Paper - 1 of 2001 Supplement DISTRICT TOTALS

JAYANT KUMAR BANTHIA of the Indian Administrative Service Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India


Preface v Acknowledgements vii

Chapter-1 Size, Distribution and Growth of Population 1-31 Chapter-2 Sex Composition of the Population 33-56 Chapter-3 Literacy Status 57-98 Li;5t of Maps Map- 1 Most populous districts 2001 -India [Districts] 7 Map- 2 Density of population 2001 -India [Districts] 13 Map- 3 Percentage decadal growth of population 1991-2001 -India [Districts] 21 Map- 4 Percentage of child population in age group 0-6 2001 - India [Districts] 25 Map- 5 Sex ratio of population 2001 -India [Districts] 35 Map- 6 Child sex ratio in age group 0-6 200'1 -India [Districts] 43 Map- 7 Literacy rate 2001 - India [Districts] 67 Map- 8 Male literacy rate 2001 -India [Districts] 71 Map- 9 Female literacy rate 2001 - India [Districts] 79 Map-10 Percentage change in male illiterates 1991-2001 -India [Districts] 87 Map -11 Percentage change in female illiterates 1991-2001 - India [Districts] 89

List of Inset Maps Inset (i) Districts with decadal growth below ten petcent : 1991-2001' 23 Inset (ii) Districts with decadal growth thirty percent or more: 1991-2001 23 Inset (iii) Districts with increase in growth rate between decades 1981-91 and 1991-2001 23 Inset (iv) Districts with nine and above percent point decrease in growth rate between decades 1981-91 and 1991-2001 23 Inset (v) Districts with child population in age group 0-6, below twelve percent: 2001 27 Inset (vi) Districts with child population in age group 0-6, twenty percent and above: 2001 27 Inset (vii) Districts with sex ratio 1,000 and above: 2001 39 Inset (viii) Districts with sex ratio below 850: 2001 39 Inset (ix) Districts with an increase of above thirty points in sex ratio: 1991-2001 39 Inset (x) Districts showing decrease in sex ratio: 1991-2001 39 Inset (xi) Districts with child sex ratio below 850 in age group.o-6 : 2001 47 Inset (xii) Districts showing increase in chil~ sex ratio in age group 0-6: 1991-2001 47 Inset (xiii) Districts showing increase of fifty and above points in child sex ratio in age group 0-6: 1991-2001 47 Inset (xiv) Districts with literacy rate below forty percent: 2001 65 Inset (xv) Districts with literacy rate eighty percent and above: 2001 65 Inset (xvi) Districts with male literacy rate below fifty percent: 2001 73 Ihset (xvii) Districts with male literacy rate ninety percent and above: 2001 73 Inset (xviii) Districts with female literacy rate below thirty percent: 2001 77 Inset (xix) Districts with female literacy rate seventy percent and above: 2001 77

iii List of Diagrams

Fig. 1 Scatter diagram showing percentage decadal growth and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6, India: 1991 19 Fig. 2 Scatter diagram showing percentage decadal growth and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6, India: 2001 19 Fig. 3 Scatter diagram showing male and female literacy rates India: 1991 83 Fig. 4 Scatter diagram showing male and female literacy rates India: 2001 83 Fig. 5 Scatter diagram showing female literacy rate and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 to total population India: 1991 95 Fig. 6 Scatter diagram showing female literacy rate and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 to total population India: 2001 95 Provisional Population Tables Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 101-117 Table-2 Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and literacy rates by sex - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 118--149 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 150-164 ~Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 165-172 Table-5 Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers): 2001 173-180 Table-6 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 181-188 199f-2001 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 to total population : ~01 189-203 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 204-211 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age group 0-6 : 2001 212-219 Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 220-227 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of males: 2001 228--235 Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 236-243 TabJe-13 Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate : 1991-2001 244-259 Table-14 Districts arranged by descending order of Percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001 260-274 TabJe-1S Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males: 2001 275-289 Table-16 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate females: 2001 290-304 Annexures Annexure 1 Household Schedule 306-307 Annexure II List of new districts 308-312 Annexure III Census results in media 313-314


Series-1 : India Provisional Population Totals, Paper-1 of 2001, publ!shed earlier presented State­ wise population totals by sex, child population age group 0-6 and literates. The State volumes of Paper-1 released by the Directors of Census Operations in the States and Union territories included the same data set at the district level for the respective States/Union territories. The present publication titled 'Series-1: India 'Provisional Population Totals, Paper-1 of 2001; Supplement District Totals,' is aimed at providing the basic data for Census of India, 2001, on population, child population age group 0-6 and literates by sex at the district level for all the States and Union territories of the country in one volume. The district level analysis of any population characteristics helps in gaining deeper insights into the pattern of distribution of these variables over space. It also helps in identifying ttie deficient areas even within the better performing States and the brighter areas within the not so well performing ones. A brief analysis on various aspects, namely, population size and growth, sex ratio, sex ratio of children in the age group 0-6 and literacy has been attempted in this volume. The publication is also interspread with maps and charts. TabJe-1 and TabJe-2 are the two basic tables in this publication that provide data on population, population in the age group 0-6 and literates by sex at the district level. These tables also provide decadal growth rates for the period 1981-1991 and 1991-2001 and sex ratio, density and literacy rates for the 1991 and 2001 censuses at the district level. The district data of the 1981 and 1991 Censuses have been recasted based on the jurisdiction of the districts at the Census of India, 2001 to make it cQmparable wherever possible. However, the recast data may also be treated as provisional.

In Chapter-1 several aspects of district population such as the absolute and relative size, growth rate, population density and most importantly relationship between child population in the age group 0-6 and the overall growth rate is discussed. As India's population continues to grow, the question of ideal distribution of population has become increasingly important for ensuring an effective district administrative set up. If the population is going to stabilize by 2050 ultimately how many districts will our country have? It is anybody's guess but may be anywhere between 900-1000. This large number of distri9ts itself has grave implications not only for effective policy formulation and implementation but because of the costs involved in setting up and maintaining the district infrastructure for regulatory and development administration.

Chapter-2 highlights the distribution pattern of the male and female population across various districts in the country. An important finding is that in as many as 455 districts the overall sex ratio has improved. The redeeming feature of Census of India, 2001, has been to make some use of the data available for population in the age group 0-6 while analyzing the patterns of sex ratio. Since by and large, this particular age group is not affected by sex selective migration, it has the potential to provide information on the recent trends in sex-ratio of the younger population. There are some disturbing findings which comes out of this preliminary analysis. For example, it sugg'ests that the maximum value of the child sex ratio in Punjab and are lower than the minimum value of the vast majority of districts of other states. An-other disturbing trend is that while for the 1991 Census, only Salem district in Tamil Nadu reported a very low child sex ratio, now from the 2001 Census results, it appears that there are as many as forty eight districts in the country with very adverse child sex ratio of below 850 girls for every one thousand boys. This surely does not augur well for the girl child and demands an immediate intervention to arrest this growing unhealthy trend and a greater advocacy for improving the lot of the fairer sex.

In Chapter-3, the current status of literacy and illiterates as reflected from the district level data for Census of India, 2001 is analysed at length. One of the satisfying achievement of the decade 1991-2001 is the unprecedented improvement in overall literacy rate particularly that of women. This positive change has also led to narrowing down the disparity in literacy rates between the two sexes. However, the analysis

v clearly brings out the necessity of an urgent and immediate intervention for improving the literacy scenario for both the males and females in the state of . The improvement in female literacy in the states of Rajasthan, and Chhatisgarh is also clearly visible but this tempo needs to be maintained in future. The darker side of the story, the absolute increase in the number of illiterates in as many as 126 districts is a grim reminder to the policy planners both in the central and state governments that much needs to be done for improving the literacy status here. The dampening influence of female literacy on fertility is also clearly shown at the district level. Policy planners in charge of formulating strategies for population stabilization may like to take note of this observation and reallocate resources for improvement of female literacy both for the girl child and the adolescent illiterate women.

It is a matter of great significance and satisfaction that the analysis on sex ratio and child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 arising out of the provisional results from Census of India, 2001 presented in the earlier publication has generated a lot of scholarly debate across the country regarding the visible discrimination against the female children in certain parts of the country. It will possibly set into motion a series of measured and thoughtful long lasting steps within the society mainly aimed at taking immediate corrective initiatives to remedy the situation before' it is too late. Some media coverage on this aspect has been given as an Annexure to this publication. It is expected that this volume will provide further insights into the various aspects of population dynamics at the sub state level and provide policy makers and planners a vital input for necessary intervention.

I hope this publication will prove immensely useful to social scientists, demographers, administrators, planners, research scholars and other data user agencies both at the national and international level.

J.K. Banthia Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India

New June, 2001




RG. MITRA Deputy Registrar General (C& T)

A.K. SINGH SUMAN PRASHAR Deputy Director of Census Operations Deputy Director of Census Operations

H.K. KAUSHAL Assistant Director of Census Operations


P. BARAD S.S. BHARDWAJ Investigator Investigator DATA ENTRY VEENA KUMARI INDU BHOLA Statistical Assistant Computor

TYPING RH. RAO VEENAMATTA Confidential Assistant Stenographer '0' VIKAS Data Entry Operator


Dr. RP. SINGH Assistant Registrar General (Map)

Dr. KANDHAI SINGH Research Officer (Drawing)

PREMCHAND PURAN SINGH Senior Geographer Senior Geographer


B.P. JAIN Joint Director of Census Operations

HK JHAMB Printing Officer



Size of Population

The district as an administrative unit, assumes a lot of significance in the context of decentralized planning and implementation of various plans and programmes. Therefore, deciding on an appropriate size of a district in ~erms of population and geographical area is a vital and essential element in creating an effective administrative set up. This chapter analyzes the population and area of the districts in the States and Union territories across the country in light of the provisional results from Census of India, 2001. Table-3 gives the districts arranged 1n descending order of the population size. Medinipur district in is the largest district in India in tenns of population size with 9.64 million people living here, which is higher than population of sixteen States and Union territories. More p,eqple live in Medinipur than in either Himachal Pradesh or Uttaranchal. Statement-1 gives the top ten and the smallest ten districts in tenns of population size in the country. It is interesting to note that five of the top ten slots in the country are occupied by districts of West Bengal. While districts belonging to the states of , [(Mumbai (Suburban), Thane and Pune], Kamataka (Bangalore) and Gujarat (Ahmadabad) occupying the other five positions are highly urbanized, all the districts of West Bengal (except North Twenty Four Paraganas) in this group of top ten are comparatively much less urbanized. It may also be' observed from Statement-1 that the difference in population between the top district and the one ranked tenth is as large as 3.83 million. A quick count of the districts in Table-3 shows that as many as twenty eight districts in the country have population of over four million and eighty five have pop_ulation above three million. A large chunk of these districts are predominantly urban.

Statement-1 Top ten and bottom ,en districts by population size -India: 2001 "SI. District State! Population No. Union territory" Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 Top ten districts of India Medinipur West Bengal 9,638,473 4,929,000 4,709,473 2 North Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 8,930,295 4,635,262 4,295,033 3 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 8,587,561 4,702,761 3,884,800 4 Thane Maharashtra 8,128,833 4,377,806 3,751,027 5 Pune Maharashtra 7,224,224 3,768,001 3,456,223 6 Barddhaman West Bengal 6,919,698 3,602,675 3,317,023 7 South Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 6,909,015 3,564,241 3,344,774 8 Bangalore 6,523,110 3,422,797 3,100,313 9 Murshidabad West Bengal 5,863,717 3,004,385 2,859,332 1(.1' Ahmadabad Gujarat 5,808,378 3,069,861 2,738,511 ,..J Bottom ten districts of Illdia ~. Yanam Pondicherry* 31,362 15,876 15,486 2 Upper Siang 33,146 17,844 15,302 • "I_ahul and Spiti Himachal Pradesh 33,224 18,413 14',81, ~ Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 34,705 17,676 17,029 P Mahe Pondicherry* 36,823 17,146 19,677 6 North 41,023 23,410 17,61,3 7 Nicobars Andaman and Nicobar Islands· 42,026 22,607 19,419 8 Diu Daman and Diu* 44,110 20,841 23,269 ,9 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 54,995 27,873 '27,122 10 55,539 28,445 27,094

-. 1 The district with the lowest population in the country is Yanam (Pondicherry), being orily around thirty one thousand. Expectedly all the districts that figure in the last ten ranks belong to small States and Union territories. In fact all the districts belonging to small States and Union territorie~ (except Delhi) are placed at the bottom end of the list in Table-3 for obvious reasons. Among the major States (population ten million and above) Kargil in Jammu and Kashmir has the smallest population (one hundred and fifteen thousand) followed by Leh (Ladakh) (one hundred and eighteen thousand).

Statement-2 Districts with maximum and minimum values of population size - State/Union territory: 2001 SI. State! Average District with Population District with Population Ratio of No. Union territory· population maximum minimum maximum size of population population value to district minimum value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" 1 Jammu and Kashmir 719,280 Jammu 1,571,911 Kargil 115,227 13.64 2 Himachal Pradesh 506.437 Kangra 1,338.536 Lahul and Spiti 33,224 40.29 3 Punjab 1,428,782 Amritsar 3,074,207 Fatehgarh Sahib 539,751 5.70 4 Uttaranchal 652,274 Hardwar 1.444.213 Champawat 224,461 6.43 5 Haryana 1,109,631 Faridabad 2.193.276 Panchkula 469.210 4.67 6 Dethi· 1,531.442 North West 2,847,395 New Delhi 171,806 16.57 7 Rajasthan 1,764.785 Jaipur 5,252,388 Jaisalmer 507,999 10.34 8 2,372.184 ~Iahabad 4,941,510 Mahoba 708,831 6.97 9 Bihar 2,239,967 Patna 4,709,851 Sheohar 514,288 9.16 10 Sikkim 135,123 East 244,790 North 41,023 5.97 11 ArunachalPr.adesh 83,932 Lohit 143,478 Upper Siang 33,146 4.33 12 Nagaland 248,580 Tuensang 414,801 Phek 148,246 2.80 13 265,404 Imphal West 439,532 Tamenglong 111,493 3.94 14 Mizoram 111,382 339,812 Serchhip 55,539 6.12 15 797,792 West Tripura 1,530,531'" Dhalai 307,417 4.98 16 329,438 East Khasi Hills 660,994 South Garo Hills 99,105 6.67 17 1,158,192 Kamrup 2,515,030 North Cachar Hills 186,189 13.51

18 West Bengal 4,456,732 Medinipur 9,638,473 Dakshin Dinajpur 1,502,647 6.41 19 1,494,968 Ranchi 2;783,577 Lohardaga 364,405 7.64 20 Orissa 1,223,564 Ganjam 3,136,937 Debagarh 274,095 11.44 21 Chhatisgarh 1,299,747 Raipur 3,009,042 Kawardha 584,667 5.15 22 Madhya Pradesh 1.341,892 Indore 2,585,321 Harda 474,174 5.45 23 ~ujarat 2,023,880 Ahmadabad 5,808,378 The Dangs 186,712 31.11 24 Daman and Diu • 79,030 Daman 113,949 Diu 44.,110 2.58 25 Maharashtra 2,764,350 Mumbai (Suburban) 8,587,561 Sindhudurg 861,672 9.97 26 Andhra Pradesh 3,292,502 East Godavari 4,872,622 Vizianagaram 2,245,103 2.17 27 Karnataka 1,953,110 Bangalore 6,523,110 Kodagu 545,322 11.96 28 Goa 671,999 North Goa 757,407 South Goa 586,591 1.29 29 Kera'a 2,274,187 Malappuram 3,629,640 Wayanad 786,627 4.61 30 Tamil Nadu 2,070,361 Comibatore 4,224,107 Perambalur 486,971 8.67 31 Pondicherry • 243,457 Pondicherry 735,004 Yanam 31,362 23.44 32 Andaman andNicobar 178,133 Andamans 314,239 Nicobars 42,026 7.48 Islands • Notes: Union territories of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each. Union territory are marked by an asterisk in all the Statements in this volume.

2 It is interesting to note that New Delhi, the Capital of India has a population of only one hundred and seventy two thousand. It would be worthwhile to investigate whether New Delhi is the smallest Capital in terms of its population size among the Capitals of all the major countries in the world.

Statement·2 gives the average size of the district, the name of the districts for each State and Union territory with the largest and smallest population size and the ratio of the largest and the smallest population size in each State and Union territory. It may be observed that among all the States and Union territories, Andhra Pradesh has the largest minimum value of population size of a district, being 2.25 million (Vizianagaram district), followed by West Bengal, whereas Dakshin Dinajpu'r district has the lowest value of 1.50 million. Among the very big States (population 50 million plus) Indore in Madhya Pradesh has the lowest maximum value of population size of a district, being 2.59 million. Among the major States, the ratio of maximum to the minimum value of population size of district is highest in Gujarat followed by Jammu and Kashmir and Assam with the population of Ahmadabad district being almost thirty one times higher than The Dangs in Gujarat and the population of Jammu district being higher than Kargil in Jammu and Kashmir. The lowest value of this ratio among all the States and Union territories (except Goa) is seen in Andhra Pradesh where East Godavari, the district with the largest population (4.9 million) is only about two times higher than Vizianagaram, the district with the smallest population (2.2 million).

Statement-3 gives the number of districts in the country at different Census years from 1961 to 2001 ,.the increase in the number of districts from one census to another and the average size of a district for the country as a whole at each of these censuses.

Statement·3 Number of districts, increase in the number of districts and average population size of districts - india: 1961 ·2001 Census Number of Increase in Average year districts number of population size of districts districts (in million) 1 2 3 4

1961 331 1.33 1971 360 29 1.52 1981 412 52 1.66 1991 ·466 54 1.82 2001 593 127 1.73 Notes: 1. The population of Assam for 1981 and Jammu·and Kashmir for 1991 have been interpolated for working out the average population size of district for these years as no census was held in these States in 1981 and 1991 respectively owing to disturbed conditions. 2. The population of Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district and Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district in Gujarat and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh have been estimated to work out the average size for the 2001 Census, as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, in these areas could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

3 It may seen from this Statement that the number of districts in the country increased from 331 in 1961 to 593 in 2001. Until 1991, although the number of districts kept on increasing from one census decade to another, the average size of districts also steadily increased from 1.33 million in 1961 to 1.82 million in 1991. Between 1991 and 2001, 127 districts were newly created, which is almost equal to the newly created districts between 1961 and 1991. This has resulted in reduction in the average population size of the district in the country as whole for the first time since 1961, from 1.82 million in 1991 to 1.73 million in 2001. It can be easily seen that if the number of districts at the Census of India, 2001 would have remained the same as at the 1991 Census, the average size of a district at this Census would have been 2.20 million - about half a million higher than the present average size.

Statement-4 provides the State-wise average size of the districts and their co-efficients of variation (CV) for the Censuses 1991 and 2001 for better understanding of the size and variability in the population of district within the States/Union territories. It also allows to compare these two characteristics among the States and over .two censuses. West Bengal has by far the highest average size of district in terms of population, at 4.46 million followed by Andhra Pradesh (3.29 million) and Maharashtra (2.77 million). Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest average size of district (84 thousand) followed by Mizoram (111 thousand) and Sikkim (135 thousand). The highest increase in the average size of the district is observed in West Bengal where 452 thousand persons have been added per district between 1991 and 2001 followed by Andhra Pradesh with 401 thousand. The most significant decreases of about fifty percent in the average size of the district is noticed in Orissa and Chhatisgarh.

The co-efficients of variation (CV) given in Statement-4 help us to understand the extent of variability in the size of the districts within a state in terms of their population. A state with all districts having the same size would have a co-efficient of variation as zero percent and the higher value of CV indicates the higher variability among the districts in terms of their population. Although, it is true that there is bound to be variations in the population size of districts either because of the historical boundaries-that existed or due to topographical reasons, it would be ." worthwhile to undertake a deeper study with regard to the patterns and' considerations of formation of districts in recent times. Among the major States, Andhra Pradesh has the lowest value of CV (21 percent) followed by Madhya Pradesh and Haryana (35 percent) while the higbest CVs are observed in Maharashtra (70 percent) followed by Gujarat (63 percent) and Karnataka (60 percent).

Inspite of the fact that as many as 127 districts were added between 1991 and 2001, the differential growth rate notwithstanding, the degree of variability among the districts in the country has not changed significantly. In Orissa, between 1991 and 2001 although the number of districts increased from thirteen to thirty, the CV during the corresponding period increased from fifty one percent to fifty four percent. Increases in co-efficients of variation between 1991 and 2001 are also ·noticed in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka inspite of significant increases in number of districts. Thus population size does not seem to be the most important consideration for creation of new districts in some States (for example see Thane and Pune districts in Maharashtra and Ahmadabad in Gujarat, Statement -1).

4 Statement-4 Number of districts, average population size and co-efflclent of variation of population size - India and States: 1991 and 2001 '81. No. India/State Nuniber of districts Average size Co-efficient of variation 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 ·1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 INDIA 466 593 1,e16,283 1,731,898 74.23 76.93 1 Jammu and Kashmir 14 14 557,421 719,280 58.47 59.33 2 Himachal Pradesh 12 12 430,906 506,437 71.47 69.36 3 Punjab 12 17 1,690,164 1,428,782 31.93 57.35 4 Uttaranchal 9 13 783,404 652,274 SO.51 64.84 5 Haryana 16 17 1,028,978 1,109,631 31.07 35.28 6 Rajasthan 27 32 1,629,851 1,764.785 53.47 SO.39 7 Uttar Pradesh 54 70 2,445,586 2,372,184 3622 40.39 8 Bthar 29 37 2.225,192 2,239.967 32.27 44.22 9 Sikkim 4 4 101.614 135.123 59.26 61.97 10 Arunachal Pradesh 11 13 78,596 83.932 47.19 41.92 11 Nagaland 7 8 172.792 248,580 62.27 38.04 12 Manjpur 8 9 229.644 265.404 90.45 48.83 13 Mizoram 3 - 6 m.g19 '_ 111.882 93.65 86.54 14 Tripura 3 4 919.068 797.792 35.51 65.59 15 Meghakaya 5 7 354.956 329,438 59.06 58.84 15 Assam 23 23 974,536 1.158.192 45.02 46.75 17 WestB'engai 17 18 4,004,586 4.456.732 47.94 53.32 18 Jharkhand 13 18 1,eaO,3Q1 1.494.968 45.95 47.55 .19 Offlsa 13 30 2,435,364 1.223,564 _50.50 54.06 20 Chhati.garh 7 16 2.516,418 1.299.747 38.46 ~.05 21 Madhya Pradesh 38 45 1,278,059 1.341,892 31.95 34.71 22 Gujarat 19 25 2,174,189 2,023,880 52.00 63.21 23 Maharashtra 30 35 2.631.240 2.764,350 ~;t19 69.S3 24 Andhra Pradesh 23 23 2,891,653 3.292,502 22.95 21.37 25 Kamataka 20 27 2,248.860 1.953,110' 4.5.33 60.22 26 Goa 2 2 5:84,897 671,999 19.32 17.97 27 14 14 2.078.466 2.274,187 38.09 39.37 28 Tamil Nadu 21 30 2.659.950 2,070,361 49.39 47.56 Notes: 1. Union territories are not included. 2. Average size and co-efficient of variation for districts within a state are based on all the 466 districts for 1991 Census and 593 districts for 2001 Census. 3. The average size and co-efficient of variation for districts in Jammu and Kashmir for 1991 Census are based on interpolated figures, as 1991 Census could not be held in the state owing to disturbed conditions. 4. For working out the average size and co-efficient of variation for districts in Gujarat for 2001 Census the estimated population figures for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Malia-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district and Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district have been used as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could nC?t be conducted here due to natural calamity. 5. For working out average size and co-efficient of variation for districts in Himachal Pradesh for 2001 Census, the estimated population figures for the entire Kinnaur district has been used as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted here due to natural calamity.

Map--1 shows the most populous districts (3 million and above) in the country Statement-S gives the distribution of districts in the country as a whole by ranges of population size for the censuses of 1991 and 2001. The share of 5 population in these different ranges in absolute terms and percentage are also shown in this Statement. It may be observed that in 1991. there were sixty eight districts with population over three million by 2001, seventeen more districts have been added in this range. Although, the percentage share of population of these districts in this category (which can easily be termed as large districts) remained more or less at the s~me level between 1991 and 2001, the absolute increase in the share of population for these large districts (during the corresponding period) was to the tune of about seventy million. It can be seen fr.om the Statement that about one third of the country's population live in eighty five large districts with population three million and above. It can be worked out from Table-3 that about fifty percent of the population of India lives in twenty percent districts, which is indicative of a highly skewed distribution of population over the districts. It may also be noted, that now·there are 410 districts with a population of one million and above, which is 84 more than the number existing ten years ago.

Statement-5 Distrib"tion of districts by population size -India: 1991 and 2001 Ranges of 1991 2001 Population Number of Percentage Share of Number of Percentage Share of districts of districts Population districts of districts Population Absolute Percent Absolute percentr

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "rota I 466 100.00 846,387,888 100.00 593 100.00 1,027,015,247 100.0 tess than 100,000 27 5.79 - 1,789,586 0.21 22 3.71 1,282,013 0.1 J ;100,000 - 499,999 45 9.66 13,067,203 1.54 65 10.96 18,080,215 1.7~ 'SOO,OOO - 999,999 68 14.59 53,215,693 6.29 96 16.19 71,489,133 6.91 1,000,000 - 1,999,999 140 30.04 206,599,490 24.41 212 35.75 307,745,697 29.91., .2,000,000 - 2,999,999 118 25.32 290,650,833 34.34 113 19.06 277,379,425 27.01 3,000,000 - 3,999,999 43 9.23 144,983,374-"'" 17.13 57 9.61 194,697,832 18.96 .; 4,000,000 - 4,999,999 16 3.43 73,051,429 8.63 16 2.70 71,515,193 6.9~ 5,000,000+ 9 1.93 63,030,280 7.45 12 2.02 84,825,739 8.26 Notes: 1. The population figures for the districts of Jammu and Kashmir for 1991 Census has been interpolated, as the 1991 Census could not be held in the state due to disturbed conditions. 2. The population figures for entire Kachchh cjistrict, Morvi, Malia-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district and Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district in Gujarat for 2001 Census have been estimated as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted here due to natural calamity. 3. The population figure for entire Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh for the year 2001 has been estimated as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted here due to natural calamity.


Table-4 gives the geographical area in square kilometres of all the districts arranged in descending order. Kachchh district of Gujarat is the largest district in India spread over an area of about forty six thousand square kilometers, followed by Leh (Ladakh) district in Jammu and Kashmir with an area of forty five thousand square kilometres. These two districts are larger in size than nine States of India including Haryana and Kerala. The third largest district is Jaisalmer in Rajasthan with an area of more than thirty eight thousand square kilometres. Rajasthan, which is now the largest State in India, has districts which occupy half of the top ten slots in the list given in Table-4 followed by Andhra Pradesh which occupies three. There are as many as seventy one districts in India with an area of more than ten thousand square kilometres.



Boundary, International .. Boundary, State/UT .. Boundary, District KILOMETERS 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 500


8 l'


New\ Moore L (India)



POPULATION SIZE , Coco Is. (Burma) y -z_ Narcondam I. India) 3 000 000 - 3 999 999 CJ 0 ; ,~. y 4 000 000 - 4 999 999 CJ ~ Barren L (India) D 12 ° 5 000 000 - 6 999 999 y-z_ ~ :"q

CJ Q • 7 000 000 AND ABOVE r . ~.ANDAMAN SEA /"1- (j" -y .. Data Not Available f J~/rl o "1- ~ J "1- o / o . ~ O 6 0 8 ° . ' Il'\s (Sl-y 1l -.C' . (J ~ Indira Point ,.. I N D I A N o C E A N

72° East of Greenwich

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of India, copyright 2001. The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Statement-6 Districts with maximum and minimum values of geographical area (sq.kms.) - State/Union territory: 2001 SI. State! Average District with Geographical· District with smallest Geographical Ratio of No. Union territory" area (sq. largest Area geographical Area Column 5 kms.) of a geographical (sq. kms.) area (sq. kms.) and 7 district in area State!UT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Jammu and Kashmir 7,242 Leh (Ladakh) 45,110 Badgam 1,371 32.90 2 Himachal Pradesh 4,639 Lahul and Spiti 13,835 Hamirpur 1,118 12.37 3 Punjab 2,962 Firozpur 5,300 Fatehgarh Sahib 1,180 4.49 4 Uttaranchal 4,114 Uttarkashi 8,016 Champawat 1,781 4.50 5 Haryana 2,327 Bhiwani 4,778 Panchkula 898 5.32 6 Delhi" 165 North West 440 Central 25 17.60 7 Rajasthan 10,695 Jaisalmer 38,428 Dhaulpur 3,033 12.67 8 Uttar Pradesh 3,442 Kheri 7,680 Sant Ravidas 960 8.00 Nagar (Bhadoi) 9 Bihar 2,545 Pashchim Champaran 5,228 Sheohar 443 11.80

10 Sikkim 1,774 North 4,226 South 750 5.63 11 Arunachal Pradesh 6,442 Dibang Valley 13,029 Tawang 2,172 6.00 12 Nagaland 2,072 Tuensang 4,228 Dimapur 927 4.56 13 Manipur 2,481 Churachandpur 4,570 Bishnupur 496 9.21 • 14 Mizoram 2,636 ,.. 4,538 1,383 3.28 15 Tripura 2,622 South Tripura 3,140 North Tripura 2,101 1.49 16 Meghalaya 3,204 West Khasi Hills 5,247 South Garo Hills 1,849 2.84 17 Assam 3,410 Karbi Anglong 10,434 Hailakandi 1,327 7.86 18 West Bengal 4,931 Medinipur 14,081 Kolkata 185 79.11 19 Jharkhand 4,429 Pashchimi Singhbhum 9,907 Kodarma 1,312 7.55

20 Orissa 5,190 Mayurbhanj 10,418 Jagatsinghapur 1,668 6.25 21 Chhatisgarh 8,449 Dantewada 17,634 Dhamtari 3,385 5.21 22 Madhya Pradesh 6,850 Chhindwara 11,815 Datia 2,691 4.39 23 Gujarat 7,841 Kachchh 45,652 The Dangs 1,764 25.88 24 Daman and Diu" 56 Daman 72 Diu 40 1.80 25 Maharashtra 8,789 Ahmadnagar 17,048 Mumbai 157 108.59 26 Andhra Pradesh 11,960 Anantapur 19,130 Hyderabad 217 88.16 27 Karnataka 7,103 Gulbarga 16,224 8angalol13 2,190 7.41 28 Goa 1,851 South Goa 1,966 North Goa 1,736 1.13 29 Kerala 2,776 Palakkad 4,480 Alappuzha 1,414 3.17 30 Tamil Nadu 4,335 Dharmapuri 9,622 Chennai 174 55.30 31 Pondicherry " 120 Pondicherry 290 Mahe 9 32.22 32 Andaman and 4,124 Andamans 6,408 Nicobars 1,840 3.48 Nicobar Islands" Notes: 1. Union territories of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each. 2. While working out the average geographical area of districts in Jammu and Kashmir, the entire area of those portions of the State which are under illegal occupation of Pakistan and China have been excluded. 3. Area of Leh (Ladakh) district in Jammu and Kashmir excludes area which is under illegal occupation of China. and-Pakistan 4. All area figures are provisional.

9 On the other extreme is Mahe in Pondicherry which is the smallest district in India with an area of only nine square kilometres. There are thirty four districts in India with an area less than one thousand square kilometres. The districts at the bottom end (say last twenty districts) of the list in Table-4 either belong to small States or Union territories or are highly urban districts, viz., Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai and most districts of Delhi. Among the major States, the district (excluding urban districts) which has the smallest geographical area is Sheikhpura in Bihar with an area of 689 square kilometres, fallowed by Panch kula in Haryana (898 square kilometres) and Sant Ravidas Nagar in Uttar Pradesh (960 square kilometres).

Statement-6 gives the name of the districts with the maximum and minimum value of geographical areas and the ratio of these two values in each State and Union territories. The statement also provides the average geographical area of the district for each of these State and Onion territories. Among the major States, Kerala has the district with the lowest maximum value (Palakkad - 4480 square kilometres) followed by Haryana (Bhiwani - 4778 square kilometres) and Bihar (Pashchim Champaran - 5228 square kilometres). Dhamtari district in Chhatisgarh has the highest minimum value of geographical area (3385 square kilometres) which is followed by Dhaulpur district in Rajasthan with an area of 3033 square kilometres. The ratio of the maximum value to the minimum value of the geographical area of the districts is seen to be very high in West Bengal, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Th'is is because the districts in these States with the minimum value are fully urban districts, which have very small geographical area compared to the other districts in these States. However, the ratios for these four States when worked out in relation to districts with the next higher minimum value, come to 9.60 for West Bengal. 4.38 for Maharashtra, 3.28 for Andhra Pradesh and 5.71 for Tamil Nadu.

Statement-7 gives the average geographical area and co-efficient of variation (CV) of the districts for all the States in the country and also for India. A quick comparison of the CVs in respect of population (given in Statement-4) and CVs for geographical area suggests that the disparity in geographical areas cf the districts for the country as a whole are higher than that exists for the districts i~ terms of their population size. However, this is not be true for all the States uniformly. Among the major States, the lowest co-effi~ient of variation in Census 2001 is noticed in Kerala (thirty two percent) which is closely followed by Madhya Pradesh (thirty four percent). The level of CVs in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh are about forty percent, which can be termed as low when compared to other major States in the country. The high CVs fop' Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat are because of the presence of one district each in these States with very large area, namely, Leh (Ladakh), Lahul and Spiti, Jaisalmer and Kachchh districts respectively. Similarly, the districts of Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai with very small area have resulted in higher value of CVs in the States of West Bengal, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu respectively. It is also clear from the statement that inspite of significant increase in the number of districts in Punjab, Rajasthan, U)1ar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka the disparity in the size of the districts in terms of area has not reduced at all. Therefore, it appears that while creating new districts a more deliberate and thoughtful effort is required than observed in the past to move towards a more equitable size of the districts in terms of their population and/or area. It is known that almost all the committees set up by various State Governments in the past to study and make recommendations on the principles of creation of districts or determining an appropriate size have suggested some scientific criteria of population size and/or geographical area. It may be clearly seen from the discussions above that in many cases these two factors do not appear to have been seriously considered while drawing up the jurisdiction of the new districts in the States.

10 Statement-7 Number of districts, average geographical area (sq.kms.) and co-efficient of variation of distri.cts - India and States: 1991 and 2001 SI.No. India/State Number of districts Average size {Area in sg. kms.} Co-efficient of variation 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 INDIA' 466 593 6,795 5,340 84.31 89.81 Jammu and Kashmir 14 14 7,251 7,242 159.66 159.42 2 t-timachal Pradesh 12 12 4,639 4,639 76.50 76.50 3 Punjab 12 17 4,197 2,962 32.99 44.92 4 Uttaranchal 9 13 5,943 4',114 41.01 53.63 5 Haryana 16' 17 2,763 2,327 53.81 44.24 6 Rajasthan 27 32 12,676 10,695 68.23 77.32 7 Uttar Pradesh 54 70 4,462 3,442 32.99 39.89 8 Bihar 29 37 3,247 2,545 44.81 40.42 9 Sikkim 4 4 1,774 1,774 92.64 92:64 10 Arunachal Pradesh 11 13 7,613 6,442 54,43 53.07 11 Nagaland 7 8 2,368 2,072 51.91 52.23 12 Manipur 8 9 2,791 2,~1 63.80 75.93 13 Mizoram 3 8 7,027 2,636 68.66 44.28 14 Tripura 3 4 3,495 2,622 12.59 20.62 15 Meghalaya 5 7 4,486 3,204 27.83 35.68 16 Assam 23 23 3,410 3,410 53.87 53.65 17 West Bengal 17 18 5,221 4,931 61.72 65.61 18 Jharkhand 13 18 6,132 4,429 61.41 64.57 19 Orissa 13 30 11,977 5,190 43.39 48.05 20 Chhatisgarh 7 16 19,313 8,449 53.03 52.83 21 Madhya Pradesh 38 45 8,112 6,850 36.24 34.19 22 Gujarat 19 25 10,317 7,841 88.93 109.29 23 Maharashtra 30 35 10,257 8,790 33.99 46.35 24· Andhra Pradesh 23 23 11,958 11,960 39.75 39.75 25 Karnataka 20 27 9,590 7,103 42.49 43.46 26 Goa 2 2 1,851 1,851 8.79 8.79 27 Kerala 14 14 2,776 2,776 35.48 32.16

I 28 Tamil Nadu 21 30 6,193 4,335 46.23 49.26 Notes: 1. Union territories are not included. 2. Average size and co-efficient of variation of districts for India are based on all the 466 districts for 1991 Census and 593 districts for 2001 Census. 3. For working out the average size and coefficient of variations for India and Jammu and Kashmir for the 1991 Census and 2001 Censuses the entire area of those portions of the State which are under illegal occupation of Pakistan and China have not been taken into account. 4. All area figures are provisional.

Density of Population

Table-5 provides the list of districts in decreasing order of density of population per square kilometre. The North East district in Delhi has the highest population density in the country with 29,395 pf;}rsons per square kilometres. This is closely followed by Central District in Delhi (25.760) and in West Bengal (24,760). It can be seen that twenty most densely populated district are either fully urban or highly

11 urbanized districts. On the other extreme the lowest density of population IS observed in Lahul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh where only two persons are living per square kilometre followed by Leh (Ladakh) in Jammu and Kashmir (three persons per square kilometre) and Dibang Valley in Arunachal Pradesh (four persons per square kilometre). Almost all the districts at the bottom end of the list are hilly districts with a difficult terrain and lying in the Himalayan range. Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan, which has a density of thirteen persons per square kilometre is a desert district and Kachchh in Gujarat With an estimated density of thirty three persons per square kilometre, has a large expanse of uninhabited marshy land. Thus the snow bound and desert areas expectedly have a very low population density and providing social infrastructure, amenities and other services becomes relatively expensive her'e. Map-2 depicts the density of population of all the districts in the country. The pressure on land in the entire Indo-gangetic plain extending upto the Hooghly basin in the east is quite evident. Larger concentration of population il? also found on the Malabar coast in the south.

OecadaJ Growth of Population

TabJe-6 lists all the districts. in the country in descending order of their percentage decadal growth during 1991-2001.Ten districts each that have registered the highest and the lowest percentage of decadal growth are shown in Statement 8. Wokha district in Nagaland has the highest percentage decadal growth (95.01) while in Mizoram has recorded the· lowest (-3.50). Four districts of Nagaland find place in the top ten slots of the districts with the highest growth rate. Among the districts in major States, the highest percentage decadal growth of 54.86 percent has b.een recorded in Thane district of Maharashtra, followed by Panchkula in Haryana (51.16 percent) and Faridabad in Haryana (48.47 percent). The districts Of Delhi figure twice, both in the top ten as well as the bottom ten categories of districts, in terms of percentage decadal growth.

Statement-8 Top ten and bottom ten districts in India by percentage decadal growth - India: 1991 - 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage No. Union terrltory* decadal growth 1991-2001 2 3 4 Top ten districts of India Wokha Nagaland 95.01 2 Daman Daman and Diu* 83.49 3 Senapati Manipur 81.96 4 Tueosang Nagalaod 78.10 5 Mon Nagaland 73.42 6 Dimapur . Nagaland 73.30 7 Chandal Manipur 72.80 8 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 67.21 9 North East De!hi 62.52 10 South West Delhi 61.29 Bottom ten districts of IndJa· Mamit Mizoram -3.50 2 Central Delhi -1.91 3 . New Delhi Dathi 2.47 4 Almora Uttaranchal 3.14 5 .$indhudurg Maharashtra 3.55 6 Pathanamthitta Kerala 3.72 7 ,Garhwal Uttarancha~ 3.87 8 Kolkata West Bengal 4.11 9 Sivagangct TamH Nadu 4.32 10 Then; Tamil Nadu 4.33

12 MAP 2 CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 64 0


Boundary, International .. Boundary, State/U.T .. Boundary, District o KILOMETERS 32 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 500




New\ Moore I. (India)






D 100 - 199 o. Coco Is. (Burma) r 200 - 299 Narcondam L India) 1>' D ~ D 300 - 399 ( National Average 324 ) '":l: Barren I. (India) 1>' c=J 400 - 499 '0 ~ _ 500 - 999 tI\ tI\ _ 1000ANDABOVE "'0 I. NA . 1 Data Not Available '"tI\ 1894 1>' "1-,- ('l .0 , . . dl 8 0 ,,'\I i' 1) ",p . (J ~ Indira Point f""" I N D A N o C E A N

72° East of Greenwich

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of India. copyright 2001. The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as Interpreted from the North-Eastem Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Statement-9 Districts with maximum and minimum values of percentage decadal growth in State/Union territory: 1991-2001 SI. Statel Percentage District with Percentage Distri~t with Percentage Difference No. Union territory" decadal maximum decadal minimum decadal in maximum growth percentage growth percentage growth and decadal decadal minimum growth growth values

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Jammu and Kashmir 29.04 Kupwara 38.59 Kathua 20.91 17.68 2 Himachal Pradesh 17.53 Solan 30.64 Lahul and Spiti 6.17 24.47 3 Punjab 19.76 Ludhiana 24.79 Nawanshahr 10.43 14.36 4 Uttaranchal 19.20 Nainital 32.88 Almora 3.14 29.74 5 Haryana 28.06 Panchkula 51.16 Mahendragarh 19.09 32.07 6 Delhi" 46.31 North East 62.52 Central -1.91 64.43 7 Rajasthan 28.33 Jaisalmer 47.45 Rajsamand 19.88 27.57 8 Uttar Pradesh 25.80 Gaziabad 47.47 Baghpat 13.00 34.47 9 Bihar 28.43 Sheohar 36.16 Nalanda 18.64 17.52 10 Sikkim 32.98 East 37.17 West 25.48 11.69 11 Arunachal Pradesh 26.21 Papum Pare 67.21 Upper Subansiri 9.80 57.41 12 Nagaland 64.41 Wokha 95.01 Mokokchung 43.48 51.53 13 Manipur 30.02 Senapati 81.96 Bishnupur 13.90 68.06 14 Mizoram 29.18 Aizawl 39:24 Mamit -3.50 42.74 15 Tripura 15.74 North Tripura 26.44 South Tripura 6.10 20.34 16 Meghalaya 29.94 Ri Bhoi 51.44 East ~hasi Hills 22.88 28.56 17 Assam 18.85 Kamrup 25.75 Nalbari 11.98 13.77 18 West Bengal 17.84 Uttar Dinajpur 28.72 Kolkata 4.11 24.61 19 Jharkhand 23.19 Garhwa and Chatra 29.05 Pashchimi 16.35 12.70 Singhbhum 20 Orissa 15.94 Khordha 24}9 Balangir 8.52 16.27 21 Chhatisgarh 18.06 Surguja 24.58 Mahasamund 8.72 15.86 22 Madhya Pradesh 24.34 Indore 40.82 Balaghat 5.85 34.97 23 Gujarat 22.48 Surat 47.04 Amreli 6.45 40.~9 24 Daman and Diu * 55.59 Daman 83.49 Diu 1"1.71 71.78 25 Maharashtra 22.57 Thane 54.86 Sindhudurg 3.55 51.31 26 Andhra Pradesh 13.86 Rangareddi 37.41 Vizianagaram 6.36 31.05 27 Karnataka 17.25 Bangalore 34.80 Udupi 6.88 27.92 28 Goa 14.89 South Goa 16.16 North Goa 13.93 2.23 29 Kerala 9.42 Malappuram 17.22 Pat~anamthitta 3.72 13.50 30 Tamil Nadu 11.19 Thiruvallur 22.35 Sivaganga 4.32 18.03 31 Pondicherry * 20.56 Yanam 54.52 Mahe 10.09 44.43 32 Andaman and 26.94 Andamans 30.14 Nicobars 7.19 22.95 Nicobar Islands * Notes: 1. Union territories of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each. 2. Percentage decadal growth for Jammu and Kashmir State and its districts for 1991-2001 are based on interpolated figures of 1991. as the 1991 Census could not be conducted in the state owing to disturbed conditions. 3. For working out the percentage decadal growth of Gujarat for 1991-2001, the estimated population for the year 2001 have been used for the areas where the population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001 could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 4. For working out the percentage decadal growth for Himachal Pradesh for 1991-2001 the estimated population for the year 2001 for the entire Kinnaur district has been used as the population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001 could not be conducted here due to natural calamity.

Statement-9 provides for each State and Union territory the districts with the maximum and the minimum values of percentage decadal growth for the decade 1991-2001. The difference in the maximum and the minimum

15 values of percentage decadal growth which is also shown in column 8 of the Statement, gives a broad indication of the range of decadal growth rates of the districts within the States/Union territories. In addition to the differential fertility and mortality rates, the high differential growth rates of districts within the States/Union territories can arise from differential levels of in-migrations or out-migrations which may be the result of economic development or otherwise. Certain districts may also have been 1nfluenced by recent drought and other natural calamities leading to temporary out-migration and in-migration.of population. Districts being much smaller units than the States are relatively more sensitive to changes in population growth. It WOUld, therefore, not be appropriate at this stage to comment and draw any definite conclusions based on these statements, about the possible changes in fertility or mortality levels as factors of differential growths in the districts.

It may be observed from Statement-9, that among the major States, Maharashtra has the district with highest maximum value and the lowest minimum value, namely, Thane (54.86 percent) and Sindhudurg (3.55 percent) respectively. Kerala has the district with lowest maximum value of growth rate (Malappuram, 17.22 percent) followed by Tamil Nadu (Thiruvallur, 22.35 percent) while Jammu and Kashmir has the highest minimum value (Kathua, 20.91 percent) followed by Rajasthan (Rajasamand, 19.8a percent). There are two districts in the country that have registered negative growth rate,viz., Mamit district in Mizoram (-3.50 percent) and Central District in Delhi (-1.91 percent)

Statement-10 Distribution of districts by ranges of percentage decadal growth -India: 1981·1991 and 1991· 2001 Ranges of percentage 19&1-1991 1991-2001 decadal growth No. of Population No. of Population districts Absolute Percent districts Absolute Percent 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 561 814,552,922 100.00 561 986,593,864 100.00 <10.00 12 17,720,591 2.18 56 102,002,596 10.34 10.00-19.99 140 198,896,207 ~ 24.42 188 319,064,583 32.34 20.00-29.99 294 454,981,275 55.86 .231 430,540,655 43.64 30.00-39.99 84 120,323,431 14.77 61 105,910,578 10.73 40.00-49.99 14 10,853,787 1.33 10 16,820,952 1.70 50.00+ 17 11,777,631 1.45 15 12,254,500 1.24 Notes: 1. The percentage' decadal growth rates for the districts of Jammu. and Kashmir for the decade 1981-1991 and 1991-2001 are based on interpolated figures for the districts of the state for the year 1991 as 1991 Census could not be conducted there owing to disturbed conditions. . 2. The percentage decadal growth 1981-91 for the districts of Assam have not been included as interpolated figures for the districts of the state for the year 1981 are not available. The percentage decadal growth 1991-2001 for districts of Assam have not been included to make the data comparable...... 3. The percentage decadal growth 1981-91 for the districts of Delhi have not been included as the population of £lelhi for 1981 could not be recast as per the jurisdiction of 2001 Census. 4. The percentage decadal growth and the population of the areas affected by natural calamity in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh are based on estimated population for these areas for the year 2001. 5. The population figures for 1981 and 1991 have been recast as per the jurisdiction of districts at the Census of India, 2001.

Statement-10 gives the distribution of districts by different ranges of decadal growth rates for the decade 1981-1991 and 1991-2001. District-wise data for Assam and Delhi are not available and therefore the districts of Assam and Delhi have been excluded from this statement to make the data comparable. It can be clearly seen from the statement that the number of clistricts with decadal growth rate of below twenty percent increased from 152 between 1981 and 1991 to 244 between 1991 and 2001. The corresponding population share in this range increased from about twenty seven percent during 1981-1991 to forty three percent during 1991-2001. It would be

16 interesJing to note ·that the number of districts -that recorded single digit growth rate during 1981-91 were only twelve and this increased to fifty eight during 1991-2001.


Distribution of dlst~cts by ranges of percentage decadal' growth - India and State/U.nion territory: 1991-2001

SI. India/State! Ranges of ~ercentage decadal growth and number of districts Total No. Union territOry· Less than 10.00- 20.00- 30.00- 40.00- 50.00+ 10.00 19.99 29.99 39.99 49.99 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IN 01.(\ 58 203 240 61 12 19 593 1 Jammu and Kashmir 8 6 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 8 2 1 12 3 Punjab 11 6 17 4 Chandigarh • 1 5 Uttaranchal 3 5 4 13 6 Haryana 1 14 2 1 19 7 Delhi· 2 2 4 9 8 Rajasthan 1 22 8 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 8 52 8 70 10 Bihar 21 15 37 11 Sikkim 1 3 4 12 Artmachal Pradesh 5 2 4 1 13 13 Nagaland 3 5 8 14 Manipur- 3 4 2 9 15 Mizoram 1 2 4 8 16 Tripura 2 1 4 17 Meghalaya 3 3 7 18 Assam 14 9 23 19 West Bengal 9 8 18 20 Jharkhand 3 15 18 21 Orissa 26 3 30 22 Chhatisgarh 13 2 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 8 33 2 1 45 24 Gujarat 12 11 1 25 25 Daman and Diu • 1 1 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 1 27 Maharashtra 3 19 10 2 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 5 17 1 23 29 Kamataka 4 18 4 27 30 Goa 2 2 31 Lakshadweep • 1 32 Kerala 11 3 14 33 Tamil Nadu 20 8 2 30 34 Pondicherry • 2 1 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands .. 2 Notes: 1. The percentage decadal growth rates 1981-1991 and 1991-2001 for the districts of Jammu and Kashmir are based on interpolated figures for the year 1991, as 19.91 Census could not be conducted there owing to disturbed conditions. 2. The percentage decadal growth and the population of the areas affectea by natural calamity in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh are based on estimated population for these areas for the year 2001.

Statement-11 gives the distribution of the districts in each State and Union territory by the ranges of percentage .decadal growth during 1991-2001. Out of the fifty eight districts that have registered decadal grbwth rate of less than ten percent, as many as twenty are in Tamil Nadu and eleven in Kerala. Andhra Pradesh and

17 Karnataka have five and four districts respectively in this category. There are nineteen districts in the country which have registered high growth rate of more than fifty percent. Among them as many as five belong to Nagaland and four to Delhi. The pattern of growth across the country during 1991-2001 is more discernible in Map-3, which clearly depicts the district-wise percentage decadal growth of population during the last decade. The darker shades that represent range of higher growth rates are visible in almost the entire Indo-Gangetic Plains from Haryana in the West and extending upto northem Bengal. High growths are also observed in regions north of Satpura ranges, spreading across the Malwa Plateau, entire Rajasthan including the Great Indian Desert, Western Maharashtra and parts of North-East. Relatively low growth is observed in regions lying South of Satpura ranges in the West, running across Godavari Basin and spreading through the Chhatisgarh Plains, Chota Nagpur Plateau and up to the westem part of West Bengal and Orissa. Very low growth rates are observed in Punjab, Uttaranchal and in major part of the regions south of the Deccan plateau. The Inset Map-i shows the districts registering decadal growth rate below ten percent during 1991-2001 and Inset Map-ii shows the districts with decadal growth rate of thirty percent or more during the corresponding period.

Inset Map-iii depicts the districts that have shown increase in th'e percentage decadal growth between the d~cades 1981-91 and 1991-2001. It may be observed that large parts of central Uttar Pradesh, entire Bihar, westem Jharkhand, southern Rajasthan, large areas in Saurashtra and Madhya Pradesh have shown increases in the percentage decadal growth during 1991-2001 as compared to the decadal growth registered during 1981-91. Inset Map-iv shows the districts that have· recorded a decrease of nil1e percent or less growth rate during 1991- 2001 as compared to 1981-91. This significant drop is seen in large parts of Chhatisgarh, Telengana region and northem coast of Andhra Pradesh, south eastem part of West Bengal and Maharashtra and many districts in the north eastem India.

Child Population in the Age Group 0-6

It has already been discussed in 'Series-1, India - Provisional Population Totals Paper-10f 2001' that the percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 has a fairly strong positive' relationship with decadal growth rate. It is important to remember here the limitation that the population. figures for age group 0-6 cannot be subjected to an internal consistency check at this stage. The sC?jte_r diagrams of district-level growth rates and percentages of child population in the age group 0-6 for 1991 and 2001, giYJm at Figure-1 and Figure-2 respectively, clearly indicate a fairly strong positive relationship between these two variables. The scatter diagram for 1991 excludes the minor States (with population below ten million) and the Union territories. It also excludes eleven districts with very high growth rate of more than forty percent and one district with negative growth rate, which may be considered as outliers. In case of the scatter diagram for the census year 2001, the districts for all the minor States, Union territories and eight districts with growth rate of over forty percent have been excluded. The correlation co-efficient between these two variables for the Censuses 1991 and 2001 work out to be 0.65 and 0.69 respectively.

Map-4, depicts the district-wise percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 for· the year 2001. The striking similarities in the distribution of decadal percentage growth given in Map-2 and'{:Iistribution of percentage of child population depicted in this map is also indicative of a fairly strong positive relationship between these two variables. Some component of growth rate being related to the fertility level, the percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 may be considered to be some sort of a proxy variable for fertility. The changes in the value of this proportion in an area would broadly suggest a change in fertility level in that area unless there has been a significant amount of in or out migration. It may be seen from Map-4 that broadly speaking the levels of fertility are comparatively lower in the entire western and easterh coastal area, in regions south of the Deccan plateau, parts of western Orissa and southern West Bengal, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal. However, as has been already pointed out, it would not be appropriate to ~raw an immediate and definite conclusion on the levels of fertility and their change on the basis of this map because the percentage of child population to the total population can be influenced among other things, by the levels of migration and/or child mortality prevailing in some districts.

18 Figure - 1 Scatter diagram showing percentage decadal growth and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6, INDIA 1991

25~------, • ...... • .. ~. 't'.J ~Ao.. ~;-a. ~' •• • • • '. \ •• "".~.,:.;o,,,*,~; $ • • • . 20 &' • ,..-'2"""'...... t •• .:.. 1/,14 .. :.. .,. .. • • • • .. t~ ,....~i •••'.t... · .. . .···.t.....• ...... • -1 ...... •• .~. '" ,. :+.. • ...... •..·'"t " .....~1...,:...., , \...... • •. 15 ... :.. ..~ ... .. ,. .... : .. • .II,. • •• ... 10

5 Number of districts =453 Correlation" 0.65

O+------r-----~------~------~------r_----~------_r------,_----_4 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Percentage decadal growth

Figure - 2 Scatter diagram showing percentage decadal growth and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6, INDIA 2001

25 'V 0 a. e:::I en .+ CI> 20 • en '" .sCI> .!: c 15 S :; '"a. a.0 :5! 10 :cc.> ...0 enCI> JS c 5 CI> Number districts'" 495 ~ of (II 11. Correlation = 0.69

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Percentage decadal growth

,---- -




Bou ndary, International .. Boundary. StateJUT . Boundary, District o 32° KILOM ETERS 32 100 50 a 100 200 300 400 500




New\ Moore I. (India)



CJ BELOW 10.00 .. 0.01 - 3.50 6 Coco Is. (Burma) ;> \ 1000 - 14.99 Nan:~ondam I. India) ~ CJ 7- VI 15,00 - 19,99 ~ J CJ ~ » ~arren I. (India) 12 ~ ~ 20,00 - 24.99 ( National Average 21,34 ) ;>z ,l:," '0 CJ 'Z 25,00 - 29.99 . ' t1\ CJ r . ~.ANDAMA N SEA t1\ 30.00 • 34 ,99 ~ --1-o , '" 1- VI .. 35,00 A ND ABOVE .; -G t1\ 17.19 ~ I· lilA 1Data Not Available o 1-.-- (l . \ 0 " d) B 0 ,,'\l " "".10 () ~ Indira Point .­ ;> Z I N D A N o C E A N o

720 East of Greenwich 92°

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of India, copyright 2001, The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Inset (i) Inset (ii )



Inset (iii) Inset (iv)





Boundary, International .. Boundary, 5tatefU.T. Boundary, District :J20 KI LOMETERS 32 ° 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 500

N ,. 28 0 8


New\ Moore I. 0 20 ° 20 (India)




PERCENTAGE OF CHILD POPULATION IN AGE GROUP 0-6 TO TOTAL POPULATION c==J BELOW 10.00 ¢ Coco Is. (Burma) 10.00 . 11 .99 [==:J Narcondam I. India) c==J 12.00 - 13.99 c=J 14.00 - 15 .99 ( National Average 15.42) Barren I. (India) 16.00 - 17.99

.. 18.00 - 19.99

.. 20.00 AND ABOVE

DATA NOT AVAILABLE c==J "t- o ,... ('> IrA: :I Data Not Available I : , 0 ', . .

Based upon Survey of India map with the pennission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of India, copyright 2001 . The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twetve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Inset (v)


In set (vi)





Statement-12 gives the distribution of districts by ranges of percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 to the total population for 1991 and 2001, the absolute and percentage share of population of the districts in these ranges. It may be observed from the Statement that the number of districts with percentage of child population below fourteen percent has increased from only forty three in 1991 to one hundred ninety nine in 2001. On the other hand the number of districts in the higher range of child population of twenty percent and above have shown a dramatic decline from one hundred ninety in 1991 to forty seven in '2001. The share of. population of districts with percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 below fourteen percent has increased from about nine percent in 1991 to thirty nine percenf in 2001. while the share of population of districts with percentage of child population of twenty percent or more has decreased from 30.5 percent in 1991 to 7.2 percent in 2001.

Statement-12 Distribution of districts by ranges of percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 - India: 1991 and 2001 Ranges of 1991 2001 percentage Number of Share of population Number of Share of population of child districts Absolute Percent districts Absolute Percent ~o~ulation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 577 836,650,839 100.0 577 1,014,651,658 100.0 Less than 10.00 4,399,819 0.5 7 18,534,448 1.8 10.00-11.99 10- 17,238,514 2.1 72 160,226,885 15.8 '12.00-13.99 32 49,070,942 5.9 120 217,361,105 21.4 14.00-15.99 78 152,548,494 18.2 105 179,067,435 17.6 16.00-17.99 115 167,747,651 20.0 109 153,070,593 15.1 18.00-19.99 151 190,373,541 22.8 117 213,276,614 21.0 20.00-21.99 163 233,316,700 27.9 42 69,854,260 6.9 22.00 and above 27 21,955,177 2.6 5 3,260,318 0.3 N'otes: 1. Figures for child population in the age group 0-6 are not available for the districts of Jammu and Kashmir for the year 1991 as the Census was not conducted here owing to disturbed conditions. Consequently, the figures for population and child population in the age group 0-6 for the districts of Jammu and Kashmir have been excluded for the year 2001 to make the data comparable. 2, Figures for child population in the age group 0-6 are not available for Kachchh district of Gujarat and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh for the year 2001 as population enumeration at the Census India, 2001, in these districts could not be conducted due to natural calamity. Consequently, the figures for population and child population in the age group 0-6 for these two districts have been excluded for the year 1991 to make the data comparable, 3, Population and child population figures in the age-group 0-6 for Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001, exclude the corresponding figures for those talukas where the population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

Statement-13 provides the distribution of districts in different ranges of percentage of child population to total population in the age group 0-6 for the Census 2001. It may be seen that there are eighty one districts in the country with percentage of child population less than twelve percent and fifty three among them belong to the four bigger States of southern India. On the other extreme, out of the forty seven districts with percentage of child population twenty percent or more, as many as thirty two belong to Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. A cursory look at the distribution of districts for individual states in different ranges of percentage of child population suggests a larger concentration of districts at the higher end (with practically no districts in the lower ranges), in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. On the other hand, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu do not have a single district with child population of sixteen percent or above, which suggest possibly a low fertility level across these States.

29 Statement-13 Distribution of districts by ranges of percentage child population in the age group 0-6- India and State/Union territory: 2001 SI. India/State! Ranges of percentage child population in age group 0-6 and Total Nq. Union territory" number of districts Less than 10.00- 12.00- 14.00- '16.00- ' 18.00- 20.00- 22.00 10.00 11.99 13.99 15.99 17.99 19.99 21.99 and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 INDIA 8 73 122 110 114 117 42 5 591 1 Jammu and Kashmir 2 5 5 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 2 7 2 11 3 Punjab 3 13 17 4 Chandigam • 1 1 5 Uttaranchal 1 7 5 13 6 I-taryana 4 13 19 7 Delhi" 2 4 2 9 8 Rajasthan 11 13 7 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 1 3 17 40 9 70 10 Bihar 2 19 16 -. 37 11 Sikkim 2 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 5 7 13 13 Nagaland 2 4 8 14 Manipur 2 5 9 15 Mizoram 6 8 16 Tripura 3 4 17 Meghalaya 1 2 3 7 18 Assam 3 6 9 4 23 19 West Bengal 3 3 7 2 18 20 Jharkhand 3 3 6 5 18 21 Orissa 3 12 ,9 6 30 22 Chhatisgarh 3 10 ~ 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 8 16 17 1 2 45 24 Gujarat 12 6 2 3 24 25 Daman and Diu" 1 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli " 1 1 27 Maharashtra 2 15 13 4 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 6 13 4 23 29 Karnataka 9 9' 5 3 27 30 Goa 2 2 31 Lakshadweep " 1 32 Kerala 10 2 ,- 14 33 Tamil Nadu 3 23 4 30 34 Pondicherry • 2 2 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands' 2 2 Notes: Population and child population figures in the age group 0-6 for Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001 are excluded for those talukas where the population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001 could not be conducted due to natural calamity.Kachchh in Gujarat and Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh are also excluded in this Statement.

Table-7 provides the list of districts arranged in descending order of the percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 to the total population. It also gives the number of children in the age group 0-6 recorded at the 1991 and 2001 censuses and their absolute difference.

30 It may be observed from this table that districts with high percentages of child population in the age group 0-6 (placed at the upper end of the list) have a higher number of children in that age group for the year 2001 than the number in 1991, and for those placed at lower end of the list, it is generally the reverse. The number of children in the age group 0-6 enumerated at the time of census in an area is the accumulation of all births that have occurred in that area in the past seven years prior to census minus the deaths in these children during that period. If on the whole the population is not affected by large-scale migration of the children in this age group, significant changes in this number will be on account of level and changes of fertility and mortality in the age group 0-6 of that area. However, differential levels of underlover enumeration in the two censuses as a factor of change also cannot be totally ruled out. Therefore, generally higher values of this difference in a district indicates little or no fall of fertility in the area and vice versa. Table-7 clearly shows significantly large positive values of difference in most of the districts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh and large negative values in most districts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, parts of West Bengal, Maharashtra and Orissa. Ri Bhoi district of Meghalaya with 23.47 percent of children in age-group 0-6 tops the list followed by Jhabua in Madhya Pradesh with 22.96 percent.

The discussions hitherto makes two things clear - one, the distribution of population across the country is highly skewed with larger concentration of population living in relatively smaller area. The population size and its distribution have serious implications on economic development and environment. It also influences the political, social and cultural fabric of the country to a large extent. There is bound to be some uneven distribution of population because of changning patterns of urbanization, topography, lack of employment of opportunities in local area and droughts leading to movement of persons from one part of the cauntry to other and even within the state. It is, therefore, extremely important to work towards an equitable economic an~social development across the country. All plans and programmes should reach out to the socially and economically marginalised people living in various parts of the country. An efficient administrative set-up is an essential pre-requisite for achieving this end. The population of India will keep on growing for a long time to come and it is inevitable that the number of districts will keep increasing. By the time India has a stable population, it is likely that the country may have between 900- 1000 districts. It is in this context important to see that the district which is the key administrative unit has an appropriate size both in terms of population and area. Serious consideration and thought has to be given in deciding the jurisdiction of new districts and if possible even reyiew the jurisdictjon of the existing districts of the country. Thus this redistricting has to be done scientifically and objectively with a view to achieve an accessible and people friendly administration in the overall context of the geopolitical and socio-cultural settings of a given region.

The second important implication borne out of this district level analysis suggests that the decline in population growth rate is spreading and encompassing larger geographical area in the country. Clearly the decline in growth rate as imputed from the proportion of child population to total population is not restricted to the districts of four southern states only. It has also spread to the districts in Maharashtra and Gujarat on the western side, tlie districts of Orissa and West Bengal in the eastern side, the districts of Assam and Tripura in north east and the districts of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh in the north. Fertility decline is therefore a little more visible in other regions of the country and no longer restricts itself to the two southern states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu only.




The basic population data on the number of males and females have been extensively used by different researchers, policy makers and demographers. The distribution of male and female in a society has direct bearing on the social and economic relationships. The net deficit of females in India which was 3.2 million in 1901, has now widened to over 35 million at the Census of India, 2001. Uneven distribution of the sexes in the population ca':l disturb the basic equilibrium within the society. Thus this spectre reflected in the Indian society has raised several questions on the status of the women in general and the girl child in particular.

The sex ratio of the population in the twentieth century has shown a secular declining trend in India except some marginal increases in the censuses of 1951,1981 and now in 2001. In the country volume 'Series-1 India, Provisional Population Totals, Paper-1 of 2001', the interstate variations in the pattems and trends of the population sex ratio along with the child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 were presented. For effective policy, planning and intervention purposes it is imperative 10 identify and present this basic data at lower administrative units. In this chapter, the sex ratio of the population, child sex ratio in the ~ge group 0-6 and sex ratio age seven plus population are presented at the district level for all the States and Union territories across the country. The brief and limited analysis at the district level attempted here is expected to provide further insights into this aspect of the population dynamics.

Patterns of Sex Ratio of the Population in 2001

The provisional sex ratio of the population at the national level of 933 females at the Census of India, 2001 is six pOints higher than the sex ratio of 927 recorded during 1991 (Table-1). Eighteen States/Union territories accounting for 56.74 per cent of the population record a lower sex ratio than the national aver~ge at the Census of India, 2001 while seventeen States/ Union territories a higher sex ratio.

The distribution pattern of sex ratio of the population at the district level reveals a diverse pattern. Table-8 presents districts arranged in descending order by sex ratio of the population at the Census of India, 2001. It may be seen that 324 districts record sex ratio above 933. In other words, around 55 per cent of the total districts record sex ratio above the national average .. Four districts in the country are having the sex ratio equal to the national average. Of the 265 districts recording sex ratio below national average, as many as 23 districts have sex ratio less than 833. In other words a further deficit of over a hundred women, compared to the low national average is found in these districts. (Map-S).

Statement-14 supplements Table-8 and brings out the top-ten and the bottom-ten districts according to the sex ratio prevailing in the population during 2001. The highest sex ratio of 1148 is noted in Mahe district of Pondicherry followed closely by Almora in Uttaranchal, 1147. Ratnagiri district in Maharashtra, which recorded the highest sex ratio of the population during 1991, has slipped down to third place. It is interesting to note that though Kerala at the state level has recorded the highest sex ratio only one of its districts, Pathanamthitta squeezes to occupy the last-tenth spot in this .category. The newly formed state of Uttaranchal has three districts while Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and Daman and Diu account for one district each in this category.

On the other hand, of the bottom ten districts having the lowest sex ratio of the population in the country, Daman district figures the lowest at 591, which is extremely low. It is followed by West Kameng· district of Arunachal Pradesh with a sex ratio of 749 and North district of Sikkim at 752. Among the major States, Mumbai in Maharashtr~ besides the three districts of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and Chandigarh Union territory

33 find place in the bottom-ten districts. The very low sex ratios in the large metropolitan areas like Delhi and Mumbai could be influenced principally due to the inflow of male migrants seeking work in the industrial, commercial, construction, informal and the unorganized sectors of the economy.

Statement-14 Top ten and bottom ten districts according to sex ratio of population -India: 2001 SI. Statel Sex No. District Union territory· ratio 2 3 4 Top ten districts of India 1 Mahe . Pondicherry· 1,148 2 Almora Uttaranchal 1,147 3 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 1,135 4 Udupi Karnataka 1,127 5 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 1,117 6 Diu Daman and Diu· 1,117 7 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 1,11(\ 8 Garhwal Uttaranchal 1,104 9 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 1,102 10 Pathanamthitta- Kerala 1,094 Bottom ten districts of India Daman Daman and Diu· 591 2 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 749 3 North Sikkim 752 4 Chandigarh Chandigarh" 773 5 Mumbai Maharashtra 774' 6 South West Oelhi· 783 7 New Delhi Delhi" 791 8 South Delhi Delhi" 797 9 Lahul and Spiti Himachal Pradesh 80,( 10 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu and Kashmir 805

Statement-15 highlights intra-state variations in sex ratio by presenting the districts with minimum and maximum value of sex ratio among districts and gaps therein for each State and Union territory having more than one district: It may be observed from the Statement that the maximum difference of 526 points between the highest and the lowest value of sex ratio is noted in case of Daman and Diu districts of the same Union territory. Among the major States Maharashtra registers the highest gap of 361 pOints between Ratnagiri (1135) and Mumbai (774). Large differences of 200-300 points in the highest and lowest value of sex ratio within the State/Union territory are observed in six other States and Union territories. Of these, in the districts of. Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh the gap between these two values is more than 250. In twelve States and Union territories this difference is more than 100 points. The least gap for any State or Union territory between these two values is of thirteen pOints for the north east State of Tripura. Among the major States the least gap of seventy two points between these two values is observed in the districts of Goalpara and North Cachar Hills of Assam.



Boundary, International " Boundary, State/U.T. ... Boundary, District KILOMETERS 32 ° 10050 0 100. 200. 30.0. 40.0 500.



\ New Moore I. 20° 20° (India)


NUMBER OF FEMALES PER 1000 MALES , Coco Is. (Burma) -p c=J BELOW 800 Narcondam I. India) c=J 80.0 - 849 ~ ;'0 ~ D ~arren I. (India) c=J 850 - 899 ; ~~ CJ 90.0. - 949 (National Average 933 ) r . : .ANDAMAN SEA ~ 950 - 999 ....1- Cry o 1- ~ 10.00 AND ABOVE .... ~

947 Data Not Available H~~ : J 1-.... ('> . ,0 •• <:SI 8 0 "Is "Y 11 "G>. Q ~ Indira Point .- -p I N C E A N "t­ N D A o O Ul

72° East 01 Greenwich

Based upon Survey of Inoia map with the pennission ofthe Surveyor General of In

Statement-15 Districts with maximum and minimum values of sex ratio of population - State/Union territory: 2001 SI. Statel Sex District with Sex District with Sex Gap in sex No. Union territory' ratio maximum value ratio minimum value ratio ratio 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Jammu and Kashmir 900 Pulwama 938 Leh (Ladakh) 805 133 2 Himachal Pradesh 970 Hamirpur 1,102 Lahul and Spiti 804 298 3 Punjab 874 Hoshiarpur 935 Ludhiana 824 111 4 Uj:taranchal 964 Almora 1,147 Hardwar • 868 279 5 Haryana 861 Mahendragarh 919 Panchkula 823 96 6 Delhi • 821 North East 851 South West 783 68 7 Rajasthan 922 Dungarpur 1,027 Jaisalmer 821 206 8 Uttar Pradesh 898' Azamgarh 1,026 Shahjahanpur 838 188 9 Bihar 921 Siwan 1,033- Patna 873 160 10 Sikkim 875 West 930 North 752 178 11 Arunachal Pradesh 901 Lower Subansiri 985 West Kameng 749 236 12 Nagaland 909 Zunheboto 945 Dimapur 854 91 13 Manipur 978 Imphal West- 1,007 Ukhrul 920 87 14 Mizoram 938 955 - 901 54 15 Tripura 950 West Tripura 953 Dhalai 940 13 16 Meghalaya 975 West Garo Hills 988 South Garo Hills 941 47 17 Assam 932 Goalpara 955 North Cachar Hills 883 72 18 West Bengal 934 Medinipur 955 Kolkata 828 127 19 Jharkhand 941 Kodarma 1,001 Dl1anbad 874 127 20 Orissa 972 Gajapati 1,031 Khordha 901 130 21 Chhatisgarh 990 Rajnandgaon 1,024 Koriya 947 77 22 Madhya Pradesh 920 Balaghat 1,022 Morena 822 200 23 Gujarat 921 Amreli 986 Surat 835 151 24 Daman and Diu' 709 Diu 1,117 Daman 591 526 25 Maharashtra 922 Ratnagiri 1,135 Mumbai 774 361 26 Andhra Pradesh 978 'Nizamabad 1,016 Rangareddi 941 75 27 Karnataka 964 Udupi 1,127 Bangalore 906 221 28 Goa 960 -South Goa 972 North Goa 951 21- 29 Kerala 1,058 Pathanamthitta 1,094 Idukki 993 101 30 Tamil Nadu 986 Thoothukkudi 1,049 Salem' 929 120 31 Pondicherry • 1,001 Mahe 1,148 Yanam 975 173 32 Andaman and Nicobar 846 Nicobars 859 Andamans 844 15 Islands Notes: Union territories of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each.

The significant feature in 2001 Census is that majority of the States/Union territories register an overall increase in their sex ratio as compared to 1991 (Table-1). Statement-16 presents the distribution of districts and percentage of the population living in such districts by ranges of sex ratio in 1991 and 2001. It may be discerned from this statement that there is a sUbstantial increase in the number of districts having sex ratio above unity in 37 2001 as compared to 1991, (78 districts during 2001 as against 55 districts in 1991). The corresponding share of the population living in such districts increased from 8.84 to 11.03 percent. There is a perceptible decrease in the number of districts with sex ratio in the range of 800-849 in the last decade along with a sharp decline in the proportion of the population from 10.14 percent in 1991 to 5.90 percent in 2001. An increase in the number of districts is noted in the range of 900-949 during 1991-2001. However, the number of districts in the range of 950- 999 remains static though the proportion of the population living in such districts has registered a marginal increase. On a one to one basis there is an improvement in sex ratio in as many as 455 districts in the country during 1991-2001.

Statement-16 Distribution of districts by ranges of sex ratio of population -India: 1991 and 2001 Ranges of 1991 2001 sex ratio Number of Share of population Number of Share of population districts districts Absolute Percent Absolute Percent 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 593 846,387,888 100.00 593 1,027,015,247 100.00 Less than 800 8 10,371,353 1.23 8 8,636,983 0.84 800-849 63 85,850,940 10.14 34 60,578,798 5.90 850-899 125 159,803,530 18.88 118 213,618,482 20.80 900-949 181 284,185,509- 33.58 194 340,564,998 33.16 950-999 161 231,410,420 27.34 161 290,334,822 28.27 1000-1049 39 56,338,344 6.66 58 83,042,989 8.09 1050 + 16 18,427,792 2.18 20 30,238,175 2.94 Notes: 1. The population figures for the districts of Jammu. and Kashmir have been interpolated for the year 1991 as the 1991 Census could not be conducted in the state due to disturbed conditions.

2. The population figures for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Malia-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district and Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district and Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh for the year 2001 have been estimated as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

Distribution of districts in the ranges of sex ratio by States and Union territories during 2001 is presented in Statement-17 and brings out highlights of the inter-state and inter-district trends. It is seen that seventy eight districts spread over sixteen StatesJUnion territories have recorded sex ratio above unity. The largest number of such districts is from Tamil Nadu (15) followed by Kerala (13) and Uttaranchal (8) while Chhatisgarh and Orissa have (7) districts each in this category. Inset Map vii shows the districts with sex ratio 1000 and above at 2001 census.

It is noteworthy that none of the districts in the southern part of the country, i.e., Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry haverecorded.a low sex ratio of less than 900 during the Census of India, 2001. A similar pattern emerges in case of the districts of Orissa and Chhatisgarh besides that of the north eastern States of Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya. On the other extreme, Uttar Pradesh has the largest number of districts (50), which have recorded sex ratio less than 900 and this accounts for seventy one percent of the total districts in the state and thirty one percent of the total of such districts at the national level. The majority of the districts in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi record sex ratio in this low range.

38 Inset i Inset (viii)


Inset (ix) Inset (x)



Statement-17 Distribution of districts by ranges of sex ratio of population - India and Statel Union territory: 2001 51. India/State! Ranges of sex ratio and number of districts Total No. Union t~rritory* Less 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 than and 800 849 1399 949 999 1049 above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INDIA 8 34 118 194 161 58 20 593 Jammu and Kashmir 4 9 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 3 2 3 2 12 3 Punjab 14 2 17 4 Chandigarh • 5 Uttaranchal 2 3 3 5 13 6 Haryana 6 11 2 19 7 Delhi * 3 5 1 9 8 Rajasthan 2 11 9 8 2 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 8 42 8 9 3 70 10 Bihar 7 27 1 2 37 11 5ikkim 2 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 3 4 4 13 13 Nagaland 2 6 8 14 Manipur ~3 4 2 9 15 Mizoram 4 4 8 16 Tripura 2 2 4 17 Meghalaya 2 5 7 18 Assam 2 19 2 23 19 West Bengal 12 5 18 20 Jharkhand 2 7 8 18 21 Orissa 6 17 7 30 22 Chhatisgarh 8 7 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 3 11 18 11 2 45 24 Gujarat 17 6 25 ,25 Daman and Diu • 2 ·26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 127 Maharashtra 19 10 1 2 35 28 Andhra P.radesh 2 17 4 23 129 Karnataka 5 19 2 27 ~ 30 Goa 2 2 31 .Lakshadweep • 32 Kerala 4 9 14 33 Tamil Nadu 2 13 15 30 34 Pondicherry • 2 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands • 2 Notes: 1. The population figures for ttie districts of Jammu and Kashmir have been interpolated for the year 1991 as the 1991 Census could not be conducted in the state due to disturbed conditions. 2. The population figures for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Malia-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district and Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district and Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh for the year 2001 have been estimated as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

41 Statement-18 Distribution of districts by ranges of increase/decrease in sex ratio of population - India and State/Union territory: 1991-2001 SI. India/ Statel Ranges of increase/decrease in sex ratio of population and Total No. Union territory* number of districts Increase No Decrease 50 30 20 10 change 10 20 and and above 49 29 19 9 9 19 above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 INDIA 15 45 83 146 166 11 64 39 24 593 Jammu and Kashmir 2 4 1 2 2 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 1 5 2 2 2 12 3 Punjab 2 4 2 6 2 17 4 Chandigarh * 5 Uttaranchal 3 5 4 1 13 6 Haryana 2 7 2 3 4 19 7 Delhi * 2 2 3 9 8 Rajasthan 2 3 17 9 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 13 32 18 5 70 10 Bihar 3 9 15 8 37 11 Sikkim 1 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 6 4 2 13 13 Nagaland 1 2 2 1 8 14 Manipur 2 - 3 2 9 15 Mizoram 4 2 8 16 Tripura 3 4 17 Meghalaya 2 2 7 18 Assam 2 7 10 2 23 19 West Bengal 1 5 6 6 18 20 Jharkhand 2 6 8 18 21 Orissa 4 13 8 4 30 22 Chhatisgarh 3 7 5 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 16 24 3 45 24 Gujarat 7 9 5 4 25 25 Daman and Diu' 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 27 Maharashtra 3 7 3 12 5 5 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 9 8 4 23 29 Karnataka 5 17 3 27 30 Goa 1 2 31 Lakshadweep • 1 1 32 Kerala 5 4 3 2 14 33 Tamil Nadu 3 5 15 5 2 30 34 Pondicherry • 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands· 2 Notes: 1. The population figures for the districts of Jammu and Kashmir have been interpolated for the year 1991 as the 1991 Census could not be conducted in the state due to disturbed conditions. 2. The population figures for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Malia-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district and Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district for the year 2001 have been estimated as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 3. The population figures for entire Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh for the year 2001 have been estimated, as population enumeration could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

42 MAP6 CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 88°


Boundary, International .. Boundary, StatelU,T, '" Boundary. District o KILOMETERS 32 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 500




New\ Moore I. (India)



L=:J BELOW 800 oCoeo Is. (Burma) 'Y L=:J 800 - 849 Narsondam I. (Ind ia) L=:J 850 - 899 ~ i ~ I Barren L (India) L=:J 900 - 949 (National Average 927 ) ~ {~ .. 950 - 999 . :. r ~.ANDAMAN SEA .. 1000 AND ABOVE ~ , -y o "f, L=:J DATA NOT AVAILABLE /' e I N~:j Data Not Available "f, o /' ('l . ,0 8 0 .' <0'" IS)-y 1> 'G> . \J ~ Indira Point (" 'Y 7- I N D A N o C E A N o (}l 72 ° East of Greenwich 'ISO 92°

Based upon Survey of India map with the pennission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Govemmenl of India, copyright 2001, The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line, The inlerstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as Interpreted from the North-Eastem Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Districts having extremely low sex ratio of even less than 800 are spread over six States and Union territories. Delhi contributes the largest share of three districts while among the major States, Maharashtra has one such district. Inset Map viii shows the districts with sex ratio below 850 at the 2001 Census

Statement-18 presents the distribution of districts by ranges of change in terms of increase/decrease in sex ratio during 1991-2001 at the national and state level. The quantum of the change in sex ratio at the district level shows that 455 districts register an increase during this period, 11 districts have no change while 127 districts show a decline. Thus, around seventy five per cent districts either register the same or a higher sex ratio in the population for 2001 Census. It is further observed that 143 or around twenty five per cent of the districts in the country show an increase of twenty points or more in the sex ratio of the population during 2001. In contrast only twenty four districts constituting four percent of the total number of districts register a steep decline of more than twenty points or more in their sex ratio during 1991-2001.

It may be further observed that the gains in sex ratio among the districts of major states are of higher magnitude than the losses suffered by certain districts. For instance, the majority of the districts in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu and Kerala exhibit significant increase of above ten pOints in the sex ratio of the population during 2001 as compared to 1991. These gains are reflected in the overall increase of the sex ratio in majority of the States as well as at the national level. Among the States where a large number of districts register decline in sex ratio are Maharashtra (22), Gujarat (18), Orissa (12), Punjab (10), Haryana (9), Delhi and Himachal Pradesh (6 each) and Jammu and Kashmir (5). Inset Maps ix and x respectively help in identifying the districts recording above thirty points increase and decrease in the sex ratio during 1991- 2001.

Child Sex Ratio in the Age Group 0-6

In this section the patterns and trends of child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 are briefly analysed. The sex ratio in the age group 0-6 attempts to bring out the recent changes in our society in its attitude and outlook towards the girl child. The data on child sex ratio provides a broad indicator of the ground realities as they exist in the fabric of the society and more importantly is an indicator of the likely future trends of sex ratio of the population. As discussed in the foregoing paragraphs, the sex ratio of the population in 2001 Census has increased at the national level and also in majority of the districts at sub state level. In contrast the child sex ratio for the age group 0-6 in 2001 is 927 girls per thousand boys against 945 recorded at the 1991 Census. It may be stated that the sex ratio at birth is globally masculine and usually falls between 943-952 girls per thousand boys.

As seen above, the child sex ratio for the country as a whole is less than the universal sex ratio at birth. At the district level, however, 228 districts return child sex ratio above 952 while in case of seventy three districts this_ falls between 943-952 in line with the universal sex ratio at birth. As compared with national average, 378 or sixty four percent of the districts record a higher child sex ratio than the corresponding figure at the national level. 204 or about thirty five percent of the districts register a lower sex ratio than the one recorded at the national level while nine districts have child sex ratio equal to the national level. It may be further added that the inordinately low child sex ratios of below 850 are recorded in forty eight districts and include all the districts of Punjab and Haryana besides some districts of Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat. One district of Tamil Nadu (Salem) and Jammu and Kashmir (Jammu) also figure in this category. Table-9 presents districts by descending order of the child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 during 2001. Map 6 shows the distribution of districts according to child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 at the 2001 census.

Statement-19 supplements Table-9 and highlights the top-ten and the bottom ten districts according to the child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 at the 2001 Census Among the top ten, South district of Sikkim is at number

45 one followed by Upper Siang in Arunachal Pradesh and Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir has three districts in this category while Arunachal Pradesh and Chhatisgarh have two each. The majority of these districts are either tribal or hilly districts.

Among the bottom-ten, Fatehgarh Sahib district of Punjab has the lowest child sex ratio of 754. It is significant to note that seven Punjab districts appear in this category and the remaining three are from Haryana. There is cause for further enquiry for such low child sex ratios in these areas. Are girls having a higher infant and child mortality or there are cases of sex selective births or female infanticide has raised its ugly head? The possibility of a huge selective undercount of the girl child does not appear to be a plausible explanation for these areas.

Statement-19 Top ten and bottom ten districts according to child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 -India: 2001 SI. No. District Statel Union territory" Sex ratio

2 3 4 Top ten districts of India South Sikkim 1036 2 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 1018 3 Pulwama Jammu and Kashmir 1017 4 Bastar Chhatisgarh 1014 5 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 1014 6 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 1011 7 Kupwara Jammu and Kashmir 1010 8 Senapati Manipur 1007 9 Mokokchung Nagaland 1004 10 Badgam Jammu and Kashmir 1003 Bottom ten districts of India Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 754 2 Patiala Punjab 770 3 Kurukshetra Haryana 770 4 Gurdaspur Punjab 775 5 Kapurthala Punjab 775 6 Bathinda Punjab 779 7 Mansa Punjab 779 8 Amritsar Punjab 783 9 Sonipat Haryana 783 10 Ambala Haryana 784

Statement-20 brings out the districts with the maximum and minimum values of child sex ratio in each State/Union territory and highlights the intra-state gaps. The maximum gap of 201 points in child sex ratio between the maximum and the minimum value within a state is noted for Pulwama and Jammu districts of Jammu and Kashmir followed by The Dangs and Mahesana districts of Gujarat (176). Besides these, districts of eight States/Union territories record a large gap between the maximum and minimum values in the range of 100-200 while in sixteen States/Union territories this gap is between 50-99 paints. The lowest gap of two paints is notep in the two districts of Goa. Among the major states, the least gap of thirty six points is noted between Kasaragod and Ernakulam districts of Kerala. It is intriguing to note that the maximum value of the child sex ratio in the districts of Punjab and Haryana are lower than the minimum value of majority of the districts in other States and Union territories. Inter-state and inter-district disparities in the child sex ratio as seen from the maximum and minimum values vis-a-vis State values are distinct and sharp.

46 In set (xi) Inset (xii)


.' .'- .

Inset (xiii )




As already highlighted in the preceding paragraphs the child sex ratio in the country shows a declining trend for the Census of India, 2001. In fact it has registered a decline of eighteen points during the decade. Inter- state variations in the child sex ratio reveals that in majority of the States/Union territories (twenty eight) child sex ratio in age group 0-6 has declined in 2001 Census as compared to the 1991 Census. The picture is equally dismal at the district level. The district level analysis of trends of child sex ratio during 1991-2001 is confined to 577 districts excluding fourteen districts of Jammu and Kashmir where census was not conducted in 1991 and one district each of Gujarat (Kachchh) and Himachal Pradesh (Kinnaur) where the population enumeration for 2001 Census has not been conducted so far. For the sake of uniformity and comparability these districts have been excluded from the199~ as well as from the 2001 census.

Statement-20 Districts with maximum and minimum values of child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 - State/Union territory: 2001

~ SI. State! Child sex District with Child Sex District with Child sex Gap in No Union territory" ratio maximum ratio minimum Ratio maximum value value and minimum

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Jammu and Kashmir 937 Pulwama 1,017 Jammu 816 201 2 Himachal Pradesh 897 Lahul and Spiti 986 Kangra 836 150 3 Punjab 793 Moga & Firozpur 819 Fatehgarh Sahib 754 65 4 Uttaranchal 906 Champawat 946 Hardwar 852 94 5 Haryana 820 Gurgaon 863 Kurukshetra 770 93 6 Delhi· 865 Central 902 South West 845 57 7 Rajasthan 909 Banswara 972 Ganganagar 852 120 8 Uttar Pradesh 916 Gorakhpur 977 Baghpat 847 130 9 Bihar 938 Nawada 974 Darbhanga 885 89 10 Sikkim 986 South 1,036 East 964 72 11 Arunachal Pradesh 961 Upper Siang 1,018 Lohit 931 87 12 Nagaland 975 Mokokchung 1,004 Phek 934 70 13 Manipur 961 Senapati 1.007 Bishnupur 925 82 14 Mizoram 971 Serchhip 991 Mamlt 953 38 15 Tripura 975 West Tripura 983 South Tripura 962 21 16 Meghalaya 975 Jaintia Hills 995 South Garo Hills 947 48 17 Assam 964 Dhubri 984 Jorhat 901 83 18 West Bengal 963 Murshidabad 975 Kolkata 923 52 19 Jharkhand 966 Godda 996 Purbi Singhbhum 941 55 20 Orissa 950 Nabarangapur 1,002 Nayagarh 901 101 21 Chhalisgarh 975 Bastar 1,014 Bilaspur 947 67 22 Madhya Pradesh 931 Dindori 989 Bhlnd 829 160 23 Gujarat 878 The,Dangs 974 Mahesana 798 176 24 Daman and Diu' 925 Diu 959 Daman 906 53 25 Maharashtra 917 Gadchiroli 974 Sang Ii 850 124 26 Andhra Pradesh 964 Vizianagaram 981 Kurnool 944 37 27 Karnataka 949 Kodagu 977 Belgaum 924 53 28 Goa 933 South Goa 934 North Goa 932 2 29 Kerala 963 Kasaragod 984 Ernakulam 948 36 30 Tamil Nadu 939 The Nilgiris 990 Salem 826 164 31 Pondicherry " 958 Karaikal 981 Mahe 915 66 32 Andaman and Nicobar 965 Andamans 968 Nicobars 943 25 Islands"

Notes: Union territories of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each.

49 Statement-21 presents the distribution of districts by child sex ratio (0-6) during 1991 and 2001. This provides a birds eye view of the trends across the country. There is a sharp increase in the child sex ratio in the range less than 800. It may be seen that there was not even a single district in this range in 1991, while at the 2001 Census sixteen districts are now conspicuous in this low range. In fact, there are as many as forty eight districts where the child sex ratio is under 850 during 2001, while, there was only one such district in 1991, Salem in Tamil Nadu. Now there are forty seven more districts like Salem in the country and many of them record even a lower than the lowest child sex ratio of 1991, accounting for about seven percent of the total population of the country. Sharp declines in the child sex ratio are also noted in 950-999 and above 1000 category. As many as seventy seven districts moved from these ranges to the lower ranges of child sex ratio while the corresponding loss of the population on account of this downward mobility is to the tune of fifteen percent.

Statement-21 Distribution of districts by ranges of child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 -India: 1991 and 2001 Ranges of child 1991 2001 sex ratio (0-6) Number of Share of population Number of Share of population districts Absolute Percent districts Absolute Percent 2 3 4 5 6 7 ;Total 571 836,650,839 100.00 511 1,014,651,658 100.00 .~Less than 800 16 22,078,001 2.18 800-849 1 2.573,667 0.31 32 47.845.523 4.72 850-899 68 83,487,936 9.98 71 155,663,272 15.34 900-949 181 287.907,400 34.41 208 381,362,437 37.59 950-999 306 454,010,566 54.27 242 403,834,775 39.80 1000-1049 21 8.671,270 1.04 8 3,867,650 0.38 Notes: 1. All the districts of Jammu and Kashmir where census was not conducted in 1991 and Kachchh district of GUjarat and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration for 2001 census could not be conducted have been excluded for 1991 and 2001 for the sake of comparability 2. Population and child population figures in the age group 0-6 for the Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001 excludes the corresponding population for these talukas where population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, has not been conducted due to natural calamity.

The distribution of districts in various ranges of child sex ratio for the Census of India, 2001 is presented in Statement-22 and brings out the inter-district and the inter state variations. It may be seen that none of the district among the major states of Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhatisgarh, Andhra Pradesh. Karnataka and Kerala record child sex ratio below 900 during 2001. Similar pattern emerges in case of all the north eastern States. On the other hand majority of the districts in Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat among the major states have child sex ratio below 900. Individually, Uttar Pradesh has the maximum of twenty-four districts with less than 900 child sex ratio. 245 districts have child sex ratio in the range 950-999 while the above unity"(1000) child sex ratio is seen in four districts of Jammu and Kashmir. two districts each of Arunachal Pradesh and Chhatisgarh, one each of Nagaland, Manipur, Sikkim and Orissa. It may not be out of context to state here that other things being equal the possibility of infant and child mortality may be marginally higher for boys in certain districts returning a very high child ..sex ratio. Map 6 presents distribution of districts according to ranges of child sex ratio and Inset Map xi highlights the cluster of districts in northern India, having very low range of child sex ratio.

It is difficultto comprehend that as many as 456 districts constituting seventy nine percent of the total 577 districts in the country have registered a decline in child sex ratio between 1991-2001. Of these in seventy districts, the decline is of the order of over fifty pOints. In certain districts such as Fatehgarh, Kapurthala, Gurdaspur and Patiala in Punjab, Ambala in Haryana, Kangra in Himachal Pradesh and Mahesana in Gujarat the decline in the child sex ratio is more than 100 pOints during the decade 1991-2001. On the other hand. only twenty seven districts record an increase of twenty or more points in child sex ratio between 1991-2001. It may be .. pertinent to add here that the. imbalance that has been created due to the decline in the child sex ratio may have a

50 continuing adverse impact on the sex ratio in these areas over a long period of time. Inset Maps xii and xiii present changes of child sex ratio during 1991-2001 and highlights the districts across the country registering an overall increase in child sex ratio and decrease of fifty points or more respectively between 1991-2001.

Statement-22 Distribution of dl~trlcts by ranges of child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 - India and State/Union territory : 200~ SI. India/Statel Ranges of child sex ratio and number of districts Total No. Union territory" Less 800 850 900 950 1000 than 800 849 899 949 999 1049 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INDIA 16 33 72 213 245 12 591 Jammu and Kashmir 1 1 S 3 4 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 2 2 4 3 11 3 Punjab 10 7 17 4 Chandigarh * 1 5 Uttaranchal 12 13 6 Haryana 5 12 2 19 7 Delhi * 7 9 8 Rajasthan 10 19 3 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 2 22 35 11 70 10 Bihar 2 25 10 37 11 Sikkim 3 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 5 6 2 13 13 Nagaland 2 5 8 14 Manipur 3 5 9 15 Mizoram 8 8 16 Tripura 4 4 17 Meghalaya 1 6 7 18 Assam 3 20 23 19 West Bengal 17 18 20 .lAarkhand 3 15 18 21 Orissa 12 17 1 30 22 Chhatisgarh 13 2 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 3 1 27 14 45 24 Gujarat 3 12 5 3 24 25 Daman and Diu" 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 1 27 Maharashtra 9 21 5 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 22 23 29 Kamataka 12 15 27 30 Goa 2 '2 31 Lakshadweep • 32 Kerala 13 14 33 Tamil Nadu 3 9 17 30 34 Pondicherry " 3 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands • ;;- 2 Notes: 1. Excludes Kachchh district of Gujarat and Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh where 2001 Census cou.ld not be conducted due to natural calamity. 2. Population and child population figures in the age group 0-6 for Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujara! for the year 2001 excludes the corresponding population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar distric~ where population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

51 Statement-23 Distribution of districts by ranges of increase/decrease of child sex ratio in the age group 0-6 - India and State/Union territory: 1991-2001 81. India/State/ Ranges of increase/decrease in child sex ratio in age group ()"6 and Total No. Union territory' number of districts Increase No Decrease 20 19 9 change 10 20 30 40 50 and and above 10 1 9 19 29 39 49 above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 INDIA 27 33 55 6 114 122 76 47 27 70 577 1 Jammu and Kashmir 2 Himachal Pradesh 2 2 5 11 3 Punjab 16 17 4 Chandigarh ' 1 5 Uttaranchal 3 2 2 2 4 13 6 Haryana 1 2 3 13 19 7 Delhi * 1 2 6 9 8 Rajasthan 2 3 6 6 7 5 1 1 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 6 10 6 12 13. 8 7 3 4 70 10 Bihar 3 2 2 6 8 9 3 2 37 11 8ikkim 2 1 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 2 2 3 2 2 1 13 13 Nagaland 2 2 2 1 8 14 Manipur 1 2 2 3 9 15 Mizoram 2 2 3 8 16 Tripura 2 4 17 Meghalaya 2 2 2 1 7 18 Assam 5 6 5 3 2 23 19 West Bengal 4 11 1 18 20 Jharkhand 1 4 9 2 1 18 21 Orissa 2 5 11 8 2 2 .. 30 22 Chhatisgarh 1 3 4 5 1 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 5 7 15 7 9 1 45 24 Gujarat 6 5 5 7 24 25 Daman and Diu * 1 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli * 1 1 Maharashtra 5 11 4 5 4 5 35 ·t Andhra Pradesh 1 5 14 3 23 29 Karnataka 4 9 6 5 1 27 30 Goa - 1 2 31 Lakshadweep • 1 1 32 Kerala 2- 4 3 3 2 14 33 Tamil Nadu 4 11 9 4 30 34 Pondicherry * 1 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands * 2 Notes: 1. All the districts of Ja·mmu and Kashmir where census was not conducted in 1991 and Kachchh district of Gujarat and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration for 2001 Census could not be conducted due to natural calamity have been excluded for 1991 and 2001 for the sake of comparability. 2. Population and child population figures in the ag€ group 0-6 for the Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001 excludes the corresponding population of Morvi, MaUya-Mtyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jpdiya. taluka of Jamnagar district where population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001 could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

State~ent-23 presents ranges of the increase/decrease in the child sex ratio at the national level and among the States/Union territories during 1991-2001. The declining trends in child sex ratio is glaring among the

52 States of Gujarat and Maharashtra where almost all the districts have registered decline in child sex ratio durinll the decade. In all, 220 districts spread over twenty nine States/Union territories registered a fall of twenty or mor{; points in child sex ratio and seventy districts suffered a loss of fifty or more points between 1991-2001. Thus, it appears that the recent decline in child sex ratio has assumed critieal proportions in many districts, which already had a lower child sex ratio, as it is further declining rapidly. It is observed that only 115 or around twenty percent of the districts have recorded gains in the child sex ratio during 2001. Of these a large proportion of districts corne from Uttar Pradesh (22), Madhya Pradesh (13), Rajasthan (11), Kerala (9) and Bihar (7). This analysis further highlights the fact thaHhe decline in child sex ratio is assuming an alarming proportion in certain districts of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and the decline in majority of the districts in other States and Union territories across the country (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Orissa, Kamataka, Assam, Delhi etc.) is rather intriguing. The social cultural bias against the girl child might have been possibly aggravated by recent medical support in terms of sex determination tests and requires further field investigation. Before arriving at any definite conclusion, among other details we have to wait for single year age- wise disaggregated population data for the 2001 Census. ' Sex Ratio of Population Age Seven Plus (7+).

