodal officer for TB notification.

Note: The list of Nodal Officers is available on http://tbcindia.nic.in/.


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

In case, health care provider is not aware about the contact details of the nodal officer for TB Notification in the district the same may be obtained from the respective District TB Officer / State TB Officer for the updated contact. In case of any grievences, the same may be sent to [email protected]& issues regarding electronic reporting data update may be sent to [email protected] the name and complete address of the health care facility. Health establishments and medical practitioners not routinely diagnosing / treating TB patients may give an undertaking regarding the same while agreeing to submit the information in future, in case they diagnose or treat any TB case. 9 Responsibility of the  Disseminate information regarding TB Notification to all district level nodal Health Establishments in the district and the professional officer bodies like IMA  Provide the formats for TB Notification and Health establishment registration form for TB Notification to all Health Establishments in the districts  Ensure that each Health Establishment submitting registration form or submitting its first TB Notification report (whichever is earlier) are visited / their details are confirmed within two weeks from submission  Ensure that all Health Establishments in the districts are registered for TB Notification by Dec 2012 and they are given the Unique ID  Maintain the list of Health Establishments with details and IDs  Ensure that all Health Establishments in the district notify TB cases on timely manner  Capacity building of the local Medical Officers and health staff to undertake public health action for the TB cases notified  Ensure that all TB cases notified by all the Health establishments are entered in the Nikshay portal not later than two weeks from submission of the report  Routinely review the progress in TB notification by all Health Establishments in the district 10 Responsibility of the  Carry out following activities as directed by and in Local public health consultation with the district nodal officer for TB authority Notification o Disseminate information regarding TB Notification to all Health Establishments in the district and the


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

professional bodies like IMA o Provide the formats for TB Notification and Health establishment registration form for TB Notification to all Health Establishments in the districts o Ensure that each Health Establishment submitting registration form or submitting its first TB Notification report (whichever is earlier) are visited / their details are confirmed within two weeks from submission o Ensure that all Health Establishments in the districts are registered for TB Notification by Dec 2012 and they are given the Unique ID o Ensure that all Health Establishments in the district notify TB cases on timely manner o Capacity building of the health staff to undertake public health action for the TB cases notified o Collect, collate and upward submit the TB Notification reports submitted by the Health Establishments 11 Responsibility of the  Regularly visit all Health establishments in the area of work health worker and promote understanding and requirement about the TB Notification amongst the staff and medical practitioners in the Health Establishments  Provide the formats for TB Notification and Health establishment registration form for TB Notification to all Health Establishments in the districts  Collect, collate and upward submit the TB Notification reports submitted by the Health Establishments  Ensure that all TB cases notified by the Health establishments are entered in Nikshay  Visit the TB patients notified by the Health Establishments in consultation with them for important and timely public health actions including: o Counselling of TB patients including promotion of treatment adherence & Follow up to ensure treatment completion o TB Contact tracing, screening for symptoms and referral for evaluation if any TB symptomatic is found amongst the TB contacts o Offering INH chemoprophylaxis as per RNTCP policy o Family members counselling o Offering TB treatment under RNTCP, if desired by the patients o Advising on ICTC services, further testing of C&DST, if eligible


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Annexure I

Health Establishment Registration Form

(for TB Notification)

1 Name of Health Establishment

2. Sector  Public

 Private/NGO

3. Type of Health Establishment Laboratory

 Private Practitioner /clinic (single)

Hospital / Clinic / Nursing Home (multi) 4 MCI/Hospital/Clinical Registration Number 5. Authorized Contact Person 6. Designation of Contact Person 7. Email 8. Land Line Number (with STD Code) 9. Mobile Number 10. Complete Address

11. PIN Code

For Office Use

Registration Form Received on Mode of Receipt E Mail / Post / By Hand /Fax Verified By Verified On HEID Allocated State District Tuberculosis Unit


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Annexure II

Declaration of not diagnosing / treating TB cases

To, Nodal Officer for TB Notification, …………………………………………… District …………………………………………… State

Dear Sir, I had received the information regarding notification of Tuberculosis patients. I undertand the I am expected to report each and every patient who has been either diagnosed as Tuberculosis or prescribed treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs or both needs to be reported on atleast monthly basis to health system. I have also received the format. My details are as follows:

1. Name: 2. Qualification: 3. Registration / Licence no. 4. Correspondence address:

5. Contact: Landline (with STD): Mobile: Email (if any): 6. I had neither diagnosed nor prescribed anti-tb drugs / treatment or both in last one year and I usually do not manage TB patients. Hence I request to kindly grant exemption from submitting monthly report. I take full responsibility that I will report even if I manage (diagnose / prescribe tb drugs / both) a single patient during any month. If I fail to report such case, I will be responsible for the further action. 7. I had been informed that District TB Officer / health system staff will be making enquiry to the pharmacy shops / community as a surprise check and proposal for actions will be initiated if it is found that the TB patient managed by me / my institute/ health facility / lab / diagnostic centre has not been reported from my side.

Authorised Signature: Full Name & Stamp:

CC to Medical Officer, PHC……………………………………………. / Medical Superintendent, SDH / RH………………………. / Taluka Health Officer/ BHO / BMO …………………………………………………..)


Annexure III TB Notification reporting format for Laboratory

Period of reporting: From …../……./…… To …../……./……

Name of the Laboratory :……………………………………………………… Registration Number:………………………………… Telephone (with STD):…………………………………… Mobile number:………………………… Health Establishment code for TB Notification

Complete Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… ...... /………………… ……………………………….……………………………….……………………………….……………………………….

Sr Name of TB Father / Age Sex GoI Complete PIN Patient Date of Date of Date Type of Test DST results for each drug tested No ……………………………….Patient Husband’s (yrs (M/ issued residentia num Phone TB sputum of result (smear (R=resistant / S=sensitive/NA=not (surname first) name ) F identifi l address ber number Diagnosis collection result positive / available) ………………………………. culture positive ………………………………. /O) cation / molecular test Rif, INH, SM, EMB, Ofx, Km, Eto, Cipro, numbe – LPA Xpert / Capr, etc $

r * DST Ri INH S EMB Of Km M f x __ __

* Aadhaar, driving license, voter ID, ration card, PAN no, passport no etc

Laboratories include those Health Establishments carrying out any of the RNTCP endorsed TB diagnostics

Signature:……………………………………… Date: …../……./……

TB Notification reporting format for medical practitioners / Clinics/Hospitals/Nursing homes

Period of reporting: From …../……./…… To …../……./……

Name of the health facility / practitioner :………………………………………………………(single/Multi) Registration Number:………………………………… Telephone (with STD):…………………………………… Health Establishment code for TB Notification Mobile number:………………………… Complete Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… ...... /………………… ……………………………….……………………………….……………………………….……………………………….

Sr Name of TB Father / Age Sex GoI issued Complete PIN Patient Date of Date of Site of Pateint Type Basis of Treatment No ……………………Patient Husband’s…………. (yrs) (M/F identification residential number Phone TB TB Disease (New TB case/ diagnosis started Recurrent TB (Sputum (surname………………………………. first) name /O) number * address number Diagnosis treatment (P / EP) (No / First initiation case/ microscopy / line / Treatment culture / PCR / ………………………………. second change) LPA/ Clinical exam/X-Ray) line)

* Aadhaar, driving license, voter ID, ration card, PAN no, passport no etc

Private practitioner / Clinic (single) will include any Health Establishments where TB cases are treated or diagnosed clinically / radiologically and the medical services are provided by single medical practitioner Hospital / Clinic / Nursing Home (multi-practitioners) will include any Health Establishments where TB cases are treated or diagnosed clinically / radiologically & medical services are provided by more than one practitioner

Signature:……………………………………… Date: …../……./……

Annexure IV List & contact details of Local Health Authority (nodal officer) for TB notification

Full name of Name local Health of Name of Landline no Sr Name of Authority / Designati Pin Adminis RNTCP Official Address with STD Mobile no Email ID Fax No No State / UT Nodal Officer on Code trative district code (O) for TB district notification State TB Office, DHS Annexure Building, 03192- 03192- A&N State TB

1 - - Dr. S. P. Burma Directorate of Health 744 101 232775/24 9434281711 [email protected] 24213 Islands Officer Services, A&N Islands, 2132 2 Port Blair South Medical 03192- A&N Andama TB Unit - Dr. Kusum G.B. Pant Hospital, 03192- [email protected] 2 Superinte 744 101 9434282087 24413

Islands n Port Blair Kunwar Port Blair, A&N Islands 234941 om ndant 0 District N&M Dr.R. P. Hospital, TB Unit – Medical 03192- A&N Andama Dr. Md. Mayabunder, N&M 03192- ismail_mittu2005 3 Mayabund Officer In- 744204 9434269689 27399

Islands n Shammi Andaman District, 273555 @yahoo.com er Charge 9 District A&N Islands Medical BJR Hospital, Car 03192- A&N Nicobar TB Unit - 03192 - dhsnicobar@gma 4 Dr. BG Lall Superinte Nicobar, Nicobar 744301 9434281199 26578

Islands District Nicobar 235234 il.com ndant District, A&N Islands 6 District O/O The District Tb Andhra Hyderab Dr.S.Ananth TB Centre, S.R., Nagar, 040- dtoaphyd@rntcp 5 Hyderabad 500038 9849591141

Pradesh ad Reddy Control Irramnuma, 23703877 .org Officer Hyderabad C/o DM&HO Office, Andhra Prakasa Dr D. Giri Addl. Collectors Office 08592 - 6 Prakasam 523001 9491044157 Pradesh m Kumar DM&HO Campus, Ongole. 233605 Prakasam District.

Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

O/o.Dist Medical & Health Officer, 08732- Andhra Adilaba Dr.M.Manikya 08732- [email protected] 7 Adilabad DM&HO DM&HO Building, 1st 504001 9849902481 22646

Pradesh d Rao 226461 n Floor, Vinayak Chowk, 1 Adilabad, AP District District Medical & Andhra Nalgond Medical Health Office, R.P. dmhonlg2002@y 8 Nalgonda Dr. P. Amos 508001 9966921036

Pradesh a & Health Road, ahoo.com Officer Nalgonda. District District TB Control 08682 TB Office, Andhra Nalgond Dr. B. 08682 - dtoapngd@rntcp - 9 Nalgonda Control Dist. Head Quarters 508001 9966921038

Pradesh a Arundhathi 223545 .org 22354 Officer Hospital Campus, 5 (FAC) Nalgonda District District TB Control 0878- Andhra Karimna Dr. A. TB 0878- dtoapkmr@rntcp 10 Karimnagar Centre, Opp: Madeena 505001 9849902496 22433

Pradesh gar Rajesham Control 2243376 .org Complex, Karimnagar. 76 Officer District Andhra Vizianag Vizianagara Dr. T. Rama TB District Head Quarters dtoapvzm@rntcp 89222 11 535003 8922234291 9849902280

Pradesh aram m Rao Control Hospital Compound .org 34281 Officer Andhra Khamm Bhadrachal B. Dist.Medical & Health govtdmhokmm@ 12 DM&HO 507001 8742224297 9849902517

Pradesh am am JAYAKUMAR Officer , Khammam yahoo.com.in District TB Control Officer,District TB Control Center, Mental Hospital Dist TB Andhra Visakha Visakhapat Dr. B. Sasidhar Campus, 0891- dtoapvsm@tbcin 13 control 530017 9849902296

Pradesh patnam nam kumar TB Hospital 2551404 dia.nic.in Officer Compound, PedaWaltair, Visakhapatnam- 5300017


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District District Medical & 08742 Andhra Khamm Dr.B.Jaya Medical 08742 govt_dmhokmm 14 Khammam Health Office, Nehru 507001 984902517 25270

Pradesh am Kumar & Health 224291 @yahoo.co.in Nagar, Khammam 7 Officer D.NO : 30/55, Railway station road, Andhra Dr. G.G.J. Naga 08672- dtoapkrn@rntcp. 15 Krishna Krishna DTCO Malakapatnam, 521001 98499002329

Pradesh Laxmi 222341 org Machilipatnam, Krishna district DR. DM&HO Office, Andhra Rangare Rangaredd Venkatapathy 040- [email protected] 16 DM&HO Sivarampally, 500051 9849902444

Pradesh ddy y / Dr. Ch. Aruna 24002443 om Rangareddy Dist. Kumari District District Medical and Dr Y.Lalitha Medical Health Office, Reddy 08572- Andhra DM&HO, 08572- dmhoctr@yahoo. 17 Chittoor Kumari, MBBS, and Gunta, Near 517001 9849902373 24290

Pradesh CHITTOOR 234250 com D.A. Health Collectrate Office, 0 Officer Chittoor District TB Control dtoapnlr@tbcindi Office, Andhra Dr.D.Sureshku 0861- a.nic.in 18 Nellore Nellore DTCO Dargamitta, opp 524003 9849902364 Pradesh mar 2327127 dtoapnlr@rntcp. Collectors banglow

org Nellore East Room No. 63, GGH 0884- Andhra East Dr.N.Prasanna 0884- dtoapegv@rntcp. 19 Godavar DTCO Campus, Kakinada 533001 9849902304 23757

Pradesh Godavari kumar 2375768 org i 533001 68 Dist. TB Centre, Dist. 08455- Andhra Dr. D. Hqr. Hospital 08455- drravindergoud 20 MEDAK Medak CAS 502001 9440080080 27635

Pradesh Ravinder Goud Premises, Sangareddy, 276356 @gmail.com 6 Medak Dist. DM&HO Campus, Andhra Warang Dr.P.Sambhas wgldmho@yaho 21 Warangal DM&HO Mulugu Road, 506002 9849902514

Pradesh al hiva Rao o.com Warangal


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

The District TB Officer, 03808- Arunachal Changla Dr. M. DTCS, Changlang, PO- 03808- DTOARCHA@tbci 22 Changlang DTO 792120 9436057136 22354 Pradesh ng Khimhum Changlang, Dist. 223544 ndia.org 4 Changlang The District TB Officer 03803- Arunachal Dibang Dr. S. J. DTCS, Roing, PO- 03803- DTOARDIV@tbci 23 Roing DTO 792110 9436048357 22379 Pradesh Valley Mitapo Roing, Dist. Dibang 223793 ndia.org 3 Valley The District TB Officer 03787- Arunachal East DTCS, Seppa, PO- 03787- DTOAREKA@tbci 24 Seppa Dr. K. Welly DTO 790102 9402219321 22298 Pradesh Kameng Seppa, Dist. East 222980 ndia.org 0 Kameng The District TB Officer 0368- Arunachal East DTCS, Pasighat, PO- 0368- DTOARESI@tbcin 25 Pasighat Dr. Y. Perme DTO 791102 9436053117 22227 Pradesh Siang Pasighat, Dist. East 2222706 dia.org 06 Siang The District TB Officer 03788- Arunachal Kurung Dr. Toko DTCS, Koloriang, 03788- DTOARKKM@rnt 26 Koloriang DTO 791118 9436044940 26226 Pradesh Kumey Lakshmi PO-Koloriang, Dist. 262266 cp.org 6 Kurung Kumey The District TB Officer 03804- Arunachal 03804- DTOARLOH@tbci 27 Lohit Tezu Dr. U. K. Nath DTO DTCS, Tezu, PO-Tezu, 792001 9436056304 22260 Pradesh 222607 ndia.org Dist. Lohit 7 Lower The District TB Officer 03788- Arunachal 03788- DTOARLSU@tbci 28 Subansir Ziro Dr. H. Nibo DTO DTCS, Ziro, PO-Ziro, 791120 9436253528 22569 Pradesh 225697 ndia.org i Dist. Lower Subansiri 7 The District TB Officer DTCS, G. H. 0360- Arunachal Papum Dr. P. D. 0360- DTOARPMP@tbci 29 Naharlagun DTO Naharalgun, PO- 791110 9436052087 22469 Pradesh Pare Thongchi 2246905 ndia.org Naharalgun, Dist. 05 Papum Pare The District TB Officer 03794- Arunachal Dr. Urgen District 03794- DTOARTWN@tbc 30 Tawang Tawang DTCS, Tawang PO- 790104 9436051088 22431 Pradesh Lhamu TB Officer 224314 india.org Tawang, Dist. Tawang 4


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

The District TB Officer 03786- Arunachal District 03786- DTOARTRP@tbci 31 Tirap Deomali Dr. J. Thingok, DTCS, Deomali PO- 786629 9436046118 25575 Pradesh TB Officer 255758 ndia.org Deomali, Dist. Tirap 8 The District TB Officer 03777- Arunachal Upper District DTCS, Yingkiong 03777- DTOARUSI@tbcin 32 Yingkiong Dr. A. Miyu 791602 9436058086 22305 Pradesh Siang TB Officer PO-Yingkiong, Dist. 223054 dia.org 4 Upper Siang The District TB Officer Upper 03792- Arunachal District DTCS, Daporijo, PO- 03792- DTOARUSU@tbci 33 Subansir Daporijo Dr. Y. Hangkar 791122 9436224577 22419 Pradesh TB Officer Daporijo 224196 ndia.org i 6 Dist. Upper Subansiri The District TB Officer 03782- Arunachal West Dr. R. D. District DTCS, Bomdila, PO- 03782- DTOARWKA@tbc 34 Bomdila 790001 9436045022 22296 Pradesh Kameng Thongchi TB Officer Bomdila 222964 india.org 4 Dist. West Kameng The District TB Officer 03783- Arunachal West District 03783- DTOARWSI@tbci 35 Aalo Dr. M. Nyori DTCS, Aalo, PO-Aalo 791001 9436049015 22296 Pradesh Siang TB Officer 222967 ndia.org Dist. West Siang 7 Dist. TB Centre, Barpeta I/c District TB District 03665- dtoasbpt@rntcp. 36 Barpeta Barpeta Dr. Z. Ahmed Centre (Old Civil 781301 9435024855 TB Officer 235874 org Hospital Campus) P.O. & Dist. T.B. Centre (Bongaigaon Civil Bongaig Dr. H. District 03664- dtoasbng@rntcp. 37 Assam Bongaigaon Hospital Campus) 783380 94350-20190 aon Adhikary TB Officer 228380 org Borpara , Po + Dist. - Bongaigaon , Assam District Tuberculosis Dr.Abed Rasul District 03842- dtoaschr@rntcp. 38 Assam Cachar Cachar Center, S.M.Dev Civil 788001 94350-71916 Mazumder TB Officer 231245 org Hospital Dr. A. District Mangaldai Civil 03713- dtoasdrg@rntcp. 39 Assam Darrang Darrang 784125 Goswami TB Officer Hospital Campus, P.O. 223009 org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Mangaldai, Dist. Dist.TB Centre dtoasdmj@rntcp. 40 Assam Dhemaji Dhemaji Dr. J. B. Roy 787057 9435536627 94350-29390 TB Officer P.O&Dist:Dhemaji org District TB Centre, Dr. P. P. District Chest Hospital 03662- dtoasdbb@rntcp. 41 Assam Dhubri Dhubri 783323 94350-89341 Baruah TB Officer Campus, P.O. Amco 231968 org Road, Dhubri, Assam Assam Medical College Dibruga Dr. S. N. District 0373- dtoasdbr@rntcp. 42 Assam Dibrugarh Campus, P.O. & Dist. 94353-91809 rh Konwar TB Officer 2303879 org Dibrugarh Dist. TB Centre, 200 Goalpar District Bedded Civil Hospital, 03663- dtoasglp@rntcp. 43 Assam Goalpara Dr, R. Kakati 783101 94350-23858 a TB Officer Po-Bhalukdubi, Dist- 243800 org Goalpara(Assam) District TB Golagha Centre,K.K.C.H 03774 - [email protected] 44 Assam Golaghat Dr. R. C. Nath i/c DTO 785621 94351-50894 t Campus 282408 rg ,Golaghat,Assam Hailakan District Hailakandi Town,Old 03844- dtoashlk@rntcp. 45 Assam Hailakandi Dr. A. K. Bayan 788151 94350-78646 di TB Officer Hospital Campus. 225589 org District Civil Hospital Campus 0376- [email protected] 46 Assam Jorhat Jorhat Dr. B. K. Pegu 94013-67810 TB Officer P.O. & Dist. Jorhat 2372407 rg LGB Chest Hospital District dtoaskmp@rntcp 47 Assam Kamrup Kamrup Dr. S. Nisha Campus, Kalapahar, 781016 3612478518 8486367733 TB Officer .org Birubari, Guwahati Karbi Karbi District Dist. TB Centre, Diphu, 03671- dtoaskag@rntcp. 48 Assam Dr. B. K. Singh 782460 98545-25291 Anglong Anglong TB Officer Karbi Anglong 272136 org District T.B. Center, Karimga District Opposite Civil 03843- dtoaskxj@rntcp. 49 Assam Karimganj Dr. G. Deuri 788710 94350-66608 nj TB Officer Hospital,Karimganj, 267749 org P.O + Dist. Karimganj


