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tft.-.- ...... ""' 'Pabl_had by AathDrily

REGN. NO. N.E.-313 (MZ) Rs. 2/- per lBsue

7, [ssne Val. XXX1V Aiza.\ 1, Frld�y,!9. 7. 2005, Sravana S.E. 1927, No. 30

Government of Part I

Appointmenm, Postings, Tranafers, Powas and Otbw Personal Notices and OrderL



No. A. 62011/1/04·-TRP, the 25th July, 2005. In the interest of public service the Goveru or of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of service in respect of Pu P.H. Deka, Assistant Supdt. of Accounts, Transport Deptt. foc a period of 3 months w.e.f 1.9.2005 h) 20.11.2005.

The Deparfment is advised to make necessalY arrangements to relieve him on the expiry of the extended term, well in time.

This issues with the approval of DP&AR(GSW) vide their I.D.No.GSW.l' /20f)5/1747 dt. 22.7.2005.

No. A. 19015/13/91-TRP, the 25th July, 2005. In continuation to this Deptt's Notification of even No. dt. 23.305 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of the serv:ce of Pu Lal­ ruata Sailo, It. Director, TraRspori for another 3 (three) months w.e.f. 1.8.2005 to ,1.10.2005.

DP&AR This issues \\ith the approval of (GS\V) vide tbeir LD.No.GSW 36/2005/1701 dt. 21.7.2005. Lalhman{!aiha SaUo, Under Secretary to the Gc·vt. ()f Mj7.oram. Transport Department. R-30/2005 2

No. A. 46012/11/98-L !E/143, the 26tll, ;i�lYJ 2005. Un der Rules 8 and IS of t�e �l s .for. R e RegulatIon of the Pro.;tdure of the Officers appointed to admt­ lllster I s Just c In u h. s. e tbe � ai Hill pubNlhed vide No. 2530(a) A.P. daN d 25.3. 1931, the Mlzonm qovernor ot IS pl�.ed to appoint the following MCS Offi­ �ers as ASsIstant to tb. Depu Commissioner, ty Di�trict and further to 11lVeBr them und�r rule 90r the aforesaid Rules with� - !'(\\VerS analogous to tbe I po e�s �,f JUdJC1CilM _ ec � agtstrate of the s ond . class ,as defined in the Code of Crlmmcfl 'Procedure�' 1913 (Act No.2 of; 1914)� with immediate effect an d sO long as tbe

-, 1. Pi Rita LalRunma wii ADC Ko!asib Pachuau, MCS

2. Pu R. Van]alsa""ta, MCS S. Dy. M, Kolasib

x r s Furtber. in e e ci e of tbe powers conferred by sub . sections (1) and (4) of s6ction 20 of tbe Cr. Pc. 1973 (Act No.2 of' 1974) t b e Governor of Mizo­ ram is pleased to a ppoi nt the said officer as an Executive -Magist rat e in with immediate effect.

No. A. 460l2/3/99-LJE/t 13, the 26tb July. 2005. Under Rule s 8 and 15 of '� the Rules for Regulation of the Procedure of officers appointed to Administer justice in the Lusbai Hills publish ed vide No. 2530(a) A.P. dt. 25.3.1937, the Governor of Mizoram is pleas ed to appoint Pu N. Chakhai, MCS, SDO (Sada.r) as Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner Saiha District in terins of the said Rules and furthe- to invest under Rule 9 of the af oresaid Rules with p�wers analogous to the powers of Judicial Magistrate of the first class as defined in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act �o 2 of 1914) with iljDwediate effect and un til further orders Or so long as the Officer holds the post of SDO (Sadar) Saiha District.

er e s ,_ Furth , in exercise of the powen conferred by sub. s ctio n (1) and (2) of sec tion 20 of t he code of Criminal Procedure, 1913 (Act No. 2 1974). the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to app oint the said officer as an Executive Magistrate in Saiha District vvith immediate effect.