In the concluding section, the derived s~x ratio of population age 7+ has been briefly discussed at the district level. The sex ratio of population aged 7+ during the Census of India, 2001, has been recorded as 935 females per thousand males, which is higher than 923 recorded at the 1991 Census. At the provincial level twenty five States/Union territories have also registered a higher sex ratio in the age 7+ than the 1991 Census. The district level trends presented in the Statement 24 exhibit that sixty five districts in the 1991 Census registere'd sex ratio above unity in the age group 7+ and in the 2001 Census, the number of such districts has increased to ninety one though the corresponding share of population has registered a marginal increase of only two percent. On the other extreme, districts with sex ratio less than..800 and 800-849 ranges show sharp decline from ninety six in 1991 to fifty six in 2001 along with substantial decline of over five percent in the share of population. Marginal increases in the 900-949 and 950-999 ranges of sex ratio are also noticed along with small increases in the corresponding proportion of population.

Statement-24 Distribution of districts by ranges of sex ratio of population age 7 and above -India: 1991 and 2001 Ranges of sex ratio 1991 2001 of population 7+ Number of Share of population Number of . Share of population districts Absolute Per cent districts Absolute Per cent 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 577 836,650,839 100.00 577 1,014,651 ,658 100.00 Less than 800 23 25,704,469 3.07 10 8,890,658 0.88 800-849 73 97,856,894 11.70 46 86,921,831 8.57 850-899 115 171,277,474 20.47 108 194,346,233 19.15 900-949 162 243,396,878 29.09 170 315,492,635 31.09 950-999 139 209,450,972 25.03 152 277,913,388 27.39 1000-1049 47 67,764,077 8.09 65 90,768,934 8.95 1050 + 18 21,200,075 2.53 26 40,317,979 !:97 Notes: 1. Ail the districts of Jammu and Kashmir where census was not conducted in 1991 and Kachchh district of Gujarat and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration for 2001 census could not be conducted so far due to natural calamity have been excluded for 1991 and 2001 for the sake of comparability. 2. Population and child population figures in the age group 0-6 for the Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001 excludes the corresponding population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district where population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001 could not be conducted due to natural calamity. Statement-25 presents distribution of the districts in the ranges of sex ratio of the population age seven plus at the national level and in the States and Union territories during 2001. It is evident from this Statement that 172 or twenty nine percent of the total districts have sex ratio of below 900 for the population aged seven plus at the national level. As in the case of sex ratio of the total population, the majority of these districts come'from Uttar Pradesh (51) followed by Haryana (17) and Madhya Pradesh (15). In addition thirteen districts each of Punjab and

53 Rajasthan have a low sex ratio of below 900 in the age group seven plus. There is not even a single district in the entire southem belt recording below 900 sex ratio for this age group. Statement-25 Distribution of districts b~ ranges of sex ratio of population age 7 and above -India and StatelUnion territory: 2001 SI. India/Statel Ranges of sex ratio of population aged 7+ and number of districts Total No. Union territory" Less 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 than and 800 849 899 949 999 1049 above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INDIA 11 46 1.15 176 152 65 26 591 1 Jammu and Kashmir 7 6 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 2 3 2 11 3 Punjab 12 3 17 4 Chandigarh • 1 5 Uttaranchal 2 3 2 6 13 6 Haryana 3 14 2 19 7 Delhi· 3 6 9 8 Rajasthan 2 11 6 11 2 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 18 33 6 9 4 70 10 Bihar 11 23 37 11 Sikkim 2 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 3 2 ·3 4 13 13 Nagaland 6 8 14 Manipur 3 2 4 9 15 MiLoldlli 2 3 3 8 16 Tripura 4 4 17 Meghalaya 2 5 7 18 Assam 3 18 2 23 19 West Bengal 1 1 13 3 18 20 Jharkhand ·2 8. 7 18 21 Orissa 1 4 18 7 30 22 Chhatisgarh 1 5 10 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 4 11 17 10 3 45 24 Gujarat 1 15 7 24 25 Daman and Diu * 2 , 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli * ~ 1 27 Maharashtra 2 16 12 2 2 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 2 17 4 23 29 Kamataka 5 19 2 27 30 Goa 2 2 31 Lakshadweep * 1 32 Kerala _1 3 10 14 33 Tamil Nadu 3 10 15 2 30 34 Pondicherry * 2 4 3i Andaman and Nicobar Islands * 2 2 Note: 1. Excludes Kachchh district of Gujarat and Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh where 2001 Census could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 2. Population and child population figures in the age group 0-6 for Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001 excludes the corresponding population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district where population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be ccnducted due to natural calamity.

Among the major states, none of the districts of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana and ~arnataka have sex ratio in the age group seven plus above unity at the Census of India, 2001. Except Manipur, which has four districts above unity sex ratio, none of the districts in north eastern states have above unity sex ratio. The maximum number of districts returning above unity sex ratio in age seven plus are from Tamil Nadu (17) followed

54 by Kerala (13) aDd Chhatisgarh (10). It may be further seen that ten districts of Kerala and six districts of Uttaranchal have recorded sex ratio of above 1050 in the age group seven plus.

Stat~ment·26 Distribution of districts by ranges of increase/decrease in sex ratio of population age 7 and above - ,India and State/Union territory: 1991·2001 SI. India/Statel Ranges of increase/decrease in sex ratio of population and Total No. Union territory" number of districts Inc~ase No Decrease 50 30 20 10 change 1 10 20 and and above 49 29 19 9 9 19 above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 INDIA 27 88 100 151 111 13 47 25 15 577 1 Jammu and Kashmir 2 Himachal Pradesh 5 2 3 1 11 3 Punjab 2 5 4 4 2 17 4 Chandigarh .. 1 1 5 Uttaranchal 7 5 13 6 Haryana 3 7 2 2 2 2 1 19 7 Delhi· 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 8 Rajasthan 3 12 12 4 1- 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 4 35 19 8 3 70 10 Bihar 1 9 13 9 4 37 11 Sikkim 1 1 1 4 12 AfunachalPradesh 9 :r 13 13 Nagaland 2 1 1 3 1 8 14 Manipur 2 3 2 2 9 15 Mizoram 1 2 2 2 1 8 16 Tripura 2 4 17 Meghalaya 2 1 2 7 18 Assam 2 9 5 5 2 23 19 West Bengal 4 2 9 3 18 20 Jharkhand 4 4 8 18 21 Orissa 3 7 12 4 4 30 22 Chhatisgarh 1 7 4 4 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 3 8 16 14 2 2 45 24 Gujara! 4 6 3 4 4 2 24 25 Daman and Diu .. 1 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli .. - 1 1 27 Maharashtra 3 14 3 6 4 5 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 3 10 6 .3 23 29 Kamataka 1 9 13 3 27 30 Goa 1 -2 31 Lakshadweep • 1 32 Kerala 5 4 2 3 ...: 14 33 Tamil Nadu 3 8 13 4 2 30 34 Poildicheny .. 4 35 Andaman 'and Nicobar Islands .. 2 Notes: 1. All the districts of Jammu and Kashmir where census was not conducted in 1991 and Kachchh district of Gujarat and Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration for 2001 Census could not be conducted due to natural calamity have been excluded for 1991 arid 2001 for the sake of comparability. 2. Population and child population figures in the age group 0-6 for Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001 excludes the corresponding population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot dis~ict, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district where population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

55 The distribution of districts by ranges of increase/decrease in the value of sex ratio of the population seven plus by India/States/Union territories is presented in Statement-26. It is interesting to note that 477 districts consisting of over eighty two percent of the districts register an increase in sex ratio 'of the population in the age group seven plus. Of these, 215 districts have recorded substantial gain of over twenty points. The possibility of some positive impact on the enumeration of adult female population in many parts of the country during the current census due to various factors sucli as gender sensitive approach in training and pubiicity measures also cannot be ruled out. Majority of the districts recording gains of above twenty points are from Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Bihar, Rajasthan, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Arunachal Pradesh. It is noteworthy to mention that all the districts of Uttaranchal, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar Islands show an I impro,vement in the sex ratio age seven plus at'the Census of India, 2001 as compared to the 1991 Census. Among these nine districts of Arunachal Pradesh, seven districts of Uttaranchal and four districts of Uttar Pradesh have recorded an increase of fifty or more points in the sex ratio age seven plus.

In case of thirteen distncts spread over six States/Union territories no change in the value of sex ratio age seven plus is seen, while eighty seven districts or fifteen percent of the districts have registered a decline. Among these, Maharashtra accounts for the largest chunk of fifteen districts followed by Gujarat ten, Orissa eight, Punjab six and Haryana five. In these districts the decrease in the sex ratio in the population age seven plus has been considerable during the Census of India, 2001, possibly suggesting among other things the impact of selective in­ migration of the adult male. However, this needs to be investigated when more details are available from the Census of India, 2001.

Increase in the sex ratio of population age seven plus in eighty two percent of districts is also possibly indicative of some improvement in the life expectancy of females, while the decrease in the child sex ratio raises the question on the status of the girl child. However, the sex ratio is ~nterplay of several factors operating in a giv~n population such as sex ratio at birth, changes in sex selective mortality indicators and the pattems of sex selective in and out migration. Therefore the decomposition of the real forces operating in different areas affecting'these trends can be better known only after age data on male/female, differential migration flows of the population besides estimates of sex ratio at birth and mortality are available for the Census,of India, 2001.



Literacy is one of the important social characteristics on which information is obtained of every individual in census. For the purposes of census. a person aged seven and above. who can both read and write with understanding in any language is treated as literate. Children in.the age group 0-6 are treated as illiterate. It is not necessary that to be treated as literate. a person should have received any formal education or acquired any minimum educational standard. Literacy status can be acquired through adult literacy classes or by attending any non-formal educational system. Persons who are unfortunately blind but can read in Braille are also treated as literate.

An analysis of the provisional literacy data at the State/Union territory level has already been presented in Series-1: India. Provisional Population Totals, Paper -1 of 2001. In this Chapter. an attempt has bee~ made to briefly analyse the district level literacy data based on provisional results from Census of India. 2001. Table-2 presents the total population. child population in· the age group 0-6, literates and literacy rates by sex for the country. States/Union territories and districts for the 2001 Census (literacy rates are also given for 1991 Census). Statement-27 presents the top ten and bottom ten di~ricts according to the literacy rates reco(ded in the Census of India. 2001 for persons. males and females. Districts arranged by descen~ling order of literacy rate for persons. males and females are presented in Tables-10, 11 and 12 r~spectively.

The literacy rates for persons in different districts of the country vary between 96.6 per cent (Aiz?wl district of Mizoram) and 30.0 per cent (Dantewada district of Chhatisgarh). Out of the top ten districts. seven are from Kerala. two from Mizoram and one from Pondicherry. Thus eight out of top ten districts are concentrated in southern India and two in north eastern India. It may be seen from Tabl~-10 that out of the total 591 districts almost fifty percent, Le., 294 districts have recorded literacy rate above the national average (65.4 per cent).

The bottom ten districts according to literacy rates are scattered in central and eastern India. Four o~ them are in Bihar. two each in Orissa and Uttar Pradesh and one each in Chhatisgarh and Jharkhand. Six districts. viz .• Dantewada district of Chhatisgarh. Pakaur district of Jharkhand, Malkangiri district of Orissa. Balrampur district of Uttar Pradesh. Kishanganj and Araria districts of Bihar are common in bottom ten districts of all the three categories. viz .• persons. males and females. The above-mentioned districts are the most critical distriC\s which­ will require special attention. !nfact most of these districts have a large Dum~er of illiterates waiting to be converted into literates. Further. it is observed that many of these districts have also added a large number· of illiterates during 1991-2001 which. perhaps. suggests that a large number of children and adolescents who should have been attending school were pqssibly not doing so.

Among males -the highest literacy rate has been recorded in Mahe district of Pondicherry (97.6 percent) and as observed in case of. persons Dantewada district. of Chhatisgarh (39.6 percent) records the lowest male literacy rate. It may be seen from Table-11 that 318 districts have reported male literacy rates above the national average of 75.9 percent.

57 Statement-27

Top ten and bottom ten districts by literacy rates and sex -India: 2001 ·SI. District State/Union Literacy District State/Union Literacy District State/Union Literacy No. territory· rate territory· rate territory" rate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "-

Top ten districts of India Persons Mates Females Aizawl Mizoram 96.64 Mahe Pondicherry* 97.59 Aizawl Mizoram 96.06 2 Serchhip Mizoram 96.16 Kottayam Kerate 97.41 Serchhip Mlzoram 95.02 3 Kottayam Kerala 95.90 S$rchhip Mizoram 97.24 Kottayam Kerala 94.45 4 Malle Pondicherry* 95.78 Aizawl Mizoram 97.20 Mahe Pondicherry* 94.23 5 Pathanamthltta Kerala 95.09 Pathanamti'litta Kerala 96.62 Pathanamthitta Kerala 93.71 6 Atappuzha Kerela 93.66 Alappuzha Kerala '96.42 Alappuzha Kerala 91.14 7 Ernakulam Kerala 93.42 Kannur Kerala 96.38 Er;nakulam Kerala 90.96 8 KannUf Kerata 92.80 Kozhikocle Kerala 96.30 Thrissur Kerala 89.94 9 Thrlssur Kerele 92.56 Emakulam Kerata 95.95 Champhai Mizoram 89.64 10 Kozhikode Kerela 92.45 Thrissur Kerala 95.47 Kannur Kerale 89.57

Bottom ten districts of India Persons Males FemaJes 1 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 30.01 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 39.59 Kishanganj Bihar 18.49 2 Pakaur Jharkhand 30.54 Pakaur Jharkhand 40.19 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 18.75 3 Kishangenj Bihar 31.02 Malkangiri Orissa 41.21 Pakaur Jharkhand 20.44 4 Malkangiri Orissa 31.26 Kishanganj Bihar 42.80 Dantewada Chhalisgarh 20.59 5 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 34.25 Katihar Bihar 45.51 Supaul Bihar 21.02 6 Nabarangapur Orissa 34.26 Sheohar Bihar 45.54 Nabatangapur Orissa 21.02 f' 7 BalrafT!l?ur !Jttar_ Pradesh 34.71 Purnia Bihar 46.16 Malkangiri Orissa 21.28 8 Araria Bihar 34.94 Balrampur Uttar PradElsh 46.28 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 21.58 ( 9 Katihar Bihar 35.29 Bahraich Utt

Among the females the literacy rate varies considerably between 96.1 per cent in of Mizoram and' 18.5 per cent in of Bihar. From Table-12 it is observed that there are 277 districts with female literacy rates above the national average of 54.2 percent. There are two districts in the country with female literacy rate below twenty percent. One of them is in Bihar (Kishqnganj 18.5 per cent) and the other in 'Uttar Pradesh (Shravasti 18.8 percent).

58 Statement·28 Districts with maximum and minimum values of literacy rate (Persons) - State/Union territory: 2001 81. State! ' Literacy District with Lit&ra<;y rate District with Literacy "Gap in No Union territory· rate maximum minimum rate maximum literacy rate 4iteracy rate and minimum value 1 2 :3 4 5 6 - 7 a 1 Jammu and Kashmir 54;46 Jammu 77.30 Badgam 39.54 37.76 2 Himachat Pradesh 77.13 Hemirpur 83.16 Chamba 63.73 19.43 3 Punjab 69.95 Hoshiarpur B1.40 Mansa 52.50 28.90 4 Utlaranchal 72.28 Nainital 79.60 Harow8f 64.60 15.00 5 Haryans 68.59 Panchkula 76.54 Fatehabad 58.16 18,38 6 Delhi * 81.82 East 85.10 NorthEast 77.85 7.25 7 Rajasthan 61.03 Kota 74.45 Banswara 44.22 30.23 6 Uttar Pradesh 57.36 Kanpur Nagar 77.63 Shravasti 34.25 43.38 9 Bihar 47.53 Palna 63.82 Kishanganj 31.0~ 32.80 10 Slkkim 69.68 East 75.57 West 59.31 16.26 11 Arunachal Pradesh 54.74 Papum Pare 70.89 East Kameng 40.89 30.00 12 Nagaland 67.11 Mokokchung 84.27 Mon 42.25 42.02 13 Manipur 68.87 Imphal West 80.61 Senapati 50.47 30.14 14 Mizoram 88.49 Aizawl 96.64 Lawngttei 56.45 40.19 15 Tripura 73.66 W ..tTripura 77.82 Dhatat ~1.56 16.26 16 Meghalaya 63.31 East Kashi Hilts 76.98 West Gam HiMs 51.03 25.95 17 Assam 64.28 Jorhat 77.91 Dhubri 49.86 28.05 18 West Bengal 69.22 Kolkata 81.31 Uttar Dinajpur 48.63 32.68 19 Jharkhand 54.13 Purbi Singhbhum 69.42 Pakaur 30.54 38.88 20 Orissa 63.61 Khordha 80.19 Malkangiri 31.26 48.93 21 Chhatisgarh 65.18 Rajnandgaon 77.58 Dantewacla 30.01 47.57 22 Madhya Pradesh 64.09 Narsimhapur 78.34 Jhabua 36.87 41.47 23 Gujarat 69.97 Ahmadabad 79.89 Oohed 45.65 34.24 24 Daman and Diu * 81.09 beman 83.60 Diu 74.14 9.46 25 Maharashtra 77.27 Mumbai (Suburban) 87.14 Nandurbar 56.06 31.08 26 Andhra Prade&h 61.11 Hyderabad 79.04 Mahbubnagar 45.53 33.51 27 Kernataka 67.04 Bangatore 83.91 Raichllr 49.54 34.31 28 Goa 82.32 North Goa 84.12 South Goa 79.98 4.14 29 Kerala 90.92 Kottayam 95.90 Palakkad 84.31 11.59 30 Tamil Nadu 73.47 Kanniyakumari 88.11 Dharmapuri 59.23 28.88 31 Pondieherry * 81.49 Mahe 95.78 Yanam 14.16 21.62 32 Andaman and Njcobar 81.18 Andamans 82.35 Nicobars 72.41 9.94 Islands * Notes: 1 Union territories of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each. 2. The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas'o Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar dis'trict of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

Statement-28 gives the State/Union territory-wise districts with maximum and minimum values of literacy rate for total population with gap between maximum and minimum values. The Union territories with uni-districts, viz., Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep have not been included in this, Statement. It is significant to note that a large number of districts with the highest literacy rate in the State/ Union territory are not

59 the State/Union territory capitals. Such districts are located in Himachal Pradesh (Hamirpur), Uttaranchal (Nainital), Rajasthan (Kota), Uttar Pradesh (Kanpur Nagar), Nagaland (Mokokchung), Assam (Jorhat), Jharkhand (Purbi Singhbhum), Chhatisgarh (Rajnandgaon), Madhya Pradesh (Narsimhapur), Gujarat (Ahmadabad), Maharashtra (Mumbai {Suburb~Hl}), Kerala (Kottayam), Tamil Nadu (Kanniyakumari), Pondicherry (Mahe). Some of these districts are, however, located near the State/Union territory capitals.

In many States/Union territories (excluding north-east India which is predominantly inhabited by Scheduled Tribes), viz., Himachal Pradesh (Chamba), Rajasthan (Banswara), Jharkhand (Pakaur), Orissa (Malkangiri), Chhatisgarh (Dantewada), Madhya Pradesh (Jhabua), Gujarat (Dohad), Maharashtra (Nandurbar), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Nicobars), the districts with lowest literacy rates shown in parenthesis against respective State/Union territory have traditionally quite a high proportion of Scheduled Tribe population.

By and large, huge disparities between the maximum and minimum values of literacy rates are noted in all the States and Union territories. In Bihar all the districts have reported literacy rate below !he national average of sixty five percent. The major States and Union territories which have recorded a difference of below twenty percentage pOints between the maximum and minimum values of district literacy rates are Delhi, Kerala and Haryana.

Among the major States, the maximum gap of 48.9 percentage points has been noticed in Orissa. The States and Union territories which have recorded a gap of thirty percentage pOints and more between the maximum and minimum values of district literacy rate? are Jammu and Kashmir (37.8) and Rajasthan (30.2) in northern India, Gujarat (34.2) and Maharashtra (31.1) in western India. Chhatisgarh (47.6), Uttar Pradesh (43.4) and Madhya Pradesh (41.5) in central India, Karnataka (34.4) and Andhra Pradesh (33.5) in southern India, Orissa (48.9), Jharkhand (38.9), Bihar (32.8) and West Bengal (32.7) in eastern India, Nagaland (42.0), Mizoram (40.2), Manipur (30.1) and Arunachal Pradesh (30) in north-eastern India .. lt is important to note that even in, states like Mizoram, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Manipur, Nagaland and Gujarat which have over all high literacy rates, the difference in the literacy rate between districts with the maximum and·minimum value is of above thirty percentage pOints. This indicates that these highly literate states also have certain districts With-quite low literacy rates which certainly require some attention for improving this important social indicator.

Statement-29 presents districts with the maximum and minimum values of male literacy rate and the difference in these values for all the States/ Union territories except Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep which have only one district each. In all the States/Union territories at least one district has reported literacy rate higher than the national average of 75.9 percent. There are seven States/Union territories in which all the districts have reported higher literacy rates than the national average. Out of these, five, viz, Kerala, Goa, Daman and Diu and Pond.icherry are located in southern India, two, viz., Delhi and Hi'!1achal Pradesh are in northern India and Andaman and Nicobar Islands is in eastern India. Out of the eleven states with a difference of thirty percentage points and above between the maximum and minimum values of male literacy rates of districts, Chhatisgarh (48.0), Madhya Pradesh (43.2) and Uttar Pradesh (37.4) are from central India, Orissa (47.8), Jharkhand (39.9) and Bihar (33.7) are from eastern India, Nagaland (39.4), Manipur (32.7) and Mizoram (32.1) are from north-eastern India, Jammu and Kashmir (33.7) is from northern India and Karnataka (30.5) is from sou~hern India. Mizoram with the state average of 90.7 percent male literacy rate has one district, viz, Lawngtlai which recorded a comparatively low literacy rate of 65.1 percent. Among the major States/Union territories, the difference of less than twenty percentage points between the maximum and minimum values of male literacy rate is observed only for Delhi (7.4) and Kerala (7.7).

60 Statement·29 Districts with maximum and minimum values of literacy rate (Males) - state/Union territory: 2001 SI. Statel Literacy District with Litsracy District with Literacy Gap in No Union territory· rate maximum male rate minimum male rate maximum literacy rate literacy rate and minimum value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Jammu and Kashmir 65,75 Jammu 84,92 Badgam 5.1.23 33.69 2 Himachal Pradesh 86,02 Hamirpur 90,86 Chamba 77.22 13.64 3 Punjab 75,63 Hoshiarpur 86.97 Mansa 59.12 27,85 4 Uttaranchal 84.01 Nainital 91.47 Hardwar 75.06 16.41 5 Haryana 79.25 Panchkula 89.04 Fafehabad 68,71 20.33 6 Delhi • 87,37 East 89.91 North East 82.55 7,36 7 Rajasthan 76.46 Kota 86,61 Banswara 60.24 26.37 8 Uttar Pradesh' 70.23 Kanpur Nagar 83,66 Shravasti 46.28 37.38 9 Bihar 60,32 Patna 76,54 Kishanganj 42.80 33.74 10 Sikkim 76,73 East 82.05 West 67.21 14.84

11 ~nachalPradesh 64.07 Papum Pare 79.00 East Kameng 51,05 27.95 12 Nagaland 71.77 MokoKchung 86,14 Mon 46.70 39.44 13 Manipur 77.87 Imphal West 89.10 Senapati 56.39 32.71 14 Mizoram 90.69 AizaWl 97.2~. Lawngtlai 65,13 32.11 15 Tripura 81,47 West Tripura 85.02 Dhalai 70.90 14.12 16 Meghalaya 66.14 East Kashi Hills 78.12 West Garo Hills 50.52 27.60 17 Assam 71.93 Jomat 82.76 Dhubri 56,61 26.15 18 West Bengal 77,58 Kolkata 85.25 Uttar Dinajpur 59,24 26,01 19 Jharkhand 67.94 Purbi Singhbhl!m 80,08 Pakaur 40.19 39,89 20 Orissa 75.95 Khordha 88,96 Malkangiri 41.21 4,7.75 21 Chhatisgarh 77.86 Rajnandgaon 87.54 Dantewada 39.59 47.95 22 Madhya Pradesh 76.76 Narsimhapur 91.40 Jhabua 48,20 43,20 23 Gujarat 80,50 Ahmadabad 87,92 Dohad 59.45 28.47 24 baman and Diu· 88.40 Daman 89.12 Diu 85.63 3.49 25 Maharashtra 86.27 Mumbai (Suburban) 92.65 Nandurbar 66.32 26.33

26 Andhra Pradesh 70,85 Hyderabad 84,11 Mahbubnagar ,.57.87 26.24 27 Karnataka 76.29 Bangalore 89.74 Raichur 59.25 30.49 28 Goa 88.88 North Goa 90.63 South Goa 86.58 4.05 29 Kerala .94.20 Kottayam 97.41 Palakkad 89.73 7.68 30 Tamil Nadu 82.33 Kanriiyakumari 90,88 Dharmapuri 68.82 22.06 31 Pondicherry • 88.89 Mahe 97.59 Yanam 79.11 18,48 32 Andaman and Nicobar Islands· 86.07 Andamaos 87.10 Nicobars 78.26 8.84 Notes: 1. Union territories of Ch~ndigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each. 2. The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar di'strict of Gujar'at State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of lndia; 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

61 Statement-30 Districts with maximum and minimum values of female literacy rate (Females) - State/Union territ0!1: 2001 81. StateJ Literacy District with Literacy District with Literacy Gap in No Union territory· rate maximum female rate minimum female rate maJdmum literacy rate literacy rate and minimum value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,8 1 Ja~u and Kashmir 41.82 Jammu 68.75 Badgam 26.60 42.15 2 Himachal Pradesh 68.08 Hamirpur 76.41 Chamba 49.70 26.71 3 Punjab 63.55 Hoshiar'pur 75.56 Mansa 45.07 30.49 4 Uttaratichal 60.26 Nalnital 71.22 Hardwar 47.48 23.74 5 Haryana 56.31 Panchkula 6S.98 F.atehabad 46.40 22.58 6 Delhi • 75.00 East 79.38 North East 69.97 9.41 7 Rajasthan 44.34 Kota 61.25 Banswara 27.53 33.72 8 uttar PradeSh 42.98 Kanpur Nagar 72.50 Shravasti 18.75 53.75 9 Bihar 33.57 Patns 52.17 Kishanganj 18.49 33.68 10 Sikkim 61.46 East 67.74 West 50.75 16.99 11 AiunachalPradesh 44.24 Papum Pare 61.72 EastKameng 28.86 32.86 12 Nagaland 61.92 Mokokchung 82.20 Mon 37.12 45.08 13 Manipur 59.70 Imphal West 72.24 8enapati 44.04 28.20 14 Mizoram 86.13 Aizawl 96.06 Lawngtlai 46.68 49.38 15 Tripura 65.41 West Tripura 70.24 Dhafai 51.57 18.67 16 Meghalaya 60.41 East Kashi Hills 75.82 West Garo Hills 44.51 31.31 17 Assam 56.03 Jorhat 72.54 Dhubri 42.64 29.90 18 West Bengal 60.22 Kolkata 77.95 Uttar Dinajpur 37.'5 40.60 19 Jharkhand 39.38 Purbi Singhbhum 57.95 Pakaur 20.44 37.51 20 Orissa 50.97 Khordha 11.06 Ma~kangiri 21.02 50.04 21 Chhatisgarh 52.40 Rajnandgaon 67.92 Dantewada 20.59 47.33 22 Madhya PradeSh 5027 Narsimhapur 99.02 Jhabua 25.50 43.52 23 Gujarat 58.60 Ahmadabad 71.12 DOhad 31.70 39.42 24 Oaman aM Diu • 70.37 Daman 73.73 Diu 64.16 9.57 25 Maharasntra 67.51 Mumbai (Suburban) 82.71 Nandumar 45.55 37.16 26 Andhra Pradesh 51.17 Hyderabad 73.67 Mahbubnagar 32.83 40.84 27 Karnataka 57.45 Bangaiore 78.98 Raichur 36.84 42.14 28 Goa 75.51 North Goa 77.29 South Goa 73.22 4.07 29 Kerala 87.66 Kottayam 94.45 Palakkad 79.31 15.14 30 Tamil Nadu 64.55 Kanniyakumari 85.38 Oharmapuri 49.10 36.28 31 Pondicherry • 74.13 Mahe 94.23 Yanam 69.07 25.16 32 Andaman and Nicobar Islands· 75.29 Andamans 76.61 Nicobars 65:50 11.11 Notes: 1. Union territories of Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep are excluded as they have only one district each. 2. The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jpdiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

The State/Union territory-wise districts with the maximum and minimum values of female literacy rates are shown in Statement-lO. In Bihar there is no district with female literacy rate of more than the national average of 54.2 percent. It is observed from Table-12 that there are five states ,viz., Uttar Pradesh and Chhatisgarh in central India, Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa in eastern India which have total seventeen districts where not even one out of four women are literate. The number of such districts in Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh are seven, four, three, two and one respectively. On the contrary in Kerala, Goa and Pondicherry in southern India, Delhi in northern India, Daman and Diu in western India and Andaman and Nicobar Islands in eastern India female literacy rate is higher than the national average of fifty four percent in all the districts. The States/Union territories

62 with a difference of thirty percentage paints between the maximum and minimum values of female literacy rates in districts are Jammu and Kashmir (42.2), Punjab (30.5) and Rajasthan (33.7) in north, Gujarat (39.4) and Maharashtra (37.2) in west, Uttar Pradesh (53.8), Chhatisgarh (47.3), Madhya Pradesh (43.5) in central, Orissa (50.0), West Bengal (40.8), Jharkhand (37.5), Bihar (33.7) in east, Karnataka (42.1), Andhra Pradesh (40.8), Tamil Nadu (36.3) in south, Mizoram (49.4), Nagaland (45.1), Arunachal Pradesh (32.9) and Meghalaya (31.3) in north­ east India. In all the states referred above there is a wide gap between the districts reporting the highest and lowest female literacy rate. Some of these states like Mizoram, Nagaland, Maharashtra, Punjab, Gujarat, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu have recorded comparatively high state average female literacy rate. Special efforts are required to be made in the districts with low female literacy rates of these states to remove this disparity between the best and the worst districts.

The major States and Union territories where the difference between the maximum and minimum female literacy rates has been recorded of less than twenty percentage points are Delhi (9.4) and Kerala (15.1) only as seen in the case of males also. It may be pointed out here that there are ten States/Union territories with a difference of below twenty percentage points in the maximum and minimum values of literacy rates of districts in males. On the other hand, the number of States/Union territories with difference of more than thirty percentage points in the male literacy rate at the district level is eleven. The corresponding number is seven and nineteen respectively in case of female literacy rate. This indicates that disparity in male literacy is less in comparatively a larger number of States/Union territories as compared to the female literacy.

Usually the inter district disparity is lower for male literacy than for the female. It is interesting to note that the difference between districts with the maximum and minimum values in case of Bihar for both male and female literacy rates is exactly the same at 33.7 percentage points. In case of Manipur, Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh the difference between the maximum and minimum values of male literacy rate is higher than the female literacy rate whereas in other States/Union territories a reverse trend is noticed. Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal which have recorded difference between the maximum and minimum values of less than twenty percentage point in male literacy rate have a higher difference of more than twenty percentage points in case of female literacy.

Statement-31 gives the distribution of districts in different ranges of literacy rates for persons. The 26 districts in the country having literacy rate of below forty per cent are depicted in Inset Map-xiv. These are located in Jammu and Kashmir (one district) in northern India, Uttar Pradesh (five districts), Chhatisgarh (one district) and Madhya Pradesh (one district) in central and Bihar (eleven districts), Jharkhand (three districts) and Orissa (four districts) in eastern parts of the country.

Among the bigger states it is observed that in case of Bihar and Jharkhand no district has recorded literacy rate of seventy per cent and above. In Jammu and Kashmir thirteen districts out of fourteen, in Rajasthan twenty eight districts out of thirty two, in Uttar Pradesh sixty six districts out of seventy, in Arunachal Pradesh twelve out of thirteen, in Assam eighteen out of twenty three, in West Bengal ten out of eighteen, in Orissa nineteen out of thirty, in Chhatisgarh eleven out of sixteen, in Madhya Pradesh thirty four out of forty five, in Gujarat fourteen out of twenty four, in Andhra Pradesh twenty one out of twenty three, in Karnataka nineteen out of twenty seven and in Tamil Nadu ten out of thirty have recorded literacy rate of below seventy percent. Thus out of 380 districts, which have recorded literacy rate of below seventy percent, 320, are located in the above referred fifteen states.

The States and Union territories in which no district has been found with literacy rate below sixty percent are Himachal Pradesh. Chandigarh. Uttaranchal. Delhi. Tripura. Daman and Diu. Dadra and Nagar HaveJi, Goa, Lakshadweep. Kerala. Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Out of these only Himachal Pradesh. Delhi and Kerala have sizable population.

63 Statement·31 Distribution of districts by ranges of literacy rate (Persons) - India and StatelUnlon territory: 2001 Sl. Indial Ranges of literacy rate and number of districts Total No. Statel Union territory· 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 and above 39.9 49.9 59.9 69.9 79.9 89.9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INDIA 26 55 127 112 152 46 13 591 1 Jammu and Kashmir 5 5 2 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 7 3 11 3 Punjab 2 7 7 17 4 Chandigarh * 1 5 Uttaranchal 4 9 13 6 Haryana 2 7 10 19 .." DeIhl * 3 6 9 8 Rajasthan 3 ,15 10 4 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 5 13 24 24 4 70 10 Bihar 11 12 11 3 37 11 Sikkim 1 2 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 5 4 3 13 13 Nagaland 1 1 3 2 8 14 Manipur 3 2 3 1 9 15 Mizoram 3 4 8 16 Tripura 1 3 4 17 Meghataya 3 3 7 18 Assam 7 10 5 23' 19 West Bengal 3 6 7 18 20 Jharkhand 3 5 6 4 18 21 Orissa 4 3 5 7 10 30 22 Chtlatisgarh 2 7 5 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 1 2 10 21 11 45 24 Gujarat 1 1 12 10 24 25 DalT)al1 and Dtu * 1 2 26 Dedra and Nagar Haveri * - 1 27 Maharashtra 6 19 9 35 28 An

64 Inset (xiv)


Inset (xv)


.1, i




Boundary, International .. Boundary, State/U.T . Boundary, District o ~ o KILOMETERS 32 100 50 a 100 200 300 400 500




New\ Moore L (India)





BELOW 40 ,00 D , Coco Is. (Burma) r D 40.00 - 49 .99 >' Narsondam I. India) ~ ~ D 50.00 - 59 .99 III ~ i -; _ ~ a r ren I. (India) o ':t. D 60,00 - 69 ,99 (National Average 65,38 ) -p ,l: . "o ~ '- ~ 70.00 - 79.99 . - ~ r . :,ANDAMAN SEA ~ _ 80.00 - 89.99 ~ /"1- t'" "1- _ 90,00 AND ABOVE o III ~ ~ -' DATA NOT AVAILABLE 87.52 " D • -t;.. C' I NA I Data Not Available , \0 ~ . dl 8 0 ," "-p .., . LANKA 4 ~ Indira Point ,- >' ~ N D A N o c E A N o

8ased upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India _ @ Government of India, copyright 2001 _ The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve naulical miles measured fro m the appropriate base line . The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh. Assam and Meghataya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act. 1971 but have yet to be verified

The fifty nine districts in the country with literacy rate of eighty per cent and above are depicted in Inset Map-xv. These are mainly concentrated' in HimachalPradesh (three districts) and Delhi (six districts) in northern India, Mizoram (seven districts) in north east, Maharashtra (nine districts) in western India, Kerala (fourteen districts) and Pondicherry (three districts) in southern India. Haryana and Gujarat, which are relatively developed states, are conspicuously absent from this list. Thirteen districts in the country have reported literacy rate of ninety per cent and above. Eight of these districts are located in Kerala, four are in Mizoram and one in Pondicherry.

Literacy rate for persons at the district level in different ranges are depicted in Map-7. It is quite evident from this map that the districts with comparatively lower literacy rates are present in large numbers in the State of Jammu and Kashmir and Rajasthan in northern India, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh in central India, Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa in eastem India, Andhra Pradesh in southem India and Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in north-east India. Most of the districts on Indo-Nepal border in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have recorded very low literacy rates.

There are contiguous patches of districts located in the States of Bihar and Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat with comparatively low literacy rates. A" these districts seem to be traditionally pre-dominantly inhabited by1he Scheduled Tribes.Jn northern India most of the districts in Himachal Pradesh, Utlaranchal and Delhi have reoorded comparatively high literacy rates. In north-east, the districts of Mizoram have comparatively high literacy rates. Coastal and adjoining districts in West Bengal, Orissa and Tamil Nadu have also returned higher literacy rates on the eastern coast. On the western coast also a similar trend is observed, i.e., districts situated near the coast and adjoining distriCts have comparatively higher literacy rate. However, literacy rates of districts on the western coast are comparatively higher than the eastern coast. Kerala expectedly stands out with a" the districts recording very high literacy rates. In Maharashtra also literacy rate is quite high in a large number of districts.

Distribution of districts by different ranges of male literacy rate are presented in Statement-32. As depicted in Inset Map-xvi, there are twenty districts in the country with male literacy rate below fifty per cent. These are distributed in Uttar Pradesh (five), Bihar (six), Nagaland (one), Jharkhand (two), Orissa (four), Chhatisgarh (one) and Madhya Pradesh (one).

The States and Union territories which have reported male literacy rate of seventy per cent and above in a" the districts are Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Uttaranchal, Tripura, Delhi, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Goa, Lakshadweep, Kerala, Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The thirty districts in the country with male literacy rate of ninety per cent and above are shown in Inset Map-xvii. They are scattered in Himachal Pradesh (one district), Uttaranchal (four districts). Mizoram (four districts), Madhya Pradesh (one district), Maharashtra (three districts), Goa (one district), Lakshadweep (one district), Kerala (thirteen districts), Tamil Nadu (one district) and Pondicherry (one district).

Map-8 gives male literacy rates by various ranges at the district level. A similar geographical spread is also noticed for the male literacy as in the case of persons except that the male literacy rates are generally better in the country.

69- Statement-32 Distribution of districts bl ranges of literacy rate (Males) - India and State/Union territory: 2001 St. India/ Ranges of male literac:t rate and number of districts Total No. State! Union territory' 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 9O.0and above 39.9 49.9 59.9 69.9 79.9 89.9 .2 '3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INDIA 1 19 48 110 190 196 30 '501 1 Jammu and Kashmir 5 5 3 1 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 2 8 11 3 Punjab 6 4 6 17 4 Chandigarh • -- , 5 Uttaranchal 2 7 4 1.3 6 Haryana ....: 2 8 9 19 7 Delhi' 9 9 8 Rajasthan 5 20 7 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 5 4 '9 35 7 70 10 Bihar 6 12 11 8 37 11 Sikkim 1 ., 2 '1 4 12 AMJnachalfTadesh 6 5 2 13 13 Nageland - 1 2 4 8 14- Maf'lipur 2 1 5 9 15 Mizoram 3 4 8 16 Tripura 2. 2 4 17 Meghalaya 2 4 1 7 1.8 Assam 10 9 3 23 19 West Bengal 2 1 9 6 18 20 Jharkhand 2 4 6 4~ 2 18 21 Orissa 4 2 3 8 13 30 22 Chhatisgarh 1 5 8 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 1 7 20 15 45 24 Gujarat 11 11 24 25 Daman and Diu • 2 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 1 27 Maharashtra - 2 29 3 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 12 9 -, 23 29 Karnat~a 5 13 8 27 30 Goa 2 31 Lakshadweep * .,.. 32 Kerala -, 1 13 14 33 Tamil Nadu _..;! 6 22 30 34 Pondicherry • 2 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands • 1 2 Notes: The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukasof Raj kat district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district ,of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.


~o 72° 76° 92°


Boundary, Inte rnational "' Bou ndary, StaterUT .. Boundary, District KILOMETERS (' 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 500


B 1

MYANMAR (BURMA) \ New Moore I. 20° (India)





c=J BELOW 50.00 oCoco Is. (Burma) Narc..ondam L India) c=J 50 .00 - 59 .99 o 60 .00 - 69 .99 l ~~, c=J 7000 - 79.99 ( National Average 75.85 ) \. I, (," ..)

80 00 - 89 .99 ~ r :.ANDAMAN SEA ~ 90 .00 AND ABOVE ....-Z- f -y o -z- CJ DATA NOT AVAILABLE '" <::) -z- NA Data Not Ava il able I d '"(l ,0 '.. .(\") B °

cJ> Indira Point .­ "P N D A N o C E A N -z. " 720 East of Greenwich 92°

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India, @ Government of India, copyright 2001 . The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Inset (xvi)



Inset (xvii )



Statement-33 Distribution of districts by ranges of literacy rate (Females) -India and State/Union territory: 2001 SI. India/ Ranges of female literacy rate and number of districts Total No. State/ Union territory" 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 and 19.9 29.9 39.9 49.9 59.9 -69.9 79.9 89.9 above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _ 11 12 INDIA 2 43 81 127 138 118 59 16 7 591 1< 1 Jammu and Kashmir 3 5 3 ·2 1 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 5 5 11 3 Punjab 6 6 4 17 4 Chandigarh " 1 5 Uttaranchal 2 5 4 2 13 6 Haryana 4 8 7 19 7 Delhi" 8 9 8 Rajasthan 2 11 12 5 2 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 1 7 19 26 14 2 70 I 10 Bihar 1 14 15 6 37 11 Sikkim 2 2 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 2 4 4 2 13 13 Nagaland 3 2 1 8 14 Manipur 3 - 4 9 15 Mizoram 2 3 2 8 16 Tripura 1 2 1 4

I 17 Meghalaya 2 2 2 7 18 Assam 5 11 6 23 19 WesfBengal 2 3 5 5 3 18 20 Jharkhand 5 7 3 3 18 21 Orissa 7 4 4 8 6 30 22 Chhatisgarh 1 2 3 6 4 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 2 6 16 16 5 45 24 Gujarat 2 5 8 8 24 25 Daman and Diu" 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 27 Maharashtra 2 6 18 7 2 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 13 5 3 1 23 29 Karnataka 2 5 12 4 4 27 30 Goa 2 2 31 Lakshadweep • 32 Kerala 2 8 4 14 33 Tamil Nadu 9 14 5 30 34 Pondicherry • 2 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands· 2 Notes: The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukasof Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

Statement-33 gives distribution of districts by the different ranges of female literacy rate. The forty five districts in the country where the female literacy rates are still below thirty per cent are shown in Inset Map-xviii. These are located in Jammu and Kashmir (three districts) and Rajasthan (two districts) in northern India, Arunachal Pradesh (two districts) in north-east, Uttar Pradesh (eight districts), Madhya Pradesh (two districts) and

75 Chhatisgarh (one district) in central India, Bihar (fifteen districts), Jharkhand (five districts) and Orissa (seven districts) in eastern India.

There are as many as 253 districts with female literacy rate below fifty per cent. In Jammu and Kashmir eleven districts out of fourteen districts, in Rajasthan twenty five districts out of thirty two, in Uttar Pradesh fifty three districts out of seventy, in Bihar thirty six districts out of thirty seven, in Arunachal Pradesh ten districts out of thirteen, in Jharkhand fifteen districts out of eighteen, in Orissa fifteen districts out of thirty, in Madhya Pradesh twenty four districts out of forty five and in Andhra Pradesh fourteen out of twenty three have female literacy rates of below fifty per cent. More than eighty per cent of the districts having female literacy rate of below fifty per cent are concentrated in these nine states. In Bihar the situation is deplorable as there is only one district having female literacy rate of above fifty per cent. The States/Union territories in which all the districts have recorded female literacy rate of sixty per cent and above are Chandigarh, Delhi, Daman and Diu, Goa, Lakshadweep, Kerala, Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

There are eighty two districts with female literacy rate of seventy per cent and above. These districts are depicted in Inset Map-xix. In Delhi eight out of total nine districts and in Mizoram seven out of total eight districts have reported female literacy rate of seventy percent and above. In Kerala all the fourteen districts have female literacy rate of seventy percent and aBove. Maharashtra. Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Punjab have nine, six, five, four and four districts respectively with female literacy rate of seventy percent and above. Only seven districts in the country have reported female literacy rate of ninety percent and above. These are located in Mizoram (two districts), Kerala (four districts) and Pbndicherry (one district).

Map-9 depicts female literacy rate by ranges at the district level. As observed in case of persons, there are contiguous patches of districts with low female literacy rates in the States of Bihar and Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat. The districts ,situated on Indo-Nepal border in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have also recorded very low female literacy rates. In addition, Jammu and Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Andhra Pradesh also have a large number of districts with comparatively low female literacy rates.

Statement-34 Distribution of districts by decadal increase/decrease in literacy rate - India: 1991-2001 ' Ranges of decadal increase! decrease in Number 'of districts literacy rate Persons Males Females 2 3 4 Tota' 577 577 577 Less than 0.00 3 7 2 0.00-9.99 138 203 92 10.00-19.99 367 313 363 20.00-29.99 63""" 51 107 30.00 and above 6 3 13 Notes 1. The data presented excludes Jammu and Kashmir for the sake of comparability. The census data for 1991 census are not available for Jammu and Kashmir as the Census of India, 1991, was not conducted in this state due to disturbed conditions. 2. For the sake of comparability the data presented excludes the figures of entire Kachchh district, Morvi. Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

76 Inset (xviii)


Inset (xix)





Boundary, International ." Boundary, State/U.T. . Boundary, District ~ O KILOMETERS 10050 0 100 200 300 400 500




New\ Moore I. (India)




D BELOW 30.00 oCoeo Is. (Burma)

D 30.00 - 39 .99 Y • Narcondam I. India) D 40.00 - 49 .99 ~ j" I. (India) 50.00 - 59 .99 ( National Average 54 .16 ) ~ ~arren 0 D "p I:, 12 -z. , 60.00 - 69.99

_ 70.00 - 79.99 r ~ ~.ANDAMAN SEA 1-- f 'Y _ 80.00 AND ABOVE o ..".. ,. ~ D DATA NOT AVAILABLE

P:NA 'd Data Not Available

(/l Indira POint ,... "p N -z. N D A N o C E A C) (/l

nO East of Greenwich

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of India, copyright 2001 . The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as Interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Statement-34 presents the distribution of districts by decadal increase/ decrease in literacy rates during 1991-2001. The decadal difference in literacy rate and the male-female gap in literacy rate observed during the 1991 and 2001 Censuses are presented in Table-13. In sixty-nine districts the decadal increase in overall literacy rates is of twenty percentage points or more. The number of such districts in respect of males is fifty-four while in case of females this number is as high as one hundred and twenty. It is observed from Table-13 that the increase in literacy rate of thirty percentage points and above during 1991-2001 has taken place in three districts for males. These three districts are located in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Chhatisgarh . The corresponding number of districts for females are thirteen. These are spread over in Rajasthan (six districts), Chhatisgarh (three districts). Madhya Pradesh (three districts) and Uttar Pradesh (one district). Literacy rates for the total population have increased in all the districts except three while in case of males and females the corresponding number is seven and two respectively. It is pertinent to record here that most of the districts where a marginal decrease in literacy rate has been observed during 1991-2001 already had very high literacy rates. In 430 districts, the decadalliteracy rate has increased by ten to thirty percentage points. The number of corresponding districts for males and females are 364 and 470 respectively. The data presented in Statement-34 clearly suggests that improvement in literacy in terms of percentage point increase was better among females as compared to males during the decade 1991- 2001.

Traditionally, there has been some bias against female education in the Indian SOCiety and until very recently education was not usually considered important for females. The spread of modernization, urbanization and westernization associated with the notion of egalitarianism have contributed to reduction of disparity between the male and female literacy rates. However, regional disparities still exist. There is a high correlation between the male and female literacy rates. The districts with lower male literacy rate also tend to have lower female literacy rates. Generally, it is also observed that districts with higher literacy rates have lower male-female disparity in literacy rates. However, some exceptions to this can be seen in Table-13 in the districts of Meghalaya and Nagaland. Mon and Tuesang districts in Nagaland and Jaintia hills in Meghalaya have reported gap in male­ female literacy rates in single digit although the literacy rates in these districts are below the national and state averages.

The scatter diagrams showing the relationship between male and female literacy rates for the 1991 and 2001 Censuses are given in Figures-3 and 4 respectively. The data for the 1991 Census exclude fourteen districts of Jammu and Kashmir where 1991 Census could not be held due to disturbed conditions. The data for 2001 Census districts depicted in the scatter diagram exclude Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh and Kachchh district of Gujarat where Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities. The positive correlation between male-female literacy rate was 0.90 in the 1991 Census, while it is 0.88 in the 2001 Census. It is observed from the scatter diagrams of the 1991 and 2001 Censuses that the disparity between male and female literacy rates is reducing with the increase in literacy' rates of both males and females. It also shows that there is only one district ,viz., Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya in the country where male-female gap in literacy rate is in negative (-5.02 percentage points), which means that female literacy rate is higher than the male literacy rate. Both in the 2001 and 1991 Censuses, a similar trend has been observed for Jaintia hills district of Meghalaya. t Statement·35 gives distribution of districts by ranges of male-female literacy rate gap. For the 1991 Census out of 577 districts for which comparable data are available, 409 (seventy one per cent) had a male­ female literacy rate gap of below thirty percentage points. In 2001 Census, the corresponding number of districts having male-female literacy rate gap of below thirty percentage pOints has increased to 481 accounting for eighty three per cent of the total districts. The number of districts with male-female literacy rate gap in the range of 10 - 19.9 percentage pOints is 125 and 174 in 1991 and 2001 Censuses respectively. This again corroborates the earlier observation that female literacy rates have risen considerably during the decade 1991-2001. The number ofdistricts with male-female literacy rate gap of forty percentage points and above was l.vllelve in 1991 accounting for two per cent of the total districts. These were spread in Uttaranchal (six districts), Rajasthan

81 (four districts), Haryana (one district) and Uttar Pradesh (one district). The corresponding number has now reduced to only one district ,viz. Sawai Madhopur in Rajasthan (difference of forty one percentage p.oints) for the 2001 Census. On the contrary, there were twenty-seven districts with a low gap between male and female literacy rates of less than ten percentage paints. The corresponding number has happily increased to forty five in the 2001 Census. These districts are mainly concentrated in Kerala (twelve districts), Mizoram (seven districts), Nagaland (six districts) and Meghalaya (four districts). The data presented in Statement-35 clearly suggests that as a result of improvement in female literacy rate the gap is gradually going down but this tempo needs to be maintained in the future years also.

Statement-35 Distribution of districts by gap in male-female literacy rate -Indl~ : 1991 and 2001 Ranges of male- Number of Percentage to total number Number of Percentage to total number Ifemale gap in literacy districts 1991 of districts in 1991 districts 2001 of districts in 2001 « 1 2 3 4 5 Total 577 100.0 577 100.0 Less than 10.00 27 4.7 45 7.8 10.00-19.99 125 21.7 174 30.2 20.00- 29.99 257 44.5 262 45.4 30.00-39.99 156 27.0 95 16.4 40.00 and above 12 2.1 1 0.2 Notes 1. The data presented excludes Jammu and Kashmir for the sake of comparability. The data for 1991 census is not available for Jammu and Kashmir as the Census of India, 1991, could not be conducted in this state due to disturbed conditions. 2. For the sake of comparability the data presented excludes the figures of entire Kachchh district. Morvi. Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal' Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

Tables-14, 15 and 16 present districts arranged in descending order of percentage decadal decrease in the nUlTlber of illiterate persons, males and females respectiv~ly. West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh has shown the maximum decrease of ov~r five lakhs in the absolute number of illiterates. The States and Union territories which have shown decrease in the number of illiterates in all their districts are Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and Uttaranchal.

There are sixteen districts in the country which have shown increase in the number of illiterates by one lakh or more, during the decade 1991-2001. Out of these, thirteen ,viz., Samastipur, Paschim Champaran, Gaya, Madhubani, Patna, Purba Champaran, Bhagalpur, Sitamarhi, Darbhanga, N?wada, Araria, Katihar and Purnia are in Bihar and one each in Tamil Nadu (Chennai), Karnataka (Bijapur) and Uttar Pradesh (Shravasti). The increase in the high number of illiterates during 1991-2001 in most of the referred districts indicates that all school going children and adolescents are still not attending school regularly and require special attention particularly for improving the primary education. Chennai appears to be an odd district in this category and the reason for increase in absolute number of illiterates could be well due to the other reasons, such as net addition of illiterate in-migrants to the city.

In case of Bihar, thirty four districts in the state out of total thirty seven have recorded an absolute increase in the number of illiterates. Gujarat which has high literacy rate shows increase in the number of illiterates in nine districts out of total twenty four. On the contrary among the bigger states in Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhatisgarh, which have recorded literacy rate of below the national average, illiterates increased in eight districts of Uttar Pradesh ,two districts each in Madhya Pradesh,Rajasthan and Orissa and only one district in Chhatisgarh .

82 ------

Figure--3 Scatter diagram showing male and female literacy rates INDIA: 1991




• CP ni E 40 CP LL.,

20 .-t Number of districts = 579 • • ..... Correlation = 0.90 • • • o o 20 40 60 80 100 Male literacy rate

Figure---4 Scatter diagram showing male and female literacy rates INDIA: 2001




CP ni 40 E (II LL.,

20 • • Nurnber cJfdlSlnctS '" 591 Correlation'" 0.88

o .,------~ .,.._------__l o 20 40 60 80 100 Male literacy rate

In case of males, 490 districts have shown a decrease in the absolute number of illiterates during the decade 1991-2001. There is no district in the country where the number of male illiterates have increased by more than one lakh. Decrease in the number of illiterates in case of females has been observed in 398 districts which is lower than that of persons (451) and males (490). There are nine districts in the country which have shown increase in Lhe number of illiterate females during 1991-2001 by more than one lakh. Eight out of these nine are located in Bihar and one is in Uttar Pradesh. All these districts are also covered in the category of persons showing increase of more than one lakh illiterates during 1991-2001. Sadly, there is no district in Bihar which has shown decrease in the number of female illiterates during 1991-2001.

It is interesting to note that in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Orissa and Chhatisgarh which still have literacy rate below national average, all the districts have recorded decrease in the number of male illiterates. In case of females only Andhra Pradesh has recorded decrease in illiterates in all the districts out of above referred states. Chhatisgarh has shown decrease in female illiterates in all the districts except one whereas in Orissa increase in female illiterates is noticed for five districts. In Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh the number of such districts is ten each. In Kerala which has recorded highest literacy rate in the country, six districts out of total fourteen districts have shown increase in the number of total illiterate although the increase in the absolute number of illiterates is not significant. The precise cause for such an increase will require detailed investigation when more data is available.

Statement·36 Distribution of districts by percentage decadal decrease in illiterates -India : 1991 and 2001 ------Ranges of percentage Number of districts decadal decrease in illiterates Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 Total 577 577 577 Less than -30.00 8 11 9 -30.00 to -14.99 24 12 33 -15.00 to -0.01 94 64 137 0.00 to 14.99 242 161 262 15.00 to 29.99 180 204 122 30 and above 29 125 14 Notes: 1. The data presented excludes Jammu and Kashmir for the sake of comparability. The data for 1991 census for Jammu and Kashmir is not available as the Census of India, 1991, could not be conducted in this state due to disturbed conditions. 2. For the sake of comparability the data presented excludes the figures of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 3. A negative decadal decrease here means an increase in the absolute number of illiterates.

Statement-36 gives the distribution of districts by percentage decrease in the number of illiterates during the period 1991-2001. The percentage decrease of male illiterates by thirty points and above is observed in one hundred and twenty five districts while the corresponding number of districts in respect of females is just fourteen. On the contrary, the number of districts in which illiterates have increased during 1991-2001 are one hundred and twenty six, eighty seven and one hundred and seventy nine for persons, males and females respectively (see note 3 of Statement-36): The number of districts showing decadal decrease of illiterates of below thirty percentage points are 422, 365 and 384 for persons, males and females respectively.

85 Maps-10 and 11 give percentage change in the absolute number of male and female illiterates respectively during 1991-2001. It may be seen from Map-10 depicting percentage change in male illiterates that the districts with thirty per cent and more decrease in the number of male illiterates during 1991-201 are mainly concentrated in Himachal Pradesh, Uttranchal, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhatisgarh, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. On the contrary, there are a large number of districts in Bihar which have shown increase in the absolute number of male illiterates. In Map-11 giving percentage change in the absolute number of female illiterates, it may be seen that a large number of districts bordering Indo-Nepal border in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have shown increase in female illiterates. Infact, a large number of districts showing increase in the female illiterates are concentrated in Bihar and Jharkhand. The districts of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur on the international border of Myanmar also show increase in the number of female illiterates. Other States! Union territories showing increase in female illiterates in large number of districts are Delhi, Orissa, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The maximum number of districts in any state showing a decrease of over thirty percentage points is traced to Chhatisgarh (five districts), followed by Madhya Pradesh (four districts).

The large number of illiterates in a district can be due to the large size of the districts itself and or continuation of the legacy of a large number of adult illiterates in the total population. The increase in the absolute number of illiterates during the decade 1991-2001 is more important to cull out those districts where a large number of child and adolescent population may not still be attending school.

Statement-37 gives distribution of districts by the ranges of absolute number of illiterate persons. The total number of districts having less than two lakh illiterates works out to one hundred and thirty seven. Besides, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal these districts are mainly located in the north-eastern States and Union territories. Even Kerala with the highest literacy rate in the country, has three districts having number of illiterates in the range of 3-3.9 lakh. In Himachal Pradesh, Tripura, Meghalaya all the districts have less than three lakh illiterates. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh do not have any district with less than two lakh illiterates. Out of twenty three districts in Andhra Pradesh, there are as many as nineteen districts having not less than nine lakh illiterates. More than one fifth of the total districts in the country areJ1aving illiterates numbering eight lakh and more. Out of one hundred and twenty seven such districts ninety-three are located in Uttar Pradesh (thirty seven districts), Bihar (twenty districts), West Bengal (fourteen districts) and Andhra Pradesh (twenty two districts). Maharashtra and Gujarat with comparatively better literacy rates have also six and four such districts respectively in this category. The mengce of illiteracy will have to be over come by attending to not only the primary and adult education but by focusing on adolescents also in the reproductive age group, particularly the unmarried females if the country wishes to move in the direction of population stabilization by the year 201 O.

Statement-38 gives distribution of districts by ranges of the absolute number of male illiterates. There are 391 districts in the country which recorded less than two lakh illiterates. Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Goa, Lakshadweep, Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Islands do not have any district with one lakh or more male illiterates. There are only fifteen districts in the country having six lakh and above male illiterates. Five of these districts are from West Bengal, four each from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and two are located in Andhra Pradesh.

86 MAP 10 CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 92°


Boundary, Inte rnational ... Boundary, State/U.T. ". Boundary, District KILOMETERS 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 SOD


8 1


New\ Moore L (tndia)




DECREASE INCREASE , Coco Is. (Burma) " Narc.ondam I. Ind ia) t'" BELOW 10.00 BELOW 10.00 .". CJ CJ "F- til c==J 10.00 - 19.99 c=J 10.00 - 19.99 ~ ·a ~ ~ Barren I. (India) 0 "l: 12 20,00 - 29,99 .. 20,00 AND ABOVE ; ~~ 12°

(' .. 30.00 AND ABOVE . :., 'Y ~ r . ~. ANDAMAN SEA 1- ~ [=:J DATA NOT AVAILABLE -t- 'Y, I: N~ dData Not Available 0 o· ~ ,... ~ 14 .61 .". -t- :... ~ a ,... ~ -0 . \ 0 , . "<9 8 0 ",Ie " '1l ..~ , Q ~ Indira Point r 'P Z. I N D A N o C E A N o (/>

72° East of Greenwich 76°

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of India, copyright 2001 . Th e territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured fro m the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as Interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

MAP 11 CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 92 0


Boundary, International .. Boundary, State/U.T. . Boundary, District o KILOMETERS 32 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 500






PERCENTAGE DECADAL VARIATION IN FEMALE ILLITERATES DECREASE INCREASE , Coco 15 . (Burma) c=J BELOW 10.00 c=J BELOW 10.00 Narc? n-dam L India) CJ 10.00 - 19.99 [D 10.00 - 19.99 Barren I. (India) .. 20.00 - 29.99 20.00 AND ABOVE 30.00 AND ABOVE

.. DATA NOT AVAILABLE c=J I: : ~j<:I Data Not Available

o "t-.... o . \0 \. 01 8 0 ","" 'Y 1> ..~ . Q ~ Indira Point ~ 'Y N ~ N D A N o c E A C)

Based upon Survey of India map with the pemnission of the Surveyor General of India. @ Government of India, copyright 2001 . The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. The interstate boundaries between Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971 but have yet to be verified

Statement·37 Distribution of districts by ranges of number of illiterates (Persons) - India and State~Union territory: 2001 SI. India! Ranges b~ number of illiterates (in lakh} and number of districts Total No. State! Union territory· Less than 1-1.9 2-2.9 3-3.9 4-4.9 5-5.9 6-6.9 7-7.9 8-8.9 9 and 1 above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 INDIA 74 63 78 73 61 56 35 24 26 101 591 Jammu and Kashmir 2 3 2 4 2 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 6 4 1 11 3 Punjab 4 5 2 2 2 17 4 Chandigarh • 1 1 5 Uttaranchal 6 4 13 6 Haryana ~ 5 2 19 7 Delhi' 3 3 1 9 8 'Rajasthan 9 5 4 7 2 4 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 4 5 7 8 4 5 6 31 70 10 Bihar 2 2 2 2 3 6 3 17 37 11 Sikkim 4 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 13 13 13 Nagaland 6 2 8 14 Manipur 8 9 15 Mizoram 8 8 16 Tripura 3 4 17 Meghalaya 4 2 7 4 18 Assam 3 9 4 4 23 19 West Bengal 1 13 18 20 Jharkhand 2 2 4 3 2 3 18 21 Orissa 4 10 3 3 5 2 30 22 Chhatisgarh 3 4 3 2 1 2 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 4 7 12 10 8 4 45 24 Gujarat 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 24 25 Daman and Diu' 2 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 27 Maharashtra 6 5 8 5 3 1 5 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 3 19 23 29 Karnataka 5 3 5 3 3 2 2 3 27 30 Goa 2 2 31 Lakshadweep • 32 Kerala 3 8 3 14 33 Tamil Nadu 3 7 2 5 5 3 3 30 34 Pondicherry • 3 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands' 2 2 Notes: 1. The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukasof Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are, not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 2. One lakh is one hundred thousand.

91 Statement-38 Distribution of districts by ranges of number of illiterates (Males) - India and State/Union territory: 2001 SI. India/ Ranges by, number of illiterates (in lakh) ana number of districts Total No. Statel Union territory" Less than 1-1.9 2-2.9 3-3.9 4-4.9 5-5.9 6-6.9 7-7.9 8-8.9 9 and 1 above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 INDIA 2.10 181 83 64 21 17 13 1 1 591 1 Jammu al1Jj Kashmir 5 7 2 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 11 11 3 Punjal:? 6 6 3 2 17 4 Chandigarh" 1 5 Uttaranchal 11 2 13 6 Haryana 10 9 19 7 De/hi" 5 4 9 8 Rajasthan 3 17 10 2 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 3 17 16 19 7 4 4 70 10 Bihar 6 8 7 4 7 3 1 37 11 Sikkim 4 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 13 13 13 Nagaland 8 8 14 Manipur 9 9 15 Mizoram 8 8 16 Tripura 3 4 17 Meghalaya 7 7 18 Assam 7 10 5 1 23 19 West Bengal 2 2 6 2 4 18 20 Jharkhand 2 9 6 18 21 Orissa 15 10 4 30 22 Chhatisgarh 10 3 3 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 15 24 6 45 24 Gujarat 5 11 4 3 24 25 Daman and Diu" 2 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli " 1 1 27 Maharashtra 8 19 3 4 1 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 2 10 6 3 2 23 29 Kamataka 6 9 7 3 2 27 30 Goa 2 2 31 Lakshadweep" 1 32 Kerala 11 3 14 33 TamilNadu 11 12 2 5 30 34 Pondicherry· 4 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands • 2 2 Notes: The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukasof Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

Statement-39 gives distribution of districts by ranges of the number of female illiterates. Chandigarh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Goa, Lakshadweep, Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Islands do not have any district with female illiterates numbering one lakh and more. There are 219 districts with female illiterates less than two lakh. Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Tripura, Meghalaya and Kerala have female illiterates below three lakh'in all their districts. Jammu and , Kashmir and Haryana have all the districts with less than four lakh female illiterates. In Andhra Pradesh all the districts have female illiterates above four lakh. The number of districts in the country having eight lakh and above

92 female illiterates are thirty three. These are also mainly concentrated in Uttar Pradesh (eight districts), Bihar (nine districts), West Bengal (five districts) and Andhra Pradesh (seven districts). There are fourteen districts having nine lakh and above female illiterates. Out of these maximum five are from West Bengal followed by Uttar Pradesh (four districts) and Bihar (three districts). The districts referred above require special attention if the country wishes to make any headway in empowering the women - may it be in the field of health, education or any other social sector.

Statement-39 Distribution of districts by ranges of number of illiterates (Females) -India and State/Union territory: 2001 SI. Indial Ranges by number of illiterates (in lakh) and number districts Total No. Statel Union territory" Less than 1-1.9 2-2.9 3-3.9 4-4.9 5-5.9 6-6.91 7-7.9 8-8.9 9 and 1 above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 INDIA 107 112 104 87 51 40 39 18 19 14 591 1 Jammu and Kashmir 3 7 2 2 14 2 Himachal Pradesh 9 2 11 3 Punjab 3 6 4 3 17 4 Chandigarh " 1 1 5 Uttaranchal 7 4 2 13 6 Haryana 11 5 2 19 7 Delhi • 3 3 3 9 8 Rajasthan 2 10 6 8 2 3 1 32 9 Uttar Pradesh 3 11 12 8 7 15 6 4 4 70 10 Bihar 2 3 4 7 6 3 3 6 3 31 11 Sikkim 4 4 12 Arunachal Pradesh 13 13 13 Nagaland 8 8 14 Manipur 9 9 15 Mizoram 8 8 16 Tripura 2 2 4 17 Meghalaya 6 7 18 Assam 13 3 5 1 23 19 West Bengal 2 2 3 4 2 5 18 20 Jharkhand 4 5 2 5 18 21 Orissa 3 10 7 8 30 22 Chhatisgarh 1 6 4 3 16 23 Madhya Pradesh 2 8 19 12 4 45 24 Gujarat 2 4 5 4 5 3 24 25 Daman and Diu * 2 2 26 Dadra and Nagar Haveli " 1 27 Maharashtra 8 7 10 1 3 3 1 2 35 28 Andhra Pradesh 2 4 6 4 6 23 29 Karnataka 5 6 6 4 3 27 30 Goa 2 2 31 Lakshadweep " 1 1 32 Kerala 5 6 3 14 33 Tamil Nadu 2 8 4 7 3 4 2 30 34 Pondicherry • 4 4 35 Andaman and Nicobar Islands * 2 2 Notes: The data of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukasof Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State ang entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.


Figure-5 Scatter diagram showing female literacy rate and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 to total population INDIA; 1991

.• .. • 4' ,._ _ • -..._,' '. '.'--_.. .._ __~ • ".:,*~..l-\\& ~t··· :}~.:" ;.. .. • 20 '.. .. ··"t-"~":~l.:;;~d~.::;.:~,, •...... -. . • '~·f. •• - • ',•.•.•• , .. ~• .:.•• ".!" .. .'~ ...' _ ...... • .- .-.-•• ~ .. --•••:~ .... ·:+:1 ...t~.'~ ~~~ ,.:1. ,', ...., •• .. .. '\...... '\.".F... ". ~ .... ""$'1> -:.."... :.. ~.-..w...... 1'. • ,.- ". '_ '-...... , • , •.•• -.-", .. r •• • itIJ... • ...... ' ...... -. .. . • +.. • ,..." -.: •• ! • • ..... •...... ' ...• .. .. • '_ .. .-. -.. 10 ..

Number of di$tricts = 579 Correlation;; -0.70

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Female literacy rate

Figure-6 Scatter diagram showing female literacy rate and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 to total population INDIA: 2001

Q. e::::I OJ Q) OJ nI .. Q) .. -. • - .:- ,,-+_ ''':.. • :; ... ..,.'4 " •• • • .5 20 · .. 'i' ~ ..... ~. 'Jt...... - ...... ,.., ~.. .. I: ,... . -.~ .,." . o ...:,,~;:. '!tl.~." .. • .. .., ...... ::r.. • •• • t.... '·.... ••• • ~ • • , t* ..... \!~,.. '\.\. •• • • • • • " • ::::1«:1 •• ...... rr,. .,-. ,.'\: .. :t.." • -. •• '" ...... ,...... ,~~,. ,,*. .. itt g-o ~ ~~"... .. Q...... ,...... '\; " ::g ...... t" .~.f' "'l"¥ .... • • ~.oo: "JiI:•• ~." . •• • •• : ... .. , ••• :_ .. :2 ~. ~t.~ ,. .. • \. u 10 •. : +.. .;;;", .. .. ."." .. o .. • -Q) .. OJ nI .. Number .of districts '" I: -QI 591 ~ Q) Correlation::: -0.72. 0..

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Female literacy rate


Statement-40 Distribution of population and literates by range of literacy rate of districts -India and State/Union territory: 1991-2001 Ranges Share of countrY's of literacy 1991 2001 rate No. of Population Literates No. of Population Literates \,.... districts Per- Per- districts Per- Per- Absolute centage Absolute centage Absolute centage Absolute centage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Persons Total 577 836,650,839 100.00 358,402,626 100.00 577 1,014,651,658 100.00 562,010,743 100.00 <10 10-19.99 3 2,599,331 0.31 371,645 0.10 0.00 0.00 20-29.99 42 53,261,898 6.37 11,453,378 3.20 0.00 0.00 30-39.99 110 158,607,166 18.96 45,331,966 12.65 25 41,800.551 4.12 12,227,968 2.18 40-49.99 144 205,513,931 24.56 75,018,014 20.93 50 87,328,990 8.61 32,796,925 5.84 50-59.99 116 163,100,306 19.49 73,465,631 20.50 122 217,370,143 21.42 100,318,667 17.85 60-69.99 100 158,616,758 18.96 87,138,848 24.31 170 287,312,779 28.31 158,132,869 28.14 70-i9.99 37 49,818,576 5.95 31,473,033 8.78 151 269,255,468 26.54 174,650,109 31.08 80-89.99 14 26,933,982 3.22 19,415,,803 5.42 46 91,750,561 9.04 67,414,039 12.00 90+ 11 18,198,891 2.18 14,734,308 4.11 13 - 19,833,166 1.95 16,470,166 2.93 Males Total 577 434,228,007 100.00 228,983,134 100.00 577 524,795,963 100.00 336,969,695 100.00 <10 10-19.99 20-29.99 4 1,520,060 0.35 315,606 0.14 30-39.99 27 17,796,869 4.10 5,248,399 2.29 356,502 0.07 115,499 0.03 40-49.99 77 56,383,184 12.98 20,785,691 9.08 19 14,324,508 2.73 5,387,276 1.60 50-59.99 134 94,497,894 21.76 42,336,350 18.49 41 34,539,446 6.58 15,732,468 4.67 60-69.99 150 115,418,947 26.58 60,944,422 26,62 105 93,546,040 17.83 51,120,031 15.17 70-79.99 114 93,154,742 21.45 58,563,907 25.58 187 174,467,002 33.24 110,551,879 32.81 80-89.99 55 42,960,874 9.89 30,574,967 13.35 194 182,303,833 34.74 133,337,784 39.57 90+ 16 12,495,437 2.88 10,213,792 4.46 30 25,258,632 4.81 20,724,758 6.15 Females Total 577 402,422,832 100.00 129,419,492 100.00 577 489,855,695 100.00 225,041,048 100.00 <10 3 1,651,151 0.41 105,832 0.08 0.00 10-19.99 100 60,472,123 15.03 7,627,593 5.89 2 1,170,129 0.24 172,150 0.08 20-29.99 125 94,813,395 23.56 18,790,827 14.52 40 30,324,848 6.19 Q,184,504 • 2.75 30-39.99 122 75,019,805 18.64 21,495,193 16.61 76 64,662,966 13.20 18,662,051 8.29 40-49.99 84 60,568,389 15.05 22,556,069 17.43 124 109,529,305 22.36 40,930,139 18.19 50-59.99 73 60,992,146 15.16 28,111,864 21.72 136 107,923,362 22.03 50,530,695 22.45 60-69.99 37 23,299,410 5.79 12,599,102 9.74 117 99,179,992 20.25 55,758,029 24.78 70-79.99 17 12,676,550 3.15 8,202,858 6.34 59 55,989,921 11.43 36,541,290 16.24 80-89.99 11 10,240,260 2.54 7,716,507 5.96 16 16,575,235 3.38 12,527,240 5.57 90+ 5 2,687,603 0.67 2,213,647 1.71 7 4,499,937 0.92 3,734,9:;0 1.66 Notes: 1. The data presented excludes Jammu and Kashmir for the sake of comparability. The census data for 1991 census is not available for Jammu and Kashmir as the Census of India, 1991, was not conducted in this state due to the disturbed conditions. 2. For the sake of comparability the data presented excludes the figures of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

97 Statement-40 summaries the statistics contained in lable-2. The distribution of population and literates by different ranges of literacy rates of the districts have been presented in this statement. Sixty two districts in the country recorded literacy rates of seventy per cent and above at the 1991 Census with a share of only eleven per cent of the country's population and eighteen per cent of the literates. The corresponding figures for the districts with seventy per cent and above literacy rates has now increased to 210 in the 2001 Census which accounts for thirty eight per cent of country's population and forty six per cent of the literates in the country. The markeCl improvement in over all literacy in the country during the last decade is clearly visible. There were as many as 299 districts having literacy rate of less than fifty per cent in the 1991 Census accounting for more than fifty per cent of the country's population. The corresponding number of the districts has in the current census significantly gone down to seventy-five with a share of only thirteen per cent of the total population.

In case of males, there were only seventy-one districts in the 1991 Census with a literacy rate of eighty per cent and above which accounted for just thirteen per cent of the total male population and a share of eighteen per cent of the total male literates. The corresponding number of districts in the 2001 Census has significantly gone up to 224 with a share of forty per cent of the total male population and forty six per cent of the total male literate. The number of districts having male literacy rate of below fifty per cent was 108 in the 1991 Census, with a share of seventeen per cent of the total male population. This number has gone down drasticafly in the 2001 Census to twenty accounting for three per cent of the total male population. This clearly indicates improvement in male literacy rate at the district level during the decade 1991-2001.

In case of females, 143 districts reported literacy rates of more than fifty per cent and above in the 1991 Census with a share of only twenty seven per cent of the total female population and forty five per cent of female literates. The corresponding number has now gone up to 335 accounting for fifty eight per cent of the total female population and seventy one per cent of female literates. It is in.teresting to note that there were as many as 103 districts with a literacy rate of below twenty per cent in the 1991 Census and a share of fifteen per cent of the total. female population. This number has come down to only 2 in the 2001 Census accounting for negligible (0.2 per cent) female population. This is a remarkable achievement in the field of female literacy during the decade 1991- 2001.

Literacy is generally recognized as an important input for social upliftment specially in areas of population control, health, hygiene environmental degradation control, empowerment of women and weaker sections of the society, etc. The correlation between literacy and other indicators of development is subject to a detailed investigation based on the literacy data thrown up by the Census of India, 2001. In Chapter 1 a fairly strong relationship between. child population in the age group 0-6 arid' fertility as a component of change or growth has been suggested. As a preliminary step in this direction, an attempt has been made to see wheth~r any relationship between female literacy and fertility exists. Scatter diagrams showing female literacy rate against percentage child population in the age group 0-6 to total population have been depicted for the 1991 and 2001 Censuses which may be seen at Figures-5 and 6. It appears from these sCBtter diagrams that there is a fairly strong negative correlation betwee'n female literacy rate and percentage of children in the age group 0-6. The negative correlation between female Ifteracy rate and percentage of child population in the age group 0-6 was - 0.70 in the 1991 Census. The corresponding correlation in the 2001 Census works out to - 0.72. This broadly implies that districts with higher female literacy rate have a lower proportion of children in the age group 0-6. Thus, the prOVisional results of 2001 Census corroborate observations that female education strongly influences fertility. This is, however, a broad trend, observed from the provisional results and needs further investigation for confirmation. The positive ·influence of literacy on various social changes in the society like empowerment of women and weaker sections of the society, reduction in child morbidity and mortality, improvement in health and hygiene, needs to be further investigated in light of the literacy results obtained from the Census of India, 2001.


Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and State/ Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory'/District No. growth rate Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

INDIA 1,027,015,247531,277,078495,738,16923.8621.34 927 933 267 324

Jammu & Kashmir 01 10,069,917 5,300,574 4,769,34330.34 29.04 896 900 77 99 Kupwara 01 640,013 331,783 308,23040.47 38.59 893 929 194 269 Baramula 02 1,166,722 611,131 555,591 32.72 31.18 890 909 194 254 S~nagar 03 1,238,530 661,923 576,607 33.02 31.45 872 871 423 556 Badgam 04 593,768 309,574 284,19427.81 26.50 899 918 342 433 Pulwama 05 632,295 326,186 306,109 25.69 24.49 917 938 363 452 Anantanag 06 1,170,013 608,720 561,293 34.33 32.70 905 922 221 294 Leh (Ladakh) 07 117,637 65,166 52,471 31.91 30.42 845 805 2 3 Kargil 08 115,227 60,629 54,59832.89 31.39 878 901 6 8 Doda 09 690,474. 362,471 328,003 28.09 26.76 905 905 47 59 Udhampur 10 738,965 394,949 344,016 28.32 26.95 888 871 128 162 Punch 11 371,561 193,970 177,591 29.40 28.08 902 916 173 222 Rajauri 12 478,595 253,129 225,466 26.38 25.19 898 891 145 182 Jammu 13 1,571,911 835,635 736,276 29.78 28.39 899 881 395 508 Kathua 14 544.206 285,308 258,898 21.94 20.91 912 907 170 205 Himachal Pradesh 02 6,077,248 3,085,256 2,991,99220.79 17.53 976 970 93 109 Chamba 01 460,499 234,812 225,687 26.40 17.09 949 961 60 71 Kangra 02 1,338,536 660,224 678,312 18.50 14.01 1,024 1.027 205 233 Lahul & Spiti 03 33,224 18,413 14.811 -2.51 6.17 817 804 2 2 Kullu 04 379,865 197.035 182,830 26.68 25.60 920 928 55 69 Mandi 05 900.987 447,271 453,71620.40 16.05'1,0131,014 197 228 Hamirpur 06 412,009 195,971 216,03816.17 11.62 1,1051,102 330 369 Una 07 447,967 224,299 223,66819.17 18.43 1,017 997 246 291 Bilaspur 08 340,735 171.074 169,661 19.41 15.35 1,002 992 253 292 Solan 09 499,380 269,451 229,929 26.02 30.64 909 853 197 258 Sirmaur 10 458,351 241,109 217,24223.72 20.72 897 901 134 162 Shimla 11 721,745 380,244 341,501 20.84 16.90 894 898 120 141 Kinnaur 12 83.950 45,353 38,597 19.69 17.79 856 851 11 13 Punjab 03 24,289,296 12,963,362 11,325,93420.81 19.76 882 874 403 482 Gurdaspur 01 2,096,889 1,110,406 986,483 16.07 19.33 903 888 492 588 Amritsar 02 3,074,207 1.640,024 1,434,18314.462272 873 874 492 603 Kapurthala 03 752,287 398,878 353,409 1860 16.34 896 886 396 461 Jalandhar 04 1,953.508 1,037,740 915,768 17.30 18.40 897 882 626 742 Hoshiarpur 05 1 ;478,045 763.753 714,292 16.39 13.81 924 935 386 439 Nawanshahr 06 586,637 306,586 280,051 16.39 10.43 900 913 420 463 Rupnagar 07 1,110,000 593,638 516,362 28.29 23 39 870 .870 438 540 101 Table-1 ~opulat!on, decadal growth ratl, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadel Sex ratio Density Union territory*'District No. growth rate Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1 2 3 4· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

'Fatehgam Sahib 08 539,751 291,607 248,14417.01 18.65 871 851 386 457 Ludhiana 09 3,030,352 1,661,329 1,369,02336.53 24.79 844 824 645 804" Moga 10 886,313 470,712 415,601 18.61 13.93 884 883 351 400 Firozpur 11 1,744,753 926,380 818,37324.00 20.42 895 883 273 32~ Muktsar 12 776,702 411,721 364,981 19.55 18.68 880 886 250 297 Faridkot 13 552,466 293,637 258,82922.79 21.42 883 881 310 376" 8athinda 14 1,181,236 633,249 547,987 20.49 19.89 884 865 291 349 Mansa 15 688,630 367,197 32~ ,433 18.04 19.83 873 875 265 317 Sangrur 16 1,998,464 1,070,039 928,425 21.36 18.57 870 868 336 398 Patiala 17 1,839,056 986,466 852,590 21.53 20.31 882 864 421 50"]1' Chandigarh * 04 900,914 508,224 392,690 42.16 40.33 790 773 5,632 7,903 Chandigarh 01 900,914 508,224 392,69042.16 40.33 790 773 5,632 7,903 Uttaranchal 05 - 8,479,562 4,316,401 4,163,161 24.23 19.20 936 964 133 159 Ultarf

Hisar 12 1,536,417 829,782 706,635 22.67 27.06 853 852 304 386 Bhiwani 13 1,424,554 757,824 666,73022.80 22.45 878 880 243 298 Rohtak 14 940,036 508,885 431,151 17.7920.99 849 847 445 539 Jhanar 15 887,392 480,240 407,f5221.37~4.09 861 848 390 484 Mahelldragarh 16 812,022 423,048 388,974.27.91 19.09 910 919 367 437 Rewari 17 764,727 402,381 362,346 25.62 25.24 927 901 386 483 Gurgaon 18 1,657,669 884,456 773,213 32.67 44.64 871 874 414 599 Faridabad 19 2,193,276 1,192,537 1,000,73949.8148.47 828 839 687 1,020 Delhi· 07 13,782,976 7,570,890 6,212,086 51.45 ~6.31 821 821 6,352 9,294 North West 01 2,847,395 1,564,301 1,283,094 NA 60.12 822 820 4,042 6,471 North 02 779,788 427,022 352,766 NA 13.30 M9 826 11,471 12,996 %, North East 03 1,763,712 953,075 810,637 NA 62.52 'S37 851 18;088 29,395m East 04 1,448,110- 765,440 SB3,33_{) NA 41.61 846 845 15,986 22,637 New Delhi 00 171,806 95,907 75,899 NA 2.47 793 791 4,791 4,909 Central 06 644,005 349,475 294,530 NA -1.91 872 843 26,261 25,760, West 07 2,119,641 1,158,274 961,367 NA 47.81 848 830 11,116 16,431 South West 08 1,749,492 980,994 768,498 NA 61.29 795 783 2,583 4,165 South 09 2,258,367 1,256,402 1,001,965 NA 50.27 807 797 6,012 9,033 ~ Rajasthan 08 56,473,122 29,381,657 27,091,46528.4428.33 910 922 129 165' Ganganagar 01 1,788,487 955,027 833,460 18.25 27.53 865 873 176 224 Hanumangarh 02 1,517,390 800,796 716,59444.60 24.34 891 895 96 120 Bikaner 03 1,673,562 885,722 787,84042.70,38.18 885 889 44 61 Churu 04 1,922,908 986,867 936,Q41 30.84 24.60 937 948 92 114 Jhunjhunun 05 1,913,099 983,158 929,941 30.61 20.90 931 946 267 323 Alwar 06 2,990,862 1,585,046 1,405,81630.82 30.23 880 887 274 357 Bharatpur 07 2,098,323 1,130,010 968,31327.14 27.05 832 857 326 414

Dhauipur 08 982,815 537,733 445,082 28.10 31.13 795 828 247 ~ 324 Karauli Q9 1,205,631 648,837 556,79428.66 29.96 840 858 168 218 Sawai Madhopur 10 1,116,031 590,716 525,31527.22 27.44 870 889 19~ 248' 'Dausa 11 1,316,79'0 693,438 623,35230.81 32.42 8~4 899 ?90 384 Jaipur 12 5,252,388 2,769,096 2,483,292.38.73 35.10 ;892 897 349 471 Sikar 13 2,287,229 1,172,129 1,115,100~3.81·24.11 946951 238 296 Nagaur 14 2,773,894 1,421,455 1,352,439 31.69 '29.33 942 951 121 157 Jodhpur 15 2:880,777 1,509,56,3 1 ,371 ;21~.29.12 S3.77 891 908 95 12~, Jaisaimer 16 507,999 278,973 229,02641.7.347.45 807 821 9 13

Barmer 17 1 ~963,758 1,035,81.3 927,941)aB.27 36.83 ..891 ,896 51 69 y::llor" ~8 '1,448,486 736,029 712,*1.57 26.5226.78 942 968 107 136, Sirohi 19 850,756 437,534 ,4'3,222 ~0:66 '30:08 949 944 '127 166 103 Table-1 'Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. gr.owth rate ---- Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Pali 20 1,819,201 917,320 901,881 16.63 22.39 956 983 120 147 Ajmer 21 2,180,526 1,128,763 1,051,76320.0526.10 918 932 204 257 Tonk 22 1,211,343 625,719 585,62424.4224.24 923 936 136 168 Bundi 23 961,269 503,827 457,44225.8524.80 889 908 139 173 Bhilwara 24 2,009,516 1,023,086 986,43021.5826.14 945 964 152 192 Rajsamand 25 986,269 492,736 493;53317:97 19.88 991 1,002 213 256 Udaipur 26 2,632,210 1,335,017 1,297,19324.5227.37 956 972 154 196 Dungarpur 27 1,107,037 546,096 560,941 28.07 26.58 995 1,027 232 _ 294 Banswara 28 1,500,420 758,379 742,041 30.34 29.84 969 978 229 298 Chittaurgarh 29 1,802,656 917,023 885,63320.42 21.46 950 966 137 166 Kota 30 1,568,580 827,647 740,933 35.88 28.52 881 895 224 288 Baran _31 1,022,568 535,745 486,82327.3026.19 896 909 116 146 Jhalawar 32 1,180,342 612,357 567,98521.91 23.34 918 928 154 190 Uttar Pradesh 09 166,052,859 87,466,301 78,586,55825.55 25.80 876 898 548 689 Saharanpur 01 2,848,152 1,525,096 1.323,05626.76 23.35 851 868 626 772 Muzaffarnagar 02 3,541,952 1,891,937 1,650,015 26.42 24.61 860 872 709 884 Bijnor 03 3,130,586 1,651,275 1,479,31127.7627.16 871 896 540 686 Moradabad 04 3,749,630 1,988,801 1,760,829 31.89 26.45 849 885 813 1,028 Rampur 05 1,922,450 1,021,501 900,949 27.45 27.98 858 882 635 812 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 06 1,499,193 795,439 703,75428.2529.72 860 885 498 646 Meerut 07 3,001,636 1,604,103 1,397.53324.91 24.16 858 871 959 1,190 Baghpat 08 1,164,388 630.244 534,14422.39 13.00 838 848 742 838 Ghaziabad 09 3,289,540 1.768.215 1,521,32540.9047.47 840 860 1,141 1,682 Gautam Buddha Nagar 10 1,191,263 646.554 544,70937.64 35.70 817 842 692 939 Bulandshahar 11 ·2,923,290 1,553.711 1,369,57916.1022.22 858 881 643 786 Aligarh 12 2,990,388 1.607,222 1,383,166 29.95 22.08 84G 861 654 798 Hathras 13 1,333,372 718.288 615,084 26.90 18.32 830 856 644 761 Mathura 14 2,069,578 1,123.984 945,59422.6926.95 816 841 489 621 Agra 15 3,611,301 1,949;775 1,661,52621.90 31.27 832 852 683 897

Firozabad 16 2,045,737 1,105.203 940,534 21.65 33.44 832 851 649 ~ Etah 17 2,788,270 1,509,491 1,278,77920.71;1 24.20 824 847 505 627 Mainpuri 18 1,592,875 858.531 734,34424.11 21.50 834 855 477 580 19 3,069,245 1,667,499 1,401.746.24.1625.36 810 841 474 594 Bareilly 20 3,598,701 1,922.833 1,675,868 24.71 26.96 839 872 688 873 21 1.643,788 876,006 767,782 27.29 28.11 853 876 367 470 Shahjahanpur 22 2,549,458 1,387,424 1,162,03420.6228.. 28 81_6 838 434 557 Kheri 23 3,200,137 1,706,830 1,493,307 23.89 32.28 842 875 315 417 Silapur 24 3.616.510 1,941,933 1,674,577 22.2426.58 833 862 497 630 104 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. growth rate ---Pe-r-so-n-s---M-a-le-s--F-e-m-a-le-s-1981- 1991- -:1-::"99~1""---:2:-::0-::"0-:-1 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Hardoi 25 3,397,414 1,843,395 1,554,01920.75 23.67 818 843 459 568 Unnao 26 2,700,426 1,422,965 1,277,461 20.73 22.72 873 898 483 592 Lucknow 27 3,681,416 1,946,973 1,734,443 37.14 33.25 866 891 1,093 1,456 Rae Bareli 28 2,872,204 1,473,690 1,398,51423.57 23.66 931 949 506 626 Farrukhabad 29 1,577,237 848,088 729,149 24.46 22.80 832 860 563 692 Kannauj 30 1,385,227 741,380 643,847 24.94 19.58 835 868 581 695 Etawah 31 1,340,031 721,913 618,118 17.24 21.59 834 856 482 586 Auraiya 32 1,179,496 635,527 543,96927.23 14.70 828 856 501 575 Kanpur Dehat 33 1,5840:037 853,566 730,471 19.8921.55 836 856 414 504 Kanpur Nagar 35 4,137,489 2,213,955 1,923,53422:5427.17 832 869 1,074 1,366 Jalaun 35 1,455,859 788,264 667,59523.64 19.39 829 847 267 ·319 Jhansi 36 " 1,746,715 934,118 812,597 24.66 23.23 864 870 282 348 Lalitpur 37 977,447 5Hi,928 458,519 30.18 29.98 863 884 149 194 .Hamirpur 38 1,042,374 562,911 479,46321.90 17.85 839 852 205 241 Mahoba 39 708,831 379,795 329,036 24.20 21.80 845 866 204 2"49 Banda 40 1,500,253 806,543 693,710 23.69 18.49 832 860 287 34() Chitrakoot 41 800,592 427,705 372,887 16.78 34.33 862 872 186 250 "Fatehpur 42 2,305,847 1,218,892 1,086,95(; 20.79 21.40 882 $92 457 555 Pratapgarh 43 2,727,156 1,375,610 1,351,546 22.75 23.36 987 983 595 734

Kaushambi 44 1,2~4,937 683,673 611,26425.34 26.73 883 894 557 70!) Allahabad 45 4,941,510 2,625,872 2,315,63830.78 26.72 873 882 719 911 Barabanki 46 2,673,394 1,417,213 1,256,181 26.5926.40 854 886 553 699 Faizabad 47 2,087,914 1,076,000 1,011,91423.77 23.87 898 940 610 755 Ambedkar Nagar 48 2,025,373 1,024,712 1,000,661 25.45 24.31 943 977 687 854 Sultanpur 49 3,190,926 1,611,936 1,578,990 25,32 24.20 933 980 579 719 Bahraich 50 ~,384,239 1,278,253 1,105,986 25.19 29.55 845 865 320 415 Shravasfi 51 1,175,428 632,452 542,976 23.75 27.30 833 859 820 1,044 Balrampur 52 1,684,567 888,559 796,008 25.52 23.08 868 896 468 576 ! Gonda 53 2,765,754 1,456,460 1,309,294 26.62 25.46 877 899 498 625 Siddharthnagar 54 2,038,598 1,047,573 991,025 23.63 26.78 912 946 584 741· Basti 55 2,068,922 1,079,971 988,951 23.41 22.69 908 916 556 682 ISant Kabir Nagar 56 1,424,500 720,028 704,47226.46 23.64 928 978 799 988 Maharajganj 57 2,167,041 1,120,800 1,046,241 25.56 29.27 909 933 568 734 l ,Gbrakhpur 58 3,784,720 1,931,762 1,852;958 24.60 23.44 924 959 923 1,14Q KushinagEfr 59 2,891,933 1,474,884 1,417,04929.01 28.17 940 961 775 994 .Dearia 60 2,730,376 1,363,250 1,367,12624.9525.03 9951,003 861 1,077 Azamgarh 61 3,950,808 1,949,827 2,000,981 25.46 26.28 1,007 1,02p 743 938 I' Mau 62 1,849,294 932,142 917,152,28.37 27.91 974 984 844 1,080 105 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. growth rate .Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- -:-::-~-,,-:-~1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Ballia 63 2,152,412 1,409,866 1,342,546 22.27 21.67 946 952 759 923' Jaunpur 64 3,911,305 1,935,576 1,975,72926.9221.67 994 1,021 796 969: Ghazipur 65 3,049,337 1,544,496 1,504,841 24.27 26.18 957 974 716 903 Chandauli 66 1,639,777 853,016 786,761 27.33 28.63 907 922 499 642 Varanasi 67 3,147,927 1,650,138 1,497,789 30.65 25.51 890 908 1,589 1,995 Sant Ravidas Nagar 68. 1,352,056 704,800 647,25638.16 25.47 896 918 1 ,123 1 ,409 Mirzapur 69 2,114,8521,115,112 999,74031.40 27.62 883 897 366 468 Sonbhadra 70 1,463,468 771,817 691,651 38.18 36.13 862 896 158 216 Bihar 10 82,878,796 43,15,3.964 39,724,83223.38 28.43 907 921 685 SSQ Pashchim Champaran 01 3,043,044 1,600,853 1,442,191 18.3030.40 877 901 446 58?i I Purba Champaran 02 3,933,636 2,072,350 1,861,286 25.46 29.27 883 898 767 991