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Kokrajh District Civil Hospital Campus 03661- [email protected] 50 Assam Kokrajhar Dr.J. C. Boro 94350-27309 ar TB Officer P.O. & Dist. Kokrajhar 271629 rg Old Civil Hospital Lakhimp Dr. A. K. District [email protected] 51 Assam Lakhimpur Campus,P.O. North 787001 9435087383 ur Bhuyan TB Officer rg Lakhimpur. Dist. T.B. Centre, Marigao District 03678 dtoasmrg@rntcp. 52 Assam Marigaon Dr. J. Boro Morigaon Civil 782105 94354-04465 n TB Officer 241958 org Hospital. District TB Centre, B. Dr. M. R. District 03672- dtoasngn@rntcp. 53 Assam Nagaon Nagaon P. Civil Hospital, 782001 Matabbar TB Officer 258399 org Nagaon, Assam. District Civil Hospital Campus 03624- dtoasnlb@rntcp. 54 Assam Nalbari Nalbari Dr. K. K. Deka 94353-10352 TB Officer P.O.&Dist. Nalbari 224537 org District T.B. Center, North North Dr.(Ms.) K. District Civil Hospital Campus, 03673- dtoasnch@rntcp. 55 Assam Cachar 788819 94357-12794 Cachar Hills Kemprai TB Officer N.C. Hills, Haflong, 238805 org Hills Assam. District TB Centre, Civil District Hospital Campus 03772- dtoassbr@rntcp. 56 Assam Sibsagar Sibsagar Dr. A. Ahmed 785640 99570-90742 TB Officer Joysagar . Dist.:- 223105 org Sibsagar District District TB Centre, 03712- dtoasspr@rntcp. 57 Assam Sonitpur Sonitpur Dr. R. N. Roy 784001 94350-28444 TB Officer Sonitpur, Tezpur 252563 org District TB Centre O/O Joint Director Of Dr.(Mrs.) T. District 0374- dtoastsk@rntcp. 58 Assam Tinsukia Tinsukia Health Services 786125 9435134246 Bora TB Officer 2351250 org Thana Chariali Tinsukia District TB Centre District 03711- dtoasulr@rntcp. 59 Assam Udalguri Udalguri Dr. G. Brahma PHC Campus, Udalguri 94351-84335 TB Officer 225948 org P.O. Udalguri


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District T.B. Centre 06453- District Sadar Hospital 06453- [email protected] 60 Araria Araria Dr. Md. Moiz 854311 9431291972 22426 TB Officer Campus 224262 rg 2 Dist. Araria, BIHAR District T.B. Centre 06337- Dr. Baijnath District Sadar Hospital 06337- dtobiarw@rntcp. 61 Bihar Arwal Arwal 804401 9835424172 22804 Prasad TB Officer Campus 228046 org 6 Dist. Arwal, BIHAR District T.B. Centre Sadar Hospital 06186- Auranga Aurangaba Dr. Ram District 06186- dtobiagb@rntcp. 62 Bihar Campus 824101 9431451072 22402 bad d Pratap Singh TB Officer 224029 org Dist. Aurangabad, 9 BIHAR District TB Centre 06424- Dr. Jitendra District Sadar Hospital 06424- dtobibnk@rntcp. 63 Bihar Banka Banka 813102 8986432374 23368 Prasad TB Officer Campus Banka, 233680 org 0 Bihar District Tuberculosis 06248- Begusar Dr. Anand District 06243 - dtobibgs@rntcp. 64 Bihar Begusarai Centre, Sadar Hospital, 851101 9431211020 21048 ai Kumar Sharma TB Officer 210488 org Begusarai 8 District TB Centre, 0641- Bhagalp District 0641- dtobibgl@rntcp. 65 Bihar Bhagalpur Dr. S.P. Singh Sadar Hospital 812001 9431095551 24084 ur TB Officer 2408471 org Bhagalpur, Bihar 71 District Tuberculosis 0618- District Centre, Sadar Hospital, 0618- dtobibjr@rntcpor 66 Bihar Bhojpur Bhojpur Dr. R.N. Prasad 802301 9430222775 22436 TB Officer Near ANM 2243639 g 39 School,Bhojpur District Tuberculosis 06183- District Centre, Old Sadar 06183- dtobibxr@rntcp. 67 Bihar Buxar Buxar Dr. R.N. Verma 802101 9431083400 22778 TB Officer Hospital 227783 org 3 Campus,Buxar, Bihar District TB Center, 06272- Darbhan District 06272- dtobidbg@rntcp. 68 Bihar Darbhanga Dr.K.K Mishra TBDC Campus, 846003 9661013697 25169 ga TB Officer 251693 org Allapatti, Darbhanga 3


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Centre, 0631- Dr. Radha District Chand Chaura, 0631- dtobigya@rntcp. 69 Bihar Gaya Gaya 823001 9472825610 24328 Prasad TB Officer Infectious Disease 2432889 org 89 Hospital Campus,Gaya District TB Centre, 06156- Gopalga Dr.Bimal District 06156- dtobigpg@rntcp. 70 Bihar Gopalganj Sadar Hospital 841428 9431218340 22574 nj Kumar TB Officer 225743 org Campus,Gopalganj 3 District TB Centre, 06345- Dr Suchi District 06345- dtobijmi@rntcp. 71 Bihar Jamui Jamui Sadar Hospital 811307 9431251605 22454 Prasad Singh TB Officer 224547 org Campus,Jamui 7 District TB Centre, 06114- Jehanab District 06114- dtobijbd@rntcp. 72 Bihar Jehanabad Dr.V K Singh Sadar Hospital 804408 9431527455 22278 ad TB Officer 222788 org Campus,Jehanabad 8 District TB Centre, 06189- Dr. Anil Kumar District 06189- dtobikmu@rntcp 73 Bihar Kaimur Kaimur Sadar Hospital 821101 9431964196 22430 Singh TB Officer 224308 .org Campus,Kaimur 8 District TB Office 06452- Dr.Jawahar District 06452- dtobikth@rntcp. 74 Bihar Katihar Katihar Katihar, Sadar Hospital 854105 9431343646 24050 Singh TB Officer 240501 org Campus, Katihar 1 District TB Cenetr, 06244- Khagari District 06244- dtobikha@rntcp. 75 Bihar Khagaria Dr. S.P Mandal Sadar Hospital 851204 9431417333 22401 a TB Officer 224018 org Campus, Khagaria 8 District TB Center, 06456- Kishang District 06456- [email protected] 76 Bihar Kishanganj Dr. Nalnikant Sadar Hospital, 855108 9470003401 22607 anj TB Officer 226075 rg Prasad Kishanganj 5 District Tb Centre, 06346- Lakhisar Dr.Ashok District 06346- [email protected] 77 Bihar Lakhisarai Sadar Hospital 811311 9431471352 23207 ai Kumar Singh TB Officer 232071 rg Campus, Lakhisarai 1 District TB Centre, 06476- Madhep Dr.BK District Sadar Hospital 06476- dtobimdp@rntcp 78 Bihar Madhepura 852 113 9431627079 22493 ura Chaudhury TB Officer Campus, Dist.- 224937 .org 7 Madhepura.


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Centre, 06276- Madhub Dr. Harendra District 06276- dtobimdb@rntcp 79 Bihar Madhubani Sadar Hospital 847 211 9431009080 22814 ani Kumar Alok TB Officer 228149 .org Campus, Madhubani 9 District TB Centre, 06344- Dr District 06344- dtobimun@rntcp 80 Bihar Munger Munger Sadar Hospital Road, 811201 9431095596 22799 Wahabbudin TB Officer 227996 .org Dist.- Munger. 6 District TB Centre, Muzaffa Muzaffarpu Dr.Suresh District Sadar Hospital 06221- dtobimzf@rntcp. 81 Bihar 842001 9431093852 rpur r Kr.Sharma TB Officer Campus, Dist.- 2212098 org Muzaffarpur. District TB Centre, 0611- Dr. Narendra District Sadar Hospital 0611- dtobinld@rntcp. 82 Bihar Nalanda Nalanda 803101 8271227989 22377 Prasad Singh TB Officer Campus, Dist.- 2237757 org 57 Nalanda District TB Centre, 06324- Dr. Md. District Sadar Hospital 06324- dtobinwd@rntcp 83 Bihar Nawada Nawada 805110 9771947592 21747 Naushad Alam TB Officer Campus, Dist.- 217472 .org 2 Nawada District TB Centre, Paschim Paschim Dr. Shankar District Sadar Hospital 06254- dtobicpw@rntcp. 84 Bihar Champa 845438 9135369146 Champaran Rajak TB Officer Campus, Dist.- 244061 org ran Paschim Champaran. District TB Center, 0612- District Patna, TBDC Complex, 0612- dtobiptn@rntcp. 85 Bihar Patna Patna Dr. A.K.Sinha 800007 7488423777 26381 TB Officer Agamkuan, 2638157 org 57 Patna:800007 Purba District TB Centre, Purba Dr. Sushil District 06252- dtobicpe@rntcp. 86 Bihar Champa Hospital Road Dist.- 845401 9431288737 Champaran Kumar Sinha TB Officer 240238 org ran Purbi Champaran. Dr District TB 06454- District 06454- dtobiprn@rntcp. 87 Bihar Purnia Purnia Mohammad center,Sadar Hospital 854301 9470003618 22555 TB Officer 225552 org Shabbir campus, Purnea 2


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB 06184- District 06184- [email protected] 88 Bihar Rohtas Rohtas Dr. R.S. Tiwari center,Sadar Hospital 821115 9431410768 22786 TB Officer 227868 g campus, Rohtas 8 District TB 06478- Dr. Md Umar District 06478- dtobisah@rntcp. 89 Bihar Saharsa Saharsa center,Sadar Hospital 852201 9835422212 22258 Farook TB Officer 222588 org campus, Saharsha 8 District TB Centre, 06274- Samasti Dr. Sudha District 06274- dtobisam@rntcp. 90 Bihar Samastipur Sadar Hospital 848101 8002274123 22514 pur Verma TB Officer 221892 org Campus, Samastipur 0 District TB Center, 06152- Dr. Ratnesh District 06152- dtobisar@rntcp. 91 Bihar Saran Saran behind Sadar Hospital, 841301 9431490869 24390 Prasad Singh TB Officer 243902 org Chapra 2 District TB 06341- Sheikhp Dr Jawahar District 06341- dtobiskp@rntcp. 92 Bihar Sheikhpura center,Sadar Hospital 800015 9470003730 22503 ura Lal TB Officer 225022 org campus, Sheikhpura 1 District TB Centre, District Sadar Hospital 06222- dtobishr@rntcp. 93 Bihar Sheohar Sheohar Dr.K.Prasad 843329 9771527423 TB Officer Campus, Dist.- 257029 org Sheohar. District TB Centre, 0622- Sitamar District 0622- [email protected] 94 Bihar Sitamarhi Dr. A. A. Lari Sadar Hospital 9431209305 62530 hi TB Officer 6253053 rg Campus, Sitamarhi 53 District TB Centre, 06154- District 06154- dtobiswn@rntcp. 95 Bihar Siwan Siwan Dr. L.B. Prasad Sadar Hospital 841226 9135032727 24202 TB Officer 242029 org Campus, Siwan 9 District TB 06473- District 06473- [email protected] 96 Bihar Supaul Supaul Dr R N Verma center,Sadar Hospital 852131 9431440599 22851 TB Officer 228516 rg campus, Supaul 6 District TB Centre, 06224- Dr. Ramjee District 06224- [email protected] 97 Bihar Vaishali Vaishali Sadar Hospital 844101 9308208300 27139 Singh TB Officer 271397 rg Campus, Vaishali 7 State TB Officer, Chest Chandigar Chandig State TB 0172- 98 Chandigarh Dr. Anil Garg Clinic, Sector-22, 160022 94178-62787 [email protected] h arh Officer 2715458 Chandigarh-160022


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

office Chief medical 7782- Chhatisga 07782- cmho_dpmbastar 99 Bastar Bastar Dr. K.R- More CMHO and Health officer 494001 9424281303 22228 rh 222281 @rediffmail.com District- Bastar 1 office Chief medical 07752- Chhatisga Dr. Amar singh 07752- amarcmo@gmail 100 Bilaspur Bilaspur CMHO and Health officer 495001 9425219353 26601 rh Thakur 266011 .com District- Bilaspur 0 office Chief medical 07856- Chhatisga Dantew 07856- dpmu.dantewada 101 Dantewada Dr. A.R. Gota CMHO and Health officer 493349 9425593287 25278 rh ada 252280 @rediffmail.com District- Dantewada 3 office Chief medical dhs- 07722- Chhatisga Dhamta Dr. K.S. 07722- 102 Dhamtari CMHO and Health officer 493773 9425504634 [email protected] 23276 rh ri Shandilya 232810 District- Dhamtari om 8 office Chief medical 0788- Chhatisga 07882- cmodurg@yahoo 103 Durg Durg Dr. Ajay Dani CMHO and Health officer 491001 9425246556 22107 rh 210773 .com District- Durg 73 office Chief medical 07817- Chhatisga Dr. 07817- cmho_janjgir@re 104 Janjgir Janjgir CMHO and Health officer 495552 9425246697 22200 rh R.L.Dhritlahre 222416 diffmail.com District- Janjgir 9 office Chief medical 07763- Chhatisga 07763- dr.bharatbode@ 105 Jashpur Jashpur Dr. B.B.Borde CMHO and Health officer 496331 9826540777 22065 rh 223759 yahoo.com District- Jashpur 43 office Chief medical Chhatisga Dr. R.N. 07868- cmho- 78682 106 Kanker Kanker CMHO and Health officer 494334 9893456968 rh Pandey 222108 [email protected] 24610 District- Kankr office Chief medical 07741- Chhatisga Kaward Dr. G.K. 07741- rch_kwd2007@r 107 Kawardha CMHO and Health officer 491995 9425503515 23254 rh ha Saxena 232972 edffmail District- Kawardha 3 office Chief medical 07759- Chhatisga Dr. Faggu Ram 07759- rchkorba@rediff 108 Korba Korba CMHO and Health officer 495677 9755588801 22789 rh Kumbhakar 226766 mail.com District- Korba 8


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

office Chief medical 07836- Chhatisga Dr. S.L. 07836- mishramishrajiv 109 Koria Koria CMHO and Health officer 497553 9425255105 23299 rh Chawada 232324 @rediffmail.com District- Koriya 4 office Chief medical cmho_mahasam 07723- Chhatisga Mahasa Mahasamu Dr. 07723- 110 CMHO and Health officer 493445 9993441942 und@reddiffmail 22449 rh mund nd Mangloorkar 222232 District- Mahasamund .com 5 office Chief medical 07762- Chhatisga 07762- cmhoraigarh@re 111 Raigarh Raigarh Dr. Havel urav CMHO and Health officer 496001 9826191766 22479 rh 232668 dffimail.com District- Raigarh 8 office Chief medical 0771- Chhatisga Dr.K.R. 0771- cmho_raipur@ya 112 Raipur Raipur CMHO and Health officer 492001 9424230226 25353 rh Sonwani 2535304 hoo.co.in District-Raipur 04 office Chief medical 07744- Chhatisga Rajnand Rajnandgao 07744- cmho- 113 Dr. R.k. Saxena CMHO and Health officer 491441 9827117929 40469 rh gaon n 224084 [email protected] District- Rajnandgaon 4 office Chief medical 07774- Chhatisga Dr. Samsud 07774- rchsarguja_dhara 114 Sarguja Sarguja CMHO and Health officer 497001 9406281181 22007 rh Duha 223944 @yahoo.in District- Sarguja 0 office Chief medical 07781- Chhatisga Narayan 07781- cmho.narayanpu 115 Narayanpur Dr. Dhaneria CMHO and Health officer 494661 9425593954 25291 rh pur 252913 [email protected] District- Narayanpur 3 office Chief medical 07853- Chhatisga Dr. Devendra 07853- dr.devendranag 116 Bijapur Bijapur CMHO and Health officer 494444 9424283130 22026 rh Nag 220264 @gmail.com District- Bijapur 4 Director- Medical & Public Medical Health Department, Dadara & Dadara Dadara & Dr. M V & Health Shri Vinoba Bhave 0260- stodn@tbcindia. 117 Nagar & Nagar Nagar 396 230 9909619521 Dhodia Services / Civil Hospital 2642061 nic.in Haveli Haveli Haveli State TB CampusDadra & Nagar Officer Haveli (U.T.) , Silvassa. Daman & Dr. D K District PHC, ,FORT Area 0260- 118 Daman Daman 396220 9979311666 [email protected] Diu Makwana TB Officer MOTI DAMAN- 2230240


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Daman & District 2875- dtodddiu@tbcind 119 Diu Diu Dr.M.J.Vaishya Ghoghla, Diu 362540 8980034720 Diu TB Officer 252377 ia.nic.in Chest & TB Clinic, Dr. East 011- dtodlhcc@rntcp. 120 Hedgewar Dr.Daljit Kaur CMO IC Hedgewar Hospital , 110032 9810366148 Delhi 22305005 org Karkardooma, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukharjee, MCD Chest Clinic & East Dr.Parveen 011- dtodlppg@rntcp. 121 Delhi Patparganj CMO IC Hospital,Patparganj 110091 9818534042 Delhi Kumar 22754649 org (Near Pandav Nagar Thana)

DR. ARUN MEHTO, East Dr.Arun MCD Chest Clinic , 011- dtodlshd@rntcp. 122 Delhi Shahadara CMO IC 110032 9868219591 Delhi Mehto Chotta Bazar, 22382144 org Shahdara, DR. RANBIR SINGH, New Dr.Ranbir NDMC Chest Clinic,37, 011- dtodlndm@rntcp 123 Delhi NDMC CMO IC 110001 9868500880 Delhi Singh Shaheed Bhagat Singh 23363746 .org Marg, MCD Chest Clinic, North Gulabi 011- dtodlglb@rntcp. 124 Delhi Dr.R.K.Mehra CMO IC Kalidas Marg, Gulabi 110007 9810462802 Delhi Bagh 23654823 org Bagh, Kingsway Chest Clinic, North Kingsway Dr.Ngilang MCD RBTB Hospital 011- dtodlkcc@rntcp. 125 Delhi CMO IC 110009 9911639493 Delhi Camp Taley Campus, G.T.B. Nagar 27652251 org ,Kingsway Camp, MCD Chest Clinic, North SPM,Pilli Dr.Rajinder 011- dtodlspm@rntcp. 126 Delhi CMO IC Pilikothi ,Town Hall, 110006 9899802206 Delhi Kothi Singh 23979390 org Chandini Chowk Chest Clinic Guru Teg North Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, 011- dtodlgtb@rntcp. 127 Delhi East Bahadur Dr.Nagar CMO IC 110095 9868216218 Dharamshala Building, 22590144 org Delhi Hospital Shahdara,


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

MCD Chest Clinic, North Karawal Mukhiya Market, 011- dtodlkwl@rntcp. 128 Delhi East Dr.Suresh CMO IC 110094 9891875805 Nagar Johripur Road, 22935935 org Delhi Karawal Nagar, Jag Pravesh Chandra North Dr.Sandeep Hospital & TB Chest 011- dtodlsph@rntcp. 129 Delhi East Shastri Park CMO IC 9911111281 Saini Clinic, Shastri Park 22186855 org Delhi Hospital, Shastri Park, Chest Clinic NARELA North MCD Chest Clinic, PHC 011- dtodlnla@rntcp. 130 Delhi West Narela Dr.Dinesh CMO IC 110040 9213244933 Complex Lampur 27282267 org Delhi Road, Narela, Babu Chest Clinic, Babu North Jagjiwan Jagjivan Ram 011- [email protected] 131 Delhi West Ram Dr.B.K.Vashist CMO IC 110033 9968609806 Memorial Hospital, 27638418 rg Delhi Memorial Jahangirpuri Hospital Baba Saheb Ambedkar North Baba Saheb Hospital & TB Chest 011- dtodlbsa@rntcp. 132 Delhi West Dr.A.K.Diwan CMO IC 110085 9718599613 Ambedkar Clinic, Sector – 6, 27056595 org Delhi Rohini Lala Hansraj Poly Clinic Building, Ch. Desraj North Choudhary Dr.Y.C.Kathuri Chest Clinic, D-16, 011- dtodlcdc@rntcp. 133 Delhi West CMO IC 110085 9810576895 Desraj a Sector-7, Rohini, (Near 27056128 org Delhi Metro Station Rohini West) Sanjay Sanjay Gandhi North Gandhi Dr. S.C. Memorial Hospital 011- dtodlsgm@rntcp. 134 Delhi West CMO IC 110065 Memorial Chandra Chest Clinic, S-Block, 27914169 org Delhi Hospital Mangol Puri


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

DR. A.SEN GUPTA South Nehru MCD Chest Clinic & 011- dtodlnru@rntcp. 135 Delhi Dr.A.Sengupta CMO IC 110083 9891593093 Delhi Nagar Hospital, 26311356 org Nehru Nagar, Chest Clinic Malviya Nagar, South Malviya Malviya Nagar Colony dtodlmnh@rntcp 136 Delhi Dr.S.K.Verma CMO IC 110017 9312269059 9911573359 Delhi nagar Hospital, .org Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Rao Tula DR. B.B. SINHA Rao South Ram Tula Ram Memorial 011- [email protected] 137 Delhi West Dr.B.B.Sinha CMO IC 110073 9717196481 Memorial Hospital 28019473 rg Delhi Hospital Chest Clinic, Jaffer Pur, Chest clinic LRS INSTITUTE,LRS Lala Ram 011- South Institute of TB & 011- Swarup 26855094, [email protected] 138 Delhi West Dr.U.K.Khalid CMO IC Respiratory Diseases, 110030 9868582570 26517 Memorial 011- rg Delhi Sri Aurbindo Marg, 834 Hospital 26517843 Meharauli,

Damein Foundation South Damien Chest India Trust, Qutab 011- [email protected] 139 Delhi West Foundation Dr.Ramesh Clinic 110071 9717038056 Vihar, Phase - I, Goyala 65492609 rg Delhi India Trust Incharge Dairy Main Road Deen Dayal Chest & TB Clinic, West Dr.Ashok 011- dtodlddu@rntcp. 140 Delhi Upadhyay CMO IC Deen Dayal Upadhyay 110064 9718990218 Delhi Kumar 25129740 org Hospital Hospital, Hari nagar West Moti Nagar MCD Chest Clinic,Moti 011- dtodlmti@rntcp. 141 Delhi Dr.A.K.Vashist CMO IC 110015 9868209112 Delhi TB Clinic Nagar, 25101252 org Chest Clinic Lok Nayak Central Lok Nayak Dr.Ashwini 011- [email protected] 142 Delhi CMO IC Hospital,Room No. 5, 110002 9868392776 Delhi Hospital Khanna 23230997 rg Jawaharlal Nehru