No. A-�6012/6/98-LJE/19, the 26th July, 2005. Under Rules 8 and 15 of the Rules for Rogulation of tbe Procedure of the officers appointiJd to admi­ nister justice in tbe Lushai Hills Publishtd vide Notification No. 2530 (q) A.P. dt . 25.3.1931, th e Governor of M izoram is pleased ti; appoint Pu VanlaJngaih­ �aka, MCS. SDO(Saaar) District as Assistant to the lJeputy Commis­ sioner and to invest under rule 9 of tbe aforesaid rules with powers analogous to the powers of Ju dicia l _Magistrate of the First Class as defined in the Code 3 i� R.-3�/200.5

im�e�iate effect" and. of �rimint\� 'procedure. 1973 (Aet No. 2 of J974),,*,it�, t unless sooner f�f:the penod hff holds the post of SDO(Sadar) �1amlt Dl$tnc withdr awn. ;

and (2) Further, in extfPise of the pow�rs confc:rred by sub. sections (I) 1 '2 of 1974)• Qf th e secti(' fl 20 of the Code ,)f Criminal Procedure 975 (Ac� Nl) officer as an Execu· .... tf:le Governor of Mizoram is pleased" to appoint tho saId ti ve Magistrate in Mamit District with immed ate effect.

, , I, P. ChRkrab(Jfty, . SecretalY to the GO''1t. of MiLoram.

No. B. 11 012/1/2005-INO(IT), the 27th July, 2005. n the interest of PU�1i6 service, the Governor .r Mizolam is pleased to nominate Pu P. La lthuamluaia, Under Secretary te the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department as the representative of the in the Executive Committee '. )EACC, Centre, with illlmediate effect an i until further

J. C. Ramthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Industries Department.

NO. A 12012/7/94-PERS(B)-Vol. II, the 25th July, 2005. In pursuance of Governmont of Iadia;:Ministry of HO!D3 Affairs Order No. 14020/3/2005-UTS. I Dt. 19.7.2005, the Go vernor of Mizoram is pleased to order that Shri S. Nithianandam, IPS, DIG(CID) is relieved of his dutv from Government of NCT of .

No. A-22012/42/2032 -P& \'R(CS W), tl1� 25th July, 20�5. In thd inter� st of public seryi�e, the Governor of Mizora�n is plelS�d to order that Pu C. Lal­ zarliana. MeS. ASO-II, shall take th3 charge of S. Dy. �vI., Champhai in addition to his own dutIes without a::lditional financial b.:nefit with imm�- 4iat� effect and until further orders.

No.A.22012/39/04-P&AR(CSW), tho 25th July, 2005 .In the interest of public ser­ 'Tici and ill supersession of this Depart meflt's Notiication even No. Dt .22.6.2005, tJte Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order that the charge of SOP & CSO. Tlaeung sltall he ta.ken over by SOO (C), Tla8ung in addition to his own duties without any extra remuBeratioD.. .. I

: , . !hejGovemm�nt of' Miz�ram is further l'Jea�&d' to order tbat Pi Zosaog--:' z!1alt, MCS; S. Dy. .M, .MalDa shan take the charge ofASO-II, Mamit in ad(fi� tWD to beT nor:mal cuties withcut any eXlra r�muneratjon. I

P. Za.'hmnaka, Under Secretary t:) t:iC G�)vt . (,f Mizoram.

No. A. 22012/4/2002-HF Nt P!.- I, the = 7th Ju Iv, 2eOS. In tb,; interest of public' service, the Governor of MlZoram is pleased to transfer Dr.Vaphdnghaki, M.O. of N.E. KbHv0ungSe1 aT,d post her at Bleod Blnk, Civil H()�'1it

The Governor is further pleased to order that Dr. H.T . Phosa , M.O. of Ngopa to Jook after N. E. Khawdungsei P.H.C. t,eside his normal duty and until new arrangement for posting of M.O. at N. E. Khawdungsei is made.

Paul Remthanga, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizotalll,. Health & Family Welfare Department.

Government of Mizoram PART D (A)

Resolutions, Regulations, Orders, Notifications, Rules and Acts, Awards of Tribunal, Requisition, Acquisition aJ}d declaration relating ... Land and Forest etc., by the State Govt. and Head of Departments.