Sheohar 03 5~4,288 21.1,261 243,02727.34 36.16 876 896 853 1,161 Sitamarhi 04 2,669,887 1,410,149 1,259,73823.13 32.58 884 893 915 1,214 Madhubani 05 3,570,651 1,837,361 1,733,290 21.76 26.08 932 943 809 1,020 Supauf 06 1,745,069 908,855 836,214 23.45 29.95 904 920 557 724 Araria 07 2,124,831 1,108,924 1,015,90726.69 31.84 907 916 569 751~ Kishanganj 08 1,294,063 666,910 627,15322.20 31.50 933 940 522 68i Purnia 09 2,540,788 1:325,794 1,214,994 23.76 35.23 903 916 582 787 Katihar 10 2,389,533 1,244,943 1,144,590 27.77 30.91 909 919 597 782 Madhepura 11 1,524,596 796,272 728,324 22.16 29.45 885 915 659 853 Saharsa 12 1,506,418 788,585 717,833 25.54 33.03 884 910 665 885 $ Darbhanga 13 3,285,473 1,716,640 1,568,83325.04 30.85 911 914 1,102 1,442 ~ Muzaffarpur 14 3,743,836 1,941,480 1,802,356 25.30 26.74 904 928 931 1,180 Gopalganj 15 2.149,343 1,072,151 1,0(7,19225.1226.11 9681,005 838 1,057 Siwan 16 2,708.840 1,332,218 1,376,62222.0424.78 1:-017 1,033 978 1,221 Saran 17 3,251,474 1.654,428 1,597,046 23.44 26.37 963 - 965 974 1,231 Vaishali 18 2.712,389 1,412,476 1,300,113 29.08 26.39 921 921 1,054 1,332 Samastipur 19 3,413,413 1,771,249 1,642,164 28.35 25.63 926 927 936 1 ,17ft Begusarai W 2,342.989 1,226,657 1,116,932 24.61 29.11 898 911 946 1,222 Khagaria 21 1.276,677 675,501 601,176 28.44 29.32 868 890 664 859 Bhagalpur 22 2,430.331 1,294,192 1,136,13920.67 27.24 864 878 743 946 Banka 23 1,608.778 843,061 765,71724.44 24.47 893 908 428 533 Munger 24 1,135,499 604,662 530,837 17 79 20.34 856 878 665 800 Lakhisarai 25 801.173 416,727 384,446 21.08 23.94 880 923 526 652- Sheikhpura 26 525,137 273,468 251,669 19.84 24.96 &96 920 610 762 Nalanda 27 2.368.327 1,236,467 1,'131,86021 73 18.64 898 915 848 1,006

Patna 28 4,70~,851 2,514,949 2,194,90219.84 30.17 867 873 1,130 1,471 Bh$pur 29 2.233,415 1,175,333 1,058,062 20.26 24.58 9~ 900 725 9Dl t 106 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. growth rate --=P-e-rs-o-ns----:-M,.-a-Ie-s----=F=-e-m-a-:-Ie-s- 1981- 1991- -1-9-91-2-0-01- """"'1"""99=-1"--"""20-:-0""'1- 1991 2001 2 3 5 678 , 9 10 11

Buxar 30 1,403,462 738,239 665,223 18.63 29.03 884 901 670 864 Kaimur (Bhabua) 31 1,284,575 673,556 611,01924.2030.64 884 907 292 382' Rohtas 32 2,448,762 1,282,655 1,166,10721.77 2'7.71 894 909 498 636 Jehanabad 33 1,511,406 783,960 727,446 19.43 28.64 919 928 749 963 Aurangabad 35 2,004,960 1,035,757 969,203-24~4g 30.19 915 936 466 607 Gaya 35 3,464,983 1,789,231 1,675,752 23.92 30.03 922 937 536 696 Nawada 36 1,809,425 928,638 880,787 23.70 33.08 936 948 545 726 Jamui 37 1,397,474 728,812 668,662 21.90 ,32.90 903 917 339 451 Sikkim 11 540,493 288,217 252,276 28.47,32.98 878 875 57 76' North 01 41,023 23,410 17,613 18.09 31.32 828 752 7 10 West 02 123,174 . 63,835 59,339 30.55 25.48 915 930 84 106 South 03 131,506 68,227 63,27Q..29.78 33.37 892 927 131 175 East 04 244,790 132,745 112,045 28.60 37.17 859 844 187 257 Arunachal Pradesh 12 1,091,117 573,951 517,16636.83 26.21 859 901 10 13 Tawang· 01 .34,705 17,676 17,02930.14 22.69 844 963 13 16 West Kameng 02 74,595 42,638 31,957 35.74 32.21 822 749 8 10 East Kameng 03 57,065 28,743 28,322 17.92 13.24 962 985 12 14 Papum Pare 04 121,750 64,122 57,628 83.24 67.21 831 899 21 35. Lower Subansiri 05 97,614 49,184 48,430 14.06 17.37 957 985 9 10 Upper Subansiri 06 54,995 27,873 27,12227.09 9.80 867 973 7 8

West Siang 07 103,575 54,139 49,436 ~1.64 15.17 873 913 11 13 East Siang 08 87,430 45,131 42,299 30.26 21.66 877 937 18 22 Upper Siang 09 33,146 17,844 15,30231.50 19.32 822 858 4 5 Dibang Valley, 1'0 57,543 31,280 26,263 39.03 33.61 788 840 3 4 Lohit 11 143,478 77,252 66,226 57.85 30.78 797 857 10 13 Changlang 12 124,994 65,608 59,386 53.56 30.84 863 905 20 -27 Tirap 13 100,227 52,461 47,76628.70 17.21 862 911 36 42 Nagaland 13 1,988,636 1,041,686 946,9io 56.08 64.41 886 909 73 120 Mon 01 259,604 138;005 121,599 58.98 73.42 872 881 84 145 Tuensang 02 414,801 216,888 197,91369.87 78.10 889 913 55 98 Mokokchung 03 227,230 118,428 108,802 52.39 43.48 912 919 98 141 Zunheboto 04 154,909 79,627 75,282 32.68 61.00 964 945 77 123 Wokha 05 161,098 83,620 77,478 42.80 95.01 917 927 51 99 Dimapur 06 308,382 166,335 142,04755.16 73.30 830 854 192 333 Kcihima 07 314,366 161,701 152,665 68.98 49.96 879 944 67 101 Phek 08 148,246 77,082 71,16444.6645.12 880 923 50 73 Manipur 14 2,388,634 1,207,338 1,181,29629.29 30.02 958 978 82 107 senapati 01 379,214 196,646 182,56836.1381.96 942 1'928 64 116 107 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and'Districts : 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. growth rate Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Tamenglon~ 02 111,4~3 57,994 53,499 38.51 29.23 935 922 20 25 Churachandpur 03 228,707 114,740 113,96731.00 29.81 931 993 39 50 Bishnupur 04 205,907 102,772 103,135 27.52 13.90 9841,004 364 415 Thoubal 05 366,341 183,338 183,00326.34 24.62 980 998 572 713 Imphal West 06 439,532 218,947 220,58526.14 15.42 9791,007 734 847 Imphal East 07 393,780 197,710 196,07029.41 19.16 966 992 466 555 Ukhrul 08 140,946 73,413 67,533 31.74 28.98 884 920 24 31 Chandel 09 122,714 61,778 60,936 25.81 72.80 913 986 21 37 Mizoram 1S 891,058 45$,783 431,27539.7029.18 921 938 33 42 Mamit 01 62,313 32,766 29,547 23.57 -3.50 891 902 21 21 Kolasib .02 60,977 31,674 29,103 26.82 36.01 924 913 32 44 Aizawl 03 339,812 173,930- 165,882 57.23 39.24 917 954 68 95 Chal11phai 04 101,:j89 51,869 49,52032.31 29.77 969 955 25 32

Serchhip 05 55,539 28,445 27,094 ~0.36 18.45 959 953 33 39

Lunglei 06 137,155 71,353 65,802 ~8.79 23.10 '910 922 25 30

Lawhgtlai 07 7~,050 :}@,425 34,fS25 52.68 34.78 885 901 21 ~9 Saiha 08 (l0,823 31,121 21),702 47.Y2 ~3.16 ~3!) 9~ 33 43 Tripur" 16 3, 1$t1 ,1 68 1,'~fj,13$ 1,55$,030 a4.~ 15.74 Q45 950 263 304 W~st Trjpura 01 1,93Q,531 7&~,{:I~ti 746,106 3~.tN 1a.29 944 ~Q3 <427 505 South Tripura O~ 76;!,565 ~91, 17l'l ~711~t31;i 40.:'Q 6.10 951 949 229 243 DhalEli Q3 '307,417 15tl.480 1481P37 33.69 10·79 ~31 9ttO 125 139 I\(orth Trip4r£l 04 ~9Q,6fi~ ~Q7,~~4 ~{l8.~1 3Q.86 26.44 943 952 ?22 281 IVI@Qtl~layi' 17 ~,3Q§,O~j 1."'f.14O l.,13i,Iift ~2.'(i ~9,M 'lJt> 975 79 103 We%t QarQ HiII~ 01 q1§,a1~ ~!,)9,44Q gij6,~n 31.06 27.~8 959 988 108 139 !29~t ~rQ Hill§ 92 i!l47.g§5 l~Q,&W 1~11~4~ ~8.a9 ~1.10 l}51t 960 73 95 SO\-ltl1 G~rQ Hills U3 ~a.10p 51,Og1 4t1.Qf)4 ~3.61 ~8.59 963 941 4~ 54 Wel!t 1<11~~i Hills Q4 ~91i, 1-15 1'le, 1ti~ 144,95& :J6.;!6 43·p9 951 972 42 ~6 Ri~hoi q~ 1W,j'~Ul ~~i~15 aJ,480 ~1'.40 51,44 941 941 54 81 E~it ~I'\e~i l1ills Ot\ q{30,~94 ~3~, 1a7 3~7.&07 ~Q.7~ ~~.88 ~4a 9t}4 191 234 Jaif\t~ Hijl§ @J g~§,q92 149.~76 146,316 4Q.\)7 ~4.12 973 aaQ 5e 77 A§~~m 11 H~'~',4Ql' 1a.1'Q7.fQI 11~UQIQOI ~A 1tU~ 913 9~1 2S1 340 K~~har U~ ~~

Darrang 08 .1,503,943 773,982 729,961 NA 15.79 938 943 373 432 Marigaon 09 775,874 398,930 376,944 NA 21.29 941 945 375 455 Nagaon 10 2,315,387 1,194,327 1,121,060 NA 22.30 929 939 494 604 Sonitpur 11 1,677,874 864,125 813,749 NA 17.80 912 942 268 315 Lakhimpvr 12 889,325 455,689 433,636 NA 18.34 931 952 330 391 Dhemaji 13 569,468 294,105 275,363 NA 18.93 927 936 148 176 Tinsukia 14 1,150,146 602,515 547,631 NA 19.52 891 909 254 303 Dibrugarh 15 1,172,056 609,470 562,586 NA 12.43 905 923 308 347 Sibsagar 16 1,052,802 546,565 506,237' NA 15.95 907 926 340 39g Jorhat 17 1,009,197 530,240 478,957 NA 15.84 913 903 306 354 Golaghat 18 945,781 490,370 455,411 NA 14.21 920 929 236 270 Karbi Angfong 19 812,320 422,599 389,721 NA 22.57 907 922 64 78

North Cachar Hills 20 186,189 98,89~ 87,290 NA 23.47 857 883 31 38 Cachar 21 - 1,44;2;141 741;580 700,561 NA 18.66 932 945 321 381 Karimganj 22 1,003,678 516,408 487,270 NA 21.35 946 944 457 555 Haifakandi 23 542,978 280,912 262,066 NA 20.92 929 933 338 409 West Bengal 19 80,221,171 41,487,694 38,733,477 24.73 17.84 917 934 76., 9P4 Darjifing 01 1,605,900 826,334 779,566 26.91 23.54 914 943 413 510 ~afpaiguri 02 3,403,~04 1,753,278 1,649,926 26.44 21.52 927 941 450 547 Koch Bihar 03 2,478,280 1,271,715 1,209,56522.55 14.15 935 949 6A1 782 Uttar Dinajpur 04 2,441,824 1,260,747 1,181,077 34.00 28.72 921 937 604 778 Dakshin Dinajpur 05 1,502,647 770,443 732,204 24.39 22.11 944 950 555 677 Mafdah 06 3,290,160 1,689,409 1,600,751 29.7824.77 9:38 948 706 881 Murshidabad 07 5,863,717 3,004,385 2,859,332 28.20 23.70 943 952 890 1,101 Blr'bhum 08 3,012,546 .1,545,765 1,466,781 21.94 17.88 946 949 562 663 Barddhaman 09 6,919,698 3,602,675 3,317,02325.13 14.36 899 921 861 9E35 Nadia 10 4,603,756 2,365,054 2,238,70229.95 19.51 936 947 981 1,1712 North Twenty Four 11 8,930,295 4,635,262 4,295,033 31.69 22.-64 907 927 1,779 2,161 Parganas Hugli 12 5,040,047 2,588,322 2,451,72522.43 15.72 917 947 1,383 1,601 Bankura 13 3,191,822 1,634,561 1,557,26~ 18.12 13.79 951 953 408 464 Pt,Jrufiya 14 2,535,233 1,298,079 1,237,15420.00 13.96 947 953 355 409

Medinipur 15 9,638,473 4,929J OOO 4,709,4 73 23.57 15.68 944 955 592 13j35 Haora 16 4,274,010 2,242,395 2,031,61525.71 14.60 881 906 2,542 2,913 Kofkpta 17 4,580,544 2,506,029 2,074,515 6.61 4.11 799 828 23,783 24,760 South Twenty Four 18 6,909,015 3,564,241 3,344,774 30:24 20.89 929 938 574 694 Parg~nas Jharkhand 20 26,909,428 13,861,277 13,048,151 24.0323.19 922 941 274 338 Garhwa 01 1,034,151 534,433 499,71832.07 29.05 926 935 198 256 Palamu, 02 2,092,004 1,079,829 1.012.175 25.87 26.80 -932 937 ,190 240 1.09 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001. India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. ,growth rate --=P-er-s-on-s---=-=M:-"al:-"e-s ----=F=-e-m-a7'"le-s- 1981- 1991- ""71-=-99-::-1:--::2~0-::-017'" 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11

Chatra 03 790,680 402,565 388,11532.4329.05 952 964 165 213 Hazaribagh 04 2,277,108 1,167,526 1,109,58228.6324.02 914 950 299 370 Kodarma 05 498,683 249,276 249,407 28.08 26.32 986 1,001 301 380 Giridih 06 1,901,564 958,904 "942,660 28.92 '27.09 966 983 301 382 Deaghar 07 1,161,370 606,688 554,682 31.64 24.46 911 914 376 468 Godda 08 1,047,264 543,784 503,48020.71 21.61 922 926 408 496 Sahibganj 09 927,584 477,366 450,218 19.69 25.89 924 943 461 580 Pakaur 10 701,616 358,414 343,20221.57 24.34 954 958 312 388 Dumka 11 1,754,571 894,849 859,722 23.05 17.31 955 961 241 282 Dhanbad 12 2:394,434 1,277,516 1,116,91822.7022.82 819 874 950 1,167 Bakaro 13 1,775,961 937,188 838,77332.57 22.11 865 895 508 621 Ranchi. 14 2,783,577 1,436,423 1,347,15421.4225.72 921 938 288 362 Lohardaga 15 364,405 1847"405 180,00025.72 26.14 971 976 194 244 Gumla 16 1,345,520 674,455 671,06513.44 16.60 987 995 127 148 Pashchimi Singhbhum 17 2,080,265 1,052,711 1,027,554 20.58 16.35 965 976 180 210 Purbi Singhbhum 18 1,978,671 1,024,945 953,726 16.98 22.66 906 931 457 560

Orissa 21 36, 70~,920 18,612,340 18,q94,580 20.06 15.94 971 972 203 236 Bargarh 01 1,345,601 681,012 664,58916.93 11.47 979 976 207 231 Jharsuguda 02 509,056 261,555 247,501 21.41 15.13 938 946 212 245 Sambalpur 03 928,889 471,555 457,334 18.47 14.17 956 970 122 140' Debagarl:l 04 274,095 138,425 135,670 18.50 17.02 982 980 80 93 Sundargarh 05 1,829,412 934.902 894,510 17.62 16.26 936 957 162 188 Kendujhar 06 1,561,521 789,826 771,69519.95 16.79 974 977 161 188 Mayurbhanj 07 2,221,782 1.121,982 1.099,800 19.,14 17.89 979 980 181 213

Baleshw~r 08 2,023,056 1,037,938 985,1~8 24.96 19.24 955 949 446 532 Bhadrak 09 1,332,249 675,162 657,087 23.55 20.47 985 973 441 532 Kendrapara 10 1,301,856 646.356 655,50017.15 13.25 1.007 1,014 435 492 Jagatsinghapur 11 1,056,556 538,542 518,014 17.98 13.15 977 962 560 633 Cuttack 12 2,340,686 1,207,569 1,133,117 19.37 14.00 922 938 522 595 Jajapur 13 1,622,868 822.638 800,230 22.01 17.08 977 973 478 560 Dhenkanal 14 1,065,983 543,439 522,544 18.92 12.46 954 962 213 239 Anugul 15 1,139,341 586,-903 552,43'822.31 18.55 942 941 151 179 Nayagarh 16 863,934 445.658 418,276 14.52 10.39 958 939 201 222 Khordha 17 1,874,405 986,003 888,402 32.67 24.79 903 901 534 666 Puri 18 1,498,604 761,397 737.207 18.08 14.80 970 968 375 431 Ganjam 19 3.136,937 1,568,568 1,568,36919.25 16.01 1,0061,000 330 382 Gajapati 20 518,448 255,288 263;160 13.04 14.02 1.027 1,031 105 120 Kandhamal 21 647,912 322,674 325,238 21.69 18.60 999 1,008 68 8.1 110 Table-f Population, dtlcadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and State! Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*!District No. growth rate Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- ---~-1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Baudh 22 373,038 187,947 185,091 18.35 17.45 987 985 103 120 Sonapur 23 540,659 275,045 265,614 19.99 13.39 979 966 204 231

Balangir 24 1,335,760 673,727 662,033 15.94 8.5~ 981 983 187 203 Nuapada 25 530,524 264,490 266,03.4 19.56 13.00 1,002 1,006 122 138 Kalahandi 26 1,334,372 667,126 667,24619.48 17.99 999 1,000 143 168 Rayagada 27 823,019 405,631 417,38817.29 15.27 1,0121,029 101 116 Nabarangapur 28 1,018,171 511,004 507,167 24.22 20.26 989 992 160 192 Koraput 29 1,177,954 589,438 588,51619.93 14.41 991 998 117 134 Malkangiri 30 480,232 240,540 239,69226.00 13.71 985 996 73 83 Chhatisgarh 22 20,795,956 10,452,426 10,343,53025.73 18.06 985 990 130 154 Koriya 01 585,455 300,723 284,73230.15 16.91 926 947 76 89 Surguja 02 1,970,661 999,196 971,465 26.68 24.58 966 972 101 125 Jashpur 03 739,780 370,287 369,493 16.75 12.71 1,001 998 112 127 Raigarh' 04 1,265,084 633,993 631,091 20.99 18.68 1,000 995 150 179 Korba 05 1,012,121 5.15,467 496,65434.83 22.55 952 964 125 153 Janjgir-Champa 06 1,316,140 658,377 657.763 31.35 18.55 1,007 999 288 342 Bilaspur 07 1,993,042 1,009.007 984,03524.00 17.59 973 975 205 241 Kawardha 08 584,667 292,054 292,613 26.24 13.86 996 1,002 122 138 Rajnandgaon 09 1,281,811 633.292 648,51922.43 17.70 1,016 1,024 1'35 159 Durg 10 2,801,757 1,413,785 1,387,972 26.80 16.88 967 982 280 328 Raipur 11 3,009,042 1.520,024 1,489,01830.14 18.97 983 980 193 230 Mahasamund 12 860,176 426,011 434.16519.38 8.72 1.9151.019 165 180 Dhamtari 13 703.569 350,962 352,60724.15 19.72 1,009 1,005 174 208 Kanker 14 651,333 324,678 326.65556.80 18.84 1,0001,006 84 100 Bastar 15 1.302.253 648,068 654,185 12.00 18.28 999 1,009 74 87 Dantewada 16 719,065 356.502 362,563 21.94 15.56 1,009 1.017 35 41 Madhya Pradesh 23 60,385,118 31,456,873 28,928,24527.2424.34 912 920 158 196 Sheopur 01 559,715 295,630 264,08533.32 29.72 880 893 65 85 Morena 02 1.587,264 871,243 716,021 30.58 24.09 808 822 256 318 Bhind 03 1,426,951 780,122 646,82925.18 17.06 816 829 273 320 Gwalior 04 1,629,881 882,258 747,62327.97 2600 831 847 284 357 Datia 05 627,818 337,842 289,976 26.01 21.82 847 858 192 233 Shivpuri 06 1,440,666 775,473 665,19330.8427.16 849 858 110 140 Guna 07 1,665,503 883,433 782.07030.7727.11 875 885 118 151 Tikamgarh 08 1.203,160 637,842 565,31827.6627.88 871 886 186 238 Chhatarpur 09 1,474,633 788,845 685,788 30.61 27.33 856 869 133 170 Panna 10 854,235 447,923 406,31227.40 24.17 897 907 96 120 Sagar 11 2,021,783 1,073,032 948,751 24.53 22.70 881 884 161 197 111 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadel Sex ratio ~ensity Union territory* lI?istrict No. growth rate -"""'P-er-s-~n-s--""""""M""'al"-e-s-----:F=-e-m-a-:-Ie-s- 1981- 1991- """'1-:-99-:-1"""'-:2-:"0-:-0""'1 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11

Damoh 12 1,d81 ,909 568,704 513,20524.49 20.46 905 902 123 148

Satna 13 1,868,648 970,114 898,534 27.05 2~.52 918 926 195 249 Rewa 14 1,972,333 1,017 ,402 954,931 28.77 26.84 932 939 246 312 Umaria 15 515,851 264,998 250,85331.8322.58 942 947 103 127 Shahdol 16 1,572,748 803,416 769,332 28.96 18.87 940 958 133 158 Sidhi . 17 1,830,553 947,276 883,27738.67 33.28 922 932 130 174 Neemuch 18 725,457 371,972 353,48522.58 21.25 943 950 141 170 Mandsaur 19 1,183,369 604,942 578,427 23.42 23.67 947 956 173 214 Ratlam 20 1,214,536 620,119 594,41724.17 24.97 948 959 200 250 Ujjain 21 1,709,885 881,509 828,376 23.82 23.63 929 940 227 281 Shajapur 22 1,290,230 669,419 620,811 22.97 24.87 918 927 167 208 Dewas 23 1,306,617 676,414 630,203 29.99 26.39 924 932 147 186 Jhabua 24 1,396,677 701,742 694,935 42.16 23.56 977 990 167 206 Dhar 25 1,740,577 890,853 849,724 29.31 27.29 951 954 168 213 Indore 26 2,585,321 1,352,849 1,232,472 30.26 40.82 906 911 471 663 West Nimar 27 1,529,954 785,212 744,742 23.04 27.95 941 948 149 191 Barwani 28 1,081,039 547,837 533,202 26.30 29.87 964 973 154 199 East Nimar 29 1,708,170 882,371 825,79924.11 19.31 938 936 133 159 Rajgarh 30 1,253,246 648,850 604,396 23.88 26.24 923 931 161 204 Vidisha 31 1,214,759 647,632 567,12723.92 25.18 874 876 132 165 Bhopal 32 1,836,784 968,964 867,820 51.05 35.91 889 896 488 663 Sehore 33 1,078,769 565,387 513,38227.99 28.22 896 908 128 164 Raisen 35 1,120,159 595,730 524,429 23.35 27.80 879 880 104 132 Betul 35 1,394,421 709,525 684,896 27.68 18.02 966 965 118 139 Harda 36 474,174 247,129 227,045 29.14 24.53 914 919 114 142 Hoshangabad 37 1,085,011 571,796 513,215 25.01 22.40 892 898 132 162 Katni 38 1,063,689 548,077 515,61223.43 20.61 939 94'"1 178 215 Jabalpur 39 2,167,469 1,134,870 1,032,599 19.12 22.59 903 910 339 416 Narsimhapur 40 957,399 501,407 455,992 20.76' 21.88 913 909 153 187 Dindori 41 579,312 290,572 288,74024.94 13.23 985 994 68 78 Manqla 42 893,908 446,487 44t421 24.17 14.66 9901,002 134 154 Chhindwara 43 1,848,882 946,582 902,300 27.21 17.86 953 953 133 156 Sea.ni 44 1,165,893 588,135 577,75823.60 16.49 974 962 114 133 Balaghat 45 1,445,760 714,938 730,82219.00 5.85 1,0021,022 148 157 G'ujarat 24 50,596,992 26,344,053 24,252,939 21.19 22.48 934 921 211 258 Kachchh 01 1,526,321 782,335 743,986 20.22 20.90 964 951 28 33 Banas Kantha 02 2,502,843 1,296,415 1,206,428 30.87 26.31 934 931 184 233 Patan 03 1,181,941 611,486 5'TQ,455 12.35 14.08 944 933 181 206 112 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and State! Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*!District No. growth rate 7 7 --=P-er-s-on-s---:-:M:-a'-Ie-s ---=F:::-"e-m-a""-Ie-s- 1981- 1991- -:1 99-=-1--=2:-::00-:-"1 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11

Mahesana 04 1,837,696 954,006 883,690 17.35 12.04 951 926 374 419 Sabar Kantha 05 2,083,416 1,069,6.02 1,013,81417.23 18.30 965 948 238 282 Gandhinagar 06 1,334,731 698,360 636,371 24.49 23.88 934 911 498 617 Ahmadabad 07 5,808,378 3,069,861 2,738,51724.25 26.61 897 892 567 718 Surendranagar 08 1,515,147 787,785 727,362 16.89 25.34 921 923 115 144 Rajkot 09 3,157,676 1,635,741 1,521,93520.1225.60 946 930 224 282 Jamnagar 10 1,913,685 985,266 928,419 12.24 22.39 949 942 111 135 Porbandar 11 536,854 275,921 260,933 10.23 14.35 960 946 204 234 Junagadh 12 2,448,427 , ,252,458 1,195,96915.29 17.08 960 955 236 277 Amreli 13 1,393,295 701,384 691,911 14.97 6.45 985 986 177 188 Bhavnagar 14 2,469,264 1,275,329 1,193,93523.13 19.29 944 936 207 247 Anand 15 1,856,712 972,355 884,357 13.39 13.03 912 910 559 631 Kheda 16 2,D23,354 1,052,869 970,485 14.81 13.24 924 922 424 480 Panch Mahals 17 2,024,883 1,044,210 980,673 22.34 20.36 934 939 322 388 Dohad 18 1,635,374 823,968 811,406 34.60 28.35 976 985 349 449 Vadodara 19 3,639,775 1,896,859 1,742,91621.07 19.80 913 919 402 482 Narmada 20 514,083 263,933 250,150 19.85 14.40 947. 948 163 187 Bharuch 21 1,370,104 713,475 656,629 18.36 19.32 925 920 176 210 Surat 22 4,996,391 2,722,675 2,273,71636.29 47.04 901 835 444 653 The Dangs 23 186,712 94,001 92,711 26.77 29.58 983 986 82 106 Navsari 24 1,229,250 628,814 600,436 19.34 13.22 958 955 491 556 Valsad 25 1,410,680 734,945 675,735 25.87 29.66 957 919 359 465 Daman & Diu * 25 158,059 92,478 65,581 28.62 55.59 969 709 907 1,411 Diu 01 44,110 20,841 23,269 29.80 11.71 1,064 1,117 987 .1,103 Daman 02 113,949 71,637 42,31227.89 83.49 913 591 863 1,583 Dadra & Nagar Haveli * 26 220,451 121,731 98,720 33.57 59.20 952 811 282 449 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 01 220,451 121,731 98,72033.57 59.20 952 811 282 449 Maharashtra 27 96,752,247 50,334,270 46,417,977 25.73 22.57 934 922 257 314 Nandurbar 01 1,309,135 662,764 646,371 25.3023.21 975 975 211 260 Dhule 02 1,708,993 878,538 830,455 22.53 16.01 945 945 183 212 Jalgaon 03 3,679,936 1,904,437 1,775,4992175 15.44 ·940 932 271 313 Buldana 04 2,226,328 1,144,314 1,082,014 25.02 18.03 953 946 195 230 Akola 05 1,629,305 840,883 788,422 20.87 20.51 934 938 249 300 Washim 06 1,019,725 525,806 493.91921.72 18.25 946 939 167 198 Amravati 07 2,606,063 1,343,572 1,262,491 18.19 18.45 936 940 180 213 Wardha 08 1,230,640 635,751 594,88915.19 15.30 939 936 169 195 Nagpur 09 4,051,444 2,095,489 1,955,955 26.97 23.25 922 933 332 413 Bhandara 10 1,,135,835 573.184 562,651 20.10 11.20 980 982 250 292 113 Table-1 'Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and State/ Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. growth rate Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- --:-::-7"-:--::-::~1991 2001 1991 '2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Gondiya 11 1,200,1.51 598,447 601,704 10.04 10.49 995 1,005 209 221 Gadchiroli 12 969,960 490,809 479,151 23.48 23.25 976 976 55 67 Chandrapur 13 2,077,909 1,059,875 1,018,034 25.06 17.26 948 961 155 182 Yavatmal 14 2,460,482 1,267,117 1,193,365 19.55 18.46 951 942 153 181 Nanded 15 2,868,158 1,476,301 1,391,857 33.21 23.08 945 943 221 272 Hingoli 16 986,717 505,188 481,52925.75 19.76 952 953 185 218 Parbhani 17 1,491,109 761,937 729,172 30.96 15.3.1 954 957 197 229 Jalna 18 1,612,357 825,977 786,38032.45 18.17 958 952 177 209 Aurangabad 19 2,920,548 1,521,632 1,398,916 39.60 31.93 922 919 219 289 Nashik 20 4,987,923 2,591,980 4,395,94328.73 29.51 940 924 248 321 Thane 21 8,128,833 4,377,806 3,751,027 56.62 54.86 879 857 549 850 Mumbai (Suburban) 22 8.587.561 4,702,761 3,884,80036.1527.20 831 826 15,137 19,255 Mumbai 23 3,326,837 1,875,141 1,451,696 -3.35 4.79 791 774 20,222 21,190 Raigarh 24 2,205,972 1,116,821 1,089,151 22.76 20.89 1,010 975 255 308 Pune 25 7,224,224 3,768,001 3,456,223 3:2.85 30.58 933 917 354 462 Ahmadnagar 26 4,088,077 2,106,501 1,981,57624.3521.20 949 941 198 240 Bid 27 2,159,841 1,120,664 1,039,177 28.95 18.54 944 927 170 202 Latur 28 2,078,237 1,074,321 1,003,91629.68 23.95 942 934 234 290 Osmanabad 29 1,472,256 762,947 709,309 23.95 15.35 937 930 169 195 Solapur 30 3,855,383 1,990,661 1,864,722 24.84 19.32 934 937 217 259 Satara 31 2,796,906 1,402,301 1,394,60520.24 14.10 1,029 995 234 267 Ratnagiri 32 1,696,482 794,431 902,051 11.92 9.87 1,205 1,135 188 207 Sindhudurg 33 861,672 414,900 446,772 6.56 3.55 1,137 1,077 160 165 Kolhapur 35 3,515,413 1,803,746 1,711,66721.67 17.59 961 949 389 457 Sangli 35 2,581,835' 1,319,267 1,262,56820.45 16.85 958 957 258 301 Andhra Pradesh 28 75,727,541 38,286,811 37,440,73024.20 13.86 972 978 242 275 Adilabad 01 2,479,347 1,246,287 1,~33,060 26.95 19.06 980 989 129 154 Nizamabad 02 2,342,803 1,161 ,907 1,180,89621.31 14.98 1,017 1,016 256 294

Karimnagar 03 3,477,079 1,738,248 11 738,831 24.68 14.47 986 1,000 257 294 Medak 04 2,662,,296 1,347,241 1,3'15,055 25.60 17.29 970 976 234 274 Hyderabad 05 3,686,460 1,894,990 1,791,47039.7617.18 933 945 14,497 16,988 Rangareddi 06 3,506,670 1,806,199 1,700,471 60.32 37.41 941 941 341 468 Mah.bubnagar 07 3,506,876 1,779,992 1,726,884 25.87 13.97 973 970 167 190 Nalgonda 08 3,238,449 11,646,555 1,591,894 25.11 13:55 962 967 200 227 Warangal 09 3,231,174 1,637,682 1,593,492 22.54 14.63 962 973 219 252 Khammam 10 2,565,412 1,299,245 1,266,16726.50 15.78 961 975 138 160 Srikakulam 11 2,528,491 1,256,370 1,272,121 18.46 8.93 1,012 1,013 398 433 Vizianagaram 12 2,245,103 1,120,124 1,124,979 17.00 6.36 1,000 1,004 323 343 114 Table-1 Population, decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts; 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. growth rate --=P-er-s-on-s-----:-:M,-a:-Ie-s ----=F=-e-m-a,-Ie-s- 1981- 1991- ""'1-:-99::-1---=2"""00::-1'- 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,1

V!sakhapatnam 13 3,789,823 1,903,894 1,885,929 27.50 15.36 975 991 294 340 East Godavari 14 4,872,622 2,445,811 2,426,811 22.70 7.30 998 992 420 451 West Godavari 15 3,796,144 1,906,104 1,890,04022.39 7.92 994 992 454 490 Krishna 16 4,218,416 2,151,187 2,067,229 21.33 14.65 969 961 424 483 Guntur 17 4,405,521 2,220,305 2,185,216 19.57 7.27 970 984 361 387 Prakasam 18 3,054,941 1,549,891 1,505,050 18.44 10.72 970 971 157 173 Nellore 19 2,659,661 1,341,192 1,318,46918.73 11.18 980 983 183 203 Cuddapah 20 2,573,481 1,303,160 1,270,321 17.47 13.48 955 975 148 168 Kurnool 21 3,512,266 1,787,471 1,724,79523.50 18.14 953 965 168 199 Anantapw 22 3,639,304 1,859,502 1,779,80224.81 14.31 946 957 166 190 Chittoor 23 3,735,202 1,883,454 1,851,748 19.14 14.54 986 983 215 247 Karnataka 29 52,733,958- 26,856;343 25,877,61521.12 17.25 960 964 235 275 Belgaum 01 4,207,264 2,147,746 2,059,51820.30 17.40 954 959 2&7 314 Bagalkot 02 1,652,232 835,684 816,54820.79 18.84 982 977 211 251 Bijapur 03 1,808,863 928,550 880,31322.94 17.63 Q48 948 147 172 Gulbarga 04 3,124,858 1,5.91,379 1,533,479 24.10 21.02 9(?2 964 . 159 193 I Bidar 05 1,501,374 770,679 730,69526.12 19.56 952 948 ~31 276 Raichur 06 1,648,212 832,352 815,860 30.53 21.93 978 980 198 241 Koppal 07 1,193,496 602,026 591,470 28.05 24.57 981 982 133 166 Gadag 08 971,955 493,795 478,160 15.56 13.14 969 968 185 209' Dharwad 09 1,603,794 823,415 780,379 19.64 16.65 935 948 323 376 Uttara Kannada 10 1,353,299 687,026 666,273 1'3.66 10.90 966 970 119 132 Haveri 11 1,437,860 740,307 697,55320.53 13.29 936 942 263 298 BeUary 12 2,025,242 1,028;481 996,761 26.84 22.30 966 969 196 240 Chitradurga 13 1,510,227 772,649 737,578 20.51 15.05 951 955 156 179 Davanagere 14 1,789,693 917,320 872,37323.07 14.78 942 951 263 .302 Shimoga 15 1,639,595 829,365 '810,230 15.11 12.90 964 977 171 193 Udupi 16 1,109,494 521,541 587,953 9.42 6.88 1,134 U27 268 286 Chikmagalur 17 1,139,104 574,275 564,829-'11.57 11.98 977 984 141 158 Tumkur 18 2,579,516 1,311,941 1,267,57516.58 11.87 9;>9 966 218 243 Kolar 19 2,523,406 1,281,153 1,242,253 16.34 13.83 965 970 270 307 Bangalore 20 6,523,110 3,422,797 3,100,31338.44 34.80 903 906 2,210 2;979 Bangalore Rural 21 1,877,416 961,335 916,081 15.23 12.21 945 953 288 323 Mandya 22 1,761,718 887,307 874,411 15.96 7.14 963 985 331 355 Hassan 23 1,721,319 858,623 862,696 15.67 9.66 999 1,005 230 253 Dakshina Kannada 24 1,896,403 937,651 958,752 15.98 14.51 1,020 1,023 363 416 Kodagu 25 545,322 273,210 272,112 5.75 11.64 979 996 119 133 Mysore 26 2624:9]1 1 335841 1 289 PW 24 84 1594· 953 965 333 3§3 115 Table-1 "Population, decadal gro"'!th rate, sex ratio and density - States/Union territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*IDistrict No. growth rate --=P~e-rs-o-ns---M-a-Ie-s---:-:F-em-al:-e-s- 1981- 1991- -1-99-1-2-00-1- 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11

Chamarajanagar 27 964,275 489,895 474,380 14.99 9.16 953 968 173 189 Goa 30 1,343,998 685,617 658,381 16.08 14.89 967 960 316 363 North Goa 01 757,407 388,116 369,291 17.04 13.93 963 951 383 436 South Goa 02 586,591 297,501 289,09014.84 16.16 971 972 257 298 Lakshadweep * 31 60,595 31,118 29,477 28.47 17.19 943 947 1,616 1,894.,

Lakshadweep 01 60,595 31,118 2~,477 28.47 17.19 943 947 1,616 1,894 Kerala 32 31,838,619 15,468,664 16,369,95514.32 9.42 1,0361,058 749 819 Kasaragod 01 1,203,342 587,763 615,57922.78 12.30 1,0261,047 538 604 Kannur 02 2,412,365 1,154,144 1,258,221 16.63 7.13 1,0491,090 759 813 Wayanad 03 786,627 393,397 393,23021.32 17.04 9661,000 315 369 Kozhikode 04 2,878,498 1,398,674 1,479,82416.69 9.87 1,0271,058 1,118 1,228

Malappuram 05~ 3,629,640 1,759,479 1,870,161 28.87 17.22 1,053 1,063 872 1,022 Palakkad 06 2,617,072 1,265;794 1,351,278 16.52 9.86 1,061 1,068 532 584 Thrissur 07 2,975,440 1,422,047 1,553,393 12.20 8.70 1,085 1,092 903 981 Ernakulam 08 3,098,378 1,535,881 1,562,497 11.42 9.09 1,000 1,017 963 1,050 Idukki 09 1,128,605 566,405 562,200 10.45 6.96 975 993 236 252 Kottayam 10 1,952,901 964,433 988,468 7.71 6.76 1,003 1,025 828 884 Alappuzha 11 2,105,349 1,012,572 1,092,777 7.28 5.21 1,051 1,079 1,415 1,489 Pathanamthitta 12 1,231,577 588,035 643,542 5.60 3.72 1,062 1,094 450 467 Kollam 13 2,584.118 1.248,616 1.335,502 10.68 7.33 1.035 1,070 967 1,037 Thiruvananthapuram 14 3,234,707 1.571,424 1.663,28313.50 9.78 1,0361,058 1.344 1,476 Tamil Nadu 33 62,110,839 31,268,654 30,842,18515.39 11.19 974 986 429 478 Thiruvallur 01 2.738,866 1,390,292 1.348.57431.5322.35 957 970 654 800 Chennai 02 4.216,268 2,161.605 2,054.663 17.24 9.76 934 951 22,077 24,231 Kancheepuram 03 2.869,920 1,455,302 1,414.61826.14 18.84 962 972 545 647 Veil ore 04 3,482,970 1,743,871 1,739,09915.14 15.09 978 997 498 573 Dharmapuri 05 2,833.252 1, .02,136 1,371,11621.61 16.66' 942 938 252 294 Tiruvanamalai 06 2,181.853 1,093.191 1,088,662 14.40 6.80 983 996 330 352! Viluppuram 07 2.943,917 1,484.57.3 1,459,344 16.08 6.83 969 983 380 406 Salem 08 2.992,754 1,551,357 1,441,39713,43 16.2? 925 929 493 573 Namakkal 09 1,495.661 760,409 735,252 12.79 13.08 960 967 386 436 Erode 10 2.574.067 1,306,039 1,268,02812.17 10.94 958 971 283 314 The Nilgiris 11 764.826 379,610 385,216 12.70 7.69 983 1,015 279 300 Coimbatore 12 4.224.107 2,156,280 2,067,827 14.6520.40 952 959 470 566 1 Dindigul 13 1,918,960 966,201 952,759 12.54 8.99 976 986 291 317 ·Kapur 14 933.791 464,489 469,302 12.87 9.32 999 1,010 284 311 Tiruchirappalli 15 2,388.831 1,194,133 1,194,698 15.57 8.76 9821,000 499 542 Perambalur 16 486.971 242,664 244,307 1.7 92 7.97 975 1,007 258 278 116 Table-1 Population, 'decadal growth rate, sex ratio and density - StateslUnion territories and Districts: 2001 India and Statel Code Population 2001 Decadal Sex ratio Density Union territory*/District No. growth rate Persons Males Females 1981- 1991- 1991 2001 1991 2001 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Ariyalur 17 694,058 345,777 348,281 11.16 9.06 975 1,007 328 358 Cuddalore 18 2,280,530 1,148,729 1,131,801 16.13 7.43 967 985 582 626, Nagapattinam 19 1,487,055 738,287 748,768 11.68 7.95 9931,014 507 548i Thiruvarur 20 1,165,213 578,870 586,343 12.04 5.92 987 1,013 508 538. Thanjavur 21 2,205,375 1,091,557 1,113,81811.13 7.38 996 1,020 605 649, Pudukkottai 22 1,452,269 720,847 731,42214.72 9.43 1,0051,015 285 312 Sivaganga 23 1,150,753 565,594 585,159 10.72 4.32 1,033 1,035 263 275, Madurai 24 2,562,279 1,295,124 1,267,155 17.51 6.75 964 978 686 733, Theni 25 1,094,724 553,118 541,606 12.98 4.33 964 979 342 357, Virudhunagar 26 1,751,548 870,820 880,72816.71 11.92 994 1,011 365 4091 Ramanathapuram 27 1,183,321 582,068 601,25312.11 5.73 1,011 1,033 271 287' Toothukudi 28 1,565,743_ 764,087 801,656 7.80 7.54 1,051 1,049 315 339P Tirunelveli 29 2,801,194 1,372,082 1,429,112 12.53 11.97 1,0341,042 367 4111 Kanniyakumari 30 1,669,763 829,542 840,221 12.43 4.34 991 1,013 950 992, Pondicherry * 35 973,829 486,705 487,124 33.64 20.56 9791,001 1,683 2,0291 Yanam 01 31,362 15,876 15,48674.51 54.52 969 975 1,015 1,568l Pondicherry 02 735,004 369,318 365,686 36.88 20.82 964 990 2,098 2,534~ Mahe 03 36,823 17,146 19,677 '17.72 10.09 1,1561,148 3,716 4,091 Karaikal 04 170,640 84,365 86,27521.41 17.11 1,0081,023 905 1,060 Andaman & Nicobar 35 356,265 192,985 1~3,280 48.70 26.94 818 846 34 43 Islands * Andamans 01 314,239 170,378 143,861 52.54 30.14 815 844 38 491 Nicobars 02 42,026 22,607 19,41928.74 7.19 840 859 21 23' Notes: 1. The population of India includes the estimated population of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities. 2. For working out the density of India and Jammu & Kashmir the entire area and population of those areas of Jammu and Kashmir which are under illegal occupation of Pakistan and China have not been taken into account. 3. While working out the percentage decadal growth of population for Jammu and Kashmir and its districts 1981-1981 and 1991- 2001, the population figures for 1991 have been worked out by interpolation as J 991 Census could not be held in this State owing to disturbed conditions. 4. The total population shown against Himachal Pradesh includes the estimated population of Kinnaur district as the population ,enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted in this district due tb natural calamity. 5. Figures shown against Kinnaur district are the estimated figures as population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, in entire Kinnaur district could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

6. ~igures shown against Gujarat have been arrived at after including the estimated population figures of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana. and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State where the population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 7. Figures shown against Kachchh district are the estimated figures as population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, in entire Kachchh district could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 8.A1I area figures are provisional and therefore the densities worked out are also provisional.

117 , Table. Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age groue 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

INDIA 1,027,015,247 531,277,078 495,738,169 157,845,618 81,890,471 75,955,147

Jammu & Kashmir 01 10,069,917 5,300,574 4,769,343 1,431,182 738,839 692,343 Kupwara 01 640,013 331,783 308,230 11D,405 54,916 55,489 Baramula 02 1,166,722 611,131 555,591 177,669 90,312 87,357. Srinagar 03 1,238,530 661,923 576,607 125,416 65,080 60,33~ Badgam 04 593,768 309,574 284,194 89,593 44,733 44,86d i=>ulwama 05 632,295 326,186 306,109 77,291 38,329 38,962 Anantanag 06 1,170,013 608,720 561,293 168,31"8 84,096 84,222 Leh (Ladakh) 07 117,637 65,166 52,471 7,241 3,753 3,48S" Kargil 08 115,227 60,629 54,598 17,796 9,111 8,685 Doda 09 690,474 362,471 328,003 117,690 60,302 57,38g Udhampur 10 738,965 394,949 344,016 119,681 61,984 57,697 Punch 11 371,561 193,970 177,591 65,665 33,844 31,82t Rajauri 12 478,595 253",129 225,466 78,641 41,341 37,30Q

Jammu 13' 1,571,911 . 835,635 736,276 ~95,066 107,439 87,627 Kathua 14 544,206 285,308 258,898 80,710 43,599 37,1H Himachal Pradesh 02 6,077,248 3,085,256 2,991,992 769,424 405,618 363,806 Chamba 01 460,499 234,812 225,687 68,744 35,044 33,700 Kangra 02 1,338,536 660,224 678,312 160,745 87,545 73,20q Lahul & Spiti 03 33,224 18,413 14,811 3,622 1,824 1,798 Kullu 04 379,865 197,035 182,830 51,294 26,166 25,128 Mandi 05 900,987 447,271 453,716 118,655 61,914 56,741 . Hamirpur 06 412,009 195,971 216,038 49,865 26,747 23,118 Una 07 447,967 224,299 223,668 59,067 32,111 26,956 Bilaspur 08 340,735 171,074 169,661 42,190 22,392 19,798 Solan 09 499,380 269,451 229,(:)29 65,251 34,348 30,903 Sirmaur 10 458,351 241,109 217,242 67,122 34,595 32,52~

Shimla 11 721,745 380,244 341,501 82,869 4~,932 39,937" Kinnaur 12 83,950 45,353- 38,597 NA NA NA' Punjab 03 24,289,296 12,963,362 11,325,934 3,055,492 1,704,142 1,351,356 Gurdaspur 01 2,096,889 1,110,406 986,483 270,849 152,584 118,265 Amritsar .02 3,074,207 1,640,024 1,434,183 .408,346 229,034 179,312 i Kapurthala 03 752,287 398,878 353,409 90,672 51,089 39,583 Jalandhar 04 1,953,508 1,037,740 915,7.68 218,993 121,861 97,132 Hoshiarpur 05 1,478,045 763,753 714,292 179,789 99,313 80,470 Nawanshahr 06 586,637 ~O6,586 280,051 69,007 38,126 30,881:, Rupnagar 07 1,110,000 593,638 516,362 137,431 76,734 60,697' Fatehgarh Sahib 08 539,751 291,607 248,144 65,459 37,312 28,147j Ludhiana 09 3,030,352 1 ,661 ,32~ 1,369,023 361,305 199,179 162,12~ Moga 10 886,313 470,71 41~,601 110,111 60,546 49,565 118 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______L;::.ci.;_te.;_ra:....,:c"-y_;_R..:.:a:..:..te=-- _____ Code State/ 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory*/District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

566,714,995 339,969,048 226,745,947 52.21 64.13 39.29 65.37 75.85 54.16 INDIA

4,704,252 2,999,353 1,704,899 NA NA NA 54.46 65.75 41.82 01 Jammu & Kashmir 216,069 148,255 67,814 NA NA NA 40.80 53.55 26.83 01 Kupwara 440,819 293,709 147,110 NA NA NA 44.57 56.39 31.42 02 Baramula 660,144 411,747 248,397 NA NA NA 59.31 68.99 48.11 03 Srinagar 199,347 135,676 63,671 NA NA NA 39.54 51.23 26.60 04 Badgam 262,775 169,460 93,315 NA NA NA 47.35 58.87 34.93 05 Pulwama 441.,791 291,4 71 150,320 NA NA NA 44.10 55.56 31.51 06 Anantanag 68,708 44,203 24,505 NA NA NA 62.24 71.98 50.03 07 Leh (Ladakh) 56,716 37,909 18,807 NA NA NA 58.21 73.58 40.96 08 Kargil 268,778 192,064 76,714 NA NA NA 46.92 63.56 28.35 09 Doda 335,406 221,193 114,213 NA NA NA 54.16 6643 39.89 10 Udhampur 156,208 104,746 51,462 NA NA NA 51.0.7 66.41 35.30 11 Punch 230,561 147,497 83,064 NA NA NA 57.65 69.64 44.14 12 Rajauri 1,064,304 618,382 445,922 NA NA NA 77.30 84.92 68.75 13 Jammu 302,626 183,041 119,585 NA NA NA 65.29 75.73 53.92 14 Kathua 4,029,097 2,266,103 1,762,994 63.86 75.36 52.13 77.13 86.02 68.08 02 Himachal Pradesh 249,680 154,267 95,413 44.70 59.96 28.57 6373 77.22 49.70 01 Chamba 950,260 505,056 445,204 7057 80.12 61.39 80.68 88.19 73.57 02 Kangra 21,659 13,729 7,930 56.82 71 78 38.05 73 17 82.76 60.94 03 Lahul & Spiti 241,042 144,465 96,577 54.82 69.64 38.53 73.36 84.55 61.24 04 Kullu 593,462 333,996 259,466 62.74 76.65 49.12 75.86 86.67 65.36 05 Mandi 301,176 153,764 147,412 74.88 85.11 6590 83.16 90.86 76.41 06 Hamirpur 315,342 170,065 145,277 70.91 81.15 61.01 81.09 88.49 73.85 07 Una 235,245 129,542 105,703 67.17 77.97 56.55 78.80 87.13 70 53 08 Bilaspur 334,964 200,659 134,305 63.30 74.67 50.69 77.16 85.35 67.48 09 Solan 277,204 164,657 112,547 51.62 63.20 38.45 70 85 79 73 60.93 10 Sirmaur 509,063 295,903 213,160 64.61 75.96 51 75 79.68 8772 70.68 11 Shlmla NA NA NA 58.36 7204 4204 NA NA NA 12 Kinnaur 14,853,810 8,515,310 6,338,500 58.51 65.66 50.41 69.95 75.63 63.55 03 Punjab 1,354,830 770,449 584,381 61.83 69.55 53.33 7419 80.44 67.31 01 Gurdaspur 1,808,811 1,038,139 770,672 5808 65.07 5010 67.85 73.58 61 41 02 Amritsar 486,659 273,556 213,103 63.31 70.03 55 83 73.56 78.66 67.90 03 Kapurthala 1,351,440 754,369 597,071 68.91 75.10 62.04 77.91 8237 72 93 04 Jalandhar 1,056,804 577,880 478,924 72.08 80.22 63.34 81.40 86.97 75.56 05 Hoshiarpur 397,843 224,612 173,231 6442 7330 54.56 76.86 83.67 69.52 06 Nawanshahr 763,330 436,428 326,902 68.15 7650 58.53 7849 84.43 71 74 07 Rupnagar 351,446 200,524 150,922 63.34 69.52 56.24 7410 78.85 68.60 08 Fatehgarh Sahib 2,042.846 1,172,516 870,330 67.34 7245 6124 765480.19 '72 11 09 Ludhiana 496.338 280,538 215,800 49.79 5541 4345 63.94 68.40 58.96 10 Moga 119 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Firozpur 11 1,744,753 926,380 818,373 252,891 139,013 113,878 Muktsar 12 776,702 411 ;°721 364,981 101,724 56,300 45,424 Faridkot 13 552,466 293,637 258,829 67,396 37,333 30,063 Bathinda 14 1,181,236 633,249 547,987 145,511 81,773 63,738 Mansa 15 688,630 367,197 32.1,433 94,512 53,117 41,395 Sangrur 16 1,998,464 1,070,039 928,425 255,585 143,227 112,358 Patiala 17 1,839,056 986,466 852,5"90 225,911 127,601 98,310 Chandigarh * 04 900,914 508,224 392,690 109,293 59,238 50,055 Chandigarh 01 900,914 508,224 392,690 109,293 59,238 50,055 Uttaranchal 05 8,479,562 4,316,401 4,163,161' 1,319,393 692,272 627,121 UUarkashi 01 294,179 151,599 142,580 48,591 24,977 23,614 Chamoli 02 369,198 183,033 186,165 54,667 28,258 26,409 Rudraprayag 03.. 227,461 107,425 120,036 35,520 18,460 17,060 Tehri Garhwal 04 604,608 294,842 309,766 96,159 49,792 46,367 Dehradun 05 1,279,083 675,549 603,534 162,772 85,537 77,235 Garhwal 06 696,851 331,138 365,713 98,791 51,307 47,484 Pithoragarh 07 462,149 227,592 234,557 70,169 36,914 33,255 Bageshwar 08 249,453 118,202 131,251 40,678 20,980 19,698 Almora 09 630,446 293,576 336,870 95,914 49,790 46,124 Champawat 10 224,461 110,916 113,545 39,350 20,225 19,125 Nainital 11 762,912 400,336 362,576 109,441 57,346 52,095 Udhamsingh Nagar 12 1,234,548 649,020 585,528 213,134 111,451 101,683 Hardwar 13 1,444,213 773,173 671,040 254,207 137,235 116,972 Haryana 06 21,082,989 11,327,658 9,755,331 3,259,080 1,790,758 1,468,322 Panchkula 01 469,210 257,380 211,830 64,614 35,174 29,440 /\mbala 02 1,013,660 542,366 471,294 129,357 72,512 56,845 Yamunanagar 03 982,369 527,426 454,943 135,683 75,086 60,597 Kurukshetra 04 828,120 443,841 384,279 113,702 -64,253 49,449 Kaithal 05 945,631 509,933 435,698 142,232 79,516 62,716 Kamal 06 1,274,843 683,776 591,067 186,355 103,067 83,288 Panipat 07 967,338 528",578 438,760 152,359 84,319 68,040 Sonipat 08 1,278,83Q 695,314 583,516 193,436 108,477 84,959 Jind 09 1,189,725 642,057 547,668' 184,524 101,484 83,040 Fatehabad 10 806,158 427,536 378,622 128,111 69,987 58,124 Sirsa 11 1,111,012 590,298 520,714 164,529 90,478 74,051 Hisar 12 1,536,417 829,782 706,635 233,071 127,395 105,676? 'Bhiwani 13 1,424,554 757,824 666,730 220,832 120,149 100,683 Rohtak 14 940,036 508,885 431,151 134,712 75,016 59,696 Jhajjar 15 887,392 480,240 407,152 130,545 72,324 58,221 f'v1ahendragarh 16 812,022 423,048 ·388,974 126,492 69,716 56,776 Rewarj 17 761.727 192,381 362}46 114,187 62.932 5',255' 120 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates Literacy Rate Code Statel 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory*/Oistrict 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

916,309 547,641 368,668 48.99 58.26 38.66 61.42 69.55 52.33 11 Firozpur 396,030 234,364 161,666 46.28 54.46 37.01 58.67 65.94 50.59 12 Muktsar 307,250 176,638 130,612 49.88 57.05 41.78 63.34 68.92 57.09 13 Faridkot 637,048 376,695 260,353 46.41 53.92 37.96 61.51 68.31 53.76 14 Bathinda 311,895 185,685 126,210 37.23 44.81 28.54 52.50 59.12 45.07 15 Mansa 1,046,356 611,460 434,896 45.99 53.22 37.67 60.04 65.97 53.29 16 Sangrur 1,128,575 653,816 474,759 57.51 65.10 48.94 69.96 76.13 62.94 17 Patiala 647,208 384,563 262,645 77.81 82.04 72.34 81.76 85.65 76.65 04 Chandigarh * 647,208 384,563 262,645 77.81 82.04 72.34 81.76 85.65 76.65 01 Chandigarh 5,175,176 3,044,487 2,130,689 57.75 72.79 41.63 72.28 84.01 60.26 05 Uttaranchal 163,501 107,016 56,485 47.23 68.74 23.57 66.58 84.52 47.48 01 Utlarkashi 239,777 139,127 100,650 60.40 80.85 39.66 76.23 89.89 63.00 02 Chamoli 142,481 80,715 61,766 57.47 80.36 37.08 74.23 90.73 59.98 03 Rudraprayag 340,878 209,806 131,072 48.46 7.2.09 26.31 67... 04 85.62 49.76 04 Tehri Garhwal 881,476 506,621 374,855 69.50 77.95 59.26 78.96 85.87 71.22 05 Oehradun 466,443 255,959 210,484 65.53 82.57 49.65 77.99 91.47 66.14 06 Garhwal 299,798 172,696 127,102 61.38 80.31 42.41 76.48 90.57 63.14 07 Pithoragarh 150,189 86,103 64,086 54.54 76.52 34.22 71.94 88.56 57.45 08 Bageshwar 398,391 219,784 178,607 59.83 80.78 41.32 74.53 90.15 61 .43 09 Almora 131,627 79,928 51,699 55.81 77.63 32.62 71.11 88.13 54.75 10 Champawat 520,133 299,751 220,382 68.36 80.42 54.51 79.60 87.39 70.98 11 Nainital 671,680 409,623 262,057 49.29 60.47 36.02 65.76 76.20 54.16 12 Udhamsingh Nagar 768,802 477,358 291,444 47.97 59.28 34.37 64.60 75.06 52.60 13 Hardwar 12,225,036 7,558,443 4,666,593 55.85 69.1.0 40.47 68.59 79;25 56.31 06 Haryana 309,663 183,859 125,804 66.00 74.15 56.17 76.54 82.74 68.98 01 Panchkula 673,807 390,012 283,795 66.57 75.45 56.78 76.20 83.01 68.48 02 Ambala 611:287 358,597 252,690 60.60 69.81 50.16 72.20 79.28 64.08 03 Yamunanagar 500,397 296,947 203,450 58.44 68.92 46.56 70.04 78.23 60.76 04 Kurukshetra 478,039 300,486 177,553 42.85 54.85 28.78 59.50 69.81 47.60 05 Kaithal 742,322 445,660 296,662 54.50 65.36 41.92 68.20 76.74 58.42 06 Kamal 568,476 351,663 216,813 57.13 69.22 42.78 69.75 79.16 58.48 07 Panipat

800,025 492,650 307,3~5 62.06 75.64 45.74 73.71 83.95 61.65 08 Sonipat 631,238 403,732 227,506 46.81 60.93 29.86 62.80 74.69 48.97 09 Jind 394,385 245,658 148,727 43.04 54.71 29.77 58.16 68.71 46.40 10 Fatenabad 579,212 354,500 224,712 46.32 57.21 34.02 61.20 70.93 50.31 11 Sirsa 858,255 545,218 313,037 50.49 65.01 33.41 65.85 77.62 52.09 12 Hisar 820,588 517,730 302,858 54.07 70.73 35.07 68.17 81.19 53.50 13 Bhiwani 600,453 365,713 234,740 63.69 76.73 48.25 74.56 84.29 63.19 14 Rohtak 548,565 339,640 208,925 63.36 78.09 46.12 72.48 83.26 59.88 15 Jhajjar 482,852 301,430 181,422 57.87 77.17 36.75 70.43 85.31 54.61 16 Mahendragarh 492,785 302,243 190,542 64.93 82.31 46.34 75.75 89.04 61.25 17 Rewari Table Total population, child population in the age group 0·6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gurgaon 18 1,657,669 884,456 773,213 329,827 177,071 152,756 Faridabad 19 2,193,276 1,192,537 1,000,739 374,512 201,802 172,710 Delhi * 07 13,782,976 7,570,890 6,212,086 1,923,995 1,031,584 892,411 North West 01 2,847,395 1,564,301 1,283,094 415,665 224,193 191,472 North 02 779,788 427,022 352,766 95,869 51,278 44,591 North East 03 1,763,712 953,075 810,637 285,044 152,692 132,352 East 04 1,448,770 785,440 663,330 197,574 105,742 91,832 New Delhi 05 171,806 95,907 75,899 19,868 10,558 9,310 Central 06 644,005 349,475 294,530 76,116 40,019 36,097 West 07 2,119,641 1,158,274 961,367 268,124 144,283 123,841 South West 08 1,749,492 980,994 768,498 242,061 131,220 110,841 South 09 2,258,367 1,256,402 1,001,965 323,674 171,599 152,075 Rajasthan 08 56,473,122 29,381,657 27,091,465 10,451,103 5;474,965 4,976,138 Ganganagar 01 1,788,487 955,027 833,460 290,868 157,040 133,828 Hanumangarh 02 1,517,390 800,796 716,594 249,996 133,476 116,520 Bikaner 03 1,673,562 885,722 787,840 319,593 166,879 152,714 Churu 04 1,922,908 986,867 936,041 376,609 196,947 179,662 Jhunjhunun 05 1,913,099 983,158 929,941 326,986 175,182 151,804 Alwar 06 2,990,862 1,585,046 1,405,816 568,848 301,219 267,629 Bharatpur 07 2,098,323 1,130,010 968,313 419,468 223,727 195,741 Dhaulpur 08 982,815 537,733 445,082 215,312 115,815 99,497 Karauli 09 1,205,631 648,837 556,794 246,590 131,448 115,142 Sawai Madhopur 10 1,116,031 590,716 525,315 203,400 107,038 96,362 Dausa 11 1,316,790 693,438 623,352 260,298 137,000 123,298 Jaipur 12 5,252,388 2,769,096 2,483,292 896,752 472,840 423,912 Sikar 13 2,287,229 1,172,12.§l 1,115,100 406,160 215,827 190,333 Nagaur 14 2,773,894 1,421,455 1,352,439 520,695 271,243 2~9,452 Jodhpur 15 2,880,7F 1,509,563 1,371,214 545,312 283,960 261,352 Jaisalmer 16 507,999 278,973 229,026 110,610 •. 59,255 51,355, Barmer 17 1,963,758 1,035,813 '927,945 431,897 224,662 207,235 Jalor 18 1 ,448~486 736,029. 712,457 306,776 159,446 147,330' Sirohi 19 850,756 437,534 413,222 166,772 86,953 79,819 Pali 20 1,819,201 917,320 901,881 330,885 )71,679 159,206' Ajmer 21 2,180,526 1,128,763 1,051,763 364,666 189,637 175,029, Tonk 22 1,211,343 625,719 585,624 219,155 114,027 105,128 ,a~ndi 23 961,269 503,827 457,442 171,845 90,073 81,772 Bhilwara 24 2,009,516 1,023,086 986,430 355,477 182,224 173,253, Rajsamand 25 986,269 492,736 493,533 176,794 91,363 85,431 Udaipur 26 2,p32,210 1,335,017 1,297,193 482,956 248,457 234,499 Dungarpur 27 1,107,037 546,096 560,941 230,089 117,240 112,849 Banswara 28 1,500,420 1'58,379 742,041 312.188 158.349 153.839 ·122 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~~~L~it~e~ra~cLy~R~a~te~~~------Code State/ 1991 2001 No. Union ::-----:-~__,~--:-- Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory· /0 istrict 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 1

845,103 545,481 299,622 52.61 67.87 34.94 63.64 77.11 48.29 18 Gurgaon 1,287,584 817,224 470,360 59.77 74.15 42.12 70.79 82.49 56.80 19 Faridabad 9,703,049 5,713,157 3,989,892 75.29 82.01 66.99 81.82 87.37 75.00 07 Delhi * 1,964,530 1,164,412 800,118 72.22 79.59 63.06 80.79 86.89 73.30 01 North West 546,302 317,627 228,675 75.87 80.83 69.69 79.88 84.53 74.20 02 North 1,151,115 676,510 474,605 67.83 77.08 56.52 77.85 84.52 69.97 03 North East 1,064,725 611,083 453,642 77.50 84.14 69.52 85.10 89.91 79.38 04 East 125,411 75,706 49,705 80.59 86.33 73.19 82.54 88.70 74.64 05 New Delhi 451,606 255,453 196,153 75.42 79.85 70.26 79.52 82.55 75.90 06 Central 1,541,181 889,017 652,164 79.01 84.17 72.85 83.24 87.68 77 .87 07 West 1,260,651 760,811 499,840 78.40 85.95 68.66 83.63 89.53 76.00 08 South West 1,597,528 962,538 634,990 75.69 82.79 66.67 82.57 88.73 74.71 09 South 28,086,101 18,279,511 9,806,590 38.55 54.99 20.44 61.03 76.46 44.34 08 Rajasthan 971,073 602,408 368,665 44.55 56.98 30.07 64.,84 75.49 52.69 01 Ganganagar 832,914 516,594 316,320 38.67 53.31 22.22 65.72 77.41 52.71 02 Hanumangarh 779,087 508,820 270,267 41.73 54.63 27.03 57.54 70.78 42.55 03 Bikaner 1,035,567 628,118 407,449 34.78 51.30 17.32 66.97 79.52 53.87 04 Churu 1,167,470 699,796 467,674 47.60 68.32 25.54 73.61 86.61 60.10 05 Jhunjhunun 1,513,203 1,013,010 500,193 43.09 60.98 22.54 62.48 78.91 43.95 06 Alwar 1,078,484 737,620 340,864 42.96 62.11 19.60 64.24 81.39 44.12 07 Bharatpur 466,410 320,036 146,374 35.09 50.45 15.25 60.77 75.85 42.36 08 Ohaulpur 619,452 418,745 200,707 34.73 52.79 13.01 64.59 80.93 45.44 09 Karauli 523,262 371,242 152,020 37.04 55.15 16.07 57.34 76.75 35.44 10 Sawai Madhopur 662,975 447,188 215,787 36.87 56.75 14.15 62.75 80.37 43.15 11 Oausa 3,076,311 1,919,293 1,157,018 50.38 66.77 31.84 70.63 83.58 56.18 12 Jaipur 1,339,192 814,816 524,376 42.49 64.13 19.88 71.19 85.20 56.70 13 Sikar 1,312,641 866,456 446,185 31.80 49:35 13.29 58.26 75.33 40.45 14 Nagaur 1,340,097 905,259 434,838 40.69 56.74 22.58 57.38 73.86 39.18 15 Jodhpur 204,262 146,961 57,301 30.05 44.99 11.28 51.40 66.89 32.25 16 Jaisalmer 913,794 597,329 316,465 22.98 36.56 7.68 59.65 73.64 43.91 17 Barmer 530,957 375,365 155,592 23.76 38.97 7.75 46.5,1 65.10 27.53 18 Jalor 372,052 247,456 124,596 31.94 46.24 16.99 54.39 70.58 37.37 19 Sirohi 817,333 544,748 272,585 35.96 54.42 16.97 54.92 73.06 ~6.70 20 Pali 1,181,350 750,904 430,446 52.34 68.75 34.50 65.06 79.96 49.10 21 Ajmer 519,814 364,595 155,219 33.67 50.64 15.24 52.39 71.25 32.30 22 Tonk 440,487 298,623 141,864 32.75 47.40 16.13 55.80 72.17 37.76 23 Bundi 845,002 572,808 272,194 31.65 45.95 16.50 51.09 68.12 33.47 24 Bhilwara 451,867 297,235 154,632 33.09 50.66 15.54 55.82 74.05 37.89 25 Rajsamand 1,273,644 809,149 464,495 34,90 48.73 20.41 59.26 74.47 43.71 26 Udaipur 423,744 283,846 139,898 30.55 45.71 15.40 48.32 66.19 31.22 27 Oungarpur 525,378 361,488 163,890 26.00 38.16 13.42 44.22 60.24 27.86 28 Bariswara 123 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/Oistrict No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chittaurgarh 29 1,802,656 917,023 885,633 304,616 158,047 146,569 Kota 30 1,568,580 827,647 740,933 245,281 128,977 116,304 Baran 31 1,022,568 535,745 486,823 185,967 96,980 88,987 Jhalawar 32 1,180,342 612,357 567,985 208,242 107,955 100,287 Uttar Pradesh 09 166,052,859 87,466,301 78,586,558 30,472,042 15,903,900 14,568,142 Saharanpur q1 2,848,152 1,525,096 1,323,056 501,713 264,851 236,862 Muzaffarnagar 02 3,541,952 1,891,937 1,650,015 655,635 353,083 302,552 Bijnor 03 3,130,586 1,651,275 1,479,311 597,693 314,277 283,416 Moradabad 04 3,749,630 1,988,801 1,760,829 751,777 393,378 358,399 Rampur 05 1,922,450 1,021,501 900,949 388,051 201,924 186,127 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 06 1,499,193 795,439 703,754 294,887 154,064 140,823 Meerut 07 3,001,636 1,604,103 1,397,533 500,007' 269,663 230,344 Baghpat 08 1,164,388 630,244 534,144 198,855 107,646 91,209 Ghaziabad 09 - 3,289,540 1,76&,215 1,521,325 542,943 293,334 249,609 Gautam Buddha Nagar 10 1,191,263 646,554 544,709 217,107 117,009 100,098

Bulandshahar 11 2,923,290 1,553,711 1,369,579 522,887 279,952 242,935 Aligarh 12 2,990,388 1,607,222 1,383,166 539,385 285,963 253,422 Hathras 13 1,333,372 718.288 615,084 245,107 130,285 114,822 Mathura 14 2,069,578 1,123,984 945,594 392,460 209,597 182,863 Agra 15 3,611,301 1,949,775 1,661,526 606,182 327,831 278,351 Firozabad 16 2,045,737 1,105,203 940,534 391,7M 203,690 188,054 Etah 17 2,788,270 1,509,491 1,278,779 533,197 281,956 251,241 Mainpuri 18 1,592,875 858,531 734,344 292,294 155,218 137,076 Budaun 19 3,069,245 1,667,499 1 ,~01 ,746 626,401 331,886 294,515 Bareilly 20 3,598,701 1,922,833 1,675,868 703,628 370,497 333,131 Pilibhit 21 1,643,788 876,006 767,782 317,032 163,543 153,489 Shahjahanpur 22 2,549,458 1,387,424 1,162,034 476,640 255,497 221,143 Kheri 23 3,200,137 1,706,830 1,493,307 608,350 314;729 293,621 Sitapur 24 3,616,510 1,941,933 1,674,577 683,753 354,930 328,823 Hardoi 25 3,397,414_ 1,843,395 1,554,019 637,492 334,059 303,433 Unnao 26 2,700,426 1,422,965 1,277,461 461,119 240,746 220,373 Lucknow 27 3,681,416 1,946,973 1,734,443 523,059 272,625 250,434 Rae Bareli 28 2,872,204 1,473,690 1,398,514 514,007 265,500 248,507 Farrukhabad 29 1,577,237 848,088 729,149 274,034 143,945 130,089 Kannauj 30 1,385,227 741,380 643,847 250,154 131,038 119,116 Etawah 31 1,340,031 721,913 618,118 230,617 121,667 108,950 ~ Auraiya 32 1,179,496 635,527 543,969 210,185 110,764 99,421 KalJPur [)ehat 33 1,584,037 853,566 730,471 271,020 142,738 128,282 Kanpur Nagar 34 4,137,489 2,213,955 1,923,534 530,016 284,179 245,837 Jalaun 35 1,455,859 788,264 667,595 231,156 122,609 108,547 Jhansi 36 1,746,715 934,118 812,597 269,667 142.991 126.676, 124 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates Literacy Rate Code State/ 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females territory* /District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

814,449 545,076 269,373 34.28 50.55 17.15 54.37 71.82 36.45 29 Chittaurgarh 985,197 602,593 382,604 55.24 70.66 37.56 74.45 86.25 61.25 30 Kota 505,055 337,236 167,819 36.57 53.76 17.22 60.37 76.86 42.18 31 Baran 563,578 374,698 188,880 32.94 48.22 16.18 57.98 74.29 40.39 32 Jhalawar 77,770,275 50,256,119 27,514,156 40.71 54.82 24.37 57.36 70.23 42.98 09 Uttar Pradesh 1,469,097 910,605 558,492 42.11 53.85 28.10 62.61 72.26 51.42 01 Saharanpur 1,780,377 1,125,127 655,250 44.00 56.63 29.12 61.68 73.11 48.63 02 Muzaffarnagar 1,503,804 938,332 565,472 40.55 52.57 26.50 59.37 70.18 47.28 03 Bijnor 1,371,199 903,902 467,297 30.67 40.35 19.03 45.74 56.66 33.32 04 Moradabad 597,711 398,501 199,210 25.37 33.79 15.31 38.95 48.62 27.87 05 Rampur 604,638 407,224 197,414 31.96 44.98 16.58 50.21 63.49 35.07 06 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 1,650,010 1,018,359 631,651 52.41 64.88 37.67 65.96 76.31 54.12 07 Meerut 633,920 410,782 223,138 48.69 63,52 30.75 65.65 78.60 50.38 08 Baghpat 1,947,058 1,195,268 751,790 54.43 67.15 39.08 70.89 81.04 59.12 09 Ghaziabad 679,784 437,201 242,583 51.66 69.12 29.82 69.78 82.56 54.56 10 Gautam Buddha Nagar 1,444,860 962,378 482,482 46.00 63.51 25.33 60.19 75.55 42.82 11 Bulandshahar 1,463,157 967,394 495,763 44.94 59.96 26.89 59.70 73.22 43.88 12 Aligarh 689,719 453,791 235,928 46.32 62.36 26.63 63.38 77.17 47.16 13 Hathras 1,043,378 709,552 333,826 44.85 61.95 23.43 62.21 77.60 43.77 14 Mathura 1,952,501 1,286,471 666,030 48.58 63.09 30.83 64.97 79.32 48.15 15 Agra 1,100,469 701,477 398,992 46.30 59.76 29.85 66.53 77.81 53.02 16 Firozabad 1,266,262 848,539 417,723 40.15 54.09 22.91 56.15 69.13 40.65 17 Etah 865,052 550,494 314,558 50.29 64.34 33.12 66.51 78.27 52.67 18 Mainpuri 948,477 665,856 282,621 24.64 33.96 12.82 38.83 49.85 25.53 19 Budaun 1,389,3~6 917,667 471,679 32.88 43.44 19.93 47.99 59.12 35.13 20 Bareilly 674,907 454,715 220,192 32.10 44.37 17.22 50.87 63.82 35.84 21 Pilibhit 1,011,422 685,108 326,314 32.07 42.68 18.59 48.79 60.53 34.68 22 Shahjahanpur 1,280,192 849,587 430,605 29.71 40.58 16.35 49.39 61.03 35.89 23 Kheri 1,440,474 968,394 472,080 31.41 43.10 16.90 49.12 61.02 35.08 24 Sitapur 1,452,700 982,223 470,477 36.30 49.45 ,:19.75 52.64 65.08 37.62 25 Hardoi 1,247,639 799,466 448,173 38.70 51.63 23.62 55.72 67.62 42.40 26 Unnao 2,191,502 1,283,039 908,463 57.49 66.51 46.88 69.39 76.63 61 .22 27 Lucknow 1,299,111 834,011 465,100 37.78 53.30 21.01 55.09 69.03 40.44 28 Rae Bareli 811,462 509,831 301,631 47.23 59.37 32.30 62.27 72.40 50.35 29 Farrukhabad 710,174 447,849 262,325 47.90 59.29 33.88 62.57 73.38 49.99 30 Kannauj 784,957 487,123 297,834 53.80 66.24 38.67 70.75 81.15 58.49 31 Etawah 693,080 426,008 267,072 52.90 65.76 37.04 71.50 81.18 60.08 32 Auraiya 874,343 546,188 328,155 51.86 64.56 36.32 66.59 76.84 54.49 33 Kanpur Dehat 2,800,304 1,583,894 1,216,410 63.95 72.92 52.91 77.63 82.08 72.50 34 Kanpur Nagar 809,988 526,774 283,214 50.72 66.21 31.60 66.14 79.14 50.66 35 Jalaun 985 079 633,803 351 ,276 51.99 67.32 33.95 66.69 80.11 51.21 36 Jhansi 1 125 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and State/ Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Lalitpur 37 977,447 518,928 458,519 198,032 102,28q 95,747 Hamirpur 38 1,042,374 562,911 479,463 183,594 96,317 87,277 Ma110ba 39 708,831 379,795 329,036 132,760 70,014 62,746 Banda 40 1,500,253 806,543 693,710 288,283 150,785 137,498 Chitrakoot 41 800,592 427,705 372,887 165,501 85,939 79,562 Fatehpur 42 2,305,847 1,218,892 1,086,955 422,198 217,386 204,812 Pratapgarh 43 2,727,156 1,375,610 1,351,546 495,961 256,401 239,560 Kaushambi 44 1,294,937 683,673 611,264 255,986 131,176 124,810 Allahabad 45 4,941,510 2,625,872 2,315,638 852,215 443,930 408,285 Barabanki 46 2,673,394 1,417,213 1,256,181 513,400 263,936 249,464 Faizabad 47 2,087,914 1,076,000 1.,011,914 368,642 188,824 179,818 Ambedkar Nagar 48 2,025,373 1,024,712 1,000,661 377,691 194,431 183,260 Sultanpur 49 3,190,926 1,611,936 1,578,990 590,878 305,510 285,368 Bahraich 50 2,384,239 1,278,253 1,105,986 470,996 239,378 231,618 Shravasti 51 1,175,428 632,452 542,976 225,175 116,038 109,137 Balrampur 52 1,68~,~67 888,559 796,008 328,694 167,621 161,073 Gonda 53 2,765,is4 1,456,460 1,309,294 518,187 265,809 252,378 Slddharthnagar 54 2,038,598 1,047,573 991,025 417,771 212,835 204,936

Basti 55 2,068,922 1,079,971 988,~51 391,874 201,034 190,840 Sant Kabir Nagar 56 1,424,500 720,028 704,472 283,362 147,380 135,982 Maharajganj 57 2,167,041 1,120,800 1,046,241 441,624 225,277 216,347 Gorakhpur 58 3,784,720 1,931,762 1,852,958 684,484 346,249 338,235 Kushlnagar 59 2,891,933 1,474,884 1,417,049 566,947 290,264 276,683 Deoria 60 2,730,376 1,363,250 1,367,126 497,606 253,337 244,269 Azamgarh 61 3,950,808 1,949,827 2,000,981 763,459 392,365 371,094 Mau 62 1,849,294 932,142 917,152 372,524 196,407 176,117 Ballia 63 2,752,412 1,409,866 1,342,546 490,709 252,060 238,649 Jaunpur 64 3,911,305 1,935,576 1,975,729 747,075 387,720 359,355 Ghazipur 65 3:049,337 1,544,496 1,504,841 587,407 30f,909 285,498 Chandauli 66 1,639,777 853,016 786,761 316,592 164,516 152,076 Varanasi 67 3,147,927 1,650,138 1,497,789 565,396 288,183 277,213 Sant Ravida's Nagar 68 1,352,056 704,800 647,256 262,540 138,183 124,357 Mirzapur 69 2,114,852 U15,112 999,740 408,589 211,749 196,840 Sonbhadra 70 1,463,468 771,817 691,651 295,636 150,988 144,648 Bihar 10 82,878,796 43,153,964 39,724,832 16,234,539 8,375,532 7,859,007 Pashchim Champaran 01 3,043,044 1,600,853 1,442,191 631,412 325,203 306,209 Purba Champaran 02 3,933,636 2,072,350 1,861,286 805,238 416,279 388,959 Sheohar 03 514,288 271,261 243,027 101,630 52,954 48,676 Sitamarhi 04 2,669,887 1,410,1491,259,738 539,288 284,369 254,919 Madhubani 05 :),570,651 1 ,8~7,361 1,733,290 699,906 361,075 338,831 Supaul 06 1,745,069 ,908,855 836,214 364,701 189,821 174,880 126 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~~~L~it~e~ra~c~y~R~a~te~~~------Code Statel 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females territory* 10 istrict 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

389,150 268,530 120,620 32.12 45.23 16.62 49.93 64.45 33.25 37 Lalitpur 498,910 339,494 159,416 41.71 57.86 22.07 58.10 72.76 40.65 38 H§tf1irpur 312,398 207,039 105,359 36.49 50.98 19.09 54.23 66.83 39.57 39 Mahoba 664,686 458,330 206,356 37.33 53.06 17.90 54.84 69.89 37.10 40 Banda 419,558 269,142 150,416 32.19 48.06 13.37 66.06 78.75 51.28 41 Chitrakoot 1,125,357 731,767 393,590 44.69 59.87 27.24 59.74 73.07 44.62 42 Fatehpur 1,309,131 835,095 474,036 40.40 60.29 20.48 58.67 74.61 42.63 43 Pratapgarh 500,565 350,754 149,811 29.44 45.00 11.48 48.18 63.49 30.80 44 Kaushambi 2,571,906 1,682,961 888,945 45.00 61.61 25.62 62.89 77.13 46.61 45 Allahabad 1,052,144 693,395 358,749 31.11 43.71 15.99 48.71 60.12 35.64 46 Barabanki 988,219 627,490 360,729 37.44 52.42 20.56 57.48 70.73 43.35 47 Faizabad 973,060 597,242 375,818 39.67 55.17 23.30 59.06 71.93 45.98 48 Ambedkar Nagar 1,479,491 938,627 540,864 38.49 55.08 20.74 56.90 71.85 41.81 49 Sultanpur 684,672 481,188 203,484 22.67 --32.27 11.01 35.]9 46.32 23.27 50 Bahraich 325,469 244,122 81,347 29.55 44.91 10.57 34.25 47.27 18.75 51 Shravasti 470,632 333,632 137,000 23.75 34.43 11.22 34.71 46.28 21.58 52 Balrampur 966,258 677,802 288,456 29.56 43.48 13.42 42.99 56.93 27.29 53 Gonda 712,648 489,794 222,854 27.16 40.92 11.95 43.97 58.68 28.35 54 Siddharthnagar 910,345 599,101 311,244 35.36 50.93 18.08 54.28 68.16 39.00 55 Basti 590,056 388,545 201,511 34.95 51.83 16.76 51.71 67.85 35.45 56 Sant Kabir Nagar 823,298 585,646 237,652 28.90 45.67 10.28 47.72 65.40 28.64 57 Maharajganj 1,889,957 1,216,167 673,790 43.30 60.61 24.49 60.96 76.70 44.48 58 Gorakhpur 1,125,939 774,171 351,768 32.30 49.57 13.86 48.43 65.35 30.85 59 Kushinagar 1,336,058 846,921 489,137 42.42 61.48 23.58 59.84 76.31 43.56 60 Deoria 1,789,661 1,097,970 691,691 39.19 56.11 22.64 56.15 70.50 42.44 61 Azamgarh 957,847 580,976 376,871 43.80 59.44 27.86 64.86 78.9.7 50.86 62 Mau 1,331,7,72 846,990 484,782 43.89 60.76 26.13 58.88 73.15 43.92 63 Ballia 1,897,971 1,194,310 703,661 42.22 62.24 22.39 59.98 77.16 43.53 64 Jaunpur 1,478,753 937,479 541,274 43.27 61.48 24.38 60.06 75.45 44.39 65 Ghazipur 808,638 520,195 288,443 44.81 61.43 26.28 61.11 75.55 45.45 66 Chandauli 1,732,531 1,139,409 593,122 51.88 66.66 35.00 67.09 83.66 48.59 67 Varanasi 644,388 441,907 202,481 40.02 60.77 16.80 59.14 77.99 38.72 68 Sant Ravidas Nagar 957,223 636,960 320,263 39.68 54.75 22.32 56.10 70.51 39.89 69 Mirzapur 583,431 396,035 187,396 34.40 47.56 18.65 49.96 63.79 34.26 70 Sonbhadra 31,675,607 20,978,955 10,696,652 37.49 51.37 21.99 47.53 60.32 33.57 10 Bihar 955,828 662,131 293,697 27.99 39.62 14.41 39.63 51.91 25.85 01 Pashchim Chartlparan 1,193,315 830,346 362,969 27.59 39.65 13.69 38.14 50.14 24.65 02 Purba Champaran 152,726 99,407 53,319 26.18 36.36 14.34 37.01 45.54 27.43 03 Sheohar 839,086 574,344 264,742 28.49 39.86 15.49 39.38 51.02 26.35 04 Sitamarhi 1,215,742 845,371 370,371 33.22 48.49 16.75 42.35 57.26 26.56 05 Madhubani 521.755 382.752 139,003 28.11 40.96 13.74 37.80 53.23 21.02 06 Supaul 127 Ctca,u Mid ..foaM. Mre' dJd#§MMfiIikd!17f if .41:8**4·'*@iQiSlfit!#bfi:;¥"waIJ39*MW ¥iJ'gg;;MjMM6Mji Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/Oistrict No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Araria 07 2,124,831 1,108,924 1,015,907 449,343 228,476 220,867 Kishanganj 08 1,294,063 666,910 627,153 280,498 144,501 135,997 Purnia 09 2,540,788 1,325,794 1,214,994 536,851 272,748 264,103 Katihar 10 2,389,533 1,244,943 1,144,590 514,326 261,630 252,696 Madhepura 11 1,524,596 796,272 728,324 320,359 167,034 153,325 Saharsa 12 1,506,418 788,585 717,833 306,253 161,190 145,063 Oarbhanga 13 3,285,473 1,716,640 1,568,833 627,897 333,061 294,836 Muzaffarpur 14 3,743,836 1,941,480 1,802,356 718,298 373,238 345,060 Gopalganj 15 2,149,343 1,072,151 1,077,192 417,061 212,641 204,420 Siwan 16 2,708,840 1,332,218 1,376,622 532,447 276,274 256,173 Saran 17 3,251,474 1,654,428 1,597,046 619,672 319,229 300,443 Vaishali 18 2,712,389 1,412,276 1,300,113 522,714 270,420 252,294 Samastipur 19 3,413,413 1,771,249 1,642,164 695,995 357,866 338,129 Begusarai 20 2,342,989 1,226,057 1,116,932 464,167 239,209 224,958 Khagaria 21 1;276,677 675,501 601,176 269,582 138,821 130,761 Bhagalpur 22 2,430:331 1,294,192 1,136,139 456,956 232,399 224,557 Banka 23 1,60e,778 843,061 765,717 323,329 166,872 156,457 Munger 24 1,135,499 604,662 530,837 197,144 102,928 94,216 Lakhisarai 25 801,173 416,727 384,446 160,210 81,944 78,266 Sheikhpura 26 525,137 273,468 251,669 106,335 54,278 52,057 Nalanda 27 2,368,327 1,236,467 1,131,860 444,749 229,109 215,640 Patna 28 4,709,851 2,514,949 2,194,902 795,842 408,453 387,389 Bhojpur 29 2,233,415 1,175,333 1,058,082 406,343 209,650 196,693 Buxar 30 1,403,462 738,239 665,223 265,287 137,722 127,565 Kaimur (Bhabua) 31 1,284,575 673,556 611,019 258,460 133,248 125,212 Rohtas 32 2,448,762 1,282,655 1,166,107 463,050 237,841 225,209 Jehanabad 33 1,511,406 783,960 727,446 282,774 148,160 134,614 Aurangabad 34 2,004,960 1,035,757 969,203 378,763 196,056 182,707 Gaya 35 3,464,983 1,789,231 1,675,752 666,327 340,443 325,884 Nawada 36 1,809,425 928,638 880,787 346,564 175,549 171,015 Jamui 37 1,397,474 728,812 668,662 264,768 134,841 129,927 Sikkim 11 540,493 288,217 252,276 77,170 38,856 38,314 North 01 41,023 23,410 17,613 6,250 3,139 3,111 West 02 123,174 63,835 59,339 19,780 10,056 9,724 South 03 131,506 68,227 63,279 20,819 10,224 10,595 East 04 244,790 132,745 112,045 30,321 15,437 14,884 Arunachal Pradesh 12 1,091,11Z 573,951 517,166 200J).5-5 102,010 98,'045 Tawang 01 34,705 17,676 17,029 6,535 3,340 3,195 West Kameng 02 74,595 42,638 31,957 12,181 6,221 5,960 East Kameng 03 57,065 28,743 28,322 11,702 5,819 5,883 Papum Pare 04 121,750 64.,122 57,628 20,160 10,195 9,965 128 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates Literacy Rate Code Statel 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory*'Oistrict 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

585,379 409,365 176,014 26.19 36.99 14.01 34.94 46.50 22.14 07 Araria 314,389 223,586 90,803 22.22 33.12 10.38 31.02 42.80 18.49 08 Kishanganj 711,634 486,083 225,551 28.52 38.92 16.80 35.51 46.16 23.72 09 Purnia 661,848 447,512 214,336 28.70 39.24 16.88 35.29 45.51 24.03 10 Katihar 435,774 307,496 128,278 27.72 39.31 14.41 36.19 48.87 22.31 11 Madhepura 471,449 326,498 144,951 29.98 42.37 15.83 39.28 52.04 25.31 12 Saharsa 1,177,743 791,068 386,675 34.94 48.31 20.09 44.32 57.18 30.35 13 Oarbhanga 1,456,901 943,928 512,973 36.11 48.44 22.33 48.15 60.19 35.20 14 Muzaffarpur 834,827 548,480 286,347 34.96 51.62 17.75 48.19 63.81 32.81 15 Gopalganj 1,131,962 714,522 417,440 39.13 57.51 21.33 52.01 67.67 37.26 16 Siwan 1,368,741 905,398 463,343 41.79 60.18 22.71 52.0.1 67.81 35.74 17 Saran 1,130,514 730,841 399,673 40.56 55.62 24.08 51.63 64.00 38.14 18 Vaishali 1,243,542 817,293 426,249 36.37 50.39 21.17 45.76 57.83 32 ..69 19 Samastipur 912,216 589,230 322,986 36.88 48.66 23.52 48.55 59.71 36.21 20 Begusarai 418,515 279,161 139,354 32.33 42.97 19.79. 41.56 52.02 29.62 21 Khagaria 992,218 638,226 353,992 28.11 50.28 60.11 38.83 22 Bhagalpur 557,859 380,549 177,310 34.55 48.17 18.99 43.40 56.28 29.10 23 Banka 564,043 354,611 209,432 52.25 64.95 37.07 60.11 70.68 47.97 24 Munger 309,009 204,125 104,884 39.40 53.12 23.48 48.21 60.97 34.26 25 Lakhisarai 205,234 137,116 68,118 4092 55.43 24.41 49.01 62.56 34.13 26 Sheikhpura 1,031,882 674,304 357,578 46.95 61.95 29.97 53.64 '66.94 39.03 27 Nalanda 2,497,924 1,554,868 943,056 56.33 69.07 41.35 63.82 73.81 52.17 28 Patna 1,090,868 722,112 368,756 48.18 66.35 27.95 59.71 74.78 42.81 29 Bhojpur 654,309 437,298 217,011 45.54 62.94 25.74 57,49 72.82 40.36 30 Buxar 570,260 381,298 188,962 39.35 55.68 20.69 55.57 70.57 38.90 31 Kaimur (Bhabua) 1,238,348 799,699 438,649 48.52 64.50 30.29 62.36 76.54 46.62 32 Rohtas 688,428 450,803 237,625 45.83 63.11 26.81 56.03 70.90 40.08 33 Jehanabad 935,133 604,461 330,672 45.14 61.80 26.67 57.50 71.99 42.04 34 Aurangabad 1,429,291 924,486 504,805 40.47 55.22 24.20 51,07 63.81 37.40 35 Gaya 692,751 461,059 231,692 38.96 54.85 21.82 47.36 61.22 32.64 36 Nawada 484,164 339,128 145,036 33.41 48.48 16.41 42.74 57.10 26.92 37 Jamui 322,828 191,326 131,502 56.94 65.70 46.76 69.68 76.73 61.46 11 Sikkim 24,033 15,673 8,360 53.55 63.06 41.60 69.11 77.32 57.65 01 -North 61,326 36,147 25,179 45.62 54.92 35.26 59.31 67.21 50.75 02 West 75,400 43,251 32,149 54.08 63.18 43.70 68.12 74.57 61.02 03 South 162,069 96,255 65,814 65.13 73.10 55.66 75.57 82.05 67.74 04 East 487,796 302,371 185,425 41.59 51.45 29.69 54.74 64.07 44.24 12 Arunachal Pradesh 11,589 7.318 4,271 29.80 40.41 16.83 41.14 51.05 30.87 01 Tawang 38,488 25,864 12,624 46.31 55.03 35.22 61.67 71.02 48.56 02 West Kameng 18,548 12,072 6,476. 26.20 37.69 14.02 40,89 52.66 28.86 03 East Kameng 72,021 42,602 29,419 55.11 65.13 42.65 70.89 79.00 61.72 04 Papum Pare 129 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

"- Lower Subansiri 05 97,614 49,184 48,430 17,582 8,809 8,773 Upper Subansiri 06 54,995 27,873 27,122 10,543 5,307 5,236 West Siang 07 103,575 54,139 49,436 17,329 8,913 8,416 East Siang 08 87,430 45,131 42,299 15;243 7,780 7,463 Upper Siang 09 33,146 17,844 15,302 6,223 3,084 3,139 Dibang Valley 10 57,543 31,280 26,263 10,221 5,251 4,970 Lohit 11 143,478 77,252 66,226 27,686 14,338 13,348 Changlang 12 124,994 65,608 59,386 24,733 12,691 12,042 Tirap 13 100,227 52,461 47,766 19,917 10,262 9,655 Nagaland 13 1,988,636 1,041,686 946,950 280,172 141,852 138,320 Mon 01 259,604 138,005 121 ;599 37,464 18,968 18,496 Tuensang 02 414,801 216,888 197,913 57,044 28,836 28,208 Mokokchung 03 227,230 118,428 108,802 22,866 11,412 11,454 Zunheboto -04 154,909 79,627 75,282 24,593 12,619 11,974 Wokha 05 161,098 83,620 77,478 21,204 10,608 10,596 Dimapur 06 308,382 166,335 142,047 45,780 2J,109 22,671 Kohima 07 314,366 161,701 152,665 44,915 22,700 22,215 Phek 08 148,246 77,082 71,164 26,306 13,600 12,706 Manipur 14 2,388,634 1,207,338 1,181,296 312,691 159,448 153,243 Senapati 01 379,214 196,646 182,568 40,233 20,045 20,188 Tamenglong 02 111,493 57,994 53,499 15,236 7,813 7,423 Churachandpur 03 228,707 114,740 113,967 29,393 15,256 14,137 Bishnupur 04 205,907 102,772 103,135 27,565 14,320 13,245 Thoubal 05 366,341 183,338 183,003 59,305 30,073 29,232 Imphal West 06 439,532 218,947 220,585 52,347 26,631 25,716 Imphal East 07 393,780 197,710 196,070 52,634 26,928 25,706 Ukhrul 08 140,946 73,413 67,533 20,182 10,251 9,931 Chandel 09 122,714 61,778 60,936 15,796 8,131 7,665 Mizoram 15 891,058 459,783 431,275 141,537 • 71,817 69,720 Mamit 01 62,313 32,766 29,547 10,919 5,592 5,327 Kolasib 02 60,977 31,874 29,103 9,760 4,964 4,796 Aizawl 03 339,812 173,930 165,882 47,473 23,999 23,474 Champhai 04 101,389 51,869 49,520 17,074 8,656 8,418 Serchhip 05 55,539 28,445 27,094 9,115 4,577 4,538 Lunglei 06 137,155 71,353 65,802 22,526 11,467 11,059 Lawngtlai 07 73,050 38,425 34,625 13,747 7,004 6,743 • Saiha 08 60,823 31,121 29,702 10,923 5,558 5,365 Tripura 16 3,191,168 1,636,138 1,555,030 427,012 216,244 210,768 West Tripura 01 1,530,531 783,825 746,706 188,847 95,212 93,635 South Tripura 02 762,565 391,179 371,386 108,052 55,068 52,984 Dhalai 03 307,417 158,480 148.937 46.912 23,811 23,101 130 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~77--L-it-e-ra-c~y-R-a-te~~77------Code Statel ~------~~----~--~-:~--~1~9~9-1~--~~----72~070~1~--~ No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females territory*IDistrict 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