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012


MCD Chest Clinic, Central Jhandewala Jhandewalan, Near 011- dtodljdw@rntcp. 143 Delhi Dr.D.K.Garg CMO IC 110005 9810642533 Delhi n Delhi Jal Board, Karol 23526754 org Bagh Chest R.K.Mission Free TB Central 011- dtodlrkm@rntcp. 144 Delhi RKMission Dr.Rama Bhatt Clinic Clinic,Arya Samaj 110005 9899364490 Delhi 28757608 org Incharge Road, Karol Bagh, The Goa State TB dtogagon@rntcp. Control Society, 18th 0832- org 0832- North Dr. Vandana Health 145 Goa North Goa June Road, Provedoria 403001 2224787, 9011025029 stoga@tbcin+K40 24264 Goa Dhume Officer Bldg, Panaji- Goa. 2426416 1dia.nic.in 16

403001. [email protected] dtogagos@rntcp. C/o. STD Clinic, org 0832- North Dr. Marcia Health 0832- 146 Goa South Goa Hospicio Hospital, 403601 9011025047 [email protected] 24264 Goa Pacheco Officer 2715029 Margao - Goa.403601 ic.in 16

[email protected] Ahmedabad Rural District TB Centre, State TB Training & 079- Ahmeda Ahmedaba Dr Pradip G. District 079- dtoguamd@tbcin 147 Gujarat Demonstration 380016 97277 22878 22684

bad d (R) Patel TB Officer 22684764 dia.nic.in Centre, New Civil 764 Hospital Campus, Asarva, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad City Ahmedaba Health Society -TB, TB 079- Ahmeda d Municipal City TB 079- dtoguamc@tbcin 148 Gujarat Dr RM Leuva Hosp. Compound, 380022 97277 64650 25330

bad Corportatio Officer 25330811 dia.nic.in Opp. ST Bus Stand, 811 n Astodia, Ahmedabad District District TB Centre, Civil 02792- dtoguaml@tbcin 02792- 149 Gujarat Amreli Amreli Dr CJ Butani 365601 97277 23303

TB Officer Hospital Campus, 222044 dia.nic.in 22651


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Amreli 5

02697- District TB Centre, 02697- Anand Dr Minaxi District 224659 7567870007 dtoguand@tbcin 150 Gujarat Anand Near S.S.Hospital, 388450 22145

(Petlad) Chauhan TB Officer 02697- 75678 70008 dia.nic.in Petlad 8 221458 District TB Centre, Civil 02742- Banas Banas District 02742- dtoguban@tbcin 151 Gujarat Dr PK Parmar Hospital Campus, 385001 97277 30010 25353

Kantha Kantha TB Officer 253537 dia.nic.in Palanpur 7 District TB Centre, 02642- Dr Munira V. District District Talim Team 02642- dtogubrh@tbcin 152 Gujarat Bharuch Bharuch 392001 9099036702 24040

Shukala TB Officer Resi. Quatrers, First 240403 dia.nic.in 3 Floor, Bharuch District TB Centre, Sir 0278- Bhavnag District 0278- dtogubvn@tbcin 153 Gujarat Bhavnagar Dr KR Solanki T. Hospital Compound, 364001 97277 79677 24254

ar TB Officer 2425458 dia.nic.in Bhavnagar 58 Additional District TB Centre,Community 02669- Vadodar Chhotaude District 02669- dtogucup@tbcin 154 Gujarat Dr CR Patel Health Centre 391165 8980039671 23226

a pur TB Officer 232261 dia.nic.in Campus,Chhotaudepu 1 r. Dist.Vadodara District TB Centre, 02673- District 02673- dtogudhd@tbcin 155 Gujarat Dahod Dahod Dr PR Suthar General Hospital 389151 7567896510 24744

TB Officer 247445 dia.nic.in Campus, Dahod 5 District TB Centre, Civil 079- Gandhin Gandhinag District Hospital Campus, 079- dtogugnr@tbcind 156 Gujarat Dr MH Solanki 382012 99099 42202 23221

agar ar TB Officer Sector 12, 23221364 ia.nic.in 364 Gandhinagar District TB Centre, TB 0288- Jamnag Dr Dhiren District 0288- dtogujmd@tbcin 157 Gujarat Jamnagar Hospital Compound, 361008 7567880006 26789

ar Pithdiya TB Officer 2678977 dia.nic.in Jamnagar 77 Junagad District District TB Centre, Civil 0285- dtogujun@tbcind 0285- 158 Gujarat Junagadh Dr P A Bhadla 362001 7567884555 h TB Officer Hospital Campus, 2622382 ia.nic.in 26501


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Junagadh 0285- 57 2650157 District TB Centre, 02832- District Near Pavan Chakki, 02832- dtoguktc@tbcind 159 Gujarat Kachchh Kachchh Dr SS Chauhan 370001 96876 84201 22320

TB Officer Camp Area, Bhuj- 223201 ia.nic.in 1 Kutch District TB Centre, Civil 0268- District 0268- dtogukda@tbcin 160 Gujarat Kheda Kheda Dr KS Naik Hospital Campus, 387001 75678 63214 25298

TB Officer 2529068 dia.nic.in Nadiad, Dist. Kheda 54 District TB Centre, 02762- Mahesa District 02762- dtogumsn@tbcin 161 Gujarat Mahesana Dr DC Naik Near Bhamariya Nala, 384002 8980041001 25339

na TB Officer 253399 dia.nic.in TB Road, Mehsana 9 District TB Center, Old 02640- Narmad District Jilla Panchayat 02640- dtogunmd@tbcin 162 Gujarat Narmada Dr SA Arya 393145 9099943328 22403

a TB Officer Building Opp.Parikh 224030 dia.nic.in 0 Petrol Pump, Rajpipla. District TB Centre, 02637- District MGG Civil Hospital 02637- dtogunvs@tbcin 163 Gujarat Navsari Navsari Dr Anil B. Patel 396445 97277 04076 25641

TB Officer Campus, Station Road, 256412 dia.nic.in 2 Navsari District TB Centre, Civil 02672- Panch Panch District 02672- dtogupml@tbcin 164 Gujarat Dr HV Parmar Hospital Campus, 389001 7567894300 24795

Mahal Mahal TB Officer 241944 dia.nic.in Godhara 5 District TB Centre, 02766- District 02766- dtogupat@tbcind 165 Gujarat Patan Patan Dr AK Patel General Hospital 384265 99099 81892 22660

TB Officer 226608 ia.nic.in Campus, Patan 8 District TB Centre, Nr. 0286- Porband District Lady Hospital, S.T. 0286- dtogupbd@tbcin 166 Gujarat Porbandar Dr AM Sadia 360575 99099 89646 22488

ar TB Officer Road - Porbandar - 2248864 dia.nic.in 64 360575 District TB Centre, 0281- District 0281- dtogurjt@tbcindi 167 Gujarat Rajkot Rajkot Dr SG Lakkad Near Collector Office, 360001 99099 79777 24405

TB Officer 2440598 a.nic.in Rajkot 98


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Centre, Sir 02772- Sabar Sabar District Pratap General 02772- dtogusbk@tbcin 168 Gujarat Dr PM Patel 383001 96876 79004 24691

Kantha Kantha TB Officer Hospital 241744 dia.nic.in 7 Campus,Himatnagar District TB Centre, 0261- Surat Dr Jigna C. District New Civil Hospital 0261- dtogusrt@tbcindi 169 Gujarat Surat 395001 97277 74621 22441

(Rural) Patel TB Officer Campus, Majura Gate, 2244182 a.nic.in 82 Surat Surat City Health Society -TB, Hirabaug 0261- Surat Muni. City TB 0261- dtogusrc@tbcind 170 Gujarat Surat Dr KN Sheladia Health Centre, Bh. 395006 8128690501 25449

Corp. Officer 2546362 ia.nic.in Doctor House, 85 Varachha Road, Surat District TB Center, District Talim Building, 02752- Surende Surenderna Dr Chetan District 02752- dtogusrn@tbcind 171 Gujarat MGSH Civil Hospital 363002 97277 31610 22030

rnagar gar Mehta TB Officer 221003 ia.nic.in Campus, 1 Surendranagar District TB Centre, 02631- The Dr Harshad B. District 02631- dtogudng@tbcin 172 Gujarat The Dangs Near Civil Hospital, 394710 94288 23343 22129

Dangs Patel TB Officer 221295 dia.nic.in Ahawa 5 District TB Centre, SSG 0265- Vadodar Vadodara Dr Neha A District 0265- dtoguvdd@tbcin 173 Gujarat Hospital, OPD No.19, 390001 8980039115 24260

a (Rural) Desai TB Officer 2426052 dia.nic.in Vadodara 52 Vadodara City Health Society -TB, Vadodara Municipal 0265- Vadodra Dr HM City TB 0265- dtoguvdc@tbcin 174 Gujarat Vadodra Corporation, Opp. 390001 99099 27428 24212

Muni. Corp. Chaudhari Officer 2421236 dia.nic.in Suryanarayan Baug, 36 Nr. GPO, Raopura, Vadodara


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Additional District TB Centre, State Hosp. 02633- District 02633- dtoguvld@tbcind 175 Gujarat Valsad Valsad Dr IC Patel Campus, Dharampur, 396050 97277 82541 24248 TB Officer 242485 ia.nic.in Ta: Dharampur, Dist: 5 Valsad District TB Centre, General Hospital 02626- Dr Hasmukh J. District 02626- dtoguvyr@tbcind 176 Gujarat Vyara Vyara Campus, Vyara- 394650 97277 91831 22339

Chaudhari TB Officer 223391 ia.nic.in 394650, Ta-Vyara, 1 Dist.Tapi 0171- Dr.Vivek Dy CMO Distt.T.B. Centre, Near 0171- dtohramb@rntcp 177 Ambala Ambala 134003 9896000791 24425

Malhotra (TB) Arya School Chowk 2442565 .org 65 Ditt Tb Centre, 01664- Dr. Aditya Dy CMO 01664- dtohrbwn@rntcp 178 Haryana Bhiwani Bhiwani General Hospital, 127021 9315377000 24211

Savrup Gupta (TB) 248391 .org Bhiwani 0 Distt. T.B. Centre, B.K. 0129- Faridaba Dr. Bina Dy CMO 0129- dtohrfbd@rntcp. 179 Haryana Faridabad Hospital, Nit , 121001 9268571150 24256

d Sharma (TB) 2431498, org Faridabad, Haryana 23 Dr. Kuldeep 01667- Fatehab Dy CMO O/O Civil Surgeon, 01667- dtohrftb@rntcp. 180 Haryana Fatehabad Saini MO, GH 125050 9992402675 22344

ad (TB) Fatehabad 220065 org Fatehabad 2 Distt. Tb Centre, Dr. Shashi Dy CMO 0124- dtohrgur@rntcp. 181 Haryana Gurgaon Gurgaon General Hospital, 122001 9811479778

Kataria (TB) 2221237 org Gurgaon Dy CMO District TB Centre, 01662- dtohrhsr@rntcp. 182 Haryana Hisar Hisar Dr. P.K. Gupta 125001 9315320277

(TB) Hisar 278150 org District Tb Centre 01251- Dy CMO 01251- [email protected] 183 Haryana Jhajjar Jhajjar Dr. Pusplata O/O Civil Surgeon, 124103 9215453401 25720

(TB) 257203 rg Jhajjar 3 Dr. Gopal Dy CMO 01681- dtohrjnd@rntcp. 184 Haryana Jind Jind District Tb Center, Jind 126102 9416091653

goyal (TB) 248390 org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

01746- Dr. Neelam Dy CMO Civil Surgeon Office 01746- [email protected] 185 Haryana Kaithal Kaithal 136027 9034144406 23366

Kakkar (TB) Kaithal. 233666 rg 6 Dr. Ashwani Dy CMO Distt. T.B. Center Civil 0184- dtohrknl@rntcp. 186 Haryana Karnal Karnal 132001 9466708412

Ahuja (TB) Hospital Karnal 2268595 org 01744 Kuruksh Kurukshetr Dy CMO O/O District T.B. 01744- dtohrkkr@rntcp. - 187 Haryana Dr. N.K. Jhamb 136118 9466522936

etra a (TB) Centre Kurukshetra 291664 org 29034 4 01268- Dr. Navel Dy CMO Gh. Mandikhera ( 01268- dtohrmwt@rntcp 188 Haryana Mewat Mewat 122103 9728613858 27301

Kishore (TB) Mewat) 273010 .org 0 01282- Mahind Mahinderg Dy CMO Distt. T.B. Hospital, 01282- dtohrmhn@rntcp 189 Haryana Dr. Ashok 123001 9812131416 25123

ergarh arh (TB) Narnaul 250358 .org 7 Civil Surgeon Office, Panchku Dr. Yeshpal Dy CMO 0172- dtohrpkl@rntcp. 190 Haryana Panchkula Old Hospital Building 134109 9416087377

la Singhmar (TB) 2580241 org Sector-6 Panchkula 01262- Dr. Vimal Dy CMO Distt. Tb Centre, 01262- dtohrrtk@rntcp. 191 Haryana Rohtak Rohtak 124001 9416147871 27610

Sharma (TB) Gohana Road, Rohtak 276104 org 4 District Tb Centre , 01666- Dr. Rohtas Dy CMO 01666- dtohrsrs@rntcp. 192 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa General Hospital, 125055 9416779446 24015

(Officiating) (TB) 240303 org Campus, Sirsa 5 T.B. Centre, Civil Dy CMO 0130- dtohrsnp@rntcp. 193 Haryana Sonepat Sonepat Dr. J.S. Punia Hospital, Delhi Road, 131001 9813065161

(TB) 2236114 org Sonepat Distt TB Office, Civil 01732- 01732- Yamuna YamunaNa Dr. Hukam Dy CMO Dispensary HUDA, dtohrynr@rntcp. 194 Haryana 135003 237811 01 9416259346 23781

Nagar gar Chand (TB) Sector-17, Jagadhri, org 732-201542 1 Distt Yamunanagar 0180- Dr. Naveen Dy CMO O/O Civil Surgeon , 0180- dtohrpnp@rntcp. 195 Haryana Panipat Panipat 132103 9812034925 26302

Suneja (TB) Panipat 2648827 org 75


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

01274- Dy CMO 01274- dtohrrwr@rntcp. 196 Haryana Rewari Rewari T.C.Tanwar D.T.B.Office Rewari 123401 9416117878 25676

(TB) 255114 org 9 01275 Dy CMO O/O Civil Surgeon , 01275- dtohrpwl@rntcp. - 197 Haryana Palwal Palwal Dr. A.K. Gupta 8901327817

(TB) Palwal 242102 org 24210 2 District TB Officer, 1978- Himachal Dr. Rakesh District 01978- DTOHPBLP@rntc 198 Bilaspur Bilaspur District Hospital 174001 9418039141 22205

Pradesh Dhiman TB Officer 222057 p.org Bilaspur,HP 7 District TB Officer, 01899- Himachal District 01899- DTOHPCHB@rntc 199 Chamba Chamba Dr. Devender District Hospital 176310 9318839636 22301

Pradesh TB Officer 226948 p.org Chamba,HP 0 District TB Officer, 01892- Himachal Hamirp Dr. K.C. District 01972- DTOHPHMR@rnt 200 Hamirpur District Hospital, 177001 94180-18211 22222

Pradesh ur Chopra TB Officer 223291 cp.org Hamirpur, HP 3 District TB Officer, 01892- Himachal District Zonal Hospital, 01892- DTOHPKGR@rntc 201 Kangra Kangra Dr. R.S. Rana 176215 9418085966 22248

Pradesh TB Officer Dharamshala, District 222485 p.org 5 kangra, HP District TB Officer, 01786- Himachal District District Hospital, 01786- DTOHPKNR@rntc 202 Kinaur Kinnaur Dr. R.K. Negi 172107 94180-23349 22343

Pradesh TB Officer Reokong Peo, Kinnaur, 223433 p.org 3 Hp District TB Officer, 01902- Himachal District 01902- DTOHPKLU@rntc 203 Kullu Kullu Dr. Tara Chand District Hospital Kullu, 175101 94184-54934 22360

Pradesh TB Officer 223607 p.org Kullu 7 District TB Officer, 01900- Himachal Lahaul Lahaul & District District Hospital 01900- DTOHPLSP@rntc 204 Dr. S.S. Pujara 94184-56023 22280

Pradesh & Spiti Spiti TB Officer Keylong, District 222806 p.org 6 Lahual & spiti, HP District TB Officer, 01905- Himachal Dr. Joginder District 01905- DTOHPMND@rnt 205 Mandi Mandi Zonal Hospital Mandi, 94182-03855 22571

Pradesh Thakur TB Officer 225717 cp.org District Mandi ,HP 7


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Officer, 0177- Himachal Dr. H.K. District 0177- DTOHPSML@rntc 206 Shimla Shimla DDU Hospital Shimla, 98160-57574 26517

Pradesh Malhotra TB Officer 2651787 p.org HP 87 District TB Officer, 0177- Himachal Dr. Sanjay District 01702- DTOHPSMR@rnt 207 Sirmaur Sirmaur District Hospital 94180-24877 22380

Pradesh Sharma TB Officer 223801 cp.org Nahan, Sirmaur, HP 1 District TB Officer, 01792- Himachal Dr. Mukta District 01792- DTOHPSLN@rntc 208 Solan Solan District Hospital Solan, 94184-56565 22278

Pradesh Rastogi TB Officer 222781 p.org Solan, HP 1 District TB Officer, 01975- Himachal Dr. R.S. District 01975- DTOHPUNA@rnt 209 Una Una District Hospital Una, 94184-51062 22606

Pradesh Dhawal TB Officer 224472 cp.org Una, HP 4 01932- Jammu & Anantna Dr Faheem District District TB Centre, 01932- DTOATN@rntcp. 210 Anantnag 192 101 9419461004 22587

Kashmir g Alam TB Officer Anantnag 225875 org 5 01951- Jammu & Dr Tehjeena District District TB Centre, 01951- DTOJKBGM@rntc 211 Badgam Badgam 191 111 9419091772 25639

Kashmir Jameel TB Officer Badgam 256397 p.org 7 01954- Jammu & Baramul Dr Javd Iqbal District District TB Centre, 1954- DTOJKBLA@rntc 212 Baramulla 193 201 9797738709 22473

Kashmir la lone TB Officer Baramulla 224737 p.org 7 01995- Jammu & Dr G.M. District DTC Kishtwar Near, 01995- DTOJKDOD@rntc 213 Doda Doda 182 204 9469653300 25997

Kashmir Gagroo TB Officer Bun -Astan Kishtwar 259970 p.org 0 DTC Jammu, Chest 0191- Jammu & Dr Poonam District Diseases Hospital, 0191- DTOJKJAM@rntc 214 Jammu Jammu 180 001 9419188214 25630

Kashmir Mahajan TB Officer Govt. Medical College, 2563021 p.org 21 Jammu 01985- Jammu & Dr Mohd District District TB Centre, 01985- DTOJKKAR@rntc 215 Kargil Kargil 194 103 9419185474 23308

Kashmir Ibrahim Khan TB Officer Kargil 233082 p.org 2


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Centre, CMO Office Complex, 01922- Jammu & District 01922- DTOJKKUA@rntc 216 Kathua Kathua Dr Kavi Raj Behind Head Post 184 101 9419134797 23808

Kashmir TB Officer 238083 p.org Office, Kathua - 3 184101 01955- Jammu & Kupwar Dr Mohd District District TB Centre, 01955- DTOJKKUP@rntc 217 Kupwara 193 222 9622895883 25269

Kashmir a Ramzan TB Officer Kupwara 252691 p.org 1 01982- Jammu & Dr District 01982- DTOJKLEH@rntcp 218 Leh TB Centre, Leh 194 101 9797461666 25278

Kashmir P.Wangchuk TB Officer 252785 .org 5 District Tuberculosis 01965- Jammu & Dr Mustaq District 01965- DTOJKPCH@rntc 219 Poonch Poonch Centre, Near District 185 101 9419675452 22207

Kashmir Hussain Shah TB Officer 222079 p.org Hospital Poonch, J & K. 9 01933- Jammu & Pulwam Dr Zahoor District District TB Centre, 01933- DTOJKPUL@rntc 220 Pulwama 192 301 9419009187 24060

Kashmir a Ahmed Malik TB Officer Pulwama 240600 p.org 0 District Tuberculosis 01962- Jammu & Dr Gurdeep District 01962- DTOJKRAJ@rntcp 221 Rajouri Rajouri Centre in old District 185 131 9906067435 26445

Kashmir Singh TB Officer 264456 .org Hospital Rajouri 6 0194- Jammu & District District TB Centre, 0194- DTOJKSGR@rntc 222 Srinagar Srinagar Dr G.M.Chullo 190 001 9419047474 25002

Kashmir TB Officer Srinagar 2500241 p.org 41 DTC Udhampur , 01992- Jammu & Udhamp Dr Yash Pal District 01992- DTOJKUDM@rnt 223 Udampur M.H.Road Near Saw 182 101 9419137237 27657

Kashmir ur Bhagat TB Officer 276573 cp.org Mill, NH - 1A 3 06542- Dr. S.B.P. Civil C.S. Office, Camp - II, 06542- cs.bokaro@gmail 224 Bokaro Bokaro 827012 9431711098 22222

Singh Surgeon Bokaro 222454 .com 7 06542- Dr.Arjun C.S. Office, Camp - II, 06542- Dr.arjun2parsad 225 Jharkhand Bokaro Bokaro A.C.M.O 827012 9431321888 22438

Prasad Bokaro 224384 @gmail.com 4


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

06542- District C.S. Office, Camp - II, 06542- dtojhbok@rntcp. 226 Jharkhand Bokaro Bokaro Dr. B.P. Gupta 827012 9431378719 22439