No. A. 1l012/3/2005-ICT, the 25th July, 2005. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to cancel Notification NO. A. 11012/3/2005-ICT of 31.3.2005. issued by Planning & Pragrammc Implementation Department, Mizoram declaring the Principal Informatics Officer-cum-Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram 8S Head. of Office under Schedule-II of Delegation of financial Power Rules, 1911.

Pinance Department (Est) will issue Notification in this regard vide their I.D. No. FIN(E)/989/2004 date 30.3.2005.

Lalbiakthuaml, Adviser n. Secretary to the Govt. of h:izoram Planning & Programme Implementation Department. R-' 30/�OO5

No. B. 12021/1J05... rJ.p� the 26th J"ly. 200S� In eODtitlllation to this Deptt'. Notification of even No. dt. 28.6.05, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to authorise the State Transport Authority of Mizoram to revise fares for Tf)WD Bus and Auto Ric�sb.w.

Further, the State Transport A u thority of Mizoram is authorised to roAx authorization fee of All lYiizoram Maxi Cab at the rate of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees FiY, lb.Q\I'''Ild) pQly p<;r anl'1lJfl1 forM�xi C.�.

RK. Thanga, Commissioner & Secret.,. Transport Departme.ut.

No. B. 16012/11/2Q05-INO, the 26tb July, 2005. In view of the new initiative tatel\ by Industries Department toward. promotion or B�lJnboo Development II w�U a$ Bamboo Processing in tiny VUla,. and Small Seal' In4ustry Se.ctor in %:anIllwn area and in th� lotelest Qf l'l,J,phc Service. tile Qov'rnor of M� ...m is pl�ased fO declare the entire ViU"c Council are" of Zan lawn Vi llage a. M.;tified Industrial area of the State of Mizoram.

Industrial Units Operating in these areas shall be eligible to various inc.en­ tivesand concessions provided under para 23: 5 of the New Industrial Polic, of Mizoram, 2000.

J·e. Ramthanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizora., Industries Department.

No. D. 12011 /l/02-HFW, the 25th July, 2005. As per provision of the P.A Act, 1954 under S::ction 12 of tbe IMS Act and the Infant 1vlilk Substitute, Feeding Bottles and Infant Food (Regulation of production , Supply and Dis· tributi o n) Act 1992 and Amendment Act 20)3, tbe Governor of Mizoram is pleased to authorise Chief Medical Officers in each District of Mizoram to en.. try and search at any time, an.y factory, building, business premises where any trade or commerce in Infant Milk substitute Feeding Bottles and Infant Food is carried on with immediate effect and until further order if he has any reason to believe that any provision of Section 6 or Section 11 of tlae said Act bas been or being contravened.

Vanhela Pachuau , Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department 6

- Governmenf of Mizoram ' t;,- 4 1 .,J J1 PART� IX�

. �.: I ;. � , . -: . Advertisements, Notices (TenderNotices). Advertise_oil the for POlt.... vacancies etc. Registrationand Liquidationand NerectNotifiOition

p' of Co-operative Societiesby the StateGovernmerat


NO. B. 14016/39/2005-RFS, the 26th July� 2005. It is hereby notified for geT neralinformation of aU concerned that in pursuance of Section 3 of the So� cieties: Regis tration Act, 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860) and

. - No. B. 14016/22/20�5-RFS, the 26th July, 2005. It is hereby notified for ge'ne­ ral information of a1l concerned t hat in pursuance of Se ction 3 of the Societiei Registration Act. 1860 (Act No- XXI of 1860) and as modified by the Societies Registration (Extension to Mizoram) Act, 1976 (Mizoram Act No. III of' 1977), DESIGN CENTRE FOR TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT having office at Chawlh­ hmun, Ai zawl has been regiitered on 15.7:2005 under SRfl..,1Z-38 of 2005-2006.