36,025 21,673 14,352 30.07 38.26 21.41 45.01 53.68 36.19 05 Lower Subansiri 22,623 13,270 9,353 38.31 47.58 27.24 50.89 58.81 42.74 06 Upper Subansiri 52,015 30,176 21,839 45.64 53.86 35.85 60.31 66.72 53.24 07 West Siang 44,196 25,779 18,417 47.86 55.53 38.77 61.22 69.02 52.87 08 East Siang 13,409 8,655 4,754 35.33 45.03 23.06 49.80 58.64 39.09 09 Upper Siang 28,131 17,706 10,425 46.88 56.94 33.27 59.45 68.02 48.96 10 Dibang Valley 64,899 41,323 23,576 49.21 59.02 36.21 56.05 65.68 44.59 11 Lohit 52,116 33,248 18,868 43.20 54.44 29.64 51.98 62.83 39.85 12 Chang lang 33,736 22,685 11,051 32.06 43.44 18.52 42.01 53.76 29.00 13 Tirap 1,146,523 645,807 500,716 61.65 67.62 54.75 67.11 71.17 61.92 13 Nagaland 93,859 55,586 38,273 36.02 41.90 29.10 42.25 46.70 37.12 01 Mon 183,513 105,249 78,264 48.39 53.98 41.98 51.30 55.97 46.12 02 Tuensang 172,208 92,188 80,020 77.85 80.52 74.88 84.27 86.14 82.20 03 Mokokchung 90,864 49,205 41,659 64.36 70.76 57.63 69.73 73.43 65.80 04 Zunheboto 113,704 62,565 51,139 73.92 81.06 65.99 81.28 85.69 76.46 05 Wokha 205,230 117,677 87,553 68.65 73.64 62.42 78.15 82.16 73.34 06 Dimapur 200,137 113,205 86,932 69.58 77.24 60.60 74.28 81.44 66.64 07 Kohima 87,008 50,132 36,876 62.59 72.28 51.34 71.35 78.97 63.08 08 Phek 1,429,656 815,944 613,712 59.89 71.63 47.60 68.87 17.87 59.70 14 Manipur 171',100 99,583 71,517 46.04 55.26 36.13 50.47 56.39 44.04 01 Senapati 56,269 33,640 22,629 50.16 59.92 39.68 58.46 67.04 49.11 02 Tamenglong 148,829 84,537 64,292 58.17 66.38 49.30 74.67 84.98 64.40 03 Churachandpur 127,667 72,751 54,916 54.94 68.59 41.13 71.59 82.25 61.09 04 Bishnupur 208,464 123,372 85,092 52.47 68.33 36.31 67.90 80.50 55.34 05 Thoubal 312,125 171,350 140,775 73.01 84.63 61.12 80.61 89.10 72.24 06 Imphal West 260,573 147,617 112,956 68.05 80.65 54.99 76.38 86.44 66.30 07 Imphal East 83,284 47,625 35,659 62.54 72.11 51.57 68 96 75.40 61.91 08 Ukhrul 61,345 35,469 25,876 46.68 57.39 34.80 57.38 66.12 48.57 09 Chandel 663,262 351,851 311,411 82.27 85.61 78.60 88.49 90.69 86.13 15 Mizoram 41,161 22,837 18,324 67.98 73.61 61.56 80.09 8404 75.66 01 Mamit 46,346 24,623 21,723 86.24 8912 83.07 90.49 91.50 89.37 02 Kolasib 282,523 145,727 136,796 93.14 94.17 92.01 96.64 97.20 96.06 03 Alzawl 77,466 40,621 36,845 87.98 91.76 84.11 91.88 94.00 89.64 04 Champhal 44,642 23,210 21,432 90.44 92.82 87.94 96.16 97.24 95.02 05 Serchhlp 96,513 52,314 44,199 77.73 82.37 72.58 84.20 87.36 80.74 06 Lunglei 33,478 20,463 13,015 42.71 51.30 32.79 56.45 65.13 46.68 07 Lawngtlai 41,133 22,056 19,077 79.24 84.98 73.06 82.43 86.28 78.39 08 Salha 2,036,159 1,156,824 879,335 60.44 70.58 49.65 73.66 81.47 65.41 16 Tripura 1,044,135 585,440 458,695 65.83 75.87 55.15 77.82 85.02 70.24 01 West T:ipura 460,710 267,269 193,441 52.97 6397 41.37 70.39 79.52 60 ..75 02 South Tripura 160.368 95,480 64,888 61.53 68.22 54.29 61.56 70.90 51.51 03 Dhalai 131 Table Total population, child population in the ag'e group 0-6, literates and India and State! Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*!Oistrict No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

North Tripura 04 590,655 302,654 288,001 83,201 42,153 41,048 Meghalaya ~ 17 3,473,909 2,306,069 1,595,671 689,013 457,442 1,396,314 West Garo Hills 01 515,813 259,440 256,373 96,482 49,276 47,206 East Garo Hills 02 247,555 126,312 121,243 49,242 25,000 24,242 South Garo Hills 03 99,105 51,051 48,054 20,892 10,730 10,162 West Khasi Hills 04 294,115 149,159 144,956 67,321 34,005 33,316 Ri Bhoi 05 192,795 99,315 93,480 45,257 22,760 22,497 East Khasi Hills 06 660,994 333,187 327,807 112,374 56,775 55,599 jaintia Hills 07 295,692 149,376 146,316 65,874 33,025 32,849 Assam 18 26,638,407 13,787,799 12,850,608 4;350,248 2,215,104 2,135,144 Kokrajhar 01 930,404 478,242 452,162 169,032 86,482 82,550 Ohubri 02 1,634,589 840,673 793,916 331,164 166,907 164,257 Goalpara 03 822,306 420,707 401,599 155,804 78,883 76,921 Bongaigaon 04 906,315 465,970 440,345 160,072 80,933 79,139 Barpeta 05 1,642,420 846,106 796,314 301,095 153,339 147,756 Kamrup 06 2,515,030 1,327,717 1,187,313 335,231 172,922 162,309 Nalbari 07 1,138,184 587,668 550,516· 161,616 82,372 79,244 Oarrang 08 1,503,943 773,982 729,961 261,802 132,598 129,204 Marigaon 09 775,874 398,930 376,944 144,388 73,472 70,916 Nagaon 10 2,315,387 1,194,327 1,121,060 414,086 209,071 205,0.15 Sonitpur 11 1,677,874 864,125 813,749 264,449 133,365 131,084 Lakhimpur 12 889,325 455,689 433,636 145,572 74,196 71,376 Ohemaji 13 569,468 294,105 275,363 94,166 48,108 46,058 Tinsukia 14 1,150,146 602,515 547,631 179,111 91,208 87,903 Oibrugarh" 15 1,172,056 609,470 562,586 164,384 84,139 80,245 Sibsagar 16 1,052,802 546,565- 506,237 142,253 72,363 69,890 Jorhat 17 1,009,197 530,240 478,957 124,293 65,395 58,898 Golaghat 18 945,781 490,370 455,411 138,178 70,324 67,854 Karbi Anglong 19 812,320 422,599 389,721 145,000 73,504 71,496 North Cachar Hills 20 186,189 98,899 87,290 29,944 15,349 14,595 Cachar 21 1,442,141 741,580 700,561 220,497 112,727 107,770 Karimganj 22 1,003,678 516,408 487,270 171,185 86,509 84,676 Hailakandi 23 542,978 280,912 262,066 96,926 50,938 45,988 West Bengal 19 80,221,171 41,487,694 38.733.477 11.132.824 5,671.152 5,461,672 Oarjiling 01 1,605,900 826,334 779,566 193,020 97,906 95,114 Jalpaiguri 02 3,403,204 1,753,278 1,649,926 512,357 259,737 252,620 Koch Blftar 03 2,478,280 1,271,715 1,206,565 .381,447 193,804 187,643 Uttar Oinajpur 04 2,441,824 1,260,747 1,181,077 505,054 255,927 249,127 Oakshin Oinajpur 05 1,502,647 770,443 732,204 242,532 123,207 119,325 Maldah 06 3,290,160 1,689,409 1,600,751 631,541 321,040 310,501 Murshidabad 07 5,863,717 3,004,385 2,859,332 1,026,680 519,735 506,945 132 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~~~L~it~e~ra~c4y~R~a~te~~~------Code Statel 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory*/District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

370,946 208,635 162,311 56.28 67.39 44.42 73.10 80.09 65.73 04 North Tripura 1,789,717 1,170,443 551,489 49.10 53.12 44.85 63.31 66.14 60.41 17 Meghalaya 213,970 120,871 93,099 38.64 46.10 30.81 51.03 57.51 44.51 01 West Garo"Hills 122,350 68,278 54,072 48.38 54.70 41.70 61.70 67.39 55.74 02 East Garo Hills 43,659 25,241 18,418 42.88 51.28 34.02 55.82 62.60 48.61 03 South Garo Hills 148,868 77,179 71,689 50.52 52.98 47.94 65.64 67.02 64.21 04 West Khasi Hills 97,473 52,989 44,484 39.93 43.88 35.73 6607 69.22 62.67 05 Ri Bhoi 422,329 215,937 206,392 64.58 67.13 61.86 76.98 78.12 75.82 06 East Khasl Hills 121,794 58,779 63,015 35.32 34.37 36.31 53.00 50.52 55.54 07 Jarntia Hills 14,327,540 8,324,077 6,003,463 52.89 61.87 43.03 64.28 71.93 56.03 18 Assam 400,123 242,482 157,641 40.47 49.46 30.83 52.55 61.90 42.65 01 Kokrajhar 649,944 381,442 268,502 3836 47.38 28.79 49.86 56.61 42.64 02 Dhubri 390,278 223,407 166,871 46.81 .55.47 37.58 58.56 65.36 51.40 03 Goalpara 449,754 264,957 184,797 49.06 58.67 38.72 60.27 68.81 51.16 04 Bongaigaon 769,225 456,870 312,355 43.24 52.61 33.20 57.35 65.95 48.16 05 Barpeta 1,628,088 938,144 689,944 65.04 73.67 55.01 74.69 81.24 67.31 06 Kamrup 664,886 389,686 275,200 55.99 66.95 44.19 68.08 77.12 58.40 07 Nalbari 694,570 412,510 282,060 42.00 50.80 32.53 55.92 64.32 46.95 08 Darrang 375,465 215,215 160,250 47.99 5617 39.19 59.46 6613 52.36 09 Marigaon 1,184,140 675,105 509,035 54.74 62.49 46.30 62.28 68.52 55 57 10 Nagaoll 852,201 494,298 357,903 48.14 56.70 38.60 60.29 67.64 52.43 11 Sonitpur 517,607 298,539 219,068 58.96 68.28 48.85 69 59 78.26 60.47 12 Lakhimpur 313,511 184,856 128,655 53.84 65.43 41 12 65.96 75.15 56.11 13 Dhemaji 614,461 368,978 245,483 50.28 59.27 39.99 63.28 72.16 53.40 14 Tinsukia 717,603 418,053 299,550 58.32 66.72 48.89 71.21 79.58 62.10 15 Dibrugarh 685,949 389,242 296,707 64.46 71 91 56.14 75.33 82.08 68.00 16 Sibs agar 689,414 384,685 304,729 65.51 73.29" 56.88 77.91 82.76 72 54 17 jorhat 568,250 327,692 240,558 58.54 66.50 49.75 70.36 78.01 62.07 18 Golaghat 392,589 237,761 154,828 45 57 55 55 34.35 58 83 68.11 48.65 19 Karbi Anglong 107,173 63,991 43,182 57.76 66.39 47.34 68.59 7659 59.40 20 NorthCacharHilis 835,888 481,106 354,782 59.19 6879 48.76 68.42 76.51 59.85 21 Cachar 559,512 317,584 241,928 54.71 64.05 44.76 67.21 73.87 60.09 22 Karimganj 266,909 157,474 109,435 53.07 64.08 41.04 59.84 68.47 50.65 23 Hailakandi 47,821,757 27,784,750 20,037,007 57.70 67.81 46.56 69.22 77.58 60.22 19 West Bengal 1,029,561 592,037 437,524 5795 67.07 4784 72.87 81.28 63.92 01 Darjiling 1,839,036 1,099,897 739,139 45.09 56.00 33 20 63.62 73.64 52.90 02 Jalpaiguri 1,409,350 828,163 581,187 45.78 57.35 33.31 67.21 76.83 57.04 03 Koch Bihar 941,822 595,510 346,312 34.58 45.24 22.85 48.63 59.27 37.16 04 Uttar Dlnajpur 812,254 474,415 337,839 46.40 5675 35.33 64.46 7330 55.12 05 Dakshin DlnaJPur 1,348,230 810,591 537,639 35.62 45.61 24.92 50.71 59.24 41.67 06 Maldah 2,662,682 1,525,674 1,131,008 38.28 46.42 29.57 55.05 61.40 48.33 07 Murshidabad 133 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0:6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Birbhum 08 3,012,546 1,545,765 1,466,781 479,027 243,236 235,79f Barddhaman 09 6,919,698 3,602,675 "3,317,023 876,387 447,129 429,258 Nadia 10 4,603,756 2,365,054 -2,238,702 592,820 300,198 292,622 North Twenty Four Parganas 11 8,930,295 4,635,262 4,295,033 1,021,368 520,778 500,590

Hugli 12 5,040,047 2,588,322 2,451,725 585,917 300,236 285,681 Bankura 13 3,191,822 1,634,561 1,557,261 449,547 229,919 219,628 Puruliya 14 2,535,233 1,298,079 1,237,154 398,793 202,695 196,098 Medinipur 15 9,638,473 4,929,000 4,709,473 1,354,306 693,980 660,326 Haora 16 4,274,010 2,242,395 2,031,615 493,432 251,852 241,580 Kolkata 17 4,580,544 2,506,029 2,074,515 364,355 189,486 174,869 South Twenty Four Parganas 18 6,909,015 3,564,241 3,344,774 1,024,241 520,287 503,954

Jharkhand 20 26,909,428 13,861,277 13,048,151 4,796,188 2,440,025 2,356,163 Garhwa 01. 1,034,151 534,433 499,718 220,490 112,504 107,986 Palamu 02 2,092,004 1,Oig,829 1,012,175 413,844 209,604 204,240 Chatra 03 790,680 402,565 388,115 160,519 80,902 79,617 Hazaribagh 04 2,277,108 1,167,526 1,109,582 413,203 210,276 202,927 Kodarma 05 498,683 249.2'76 249,407 99,116 50,258 48,858 Giridih 06 1,901,564 958,904 94~,66Q 397,889 202,907 194,982 Deoghar 07 1,161,370 606,688 554;682 220,003 111,492 108,511 Godda 08 1,047,264 543,784 503,480 198,457 99,448 99,009 Sahibganj 09 927,584 477,366 450,218 189,070 95,899 93,171 Pakaur 10 701,616 358,414 343,202 141,520 71,901 69,619 Dumka 11 1,754,571 894,849 859,722 .306,331 155,010 151,321 Dhanbad 12 2,394,434 1,277,516 1,116,918 368,048 188,486 179,562 Bokaro 13 1,775,961 937,188 838,773 280,195 143,977 136,218 Ranchi 14 2,783,577 1,436,423 1,347,154 442,563 225,819 216,744 'Lohardaga 15 364,405 184,405 180,000 69,948 36,013 33,935 Gumla 16 1,345,520 674,455 671,065 241,135 121,963 119,172 Pashchimi Singhbhum 17 2,080,265 1,052,711 1;027,554 361,636 183,300 178,336 Purbi Singhbhum 18 1,978,671 1,024,945 953,726 272,221 140,266 131,955 Orissa 21 36,706,920 18,612,340 18,094,580 5,180,551 2,656,046 2,524,505 Bargarh 01 <345,601 681,012 664,589 167,861 85,915 81,~46 Jharsuguda 02 509,056 261,555 247;501 64,229 32,936 .31,293 Sambalpur 03 928,889 471,555 457,334 117,953 60,085 57,868 Debagarh 04 274,095 138,425 135,670 41,496 21,151 20,345 Sundargarh 05 1,829,412 934,902 894,510 255,989 129,709 126,280 Kendujhar 06 1,561,521 789,826 771,695 237,224 120,870 116,354 Mayurbhanj 07 2,221,782 1,121,982 1,099,800 355,281 181,818 173,463 Baleshwar 08 2,023,056 1,037,938 985,118 285,080 147,376 137,704 Bhadrak 09 1,332,249 675,162 657,087 184,336 95,040 89,296 Kendrapara 10 1,301.856 646.356 655,500 170,005 87,848 82,157 134 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~~--L-it-e-ra-cLy-R~a~te~~~------Code State! 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory*!District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

1,574,915 932,167 642,748 48.56 5926 37.17 62.16 71.57 52.21 08 Birbhum 4,290,672 2,502,422 1,788,250 61.88 71.12 51.46 71.00 79.30 61.93 09 Barddhaman 2,669,296 1,500,537 1,168,759 52.53 60.05 44.42 66.55 72.67 60.06 10 Nadia 6,207,540 3,470,763 2,736,777 66.81 74.72 57.99 78.49 84.35 72 .13 11 North Twenty Four Parganas 3,367,052 1,900,254 1,466,798 66.78 75.77 56.90 75.59 83.05 67.72 12 Hugli 1,750,632 1,084,510 666,122 52.04 6675 3655 63.84 77.21 49.80 13 Bankura 1,199,357 812,568 386,789 43.29 62.17 23.24 56.14 74.18 3715 14 Puruliya 6,227,294 3,610,329 2,616,965 69.32 81.27 56.63 75.17 85.25 64.63 15 Medinipur 2,935,210 1,665,611 1,269,599 67.62 76.11 57.83 77.64 83.68 70 93 16 Haora 3,428,309 1,947,621 1,480,688 77.61 81 94 72.09 81.31 84.07 77.95 17 Kolkata 4,128,545 2,431,681 1,696,864 55.10 6845 40.57 70.16 79.89 59.73 18 South Twenty Four Parganas 11,970,177 7,759,966 4,210,211 41.39 55.80 25.52 54.13 67.94 39.38 20 Jharkhand 320,533 230,771 89,762 26.06 39.03 11.85 39.39 54.69 22.91 01 Garhwa 766,490 520,077 246,413 33.52 47.57 18.21 45.67 59.76 30.50 02 Palamu 273,166 179,084 94,082 27.84 40.45 14.39 43.35 55.67 30.50 03 Chatra 1,081,921 690,735 391,186 41.21 56.54 24.13 58.05 72.16 43.15 04 Hazaribagh 210,679 142,440 68,239 38.52 58.12 18.61 52.73 71.57 34.03 05 Kodarma 679,053 476,833 202,220 32.24 49.81 13.91 45.16 63.07 27.05 06 Giridih 475,684 331,435 144,249 37.92 5412 19.74 50.53 66.93 32.33 07 Deoghar 371,184 258,025 113,159 34.02 4856 18.00 43.73 58.07 27 98 08 Godda 279,980 184,378 95,602 29.37 39.51 18.27 37.91 48.33 26.78 09 Sahibganj 171,056 115.149 55,907 23.96 33.56 13.80 30.54 40.19 20.44 10 Pakaur 699,682 468,188 231,494 3402 49.29 17.91 48316328 32.68 11 Dumka 1,367,678 871,572 496,106 54.24 6782 37.00 6749 80.03 52.93 12 Dhanbad 942,078 610,688 331,390 51.14 66.48 32.85 62.98 76.99 47.17 13 Bokaro 1,537,826 941,317 596,509 51.52 65.12 36.57 65.69 77.76 52.77 14 Ranchi 158,918 100,668 58,250 4079 54.99 26.11 5397 67.84 39.88 15 Lohardaga 578,182 354,358 223,824 39.67 51 70 2748 52.35 64.14 40.56 16 Gumla 871,410 575,772 295,638 38.92 54.75 22.44 50.70 66.23 34.81 17 Pashchimi Singhbhum 1,184,657 708,476 476,181 5905 71.18 45.50 69.42 80.08 57.95 18 Purbi Singhbhum 20,053,785 12,118,256 7,935,529 49.09 63.09 34.68 63.61 75.95 50.97 21 Orissa 755,245 463,767 291,478 47.65 63.78 31.21 64.13 77.93 50.03 01 Bargarh 317,920 189,856 128,064 52.73 67.29 37.11 71.47 83.04 59.23 02 Jharsuguda 543,377 324,515 218,862 51.52 65.90 36.43 67.01 78.87 54.79 03 Sambalpur 141,384 86,535 54,849 44.45 59.43 29.26 60.78 73.79 47.56 04 Debagarh 1,026,220 609,440 416,780 52.97 65.41 39.60 65.22 75.69 54.25 05 Sundargarh 791,306 485,224 306,082 44.73 5904 30.01 59.75 72.53 46.71 06 Kendujhar 978,652 624,088 354,564 37.88 51.84 23.68 52.43 66.38 38.28 07 Mayurbhanj 1,232,838 728,008 504,830 57.64 71 23 43.40 70.94 81 75 59.57 08 Baleshwar 856,852 495,639 361,213 60.54 74.62 46.35 74.64 85.44 63.62 09 Bhadrak 875,212 489,382 385,830 63.61 76.82 50.67 77.33 87.62 67.29 10 Kendrapara 135 -- -- '" -~,...... ~ Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age grouE 0-6 Persons Males 'Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jagatsinghapur 11 1,056,556 538,542 518,014 119,102 62,125 56,977 Cuttack 12 2,340,686 1,207,569 1,133,117 273,665 140,976 132,689 Jajapur 13 1,622,868 822,638 800,230 209,370 108,362 101 ;008 Dhenkanal 14 1,065,983 543,439 522,544 141,053 73,516 67,537 Anugul 15 1,139,341 586,903 552,438 158,529 81,979 76,550 Nayagarh 16 863,934 445,658 418,276 110,112 57,938 52,174 Khordha 17 1,874,405 986,003 888,402 222,141 115,686 106,455 Puri 18 1,498,604 761,397 737,207 181,751 94,615 87,136 Ganjam 19 3,136,937 1,568,568 1,568,369 468,557 242,971 225,586 Gajapati 20 518,448 255,288 263,160 89,752 45,731 44,021 Kandhamal 21 647,912 322,674 325,238 114,838 58,211 56,627 Baudh 22 373,038 187,947 185,091 59,075 30,103 28,972 Sonapur 23 540,659 275,045 265,614 74,308 37,887 36,421 Balangir 24 1,335,760 1373,727 662,033 187,929 95,519 92,410 Nuapada 25 530,524 264,490 266,034 82,369 41,811 40,558 Kalahandi 26 1,334,372 667,126 667,246 211,191 106,150 105,041 Rayagada 27 823,019 405,631 417,388 140,435 70,822 69,613 Nabarangapur 28 1,018,171 511,004 507,167 180,346 90,061 90,285 Koraput 29 1,177,954 589,438 588,516 193,317 96,991 96,326 Malkangiri 30 480,232 240,540 23!:),692 83,257 41,844 41,413 Chhatisgarh 22 20,795,956 10,452,426 10,343,530 3,469,774 1,756,441 1,713,333 Konya 01 585,455 300,723 284,732 97,884 49,580 48,304 Surguja 02 1,970,661 999,196 971,465 369,966 187,388 182,578

Jashpur 03 739,780 370,287 ~69,493 120,522 61,372 59,150 Raigarh 04 1,265,084 633,993 631,091 196,730 99,767 96,963 Korba 05 1,012,121 515,467 496,654 1.67,164 84,608 82,556 :Janjgir-Champa 06 1,316,140 658,377 657,763 219,364 111,684 107,680 Bilaspur 07 1,993,04.2 1,009,007 984,035 336,791 )73,020 163,771 Kawardha 08 584,667 292,054 292,613 108,471 55,278 53,193 Rajnandgaon 09 1,281-,~11 633,292 648,519 212,663 106,868 105,795 Durg 10 2,801,757 1,413,785 1,387,972 427,783 216,613 211,170 Raipu_r 11 3,009,042 1,520,024 1,489,018 503,204 255,289 247,915 ·Mahasaml.lnd· 12 860,176 426,011 434,165 132,952 66,855 66,097 phamtari 13 703,569 350,962 352,607 113,788 57,484 56,304 Kanker 14 651,333 324,678 326,655 104,715 52,982 51,733 Bastar 15 1,302,253 648,068 . 654,185 227,327 112,866 114,461 pantewada 16 719,065 356,502 362,563 130,450 64,787 65,663 Madhya Pradesh 23 60,385,118 31,456,873 28,928,245 10,600,796 5,483,852 5,1.16,944 Sheopur 01 5.59,715 295,630 264,085 110,469 57,202 53,267 Morena 02 1,587,264 871,243 716,021 290,670 158,897 131,773 ~hind 03 1,426,951 780,122 '646,829 247,881 135.553 112.328 136 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~~--L-ite-r-ac~y-R-a-te--~~------Code State! 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory'/District 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 16 17 2

746,275 423,840 322,435 65.77 78.27 53.05 79.61 88.96 69.94 11 Jagatsinghapur 1,573,646 911,467 662,179 65.46 77.41 52.44 76.13 85.46 66.19 12 Cuttack 1,020,337 590,647 429,690 58.00 70.50 45.29 72.19 82.69 61.45 13 Jajapur 648,511 382,100 266,411 54.91 68.80 40.33 70.11 81.31 58.55 14 Dhenkanal 680,718 414,163 266,555 51.53 67.66 34.32 69.40 82.02 56.01 15 Anugul 535,385 322,686 212,699 57.20 73.00 40.74 71.02 83.23 58.10 16 Nayagarh 1,324,892 769,202 555,690 67.72 78.74 55.39 80.19 88.38 71.06 17 Khordha 1,032,352 591,627 440,725 63.30 76.83 49.41 78.40 88.73 67.80 18 Puri 1,679,600 1,039,075 640,525 46.72 63.88 29.87 62.94 78.39 47.70 19 Ganjam 178,891 115,547 63,344 29.37 41.76 17.44 41.73 55.14 28.91 20 Gajapati 282,269 185,072 97,197 37.23 54.68 19.82 52.95 69.98 36.19 21 Kandhamal 183,434 121,325 62,109 40.98 60.61 21.01 58.43 76.86 39.78 22 Baudh 298,813 190,443 108,370 42.62 61.48 23.38 64.07 80.30 47.28 23 Sonapur 630,542 406,836 223,706 38.63 55.64 21.30 54.93 70.36 39.27 24 Balangir 189,539 130,900 58,639 27.52'" 42.31 12.78 42.29 58.78 26.01 25 Nuapada 518,951 352:745 166,206 31.08 46.85 15.28 .46.20 62.88 29.56 26 Kalahandi 243,100 158,543 84,557 26.01 36.53 15.63 35.61 47.35 24.31 27 Rayagada 287,021 199,402 87,619 18.62 28.10 9.01 34.26 47.37 21.02 28 Nabarangapur 356,421 234,292 122,129 24.64 33.98 15.15 36.20 47.58 24.81 29 Koraput 124,082 81,890 42,192 20.04 28.24 11.69 31.26 41.21 21.28 30 Malkangiri 11,292,896 6,710,898 4,521,998 42.91 58.07 27.52 65.18 77.86 52.40 22 Chhatisgarh 309,312 190,899 118,413 38.79 51.78 24.53 63.44 76.01 50.08 0{ Koriya 886,255 553,595 332,660 27.34 39.01 '15.21 55.37 68.19 42.17 02 Surguja 404,817 236,950 167,867 38.33 51.02 25.67 65.37 76.70 54.09 03 Jashpur 753,189 443,932 309,257 42.96 5~05 26.93 70.50 83.10 57.90 04 Raigarh 534,376 332,910 201,466 45.30 61.52 28.15 63.24 77.27 48.65 05 Korba 726,739 449,415 277,324 47.36 67.41 27.56 66.26 82.21 50.41 06 Janjgir-Champa 1,054,658 660,239 394,419 45.46 62.43 27.99 63.68 78.98 48.08 07' Bilaspur 263,749 168,950 94,799 29.78 45.42 14.16 55.39 71.35 39.60 08 Kawardha 829,463 460,853 368,610 48.77 66.01 31.91 77.58 87.54 67.92 09 Rajnandgaon 1,800,422 1,036,604 763,818 58.70 74.06 42.78 75.84 86.59 64.91 10 Durg 1,728,515 1,042,240 686,275 48.65 65.47 31.56 68.98 82.41 55.30 11 Raipur 491,886 292,988 198,898 42.85 60.22 25.85 67.64 81.58 54.04 12 Mahasamund 443,298 254,686 188,612 52.84 69.92 36.02 75.16 86.78 63.66 13 Dhamtari 400,709 225,598 175,111 37.71 51.37 24.13 73.31 83.03 63.69 14 Kanker 488,887 305,540 183,347 23.06 32.41 13.70 45.48 57.09 33.97 15 Bastar 176,621 115,499 61,122 16.46 22.87 10.09 30.01 39.59 20.59 16 Dantewada 31,906,109 19,932,013 11,974,096 44.67 58.54 29.35 64.09 76.74 50.29 23 Madhya Pradesh 209,385 148,278 61,107 27.55 40.73 12.27 46.61 62.19 28.99 01 Sheopur 850,320 576,809 273,511 45.93 63.53 23.79 65.58 -80.97 46.81 02 Morena 839,687 541,802 297,885 49.23 66.20 28.20 71.22 84.06 55.73 03 Bhind 137 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and State/ Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

-Gwalior 04 1,629,881 882,258 747,623 248,337 134,299 114,038' Datia 05 627,818 337,842 289,976 106,833 56,982 49,851 S~ivpuri 06 1,440,666 775,473 665,193 276,520 144,863 131,657 Guna 07 1,665,503 883,433 782,070 320,800 166,278 154,522 Tikamgarh 08 1,203,160 637,842 565,318 223,003 116,238 106,765 Chhatarpur 09 1,474,633 788,845 685,788 284,631 148,218 136,413 Panna 10 854,235 447,923 406,312 167,421 86,673 80,748 Sagar 11 2,021,783 1,073,032 948,751 364,967 189,146 175,821 Damoh 12 1,081,909 568,704 513,205 191,638 98,335 93,303' Satna 13 1,868,648 970,114 898,534 338,527 175,428 163,099 Rewa 14 1,972,333 1,017,402 954,931 367,825 190,983 176,842 Umaria 15 515,851 264,998 250,853 95,643 48,788 46',855 Shahdol 16 1,572,748 803,416 769,332 264,989, 134,505 130,484 Sidhi 17 1,830,553 947,276 883,277 373,889 191,719 182,170 Neemuch 18 725,457 371:972 353,485 114,370 59,323 55,047 Mandsaur 19 1,183,369 604,942 578,427 193,750 99,573 94,177 Ratlam 20 1,214,536 620,119 594,417 213,248 108,793 104,455 Ujjain 21 1,709,885 881,509 828,376 276,442 142,995 133,447 Shajapur 22 1,290,230 669,419 620,811 231,765 119,691 112,074 Dewas 23 1,306,617 676,414 630,203 228,631 118,195 110,43~ Jhabua 24 1,396,677 701,742 694,935 314,541 159,649 154,892 Dhar 25 1,740,577 890,853 849,724 334,269 172,222 162,047 Indore 26 2,585,321 1,352,849 1,232,472 366,526 191,608 174,918 West Nimar 27 1,529,954 785,212 744,742 287,618 146,158 141,460 Barwani 28 1,081,039 547,837 533,202 240,538 122,132 118,406 East Nimar 29 1,708,170 882,371 8i5,799 302,400 155,547 146,853 Rajgarh 30 1,253,246 648,850 604,396 229,273 117,960 111,313 Vidisha 31 1,214,759 ,647,632 567,127 229,353 118,071 111,282 Bhopal 32 1,836,784 968,964 867,820 282,284 146,·186 136,098 Sehore 33 1,078,769 565,387 , 513,382 204,334 105,625 98,70g' Raisen 34 1,120,159 595,730 524,429 208,148 107,112 101,036 Betul 35 1,394,421 709,525 684,896 230,225 116,965 113,260 Harda 36 474,174 247,129 227,045 84,952 44,104 40,848 Hoshangabad 37 1,085,011 571,796 513,215 172,326" 89,423 82,90:1 Katni 38 1,063,689 548,077 515,612 186,455 95,565 90,89c! Jabalpur 39 2,167,469 1,134,870 1,032,599 301,227 156,498 144,729 Narsimhapur 40 957,399 501,407 455,992 150,158 78,333 71,825 Dindori 41 579,312 290,572 288,740 95,513 48,017 47,49~ Mandla 42 893,908 446,487 447,421 143,700 72,368 71,33~ Chhindwara 43 1,848,882 946,582 902,300 292,830 149,277 143,553 Seoni 44 1,165,893 588,135 577,758 193,281 97,636 95,645 138 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~L=it~e~ra~c~y~R~a~te~ __------Code Statei 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males Females P..... e-r-so-n-s-M-a-Ie-s-F ..... e-m-a-Ie-s territory*IDistrict 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

964,234 604,587 359,647 58.36 70.87 43.08 69.79 80.83 56.76 04 Gwalior 382,989 232,957 150,032 45.19 62.50 24.45 73.51 82.94 62.48 05 Datia 693,228 471,584 221,644 33.03 47.50 15.64 59.55 74.78 41.54 06 Shivpuri 805,920 535,722 270,198 34.58 48.86 17.99 59.93 74.70 43.06 07 Guna 546,945 359,046 187,899 34.78 47.52 19.96 55.80 68.83 40.98 08 Tikamgarh 635,943 419,619 216,324 35.20 A6.87 21.32 53.44 65.50 39.38 09 Chhatarpur 423,150 267,387 155,763 33.68 46.29 19.41 61.61 74.02 47.84 10 Panna 1,128,023 706,797 421,226 53.44 67.02 37.78 68.08 79.96 54.50 11 Sagar 552,533 353,031 199,502 46.27 60.49 30.46 62.06 75.05 47.51 12 Damoh 996,436 618,459 377,977 44.65 60.03 27.80 65.12 77.82 51.40 13 Satna 1,000,012 627,819 372,193 44.38 60.67 26.88 62.33 75.97 47.83 14 Rewa 253,200 160,239 92,961 32.63 46.85 17.43 60.26 74.11 45.57 15 Umaria 755,303 465,252 290,051 35.45 48.93 20.93 57.76 69.55 45.40 16 Shahdol 769,407 514,018 255,389 29.15 43.23 13.61 52.82 68.03 36.43 17 Sidhi 406,193 259,612 146,581 50.27 69.34 30.04 66.41'- 83.04 49.12 18 Neemuch 699,186 433,462 265,724 47.66 66.98 27.24 70.65 85.77 54.87 19 Mandsaur 677,400 409,592 267,808 44.15 58.36 29.13 67.65 80.10 54.66 20 Ratlam 1,020,307 618,139 402,168 49.06 64.25 32.64 71.18 83.70 57.87 21 Ujjain 752,942 460,030 292,912 39.20 56.99 19.77 71.14 83.68 57.58 22 Shajapur 657,999 424,632 233,367 44.08 61.15 25.57 61.04 76.07 44.90 23 Dewas 399,010 261,288 137,722 19.01 26.29 11.52 36.87 48.20 25.50 24 Jhabua 741,182 475,600 265,582 34.54 47.62 20.71 52.70 66.18 38.62 25 Dhar 1,660,100 983,693 676,407 66.32 77.99 53.35 74.82 84.71 63.96 26 Indore 787,810 480,791 307,019 41.23 55.43 26.09 63.41 75.23 50.89 27 West Nimar 347,540 217,490 130,050 28.08 36.77 19.01 41.35 51.09 31.35 28 Barw.ani 867,506 538,477 329,029 45.49 58.53 31.53 61.71 74.09 48.46 29 East Nimar 553,410 369,133 184,277 31.81 46.73 15.62 54.05 69.53 37.37 30 Rajgarh 611,927 395,638 216,289 44.08 58.04 27.81 62.10 74.71 47.45 31 Vidisha 1,167,150 679,308 487,842 64.27 73.14 54.17 75.08 82.56 66.67 32 Bhopal 558,115 359,260 198,855 40.43 56.90 21.99 63.83 78.14 47.95 33 Sehore 663,621 401,569 262,052 40.76 54.02 25.47 72.76 82.18 61.89 34 Raisen 778,512 458,125 320,~87 -45.89 57.42 33.90 66.87 7--7.31 56.05 35 Betul 260,066 159,265 100,801 48.84 62.54 33.76 66.82 78.45 54.14 36 Harda 642,131 392,448 249,683 54.11 67.19 39.29 70.36 81.36 58.02 37 Hoshangabad 567,376 361,460 205,916 47.81 63.97 30.53 64.68 79.88 48.48 38 Katni 1,422,240 894,197 528,043 64.60 75.64 52.23 76.21 91.40 59.47 39 Jabalpur 632,373 367,206 265,167 55.65 68.44 41.59 78.34 86.79 69.02 40 Narsimhapur 263,614 170,774 92,840 37.74 55.05 20.21 54.49 70.41 38.48 41 Dindori 448,979 278,274 170,705. 37.02 50.45 23.48 59.85 74.38 45.39 42 Mandla 1,027,515 611,572 415,943 44.90 56.65 32.52 66.03 76.70 54.82 43 Chhindwara 640,752 380,126 260,626 44.49 57.50 31.14 65.88 77.50 54.06 44 Seoni 139 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Balaghat 45 1,445,760 714,938 730,822 218,596 110,719 1{)7,877 'Gujarat 24 50,596,992 26,344,053 24,252,939 6,867,958 3,656,956 3,211,002 Kachchh 01 1,526,321 782,335 743,986 NA NA NA Banas Kantha 02 2,502,843 1,296,415 1,206,428 455,152 238,721 216,431 Patan 03 1,181,941 611,486 570,455 184,307 98,964 85,343 Mahesana . 04 1,837,696 954,006 883,690 246,063 136,862 109,201 Sabar Kantha 05 2,083,416 1,069,602 1,013,814 311,001 165,770 145,231 Gandhinagar 06 1,334,731 698,360 636,371 176,373 97,101 79,272 Ahmadabad 07 5,808,378 3,069,861 2,738,5'17 722,717 398,447 324,270 Surendranagar 08 1,515,147 787,785 727,362 243,980 131,087 112,893 'Rajkot 09 3,157,676 1,635,741 1,521,935 325,822 176,694 149,128 Jamnagar 10 1,913,685 985,266 928,419 254,923 134,622 120,301 Porbandar 11 536,854 275,921 260,933 73,622 38,812 34,810 Junagadh 12 2,448,427 1,252,458 1,195,969 352,669 185,805 166,864 Amreli 13 1,393,295 - 701,384 691,911 191,014 100,854 90,160 Bhavnagar 14 2,469,264 1,275,329 1,193,935 386,346 204,861 181,485 Anand 15 1,856,712 972,355 884,357 240,884 128,604 112,280 Kheda 16 2,023,354 1,052,869 970,485 279,128 148,467 130,661 Panch Mahals 17 2,024,883 1,044,210 980,673 328,610 169,909- 158,701 Dohad 18 1,635,374 823,968 811,406' 320,071 162,946 157,125 Vadodara 19 3,639,775 1,896,859 1,742,916 472,435 252,285 220,150 Narmada 20 514,083 263,933 250,150 77,901 39,901 38,000 Bharuch 21 1,370,104 713,475 656,629 185,130 96,956 88,174 Surat 22 4,996,391 2,722,675 2,273,716 667,192 356,189 311,003 The Dangs 23 186,712 94,001 92,711 35,168 17,817 17,351 lNavsari 24 1,229,250 628,814 600,436 141,346 73,907 67,439 Valsad 25 1,410,680 734';945 675,]35 196,104, 101,375 94,729 Daman & Diu * 25 158,059 92,478 65,581 20,012 10,394 9,618 'Diu 01 44,110 20,841 23,269 7,4111 3,786 3,630 Daman 02 113,949 71,637 .42,312 12,596 6,608 5,988, Dadra & Nagar Haveli * 26 220,451 121,731 98,720 39,173 19,856 19,317 Oadra & Nagar Haveli 01 220,451 ~ 121,731 98,720, 39,173 19,856 19,317 'Maharashtra 27 96,752,247 50,334,270 46,417,977 13,187,087 6,878,579 6,308,508 Nandurbar 01 1,309,135 662,764 646,371 22Gl,267 112,027 108,240' Dhule 02 1,708,993 878,538 830,455 245,364 128,635 116,729 Jalgaon 03 3,679,936 1,904,437 1,775,499 511,501 274,029 237,472 Buldana 04 t 2,226,328 1,144,314 1,082,014 330,095 172,411 157,684 Akola 05 1,629,305 840,883 788,422 228\716 118,148 110,568 Washim 06 1,019,725 525,806 493J,l19. 156j834 81,627 75,207 Amravati 07 2,606,063 1 ,~43~572 1,262,491 347:067 118,234 168,8331 Wardha oS 1,230;64fY 635,751 594,889 150,254 77,672 72,582' ";t: ; -'WtifiS'!fr:. si4#iP:" ·,4f t h."'_,,;, -tiS 'i4Nd--iriM·>#;~·-· ~ / Ct:ti'"r"' ,~ b 4 b" '·+*;~4.i&&9t*Wf!M5fW·f -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates Literacy Rate Code State/ ------~~----~----~~~-----1991 2001 No. Union ~~------~~----~--~-:~--~~~~~Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory* /0 istrict 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

844,438 487,446 356,992 53.23 67.63 38.95 68.81 80.67 57.31 45 Balaghat 29,050,019 17,349,179 11,700,840 61.29 73.13 48.64 69.97 80.50 58.60 24 Gujarat NA NA NA 52.75 64.26 40.89 NA NA NA 01 Kachchh 1,049,716 707,730 341,986 39.50 55.17 22.71 51.26 66.91 34.54 02 Banas Kantha 604,513 379,603 224,910 53.91 67.91 39.20 60.59 74.07 46.36 03 Patan 1,202,297 706,961 495,336 68.39 81.05 55.22 75.54 86.52 63.96 04 Mahesana 1,192,947 733,866 459,081 59.03 74.53 43.08 67.31 81.19 52.85 05 Sabar Kantha 889,917 528,639 361,278 73.78 84.85 62.04 76.83 87.92 64.85 06 Gandhinagar 4,062,786 2,345,700 1,717,086 73.64 82.94 63.28 79.89 87.81 71 .12 07 Ahmadabad 794,034 494,678 299,356 54.77 67.83 40.65 62.46 75.33 48.72 08 Surendranagar 1,704,416 967,010 737,406 66.96 76.76 56.66 75.88 83.66 67.64 09 Rajkot 1,048,894 616,370 432,524 58.96 69.96 47.45 67.19 76f95 56.90 10 Jamnagar 320,053 187,026 133,027 61.85 73.24 50.08 69.09 781.88 58.83 11 Porbandar 1,432,422 846,648 585,774 39.63 72.04 46.78 68.35 79.37 56.92 12 Junagadh 814,151 466,506 347,645 60.46 71.21 49.68 67.72 77.68 57.77 13 Amreli 1,395,205 843,859 551,346 57.75 70.90 43.88 66.98 78.83 54.46 14 Bhavnagar 1,211,057 728,252 482,805 67.92 81.23 53.38 74.95 86.31 62.53 15 Anand 1,268,211 783,019 485,192 63.97 79.83 46.90 72.71 86.58 57.77 16 Kheda 1,043,284 669,879 373,405 49.58 66.18 31.64 61.50 76.62 45.43 17 Panch Mahals 600,403 393,009 207,394 35.84 49.74 2.1.49 45.65 59.45 31.70 18 Dohad 2,258,934 1,326,396 932,538 63.73 74.19 52.22 71.32 80.65 61.24 19 Vadodara 263,328 163,277 100,051 51.38 64.86 37.03 60.37 72.88 47.16 20 Narmada

886,192 514,335 371,857 6~1676..31 54.27 74.79 83.43 65.42 21 Bharuch 3,246,436 1,937,038 1,309,398 64.36 72.61 55.13 74.99 81.85 66.71 22 Surat 91,275 54,359 36,916 47.56 59.55 35.31 60.23 71.35 48.99 23 The Dangs 826,563 460,188 366,375 68.29 76.74 59.47 75.98 82.93 68.74 24 Navsari 842,985 494,831 348,154 60.33 70.16 50.02 69.41 78.10 59.92 25 Valsad 111,939 72,559 39,380 71.20 82.66 59.40 81.09 88.40 70.37 25 Daman & Diu * 27,204 14,604 12,600 64.46 78.06 51.99 74.14 85.63 64.16 01 Diu 84,735 57,955 26,780 75.34 85.24 64.39 83.60 89.12 73.73 02 Daman 108,830 74,691 34,139 40.71 53.56 26.98 60.03 73.32 42.99 26 Dadra & Nagar Havel 108,830 74,691 34,139 40.71 53.56 26.98 60.03 73.32 42.99 01 Da,dra & Nagar blaveli 64,566,781 37,487,129 27,079,652 64.87 76.56 52.32 77.27 86.27 67.51 27 Maharashtra 610,389 365,266 245,123 51.12 63.14 38.78 56.06 66.32 45.55 01 Nandurbar 1,054,979 614,159 440,820 51.30 63.13 38.78 72.08 81.90 61.76 02 Dhule 2,409,853 1,410,865 998,988 64.30 77.46 50.34 76.06 86.53 64.95 03 Jalgaon 1,443,854 847,170 596,684 61.69 76.53 46.13 76.14 87.17 64.55 04 Buldana 1,145,218 644,794 500,424 65.86 77.63 53.28 81.77 89.22 73.82 05 Akola 638,802 382,039 256,763 65.79 77.63 53.28 74.03 86.01 61.32 06 Washim 1,873,959 1,040,456 833,503 70.06 78.49 61.13 82.96 89.28 76.21 07 Amravati 869,673 489,417 380,256 69.95 78.33 61.02 80.50 87.70 72.80 08 Wardha 141 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and State/ Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/Oistrict No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Nagpur 09 4,051,444 2,095,489 1,955,955 510,561 261,985 248,576 Bhandara 10 1,135,835 573,184 562,651 150,252 76,731 73,521 Gondiya 11 1,200,151 598,447 601,704 167,408 85,219 82,189 Gadchiroli 12 969,960 490,809 479,151 151,486 76,750 74,736 Chandrapur 13 2,077,909 1,059,875 1,018,034 271,499 139,633 131,666 Yavatmal 14 2,460,482 1,267,117 1,193,365 359,430 185,114 174,316 Nanded 15 2,868,158 1,476,301 1,391,857 459,081 236,152 222,929 Hingoli 16 986,717 505,188 481,529 161,643 83,545 78,098 Parbhani 17 1,491,109 761,937 729,172 239,383 124,297 115,086 Jalna 18 1,612,357 825,977 786,380 251,459 131,370 120,089 Aurangabad 19 2,920,548 1,521,632 1,398,916 429,824 228,087 201,737 Nashik 20 4,987,923 2,591,980 2,395,943 765,868 395,495 370,373 Thane 21 8,128,833 4,377,806 3,751,027 1,114,539 ,576,658 537,881 Mumbai (Suburban) 2Z 8,587,561 4,702,761 3,884,800 985,612 513,706 471,906 Mumbai 23 3,326,837 1,875,141 1,451,696 327,398 172,500 154,898 Raigarh 24 2,205,972 1,116,821 1,089,151 304,310 156,620 147,690 Pune 25 7,224,224 3,768,001 3,456,223 926,828 486,382 440,446 Ahmadnagar 26 4,088,077 2,106,501 1,981,576 568,671 300,962 267,709 Bid 27 2,159,841 1,120,664 1,039,177 323,150 170,297 152,853 Latur 28 2,078,237 1,074,321 1,003,916 315,292 163,966 151,326 Osmanabad 29 1,472,256 762,947 709,309 219,799 114,039 105,760 Solapur 30 3,855,383 1,990,661 1,864,722 547,548 288,631 258,917 Satara 31 2,796,906 1,402,301 1,394,605 351,535 186,613 164,922 Ralnagiri 32 1,696,482 794,431 902,051 230,052 117,710 112,342 Sindhudurg 33 861,672 414,900 446,772 101,208 52,020 49,188 Kolhapur 34 3,515,413 1,803,746 1,711,667 438,975 236,073 202,902 Sangli 35 2,581,835 1,319,267 1,262,568 324,178 175,241 148,937 Andhra Pradesh 28 75,727,541 38,286,811 37,440,730 9,673,274 4,926,200 4,747,074 Adilabad 01 2,479,347 1,246,287 1,233,060 358,842 182,737 176,105 Nizamabad 02 2,342,803 1,161,907 1,180,896 323,169 164,398 158,771 Karimnagar 03 3,4 77 ,079 1,738,248 1,738,831 442,263 223,676 218,587 Medak 04 2,662,296 1,347,241 1,315,055 386,008 196,578 189,430 Hyderabad 05 3,686,460 1,894,990 1,791,470 441,977 226,614 215,363; Rangareddl 06 3,506,670 1,806,199 1,700,471 465,922 236,459 229,463 Mahbubnagar 07 3,506,876 1,779,992 1,726,884 527,983 269,757 258,226

Nalgonda 08 3,23~,449 1,646,555 1,591,894 439,279 223,857 215,422 Warangal 09 3,231,174 1,637,682 1,593,492 435,872 222,981 212,891 Khammam 10 2,565,412 1,299,245 1,266,167 337,459 171,432 166,027 Srikakulam 11 2,528,491 1,256,370 1,272,121 320,098 162,027 158,071 Vizianagararn 12 2,245,103 1,120,124 1,124,979 281,581 142,133 139,448 Visakhapalnam 13 3,789,823 1,903,894 1,885,929 457,054 231,675 225.379 142 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates ______~~~L~it~e~ra~c~y~R-a~te~~~------Code State! 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory*!District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

2,980,617 1,654,790 1,325,827 73.64 81.79 64.74 84.18 90.25 77.65 09 Nagpur 775,494 442,372 333,122 64.74 78.81 50.44 78.68 89.11 68.11 10 Bhandara 812,226 459,553 352,673 64.64 78.82 50.44 78.65 89.54 67.89 11 Gondiya 493,485 288,680 204,805 42.89 56.56 28.87 60.29 69.72 50.64 12 Gadchiroli 1,319,919 765,565 554,354 59.41 71.30 46.81 73.07 83.19 62.56 13 Chandrapur 1,556,040 913,~60 642,080 57.96 70.45 44.81 74.06 84.47 63.01 14 Yavatmal 1,650,601 1,006,271 644,330 48.17 64.38 30.96 68.52 81.14 55.12 15 Nanded 551,635 342,015 209,620 47.60 64.91 29.41 66.86 81.11 51.96 16 Hingoli 839,140 513,802 325,338 47.57 64.90 29.41 67.04 80.58 52.98 17 Parbhani 878,094~ 549,953 328,141 46.25 64.43 27.30 64.52 79.17 49.25 18 Jalna 1,833,993 1,100,397 733,596 56.98 72.93 39.64 73.63 85.07 61.28 19 Aurangabad 3,170,726 1,871,206 1,299,520 62.33 73.98 49.89 75.10 85.19 64.16 20 Nashik 5,681,291 3,271,379 2,409,912 69.54 77.56 60.28 81.00 86.06 75.00 21 Thane 6,624,554 3,881,074 2,743,480 81.96 87.53 75.12 87.14 92.65 80.39 22 Mumbai (Suburban) 2,604,173 1,531,600 1,072,573 83.61 8.8.54 77.24 86~82 89.95 82.71 23 Mumbai 1,470,309 829,581 640,728 63.95 75.94 52:20 77.32 86.40 68.06 24 Raigarh 5,086,741 2,905,770 2,180,971 71.05 81.56 59.77 80.78 88.55 72.32 25 Pune 2,668,491 1,556,508 1,111,983 61.03 75.30 45.99 75.82 86.21 64.88 26 Ahmadnagar 1,257,743 766,896 490,847 49.82 66.34 32.34 68.48 80.69 55.38 27 Bid 1,275,279 761,357 513,922 55.57 70.47 39.74 72.34 83.63 60.28 28 Latur 879,684 532,312 347,372 54.27 68.39 39.16 70.24 82.03 57.55 29 Osmanabad 2,365,053 1,400,379 964,674 56.39 70.08 41.73 71.,50 82.28 60.07 30 Solapur 1,920,176 1,075,247 844,929 66.67 80.61 53.35 78.52 88.45 68.71 31 Satara 1,104,922 583,870 521,052 62.70 76.64 51.61 75.35 86.28 65.98 32 Ratnagiri 612,309 327,362 284,947 75.81 86.23 66.87 80.52 90.21 71.67 33 Sindhudurg 2,375,780 1,374,321 1,001,459 66.94 80.33 53.08 77.23 87.67 66.38 34 Kolhapur 1,731,579 986,743 744,836 62.61 74.83 49.94 76.70 86.25 66.88 35 Sangli 40,364,765 .23,636,077 16,728,688 44.08 55.12 32.72 61.11 70.85 51.17 28 Andhra Pradesh 1,134,631 697,240 437,391 32.96 45.05 20.60 53.51 65.56 41.38 01 Adilabad 1,075,644 661,001 414,643 34.18 47.33 21.35 53.26 66.27 40.57 02 Nizamabad 1,699,577 1,027,826 671,751 37.17 50.79 23.37 56.00 67.86 44.19 03 Karimnagar 1,211,807 753,941 457,866 32.41 45.16 19.24 53.24 65.52 40.68 04 Medak 2,564,526 1,403,346 1,161,180 71.52 78.90 63.56 79.04 84.11 73.67 05 Hyderabad 2,016,435 1,177,556 838,879 49.07 60.43 36.91 66.31 75.02 57.03 06 Rangareddi 1,356,186 874,033 482,153 29.58 40.80 18.03 45.53 57.87 32.83 07 Mahbubnagar 1,618,918 998,575 620,343 38.00 50.53 24.92 57:84 70.19 45.07 08 Nalgonda 1,632,868 990,389 642,479 39.30 51.98 26.08 58.41 70.01 46.54 09 Warangaf 1,285,948 756,068 529,880 40.50 50.04 30.53 57.72 67.04 48.16 10 Khammam 1,235,418 743,113 492,305 36.22 4914 23.52 55.94 67.90 44.19 11 Srikakuiam 1,017,536 616,143 401,393 34.19 45.93 22.47 51.82 63.00 40.73 12 Vizianagaram 1,981,2141,151,086 830,128 45.51 56.13 34.60 59.45 68.84 49.99 13 Visakhapatnam 143 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and, India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

East Godavari 14 4,872,622 2,445,811 2,426,811 577,421 291,916 285,505 West Godavari 15 3,796,144 1,906,104 1,890,040 436,894 221,030 215,864 Krishna 16 4,218,416 2,151,1.87 2,067,229 485,348 247,731 237,617 Guntur 17 4,405,521 2,220,305 2,185,216 509,044 260,351 248,693 Prakasam 18 3,054941 1,549,891 1,505,050 371,947 189,228 182,719 Nellore 19 2,659,661 1,341,192 1,318,469 313,393 160,284 153,109 Cuddapah 20 2,573,481 1,303,160 1,270,321 322,870 165,401 157,469 Kurnool 21 3,512,266 1,787,471 1,724,795 518,944 266,940 252,004 Anantapur 22 3,639,304 1,859,502 1,779,802 459,130 233,838 225,292 C.hittoor 23 3,735,202 1,883,454 1,851,748 460,776 235,157 225,619 Karnataka 29 52,733,958 26,856,343 25,877,615 6,826,168 3,501,499 3,324,669 Selgaum 01 4,207,264 2,147,746 2,059,518 600,722 312,304 288,418 Sagalkot 02 1,652,232 835,684 816,548 254,479 131,239 123,240 Bijapur 03 1,808,863 92,S.. 550 880,313 272,595 138,293 134,302 Gulbarga 04 3,124,858 :1 ,591 ,379 1,533,479 509,233 262,848 246,385 Sidar 05 1,501,374 770,679 730,695 234,495 119,195 115,300 Raichur 06 1,648,212 832,352 815,860 267,418 136.273 131,145 Koppal 07 1,193,496 602,026 591,470 198,615 102,481 96,134 Gadag 08 971,955 493,795 478,160 132,626 67,982 64,644 Dharwad 09 1,603,794 823,415 780,379 207,346 106,675 100,671 Uttara Kannada 10 1,353,299 687,026 666,273 169,480 87,095 82,385 Haveri 11 1,437,860 740,307 697,553 193,908 98,899 95,009 Sellary 12 2,q25,242 1,028,481 996,761 301,217 154,587 146,630 Chitradurga 13 1,510,227 772,649 737,578 189,161 97,220 91,941 Davanagere 14 1,789,693 917,320 872,373 226,873 116,375 110,498 Shimoga 15 1,639,595 829,365 810,230 198,763 101,473 97,290 Udupi 16 1,109,494 521,541 587,953 108,778 55,647 53,131 Chikmagalur 17 1,139,104 574,275 564,829 131,047 66,726 64,321' Tumkur 18 2,579,516 1,311,941 1,267,575 291,371 141),272 142,099 Kolar 19 2,523,406 1,281,153 1,242,253 318,071 161,002 157,069 Bangalore 20 6,523,110 3,422,797 3,100,313 728,615 375,585 353,030 Bangalore Rural 21 1,877416 961,335 916,081 213,921 110,216 103,705 Mandya 22 1,76!718 887,307 874,411 191',677 98,949 92,728 Hassan 23 1,721,319 858,623 862,696 192,52p 98,048 94,477 Dakshina Kannada 24 1,896,403 937,651 958,752 213,257 109,227 104,030 Kodagu 25 545,322 273,210 272,'112 66,809 33,796 33,013 Mysore 26 2,624,911 1,335,841 1,289,070 305,247 154,955 150,292 Chamarajanagar 27 964,275 489,895 474,380 107,919 55,137 52.782 Goa 30 1,343,998 685,617 658,381 142,152' 73,547 68,605 North Goa 01 757,407 388,116 369,291 77,573 40,162 37,411 South Goa 02 586,591 297,501 289,090 64.579 33,385 31,194 144 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates Literacy Rate Code State/ 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ersons Males Females territo */District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 1

2,813,118 1,506,988 1,306,130 48.79 55.32 42.26 65.49 69.97 61.00 14 East Godavari 2,484,269 1,321,561 '1,162,708 53.38 59.75 46.98 73.95 78.43 69.45 15 West Godavari 2,609,627 1,419,433 1,190,194 53.16 60.55 45.54 69.91 74.57 65.05 16 Krishna 2,446,904 1,397,818 1,049,086 46.35 56.54 35.85 62.80 71.32 54.17 17 Guntur 1,552,382 949,411 602,971 40.30 53.14 27.06 57.86 69.18 45.60 18 Prakasam 1;546,252 879,191 667,061 47.61 58.04 36.99 65.90 74.45 57.24 19 Nellore 1,440,741 875,881 564,860 48.12 63.14 32.35 64.02 76.98 50.76 20 Cuddapah 1,629,213 1,024,282 604,931 39.97 53.24 26.04 54.43 67.36 41.07 21 Kurnool 1,802,696 1,120,708 681,988 42.18 55.92 27.61 56.69 68.94 43.87 22 Anantapur 2,208,855 1,290,487 918,368 49.75 62.61 36.44 67.46 78.29 56.48 23 Chittoor 30,774,988 17,817,682 12,957,306 56.04 67.26 44.34 67.04 76.29 57.45 29 Karnataka 2,323,258 1,392,932 930,326 53.00 66.65 38.69 64.42 75.89 52.53 01 Belgaum .808,069 502,308 305,761 53.58 68.78 38.19 57.81 71.31 44.10 02 Bagalkot - . 882,754 538,179 344,575 56.55 70.50 41.81 57.46 68.10 46.19 03 Bijapur 1,324,905 830,658 494,247 38.54 52.08 24.49 50.65 62.52 38.40 04 Gulbarga 785,t06 477,456 307,750 45.11 58.97 30.53 61.98 73.29 50.01 05 Bidar 683,988 431,738 252,250 34.34 46.75 21.70 49.54 62.02 36.84 06 Raichur 547,345 345,457 201,888 38.23 53.47 22.78 55.02 69.15 40.76 07 Koppal 556,191 338,746 217,445 55.88 71.63 39.68 66.27 79.55 52.58 08 Gadag 1,003,608 580,829 422,779 62.73 74.22 50.41 71.87 81.04 62.20 09 Dharwad 906,640 506,799 399,841 66.73 76.39 56.77 76.59 84.48 68.48 10 Uttara Kannada 846,960 499,906 347,054 56.10 68.05 43.28 68.09 77 .94 57.60 11 Haveri 1,000,602 608,165 392,437 45.89 59.11 32.24 58.04 69.59 46.16 12 Bellary 857,099 504,478 352,621 52.28 64.50 39.38 64.88 74.69 54.62 13 Chitradurga 1,057,525 612,240 445,285 55.96 66.82 44.41 67.67 76.44 58.45 14 Davanagere 1,078,573 599,168 479,405 63.90 73.12 54.33 74.86 82.32 67.24 15 Shimoga 799,305 403,425 395,880 74.47 83.58 66.64 79.87 86.59 74.02 16 Udup'i 732,185 409,495 322,690 61.05 70.56 51.31 72.63 80.68 64.4 7 17 Chikmagalur. 1,537,332 893,835 643,497 54.48 66.49 41.93 6T19 76.88 57.18 18 Tumkur 1,392,445 819,329 573,116 50.45 62.69 ~7.75 63.14 73.14 52.81 19 Kolar 4,862,343 2,692,608 2,169,735 76.27 82.94 68.81 83.91 88.36 78.98 20 Bangalore 1,081,240 633,486 447,754 50.17 61.51 38.15 65.00 74.43 55.12 21 Bangalore Rural 960,948 557,435 403,513 48.15 59.18 36.70 61.21 70.71 51.62 22 Mandya 1,051,095 595,424 455,671 56.85 68.87 44.90 68.75 78.29 59.32 23 Hassan 1,404,928 743,445 661,483 76.74 84.88 68.84 83.47 89.74 77 .39 24 Dakshina Kannada 374,041 200,627~ 173,414 68.35 75.35 61.22 78.17 83.80 72.53 25 Kodagu 1,477,464 841,941 635,523 50.88 59.71 41.60 63.69 71.30 55.81 26 Mysore 438,939 257,573 181,366 38.19 47.31 28.60 51.26 59.25 43.02 27 Chamarajanagar 989,362 544,006 445,356 75.51 83.64 67.09 82.32 88.88 75.51 30 Goa 571,861 315,344 256,517 77.67 86.15 68.86 84.12 90.63 77.29 01 North Goa 417,501 228,662 188,839 72.64 80.30 64.76 79.98 86.58 73.22 02 South Goa 145 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and' India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/District No. age group 0-6 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Lakshadweep * 31 60,595 31,118 29,477 8,860 4,488 4,372 Lc;lkshadweep 01 60,595 31,118 29,477 8,860 4,488 4,372 Kerala 32 31,838,619 15,468,664 16,369,955 3,653,578 1,861,669 1,791,909 Kasaragod 01 1,203,342 587,763 615,579 150,907 76,071 74,836 Kannur 02 2,412,365 1,154,144 1,258,221 270,200 138,169 132,031 Wayanad 03 786,627 393,397 393,230 100,231 51,308 48,923 Kozhikode 04 2,878,498 1,398,674 1,479,824 334,924 170,318 164,606 Malappuram 05 3,629,640 1,759,479 1,870,161 531,256 268,482 262,774 Palakkad 06 2;617,072 1,265,794 1,351,278 302,511 154,070 148,441 Thrissur 07 2,975,440 1,422,047 1,553,393 321,910 164,817 157,093 Ernakulam 08 3,098,378 1,535,881 1,562,497 327,058 167,866 159,192 Idukki 09 1,128,605 566,405 562,200 129,367 65,656 63,711 Kottayam 10 1,952,901 964,433 988,468 206,769 105,680 101,089

Alappuzha 11 2,105,3~9 1,012,572 1,092,777 217,442 110,825 106,617 Pathanamthitta 12 1,231,577 588,035 643,542 122,235 62,101 60,134 Kollam 13 2,584,118 1,248,616 1,335,502 283,010 144,349 138,670 Thiruvananthapuram 14 3,234,707 1,571,424 1,663,283 355,758 181,966 173,792 Tamil Nadu 33 62,110,839 31,268,654 30,842,185 6,817,669 3,515,562 3,302,107 Thiruvallur 01 2,738,866 1,390,292 1,348,574 312,349 159,875 152,474 Chennai 02 4,216,268 2,161,605 2,054,663 374,089 190,044 184,045 Kancheepuram 03 2,869,920 1,455,302 1,414,618 317,569 161,914 1'55,655 Vellore 04 3,482,970 1,743,871 1,739,099 409,093 211,215 197,878 Dharmapuri 05 2,833,252 1,462,136 1,371,116 366,068 194,963 171,105 Tiruvanamalai 06 2,181,853 1,093,191 1,088,662 250,320 128,228 122,092 Viluppuram 07 2,943,917 1,484,573 1,459,344 354,050 179,832 174,218 \ Salem 08 2,992,754 1,551,357 1,441,397 325,303 178,121 147,182 Namakkal 09 1,495,661 760,409 735,252 144,693 76,335 68,358 Erode 10 2,574,067 1,306,039 1,268,028 235,014 121,379 113,635 The Nilgiris 11 764,826 379,610 385,216 81,176 40,794 40,382 Coimbatore 12 4,224,107 2,156,280 -2,067,827 433,350 222,078 211,272 Dindigul 13 1,918,960 966,201 952,759 205,339 106,428 98,911 Kapur 14 933,791 464,489 469,302 97,477 50,683 46,794 Tiruchirappalli 15 2,388,831 1,194,133 1,194,698 254,307 130,489 123,818 Perambalur 16 486,971 242,664 244,307 57,013 29,317 27,696 Ariyalur 17 694,058 345,777 348,281 85,550 43,868 41,682 Cuddalore 18 2,280,530 1,148,729 1,131,801 271,108 139,872 131,236 Nagapattinarn 19 1,487,055 738,287 748,768 172,830 88,186 84,644 Thiruvarur 20 1,165,213 ,578,870 586,343 131,848 66,779 65,069 Thanjavur 21 2,205,375 1,091,557 1,113,818 245,822 126,073 119,749 Pudukkottai 22 1,452,269 720,847 731,422 175,056 89,109 85,947 Sivaganga 23 1,150,753 565,594 585,159 124,484 63,978 60,506 146 y fry 5' hz! t 2 i,5 ¥bra! 1'M -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates Literacy Rate Code State! 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territory*!District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

45,281 24,806 20,475 81.78 90.18 72.89 87.52 93.15 81.56 31 Lakshadweep * 45,281 24,806 20,475 81.78 90.18 72.89 87.52 93.15 81.56 01 Lakshadweep 25,625,698 12,817,963 12,807,735 89.81 93.62 86.17 90.92 94.20 87.86 32 Kerala 896,367 464,844 431,523 82.51 88.97 76.29 85.17 90.84 79.80 01 Kasaragod 1,988,014 979,240 1,008,774 91.48 95.54 87.65 92.80 96.38 89.57 02 Kannur 587,030 308,831 278,199 82.73 87.59 77.69 85.52 90.28" 80.80 03 Wayanad 2,351,548 1,182,906 1,168,642 91.10 95.58 86.79 92.45 96.30 88.86 04 Kozhikode 2,745,398 1,363,647 1,381,751 87.94 92.08 84.09 88.61 91.46 85.96 05 Malappuram 1,951,428 997,503 953,925 81.27 87.24 75.72 84.31 89.73 79.31 06 Palakkad 2,456,081 1,200,247 1,255,834 90.18 93.77 86.94 92.56 95.47 89.94 07 Thrissur 2,589,038 1,312,657 1,276,381 92.30 95.40 89.22 93.42 95.95 90.96 08 Ernakulam 885,166 461,260 423,906 86.97 90.89 82.97 88.58 92.11 85.04 09 Idukki 1,674,592 836,491 838,101 95.72 97.46 94.00 95.90 97.41 94.45 10 Kottayam 1,768,261 869,440 898,821 93.87 96.79 91.12 93.66 96.42 91.14 11 Alappuzha 1,054,837 508,153 546,684 94.86 96.56 93.29 95.Q9 96.62 93.71 12 Palhanamlhitta 2,105,396 1,045,009 1,060,387 90.47 94.09 87.00 91.49 94.63 88.60 13 Kollam 2,572,542 1,287,735 1,284,807 89.22 92.84 85.76 89.36 92.68 86.26 14 Thiruvananlhapuram 40,624,398 22,847,735 17,776,663 62.66 73.75 51.33 73.47 82.33 64.55 33 Tamil Nadu

1,857,2~1 1,041,183 816,048 66.22 77.03 54.90 76.54 84.62 68.23 01 Thiruvallur 3,079,004 1,670,094 1,408,910 81.60 87.86 74.87 80.14 84.71 75.32 02 Chennai 1,980,898 1,096,992 883,906 66.53 77.11 55.51 77.61 84.82 70.21 03 Kancheepuram 2,246,052 1,266,981 979,071 60.87 72.94 48.58 73.07 82.67 63.53 04 Vellore 1,461,245 872,014 589,231 46.02 57.21 34.23 59.23 68.82 49.10 05 Dharmapuri 1,317,6!i1 773,367 544,284 53.07 66.71 39.25 68.22 80.14 56.31 06 Tiruvanamalai 1,675,027 991,886 683,141 48.36 60.92 35.38 64.68 76.02 53.16 07 Viluppuram 1,752,966 1,033,301 719,665 52.76 63.51 41.31 65.72 75.25 55.61 08 Salem 914,122 533,698 380,424 54.37 66.65 41.71 67.66 78.02 57.04 09 Namakkal 1,532,258 894,339 637,919 53.80 65.54 41'.58 65.51 75.49 55.26 10 Erode 556,783 303,697 253,086 71.70 81 79 61.47 81.44 89.63 73.39 11 The Nilgiris 2,916,996 1,621,164 1,295,832 66.35 76.45 55.73 76.95 83.82 69.80 12 Coimbatore 1,196,671 690,338 506,333 56.68 69.19 43.94 69.83 80.29 59.30 13 Dindigul 574,873 332,772 242,101 56.06 69.62 42.59 68.74 80.42 57.30 14 Kapur 1,689,780 927,388 762,392 68.67 79.50 57.69 79.16 8719 71.19 15 Tiruchirappalli 283,246 165,720 117,526 51.81 64.74 38.57 65.88 77.68 54.26 16 Perambalur 394,781 235,246 159,535 48.98 63.19 34.47 64.88 77.92 52.03 17 Ariyalur 1,443,851 834,940 608,911 58.59 71.53 45.21 71.85 82.76 60.86 18 Cuddalore 1,010,488 556,573 453,915 65.75 77.03 54.43 76.89 85.61 68.35 19 Nagapattinam 794,644 438,304 356,340 66.15 77.45 54.73 76.90 85.59 68.36 20 Thiruvarur 1,490,568 825,006 665,562 66.13 77.26 55.01 76.07 85.45 66.95 21 Thanjavur 919,086 525,743 393,343 57.63 71.78 43.62 71.96 83.22 60.94 22 Pudukkottai 745,735 419,840 325,895 62.95 76.90 49.59 72.66 83.70 62.12 23 Sivaganga 147 Table Total population, child population in the age group 0-6, literates and India and Statel Code Total population Child population in the Union territory*/Oistrict No. age groue 0-6 . Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Madurai 24 2,562,279 1,295,124 1,267,155 279,144 144,838 134,306 Theni 25 1,094,724 553,118 541,606 118,971 62,836 56,135 Virudhunagar 26 1,751,548 870,820 880,728 199,023 101,429 97,594 Ramana'thapuram 27 1,183,321 582,068 601,253 141,809 .72,190 69,619 Toothukudi 28 1,565,743 764,087 801,656 173,580 88,861 84,719 lirunelveli 29 2,801,194 1,372,082 1,429,112 310,271 158,936 151,335 Kanniyakumari 30 1,669,763 829,542 840,221 170,963 86,912 84·,051 Pondicherry * 34 973,829 486,705 487,124 113,010 57,722 55,288 Yanam 01 31,362 15,876 15,486 4,308 2,182 2,126 Pondicherry 02 735,004 369,318 365,686 84,004 43,003 41,001 Mahe 03 36,823 17,146 19,677 4,015 2,097 1,918 Karaikal 04 170,640 84,365 86,275 20,683 10,440 10,243 Andaman & Nlcobar 35 356,265 192,985 163,280. 44,674 22,733 21,941 Islands * Andamans 01 314,239 170,3.78 143,861 3.9,459 20,049 19,410 Nicobars 02 42,026· 22,607 19,419 5,215 2,684 2,531

Notes 1. The population of India includes the estimated population of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya, Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could riot be conducted due to natural calamities.

3. The total population shown against Himachal Pradesh includes the estimated population of Kinnaur district, while the child population in the age-group 0-6, literates and literacy rate do not include the figures of Kinnaur district as these details are not available because the population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted in this district due to natural calamities.

5. NA stands for 'Not Available".

148 -2 literacy rates by sex - States/Union territorries and Districts: 2001 Literates Literac~ Rate Code State! 1991 2001 No. Union Persons Males Females Persons Males FemalesPersons Males Females territo!}:*!District 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 1

1,795,751 1,003,506 792,245 69.08 79.93 57.90 78.65 87.24 69.93 24 Madurai 702,595 404,478 298,117 60.26 72.70 47.51 72.01 82.50 61.41 25 Theni 1,152,516 650,601 501,915 62.91 75.67 50.17 74.23 84.56 64.09 26 Virudhunagar 760,819 422,992 337,R27 61.65 74.73 48.84 73.05 82.96 63.55 27 Ramanathapuram 1,140,959 598,669 542,290 73.02 82.02 64.57 81.96 88.66 75.64 28 Toothukudi 1,917,238 1,041,964 875,274 65.58 77.46 54.23 76.97 85.89 68.50 29 Tirunelveli 1,320,564 674,939 645,625 82.06 85.70 78.39 88.11 90.88 85.38 30 Kanniyakumari 701,447 381,327 320,120 74.74 83.68 65.63 81.49 88.89 74.13 34 Pondicherry * 20,062 10,834 9,228 76.86 82.38 71.19 74.16 79.11 69.07 01 Yanam 526,643 289,499 237,144 73.35 82.75 63.60 80.90 88.72 73.04 02 Pondicherry 31,422 14,687 16,735 94.10 96.90 91.73 95.78 97.59 94.23 03 Mahe 123,320 66,307 57,013 75.78 85.05 66.65 82.24 89.69 74.99 04 Karaikal 252,945 146,536 106,409 73.02 78.99 65.46 81.18 86.07 75.29 35 Andaman & Nicobar Islands * 226,291 130,944 95,347 74.52 80.31 67.15 82~35 87.10 76.61 01 Andamans- 26,654 15,592 11,062 63.72 70.68 55.26 72.41 78.26 65.50 02 Nicobars

2. Figures shown against child population in the age group 0-6, literate population and literacy rate do not include the figures of entire Kachchh district, Morvi-Maliya, Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district and entire Kinnaur district Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities. 4. The total population shown against Gujarat includes the estimated population entire Kachchh district Morvi, Maliya- Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat state while the child population in the age­ group 0-6, literates and literacy rate do not include figures of these areas as their details are not available because the population enumeration of Census of India, 2001 could not be conducted In these area due to natural calamities.

149 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No, Union territory" Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6

Medinipur West Bengal 9,638,473 4,929,000 4,709,473 2 North Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 8,930,295 4,635,262 4,295,033 3' Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 8,587,561 4,702,761 3,884,800 4 Thane Maharashtra 8,128,833 4,377,806 3,751,027 5 Pune Maharashtra 7,224,224 3,768,001 3,456,223 6 Barddhaman West Bengal 6,91"9,698 3,602,675 3,317,023 7 South Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 6,909,015 3,564;241 3,344,774 8 Bangalore Karnataka 6,523,110 3,422,797 3,100,313 9 Murshidabad West Bengal 5,863,717 3,004,385 2,859,332 10 Ahmadabad Gujarat 5,808,378 3,069,861 2,738,517 11 Jaipur Rajasthan' 5,252,388 2,769,096 2,483,292 12 Hugli West Bengal 5,040,047 2,588,322 2,451,725 , 13 Surat Gujarat _ 4,996,391 2,722,675 2,273,716 14 Nashik Maharashtra 4,987,923 2,591,980 2,395,943 15 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 4,941,510 2,625,872 2,315,638 16 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 4,872,622 2,445,811 2,426,811 17 Patna Bihar 4,709,851 2,514,949 2,194,902 18 Nadia West Bengal 4,603,756 2,365,054 2,,238,702 19 Kolkata West Bengal 4,580,544 2,506,029 2,074,515 20 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 4.405,521 2,220,305 2,185,216 21 Haora West Bengal 4,274,010 2,242,395- 2,031,6}s 22 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 4,224,107 2,156,280 2,067,827 23 Krishna Andhra Pradesh {218,416 2,151,187 2,067,229 24 Chennai Tamil Nadu 4,216,268 2,161,605 2,054,663 25 Belgaum Karnataka 4,207,264 2,147;746 2,059,518 26 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 4,137,489 2,213,955 1,923,534 27 Ahinadnagar Maharashtra 4,088,077 2,106,501 1,981,576 28 Nagpur Maharashtra 4,051,444 2,095,489 1,955,955 29 Azamgarh 'Uttar Pradesh 3,950,808 1,949,827 2,000,981 30 Purba Champaran Bihar 3,933,636 -2,072,350 1,861,266 31 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 3,911,305 1,935,576 1,975,729 32 Solapur Maharashtra 3,855,383 1,990,661 1,864,722 33 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 3,796,144 1,Im6,104 1,890,040 34 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 3,789,823 1,903,894 1,885,929 '35 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 3,784,720 1,931,7p2 1,852,958 36 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 3,749;630 1,988,801 1,760,829 37 Muzaffarpur Bihar 3,743,836 1,941,480 1,802,356 38 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 3,735,202 1,883,454 1,851,748 ·.39 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 3,686,460 1,894,990 1,791,470 40 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 3,681,416 1,946,973 1,734,443 150 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory* Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6

41 Jalgaon Maharashtra 3,679,936 1,904,437 1,775,499 42 Vadodara Gujarat 3,639,775 1,896,859 1,742,916 43 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 3,639,304 1,859,502 1,779,802,

44 Malapp~rafl) Kerala 3,629,640 1,759,479 1~870, 161 45 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 3,616,510 1,941,933 1,674,577 46 Agra Uttar Pradesh 3,611,301 1,949,775 1,661,526 47 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 3,598,701 1,922,833 1,675,868 48 Madhubani Bihar 3,570,651 1,837,361 1,733,290 49 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 3,541,952 1,891,937 1,650,015 50 Kolhapur Maharashtra 3,515,413 1,803,746 1,711,667 51 Kurnool . Andhra Pradesh 3,512,266 1,787,471 1,724,79~ 52 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 3,506,876 1,779,992 1,726,884 53 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 3,506,670 1,806,199 1,700,471 54 VeUore Tamil Nadu 3,482,970 1,743,871 1,739,099"' 55 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 3,477,079 1,738,248 1,738,831 56 Gaya Bihar 3,464,983 1,789,231 1,675,752: 57 Samastipur Bihar 3,413,413 1,771,249 1,642,164 58 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 3,403,204 1,753,278 1,649,926 59 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 3,397,414 1,843,395 1,554,019 60 Mumbai Maharashtra 3,326,837 1,875,141 1,451,696". 61 Maldah West Bengal 3,290,160 1,689,409 1,600,751. 62 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 3,289,540 1,768,215 1,521,325" 63 Darbhanga Bihar 3,285,473 1,716,640 1,568,833 64 Saran Bihar 3,251,474 1,654,428 1,597,046" 65 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 3,238,449 1,646,555 1,591,894 66 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 3,234,707 1,571,424 1,663,283- 67 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 3,231,174 1,637,682 1,593,492 68 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 3,200,137 1,706,830 1,493,307 69 Bankura West Bengal 3,191,822 1,634,561 1,557,261 70 Suftanpur Uttar Pradesh 3,190,926 1,611,936 1,578,990, 71 Ra}kot Gujarat 3,157,676 1,635.741 1,521,935. 72 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 3,147,927 1,650,138 1,497,789: 73 Ganjam Orissa 3,136,937 1,568,568 1,568,369 74 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 3,130,586 1,651,275 1,479,311 75 Gulbarga Karnataka 3,124,858 1,591,379 1,533,479 76 Ernakulam Kerala 3,098,378 1,535,881 1,562,497 77 Amritsar Punjab 3,074,207 1,640,024 1,434,183 78 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 3,069,245 1,667,499 1,401,746 79 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 3,054,941 1,549,891 1,505,050 80 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 3,049,337 1,544,496 1,504,841 151 Table-3

Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory' Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 "

81 Pashchim Champaran Bihar 3,043,044 1,600,853 1,442,191 82 Ludhiana Punjab 3,030,352 1,661,329 1,369,023 83 Birbhum West Bengal 3,012,546 1,545,765 1,466,781 84 Raipur Chhatisgarh 3,009,042 1,520,024 1,489,018 . 85 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 3,001,636 1,604,103 1,397,533 86 Salem Tamil Nadu 2,992,754 1,551,357 1,441,397 87 Alwar Rajasthan 2,990,862 1,585,046 1,405,816 88 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 2,990,388 1,607,222 1,383,166 89 Thrissur . Kerala 2,975,440 1,422,047 1,5?3,393 90 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 2,943,917 1,484,573 1,459,344 91 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 2,923,290 1,553,711 1,369,579 92 Aurangabad Maharashtra 2,920,548 1,521,632 1,398,916 93 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 2,891,933 1,474,884 1,417,049 94 Jodhpur Rajasthan 2,880,777 1,509,563 1,371,214 95 Kozhikode Kerala 2,878,498 1,398,674 1,47_9,824 96 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 2,872,204 1,473,690 1,398,514 i 97 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 2,869,920 1,455,302 1,414,618 98 Nanded Maharashtra 2,868,158 1,476,301 1,391,857 99 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 2,848,152 1,525,096 1,323,056 100 North West Delhi 2,847,395 1,564,301 1,283,094 101 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 2,833,252 1,462,136 1,371,116 102 Durg Chhatisgarh 2,801,757 1,413,785 1,387,972 103 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 2,801,194 1,372,082 1,429,112 f 104 Satara Maharashtra 2,796,906 1,402,301 1,394,605 105 Etah Uttar Pradesh 2,788,270 1,509,491 1,278,779 106 Ranch; Jharkhand 2,783,577 1,436,423 1,347,154 107 Nagaur Rajasthan 2,773,894 1,;l21 A55 1,352,439 108 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 2,765,754 1,456,460 1,309,294 109 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 2,752,412 1,409,866 1,342,546 110 ThiruvaUur Tamil Nadu 2,738,866 1,390,292 1,348,574 111 Deoria ta, P'adesh 2,730,376 1,363,250 1,367,126 112 Pratapgarh ttar Pradesh 2,727,156 1,375,610 1,351,546 113 Valshali BIhar 2',712,389 1,412,276 1,300,113 I 114 Siwan Bihar 2,708,840 1,332,218 1,376,622 115 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 2,700,426 1,422,965 1,277,461 116 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 2,673,394 1,417,213 1,256,181 117 Sitamarhi Bihar 2,669,887 1,410,149 1,259)38 118 Medak Andhra Pradesh 2,662,296 1,347,241 1,315,055 I 119 Nellore AndhraPradesh 2,659,661 1,341,192 1,318,469 ~120 UdaipDr Rajasthan '2,632,210 1,335,017 1,297,193 152 Table-3

Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District State! Population 2D01 No. Union territory· Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6

121 Mysore Karnataka 2,624,911 1,335,841 1,289,070 122 Palakkad Kerala 2,617,072 1,265,794 1,351,278 123 Amravati Maharashtra 2,606,063 1,343,572 1,262,491 124 Indore Madhya Pradesh 2,585,321 1,352,849 1,232,472 125 Kollam Kerala 2,584,118 1,248,616 1,335,502 126 Sangli Maharashtra 2,581,835 1,319,267 1,262,568 127 Tumkur Karnataka 2,579,516 1,311,941 1,267,575 128 Erode Tamil Nadu 2,574,067 1,306,039 1,268,028 129 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 2,573,481 1,303,160 1,270,321 130 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 2,565,412 1,299,245 1,266,167 131 Madurai Tamil Nadu 2,562,279 1,295,124 1,267,155 132 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 2,549,458 1,387,424 1,162,034 133 Purnia Bihar 2,540,788 1,325,794 1,214,994 134 Puruliya West Bengal 2,535,233 1,298,079 1,237,154 135 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 2,528,491 1,256,370 1,272,121 136 Kolar Karnataka 2,523,406 1,281,153 1,242,253 137 Kamrup Assam 2,515,030 1,327,717 1,187,313 138 Banas Kantha Gujarat 2,502,843 1,296,415 1,206,428 139 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 2,479,347 1,246,287 1,233,060 140 Koch Bihar West Bengal 2,478,280 1,271,715 1,206,565 141 Bhavnagar Gujarat 2,469,264 1,275,329 1,193,935 142 Yavatmal Maharashtra 2,460,482 1,267,117 1,193,365 143 Rohtas Bihar 2,448,762 1,282,655 1,166,107 144 Junagadh Gujarat 2,448,427 1,252,458 1,195,969 145 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 2,441,824 1,260,747 1,181,077 146 Bhagalpur Bihar 2,430,331 1,294,192 1,136,139 147 Kannur Kerala 2,412,365 1,154,144 1,258,221 148 Dhanbad Jharkhand 2,394,434 1,277,516 1,116,918 149 Katihar Bihar 2,389,533 1,244,943 1,144,590 150 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 2,388,831 1,194,133 1,194,698 151 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 2,384,239 1,278,253 1,105,986 152 Nalanda Bihar 2,368,327 1,236,467 1,131,860 153 Begusaral Bihar 2,342,989 1,226,057 1,116,932 154 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 2,342,803 1,161,907 1,180,896 155 Cuttack Orissa 2,340,686 1,207,569 1,133,117 156 Nagaon Assam 2,315,387 1,194,327 1,121,060 157 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 2,305,847 1,218,892 1,086,955 158 Sikar Rajasthan 2,287,229 1,172,129 1,115,100 159 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 2,280,530 1,148,729 1,131,801 160 Hazaribagh Jharkhand ------2,277,108 1,167,526 1,109,582 153 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statei Population 2001 No. Union territory* Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6,

161 South Delhi 2,258,367 1,256,402 1,001,965 162 Vizianagaram' Andhra Pradesh 2,245,103 1,120,124 1,124,979 163 Bhojpur Bihar 2,233,415 1,175,333 1,058,082 164 Buldana Maharashtra 2,226,328 1,144,314 1,082,014 165 Mayurbhanj Orissa 2,221,782 1,121,982 1,099,800 166 Raigarh Maharashtra 2,2Q5,972 1,116,821 1,089,151 167 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 2,2d5,375 1,091,557 1,113,818 168 Faridabad Haryana 2,193,276 1,192,537 1,000,739' 169 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 2,181,853 1,093,191 1,088,662 170 Ajmer Rajasthan 2,180,526 1,128,763 1,051,763 171 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 2,167,469 1,134,870 1,032;599 172 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 2,167,041 1,120,800 1,046,241 173 Bid Maharashtra 2,159,841 1,120,664 1,039,177 174 Gopalganj Bihar 2,149,343 1,072,151 1,077,192 175 Araria Bihar 2,124,831 1,108,924 1,015,907 176 West Delhi 2,119,641 1,158,274 961,367 177 Mirzapt.!r Uttar Pradesh 2,114,852 1,115,112 999,740 178 Alappuzha Kerala 2,105,349 1,012,572 1,092,777 179 Bharatpur Rajasthan 2,098,323 1,130,010 968,313 180 Gurdaspur Punjab 2,096,889 1,110,406 986,483 181 Palamu Jharkhand 2,092,004 1,079,829 1,012,175 182 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 2,087,914 1,076,000 1,011,914 183 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 2,083,416 1,069,602 1,013,814 184 Pashchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 2,080,265 1,052,711 1,027,554 185 Latur Maharashtra 2,078,237 1,074,321 1,003,916

186 Chandrapur Maharashtra 2,077,909 1,059,875 1,018,03~ 187 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 2,069,578 4,123,984 945,594 188 Basti Uttar Pradesh 2,068,922 1,079,971 988,951 189 Firozabad \..lttar Pradesh 2,045,737 1,105,203 940,534' 190 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 2,038,598 1,047,573 991 ,02~ 191 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 2,025,373 1,024,712 1,000,661 192 Be~afY Karnataka 2,025,242 1,028,481 996,761 193 Panch Mahals Gujarat 2,024,883 1,014,210 980;673 194 Kheda Gujarat 2,023,354 1,052,869 970,485 195 Baleshwar Orissa 2,023,056 1,037,938 985,118 196 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 2,021,783 1,073,032 948,751 197 Bhilwara Rajasthan 2,009,516 1,023,086 986,430 198 Aurangabad Bihar 2,004,960 1,035,757 969,20~ 199 Sangrur Punjab 1,998,464 1,070,039 928,425 200 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 1,993,042 1,009,007 984,03~ 154 Table-3

Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory* Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6

201 purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 1,978,671 1,024,945 953,726 202 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 1,972,333 1,017,402 954,931 203 Surguja Chhatisgarh 1,970,661 999,196 971,465 204 Barmer Rajasthan 1,963,758 1,035,813 927,945 205 Jalandhar Punjab 1,953,508 1,037,740 915,768 206 Kottayam Kerala 1,952,901 964,433 988,468 207 Churu Rajasthan 1,922,908 986,867 936,041 208 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 1,922,450 1,021,501 900,949 209 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 1,918,960 966,201 952,759 210 Jamnagar Gujarat 1,913,685 985,266 928,419 211 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 1,913,099 983,158 929,941 212 Gindih Jharkhand 1,901,564 958,904 942,660 213 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 1,896,403 937,651 958,752 214 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 1,877,416 961,335 916,081 215 Khordha Orissa 1,874,405 986,003 888,402 216 Satna Madhya Pradesh 1,868,648 970,114 898,534 217 An a IJ..d Gujarat 1,856,712 972,355 884,357 218 Mau Uttar Pradesh 1,849,294 932,142 917,152 219 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 1,848,882 946,582 902,300 220 Patiala Punjab 1,839,056 986,466 852,590 221 Mahesana Gujarat 1,837,696 954,006 883,690 222 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 1,836,784 968,964 867,820 223 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 1,830,553 947,276 883,277 224 Sundargarh Orissa 1,829,412 934,9Q2 894,510 225 Pali Rajasthan 1,819,201 917,320 901,881 226 Nawada Bihar 1,809,425 928,638 880,787 227 Bijapur Karnataka 1,808,863 928,550 880,313 228 Chlttaurgarh Rajasthan 1,802,656 917,023 885,633 229 Davanagere Karnataka 1,789,693 917,320 872,373 230 Ganganagar Rajasthan 1,788,487 955,027 833,460 231 Bokaro jharkhand 1,775,961 937,188 838,773 232 1,763,712 953,075 810,637 233 Mandya Karnataka 1,761,718 887,307 874,411 234 Dumka Jharkhand 1,754,571 894,849 859,722 235 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 1,751,548 870,820 880,728 236 South West Delhi 1,749,492 980,994 768,498 237 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 1,746,715 934,118 812,597 238 Supaul Bihar 1,745,069 908,855 836,214 239 Firozpur Punjab 1,744,753 926,380 818,373 240 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 1,740,577 890,853 849,724 155 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending orlier of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory'" Persons Males Females

1 2 ,3 4 5 6

241 Hassan Karnataka 1,721,319 858,623 862,696 242 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 1,709,885 881,509 828,376 243 Dhule Maharashtra 1,708,993 878,538 830,455 244 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 1,708,170 882,371 825,799 245 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 1,696,482 794,431 902,051 246 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 1,684,567 888,559 796,008 247 Sonitpur Assam 1,677,874 864,125 813,749 248 Bikaner Rajasthan 1,673,562 885,722 787,840 249 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 1,669,763 829,542 840,221 250 Guna Madhya Pradesh 1,665,503 883,433 782,070 251 Gurgaon Haryana 1,657,669 884,456 773,213 252 Bagalkot Karnataka 1,652,232 835,684 816,548 253 Raichur Karnataka 1,648,212 832,352 815,860 254 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 1,643,788 876,006 767,782 255 Barpeta Assam 1,642,420 846,106 796,314> 256 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 1,639,777 853,016 786,761 257 Shimoga Karnataka 1,639,595 829,365 810,230 258 Dohad Gujarat 1,635,374 823,968 811,406 259 Dhubri Assam 1,634,589 840,673 793,916 260 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 1,629,881 882,258 747,623 261 Akola Maharashtra 1,629,305' 840,883 788,422 262 Jajapur Orissa 1,622,868 822,638 800,230 263 Jalna Maharashtra 1,612,357 825,977 786,380 264 Banka Bihar 1,608,778 843,061 765,717 265 Darjiling West B'engal 1,605,900 826,334 779,566 266 Dharwad Karnataka 1,603,794 823,415 780,379 267 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 1,59Z,875 858,531 734,344 268 Morena Madhya Pradesh 1,587,264 871,243 716,021 269 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 1,584,037 853,566 730,471 1270 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 1,577,237 848,088 729,149 1271 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 1,572,748 803,416 769,332 272 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 1,571,911 835,635 736,276 273 Kota Rajasthan 1,568,580 827,647 740,933 274 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 1,565,743 764,087 801,656 275 Kendujhar Orissa 1,561,521 789,826 771,695 276 Hisar Haryana 1,536,417 829,782 706,635 277 West Tripura Tripura 1,530,531 783,825 746,706 278 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 1,529,954 785,212 744,742 279 Kachchh Gujarat 1,526,321 782,335 743,986' 2® Madhepura Bihar 1,524,596 796,272 728,324 156 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District State! Population 2001 No. Union territory· Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6

281 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 1,517,390 800,796 716,594 _ 282 Surendranagar Gujarat 1,515,147 787,785 727,362 283 Jehanabad Bihar 1,511,406 783,9S0 727,446 284 Chitradurga Karnataka -1,510,227 772,649 737,578 285 Saharsa Bihar 1,506,418 788,585 717,833 286 Darrang Assam 1,503,943 773,982 729,961 287 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 1,502,647 770,443 732,204 288 Bidar Karnataka 1,501,374 770,679 730,695 289 Banswara Rajasthan 1,500,420 758,379 742,041 290 Banda Uttar Pradesh 1,500,253 806,543 693,710 291 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 1,499,193 795,439 703,754 292 Puri Orissa 1,498,604 761,397 737,207 293 Namakkal 'Tamil Nadu 1,495,661 760,409 735,252 294 Parbhani Maharashtra 1,491,109 761,937 729,172 295 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 1,487,055 738,287 748,768 296 Hoshiarpur Punjab 1,478,045 763,753 714,292

297 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 1,474,633 788,8~5 685,788 298 Osmanabad Maharashtra 1,472,256 762,947 709,309 299 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 1,463,468 771,817 691,651 300 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 1,455,859 788,264 667,595 301 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 1,452,269 720,847 731,422 302 East Oelhi 1,448,770 785,440 663,330

303 Jalor Rajasthan 1,448,486 736,02~ 712,457 304 Balaghat Madhya PradeSh 1,445,760 714,938 730,822 305 Hardwar Uttaranchal 1,444,213 773,173 671,040 306 Cachar Assam 1,442,141 741,580 700,561 307 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 1,440,666 775,473 665,193 30B Haveri Karnataka 1,437,860 740,307 697,553 309 Bhind Madhya Prade_sh 1,426,951 780,122 646,829 310 Bhiwani Haryana 1,424,554 757,824 666,730 311 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 1,424,500 720,028 704,472 312 Valsad Gujarat 1,410,68L1 734,945 675,735 313 Buxar Bihar 1,403,462 738,239 665,223 314 Jamui Bihar 1,397,474 728,812 668,662 315 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 1,396,677 701,742 694,935 316 Betul Madhya Pradesh 1,394,421 709,525 684,896 317 Amreli Gujarat 1,393,295 701,384 691,911 318 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 1,385,227 741,380 643,847 ;}19 Bharucn Gujarat 1,370,104 713,475 656,629 ~, Uttara Karmada Karnataka 1,353,299 687,026 666,273 157 Table-3

Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District State/ Population 2001 No, Union territory* Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 ()

321 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 1,352,056 704,800 647,256 322 Bargarh Orissa 1,345,601 681,012 664,589 323 Gumla Jharkhand 1,345,520 674,455 671,065 324 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 1,340,031 721,913 618,118 325 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 1,33~,536 660,224 678,312 326 Balangir Orissa 1,335,760 673,727 662,033 327 Gandhinagar Gujarat 1,334,731 698,360 636,371 328 Kalahandi Orissa 1,334,372 667,126 667,246 329 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 1,333,372 718,288 615,084 330 Bhadrak Orissa 1,332,249 675,162 657,087 331 Dausa Rajasthan 1,316,790 693,438 623,352 332 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 1,316,140 6~8,377 657,763 333 Nandurbar Maharashtra 1,309,135 662,764 646,371 334 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 1,306,617 676,414 630,203 335 Bastar Chhatisgarh 1,302,253 648,068 654;185 336 Kendrapara Orissa 1,301,856 646,356 655,500 337 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh '1,294,937 683,673 611,264 338 Kishanganj Bihar 1,294,063 666,910 627,153 339 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 1,290,230 669,419 620,811 340 Ka,imur (Bhabua) Bihar 1,284,575 673,556 611,019 341 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh -1,281,811 633,292 648,519 342 Dehradun Uttaranchal 1,279,083 675,549 603,534 343 Sonipat Haryana 1,278,830 695,314 583,516 344 Khagaria Bihar 1,276,677 675,501 601,176 345 Karnal Haryana 1,274,843 683,776 591,067 346 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 1,265,084 633,993 631,091 347 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 1,253,246 648,850. 604,396 348 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 1,238,530 661,923 576,607 349 Udhamsingh Nagar Uftaranchal 1,234,548 649,020 585,528 350 Pathanamthitta Kerala 1.231.577 588,035 643,542 351 Wardha Maharashtra 1,230,640 635,751 594,889 352 Navsari Gujarat 1,229,250 628;814 6oD,436, 353 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 1,214,759 6.(7,632 567,127 354 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 1,214.536 620,119 594,417 355, Tonk Rajasthan 1,211,343 625,719 585,624 356 Karauli Rajasthan 1,205,631 648,837 556,794 357 Kasaragod Kerala 1,203,342 587,763 615,579 358 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 1,203,160 637,842 565,318 359 Gondiya Maharashtra 1,200,151 598,447 601,704 360 Koppal Karnataka 1,193,496 602,026 591,470, 158 Table-3

Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory· Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6

361 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh 1,191,263 646,554 544,709 362 .Jind Haryana 1,189,725 642,057 547,668 363 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 1,183,369 604,942 578,427 364 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 1,183,321 582,068 601,253 365 Patan Gujarat 1,181,941 611,486 570,455 366 Bathinda Punjab 1,181,236 633,249 547,987 367 Jhalawar Rajasthan 1,180,342 612,357 567,985 368 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 1,179,496 635,527 543,969 369 Koraput Orissa 1,177,954 589,438 588,516 370 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 1,175,428 632,452 542,976 371 Dibrugarh Assam 1,172,056 609,470 562,586 372 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 1,170,013 608,720 561,293 373 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 1,166,722 611,131 555,591 374 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 1,165,893 588,135 577,758 375 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 1,165,213 578,870 586,343 376 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 1,164,388 630,244 534,144 377 Deoghar Jharkhand 1,161,370 606,688 554,682 378 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 1,150,753 565,594 585,159 379 Tinsukia Assam 1,150,146 602,515 547,631 380 Anugul Orissa 1,139,341 586,903 552,438 381 Chikmagalur Karnataka 1,139,104 574,275 564,829 382 Nalbari Assam 1,138,184 587,668 550,516 383 Bhandara Maharashtra 1,135,835 573,184 562,651 384 Munger Bihar 1,135,499 604,662 530,837 385 Idukki Kerala 1,128,605 566,405 562,200 386 Raisen Madhya PradeSh 1,120,159 595,730 524,429 387 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 1,116,031 590,716 525,315 388 Sirsa Haryana 1,111,012 590,298 520,714 389 Rupnagar Punjab 1,110,000 593,638 516,362 390 Udupi Karnataka 1,109,494 521,541 587,953 391 Dungarpur Rajasthan 1,107,037 546,096 560,941 392 Theni Tamil Nadu 1,094,724 553,118 541,606 393 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 1,085,011 571,796 513,215 394 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 1,081,909 568,704 513,205 395 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 1,081,039 547,837 533,202 396 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 1,078,769 565,387 513,382 397 Dhenkanal Orissa 1,065,983 543,439 522,544 398 Katni Madhya Pradesh 1,063,689 548,077 515,612 399 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 1,056,556 538,542 518,014 400 Sibsagar Assam 1,052,802 546,565 506,237 159 Table-3

Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory* Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6

401 Godda Jharkhand 1,047,264 543,784 503,480 402 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 1,042,374 562,911 479,463 403 ~arhwa Jharkhand 1,034,151 534,433 499,718 404 Baran Rajasthan 1,042,568 535,745 486,82~ 405 Washim Maharashtra 1,019,725 525,806 493,919 406 Nabarangapur Orissa 1,018,171 511,004 507,167 407 Ambala Haryana 1,013,660 542,366 471,294 408 Korba Chhatisgarh 1,012,121 515,467 496,654 409 Jorhat Assam 1,009,197 530,240 478,957 410 Karimganj Assam 1,003,678 516,408 487,270 411 Hingoli Maharashtra 986,717 505,188 481,529 412 Rajsamand Rajasthan 986,269 492,736 493,533 413 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 982,815 537,733 445,082 414 Yamunanagar Haryana 982,369 527,426 454,943 415 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 977,447 518,928 458,519 416 Gadag Karnataka 971,955 493,795 478,160 417 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 969,960 490,809 479,151 418 Panipat Haryana 967,338 528,578 438,760 419 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 964,275 489,895 474,380 420 Bundi Rajasthan 961,269 503,827 457,44~ 421 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 957,399 501,407 455,992 422 Golaghat Assam 945,781 490,370 455,411 423 Kaithal Haryana 945,631 509,933 435,698 424 Rohtak Haryana 940,036 508,885 431,151 425 Kapur Tamil Nadu 933,791 464,489 469,302 426 Kokrajhar Assam 930,404 478,242 452,162 427 Sambalpur Orissa 928,889 471,555 457,334 428 Sahibganj Jharkhand 927,584 477,366 450,218 429 Bongaigaon Assam 906,315 465,970 440,348 430 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 900,987 447,271 453,71e 431 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 900,914 508,224 392,69q 432 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 893,908 446,487 447,421' 433 Lakhimpur Assam 889,325 455,689 433,636 434 Jhajjar Haryana 887,392 480,240 407,152 435 Moga Punjab 886,313 470,712 415,601 436 Nayagarh Orissa 863,934 445,658 418,276 437 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 861,672 414,900 446,772' 438 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 860,176 426,011 434,165 439 Panna Madhya Pradesh 854,235 447,923 406;312' 440 Sirohi Rajasthan 850,756 437,534 413.222 160 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory* Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6

441 Kurukshetra Haryana 828,120 443,841 384,279 442 . Rayagada Orissa 823,019 405,631 417,388 443 Goalpara Assam 822,306 420,707 401,599 444 Karbi Anglong Assam 812,320 422,599 389,721 445 Mahendragarh Haryana 812,022 423,048 388,974 446" Fatehabad Haryana 806,158 427,536 378,622 447 Lakhisarai Bihar 801,173 416,727 384,446 448 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 800,592 427,705 372,887 449 Chatra Jharkhand 790,680 402,565 388,115, 450 Wayan ad Kerala 786,627 393,397 393,230 451 North Delhi 779,788 427,022 352,766 t 452 Muktsar Punjab 776,702 411,721 364,981 453 Marigaon Assam 775,874 398,930, 376,944 454 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 764,826 379,610 385,216, 455 Rewari Haryana 764,727 402,381 362,346 456 Nainital Uttaranchal 762,912 400,336 362,576 457 South Tripura Tripura 762,565 391,179 '371,386 458 North Goa Goa 757,407 388,116 369,291 459· Kapurthala Punjab 752,287 398,878 353,409 460 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 739,780 370,287 369,493 461 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 738,965 394,949 344,016 462- Pondicherry Pondicherry* 735,004 369,318 365,686 463 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 725,457 371,972 353,485 464 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 721,745 380,244 341,501 465 Dantewada Chhatisgwh 719,065 356,502 362,563 466 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 708,831 379,795 329,036 467 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 703,569 350,962 352,607 468 Pakaur Jharkhand 701,616 358,414 343,202 469 Garhwal Uttaranchal 696,851 331,138 365,713 470 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 694,058 345,777 348,281 471 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 690,474 362,471 328,003 472 Mansa Punjab 688,630 367,197 321,433 473 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 660,994 333,187 3'27,807 474 Kanker Chhatisgarh 651,333 324,678 326,655 475 Kandhamal Orissa 647,912 322,674 325,238 476 Central Delhi 644,005 349,475 294,530 477 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 640,013 331,783 308,230 478 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 632,295 326,186 306,109 479 Almora Uttaranchal 630,446 293,576 336,870 480 Datia Madhya Pradesh 627,818 337!842 289,976 161 Table-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory* Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6

481 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 604,608 294,842 309,766 482 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 593,768 309,574 284,194 483 North Tripura Tripura 590,655 302,654 288,001 484 Nawanshahr Punjab 586,637 306,586 280,051 485 South Goa Goa 586,591 ·297,501 289,090 486 Koriya Chhatisgarh 585,455 300,723 284,732 487 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 584,667 292,054 292,613 488 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 579,312 290,572 288,740 569,468 294,105 275,363 489 Dhemaji, Assam 490 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 559,715· 295,630 264,085 491 Faridkot Punjab 552,466 293,637 258,829 492 Kodagu Karnataka 545,322 273,210 272,112 493 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 544,206 285,308 258,898 494 Hailakandi ASsam 542,978 280,912 262,066 495 Sonapur Orissa 540,659 275,045 265,614 496 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 539,751 29.1,607 248,144 497 Porbandar Gujarat 536,854 275,921 260,933 498 Nuapada Orissa 530,524 264,490 266,034 499 Sheikhpura Bihar 525,137 273,468 251,669 500 Gajapati Orissa 518,448 255,288 263,160 501 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 515,851 264,998 250,853 502 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 515,813 259,440 256,373' 503 Sheohar Bihar 514,288 271,261 243,027 504 Narmada Gujarat 514,083 263,933 250,150 505 . Jharsuguda Orissa 509,056 261,555 247,501 506 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 507,999 278,973 229,026 507 Solan Himachal Pradesh 499,380 269,451 229,929' , 508 Kodarma Jharkhand 498,683 249,276. 249,407 509 Perambatur J1:imil Nadu 486.971 242.664 244,307 510 Malkangiri Orissa 480,232 240,540 239,692 511 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 478,595 253,129 225,466 512 Harda Madhya Pradesh 474,174 247,129 227,045 513 Panch kula Haryana 469,210 257,380 211,830 514 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 462,149 227.592 234,557 515 Cbamba Himachal Pradesh 460,499 234,812 225,687 51p Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 458,351 241,109 217,242 517 Urla Himachal Pradesh 447,967 224,299 223,668 518 Imphal West Manipur 439,532 218,947 220,585 519 Tuensang Nagalantl 414,801 216,888 197,913 .520 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 412,009 195,971 216,038, 162 Table-3

Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District State! Population 2001 No. Union territory· Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6

521 Imphal East Manipur 393,780 197,710 196,070 522 Kullu 'Himachal Pradesh 379,865 197,035 182,830 523 Senapati Manipur 379,214 196,646 182,568 524 Baudh Orissa 373,038 187,947 185,091 525 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 371,561 193,970 177,591 526 Chamoli UUaranchal 369,198 183,033 186,165 527 Thoubal Manipur 366,341 183,338 183,003 528 Lohardaga Jharkhand 364,405 184,405 180,000 529 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 340,735 171,074 169,661 530 Aizawl Mizoram 339,812 173,930 165,882 531 Kohima Nagaland 314,366 161,701 152,665 532 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar Islands* 314,239 170,378 143,861 533 Dimapur Nagaland 308,382 166,335 142,047 534 Dhalai Tripura 307,417 158,480 148,937 535 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 295,692 149,376 146,316 536 UUarkashi UUaranchal 294,179 151,599 142,580 537 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 294,115 149,159 144,956 538 Debagarh Orissa 274,095 138,425 135,670 539 Mon Nagaland 259,604 138,005 121,599 540 Bageshwar UUaranchal 249,453 118,202 131,251 541 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 247,555 126,312 121,243 542 East Sikkim 244,790 132,745 112,045 543 Churachandpur Manipur 228,707 114,740 113,967 544 Rudraprayag UUaranchal 227,461 107,425 120,036 545 Mokokchung Nagaland 227,230 118,428 108,802 546 Champawat UUaranchal 224,461 110,916 113,545' 547 Dadra & Nagar Havel; Dadra & Nagar Havelj* 220,451 121,731 98,720 548 Bishnupur Manipur 205,907 102,772 103,135 549 Ri Shoi Meghalaya 192,795 99,315 93,480 550 The Dangs Gujarat 186,712 94,001 92,711 551 North Cachar Hills Assam 186,189 98,899 87,290 552 New Delhi Delhi 171,806 95,907 75,899 553 Karaikal Pondicherry* 170,640 84,365 86,275 554 Wokha Nagaland 161,098 83,620 77,478 555 Zunheboto Nagaland 154,909 79,627 75,282 556 Phek Nagaland 148,246 77,082 71,164 557 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 143,478 77,252 66,226 558 Ukhrul Manipur 140,946 73,413 67,533 559 Lunglei Mizoram 137,155 71,353 65,802 560 South Sikkim 131,506 68,227 63,279 163 fable-3 Districts arranged by descending order of population size: 2001 SI. District Statel Population 2001 No. Union territory" Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6

561 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 124;994 65,608 59,386

56~ West Sikkim 123,174 63,835 59,339 ·563 Chandel Manipur 122,714 61,778 60,936 564 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 121,750 64,122 57,628 565 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & Kashmir 117,637 65,166 52,471 566 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 115,227 ~0,629 54,598 567 Daman Daman & Diu" 113,949 71,637 42,312 568 Tamenglong Manipur 111,493 57,994 53,499 569 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 103,575 54,139 49,436 570 Champhai Mizoram 101,389 51,869 49,520 571 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 100,227 52,461 47,766 572 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 99,105 51,051 48,054 573 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 97,614 49,184 48,430, 574 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 87,430 45,131 42,299 575 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh 83,950 45,353 38,597 576 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 74,595 42,638 31,957 577 Lawngtlai Mizoram 73,050 38,425 34,625 578 Mamit Mizoram 62,313 32,766 29,547 579 Kolasib Mizoram 60,977 31,874 29,103 580 Saiha Mizoram 60,823 31,121 29,702 581 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep· 60,595 31,118 29,477 582 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 57,543 31,280 26,263 583 East. Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 57,065 28,743 28,322 584 Serchhip Mizoram 55,539 28,445 27,094 585 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 54,995 .27,873 27,122 586 Diu D-aman & Diu· 44,110 20,841 23,269 587 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar Islands" 42,026 22,607 19,419 588 North Sikkim 41,023 23,~10 17,613 589 Mahe Pondicherry· 36,823 17,146 19,677 590. Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 34,705 17,676 17,029 591 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh- 33,224 18,413 14,8.11 592 .Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh .33,146 17,844 15,302 593 Yanam Pondicher~" 31,362 15,876 15,486 Notes: 1. Figures shown against Kinnaur district are the estimated population figuies as population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, in entire Kinnaur district could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 2. Figures shown against Kachchh district are the estimated population figures as population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, in entire Kachchh district could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 3. The population figures for Rajkot district includes estimated population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas and for Jamnagar district includes estimated population of Jodiya taluka where Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted¥ due to natural calamity. 164 Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District State! Geo- SI. District State! Geo- No. Union territory* graphical No. Union territory* graphical area area 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Kachchh Gujarat 45652.0 41 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 11823.0 2 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & K-ashmir 45110.0 42 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 11815.0 3 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 38428.0 43 Jalgaon Maharashtra 11765.0 4 Barmer Rajasthan 28387.0 44 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 11691.0 5 Bikaner Rajasthan 27284.0 45 Chandrapur Maharashtra 11443.0 6 Jodhpur Rajasthan 22783.0 46 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 11402.0 7 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 19130.0 47 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 11391.0 8 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 18432.0 48 Rajkot Gujarat 11203.0 9 Nagaur Rajasthan 17718.0 49 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 11161.0 10 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 17658.0 50 Jaipur Rajasthan 11143.0 11 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 17634.0 51 Guna Madhya Pradesh 11064.0 12 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 17626.0 52 ChiUaurgarh Rajasthan 10856.0 13 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 17048.0 53 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 10807.0, 14 Churu Rajasthan 16830.0 54 Blst Nimar Madhya Pradesh 10776.0 15 Gulbarga Karriataka 16224.0 55 Banas Kantha Gujarat 10757.0 16 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 16128.0 56 Bid Maharashtra 10693.0 17 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 16029.0 57 Jalor Rajasthan 10640.0 18 Surguja Chhatisgarh 15731.0 58 Tumkur Karnataka 10597.0 19 Pune Maharashtra 15643.0 59 Nanded Maharashtra 10528.0 20 Nashik Maharashtra 15530.0 60 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 10526.0 21 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 15359.0 61 Bijapur Karnataka 10494.0 22 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 15151.0 62 Surendranagar Gujarat 10489.0 23 Bastar Chhatisgarh 14974.0 63 Satara Maharashtra 10480.0 24 Sola pur Maharashtra 14895.0 64 Bhilwara Rajasthan 10455.0 25 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 14412.0 65 Karbi Anglong As~am 10434.0 26 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 14240.0 66 Mayurbhanj Orissa 10418.0 27 Jamnagar Gujarat 14125.0 67' Uttara Kannada Karnataka 10291.0 28 Medinipur West Bengal 14081.0 68 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 10277.Q 29 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 14036.0 69 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 10252.0 '30 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 13835.0 70 Aurangabad Maharashtra 10107.~ 31 Yavatmal Maharashtra 13582.0 71 Betul Madhya Pradesh 10043.0;, 32 Udaipur Rajasthan 13419.0 72 Bhavnagar Gujarat 9980·91 33 Belgaum Karnataka· 13415.0 73 South Twenty Four West Bengal 9960.0' Parganas 34 Raipur Chhatisgarh 13083.0 74 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 9952.0 35 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 13076.0 75 Pashchimi Jharkhand 9907.0 Singhbhum 36 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 13029.0 76 Nagpur Maharashtra 9802.0' 37 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 12847.0 77 Sundargarh Orissa 9712.0 38 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 12650.0 78 Medak Andhra Pradesh 9700.0' 39 Pali Rajasthan 12387.0 79 Buldana Maharashtra 9661.0 40 Amravati Maharashtra 12210.0 80 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 9622.0 165 Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 51. District Statel Geo- SI. District Statel Geo- No. Union tEtrritory* graphical No. Union territory* graphical area area 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

81 Thane Maharashtra 9558.0 121 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 7680.0 82 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 9548.0 122 Surat Gujarat 7657.0 83 Balagh'at Madhya Pradesh 9229.0 123 Chamoli Uttaranchal 7613.8 84 Gumla Jharkhand 9077.0 124 Osmanabad Maharashtra 7569.0 85 Junagadh Gujarat 8846.0 125 Vadodara Gujarat 7549.5 86 Koraput Orissa 8807.0 126 Satna Madhya Pradesh 7502.0 87 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 8758.0 127 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 7493.0 88 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 8727.0 128 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 7470.0 89 Palamu Jharkhand 8705.0 129 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 7469.0 90 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 8687.0 130 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 7422.0 91 Sangli. Maharashtra 8572.0 131 Amreli Gujarat 7397.3 92 Durg Chhatisgarh 8549.0 132 Sabar Kantha Guj~rat 7390.0 93 Ajmer Rajasthan 8481.0 133- Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 7371.0 94 Shimoga Karnataka 8477.0 134 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 7306.0 95 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 8466.0 135 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 7250.0 96 Sellary Karnataka 8450.0 136 Chikmagalur Karnataka 7201.0 97 Chitradurga Karnataka 8440.0 137 Tonk Rajasthan 7194.0 98 A1war Rajasthan 8380.0 138 Koppal Karnataka 7189.0 99 Kendujhar Orissa 8303.0 139 latur Maharashtra 7157.0 100 Silaspur Chhatisgarh 8270.0 140 Raigarh Maharashtra 7152.0 101 Kolar Karnataka 8223.0 141 Panna Madhya Pradesh 7135.0 102 Erode Tamil Nadu 8209.0 142 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 7100.0 '103 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 8208.0 143 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 7086.0 104 Ganjam Orissa 8206.0 144 Rayagada Orissa 7073.0 105 Dhar Madhya Prar!esh 8153.0 145 Upper-Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 7032.0 106 Ahmadabal..o Gujarat 8086.8 146 Barddhaman West Bengal 7024.0 107 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 8068.0 147 Dawas Madhya Prades.h 7020.0 108 Dhule Maharashtra f"63.0 148 Baran Rajasthan 6992.0 109 West Siang Arunachal PradesH 8033.0 ~49 Bankura West Bengal 6882.6 110 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 8030.0 150 Mysore Karnataka 6854.0 111 Kandhamai Orissa 8021.0 151 Raichur Kamataka 6827.0 112 Uttarkashi Uttaranchal 8016.0 152 Hassan Karnataka 6814.0 1'13 Ganganagar Rajasthan 7984.0 153 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 6810.0 114 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 7956.0 154 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 6788.0 115 Kalahandi Orissa 7920.0 155 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 6778.0 116 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 7742.0 156 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 6707.0 117 Sikar Rajasthan 7732.0 157 Sambalpur Orissa 6657.0 118 Jalna Maharashtra 7718.0 158 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 6606.0 119 Ranchi Jharkhand 7698.0 159 Koriya Chhatisgarh 6604.0 120 Kolhapur Maharashtra 7685.0 160 Korba Chhatisgarh 6599.0 166 Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Geo- SI. District Statel Geo- No; Union territory" graphical No. Union territory· graphical area area 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

161 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 6590.0 201 Karauli Rajasthan 5524.0 162 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 6578.0 202 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 5503.0 163 Balangir Orissa 6575.0 203 Bidar Karnataka 5448.0 164 Bagalkot Karnataka 6575.0 204 Kota Rajasthan 5443.0 165 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 6539.0 205 Akola Maharashtra 5429.0 166 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 6528.0 206 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 5425.1 167 Bharuch Gujarat 6527.0 207 Gondiya Maharashtra 5425.0 168 Parbhani Maharashtra 6517.0 208 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 5422.0 169 Kanker Chhatisgarh 6506.0 209 Garhwal Uttaranchal 5399.6 170 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar 6408.0 210 Sonitpur Assam 5324.0 171 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh 6401.0 211 Murshidabad West Bengal 5324.0 172 Anugul Orissa 6375.0 212 Firozpur Punjab 5300.0 173 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 6314.0 213 Nabarangapur Orissa 5291.0 174 Wardha Maharashtra 6309.0 214 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 5247.0 175 Puruliya West Bengal 6259.0 215 Pashchim Bihar 5228.0 Champaran 176 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 6227.0 216 Panch Mahals Gujarat 5219.9 177 Jhalawar Rajasthan 6219.0 217 Salem Tamil Nadu 5219.6 178 Dumka Jharkhand 6212.0 218 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 5211.0 179 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 6195.0 219 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 5207.0 180 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 6191.0 220 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 5168.0 181 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 6153.0 221 Washim Maharashtra 5153.0 182 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 6147.0 222 Sirohi Rajasthan 5136.0 183 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 6091.0 223 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 5133.0 184 Vellore Tamil Nadu 6077.0 224 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 5131.0 185 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 6058.0 225 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 5101.0 186 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 5986.0 226 Amritsar Punjab 5094.0 187 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 5928.0 227 Bharatpur Rajasthan 5066.0 188 Davanagere Karnataka 5924.0 228 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh . 5048.0 189 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 5838.0 229 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 5039.0 190 Bargarh Orissa 5837.0 230 Banswara Rajasthan 5037.0 191 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 5837.0 231 Nandurbar Maharashtra 5034.0 192 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 5815.0 232 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 5024.0 193 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 5800.0 233 Sangrur Punjab 5021.0 194 Malkangiri Orissa 5791.0 234 Morena Madhya Pradesh 4989.0 195 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 5751.0 235 Gaya Bihar 4976.0 196 SitaP!-lr Uttar Pradesh 5743.0 236 Giridih Jharkhand 4975.0 197 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 5739.0 237 Mandya Karnataka 4961.0 198 Patan Gujarat 5730.4 238 Katni Madhya Pradesh 4950.0 199 Bundi Rajasthan 5550.0 239 North Cachar Hills Assam 4888.0 200 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 5535.0 240 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 4861.0 167 Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Geo- SI. District Statel Geo- No. Union territory· graphical No. Union territory· graphical area area 2 3 4 2 3 4

241 Haveri Karnataka 4823.0 281 Dharwad Karnataka 4260.0 242 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 4789.0 282 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 4256.0 243 Bhiwani Haryana 4778.0 283 Tuensang Nagala'nd 4228.0 244 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 4662.0 284 North Sikkim 4226.0 245 Gadag Karnataka 4656.0 285 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 4223.0 246 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 4651.0 286 Kheda Gujarat 4218.8 247 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 4621.0 287 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 4210.0 248 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 4588.0 288 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 4189.0 249 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 4586.0 289 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 4152.0 250 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 4575.0 290 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 4134.0 251 Churachandpur Manipur' 4570.0 291 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 4129.0 252 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 4565.0 292 BareiJly Uttar Pradesh 4120.0 253 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 4561.0 293 Kodagu Karnataka 410.2.0 254 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 4560.0 294 North Twenty Four West Bengal 40.94.0 Parganas 255 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 4560..0 295 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 4080..0 256 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 4558.0. 296 Umaria Madhya Pradesh' 40.76.0. 257 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 4550..0 297 Garhwa Jharkhand 40.44.0 258 Birbhum West Bengal 4545.0 298 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 4038.0 259 Uknrul Manipur 4544.0 299 Agra Uttar Pradesh 40.27.0 260. Lunglei Mizoram 4538.0 30.0. Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 400.8.0 261 Hingoli Maharashtra 4524.0 30.1 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 3984.0 262 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 4522.0 302 Hisar Haryana 3983.0 263 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 4498.0 30.3 Purba Champaran Bihar 3968.0 264 Palakkad Kerala 4480..0 30.4 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 3950..0 265 Idukki Kerala 4476.0 30.5 Cuttack Orissa 3932.0 266 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 4459.0 306 Nadia West Bengal 3927.0 267 Dhenkanal Orissa 4452.0 30.7 Indore Madhya Pradesh 3898.0 268 Etah Uttar Pradesh 4446.0 30.8 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 3895.0 269 Sultanpuf Uttar Pradesh 4436.0 30.9 Bhandara Maharashtra 3895.0 270 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 4433.0 310 Nayagarh Orissa 3890.0 271 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 4425.0 311 Udupi Karnataka 3880.0. 272 Banda Uttar Pradesh 4418.1 312 .,Nainital Uttaranchal 3860..4 273 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 440.3.8 313 Rajsamand Rajasthan 3860..0 274 Tamenglong Manipur 4391.0 314 Nuapada Orissa 3852.0 275 Mahesana Gujarat 4382.8 315 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 3852.0 276 Kamrup Assam 4345.0 316 Rohtas Bihar 3851.0. 277 Gajapati Orissa 4325.0 317 Nagaon Assam 3831.0. 278 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 4316.5 318 Barabanki Uttar P~adesh 3825.0 279 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu A283.0 319 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 3819.0 280 Sirsa Haryana 4277.0. 320 Baleshwar Orissa 380.6.0 168 Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Geo- S!. District Statel Geo- No. Union territory* graphical No. Union territory* graphical area area 2 3 4 2 3 4

321 Tinsukia Assam 3790.0 361 Chandel Manipur 3313.0 322 Cachar Assam 3786.0 362 Aurangabad Bihar 3305.0 323 Dungarpur Rajasthan 3770.0 363 Senapati Manipur 3271.0 324 Ludhiana Punjab 3767.0 364 Barpeta Assam 3245.0 325 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 3747.0 365 Dhemaji Assam 3237.0 326 Maldah West Bengal 3733.0 366 Purnia Bihar 3229.0 327 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 3717.7 367 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 3205.9 328 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 3717.0 368 Patna Bihar 3202.0 329 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 3715.0 369 Champhai Mizoram 3185.8 330 Chatra Jharkhand 3706.0 370 Muzaffarpur Bihar 3172.0 331 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 3689.0 371 Kokrajhar Assam 3169.0 332 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 3646.5 372 Darjiling West Bengal 3149.0 333 Dohad Gujarat 3646.1 373 Hugli West Bengal 3149.0 334 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 3645.0 374 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 3146.0 335 Patiala Punjab 3627.0 375 South Tripura Tripura 3140.0 336 Aizawl Mizoram 3576.3 376 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 3140.0 337 Gurdaspur Punjab 3569.0 377 Kohima Nagaland 3114.0 338 Malappuram Kerala 35500 378 Jamui Bihar 3098.0 339 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 3533.0 379 Baudh Orissa 3098.0 340 Golaghat Assam 3502.0 380 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 3097.0 341 Madhubani Bihar 3501.0 381 Dehradun Uttaranchal 3088.0 342 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 3499.0 382 Almora Uttaranchal 3082.8 343 Madurai Tamil Nadu 3497.8 383 Theni Tamil Nadu 3067.2 344 Darrang Assam 3481.0 384 Katihar Bihar 3057.0 345 Puri Orissa 3479.0 385 Valsad Gujarat 3034.8 346 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 3462.0 386 Basti Uttar Pradesh 3033.8 347 Dausa Rajasthan 3432.0 387 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 3033.0 348 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 3429.4 388 West Tripura Tripura • 3033.0 349 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 3424.0 389 Thrissur Kerala 3032.0 350 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 3396.6 390 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 3030.0 351 Koch Bihar West Bengal 3387.0 391 Mamit Mizoram 3025.8 352 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 3385.0 392 Banka Bihar 3020.0 353 Bathinda Punjab 3382.0 393 Kapur Tamil Nadu 3003.5 354 Dibrugarh Assam 3381.0 394 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 2981.0 355 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 3377.0 395 Kannur Kerala 2966.0 356 Hoshiarpur Punjab 3364.0 396 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 2951.0 357 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 3362.0 397 Ernakulam Kerala 2950.0 358 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 3332.0 398 Anand Gujarat 2940.8 359 Harda Madhya Pradesh 3330.0 399 Debagarh Orissa 2940.0 360 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 3321.0 400 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 2927.0 169 Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District State! Geo- SI. District State! Geo- No. Union territory* graphical No. Union territory* graphical area area 2 3 A 1 2 3 4,

401 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 2910.0 441 Bhadrak Orissa 2505.0 402 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 2908.4 442 Nawada Bihar 2494.0 403 Samastipur Bihar 2904.0 443 Kollam Kerala 2491.0 404 Jajapur Orissa 2899.0 444 Deoghar Jharkhand 2479.0 405 Bokaro Jh-arkhand 2861..0 445 Bhojpur Bihar 2474.0 406 Jorhat Assam 2851.0 446 Supaul Bihar 2410.0 407 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 2849.6 447 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 2379.0 .408 Araria Bihar 2830.0 448 Ri Bhoi Meghalaya 2376.0 409 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 2825.0 449 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 2372.0 410 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 2820.0 450 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 2367.0 411 Khordha Orissa 2813.0 451 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 2362.0 412 Dhubri Assam 2798.0 452 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 2361.0 413 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 2772.0 453 Hardwar Uttaranchal 2360.0 414 Gurgaon Haryana 2766.0 454 Nalanda Bihar 2355.0 415 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 2764.0 455 Kozhikode Kerala 2344.0 416 Narmada Gujarat 2755.5 456 Sonapur Orissa 2337.0 417 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 2752.0 457 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Prades.h 2320.5 418 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 2746.0 458 Kaithal Haryana 2317.0 419 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 2715.8 459 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 2302.5 420 Jind Haryana 2702.0 460 Porbandar Gujarat 2297.8 421 Datia Madhya Pradesh 2691.0 461 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 2288.2 422 Sibsagar Assam 2668.0 462 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 2279.5 423 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 2651.0 463 Darbhanga Bihar 2279.0 424 Kendrapara Orissa 2644.0 464 Lakhimpur Assam 2277.0 425 Saran Bihar 2641.0 465 Nalbari Assam 2257.0 426 Pathanamthitta Kerala 2637.0 466 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 2228.0 427 Jalandhar Punjab 2634.0 467 Siwan Bihar 2219.0 428 Ri:ljauri Jammu & Kashmir 2630.0 468 Dal

481 Wayanad Kerala 2131.0 521 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 1684.0 482 Sonipat Haryana 2122.0 522 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 1674.0 483' Godda Jharkhand 2110.0 523 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 1668.0 484 North Tripura Tripura 2100.7 524 Kapurthala Punjab 1633.0 485 Jharsuguda Orissa 2081.0 525 Wokha Nagaland 1628.0 486 Rupnagar Punjab 2056.0 526 Buxar Bihar 1624.0 487 Dhanbad Jharkhand 2052.0 527 Mokokchung Nagaland 1615.0 488 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 2051.9 528 Sahibganj Jharkhand 1599.0 489 Vaishali Bihar 2036.0 529 Rewari Haryana 1582.0 490 Gopalganj Bihar 2033.0 530 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 1578.0 491 Phek Nagaland 2026.0 531 Ambala Haryana 1574.0 492 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 1994.5 532 Jehanabad Bihar 1569.0 493 Kasaragod Kerala 1992.0 533 Una Himachal Pradesh 1540.0 494 South Goa Goa 1966.0 534 Kurukshetra Haryana 1530.0 495 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 1955.8 535 Lohardaga Jharkhand 1491.0 496 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 1937.9 536 Khagaria Bihar 1486.0 497 Solan Himachal Pradesh 1936.0 537 Faridkot Punjab 1469.0 498 Begusarai Bihar 1918.0 538 Haora West Bengal 1467.0 499 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 1890.6 539 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 1442.3 500 Kishanganj Bihar 1884.0 540 Serchhip Mizoram 1421.6 501 Mahendragarh Haryana 1859.0 541 Munger Bihar 1419.0 502 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 1849.0 542 Alappuzha Kerala 1414.0 503 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar 1840.0 543 Saiha Mizoram 1399.9 Islands· 504 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 1835.9 544 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 1398.0 505 Jhajjar Haryana 1834.0 545 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 1389.4 506 Goalpara Assam 1824.0 546 Kolasib Mizoram 1382.5 507 Karimganj Assam 1809.0 547 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 1371.0 508 Pakaur Jharkhand 1806.0 548 Hailakandi Assam 1327.0 509 Madhepura Bihar 1788.0 549 Kodarma Jharkhand 1312.0 510 Mon Nagaland 1786.0 550 Gautam Buddha Uttar Pradesh 1268.6 Nagar 511 Champawat Uttaranchal 1781.0 551 Panipat Haryana 1268.0 512 Yamunanagar Haryana 1768.0 552 Nawanshahr Punjab 1266.0 513 The Dangs Gujarat 1764.0 553 Zunheboto Nagaland 1255.0 514 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 1751.0 554 Lakhisarai Bihar 1248.0 515 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 1750.8 555 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 1180.0 516 Rohtak Haryana 1745.0 556 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 1167.0 517 North Goa Goa 1736.0 557 West Sikkim 1166.0 518 Mau Uttar Pradesh 1713.0 558 Shravasli Uttar Pradesh 1126.0 519 Marigaon Assam 1704.0 559 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 1118.0 520 Saharsa Bihar 17020 560 San! Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 959.8 171 Table-4 Districts arranged by descending order of geographical area (Square Kilometers) : 2001 51. District Statel Geo- 51. District Statel Geo- No. Union territory'" graphical No. Union territory'" graphical area area 2 3 4 2 3 4

561 East Sikkim 954.0 578 Kolkata West Bengal 185.0 562 Dimapur Nagaland 927.0 579 Chennai Tamil Nadu 174.0 563 Panchkula Haryana 898.0 580 Karaikal Pondicherry* 161.0 564 South Sikkim 750.0 581 Mumbai Maharashtra 157.0 565 Imphal East Manipur 709.0 582 West Delhi 12~.0 566 Sheikhpura Bihar 689.0 583 Chandigarl't Chandigarh* 114.0 567 Imphal West Manipur 519.0 584 Daman Daman. & Diu* 72.0 568 Thoubal Manipur 514.0 585 East Delhi 64.0 569 Bishnupur Manipur 496.0 586 North Delhi 60.0 570 Dadra & Nagar Dadra & Nagar 491.0 587 North East Delhi 60.0 Haveli Haveli* 571 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 446.0 588 Diu Daman & Diu* 40.0 572 Sheohar Bihar 443.0 589 New Delhi Delhi 35.0 573 North West Delhi 440.0 590 lakshadweep lakshadweep* 32.0 574 South West Delhi 420.0 591 Central Delhi 25.0 575 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 290.0 592 Yanam Pondicherry* 20.0 576 South Delhi 250.0 593 Mahe Pondicherry* 9.0 577 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 217.0 Notes: 1. Area of Leh (Ladakh) district in Jammu & Kashmir excludes area under illegal occupation of China and Pakistan. 2. All area figures are provisional.

172 Table-5 Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District State/ Density SI. District State/ Density No. Union territory" Population No. Union territory· Population

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 North East Delhi 29,395 41 Muzaffarpur Bihar 1,180 2 Central Delhi 25,760 42 Samastipur Bihar 1,175 3 Kolkata West Bengal 24,760 43 Nadia West Bengal 1,172 4 Chennai Tamil Nadu 24,231 44 Dhanbad Jharkhand 1,167 5 East Delhi 22,637 45 Sheohar Bihar 1,161 6 Mumbai Maharashtra 21,190 46 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 1,140 7 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 19,255 47 Diu Daman & Diu" 1,103 8 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 16,988 48 Murshidabad West Bengal 1,101 9 West Delhi 16,431 49 Mau Uttar Pradesh 1,080 10 North Delhi 12,996 50 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 1,077 11 South Delhi 9,033 51 Karaikal Pondicherry* 1,060 12 Chandigarh Chandigarh· 7,903 52 Gopalganj Bihar 1,057 13 North West Delhi 6,471 53 Ernakulam Kerala 1,050 14 New Delhi Delhi 4,909 54 Shrava.sti Uttar Pradesh 1,044 15 South West Delhi 4,165 55 Kollam Kerala 1,037 16 Mahe Pondicherry* 4,091 56 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 1,028 17 B,angalore Karnataka 2,979 57 Malappuram Kerala 1,022 18 Haora West Bengal 2,913 58 Faridabad Haryana 1,020 19 Pondicherry Pondicherry· 2,534 59 Madhubani Bihar 1,020 20 North Twenty Four West Bengal 2,181 60 Nalanda Bihar 1,006 Parganas 21 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 1,995 61 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 994 22 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep' 1,894 62 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 992 23 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 1,682 63 Purba Champaran Bihar 991 24 Hugli West Bengal 1,601 64 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 988 25 Daman Daman & Diu· 1,583 65 Barddhaman West Bengal 985 26 Yanam Pondicherry* 1,568 66 Thrissur Kerala 981 27 Alappuzha Kerala 1,489 67 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 969 28 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 1,476 68 Jehanabad Bihar ·963 29 Patna Bihar 1,471 69 Bhagalpur Bihar 946 30 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 1,456 70 Gautam Buddha Uttar Pradesh 939 Nagar 31 Darbhanga Bihar 1,442 71 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 938 32 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 1,409 72 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 923 33 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 1,366 73 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 911 34 Vaishali Bihar 1,332 74 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 903 35 Saran Bihar 1,231 75 Bhojpur Bihar 903 36 Kozh,ikode Kerala 1,228 76 Agra Uttar Pradesh 897 37 Begusarai Bihar 1,222 77 Saharsa Bihar 885 38 _Siwan Bihar 1,221 78 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 884 39 Sitamarhi Bihar 1,214 79 Kottayam KeraJa 884 40 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 1,190 80 Maldah West Bengal 881 173 Table-5 Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Density SI. District Statel Density No. Union territory* Population No. Union territory* Population

2 3 4 2 3 4

81 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 873 121 South Twenty Four West Bengal 694 Parganas 82 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 866 122 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 692 83 Buxar Bihar 864 123 Kishanganj Bihar 687 84 Khagaria Bihar 859 124 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 686 85 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 854 125 Medinipur West Bengal 685 86 Madhepura Bihar 853 126 Basti Uttar Pradesh 682 87 Thane Maharashtra 850. 127 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 677 88 Imphal West Manipur 847 128 KhOrdha Orissa 666 89 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 838 129 Birbhum West Bengal 663 90. Kanriur Kerala 813 130. Indore Madhya Pradesh 663 91 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 812 131 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 663 92 Ludhiana Punjab 80.4 132 Surat Gujarat 653 93 Munger Bihar 80.0. 133 Lakhisarai Bihar 652 94 Thiruvallur Tamil t-!adu 80.0 134 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 649 95 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 798 135 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 647 96 Purnia Bihar 787 136 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh· 646 97 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 786 137 Ambala Haryana 644 98 Katihar Bihar 782 138 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 642 99 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 778 139 Rohtas Bihar 636 10.0. Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 772 140. Jagatsinghapur Orissa 633 10.1 Panipat Haryana 763 141 Anand Gujarat 631 102 Sheikhpura Bihar 762 142 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 630. 10.3 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 761. 143 Etah Uttar Pradesh 627 10.4 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 755 144 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 626 10.5 Araria Bil:lar 751 145 Cudcialore Tamil Nadu 626 10.6· Jalandhar Punjab 742 146 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 625 10.7 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 741 147 Mathura Uttar Pradesh • 621 10.8 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 734 148 Bokaro Jharkhand 621 10.9 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 734 149 Gandhinagar Gujarat 617 110. Madurai Tamil Nadu 733 150. Hardwar Uttaranchal 612 - 111 Koch Bihar West Bengal 73~ 151 Aurangabad Bihar 60.7 112 Nawada Bihar 726 152 Nagaon Assam 60.4 113 Supaul Bihar 724 153 Kasaragod Kerala 60.4 114 Sultanpur Uttar Prpdesh 719 154 Amritsar Punjab 60.3 115 Ahmadabad Gujarat 718 155 Sonipat Haryana 60.3 116 Thoubal Manipur 713~ 156 Gurgaon Haryana 599 117 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 70.5 157 Cuttack Orissa 595 118 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 699 158 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 594 119 Gaya Bihar 696 Hi9 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 592 1'20. Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 695 160. Gurdaspur' Punjab 588 174 Table-5 l?istricts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Density SI. District" Statel Density No. Union territory* Population No. Union territory* Population

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

161 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 586 201 Nalbari Assam 504 162 Dhubri Assam 584 202 Godda Jharkhand 496 163 Palakkad Kerala 584 203 Kendrapara Orissa 492 164 Pashchim Champara Bihar 582 204 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 490 165 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 580 205 Jhajjar Haryana 484 166 Sahibganj Jharkhand 580 206 Rewari Haryana 483 167 Kamrup Assam 579 207 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 483 168 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 576 208 Vadodara Gujarat 482 169 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 575 209 Kheda Gujarat 480 170 Vellore Tamil Nadu 573 210 Jaipur Rajasthan 471 171 Salem Tamil Nadu 573 211 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 470 172 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 568 212 Mirzapur Uttar, Pradesh 468 173 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 566 213 Deoghar Jharkhand 468 174 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 560 214 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 468 175 Jajapur Orissa 560 215 Pathanamthitta Kerala 467 176 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 557 216 Valsad Gujarat 465 177 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 556- 217 Bankura West Ben9,9' 464 178 Yamunanagar Haryana 556 218 Nawanshahr Punjab 463 179 Navsari Gujarat 556 219 Pune Maharashtra 462 180 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 555 220 Kapurthala Punjab 461 181 Imphal East Manipur 555 221 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 457 182 Karimganj Assam 555 222 Kolhapur Maharashtra 457 183 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 548 223 Marigaon Assam 455 184 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 547 224 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 452 185 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 542 225 Jamui Bihar 451 186 Kurukshetra Haryana 541 226 Goalpara Assam 451 187 Rupnagar Punjab 540 227 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 451 188 Rohtak Haryana 539 228 Dohad Gujarat 449 189 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 538 229 padra & Nagar Dadra & Nagar 449 Haveli Haveli* 190 Banka Bihar 533 230 Jind Haryana 440 191 Baleshwar Orissa 532 231 Hoshiarpur Punjaq 439 192 Bhadrak Orissa 532 232 Mahendragarh Haryana 437 193 Panchkula Haryana 523 233 North Goa Goa 436 194 Darjiling West Bengal 510 234 Namakkal ·Tamil Nadu 436 195 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 508 235 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 433 196 Patiala Punjab 507 236 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 433 197 Karnal Haryana 506 237 Darrang Assam 432 198 Barpeta Assam 506 238 Puri Orissa 431 199 West Tripura Tripura 505 239 Utlhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 424 200 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 504 240 Mahesana Gujarat 419 175 Table-5 Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Density SI. District Statel Density No. Union terri~ory· Population No. Union territory* Population

2 3 4 2 3 4

241 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 417 281 Mandya Karnataka 355 242 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 416 282 Jorhat Assam 354 243 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 416 283 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 352 244 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 415 284 Bathinda Punjab 349 ~45 Bishnupur Manipur 415 285 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 348 246 Dehradun Uttaranchal 414 286 Dibrugarh Assam 347 247 Bharatpur Rajasthan 414 287 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 343 248 Nagp'ur Maharashtra 413 288 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 342 249 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 411 289 Banda Uttar Pradesh 340 250 Hailakandi Assam 409 290 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 340 251 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 409 291 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 339 252 Kaithal Haryana 408 292 Dimapur Nagaland 333 253 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 406 293 'Firozpur Punjab 329 254 Puruliya West Bengal 405 294 Durg Chhatisgarh 328 255 Moga Punjab 400 295 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 324 256 Sangrur Punjab 398 296 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 323 257 Sibsagar Assam 395 297 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 323 258 Lakhimpur Assam 391 298 Nashik Maharashtra 321 259 Pakaur Jharkhand 388 299 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 320 260 Panch Mahals Gujarat 388 300 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 319 261 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 387 301 Fatehabad Haryana 318 262 Hisar Haryana 386 302 Morena Madhya Pradesh 318 263 Dausa Rajasthan 384 303 Mansa Punjab 317 264 Mysore Karnataka 383 304 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 317 265 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 382 305 Sonitpur Assam 315 266 Giriaih Jharkhand 382 306 Belgaum Karnataka 314 267 Ganjam Orissa 382 307 Erode Tamil Nadu 314 268 Cachar Assam 381 308 Jalgaon Maharashtra 313 269 Kodarma Jharkhand 380 309 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 312 270 Faridkot Punjab 376 310 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 312 271 Dharwad Karnataka 376 311 Kapur Tamil Nadu 311 272 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 370 312 Raigarh Maharashtra 308 273 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 369" 313 Kolar Karnataka 307 ·274 Wayanad Kerala 369 314 Tinsukia Assam 393 275 Ranchi Jharkhand 362 315 Davanagere Karnataka 302 276 Bongaigaon Assam 361 316 Sangli Maharashtra 301 277 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 358 317 Akola Maharashtra 300 278 Alwar Rajasthan 357 318 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 300 279 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 357 319 Bhiwani Haryana 298 .280 Theni Tamil Nadu 357 320 Banswara Rajasthan 298 176 Table-S Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Density SI. District State! Density No. Union territory* Population No. Union territory· Population

2 3 4 2 3 4

321 Haveri Karnataka 298 361 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 254 322 South Goa Goa 298 362 Hassan Karnataka 253 323 Muktsar Punjab 297 363 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 252 324 Sikar Rajasthan 296 364 Idukki Kerala 252 325 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 294 365 Bagalkot Karnataka 251 326 Dungarpur Rajasthan 294 366 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 250 327 Kokrajhar Assam 294 367 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 250 328 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 294 368 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 249 329 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 294 369 Satna Madhya Pradesh 249 330 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 294 370 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 248 331 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 292 371 Bhavnagar Gujarat 247 332 Bhandara Maharashtra 292 372 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 247 333 Una Himachal Pradesh 291 373 Jharsuguda Orissa 245 334 Latur Maharashtra 290 374 Lohai'CIaga Jharkhand 244 335 Aurangabad Maharashtra 289 375 South Tripura Tripura 243 336 Kota Rajasthan 288 376 Tumkur Karnataka 243 337 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 287 377 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 241 338 Udupi Karnataka 286 378 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 241 339 Dumka Jharkhand 282 379 Raichur Karnataka 241 340 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 282 380 Palamu Jharkhand 240 341 Rajkot Gujarat 282 381 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 240 342 North Tripura Tripura 281 382 Bellary Karnataka 240 343 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 281 383 Dhenkanal Orissa 239 344 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 278 384 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 238 ,345 Junagadh Gujarat 277 385 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 234 346 Bidar Karnataka 276 386 Porbandar Gujarat 234 347 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 275 387 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 233 348 Medak Andhra Pradesh 274 388 Datia Madhya Pradesh 233 349 Nanded Maharashtra 272 389 Banas Kantha Gujarat 233 350 Golaghat Assam 270 390 Bargarh Orissa 231 351 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 269. 391 Sonapur Orissa 231 352 Satara Maharashtra 267 392 Raipur Chhatisgarh 230 353 Sirsa Haryana 260 393 Buldana Maharashtra 230 354 Nandurbar Maharashtra 260 39,4 Parbhani Maharashtra 229 ·355 Solapur Maharashtra 259 395 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 228 356 Solan Himachal Pradesh 258 -396 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 227 357 Ajmer Rajasthan 257 397 Ganganagar Rajasthan 224 358 East Sikkim 257 398 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 222 359 Rajsamand Rajasthan 256 399 Nayagarh Orissa 222 360 Garhwa Jharkhand 256 400 Gondiya Maharashtra 221 177 Table-5

Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Density SI. District Statel Density No. Union territory* Population No. Union territory* Population

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

401 Karauli Rajasthan 218 441 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 190 402 Hingoli Maharashtra 218 442 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 190 403 .Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 216 443 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 189 404 Katni Madhya Pradesh 215 444 Sundargarh Orissa 188 405 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 214 445 Kendujhar Orissa 188 406 Chatra Jharkhand 213 446 Amreli Gujarat 188 407 Mayurbhanj Orissa 213 447 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 187 408 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 213 448 Narmada Gujarat 187 409 Amravati Maharashtra 213 449 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 186 410 Dhule Maharashtra 212 450 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 182 411 Pashchimi Jharkhand 210 451 Chandrapur Maharashtra 182 Singhbhum 412 Bharuch Gujarat 210 452 Yavatmal Maharashtra 181 413 Jalna Maharashtra 209 45'3- Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 180 414 Gadag Karnataka 209 454 Anugul Orissa 179 415 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 208 455 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 179. 416 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 208 456 Chitradurga Karnataka 179 417 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 207 457 Dhemaji Assam 176 418 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 206 458 South Sikkim 175 419 Patan Gujarat 206 459 Sid hi Madhya Pradesh 174 420 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 205 460 Bundi Rajasthan 173 ~21 Almora UUaranchal 205 461 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 173 422 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 204 462 Bijapur Karnataka 172 423 Balangir Orissa 203 463 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 170 424 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 203 464 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 170 425 Bid Maharashtra 202 465 Tonk Rajasthan 168 426 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 199 466 Kalahandi Orissa 168 427 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 199 467 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 168 428 Nainital Uttaranchal 198 468 Sirohi Rajasthan 166 429 Washim Maharashtra 198 469 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 166 430 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 197 470_Koppal Karnataka 166 431 Udaipur Rajasthan 196 471 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 165 432 Wardha Maharashtra 195 472 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 165 433 Osmanabad Maharashtra 195 473 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 164 434 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 194 474 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 162 435 Gulbarga Karnataka 193 475 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 162 436 Shimoga Karnataka 193 476 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 162 437 Bhilwara Rajasthan 192 477 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 160 438 Nabarangapur Orissa 192 478 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 159 439 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 191 ft79 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 159 440 Jhalawar Rajasthan 190 480 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 158 178 Table-5 Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Density SI. District Statel Density No, Union territory· Population No, Union territory* Population

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

481 Chikmagalur Karnataka. 158 521 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 120 482 Nagaur Rajasthan 157 522 Gajapati Orissa 120 483 Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 157 523 Baudh Orissa 120 484 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 156 524 Panna Madhya Pradesh 120 485 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 154 525 Senapati Manipur 116 ' 486 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 154 526 Rayagada Orissa 116 487 Korba Chhatisgarh 153 527 Churu Rajastl1an 114 488 Guna Madhya Pradesh 151 528 Bageshwar UUaranchal 108 489 Tehri Garhwal UUaranchai 148 529 West Sikkim 106 490 Gumla Jharkhand 148 530 The Dangs Gujarat 106 491 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 148 531 Kohima Nagaland 101 492 Pali Rajasthan 147 532 Kanker Chhatisgarh 100 493 Baran Rajasthan '146 533 Wokha Nag'aland 99 494 Mon Nagaland 145 534 Tuellsang Nagaland 98 495 Surendranagar Gujarat 144 535 Aizawl Mizoram 95 496 Harda Madhya Pradesh 142 536 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 95 497 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 141 537 Debagarh Orissa 93 498 Mokokchung Nagaland 141 538 Koriya Chhatisgarh 89 499 Sambalpur Orissa 140 539 Bastar Chhatisgarh 87 500 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 140 540 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 85 501 Dhalai Tripura 139 541 Malkangiri Orissa 83 502 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 139 542 Ri Bhai Meghalaya 81 503 Betul Madhya Pradesh 139 543 Kandhamal Orissa 81 504 Nuapada Orissa 138 544 Karbi Anglong Assam 78 505 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 138 545 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 78 506 Jalor Rajasthan 136 546 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 77 507 Jamnagar Gujarat 135 547 Phek Nagaland 73 508 Koraput Orissa 134 548 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 71 509 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 133 549 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 69 510 Kodagu Karnataka 133 550 'Barmer Rajasthan 69 511 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 132 551 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 67 512 UUara Kannada Karnataka 132 552 Pithoragarh UUaranchal 65 513 Garhwal Uttaranchal 129 553 Bikaner Rajasthan 61 514 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 127 554 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 59 515 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 127 555 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 56 516 Champawat Uttaranchal 126 556 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 54 517 Jodhpur Rajasthan 126 557 Churachandpur Manipur 50 518 Surguja Chhatisgarh 125 558 Andamans Andaman & 49 Nicobar Islands· 519 Zunheboto Nagaland 123 559 Chamoli ' Uttaranchal 48 520 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 120 560 Kolasib Mizoram 44 179 Table-5 Districts arranged by descending order of population density (Persons per Square Kilometers) : 2001 SI. District Statel Density SI. District Statel Density No. Union territory· Population No. Union territory· Population

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

561 Saiha Mizoram 43 578 Mamit Mizoram 21 562 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 42 579 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 16 563 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 41 580 East Kameng , Arunachal Pradesh 14 564 Serchhip Mizoram 39 581 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh 13 565 North Cachar Hills Assam 38 582 Jaisa1mer Rajasthan 13 566 Uttarkashi UUaranchal 37 583 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 13 567 Chandel Manipur 37 584 lohit Arunachal Pradesh 13 568 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 35 585 North Sikkim 10 569 Kachchh Gujarat 33 586 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 10 570 Champhai Mizoram 32 587 lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 10 571 Ukhrul Manipur 31 588 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 8 572 Lunglei Mizoram 30 589 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 8 573 Lawngtlai Mizoram 29 590 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 5 574 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 27 591 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 4 575 Tamenglong Manipur 25 592 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & Kashmir 3 576 Nicobars Andaman & 23 593 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 2 Nicobar Islands· 577 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 22

Notes: ~. The population density for Kinnaur district is based on the estimated population as enumeration at Census of India, 2001, in entire Kinnaur district could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 2. The population density for Kachchh district is based on the estimated population as enumeration at Census of India, 2001, in entire Kachchh district could not be conducted due to natural calamity. 3. The populatiqn densities for Rajkot and Jamnagar districts are based on estimated population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas (Talukas of Rajkot) and Jodiya talukas (taluka of Jamnagar) where Census of India, 2001, coul~ not be conducted due to natural calamity. 4. While working out the population density of Leh (Ladakh) district in Jammu & Kashmir the population and area of those portions of the district that are under illegal occupation 0f China have been excluded. 5. All area figures used for working out population densities are provisional.

180 Table-6 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District State/ Growth SI. District State/ Growth No. Union territory* Rate No. Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Wokha Nagaland 95.01 41 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 35.91 2 Daman Daman & Diu" 83.49 42 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh 35.70

3 Senapati Manipur 81.96 43 Purnia Bihar 35.23 4 Tuensang Nagaland 78.10 44 Jaipur Rajas.than 35.10 5 Mon Nagaland 73.42 45 Bangalore Karnataka 34.80 6 Dimapur Nagaland 73.30 46 LawngtJai Mizoram 34.78 7 Chandel Manipur 72.80 47 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 34.33 8 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 67.21 48 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 34.12 9 North East Delhi 62.52 49 Jodhpur Rajasthan 33.77 10 South West Delhi 61.29 50 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 33.61 11 Zunheboto Nagaland 61.00 51 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 33.59 12 North West Delhi 60.12 52 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 33.44 13 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadra & Nagar 59.20 53 South_ Sikkim 33:37 Haveli* 14 Thane Maharashtra 54.86 54 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 33.28 15 Yanam Pondicherry* 54.52 55 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 33.25 16 Ri Bhoi Meghalaya 51.44 56 Saiha Mizoram 33.16 17 Panch kula Haryana 51.16 57 Nawada Bihar 33.08 18 South Delhi 50.27 58 Saharsa 'Bihar 33.03 19 Kohima Nagaland 49.96 59 Jamui Bihar 32.90 20 Faridabad Haryana 48.47 60 Nainital Uttaranchal 32.88 21 West Delhi 47.81 61 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 32.70 22 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 47.47 62 Sitamarhi Bihar 32.58 23 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 47.45 63 Dausa Rajasthan 32.42 24 Surat Gujarat 47.04 64 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 32.28 25 Phek Nagaland 45.12 65 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 32.21 26 Gurgaon Haryana 44.64 66 Aurangabad Maharashtra 31.93 27 Mokokchung Nagaland 43.48 67 Araria Bihar 31.84 28 East Delhi 41.61 68 Kishanganj Bihar 31.50 29 Indore Madhya P.radesh 40.82 69 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 31.45 30 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 40.33 70 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 31.39 31 Aizawl Mizoram 39.24 71 North Sikkim 31.32 32 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 38.59 72 Agra Uttar Pradesh 31.27 33 Panipat Haryana 38.57 73 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 31.18 34 Bikaner Rajasthan 38.18 74 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 31.13 35 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 37.41 75 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 31.10 36 East Sikkim 37.17 76 Katihar Bihar 30.91 37 Barmer Rajasthan 36.83 77 Darbhanga Bihar 30.85 38 Sheohar Bihar 36.16 78 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 30.84 39 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 36.13 79 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 30.78 40 Kolasib Mizoram 36.01 80 Solan Himachal Pradesh 30.64 181 Table-6 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District Statel Growth SI. District Statel Growth No. Union territory* Rate No. Union territory* Rate 2 3 4 . 1 2 3 4

81 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 30.64 121 Dohad Gujarat 28.35 82 Pune Maharashtra 30.58 122 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 28.28 83 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & Kashmir 30.42 123 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 28.22 84 Pashchim Champaran Bihar 30.40 124 Kushjnagar Uttar Pradesh 28.17 85 Alwar Rajasthan 30.23 125 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 28.11 86 Aurangabad Bihar 30.19 126 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 28.08 87 Patna Bihar 30.17 127 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 27.98 88 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar 30.14 128 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 27.98 Islands" 89 Sirohi Rajasthan 30.08 129 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 27.95 90 Gaya Bihar 30.03 130 Mau Uttar Pradesh 27.91 91 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 29.98 131 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 27.88 92 Karauli Rajasthan 29.96 132 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 27.80 93 Supaul Bihar 29.95 1-33 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 27.79 94 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 29.87 134 Rohtas Bihar 27.71 95 Banswara Rajasthan 29.84 135 M"irzapur Uttar Pradesh 27.62 96 Churachandpur Manipur 29.81 136 Ganganagar Rajasthan 27.53 97 Champhai Mizoram 29.77 137 Satna Madhya Pradesh 27.52 98 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 29.72 138 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 27.44 99 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 29.72 139 Udaipur Rajasthan 27.37 100 Valsad Gujarat 29.66 140 Chhatarpuf Madhya Pradesh 27.33 101 The Dangs Gujarat 29.58 141 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 27.30 102 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 29.55 142 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 27.29 103 Nashik Maharashtra 29.51 143 Bhagalpur Bihar 27.24 104 Madhepura Bihar 29.45 144 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 27.20 105 Nagaur Rajasthan 29.33 145 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 27.17 106 Khagaria Bihar 29.32 146 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 27.16

107 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 29.27 147 Shivpuri Madhya Pr~desh 27.16 108 Purba Champaran Bihar 29.27 148 Guna Madhya Pradesh 27.11 109 Tamenglong Manipur 29.23 149 Giridih Jharkhand 27.09 110 Begusarai Bihar 29.11 150. Hisar Haryana 27.06 111 Garhwa Jharkhand 29.05 151 Bharatpur Rajasthan 27.05 112 Chatra Jharkhand 29.05 152 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 26.96 113 Buxar Bihar 29.03 153 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 26.95 114 Ukhrul Ma!lipur 28.98 154 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 26.95 115 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 28.72 155 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 26.84 116 Jehanabad Bihar 28·94 156 Palamu Jharkhand 26.80 117 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 28.63 157 Jator Rajasthan 26.78 118 South Garo Hills Meghataya 28.59 158 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 26.78

119 Kota Rajasthan 28.52 -159 Doda Jammu & ~ashmir 26.76 120 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 28.39 160 Muzaffarpur Bihar 26.74 182 c .. :. = Table-6 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District Statel Growth SI. District Statel Growth No. Union territory* Rate No. Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

161 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 26.73 201 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 25.18 162 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 26.72 202 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 25.03 163 Ahmadabad GUJarat 26.61 203 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 24.97 164 Dungarpur Rajasthan 26.58 204 Sheikhpura Bihar 24.96 165 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 26.58 205 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 24.87 166 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 26.50 206 Bundi Rajasthan 24.80 167 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 26.45 207 Ludhiana Punjab 24.79 168 North Tripura Tripura 26.44 208 Khordha Orissa 24.79 169 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 26.40 209 Siwan Bihar 24.78 170 Valshali Bihar 26.39 210 Maldah West Bengal 24.77 171 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 26.39 211 Fatehabad Haryana 24.76 172 Saran Bihar 26.37 212 Dehradun Uttaranchal 24.71 173 Kodarma Jharkhand 26.32 213 Thoubal Manlpur 24.62 174 Banas Kantha Gujarat 26.31 214 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 24.61 175 Hardwar Uttaranchal 26.30 215 Churu Rajasthan 24.60 176 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 26.28 216 Bhojpur Bihar 24.58 177 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 26.24 217 SurguJa Chhatisgarh 24.58 178 Baran Rajasthan 26.19 218 Koppal Karnataka 24.57 179 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 26.18 219 Harda Madhya Pradesh 24.53 180 Bhilwara Rajasthan 26.14 220 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 24.49 181 Lohardaga Jharkhand 26.14 221 Banka Bihar 24.47 182 Gopalganj Bihar 26.11 222 Deoghar Jharkhand 24.46 183 Ajmer Rajasthan 26.10 223 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 24.34 184 Madhubani Bihar 26.08 224 Pakaur Jharkhand 24.34 185 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 26.00 225 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 24.31 186 Sahibganj Jharkhand 25.89 226 Tonk Rajasthan 24.24 187 Kamrup Assam 25.75 227 Etah Uttar Pradesh 24.20 188 Ranchi Jharkhand 25.72 228 Sultan pur Uttar Pradesh 24.20 189 Ambala Haryana 2569 229 Panna Madhya Pradesh 24.17 190 Samastipur Bihar 25.63 230 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 24.16 191 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 25.60 231 Sikar Rajasthan 24.11 192 Rajkot Gujarat 25.60 232 Jhajjar Haryana 24.09 193 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 25.51 233 Morena Madhya Pradesh 24.09 194 West Sikkim 25.48 234 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 24.02 195 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 25.47 235 Latur Maharashtra 23.95 196 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 25.46 236 Lakhisarai Bihar 23.94 197 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 25.36 237 Gandhinagar Gujarat 23.88 198 Surendranagar Gujarat 25.34 238 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 23.87 199 Rewari Haryana 25.24 239 Kurukshetra Haryana 23.72 200 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 25.19 240 MlIrshidabad 23.70 -==~r;;~\wB~n8al .... ft, y",x= ''''~iC J""C'=rr ~~ !'<...t:lw- .... ;::;====' n. "!fG:=tC:= c=.=zz:: "'"= -r::zc::= -rem @ 183 Table-6 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District Statel Growth SI. District Statel Growth No. Union territory* Rate No. Union territory* Rate 2 3 4 2 3 4

241 Hardo; Uttar Pradesh 23.67 281 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 22.40 242 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 23.67 282 Pali Rajasthan 22.39 243 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 23.66 283 Jamnagar Gujarat 22.39 244 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 23.64 284 Sonipat Haryana 22.36 245 Unain Madhya Pradesh 23.63 285 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 22.35 246 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 23.56 286 Nagaon Assam 22.30 247 Darjiling West Bengal 23.54 287 Bellary Karnataka 22.30 248 North Cachar Hills Assam 23.47 288 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 22.22 249 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 23.44 289 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 22.11 250 Dhubri Assam 23.42 290 Bokaro Jharkhand .22.11 251 Rupnagar Punjab 23.39 291 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 22.08 252 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 23.36 292 Raichur Karnataka 21.93 253 Saharan pur Uttar Pradesh 23.35 293 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 21.88 254 Jhalawar Rajasthan 23.34 294 yamunanagar Haryana 21.84 255 Nagpur Maharashtra 23.25 295 Datia Madhya Pradesh 21.82 256 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 23.25 296 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 21.80 257 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 23.23 297 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 21.67

258 Nandurbar Maharashtra 23.21 29~ Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 21.67 259 Karnal Haryana 23.13 299 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 21.66 260 Lunglei Mizoram 23.10 300 Godda Jharkhand 21.61 261 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 23.08 301 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 21.59, 262 Nanded Maharashtra 23.08 302 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 21.55' 263 Goalpara Assam 23.07 303 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 21.52 264 Sirsa Haryana 22.96 304 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 21.50 265 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 22.88 305 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 21.46 266 Dhanbad Jharkhand 22.82 306 Faridkot Punjab 21.42 267 F arrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 22.80 307 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 21.40 268 Amritsar Punjab 22.72 308 Jind Haryana 21.35 269 Uttarkashi Uttaranchal 22.72 309 Karimganj Assam 21.35 270 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 22.72 310 Marigaon Assam 21.29 271 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 22.70 311 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 21.25 272 Basti Uttar Pradesh 22.69 312 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 21.20 273 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 22.69 313 Gulbarga Karnataka 21.02 274 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 22.66 314 Rohtak Haryana 20.99 275 North Twenty Four West Bengal 22.64 315 Kaithal Haryana 20.95 Parganas 276 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 22.59 316 Hailakandi Assam 20.92 277 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 22.58 317 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 20.91 278 Karbi Anglong Assam 22.57 318 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 20.90l 279 Korba Chhatisgarh 22.55 319 Kachchh Gujarat 20.901 280 Bhiwani Haryana 22.45 320 ,South Twenty Four West Bengal 20.89 Parqanas 184 Table-6

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District Statel Growth SI. District State! Growth No. UlJion territory* Rate No. Union territory" Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

321 Raigarh Maharashtra 20.89 361 Muktsar Punjab 18.68 322 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 20.82 362 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 18.68 323 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 20.72 363 Cachar Assam 18.66 324 Katni Madhya Pradesh 20.61 364 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 18.65 325 Akola Maharashtra 20.51 365 Nalanda Bihar 18.64 326 Bhadrak Orissa 20.47 366 Kandhamal Orissa 18.60 ;327 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 20.46 367 Sangrur Punjab 18.57 328 Firozpur Punjab 20.42 368 Anugul Orissa 18.55 329 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 20.40 369 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 18.55 330 Panch Mahals Gujarat 20.36 370 Bid Maharashtra 18.54 331 Munger Bihar 20.34 371 Barpeta Assam 18.53 332 Patiala Punjab 20.31 372 Banda Uttar Pradesh 18.49 333 Nabarangapur Orissa 20.26 373 Yavatmal Maharashtra 18.46 334 Bathinda Punjab 19.89 374 Serchhip Mizoram 18.45 335 Rajsamand Rajasthan 19.88 375 Amravati Maharashtra 18.45 336 Mansa Punjab 19.83 376 Una Himachal Pradesh 18.43 337 Vadodara Gujarat 19.80 377 Jalandhar Punjab 18.40 338 Hingoli Maharashtra 19.76 378 Lakhimpur Assam 18.34 3~9 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 19.72 379 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 18.32 340 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 19.58 380 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 18.30 341 Bidar Karnataka 19.56 381 West Tripura Tripura 18.29 342 Tinsukia Assam 19.52 382 Bastar Chhatisgarh 18.28 '343 Nadia West Bengal 19.51 383 Washim Maharashtra 18.25 344 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 19.39 384 Jalna Maharashtra 18.17 345 Gurdaspur Punjab 19.33 385 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 18.14 346 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 19.32 386 Buldana Maharashtra 18.03

347 Bharuch Gujarat 19.32 387 Betul Ma'dhya Pradesh 18~2 348 Solapur Maharashtra 19.32 388 Kalahandi Orissa 17.99 349 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 19.31 389 Mayurbhanj Orissa 17.89 350 Bhavnagar Gujarat 19.29 390 Birbhum West Bengal 17.88 351 Baleshwar Orissa 19.24 391 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 17.86 352 Imphal East Manipur 19.16 392 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 17.85 353 Mahendragarh Haryana 19.09 393 Sonitpur Assam 17.80 354 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 19.06 394 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh 17.79 355 Raipur Chhatisgarh 18.97 395 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 17.70 356 Dhemaji Assam 18.93 396 Bijapur Karnataka 17.63 357. Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 18.:87 397 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 17.59 358 Kanker Chhatisgarh 18.84 398 Kolhapur Maharashtra 17.59 359 Bagalkot Karnataka 18.84 399 Champawat Uttaranchal 17.56 360 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 18.84 400 Baudh Orissa 17.45 185 Table-6 Districts arranged by.descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District State I Growth SI. District Statel Growth No. Union territory* Rate No. Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

401 Belgaum KarrTataka 17.40 441 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 15.56 402 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 17.37 442 Jalgaon Maharashtra 15.44 403 Dumka Jharkhand 17.31 443 Imphal West Manipur 15.42 404 Medak Andhra Pradesh 17.29 444 Visakhap,atnam Andhra Pradesh 15.36 405 Chandrapur Maharashtra 17.26 445 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 15.35 406 Malappuram Kerala 17.22 446 Os mana bad Maharashtra 15.35 407 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 17,21 447 Parbhani Maharashtra 15.31 408 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep" 17.1f 448 Wardha Maharashlra 15.30 409 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 17.18 449 Rayagada Orissa 15.27 410 Karaikal Pondicherry* 17.11 450 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 15.17 411 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 17.09 451 Jharsuguda Orissa 15.13 412 Jajapur Orissa 17.08 452 Vellore Tamil Nadu 15.09 413 Junagadh Gujaraf 17.08 453 Kokrajhar Assam 15.05 414 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 17.06 454 Chitradurga Karnataka 15.05 415 Wayanad Kerala 17.04 455 Mysore Karnataka 15.04 416 Debagarh Orissa 17.02 456 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 14.98 417 Koriya Chhatisgarh 16.91- 457 Puri Orissa 14.80 418 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 16.90 458 Davanagere Karnataka 14.78 419 Durg Chhatisgarh 16.88 459 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 14.70 420 Sangli Maharashtra 16.85 460 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 14.66 421 Kendujhar Orissa 16.79 461 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 14.63 422 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 16.66 462 Haora West Bengal 14.60 423 Dharwad Karnataka 16,65 463 Chittoor _Andhra Pradesh 14.54 424 Gumla Jharkhand 16.60 464 Dakshina Kannada Karnc;ltaka 14.51 425 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 16.49 465 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 14.47 426 Pashchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 16,35 466 Koraput Orissa 14.41 427 Kapurthala Punjab 16.34 467 Narmada Gujarat 14.40 428 Salem Tamil Nadu 16.28 468 Barddhaman West Bengal 14.36 429 Sundargarh Orissa 16.26 469 Porbandar Gujarat 14.35 430 South Goa Goa 16.16 470 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 14.31 431 Tehri Garhwal UUaranchal 16.15 471 Golaghat Assam 14.21 432 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 16.05 472 Sambalpur Orissa -14.17 433 Ganjam Orissa 16.01 473 Koch Bihar West Bengal --14.15 434 Dhule Maharashtra" 16.01 474 Satara Maharashtra 14.10 435 Sibs agar Assam 15.95 475 Patan Gujarat 14.08 436 Jorhat Assam 15.8'4 476 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 14.05 437 Darrang Assam 15.79 471 Gajapati Orissa 14.02 438 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 15.78 478 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 14.01 439 Hugli West Bengal 15.72 479 Cuttack Orissa 14.00 440 Medinipur West Bengal 15.68 480 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 13.97 186 Table-6 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District Statel Growth SI. District Statel Growth No. Union territory* Rate No. Union territory* Rate 2 3 4 2 3 4

481 Puruliya West Bengal 13.96 521 Diu Daman & Diu· 11.71 482 Moga Punjab 13.93 522 Kodagu Karnataka 11.64 483 North Goa Goa 13.93 523 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 11.62 484 Bishnupur Manipur 13.90 524 Bargarh Orissa 11.47 485 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 13.86 525 Bhandara Maharashtra 11.20 486 Kolar Karnataka 13.8:3 526 NeJlore Andhra Pradesh 11.18 487 Hoshiarpur Punjab 13.81 527 Erpde Tamil Nadu 10.94 488 Bankura West Bengal 13.79 528 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 10.92 489 Malkangiri Orissa 13.71 529 Uttara Kannada Karnataka 10.90 490 . Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 13.55 530 Dhalai Tripura 10.79 491 Chamoli Uttaranchal 13.51 531 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 10.72 492 Cuddapah. Andhra Pradesh 13.48 532 Gondiya Maharashtra 10.49 493 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 13.44 533 Nawanshahr Punjab 10.43 494 Sonapur Orissa 13.39 534 Nay~arh Orissa 10.39 495 North Delhi 13.30 535 Mahe Pondicherry" 10.09 496 Haveri Karnataka 13.29 536 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 9.87 497 Kendrapara Orissa 13.25 537 Kozhikode Kerala 9.87 498 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 13.24 538 Palakkad Kerala 9.86 499 Kheda Gujarat 13:24 539 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 9.80 500 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 13.23 540 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 9.78 501 Navsari Gujarat 13.22 541 Chennai Tamil Nadu 9.76 502 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 13.15 542 Hassan Karnataka 9.66

503 Gadag Karnataka 13.1~ 543 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 9.43 504 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 13.08 544 Kapur Tamil Nadu 9.32 505 Anand Gujarat 13.03 545 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 9.21 506 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 13.00 546 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 9.H~ 507 Nuapada Orissa 13.00 547 Ernakulam Kerala 9.09 508 Shimoga Karnataka 12.90 548 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 9.06 509 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 12.71 549 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 8.99 l 510 Dhenkanal Orissa 12.46 550 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 8.93 511 Dibrugarh Assam 12.43 551 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 8.76 512 Kasaragod Kerala 12.30 552 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 8.72 513 Bongaigaon Assam 12.23 553 Thrissur Kerala 8.70 514 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 12.21 554 Balangir Orissa 8.52 515 Mahesana Gujarat 12.04 555 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 7.97 516 Nalbari Assam 11.98 556 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 7.95 517 Chikmagalur Karnataka 11.98 557 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 7.92 518 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 11.97 558 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 7.69 519 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 11.92 559 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 7.54 520 Tumkur Karnataka 11.87 560 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 7.43 187 Tab~e-6 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage growth rate: 1991-2001 SI. District State! Growth $1. District State! Growthl No. Union territory· Rate No. Union territory· Rate 2 3 4 2 3 4

561 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 7.38 578 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 5.9~ 562 Kollam Kerala 7.33 579 Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 5.as: 563 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 7.30 580 RC'lmanathapuram Tamil Nadu 5.7 564 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 7.27 581 Alappuzha Kerala 5.21!1 565 Nicobars Islands· 7.19 582 Mumbai Maharashtra 4.7g 566 Mandya Karnataka 7.14 583 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 4.3~ 567 Kannur Kerala 7.13 584 Thani Tamil Nadu 4.33, 568 Idukki Kerala 6.96 585 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 4.32 569 Udupi Karnataka 6.88 586 Kolkata West 8engal 4.11" 570 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 6.83 587 Garhwql Uttaranchal 3.87t• 571 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 6.80 588 Pathanamthitta Kerala 3.72 572 Kottayam Kerala 6.76 589 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 3.5$ t 573 Madurai Tamil Nadu 6.75 590 Almora Uttaranchal 3.11 574 Amreli Gujarat 6.45 591 New Delhi Delhi 2.47· ~ 575 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 6.36 592 Central [)elhi -1.91' 576 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 6.17 593 Mamit_ Mizoram -3.50 577 South Tripura Tripura 6.10 Notes: 1. The growth. rate for Kinnaur district is based on the estimated population figure. as population enumeration at Census of India, 2001, in entire Kinnaur district could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

2. The growth rate for Kachchh district is based on estimated figure of population as enumeration at Census of India, 2001, in entire Kachchh district could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

3. The growth rate for Rajkot and Jamnagar district is based on estimated population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas ( Talukas of Rajkot) and Jodiya talukas (taluka of Jamnagar) where Census of India, 2001 ~ could not be conducted due to natural calamity. . 4. The growth rate for the districts of Jammu & Kashmir are based on the interpolated population' figures for these districts for the year 1991 as census could not be conducted in the state due to disturbed conditions.

188 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District State/ Percentage Number of chiJdern in the Difference No. Union territory* child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ri Bhoi Meghalaya 23.47 45,257 29,524 15,733 2 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 22.89 67,321 54,359 12,962 3 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 22.52 314,541 265,936 48,605 4 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 22.28 65,874 53,798 12,076 5 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 22.25 240,538 189,180 51,358 6 Barmer Rajasthan 21.99 431,897 290,371 141,526 7 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 21.91 215,312 167,541 47,771 8 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 21.77 110,610 69,121 41,489 9 Kishanganj Bihar 21.68 280,498 209,040 71,458 10 Katihar Bihar 21.52 514,326 401,960 112,366 11 Garhwa Jharkhand 21.32 220,490 190,035 30,455 12 Jalor Rajasthan 21.18 306,776 240,245 66,531 13 Araria Bihar 21.15 449,343 351,264 98,079 14 Purnia Bihar 21.13 536,851 404,360 132,491 15 Khagaria Bihar 21.12 269,582 208,488 61,094 16 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 21.08 20,892 17,491 3,401 17 Madhepura Bihar 21.01 320,359 246,288 74,071 18 Giridih Jharkhand 20.92 397,889 334,602 63,287 19 Supaul Bihar 20.90 364.101 282,546 82,155 20 Banswara Rajasthan 20.81 312,188 243,860 68,328 21 Dungarpur Rajasthan 20.78 230,089 172,937 57,152 22 Pashchim Champaran Bihar 20.75 631,412 480,961 150,451 23 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 20.68 505,054 388,794 116,260 24 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 20.67 165,501 127,203 38,298 25 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 20.51 11,702 10,363 1,339 26 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 20.49 417;771 338,630 79,141 27 Purba Champaran Bihar 20.47 805,238 635,488 -169,750 28 Karauli Rajasthan 20.45 246,590 201,204 45,386 29 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 20.42 373,889 311,364 62,525 30 BudauR Uttar Pradesh 20.41 '626,401 514,280 112,121 31 Samastipur Bihar 20.39 695,995 571,341 124,654 32 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 20.38 441,62<1- 351,758 89,866 33 Sahibganj Jharkhand 20.38 189,070 152,707 36,363 34 Saharsa Bihar 20.33 306,253 230,351 75,902 35 Chatra Jharkhand 20.30 160,519 139,771 20,748 36 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 20.26 198,032 161,370 36,662 37 Dhubri Assam 20.26 331,164 308,656 22,508 38 Sheikhpura Bihar 20.25 106,335 85,301 21,034 39 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 20.20 295,636 233,215 62,421 40 Sitamarhi Bihar 20.20 539,288 406,780 132,508 189 Table-7 i?istricts arranged by descending order of per:centage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population : 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory· child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

41 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 20.19 388,051 328,994 59,057 42 Pakaur Jharkhand 20:17 141,520 121,880 19,640 43 Mau Uttar Pradesh 20.14 372,524 311,299 61,225 44 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 20.12 258,460 207,584 50,876 45 Banka Bihar 20.10 323,329 266,266 57,063 46 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 20.05 751,777 651,810 99,967 47 Lakhisarai Bihar 20.00 160,210 130,422 29,788 48 Bharatpur Rajasthan 19.99 419,468 355,689 63,779 49 Gurgaon Haryana 19.90 329,827 252,878 76,949 50 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 19.89 283,362 242,619 40,743 51 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 19.89 49,242 44,355 4,887 52 Kodarma -;:Iharkhand 19.88 99,116 84,380 14,736 53 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 19.87 19,917 18,364 1,553 54 Begusarai Bihar 19.81 464,167 375,726 88,441 5S Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 19.79 24,733 21,378 3,355 56 Palamu Jharkhand 19.78 413,844 373,795 40,049 57 Oausa Rajasthan 19.77 260,298 207,420 52,878 58 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 19.77 255,986 216,865 39,121 59 Sheohar Bihar 19.76 101,630 74,671 26,959 60 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 19.75 470,996 341,669 129,327 61 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 19.74 110,469 96,002 14,467 62 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 19.67 294,887 250,464 44,423 63 Siwan Bihar 19.66 532,447 469,691 62,756 64 Sirohi Rajasthan 19.60 166,772 129,977 36,795 65 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 19.60 566,947 491,484 75,463 66 Madhubani Bihar 19.60 699,906 564,701 135,205 67 Panna Madhya Pradesh 19.60 167,421 142,922 24,499 68 Churu Rajasthan 19.59 376,609 332,006 44,603 69 Dohad Gujarat 19.57 320,071 269,039 51,032 70 Bareil1y Uttar Pradesh 19.55 703,628 591,072 112,556 71 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 19.51 328,694 276,193 52,501 72 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 19.42 262,540 252,634 9,906 73 Gopalganj Bihar 19.40 417,061 358.987 58,074 74 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 19.32 763,459 677,302 86,157 75 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 19.32 408,589 368,810 ~9,779 76 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 19.31 316,592 267,217 49,375 77 Lohit Arunachal Pra¢esh 19.30 27,686 23,947 3,739 78 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 19.30 284,631 241,148 43,483 79 Pilibhit 'Uttar Pradesh 19.29 317,032 275,903 41,129 80 Vaishali Bihar 19.27 522,714 454,680 68,034 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory* child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

81 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 19.26 587,407 517,894 69,513 82 Guna Madhya Pradesh 19.26 320,800 277,495 43,305 83 Gaya Bihar 19.23 666,327 556,80.4 109,523 84 Banda Uttar Pradesh 19.22 288,283 255,187 33,096 85 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 19:20 513,400 400,927 112,473 86 Lohardaga Jharkhand 19.20 69,948 61,111 8,837 87 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 19.20 334,269 276,879 57,390 88 Muzaffarpur Bihar 19.19 718,298 594,651 123,647 89 Maldah West Bengal 19.19 631,541 549,057 82,484 90 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 19.19 276,520 240,511 36,009 91 UPl?er Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 19.17 10,543 9,776 767 92 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 19.16 225,175 215,160 10,015 93 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 19.15 391,744 319,365 72,379 94 Nawada Bihar 19.15 346,564 279,410 67,154 95 Etah Uttar Pradesh 19.12 533,197 467,612 65,585 96 D,a~bhanga Bihar 19.11 627,897 514,099 113,798 97 Bikaner Rajasthan 19.10 319,593 243,112 76,481 98 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 19.10 747,075 702,487 44,588 99 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 19.09 597,693 527,789 69,904 100 Saran Bihar 19.06 619,672 551,055 68,617 101 Alwar Rajasthan 19.02 568,848 489,158 79,690 102 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 19.01 608,350 471,183 137,167 103 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 18.96 392,460 342,266 50,194 104 Jamui Bihar 18.95 264,768 223,216 41,552 105 Goalpara Assam 18.95 155,804 151,407 4,397 106 Godda Jharkhand 18.95 198,457 172,502 25,955 107 Basti Uttar Pradesh 18.94 391,874 337,588 -54,286 108 Deoghar Jharkhand 18.94 220,003 201,870 18,133 109 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 18.94 204,334 175,556 28,778 110 Jodhpur Rajasthan 18.93 545,312 424,173 121,139 111 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 18.91 683,753 553,476 130,277 112 Rohtas Bihar 18.91 463,050 409,742 53,308 113 Buxar Bihar 18.90 265,287 222,231 43,056 114 Aurangabad Bihar 18.89 378,763 316,347 62,416 115 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 18.88 229,353 201,139 28,214 116 The Oangs Gujarat 18.84 35,168 31,583 3,585 117 Tawang ArunacnaI Pradesh 18.83 6,535 5,367 1,168 118 Lawngtlai Mizoram 18.82 13,747 10,236 3,511 119 Bhagalpur Bihar 18.80 456,956 398,112 58,844 120 West Nimar Madbya Pradesh 18.80 287.618 236.457 51.161 Table-7 Districts arranged by ~escending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference NQ. Union territory" child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

121 Nalanda Bihar 18.78 444,749 397,572 47,177 122 Nagaur Rajasthan 18.77 520,695 439,805 80,890' 123 Upper Siang ~unachal Pradesh 18.77 6,223 5,266 957 '124 Surguja Chhatisgarh 18.77 369,966 329,248 40,718 125 Hardoi Utta'r Pradesh 18.76 637,492 532,790 104,702 126 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 18.74 518,187 439,956 78,231 127 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 18.73 132,760 113,757 19,003 128 Jehanabad Bihar 18.71 282,774 229,342 53,432 129 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 18.70 476,640 389,436 87,204:, 130 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 18.70 96,482 89,711 6,771, 131 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 18.65 377,691 331,609 46,082 132 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 18.65 367,825 329,526 38,299 133 Marigaon Assam 18.61 144,388 140,215 4,173 134 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 18.58 208,148 179,613 28,535 135 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 18.55 108,471 106,712 1,759 136 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 18.54 95,643 88,939 6,704: 137 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 18.53· 223,003 194,301 28,704 138 Sultan pur Uttar Pradesh 18.52 590,878 505,939 84,939' 139 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 18.51 655,635 578,699 76,936' t 140 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 18.38 245,107 234,651 10,456; 141 Udaipur Rajasthan 18.35 482,956 386,800 96,156' 142 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 18.35 292,294 267,480 24,81~ 143 Barpeta Assam 18.33 301,095 294,263 6,83z. 144 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 18.31 422,198 375,787 46,411~ 145 Morena Madhya Pradesh 18.31 290,670 273,311 17,35G; 146 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 18.29 229,273 194,241 35,03~ 147 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 18.23 203,400 178,405 24,995 148 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh 18.22 217,107 183,594 33;5d 149 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 18.22 497,606 463,434 34,172' 150 Pali Rajasthan 18.19 330,885 291,892 ~8,993 151 Baran Rajasthan 18.19 185,967 170,686 15,281 152 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 18.19 495,961 450,669 45,292 153 Bhojpur Bihar 18.19 406,343 370,151 "36~192 154 Banas Kantha Gujarat 18.19 455,152 396,392 58,760 155 Kokrajhar Assam 18.17 169,032 162,612 6,420 156 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 18.15 413,203 390,890 22,313' 157 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 1'8.14 130,450 130,499 -49 158 Satna Madhya Pradesh 18.1'2 338,527 301,169 37,358 159 Tonk Rajasthan 18.09 219,155 192,566 26,589 160 Gorakh~ur Uttar Pradesh 1e.09' 684,484 628.287 56.191 192 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory· child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

161 Kanl')auj Uttar Pradesh 18.06 250,154 234,055 16,099 162 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 18.05 364,967 336,953 26,014 163 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 18.04 539,385 514,100 25,285 164 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 18.01 17,582 16,117 1,465 165 Va(anasi Uttar Pradesh 17.96 565,396 528,856 36,540 166 Saiha Mizoram 17.96 10,923 9,857 1,066 167 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 17.96 231,765 196,324 35,441 168 Rajsamand Rajasthan 17.93 176,794 150,840 25,954 169 Gumla Jharkhand 17.92 241,135 224,637 16,498 170 Harda Madhya Pradesh 17.92 84,952 78,214 6,738 171 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 17.90 514,007 457,404 56,603 172 BuJandshahar Uttar Pradesh 17.89 522,887 489,997 32,890 173 Bundi Rajasthan 17.88 171,845 157,692 14,153 174 Nagaon Assam 17.88 414,086 391,664 22,422 175 Karbi Anglong Assam 17.85 145,000 140,972 4,028 176 Hailakandi Assam 17.85 96,926 90,921 6,005 177 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 17.83 49Q,709 458,315 32,394 178 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 17.82 210,185 202,615 7,570 1,79 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Oadra & Nagar Haveli* 17.77 39,173 28,337 10,836 180 Sikar Rajasthan 17.76 406;160 406,003 157 181 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 17.76 10,221 9,184 1,037 182 Phek Nagaland 17.74 26,306 18,472 7,834 183 Kandhamal Orissa 17.72 114,838 103,450 11,388 184 Nabarangapur Orissa 17.71 180,346 168,047 12,299 185 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 17.71 191,638 182,389 9,249 186 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 17.70 302,400 290,392 12,008 187 Bhilwara Rajasthan 17.69 355,477 292,738 62,739 1~8 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 17.67 65,665 NA NA 189 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 17.66 368,642 319,303 49,339 190 Bongaigaon Assam 17.66 160,072 172,039 -11,967 191 Jhalawar Rajasthan 17.64 208,242 185,182 23,060 192 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 17.62 501,713 476,925 24,788 193 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 17.61 183,594 176,352 7,242 194 Hardwar Uttaranchal 17.60 254,207 223,573 30,634 195 Ratlam Madhya Pr;3desh 17.56 213,248 184,123 29,125 196 Champawat Uttaranchal 17.53 39,350 36,812 2,531,3 197 Kathi Madhya Pradesh 17.53 186,455 173,337 13,118 198 Mamit Mizoram 17.52 10,919 12,575 -1,656 199 Murshidabad West Bengal 17.51 1,026,680 992,872 33,808 200 Dewas Madh~a Pradesh 17.50 228 631 206 °35 22.596 1 1 193 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0,6 to total population : 2001 SI. District State! Percentage Number of childem in the Difference No. Union territory* child age group 0-6 2001-1991 'population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 2 3 4 5 6 7

201 Dumka Jharkhand 17.46 306,331 298,698 7,633 202 Bastar Chhatisgarh 17.46 227,327 226,763 564 203 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 17.43 15,243 15,001 242 204 Darrang Assam 17.41 261,802 262,327 -525 205 Pashchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 17.38 361,636 346;919 14,717 206 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 17.37 274,034 256,981 17,053 207 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 17.37 247,881 251,740 -3,859 208 Munger Bihar 17.36 197,144 184,614 12,530 209 Malkangiri Orissa 17.34 83,257 83,309 -52 210 Gajapati Orissa 17.31 89,752 84,462 5,290 211 Udhamsingh Nag~r Uttaranchal 17.26 213,134 191,700 21,434 212 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 17.25 110,405 NA NA 213 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 17.25 852,215 799,638 52,577 214 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 17.21 230,617 222,398 8,219 215 . Kanpur Oehat Uttar Pradesh 17.11 271,020 255,029 15,991 216 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 17.09 326,986 327,189 -203 217 Faridabad Haryana 17.08 374,512 299,708 74,804 218 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 17.08 198,855 206,685 -7,830 219 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 17.08 461,119 417,209 43,910 220 Jaipur Rajasthan 17.07 896,752 774,956 121,796 221 Karimganj Assam 17.06 171,185 161,067 10,118 222 Rayagada Orissa 17.06 140,435 126,379 14,056 223 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 17.04 117,690 NA NA 224 Datia Madhya Pradesh 17.02 106,833 101,545 5,288 225 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 17.00 112,374 104,491 7,883 226 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 16.90 304,616 267,989 36,627 227 Patna Bihar 16.90 795,842 693,964 101,878 228 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 16.90 336,791 331,006 5,785 229 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 16.85 264,989 264,818 171 230 Champhai Mizoram 16.84 17,074 14,970 2,104 231 Nandurbar Maharashtra 16.83 220,267 192,384 27,883 232 Diu Daman & Diu· 16.81 7,416 6,862 554 233 Agra Uttal Pradesh 16.79 606,182 570,621 35,561 234 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 16.73 17,329 19,969 -2,640 235 Ajmer Rajasthan 16.72 364,666 319,295 45,371 236 Koriya Chhatisgarh 16.72 97,884 105,451 -7,567 .237 Raipur Chhatisgarh 16.72 503,204 493,040 10,164 238 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgar~ 16.67 219,364 217,109 2,255 239 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 16.66 500,007 484,318 15,689 240 KoooaJ ~arnataka 16.64 198.615 197.508 1.107 194 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference' No. Union territory* child age group 0-6 2001-1991- population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

241 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 16.59 212,663 203,376 9,287' 242 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 16.58 193,281 195,228 -1,947 243 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 16.56 '20,160 15,920 4,240. 244 Dhemaji Assam 16.54 94,166 108,050 -13,684 245 UUarkashi Uttaranchal 16.52 48,591 44,901 3,690 246 Korba Chhatisgarh 16.52 167,164 167,103 61 247 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 16.51 542,943 445,378 97,565 248 Betul Madhya Pradesh 16.51 230,225 242,853 -12,628 249 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 16.49 95,513 117,105 -21,592 250 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 16.48 249,996 242,327 7,669 251 RajaUri Jammu & Kashmir 16.43 78,641 NA NA 252 Lunglei Mizoram 16.42 22,526 20,313 2,213, 253 Serchhip Mizoram 16.41 9,115 9,028 87 254 Koraput Orissa 16.41 193,317 186,111 7,206 255 Hingoli Maharas.htra 16.38 161,643 173,476 -11,833 256 LakhlrDPur Assam 16.37 145,572 150,878 -5,306 257 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 16.37 193,750 175,043 18,707 258 Wesl Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 16.33 12,181 11,973 208 259 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 16.31 40,678 42,817 -2,139 260 Gulbarga Karnataka 16.30 509,233 528,348 -19,115 261 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 16.29 120,522 125,910 -5,388 262 Ganganagar Rajasthan 16.26 290,868 270,748 20,120 263 Panch Mahals Gujarat 16.23 328,610 302,260 26,350 264 Raichur Karnataka 16.22 267,41.8 27.5,501 -8,083 265 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 16.20 -119,681 NA NA 266 Thoubal Manipur 16.19 59,305 53,123 6,182' 267 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 16.17 113,788 109,596 4,192 268 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 16.17 276,442 245,660 30,782 269 North East Delhi 16.16 285,044 221,951 63,093 270 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 16.14 242,532 230,976 11,556 271 Surendranagar Gujarat 16.10 243;980 209,486 34,494 272 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 16.08 143,700 139,208 4,492 273 North Cachar Hills Assam 16.08 29,944 29,195 749 274 Kanker Chhatisgarh 16.08 104,715 99,637 5,078 275 West Sikkim 16.06 19,780 18,917 863 276 Parbhani Maharashtra 16.05 239,383 272,251 -32,868 277 Kolasib Mizoram 16.01 9,760 8,675 1,085 278 Nanded Maharashtra 16.01 459,081 490,198 -31,117 279 Mayurbhanj Orissa 15.99 355,281 355,960 -679 280 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 15.90 96.159 98.527 -2.368 195 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group '0-6 to total population: 2001 51. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No.· Union territory· child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

281 Birbhum West Bengal 15.90 479,027 486,390 -7,~63 282 Rahchi Jharkhand 15.90 442,563 413,171 29,392 283 Fatehabad Haryana 15.89 128,111 122,227 5,884 284 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 15.88 231,156 236,949 -5,793 285' Zunheboto Nagaland 15.88 24,593 17,481 7,112 286 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 15.88 172,326 169,392 2,934 287 Baudh Orissa 15.84 59,075 51,918 7,157 288 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 15.84 292,830 311,977 -19,147 289 South Sikkim 15.83 20,819 "18,617 2,202 290 Kalahandi Orissa 15.83 211,191 182,914 28,277 291 Bokaro Jharkhand 15.78 280,195 276,297 3,898 292 Neemuch Madhya Pr~desh 15.77 114,370 107,196 7,174 293 Sonitpur Assam 15:76 264,449 274,008 -9,559 294 Panipat Haryana 15.75 152,359 139,804 12,555 295 Puruliya West Bengal 15.73 398,793 413,603 -14,810 296 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 15.68 150,158 145,674 4,484 297 Bhavnagar Gujarat 15.65 386,346 380,085 6,261 298 Kota Rajasthan 15.64 245,281 237,565 7,716' 299 Rudraprayag UUaranchal 15.62 35,520 37,402 -1,882 300 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 15.62 151,486 141,538 9,948 301 Bidar Karnataka 15.62 234,495 255,989 -21,494 302 Jalna Maharashtra 15.60 251,459 292,705 -41,246 303 Patan Gujarat 15.59 184,307 179,034 5,273 304 Mahendragarh Haryana 15.58 126,492 133,882 -7,390 305 TinsuJ