TB Officer Bokaro 224390 org 0 06541- Dr. Amarnath C.S. Cum 06541- dtojhctr@tbcindi 227 Jharkhand Chatra Chatra Sadar Hospital, Chatra 825401 8987502935 22434

Prasad DTO 224343 a.nic.in 3 Civil Surgeon Rajkumari Laper 06432- DEOGH Dr. Ramnath 06432- deoghar.cs@gma 228 Jharkhand DEOGHAR cum Asylum Campus, 814112 9431190559 22580

AR Prasad 222363 il.com CMO, Jhosagarhi, Deoghar. 7 Deoghar. Dr. Subhendra 06432- DEOGH District District TB Centre, 06432- dtojhdgh@rntcp. 229 Jharkhand DEOGHAR Narayan 814112 8987502941 24038

AR TB Officer Jalsar Road, Deoghar. 240389 org Choudhary 9 M.O. Sadar Hospital Deoghar DEOGH Dr. Nandlal Nominate Sadar Hospital 230 Jharkhand DEOGHAR 814112 9931471025 AR Pandit d M.O. Deoghar Municipal Corporati on Deoghar. Dr. Civil 0326- Dhanba Civil Surgeon Office 0326- cs.dhanbad@gm 231 Jharkhand Dhanbad Shashibhusan Surgeon 826001 9431711098 23121

d Dhanbad 2312148 ail.com Pd. Singh Dhanbad 48 Dhanba Dr. Prabhakar District Dist. T.B. Center, Sadar 0326- 8987502947 DTOJHDBD@rntc 232 Jharkhand Dhanbad 826001

d Kumar Bhagat TB Officer Hospital Dhanbad 2311294 9431138628 p.org Dr. Miniral Area Dhanba CMO 233 Jharkhand Dhanbad Shashibhusan Development 826001 d MADA Pd. Singh Authority, Dhanbad


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

06434- Dr. Soban CS cum Sadar Hospital, 06434- civilsurgeon.dum 234 Jharkhand DUMKA DUMKA 814101 9708518516 23032

Murmu CMO Dumka, Jharkhand 230326 [email protected] 6 District TB Centre, DTOJHDMK@tbci 06434- Dr. Anand District Near ANM School, 06434- ndia.nic.in 235 Jharkhand DUMKA DUMKA 814101 8987502960 22302 Mohan Soren TB Officer New Bandh Para, 223024 DTOJHDMK@rnt 4

Dumka cp.org Dr. Rajendra District Sadar Hospital DTOJHGRH@rntc 236 Jharkhand Garhwa Garhwa 822114 6561222991 9431364289

Dwivedi TB Officer Campus p.org 06532- Dr. Surendra Civil 06532- cs.giridih@gmail. 237 Jharkhand Giridih Giridih Sadar Hospital,Giridih 815301 9431997275 22865

Prasad Singh Surgeon 228651 com 1 06532- Dr. District 06532- dtojhgrd@rntcp. 238 Jharkhand Giridih Giridih TB Centre,Giridih 815301 9431167333 22979

A.K.Khaitan TB Officer 229799 org 9 District Tuberculosis DTOJHGDA@rntc 06422- Dr. Shiv District Center, Sadar Hospital 06422- p.org; 239 Jharkhand Godda Godda 814133 8987502984 22106 Narayan Tanti TB Officer Campus, Godda 221063 dtojhgda@tbcind 3

(Jharkhand) ia.nic.in Civil Surgeon Office, Civil 06524- Dr. Tunul Sadar Hospital 06524- cs.gumla@gmail. 240 Jharkhand Gumla Gumla Surgeon, 835207 9430138701 22308

Hemrom Campus, Gumla, 223080 com Gumla 0 Jharkhand District TB Centre, 06524- Dr. Hemant District Sadar Hospital 06524- dtojhgml@rntcp. 241 Jharkhand Gumla Gumla 835207 8987502992 22239

Kumar TB Officer Campus, Gumla Dist. 222391 org 1 Gumla, Jharkhand CS Office Hazarib Dr A.D.N. csd.hazaribagh@ 65468 242 Jharkhand Hazaribagh CS Sadar Hospital 825301 6546222787 9771708090

ag Prasad gmail.com 88787 Campus, Hazaribag District TB Centre, Hazarib District dtojhhzb@rntcp. 243 Jharkhand Hazaribagh Dr. V. Shankar Sadar Hopistal 825301 6546227536 8987502998

ag TB Officer org Campus, Hazribag


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Civil Surgeon Office, JAMTAR Dr. Vinod Civil 06433- cs.jamtara@gmai 244 Jharkhand JAMTARA Near Combind 815351 9430796674

A Kumar Saha Surgeon 222031 l.com Building, Jamtara [email protected] Civil Surgeon Office, JAMTAR Dr. Dinesh District 9431390496 rg; 245 Jharkhand JAMTARA Near Combind 815351 A Kumar Akhouri TB Officer 8987503009 dtojhjtr@tbcindi Building, Jamtara

a.nic.in Dist. TB Centre, Sadar Kodarm Dr, Om District 0653425283 dtojhkdr@rntcp. 246 Jharkhand Kodarma Hospital Campus, 825410 8987503021

a Narayan TB Officer 5 org Kodarma Sadar Hospital Dr. Sheo 06565- District Campus Latehar 06565- [email protected] 247 Jharkhand Latehar Latehar Poojan 829206 8987503025 24806

TB Officer District TB Centre 248065 rg Sharma 5 Latehar District TB Centre, 06526- Loharda Dr. Ugeshwar District 06526- dtojhlhd@rntcp. 248 Jharkhand Lohardaga Sadar Hospital 835302 9431118451 22364

ga Ram TB Officer 223643 org Campus, Lohardaga 3 Dr. Bijay District Civil Surgeon Office, DTOJHPKR@rntc 64352 249 Jharkhand Pakur Pakur 816107 6435223811 8987502837

Kumar Singh TB Officer Sonajori, Pakur p.org 23811 Sadar Hospital Dr. Anand District 06562- dtojhplm@rntcp. 250 Jharkhand Palamu Palamu Campus District TB 822101 8987502843

Kumar TB Officer 231156 org Centre Palamu Paschim i Paschimi Dr. Sumit District Sadar Hospital 06582- DTOJHSBW@rntc 251 Jharkhand 8987502851

Singhbh Singhbhum Kumar TB Officer Campus, Chaibasa 258301 p.org um Subdivisional Hospital Purbi 0657- Purbi District campus, Rajendra 0657- DTOJHSBE@rntc 252 Jharkhand Singhbh Dr. Sunil Minz 8987502863 24200

Singhbhum TB Officer nagar, Sakchi, 2420067 p.org um 67 Jamshedpur Ramgar District Sadar Hospital DTOJHRMG@rnt 253 Jharkhand Ramgarh Dr. A. K. Sinha 9771691449

h TB Officer Campus, Ramgarh cp.org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Dr. Akhilesh 0651- Civil Sadar Hospital, Purulia 0651- csofficeranchi@y 254 Jharkhand Ranchi Ranchi Kumar 834001 9431101299 22156

Surgeon Raod, Ranchi 2215618 ahoo.com Choudhari 18 District TB Centre, 0651- Dr. Umesh District Sadar Hospital 0651- dtojhrnc@tbcindi 255 Jharkhand Ranchi Ranchi 834001 8987502898 22152

Chandra Sinha TB Officer Campus, Purulia Road, 2215296 a.nic.in 96 Ranchi Civil Surgeon Office, 06436- SAHIBG Dr. Bhagwat Civil 06436- 9279336158 / cs.sahebganj@g 256 Jharkhand SAHIBGANJ Combined Health 816109 22457

ANJ Marandi Surgeon 224577 9334776755 mail.com Building, Sahibganj 7 District TB Centre, 06436- SAHIBG Dr. Partha District 06436- 8987502880 / dtojhsbg@tbcind 257 Jharkhand SAHIBGANJ Combined Health 816109 22528

ANJ Pratim Pandey TB Officer 225285 8757657996 ia.nic.in Building, Sahibganj 5 SERAIKE SERAIKELLA Dr. Shio Civil Surgeon Office, 06597- LLA - Civil 258 Jharkhand Shankar Seraikella, Seraikella - 833219 234849/234 8987482660 KHARS KHARSWA Surgeon Harijan kharswan 084 WAN N SERAIKE SERAIKELLA Old Sub Division LLA - Dr. Awadhesh District hospital Campus, 06897- 259 Jharkhand 833219 8987502923 KHARS KHARSWA Prasad Sinha TB Officer Seraikella, Seraikella - 234772 WAN N kharswan, Jharkhand District District TB Centre, Dr. Sureshwar TB 06525- DTOJHSDG@tbci 260 Jharkhand Simdega Simdega Sadar Hospital 835223 9470122789 Bhagat Officer, 225896 ndia.nic.in Campus, Simdega Simdega Dr. Civil C.s Sadar Hospital 261 Jharkhand KHUNTI KHUNTI Rameshwar Surgeon.c 835210 9955634207 [email protected] Compus Khunti Mahto om Cmo m Dr.Ramrekha Sadar Hospital 262 Jharkhand KHUNTI KHUNTI A.C.M.O 835210 9431391058 Prasad Compus Khunti Dr.Prabhat District Sadar Hospital DTOJHKHN@rntc 263 Jharkhand KHUNTI KHUNTI 835210 8987503015

Kumar TB Officer Compus Khunti p.org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Health & District Admin. 08354- Dr. Gundappa Family Building, R.No.128, 08354 - dhobagalkote@g 264 Bagalkot Bagalkot 587103 9449843041 23602

S. Welfare Navanagar, Bagalkot - 235379 mail.com 8 Officer 587103 (DHO) Chief Health officer, Chief BBMP Head office, Bangalo Bangalore Health 080- [email protected] 265 Karnataka Dr.K.E.Manjula 2nd Floor, Annex 560002 9480684126

re City City officer, 22112019 n Buidling, N.R.Square, (CHO) Bangalore District Health & DHO Bangalore Rural Bangalo Bangalore Dr. Family 080- 9449843038 dhobangalorerur 266 Karnataka District , Ananda rao 560 009

re Rural Rural Thimmareddy Welfare 22876586 22876586 [email protected] circle, Bangalore Officer (DHO) District District Health and Health & Bangalo Family Welfare 080- Bangalore Dr. M. Family 080- dhobangaloreurb 267 Karnataka re Office,ED Hospital 560038 9449843037 25566 Urban Thimmappa Welfare 25566844 [email protected] Urban Premises ,Old madras 844 Officer Road,Bangalore - (DHO) District Health & District Health & F.W. 0831- Belgau Dr. Dilipkumar Family 0831- dhobelgaum@g 268 Karnataka Belgaum Office, Vaccine Depot, 590006 9449843039 24072

m C. Manoli Welfare 2465335 mail.com Tilakwadi, Belgaum 42 Officer (DHO) District Health & District Hospital 08392- Dr. Shrikanth 08392- dhobellary@gma 269 Karnataka Bellary Bellary Family compound, Anantapur 583101 9449843042 27138

Basur 276250 il.com Welfare Road, Bellary. 0 Officer


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012


District Health & 08482- Dr. Baburao Family Near Prayavi Hospital 08482- dhobidar@gmail. 270 Karnataka Bidar Bidar 585401 9449843040 23312

Belad Welfare Bidar 233126 com 7 Officer (DHO) District Health & District Health and Dr. 08352- Family fmily Welfare Office, 08352- dhobijapur@gma 271 Karnataka Bijapur Bijapur Vishwanath 586101 9449843043 25803

Welfare Near Kawali Gate, 250107 il.com Galagali 8 Officer Bijapur- (DHO) District District Health & Health & Family Welfare Office, Dr. 08226- Chamar Chamaraja Family # 312, 3rd Floor, 08226- dhochamarajana 272 Karnataka Rameshbabu. 517131 9449843047 22502

ajanagar nagar Welfare District Adminstrative 222421 [email protected] N 6 Officer Building, (DHO) Chamarajanagar District District Health and Health & family welfare office 08156- Chikkab Chikkaballa Dr.B.Bakthava Family Venkatanarayana 08156- dhochikballapur 273 Karnataka 562101 9449843046 27019

allapur pur salam Welfare chotary, Beside LIC 270199 @gmail.com 9 Officer Office. B.B. Road. (DHO) Chickaballapur District District Health & Health & Family Welfare 08262- Chikmag Chikmagalu Dr. Family Officer, district Health 08262- dhochikmagalur 274 Karnataka 577102 9448366555 22032

alur r Eshwarappa Welfare & family welfare 220429 @gmail.com 9 Officer Office, Jyothi Nagar, (DHO) Chikmagalur Dist.


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Health & Dr. Office of the District 08194- Chitradu Family 08194- dhfwocta@gmail. 275 Karnataka Chitradurga Venkatashivar Health & FW Office, 577501 9449843044 23430

rga Welfare 235464 com eddy B.D. Road, Chitradurga 7 Officer (DHO) District Health & F.W. District Office, Dakshin Health & P.W.D. Building 0824- a Dakshina Dr. O.R. Family 0824- dhodkannada@g 276 Karnataka premises, 575001 9449843050 24236

Kannad Kannada Shrirangappa Welfare 2423672 mail.com Nehru Maidan Road, 38 a Officer (DHO) D.K. District. District Health & o/o DHO, Vinayaka Davanag Davanager Dr. B.R. Family Complex, Bapuji 08192 dhodavangere@ 81922 277 Karnataka 577004 9449843051

ere e Sumithradevi Welfare hospital Road, 237833 gmail.com 30919 Officer Davanagere. (DHO) District Health & Dist. Health and Dharwa Dr. N.M. Family Family welfare office, 0836- 9449843049, dhodharwad@g 83627 278 Karnataka Dharwad 580008

d Angadi Welfare KC park road, 2447483 9448437274 mail.com 45053 Officer Dharwad (DHO) District District health and Health & family welfare office, 08372- Dr. D.B. Family 08372- dhogadag@gmail 279 Karnataka Gadag Gadag Room no. 101, 1st 582102 9449843052 23959

Channashetti Welfare 233996 .com floor Administrative 7 Officer building, Gadag. (DHO)


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Health & DHO Office, Opp 08472- Gulbarg Dr. Shivaraj Family 08472- dhogulbarga@g 280 Karnataka Gulbarga Center Kamat Hotel, 585102 9449843053 22030

a Sajjan Shetty Welfare 278619 mail.com Main Road, Gulbarga 1 Officer (DHO) District Health and District Family welfare Office, Health & Beside Indoor 08172- Dr.Shamalade Family Stadium, 08172- dhohassan@gma 281 Karnataka Hassan Hassan 573201 9449843055 24683

vi.B.L Welfare Near Janakalyana City 246832 il.com 2 Officer Scan, Saligame (DHO) Road, Hassan District District Health & Health & Family Welfare Office, 08375 Dr. Basavaraj. Family District Administrative 08375- dhohaveri@gmai 282 Karnataka Haveri Haveri 9448137149 24900

Sajjan Welfare Complex, 249066 l.com 9 Officer DC.Compound, Near (DHO) Devageri, Haveri. District Health & Dr. D.H.O.OFFICE, TEMPLE 08272- Family 08272- dhokodagu@gm 283 Karnataka Kodagu Kodagu H.S.SHIVAKUM ROAD, MADIKERI, 571201 9449843058 22536

Welfare 225443 ail.com AR 0 Officer (DHO) District Health & KNTB Sanatorium DR.B.G.PRAKA Family [email protected] 284 Karnataka Kolar Kolar Buidling, Bangarpet 563102 9449843057 SH KUMAR Welfare m Road, Kolar Officer (DHO)


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Health & District Health & Dr. Mahadev Family Family Welfare Officer [email protected] 85392 285 Karnataka Koppal Koppal 583231 8359221660 9449843056

Swamy Welfare DC Office premisis, m 22145 Officer Koppal (DHO) District Health & District Health & 08232- Dr. Marigowda Family Family Welfare Office, 08232- dho.mandya@g 286 Karnataka Mandya Mandya 571401 9449843059 22841

.T.N Welfare Opp. To MIMS College, 224027 mail.com 2 Officer MC Road, Mandya. (DHO) District District Health & Health & 0821- Family Welfare Dr.S.M. Family 0821- dhomysore@gm 24356 287 Karnataka Mysore Mysore Office,NPC Hospital 570019 9449843060,

Malegowda Welfare 2529205 ail.com 64/24 Primises, Nazarbad Officer 35575 Mysore (DHO) District Health & District Health and DR. 08532- Family FW Office, Near Ek 08532 - 288 Karnataka Raichur VENKATESH 584101 9448123033 dhoraichur@gma 25002 Raichur Welfare Minar Masjid, 226020 NAIK il.com 1 Officer RAICHUR (DHO) DISTRICT HEALTH District AND FAMILY WELFARE Health & OFFICE ,RAILWAY 080- Ramana Ramanagar Dr. Family 080- dhoramanagara 289 Karnataka STATION ROAD, 562159 9449843061 27276

gara a RAGHUNATH Welfare 27276058 @gmail.com RAMANAGARA 058 Officer RAMANAGARA (DHO) DISTRICT .


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Health & Dr.Channabas Family B.H Road, Opp.Chruch, dhoshimoga@gm 81822 290 Karnataka Shimoga Shimoga 577201 8182222382 9449843063

appa G.H Welfare Shimoga ail.com 22382 Officer (DHO) District Health & District Health & Dr. 0816- Family Family Welfare Office, 0816- dhotumkur@gm 291 Karnataka Tumkur Tumkur Channamallaia 572101 9449843064 22513

Welfare Near Town hall, 2278387 ail.com h 18 Officer Tumkur (DHO) District Health & District Health& FW Dr. A. 0820- Family Office, Ajjarkadu Hosp. 0820- dhoudupi@gmail 292 Karnataka Udupi Udupi Ramachandra 576101 9449843066 25255

Welfare Compound. Udupi- 2636650 .com Bairy 66 Officer (Karnataka State) (DHO) District Health & 08382- Uttara District Health & 08382- Uttara Dr. G. N. Family 266339 dhoukannada@g 293 Karnataka Kannad Family Welfare Office, 581301 9449843065 22245

Kannada Ashok Kumar Welfare 08382- mail.com a Karwar, U.K. 2 Officer 222452 (DHO) District Health & District Health & 08473- Dr.Mallikarjun Family 08473- dhoyadgiri@gmai 294 Karnataka Yadgiri Yadgiri Family Welfare Office, 585201 9449843067 25159

Mukka Welfare 251598 l.com Main Road Yadgiri 8 Officer (DHO) District TB Center, Dr. Alappuz District General Hospital 0477 dtokeapz@tbcin 295 Alappuzha C.O.Rajendrak 688011 9497309565

ha TB Officer Campus, I. B. P. O, 2252861 dia.nic.in umar Alappuzha


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Ernakul District District TB Centre, 0484 dtokeenk@tbcin 296 Kerala Ernakulam Dr. Savitha 682005 9747599579

am TB Officer Karuvelipady, Kochi 2225491 dia.nic.in District TB Dr Suresh District 0486 Dtokeidk@tbcind 297 Kerala Idukki Idukki Center,Idukki Coloni P 685602 94477 57899

Varghese. S. TB Officer 2233157 ia.nic.in O, Cheruthoni District Hospital Dr. K V District 0497- dtokeknu@tbcin 298 Kerala Kannur Kannur Compound, Kannur - 670017 9447203280

Padmanabhan TB Officer 2733491 dia.nic.in 17 Kasarag Dr.K.Raviprasa District District TB Centre, 0499 Dtokeksg@tbcin 299 Kerala Kasaragod 671121 9446076699

od da TB Officer Kasaragod 4222480 dia.nic.in District TB Centre, Dr. District 0474 Dtokeklm@tbcin 300 Kerala Kollam Kollam Hospital Road, 691 001 9447588615

V.Krishnaveni TB Officer 2748985 dia.nic.in Chinnakkada, Kollam Kottaya Dr. Floramma District District TB Centre, 0481- Dtokekot@tbcin 301 Kerala Kottayam 686001 9961205332

m Chacko TB Officer Kottayam 2303965 dia.nic.in District TB Centre Kozhiko District 0495- Dtokekzk@tbcin 302 Kerala Kozhikode Dr. Santhosh L Kuthiravattom (Po), 673 016 9446112608

de TB Officer 2740951 dia.nic.in Kozhikode. District TB Centre, Dr. Cherani, Malapp Malappura District 0483 dtokempm@tbci 303 Kerala Nandakumar.K Karuvambrum 676 123 9447629030

uram m TB Officer 2761064 ndia.nic.in .V PO,Manjeri,Malappura m. Palakka District District TB Centre, 0491 Dtokeplk@tbcind 304 Kerala Palakkad Dr. A. Lakshmy 678001 9447190914

d TB Officer Palakkad 2529545 ia.nic.in District TB Centre, District Hospital Pathana Pathanamt Dr. District 0468 Dtokeptm@tbcin 305 Kerala Compound, 689641 9447894073

mthitta hitta Manikantan TB Officer 2310890 dia.nic.in Kozhencherry. Pathanamthitta Thiruva District TB Centre, Red Thiruvanan District 0471 dtoketrm@tbcin 306 Kerala nanthap Dr.Shabna.D.S Cross Road, General 695035 9446309282

thapuram TB Officer 2464470 dia.nic.in uram Hospital Junction,


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012


District TB Centre, District Hospital District 0487 Dtokethr@tbcind 307 Kerala Thrissur Thrissur Dr. Vidya.V Compound, St. 680 001 9446539791