No.! B. 14016/55/2005-RFS. the 26th July. 20�5. It is hereby notified for gene­ ral'information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 3 of the Societies. Registration Act, 1860 (Act No. XXI of'1860) and as modified by the Societies Registration (Extension to Mizo ram) Act, 1976 (Mizoram Act No. III of J977), the ZORIN CONSULTANCY ENGINEERS SOCIETY having of at BAWNG:' KAWN, AIZAWL has been reg istered on 19.7.2005 un derSR/MZ-40 of 2005- 2006., ,

No. B. 14016/26/2005-RFS, the 26th July, 2005. It is hereby notified for gene"'· ral information of all concerned that in pursuance of Secti on 3 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860) and as mvdified by the Soci�ties Reg istration (Extension to Mizoram) Act, 1976 ( M izoram Act No. III of 1977). the ZORAM HANDLOOM TRAINING SOCIETY having office at Cbanmari West, Aizawl. has been registered on 15.7.2005 under SR/MZ-39 of 2005-2006. 1 R;�30/200�

No. B.14016151/2005�RFS, the 26th July, 2005. It is hereby. notified f or genet:al information of all concernd that in pl'fsuance of Section 30f the Societies �egisvat.ion Act. 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1861) and as modified by the, Societies Registration (Ex,tensi on' tQ Mizor,am), Act" 1976 (Mizoram Act No. III of, !?11)-I, the 'WOMEN 'ECONOMIC 'DEVELOPMENT, SOCIETY having, office a� T\JIKHUAHTLANG, AIZAWL has been registered on 13. 7. 2005 uilder SRf MZ 36 of 2005-2006.

No. B. 14016j37j2005-RFS, the 26th July, 2005. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 3 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860) and as modified by the Societies Regist ra tion (Extension to Mizoram) Act, 1976 (Mizoram Act No. III of 1977), the NEW HOPE SOCIETY having office at BETHEL VENG, CHAMPHAI has �en ,registered on 19. 7. 2Q05 under ;S�IMZ·41 of 20G5-2006.

No. B. 14016/88i2004-RFS, the 26th July. 2005. It is hereby notified fOf general information of al l concorned that in pursuance of Section 3 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860) and as modified by the Societies Registration (Extension to Mizoram) Act, 1976 (Mizoram Act No. III of 1977), :MIZORAM POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION having office at , CHALTLANG, AIZAWL, has been registered on IS. 7.2005 under SR/MZ·37 of 2005-2006.

No. B. 14016/56/2005-RFS, the 29th July, 2005. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuance of Section 3 of the Sacieties Registration Act. 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860) and as modified by the Societies Registration Extension to Mizoram) Act, 1976 (Mizoram Act No. HI of 1977), St. Mark's Charity Society having office at Laipuitlang, Aizawl has been registered on 27. 7. 2005 under SR/MZ-49 of 2005-2006.

No. B. 14016/23/2005-RFS, the 29th July, 2005. It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that in pursuan�e of Section 3 of the So::ieties Registration Act, 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860) and as modified by the Societies Ragistration (Extension to Mizoram) Act, 1976 (Mizoram Act No. III of 1977), MIZORAM CIVIL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION having office at CHANMARI, AIZWL, has been registered on 22. 7. 2005 under SR/MZ-43 of 2005-2006.

T. B. C. Rozara, Registrar, Firms & Societies, Mizoram : Aizawl. R-·' 3O/2OttS

No. A. 3to4o/3/�OO4"AGll, the 29th July, Z005. The G()vernor of Mi�QJ"'m is ple�s�4 to confirm Pu Ngp'nins�n�a Sail9 who has cotPplet�d the probatiopery period (two) Y�3rs the of Subordinate of 2 t . s�t.l�t\c against post A&ricult"" ordy . Service�I under Agriculture DepartnJ,�nt the �ale of pay of Rs. 65OQ.. . tn ZOO-l'�. . jOO/-pm. with effect from 30. 3. LOO�.

T. Sangkungat Joint Secrerary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Agriculture Department.

- Published and Issued by the Controller, Printing &, Stationery, Mizoram Printed at the Mizoram Government Press. Aizawl e-:700