321 Dhalai Tripura 15 ..26 46,912 53,409 -6,497 322 North Sikkim 15.24 6,250 6,486 -236 323 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 15.24 248,337 243,293 5,044. 324 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 15.23 177,669 NA NA 325 Almora UUaranchal 15.21 95,914 112,480 -16,566 326 Kendujhar Orissa 15.19 237,224 239,445 -2,221 327 Pithoragarh UUaranchal 15.18 70,169 74,399 -4,230 328 Hisar Haryana 15.17 233,071 228,983 4,088 329 Latur Maharashtra 15.17 315,292 338,676 -23,384 330 Narmada Gujarat 15.15 77,901 75,329 2,572 331 Debagarh Orissa 15.14 41,496 41,638 -142 332 Sonipat Haryana 15.13 193,436 198,584 -5,148 333 Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 15.12' 218,596 245,794 -27,198 334 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 15.09 89,593 NA NA 335 Bijapur Karnataka 15.07 272,595 295,871 -23,276 336 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 15.06 512,357 512,075 282 337 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 15.06 527,983 591,569 -63,586 338 Kaithal Haryana 15.04 142,232 147,610 -5,378 339 Bid Maharashtra 14.96 323,150 377,937 -54,787 340 Ganjam Orissa 14.94 468,557 464,905 3,652 341 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 14.93 68,744 73,598 -4,854 342 Rewari Haryana 14.93 114,187 114,036 151 343 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 14.93 311,001 284,642 26,359 344 Osmanabad Maharashtra 14.93 219,799 243,816 -24,017 345 Bellary Karnataka 14.87 301,217 320,503 -19,286 346 Dimapur Nagaland 14.85 45,780 33,904 11,876 347 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 14.83 80,710 NA NA 348 Buldana Maharashtra 14.83 330,095 362,287 -32,192 349 South Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 14.82 1,024,241 1,085,591 -61,350 350 Chamoli Uttaranchal 14.81 54,667 61,905 -7,238 351 Sirsa Haryana 14.81 164,529 165,762 -1,233 352 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 14.78 518,944 554,038 -35,094 353 Aurangabad Maharashtra 14.72 429,824 449,351 -19,527 354 Jhajjar Haryana 14.71 130,545 130,133 412 355 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 14.64 67,122 69,926 -2,804 356 Malappuram Kerala 14.64 531,256 563,614 -32,358 357 Kamal Haryana 14.62 186,355 196,348 -9',993 358 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep* 14.62 8,860 9,464 -604 359 Golaghat Assam 14.61 138,178 156,613 -18,435 360 Yavatmal Maharashtra 14.61 359.430 368.486 -9,056 1 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District State/ Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory* child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

361 North West Delhi 14.60 415,665 325,292 90,~73 362 Medak Andhra Pradesh 14.50 386,008 412,711 -26,703 363 Firozpur Punjab 14.49 252,891 210,386 -17,495 364 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 14.47 358,842 389,805 -30,963 365 Mon Nagaland 14.43 37,464 26,013 11,451 366 Junagadh Gujarat 14.40 352,669 335,716 16,953 367 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 14.39 168,318 NA NA 368 Dhule Maharashtra 14.36 245,364 266,709 -21,345 369 Nainital UUaranchal 14.35 109,441 101,541 7,900 370 Rohtak Haryana 14.33 134,712 137,453 -2,741 371 South Delhi 14.33 323,674 250,439 73,235 372 Ukhrul -Manipur 14.32 20,182 19,106 1,076 373 Kohima Nagaland 14.29 44,915 36,394 8,521 374 Belgaum Karnataka 14.28 600,722 619,475 -18,753 375 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 14.21 523,059 467,572 55,487 376 Nalbari Assam 14.20 161,616 189,113 -27,497 377 Solapur Maharashtra 14.20 547,548 580,667 -33,119 378 Garhwal UUaranchal 14.18 98,791 111,966 -13,175 379 Indore Madhya Pmdesh 14.18 366,526 314,659 51,867 380 South Tripura Tripura 14.17 108,052 128,567 -20,515 381 North Tripura Tripura 14.09 83,201 86,548 -3,347 382 Baleshwar Orissa 14.09 285,080 297.039 -11,959 383 Bankura West Bengal 14.08 449,547 467,153 -17.606 384 Balangir Orissa 14.07 187,929 198,514 -10,585 385 Medinipur West Bengal 14.05 1,354,306 1,473,129 -118,823 386 Jamnagar Gujarat 14.04 254,923 233,201 21,722 387 Akola Maharashtra 14.04 228,716 244,661 -15,945 388 Dibrugarh Assam 14.03 164,384 184,430 -20,046 389 Sundargarh Orissa 13.99 255,989 263,819 -7,830 390 Aizawl Mizoram 13.97 47,473 42,619 4,854 391 Gondiya Maharashlra 13.95 167,408 174,890 -7,482 392 Anugul Orissa 13.91 158,529 168,763 -10,234 393 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 13.91 568,671 614,906 -46,235 394 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 13.90 301,227 310,455 -9,228 395 Valsad Gujarat 13.90 196,104 175,368 20,736 396 Jalgaon Maharashtra 13.90 511,501 551,835 -40,334 397 South West Delhi 13.84 242,061 179,137 62,924 398 Bhadrak Orissa 13.84 184,336 197,461 -13,125 399 Yamunanagar Haryana \ 13.81 135,683 141,285 -5,602 400 Kheda GUJarat 13.80 279,128 278.699 429 198 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District State! Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory· child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

401 Raigarh Maharashtra 13.79 304,310 305,993 -1,683 402 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 13.79 323,169 346,681 -23,512 403 Panch kula Haryana 13.77 64,614 51,993 12,621 404 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 13.76 272,221 254,408 17,813 405 Tuensang Nagaland 13.75 57,044 39,383 17,661 406 Sonapur Orissa 13.74 74,308 80,622 -6,314 407 Yanam Pondicherry* 13.74 4,308 3,332 976 408 Kurukshetra Haryana 13.73 113,702 118,786 -5,084 409 Mansa Punjab 13.72 94,512 95,030 -518 410 Porbandar Gujarat 13.71 73,622 69,097 4,525 411 Amreli Gujarat 13.71 191,014 219,977 -28,963 412 Thane Maharashtra j3.71 1,114,539 885,306 229,233 413 Tamenglong Manipur 13.67 15,236 14,427 809 414 Gadag Karnataka 13.65 132,626 152,642 -20,016 415 East Delhi 13.64 197,574 177,294 20,280 416 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 13.56 230,052 238,227 -8,175 417 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 13.56 439,279 498,737 -59,458 418 Sibsagar Assam 13.51 142,253 153,214 -10,961 419 Bharuch Gujarat 13.51 185,130 183,769 1,361 420 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 13.50 51,294 54,541 -3,247 421 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 13.49 435,872 480,699 -44,827 422 Haveri Karnataka 13.49 193.908 228.624 -34,716 423 Bishnupur Manipur 13.39 27,565 31,396 -3,831 424 Mahesana Gujarat 13.39 246,063 265,205 -19,142 425 Imphal East Manipur 13.37 52,634 57,465 -4,831 426 Surat Gujarat 13.35 667,192 552,727 114,465 427 Kamrup Assam 13.33 335,231 347,346 -12;115 428 Amravati Maharashtra 13.32 347,067 359,201 -12,134 429 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 13.29 465,922 458,200 7,722 430 Amritsar Pun;ab 13.28 408,346 421,972 -13,626 431 Dhenkanal Orissa , .1.:'>3 141,053 153,744 -12,691 432 Bhandara Maharashtra 13.23 150,252 164,487 ~14,235 433 Gandhinagar Gujarat 13.21 176,373 171,147 5,226 434 Una Himachal Pradesh 13.19 59,067 58,168 899 435 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 13.17 118,655 128,086 -9,431 436 Wokha Nagaland 13.16 21,204 15,253 5,951 437 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 13.15 337,459 384.648 -47,189 438 Muktsar Punjab 13.10 101,724 105,326 -3,602 439 Solan Himachal Pradesh 13.07 65,251 61,659 3,592 440 Chandrapur Maharashtra 13.07 271 ,499 29L640 4 .,..,. - -21J 1 199 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory* child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 2 3 4 5 6 7

441 Kendrapara Orissa 13.06 170,005 188,518 -18,513 442 Vadodara Gujarat 12.98 472,435 458,270 14,165 443 Anand Gujarat 12.97 240,884 257,463 -16,579 444 Dharwad Karnataka 12.93 207,346 226,264 -18,918 445 Gurdaspur Punjab 12.92 270,849 289,036 -18,187 446 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 12.92 366,068 383,046 -16,978 447 Jajapur Orissa 12.90 209,370 237,609 -28,239 448 Nadia West Bengal 12.88 592,820 640,708 -47,888 449 Chandel Manipur 12.87 15,796 11,650 4,146 450 Churachandpur Manipur 12.85 29,393 29,453 -60 451 Pune Maharashtra 12.83 926,828 894,657 32,171 452 Kanpur Nagar' Uttar Pradesh 12.81 530,016 525,806 4,210 453 Sangrur Punjab 12.79 255,585 278,746 -23,161 454 Ambala Haryana 12.76 129,357 132,836 -3,479 455 Nayagarh Orissa 12.75 110,112 120,244 -10.132 456 Wayanad Kerala 12.74 100,231 98,425 1,806 457 Dehradun Ultaranchal 12.73 162,772 166,172 -3,400 458 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 12.72 442,263 479,604 -37,341 459 Sambalpur Orissa 12.70 117,953 130,322 -12,369 460 Davanagere Karnataka 12.68 226.873 267,346 -40,473 461 Barddhaman West Bengal 12.67 876.387 981,221 -104,834 462 Rajkot Gujarat 12.67 325,822 303,237 22,585 463 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 12.66 320,098 390,670 -70,572 464 West Delhi 12.65 268,124 227,033 41,091 465 Jharsuguda Orissa 12.62 64.229 72,508 -8,279 466 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 12.62 459,130 539,762 -80,632 467 Nagpur Maharashtra 12.60 510,561 521~379 -10,818 468 Kolar Karnataka 12.60 318,071 356,091 -38,020 469 Satara Maharashtra 12.57 351,535 397.183 -45,648 470 Sangli Maharashtra 12.56 324.178 350.297 -26,119 471 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar Islands* 12.56 39,459 39,809 -350 472 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 12.55 322,870 343,982 -21,112 473 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 12.54 281,581 335,140 -53,559 474 Kasaragod Kerala 12.54 150,907 165.090 -14.183 475 Chitradurga Karnataka 12.53 189,161 216,881 -27,720 476 Uttara Kannada Karnataka 12.52 169,480 187.393 -17.913 477 Kolhapur Maharashtra 12.49 438,975 457,849 -18,874 478 Bargarh Orissa 12.47 167,861 186.041 -18,180 479 Ahmadabad Gujarat 12.44 722,717 714,006 8,711 12.42 110 111 121 456 -11 345 ~~g ~~~; Pw~i~~ 1 1 1 200 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory* child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

481 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 12.41 195,066 NA NA 482 Nitobars Andaman & Nicobar Islands* 12.41 5,215 6,540 -1.325 483 East Sikkim 12.39 30,321 30,627 -306 484 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 12.38 42,190 47,265 -5,075 485 Rupnagar Punjab 12.38 137,431 144,926 -7,495 486 West Tripura Tripura 12.34 188,847 228,598 -39,751 487 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 12.34 460,776 480,869 -20,093 488 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 12.33 85,550 89,354 -3,804 489 Bathinda Punjab 12.32 145,511 162,475 -16,964 490 Jorhat Assam 12.32 124,293 142,618 -18,325 491 North Delhi 12.29 95,869 105,851 -9,982 492 Patiala Punjab 12.28 225,911 255,500 -29,589 493 Kodagu Karnataka 12.25 66,809 71,073 -4,264 494 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 12.22 77,291 NA NA 495 Wardha Maharashtra 12.21 150,254 160,424 -10,170 496 Faridkot Punjab 12:20 67,396 74,786 -7,390 497 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 12.18 371.947 436,297 -64,350 498 Hoshiarpur Punjab 12.16 1'79,789 199,451 -19,662 499 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 12.13 65,459 73,707 -8,248 500 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 12.13 109,293 95,770 13,523 501 Puri Orissa 12.13 181',751 200,421 -18,670 502 Shimoga Karnataka 12.12 198,763 220,454 -21,691 503 Pondicherry* 12.12 20,683 20,345 338 504 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 12.10 49,865 56,975 -7,110 505 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 12.06 457,054 510,861 -53,807 506 Kapurthala Punjab 12.05 90,672 103,240 -12,568 507 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 12.05 175,056 182,596 -7,540 508 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 12.03 354,050 436,833 -82,783 509 Darjiling West Bengal 12.02 193,020 201,409 -8,389 510 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 12.01 160,745 179,460 -18,715 511 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 11.99 441,917 502,848 -60,871 512 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 11.98 141,809 166,358 -24,549 513 Ludhiana Punjab 11.92 361,305 380,898 -19,593 514 Imphal West Manipur 11.91 52,347 57,615 -5,268 515 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 11.89 271,108 303.,084 -31,976 516 Khordha Orissa 11.85 222,141 230,061 -7,920 517 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 11 85 577,421 740,807 -163,386 518 Centrai Delhi 11.82 76,116 97,920 -21,804 519 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 11.78 313,393 353,368 -39,975 520 Nawanshahr Punjab 11.76 69,007 81,024 -12,017 , ... ..,., =,e- Tj :::z:s:as gX ~ ... ..,... ==~' r 201 TabJe-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory* child· age group 0-5 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 2 3 4 5 6 7

521 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 11.75 101,208 108,907 -7,699 522 Veil ore Tamil Nadu -11.75 409,093 443,573 -34,480 523 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 11.71 57,013 60,418 -3,405 524 Cuttack Orissa 11.69 273,665 308,208 -34,543 525 Kozhikode Kerala 11.64 334,924 346,490 -11,566 526 Hugli West Bengal 11.63 585,917 645,767 -59,850 527 Mysore Karnataka 11.63 305,247 355,274 -50,027 528 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 11.62 172,830 188,389 -1·5,559 529 New Delhi Delhi 11.56 19,868 22,479 -2,611 530 Palakkad Kerala 11.56 302,511 341,037 -38,526 531 Guntur Anqhra Pradesh 11.55 509,044 611,250 -102,206 532 Haora West Bengal 11.54 493,432 559,942 -66,510 533 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 11.51 436,894 549,799 -112,905 534 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 11.51 485,348 565,643 -80,295 535 Navsari Gujarat 11.50 141,346 155,851 -14,505 536 Chikmagalur Karnataka 11.50 131,047 147,192 -16,145 537 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 11.48 82,869 94,936 -12,067 538 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 11.48 985,612 968,797 16,815 539 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 11.47 250,320 314,060 -63,740 540 Idukki Kerala 11.46 129,367 135,241 -5,874 541 North Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 11.44 1,021,368 1,101,931 -80,563 542 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 11.43 84,004 82,426 1,578 543 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 11.40 312,349 317,990 -5,641 544 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 11.39 213,921 260,977 -47,056 545 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 11.36 199,023 216,882 -17,859 :546 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 11.32 131,848 145,724 -13,876 547 Tumkur Karnataka 11.30 291,371 349,229 -57,858 ;548 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 11.27 119,102 143,178 -24,076 549 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 11.25 213,257 235,478 -22,221 550 Jalandhar Punjab 11.21 218,993 248,286 -29,293 551 Kannur Kerala 11.20 270,200 297,606 -27,406 552 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 11.19 107,919 131,922 -24,003 553 Hassan Karnataka 11.18 192,525 238,297 -45,772 554 Bangalore Karnataka 11.17 728,615 693,623 34,992 555 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 11.15 245,822 266,718 -20,896 556 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 11.09 173,580 194,718 -21,138 557 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 11.08 310,271 336,915 -26,644 558 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 11.07 317,569 346,191 -28,622 559 Daman Daman & Diu* 11.05 12,596 8,916 3,680 Goa 11.01 64 579 61,637 2,942 ~i~ ~~wth ~ii 1 202 Table-7 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of child population in the age-group 0-6 to total population: 2001 SI. District Statel Percentage Number of childern in the Difference No. Union territory" child age group 0-6 2001-1991 population in the age 2001 1991 group 0-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

561 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 11.00 355,758 376,812 -21,054 562 Kollam Kerala 10.95 283,010 293,774 -10,764 563 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 10.90 3,622 4,331 -709 564 Mahe Pondicherry* 10.90 4.015 4.292 -277 565 Madurai Tamil Nadu 10.89 279,144 317,382 -38,238 566 Mandya Karnataka 10.88 191,677 241,356 -49,679 567 Salem Tamil Nadu 10.87 325,303 327,147 -1.844 568 Theni Tamil Nadu 10.87 118,971 142,889 -23,918 569 Thrissur Kerala 10.82 321,910 336,354 -14,444 570 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 10.82 124,484 143,351 -18,867 571 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 10.70 205,339 219,406 -14,067 572 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 10.65 254,307 280,809 -26,502 573 Senapati Manipur 10.61 40,233 32,382 7,851 574 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 10.61 81,176 83,405 -2,229 575 Kottayam Kerala 10.59 206,769 203,428 3,341 576 Ernakulam Kerala 10.56 327,058 318,089 8,969 577 Kapur Tamil Nadu 10.44 97,477 101,309 -3,832 578 Alappuzha Kerala 10.33 217,442 223,737 -6,295 579 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 10.26 433,350 381,025 52,325 580 North Goa Goa 10.24 77,573 75,679 1,894 581 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 10.24 170,963 200,355 -29,392 582 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 10.13 125,416 NA NA 583 Mokokchung Nagaland 10:06 22,866 20,587 2,279 584 Pathanamthitta Kerala 9.93 122,235 137,203 -14,968 585 Mumbai Maharashtra 9.84 327,398 381,211 -53,813 586 Udupi Karnataka 9.80 108,778 143,975 -35,197 587 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9.67 144,693 145,301 -608 588 Erode Tamil Nadu 9.13 235,014 244,323 -9,309 589 Chennai Tamil Nadu 8.87 374,089 468,508 -94,419 590 Kolkata West Bengal 7.95 364,355 421,194 -56,839 591 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & Kashmir 6.16 7,241 NA NA 592 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh NA NA NA NA 593 Kachchh Gujarat NA NA NA NA Notes: 1. Data for Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh and Kachchh district of Gujarat have not been included as Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted in these districts due to natural calamity. 2. Data for Rajkot and Jamnagar district for 2001 does not include data of Morvi, Maliya-Miyan and Wankaner talukas (of Rajkot district) and Jodiya taluka (Jamnagar district) as Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities.

203 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union ter.ritory* Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Mahe Pondicherry" 1148 41 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 1019 2 Almora Uttaranchal 1147 42,' Chamoli Uttaranchal 1017 3 Ratnagiri. Maharashtra 1135 43 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 1017 4 Udupi Karnataka 1127 44 Ernakulam Kerala 1017 5 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 1117 45 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 1016 6 Diu Daman & Diu* 1117 46 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 1015 7 8ageshwar UUaranchal 1110 47 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 1015 8 Garhwal Uttaranchal 1104 48 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 1014 9 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 1102 49 Kendrapara Orissa 1014 10 Pathanamthitta Kerala 1094 50 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 1014. 11 Thrissur Kerala 1092 51 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 1013 12 Kannur Kerala 1090 52 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 1013 13 Alappuzha Kerala 1079 53 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 1013 14 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 1077 54 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 1011 15 Kollam Kerala 1070 55 Kapur Tamil Nadu 1010 16 Palakkad Kerala 1068 56 Bastar Chhatisgarh 1009 17 Malappuram Kerala 1063 57 Kandhamal Orissa 1008 18 Kozhikode Kerala 1058 58 Imphal West Manipur 1007 19 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 1058 59 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 1007 20 Tehri Garhwal UUaranchal 1051 60 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 1007 21 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 1049 61 Nuapada Orissa 1006 22 Kasaragod Kerala 1047 62 Kanker Chhatisgarh 1006 23 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 1042 63 Gopalganj Bihar 1005 24 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 1035 64 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 1005 25 Siwan. Bihar 1033 65 Gondiya Maharashtra 1005 26 Ramanathapuram Tamil t'Jadu 1033 66 Hassan Karnataka 1005 27 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 1031 67 Bishnupur Manipur 1004 28 Gajapati Orissa 1031 68 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 1004 29 Rayagada Orissa 1029 69 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 1003 30 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 1027 70 Rajsamand Rajasthan 1002 31 Dungarpur Rajasthan 1027 71 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 1002. 32 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 1026 72 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 1002 33 Kottayam Kerala 1025 73 Kodarma Jharkhand 1001 34 Champawat Uttaranchal 1024 74 Ganjam Orissa 1000 35 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 1024 75 Kalahandi Orissa 1000 36 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 1023 76 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 1000 37 Karaikal Pondicherry* 1023 77 Wayanad Kerala 1000 38 8alagliat Madhya Pradesh 1022 78 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 1000 39 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 1021 '19 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 999 40 Thaniavur Tamil Nadu 1020 80 Thoubal Maniour 998 204 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 SI. District State! Sex SI. District State! Sex No. Union territory* Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio

2 3 4 2 3 4

81 Koraput Orissa 998 121 Balangir Orissa 983 82 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 998 122 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 983 83 Una Himachal Pradesh 997 123 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 983 84 Vellore Tamil Nadu 997 124 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 983 85 Malkangiri Orissa 996 125 Durg Chhatisgarh 982 86 Kodagu Karnataka 996 126 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 982 87 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 996 127 Bhandara Maharashtra 982 88 Gumla Jharkhand 995 128 Koppal Karnataka 982 89 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 995 129 Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 980 90 Satara Maharashtra 995 130 Jaintla Hills Meghalaya 980 91 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 994 131 Debagarh Orissa 980 92 Churachandpur Manipur 993 132 Mayurbhanj Orissa 980 93 Idukki Kerala 993 133 Raip~r Chhatisgarh 980 94 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 992 134 Raichur Karnataka 980 95 Imphal East Manipur 992 135 Theni Tamil Nadu 979 96 Nabarangapur Orissa 992 136 Banswara Rajasthan 978 97 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 992 137 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 978 98 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 992 138 Madurai Tamil Nadu 978 99 Visakha'patnam Andhra Pradesh 991 139 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 977 100 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 990 140 Kendujhar Orissa 977 101 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 990 141 Bagalkot Karnataka 977 102 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 989 142 ,Shimoga Karpataka 977 103 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 988 143 Lohardaga Jharkhand 976 104 Chan del Manipur 986 144 Pashchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 976 105 Amreli Gujarat 986 140 Bargarh Orissa 976 106 The Dangs Gujarat 986 146 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 976 107 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 986 147 Medak Andhra Pradesh 976 108 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 985 148 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 975 109 Lower Suoansiri Arunachal Pradesh 985 149 Nandurbar Maharashtra 975 110 Baudh Orissa 985 150 Raigarh. Maharashtra 975 111 Dohad Gujarat 985 151 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 975 112 Mandya .Karnataka 985 152 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 975 113 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 985 153 Yanam Pondicherry* 975 114 Mau Uttar Pradesh 984 154 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 974 115 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 984 155 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 973 f16 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 984 156 Bhadrak Orissa 973 117 Chikma~alur Karnataka 984 157 Jajapur Orissa 973 118 Pali 'Rajasthan 983 158 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 973 119 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 983 159 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 973 120 Giridih Jharkhand 983 160 Udaipur Raiasthan 972 205 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No, Union territory* Ratio No, Union territory* Ratio

2 3 4 2 3 4~

161 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 972 201 Belgaum Karnataka 959 162 Surguja Chhatisgarh 972 202 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 959 163 South Goa Goa 972 203 Pakaur Jharkhand 958 164 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 972 204 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 958 165 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 971 205' Sundargarh Orissa 957 I 166 Erode Tamil Nadu 971 .206 Parbhani Maharashtra 957 167 Sambalpur Orissa 970 207 Sangli Maharashtra 957 168 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 970 208 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 957 169 Uttara Kannada Karnataka 970 209 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 956 170 Kolar Karnataka 970 210 Champhai Mizoram 955 171 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 970 211 Goalpara Assam 955 172 Bellary Karnataka 969 212 Medinipur West Bengal 955 173 Jalor Rajasthan 968 213 Junagadh Gujarat 955 174 Puri Orissa 968 214 Navsari Gujarat 955 175 Gadag Karnataka 968 215 Chitradurga Karnataka 955 176 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 968 216 Aizawl Mizoram 954 177 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 967 217 Saiha Mizoram 954 178 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 967 218 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 954 179 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 966 219 Serchhip Mizoram 953 180 Sonapur Orissa 966 220 West Tripura Tripura 953 181 Tumkur Karnataka 966 221 Bankura West Bengal 953 182 Saran Bihar 965 222 Puruliya West Bengal 953 183 Betul Madhya Pradesh 965 223 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 953 184 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 965 224 Hingoli Maharashtra 953 185 Mysore Karnataka 965 225 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 953 186 Bhilwara Rajasthan 964 226 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 952 187 Chatra Jharkhand 964 227 North Tripura Tripura 952 188 Korba Chhatisgarh 964 228 Lakhimpur Assam 952 189 Gulbarga Karnataka 9'64 229 Murshidabad West Bengal 952 190 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 963 230 Jalna Maharashtra 952 191 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 962 231 Sikar Rajasthan 951 192 Dhenkanal Orissa 962 232 Nagaur Rajasthan 951 193 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 961 233 Kachchh Gujarat 951 194 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 961 234 Davanagere Karnataka 951 195 Dumka Jharkhand 961 235 North Goa Goa 951 196 Chandrapur Maharashtra 961 236 Chennai Tamil Nadu 951 197 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 961 237 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 950 198 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 960 238 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 950 199 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 959 239 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 950 200 R:'ItJl'Im Madhva Pradesh ' 959 240 Rae Bar~1i Uttar Pradesh 949 206 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union territory· Ratio No. Union territory· Ratio

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

241 South Tripura Tripura 949 281 Sonitpur Assam 942 242 Koch Bihar West Bengal 949 282 Jamnagar Gujarat 942 243 Birbhum West Bengal 949 283 Yavatmal Maharashtra 942 244 Baleshwar Orissa 949 284 Haveri Karnataka 942 245 Kolhapur Maharashtra 949 285 UUarkashi UUaranchal 941 246 Churu Rajasthan 948 286 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 941 247 Nawada Bihar 948 287 RiBhoi Meghalaya 941 248 Maldah West Bengal 948 288 Barpeta Assam 941 249 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 948 289 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 941 250 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 948 290 Anugul Orissa 941 251 Narmada Gujarat 948 291 Katni Madhya Pradesh 941 252 Bijapur Karnataka 948 292 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 941 253 Bidar Karnataka 948 293 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 941 254 Dharwad Karnataka 948 294 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 940 255 Nadia West Bengal 947 295 Kishanganj Bihar 940 256 Hugli West Bengal 947 296 Dhalai Tripura 940 257 Koriya Chhatisgarh 947 297 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 940 258 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 947 298 Amravati Maharashtra 940 259 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep' 947 299 Nagaon Assam 939 260 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 946 300 Nayagarh Orissa 939 261 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 946 301 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 939 262 Jharsuguda Orissa 946 302 Panch Mahals Gujarat 939 263 Porbandar Gujarat 946 303 Washim Maharashtra 939 264 Buldana Maharashtra 946 304 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 938 265 Zunheboto Nagaland 945 305 South Twenty Four West Bengal 938 Parganas 266 Kokrajhar Assam 945 306 Ranchi Jharkhand 938' 267 Bongaigaon Assam 945 307 Cuttack Orissa 938 268 Marigaon Assam 945 308 Akola Maharashtra 938 269 Cachar Assam 945 309 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 938 270 Dhule Maharashtra 945 310 Gaya Bihar 937 271 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 945 311 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 937 272 Sirohi Rajasthan 944 312 Nalbari Assam '937 273 Kohima Nagaland 944 313 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 937 274 Dhubri Assam 944 314 Palamu Jharkhand 937 275 Karimganj Assam 944 315 Solapur Maharashtra 937 276 Madhubani Bihar 943 316 Tonk Rajasthan 936 277 Darrang Assam 943 317 Aurangabad Bihar 936 278 Darjiling West Bengal 943 318 Dhemaji Assam 936 279 Sahibganj Jharkhand 943 319 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 936 280 Nanded Mal1arashtra 943 320 Bhavnagar Gujarat 936 207 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Uflion territory* Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

321 Wardha Maharashtra 936 361 Surendranagar Gujarat 923 322 Hoshiarpur Punjab 935 362 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 922 323 Garhwa Jharkhand 935 363 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 922 324 Latur Maharashtra 934 364 Tamenglong Manipur 922 325 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 933 365 Lunglei Mizoram 922 326 Hailakandi Assam 933 366 Karbi Anglong Assam 922 327 Patan Guiarat 933 367 Kheda Guiarat 922 328 Nagpur Maharashtra 933 368 Vaishali Bihar 921 329 Ajmer Rajasthan 932 369 Barddhaman West Bengal 921 330 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 932 370 Supaul Bihar 920 331 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 932 371 Sheikhpura Bihar 920 332 Jalgaon Maharashtra 932 372 Ukhrul Manipur 920 333 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 931 373 Bharuch Guiarat 920 334 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 931 374 Mahendragarh Haryana 919 335 Banas Kantha Guiarat 931 375 Katihar Bihar 919 336 West Sikkim 930 376 Mokokchung Nagaland 919 337 Rajkot Gujarat 930 377 Harda Madhya Pradesh 91'9 338 Osmanabad Maharashtra 930 378 Vadodara Gujarat 919 339 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 929 379 Valsad Gujarat 919 340 Golaghat Assam 929 380 Aurangabad Maharashtra 919 341 Salem Tamil Nadu 929 381 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 918 342 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 928 382 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 918 343 Jhalawar Rajasthan 928 383 Jamui Bihar 917 344 Muzaffarpur Bihar 928 384 Pune Maharashtra 917 345 Jehanabad Bihar 928 385 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 916 346 Senapa.ti Manipur 928 386 Basti Uttar Pradesh 916 347 Samastipur Bihar 927 387 Araria Bihar 916 348 South Sikkim 927 388 Purnia Bihar 916 349 Wokha Nagaland 927 389 Madhepura Bihar 915 350 North Twenty Four West Be~gal 927 390 Nalanda Bih,ar 915 Parganas 351 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 927 391 Darbhanga Bihar 914 352 Bid Maharashtra 927 392 Deoghar Jharkhand 914 353 Sibsagar Assam 926 393 Nawanshahr Punjab 913 354 Godda Jharkhand 926 394 West Siang. Arunachal Pradesh 913 355 Satna Madhya Pradesh 926 395 Tuensang Nagaland 913 356 Mahesana Gujarat 926 396 Kolasib Mizoram 913 357 Nashik Maharashtra 924 397 Begusarai Bihar 911 358 Lakhisarai Bihar 923 398 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 911 359 Phek Nagaland 923 399 Indore Madhya Pradesh 911 360 Dibruoarh Assam 923 400 Gandhinaaar Guiarat 911 208 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 SI. District State! Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union territory* Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

401 Saharsa Bihar 910 441 Jaipur Rajasthan 897 402 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 910 442' Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 897

( 403 Anand Gujarat 910 443 Barmer Rajasthan 896 404 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 909 444 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 896 405 Baran Rajasthan 909 445 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 896 406 Rohtas Bihar 909 446 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 896 407 Tinsukia Assam 909 447 Sheohar Bihar 896 408 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 909 448 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 896 409 Jodhpur Rajasthan 908 449 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 895 410 Bundi Rajasthan 908 450 Kota Rajasthan 895 4,11 Varanasi Uttar Predesh 908 451 Bokara Jharkhand 895 412 Banka Bihar 908 452 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 894 413 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 908 453 Kamrup Assam 894 414 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 907 454 Dehradun Uttaranchal 893 415 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 90T 455 Sitamarhi Bihar 893 416 Panna Madhya Pradesh 907 456 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 893 417 Nainital Uttaranchal 906 457 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 892 418 Haora West Bengal 906 458 Ahmadabad Gujarat 892 419 Bangalore Karnataka 906 459 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 891 420 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 905 460 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 891 421 Changlang ArunaChal· Pradesh 905 461 Khagaria Bihar 890 422 Jorhat Assam 903 462 Bikaner Rajasthan 889 423 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 902 463 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 889 424 Mamit Mizoram 902 464 Gurdaspur Punjab 888 425 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 902 465 Alwar Rajasthan 887 426 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 901 466 Kapurthala Punjab 886 427 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 901 467 Muktsar Pu,:,jab 886 428 Rewari Haryana 901 468 Fatehabad Haryana 886 429 Pashchim Champaran Bihar 901 469 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 886 430 Buxar Bihar 901 470 Tfkamgarh Madhya Pradesh 886 431 Lawngtlai Mizoram 901 471 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 885 432 Khbrdha Orissa 901 472 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 885 433 Bhojpur Bihar 900 473 Guna Madhya Pradesh 885 434 Dausa Rajasthan 899 474 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 884 435 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 899 475 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 884 436 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 899 476 Moga Punjab 883 437 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 898 477 Firozpur Punjab 883

438 Unnao Uttar Pradesh , 898 478 North eachar Hills Assam 883 439 Purba Champaran Bihar 898 479 Jalandhar Punjab 882 440 Hoshanaabad Madhya Pradesh 898 480 Sirsa Harvana 882 209 Table-8 Djstricts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of population: 2001 SI District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No Union territory· Ratio No. Union territory· Ratio

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

481 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 882 521 Yamunanagar Haryana 863 482 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 882 522 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 862 483 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 881 523 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 861 484 Faridkot Punjab 881 524 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 860 485 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 881 525 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 860 486 Mpn Nagaland 881 526 Banda Uttar Pradesh 860 487 Bhiwani Haryana 880 527 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 859 488 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 880 528 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar 859 Islands· 489 Bhagalpur Bihar 878 529 Karauli Rajasthan 858 490 Munger Bihar 878 530 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 858 491 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 876 531 Datia Madhya Pradesh 858 492 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 876 532 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 858 493 Mansa Punjab 875 533 Bharatpur Rajasthan 857 494 Kheri Uttar Pradesh -875 534 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 857 495 Amritsar Punjab 874 535 Thane Maharashtra 857 496 Gurgaon Haryana 814 536 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 856 497 Dhanbad Jharkhand 874 537 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 856 " 498 Ganganagar Rajasthan 873 538 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 856 499 Patna Bihar 873 539 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 856 500 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 872 540 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 855 501 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 872 541 Kaithal Haryana 854 502 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 872 542 Dimapur Nagaland 854 503 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 871 543 Solan Himachal Pradesh 853 504 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 871 544 Jind Haryana 853 505 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 871 545 Hi~ar Haryana 852 506 Rupnagar Punjab 870 546 Agra Uttar Pradesh 852 507 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 870 547 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 852 • 508 Ambala Haryana 869 548 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh 851 509 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 869 549 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 851 510 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 869 550 North East Delhi 851 511 Sangrur Punjab 868 551 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 851 512 Hardwar Uttaranchal 868 552 Jhajjar Haryana 848 513 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 868 553 Baghpat Uttar 'Pradesh 848 / 514 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 868 554 Rohtak Haryana 847 515 Kurukshetra Haryana 866 555 Etah Uttar Pradesh 847 516 Mahoba Uttar Prad~sh 866 556 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 847 517 Bathinda Punjab 865 557 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 847 518 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 865 558 East Delhi 845 519 Patiala Punjab 864 559 East Sikkim 844 520 Karnal Haryana 864 560 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar 844 Islands· 210 Table-8 Districts arranged by descending order orsex ratio of population: 2001 SI. District Statel Sex Sf. District Statel Sex l No. Union territory· Ratio No. Union territory* RatiO;

2 3 4 1 2 3 4 • 561 Central Delhi 843 578 Ludhiana Punjab 824i 562 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 843 579 Panchkula Haryana 823~ 563 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh 842 580 Morena Madhya Pradesh 822 564 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 841 581 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 821 565 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 841 582 North West Delhi 820 566 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 840 583 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadra & Nagar Haven" 811 567 Sonipat Haryana 839 584 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu 8. Kashmir 805 568 Faridabad Haryana 839 585 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 804,. 569 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 838 586 South Delhi 797i 570 Surat Gujarat 835 587 New Delhi Delhi 791 571 Panipat Haryana 830 588 South West Delhi 783,1 572 West Delhi 830 589 Mumbai Maharashtra 774 573 Bhind Madhya Pradesh - 829 590 Chandigar~ Chandigarh* 773, 574 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 828 591 North Sikkim 752 w 575 Kolkata West Bengal 828 592 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 749 576 North Delhi 826 593 Daman Daman & Diu* 591 1) 577 Mumbai (Suburban) Mahafashtra 826

Notes: 1 The population figures for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Malia-Miyana and Wankaner talukas for Rajkot district and Jodiya-taluka of Jamnagar district for the year 2001 have been estimated as population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001 could not be conducted due to natural calamities. 2 The population figures for entire Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh for the year 2001 have been estimated as population enumeration could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

211 *4q*d#¥#. 'fa WPWK4+;WP

Table-9 9istricts arranged by descending Qrder of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6 : 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District State! Sex No. Union territory* Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

South Sikkim 1036 41 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 980

2 Upp~r Siang Arunachal Pradesh 1018 42 Kohima Nagaland 979 3 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 1017 43 East KhasiHills MeghaJaya 979 4 Bastar Chhatisgarh 1014 44 Karimganj Assam 979 5 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 1014 45 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 979 6 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 1011 46 Malappuram Kerala 979 7 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 1010 47 Tuensang Nagaland 978 8 Senapati Manipur 1007 48 Aizawl Mizoram 978 9 Mokokchung Nagaland 1004 49 Bongaigaon Assam 978 10 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 1003 50 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 978 11 Nabarangapur Orissa 1002 51 G6rakhpur Uttar Pradesh 977 12 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 1001 52 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 977 13 Wokha Nagaland 999 53 Gumla Jharkhand 977 14 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 996 54 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 977 15 Godda Jharkhand 996 55 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 977 16 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 995 56 Kodagu Karnataka 977 17 Koraput Orissa 993 57 Dumka Jharkha"nd 976 18 North Sikkim 991 58 Korba Chhatisgarh 976 19 Serchhip Mi?:oram 991 59 Kanker Chhatisgarh 976 20 Kalahandi Orissa 990 60 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 976 21 Malkangiri Orissa 990 61 Kolar karnataka 976 22 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 990 62 Mon Nagaland 975 23 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 990 63 Goalpara Assam 975 24 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 989 64 Murshidabad West Bengal 975 25 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 989 65 Nadia West Bengal 975 26 Ri Bhoi Meghalaya 988 66 Durg Chhatisgarh 975 27 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 987 67 Nawada Bihar 974 28 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 986 68 North Tripura Tripura 974 29 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 986 69 Darrang Assam 974 30 Dhubri Assam 984 70 Palamu Jharkhand 974 31 Chatra Jharkhand 984 71 Sundargafh Orissa 974 32 Kasaragod Kerala 984 72 Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 974 33 West Tripura Tripura 983 73 Koriya Chhatlsgarh 974 34 Sonitpur Assam 983 74 Surguja Chhatisgarh 974 35 Rayagada Orissa 983 75 The Dangs Gujarat 974 36 Dimapur Nagaland 981 76 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 974 37 Nagaon Assam 981 77 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep* 974 38 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 981 78 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 974 39 Karaikal Pondicherry* 981 79 Yanam Pondicherry* 974 40 West Khasi Hills Meahalava 980 80 Champhai Mizoram 973 212 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6 : 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex

No. o Union territory* Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio 2 3 4 2 3 4

81 Karbi Anglong Assam 973 121 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 967 82 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 973 122 Araria Bihar 967 83 Uttar'Dinajpur West Bengal 973 123 West Sikkim 967 84 Deoghar Jharkhand 973 124 Maldah West Bengal 967 85 Pasbchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 973 125 Puruliya West Bengal 967' 86 Kandhamal Orissa 973 126 Balangir Orissa 967 87 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadra & Nagar Haveli' 973 127 Bidar Karnataka 967 88 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 973 128 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 967 89 Banswara Rajasthan 972 129 Katihar Bihar 966 90 Thoubal Manipur 972 130 Bhagalpur Bihar 966 91 Kodarma Jharkhand 972 131 Imphal West Manipur 966 92 Sahibganj Jharkhand 972 132 Kolasib Mizoram 966 93 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 972 133 Sibsagar Assam 966 94 Darjiling West Bengal 971 134 Nandurbar Maharashtra 966 95 Raipur Chhatisgarh 971 135 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 966 96 Bijapur Karnataka 971 136 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 966 97 Dhalai Tripura 970 137 Kozhikode Kerala 966 98 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 970 138 Saiha Mizoram 965 99 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 970 139 Marigaon Assam 965 100 Nuapada Orissa 970 140 Golaghat Assam 965 101 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 970 141 Hazanbagh Jharkhand 965 102 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 970 142 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 965 103 Mysore Karnataka 970 143 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 964 104 Idukki Kerala 970 144 Jamui Bihar 964 105 Ukhrul Manipur 969 145 East Sikkim 964 106 Birbhum West Bengal 969 146 Lunglei Mizoram 964 107 South Twenty Four West Bengal 969 147 Barpeta Assam 964 Parganas 108 Barwani Madhya PrC'desh 969 148 Tinsukia Assam 964 109 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 969 149 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 964 110 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 968 150 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 964 111 Purnia Bihar 968 151 Dohad .Gujarat 964 112 Koch Bihar West Bengal 968 152 Gondiya Maharashtra 964 113 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 968 153 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 964 114 Pakaur Jharkhand 9Ei8 154 Medak Andhra Pradesh 964 115 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 968 .155 Chikmagalur Karnataka ~64 116 Betul Madhya Pradesh 968 156 Hassan Karnataka 964 117 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 968 157 Rnmanathapuram Tamil Nadu 964 118 Pathanamthitta Kerala 968 158 Dungarpur Rajasthan 963 119 Chennai Tamil Nadu 968 159 ~iddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 963 120 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar 968 160 Lawngtlai Mizoram 963 Islands* 213 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6: 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union territory· Ratio No. Union territory· Ratio 2 3 4 2 3 4

161 Sambalpur Orissa 963 201 Shimoga Karnataka 959 162 Kendujhar Orissa 963 202 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 958 1,63 Gajapati Orissa 963 203 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 958 164 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 963 204 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 958 165 Palakkad Kerala 963 205 Bhandara Maharashtra 958 166 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 962 206 Gaya Bihar 957 167 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 962 207 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 957 168 South Tripura Tripura 962 208 Dhemaji Assam 957 169 Nalbari Assam 962 209 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 957 170 Lakhimpur Assam 962 210 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 957 171 Debagarh Orissa 962 211 Kottayam Kerala 957 172 Baudh. Orissa 962 212 Cachar Assam ,956 173 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 962 213 Kannur Kerala 956 174 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 962 214 Lakhisarai Bihar 955 175 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 962 215 Imphal East Manipur 955 176 Raichur Karnataka 962 216 Kokrajhar Assam 955 177 Alappuzha Kerala 962 217 Bankura West Bengal 955 178 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 962 218 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 955 179 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 961 219 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 955 180 Gopalganj Bihar 961 220 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 955 181 North Twenty Four West Bengal 961 221 Udupi Karnataka 955 Parganas 182 Giridih Jharkhand 961 222 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 955 183 Sonapur Orissa 961 223 Dibrugarh Assam 954 184 Haveri Karnataka 961 224 Bargarh Orissa 954· 185 Kollam Kerala 961 225 Mayurbhanj Orissa 954 186 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 961 226 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 954 187 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 960 227 Wayanad Kerala 954 188 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 960 228 Thiruvallur -Tamil Nadu 954 189 Barddhaman West Bengal 960 229 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 953 190 Garhwa Jharkhand 960 230 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 953 191 Ranchi Jharkhand 960 231 Mamit Mizoram 953 192 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 960 232 Dhanbad Jharkhand 953 193 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 960 233 Thrissur Kerela 953 194 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 9'60 234 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 953 195 Sheikhpura Bihar 959 235 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 953 196 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 959 236 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 952 197 Haora West Bengal 959 237 Falzabad Uttar Pradesh 952 198 Diu Daman & Diu· 959 238 Hugli West Bengal 952 199 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 959 239 Medinipur West Bengal 952 200 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 959 240 Narmada Gujarat 952 214 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6 : 2001 SI. Distnct Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union territory· Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio 2 3 4 2 3 4

241 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 952 281 Uttara Kannada Karnataka 946 242 Tumkur Karnataka 952 282 Chitradurga Karnataka 946 243 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 952 283 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 946 244 Tlruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 952 284 Uttarkashi Uttaranchal 945 245 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 952 285 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 945 246 Bhilwara Rajasthan 951 286 Samastipur Bihar 945 247 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 951 287 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 945 248 North Cachar Hills Assam 951 288 Udaipur Rajasthan 944 249 Katni Madhya Pradesh 951 289 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 944 250 Gadag Karnataka 951 290 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 944 251 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 951 291 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 944 252 Tamenglong Manipur 950 292 Chandrapur Maharashtra 944 253 Jharsuguda Orissa 950 293 Nanded Maharashtra 944 254 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 950 294 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 944 255 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 950 295 Dharwad Karnataka 944 256 Anyalur Tamil Nadu 950 296 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 943 257 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 950 297 Chandel Manipur 943 258 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 949 298 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 943 259 Basti Uttar Pradesh 949 299 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 943 260 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 949 300 Ralgarh Maharashtra 943 261 Zunheboto Nagaland 949 301 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar 943 Islands· 262 Damoh Madhya Pradesr 949 302 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 942 263 Nagpur Maharashtra 949 303 Pashchim Champa ran Bihar 942 264 Bellary Karnataka 949 304 Khagaria Bihar 942 265 Davanagere Karnataka 949 305 Lohardaga Jharkhand 942 266 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 949 306 Yavatmal Maharashtra 942 267 Patna Bihar 948 307 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 941 268 Ernakulam Kerala 948 308 KishanganJ Bihar 941 269 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 947 309 Saran Bihar 941 270 Rohtas Bihar 947 310 Nalanda Bihar 941 271 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 947 311 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 941 272 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 947 312 Purbl Singhbhum Jharkhand 941 273 Amravati Maharashtra 947 313 Cuttack Orissa 941 274 Champawat Ultaranchal 946 314 Dha'r Madhya Pradesh 941 275 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 946 315 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 941 276 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 946 316 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 940 277 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 946 317 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 940 278 Bokaro Jharkhand 946 318 Begusarai Bihar 940 279 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 946 319 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 940 280 SindhudurQ Maharashtra 946 320 Bhadrak Orissa 940 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6 : 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No, Union territory' Ratio No, Union territory· Ratio 2 3 4 2 3 4

321 Bangalore Karnataka 940 361 Jajapur Orissa 932 322 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 939 362 Panna Madhya Pradesh 932 323 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 939 363 North Goa Goa 932 324 Kamrup Assam 939 364 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 931

325 Bagal~ot Karnataka 939 365 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 931 326 Madhubani Bihar 938 366 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 931 327 Banka Bihar 938 367 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 931 328 Bhojpur Bihar 938 368 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 931' 329 Koppal Karnataka 938 369 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 930 330 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 938 370 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 930 331 Gulbarga Karnataka 937 371 Sagar Madhya Pradesh '930 332 Mandya Karnataka 937 372 Satna Madhya Pradesh 930 333 Veil are Tamil Nadu 937 373 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & Kashmir 929 334 Rae Bare!i Uttar Pradesh 936 374 Jhalawar Rajasthan 929 335 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 936 375 Guna Madhya Pradesh 929 336 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 936 376 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 929 337 Akola Maharashtra 936 377 Ganjam Orissa 928 .338 Nashik Maharashtra 936 378 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 928 ,339 Erode Tamil Nadu 936 379 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 927 340 Chamoli Uttaranchal 935 380 Pali Rajasthan 927 341 Rajsamand Rajasthan 935 381 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 927 342 Kendrapara Orissa 935 382 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 927 343 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 935 383 Siwan Bihar 927 344 Hingoli Maharashtra 935 384 Churachandpur Manipur 927 345 Prat~pgarh Uttar Pradesh 934 385 Hoshangabad MadhyCi Prad,esh 927 346 Sultan pur Uttar Pradesh 934 386 Osmanabad Maharashtra 927 347 Purba Champaran Bihar 934 387 Madura; Tamil Nadu 927 348 Phek Nagaland 934 388 Almora 'Uttaranchal 926 349 Baleshwar Orissa 934 389 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 926 1350 Anugul Orissa 934 390 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 926 351 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 934 391 Buxar Bihar 926 352 Panch Mahals Gujarat 934 392 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 926 '353 Valsad Gujarat 934 393 Harda Madhya Pradesh 926. 354 Wardha Maharashtra 934 394 Parbhani Maharashlra 926 355 South Goa Goa 934 395 Garhwal Utlaranchal 925 356 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 933 396 Muzaffarpur Bihar 925 357 Vaishali Bihar 9~3 397 Bishnupur Manipur 925 358 Ujjain Madhya Prpdesh 933 398 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 925 359 Thane Maharashtra 933 399 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 924 '::\60 Allr::'lnm'lhFln .BihaL 932 .400 Jalor Raiasthan 924 216 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6 : 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union territory· Ratio No. Union territory* Ratio 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

401 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 924 441 Banda Uttar Pradesh 912 402 Belgaum Karnataka 924 442 Navsarr Gujarat 912 403 Ajmer Rajasthan 923 443 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 911 404 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 923 444 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 909 405 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 923 445 Jehanabad Bihar 909 406 Kolkata West Bengal 923 446 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 909 407 Latur Maharashtra 923 447 Bharuch Gujarat 909 408 Kapur Tamil Nadu 923 448 Nainital Uttaranchal 908 409 Barmer Rajasthan 922 449 Bundi Rajasthan 908 410 Tonk Rajasthan 922 450 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 908 411 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 922 451 Banas Kantha Gujarat 907 412 Supaul Bihar 921 452 Dhule Maharashtra 907 413 Puri Orissa 921 453 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 906 414 Washim Maharashtra 921 454 Daman Daman & Diu* 906 415 Nagaur Rajasthan 920 455 Pune Maharashtra 906 416 Jodhpur Rajasthan 920 456 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 904 417 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 920 457 Dehradun Uttaranchal 903 418 Khordha Orissa 920 458 Hailakandi Assam 903 419 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 920 459 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 902 420 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 919 460 Central Delhi 902 421 Sheohar Bihar 919 461 Kota Rajasthan 902 422 Dhenkanal Orissa 919 462 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 902 423 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 919 463 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 901 424 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 919 464 Jorhat Assam 901 425 Sirohi Rajasthan 918 465 Nayagarh Orissa 901 426 Baran Rajasthan 918 466 Solan Himachal Pradesh 900 427 Madhepura Bihar 918 467 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 900 428 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 917 468 Dausa Rajasthan ~OO 429 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 917 469 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 900 430 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 916 470 Saharsa Bihar 900 431 Bikaner Rajasthan 915 471 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 899 432 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 915 472 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 899 433 Munger Bihar 915 473 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 898 434 Buldana Maharashtra 915 474 Junagadh Gujarat 898 435 Mahe Pondicherry· 915 475 Mumbai Maharashtra 898 436 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 914 476 Bid Maharashtra 898 437 Jalna Maharashtra 914 477 Jaipur Rajasthan 897 438 Indore Madhya Pradesh 913 478 Mau Uttar Pradesh 897 439 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 912 479 Porbandar Gujarat 897 440 Churu Raiasthan 912 480 Solaour Maharashtra 897 217 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6 : 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union territory" Ratio No. Union territory" Ratio , 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

481 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 896 521 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 867 482 Sitamarhi Bihar 896 522 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 867 483 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 896 523 Jalgaon Maharashtra 867 484 Etawah Uttar Pradesl'l 895 524 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 866 485 Saharan pur Uttar Pradesh 894 525 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 865 486 Jamnagar Gujarat 894 526 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 864 487 Amreli Gujarat 894 527 Gurgaon Haryana 863 488 Theni Tamil Nadu 893 528 Patan Gujarat 862 489 Etah Uttar Pradesh 891 529 Surendranagar Gujarat 861 490 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 890 530 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 859 491 Atwar Rajasthan 888 531 Kothapur Maharashtra 859 492 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 887 532 West Delhi 858 493 South Delhi 886 533 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 857 494 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 886 534 Faridabad Haryana 856 495 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 886 535 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh 855 496 Bhavnagar Gujarat 886 536 North West Delhi 854 497 Jafaun Uttar Pradesh 885 537 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 854 498 Darbhanga Bihar 885 538 Hardwar Uttaranchal 85~ 499 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 884 539 Ganganagar Rajasthan 852' 500 Aurangabad Maharashtra 884 540 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 851' 501 Satara Maharashtra 884 541 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 851 502 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 883 542 Sangli Maharashtra 85<1 503 New Delhi Delhi 882 543 Agra Ultar Pradesh 849 504 Sikar Rajasthan 882 544 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 849: 505 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 881 545 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 84" 506 Kheda Gujarat 880 546 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 84ft 507 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 878 547 South West Delhi 84~ 508 KarauH Rajasthan 876 548 Rajkot Gujarat 844i 509 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 876 549 Una Himachal Pradesh 83~ 510 Bharatpur Rajasthan 875 550 Bhiwani Haryana 838! 511 Datia Madhya Pradesh 875 551 Panchkula Haryana 837 • 512 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 87~ 552 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 836 513 Anand Gujarat 873 553 Fatehabad Haryana 830" 514 Vadodara Gujarat 873 554 Hisar Haryana 83

520 North East Delhi 867 560 Jiod Harxana 818't 218 Table-9 Districts arranged by descending order of sex ratio of child population in the age-group 0-6 : 2001 SI. District Statel Sex SI. District Statel Sex No. Union territory· Ratio No. Union territory· Ratio 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

561 Sirsa Haryana 818 578 Rohtak Haryana 796 562 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 816 579 Rupnagar Punjab 791 563 Gandhinagar Gujarat 816 580 Kaithal Haryana 789 564 Ludhiana Punjab 814 581 Sangrur Punjab 784 565 Mahendragarh Haryana 814 582 Ambala Haryana 784 566 Rewari Haryana 814 583 Amritsar Punjab 783 567 Ahmadabad Gujarat 814 584 Sonipat Haryana 783 568 Hoshiarpur Punjab 810 585 Bathinda Punjab 779 569 Nawanshahr Punjab 810 586 "Mansa Punjab 779 570 Karnal Haryana 808 587 Gurdaspur Punjab 775 571 Muktsar Punjab 807 588 Kapurthala Punjab 775 572 Yamunanagar Haryana 807 589 Patiala Punjab 770 573 Panipat Haryana 807 590 Kurukshetra Haryana 770 574 Faridkot Punjab 805 591 Frltehgarh Sahib Punjab 754 575 Jhajjar Haryana 805 592 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh NA 576 Mahesana Gujarat 798 593 Kachchh Gujarat NA 577 Jalandhar Punjab 797

Notes: 1. Excludes Kachchh district of Gujarat and Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh where 2001 Census could not be conducted due to natural calamities. 2 Population and child population figures in the age group 0-6 for Rajkot and Jamnagar districts in Gujarat for the year 2001 excludes the corresponding population of Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district where population enumeration at the Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities.

219 Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Aizawl Mizoram 96.64 41 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 8ql6 2 Serchhip Mizoram 96.16 42 Akola Maharashtra 81.77 3 Kottayam Kerala 95.90 43 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 81.76 4 Mahe Pondicherry* 95.78 44 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 81.44 5 Pathanamthitta Kerala 95.09 45 Hoshiarpur Punjab 81.40 6 Alappuzha Kerala 93.66 46 Kolkata West Bengal 81.31 7 Ernakulam Kerala 93.42 47 Wokha Nagaland 81.28 8 Kannur Kerala 92.80 48 Una Himachal Pradesh 81.09 9 Thrissur Kerala 92.56 49 Thane Maharashtra 81.00 10 Kozhikode Kerala 92.45 50 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 80.90 11 Champhai Mizoram 91.88 51 North West Delhi 80.79 12 Kollam Kerala 91.49 52 Pune Maharashtra 80.78 13 Kolasib Mizoram 90.49 53 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 80.68 14 Thiruvananthapura_m Kerala 89.36 54 Imphal West Manipur 80.61 15 Malappuram Kerala 88.61 55 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 80.52 16 Idukki Kerala 88.58 56 Wardha Maharashtra 80.50 17 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 88.11 57 Khordha Orissa 80.1"9 18 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep* 87.52 58 Chennai Tamil Nadu 80.14 19 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 87.14 59 Mamit Mizoram 80.09 20 Mumbai Maharashtra 86.82 60 South Goa Goa 79.98 21 Wayanad Kerala 85.52 61 Ahmadabad Gujarat 79.89 22 Kasaragod Kerala 85.17 62 North Delhi 79.88 23 East Delhi 85.10 63 Udupi Karnataka 79.87 24 Palakkad Kerala 84.31 64 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 79.68 25 Mokokchung Nagaland 84,27 65 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 79.61 26 Lunglei Mizoram 84.20 66 Nainital Utlaranchal 79.60 27 Nagpur Maharashtra 84.18 67 Central Delhi 79.52 28 North Goa Goa 84.12 68 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 79.16 29 Bangalore Karnataka 83.91 69 'Hyderabad Andhra' Pradesh 79,04 30 South West Delhi 83.63 70 Dehradun Uttaranchal 78.96 31 Daman Daman & Diu* 83.60 71 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 78.80 32 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 83.47 72 Bhandara Maharashtra 78.68 33 West Delhi 83.24 73 Gondiya Maharashtra 78.65 34 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 83.16 74 Madurai Tamil Nadu 78.65 35 Amravati Maharashtra 82.96 75 Satara Maharashtra 78.52 36 South Delhi 82.57 76 Rupnagar Punjab 78.49 37 New Delhi Delhi 82.54 77 North Twenty Four West Bengal 78.49 Parganas 38 Saiha Mizoram 82.43 78 Puri Orissa 78.40 39 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar 82.35 79 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 78.34 Islands' 40 Karaikal Pondicherry* 8'2.24 80 Kodagu Karnataka 78.17 220 Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 SI. District State! Literacy SI. District State! Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

81 Dimapur Nagaland 78.15 121 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 75.82 82 Garhwal Uttaranchal 77.99 122 Rewari Haryana 75.75 83 Jalandhar Punjab 77.91 123 Hugli West Bengal 75.59 84 Jorhat Assam 77.91 124 East Sikkim 75.57 85 North East Delhi 77.85 125 Mahesana Gujarat 75.54 86 West Tripura Tripura 77.82 126 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 75.35 87 Haora West Bengal 77.64 127 Sibsagar Assam 75.33 88 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 77.63 128 Medinipur West Bengal 75.17 89 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 77.61 129 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 75.16 90 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 77.58 130 Nashlk Maharashtra 7510 91 Kendrapara Orissa 77.33 131 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 75.08 92 Raigarh Maharashtra 77.32 132 Surat Gujarat 74.99 93 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 77.30 133 Anand Gujarat 74.95 94 Kolhapur Maharashtra 77.23 134 Shimoga Karnataka 74.86 95 Solan Himachal Pradesh 77.16 135 Indore Madhya Pradesh 74.82 96 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 76.98 136 Bharuch Gujarat 7479 97 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 76.97 137 Kamrup Assam 74.69 98 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 76.95 138 Churachandpur Manipur 74.67 99 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 76.90 139 Bhadrak Orissa 74.64 100 Nagapattlnam Tamil Nadu 76.89 140 Rohtak Haryana 74.56 101 Nawanshahr Punjab 76.86 141 Almora Uttaranchal 74.53 102 Gandhinagar Gujarat 76.83 142 Kota Rajasthan 74.45 103 Sangli Maharashtra 76.70 143 Kohima Nagaland 74.28 104 Uttara Kannada Karnataka 76.59 144 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 74.23 105 Ludhiana Punjab 76.54 145 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 7423 106 Panch kula Haryana 76.54 146 Gurdaspur Punjab 74.19 107 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 76.54 147 Yanam Pondicherry* 74.16 108 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 76.48 148 Diu Daman & Dlu* 7414 109 Imphal East Manlpur 76.38 149 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 74.10 110 Chamoli Uttaranchal 76.23 150 Yavatmal Maharashtra 7406 111 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 76.21 151 Washlm Maharashtra 7403 112 AmbaJa Haryana 76.20 152 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 73.95 113 Buldana Maharashtra 76.14 153 Sonipat Haryana 73.71 114 Cuttack Orissa 76.13 154 Aurangabad Maharashtra 73.63 115 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 76.07 155 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 73.61 116 Jalgaon Maharashtra 76.06 156 Kapurthala Punjab 73.56 117 Navsari Gujarat 75.98 157 Datia Madhya Pradesh 73.51 118 Rajkot Gujarat 75.88 158 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 73.36 119 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 75.86 159 Kanker Chhatisgarh 73.31 120 Durg Chhatlsgarh 75.84 160 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 73.17 221 · . . .. ~ '."'" . Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory· Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

161 North Tripura Tripura 73.10 201 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 70.65 162 Chandrapur Maharashtra 73.07 202 Jaipur Rajasthan 70:63 163 Veil ore . Tamil Nadu 73.07 203 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 70.50 164 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 73.05 204 Mahendragarh Haryana 70.43 165 Darjiling West Bengal 72.87 205 South Tripura Tripura 70.39 166 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 72.76 206 Golaghat Assam 70.36 167 Kheda Gujarat 72.71 207 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 70.36 168 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 72.66 208 Osmanabad Maharashtra 70.24 169 Chikmagalur Karnataka 72.63 209 South Twenty Four West Bengal 70.16 Parganas 170 Jhajjar Haryana 72.48 210 Dhenkanal Orissa 70.11 171 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar 72.41 211 Kurukshetra rlaryana 70.04 Islands* 172 Latur Maharashtra 72.34 212 .Patiala Punjab 69.96 173 Yamunanagar Haryana 72.20 213 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 69.91 174 Jajapur Orissa 72.t9 214 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 69.83 175 Dhule Maharashtra 72.08 215 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 69.79 176 Theni Tamil Nadu 72.01 216 Gautam Buddha Uttar Pradesh 69.78 Nagar 177 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 71.96 217 Panipat Haryana 69.75 178 Bageshwar UUaranchal 71.94 218 Zunheboto Nagaland 69.73 179 DharWad Karnataka 71.87 219 Lakhimpur Assam 69.59 180 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 71.85 220 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 69.42 181 Bishnupur Manipur 71.59 221 Valsad Gujarat 69.41 182 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 71.50 222 Anugul Orissa 69.40 183 Solapur Maharashtra 71.50 223 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 69.39 184 Jharsuguda Orissa 71.47 224 North Sikkim 69.11 185 Phek Nagaland 71.35 225 Porbandar Gujarat 69.09 186 Vadodara Gujarat 71.32 226 Raipur Chhatisgarh 68.98 187 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 71.22 227 Ukhrul Manipur 68.96 188 Dibrugarh Assam 71.21 228 Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 68.81 189 Sikar Rajasthan 71.19 229 ·Hassan Karnataka 68.75 190 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 71.18 230 Kapur "Tamil Nadu 68.74 191 Shalapur Madhya Pradesh 71.14 "231 North Cachar Hills Assam 68.59 192 Champawat Uttaranchal 71.11 232 Nanded Maharashtra 68.52 193 Nayagarh Orissa 71.02 233 Bid Maharashtra 68.48 194 Barddhaman West Bengal 71.00 234 Cachar Assam 68.42 195 Baleshwar Orissa 70.94 235 Junagadh Gujarat 68.35 196 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 70 ..89 236 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 68.22 197 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 70.89 237 Karnal Haryana 68.20 198 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 70.85 238 Bhiwani Haryana 68.17 199 Faridabad Haryana 70.79 239 South Sikkim 68.12 200 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 7(f.75 240 Haveri Karnataka 68.09 222 Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of liter~cy rate of persons: 2001 SI. District State! Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory· Rate No Union territory· Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

241 Nalbari Assam 68.08 281 Dhemaji Assam 65.96: 242 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 68.08 282 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 65.90; 243 Thoubal Manipur 67.90 283 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 65.88' 244 Amritsar Punjab 67.85 284 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 65.88 245 Amreli Gujarat 67.72 285 Hisar Haryana 65.85 246 Davanagere Karnataka 67.67 286 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 65.76 247 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 67.66 287 Hanumang'arh Rajasthan 65.72 248 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 67.65 288 Salem Tamil Nadu 65.72 249 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 67.64 289 Ranchi Jharkhand 65.69. 250 Dhanbad Jharkhand 67.49 290 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 65.65, 251 Chittaor Andhra Pradesh 67.46 291 West K~asi Hills Meghalaya 65.64 252 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 67.31 292 Morena Madhya Pradesh 65.58 253 Karimganj Assam 67.21 293 Erode Tamil Nadu 65.51 254 Koch Bihar West Bengal 67.21 294 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 65.49

~ 255 Jamnagar Gujarat 67.19 295 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 65.37 256 Tumkur Karnataka 67.19 296 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 65.29 257 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 67.09 297 Sundargarh Orissa 65.22 258 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 67.04 298 Satna Madhya Pradesh 65.12 259 Parbhani Maharashtra 67.04 299 Ajmer Rajasthan 65.06 260 Sambalpur Orissa 67.01 300 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 65.00 ·261 Bhavnagar Gujarat 66.98 301 Agra Uttar Pradesh 64.97 262 Churu Rajasthan 66.97 302 Chitradurga Karnataka 64.88 263 Betul Madhya Pradesh 66.87 303 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 64.88 264 Hingali Maharashtra 66.86 304 Mau Uttar Pradesh 64.86 265 Harda Madhya Pradesh 66.82 305 Ganganagar Rajasthan 64.84 266 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 66.69 306 Katni Madhya Pradesh 64.68 267 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 66,59 307 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 64.68 268 Uttarkashi Uttaranchal 66.58 308 Hardwar UUaranchal 64.60 269 Nadia West Bengal 66.55 309 Karauli Rajasthan 64-.1;)9 270 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 66.53 310 Jalna Maharashtra 64,52 271 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 66.51 311 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 64.46 272 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 66.47 312 Belgaum Karnataka 64.42· 273 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 66.31 313 Bharatpur Rajasthan 64.24 274 Gadag Karnataka 66.27 314 Bargarh Orissa 64.13 275 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 66.26 315 Sonapur Orissa 64.07 276 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 66.14 316 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 64.02 277 Ri Bhai Meghalaya 66.07 317 Maga Punjab 63.94 278. Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 66.06 318 Bankura West Bengal 63.84 279 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 66.03 319 Sehare Madhya Pradesh 63.83 280 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 65.96 320 Patna Bihar 63.82 223 Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory· Rate No Union territory· Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

321 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 63.73 361 Firozpur Punjab , 61.42 322 Mysore Karnataka 63.69 362 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 61.22 323 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 63.68 363 Mandya Karnataka 61.21 324 Gurgaon Haryana 63.6-4 364 Sirsa Haryana 61.20 325 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 63.62 365 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 61.11 326 Koriya Chhatisgarh 63.44 366 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 61.04 327 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 63.41 367 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 60.96 328 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 63.38 368 Debagarh Orissa 60.78 329 Faridkot Punjab 63.34 369 Ohaulpur Rajasthan 60.77 330 Tinsukia Assam 63.28 370 Patan Gujarat 60.59 331 Korba Chhatisgarh 63.24 371 Baran Rajasthan 60.37 332 Kolar Karnataka 63.14 372 Narmada Gujarat 60.37 333 Bokaro Jharkhand 62.98 373 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 60.31 334 Ganjam Orissa 62.94 374 Sonitpur Assam 60.29 335 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 62.89 375 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 60.29 336 Jind' Haryana 62.80 376 Bongaigaon Assam 60.27 337 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 62.80 377 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 60.26 338 Dausa Rajasthan 62.75 378 The Dangs Gujarat 60.23 339 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 62.61 379 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 60.19 340 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 62.57 380 Munger Bihar 60.11 341 Alwar Rajasthan 62.48 381 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 60.06 342 Surendranagar Gujarat 62.46 382 Sangrur Punjab 60.04 343 Rohtas Bihar 62.36 383 Dadra & Nagar Dadra & Nagar 60.03 Haveli Haveli* 344 R·ewa Madhya Pradesh 62.33 384 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 59.98 345 Nagaon Assam 62.28 385 Guna Madhya Pradesh 59.93 346 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 62.27 386 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 59.85 347 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & Kashmir 62.24 387 Dearia Uttar Pradesh 59.84 348 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 62.21 388 Hailakandi Assam 59.84 349 Birbhum West Bengal 62.16 389 Kendujhar Orissa 59.75 350 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 62.10 390 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 59.74 351 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 62.06 391 Bhojpur Bihar 59.71 352 Bidar Karnataka 61.98 392 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 59.70 353 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 61.71 393 Barmer Rajasthan 59.65 354 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 61.70 394 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 59.55 355 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 61.68 395 Kaithal Haryana 59.50 356 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 61.67 396 Marigaon Assam 5g..46 357 Panna Madhya Pradesh 61.61 397 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 59.45 358 Dhalai Tripura 61.56 398 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 59.45 359 Bathinda Punjab 61.51 399 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 59.37 360 Panch Matlals Gujarat 61.50 400 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 59.31

224 Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel . Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

401 West Sikkim 59.31 441 Puruliya West Bengal 56.14 402 Udaipur Rajasthan 59.26 442 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 56.10 403 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 59.2:3 443 Nandurbar Maharashtra 56.06 404 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 59.14 444 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 56.05 405 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 59.06 445 Jehanabad Bihar 56.03 406 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 58.88 446 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 56.00 407 Karbi Anglong Assam 58.83 447 Srikakulam Andhra P.radesh 55.94 408 Muktsar Punjab 58.67 448 Darrang Assam 55.92 409 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 58.67 449 Rajsamand Rajasthan 55.82 410 Goal para Assam 58.56 450 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 55.82 411 Tamenglong Manipur 58.46 451 Bundi Rajasthan 55.80 412 Baudh Orissa 58.43 452 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 55.80 413 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 58.41 453 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 55.72 414 Nagaur Rajasthan 58.26 454· Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 55.57 415 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 58.21 455 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 55.39 416 Fatehabad Haryana 58.1E 456 Surguja Chhatisgarh 55.37 417 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 58.1C 457 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 55.09 418 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 58.0e 458 Murshidabad West Bengal 55.05 419 Bellary Karnataka 58.04 459 Koppal Karnataka 55.02 420 Jhalawar Rajasthan 57.98 460 Balangir Orissa 54.93 421 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 57.86 461 P;;Ili Rajasthan 54.92 422 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 57.84 462 Banda Uttar Pradesh 54.84 423 Bagalkot Karnataka 57.81 463 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 54.49 424 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 57.76 464 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 54.43 425 Kharnmam Andhra Pradesh 57.72 465 Siroh; Rajasthan 54.39 426 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 57.65 466 ChiUaurgarh Rajasthan 54.37 427 Bikaner Rajasthan 57.54 467.Basti Uttar Pradesh 54.28 428 Aurangabad Bihar 57.50 468 Mahoba !Jttar Pradesh 54.23 429 Buxar Bihar 57.49 469 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 54.16 430 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 57.48 470 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 54.05 431 Bijapur Karnataka 57.46 471 Lohar~aga Jharkhand 53.97 432 Jodhpur Rajasthan 5I.38 472 Nalanda Bihar 53.64 433 Chandel Manipur 57.38 473 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 53.51 434 Barpeta Assam 57.35 47~ Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 53.44 435 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 57.34 475 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 53.26, 436 Sultan pur Uttar Pradesh 56.,90 476 Medak Andhra Pradesh 53.24, 437 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 56.69 477 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 53.00 438 LawngUai Mizoram 56.45 478 Kandhamal Orissa 52.95- 43~ Etah Uttar Pradesh 56.15 479.Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 52.82 440 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 59. 15 48.0 Kodarma Jhar:khand 52.73 225 Table-:10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 SI. District State! Literacy SI. District State/ Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

481 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 52.7(J 521 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 48.63 482 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 52.64 522 Begusarai Bihar 48:55 483 Kokrajhar Assam 52.55 523 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 48.43 484 Mansa Punjab 52.50 524 Dungarpur Rajasthan 48.32 485 Mayurbhanj Orissa 52.43 525 Dumka Jharkhand 48.31 486 Tonk Rajasthan 52.39 526 Lakhisarai Bihar 48.21 487 Gumla Jharkhand 52.35 527 Gopalganj Bihar 48.19 488 Siwan Bihar 52.01 528 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 48.18 489 Saran Bihar 52.01 529 Muzaffarpur Bihar 48.15 490 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 51.98 530 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 47.99 491 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 51.82 531 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 47.72 492 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 51.71 532 Nawada Bihar 47.36 493 Vaishali Bihar 51.63 533 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 47.35' 494 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 51.40 534 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 46.92 495 Tuensang Nagaland 51.30 535 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 46.61 496 Banas Kantha Gujarat 51.26 536 Jalor Rajasthan 46.51 497 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 51.26 537 Kalahandi Orissa 46.20' 498 Bhilwara Rajasthan 51,09 538 Samastipur Bihar 45.76~ 499 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 51.07 539 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 45.74 500 Gaya Bihar 51.07 540 Palamu Jharkhand 45.67 501 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 51.03 541 Dohad Gujarat 45.65· 502 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 50.89 542 Mahbubnagar Andhfa Pradesh 45.53 503 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 50.87 543 B13star Chhatisgarh 45.48"" 504 Maldah West Bengal 50.71 544 Giridih Jharkhand 45.16 505 Pashchimi Jharkhand 50.70 545 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 45.01 Singhbhum 506 Gulbarga Karnataka 50.65 546 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 44.57 507 Deoghar Jharkhand 50.53 547 Darbhanga Bihar 44.32 508 Senapati Manipur 50.47 548 Banswara Rajasthan 44.22 509 Bhagalpur Bihar 50.28 549 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 44.10. 510 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 50.21 550 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 43.97 511 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 49.96 551 Godda Jharkhand 43.73' 512 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 49.93 552 Banka Bihar 43.40 513 Dhubri Assam 49.86 553 Chatra Jharkhand 43.35 514 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 49.80 554 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 42.99 515 Raichur Karnataka 49.54 555 Jamui Bihar 42.74 516 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 49.39 556 Madhubani Bihar 42.35 517 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 49.12 557 Nuapada Orissa 42.29: 518 Sheikhpura Bihar 49.01 558 Man Nagaland 42.254 519 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 48.79 559 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 42.01 520 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 48)1 560 Gajapati Orissa 41'.73. 226 PHS .pw;S,wab: , AM A", Table-10 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of persons: 2001 51. District Statel Literacy 'Si. District Statei Literacy No. Union territory Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

-561 Khagaria Bihar 41.56 578 Koraput Orissa 36.20 562 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 41.35 579 Madhepura Bihar 36.19 563 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 41.14 580 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 35.79 564 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 40.89 581 Rayagada Orissa 35.61

565 Ku~wara Jammu & Kashmir 40.80 582 Purnia Bihar 35.51 566 Pashchim Bihar 39.63 583 Katihar Bihar 35.29 Champaran 567 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 39.54 584 Araria Bihar 34.94 568 Garhwa Jharkhand 39.39 585 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 34.71 569 5itamarhi Bihar 39.38 586 Nabarangapur Orissa 34.26 570 5aharl>a Bihar 39.28 587 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 34.25 571 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 38.95 588 Malkangiri Orissa 31.26 572 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 38.83 589 Kishanganj Bihar 31.02 573 Purba Champaran Bihar 38.14 590 Pakaur Jharkhand 30.54 574 Sahibganj Jharkhand 37.91 591 Oante\flada Chhatisgarh 30.01 575 Supaul Bihar 37.80 592 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh NA 576 Sheohar Bihar 37.01 593 Kachchh Gujarat NA 577 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 36.87 Notes: The data are. not available for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wa\lkaner talukas of Rajot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat state and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities.

227 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of males: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Mahe Pondicherry* 97.59 41 Akola Maharashtra 89.22 2 Kottayam Kerala 97.41 42 Daman Daman & Diu" 89.12 3 Serchhip Mizoram 97.24 43 Bhandara Maharashtra 89.11 4 Aizawl Mizoram 97.20 44 Imphal West Manipur 89.10 5 Pathanamthitta Kerala 96.62 45 Rewari Haryana 89.04 6 Alappuzha Kerala 96.42 46 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 88.96 7 Kannur Kerala 96.38 47" South Delhi 88.73 8 Kozhikode Kerala 96.30 48 Puri Orissa 88.73 9 Ernakulam Kerala 95.95 49 Pondicherry Pondicher.ry" 88.72 10 Thrissur Kerala 95.47 50 New Delhi Delhi 88.70 11 Kollam Kerala 94.63 51 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 88.66 12 Champhai Mizoram ·94.00 52 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 88.56 13 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep" 93.15 53 Pune Maharashtra 88.55 14 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 92.68 54 Una Himachal Pradesh 88.49 15 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 92.65 55 Satara Maharashtra 88.45 16 Idukki Kerala 92.11 56 Khordha Orissa 88.38 17 Kolasib Mizoram 91.50 57 Bangalore Karnataka 88.36 18 Garhwal Uttaranchal 91.47 58 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 88.19 19 Malappuram Kerala 9 1 .46 59 Champawat Uttaranchaf 88.13 20 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 91.40 60 Gandhinagar Gujarat 87.92 21 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 90.88 61 Ahmadabad Gujarat 87.81 22 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 90.86 62 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 87.72 23 Kasaragod Kerala 90.84 63 Wardha Maharashtra 87.70 24 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 90.73 64 West Delhi 87.68 25 North Goa Goa 90.63 65 Kolhapur Maharashtra 87.67 26 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 905'l 66 Kendrapara Orissa 87.62 27 Wayanad Kerala 90.28 67 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 87.54 28 Nagpur Maharashtra 90.25 68 Nainital Uttaranchal 87.39 29 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 90.21 69 Lunglei M;zoram 87.36 30 Almora Uttaranchal 90.15 70 Madurai Tamil Nadu 87.24 31 Mumbai Maharashtra .89.95 71 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 87.19 32 East Deihi 89.91 72 Buldana Maharashtra 87.17 33 Cha.moli Uttaranchal 89.89 73 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 87.13 34 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 89.74 74 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar 87.10 Islands· 35 Palakkad Kerata 89.73 75 Hoshiarrwr Punjab 86.97 36 Karaikal Pondicherry* 89.69 76 North West Delhi 86.89 37 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 89.63 77 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 86.79 38 Gondiya Maharashtra 89.54 78 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 86.78 39 South West Delhi 89.53 79 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 86.67 40 Amravatl Maharashtra 89.28 80 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 86.61 228 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of males: 2001 SI. District State! Literacy SI. District State! Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

81 Durg Chhatisgarh 86.59 121 Chennai Tamil Nadu 84.71 82 Udupi Karnataka 86.59 122 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 84.62 83 Kheda Gujarat 86.58 123 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 84.56 84 South Goa Goa 86.58 124 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 84.55 85 Jalgaon Maharashtra 86.53 125 North Delhi 84.53 86 Mahesana Gujarat 86.52 126 Uttarkashi UUaranchal 84.52 87 Imphal East Manipur 86.44 127 North East Delhi 84.52 88 Raigarh Maharashtra 86.40 128 UUara Kannada Karnataka 84.48 89 Anand Gujarat 86.31 129 Yavatmal Maharashtra 84.47 90 Saiha Mizoram 86.28 130 Rupnagar Punjab 84.43 91 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 86.28 131 North Twenty Four West Bengal 84.35 Parganas 92 Kota Rajasthan 86.25 132 Rohtak Haryana 84.29. 93 Sangli Maharashtra 86.25 133 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 84.11 94 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 86.21 134 Kolkata West Bengal 84.07 95 Mokokchung Nagaland 86.14 135 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 84.06 96 Thane Maharashtra 86.06 136 Mamit Mizoram 84.04 97 Washim Maharashtra 86.01 137 Sonipat Haryana 83.95 98 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 85.89 138 CQimbatore Tamil Nadu 83.82 99 Dehradun Uttaranchal 85.87 139 Kodagu Karnataka 83.80 100 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 85.77 140 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 83.70 101 Wokha Nagaland 85.69 141 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 83.70 102 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 85.65 142 Haora West Bengal 83.68 103 Diu Daman & Diu* 85.63 143 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 83.68 104 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 85.62 144 Nawanshahr Punjab 83.67 105 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 85.61 145 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 83.66 106 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 85.59 146 Rajkot Gujarat 83.66 107 Cuttack Orissa 85.46 147 Latur Maharashtra 83.63 108 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 85.45 148 Jaipur Rajasthan 83.58 109 Bhadrak Orissa 85.44 149 Bharuch Gujarat 83.43 110 Solan Himachal Pradesh 85.35 150 Jhajjar Haryana 83.26 111 Mahendragarh Haryana 85.31 151 Nayagarh Orissa 83.23 112 Medinipur West Bengal 85.25 152 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 83.22 113 Sikar Rajasthan 85.20 153 Chandrapur Maharashtra 83.19 114 Nashik Maharashtra 85.19 154 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 83.10 115 Aurangabad Maharashtra 85.07 155 Hugli West Bengal -83.05 116 West Tripura Tripura 85.02 156 Jharsuguda Orissa 83.04 117 Churachandpur Manipur 84.98 157 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 83.04 118 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 84.92 158 Kanker Chhatisgarh 83.03 119 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 84.82 159 Ambala . Haryana 83.01 120 Indore Madhya Pradesh 84.71 160 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 82.96 229 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order .of literacy rate'of males: 2001 SL District Statel Literacy SL District Statel Literacy No, Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

161 Datia Madhya Pradesh 82.94 201 Nanded Maharashtra 81)4 162 Navsari Gujarat 82.93 202 Hingoli Maharashtra 81.11 163 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 82.76 203 'Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 81.04 164 Jorhat Assam 82.7E 204 Dharwad Karnataka 81.04 165 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 82.76 205 Morena Madhya Prade~h 80.97 166 Panch kula Haryana 82.74 206 Karauli Rajasthan 80.93 167 Jajapur Orissa 82.65 207 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 80.83 168 Vellore Tamil Nadu 82.67 208 Bid Maharashtra 80.69 169 Gautam Buddha Uttar Pr~desh 82.5E 209 Chikmagalur Karnataka 80.68 .. 170 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 82.5E 210 Balaghat ,Madhya Pradesh 80.67 171 Central pell,i 82.55 211 Vadodara Gujarat 80.65 172 Theni Tamil Nadu 82.5C 212 Parbhani Maharashtra 80.58 173 Faridabad Haryana 82.49 213 Thoubal M~nipur 80.50 174 Raipur Chhat~garh 82.41 214 Gurdaspur Punjab 80.44 175 Jalandhar Punjab 82.37 215 Kapur Tamil Nadu 80.42 176 Shimoga Karnataka 82.32 216 Dausa Rajasthan 80.37 177 Solapur Maharashtra 82.28 217 Sonapur Orissa 80.30 178 Bishnupur Manipur 82:25 218 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 80.29 179 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 82.21 219 Ludhiana Punjab 80.19 180 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 82.18 220 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 80.14 181 Dimapur Nagaland 82.16 221 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 80:11 182 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 82.08 222 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 80.10 183 Sibsagar Assam 82.08 223 North Tripura Tripura £0.09' 184 East Sikkim 82.05 224 Purbi Singhbhum . Jharkhand 80,06 185 Osmanabad Maharashtra 82.03 225. Dhanbad Jharkhand 80.0~ 186 Anugul Orissa 82.02 226 Ajmer Rajasthan 19.96 187 Dhule Maharashtra 81.90 227 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 79.96 188 Surat Gujarat 81.85 228 South Twenty Fou( West Bengal 79.89 Parganas 189 Baleshwar Orissa 81.75 229. Katni Madhya Pradesh 79.88 190 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 81.58 230 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 79.73 191 Kohima Nagaland 81.44 231 Dibrugarh Assam 79.58 192 Bharatpur Rajasthan 81.39 232 Gadag Karnataka 79.55 193 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesl:l 81.36 233 Churu Rajasthan 79.5~ 194 Dhenkanal Orissa 81.31 234 South Tripura Tripura 79.52 195 Darjiling West Bengal 81.28 235 Junagadh Gujarat 79.37 196 Kamrup Assam 81.24 236 Agra Uttar Pradesh 79.32 197 Bhiwani Haryana 81.19 237 Barddhaman West Bengal 79.30 198 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 81.19 238 Yamunanagar Haryana 79.2& 199 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 8U8 239 Jalna Maharashtra 79.17 200 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 81.15 240· Panipat Haryana 79.16 230 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order of li~eracy rate of males: 2001 SI. District State! Literacy SI. District State! Literacy No. Union territory· Rate No Union territory· Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

241 J~laun Uttar Pradesh 79.14 281 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 77.41 242 Yanam Pondicherry* 79.11 282 North Sikkim 77.32 243 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 79.00 283 Betul Madhya Pradesh 77.31 244' Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 78.98 284 Korba Chhatisgarh 77.27 245 Mau Uttar Pradesh 78.97 285 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 77.22 246 Phek Nagaland 78.97 286 Bankura West Bengal 77.21 247 Alwar Rajasthan 78.91 287' Hathras Uttar Pradesh 77.17 248 Porbandar Gujarat 78.88 288 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 77.16 249 Sambalpur Orissa 78.87 289 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 77.13 250 Fatebgarh Sahib Punjab 78.85 290 Nalbari Assam 77.12 251 Bhavnagar Gujarat 78.83 291 Gurgaon Haryana 77.11 252 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 78.75 292 Bokaro Jharkhand 76.99 253 Kapurthala Punjab 78.66 293 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 76.98 254 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 78.60 294 Jamnagar Gujarat 76.95 255 Harda Madhya Pradesh 78.45 295 Tumkur Karnataka 76.88 256 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 78.43 296 Baran Rajasthan 76.86 257 Ganjam Orissa 78.39 297 Baudh Orissa 76.86 258 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 78.29 298 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 76.84 259 Hassan Karnataka 78.29 299 Koch Bihar West Bengal 76.83 260 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 78.27 300 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 76.75 261 Lakhimpur Assam 78.26 301 Kamal Haryana 76.74 262 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar 78.26 302 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 76.70 Islands* 263 Kurukshetra Haryana 78.23 303 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 76.70 264 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 78.14 304 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 76.70 265 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 78.12 305 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 76.63· 266 Valsad Gujarat 78.10 306 Panch Mahals Gujarat 76.62 267 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 78.02 307 North Cachar Hills Assam 76.59 268 Golaghat Assam 78.01 308 Rohtas Bihar 76.54 269 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 77.99 309 Cachar Assam 76.51 270 Haveri Karnataka 77.94 310 Davanagere Karnataka 76.44 271 Bargarh Orissa 77.93 311 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 76.31 :f.72 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 77.92 312 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 76.31 273 Satna Madhya Pradesh 77.82 313 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 76.20 274 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 77.81 314 Patiala Punjab 76.13 275 Ranchi Jharkhand 77.76 315 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 76.07 276 Amreli Gujarat 77.68 316 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 76.02 277 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 77.68 317 Koriya Chhatisgarh 76.01 278 Hisar Haryana 77.62 318 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 75.97 279 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 77.60 319 Belgaum Karnataka 75.89 280 Seani Madhya Pradesh 77.50 320 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 75.85 231 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order_of literacy rate of males: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No U~ion territory* Rate 2 3 4 2 3 4

321 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 75.73 361 Barmer Rajasthan 73.64 322 Sundargarh Orissa 75.69 362 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 73.64 323 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 75.55 363 Kargil. Jammu & Kashmir 73.58 324 ChanQauli Uttar Pradesh 75.55 364 Amritsar Punjab 73.58 325 Ganganagar Rajasthan 75.49 365- Zunheboto Nagaland 73.43 326 Erode Tamil Nadu 75.49 366 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 73.38 327 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 75.45 367-- Dadra & N!3gar Dadra & Nagar 73.32 Haveli HaveW 328 Ukhrul Manipur 75.40 368 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 73.30 329 Nagaur Rajasthan 75.33 369 Bidar Karnataka 73.29 330 Surendranagar Gujarat 75.33 -370 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 73.22 331 Salem Tamil Nadu 75.25 371 Ballia Uttar' Pradesh 73.15 332 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 75.23 372 Kolar Karnataka 73.14 333 Dhemaji Assam 75.15 373 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 73.11 334 Hardwar UUaranchal 75.06 374 Fatehpur UUar Pradesh 73.07 335 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 75.05 375 Pali Rajasthan 73.06 336 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 75.02 376 Narmada Gujarat 72.88 337 Bhojpur Bihar 74.78 ~77 Buxar Bihar 72.82 338 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 74.78 378 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 72.76 339 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 74.71 379 Nadia West Bengal 72.67 340 Guna Madhya Pradesh 74.70 380 Kendujhar Orissa 72.53 341 Jind Haryana 74.69 381 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 72.40 342 Chitradurga Karnataka 74.69 382 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 72.26 343 Pratapgarh' Uttar Pradesh 74.61 383 Bundi Rajasthan 72.17 344 South Sikkim 74.57 384 Tinsukia Assam 72.16 345 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 74.57 385 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 72.16 346 Udaipur Rajasthan 74.47 386 Aurangabad Bihar 71.9~ 347 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 74.45 387 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu- & Kashmir 71.98 348 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 74.43 388 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 71.93 349 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 74:38 389 Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 71.85 350 Jhalawar Rajasthan 74.29 390 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 71.82 351 Puruliya West Bengal 74.18 391 Birbhum West Bengal 71.57 352 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 74.11 392 Kodarma Jharkhand 71.57 353 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 74.09 393 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 71.35 354 Patan Gujarat 74.07 394 The Dangs Gujarat 71.35 355 R~jsamand Rajasthan 74.05 395 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 71.32 356 Panna Madhya Pradesh 74.02 396 Bagalkot Karnataka 71.31 357 Karimganj Assam 73.87 397 Mysore Karnataka 71.30 358' Jodhpur R~jasthan 73.86 398 Tonk Rajasthan 71.25 359 Patna Bihar 73.81 399 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 71.02 360 Debagarh Orissa 73.79 400 Sirsa Haryana 70.93 232 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of males: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

401 Jehanabad Bihar 70.90 441 Hailakandi Assam 68.47 402 Dhalai Tripura 70.90 442 Moga Punjab 68.40 403 Bikaner Rajasthan 70.78 443 Bathinda Punjab 68.31 404 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 70.73 444 Surguja Chhatisgarh 68.19 405 Mandya Karnataka 70.71 445 Basti Uttar Pradesh 68.16 406 Munger Bihar 70.68 446 Bhilwara Rajasthan 68.12 407 Sirohi Rajasthan 70.58 447 Karbi Anglong Assam 68.11 408 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 70.57 448 Bijapur Karnataka 68.10 409 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 70.51 449 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 68.03 410 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 70.50 450 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 68.02 411 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 70.41 451 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 67.90 412 Balangir Orissa 70.36 452 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 67.86 413 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 70.19 453 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 67.85 414 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 70.18 454 Lohardaga Jharkhand 67.84 415 WarangaJ Andhra Pradesh 70.01 455 Saran Bihar 67.81 416 Kandhamal Orissa 69.98 456 Siwan Bihar 67.67 417 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 69.97 457 Sonitpur Assam 67.64 418 Banda Uttar Pradesh 69.89 4'58 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 67.62 419 Kaithal Haryana 69.81 459 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 67.39 420 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 69.78 460 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 67.36 421 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 69.72 461 West Sikkim 67.21 422 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 69.64 462 Tamenglong Manipur 67.04 423 Bellary Karnataka 69.59 463 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 67.04 424 Firozpur Punjab 69.55 464 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 67.02 425 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 69.55 465 Nalanda Bihar 66.94 426 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 69.53 466 Deoghar Jharkhand 66.93 427 Ri Bhoi Meghalaya 69.22 467 Banas Kantha Gujarat 66.91 428 Koppal Karnataka 69.15 468 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 66.89 429 Etah Uttar Pradesh 69.13 469 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 66.83 430 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 69.03 470 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 66.72 431 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 69.02 471 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 66.43 432 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 68.99 472 Mayurbhanj Orissa 66.38 433 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 68.94 473 Nandurbar Maharashtra 66.32 434 Faridkot Punjab 68.92 474 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 66.27 435 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 68.84 475 Pashchimi Jharkhand 66.23 436 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 68.83 476 Dungarpur Rajasthan 66.19 437 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 68.82 477 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 66.18 438 Bongaigaon Assam 68.81 478 Marigaon Assam 66.13 439 Fatehabad Haryana 68.71 479 Chandel Manipur 66.12 440 Nagaon Assam 68.52 480 Sangrur Punjab 65.97 233 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of males: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory· Rate No Union territory· Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

481 Barpeta Assam 65.95 521 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 60.53 482 Muktsar Punjab 65.94 522 Banswara Rajasthan 60.24 483 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 65.68 523 Muzaffarpur Bihar 60.19 484 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 65.56 524 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 60.12 485 Medak Andhra Pradesh 65.52 525 Bhagalpur Bihar 60.11 486 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 65.50 526 Palamu Jharkhand 59.76 487 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 65.41 527 Begusarai Bihar 59.71 488 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 65.40 528 Dohad Gujarat 59.45 489 Goalpara Assam 65.36 529 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 59.27 490 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 65.35 530 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 59.25 491 Lawngtlai Mizoram 65.13 531 Maldah West Bengal 59.24 492 Jalor Rajasthan 65.10 532 Mansa Punjab 59.12 493 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 65.08 533 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 59.12

494 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 64.4~ 534 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 58.87 495 Darrang Assam 64.32 535 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 58.81 496 Gumla Jharkhand 64.14 536 Nuapada Orissa 58.78 497 Vaishali Bihar 64.00 537 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 58.68 498 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 63.82 538 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 58.64 499 Gopalganj Bihar 63.81 539 Godda Jharkhand 58.07 500 Gaya Bihar 63.81 540 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 57.87 50{ Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 63.79 541 Samastipur Bihar 57.83 502 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 63.56 542 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 57.511 503 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 63.49 543 Madhubani Bihar 57.2£1 504 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 63.49 544 Darbhal)ga Bihar 57.18 505 Dumka Jharkhand 63.28 545 Jamui Bihar 57.1J 506 Giridih Jharkhand 63.07 546 Bastar Chhatisgarh 57.0Q; 507 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 63.00 547 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 56.93 508 Kalahandi Orissa 62.88 548 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 56.66' 509. Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 62.83 549 Dhubri Assam 56.6i 510 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 62.60 550 Baramula Jammu &. Kashmir 56.3~ 511 Sheikhpura Bihar 62.56 551 Senapati Manipur 56.39 512 Gulbarga Karnataka 62.52 552 Banka Bihar 56.2ff 513 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 62.19 553 Tuensang Nagaland 55.9~ 514 Raichur Karnataka 62.02 554 Chatra Jharkhand 55.61 515 Kokrajhar Assam 61.90 555 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 55.56 516 Murshidabad West Bengal 61.40 556 Gajapati Orissa 55.14 517 Nawada Bihar 61.22 557 Garhwa Jharkhand 54.Sa 518 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 61.03 558 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 53.7~ 519 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 61.02 559 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 53.6& I ,520 Lakhisarai Bihar 60.97 560 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 53.5~ 234 Table-11 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate o.f males: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

561 Supaul Bihar 53.23 578 Nabarangapur Orissa 47.37 562 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 52.66 579 Rayagada Orissa 47.35 563 Saharsa Bihar 52.04 580 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 47.27 564 Khagaria Bihar 52.02 581 Mon Nagaland 46.70 565 Pashchim Bihar 51.91 582 Araria Bihar 46.50 - 566 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 51.23 583 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 46.32 567 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 51.09 584 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 46.28 568 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 51.05 585 Purnia Bihar 46.16 569 Sitamarhi Bihar 51.02 586 Sheohar Bihar 45.54 570 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 50.52 587 Katihar Bihar 45.51 571 Purba Champaran Bihar 50.14 588 Kishanganj Bihar 42.80 572 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 49.85 589 Malkangiri Orissa 41.21 573 Madhepura Bihar 48.87 590 Pakaur Jharkhand 40.19 574 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 48.62 591 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 39.59 575 Sahibganj Jharkhand 48.33 592 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh NA 576 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 48.20 593 Kachchh Gujarat NA 577 Koraput Orissa 47.58 Notes: The data are not available for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat state and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities.