TB Officer 2428886 ia.nic.in Thomas College Road P. O. Thrissur District Tb Centre District Hospital Wayana District 0493 dtokewyd@tbcin 308 Kerala Wayanad Dr. C Sakeer Compound, 670 645 9895646991

d TB Officer 5244149 dia.nic.in Mananthavady, Wayanad. Chief Medical Officer (NFSG), Indira Gandhi 0489- 04896- Lakshadw Lakshad Lakshadwe Dr. K.Shamsu State TB Hospital, Kavaratti & 6263802,

309 9446407005 [email protected] 26231 eep weep ep Officer State TB Officer, U. T. 04896 dheen 6 of Lakshadweep, 262316(O) Kavaratti 07394- Madhya Dr. Santosh District District TB Center,Civil DTOMPARP@rnt 310 Alirajpur Alirajpur 457887 234700, 9407192865

Pradesh Solanki TB Officer Hospital, Alirajpur cp.org 233504 07659- Madhya Annopp District District TB Center,Civil dtompanp@rntc 311 Annoppur Dr. R.P. Soni 484224 222266, 9425473019

Pradesh ur TB Officer Hospital, Annupur p.org 222647 Madhya Ashok Ashok Dr.Natwar District DTC,Dist.Hosp.Campus 0754- DTOMPASN@rnt 312 473331 9406582774

Pradesh Nagar Nagar Sing TB Officer Ashoknagar 3220891 cp.org District TB Madhya Balagha Dr. Suresh K District 07632- DTOMPBLG@rnt 313 Balaghat Center,Govt.Hospital 481001 9425138755

Pradesh t Kawde TB Officer 248608 cp.org Campus Balaghat DTC Barwani,CM&HO 07290- Madhya Dr. Arun District DTOMPBRW@rn 314 Barwani Barwani office,Mahila 451551 222812, 9425090780,

Pradesh Sharma TB Officer tcp.org Chikitsalaya Barwani 222056


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012


07141- District T.B. Centre Madhya District 231222, DTOMPBTL@rntc 315 Betul Betul Dr. A.K.Trivedi Main Hospital 460001 9424403201

Pradesh TB Officer 230122,234 p.org Campus Betul M.P. 351 District T B Center Madhya Dr. Ram District DTOMPBHD@rnt 316 Bhind Bhind District Hospital 477001 9425130944

Pradesh Kumar Gupta TB Officer cp.org Campus Bhind District TB Centre Madhya Dr. Manoj District 0755- DTOMPBPL@rntc 317 Bhopal Bhopal Itwara Road Behind 462003 9827043979

Pradesh Verma TB Officer 2724686 p.org Central Library, Bhopal Madhya Burhanp Dr. Harsh District DTC, Nehru 07325- dtompbrn@rntcp 318 Burhanpur 450331 9826065884 Pradesh ur Verma TB Officer Hospital,Burhanpur 254102 .org District T.B. Center, 07682- Madhya Chhatar District Distritc Hospital 240357, DTOMPCTP@rnt 319 Chhatarpur Dr. V.S. Bajpai 471001 9826260982

Pradesh pur TB Officer Campus Chhatarpur 248291, cp.org M.P. 246291 Madhya Chhind Chhindwar Dr. R.K. District T.B. Sanatorium 07162- 9425147144, DTOMPCDW@rn 320 480001

Pradesh wara a Shrivastava TB Officer Chhindwara (M.P.) 243667 9425347144 tcp.org Distt. Hospital Madhya District 07812- DTOMPDMH@rn 321 Damoh Damoh Dr. G.K.Jain Campus, Distt.Tb 470661 9425096607

Pradesh TB Officer 228219 tcp.org Center, Damoh (M.P.) Madhya Dr. Vishal District Distt. Hospital Campus 07522- DTOMPDTA@rnt 322 Datia Datia 475661 9425122184

Pradesh Verma TB Officer Datia 234524 cp.org Madhya Dr. Shivendra District 07272- DTOMPDWS@rn 323 Dewas Dewas Mgh Campus Dewas 455001 9425350710

Pradesh Mishra TB Officer 250323 tcp.org 07292- District TB Center, 222219, Madhya Dr. Sanjay District DTOMPDHR@rnt 324 Dhar Dhar Bhoj Hospital Campus, 454001 235246, 9425054648

Pradesh Joshi TB Officer cp.org Dhar 415054, 414054


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

07644- Madhya District District Hospital DTOMPDDR@rnt 325 Dindori Dindori Dr. K.P.Kori 481880 234962, 9425164685

Pradesh TB Officer Campus Dindori (M.P.) cp.org 234450 Madhya Dr. Gaurav District Hospital Campus Dtc 07542- DTOMPGUN@rnt 326 Guna Guna 473001 9827285175

Pradesh Tiwari TB Officer Guna 254612 cp.org District Tb Hospital 0751- Madhya District DTOMPGLR@rnt 327 Gwalior Gwalior Dr. V.K. Gupta J.A.H. Campus, 474003 2634182, 9425115980

Pradesh TB Officer cp.org Gwaliar 2452994 Distt. Tb Center, Distt. Madhya District 07577- 9425041979, DTOMPHAR@rnt 328 Harda Harda Dr. S.P.Sharma Hospital Campus 461331

Pradesh TB Officer 222480 9424487306 cp.org Harda Madhya Hoshan Hoshangab District Distrcit Tb Centre 07574- DTOMPHSB@rnt 329 Dr. V.K.Dubey 461001 9425041104

Pradesh gabad ad TB Officer Hoshangabad 251276 cp.org District Tb Centre, Lal 0731- Madhya Dr. Vijay District DTOMPIDR@rntc 330 Indore Indore Hospital , Malharganj, 452002 2450697, 9827247600

Pradesh Chhajlani TB Officer p.org Indore 2450697 District Tb Clinic, Madhya District 0761- DTOMPJBP@rntc 331 Jabalpur Jabalpur Dr. C.P. Tiwari Victoria Hospital 482002 9407000122

Pradesh TB Officer 4017993 p.org Campus, Jabalpur Madhya District District Hospital 07392- DTOMPJBA@rntc 332 Jhabua Jhabua Dr. A.K.Patel 457661 9425101106

Pradesh TB Officer Campus Jhabua (M.P.) 245503 p.org Madhya Dr. S.K. District 07622- DTOMPKTN@rnt 333 Katni Katni DTC, Distt.- Katni 484501 9425158548

Pradesh Sharma TB Officer 230038 cp.org Main Hospital Madhya Khandw Dr.S.K.Shrivast District 0733- DTOMPKDW@rn 334 Khandwa Campus, DTC 450001 9827267577

Pradesh a ava TB Officer 2243865 tcp.org Khandwa 07282- Madhya Khargon Dr. Aftab District DTC,Sanawat DTOMPKGN@rnt 335 Khargone 451001 250464, 9425089992

Pradesh e Lodhi TB Officer road,Khargone cp.org 243005, District TB Center, Madhya District 07642- DTOMPMDL@rnt 336 Mandla Mandla Dr. R.L.Bansod District Hospital 481661 9425139654

Pradesh TB Officer 251455 cp.org Campus Mandla


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Tb Centre, District Hosiptal 07422- Madhya Mandsa Dr. District DTOMPMDS@rnt 337 Mandsaur Campus Nasha Mukti 458002 241381, 9425108553

Pradesh ur R.K.Dwivedi TB Officer cp.org Parisar Dashpur Kunj 221697 Road Mandsaur 07532- Madhya Dr. Manish District District T.B. Center Jail DTOMPMRN@rn 338 Morena Morena 476001 250706 9425418488

Pradesh Sharma TB Officer Road Morena M.P. tcp.org 250705, 07792- District Hospital Madhya Narsing Narsinghpu District 2231510, DTOMPNSP@rnt 339 Dr.A.M.Tiwari Campus Narsinghpur 487001 9425152037

Pradesh hpur r TB Officer 231238, cp.org (M.P.) 230510, 07423- 408739, Dr. Madhya Neemuc District District Hospital 228889, 9827256222, DTOMPNMC@rn 340 Neemuch R.P.Maheshwa 458441

Pradesh h TB Officer Campus, Neemuch 228886, 8989614922 tcp.org ri 220082, 403541 Madhya Dr.Sudhakar District 07732- DTOMPPAN@rnt 341 Panna Panna District TB Center 488001 9425420999

Pradesh Pandey TB Officer 254432 cp.org 9406546505 Madhya District District Hospital 07482- DTOMPRSN@rnt 342 Raisen Raisen Dr. A.K.Gupta 464551 9826383648

Pradesh TB Officer Campus 223429 cp.org 9426409329 District TB Centre, Madhya District District Hospital 07372- DTOMPRJG@rntc 343 Rajgarh Rajgarh Dr. D.S. Verma 465661 9425037886

Pradesh TB Officer Campus Rajgarh 255419 p.org (Biaora) M.P. 07412- District TB Centre, Madhya District 235981 DTOMPRTM@rnt 344 Ratlam Ratlam Dr. Abhay Ohri District Hospital 457001 9826062656

Pradesh TB Officer 270444, cp.org Campus Ratlam, M.P. 235750, Madhya District District Tb Centre 07662- DTOMPRWA@rn 345 Rewa Rewa Dr. B.L.Mishra 486001 9424974800

Pradesh TB Officer G.M.H., O.P.D. 256314 tcp.org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Campus District Rewa (M.P.) District T.B. Center Madhya Dr. Sunil District Indra Eye Hospital 07582- DTOMPSAG@rnt 346 Sagar Sagar 470002 9424488070

Pradesh Kumar Jain TB Officer Campus, Subhash 246368 cp.org Nagar, Sagar M.P. Madhya District Distt. Hospital 07672- DTOMPSTN@rnt 347 Satna Satna Dr. M.S.Tomar 485001 9425173526

Pradesh TB Officer Compound 403744 cp.org District Tb Center, Madhya District 07562- DTOMPSEH@rnt 348 Sehore Sehore Dr.Caturvedi District Hospital, 466001 9826090264

Pradesh TB Officer 226411 cp.org Sehore Madhya Dr. M.N. District Smt Indria Gandhi 07692- DTOMPSNI@rntc 349 Seoni Seoni 480661 9425445942

Pradesh Suryavanshi TB Officer Hospital District Seoni 225260 p.org Distt. T.B. Hospital, Madhya Dr. Rajesh District 07652- 9993403555, DTOMPSDL@rntc 350 Shahdol Shahdol Behind Distt. Hospital, 484001

Pradesh Mishra TB Officer 248562 9425898204, p.org Shahdol (M.P.) 07364- District T.B. Centre Madhya Shajapu District 221675, 9425081374, DTOMPSJP@rntc 351 Shajapur Dr. H.C.Sisodia District Hospital 465441

Pradesh r TB Officer 227663 9420081374, p.org Shajapur M.P. 227667, Madhya Dr. A.R. District District Hospital 07530- DTOMPSOP@rnt 352 Sheopur Sheopur 476332 9993263981

Pradesh Karoria TB Officer Sheopur 221675 cp.org District T.B.Center 9425764385, Madhya District Kotwali Road Near 07492- DTOMPSVP@rnt 353 Shivpuri Shivpuri Dr. R.K. Jain 474551 9406589771,

Pradesh TB Officer Post Office Shivpuri 234765 cp.org 9301402355 M.P. 07822- Madhya District 252207, DTOMPSDH@rnt 354 Sidhi Sidhi Dr. K.P. Gupta 486601 9425179517

Pradesh TB Officer 252234, cp.org 251161 DTC Madhya District 07805- DTOMPSGL@rntc 355 Singrauli Singrauli Dr. Kumar Singrauli,Patan,Singra 486889 9753015800

Pradesh TB Officer 234004 p.org uli


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Madhya Tikamga Dr. Hemant District DTC,Dist.Hosp.Campus 07683- DTOMPTKM@rnt 356 Tikamgarh 472001 9406096144

Pradesh rh Arya TB Officer Tikamgarh 247093 cp.org 0734- Madhya Dr. M.L. District Dist.TB Hospital Agar DTOMPUJN@rnt 357 Ujjain Ujjain 456010 2557400, 9926188678

Pradesh Malviya TB Officer Road Ujjain cp.org 2518430, Districts Hospital Madhya Dr. S.R. District 07653- DTOMPUMR@rn 358 Umaria Umaria Compound,Districts TB 484661 9827079695

Pradesh Kanaskar TB Officer 223585 tcp.org Center,Umaria Districts Hospital 07592- Madhya District 9425614869 DTOMPVDS@rnt 359 Vidisha Vidisha Dr. R.C. Sonkar Compound,Districts Tb 464001 406151,

Pradesh TB Officer 9424445778 cp.org Center,Vidisha 406160, District Maharash Ahmedn Ahmednag dhoahmadnagar 360 Dr. Kharat K. Health 2412327425 9594111627

tra agar ar Rural @yahoo.co.in Officer District Maharash 0724 - dhoako@rediffim 361 Akola Akola Dr. Dilip Pande Health 9403283350

tra 2435075 ail .com Officer District Maharash Amravat Dr. B. S. 0721- dhozpamt@gmai 362 Amravati Health 9623734648

tra i Sonawane 2662591 l.com Officer District Maharash Auranga Aurangaba 0240- dhoaurangabad 363 DR.MANE Health 9049723272

tra bad d 2350744 @rediffmail.com Officer dhobeed@rediff Dr. Radhakisan District 02442- Maharash mail.com & 364 Beed Beed Baburao Health 230185/222 9403788600 tra dpm.beed@gmai Pawar Officer 374/225910 l.com District Maharash Bhandar 07184- dpmbhandara@g 365 Bhandara Dr.M.B. Ganvir Health 9422116011

tra a 253594 mail.com Officer District Maharash Buldhan 07262 - Dpm.buldana@g 366 Buldhana Dr. K.S.Wasnik Health 9422152459

tra a 242574 mail.com Officer


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Maharash Chandra Dr. Anand 07172- [email protected] 367 Chandrapur Health 9422440560

tra pur Kamble 253855 om Officer District Maharash Dr. D.B. 02562- dpm.dhule@gma 368 Dhule Dhule Health 9960752828 tra Mahale 237139 il.com Officer District 07132- Maharash Gadchir Dr. Fulchand dho_gad@rediff 369 Gadchiroli Health 222738/ 9096919494

tra oli A. Meshram mail.com Officer 222317 District Maharash Dr. B. K. 07182- 370 Gondia Gondia Health 9403613418 tra Meshram 231136 Officer District Maharash 02456- dhohingoli@gmai 371 Hingoli Hingoli Dr. S. P. Pawar Health 9822667627

tra 223062 l.com Officer District Maharash 0257 DTOMHJLG@rntc 372 Jalgoan Jalgoan Dr. D. M. Patil Health 9423973268

tra 2220555 p.org Officer District Maharash Dr. D. D. 02482- dhojalna@rediff 373 Jalna Jalna Health 9822560546 tra Bhagat 225703 mail.com Officer District Maharash Kolhapu Dr.M.V.Basare 0231- nrhm_kop@redif 374 Kolhapur Health 9403696962

tra r / Dr. A.B.More 2652327 fmail.com Officer District Maharash Dr. J. S. 02382- 375 Latur Latur Health 9421375306 tra Kulkarni 242806 Officer District Maharash Dr. Nadeem 0712- dpmnagpur@gm 376 Nagpur Nagpur Health 9823192096 tra Khan 2560653 ail.com Officer District 02462- Maharash Dr. V. R. dhonanded1@g 377 Nanded Nanded Health 234614/ 9881881555

tra Mekane mail.com Officer 239037


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Maharash Nandur Dr. R. R. dhonandurbar@ 378 Nandurbar Health 2564210235 9850174918 tra bar Hashmi gmail.com Officer District Maharash Dr. Yogesh R. 0253- 379 Nasik Nasik Health 9881259741 tra Sali 2508512 Officer District 02472- Maharash Osmana Osmanaba Dr. R. N. dhoosmanabad 380 Health 227258/ 9923881314

tra bad d Waghmare @gmail.com Officer 225298 District Maharash Parbhan Dr. Arun 02452- dhopr@rediffmai 381 Parbhani Health 8805931070 tra i Bansode 220526 l.com Officer District Maharash Dr. Sudhakar 020- 382 Pune Pune Health 9867218951 tra Kokane 26129965 Officer District Maharash Dr. Prakash 02141- dhozpraigad@g 383 Raigad Raigad Health 9403498708 tra Patil 222077 mail.com Officer District Maharash Ratnagir dhortg123@yaho 384 Ratnagiri Dr. Salve Health 9422603989

tra i o.com Officer District Maharash 0233- 385 Sangli Sangli Dr. A. A. Khare Health 9403691711 tra 2373072 Officer District Maharash 02162- 386 Satara Satara Dr. B. A. Pawar Health 9423011199 tra 233025 Officer District Maharash Sindhud 02362- 387 Sindhudurg Dr. T. A. More Health 9890969775 tra urg 228842 Officer District Maharash Dr.Vadgave 0217- dhosolapur 388 Solapur Solapur Health 9405844323 tra (I/C) 2622652 @gmail.com Officer


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District Maharash DR.R.V.KADA 022- dhozpthane@red 389 Thane Thane Health 9967314723

tra M 25387242 iffmail.com Officer District Maharash Dr.N.M.Somal 07152- dtomhwdh@rntc 390 Wardha Wardha Health 8805002009

tra kar 243244 p.org Officer District Maharash Dr. 07252/2331 391 Washim Washim Health 9881216386 tra Mehakarkar 32 Officer District Maharash Yavatma Dr.Ganesh 07232- 392 Yavatmal Health 9422565045 tra l Rachkuntwar 242298 Officer Medical Maharash Dr. Satish 0241- 393 Ahmedn Ahmednag Officer of 9370314078 tra Rajurkar 2326100 agar ar MC Health Medical 0721- Maharash Amravat Amravati rchphdamc@gm 394 Dr. A.H.Rathi Officer of 2576469/79 9403081508 tra i MC ail.com Health /82 Medical Maharash Dr. Jayashree 0240- 395 Auranga Aurangaba Officer of 9764997037 tra J. Kulkarni 2333536-40 bad d MC Health Medical Maharash Dr. Farooq 0724/24390 9922855561/ mohakola.007@r 396 Akola Akola MC Officer of

tra Sheikh. 59 9175729065 ediffmail.com Health Medical Maharash Bhivandi Dr. Vidya 02522 - 397 Thane Officer of 9890157500 tra MC Shetty 223980 Health Medical Maharash Dr.Mahesh M. 02562- maheshmore00 398 Dhule Dhule MC Officer of 8600502725 tra More 278322 @gmail.com Health Medical Maharash Smt. Nirmala 0257- dpm_mchjal@re 399 Jalgaon Jalgaon MC Officer of 9420381217

tra Sharma 2233362 diffmail.com Health


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

moh_kdmc@yah Dr. Liladhar Medical Maharash 0251- oo.com; 400 Thane KDMC Sakharam Officer of 9967329589 tra 2204304 moh.kdmc@gmai Maske Health l.com Dr. Mrs. Medical Maharash Kolhapu Kolhapur 0231- [email protected] 401 Sunanda K. Officer of 9766132014

tra r MC 2540291 om Naik Health Mumbai Medical Maharash Dr. (Mrs) 022- moha.phd@mcg 402 Mumbai MC (24 Officer of 9920759811

tra Banawalkar 22661353 m.gov.in Dist) Health Medical Maharash Dr. (Mrs) 022- mohb.phd@mcg 403 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759812

tra Jakhia 23736622 m.gov.in Health Medical Maharash Dr. Ravindra 022- mohc.phd@mcg 404 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759813

tra Narkar 22014022 m.gov.in Health Medical Maharash 022- mohd.phd@mcg 405 Mumbai Mumbai Dr. Chetna N.K Officer of 9920759814

tra 23861426 m.gov.in Health mohe02.phd@m Medical Maharash Dr. Jiten 022- cgm.gov.in; 406 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759815 tra Jadhav 23081471 mohe.phd@mcg Health m.gov.in Medical Maharash Dr. Sharad 24134560 mohfs.phd@mcg 407 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759817

tra Ruia Ext. 220 m.gov.in Health Medical Maharash Dr. Navni 022- mohfn.phd@mcg 408 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759818

tra Harishchandra 24024353 m.gov.in Health Medical Maharash 022- mohgs.phd@mcg 409 Mumbai Mumbai Dr. Dengle Officer of 9920759819

tra 24305031 m.gov.in Health


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Medical Maharash 022- mohgn.phd@mc 410 Mumbai Mumbai Dr. Sane G.K. Officer of 9920759820

tra 24212776 gm.gov.in Health Medical Maharash DR. (Mrs) 022- mohhe.phd@mc 411 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759822

tra Shaikh Naznin 26182217 gm.gov.in Health Dr. (Mrs) Medical Maharash 022- mohhw.phd@mc 412 Mumbai Mumbai Meena Officer of 9920759821

tra 26422311 gm.gov.in Bawadhankar Health Medical Maharash 022- mohke.phd@mc 413 Mumbai Mumbai Dr. Ingle Officer of 9920759823

tra 26840103 gm.gov.in Health mohkw.phd@mc Medical Maharash Dr. Shridhar 26239165/6 gm.gov.in; 414 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759824 tra Pawar 6 [email protected] Health ov.in Dr. Medical Maharash 022- mohps.phd@mcg 415 Mumbai Mumbai Wallepawar Officer of 9920759825

tra 28722244 m.gov.in Omprakash Health Medical Maharash Dr. 022- mohpn.phd@mc 416 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759826

tra Shignapurkar 28823266 gm.gov.in Health mohrs.phd@mcg Medical Maharash Dr. Rujuta 022- m.gov.in; 417 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759827 tra Bharaskar 28052982 mohrsphd@mcg Health m.gov.in Medical Maharash 022- mohrc.phd@mcg 418 Mumbai Mumbai Dr. Bajam Officer of 9920759829

tra 28946000 m.gov.in Health Medical Maharash Dr. (Mrs) 022- mohrn.phd@mcg 419 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759828

tra Inamdar 28920242 m.gov.in Health


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

mohl.phd@mcg Medical Maharash Dr. Phunde 022- m.gov.in; 420 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759830 tra Sanjaykumar 26505103 mohlward@gmai Health l.com Medical Maharash Dr. (Mrs) 25281985/5 mohme.phd@mc 421 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759831

tra Jadhav 5 gm.gov.in Health mohmw.phd@m Medical Maharash 022- cgm.gov.in; 422 Mumbai Mumbai Dr. Kumbhare Officer of 9920759852 tra 25283900 mohmwphd@gm Health ail.com mohn.phd@mcg Medical Maharash 25094161/2 m.gov.in; 423 Mumbai Mumbai Dr. Patil Officer of 9920759833 tra 5122513 mohnward@gma Health il.com mohs.phd@mcg Medical Maharash Dr. Sachin 022- m.gov.in; 424 Mumbai Mumbai Officer of 9920759834 tra Bhosale 25947570 [email protected] Health m Dr. Medical Maharash 022- moht.phd@mcg 425 Mumbai Mumbai Udaykumar Officer of 9920759835

tra 25645289 m.gov.in Yellkar Health Medical Maharash Malega Malegaon Dr.Bharat 02554- mmchfws@rediff 426 Officer of 9823339299 tra on MC B.Wagh 230476 mail.com Health Medical Maharash Meera Bha. Dr. Pramod purviakshat@gm 427 Thane Officer of 2228192828 7738158236

tra MC Padwal ail.com Health Medical Maharash Dr. Savita hom.ngp@gmail. 428 Nagpur Nagpur MC Officer of 9505508211

tra Meshram com Health Medical Maharash 429 Nanded Nanded MC Dr. S. B. More Officer of 9011000934 tra Health