235 Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

1 Aizawl Mizoram -96.06 41 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 75.82 2 Serchhip Mizoram 95.02 42 Mamit Mizoram 75.66 3 Kottayam Kerala 94.45 43 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 75.64 4 Mahe Pondicherry* 94.23 44 Hoshiarpur Punjab 75.56 5 Pathanamthitta Kerala 93.71 45 Chennai Tamil Nadu 75.32 6 Alappuzha Kerala 91.14 46 Thane Maharashtra 75.00 7 Ernakulam Kerala 90.96 47 Karaikal Pondicherry* 74.99 8 Thrissur Kerala 89.94 48 South Delhi 74.71 9 Champhai Mizoram 89.64 49 New Delhi Delhi 74.64 10 Kannur Kerala 89.57 50 North Delhi 74.20 11 Kolasib Mizoram 89.37 51 Udupi Karnataka -'4.02 12 Kozhikode Kerala 88.86 52 Una Himachal Pradesh 73.85 13 Kollam Kerala 88.60 53 Akola Maharashtra 73.82 14 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 86.26 54 Daman Daman & Diu* 73.73 15 Malappuram Kerala 85.96 55 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 73.67 16 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 85.38 56 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 73.57 17 Idukki Kerala 85.04 57 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 73.39 18 Mumbai Maharashtra 82.71 58 Dimapur Nagaland 73.34 19 Mokokchung Nagaland 82.20 59 North West Delhi 73.30 20 Lakshadw~ep Lakshadweep* 81.56 60 South Goa Goa 73.22 21 Wayanad Kerala 80.80 61 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 73.04 22 Lunglei Mizoram 80.74 62 Jalandhar Punjab 72.93 23 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 80.39 63 Wardha Maharashtra 72.80 24 Kasaragod Kerala 79.BO 64 Jorhat Assam 72.54 25 East Delhi 79.38 65 Kodagu Karnataka 72.53 26 Palakkad Kerala 79.31 66 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 72.50 27 8angalore Karnataka 78.98 67 Pune Maharashtra 72.32 28 Saiha Mizoram 78.39 68 Imphal West Manipur 72.24 29 Kolkata West Bengal 77.95 69 North Twenty Four West Bengal 72.13 Parganas 30 West Delhi 77.B7 70 Ludhiana Punjab 72.11 31 Nagpur Maharashtra 77.65 71 Rupnagar Punjab 71.74 32 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 77.39 72 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 71.67 33 North Goa Goa 77.29 73 Dehradun Uttaranchal 71.22 34 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 76.65 74 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 71.19 35 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar 76.61 75 Ahmadabad Gujarat 71.12 lslands* 36 Wokha Nagaland 76.46 76 Khordha Orissa 71.06 37 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 76.41 77 Nainital Uttaranchal 70.9B 38 Amravati Maharashtra 76.21 78 Haora West Bengal 70.93 39 South West Delhi 76.00 79 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 70.68 40 Central Delhi 75.90 80 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 70.53 236 t:==_ Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 SI. District State! Literacy SI. District State! Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 2 3 4 2 3 4

81 West Tripura Tripura 70.24 121 Kohima Nagaland 66.64 82 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 70.21 122 Kolhapur Maharashtra 66.38 83 North East Delhi 69.97 123 Imphal East Manipur 66.30 84 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 69.94 124 Cuttack Orissa 66.19 85 Madurai Tamil Nadu 69.93 125 Garhwal Uttaranchal 66.14 86 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 69.80 126 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 65.98 87 Nawanshahr Punjab 69.52 127 Zunheboto Nagaland 65.80 88 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 69.45 128 North Tnpura Tripura 65.73 89 Yanam Pondicherry* 69.07 129 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar 65.50 Islands· 90 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 69.02 130 Bharuch Gujarat 65.42 91 Panchkula Haryana 68.98 131 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 65.36 92 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 68.75 132 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 65.05 93 Navsari Gujarat 68.74 133 Jalgaon Maharashtra 64.95 94 Satara Maharashtra 68.71 134 Durg Chhatisgarh 64.91 95 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 68.60 135 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 64.88 96 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 68.50 136 Gandhinagar Gujarat 64.85 97 Ambala Haryana 68.48 137 Medinipur West Bengal 64.63 98 Uttara Kannada Karnataka 68.48 138 Buldana Maharashtra 64.55 99 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 68.36 139 Chikmagalur Karnataka 64.47 100 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 6835 140 Churachandpur Manipur 64.40 101 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 68.23 141 West Khasl Hills Meghalaya 6421 102 Bhandara Maharashtra 68.11 142 Diu Daman & Diu· 64.16 103 Raigarh Maharashtra 6806 143 Nashik Maharashtra 64.16 104 Sibs agar Assam 68.00 144 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 64.09 105 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 67.92 145 Yamunanagar Haryana 64.08 106 Kapurthala Punjab 67.90 146 Indore Madhya Pradesh 63.96 107 GQndlya Maharashtra 67.89 147 Mahesana Gujarat 63.96 108 Puri Orissa 67.80 148 Darjiling West Bengal 63.92 109 East Sikkim 6774 149 Kanker Chhatisgarh 6369 110 Hugli West Bengal 67.72 150 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 63.66 111 Rajkot Gujarat 67.64 151 Bhadrak Orissa 63.62 112 Solan Himachal Pradesh 6748 152 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 63.55 113 Gurdaspur Punjab 67.31 153 Veil ore Tamil Nadu 63.53 114 Kamrup Assam 67.31 154 Rohtak Haryana 63.19 115 Kendrapara Orissa 6729 155 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 63.14 116 Shimoga Kamataka 67.24 156 Phek Nagaland 6308 117 ThanjavlJr Tamil Nadu 66.95 157 Yavatmal Maharashtra 63.01 118 Sangli Maharashtra 66.88 158 Chamoli Uttaranchal 63.00 119 Surat Gujarat 66.71 159 Patlala Punjab 62.94 120 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 66.67 160 RI Bhoi Meghalaya 6267 T_.__ .,_=_ ,==-=e _____ ,.~ "2' . c-- _._..,;;I 237 Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 SI. District State/ Literacy SI. District State/ Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

161 Chandrapur Maharashtra 62.56 201 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 59.98 162 Anand Gujarat 62.53 202 Valsad Gujarat 59.92 163 Datia Madhya Pradesh 62.48 203 Jhajjar Haryana 59.88 164 Dharwad Karnataka 62.2C 204 eachar Assam 59.85 165 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 62.12 205 South Twenty Four West Bengal 59.73 Parganas 166 Dibrugarh Assam 62.1C 206 Baleshwar Orissa 59.57 167 Golaghat Assam 62.07 207 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 59.47 168 Barddhaman West Bengal 61.93 208 North Cachar Hills Assam 59.40 169 Ukhrul Manipur 61.91 209 Hassan 1

241 Junagadh Gujarat 56.92 281 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 54.12 242 Jamnagar Gujarat 56.90 282 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 54.09 243 Faridabad Haryana 56.80 283 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 54.06 244 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 56.76 284 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 54.04 245 Sikar Rajasthan 56.70 285 Kathua Jammu & Kashmir 53.92 246 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 56.48 286 Churu Rajasthan 53.87 247 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 56.31 287 Bathinda Punjab 53.76 248 Jaipur Rajasthan 56.18 288 Bhiwani Haryana 53.50 249 Dhemaji Assam 56.11 289 Tinsukia Assam 53.40 250 Betul Madhya Pradesh 56.05 290 Sangrur Punjab 53.29 251 Anugul Orissa 56.01 291 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 53.24 252 Mysore Karnataka 55,81 292 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 53.16 253 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 55,74 293 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 53.02 254 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 55.73 294 Parbhani Maharashtra 52.98 255 Salem Tamil Nadu 55,61 295 Dhanbad Jharkhand 52.93 256 Nagaon Assam 55.57 296 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 52.90 257 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 55,54 297 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 52.87 258 Bid Maharashtra 55.38 298 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 52.85 259 Thoubal Manipur 55.34 299 Kolar Karnataka 52.81 260 Raipur Chhatisgarh 55,30 300 Ranchi Jharkhand 52.77 261 Erode Tamil Nadu 55,26 301 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 52.71 262 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 55,12 302 Ganganagar Rajasthan 52.69 263 Nanded Maharashtra 55.12 303 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 52.67 264 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 55.12 304 Hardwar Ultaranchal 52.60 265 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 54.87 305 Gadag Karnataka 52.58 266 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 54.82 306 Belgaum Karnataka 52.53 267 Sambalpur Orissa 5479 307 Sonitpur Assam 52.43 268 Champawat Utlaranchal 54.75 308 Marigaon Assam 52.36 269 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 54.66 309 Firozpur Punjab 52.33 270 Chitradurga Karnataka 54.62 310 Birbhum West Bengal 52.21 271 Mahendragarh Haryana 54.61 311 Patna Bihar 52.17 272 Gautam Buddha Uttar Pradesh 54,56 312 Hisar Haryana 52.09 273 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 54,50 313 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 52.03 274 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 54.49 314 Hingoli Maharashtra 51.96 275 Bhavnagar Gujarat 54.46 315 Mandya Karnataka 51.62 276 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 54.26 316 Dhalai Tripura 51.57 277 Sundargarh Orissa 54.25 317 Saharanpur Uttar PradeSh 51.42 278 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 54.17 318 Goalpara Assam 51.40 279 Udhamsingh Nagar Utlaranchal 54.16 319 Satna Madhya Pradesh 51.40 280 Harda Madhya Pradesh 54.14 320 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 51.28 239 Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 SI. District State! Literacy SI. District State! Literacy No. Union territory· Rate No Union territory· Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

321 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 51.21 361 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 48.46 322 Bongaigaon Assam 51.16 362 Murshidabad West Bengal 48.33 323 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 50.89 363 Gurgaon Haryana 48.29 324 Mau Uttar Pradesh 50.86 364 Barpeta Assam 48.16 325 Cuddapah Aodhra Pradesh 50.76 365 Khammam Anqhra Pradesh 48.16 326 West Sikkim 50.75 366 Agra Uttar Pradesh 48.15 327 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 50.66 367 Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 48.11 328 Hailakandi Assam 50.65 368 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 48.08 329 Gadchirolj Maharashtra 50.64 369 .Munger Bihar 47.97 330 Muktsar Punjab 50.59 370 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 47.95 331 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 50.41 371 Panna Madhya Pradesh 47.84 332 Bagt)pat Uttar Pradesh 50.38 372 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 47.83 333 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 50.35 373 Ganjam Orissa 47.70 334 Sirsa Haryana 50.31 374 Kaithal Haryana 47.60 335 Koriya Chhatisgarh 50.08 375 Debagarh Orissa 47.56 336 Leh (Ladakh) Jammu & Kashmir 50.03 376 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 47.51 337 Bargarh Orissa 50.03 377 UUarkashi UUaranchal 47.48 338 Bidar Karnataka 50.01 378 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 47.45 339 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 49.99 379 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 47.28 340 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 49.99 380 Sonapur Orissa 47.28 341 Bankura West Bengal 49.80 381 Bokaro Jharkhand 47.17 342 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 49.76 382 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 47.16 343 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 49.70 383 Narmada Gujarat 47.16 344 Jalna Maharashtra 49.25 384 Darrang Assam 46.95 345 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 49.12 385 Morena Madhya Pradesh 46.81 346 Tamenglong Manipur 49.11 386 Kendujhar Orissa 46.71 347 Ajmer Rajasthan 49.10 387 Lawngtlai Mizoram 46.68 348 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 49.10 388 Rohtas Bihar 46.62 349 The Oangs Gujarat 48.99 389 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 46.61 350 Jind Haryana 48.97 390 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 46.54 351 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 48..96 391 Fatehabad Haryana 46.40 352 Surendranagar Gujarat 48.72 392 Patan Gujarat 46.36 353 Karbi Anglong Assam 48.65 393 Bijapur Karnataka 46.19 354 Korba Chhatisgarh 48.65 394 Bellary Karnataka 46.16 355 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 48.63 395 Tuensang Nagaland 46.12 356 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 48.61 396 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 45.98 357 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 48.59 397 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 45.60 358 Chandel Manipur 48.57 398 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 45.57 359 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 48.56 399 Nandurbar Maharashtra 45.55 360 Katni Madhya Pradesh 48.48 400 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 45.45 240 Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory* Rate 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

401 Karauli Rajasthan 45.44 441 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 42.44 402 Panch Mahals Gujarat 45.43 442 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 42.40 403 Shahdol Madhya 'Pradesh 45.40 443 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 42.36 404 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 45.39 444 Baran Rajasthan 42.18 405 Mansa Punjab 45.07 445 Surguja Chhatisgarh 42.17 406 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 45.07 446 Aurangabad Bihar 42.04 407 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 44.90 447 Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 41.81 408 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 44.62 448 Maldah West Bengal 41.67 409 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 44.59 449 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 41.54 410 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 44.51 450 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 41.38 411 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 44.48 451 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 41.07 412 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 44.39 452 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 40.98 413 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 44.19 453 Kargil Jammu & Kashmir 40.96 414 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 44.19 454 Koppal Karnataka 40.76 415 Rajauri Jammu & Kashmir 44.14 455 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 40.73 416 Bharatpur Rajasthan 44.12 456 Medak Andhra Pradesh 40.68 417 Bagalkot Karnataka 44.10 457 Etah Uttar Pradesh 40.65 418 Senapati Manipur 44.04 458 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 40.65 419 Alwar Rajasthan 43.95 459 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 40.57 420 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 43.92 460 Gumla Jharkhand 40.56 421 Barmer Rajasthan 43.91 461 Nagaur Rajasthan 40.45 42.2 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 43.88 462 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 40.44 423 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 43.87 463 Jhalawar Rajasthan 40.39 424 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 43.77 464 Buxar Bihar 40.36 425 Udaipur Rajasthan 43.71 465 Jehanabad Bihar 40.08 426 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 43.56 466 Udhampur Jammu & Kashmir 39.89 427 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 43.53 467 Mirzapur . Uttar Pradesh 39.89 428 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 43.35 468 Lohardaga Jharkhand 39.88 429 Dausa Rajasthan 43.15 469 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 39.85 430 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 43.15 470 Baudh Orissa 39.78 431 Guna Madhya Pradesh 43.06 471 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 39.60 432 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 43.02 472 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 39.57 433 Dadra & Nagar Dadra & Nagar 42.99 473 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 39.38 Haveli Haveli* 434 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 42.82 474 Balangir Orissa 39.27 435 Bhojpur Bihar 42.81 475 Jodhpur Rajasthan 39.18 436 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 42.74 476 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 39.09 437 Kokrajhar Assam 42.65 477 Nalanda Bihar 39.03 438 Dhubri Assam 42.64 478 Basti Uttar Pradesh 39.00 439 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 42.63 479 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 38.90 440 Bikaner Rajasthan 42.55 480 Bhagalpur Bihar 38.83 241 Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 81. District 8tatel Literacy 81. District 8tatel Literacy No. Union territory· Rate No Union territory Rate 2 3 4 2 3 4

481 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 38.72 521 Lakhisarai Bihar 34.26

482 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 38.62 522 Sheikhpura Bihar 3"4.13 483 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 38.48 523 Kodarma Jharkhand 34.03 484 Gulbarga Karnataka 38.40 524 Bastar Chhatisgarh 33.97 485 Mayurbhanj Orissa 38.28 525 Bhilwara Rajasthan 33.47

486 V~ishali Bihar 38.14 526 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 33.32 487 Rajsamand Rajasthan 37.89 527 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 33.25 488 Bundi Rajasthan 37.76 528 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 32.83 489 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 37.62 529 Gopalganj Bihar 32.81 490 Gaya Bihar 37.40 530 Samastipur 'Bih.ar 32.69 491 Sirohi Rajasthan. 37.37 531 Dumka Jharkhand 32.68 492 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 37.37 532 Nawada Bihar 32.64 493 Siwar'l Bihar 37.26 533 Deoghar Jharkhand 32.33 494 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 37.16 534 Tonk Rajasthan 32.30 495 Puruliya West Bengal 37.15 535 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 32.25 496 Mon Nagaland 37.12 536 Dohad Gujarat 31.70 497 Banda Uttar Pradesh 37.10 537 Anantanag Jammu & Kashmir 31.51 498 Raichur Karnataka 36.84 538 Baramula Jammu & Kashmir 31.42 499 Pali Rajasthan 36.70 539 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 31.35 500 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 36.45 540 Dungarpur Rajasthan 31.22 501 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 36.43 541 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 30.87 502 Begusarai Bihar 36.21 542 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 30.85 503 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 36.19 543 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 30.80 504 Kandhamal Orissa 36.19 544 Palamu Jharkhand 30.50 505 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 35.89 545 Chatra Jharkhand 30.50 506 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 35.84 546 Darbhanga Bihar 30.35 507 Saran Bihar 35.74 547 Khagaria Bihar 29.62 508 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 35.64 548 Kalahandi Orissa 29.56 509 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 35.45 549 Banka Bihar 29.10 510 $awai Madhopur Rajasthan 35.44 550 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 29.00 511 Punch Jammu & Kashmir 35.30 551 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 28.99 512 Muzaffarpur Bihar 35.20 552 Gajapati Orissa 28.91 513 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 35.13 553 East Kameng Arunathal Pradesh 28.86 514 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 35.08 554 Maharajganj Utta'r Pradesh 28.64 515 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 35.07 555 Doda Jammu & Kashmir 28.35 516 Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 34.93 556 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 28.35 517 Pashchimi Jharkhand 34.81 557 Godda Jharkhand 27.98 518 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 34.68 558 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 27.87 519 Banas Kantha Gujarat 34.54 559 Banswara Rajasthan 27.86 520 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 34.26 560 Jalor Rajasthan 27.53 242 Table-12 Districts arranged by descending order of literacy rate of females: 2001 SI. District Statel Literacy SI. District Statel Literacy No. Union territory* Rate No Union territory'- Rate 2 3 4 .1 2 3 4

561 Sheohar Bihar 27.43 578 Katihar Bihar 24.03 562 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 27.29 579 Purnia Bihar 23.72 563 Giridih Jharkhand 27.05 580 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 23.27 564 Jamui Bihar 26.92 581 Garhwa Jharkhand 22.91 565 Kupwara Jammu & Kashmir 26.83 582 Madhepura Bihar 22.31 566 Sahibganj Jharkhand 26.78 583 Araria Bihar 22.14 567 Badgam Jammu & Kashmir 26.60 584 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 21.58 568 Madhubani Bihar 26.56 585 Malkangiri Orissa 21.28 569 Sitamarhi Bihar 26.35 586 Supaul Bihar 21.02 570 Nuapada Orissa 26.01 587 Nabarangapur Orissa 21.02 571 Pashchim Bihar 25.85 588 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 20.59 572 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 25.53 589 Pakaur Jharkhand 20.44 573 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 25.50 590 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 18.75 574 Saharsa Bihar 25.31 591 Kishanganj Bihar 18.49 575 Koraput Orissa 24.81 592 Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh NA'

576 purba Champaran Bihar 24.65 593 Kachchh Gujarat NA~ 577 Rayagada Orissa 24.31 Notes: The data are not available for entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat state and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities.

243 Table-13

Decadal difference in Jiteracy rate and male-female gap In literacy rate : 1~91-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 200 1 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 '2 3 4 5 6 7

INDIA 13.16 11.72 14.87 24.84 21.69 01 Jammu & Kashmir NA NA NA NA 23.93 01 Kupwara NA NA NA NA 26.72 02 Baramula NA NA NA NA 24.97 03 Srinagar NA NA NA NA 20.88 04 Badgam NA NA NA NA 24.63 05 Pulwama NA NA NA NA 23.94 06 Anantanag NA NA NA NA 24.05 07 Leh (Ladakh) NA NA NA NA 21.95 08 Kargil NA NA NA NA 32.62 09 Doda NA NA NA NA 35.21 10 Udhampur NA NA NA NA 26.54 11 Punch NA NA NA NA 30.11' 12 Raja uri NA NA NA NA 25.50 13 Jammu NA NA NA NA 16.17 14 Kathua NA NA NA NA 21.81 02 Himachal Pradesh 13.27 10.66 15.95 2;3.23 17.94 01 Chamba .c19.03 17.26 21.13 . 31.39 27.52 02 Kangra 10.11 8.07 12.18 18.73 14.62 03 Lahul & Spiti 16.35 10.98 22.89 33.73 21.82 04 Kullu 18.54 14.91 22.71 31.11 23.31 05 Mandi 13.12 10.02 16.24 27.53 '21.31 '06 Hamirpur 8.28 5.75 10.51 19.21 14.45 07 Una 10.18 7.34 12.84 20.14 14.64 08 Bilaspur 11.63 9.16 13.98 21.42 16.60 09 Solan 13.86 10.68 16.79 23.98 17.87 10 Sirmaur 19.23 16.53 22.48 24.75 1.8.80 11 Shimla 15.07 11.76 18.93 24.21 17.04 12 Kinnaur NA NA NA 30.00 NA 03 Punjab 11.44 9.97 13.14 15.25 12.08 01 Gurdaspur 12,36 10.89 13.98 16.22 13.13 02 Amritsar 9.77 8.51 11.31 14.97 12.17 03 Kapurthala 10.25 8.63 12.07 14.20 10.76 04 Jalandhar 9.00 7.27 10.89 13.06 9.44 05 Hoshiarpur 9.32 6.75 12.22 16.88 11.41 06 Nawanshahr 12.44 10.37 14.96 18.74 14.15 07 Rupnagar 10.34 7.93 13.21 17.97 12.69 08 Fatehgarh Sahib 10.76 9.33 12.36 13.28 10.25 09 Ludhiana 9.20 7.74 10.87 11.21 8.08 10 MOia 14.15 12.99 15.51 11.96 9.44 244 Table-i3 Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate : i991'~200i Code No. India and state! Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female . Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7

11 Firozpur 12.43 11.29 13.67 19.60 17.22~ 12 Muktsar 12.39 11.48 13.58 17.45 15.35; 13 Faridkot 13.46 11.87 15.31 15.27 11.83 14 Bathinda 15.10 14.39 15.80 15.96 14.55! 15 Mansa 15.27 14.31 16.53 16.27 14.05;' 16 Sangrur 14.05 12.75 15.62 15.55 12.68~ 17 Patiala 12.45 11.03 14.00 16.16 13.19(, 04' Chandigarh • 3.95 3.61 4.31 9.70 9.00' 01 Chandigarh 3.95 3.61 4.31 9.70 9.00; 05 Uttaranchal 14.53 11.22 18.63 31.16 23.75~ 01 UUarkashi 19.35 15.78 23.91 45.17 37.04' 02 Chamoli 15.83 9.04 23.34 41.19 26.89 03 Rudraprayag 16.76 10.37- 22.90 43.28 30.75~ 04 Tehri Garhwal 18.58 13.53 23.45 45.78 35.86; 05 Dehradun 9.46 7.92 11.96 18.69 14.65i 16.49 32.92 25.33' 06 Garhwal 12.46 8.90 , 07 Pithoragarh 15.10 10.26 20.73 37.90 27.43 08 Bageshwar 17.40 12,04 23.23 42.30 31.11 09 AI mora 14.70 9.37 20.11 39.46 28.72 10 Champawat 15.30 10.50 22.13 45.01 33.38: 11 Nainital 11.24 6.97 16.47 25.91 16.41 12 Udhamsingh Nagar 16.47 15.73 18.14 24.45 22.04 13 Hardwar 16.63 15.78 18.23 24.91 22.4t7 06 Haryana 12.74 10.15 15.84 28.63 22.94: 01 Panchkula 10.54 8.59 12.81 17.98 13.7~ 02 AmbaJa 9.63 7.56 11.70 18.67 14.53 03 Yamunanagar 11.60 9.47 13.92 19.65 15.20 04 KUfukshetra 11.60 9.31 14.20 22.36 ·17.4T 05 Kaithal 16.65 14.96 18.82 26.07 22.211 06 Kamal 13.70 11.38 16.50 23.44 18.32 07 Panipat 12.62 9.94 15.70 26.44 20.68, 08 Sonipat 11.65 '8.31 15.91 29.90 22.30 09 Jind 15.99 13.76 19.11 31.07 25.72 10 Fatehabad 15.12 14.00 16.63 24.94 22.31: 11 Sirsa 14.88 13.72 16.29 23.19 20.62· 12 Hisar 15.36' 12.61 18.68 31.60 25.53 13 Bhiwani 14.10 10.46 18.43 35.66 27.69 14 Rohtak 10.87 7.56 14.94 28.48 21.10 15 Jhajjar 9.12 5.17 13.76 31.97 23.38 16 Mahendrag~rh 12.56 '8.14 17.86 40.42 30.70 17 Rewari 10.82 6.73 14.91 35.97 27]9 245 Table-13 Decadafdifference in literacy rate and male-female.gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18 Gurgaon 11.03 9.24 13.35 32.93 28.82 19 Faridabad 11.02 e.34 14.68 .32.03 25.69 07 Delhi * 6.53 5.36 8.01 15.02 12.37 01 North West 8.57 7.30 10.24 16.53 13.59 02 North 4.01 3.70 4.51 11.14 10.33 03 North East 10.02 7.44 13.45 20.56 14.55 04 'East 7.60 5.77 9.86 14.62 10.53 05 New Delhi 1.95 2.37 1.45 13".14 14.06 06 Central 4.10 2.70 5.64 9.59 6.65 07 West 4.23 3.51 5.02 11.32 9.81 08 South West 5.23 3.58 7.34 17.29 13.53 09 South 6.88 5'.94 8.04 16.12 14.02 08 Rajasthan 22.48 21.41 23.90 ,34.55 32.12 01 Ganganagar .20.29 18.51 22.62 26.91 22.80 02 Hanumangarh 27.05 24.10 30.49 31.09 24.70 03 Bikaner 15.81 16.15 15.52 27.60 28.23 04 Churu :32.19 28.22 36.55 33.98 25.65 05 Jhunjhunun 26.01 18.29 34.56 42.78 26.51 06 Alwar 19.39 17.93 21.41 38.44 34.96 07 Bharatpur 21.28 19.28 24.52 42.51 37.27 08 Dhaulpur 25.68 25.40 .27.11 35.20 33.49 09 Karauli 29.86 28.14 32.43 39.78 35.49 10 Sawai Madhopur 20.30 21.60 19.37 39.08 41.31 11 Dausa 25.88 23.62 29.00' 42.60 37.22 12 Jaipur 20.25 16.81 24.34 34.93 27.40· 13 Sikar 28.70 - 21.07 36.82 44.25 28.50 14 Nagaur 26.46 25.98 27.~6 36.06 34.88 15 Jodhpur 16.69 17.12 16.60 34.16 34.68 16 Jaisalmer ?1.35 21.90 20.97 33.71 34.64 17 Barmer 36.67 37.08 36.23 28.88 29.73 18 Jalor 22.75 26.13 19.78 31.22 37.57 19 Sirohi 22.45 24.34 20.38 29.25 33.21 20 Pali 18.96 18.64 19.73 37.45 36.36 21 Ajmer 12.72 11.21 14.60 34.25 30.86 22 Tonk 18.72 20.61 17.06 35.40 38.95 23 Bundi 23.05 24.77 21.63 31.27 34.41 24 Bhilwara 19.44 22.17 16.97 29.45 34.65 25 Rajsamand 22.73 23.39 22.35 35.12 36.16 26 Udaipur 24.36 25.74 23.30 28.32 30.76 27 Dungarpur 17.77 20.48 15.82 30.31 34.97 28 Banswara 18.22 22.08 14.44 24.74 32.313 246 Table-13 'Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and State/ Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29 Chittaurgarh 20.09 21.27 19.30 33.40 35.37 30 Kota 19.21 15.59 23.69 33.10 25.00 31 Baran 23.80 23.10 24.96 36.54 34.68 32 Jhalawar 25.04 26.07 24.21 32.04 33.90 09 Uttar Pradesh 16.65 15·41 18.61 30.45 27.25 01 Saharanpur 20.50 18.41 23.32 25.75 20.84 02 Muzaffarnagar 17.68 16.48 19.51 27.51 24.48 03 Bijnor 18.82 17.61 20.78 26.07 22.90 04 Moradabad 15.07 16.31 14.29 21.32 23.34 05 Rampur 13.58 14.83 12.56 18.48 20.75 06 Jyotiba Phule Nagar 18.25 18.51 18.49 28.40 .28.42 07 Meerut 13.55 11.43 16.45 27.21 22.19 08 8aghpat 16.96 15.08 19.63 32.77 28.22 09 Ghaziabad 16.46 13.89 20.04 28.07 21.92 10 Gautam_8uddha Nagar 18.12 13.44 24.74 39.30 28.00 11 Bulandshahar 14.19 12.04 17.49 38.18 32.73 12 Aligarh 14.76 13.26 16.99 33.07 29.34 13 Hathras 17.06 14.81 20.53 35.73 30.01 14 Mathura 17.36 15.65 20.34 38.52 33.83 15 Agra 16.39 16.23 17.32 32.26 31.17 16 Firozabad 20.23 18.05 23.17 29.91 24.79 17 Etah 16.00 15.04 17.74 31.18 28.48 18 Mainpuri 16.22 13.93 19.55 31.22 25.60 19 8udaun 14.19 15.89 12.71 21.14 24.32 20 Bareilly 15.11 15.68 15.20 23.51 23.99 21 Pilibhit 18.77 19.45 18.62 27.15 27.98 22 Shahjahanpur 16.72 17.'85 16.09 24.09 25.85 23 Kheri 19.68 20.45 19.54 24.23 25.14 24 Sitapur 17.71 17.92 18.18 26.20 25.94 25 Hardoi 16.34 15.63 17.87 29.70 27.46 26 Unnao 17.02 15.99 18.78 28.01 25.22 27 Lucknow 11.90 10.12 14.34 19.63 15.41 28 Rae Bareli 17.31 15.73 19.43 32.29 28.59 29 Farrukhabad 15.04 13.03 18.05 27.07 22.05 30 Kannauj 14.67 14.09 16.11 25.41 23.39 31 Etawah 16.95 14.91 19.82 27.57 22.66 32 Auraiya 18.60 15.42 23.04 28.72. 21.10· 33 Kanpur Dehat 14.73 12.28 18.17 28.24 22.35 34 Kanpur Nagar 13.68 9.16 19.59 20.01 9.58 35 Jalaun 15.42 12.93 19.06 34.61 28.48 36 Jhansi 14.70 12.79 17.26 33.37 28.90 2 7 Table-13 Oecadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate.: 1991·2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

37 Lalitpur 17.81 19.22 16.63 28.61 31.20 38 Hamirpur 16.39 14.90 18.58 35.79 32.11 39 Mahoba 17.74 15.85 20.48 31.89 27.26 40 Banda 17.51 16.83 19.20 35.16 32.79 41 Chitrakoot 33.87 30.69 37.91 34.69 27.47 42 Fatehpur 15.05 13.20 17.38 32.63 28.45 43 Pratapgarh 18.27 14.32 22.15 39.81 31.98 44 Kaushambi 18.74 18.49 19.32 33.52 32.6~ Allahabad 17.89 15.52 20:99 35.99 30.52 45 , 46 Barabanki 17.60 16.41 19.65 27.72 24.48 47 Faizabad 20.04 18.31 22.79 31.86 27.38 48 Ambedkar Nagar 19.39 16.76 22.68 31.87 25.95 49 Sultanpur 18.41 16.77 21.07 34.34 30.04 50 Bahraich 13.12 14.05 12.26 21.26 23.05 51 Shravasti 4.70 2.36 8.18 34.34 28.52 52 Balrampur 10.96 11.85 10.36 23.21 24.70 53 Gonda 13.43 13.45 13.87 30.06 29.64 54 Siddharthnagar 16.81 17.76 16.40 28.97 30.33 55 Basti 18.92 17.23 20.92 32.85 29.16 56 Sant Kabir Nagar 16.76 16.02 18.69 35.07 32.40 57 Maharajganj 18.. 82 19.73 18.36 35.39 36.76 58 Gorakhpur 17.66 16.09 19.99 36.12 32.22 .59 Kushinagar 16.13 15.78 16.99 35.71 34.50 ·60 Deoria 17.42 14.83 19.98 37.90 32.75 61 Azamgarh 16.96 14.39 19.80 33.47 28.06 62 Mau 21.06 19.53 23.00 31.58 28.11 63 Ballia 14.99 12.39 17.79 34.63 29.23 64 Jaunpur 17,.76 14.92 21.14 39.85 33.63 65 Ghazipur 16.79 13.97 20.01 37.W 31.06 66 Chandauli' '16.30 14.12 19.17 35.15 30.10' 67 Varanasi 15.21 17.00 13.59 31.66 35.07 68 .. Sant Ravidas Nagar, .19.12 17.22 21.92 43.97 39.27 69 Mirzapur 16.42 15.76 17.57 32.43 30.62 70 Sol1bhadra 15.56 16.23 .15.61 28.91 29.53 10 Bihar 10.04 8.95 11.58 29.38 26.75 01 Pashchim Champaran 1'1.64 12.29 11.44 i5.21 26.06 02 Purba Champaran 10.55 10.49 10.96 25.96 25.49 03~ Sheohar 10.83 9.18 13.09 22.02 18.11 04 Sitamarhi 10.89 11.16 10.86 24.37 24.67 05 Matlhubani 9.13 8.77 9.81 31.74 30.70 06 Supaul 9.69 12.27 7.28 27.22 32.211 248 Table-13 Oecadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

07 Araria 8.75 9.51 8.13 22.98 24:36 08 Ktshanganj 8.80 9.68 8.11 22.74 24.31 09 Pumia 6.99 7.24 6.92 22.12 22.44 10 Katihar 6.59 6.27 7.15 22.36 21.48 11 Madhepura 8.47 9.56 7.90 24.90 26.56 12 Saharsa 9.30 9.67 9.48 26.54 26.73 13 Darbhanga 9.38 8.87 10.26 28.22 26.83 14 Muzaffarpur 12.04 11.75 12.87 26.11 24.99 15 Gopalganj 13.23 12.19 15.06 33.87 31.00 16 Siwan 12.88 10.16 15.93 36.18 30.41 17 Saran 10.22 7.63 13.03 37.47 32.07 18 Vaishali 11.07 8.38 14.06 31.54 25.86 19 Samastipur 9.39 7.44 11.52 29.22 25.14 20 Begusarai 11.67 11.05 12.69 25.14 23.50 21 Khagaria 9.23 9.05 9.83 23.18 22.40 22 Bhagalpur 8.44 6.70 10.72 25.30 21.28 23 Banke 8.85 8.11 10.11 29:18 27.18 24 Munger 7.86 5.73 10.90 27.88 22.71 25 Lakhisarai 8.81 7:.85 10.78 29.64 26.71 26 Sheikhpura 8.09 7.13 9.72 31.02 28.43 27 Nalanda 6.69 4.99 9.06 31.98 27.91 28 Patna 7.49 4.74 10.82 27.72 21.64 29 Bhojpur 11.53 8.43 14.86 38.40 31.97 30 Buxar 11.95 9.88 14.62 37.20 32.46 31 Kaimur (Bhabua) 16.22 14.89 18.21 34.99 31.67 32 Rohtas 13.84 12.04 16.33 34.21 29.92 33 Jehanabad 10.20 7.19 13.27 36.30 30.82 34 Aurangabad 12.36 10.19 15.37 35.13 29~5 35 Gaya 10.60 8.59 13.20 31.02 26.41 36 Nawada 8.40 6.37 10.82 33.03 28.58 37 Jamui 9.33 8.62 10.51 32.07 30.18 11 Sikkim 12.74 11.03 14.70 18.94 15.27 01 North 15.56 14.26 16.05 21.46 19.67 02 West 13.69 12.29 15.49 19.66 16.46 03 South 14.04 11.39 17.32 19.48 13.55 04 East 10.44 8.95 12.08 17.44 1~.31 12 Arunachal Pradesh 13.15 12.62 14.55 21.76 19.83 01 Tawang 11.34 10.64 14.04 23.58 20.18 02 West Kameng 15.36 15.99 13.34 19.81 22.46 03 East Kameng 14.69 14.97 1;4.84 23.67 23.80 04 Papum Pare 15.'18 13.87 19.07 22.48 17.28 249 Table-13 Oecadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

05 Lower Subansiri 14.94 15.42 14.78 16.85 1'7.49 06 Upp.er Subansiri 12.58 11.23 15.50 20:34 16.07 07 West Siang 14.67 12.86 17.39 18.01 13.48 08 ~ast Siang 13.36 13.49 14.10 16.76 16.15 09 Upper Siang 14.47 13.6:1 16.03 ,21.97 19.55 10 Dibang Valley 12.57 11.08 15.69 23.67 19.06 11 Lohit 6.84 6.66 8.38 22.81 21.09 12 Changlang 8.78 8.39 10.21 24.80 22.98 13 Tirap 9.95 10.32 10.48 24.92 24.76 13 Nagaland 5.46 4.15 7.,17- 12.87 9.85 01 Man 6.23 4.80 8.02 12.80 9.58 02 Tuensang 2.91 1.99 4.14 12.00 9.85 03 Mokokchung 6.42 5.62 7.32 5.64 '3.94 04 Zunheboto 5.37 2.67 8.17 13.13 7.63 05 Wokha 7.36 4.63 10.47 15.07 9.23 06 Dimapur 9.50 8.52 10.92 11.22 8.82 07 Kohima 4.70 4.20 6.04 16.64 14.80 08 Phek 8.76 6.69 11.74 20.94 15.89 14 Manipur 8.98 6.24 12.10 24.03 18.17 01 Senapati 4.43 1.1 ;3 7.91 19.13 12.35 02 Tamenglong 8.30 7.12 9.43 20.24 17.9~ 03 Churachandpur 16.50 18.60 15.10 17.08 20.58 04 Bishnupur 16.65 13.66 19.96 27.46 21.16 05 Thoubal 15.43 12.17 19.03 32.02 25.16. 06 Imphal West 7.60 4.47 11.12 23.51 16.86 07 Imphal East 8.33 5.79 11.31 25.66 20.14 08 Ukhrul 6.42 -3.29 10.34 20.54 13.49 09 Chandel 10.70 8.73 13.77 22.59 -17.55 15 Mizoram 6.22 5.08 7.53 7.01 4.56 01 Mamit 12.11 10.43 14.10 12.05 8.38 02 Kolasib 4.25 2.38 6.30 6.05 2.13 03 Aizawl 3.50 3.03 4.05 2.16- 1.1'( 04 Champhai 3.90 2.24 5.53 7.65 4.38 05 Serchhip 5.72 4.42 7,08 4.88 2.21 06 Lunglei 6.47 4.99 8.16 9.79 6.62- 07 Lawngtlai 13.74 13.83 13.89 18.51 18.45 08 Saiha 3.19 1.30 5.33 11.92 7.89 16 Tripura 13.22 10.89 15.76 20.93 16.0$ 01 West Tripura 11.99 9.15 15.09 20.72 14.7~ 02 South Tripura 17.42 15.55 19.38 22.60 18.77! 03 Dhalai 0.03 2.68 -2.72 13.93 19.331 250 Table-13 Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory· 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 ... 2001 1 2 3 '4 5 6 7

04 North Tripura 16.82 12.70 21.31 22.97 14.36 17 Meghalaya 14.21 13.02 15.56 8.27 5.73 01 West Garo Hills 12.39 11.41 13.70 15.29 13.00 02 East Garo Hills 13.32 12.69 14.04 13.00 11.65 03 South Garo Hills 12.94 11.32 12l-.59 17.26 13.99 04 .We.st Khasi Hills 15.12 14.04 16.27 5.04 2.81 05 RiBhoi 26.14 25.34 26.94 8.15 6.55 06 East Khasi Hills 12.40 10.99 13.96 5.27 2.30 07 Jaintia Hills 17.68 16.15 19.23 -1.94 -5.02 18 Assam 11.39 10·96 13.00 18.84 15.90 01 Kokrajhar 12.08 12.44 11.82 18.63 19.25 02 Dhubri 11.50 9.23 13.85 18.59 13.97 03 Goalpara 11.75 9.89 13.82 17.89 13.96 04 Bongaigaon 11.21 10.14- 12.44 19.95 17.65 05 Barpeta 14.11 13.34 14.96 19.41 17.79 06 Kamrup 9.65 7.57 12.30 18.66 13.93 07 Nalbari 12.09 10.17 14.21 22.76 18.72 08 Darrang 13.92 13.52 14.42 18.27 17.37 09 Marigaon 11.47 9.96 13.17 16.98 13.77 10 Nagaon 7.54 6.03 9.27 16.19 12.95 11 Sonitpur 12.15 10.94 13.83 18.10 15.21 12 Lakhimpur 10.63 9.98 11.62 19.43 17.79 13 Dhemaji 12.12 9.72 14.99 24.31 19.04 14 Tinsukia 13.00 1'2.89 13.41 19.28 18.76 15 Dibrugarh 12:89 12.86 13.21 17.83 17.48 16 Sibsagar 10.87 10.17 11.86 15.77 14.08 17 Jorhat 12.40 9.47 15.66 16.41 10.22 18 Golaghat 11.82 11.51 12.32 16.75 15.94 19 Karbi Anglong 13.26 12.56 14.30 21.20 19.46 20 North Cachar Hills 10.83 10.20 12.06 19.05 17.19 21 Cachar 9.23 7.72 11.09 20.03 16.66 22 Karimganj 12.50 9.82 15.33 19.29 13.78 23 Hailakandi 6.77 4.39 9.61 23.04 17.82 19 West Ben,gal 11.52 9.77 13.66 21.25 17.36 01 Darjiling 14.92 14.21 16.08 19.23 17.36 02 Jalpaiguri 18.53 17.64 19.70 22.80 20.74 03 Koch Bihar 21.43 19.48 23.73 24.04 19.79 04 Uttar Dinajpur 14.05 14.03 14.31 22.39 22.11 05 Dakshin Dinajpur 18.06 16.55 19.79 21.42 18.18 ~ 06 Maldah 15.09 13.63 16.75 20.69 17.57 251 Table-13 Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap In literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and State" Decadal difference In literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 ,2 3 4 5 6 7

07 Murshidabad 16.77 14.98 18.76 16.85 13.07 08 Birbhum 13.60 12.31. 15.04 22.09 19.36 "- 09 Barddhaman 9.12 8.18 10.47 19.66 17.37 10 Nadia 14.02 12.62 15.64 15.63 12.61 11 North Twenty Four Parganas 11.68 9.63 14.14 16.73 12.22 12 Hugli 8.81 7.28 10.82 18.87 15.33 13 Bankura 11.80 10.46 13.25 30.20 27.41 14 Puruliya 12.85 12.01 13.91 38.93 37.03 15 Me~inipur 5.85 '3.98 8.00 24.64 20.62 16 Haora 10.02 7.57 13.10 18.28 12.75 17 Kolkata 3.70 2.13 5.86 9.85 6.12. 18 South Twenty Four Parganas 15.06 '11.44 19.16 27.88 20.16 20 Jharkhand 12.74 12.14 13.86 30.28 28.56 01 Garhwa 13.33 15.66 11.06 27.18 31.78 02 Palamu 12.15 12.19 12.29 29.36 29.26 03 Chatra 15.51 15.22 16.11 26.0~ 25.17 04 Hazaribagh 16.84 15.62 19.02 32.41 29.01 05 Kodarma 14.21 13.45 15.42 39.51 37.54 06 Giridih 12.92 13.26 13.14 35.90 36.02 07 Deoghar 12.61 12.81 12.59 34.38 34.60 08 Godda 9.71 9.51 9.98 ,30.56 30.09 09 Sahibganj 8.54 8.82 8.51 2124 21.55 10 PakaLJr 6.sa .6.63 6.64 19.76 19.75 11 ,Dumka 14.29 13.99 14,77 31.38 30.60 12 Dhanb,ad' '13.25 t2.21 15.93 30.82 27.10 13 Bokaro 11.84 10,51 14.32 33.63 29.82 14 RanCh; 14.17 12.64 16.20 28.55r 24.99 . 15 Lohatdaga 13.18 12.85 13.77 28.88 27.96 16 :Gumla' 12.68 12.44 13.08 24.22 23.58 17 Pashchimi Singhbhum 11.78 11.48 12.37 32.31 31.42 18 Purbi Singhbhum 19·37 8.90 12.45 25.68 22.13 21 Orissa 14.52 12.86 16.29 28.41 24.98 01 Bargarh 16.48 14.15 ,18.82 32.57 27.90 02 Jharsuguda 18.74 15.75 22.12 30.18 23.81 03 ,Sambalpur 15.49 12.97 18.36 29.47 24.08 ...()4 Debagarh 16.33 14.36 18.30 30.17 26.23 05 /Sundargarh 12.25 10.28 14.65 25.81 21.44 06 Kendujhar 15.02 13.49 16.70 29.03 25.82 07 Mayurbhanj 14.55 14.54 14.60 28.16 28.10 O~ Baleshwar 13.30 10.52 ~6.17' 27.83 22.18 09\ Bhadrak '14.10 10.82 17.27 28.27 21.82 252 Table-13 Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory· 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 Kendrapara 1~.72 10.80 16.62 26.15 20.33 11 Jagatsinghapur 13.84 10.69 16.89 25.22 19.02 12 Cuttack 10.67 8.05 13.75 24.97 19.27 13 Jajapur 14.19 12.19 16.16 25.21 21.24 14 Dhenkanal 15.20 12.51 18.22 28.47 22.76 15 Anugul 17.87 14.36 21.69 33.34 26.01 16 Nayagarh 13.82 10.23 17.36 32.26 25.13 17 Khordha 12.47 9.64 15.67 23.35 17.32 18 Puri 15.10 11.90 18.39 27.42 20.93 19 Ganjam 16.22 14.51 17.83 34.01 30.69 20 Gajapati 12.36 13.38 11.47 24.32 26.23 21 Kandhamal 15.72 15.30 16.37 34.86 33.79 22 Baudh 17.45 16.25 18.77 39.60 37.08 23 Sonapur 21.45 18.82 23.90 38.10 33.02 24 Balangir 16.30 14.72 17.97 34.34 31.09 25 Nuapada 14.77 1-6.47 13.23 29.53 32.77 26 Kalahandi 15.12 16.03 14.28 31.57 33.32 27 Rayagada 9.60 10.82 8.68 20.90 23.04 28 Nabarangapur 15.64 19.27 12.01 19.09 26.35 29 Koraput 11.56 13.60 9.66 18.83 22.77 30 Malkangiri 11.22 12.97 9.59 16.55 19.93 22 Chhatisgarh 22.27 19.79 24.88 30.55 25.46 01 Koriya 24.65 24.23 25.55 27.25 25.93 02 Surguja 28.03 29.18 26.96 23.80 26.02 03 Jashpur 27.04 25.68 28.42 25.35 22.61 04 Raigarh 27.54 24.05 30.97 32.12 25.20 05 Korba 17.94 15.75 20.50 33.37 2~2- 06 Janjgir-Champa 18.90 14.80 22.85 39.85 31.80 07 Bilaspur 18.22 16.55 20.09 34.44 30.90 08 Kawardha 25.61 25.93 25.44 31.26 31.75 09 Rajnandgaon 28.81 21.53 36.01 34.10 19.62 10 Durg 17.14 12.53 22.13 31.28 21.68 A1 Raipur 20.33 16.94 23.74 33.91 27.11 12 Mahasamund 24.79 21.36 28.19 34.37 27.54 13 Dhamtari 22.32 16.86 27.64 33.90 23.1,2 14 Kanker 35.60 31.66 39.56 27.24 19.34 15 Bastar 22.42 24.68 20.27 18.71 23.12 16 Dantewada 13.55, 16.72 10.50 12.78 19.00 J3 Madhya Pradesh 19.42 18.20 20.94 29.19 26.45 01 Sheopur . 19.06 21.46 16.72 28.46 33.20 02 Morena 19.65 17.44 23.02 39.74 34.16 253 Table-13 Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decatlal difference in literacy.rate Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7

03 Bhind 21.99 17.86 27.53 38.60 28.33 04 Gwalior 11.43 9.96 13.68 27.79 24.07 05 Datia 28.32 20.44 38.03 38.05 20.46 06 Shivpuri 26.52 27.28 25.90 31.86 33.24 07 Guna 25.35 25.84 25.07 30.87 31.64 08 Tikamgarh 21.02 21.31 21.02 27.56 27.85 09 Chhatarpur 18.24 18.63 18.06 is. 55 26.12 10 Panna 27.93 27.73 28.43 26.88 26.18 11 Sagar 14.64 12.94 16.72 29.24 25.46 12 Damoh 15.79 14.56 17.05 30.03 27.54 13 Satna 20.47 17.79 23.60 32:23 26.42 14 Rewa 17.95 15.30 20.95 33.79 28.14 15 Umaria 27.63 27.26 28.14 29.42 28.54 16 Shahdol 22.31 20.62 24.47 28.00 24.15 17 Sidhi 23.67 24.80 22.82 29.62 31.60 18 Neemuch 16.20 13.70 19.08 39.30 33.92 19 Mandsaur 22.99 18.79 27.63 39.74 30.90 20 Ratlam 23.50 21.74 25.53 29.23 25.44 21 Ujjain 22.12 19.45 25.23 31.61 25.83 22 Shajapur 31.94 26.69 37.81 37.22 26.10 23 Dewas 16.96 14.92 19.33 35.58 31.17 24 Jhabua 17.86 21.91 13.98 14.77 22.70 25 Dhar 18.16 18.56 17.91 26.91 27.56 26 Indore 8.50 6.72 10.61 24.64 20.75 27 West Nimar 22.18 19.80 24.80 29.34 24.34 28 Barwani 13.27 14.32 12.34 17.76 19.74 29 East Nimar 16.22 15.56 16.93 e7-:00 25.63 30 Rajgarh 22.24 22.80 21.75 31.11 32.16· 31 Vidisha 18.02 16.67 19.64 30.23 27.26 32 Bhopal 10.81 9.42 12.50 18.97 15.89 33 Sehore 23.40 21.24 25.96 34.91 30.19 34 Raisen 32.00 28.16 36.42 28.55 20.29 35 Betul 20.98 19.89 22.15 23.52 21.26 36 Harda 17.98 15.91 20.38 28.78 24.31 37 Hoshangabad 16.25 14.17 18.73 27.90 23.34 38 Katni 16.87 15.91 17.95 33.44 31.40 39 Jabalpur 11.61 15.76 7.24 23.41 31.93 40 Narsimhapur 22.69 18.35 27.43 26.85 17.77~ 41 Dindori 16.75 15.36 18.27 34.84 31.93' 42 Mandla 22.83· 23.93 21.91 26.97 28.99 ~~ "ghig~liri 21.13 20.05 22.30 24.'13 21.8~ 254 Table-13 Decadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union ierritory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 2 3 "4 5 6 7

44 Seoni 21.39 20.00 22.92 26.36 23.44 45 Balaghat 15.58 13.04 18.36 28.68 23.36 24 Gujarat 8.68 7.37 9.96 24.49 21.90 '01 Kachchh NA NA NA NA NA 02 Banas Kantha 11.76 11.74 11.83 32.46 32.37 03 Patan 6.68 6.16 7.16 28.71 27.71 04 Mahesana 7.15 5.47 8.74 25.83 22.56 05 Sabar Kantha 8.28 . 6.66 9.77 31.45 28.34 06 Gandhinagar 3.05 3.07 2.81 22.81 23.07 07 Ahmadabad 6.25 4.67 7.84 19.66 16.69 08 Surendranagar 7.69 7..50 8.07 27.18 26.61 09 Rajkot 8.92 6.90 10.98 20.10 16.02 10 Jamnagar 8.23 6.99 9.45 22.51 20.05 11 Porbandar 7.24 5.64 8.75 23.16 20.05 12 Junagadh 8.72 7.33 10.14 25.26 22.45 13 Amreli 7.26 6.47 8.09 21.53 19.91 14 Bhavnagar 9.23 7.93 10.58 27.02 24.37 15 Anand 7.03 5.08 9.15 27.85 23.78 16 Kheda 8.74 6.75 10.87 32.93 28.81 17 Panch Mahals 11.92 10.44 13.79 34.54 31.19 18 Dohad 9.81 9.71 10.21 28.25 27.75 19 Vadodara 7.59 6.46 9.02 21.97 19.41 20 Narmada 8.99 8.02 10.13 27.83 25.72 21 Bharuch 9.03 7.12 11.15 22.04 18.01 22 Surat 10.63 9.24 11.58 17.48 15.14 23 The Dangs 12.67 11.80 13.68 24.24 22.36 24 Navsari 7.69 6.19 9.27 17.27 14.HT 25 Valsad 9.08 7.94 9.90 20.14 18.18 25 Daman & Diu * 9.89 5.74 10.97 23.26 18.03 01 Diu 9.68 7.57 12.17 26.07 21.47 02 Daman 8.26 3.88 9.34 20.85 15.39 26 Dadra & Nagar Haveli * 19.32 19.76 16.01 26.58 30.33 01 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 19.32 19.76 16.01 26.58 30.33 27 Maharashtra 12.40 9.71 15.19 24.24 18.76 01 Nandurbar 4.94 3.18 6.77 24.36 20.77 02 Dhule 20.78 18.77 22.98 24.35 20.14 03 Jalgaon 11.76 9.07 14.61 27.12 21.58 04 Buldana 14.45 10.64 18.42 30.40 22.62 05 Akola 15.91 11.59 20.54 24.35 15.40 06 Washim 8.24 8.38 8.04 24.35 24.69 QZ .8wr.~alj l2~ :l~ l~Q~ l~Z J~ 255 Table-13 Oecadal difference In literacy rate and male-female gap in -literacy rate: 1mJ1-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate- Gap in male-female Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males- Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

08 Wardha 10.55 9:37 11.78 17.31 14.90 09 Nagpur 10.54 8.46 12.91 17.05 12.60 10 Bhandara 13.94 10.30 17.67 28.37 21.00 11 Gondiya 14.01 10.72 17.45 28.38 21.65 12 GadchiroJi 17.40 13.16 21.77 27.69 19.08 13 Chandrapur 13.66 11.89 15.75 24.49 20.63 14 Yavatmal 16.10 14.02 18.20 25.64 21.46 15 Nanded 20.35 16.76 24.16 33.42 26.02 16 Hingoli 19.26 16.20 22.55 35.50 29.15 17 Parbhani 19.47 15.68 23.57. 35.49 27.60 18 Jalna 18.27 14.74 21.95 37.13 29.92 19 Aurangabad 16.65 _12.14 21.64 33.29 23.79 20 Nashik 12.77 11.21 14.27 24.09 21.03 21 Thane 11.46 8.50 14.72 17.28 11.06 22 Mumbai (Suburban) 5.18 5.12 5.27 12.41 12.26 23 Mumbai 3.21 1.41 5.47 11.30 7.24 24 Raigarh 13.37 10.46 15.86 23.74 18.34 25 Pune 9.73 6.99 12.55 21·79 16.23 26 Ahmadnagar 14.79 10.91 18.89 29.31 21.33 27 Bid 18.66 14.35 23.04 34.00 25.31 28 Latur 16.77 13.16 20.54 30.73 23.35 29 Osmanabad 15.97 13.64 18.39 29.23 24.48 30 Solapur 15.11 12.20 18.34 28.35 22.21 31 Satara. 11.85 7.84 15.36 27.26 19.74 32 Ratnagiri 12.65 9.64 14.37 25.03 20.30 33 Sindhudurg 4:71 3.98 4.80 19.36...... 18.54 34 Kolhapur 10.29 7.34 13.30 27.25 21.29.' 35 Sangli 14.09 11.42 16.94 24.89 19.37 '28 Andhra Pradesh 17.03 15.73 18.45 22.40 19.68 01 Adilabad 20.55 20.51 20.78 24.45 24.18 02 Nizamabad 19.08 18.94 19.22 25.98 25.70 03 Karimnagar 18.83 17.07 20.82 27.42 23.67 04 Medak 20.83 20.36 21.44 25.92 24.84 05 Hyderabad 7.52 5.21 10.11 15.34 10.44 06 Rangareddi ·17.24 14.59 20:12 23.52 17.99 07 Mahbubnagar 15.95 17.07 14.80 22.77 25.04 08 Nalgonda 19.84 19.66 20.15 25.61 25.12 09 vyarangal 19.11 18.03 20.46 25.90 23.47 10 Kham'mam 17.22 17.00 17.63 19.51 18.88 11 Srikakulam 19.72 18.76 '20.67 25.62 23.71 12 Vizianagaram 17.63 17.07 18.26 23.46 22.27 256 ·a C'"uMSWS;iW**& '+&3 HA,

13 Visakhapatnam 13.94 12.71 15.39 21.53 18.85 14 East Godavari 16.70 14.65 18.74 13.06 8.97 15 West Godavari 20.57 18.68 22.47 12.77 8.98 16 Krishna 16.75 14.02 19.51 15.01 9.52 17 Guntur 16.45 14.78 18.32 20.69 17.15 18 Prakasam 17.56 16.64 18.54 26.08 24.18 19 Neffore 18.29 16.41 20.25 21.05 17.21 20 Cuddapah 15.90 13.84 18.41 30.79 26.22 21 Kumool 14.46 14.12 15.03 27.20 26.29 22 Anantapur 14.51 13.02 16.26 28.31 25.07 23 Chittoor 17.71 15.68 20.04 26.17 21.81 29 Karnataka 11.00 9.03 13.11 22.92 18.84 01 Belgaum 11.42 9.24 13.84 27.96 23.36 02 Bagalkot 4.23 2.53 5.91 30.59 27.21 03 Bijapur 0.91 -2.40 4.38 28.69 21.91 04 Gurbarga 12.11 10.44 13.91 27.59 24.12 05 Bidar 16.87 14.32 19.48 28.44 23.28 06 Raichur 15.20 15.27 15.14 25.05 25.18 07 Koppal 16.79 15.68 17.98 30.69 28.39 08 Gadag 10.39 7.92 12.90 31.95 26.97 09 Oharwad 9.14 6.82 11.79 23.81 18.84 10 Utlara Kannada 9.86 8.09 11.71 19.62 16.00 11 Haveri 11.99 9.89 14.32 24.77 20.34 12 Bellary 12.15 10.48 13.92 26.87 23.43 13 Chitradurga 12.60 10.19 15.24 25.12 20:07 14 Davanagere 11.71 9.62 14.04 22.41 17.99 15 Shimoga 10.96 9.20 12.91 18.79 15.118 16 Udupi 5.40 3.01 7.38 16.94 12.57 17 Chikmagalur 11.58 10.12 13.16 19.25 16.21 18 Tumkur 12.71 10.39 15.25 24.56 19.70 19 Kolar 12.69 10.45 15.06 24.94 20.33 20 Bangalore 7.64 5.42 10.17 14.13 9.38 21 Bangalore Rural 14.83 12.92 16.97 23.36 19.31 22 Mandya 13.06 11.53 14.92 22.48 19.09 23 Hassan 11.90 9.42 14.42 23.97 18.97 24 Dakshina Kannada 6.73 4.86 8.55 16.04 12.35 25 Kodagi.J 9.82 8.45 11.31 14.13 11.27 26 Mysore 12.81 11.59 14.21 18.11 15.49 27 Chamarajanagar 13.07 11.94 14.42 18.71 16.23 30 Goa 6.81 5.24 8.42 16.55 13.37 01 North Goa 6.45 4.48 8.43 17.29 13.34 02 South Goa 7.34 6.28 8.46 15.54 13.36 257 Table-13 Oecadal differ.ence in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in male-female Union territory" 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7

31 lakshadweep * 5.74 2.97 8.67 17.29 1.59 01 Lakshadweep 5.74 2.97 8.67 17.29 11.59 32 Kerala 1.11 0.58 1.69 7.45 6.34 01 Kasaragod 2.66 1.87 3.51 12.68 11.04 02 Kannur 1.32 0.84' 1.92 7.89 6.81 03 Wayan ad 2.79 2.69 3.11 9.90 9.48 04 Kozhikode 1.35 0.72 2.07 8.79 7.44 05 Malappuram 0.67 -0.62 1.87 7.99 5.50 06 Palakkad 3.04 2.49 3.59 11.52 10.42 07 Thrissur 2.38 1.70 3.00 6.83 5.53 08 Emakulam 1.12 0.55 1.74 6.18 4.99 09 Idukki 1.61 1.22 2.07 7.92 7.07 10 Kottayam 0.18 -0.05 0.45 3.46 2.96 11 Alappuzha -0.21 -0.37 0.02 5.67 5.28 12 Pathanamth itta 0.23 0.06 0.42 3.27 2.91 1~ Kollam 1.02 0.54 1.60 7.09 6.0j 14 Thiruvananthapuram 0.14 -0.16 0.50 7.08 6.42 33 Tamil Nadu 10.81 8.58 13.22 22.42 17.78 01 Thiruvallur 10.32 7.59 13.33 22.13 16.39 02 Chennai -1.46 -3.15 0.45 12.99 9.39 03 Kancheepuram 11.08 7.71 14.70 21.60 14.~ 04 Vellore 12.20 9.73 14.95 24.36 19.14 05 ,Dharmapuri 13.21 11.61 14.87 22.98 19.72 06 Tiruvanamalai 15.15 13.43 17.06 27.46 23.83 07 Viluppuram 16.32 15.10 17.78 25.54 22.86 08 Salem 12.96 11.74 14.30 22.20 19.64 09 Namakkal 13.29 11.37 15.33 24.9JI.. 20.98 10 Erode 11.71 9.95 13.68 23.96 20.23. 1·1 The Nilgiris 9.74 7.84 11.92 20.32 16.24 12 Coimbatore 10.60 7.37 14.07 20.72 14.021 13 Dindigur 13.15 11.10 15.36 25.25 20.99 14 Kapur 12.68 10.80 14.71 27.03 23.12 15 Tiruchirappalli 10.49 7.69 13.50 21.81 16.00 16 Perambalur 14.07 12.94 15.69 26.17 23.42 17 Ariyalur 15.90 14.73 17.56. 28.72 25.89 18 Cuddalore 13.26 11.23 15:65 26.32 21.90 19 Nagapattinam 11.14 8.58 13.92 22.60 17.26 20 Thiruvarur 10.75 8.14 13.63 22.72 17.23 21 Thanjavur 9.94 8.19 11.94 22.25 18.50 22 Pudukkottai 14.33 11.44 17.32 28.16 22.28 23 Sivaganga 9.71 6.80 1::2.53 27.31 - 21.58 258 Table-13 Oecadal difference in literacy rate and male-female gap in literacy rate: 1991-2001 Code No. India and Statel Decadal difference in literacy rate Gap in mate-female ~ Union territory* 1991-2001 literacy rate 2001 Persons Males Females 1991 2001 1 2 3 ·4 5 6 7

24 Madurai 9.57 7.31 12.03 22.03 17.31 25 Theni 11.75 9.80 13.90 25.19 21.09 26 Virudhunagar 11.32 8.89 13.92 25.50 20.47 27 Ramanathapuram 11.40 8.23 14.71 25.89 19.41 28 Toothukudi 8.94 6.64 11.07 17.45 13.02 t. 29 Tirunelveli 11.39 8.43 14.27 23.23 17.39 30 Kanniyakumari 6.05 5.18 6.99 7.31 5.50 34 Pondicherry * 6.75 5.21 8.50 18.05 14.76 01 Yanam -2.70 -3.27 -2.12 11.19 10.04* 02 Pondicherry 7.55 5.97 9.44 19.15 15.68~ 03 Mahe 1.68 0.69 2.50 5.17 3.36l 04 Karaikal 6.46 4.64 8.34 18.40 14.70 35 Andaman & Nicobar Islands * 8.16 1.08 9.83 13.53 10.78 01 Andamans 7.83 6:79 9.46 13.16 10.49 02 Nicobars 8.69 7.58 10.24 15.42 .12.76 Notes: 1. The figures for decadal difference in literacy rate 1991-2001 and gap in male-female literacy rate for 1991 census are not available for Jammu & Kashmir and its districts where 1991 census could not be conducted due to disturbed conditions. 2. The figures for decadal difference in literacy rate 1991-2001 and gap in male-female literacy rate for 2001 census are not available for entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh and Kachchh district of Gujarat where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamity.

259 Table-14 -Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadaldecreasein No. Union territory* illiterates 19-91 2001 Absolute Percenta£je 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Serchhip Mizoram 3,619 1,782 1,837 50.76 2 Kanker Chhatisgarh 279,344 145,909 133,435 47.77 3 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 453,735 239,685 214,050 47.18 4 Shaj<;lpur Madhya Pradesh 508,877 305,523 203,354 39.96 5 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 412,789 248,390 164,399 39.83 6 Datia Madhya Pradesh 226,820 137,996 88,824 39.16 7 Mamit Mizoram 16~648 10,233 6,415 38.53 8 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 283,774 174,868 108,9{}6 38.38 9 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 502,724 315:165 187,559 37.31 10 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 375,344 235,338 140,006 37.30 11 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 1,383,704 874,981 508,723 36.77 12 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 657,764 418,643 239,121 36.35 13 Churu Rajasthan 789,958 510,732 279,226 35.35 14 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 225,448 146,483 78,965 35.03 15 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 327,139 214,441 112,698 34.45 16 Sikar Rajasthan 826,403 541,877 284,526 34.43 17 Akola Maharashtra 378,007 255,371 122,636 32.44 18 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 317,907 215,533 102,374 32.20 19 Almora UUaranchal 200,363 136,141 64,222 32.05 20 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 11,643 7,943 3,700 31.78 21 Garhwal Uttarall.chal 192,657 131,617 61,040 31.68 22 Gondiya Maharashtra 322,220 220,517 101,703 31.56 23 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 491,068 339,383 151,685 30.89 24 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 84,361 58,586 25,775 30.55 25 Bhandara Maharashtra 302,1H 210,089' 92,028 30.46 26 Dhule Maharashtr~ 587,532 408,650 178,882 30.45 27 Pithoragarh Uttaranchal 132,170 92,182 39,983 30.25 28 South Tripura Tripura 277,530 193,803 83,727 30.17 29 Amravati Maharashtra 551,131 385,037 166,094 30.14 30 Barmer Rajasthan 881,785 618,067 263,718 29.91 31 Puri Orissa 405,529 284,501 121·,028 29.84 32 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 184,927 129,813' 55,114 29.80

33 ~agatsinghapur Orissa 270,648 191,179 79,469 29.36 34 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu "251,216 178,236 72,980 29.05 35 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 409,205 290,433 118,772 29.03 36 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 388,909 276,231 112,67"6 28.97 37 Durg Chhatisgarll 807,228 573,552 233,676 28.95 38 Aizawl Mizoram :13,811 9,816 3,995 28.93 39 Rudraprayag UUaranchal 69,366 49,460 19,906 28.70 40 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 579,409 413,136 166,273 28.7i} 26 Table-14

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decr,ease in No. Union territory* iIIiteraret 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

41 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 177,362 126,867 50,495 28~47 42 Karauli Rajasthan 474,164 339,589 134,575 28.38 43 Chamoli Uttaranchal 104,285 74,754 29,531 28.32 44 Koch Bihar West Bengal 954,553 687,483 267,070 27.98 45 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 599,823 434,480 165,343 27.57 46 Jharsuguda Orissa 174,730 126,907 47,823 27·.37 47 Panna Madhya Pradesh 361,465 263,664 97,801 27.06 48 8alaghat Madhya Pradesh 523,828 382,726 141,102 26.94 49 Kendrapara Orissa 349,699 256,639 93,060 26.61 50 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 439,951 323,888 116,063 26.38 51 Koriya Chhatisgarh 241,953 178,259 63,694 26.32 52 Sonapur Orissa 227,338 167,538 59,800 26.30 53 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 340,315 251,204 89,111 26.18 54 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 484,955 358,127 126,828 26.15: 55 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 323,036 238,721 84,315 26.1(} 56 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 600,180 444,744 155,436 25.90 57 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 447,188 331,860 115,328 25.79 58 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 487,029 361,508 125,521 25.77 59 Raipur Chhatisgarh 1,045,558 777,323 268,235 25.6!i 60 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 285,626 212,447 73,179 25.62 61 NagapaUinam Tamil Nadu 407,335 303,737 103,598 25.43 62 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 403,368 301,229 102,139 25.32 63 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 223,578 167,008 56,570 25.30 64 Nawanshahr Punjab 160,171 119,787 40,384 25.21 65 Nellore .. Andhra Pradesh 1,068,082 800,016 268,066 25.10 66 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 753,611 565,571 188,040 24.95 67 Bishnupur Manipur 67,314 50,675 16,639 24.72+ 68 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 811,371 613,882 197,489 24.34 69 Madurai Tamil Nadu 644,021 487,384 156,637 24.32: 70. Sangli Maharashtra 695,099 526,078 169,021 24.32 71 Theni Tamil Nadu .360,210 273,158 87,052 24.17 72 Yavatmal Maharashtra 718,315 545,012 173,303 24.13' 73 Setul Madhya Pradesh 507,928 385,684 122,244 24.07 74 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 149,881 114,025 35,856 23.92( 75 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 1,946,056 1,482,083 463,973 23.84:: 76 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 1,396,967 1,065,571 331,396 23.72" 77 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 694,476 528,537 163,939 2~.67 78 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 1,197,436 914,840 282,596 23.6{1 79 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 1,467,621 1,123,441 344,180 23,45' 80 Ariyalur Tamil Na

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

81 Satara Maharashtra 684,710 525,195 159,515 23.30 82 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 365,362 280,693 84,669 23.17 83 Kota Rajasthan 440,011 338,102 101,909 23.16 84 Nagpur Maharashtra 729,024 560,266 168,758 23.15 85 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu '745,156 573,685 171,471 23.01 86 Tehri Garhwal UUaranchal 21:;',524 167,571 49,953 22.96 87 Nayagarh Orissa 283,505 218,437 65,068 22.95 88 Parbhani Maharashtra 535,204 412,586 122,618 22.91 89 Dhenkanal Orissa 358,105 276,419 81,686 22.81 90 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 1,875,385 1,449,573 425,812 22.71 91 Wardha Maharashtra 272,499 210,713 61,786 22.67 92 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 667,696 516,950 '50,746 22.58 93 Buldana Maharashtra 583,903 452,379 131,524 22.52 94 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 605,250 468,985 136,265 22.51 95 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 81,460 63,300 18,160 22.29 96 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 292,69!3 227,531 65,167 22.26 97 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 78,423 60,968 17,455 22.26 98 Jornat Assam 251,268 195,490 55,778 22.20 99 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 188,231 146,712 41,519 22.06 100 Anugul Orissa 384,044 300,094 83,950 21.86 101 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 112,006 87,529 24,477 21.85 102 Moodi Himachal Pradesh 241,554 188,870 52,684 21.81 103 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 422,640 331,613 91,027 21.54 104 Surguja Chhatisgarh 910,097 714,440 195,657 21.50 105 Champawat UUaranchal 68,107 53,484 14,623 21.47 106 Hoshiarpur Punjab 306,941 241,452 65,489 21.34 107 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 470,132 370,037 1.00,095 21.29 108 Raigarh Maharashtra 547,533 431,353 116,180 21.22 109 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 597,678 470,918 126,760 21.21 110 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 355,599 280,534 75,065 21.11 111 Jhalawar Rajasthan 517,569 408,522 109,047 21.07 112 Osmanabad Maharashtra 472,181 372,773 99,408 21.05 113 Una Himachal Pradesh 93,124 73,568 19,566 21.01 114 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 1,231,249 972,975 258,274 20.98 115 Kapur Tamil Nadu 330,835 261,441 69,394 20.98 116 Bargarh Orissa 534,516 422,495 112,021 20.96 11 i Kodagu Karnataka 132,102 104,472 27,630 20.92 118 Ahmadnagar Maharasrtra 1,074,864 850,915 223,949 20.84 119 Dausa Rajasthan 496,870 393,517 103,353 20.80 120 Nanded Maharashtra 953,740 758,476 195,264 20.47 262 Table-14

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

121 Rajsamand Rajasthan 449,579 357,608 91,971 20.46 122 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 377,710 301,093 76,617 20.28 123 Khordha Orissa 410,632 327,372 83,260 20.28 124 Guna Madhya Pradesh 675,657 538,783 136,874 20.26 125 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 396,602 316,320 80,282 20.24 126 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 406,454 324,457 81,997 20.17 127 Uttarkashi Uttaranchal 102,809 82,087 20,722 20.16 128 Bid Maharashtra 724,623 578,948 145,675 20.10 129 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 500,028 400,009 100,019 20.00 130 Udaipur Rajasthan 1,093,555 875,610 217,945 19.93 131 Hingoli Maharashtra 340,864 273,439 67,425 19.78 132 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 176,774 142,075 34,699 19.63 133 Mahe Pondicherry* 1,721 1,386 335 19.47 134 Jalgaon Maharashtra 941,000 758,582 182,418 19.39 135 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 563,715 454,526 109,189 19.37 136 Uttara Kannada Karnataka 343,589 277,179 66,410 19.33 137 Sambalpur Orissa 331,252 267,559 63,693 19.23 138 Shahdol Madhya Pradesh 683,105 552,456 130,649 19.13 139 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 743,828 601,593 142,235 19.12 140 Nagaur Rajasthan 1,162,811 940,558 222,253 19.11 141 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 1,459,046 1,180,252 278,794 19.11 142 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 1,168,633 945,986 222,647 19.05 143 Chandrapur Maharashtra 600,518 486,491 114,027 18.99 144 Dibrugarh Assam 357,637 290,069 67,568 18.89 145 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 998,058 809,87G- 188,188 18.86 146 Bhadrak Orissa 358,419 291,061 67,358 18.79 147 Bharatpur Rajasthan 739,151 600,371 138,780 18.78 148 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 537,203 436,846 100,357 18.68 149 Chikmagalur Karnataka 338,927 275,872 63,055 18.60 150 Mau Uttar Pradesh 637,523 518,923 118,600 18.60 151 Shimoga Karnataka 444,658 362,259 82,399 18.53 152 Jajapur Orissa 482,421 393,161 89,260 18.50 153 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 1,386,821 1,130,612 256,209 18.47 154 Solapur Maharashtra 1,155,928 942,782 213,146 18.44 155 Balangir Orissa 633,556 517,289 116,267 18.35 156 Baran Rajasthan 405,697 331,546 74,151 18.28 157 West Tripura Tripura 363,977 297,549 66,428 18.25 158 Diu Daman & Diu* 11,595 9,490 2,105 18.15 159 Cuttack Orissa 602,755 493,375 109,380 18.15

160 Waran9al Andhra Pradesh 1.4191318 1,162,434 256 1884 18.10 263 Table-14

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001 SI. District State! Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

161 Vellore Tamil Nadu 1,010,567 827,825 182,742 18.08 162 North Tripura Tripura 166,412 136,508 29,904 17.97 163 Latur Maharashtra 594,409 487,666 106,743 17.96 164 Morena Madhya Pradesh 543,823 446,274 ·97,549 17.94 165 North Goa Goa 131,571 107,973 23,598 17.94 166 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 983,306 807,169 176,137 17.91 167 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 329,086 270,554 58,532 17.79 168 Churachandpur Manipur 61,376 50,485 10,891 17.74

169 East Khasi' Hills Meg~alaya 153,502 126,291 27,211 17.73 170 Haara West Bengal 1,026,396 845,368 181,028 17:64 171 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 692,491 571,453 121,038 17.48 172 Saharanpur - Uttar Pradesh 1,060,660 877,342 183,318 17.28 173 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 703,640 582,255 121,385 17.25 174 Satna Madhya Pradesh 644,363 533,685 110,678 17.18 175 Jaipur Rajasthan 1,544,507 1,279,325 265,182 17.17 176 Ganjam Orissa 1,192,937 988,780 204,157 17.11 177 North Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 2,051,257 1,701,387 349,870 17.06 178 Darjiling West Bengal 461,973 383,319 78,654 17.03 179 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 1,052,326 873,761 178,565 16.97 180 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 1,607,004 1,335,239 271,765 16.91 181 Hassan Karnataka 574,439 477,699 96,740 16.84. 182 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 478,919 398,546 80,373 16.78 183 Baudh Orissa 156,831 130,529 26,302 16.77 184 Harda Madhya Pradesh 154,780 129,156 25,624 16.56 185 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 535,761 447,861 87,900 16.41 186 JaJpaiguri West Bengal 1,256,550 1,051,811 -:204,739 16.29 187 Kolhapur Maharashtra 836,934 700,658 136,276 16.28

188 Mandya Karnataka 727,516 609,093 118,423 16.2~ '189 Sibsagar Assam 268,222 224,600 43,622 16.26 i 190 Thrissur Kerala 235,678 197,449 38,229 16.22 191 Katni Madhya Pradesh 369,781 309,858 59,923 16.2d 192 Jalna Maharashtra 576,082 482,804 93,278 16.19 I 193 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep* 7,695 6,454 1,241 16.13 194 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 244,23·3 204,894 39,339 16.11 195 Gangal'1agar Rajasthan 627,529 526,546 100,983 16.09 196 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 518,773 435,529 83,244 16.0~ 197 Gurdaspur Punjab 560,370 471,210 89,160 15.91 , 198 Erode Tamil Nadu 959,044 806,795 152,249 15.88 199 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 330,463 278,218 52,245 15.81 I 200 Solan Himachal Pradesh 117,660 99,165 18,495 15.72 264 Table-14

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

201 Tumkur Karnataka 890,656 750,813 139,843 15.70 202 South Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 2,078,702 1,756,229 322,473 15.51 203 Central Oelhi 137,333 116,283 21,050 15.33 204 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 174,969 148,155 26,814 15.33 205 Bundi Rajasthan 411,945 348,937 63,008 15.30 206 Medak Andhra Pradesh 1,255,220 1,064,481 190,739 15.20 207 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 1,113,029 943,990 169,039 15.19 208 Moga Punjab 329,632 279,864 49,768 15.10 209 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 651,804 553,524 98,280 15.08 210 Baleshwar Orissa 592,797 505,138 87,659 14.79 211 Ri Bhoi Meghalaya 58,743 50,065 8,678 14.77 212 Oebagarh Orissa 106,983 91,215 15,768 14.74 213 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 799,241 683,591 115,650 14.47

214 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 8~,731 731,053 123,678 14.47 215 Nalbari Assam 364,115 311,682 52,433 14.40 216 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 484,156 414,715 69,441 14.34 217 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar Islands· 11,851 10,157 1,694 14.29 218 Golaghat Assam 278,388 239,353 39,035 14.02 219 Imphal West Manipur 87,237 75,060 12,177 13.96 220 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 516,017 444,002 72,015 13.96 221 Thoubal Manipur 114,474 98,572 15,902 13.89 222 South Goa Goa 121,310 104,511 16,799 13.85 223 Salem Tamil Nadu 1,061,273 914,485 146,788 13.83 224 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 782,902 674,622 108,280 13.83 225 Korba Chhatisgarh 360,342 310,581 49,761 13.81 226 Mumbai Maharashtra 457,791 395,266 62,525 13.66 227 Banda Uttar Pradesh 633,578 547,284 86,294 13.62 228 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 544,508 470,563 73,945 13~58 229 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 1,089,501 942,005 147,496 13.54 230 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 622,134 538,264 83,870 13.48 231 Aurangabad Maharashtra 758,9(6 656,731 102,245 13.47 232 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 609,362 528,793 80,569 13.22 233 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 430,135 371,479 56,656 13.17 234 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 1,134,8-19 985,874 148,945 13.13 235 Haveri Karnataka 456,845 396,992 59,853 13.10 236 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 504,571 438,674 65,897 13.06 237 Rupnagar Punjab 240,333 209,239 31,094 12.94 238 Bastar Chhatisgarh 672,594 586,039 86,555 12.87 239 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 412,762 359,870 52,892 12.81 240 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 1,267,789 1,105,940 161,849 12.77 Table-14 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI: District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 , ,7

241 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 1,451,521 1,266,259 185,262 12.76 242 Sirohi Rajasthan 356,685 311,932 44,753 12.55 '243 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 1,382,133 1,210,279 171,854 12.43 244 Kheda GUjarat ,543,399 476,015 67,384 12.40 245 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh 335,638 294,372 41,266 12.29 246 Pali Rajasthan 764,931 670,983 93,948 12.28 247 Karaikal Pondicherry* 30,361 26,637 3,724 12.27 248 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 648,824 569,286 79,538 12.26 249 Kapurthala Punjab 199,398 174,956 24,442 12.26 250 Bidar Karnataka 548,749 481,673 67,076 12.22 251 Mahendragarh Haryana 230,894 202,678 28,216 12.22 252 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 24,867 21,829 3,038 12.22 253 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 384,573 337,738 46,835 12.18 254 Kendujhar Orissa 606,619 532,991 73,628 12.14 255 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 139,755 122,846 16,909 12.10 256 Pratapgarh Uttar J;>radesh 1,048,938 922,064 126,874 12.10 257 Jalandhar Punjab 435,734 383,075 52,659 12.09 258 Basti Uttar Pradesh 871,804 766,703 105,101 12.06 259 Hardwar Uttaranchal 478,619 421,204 57,415 12.00 260 Nadia West Bengal 1,524,492 1,341,640 182,852 11.99 261 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 368:623 324,989 43,634 11.84 262 Kolar Karnataka 922,021 812,890 109,131 11.84 263 Hugli West Bengal 1,232,225 1,087,078 145,147 11,78 264 Rohtak Haryana 232,220 204,871 27,349 11.78 265 Kanni:luj Uttar Pradesh 481,576 424,899 56,677 11.77 266 Udupi Karnataka 228,229 201,411 26,1118 11.75 267 Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 1,269,034 1,120,557 148,477 11.70 268 Alwar Rajasthan 1,028,607 908,811 119,796 11.65 '269 Bankura West Bengal 1,121,238 991,643 129,595 11.56 '270 Kolkata West Bengal 890,727 787,880 102,847 11.55 l271 Navsari I Gujarat 294,820 261,341, 33,479 11.36 '272 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 297,359 263,673 33,686 11.33, :273 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 439:070 389,369 49,701 11.32 1274 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 68,1.649 604,496 77,153 11.32 1 275 Jind Ha~ana 421,523 373,963 47,560 11.28 276. Chitradurga Karnataka 522,969 463,967 59,002 11.28 277 Pondicherry Pondicherry· 140,170 124,357 15,813 11.28 1278 Jalor Rajasthan 687,941 610,753 77,188 11.22 1279 Davanagere Karnataka 568,903 505,295 63,608 11.1& ~

!'280 Sundarg(3rh Orissa, 615,973 547,203 613,770 11.16~ 266 Table-14 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001 SI. District State/ Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

281 Sonipat Haryana 321,157 285,369 35,788 11.14 282 Bhiwani Haryana 431,024 383,134 47,890 11.11 283 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 486,862 433,212 53,650 11.02 ?84' Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 1,705,057 1,517,389 187,668 11.01 285 Mysore Karnataka 946,177 842,200 103,977 10.99 286 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 392,693 349,734 42,959 10.94 287 Nainital Uttaranchal 149,520 133,338 16,182 10.82 288 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 710,396 633,740 76,656 10.79 289 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 952,478 850,000 102,478 10.76 290 Nashik Maharashtra 1,1]7,758 1,051,329 126,429 10.73 291 Lunglei Mizoram 20,286 18,116 2,170 10.70 292 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 550,419 491,969 58,450 10.62 293 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 1 ,~11 ,773 1,351,555 160,218 10.60 294 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 1,149,794 1,029,089 120,705 10.50 295 Mahesana Gujarat 434,687 389,336 45,351 10.43 296 Dehradun Uttaranchal 262,119 234,835 27,284 10.41 297 Patiala Punjab 540,864 484,570 56,294 10.41 298 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 245,622 220,185 25,437 10.36 2~9 Kaithal Haryana 362,459 325,360 37,099 10.24 300 Yamunanagar Haryana 262,000 235,399 26,601 10.15 301 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 464,497 417,417 47,080 10.14 302 Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 494,799 445,128 49,671 10.04 303 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 842,728 758,292 84,436 10.02 304 West Siang Arunac.'1al Pradesh 38,036 34,231 3,805 10.00 305 Birbhum West.Bengal 1,064,500 958,604 105,896 9.95 306 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 1,528,699 1,377,4,18 151,221 9.89 307 Amreli Gujarat 430,566 388,130 42,436 9.86 308 Pune Maharashtra 1,342,647 1,210,655 131,992 9.83 309 Kandhamal Orissa 277,954 250,805 27,149 9.77 310 Champhai Mizoram Z,590 6,849 741 9.76 311 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 752,847 679,957 72,890 9.68 !312 Bathinda Punjab 440,949 398,677 42,272 9.59 313 Bharuch Gujarat 330,250 298,782 31,468 9.53 314 Karimganj Assam 301,611 272,981 28,630 9.49 315 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 990,445 896,712 93,733 9.46 316 Rewari Haryana 174,153 151,755 16,398 9.42 13~7 Karnal Haryana 381,725 346,166 35,559 9.32 1318 Barddhaman West Bengal 1,932,623 1,752,639 179,984 9.31 '319 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 542,134 491,741 50,393 9.30 '320 .Urinao Uttar Pradesh 1,093,162 991,668 101,494 9.28 267 Table-14

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Jnion territory* illiterates

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 2 3 4 5 6 7

321 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 462,863 419,987 42,876 9.26 322 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 29,542 26,815 2,727 9.23 323 Gadag Karnataka 311,642 283,138 28,504 9.15 324 Tonk Rajasthan 519,024 472,374 46,650 8.99 325 Bhilwara Rajasthan 888,775 809,037 79,738 8.97 326 Dhanbad Jharkhand 723,511 658,708 64,803 8.96 327 Darrang Assam 601,198 547,571 53,627 8.92 328 Anand Gujarat 444,344 404,771 39,573 8.91 329 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 1,104,106 1,005,939 98,167 8.89 330 Puruliya West Bengal 1,027;049 937,083 89,966 8.76 331 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 1,160,558 1,059,086 101,472 8.74 332 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 1,077,145 983,177 93,968 8.72 333 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 752,508 687,257 65,251 8.67 334 Bongaigaon Assam 323,711 296,489 27,222 8.41 335 Sangrur . Punjab 759,778 696,523 63,255 8.33 336 Hisar Haryana 485,323 445,091 40,232 8.29 337 Lakhimpur Assam 246,502 226,146 20,356 8.26 338 Dharwad Karnataka 428,102 392,840 35,262 8.24 339 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 1,012,173 929,931 82,242 8.13 340 Ranchi Jharkhand 873,112 803,188 69,924 8.01' 341 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 849,628 781,984 67,644 7.96 342 Nuapada Orissa 280,910 258,616 22,294 7.94 343 Belgaum Karnataka 1,393,087 1,283,284 109,803 7.88' 344 Barpeta Assam 619,510 572,100 47,410 7.65 345 Imphal East Manipur 87,219 80,573 . 6,646 7.62 346 Tinsukia Assam 385,862 356,574 -29,288 7.59 347 Kalahandi Orissa 653,372 6'04,230 49,142 7.5i. 348 Ohandauli Uttar Pradesh 556,102 51"4,547 41,555 7.47 349 Meerut Uttar Prooesh 920,092 851,619 68~473 7.44 350 Kannur Kerala 166,533 154,151 12,382 7.44 351 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 1,410,519 1 ,~07,222' 103,297 7.32. 352 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 1,065,608 987,846 77,762 7.30 353 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 1,750,237 1 ~622,707 127,530 7.29 354 Sirsa Haryana 396,026 367,271 28,755 7.26 355'Washim Maharashtra 241,612 224,089 17,523 7.25 356' Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh 14,559 13,514 1,04'5 7.18 357 Etah Uttar Pradesh 1,063,758 988,811 74,947 7.05 . '358 Dungarpur Rajasthan 487,260 453,204 34,056 6.99, 359 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 1,026,936- 955,543 71,393 6.95 360 Sant Kabir N:iar Uttar Pradesh - 591,594 551',082 40,512 6.85 268 '.0';', ' •. OJ .:~ iF ' #-"' "'. )S~ tz' : .. ,j A\- "t' .' .$ , ·MSf!JriWVWPW@' Table-14

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

361 Ohar Madhya Pradesh 713,902 665,126 48,776 6.83 362 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 594,171 554,059 40,112 6.75 363 Faridkot Punjab 190,582 177,820 12,762 6.70 364 North Sikkim 11,499 10,740 759 6.60 365 Ambala Haryana 225,192 210,496 14,696 6.53 366 Mayurbhanj Orissa 949,600 887,849 61,751 6.50 367 Kurukshetra Haryana 228,796 214,021 14,775 6.46 368 Junagadh Gujarat 708,684 663,336 45,348 6.40 369 Ludhiana Punjab 668,708 626,201 42,507 6.36 370 Mumbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 1,043,164 977,395 65,769 6.30 371 Porbandar Gujarat ,152,763 143,179 9,584 6.27 372 Mansa Punjab 301,074 282,223 18,851 6.26 373 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 1,490,757 1,397,688 93,069 6.24 374 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand - 556,441 521,793 34,648 6.23 375 8arabanki Uttar Pradesh 1,180,850 1,107,850 73,000 6.18 376 Panch Mahals Gujarat 695,880 652,989 42,891 6.16 377 Ernakulam Kerala 194,252 182,282 11,970 6.16 378 Gumla Jharkhand 560,702 526,203 34,499 6.15 379 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 46,888 44,007 2,881 6.14 380 Agra Uttar Pradesh 1,121,127 1,052,618 68,509 6.11 381 Kokrajhar Assam 384,624 361,249 23,375 6.08 382 KurnooJ Andhra Pradesh 1,452,012 1,364,109 87,903 6.05 383 Murshidabad West Bengal 2,312,825 2,174,355 138,470 5.99 384 Sonitpur Assam 596,538 561,224 35,314 5.92 385 New Delhi Delhi 28,177 26,527 1,650 5.86 386 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar Islands· 51,375 48,489 2,886 5.62 387 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 29,651 27,991 1,660 5.60 388 Ajmer Rajasthan 671,946 634,510 37,436 5.57 389 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 1,580,083 1,492,283 87,800 5.56 390 Dhemaji Assam 171,160 161,791 9,369 5.47 391 Muktsar Punjab 295,008 278,948 16,060 5.44 392 Bangalore Karnataka 983,838 932,152 51,686 5.25 393 Dumka Jharkhand 789,829 748,558 41,271 5.23 394 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 567,921 538,386 29,535 5.20 395 Kozhikode Kerala 202,318 192,026 10,292 5.09 396 Palakkad Kerala 382,417 363,133 19,284 5.04 397 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 82,033 77,926 4,107 5.01 398 Narmada Gujarat 181,851 172,854 8,997 4.95 399 Fatehabad Haryana 298,407 283,662 14,745 4.94 400 Idukki KeraJa 119,821 114,072 5,749 4.80 Table-14

Districts arranged by' descending order.of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 2 3 4 5 6 ~7

401 Koppal Karnataka 469,774 447,536 22,.238 4.73 402 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 683,894 651,849 32,045 4.69 403 Cachar Assam 404,701 385,756 18,945 4.68 404 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 437,332 417,310 20,022 4.58 405 Kamrup Assam 577,750 551,711 26,039 4.51 406 Gajapati Orissa 261',488 249,805 11,683 4.47 407 North Cachar Hills Assam 51,367 49,072 2,295 4.47 408 Firozpur Punjab 601,164 575,553 25,611 4.26 409 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 941,829 902,119 39,710 4.22 410 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 604,955 579;468 25,487 4.21 411 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 1,369,251 1,311,595 57,656 4.21 412 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 1,066,380 1,024,313 42,067 3.94 413 South Sikkim 36,733 35,287 1,446 3.94 414 Bokaro Jharkhand 575,672 553,688 21,984 3.82 415 Pashchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 880,115 847,219 32,896 3.74 416 Rohtas Bihar 776,118 747,364 28,754 3.70 417 Bhavnagar Gujarat 714,020 687,713 '26,307 3.68 418 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 777,097 749,040 28,057' 3.61 419 Karbi Anglong Assam 283,963 274,731 9,232 3.25 420 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 470,444 455,855 14,589 3.10 421 Jodhpur Rajasthan 1,025,658 995,368 30,290 2.95 422 Vadodara Gujarat 935,823 908,406 27,417 2.93 423 Kollam Kerala 201,471 195,712 5,759 2.86 424 Jhajjar Haryana 214,373 208,282 6,091 2.84 425 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 398,053 387,350 10,703 2.69 426 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 400,915 390,265 10,650 2.66 427 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 615,963 599;668 16,295" 2.65 428 Maldah West Bengal 1,344,157 1,310,389 33,768 2.51 429 Jhabu<;l Madhya Pradesh 700,148 683;126 17,022 2.43 430 West Sikkim 43,092 42,068 1,024 2.38 431 Medinipur West Bengal 2,104,503 2,056,873 47,630 2.26 432 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 1,085,550 1,061,396 24,154 2.23 433 Kolasib Mizoram ·4,976 4,871 105 2.11 434 North Delhi 140,515 137,617 2,898 2.06 .435 East Delhi 190,269 186,471 3,798 2.00 436 Amritsar Punjab 873,147 857,050 16,097 1.84 437 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 924,581 908,179 16,402 1.77 438 Banswara Rajasthan 674,701 662,854 11,847 1.76 439 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 813,552 799,539 14,013 1.72 440 Kasa raiod Kerala 158 515 156 068 1.54 1 1 1 21447 270 Table-14 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percenta9'e 2 3 4 5 6 7

441 Marigaon Assam 259,770 256,021 3,749 1.44 442 Raichur Karnataka 706,651 696,806 9,845 1.39 443 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 243,057 239,861 3,196 1.31 444 Koraput Orissa 635,659 628,216 7,443 1.17 445 Kodarma Jharkhand 190,831 188,888 1,943 1.02 446 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 975,691 966,855 8,836 0.91 447 Patan Gujarat 395,026 393,121 1,905 0.48 448 Nabarangapur Orissa 552,226 550,804 1,422 0.26 449 Jamnagar Gujarat 513,129 512,212 917 0.18 450 Bhojpur Bihar 737,272 736,204 1,068 0.14 451 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 1,505,951 1,505,727 224 0.01 452 Bellary Karnataka 722,610 723,423 -813 -0.11 453 Ahmadabad Gujarat 1,020,978 1,022,875 -1,897 -0.19 454 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 1.Q7,799 108,024 -225 -0.21 455 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 192,637 193,127 -490 -0.25 456 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 23,863 23,926 -63 -0.26 457 Wayanad Kerala 99,091 99,366 -275 -0.28 458 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 410,830 411,994 -1,164 -0.28 459 Thane Maharashtra 1,329,146 1,333,003 -3,857 -0.29 460 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 1,194,760 1,199,047 -4,287 ~0.36 461 Lohardaga Jharkhand 134,864 135,539 -675 -0.50 462 Goalpara Assam 274,836 276,224 -1,388 -0.51 463 Malkangiri Orissa 271,071 272,893 -1,822 -0.67 464 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 986,740 994,948 -8,208 -0.83 465 Siwan Bihar 1,035,508 1,044,431 -8,923 -0.86 466 Pathanamthitta Kerala 53,946 54,505 -559 -1.04 467 Rayagada Orissa 434,749 439,484 -4,735 -1.09 468 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 1,603,864 1,626,654 -22,790 -1.42. 469 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 34,034 34,554 -520 -1:53 470 East Sikkim 51,546 52,400 -854 -1.66 471 Rajkot Gujarat 532,064 541,693 -9,629 -1.81 472 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 74,581 75,963 -1,382 -1.85 473 Bika.ner Rajasthan 564,103 574,882 -10,779 -1.91 474 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 45,616 46,574 -958 -2.10 475 The Dangs Gujarat 58,997 60,269 -1,272 -2.16 476 Gulbarga Karnataka 1,262,193 1,290,720 -28,527 -2.26 477 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 1,457,577 1,494,367 -36,790 -2.52 478 Lawngtlai Mizoram 25,187 25,825 -638 -2.53 479 Gopalganj Bihar 875,019 897,455 -22,436 -2.56. 480 Deoghar Jharkhand 453,984 465,683 -11,699 -2.58 271 ;,b= t 'j "j ) c' <: f ~ W' '('1 ~'g. ; "', ,,,,j.ua"'4,' '!"Wt'-g., . ;rkt B" , 'f'iiiiik',# #(z;etJ Table-14

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percenta!ae 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

481 Valsad Gujarat 362,033 371,591 -9,558 -2.64 482 Buxar Bihar 471,347 483,866 -12,519 -2.66 483 Kottayam Kerala 69,593 71,540 -1,947 -2.80 484 Aurangabad Bihar 671,267 691,064 -19,797 -2.95 485 Panipat Haryana 239,354 246,503 -7,149 -2.99 486 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 16,090 16,581 -491 -3.05 487 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 1,242,845 1,281,309 -38,464 -3.09 488 Munger Bihar 362,438 374,312 -11,874 -3.28 489 Banas Ka,ntha Gujarat 958,975 997,975 -39,000 -4.07 490 Muzaffarpur Bihar 1,507,257 1,568,637 -61,380 -4.07 491 Dhubri Assam 626,090 653,481 -27,391 -4.37 492 Chatra Jharkhand '341,282 356,995 -15,713 -4.60 493 Giridih Jharkhand 787,126 824,622 -37,496 -4.76 494 Godda Jharkhand 454,381 477,623 -23,242 -5.12 495 Nalanda Bihar 848,024 891,696 -43,672 -5.1 !5 496 Vaishali Bihar 1,005,327 1,059,161 -53,834 -5.35 497 Mokokchung Nagaland 30,521 32,156 -1,635 -5.36 498 Jehanabad Bihar 512,198 540,204 -28,006 -5.47 499 Nagaon Assam 679,526 717,161 -37,635 -5.54 500 Surendranagar Gujarat 452,024 477,133 -25,109 -5.55 501 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 552,197 584,:W"1 -32,204 -5.83 502 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 1,158,888 l,228,571 -69,683 -6.01 503 Lakhisarai Bihar 312,681 331,954 -19,273 -6.16 504 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 832,940 885,241 -52,301 -6.28 505 Begusarai Bihar 908,356 966,606 -58,250 -6.41 506 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 462,623 492,961 -30,338 -6.56 507 Hailakandi Assam 168,069 179,143 -11,074 -6.59 508 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 17,999 19,191 -1,192 -6.62 509 Surat Gujarat 1,013,896 1,082,763 -68,867 -6.79 510 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 192,252 205,361 -13,109 -6.82 511 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 875,559 936,688 -61,129 -6.98 512 Saran Bihar 1,176,894 1,263,061 -86,167 -7.32 513 Palamu Jharkhand 848,371 911,670 -63,299 -7.46 514 Sheikhpura Bihar 197,898 213,568 -15,670 -7.92 515 Samastipur Bihar 1,365,253 1,473,876 -108,623 -7.96 516 Panchkula Haryana 87,857 94,933 -7,076 -8.05 517 Banka Bihar 671,623 727,590 -55,967 -8.33 518 Indore Madhya Pradesh 512,311 558,695 -46,384 -9.05 519 Garhwa Jharkhand 452,029 493,128 -41,099 -9.09 520 Pashchim Champaran Bihar 1,334,170 1,455,804 -121.634 -9.12 272 Table-14 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 2 3 4 5 6 7

521 Ga~'a Bihar 1,254,822 1,369,365 -114,543 -9.13 522 Madhubani Bihar 1,514,022 1,655,003 -140,981 -9.31 523 Alappuzha Kerala 109,021 119,646 -10,625 -9.75 524 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 277,069 306,407 -29,338 -10.59 525 South Delhi 304,476 337,165 -32,689 -10.74 526 Dohad Gujarat 644,879 714,900 -70,021 -10.86 527 Patna Bihar 1,277,063 1,416,085 -139,022 -10.89 528 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadra & Nagar Haveli* 65,306 72,448 -7,142 -10.94 529 Ukhrul Manipur 33,778 37,480 -3,702 -10.96 530 Purba Champa ran Bihar 1,743,204 1,935,083 -191,879 -11.01 531 Sahibganj Jharkhand 412,595 458,534 -45,939 -11.13 532 Bhagalpur Bihar 879,343 981,157 -101,814 -11.58 533 Phek Nagaland 31,306 34,932 -3,626 -11.58 534 Tamenglong Manipur 35,812 39,988 -4,176 -11.66 535 Khagaria Bihar 526,959-- 588,580 -61,621 -11.69 536 Faridabad Haryana 473,663 531,180 -57,517 -12.14 537 Sitamarhi Bihar 1,149,171 1,291,513 -142,342 -12.39 538 Bagalkot Karnataka 524,490 589,684 -65.,194 -12.43 53"9 Nandurbar Maharashtra 425,360 478,479 -53,119 -12.49 ·540 Supaul Bihar 762,246 858,613 -96,36T -12.64 541 Gandhinagar Gujarat 237,591 268,441 -30,850 -~1J.98 542 Darbhanga Bihar 1,299,192 1,479,833 -180,641 -13.90 543 Gurgaon Haryana 423,317 482,739 -59,422 -14.04 544 Madhepura Bihar 673,248 768,463 -95,215 -14~14 545 Chang lang Arunachal Pradesh 42,121 48,145 -6,024 -14.30 546 Saharsa Bihar 631,627 728,716 -97,089 -15.37 547 Malappuram Kerala 305,432 a52,986 -47,554 -15.57 548 Pakaur Jharkhand 336,392 389,040 -52,648 -15.65 549 North West Delhi 403,566 467,200 -63,634 -15.77 :550 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 25,536 29,569 -4,033 -15.79 .551 Kishanganj Bihar 602,853 699,176 -96,323. -15.98 ·552 Dhalai Tripura 86,184 100,137 -13,953 -16.19 553 Sheohar Bihar 223,684 259,932 -36,248 -16.21 ~554 Nawada Bihar 659,385 770,110 -110,725 -1.6.79 ·555 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 43,555 50,893 -7,338 -16.85 556 Araria Bihar 930,245 1,090,109 -159,864 -17.19 557 Jamui Bihar 551,588 648,542 -96,954 -17.58 558 _Saiha Mizoram 7,436 8,767 -1,331 -17.90 ,559 North East Delhi 277,696 327,553 -49,857 -17.95

560 Chandigarh Chandi~arh· j21,185 144,413 -23,228 -19.17 273 Table-14

Districts arra.nged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate persons: 2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease' in No. Union territory· illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentaae 2 3 4 5 6 7

"- 561 Katihar Bihar 1,014,838 1,213,359 -198,521 -19.56 562 Bijapur Karnataka 539,630 653,514 -113;884 -21.10 563 West Delhi 253,354 310,336 -56,982 -22.49 .564 Purnia Bihar 1,053,932 1,292,303 -238,371 -22.62 565 Chennai Tamil Nadu 620,547 763,175 -142,628 -22.98 566 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 498,949 624,784 -125,835 -25.22 567 South West Delhi 195,565 246,780 -51,215 -26.19 568 Daman Daman & Diu· 13,117 16,618 -3,501 -26.69 569 Dimapur· N.agaland 45,154 57,372 -12,218 -27.06 570 Kohima Nagaland 52,705 69,314 -16,609 -31.51 571 Zunheboto Nagaland 28,061 39,452 ·11,391 -40.59 572 Chandel Manipur 31,653 45,573 -13,920 -43.98 573 Wokha Nagaland 17,567 26,190 -8,623 -49.09 574 Man Nagaland_ 79,131 128,281 -49,150 -62.11 575 Tuensang Nagaland 99,878 174,244 -74,366 -74.46 576. Senapati Manipur 94,977 167,881 -72,904 -76.76 577 Yanam Pondicherry* 3,925 6,992 -3,067 -78.14

Notes: 1. The data presented in this table excludes this districts of Jarn.mu and Kashmir for the sake of comparability as the census data for 1991 census is not available as the Census of India, 1991, would' not be conducted in this state due to disturbed conditions. 2. For the sake of comparability the data presented In the above table exclude the fi!lllres of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India, 2001, could not be conducted due to natural calamities.