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Medical Maharash 0253/25756 Nmcnrhmrch2@ 430 Nashik Nashik MC Dr.D.B.Patil Officer of 9422770441

tra 31/32 rediffmail.com Health Medical Maharash Dr. Ramesh D. 022- dtomhnvm@rntc 431 Thane NMMC Officer of 9322033971 tra Nikam 27573781 p.org Health Pimpri Medical 020- Maharash a.jagdale@pcmci 432 Chinchw PCMC Dr. R. R. Iyer Officer of 27425422 9922501514 tra ndia.gov.in ad Health /27657519 Medical Maharash Dr. Somnath T. 020- medicalunitpmc 433 Pune PMC Officer of 9689931222

tra Pardeshi 25501213 @gmail.com Health Medical Maharash Dr.Ram 233- ramchandra.hank 434 Sangli Sangli MC Officer of 9822185921

tra S.Hankare 2373722 [email protected] Health Medical Maharash Dr. S. Y. 0217- dtomhslc@rntcp. 435 Solapur Solapur MC Officer of 9422457926

tra Gaikwad 2735286 org Health Medical Maharash Dr. R.T. 022 9969201654 norchtmc@gmail 436 Thane Thane MC Officer of

tra Kendre 25332685 9764619969 .com Health 0251- Medical 2720108 Maharash Ulhasnagar Dr. Raja norchtmc@redif 437 Thane Officer of 0251- 9422578113 tra MC Reejhwani fmail.com Health 2720116- 241 District TB Office, BISHNU BISHNUPU Dr. L.Kuber District 03879- dtomnbpr@tbcin 438 Bishnupur,Near CMO, 795126 9402752583

PUR R Singh TB Officer 222002 dia.nic.in Office District TB Office, CHANDE District dtomncdl@tbcin 439 Manipur CHANDEL Dr. RD Laring Chandel, Old CMO 795127 9436029073 L TB Officer dia.nic.in Office


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

CHURAC District TB Office, CHURACHA Dr T District dtomnccp@tbcin 440 Manipur HANDP Churachandpur,Distric 795128 9862516867 NDPUR Punzathang TB Officer dia.nic.in UR t Hospital Complex District TB Office, IMPHAL IMPHAL Dr.A.Dharmam District 0385- dtomnime@tbcin 441 Manipur Imphal East,JNIMS 795010 9862739844 EAST EAST ukta Singh TB Officer 2440693 dia.nic.in Complex, Porompat District TB Office, IMPHAL IMPHAL Dr. Ch. District Imphal West, Near 0385- dtomnimw@tbci 442 Manipur 795004 9862292285 WEST WEST Memcha Devi TB Officer Officer, Club 2413636 ndia.nic.in Lamphelpat District TB Office, SENAPA District dtomnspt@tbcin 443 Manipur SENAPATI Dr. Lorho Mao Senapati, District 795106 9862601303 TI TB Officer dia.nic.in Hospital Complex District TB Office, TAMEN TAMENGLO Dr.Chambo District 03877- 9436294181, dtomntam@tbci 444 Manipur Tamenglong, Head 795141 GLONG NG Gonmei TB Officer 222495 9436683196 ndia.nic.in Quarter District TB Office, THOUB Dr. Ksh. District 03848- dtomntbl@tbcin 445 Manipur THOUBAL Thoubal, Old District 795138 9089655773 AL Memcha Devi TB Officer 223621 dia.nic.in Hospital , Dr.Sh.AR. District TB Office, Abdur District 03870- dtomnukl@tbcin 446 Manipur UKHRUL UKHRUL Ukhrul, District 795142 9862433155 Rahaman TB Officer 222676 dia.nic.in Hospital Complex Chishti East District T.B. Office, Meghalay East Garo District 03658- DTOMGEGH@tbc 447 Garo Dr.B.Marak Williamnagar Civil 794111 9436103305

a Hills TB Officer 220233 india.nic.in Hills Hospital Complex. Dr (Mrs) East T.I.Rngad District TB Centre East Meghalay East Khasi District 0364- DTOMGEKH@tbc 448 Khasi District TB Khasi Hills Mawprem 793002 9863063175

a Hills TB Officer 2546759 india.nic.in Hills Officer East Shillong Khasi Hills Meghalay Jaintia Dr.E.Chyne District Office Of The District 03652- DTOMGJNH@tbc 449 Jaintia Hills 793150 9856451416

a Hills (DMHO TB Officer TB Officer,Near Civil 221852 india.nic.in


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

incharge as Hospital, Pamhadem, DTO) Jowai Nongpoh Civil Meghalay District 03638- DTOMGRBH@tbc 450 Ri Bhoi Ri Bhoi Dr.L.M.Pdah Hospital, Ri Bhoi 793102 9436305792

a TB Officer 232043 india.nic.in District. District Tuberculosis West Meghalay West Garo Dr.M.R.Sangm District Centre, West Garo 03651- DTOMGWGH@tb 451 Garo 794002 9436108418

a Hills a TB Officer Hills, Tura, Lower 221596 cindia.nic.in Hills Chandmary - 794002 District Tuberculosis West Meghalay West Khasi District Center,Old-Nongstoin, DTOMGWKH@rn 452 Khasi Dr.W.Phira 793119 9436103036

a Hills TB Officer Nongstoin,West Khasi tcp.org Hills Hill, South Meghalay South Garo Dr. Khona A. District Baghmara Chc, South 03639- DTOMGSGH@tbc 453 Garo 794102 9436114426

a Hills Sangma TB Officer Garo Hills, Baghmara 22221 india.nic.in Hills Dr. 0389- District DTC, Civil Hospital 0389- DTOMZAZW@rnt 454 Aizawl Laldawngliana 796001 9436146398 23107 TB Officer Aizawl 2301693 cp.org Sailo 15 03831- Champh District DTC, 03831- DTOMZCMP@rnt 455 Mizoram Champhai Dr. HB James 796321 8575332358 23418 ai TB Officer District 235664 cp.org 4 03837- Dr. District 03837- DTOMZKLS@rntc 456 Mizoram Kolasib DTC, 796081 9436143505 22193 Lalhlimpuia TB Officer 221516 p.org 0 03835- Lawngtl Dr. Joseph District 03835- DTOMZLGT@rntc 457 Mizoram DTC, 796891 9436154508 23251 ai Lalluaia TB Officer 233246 p.org 5 0372- Dr. VLMS District 0372- DTOMZLLI@rntc 458 Mizoram Lunglei DTC, 796701 9436141058 23228 Dawngliana TB Officer 2325200 p.org 64 District 0389- DTOMZMMT@rn 0389- 459 Mizoram Mamit Dr. Vanlalfela DTC, 796441 9436144061 TB Officer 2565504 tcp.org 25657


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012


03835- District 03835- DTOMZSIN@rntc 460 Mizoram Saiha Saiha Dr. C. Hnichho DTC, 796901 9436149663 22205 TB Officer 233245 p.org 9 03838- Serchhi District 03838- DTOMZSRP@rntc 461 Mizoram Dr. Lalhlunpuii DTC, 796181 9436361253 22233 p TB Officer 222819 p.org 4 District TB Centre, District Near Hotel De Orient, 3862 DTONGDPR@rnt 462 Nagaland Dimapur Dimapur Dr Khelito 797112 9436012978

TB Officer Bank Colony, Dimapur, 2236560 cp.org Nagaland District TB Center, District DTONGKPH@rnt 463 Nagaland Kiphire Kiphire Dr Talitoba District Hospital, 798611 9436439706

TB Officer cp.org Kiphire, Nagalnd District TB Center, 0370 DTONGKMA@rnt 464 Nagaland Kohima Kohima Dr Vezokholu Naga Hospital 797001 9436000514

2290075 cp.org Authority, Nagaland District TB Centre, Longlen Dr. Shashinlo District DTONGLLG@rntc 465 Nagaland Longleng District Hospital, 798625 9612039004

g Tep TB Officer p.org Longleng District TB Centre, Mokokc Mokokchun Dr. District 0369 DTONGMKK@rnt 466 Nagaland District Hospital, 798601 9402488037

hung g Chubatemsu TB Officer 2229760 cp.org Mokokchung District District TB Centre, 03869 DTONGMON@rn 467 Nagaland Mon Mon Dr. Yanglu 798621 9436607255

TB Officer District Hospital, Mon 2221930 tcp.org District TB Centre, District DTONGPRN@rnt 468 Nagaland Peren Peren Dr. Tiasunep District Hospital, 797101 9436000760

TB Officer cp.org Peren Dr. Rupert District District TB Office, 03865 DTONGPHK@rnt 469 Nagaland Phek Phek 797108 9402810551

Peseyie TB Officer District Hospital, Phek 2223542 cp.org Tuensan Dr. Yambo District District TB Office, 03861 DTONGTSG@rntc 470 Nagaland Tuensang 798612 9402697879

g Kithan TB Officer District Hospital, 2220993 p.org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012


District TB Office, Dr. Robin District 03860 DTONGWOK@rn 471 Nagaland Wokha Wokha District Hospital, 797111 9436074353

Lotha TB Officer 2222260 tcp.org Wokha District TB Centre, Zunheb Dr. Khehokhu District 03867 DTONGZTO@rntc 472 Nagaland Zunheboto District Hospital, 798620 9436019221

oto Chishi TB Officer 2220996 p.org Zunheboto District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. (Mrs) S. District 0676423250 dtooragl@rntcp. 473 Orissa Anugul Anugul District Medical 759122 9437679470

Sunderay TB Officer 7/232684 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Angul District TB Office, Office of the Chief District 0665223002 dtoorbol@rntcp. 474 Orissa Balangir Balangir Dr. S. Mohanty District Medical 767001 9861095755

TB Officer 3 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Bolangir District TB Office, Office of the Chief Baleshw Dr. Prabhat K District 0678226946 dtoorbsr@rntcp. 475 Orissa Baleshwar District Medical 756001 9437810102

ar Behera TB Officer 6 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Balasore District TB Office, Office of the Chief District 0664623477 dtoorbgh@rntcp. 476 Orissa Bargarh Bargarh Dr. RC Behera District Medical 768028 9439982252

TB Officer 4 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Bargarh District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. Benudhar District 0678425174 dtoorbrk@rntcp. 477 Orissa Bhadrak Bhadrak District Medical 756100 9437454276

Nayak TB Officer 1 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Bhadrak


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Office, Dr. Office of the Chief Bhubanesh District 0674253181 dtoorbmc@rntcp 478 Orissa Khurda Satyaranjan Medical Officer, 751001 9437086984

war MC TB Officer 5 .org Panigrahi Capital Hospita, Bhubaneswar District TB Office, Office of the Chief District 0684122320 dtoorbou@rntcp. 479 Orissa Boudh Boudh Dr. S. Ransingh District Medical 762014 9439990998

TB Officer 3 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Boudh District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. Prafulla District 0671252480 dtoorctk@rntcp. 480 Orissa Cuttack Cuttack District Medical 753001 9437507575

Kumar Mishra TB Officer 0 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Cuttack District TB Office, Office of the Chief Debagar Dr. MK District 0664122642 dtoordgr@rntcp. 481 Orissa Debagarh District Medical 768108 9437218895

h Upadhyay TB Officer 8 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Debagarh District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dhenka Dr. Pravakar C District 0676222796 dtoordnk@rntcp. 482 Orissa Dhenkanal District Medical 759001 9439980501

nal Sahu TB Officer 6 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Dhenkanal District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. N Ravi District 0681522472 dtoorgjp@rntcp. 483 Orissa Gajapati Medical 761207 9437323931

Babu TB Officer 1 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Gajapati District TB Office, Dr. Bharat District Office of the Chief 0680222606 dtoorgjm@rntcp. 484 Orissa Ganjam Ganjam 760001 9437203434

Kumar Patnaik TB Officer District Medical 4 org Officer, District HQ


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Hospital, Ganjam

District TB Office, Office of the Chief Jagatsin Jagatsinghp District District Medical 0672422305 dtoorjsp@rntcp. 485 Orissa Dr. SR Swain 754103 9437229088

ghpur ur TB Officer Officer, District HQ 7 org Hospital, Jagatsinghpur District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. Ashok District 0672822423 [email protected] 486 Orissa Jajapur Jajapur District Medical 755001 9437126222

Kumar Dhal TB Officer 4 rg Officer, District HQ Hospital, Jajpur District TB Office, Office of the Chief Jharsug District 0664527425 dtoorjsg@rntcp. 487 Orissa Jharsuguda Dr. H. Nayak District Medical 768201 9937450499

uda TB Officer 7 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Jharsuguda District TB Office, Office of the Chief Kalahan Dr. Tapas District 0667023517 dtoorklh@rntcp. 488 Orissa Kalahandi District Medical 766001 9439980007

di Kumar Patra TB Officer 9 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Kalahandi District TB Office, Office of the Chief Kandha District 0684225568 dtoorkdm@rntcp 489 Orissa Kandhamal Dr. GK Panda District Medical 762001 9437223030

mal TB Officer 4 .org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Kandhamal District TB Office, Kendrap District Office of the Chief 0672723240 dtoorkdp@rntcp. 490 Orissa Kendrapara Dr N.C. Sahoo 754211 9437112748

ara TB Officer District Medical 1 org Officer, District HQ


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Hospital, Kendrapada

District TB Office, Office of the Chief Kendujh Dr. B.K. District dtoorknj@rntcp. 491 Orissa Kendujhar District Medical 758001 9437055813

ar Behera TB Officer org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Keonjhar District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. Raja District 0675522013 dtoorkrd@rntcp. 492 Orissa Khordha Khordha District Medical 752055 9778388075

Kishore Jena TB Officer 0 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Khurda District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. (Mrs) KR District 0685225271 dtoorkrp@rntcp. 493 Orissa Koraput Koraput District Medical 764020 9937129616

Mishra TB Officer 4 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Koraput District TB Office, Office of the Chief Malkang District 0686123129 dtoormkg@rntcp 494 Orissa Malkangiri Dr. PK Khara District Medical 764045 9437474005

iri TB Officer 9 .org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Malkangiri District TB Office, Office of the Chief Mayurb Mayurbhan District 0679225416 dtoormyb@rntcp 495 Orissa Dr. P.C.Mishra District Medical 757001 9439991599

hanj j TB Officer 7 .org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Mayurbhanj District TB Office, Office of the Chief Nabaran Nabaranga Dr. Priyaranjan District 0685822205 dtoornrp@rntcp. 496 Orissa District Medical 764059 9439988887

gapur pur Bahali TB Officer 7 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Nabrangpur


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Office, Office of the Chief Nayagar Dr. Binapani District 0675325355 dtoornyg@rntcp. 497 Orissa Nayagarh District Medical 752069 9438080138

h Nanda TB Officer 3 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Nayagarh District TB Office, Office of the Chief Nuapad Dr. (Mrs) District 0667822312 dtoornup@rntcp. 498 Orissa Nuapada District Medical 766108 9439989555

a Santilata Das TB Officer 9 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Nuapada District TB Office, Office of the Chief District 0675222899 dtoorpur@rntcp. 499 Orissa Puri Puri Dr. SN Behera District Medical 752001 9439994712

TB Officer 3 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Puri District TB Office, Office of the Chief Rayagad District 0685623522 dtoorryg@rntcp. 500 Orissa Rayagada Dr. D. Dev District Medical 765001 9437338974

a TB Officer 8 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Rayagada District TB Office, Office of the Chief Sambalp Dr. S.C. District 0663240184 dtoorsbp@rntcp. 501 Orissa Sambalpur District Medical 768001 9437219875

ur Mandal TB Officer 3 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Sambalpur District TB Office, Office of the Chief Dr. Bipin Bihari District 0665422149 dtoorsnr@rntcp. 502 Orissa Sonapur Sonapur District Medical 767017 9937396585

Sahoo TB Officer 9 org Officer, District HQ Hospital, Sonapur District TB Office, Sundarg Dr. Dhiren District Office of the Chief 0662227217 dtoorsun@rntcp. 503 Orissa Sundargarh 770001 9437085890

arh Kumar Dash TB Officer District Medical 1 org Officer, District HQ


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Hospital, Sundergarh

Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program, 0413- Puducherr Puduch Dr. P. CMO 0413-

504 Puducherry Government Chest 605001 9443294194 [email protected] 23362 y erry THANGARAJU (NFSG) 2336262 Clinic, 62 68, Ambour Salai, Puducherry-605001 Dr. Hardeep Civil Civil Surgeon Office, 0183- nrhmamritsar@g 505 Punjab Amritsar Amritsar 9463133298

Singh Dahi Surgeon Taylor Road, Amritsar 2211864 mail.com District TB Centre, Dr. Naresh District 0183- dtopnasr@rntcp. 506 Punjab Amritsar Amritsar Majitha Road, 9814104155

Chawla TB Officer 2571439 org Amritsar Dr. J.S. Civil Civil Surgeon Office 01679- nrhmbla@gmail. 507 Punjab Barnala Barnala 9988225256 Cheema Surgeon Barnala 234777 com Dr. NPS District Room No. 21 Civil 01679- dtopnbrl@rntcp. 508 Punjab Barnala Barnala 9855014603 Bhullar TB Officer Hospital Barnala 237794 org Bathind Civil Office civil surgeon, 0164- nrhmbtd@gmail. 509 Punjab Bathinda Dr. Ajay Shani 9915568488

a Surgeon Bathinda 2212501 com Bathind Dr.Ashok District Room No.4, Office 0164- dtopnbtd@rntcp. 510 Punjab Bathinda 9463464041

a Monga TB Officer civil surgeon, Bathinda 2211840 org Dr. Tejwant Civil O/o Civil Surgeon, 01639- civilsurgeonfarid 511 Punjab Faridkot Faridkot 9815910803

Singh Surgeon Faridkot 250947 [email protected] Dr. Mandeep District District TB Clinic, Civil 01639- dtopnfrk@tbcind 512 Punjab Faridkot Faridkot 8968937300

Kaur TB Officer Hospital. Faridkot 250246 ia.nic.in Civil FG Dr. Gurmel Civil 01763- [email protected] 513 Punjab FG Sahib Hospital,Fatehgarh 09814512309

Sahib singh Chahal Surgeon 232136 om Sahib,Punjab Civil FG Dr. Rahul District 01763- dtopnfgs@rntcp. 514 Punjab FG Sahib Hospital,Fatehgarh 08427755737

Sahib Bhalla TB Officer 233560 org Sahib,Punjab


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Ferozep Dr. Jasbir Civil Civil Surgeon, 0163- civilsurgeonfzp@ 515 Punjab Ferozepur 9357205873

ur Singh Manhas Surgeon Ferozepur 2245173 gmail.com Ferozep Dr. Naveen District Civil Surgeon, 01632- dtopnfzp@rntcp. 516 Punjab Ferozepur 9501017187

ur Sethi TB Officer Ferozepur 2246657 org Dr. civilsurgeongurd Gurdasp Civil Civil Surgeon, 01872- 517 Punjab Gurdaspur Chandanjeet 9814130387 [email protected] ur Surgeon Gurdaspur 240990

Singh Kondal m District TB Officer O/o Gurdasp Dr. Arvind District 01874- dtopngdp@tbcin 518 Punjab Gurdaspur Civil Surgeon, 9417949922

ur Mahajan TB Officer 242324 dia.nic.in Gurdaspur Civil Surgeon Office Hoshiar Civil 01882- nrhmhsp@gmail. 519 Punjab Hoshiarpur Dr. Avtar Singh Near Hotal Presidency, 9780300076

pur Surgeon 252170 com Hoshiarpur -146001 Govt.TB.Clinic,Near Hoshiar Dr. Ramesh District 01882- dtopnhsp@rntcp. 520 Punjab Hoshiarpur Govt.College chowk, 8146557227

pur Kumar TB Officer 256639 org Hoshairpur -146001 Jalandh Dr. Avtar Civil Civil Surgeon, 0181- [email protected] 521 Punjab Jalandhar 9815611313

ar Chand Surgeon Jalandhar 2224848 om Room No. 28, TB Jalandh Dr. Rajiv District 0181- dtopnjld@tbcindi 522 Punjab Jalandhar Clinic, Civil Hospital 9417164747

ar Sharma TB Officer 4634639 a.nic.in Jalandhar Kapurth Dr. Balbir Civil O/o. Civil Surgeon, 01822- nrhmkpt@gmail. 523 Punjab Kapurthala 9814390555

ala Singh Surgeon Kapurthala. 233770 com Kapurth Dr. Rajinder District T. B. Clinic, Civil 01822- dtopnkpt@rntcp. 524 Punjab Kapurthala 9780489391

ala Paul TB Officer Hospital, Kapurthala. 220013 org Ludhan Dr. Civil Old Court Road 0161- nrhmldh@gmail. 525 Punjab Ludhanna 9316907786 na Sbhash Batta Surgeon Ludhiana 24441193 com Ludhian Dr. Ashish District Room No.5, Civil 0161- dtopnldn@rntcp 526 Punjab Ludhiana 9988302708 a Chawla TB Officer Hospital Ludhiana 2221660 .org Dr. Yash Civil Civil Surgeon Office, 01652- nrhmmns@gmail 527 Punjab Mansa Mansa 9872190677 Mittra Surgeon Mansa 222369 .com Dr. Rajesh District District TB Centre, Ist 01652- dtopnmns@tbcin 528 Punjab Mansa Mansa 98765-33333

Bhaskar TB Officer Floor, Room No. 28 233520 dia.nic.in


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Civil Hospital, Mansa

Dr. Gulshan Civil 01636- nrhmmoga@gma 529 Punjab Moga Moga Rai Civil Surgeon, Moga 1636220510

Surgeon 228110 il.com Chowdhary Dr. Indervir District 01636- dtopnmga@tncin 530 Punjab Moga Moga CH Moga 8872094741

Singh Gill TB Officer 228159 dia.nic.in Dr.Usha Civil O/o Civil Surgeon, 0172- cs.sas_06@yaho 531 Punjab Mohali Mohali 9815602777 Bansal Surgeon Phase 6 Mohali 2226343 o.co.in Dr.Gurpreet District O/o Civil Surgeon, 0172- dtopnmhl@tbcin 532 Punjab Mohali Mohali 9872296526

Singh TB Officer Phase 6 Mohali 2270734 dia.nic.in Dr. Gurdeep Civil Office of Civil Surgeon, 1633- civilsurgeonmukt 533 Punjab Muktsar Muktsar 8146710001

Singh Bhullar Surgeon Sri Muktsar Sahib 264792 [email protected] Room No. 60, Civil Dr. Madan District 01633- dtopnmks@tbcin 534 Punjab Muktsar Muktsar Hospital, Sri Muktsar 9814105790

Gopal Sharma TB Officer 241093 dia.nic.in Sahib Nawans Nawanshah Civil Civil Surgeon, 01823- nrhmssbsnagar@ 535 Punjab Dr. Bhag Mall 9855253541

hahr r Surgeon Nawanshahr 222036 gmail.com Nawans Nawanshah Dr. Rajesh District Civil Hospital, 0172- dtopnnsr@rntcp. 536 Punjab 9988810692

hahr r Kumar TB Officer Nawanshahr 2549534 org Civil Civil Surgeon, Office, 0175- [email protected] 537 Punjab Patiala Patiala Dr. V.S Mohi 9855099999

Surgeon Leela Bhawan Patiala 2211619 om District Distt. TB Cell CHC 0175- dtopnptl@tbcind 538 Punjab Patiala Patiala Dr. J.L. Joshi 9417803965

TB Officer Model Town, Patiala 2300110 ia.nic.in Rupnag Dr. Sham Lal Civil Civil Hospital , 01881- [email protected] 539 Punjab Rupnagar 98154-63966

ar Mahajan Surgeon Rupnagar 223061 om Rupnag Dr.Vinay District 01881- dtopnrpn@tbcin

540 Punjab Rupnagar DTC , Rupnagar 94175-27705

ar Mohan TB Officer 221140 dia.nic.in Medical Dr. Kirpal Distt. TB Clinic C/o 01672- nrhmsng@gmail. 541 Punjab Sangrur Sangrur Officer - 9417436100

Singh Civil Hospital Sangrur 223262 com DTC


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Dr. Parveenpal District Distt. TB Clinic C/o 01672- dtopnsan@rntcp. 542 Punjab Sangrur Sangrur 9814000640 Jindal TB Officer Civil Hospital Sangrur 223262 org Civil Kothi No. 3, Civil Tarn Dr. Mohinder Surgeon, 01852- [email protected] 543 Punjab Tarn Taran Hospital Complex, 98761-88703

Taran Singh Jassal Tarn 222990 m Tarn Taran Taran Tarn Dr. Vishal District O/o Civil Surgeon, dtopntrn@rntcp. 544 Punjab Tarn Taran 9872079839

Taran Verma TB Officer Tarn Taran org Dr. District TB Centre, District 01462- dtorjajm@tbcindi 545 Rajasthan Ajmer Ajmer Purushotham Near A K Hospital, 305901 9414356320

TB Officer 252353 a.nic.in Soni Beawar, Ajmer Dr. Sursh DTC , Infront of Rajiv District 0144- dtorjalw@tbcindi 546 Rajasthan Alwar Alwar Chandra Gandhi District 301001 9414877643

TB Officer 2336481 a.nic.in Saxena Hospital, Alwar Banswar Dr. Pravin District 02962- dtorjbsw@tbcind 547 Rajasthan Banswara T.B.Clinic Banswara 327001 9414461916

a Kumar Verma TB Officer 243344 ia.nic.in District 07453- dtorjbrn@tbcindi 548 Rajasthan Baran Baran Dr. K.K. Gupta TBC Baran 325205 9414386525

TB Officer 236385 a.nic.in District TB Clinic, Near Dr. Mahesh District 02982- dtorjbrm@tbcind 549 Rajasthan Barmer Barmer District Hospital, 344001 9413503178

Gautam TB Officer 230276 ia.nic.in Barmer Bharatp District District TB Clinic, 05644- dtorjbtp@tbcindi 550 Rajasthan Bharatpur Dr. S.K. Garg 321001 9414269870

ur TB Officer Bharatpur 223712 a.nic.in Dr. Ganga District T.B. Clinic, Bhilwar District 01482- dtorjblw@tbcindi 551 Rajasthan Bhilwara Vishnu Manikya Nagar 311001 9414616211

a TB Officer 227286 a.nic.in Diwakar Choraha, Bhilwara District District TB Clinic, 0151- dtorjbkn@tbcindi 552 Rajasthan Bikaner Bikaner Dr. S C Modi 334001 9829236700

TB Officer Bikaner 2226347 a.nic.in District District TB Clinic, 0747- dtorjbdi@tbcindi 553 Rajasthan Bundi Bundi Dr.D.K.Mathur 323001 9414986611

TB Officer Bundi 2442563 a.nic.in Chittorg Dr.Indra Jit District District TB Clinic, Near 01472- dtorjctg@tbcindi 554 Rajasthan Chittorgarh 312001 9413851443

arh Singh TB Officer District Hospital 247136 a.nic.in


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Campus, Chittaurgarh

Dr. Bhanwari District 1567- dtorjcru@tbcindi 555 Rajasthan Churu Churu Dtc Ratangarh(Churu) 331022

Devi TB Officer 225610 a.nic.in Dr. Nootan District District TB Clinic, Near 01427- dtorjdsa@tbcindi 556 Rajasthan Dausa Dausa 303303 9414072304

Prakash TB Officer PMO Hospital, Dausa 230826 a.nic.in Dr.Ramavtar District District TB Centre, 05642- dtorjdlp@tbcindi 557 Rajasthan Dholpur Dholpur 328001 9414026906

Agarwal TB Officer Dholpur 221954 a.nic.in Dungarp Dr. Kailash District District TB Centre, 02964- dtorjdgp@tbcindi 558 Rajasthan Dungarpur 314001 9414349041

ur Aseri TB Officer Dungarpur 234188 a.nic.in District Tuberculosis Dr. Ravi Gangan Ganganaga District Control Center, Behind 0154- dtorjggn@tbcindi 559 Rajasthan Shankar 335001 9414332764

agar r TB Officer Old Genral Hospital, 2442482 a.nic.in Sharma Sri Ganganagar District Tuberculosis Hanuma Hanumang Dr. Gauri District 01552- dtorjhan@tbcind 560 Rajasthan Control Center, 335513 9414600282

ngarh arh Shanker TB Officer 226099 ia.nic.in Hanumangarh Town District TB Clinic, SMS Dr. B.K. District Medical College & 0141- dtorjjpr@tbcindi 561 Rajasthan Jaipur-I Jaipur-I 302005 9829260959

Meghwal TB Officer Hospital Campus, 2562334 a.nic.in Jaipur District TB Clinic, Jaipur Jaipur DTC Dr. Anil District 0141- dtorjjpc@tbcindi 562 Rajasthan Japuria Hospital, 302010 9829273836

DTC II II Saxena TB Officer 2172743 a.nic.in Campus, Jaipur Jaisalme Dr. B.K. District Tb Clinic, Behind SJ 02992- dtorjjsm@tbcindi 563 Rajasthan Jaisalmer 345001 9828562425

r Barupal TB Officer Hospital, Jaislmer 255627 a.nic.in Dr. Suresh District District T.B. Clinic, 02973- dtorjjlr@tbcindia 564 Rajasthan Jalore Jalore 343001 9468955505

Kumar TB Officer Jalore 225953 .nic.in District TB Clinic, Jhalawa District 07432- dtorjjlw@tbcindi 565 Rajasthan Jhalawar Dr. V.S.Jadon Motor Geraj Bhawan 326001 9414033908

r TB Officer 232687 a.nic.in Dist. Jhalawar


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Jhunjhu Dr. Satish District Dtc, BDK Hospital 01592- dtorjjjn@tbcindia 566 Rajasthan Jhunjhunu 333001 9414247931

nu Johari TB Officer Campus Jhunjhunu 233741 .nic.in Dr. Nand District S.S.R.P.T.B.Clinic,Jalori 0291- dtorjjdp@tbcindi 567 Rajasthan Jodhpur Jodhpur Kishore 342001 9829403070

TB Officer Gate, Jodhpur 2620439 a.nic.in Choudhary District District Tb Clinic, 07464- dtorjkra@tbcindi 568 Rajasthan Karouli Karouli Dr. Rahul Saini 322241 9252162452

TB Officer Karauli 221666 a.nic.in Disritct T.B. Clinic, District M.B.S. Hospital 0744- dtorjkta@tbcindi 569 Rajasthan Kota Kota Dr. R.C. Meena 324001 9414329616

TB Officer Campus, Kota 2320626 a.nic.in (Rajasthan) District 01582- dtorjngr@tbcindi 570 Rajasthan Nagaur Nagaur Dr. R.K.Verma T.B. Clinc Nagaur 341001 9351428318

TB Officer 246270 a.nic.in District Tb Clinc, District 02932- dtorjpli@tbcindia 571 Rajasthan Pali Pali Dr. S.K. Bohra Behind Bangur 306401 9828340213

TB Officer 252465 .nic.in Hospital, Pali Kamla Nehru Hospital, Dr. Raj District Bhilwara Road, 02952- dtorjrsm@tbcind 572 Rajasthan Raj Samand Ghanshyam 313333 9414159743

Samand TB Officer Kankroli, Distt. 231445 ia.nic.in Rathi Rajsamand S. S. District 07462- dtorjsaw@tbcind 573 Rajasthan Madhop Dr. K.B. Gupta Dtc Sawai Madhopur 322001 9460032456

Madhopur TB Officer 235277 ia.nic.in ur District 01572- dtorjskr@tbcindi 574 Rajasthan Sikar Sikar Dr. S.S. Dayma Dtc Sikar 332001 9351373005

TB Officer 242787 a.nic.in Dr. Sandeep District Distt. Tb Hospital, 02972- dtorjsrh@tbcindi 575 Rajasthan Sirohi Sirohi 307001 9413458999

Gaur TB Officer Sirohi 224116 a.nic.in District 01432- dtorjtnk@tbcindi 576 Rajasthan Tonk Tonk Dr.N.K.Vijay T.B.Clinic Tonk 304001 9414042796

TB Officer 245002 a.nic.in Dr.Dinesh District TB Clinic , Hathipole , 0294- dtorjudp@tbcind 577 Rajasthan Udaipur Udaipur 313001 9828025771

Kothari TB Officer Udaipur 2529632 ia.nic.in


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

DTC-EAST, STNM HOSPITAL EAST EAST DR KAVITA District 03592- dtoskest@rntcp. 578 COMPLEX, 737101 9434445091 SIKKIM SIKKIM KHATI TB Officer 207310 org GANGTOK, EAST SIKKIM DTC-SOUTH, SOUTH SOUTH DR LALITA District NAMCHI DISTRICT 03595- DTOSKSTH@rntc 579 Sikkim 737126 9832065696

SIKKIM SIKKIM SINGHI TB Officer HOSPITAL, 264574 p.org SOUTH SIKKIM DTC-NORTH, NORTH NORTH DR PEGGY District MANGAN DISTRICT 03592- DTOSKNTH@rntc 580 Sikkim 737116 9434153544 SIKKIM SIKKIM DADUL TB Officer HOSPITAL, 234584 p.org NORTH SIKKIM DTC-WEST, WEST WEST DR SHANTI District GYALSHING DISTRICT 03595- DTOSKWST@rntc 581 Sikkim 737111 9832326709 SIKKIM SIKKIM MISHRA TB Officer HOSPITAL, 251101 p.org WEST SIKKIM RNTCP Programme Dr. Officer, Pulianthope Tamil District 044- dtotncni@rntcp. 582 Chennai Chennai Malliga,MBBS. TB Clinic, No. 26, 600 012 9444450525

Nadu TB Officer 26673037 org ,DTCD Pulianthope High Road, Chennai.. Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. Tamil Coimbat District OP No. 7, Chest Clinick dtotncbe@rntcp. 583 Coimbatore Sakthivel,MBB 641 018 9443369760

Nadu ore TB Officer Coimbatore Medical org S.,DTCD College Hospital Campus, Coimbatore. Deputy Director of Dr. M. Medical Services (TB), Tamil Cuddalo District 04142- dtotncud@rntcp. 584 Cuddalore Manoharan,M District TB Centre, 607 001 98423-88976

Nadu re TB Officer 232274 org S.,DLO., Government Headquarters Hospital


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Campus, Cuddalore.

Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. Asha Tamil Dharma Dharmapur District District TB Centre, 04342- dtotndpi@rntcp. 585 Frederick, 636 701 9443378842

Nadu puri i TB Officer Govt Headquarters 232990 org MBBS., DTCD Hospital Campus, Dharmapuri. Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Tamil Dr. R. Balaji, District District TB Centre, 0451- dtotndgl@rntcp. 586 Dindigul Dindigul 624 001 9443042232

Nadu MBBS., DTRD TB Officer Govt Headquarters 2424875 org Hospital Campus Indigo Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Tamil Dr. Rajasekar, District District TB Centre, 0424- dtotnerd@rntcp. 587 Erode Erode 638 009 9940041727

Nadu MBBS.,DTRD TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 2251861 org Hospital Campus, Erode Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. K Tamil Kanchip Kanchipura District District TB Centre, 044- dtotnkpm@rntcp 588 Murugesan, 631 501 9842337261

Nadu uram m TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 27225066 .org MBBS.,DTCD Hospital Campus, Kancheepuram Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Tamil Kanniya Kanniyaku Dr. Janet, District 04652- dtotnkkm@rntcp 589 District TB Centre, 629 201 9842720820

Nadu kumari mari MBBS.,DTCD TB Officer 223053 .org Kanniyakumari Government Medical


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

College Campus, Asariapallam, Nagercoil, Kanniyakumari

Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. K. Ashaq Tamil District District TB Centre, 04324- dtotnkrr@rntcp. 590 Karur Karur Hussain, 639 001 9443307163

Nadu TB Officer Government 231760 org MBBS., DTCD Headquarters Hospital Campus, Karur Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. Asha Tamil Krishnag District District TB Centre, 04343- dtotnkng@rntcp. 591 Krishnagiri Frederick, 635 001 9443378842

Nadu iri TB Officer Government 235715 org MBBS., DTCD Headquarters Hospital Campus, Krishnagiri Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Tamil Dr. M.M. District 04552- dtotnmdu@rntcp 592 Madurai Madurai District TB Centre, 625 532 9442167274

Nadu samy, MBBS TB Officer 250700 .org Villani Salai, Usilampatty, Madurai Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. R Tamil Nagapat Nagapattin District District TB Centre, 04365- dtotnnag@rntcp. 593 Veerakumar, 611 011 9486952817

Nadu tinam am TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 240210 org MBBS., DTCD Hospital Campus, Nagapattinam Deputy Director of Dr. S. Medical Services (TB), Tamil Namakk District 04286- dtotnnam@rntcp 594 Namakkal Ganapathi, District TB Centre, 637 001 9444982658

Nadu al TB Officer 229025 .org MBBS., DTCD Govt. Headquarters Hospital Campus,


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012


Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. B. Abdul Tamil Peramb District District TB Centre, 04328- dtotnpbr@rntcp. 595 Perambalur Samath, B.Sc, 621 212 9442558875

Nadu alur TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 276743 org MBBS., Hospital Campus, Perambalur Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. B. Abdul Tamil District District TB Centre, 04328- dtotnpbr@rntcp. 596 Ariyalur Perambalur Samath, B.Sc, 621 212 9442558875

Nadu TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 276743 org MBBS., DTCD Hospital Campus, Perambalur Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr.S.R. Tamil Pudukot District District TB Centre, 04322- dtotnpdk@rntcp. 597 Pudukottai Chandrasekar, 622 001 9486576589

Nadu tai TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 222677 org MBBS.,DTCD Hospital Campus, PUDUKOTTAI Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Ramana Dr. K. Tamil Ramanatha District District TB Centre, 04567- dtotnram@rntcp. 598 thapura Palaninathan, 623 501 9443105130

Nadu puram TB Officer Govt. Headqurters 222454 org m MBBS.,DTCD Hospital, Ramanathapuram Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Tamil Dr.M.Suresh, District 0427- [email protected] 599 Salem Salem District TB Centre, 636 001 9943731000

Nadu MBBS.,DTCD TB Officer 2210149 rg Govt. Mohan Kumaramangalam


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Medical College Hospital Campus, Salam

Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Tamil Sivagan Dr. J. Vijay District District TB Centre, 04575- dtotnsvg@rntcp. 600 Sivaganga 630 561 9842522425

Nadu ga Anand,MS., TB Officer Govt. Head Quarters 242434 org Hospital Campus, Sivaganga Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr.V.D. 04362- Tamil Thanjav District District TB Centre, [email protected] 601 Thanjavur Murugesan, 613 001 235555,235 9443104345

Nadu ur TB Officer Govt. Raja Mirasudar rg MBBS.,DTCD 556 Hospital Campus, Thanjavur Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. P. J. District TB Centre, Tamil The District 0423- [email protected] 602 The Nigliris Vasanthan, Govt Hospital Campus, 643 001 9787722212

Nadu Nigliris TB Officer 2446951 rg MBBS., DTCD Jail Hill Road, Udhagamandalam, The Niligiris Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. S. District TB Centre, Tamil District 04546- [email protected] 603 Theni Theni Vellasamy, Government 625 601 9443042232

Nadu TB Officer 234316 rg MBBS., DTCD Headquarters Hospital, Periyakulam, Theni


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. Lakshmi Tamil Tiruvallu District District TB Centre, Old 044- [email protected] 604 Tiruvallur Murali, MD 600 056 9444848668

Nadu r TB Officer Government Chest 26495100 rg (Chest) Clinic, Poonamallee, Thiruvallur Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. P. Tamil Tiruvaru District District TB Centre, 04366- dtotntvr@rntcp. 605 Tiruvarur Elavazhagan, 610 001 9443202441

Nadu r TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 241454 org MBBS.,DTRD Hospital Campus, Tiruvarur Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. B. Abdul Tamil Tiruchir Tiruchirapp District District TB Centre, 0431- dtotnrry@rntcp. 606 Samath, B.Sc, 620 017 9443140978

Nadu appalli alli TB Officer AGM Govt. Hospital 2770525 org MBBS., DTCD Campus, Tiruchirappalli Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. R Tamil Tirunelv District District TB Centre, 04633- dtotntnv@rntcp. 607 Tirunelveli Ramnath, 627 811 9443544455

Nadu eli TB Officer Govt. Head Quarters 280101 org MBBS., DTRD Hospital Campus Tenkasi, Tirunelveli Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), 04175- Tamil Tiruvan Tiruvanna Dr. P. Ashok, District District TB Centre, dtotntvm@rntcp. 608 606 601 237066 & 9443105222

Nadu namalai malai MBBS.,DTCD TB Officer Government Chest org 237077 Clinic Campus, Thiruvannamalai


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. K. Tamil Toothuk District District TB Centre, Old 0461- [email protected] 609 Toothukudi Sundaralingam 628 001 9443581706

Nadu udi TB Officer Collectorate Complex, 2333633 rg , MBBS.,DTCD North Beach Road, Toothukudi Deputy Director of Dr. Raja Medical Services (TB), Tamil District 0416- [email protected] 610 Vellore Vellore Sivanandam, District TB Centre, 632 001 9443252265

Nadu TB Officer 2228753 rg MBBS.,DTCD Government Pent Land Hospital, Vellore Deputy Director of Dr. R. Medical Services (TB), Tamil Villupur Sudhakar, District District TB Centre, 04146- dtotnvpm@rntcp 611 Villupuram 605 602 9842337261

Nadu am MBBS.,DTCD TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 227609 .org MO Hospital Campus, Villupuram Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), Dr. S. Tamil Virudhu Virudhunag District District TB Centre, 04562- dtotnvrd@rntcp. 612 Nirmaladevi, 626 001 9443545033

Nadu nagar ar TB Officer Govt. Headquarters 242190 org MBBS.,DTRD Hospital Campus, Virudhunagar Deputy Director of Medical Services (TB), District TB Centre, Tamil Dr. J. Arivoli, District 0421- dtotntup@rntcp. 613 Tiruppur Tiruppur Govt. Headquarters 641 608 9443057664

Nadu MBBDS.,DTCD TB Officer 2425201 org Hospital Campus, Dharapuram Road, Tiruppur


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District TB Centre, TB & Chest Clinic, O/o the Dr. Sanjoy District Chief Medical 03826- [email protected] 614 Dhalai Dhalai 9436136190

Biswas TB Officer Officer,Ambassa, 223282 rg Dhalai District P.I.N:799289 District TB Centre, RGM Hospital North North Dr. Nabajyoti District 03824- [email protected] 615 Tripura Complex, Kailasahar, 9436358812

Tripura Tripura Chakma TB Officer 223625 rg Unokoti district P.I.N:799277 District TB Centre, Tripura Sundari South South District 03821- [email protected] 616 Tripura Dr S K Das Hospital Complex, 9436470584

Tripura Tripura TB Officer 226964 rg Uaipur, Gomati district P.I.N:799120 DistrictTB Centre,IGM West West District hospital 0381- dtotrtrw@rntcp. 617 Tripura Dr R K Barman 9436518660

Tripura Tripura TB Officer complex,Agartala 2315141 org P.I.N:799001 Uttar Dr. Mahavir District dtoupagr@rntcp. 618 Agra Agra District TB Clinic Agra 8126900477 9837087477

Pradesh Singh TB Officer org Uttar Dr. C.S. District District TB Clinic 0571- dtoupalg@rntcp. 619 Aligarh Aligarh 9412351286

Pradesh Sagarwal TB Officer Aligarh 2511652 org Uttar Allahaba District District TB Clinic 0532- dtoupalld@rntcp 620 Allahabad Dr. O.P. Shahi 8081120755

Pradesh d TB Officer Allahabad 2640645 .org Ambedk Uttar Ambedkar District District TB Clinic 05271- dtoupabn@rntcp 621 ar Dr. B.N. Tiwari 9415929528

Pradesh Nagar TB Officer Ambedkar Nagar 244945 .org Nagar Uttar District District TB Clinic 05683- dtoupary@rntcp. 622 Auraiya Auraiya Dr. B.K. Mishra 9412511427

Pradesh TB Officer Auraiya 242217 org Uttar Azamga District District TB Clinic dto.upazg@rntcp 623 Azamgarh Dr. A.K. Singh 9794040516 9415694360

Pradesh rh TB Officer Azamgarh .org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Uttar Dr. S.P. District District TB Clinic 05832- dtoupbad@rntcp 624 Budaun 9837327225

Pradesh Agarwal TB Officer Budaun 228215 .org Uttar Dr. A.K. District 05498-

625 Ballia Ballia District TB Clinic Ballia 9450620385 [email protected] Pradesh Pandey TB Officer 220167 Uttar Baraban Dr. A.K. District District TB Clinic 05248- dtoupbbk@rntcp 626 Barabanki 9634911989

Pradesh ki Jaiswal TB Officer Barabanki 226396 .org Uttar District District TB Clinic 0121- [email protected] 627 Baghpat Baghpat Dr. S. Kumar 9412215536

Pradesh TB Officer Baghpat 2222063 g Uttar District District TB Clinic 01342- dtoupbjn@rntcp. 628 Bijnor Bijnor Dr. Raj Kumar 9411022892

Pradesh TB Officer Bijnour 262976 org Uttar Bulands Bulandshah District District TB Clinic

629 Dr. S. Kumar 9457315047 9412859574 [email protected] Pradesh hahr r TB Officer Bulandshahr Uttar District District TB Clinic 630 Banda Banda Dr. Chotte Lal 9452148985 Pradesh TB Officer Banda Uttar Bahraic Dr. S.K. District District TB Clinic 05253- [email protected] 631 Bahraich 9415773148

Pradesh h Sharma TB Officer Baharaich 238555 g Uttar Dr. R.S. District District TB Clinic dtoupbar@rntcp. 632 Bareilly Bareilly 9219402064 9756608904

Pradesh Agarwal TB Officer Bareilly org Uttar Balramp Dr. P.N. District District TB Clinic 633 Balrampur 9450822296 Pradesh ur Mishra TB Officer Balrampur Uttar District 634 Basti Basti Dr. P.K. Singh District TB Clinic Basti 9935865439 Pradesh TB Officer Uttar Chanda District District TB Clinic 0541- droptewari@gma 635 Chandauli Dr. O.P. Tiwari 9415201999

Pradesh uli TB Officer Chandauli 2260511 l.com Uttar Chitrako Dr. Ratnakar District District TB Clinic 05198- dtoupcrk@rntcp. 636 Chitrakoot 9450612885

Pradesh ot Singh TB Officer Chitrakoot 233744 com Uttar Dr. Daya Ram District District TB Clinic 05568-

637 Deoria Deoria 9415685148 [email protected] Pradesh Bharti TB Officer Deoria 224711 Uttar Dr. Deepak District 0574- dtoupeth@rntcp. 638 Etah Etah District TB Clinic Etah 9719166765

Pradesh Aarohi TB Officer 2232774 org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Uttar District District TB Clinic 05688- dtoupetw@rntcp 639 Etawah Etawah Dr. U.V. Singh 9451534957

Pradesh TB Officer Etawah 259713 .org Uttar Faizaba Dr. Rajeev District District TB Clinic 05278- 640 Faizabad 9839500969 Pradesh d Saxsena TB Officer Faizabad 224952 Uttar Firozaba Dr. Anil. Kr. District District TB Clinic 05612- dtoupfer@rntcp. 641 Firozabad 9411410436

Pradesh d Mittal TB Officer Firozabad 261636 org Uttar Farrukh Farrukhaba Dr. M.M. District District TB Clinic 05692- 642 9412810157 Pradesh abad d Agrawal TB Officer Farrukhabad 235528 Uttar Fatehpu District District TB Clinic dtoupftp@rntcp. 643 Fatehpur Dr. S. Kumar 9452683778

Pradesh r TB Officer Fatehpur org Gautam Uttar Gautam District District TB Clinic 0120- dayawati.1954@ 644 Budh Dr. Dayawati 8527072720

Pradesh Budh Nagar TB Officer Gautam Budh Nagar 2500895 gmail.com Nagar Uttar District District TB Clinic 05262- dr.r.p.gupta@rnt 645 Gonda Gonda Dr. R.P. Gupta 9415717346

Pradesh TB Officer Gonda 227511 cp.gmail.com Uttar Gorakhp Dr.B.K. District District TB Clinic 0551- dtoupgrp@rntcp. 646 Gorakhpur 9450468095

Pradesh ur Baramwal TB Officer Gorakhpur 2344586 org Uttar Ghaziab District District TB Clinic 0120- 9411613598 dr.rkspms@gmail 647 Ghaziabad Dr. R.K. Singh

Pradesh ad TB Officer Ghaziabad 2830456 9013296236 .com Uttar Ghazipu District District TB Clinic 0548- 9415681053, 648 Ghazipur Dr. D.P. Sinha Pradesh r TB Officer Ghazipur 2220850 9452729954 05852- Uttar Dr. A.K. District District TB Clinic 9936417701 dtouphdo@rntcp 649 Hardoi Hardoi 234392

Pradesh Awasthi TB Officer Hardoi 9450665717 .org 9415442777 Uttar Hamirp Dr. Ashutosh District District TB Clinic 650 Hamirpur 9919841187 Pradesh ur Mishra TB Officer Hamirpur Uttar District District TB Clinic 05722- dtoupher@rntch. 651 Hathras Hathras Dr. S.K. Dixit 9412654111

Pradesh TB Officer Hathras 320223 org Uttar Dr. R.K. District District TB Clinic 05162- dtoupjal@rntcp. 652 Jalaun Jalaun 9415201109

Pradesh Ambasht TB Officer Jalaun 255455 org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Uttar District District TB Clinic 05452- 653 Jaunpur Jaunpur Dr. B.P. Singh 9415338861 Pradesh TB Officer Jaunpur 220830 Uttar Dr. Shailendra District 0510- 654 Jhansi Jhansi District TB Clinic Jhansi 9451659573 Pradesh Khatri TB Officer 2331284 Jyotiba Jyotiba Uttar Dr. Ashok District District TB Clinic J.P. 655 Phule Phule 9412719264 Pradesh Kumar TB Officer Nagar Nagar Nagar Uttar Dr. S.C. District District TB Clinic 05695- 656 Kannauj Kannauj 9956027424 Pradesh Katiyaar TB Officer Kannauj 235498 Uttar Kanpur Kanpur District District TB Clinic 9235413111 dtoupkpd@rntcp 657 Dr. V.P. Singh 9950105704

Pradesh Dehat Dehat TB Officer Kanpur Dehat 9415484884 .org Uttar Kanpur Kanpur District District TB Clinic 0512- drgsbajpai15@g 658 Dr. G.S. Bajpai 9415753457

Pradesh Nagar Nagar TB Officer Kanpur Nagar 2303127 mail.com Uttar Kausha District District TB Clinic 05331- dtoupksb@rntcp. 659 Kaushambi

Pradesh mbi TB Officer Kaushambi 232833 org Uttar Dr. Balveer District 05872- dtoupkri@rntcp. 660 Kheri Kheri District TB Clinic Kheri 9415562473

Pradesh Singh TB Officer 270746 org Kanshira Uttar Kanshiram District District TB Clinic 05744- 661 m Dr. C.N. Yadav 9639817811 Pradesh Nagar TB Officer Kanshiram Nagar 247062 Nagar Uttar Kushina District District TB Clinic 05564- 662 Kushinagar Dr. A.K. Jha 9454333927 Pradesh gar TB Officer Kushinagar 244194 Uttar Dr. Satyendra District District TB Clinic 05176- dtoup11p@rntcp 663 Lalitpur Lalitpur 9415645616

Pradesh Kumar TB Officer Lalitpur 275581 .org Uttar Luckno Dr. Sushil District District TB Clinic 0522- dtoup.lno@rntcp 664 Lucknow 9415120478

Pradesh w Chaturvedi TB Officer Lucknow 2693955 .org Uttar Mainpur Dr. Vinod District District TB Clinic dtoupmai@rntcp 665 Mainpuri 9412064656

Pradesh i Kumar TB Officer Mainpuri .org Uttar District 05472- 666 Mau Mau Dr. S.S. Thakur District TB Clinic Mau 9451120005, Pradesh TB Officer 223681


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Uttar Dr. Sri Krishn District District TB Clinic 05281- 667 Mahoba Mahoba 9651718288 Pradesh Nigam TB Officer Mahoba 256863 Uttar Maharaj Maharajga Dr. R.S.P. District District TB Clinic 05523- dtoupmhg@rntc 668 9415384481

Pradesh ganj nj Gupta TB Officer Maharajganj 222620 p.org Uttar Morada District District TB Clinic 0759- 669 Moradabad Dr. L.K. Gupta 7599013071 Pradesh bad TB Officer Moradabad 9013071 Uttar Dr. Naresh District District TB Clinic 0121- dtoupmrt@rntcp 670 Meerut Meerut 9897972512

Pradesh Kumar TB Officer Meerut 2404601 .org Uttar Mathur Dr. Pradeep District District TB Clinic 0565- dtoupmtr@rntcp 671 Mathura 9411850965

Pradesh a Sharma TB Officer Mathura 2410515 .org Muzaffa Uttar Muzaffar Dr. Praveen District District TB Clinic 0131- dtoupmzn@rntc 672 r 9837212503

Pradesh Nagar Chopra TB Officer Muzaffar Nagar 646535 p.org Nagar Uttar Mirzapu District District TB Clinic 05442- 9794703840 [email protected] 673 Mirzapur Dr. L.S. Mishra

Pradesh r TB Officer Mirzapur 257949 945286757 g Uttar District District TB Clinic 05882- 674 Pilibhit Dr. R.K. Dinkar 9412551444 Pradesh TB Officer Pilibhit 256782 Uttar Pratapg District District TB Clinic 05342- dtoupptg@rntcp. 675 Pratapgarh Dr. N.P. Singh 9415364658

Pradesh arh TB Officer Pratapgarh 222484 org Uttar Rae District District TB Clinic Rae 0535- 676 Rae Bareli Dr. O.P. Verma 9415467282 Pradesh Bareli TB Officer Bareli 2204034 Uttar Dr. Pradeep District District TB Clinic 0595- 677 Rampur Rampur 9412667898 Pradesh Vasanay TB Officer Rampur 2326834 Uttar Sonbha District District TB Clinic 05444- dtoupsbd@rntcp. 678 Sonbhadra Dr. S.K. Verma 9415989821

Pradesh dra TB Officer Sonbhadra 222432 org Uttar Siddhart Siddharthn Dr. Satish District District TB Clinic 0544- 679 9839979706 Pradesh hnagar agar Kumar TB Officer Siddharthanagar 222570 Uttar Shahjah Shahjahanp Dr. Ashok District District TB Clinic 05842- dtoupshr@rntcp. 680 9415048132

Pradesh anpur ur Khattri TB Officer Shahjahanpur 231494 org Uttar Saharan Dr. Chandra District District TB Clinic 0132- dtoupsap@rntcp. 681 Saharanpur 9412809518

Pradesh pur Shekhar TB Officer Saharanpur 2715187 org


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

Sant Uttar Sant Kabir Dr. V.K. District District TB Clinic Sant 05547- dtoupskn@rntcp. 682 Kabir 9415897357

Pradesh Nagar Tripathi TB Officer Kabir Nagar 226072 org Nagar Sant Sant Uttar Dr. Rahul District District TB Clinic Sant 05414- 683 Ravidas Ravidas 9450542799 Pradesh Singh TB Officer Ravidas Nagar 251575 Nagar Nagar Uttar Shravast Dr. Subhas District District TB Clinic 05250- dtoupswr@rntcp 684 Shravasti 9415036581

Pradesh i Chander TB Officer Sharavasti 222692 .org Uttar District District TB Clinic dtoupstp@rntcp. 685 Sitapur Sitapur Dr. Shiv Kumar 9450410843

Pradesh TB Officer Sitapur org Uttar Sultanp District District TB Clinic 05368- 686 Sultanpur Dr. V.K. Sonkar 9411829732 Pradesh ur TB Officer Sultanpur 2231093 Uttar Dr. Rakesh District District TB Clinic 0515- 9415912246, 687 Unnao Unnao Pradesh Kumar TB Officer Unnao 2825282 987637772 Uttar District District TB Clinic 0542- dtoupvrn@rntcp. 688 Varanasi Varanasi Dr. V.K. Verma 9918901472

Pradesh TB Officer Varanasi 2211149 or District T.B. Clinic, 05962- Uttarakha District 05962- dtouramr@rntcp 689 Almora Almora Dr. P.K. Upreti Base Hospital Campus, 263601 9412344666 25435

nd TB Officer 254355 .Org Almora 5 District TB Center, 05963- Uttarakha Bagesh Dr. Jitendra District 05963- dtourbgw@rntcp 690 Bageshwar Near District hospital, 263642 9411795927 22108

nd war Bhatt TB Officer 221088 .Org Bageshwar 8 01372- Uttarakha District District TB Clinic, 01372- Dtourcml@Rntcp 691 Chamoli Chamoli Dr. N.K. Sinha 246424 9412921201 25224 nd TB Officer Patiyaldhar Chamoli 252247 .Org 7 District Tuberculosis Centre, Female Hospital 05965- Uttarakha Champa Champawa Dr. Rajat District 05965- dtourcpv@rntcp. 692 Building, 262523 9760408837 23048

nd wat t Kumar Bhatt TB Officer 230922 Org Vikas Bhavan Road, 0 Chhatar, Champawat.


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

District ,TB, Clinic, 01334- Uttarakha Haridwa Dr. Manoj District Near Mela 01334- dtourhrd@rntcp. 693 Haridwar 249401 9897994241 26531

nd r Verma TB Officer hospital,Bilkeshwar 265315 Org 5 Road , TB Clinic , Base 05946- Uttarakha District 05946- dtournnt@rntcp. 694 Nainital Nainital Dr. K.C. Bhatt Hospital Campus, 263002 9412005913 25423

nd TB Officer 254232 org Haldwani, Nainital 2 Distt. TB.Centre, 01368- Uttarakha Pauri Pauri District District hospital 01368- dtourgrw@rntcp. 695 Dr.R.S. Rana 246001 9897228330 22384

nd Garhwal Garhwal TB Officer campus, Pauri 223846 Org 6 Garhwal District TB Clinic , 01364- Uttarakha Rudrapr Rudrapraya Dr. Amit District 01364- dtourrdp@rntcp. 696 District Hospital 246171 9412957166 23392

nd ayag g Shukla TB Officer 233924 Org campus, Rudraprayag 4 District TB Clinic, 01378- Uttarakha Tehri Tehri Dr. District 01378- dtourtgl@rntcp. 697 Narendra Nagar, Tehri 249001 9412140683 22752

nd Garhwal Garhwal L.D.Semwal TB Officer 227521 Org Garhwal 1 District Tuberculosis Office, Old Jln District Udham Udham 05944- Uttarakha Dr. R.K. District Hospital Campus, 05944- dtouruds@rntcp. 698 Singh Singh 263153 9719284169 24733

nd Pandey TB Officer Kiccha Road, 247337 Org Nagar Nagar 7 Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar District TB clinic,Distt. 01374- Uttarakha Uttarkas 01374- dtouruks@rntcp. 699 Uttarkashi Dr. M.K. Rao MO-DTC Hospital Campus, 249193 7579122516 22649

nd hi 226492 org Uttarkashi 2 District T.B. Clinic, 0135- Uttarakha Dehradu District 0135- dtourddn@rntcp. 700 Dehradun Dr. N.S. Khatri Doon Hospital 248001 9410539691 26565

nd n TB Officer 2656534 Org Campus, Dehradun 34 05964- Uttarakha Pithorag District District TB Clinic, 05964- dtourprg@rntcp. 701 Pithoragarh Dr. K.C. Bhatt 262501 9412977242 22867

nd arh TB Officer Pithoragarh 228674 Org 4


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

03242- West Dr. Gautam District 03242 - dtowbbkr@rntcp 702 Bankura Bankura 9434984705 25878 Bengal Dasgupta TB Officer 258820 .org 1 342- 25658 West Barddha Barddhama Dr. Amitava District 0342- dtowbbdn@rntc 703 9732009528 17 / Bengal man n Saha TB Officer 2568488 p.org 25684 88 03462- 03462- West Dr. Nihar District dtowbbrb@rntcp 704 Birbhum Birbhum 253443 / 9474950730 25344 Bengal Ranjan Sarkar TB Officer .org 255296 3 03522- West Dakshin Dakshin Dr. Kalidas District 3522- dtowbddj@rntcp 25564 705 9007460279 Bengal Dinajpur Dinajpur Poddar TB Officer 256379 .org 0/42/4 3 0354- West Darjeeli District 0354- dtowbdjl@rntcp. 706 Darjeeling Dr. Pradip Das 9836135096 22722 Bengal ng TB Officer 2272200 org 00 Dr. Suparna 033- West District 033- dtowbhra@rntcp 707 Haora Haora Chattopadhya 9434658253 26379 Bengal TB Officer 26379617 .org y 617 West Dr. (Smt.) District 033- dtowbhgl@rntcp. 708 Hugli Hugli 8902516050 Bengal Rama Bhunia TB Officer 26802022 org West Jalpaigu Dr Gautam District dtowbjpg@rntcp. 709 Jalpaiguri 033-228805 9830257952 Bengal ri Sarkar TB Officer org 03582- West Koch Dr. Subhasis District 03582- dtowbkbr@rntcp 710 Koch Bihar 9051668880 23154 Bengal Bihar Chanda TB Officer 231543 .org 3 West Dr. Shiv Kumar District 033- dtowbcal@rntcp. 711 Kolkata Kolkata 9433112685 Bengal Singh TB Officer 23295859 org 03512- West Dr. Swapan Kr. District 03512- dtowbmld@rntc 712 Maldah Maldah 9831066065 22119 Bengal Biswas TB Officer 221199 p.org 9


Guidance for TB Notification in India 2012

West Medinip Medinipur Dr. Jayram District 03228- dtowbmne@rntc 713 9434355495 Bengal ur East East Hembram TB Officer 263915 p.org 03222- West Medinip Medinipur Dr. Shyamal District 03222- dtowbmnw@rnt 714 9434168984 27189 Bengal ur West West Haldar TB Officer 271894 cp.org 4 03482- West Murshid Murshidab Dr. Partha District 03482- dtowbmbd@rntc 715 9197001263 25725 Bengal abad ad Pratim Gupta TB Officer 257250 p.org 0 03472- West Dr. Chitta District 03472- dtowbnda@rntc 716 Nadia Nadia 9434229388 25493 Bengal Ranjan Das TB Officer 254939 p.org 9 Dr. Pampa 033- 033- West North North 24 Basu District 9434152490 / dtowbnpg@rntc 717 25523175 / 25523 Bengal 24 PGS PGS Dr. Asim TB Officer 9434164141 p.org 25520636 175 Haldar (Acting) West Dr. Sanjoy Kr. District 03252- dtowbprl@rntcp. 718 Purulia Purulia 9609653724 Bengal Das TB Officer 228669 org dtowbspg@rntcp 9830800231 .org ; 033- West South South 24 Dr. Sudipta District 033- /9433365904 bhaduridto@gma 719 24224 Bengal 24 PGS PGS Bhaduri TB Officer 24224830 /9748028800 il.com ; 830 /9903971704 dtowbkbr@gmail .com 03523- West Uttar Uttar Dr. Prakash District 03523- dtowbudj@rntcp 720 9434611860 25373 Bengal Dinajpur Dinajpur Chandra Baag TB Officer 253737 .org 9