274 Table-15

Districts arranged by descending order of percenta~e decjldal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Kanker Chhatisgarh 108,655 46,098 62,557 57.57 2 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 148,855 65,571 83,284 55.95 3 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 187,486 84,175 103,311 55.10 4 Serchhip Mizoram 1,392 658 734 52.73 5 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 187,910' 89,698 98,212 52.27 6 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 180,058 90,294 89,764 49.85 7 Raisen Madhya Pradesh 171,585 87,049 84,536 49.27 8 Garhwal Uttaranchal 46,976 23,872 23,104 49.18 9 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 129,229 66,168 63,061 48.80 10 Karauli Rajasthan 187,299 98,644 88,655 47.33 11 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 205,028 108,180 96,848 47.24 12 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 105,711 55,868 49,843 47.15 13 Bageshwar Uttaranchal 20,936 11,119 9,817 46.89 14 Pithoragarh Uttaranchai - 33,726 17,982 15,744 46.68 15 Almora UUaranchal 44,977 24,002 20,975 46.63 16 Churu Rajasthan 303,108 161,802 141,306 46.62 17 Sikar Rajasthan 263,275 141,486 121,789 46.26 18 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 132,671 71,907 60,764 45.80 19 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 71,372 38,792 32,580 45.65 20 Rudraprayag UUaranchal 15,095 8,250 6,845 45.35 21 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 132,096 72,624 59,472 -45.02 22 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 129,731 71,965 57,766 44.53 23 Gondiya Maharashtra 96,595 53,675 42,920 44.43 24 Barmer Rajasthan 384,650 213,822 170,828 44.41 25 Datia Madhya Pradesh 84,591 47,903 36,688 43.37 26 Bhind Madhya Pradesh 180,907 102,767 78,140 43.19 27 Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 211,206 120,375 90,831 43.01 28 Puri Orissa 129,701 75,155 54,546 .42.06 29 Churachandpur Manipur 25,628 14,947 10,681 41.68 30 Bhandara Maharashtra 91,546 54,081 37,465 40.92 31 Mamit Mizoram 7,316 4,337 2,979 40.72 32 Dhule Maharashtra 228,703 135,744 92,959 40.65 33 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 159,265 95,845 63,420 39.82 34 Dausa Rajasthan 181,500 109,250 72,250 39.81 35 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 168,615 101,734 66,881 39.66 36 Panna Madhya Pradesh 155,432 93,863 61,569 39.61 37 Koriya Chhatisgarh 99,756 60,244 39,512 39.61 38 Sonapur Orissa 77,089 46,715 30,374 39.40 39 Champawat Uttaranchal 17,754 10,763 6,991 39.38 40 Jagatsin@ggur Q.rissa 86,621 52,577 34,044 39.30 + 275 Table-15 Distr1cts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentalije 2 3 4 5 6 7

41 Amravati Maharashtra 205,663 124,882 80,781 39.28 42 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 598,566 363,513 ~35,053 39.27 43 Akola Maharashtra 127,994 77,941 50,053 39.11 44 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 57,500 35,119 22,381 38.92 45 Kawardha Chhatisgarh 110,968 67,826 43,142 38.88 46 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 91,165 55,971 35,194 38.60 47 Uttarkashi Uttaranchal 31,900 19,606 12,294 38.54 48 Chamoli Uttaranchal 25,396 15,648 9,748 38.38 49 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 56,974 35,244 21,730 38.14 50 Jharsuguda Orissa 62,577 38,763 23,814 38.06 51 Jhalawar Rajasthan 209,022 129,704 79,318 37.95 52 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 66,680 41,409 25,271 37.90 53 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 255,746 159,026 96,720 37.82 54 Durg Chhatisgarh 258,181 160,568 97,613 37.81 55 Hanumangarh Rajasthan 241,610 150,726 90,884 37.62 56 Kota Rajasthan 153,937 96,077 57,860 37.59 57 Bharatpur Rajasthan 269,890 168,663 101,227 37.51 58 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 162,565 101,882 60,683 37.33 59 Kendrapara Orissa 110,253 69,126 41,127 37.30 60 Raipur Chhatisgarh 354,339 222,495 131,844 37.21 61 Rajsamand Rajasthan 165,591 1j4,138 61,453 37.11 62 Udaipur Rajasthan 440.528 277,411 163,117 37.03 63 South Tripura Tripura 109,203 68,842 40,361 36.96 64 Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 156,075 9'8,755 57,320 36.73 65 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 351,674 222,546 129,128 36.72 66 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 173,451 110,373 63,078 36.37 67 Guna Madhya Pradesh 283,893 181,433 _102,460 36.09 68 Nagaur Rajasthan 443,349 283,756 159,593 36.00 69 Koch Bihar West Bengal 389,613 249,748 139,865 35.90 70 Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 180,554 116,773 63,781 35.33 71 Baran Rajasthan 156,705 101,529 55,176 35.21 72 Yavatmal Maharashtra 259,009 168,043 90,966 35.12 73 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 101,770 66,663 35,107 34.50 74 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 160,689 105,995 54,694 34.04 75 Betul Madhya Pradesh 203,660 134,435 69,225 33.99 76 Sangli Maharashtra 238,190 157,283 80,907 33.97 77 Cuddalore Tamjl Nadu 263,321 173,917 89,404 33.95 78 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 289,688 191,596 98,092 33.86 79 Surguja Chhatisgarh 389,593 258,213 131,380 33.72

80 Sehore Madh~a Pradesh 151,556 100,502 51.054 3369 276 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterat~ males :2001 SI. District State! Numper of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

81 Morena Madhya Pradesh 204.333 135.537 68.796 33.67 82 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 279,462 185,733 93,729 33.54 83 Bishnupur Manipur 23.597 15,701 7,896 33.46 84 Mau Uttar Pradesh 232,275 154.759 17,516 33.37 85 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 167,824 112,436 55,388 33.00 86 Ku"u Himachal Pradesh 39,404 26,404 13,000 32.99 87 Bundi Rajasthan 171,197 115,131 56,066 32.75 88 Janjgir-Champa Chhatisgarh 144,643 97,278 47,365 32.7~ 89 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 100,417 67,691 32,726 32.59 90 Parbhani Maharashtra 183,430 123,838 59,592 32.49 91 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 4,234 2,860 1,374 32.45 92 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 259,933 175,748 84,185 32.39 93 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 528,804 357,810 170,994 32.34 94 Wardha Maharashtra 101,464 68,662 32,802 32.33 95 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 460,542 312,855 147,687 32.07 96 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 164,532 111,816 52,716 32.04 97 Nagpur Maharashtra 262,747 178,714 84;033 31.98 98 Hingoli Maharashtra 116,962 79,628 37,334 31.92 99 Buldana Maharashtra 183,024 124,733 58,291 31.85 100 Aizawl Mizoram 6,166 4,204 1,962 31.82 101 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 108,177 73,787 34,390 31.79 102 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 69,695 47,627 22,068 31.66 f03 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 136,752 93,528 43,224 31.61 104 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 77,536 53,037 24,499 31.60 105 Theni Tamil Nadu 125,260 85,804 39,456 31.50 106 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 74,868 51,361 23,507 31.40 107 Jaipur Rajasthan 549,292 376,963 172,329 31.37 108 Anugul Orissa 132,225 90,761 41,464 31.39 109 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 135,184 92,851 42,333 31.32 110 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 197,728 136,256 61,472 31.09 111 Katni Madhya' Pradesh 131,972 91,052 40,920 31.01 112 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 60,623 .41,857 18,766 30.96 113 Osmanabad Maharashtra 168,690 116,596 52,094 30.88 114 Madurai Tamil Nadu 212,303 146,780 65,523 30.86 115 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 203,126 140,478 62,648 30.84 116 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 65,789 45,501 20,288 30.84 117 Baudh Orissa 52,764 36,519 16,245 30.79 118 Dhenkanal Orissa 126,859 87,823 39,036 30.77 119 Nanded Maharashtra 337,613 233,878 103,735 30.7~ 120 Nawanshahr Punjab 63.276 43.848 19,428 30.70 277 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District State/ Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

121 Chittaurgarh Rajasthan 308,542 213,900 94,642 30.67 122 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 162,974 113,123 49,851 30.59 123' Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 109,799 76,557 33,242 30.28 124 Kangra Himachal Pradesl:l 96,904 67,623 29,281 30.22 125 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 431,790 301,717 130,073 30.12 126 Bargarh Orissa 186,725 131,330 55,395 29.67 127 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 27,086 19,140 7,946 29.34 128 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 239,511 169,435 70,076 29.26 129 Chandrapur Maharashtra 2,18,364 154,677 63,687 29.17 130 Khordha Orissa 142,699 101,115 41,584 29.14 131 Dibrugarh Assam 150,972 107,278 43,694 28.94 132 Kapur Tamil Nadu 113,972 81,034 32,938 28.90 133 Hamirpur Himach€!' Pradesh 21,735 15,460 6,275 28.87 134 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 349,586 249,031 100,555 28.76 135 Nayagarh Orissa 91,280 65,034 26,246 28.75 136 Jalor Rajasthan 282,313 201,218 81,095 28.73 137 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 594,741 424,123 170,618 28.69 138 Ganjam Orissa 400,905 286,522 114,383 28.53 139 Diu Daman & Diu· 3,424 2,451 973 28.42 140 Sirohi Rajasthan 143,939 ,.,)03,125 40,814 28.36 141 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 220,698 158,263 62,435 28.29 142 Darjiling West Bengal 190,152 136,391 53,761 28.27 143 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 238,350 1;1,182 67,168 28.18 144 Jalgaon Maharashtra 305,625 219.543 86,082 28.17 145 Alwar Rajasthan 376,908 270,817 106,091 28.15 146 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 124,888 89,925_ 34,963 28.00 147 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh 363,083 261,878 101,205 27.87 148 Satara Maharashtra 194,667 '140,441 54,226 27.86 149 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 486,803 351,230 135,573 27.85 150 Raigarh MaharashJra 180,897 130,620 50,277 27.79 151 Jajapur Orissa 170,761 123,629 47,132 27.60 152 Satna Madhya Pradesh 243,266 176,227 67,039 27.56 153 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 185,143 134,212 50,931 27.51 154 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 163,825 118,790 45,035 27.49 155 ShahdoJ Madhya Pradesh 280,163 203,659 76,504 27.31 156 Pali Rajasthan 276,160 200,893 75,267 27.25 157 Sambalpur Orissa 119,289 86,955 32,334 27.11 158 Ramanathapuram Tamil Nadu 119,187 86,886 32,301 27.10 159 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 771,004 562;136 208,868 27.09 160 Sant Ravidas Nagar Utlar Pradesh 170,940 124,710 46,230 27.04 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

161 Bhadrak Orissa 115,728 84,483 31,245 27.00 162 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 221,380 161,757 59,623 26.93 163 Tonk Rajasthan 200,992 147,097 q3,895 26.81 164 Latur Maharashtra 203,512 148,998 54,514 26.79 165 Bid Maharashtra '249,952 183,471 66,481 26.60 166, Solapur Maharashtra 41.0,022 301,651 108,371 26.43 167 Harda Madhya Pradesh 59,392 43,760 15,632 26.32 168 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 499,965 369,346 130,619 26.13 169 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 573,167 424,312 148,855 25.97 170 Bhilwara Rajasthan 361,746 26!3,054 93,692 25.90 171 Balangir Orissa 231,122 171,372 59,750 25.85 172 Jalna Maharashtra 194,483 144,654 49,829 25.64 173 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 552,454 411,252 141,202 25.56

174 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 26~,634 200,036 68,598 25.54 175 Una Himachal Pradesh 29,653 22,123 7,530 25.39 176 Ganganagar Rajasthan 261,967 195,579 66,388 25.34 177 Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 204,582 152,819 51,763 25.30 178 Kodagu Karnataka 51,900 38,787 13,113 25.27 179 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 472,107 353,546 118,561 25.1 f 180 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 525,269 393,644 131,625 25.0~ 181 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 272,544 204,835 67,709 ~84 182 Korba Chhatisgarh 130,282 97,949 32,333 24.82 183 UUara Kannada Karnataka 123,86{j 93,132 ,30,734 24.81 184 Vellore Tamil Nadu 352,876 265,675 87,201 24:71 185 Banda Uttar Pradesh 262,196 197,428 64,768 24.70 1'86 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 344,484 259,686 84,796 24.62 187 Namakkal Tamil Nadu 199,435 150,376 49,059 24.60 188 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 479,849 361,848 118,001 24.59 189 Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 108,430 81,776 26,654 24.58 190' Cuttack Orissa 205,616 1.55,126 50,490 24.5~ 191 Chikmagalur Karnataka 129,574 98,054 31;520 24.3i 192 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 183,442 138,88,1 44,561 24.29 193 Agra Uttar Pradesh 442,919 335,473 107,446 24.2~ 194 Sibsagar Assam 111,934 84,960 26,974 24.1q 195 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 459,929 349,640 110,289 23.98 196 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 849,540 646,907 202,633 23.85 197 Dungarpur Rajasthan 190,412 145,010 45,402 23.84 198 Kolhapur Maharashtra 253,272 193,352 59,920 23.66 199 Shimoga Karnataka 168,599 128,724 39,875 23.65

200 Sidhi Madh~a Pradesh 316,326 241,539 74,787 23.64 279 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory" illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percenta!:;!e ·1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-... 201 Dhanbad Jharkhand 284,610 217,458 67,152 23.59 202 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 439,707 336,508 103,199 23.47 203 Washim Maharashtra 81,138 62,140 18,998 23.41 204 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 231,127 177,089 54,038 23.38 205 Medak Andhra Pradesh 517,347 396,722 120,625 23.32 206 Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 479,281 367,799 111,482 23.26 207 Karimnagar Andhra Pradesh 633,649 486,746 146,903 23.18 208 Hoshiarpur Punjab 112,549 86,560 25,989 23.09 209 Kheda Gujarat 157,712 121,383 36,329 23.04 210 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 244,663 188,347 56,316 23.02 211 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 166,090 127,946 38,144 22.97 212 Vidisha Madhya Pradesh 173,759 133,923 39,836 22.93 213 Krishna Andhra Pradesh 627,616 484,023 143,593 22.88 214 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 210,709 162,558 48,151 22.85 215 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 45,986 35,518 10,468 22.76 216 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 223,530 172,821 50,709 22.69 217 Nashik Maharashtra 419,996 325,279 94,717 22.55 218 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar Pradesh 119,152 92,344 26,808 22.50 219 Hardwar Uttaranchal 204,555 158,580 45,975 22.48 220 Mumbai (S~burban) Maharashtra 397,082 307,981 89,101 22.44 221 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 163,830 12ft,100 36,730 22.42 222 Aurangabad Maharashtra 248,829 193,148 55,681 22.38 223 Thoubal Manipur 38,500 29,53 93 8,607 22.36 224 Bastar Chhatisgarh 295,703 229,662 66,041 22.33 225 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 202,448 157,324 45,124 22.29 226 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 279,750 217,633 62,117 22.20 227 West Tripura Tripura 132,530 103,173 -29,357 22.15 228 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 640,731 498,981 141,750 22.12 229 Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 470,248 366,310 103,938 22.10 230 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 531,082 413,727 117,355 22.10 231 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 298,950 233,039 65,911 22.05 232 Debagarh Orissa 39,345 30,739 8,606 21.87 b33 North Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 823,839 643,721 180,118 21.86 1 234 Golaghat Assam 118,083 92,354 25,729 21.79 i 235 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 207,616 162,493 45,123 21.73 236 Jorhat Assam 102,346 80,160 22,186 21.68 1237 North Goa Goa 41,574 32,610 8,964 21.56 1238 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 148,912 117,338 31,574 21.20 1239 Baleshwar Orissa 206,143 '162,554 43,589 21 15 240 Kandha

241 Mandya Karnataka 291,612 230,923 60,689 20.81 242 Mahendragarh Haryana 65,336 51,902 13,434 20.56 243 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 467,541 371,745 95,796 20.49 244 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 249,643 198,600 51,043 20.45 245 Erode Tamil Nadu 364,748 290,321 74,427 20.41 246 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 46,173 36,816 9,357 20.27 247 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 167,383 133,587 33,796 20.19 248 Dearia Uttar Pradesh 329,515 262,992 66,523 20.19 249 Hassan Karnataka 206,690 165,151 41,539 20.10 250 Gurdaspur Punjab 234,378 187,373 47,005 20.06 251 South Goa Goa 44,272 35,454 8,818 19.92 252 Haora West Bengal 405,464 324,932 80,532 19.86 253 PUfuliya West Bengal 352,875 282,816 70,059 19.85 254 Tumkur Karnataka 335~119 268,834 66,285 19.78 255 Bankura West Bengal 398,866 320,132 78,734 19.74 256 Thrissur Kerala 70,993 56,983 14,010 19.73 257 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 105,823 84,979 20,844 19.70 258 Dehradun Uttaranchal 103,829 83,391 20,438 19.68 259 Basti Uttar Pradesh 348,135 279,836 68,299 19.62 260 Salem Tamil Nadu 422,682 339,935 82,747 19.58 261 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 89,239 71,781 17,458 19.56 262 South Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 760,961 612,273 148,688 19.54 263 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 204,526 164,640 39,886 19.50 264 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 331,010 266,515 64,495 19.48 265 Kendujhar Orissa 227,973 183,732 44,241 19.41 266 Solan Himachal Pradesh 42,718 34,444 8,274 19.37 267 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 494,413 398,666 95,747 19.37 268 Jodhpur Rajasthan 396,624 320,344 76,280 19.23 269 Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 11,505 9,296 2,209 19.20 270 North Tripura Tripura 64,060 51,866 12,194 19.04 271 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 227,319 184,103 43,216 19.01 272 Jind Haryana 168,882 136,841 32,041 18.97 273 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 349,793 284,114 65,679 18.78 274 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 241,532 196,396 45,136 18.69 275 Nalbari Assam 141,724 115,610 26,114 18.43 276 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 378,726 309,877 68,849 18.18 277 Ranchi Jharkhand 328,828 269,287 59,541 18.11 278 Karaikal Pondicherry* 9,302 7,618 1,684 18.10 279 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 372,416 305,108 67,308 18.07

280 Rewari Har~ana 45,398 37,206 8,192 18.04 281 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease In No. Union territory· illiterates·

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

281 Bhiwani Haryana 146,347 119,945 26,402 18.04 282 Ajmer Rajasthan 229,550 188,222 41,328 18.00 283 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 125,270 102,742 22,528 17.98 284 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 204,887 168,305 36,582 17.85 285 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 73,555 60,475 13,080 17.78 286 Nuapada Orissa 111,620 91,779 19,841 17.78 287 Haveri Karnataka 172,037 141,502 30,535 17.75 288 Hugli West Bengal 470,594 387,832 82,762 17.59 289 Nicobars Andar)1an & Nicobar Islands· 5,254 4,331 923 17.57 290 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 464,229 382,753 81,476 17.55 291 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 326,925 269,739 57,186 17.49 292 Kalahandi Orissa 252,063 208,231 43,832 17.39 293 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 452,424 374,179 78,245 17.29 294 Bidar Karnataka -- 210,388 174,028 36,360 17.28 295 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 293,527 243,031 50,496 17.20 296 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 375,734 311,381 64,353 17-.Q 297 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 377,586 313,038 64,548 17.09 298 Mahesana Gujarat 132,846 110,183 22,663 17.06 299 Banswara Rajasthan 286,568 238,542 48,026 16.76 300 Ri Bha; MeghaJaya 28,267 23,566 4,701 16.63 '# 301 Sundargarh Orissa 234,735 195,753 38,982 16.6~ 302 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 264,735 221,008 43,727 16.52 303 Imphal West Manipur 25,113 20,966 4,147 16.51 304 Moga Punjab 155,102 129,628 25,474 16.42 305 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 423,173 353,865 69,308 16.3& 306 Lakhimpur Assam 99,186 82,954 16,232 16.37 307 Sonipat Haryana 112,561 94,187 18,374 16.32 308 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 225,670 189,234 36,436 16.15 309 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 306,968 257,748 49,220 16.03 310 Etah Uttar Pradesh 451,195 378,996 72,199 16.00" 311 Kaithal Haryana 154,561 129,931 24,630 15.94 312 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 599,833 504,956 94,877 15,82 313 Barddhaman West Bengal 775,1,86 653,124 122,662 15.81 , 314 Tinsukia Assam 168,815 142,329 26,486 15.6Q 315 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 230,339 194,312 36,027 15.64 316 Panch Mahals Gujarat 242,318 204,422 37,896 15.64' 317 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 13,707 11,572 2,135 15.58 318 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 106,716 90,150 16,566 15.52. 319 Rohtak Haryana 80,680 68,156 12,524 15.52 320 Visakha~atnam Andhra Pradesh 616,786 521 133 95,653 15.51" II , 282 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District State/ Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory" illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

321 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 623,698 527,113 96,585 15.49 322 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 175,239 148,113 27,126 15.48 323 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 12,835 10,852 1,983 15.45 324 Rupnagar Punjab 94,992 80,476 14,516 15.28 325 Nadia West Bengal 665,919 564,319 101,600 15.26 326 Hisar Haryana 185,.405 157,169 28,236 15.23 327 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 407,612 345,882 61,730 15.14 328 Pune Maharashtra 442,740 375,849 66,891 15.11 329 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 638,421 542,514 95,907 15.02 330 Bokaro Jharkhand 214,702 1"82,523 32,179 14.99 331 Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 237,272 201,743 35,529 14.97 332 Kolar Karnataka 353,613 300,822 52,791 14.93 333 Anand Gujarat 135,734 115,499 20,235 14.91 334 Mayurbhanj Orissa 371,176 316,076 55,100 14.84 335 Mysore Karnataka 397,950 338,945 59,005 14.83 336 Birbhum West Bengal 434,781 370,362 64,419 14.82 337 Mahbubnagar Andhra ·Pradesh 746,524 636,202 110,322 14.78 338 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 168,218 143,372 24,846 14.77 339 Sitapur Uttar Pradesh 725,807 618,609 107,198 14.77 340 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 206,504 176,203 30,301 14.67 341 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 312,112 266,403 45,709 14.65 342 Davanagere Karnataka 221,060 188,705 32,355 14.64 343 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep" 2,136 1,824 312 14.61

344 Amreli Gujarat 156,899 134,024 221875 14.58 345 Chitradurga Karnataka 199,708 170,951 28,757 14.40 346 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 363,030 310,816 52,214 14.38 347 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 579,500 496,249 83,251 14.37 348 Gadag Karnataka 101,634 87,067 14,567 14.33 349 Navsari Gujarat 110,441 94,719 15,722 14.24 350 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 17,548 15,050 2,498 14.24 351 Bharuch Gujarat 119,053 102,184 16,869 14.17 352 Rohtas Bihar 285,311 245,115 40,196 14.09 353 Meerut Uttar Pradesh 367,712 316,081 51,631 14.04 354 Imphal East Manipur 26,880 23,165 3,715 13.82 355 New Delhi Delhi 11,182 9,643 1,539 13.76 356 Jaisalmer Rajasthan 84,352 72,757 11,595 13.75 357 Kodarma Jharkhand 65,487 56,578 8,909 13.60 358 Azamgarh Uttar Pradesh 531,841 459,492 72,349 13.60 359 Koppal Karnataka 178,209 154,088 24,121 13.54 360 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 62,131 53,771 8,360 13.46 283= Table-1S Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District State! Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

361 Karnal Haryana 156,008 135,049 20,959 13.43 362 Kapurthala Punjab 85,743 74,233 11,510 13.42 363 Darrang Assam 264,266 228,874 35,392 13.39 364 Kaimur (Bhabua) Bihar 183,293 159,010 24,283 13.25 365 Sirsa Haryana 167,473 145,320 22,153 13.23 366 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 269,686 234,151 35,535 13.18 367 Kannur Kerala 42,268 36,735 5,533 13.09 368 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 322,997 280,805 42,192 13.06 369 Patiala Punjab 235,755 205,049 30,706 13.02 370 Bathinda Punjab 200,718 174,781 25,937 12.92 371 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar Islands* 22,241 19,385 2,856 12.84 372 Dumka Jharkhand 311,599 271,651 39,948 12.82 373 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 320,588 279,613 40,975 12.78 374 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 512,256 446,819 65,437 12.77 375 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 202,900 177,185 25,715 12.67 376 Nainital Utlaranchal 49,477 43,239 6,238 12~61 377 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 526,141 459,882 66,259 12.59 378 North Cachar Hills Assam 22,363 19,559 2,804 12.54 379 Belgaum Karnataka 505,948 442,510 63,438 12.54 380 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 393,726 34~944 48,782 12.39 381 Mahe Pondicherry* 413 362 51 12.35 382 Gumla Jharkhand 225,937 198,134 27,803 12.31 383 Yamunanagar Haryana 106,705 93.743 12,962 12.15

3~4 Jalandhar Punjab 183,796 161,510 22,286 12.13 385 Lower Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 21,280 18,702 2,578 12.11 386 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 449,075 395,159 53,916 12.01 387 Junagadh Gujarat 249,737 220,005 29,732 11.91 388 Barpeta Assam 267,545 235-,897 31,648 11.83 389 Bongaigaon Assam 136,184 120,080 16,104 11.83 390 Pashchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 332,700 293,639 39,061 11.74 391 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 141,996 125,379 16,617 11.70 392 Kokrajhar Assam 169,035 149,278 19,757 11.69 393 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh , 6,910 6,105 805 11.65 394 Fatehabad Haryana 126,341 111,891 14,450 11.44 395 Dharwad Karnataka 153,255 135,911 17,344 1 t.32 396 Gajapati Orissa 105,780 94,010 11,770 11.13 397 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 190,731 169,966 20,765 10.89 398 Central Delhi 60,482 54,003 6,479 10.71 399 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 459,517 410,449 49,068 10.68 400 Lun~lei Mizoram 8 454 7,572 882 10.43 1 284 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

401 Sangrur Punjab 352,007 315,352 36,655 10.41 402 Narmada Gujarat 67,788 60,755 7,033 10.37 403 Bikaner Rajasthan 233,894 210,023 23,871 10.21 404 Bhavnagar Gujarat 252,291 226,609 25,682 10.18 405 Sonitpur Assam 262,559 236,462 26,097 9.94 406 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 159,174 143,470 15,704 9.87 407 Nabarangapur Orissa 245,687 221,541 24,146 9.83 408 North Sikkim 5,091 4,598 493 9.68 409 Karbi Anglong Assam 122,795 111 ;334 11,461 9.33 410 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 698,917 634,669 64,248 9.19 411 Mansa Punjab 141,356 128,395 12,961 9.17 412 Kurukshetra Haryana 90,930 82,641 B,2B9 9.12 413 Karimganj Assam 123,573 112,315 11,258 9.11 414 Palakkad Kerala 125,376 114,221 11,155 8.90 415 Dhemaji Assam 67,073 61,141 5,932 8.84 416 Muktsar Punjab 132,713 121,057 11,656 8.78 417 Vadodara Gujarat 348,713 318,178 30,535 8.76 418 Raichur Karnataka 289,287 264,341 24,946 8.62 419 Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 428,192 392,184 36,008 8.41 420 Lohardaga Jharkhand 52,098 47,724 4,374 _ 8.40 421 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 289,289 265,030 24,259 8.39 422 Kolkata West Bengal 402,634 368,922 33,712 8.37 423 Cachar Assam 161.,100' 147,747 13,353 B.29 424 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 753,383 691,521 61,862 8.21 425 Wayanad Kerala 36,224 33,258 2,966 8.19 426 Faridkot Punjab 86,586 79,666 6,920 7.99 427 Ambala Haryana 86,759 79,842 6,917 7.97 428 Porbandar Gujarat 54,418 50,083 4,335 7.97 429 Koraput Orissa 280,485 258,155 22,330 7.96 430 Udupi Karnataka 67,872 62,469 5,403 7.96 431 Kozhikode Kerala 49,329 45,450 3',879 7.86 432 Deoghar Jharkhand 177,387 163,761 13,626 7.68 433 Murshidabad West Bengal 1,037,825 958,976 78,849 7.60 434 Firozpur Punjab 259,308 239,726 19,582 7.55 435 Kamrup Assam 233,867 216,651 17,216 7.36 436 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 189,012 176,216 12,796 6.77 437 Idukki Kerala 42,352 39,489 2,863 6.76 438 Tawang Arunachal Pradesh 7,512 7,018 494 6.58 439 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 240,595 224,794 15,801 6.57

440 Ahmadabad Gujarat 3481220 325/14 221506 6.46 285 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage d.ecadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percenta2e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

441 West Sikkim 18,832 17,632 1,200 6.37 442 East Delhi 73,212 68,615 4,597 6.28 443 North Delhi 61,966 58,117 3,849 6.21 444 Giridih Jharkhand 297,618 279,164 18,454 6.20 445 Budaun Uttar Pradesh 713,884 669,757 44,127 6.18 446 South Sikkim 15,693 14,752 941 6.00 447 Gopalganj Bihar 330,764 311,030 19,734 5.97 448 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 415,542 391,309 24,233 5.83 449 West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 11,193 10,553 640 5.72 450 Patan Gujarat 140,855 132,919 7,936 5.63 451 Ludhiana Punjab 306,856 289,634 17,222 5.61 452 Medinipur West Bengal 661,178 624,691 36,487 5.52 453 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 20,634 19,514 1,120 5.43 454 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 432,584 409,310 23,274 5.38 455 Mumbai Maharashtra 180,717 171,041 9,676 5.35 456 The Dangs Gujarat 23,008 21,825 1,183 5.14 457 Maldah West Bengal 587,643 557,778 29,865 5.08 458 West Khasi Hills Meghalaya 40,006 37,975 2,031 5.08 459 Bangalore Karnataka 373,042 354,604 18,438 4.94 460 Malkangiri Orissa 122,796 116,806 5,990 4.88 461 Rayagada Orissa 185,248 n6,266 8,982 4.85 462 Banas Kantha Gujarat 367,506 349,964 17,542 4.77 463 Lawngtlai Mizoram 11,476 10,958 518 4.51 464 Kasaragod Kerala 49,025 46,848 2,177 4.44 465 Buxar Bihar 170,700 163,2·19 7,481 4.38 466 Ernakulam Kerala 57,873 55,358 2,515 4.35 467 Aurangabad Bihar 245,803 235,240 10,563 4.30 468 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 535,717 5.12,849 22,868 4.27 469 Jamnagar Gujarat 192,827 184,617 8,210 4.26 470 Bellary Karnataka 277,395 265,729 11,666 4.21 471 Siwan Bihar 355,739 341,422 14,317 4.02 4'72 Amritsar Punjab 388,091 372,851 15,240 3.93 473 Rajkot Gujarat 196,036 188,841 7,195 3.67 474 Bhojpur Bihar 252,179 243,571 8,608 3.41 475 -Surendranagar Gujarat 167,048 162,020 5,028 3.01 476 Marigaon Assam 113,496 110,243 3,253 2.87 477 Kollam Kerala 60,995 59,267 1,728 2.83 478 Muzaffarpur Bihar 642,269 624,314 17,955 2.80 479 East Sikkim 21,591 21,053 538 2.49 480 Chatra Jharkhand 145,352 142.579 2.773 1.91 286 j t i- t ,..; ; W;;;; .. a;WSiii¥/4 »&k·+P5£¥ ~43t-~'">~' ,;' , ·i_ .~: ..p, ".: - rl 0 A r ~'-r! '>,}r . - '·.(r·· .~. " is ida levi t -, ;-{#t'AA4+ ¥9¥ £-#iii¥iA; J Table-f5 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel ' Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

481 Garhwa Jharkhand 194,794 191,158 3,636 1.87 482 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 33,642 33,034 608 1.81 483 Champhai Mizoram 2,636 2,592 44 1.67 484 Jhajjar Haryana 69,081 68,276 805 1.17 485 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 8,389 8,323 66 0.79 486 (3ulbarga Karnataka 501 ,,480 497,873 3,607 0.72 487 Panipat Haryana 93,251 92,596 655 0.70 488 Valsad Gujarat 139,437 138,739 698 0.50 489 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 422,598 421,076 1,522 0.36 490 Goalpara Assam 118,694 1'18,417 277 0.23 491 Balrampur Uttar Pradesh 386,935 387,306 -371 -0.10 492 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 557,108 557,687 -579 -0.10 493 Godda Jharkhand- 185,787 186,311 -524 -0.28 494 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 207,627 208,215 -588 -0.28 495 Palamu Jharkhand 348,722 350,148 -1,426 -0.41 496 Lakhisarai Bihar 129,906 130,658 -752 -0.58 497 Indore Madhya Pradesh 176,345 177,548 -1,203 -0.68 498 Thane Maharashtra 524,973 529,769 -4,796 -0.91 499 South Garo Hills Meghalaya 14,899 15,080 -181 -1.21 500 Jehanabad Bihar 182,770 184,997 -2,227 -1.22 501 Begusarai Bihar 392,644 397,618 -4,974 -1.27 502 South Delhi 120,606 122,265 -1,659 -1.38 503 Munger Bihar 144,749 147,123 -2,374 -1.64 504 Supaul Bihar 330,416 336,282 -5,866 -1.78 505 Pashchim Champaran Bihar 602,594 613,519 -10,925 -1.81 506 Pathanamthitta Kerala 17,417 17,781 -364 -2.09 507 G~ndhinagar Gujarat 70,671 72,620 -1,949,- -2.76 508 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadra & Nagar Haveli" 26,412 27,184 -772 -2.92 509 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 11,001 11,325 -324 -2.95 510 Nalanda Bihar 323,078 333,054 -9,976 -3.09 511 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 86,451 89,293 -2,842 -3.29 512 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 55,736 57,572 -1,836 -3.29 513 Sheikhpura Bihar 79,427 82,074 -2,647 -3.33 514 Faridabad Haryana 167,827 173,511 -5,684 -3.39 515 Madhubani Bihar 606,227 630,915 -24,688 -4.07 516 Banka Bihar 283,710 295,640 -11,930 -4.20 517 Surat Gujarat 411.875 429,448 -17,573 -4.27 518 Dohad Gujarat 256,494 268,013 -11,519 -4.49 519 Vaishali Bihar 392,179 411,015 -18,836 -4.80 520 Saran Bihar 409,913 429,801 -19,888 -4.85 287 Table-15 Distriots arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District State/ Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percenta!;le 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

521 Mokokchung Nagaland 14,140 14,828 -688 -4.87 522 Panchkula Haryana 36,531 38,347 -1,816 -4.97 523 Gurgaon Haryana 153,935 161,904 -7,969 -5.18 524 Nagaon Assam 293,689 310,151 -16,462 -5.61 525 Dhalai. Tripura 37,011 39,189 -2,178 -5.88 526 Gaya Bihar 495,084 524,302 -29,218 -5.90 527 Purba Champaran Bihar 778,221 825,725 -47,504 -6.10 528 Dhubri Assam 275,276 292,324 -17,048 -6.19 529 Madhepura Bihar 302,194 321,742 -19,548 -6.47 530 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 18,466 19,669 -1,203 -6.51 531 Sahibganj Jharkhand 184,572 197,089 -12,517 -6.78 532 North West Delhi 164,509 175,696 -11,187 -6.8d 533 Sitamarhi Bihar 515,599 551,436 -35,837 -6.95 534 Phek Nagaland 12,460 13,350 -890 -7.14 535 Khagaria Bihar 240,305 257,519 -17,214 -7.16 536 Samastipur Bihar 553,809 596,090 -42,281 -7.63 537 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 20,027 21 591 -1,564 -7.81 538 Hailakandi Assam 67,166 72,500 -5,334 -7.94 539 Kottayam Kerala 20,577 22,262 -1,685 -8.19 540 Saharsa Bihar 277,197 300,897 -23,700 -8.55 541 Darbhanga Bihar 543,219 592,511' -49,292 -9.07 542 Kishanganj Bihar 269,872 298,823 -28,951 -10.73 543 Bhagalpur Bihar 382,044 423,567 -41,523 -10.87 544 Tamenglong Manipur 14,906 16,541 -1,635 -10.97 545 Kolasib Mizoram 2,058 2,287 -229 -11.13 546 Arqria Bihar 421,182 471,083 -49,901 -11.85 547 Jamui Bihar 226,211 254,843 -28,632 -12.66 548 Patna Bihar 488,729 551,62'8 -62,899 -12.87 549 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 89,909 101,723 -11,814 -13.14 550 Pakaur Jharkhand 151,120 171,364 -20,244 -13.40 551 North East Delhi 108,906 123,873 -14,967 -13.74 552 Bagalkot Karnataka 177,572 202,137 -24,565 -13.83 553 Nandurbar Maharashtra 162,468 185,471 -23,003 -14.16 554 Sheohar Bihar 103,74.7 118,900 -15,153 -14.61 555 Nawada Bihar 253,148 292,030 -38,882 -16.36 556 Ukhrul Manipur 13,431 15,537 -2,106 -15.68 557 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 55,336 64,423 -9,087 -16.42 558 Alal?puzha Kerala 27,660 32,307 -4,647 -16.80 559 Katihar Bihar 457,243 535,801 -78,558 -17.18 560 Purnia Bihar 477,284 566,963 -89,679 -18.79 28 Table-15 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage decadal decrease of illiterate males :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterates Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterates 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

561 West Delhi 104,044 124,974 -20,930 -20.12 562 Dimapur Nagaland 21,107 25,549 -4,442 -21.05 563 K9hima Nagaland 21,275 25,796 -4,521 -21.25 564 South West Delhi 71,684 88,963 -17,279 -24.10 565 Saiha Mizoram 2,788 3,507 -719 -25.79 566 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 215,601 272,292 -56,691 -26.29 567 Malappuram Kerala 96,622 127,350 -30,728 -31.80 568 Bijapur Karnataka 188,174 252,078 -63,904 -33.96 569 Chandel Manipur 13,306 18,178 -4,872 -36.62 570 Chennai Tamil Nadu '212,145 301,467 -89,322 -42.10 571 Zunheboto Nagaland 11,806 17,803 -5,997 -50.80 572 Wokha NagaJand 6,719 10,447 -3,728 -55.48 573 Mon Nagaland 38~83 63,451 -24,56'8 -63.18' 574 Daman Daman & Diu* 4,124 7,074 -2,950 -71.53 575 Tuensang Nagaland 47,561 82,803 -35,242 -74.10 576 $enapati Manipur 40,806 77,018 -36,212 -88J4r ~- 577 Yanam Pondicherry* 1,515 2,860 -1,345 -88.78

Notes: ..... 1. The data presented in this table exclude Jammu and Kashmir for the sake of comparability as the census data for 1991 census is not available as the Census of India, 1991, would not be conducted in this state due to disturbed conditions. 2. For the sake of comparability the data presented in the above table exclude the figures of entire Kachchh district, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India 2001 could not be conducted due to natural calamities.

289 Table-16 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percenta!;le 2 3 4 5 6 7 " 1 Serchhip Mizora(l1 2,227 1,124 1,103 49.53 2 Rajnandgaon Chhatisgarh 304,880 174,114 130,766 42.89 3 Kanker Chhatisgarh 170,689 99,811 70,878 41.52 4 Mamit Mizoram 9,332 5,896 3,436 36.82, 5 Datia Madhya Pradesh 142,229 90,093 52,136 36.66 6 West Godavari Andhra Pradesh 785,138 511,468 273,670 34.86 7 Narsimhapur Madhya Pradesh 178,063 119,000 59,063 33.17 B Raisen Madhya Pradesh 241,204 161,341 79,863 33.11 9 Shajapur Madhya Pradesh 320,967 215,825 105,142 32.76 10 Jhunjhunun Rajasthan 452,736 310,463 142,273 31.43 11 Lahul & Spiti Himachal Pradesh 7,409 5,083 2,326 31.39 12 Mahasamund Chhatisgarh 246,115 169,170 76,945 31.26 13 Raigarh Chhatisgarh 322,666 224,871 97,795 30.31 14 Dhamtari Chhatisgarh 154,076 107,691 46,385 30.11 15 Akola Maharashtra 250,013 177,430 72,583 29.03 16 Sikar Rajasthan 563,128 400,391 162,737 28.90. 17 Churu Rajasthan 486,850 348,930 1~7,920 28.33~ F 18 Almora Uttaranchal 155,386 112,139 43,247 27.83 19 Jashpur Chhatisgarh 197,408 142,476 54,932 27.83 20 Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu 150,799 110,545 40,254 26.69' 21 Aizawl Mizoram 7,645 5,~.2 2,033 26.59 22 Gondiya Maharashtra 225,f325 166,842 58,783 26.05 23 Garhwal Uttaranchal 145,681 107,74..5 37,936 26.04 24 Bhandara Maharashtra 210,571 156,008 54,563 25.91 25 South Tripura Tripura 168,327 124,961 43,366 25.76 26 Shimla Himachal Pradesh 118,247 88,404 29,843 25.24 27 8ageshwar Uttaranchal 63,425 47,467 15:958 25.16 28 Chamoli Uttaranchal 78,889 59,1D6 19,783 25.08 29 Durg Chhatisgarh 549,047 412,984 136,063 24.78' 30 Amravati Maharashtra 345,468 260,155 85,313 24.69 31 Jagatsinghapur Orissa 184,027 138,602 45;425 24.68 32 Pithoragarh UUaranchal 98,444 74,200 24,244 24.63 33 Toothukudi Tamil Nadu 230,516 174,647 55,869 24.24 34 Puri Orissa 275,828 209,346 66,482 24.10 35 Rudraprayag Uttaranchal 54,271 41,210 13,061 24.07 36 Dhule Maharashtra 358,829 272,906 85,923 23.95 37 Krishna Andhra Pfadesh 840,005 639,418 200,587 23.88 38 East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 1,096,516 835,176 261,340 23.83

39 Auraiy.a Uttar Pradesh 232,834 177,476 ~358 23.78 40 Bhind Madh~a Pradesh 310,161 236,616 73,545- 23.71 290 Table-16

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District State! Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

41 Ratnagiri Maharashtra 351,845 268,657 83,188 23.64 42 The Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 119,862 91,748 28,114 23.46 43 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu 402,452 308,488 93,964 23.35 44 Thiruvarur Tamil Nadu 214,859 164,934 49,92S 23.24 45 Chitrakoot Uttar Pradesh 185,811 142,909 42,902 23.09 46 Jorhat Assam 148,922 115,330 33,592 22.56 47 Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 343,274 265,953 77,321 22.52 48 Koch Bihar West Bengal 564,940 437,735 127,205 22.52 49 Nagapattinam Tamil Nadu 270,583 210,209 60,374 22.31 50 Pudukkottai Tamil Nadu 324,266 252,132 72,134 22.25 51 Mahe Pondicherry* 1,308 1,024 284 21.71 52 Kendrapara Orissa 239,446 187,51~ 51,933 21.69 53 Nellore Andhra Pradesh 636,292 498,299 137,993 21.69 54 Nawanshahr Punjab 96,895 75,939 20,956 21.63 55 Satara Maharashtra 490,043 384,754 105,289 21.49 56 Jharsuguda Orissa 112,153 88,144 2'4,009 21.41 57 Rall)anathap.uram Tamil Nadu 246,175 193,807 52,368 21.27 5?- Madurai Tamil Nadu 431,718 340,604 91,114 21.,10 59 Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh 276,534 218,526 58,008 20.98

~O Hanumangarh Rajasthan 358,213 283,754 74,459 20.79 61 Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 506,806 402,503 104,303 20.58 62.Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 368,203 292,761 75,442 20.49 63 Hoshiarpur Punjab 194,392. 154,892 39,500 20.32 64 Theni Tamil Nadu 234,950 187,354 47,596 20.26 65 Nayagarh Orissa 192,225 153,403 38,822 20.20 66 Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 490,290 ~91,654 98,636 20.12 67 Bishnupur Manipur 43,717 34,974 8,743 20.00 68 Kanpur Nagar Uttar Pradesh 575,694 461,287 114,407 19.87 69 Raipur Chhatisgarh. 691,219 554,828 136,391 19.73 70 Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 56,688 45,508 11,180 19.72 71 Guntur Andhra Pradesh 1,104,381 887,437 216,944 19.64

72 $iv_9ganga Tamil Nadu 247,169 1~8,758 48,411 19.59

73 Sonapur Orissa 150,~49 120,823 29,426 19.58 74 Sangli Maharashtra 456,909 368,795 88,114 19.28 75 Sirmaur Himachal Pradesh 89,258 72,168 17,090 19.15 76 Seoni Madhya Pradesh 273,737 221,487 52,250 19.09 77 Mumbai Maharashtra ,277,074 224,225 52,849 19.07 78 Tiruvanamalai Tamil Nadu 521,683 422,286 99,397 19.05 79 Una l;iimachal Rradesh 63,471 51,435 12,036 18.96 80 Central belhi . 76,851 62280 14,571 18.96 2~n Table-16

Districts'arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

81 Dindigul Tamil Nadu 428,185 347,515 80,670 18.84 82 Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh 54,374 44,160 10,214 18.78 83 Barmer Rajasthan 497,135 404,245 92,890 "18.69 84 Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 868,163 707,761 160,402 18.48 85 Dhenkanal Orissa 231,246 188,596 42,650 18.44 86 Kangra Himachal Pradesh 195,794 159,908 35,886 18.33 87 Viluppuram Tamil Nadu 736,894 601,985 134,909 18.31 88 Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 402,124 328,507 73,617 18.31 89 Buldana Maharashtra 400,879 327,646 73,233 18.27 90 Nagpur Maharashtra 466,277 381,552 84,725 18:17 91 Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 271,336 222,154 49,182 18.13 92 Kodagu Kamataka 80,202 65,685 14,517 18.10 93 Raigarh Maharashtra 366,636- 300,733 6~,903 17.98 94 Yavatmal Maharasbtra 459,306 376,969 82,337 17.93 95 Parbhani Maharashtra 351,774 288,748 63,026 1_7.92 96 East Khasi Hills Meghalaya 79,947 65,816 14,131 17.68 97 Panna Madhya Pradesh 206,033 169,801 36,232 17.59

98 Tehri Garhwal Uttaranchal 160,550 132,32~ 28,223 17.58 99 Mandi Himachal Pradesh 166,686 137,509 29,177 17.50 1QO Betul Madhya Pradesh 304,268 251,249 53,019 17.43 101 North Tripura Tripura 102,352 84,642 17,710 17.30 102 Kawardha Chhatisgarh '174,658 144,621 30,037 17.20 103 Ariyalur Tamil Nadu 177,296 147,064 30,232 17.05 104 Ahmadnagar Maharashtra 725,278 601,884 123,394 17.01 105 Koriya ,Chhatisgarh 142,197 118,015 24,182 17.01 106 Chhindwara Madhya Pradesh 413,014 342,804 70,210 17.00 107 Wardha Maharashtra 171,035 142,051 28,984- 16.95 , 108 Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 674,740 590,723' 114,017 16.90 109 Anugul Orissa 251,819 209,333 42,486 16.87 110 Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 450,959 375,057 75,902 16.83 111 Kapur Tamil Nadu 216,863 180,407 36,456 16.81 112 Lakshadweep Lakshadweep* 5,559 4,630 929 16.71 113 Bid Maharashtra 474,671 395,477 79,194 '16.68 114 Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh 744,44f? 621,745 122,701 16.48 115 Perambalur Tamil Nadu 118,536' 99,085 19,451 16.~1 116 Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 336,203 281,219 54,984 16.35 117 B~rh Orissa 347,791 291,165 56,626 16.28 118 North Goa Goa 89,997 75,363 14,634 16.26 119 Uttara Kannada Kamataka 219,723 184,047 35,676 16.24 120 Janliir-Champa Chhatisgarh 325,489 272,759 52,130 16.20 292 Table-16 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4* 5 6 7

121 Haora West Bengal 620,932 520,436 100,496 16.18 122 Umaria Madhya Pradesh 132,413 111,037 21,376 16.14 123 'West Tripurs Tripura 231,447 194,376 37,071 16.02 124 Karauli Rajasthan 286,865 240,945 45,920 16.01 125 Mandla Madhya Pradesh 244,103 205,384 38,719 15.86 126 Kullu Himachal Pradesh 72,602 61,125 11,477 15.81 127 Osmanabad Maharashtra 303,491 256,177 47,314 15.59 128 Khordha orissa 267,933 226,257 41,676 15.55 129 Shimoga Karnataka 276,059 233,535 42,524 15.40 130 Kota Rajasthan 286,074 242,025 44,049 15.40 131 Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 688,784 584,138 104,646 15.19 132 Namakkal Tamil Nadu . 337,768 286,470 51,298 15.19 133 Jalgaon Maharashtra 635,375 539,039 96,336 15.16 134 Champawat Uttaranchal- 50,353 42,721 7,632 15.16 135 Chikmagalur Kamataka 209,353 177,818 31,535 15.06 136 Hassan Karnataka 367,749 312,548 55,201 15.01 137 Bhadrak Orissa 242,691 206,578 36,113 14.88 138 Nanded Maharashtra 616,127 524,598 91,52~f" 14.86 139 Baghpat Uttar Pradesh 258,108 219,797 38,311 14.84 140 Cuttack Orissa 397,139 338,249 58,890 14.83 141 Sambalpur Orissa 211.,963 180,604 31,359' 14.79, 142 Thrissur Kerala 164,685 140,466 24,219 14.71 143 Veil ore Tamil Nadu 657,691 562,150 95,541 14.53 144 K04kata West Bengal 488,093 418,958 69,135 14.16

145 Champhai Mizor~m 4,954 4,257 697 14.07 146 Solapur Maharashtra 745';906 641,131 104,775 14.05 147 Balangir Orissa 402,434 345,917 56,517 14.04 148 Bangalore Rural Karnataka 423,890 364,622 59,268 13.98 149 Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 224,640 193,239 31,401 13.98 150 Moga Punjab 174,530 150,236 24,294 13.92 151 Diu Daman & Diu· 8,171 7,039 1,132 ,13.85 152 ~orth Twenty Four Parganas West j3engal 1,227,418 1,057,666 169,752 13.83 153 Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 834,367 719,360 115,007 13.78 154 Cuddapah Andhra Pradesh , 634,975 547,992 86,983 13.70 155 Solan Himachal Pradesh 74~942 64,721 10,221 13.64 156 West Nimar Madhya Pradesh 343,017 296,263 46,754 ,13.63 157 Jajapur Orissa 311,660 269,532 42,128 13,52 158 Hingoli Maharashtra 223,902 193,811 30,091 13.44 159 Shahd04 Madhya Pradesh 402,942 348,797 54,145 13.44 160 Latur Maharashtra 390,897 '338,G68 52,229 13.36 293 Table-16 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 Sl. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

161 Udupi Karnataka' 160,357 138,942 21,415 13.35 162 Mandya Karnataka 435,904 378,170 57,734 13.24 163 Tumkur Karnataka 555,537 481,979 73,558 13.24 164 Etawah Uttar Pradesh 243,480 211,334 32,146 13.20 165 South Twenty Four Parganas West Bengal 1,317,741 1,143,956 173,785 13.19 166 Chandrapur Maharashtra 382,154 331,814 50,340 13.17 167 Erode Tamil Nadu 594,296 516,474 77,822 13.09 168 Kolhapur Maharashtra 583,662 507,306 76,356 13.08 169 RiBhoi Meghalaya 30,476 26,499 3,977 13.05 170 Chamba Himachal Pradesh 110,985 96,574 14,411 12.98 171 GurdasPur Punjab 325,992 283,837 42,155 12.93 172 Imphal West Manipur 62,124 54,094 8,030 12.93 173 Karimnagar Al)dhra Pradesh 973,355 848,493 124,862 12.83 174 Warangal Andhra Pradesh 846,151 738,122 108,029 12.77 175 Sindhudurg Maharashtra 128,983 112,637 16,346 12.67 176 Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh 864,305 756,128 108,176 12.52 177 Surguja Chhatisgarh 520,504 456,227 64,277 12.35 178 Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh 600,731 527,7Q2 73,029 12.16 179 Jalandhar Punjab 251,938 221,565 30,373 12.06 180 Bilaspur Chhatisgarh 483,895 425,845 58,050 12.00 181 Sehore Madhya Pradesh 245,046 215,818 29,228 11.93 182 Gadchiroli Maharashtra 226,627 199,610 27,017 11.92 183 Dakshin Dinajpur West Bengal 312,231 275,040 37,191 11.91 184 Uttarkashi Uttaranchal 70,909 62,481 8,428 11.89 185 Nalbari Assam 222,391 196,072 26,319 11.83 186 Nicobars Andaman & Nicobar Islands· 6,597 5,826 771 11.69 187 Dibrugarh Assam 206,665 182,791 23,874 11.55 188 Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 204,198 180,629 23,569 11.54 189 Kolasib Mizoram 2,918 2,584 334 11.45 190 R.upnagar Punjab 145,341 128,763 16,578 11.41 191 Baleshwar Orissa 386,654 342,584 44,070 11.40 192 Jalna Maharashtra 381,599 338,150 43,449 11.39 193 Kapurtha!a Punjab 113,655 100,723 12,932 11.38 194 Ganjam Orissa 792,032 702,258 89,774 11.33 195 Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab 77,624 69,075 8,549 11.01 196 Lunglei Mizoram 11,832 10,544 1,288 10.89 197 Satna Madhya Pradesh 401,097 357,458 43,639 10.88 198 Rajsamand Rajasthan 283,988 253,470 30,518 10.75 199 Sibsagar Assam 156,288 139,640 16,648 10.65 200 Debagarh Orissa 67,638 60,476 7,1{)2 10.59 ; r: -= .."::v·g'\lMHMWSSSt •• FR.-}$f .... 4-4· of ¥W¥¥E ; ···ft gJE =7M if "'Mt1f' N 4· P 'dQ!'I't .' . 'PUJLlltSW8·u¥a2@SS Table-16 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001

SI. • District Statel Numb~r of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

201 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 463,558 414,927 48,631 10.49 202 Harda Madhya Pradesh 95,388 85,396 9,992 10.48 203 South Goa Goa 77,038 69,057 7,981 10.36 204 Haveri Karnataka 284,808 255,490 29,318 10.29 205 Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu 423,154 380,052 43,102 10.19 206 Mau Uttar Pradesh 405,248 364,164 41,084 10.14 207 Salem Tamil Nadu 638.591 . 574,550 64,041 10.03 208 Hathras Uttar Pradesh 293,776 264,334 29,442 10.02 209 Mainpuri Uttar Praaesh 314,191 282,710 31,481 10.02 210 Jalpaiguri West Bengal 731,281 658,167 73,114 10.00 211 Nainital Uttaranchal 100,043 90,099 9,944 9.94 212 Kolar Karnataka 568,408 512,068 56,340 9.91 213 Dausa Rajasthan 315,370 284,267 31,103 9.86 214 Rohtak Haryana .151,540 136,715 14,825 9.78 215 Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 673,322 607,482 65,840 9.78 216 Karimganj Assam 178,038 160,666 17,372 9.76 217 Karaikal Pondicherry* 21,059 19,019 2,040 9.69 218 Baudh Orissa 104,067 94,010 10,057 9.66 219 Jhalawar Rajasthan 308,547 278,818 29,729 9.64 220 Navsari GUjarat 184,379 166,622 17,757 9.63 221 Thoubal Manipur 75,974 68,679 7,295 9.60 222 Medak Andhra Pradesh 737,873 667,759 70,114 9.50 223 Nadia West Bengal 858,573 777,321 81',252 9.46 224 Ganganagar Rajasthan 365,562 330,967 34,595 9.46 225 Chitradurga Karnataka 323,261 293,016 30,245 9.36 226 Jaipur Rajasthan 995,215- 902,362 92,853 9.33 227 Darjiling West Bengal 271,821 246,928 24,893 9.16 228 Aurangabatl Maharashtra 510,147 463,583 46,564 9.13 229 Bidar Karnataka 338,361 307,645 30,716 9.08 230 Davanagere Karnataka 347,643 316,590 31,253 8.98 231 Mahendragarh Haryana 165,558 150,776 14,782 8.93 232 Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 166,697 151,857 14;840 8.90 233 Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh 341,932 311,892 30,040 8:79 234 Guna Madhya Pradesh 391,764 357,350 34,414 8.78 235 Yamunanagar Haryana 155,295 141,656 13,639 8.78 236 Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 483,952 441,583 42,369 8.75 237 Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh 699,145 637,950 61,195 8.75 238 Nagaur Rajasthan 719,462 656,802 62,660 8.71 239 Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh 300,045 274,034 26,011 8.67 i46 Morena Madhya Pradesh 339,490 310,737 28,753 8.47 295 Table-16

Districts arranaed by descending order of percentalle of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District Statel N umber of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

241 Udaipur Rajasthan 653,027 598,199 54,828 8.40 242 Patiala Punjab 305,109 279,521 25,588 8.39 208,596 191,182 17,414 243 Sonipat Haryana , 8.35 244 Khammam Andhra Pradesh 621,960 570,260 51,700 8.31 245 Golaghat Assam 160,305 146,999 13,306 8.30 246 Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 300,714 275,834 24,880 8.27 247 Mysore Karnataka 548,227 503,255 44,972 8.20 248 Hugli West Bengal 761,631 699,246 62,385 8.19 249 Chamarajanagar Karnataka 261,597 240,232 21,365 8.17 250 Kheda Gujarat 385,687 354,632 31,055 8.05 251 Bharatpur Rajasthan 469,261 431,708 37,553 8.00 252 Katni Madhya Pradesh 237,809 218,806 19,003 7.99 253 Sundargarh Orissa 381,238 351,450 29,788 7.81 254 Kendujhar Orissa 378,646 349,259 29,387 7.76 255 Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 383,170 353,488 29,682 7.75 256 Baran Rajasthan 248,992 230,017 18,975 7.62 257 Faizabad Uttar Pradesh 510,249 471,367 38,882 7.62 258 Korba Chhatisgarh 230,060 "*212,632 17,428 7.58 259 Bhiwani Haryana 284,677 263,189 21,488 7:55 260 Mahesana Gujarat 301,841 279,153 22,688 7.52 261 Dhaulpur Rajasthan 215,145 ~9,211 15,934 7.41 262 East Nimar Madhya Pradesh 377,471 349,917 27,554 7.30 263 Pune Maharashtra 899,907 834,806 65,101 7.23 264 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 894,987 830,422 64,565 7.21 265 Amreli Gujarat 273,667 254,106 19,561 7.15 266 Bankura West Bengal 722,372 671,511 50,861 7.04 267 Basti Uttar Pradesh 523,669 486,867 36,802 7.03 268 Sagar Madhya Pradesh 378,235 451,704 26,531 7.01 269 Ludhiana Punjab 361,852 336,561" 25,285 6.99 270 Ernakulam -Kerala 136,379 126,924 9,455 6.93 271 Bharuch Gujarat 211,197 196,598 14,599 6.91 272 Pondicherry Pondicherry* 93,997 87,541 6,456 6.87 273 Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh 979,414 912,713 66,701 6.81 274 Bathinda Punjab 240,231 223,896 16,335 6.80 275. Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 664,571 619,564 45,007 6.77 276 Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 655,031 ~10,780 44,251 6.76 277 Gautam Buddha Nagar Uttar'Pradesh 216,486 202,028 14,458 6.68 278 Gadag. Karnataka 210,008 196,071 13,937 6.64 279 Birbhum West Bengal 629,719 5BB,24~ 41,477 6.59 280 Vidisha Madhya'Pradesh 256,376 239,556 16,820 6.56 296 _""_"''Il'''!1 II!'IIE_ ---=:=:l Table-16

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001

SI. District State! Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterate

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 2 3 4 5 6 7

281 Sangrur Punjab 407,771 381,171 26,600 6.52 282 Dharwad Karnataka 274,847 256,929 17,918 6.52 283 Hamirpur Uttar Pradesh 248,932 232,770 16.,162 6.49 284 Mahoba Uttar Pradesh 172,089 160,931 11,158 6.48 285 Damoh Madhya Pradesh 235,661 220,400 15,261 6.48 286 Karnal Haryana 225,717 211,117 14,600 6.47 287 West Siang Arunachal Pradesh 20,488 19,181 1,307 638 288 Rewari Haryana 128,755 120,549 8,206 6.37 289 Anand Gujarat 308,610 289,272 19,338 6.27 290 Upper Subanslri Arunachal Pradesh 13,362 12,533 829 620 291 Jind Haryana 252,641 237,122 15,519 6.14 292 Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 928,866 872,522 56,344 6.07 293 Rewa Madhya Pradesh 432,006 405,896 26,110 604 294 Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh 736,107 692,213 44,494 604 295 Kaithal Haryana 207,898 195,429 12,469 6.00 296 Bongaigaon Assam 187,527 176,409 11,118 5.93 297 Banda Uttar Pradesh 371,382 349,856 21,526 5.80 298 Ambala Haryana 138,433 130,654 7,779 5.62 299 Faridkot Punjab 103,996 98,154 5,842 562 300 Kannur Kerala 124,265 117,416 6,849 5.51 301 Bangalore Karnataka 610,796 577,548 33,248 5.44 302 Bastar Chhatlsgarh 376,891 356,377 20,514 544 303 Darrang Assam 336,932 318,697 18,235 5.41 304 Porbandar Gujarat 98,345 93,096 5,249 534 305 Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh 515,803 488,553 27,250 528 306 Belgaum Karnataka 887,139 840,774 46,365 523 307 Dindori Madhya Pradesh 156,383 148,404 7,979 5.10 308 Barddhaman West Bengal 1,156,837 1,099,515 57,322 4.96 309 West Khasl Hills Meghalaya 42,027 39,951 2,076 4.94 310 Imphal East Manipur 60,339 57,408 2,931 4.86 311 Kurukshetra Haryana 137,866 131,380 6,486 4.70 312 Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh 789,753 752,758 36,995 4.68 313 Murshldabad West Bengal 1,275,000 1,215,379 59,621 4.68 314 Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 882,168 840,933 41,235 4.67 315 Ballia Uttar Pradesh 649,143 619,115 30,028 4.63 316 Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh 311,795 297,429 14,366 461 317 Barpeta Assam 351,965 336,203 15,762 4.48 318 East Kameng Arunachal Pradesh 16,707 15,963 744 4.45 319 Rajgarh Madhya Pradesh 323,128 308,806 14,322 4.43 320 Dehradun Utlaranchal 158,290 151,444 6,846 4.32 " . 297 Table-16 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrea,se of iII,iterate females :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadaldecreasein No. Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentaae 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

321 Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 1,064,326 1,018,408 45,918 4.31 322 9hittaurgarh Rajasthan 490,699 469,691 21,008 4.28 323 Kannauj Uttar Pradesh 273,960 2,62,406 11,554 4.22 324 Kozhikode Kerala 152,989 146,576 6,413 4.19 325 Nashik Maharashtra 757,762 726,050 31,712 4.18 326 Hardwar Uttaranchal 274,064 262,624 11,440 4.17 327 North Sikkim 6,408 6,142 266 4.15 328 Deoria Uttar Pradesh 660,930 633,720 27,210 4,12 329 Hissr Haryana ~99,918 287,922 11,996 4.00 330 Jhansi Uttar Pradesh 347,971 334,645 13,326 3.83 331 Pali Rajasthan 488,771 470,090 18,681 3.8Z 332 Bijnor Uttar Pradesh 655,381 630,423 24,958 3.81 333 Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 704,729 678,069 26,660 3.78 334 Idukki Kerala 77,469 74,583 2,886 3,73 335 Mansa Punjab 159,718 153,828 5,890 3.69 336 Jhaliar Haryana 145,292 140,006 5,286 3.64 337 Kandhamal Orissa 177.683 171,414 6.269 3.53 338 Junagadh Gujarat 458.947 443:131 15.616 3.40 339 Dhemaji Assam 104.087 100.650 3,437 3.30 340 Rae Bareli Uttar Pradesh 708.134 684,907 23,227 3:28 341 Unnao Uttar Pradesh 628.933 608,91'!; 20,018 3.18 342 Palakkad Kerala 25.7.041 248,912 8.129 3.16 343 Upper Siang Arunachal Pradesh '1,.649 7,409 240 3.14 344 Jaintia Hills Meghalaya 52.063 50,452 1,611 3.09. 345 Dewas Madhya Pradesh 295,480 286,400 9.080 3.07 346 Meerut Uttar Pradesl1 552.380 535,538 16,842 3.05 347 Puruliya West Bengal 674,174 654.267 1~07 2.95 348 Sirsa Haryana 228.553 221,9~1 6.602 2.89 349 Bundi Rajasthan 240.748 233,806 6.942 2.88 350 Kollam Kerali'! 140,476 136,445 4.031 2.87 '351 Lakhimpur Assam 147.316 143,192 4.124 2.80 :352 Sonitpur Assam 333.979 324.762 9.217 2.76 I ,353 Muktsar Punjab 162,295 157,891 4,404 2.71 "354 Kamrup Assam 34~,883 335.060 8.823 2.57 '355 . South Sikkim ,21.040 20.535 505 .2.40 ,356 Cachar Assam 243.601 2~8,009 5.592 2.30 357 Azamgarh Uttar Prad~sh 958.916 938.196 20,720 2.16 .358 Udhamsingh Nagar Uttaranchal 226;603 221.788 4,815 2.12 359 Atwar Rajasthan 651,699 637.994 13,705 2.10 360 Mathura Uttar Pradesh 437,852 428,905 8,947 2.04 298 .'. '"c ',"~. ,". Table-16

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 - SI. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadal decre;:lse in No. Union territory* illiterate

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

361 Gumla Jharkhand 334,765 328,069 6,696 2.00 362 Tikamgarh Madhya Pradesh 276,153 270,654 5,499 1.99 363 Ranchi Jharkhand 544,284 533,901 10,383 1.91 364 Sirohi Rajasthan 212,746 208,807 3,939 1.85 365 Firozpur Punjab 341,85q 335,827 6,029 1.76 366 Narmada Gujarat 11(063 112,099 1,964 1.72 367 Mahbubnagar Andhra Pradesh 1,003,713 986,505 . 17,208 1.71 368 Kokrajhar Assam 215,589 211,971 3;618 1.68 369 Nuapada Orissa 169,290 166,837 2,453 1.45 370 Chandauli Uttar Pradesh 351,215 346,242 4,973 1.42 371 Kalahandi Orissa 401,309 395,999 5,310 1.32 372 Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 642,435 633,981 a,454 1.32 373 Tinsukia Assam 217,047 214,245 2,802 1.29 374 Purbi Singhbhum Jharkhand 349,937 345,590 4,347 1.24 375 Lower Subansiri 'Arunachal Pradesh 25,608 25,305 303 1.18 376 Mayurbhanj Orissa 578,424 571,773 6,651 1.15 377 Sabar Kantha Gujarat 414,224 409,502 4,722 1.14 378 Panch Mahals Gujarat 453,562 448,567 4,995 1.10 379 Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh 651,202 644,162 7,040 1.08 380. Sant Ravidas Nagar Uttar Pradesh 323,85~ 320,418 3,441 1.06 381 Barabanki Uttar Pradesh 654,709 647,968 6,741 1.03 382. Rangareddi Andhra Pradesh 638,188 632,129 6,059 0.95 383 Hardoi Uttar Pradesh 786,821 780,109 6,712 0.85 384 Medinipur West-Bengal 1,443,325 1,432,182 11,143 0.77 385 New Delhi Delhi 16,995 16,884 111 0.65 386 Hazaribagh Jharkhand 518,618 515,469 3,149 0.61 387 'Churachandpur Manipur 35,748 35,538 210 0.59 3S8 Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 872,512 867,860 4,652 0.53 389 Maldah West Bengal 756,514 75:2,611 3,903 0.52 390 Etah Uttar Pradesh 612,563 609,815 2,748 0.45 391 Marigaon Assam 146,274 145,778 496 0.34 392 Dumka Jharkhand 478;230 476,907 1,323 0.28 393 I$asaragod Kerala 109,490 109,220 270 0.2p 394 Amritsar Punjab 485,056 484,199 857 0.18 395 Fatehabad Haryana 172,066 171,771 295 0.17 396 Bhavnagar Gujarat 461,729 461,104 625 0.14 397 Thane Maharashtra 804,173 803,234 939 0.12 398 Andamans Andaman & Nicobar Islands· 29,134 29,104 30 0.10 399 Gajapati Orissa 155,708 155,795 -87 -0.06 400 Dhar Madhya Pradesh 420,375 422,095 -1,720 -0.41 299 Tabre-16

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage 'of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District Statel Number of initerate Decadaldecreasein No. Union territory" illiterate

1991 2001 Absolute Percent~e 2 3 4 5 6 7

401 Vadodara Gujarat 587,110 590,228 -3,118 -0.53 402 Pathanamthitta Kerala 36,529 36,724 -195 -0.53 403 Kottayam Kerala 49,016 49,278 -262 -0.53 404 Dhanbad Jharkhand 438,901 441.250 -2.349 -0.54 405 Koppal Karnataka 291,565 293.448 -1,883 -0.65 406 East Delhi 117,057 117,856 -799 -0.68 407 West Sikkim 24,260 24,436 -176 -0.73 408 Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 364,275 366,979 -2,704 -0.74 442,396 -3,892 -0.88 409 Ajmer Rajasthan 446,288 a 410 Washim Maharashtra 160,474 161,949 -1,475 -0.92 411 Jalor Rajasthan 405,628 409,535 -3,907 -0.96 412 Goalpara Assam 156,142 157,807 -1,665 -1.07 413 Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh 329,436 333,051 -3,615 -1.10L 414 Pashchimi Singhbhum Jharkhand 547,415 553,580 -6,165 -1.13 415 North Delhi 78,549 79,500 -951 -1.21 ·416 Karbi Anglong Assam 161,168 163,397 -2,229 -1.38' 417 Bhojpur Bihar 485,093 492,633 -7,540 -1.55< I 418 North Cachar Hins Assam 29,004 29:~3 -509 -1.75 419 South Gam Hills Meghalaya 19,135 19,474 ·339 -1.77 420 Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 209,114 273,938 -4,824 -1.79 421- Kaushambi Uttar Pradesh 330,649 336,6iftf -5,994 -1.81 422 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 238,879 243,880 -5,001 -2.09 1 423 Sawai Madhopur Rajasthan 27j,246 276,933 -5,687 -2.10 424 Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 436,182 445,718 -9,536 -2.19 425 Sit~pur Uttar Pradesh 854,276 873.674 -19,398 -2.2'7 426 Jamnagar Gujarat 320.302 327,595 -7,293 -2.28 427 Tonk Rajasthan 318,032 325,277 -7,245 -2.28

428 Rohtas Bihar 490,807 502,24~ -11,442 -2.33 429 Patan Gujarat 254,171 260,202 -6,031 -2.37 430 Bhilwara Rajasthan 527,029 540,983 -13,954 -2.65- 431 lucknow Uttar Pradesh 560,149 575,546 -15,397 -2.75 432 Bellary Karnataka 445,215 457,694 -12,479 -2.80' 433 Bokaro Jharkhand 360,970 371,165 -10,195 -2.82 ~ 434 Dhubri Assam 350,814 361,157 -10,343 -2.95, 435 East Siang Arunachal Pradesh 15,944 16,419 -475 -2.98' 1436 Kaimur (Shabua) Bihar 287,151 296,845 -9,694 -3.38 1437 Siwan Bihar 679,769 703,009 -23,240 -3.42 436 Murnbai (Suburban) Maharashtra 646,082 669,414 -23,332 -3.61 i 439 Raichur Kamata'ka 417,364 432,465 -15,101' -3.62 <440 Ahmadabad Gujarat 672,758 697,161 -24,403 -3.63 300 Table-16 Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterate

1991 2001 Absolute Percenta~e 2 3 4 5 6 7

441 Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 464,985 482,637 -17,652 -3.80 442 Dungarpur Rajasthan 296,848 308,194 -11,346 -3.82 443 Koraput Orissa 355,174 370,061 -14,887 -4.19 444 Gulbarga Karnataka 760,713 792,847 -32,134 -4.22 445 Munger Bihar 217,689 227,189 -9,500 -4.36 446 Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 600,804 627,454 -26,650 -4.44 447 Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 376,926 394,101 -17,175 -4.56 448 Valsad Gujarat 222,596 232,852 -10,256 -4.61 449 East Sikkim 29,955 31,347 -1,392 -4.65 450 East Garo Hills Meghalaya 40,939 42,929 -1,990 -4.86 451 Rajkot Gujarat 336,028 352,852 -16,824 -5.01 452 Wayanad Kerala 62,867 66,108 -3,241 -5.16 453 Maharajganj Uttar Pradesh 563,103 592,2A2 -29,139 -5.17 454 Kheri Uttar Pradesh 730,830 769,081 -38,251 ' -5.23 455 Malkangiri Orissa 1A8,?-75 156,087 -7,812 -5.27 456 Panipat Haryana 146,103 153,907 -7,804 ~5.34 457 Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 492,964 519,926 -26,962 -5.47 458 Nagaon Assam 385,837 407,010 -21,173 --5.49 459 Rayagada Orissa 249,501 263,218 -13,717 -5.50 460 West Kam~ng Arunachal Pradesh 12,670 13,373 -703 -5.55 461 Jyotiba Phule Nagar Uttar Pradesh 346,277 365;517 -19,240 -0.56 462 Kodarma Jharkhand 125,344 132,310 -6,966 -5.56 463 Uttar Dinajpur West Bengal 554,1'56 585,638 -31,482 -5.68 464 Hailakandi Assam 100,903 106,643 -5,740 -5.69 465 Vaishali Bihar 613,148 648,146 -34,998 -5.71 466 Agra Uttar Pradesh 678,208 717,145 -38,937 -5.74 467 Mokokchung Nagaland 16,381 17,328 -947 -5.78 468 Siddharthnagar Uttar Pradesh 530,855 563,235 -32,380 -6.10 469 Lohardaga Jharkhand 82,766 87,815 -5,049 -6.10 470 Daman Daman & Diu* 8,993 9,544 -551 -6.13 471 Dantewada Chhatisgarh 221.818 235,778 -13,960 -6.29 472 Nalanda Bihar 524,946 558,642 -33,696 -6.42 473 Buxar Bihar 300,647 320,647 -20,000 -6.65 474 Jhabua Madhya Pradesh 377,151 402,321 -25,170 -6.67 475 The Dangs Gujarat 35,989 38,444 -2,455 -6.82 476 Aurangabad Bihar 425,464 455,824 -30,360 -7.14 477 Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 573.294 614.577 -41,283 -7.20 478 Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 735,243 788,598 -53,355 -7.26 479 Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 225,676 242,152 -16,476 -7.30 480 Jodheur Rajasthan 629,034 675,024 .' -45,~90 -7.31 301 Table-16

Districts arranged by desc~ndlng order of percentage of decada! decrease of illiterate females :2001 SI. District Statel Number of iUiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory· illiterate

1991 2001 , Absolute Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

481 Alappuzha Kerala 81,361 87,339 -5,978 -7.35 482 Nabarangapur Orissa 306,539 329,263 -22,724 -7.41 483 Gopalganj Bihar 544,255 586,425 -42,170 -7.75 484 Jehanabad Bihar 3~,428 355,207 -25,779 -7.83 485 Ukhrul Manipur 20,347 21,943 -1,596 -7.84 486 Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 807,034 871,058 -64,024 -7.93 487 Malappuram Kerala 208,810 225,636 -16,826 -8.06 488 Samastipur Bihar 811,444 877,786 -6'6,342 -8.18 489 Tirap Arunachal Pradesh 24,982 27,060 -2,078 -8.32 490 Lawngtlai Mizoram 13,711 14,867 -1,156 -8.43 491 Godda Jharkhand 268,594 291,312 -22,718 -8.46 492 Surat Gujarat 602,021 653,315 -51,294 -8.52 493 Saran Bihar 766,981 833,260 -66,279 -8.64 494 Gonda Uttar Pradesh 707,128 768,460 -61,332 -8.67 495 Deoghar Jharkhand 276,597 301,922 -25,325 -9.16 496 Muzaffarpur Bihar 864,988 944,323 -79,335 -9.17 497 Banswara Rajasthan 388,133 424,312 -36,179 -9.32 498· Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 187,160 204,684 -17,5Z4 -9.36 499 Chslra Jharknand 195,930 214,416 -18,~86 -9:44 500 Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 328,531 3~,827 -31,296 -9.53 501 Banas Kantha Gujarat 591,469 648,011 -56,542 -9.56 502 Patna Bihar 788,334 864,457 -76,123 -9.66 503 West Garo Hills Meghalaya 105,801 116~068 -10,267 -9.70 504 Sheopur Madhya Pradesh 136,341 149,711 -13,370 -9.81 505 Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 850,481 935,133 -84,652 -9.95 506 Lakhisarai Bihar 182,775 201,296 ~-18.521 -10.13 507 Panchkula Haryana 51,326 56,586 -5,260 -10.25 508 Begusarai Bihar 515,712 568,988 -53.276 -10.33 509 Bikaner Rajasthan 330,209 364,859 -34,650 -10.49· 510 .Sufendranagar Gujarat 284,976 315,113 -30,137 -10.58· 511 Budaun Uttar Pradesn 743,693 824,610 -80,917 -10.88 512 Sheikhpura Bihar 118,471 131,494 -13,023 -10.99 513 Jaisalme_r Rajasthan '108,285 120.370 -12,085 -11.16 514 Gaya Bihar 759,738 845,063 -85,325 -11.23 515 Banka Bihar 387,913 431,950 -44,037 -11.35 516 Giridih Jharkhand 489,508 545.458 -55,950 -11.43 517 Nandurbar Maharashtra 262,892 293,008 -30,116 -11.46 518 Tawang Arunachaf Pradesh 8,518 9,563 -985 -11.48 ) 519 Bahraich Uttar Pradesh 601,780 670,884 -69,104 -11.48 520 ~ak:~mpur Uttar Pradesh 446,005 497.935 -51.930 -11.64 '~ " ~. ' '. .,. Table-16

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :200~ SI. District State/ Number of illiterate Decadal decrease in No. Union territory* illiterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7

521 Barwani Madhya Pradesh 254,996 284,746 -29,750 -11.67 522 Bagalkot Karnataka 346,918 387,547 -40,629 -11.71 523 Bhagalpur Bihar 497,299 557,590 -60,291 -12.12 524 Tamenglong Manipur 20,906 23,447 -2,541 -12.15 525 Palamu Jharkhand 499,649- 561,522 -61,873 -12.38 .

526 Madhubani Bihar 907,7~5 1,024,088 -116,293 -12.81 527 Chennai Tamil Nadu. 408,402 461,708 -53,306 -13.05 528 Dibang Valley Arunachal Pradesh 9,610 10,868 -1,258 -13.09 529 Saiha Mizpram 4,648 5,260 -612 -13.17 530 Indore Madhya Pradesh 335,9.66 381,147 -45,181 -13.45 531 Rampur Uttar Pradesh 452,961 515,612 -62,651 -13.83 532 Bijapur Karnataka 351,456 401,436 -49,980 -14.22 533 Phek Nagaland 18,846 21,582 -2,736 -14.52 534 Sahibganj Jharkhand- .228,023 261,445 -33,422 -14.66 535 Purba Champaran Bihar 964,983 1,109,358 -144,375 -14.96 536 Dohad Gujarat 388,385 446,887 -58,502 -15.06 537 Pashchim Ch.amparan Bihar 731,576 842,285 -110,709 -15.13

538 Sonbhadra Uttar Pradesh 311,602 359,607 -48,005 -> -15.41 539 Khagaria Bihar 286,654 331,061 -44,407 -15.49 540 Dadra & Nagar Haveli Dadra & Nagar Haveli* 38,894 45,264 -6,370 -16.38 541 Sitamarhi Bihar 633,572 740,077 -106,505 ..... ,16.81 542 South Delhi 183,870 214,900 -31,030 -16.88 543 Faridabad Haryana 305,836 357,669 -51,833 -16.95 544 Gandhinagar Gujarat 166,920 195,821 -28,901 -17.31 545 Darbhanga Bihar 755,973 887,322 -131,349 -17.37 546 Garhwa Jharkhand 257,235 301,970 -44,735 -17.39 547 Pakaur Jharkhand 185,272 217,676 -32,404 -17.49 548 Sheohar Bihar 119,937 141,032 -21,095 -17.59 549 Nawada Bihar 406,237 478,080 -71,843 -17.68 550 Gurgaon Haryana 269,382 320,835 -51,453 -19.10 551 Kisha!lganj Bihar 332,981 400,353 -67,372 -20.23 552 Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 23,655 28,476 -4,821 -20.38 553 Madhepura Bihar 371,054 446,721' -75,667 -20.39 554 North East Delhi 168,790 203,680 -34,890 -20.67 555 Saharsa Bihar 354,430 427,819 -73,389 -20.71 556 Supaul Bihar 431,830 522,331 -90,501 -20.96 ·557 Jamui Bihar 325,377 393,699 -68,322 -21.00 558 Chandigarh Chandigarh* 65,849 79,990 -14,141 -21.47 559 Katihar Bihar 557,595 677,558 -119,963 -21.51 560 Araria Bihar 509 °63 619 026 -109,963 -21.60 1 1 2 303 Table-16

Districts arranged by descending order of percentage of decadal decrease of illiterate females :2001

SI. District Statel Number of illiterate Decadaf decrease in No. Union territory" itliterate 1991 2001 Absolute Percenta£!e 2 3 4 '5 6 7

561 North West Delhi 239,057 291,504 -52,447 -21.94 562 Dhalai Tripara 49,173 60,948 -11,775 -23.95 563 West Delhi 149,310 185,362 '-36,052 -24.15 564 Shravasti Uttar Pradesh 283,348, 352,492 ""69,144 -24.40 1565 Lohit Arunachal Pradesh 23,528 29,302 -5,774 -24.54 566 Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh 14,535 18,244 -3,709 -25.52 1567 Purnia Bihar 576,648 725,340 -148,692 -25.79

568 South West Delhi 123,881 .157,817 -33,936 -27.39 0 569 DilT!apur Nagatand 24.047 31,823 -7,776 -32.34 570 Zunheboto Nagaland 16,255 21,649 .:5,394 -33.18 571 Kohima N agal and 31,430 43,518 -12,088 -38.46. 572 Wokha Nagaland 10,848 15,743 -4,895 -45.12 I 573 Chandel Manipur 18,347 27,395 -9,048 -49.32 574 Moo Nagaland; . 40,248 64,830 -24,582 -61.08 1575 Senapati Manipur 54,171 90,863 -36,692 -67.73 1576 Yanam Pondicherry* 2,410 4,132 -1,722 -71.45 577 Tuensang Naga[and 52,317 91,441 -39,124 -74.78

Notes: 1. The data presented in this table exclude Jammu and Kashmir for the sake of comparability as the census data for 1991 census is not available as the Census of India, 1991, would not be conducted in this state due to disturbed conditions. 2. For the sake of comparability the data presented in the above table exclude the figures of entire ,Kachchh distript, Morvi, Maliya-Miyana and Wankaner talukas of Rajkot district, Jodiya taluka of Jamnagar district of Gujarat State and entire Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh are not included where population enumeration of Census of India 2001 could not be conducted due to natural calamities. '

304 ANNEXURES _- -< - 01 { i ~• § ~~ ..!!- .g ] li'1 -li. <;;. ~ ;: 8 ' u ~~8 .~ ~ ·i·~j ~ _g ~.:::; .... §:..t. !~.t ~~ §

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=C .... ~L_J______=»qW~=OO~I~.~~~ ______l~.r--~----~--~-----L----~--~~---L----J-----L-~.r------_J- . 307 ANNEXURE-II


SI. Statel Number of new Name of new Carved out of Remarks No. Union territory districts created district(s), district(s) of during 2001 1991 1991-2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Jammu & Kashmir Nil 2. Himachal Pradesh Nil 3. Punjab 5 Nawanshahr Jalandhar Hoshiarpur Fatehgarh Sahib Patiala Rupnagar Ludhiana Moga Faridkot Firozpur Muktsar Faridkot Mansa Bathinda 4. Chandigarh 5. Uttaranchal 4 Rudraprayag Chamoli Tehri Garhwal Garhwal Champawat Pithoragarh _ Bageshwar Almora Udhamsingh Nagar Nainital 6. Haryana 3 Panchkula Ambala Fatehabad Hisar Jhajjar Rohtak 7. Delhi 8 North West North North East East Nine districts Central Delhi" carved out of Delhi West district. Delhi South West district ceases to New Delhi exists' on account South of its division 8. Rajasthan 5 Hanumangarh Ganganagar Karauli Sawai Madhopur Dausa Jaipur Sawai Madhopur Rajasmand Udaipur Baran Kota 9. Uttar Pradesh 16 :Jyotiba Phule Moradabad Nagar Baghpat Meerut Gautam Buddha Ghaziabad Nagar Bulandshahr Hatharas Mathura Aligarh Kannauj Farrukhabad Auraiya Etawah Mahoba Hamirpur Chitrakoot Banda Kaushambi Allahabad Ambedkar Nagar Faizabad .Azamgarh Shravasti Bahraich

308 51. Statel Number of new Name of new Carved out of Remarks No. Union territory districts created district{s), district{s) of ¢' during 2001 1991 1991-2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 Balrampur Gonda Sant Kabir Nagar Basti Siddharthnagar Kushinagar Deoria Chandauli Varanasi Sant Ravidas Varanasi Nagar (Bhadohi) 10. Bihar 8 Sheohar Sitamarhi Supaul' Saharsa Banka Bhagalpur Lakhisarai Munger Sheikhpura Munger Nalanda Buxar Bhojpur Kaimur Rohtas Jamui Munger 11. Sikkim Nil 12. Arunachal Pradesh 2 Papum Pare Lower Subansiri Upper Siang East Siang 13. Nagaland Dimapur Kohil1'1l3 14. Manipur Imphal East Imphal* District Imphal Imphal West ceases to exist and it is bifurcated into two districts 15. Mizoram 5 Mamit Kolasib Champai Aizawl Serchhip Saiha Chhimtuipui* District Chhimtuipui Lawngtlai ceases to exist and it is bifurcate~nto two districts 16. Tripura Dhalai North Tripura South Tripura 17. Meghalaya 2 South Garo Hills West Garo Hills Ri Bhoi East Khasi Hills 18. Assam' Nil 19. West Bengal 1 Uttar Dinajpur West Dinajpur* District West Dakshin Dinajpur Diriajpur .-ceases to exist and it is bifurcated into two districts· 20. Jharkhand 5 Garhwa Palamu Chatra Hazaribagh Kadarma -Hazaribagh Pakaur Sahibganj Bakara Dhanbad Giridih 21. Orissa 17 Bargarh Jharsuguda Sambalpur Debagarh Bhadrak Baleshwar Kendrapara Jagatsinghapur Cuttack Jajapur

309 SI. Statel Number of new Name of new Carved out of Remarks No. Union territory districts created district(s), district(s) of during 2001 1991 1991-2001 2 3 4 "5 6 Anugul Dhenkanal Nayagarh Puri Khordha Gajapati Ganjam Kandhamal Phulabani· District Phulbani Baudh ceases to exist and it is bifurcated into two districts Sonapur Balangir Nuapada Kalahandi Rayagada Koraput Nabaranagapur Koraput MaJkangiri Koraput 22. Chhatisgarh 9 Koriya SClrguja Jashpur Rajgarh Korba Bilaspur Janjgir Champa Bilaspur Kawardha Rajnandgaon Bilaspur Mahasamund Raipur Dhamtari Raipur Kanker Bastar Dantewada Bastar 23. Madhya Pradesh 7 Sheopur Morena Umaria ShahdoL Neemuch ManClsa"'ur Barwani West Nimar Harda Hoshangabad ~tni Jabalpur Dindori Mandla J, 24. Gujarat 6 Patan Mahesana Banas Kantha

Porbandar Junagadh Ammd Kheda Dohad Panch Mahals Narmada Bharuch V9dodara(Baroda) .. Navasari Val sad 25. Daman & Diu 26. Dadfa & Nagar Haveli 27. Maharashtra 5 Nandurbar Dhule Washim Akola Gondiya Bhandara Hingoli Parbhani Mumbai(Suburban) Greater Bombay· District Greater Mumbai Bombay ceases to exist and it is bifurcated into two districts 28. Andhra Pradesh 29. Karnataka 7 Bagalkot Bijapur Koppal Raichur Gadag Dharwad

310 51. State! Number of new Nameofne..v Carved out of Remarks No. Union territory districts created district(s), district(s) of during ~OO1 1991 1991·2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 Haven Dharwad Davanagere Chitradurga Shimoga Senary Udupi Dakshina Kannada Chamarajanagar Mysore 30. Goa 31. Lakshadweep 32. Kerala. 33. Tamil Nadu 9 Kancheepuram Chengalpattu District Thiruvallur M.G.R.* Chengalpattu M.G.R. ceases to exist and it is bifurcated into two districts Cuddalore South Arcot* District South Areot Viluppuram ceases to exist and it is bifurcated into two districts Namakkal salem Karur Perambalur Tituchirappalli Ariyalu( Nagapatinam Thanjavur Thiruvarur Tnani Madurai 34. Pondicherry 35. Andaman & Nicobar Islands


SI.No. Name of State Name of district(s)'in Name of district(s) in 1991 Census 2001 Census 2 3 4

1. Kerala Trivendrum Thiruvananthapuram 2. Maharashtra Greater Bombay Mumbai/Mumbai(Suburban) 3. Tamil Nadu Madras Chennai Tiruvannamalai Tiruvanamalai Sambuvarayar Nilgiri The Nilgiris Dindigul Anna Dindigul Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Kattabomman North Areot Ambedkar Vellore Periyar Erode Pusumppn Sivaganga Muthuramalinga Thevar Kamarajar Virudhunagar Chidambaranar Thoothukkudi 4. West Bengal Calcutta .Kolkata


',.... ~e

.--~~,\~~~< J India -Clocks .~",e" 3..02 billion • .t>f&. NEW DEUfI. MARCH 26. Indio ~ ha, louched a pOJmJlltiUI1 ..,~ ....c 01 over 1.0,2 billion liS or ~ ~ March I Ihh. year, '\'\1....: according 10 new census " figures released todny. AI -0000 hours MaTch 1 2001, the COUntry's • popuJallon· stood at ~~1~~~~~7~~~'~~~51Ilg 695.738,J69 women. the Regfslrar General and • Census Commissioner, Mr. J. K. Danlhla, lold reporters• I . - Dctulls Oil l'iU!C 9

Will clergy's crusade againstfoeticide :.;~",,,,,,,,v6'"".;~:b.~ • !~'OP _~<""~\:. "'",~~ .... ,...r coun~~."..~.. make an impact? "' than the In~~"'" .~ the highest is,,..,..,,. :,..-- ~ New 7.calnnders- are ,Ov ,.Jng to neiAhhouring Austra- -- . I Literacy rate up in cens,us \ fell ndent per cent. West Hcngiliis the lno~t- : By Our Special Cor po dcru.cly populated, with 901 per- EW OEUlI MARCH. 26. Indla'i pop- sons living per Slluarc kill, (n,l- 1 ~la(ton c~-d 1.02 b11llnn on lowed by Bihar wlth duo persons. \ March 1. accounting for ~G.7 per The sex rulio was "Ut .,,1 tl33 rc- 1 cent of lhe world pupulatlun lnate!> Iwr 1000 m.I!..:!>. an InlJlrnv.c.; At 00:00 hours on March I. the ment uf -tob:. l'0inlll' over 92 rcfcrcnccdalcoflhcflrslccnsusof rcc;urdcd 1111991. . the new millennium. t~lC porula- The Iw;ulnllllll hegan n~ l·eb~I' lion was clocked at 1027.01.1.247. ary 9 1\1,,1 t:unlinucd tllll'chruury compns!llK 531,277.0711 men nnd in. Imlia's pnpnJ'lliun cr'UsMJ~1 th~ • 495 738,lG9 ""omen.. OIlC bilhun mntk. Oil May II. 2~}t., R'eleashlK the I1TOvl!.lunol rc- u .lily Ib Iter {"ent or Ihc worlU l' sulls the CcnlOus Cummt~loncr. ~:'I!;ilatll)h IIvhlRon 2." ,ler ("cnt or I Mr. J.K. 8ill\lhhl, said 'I~ay lhal lhc t;luhc'lo land urea. ~hll{~ tlw the country tL'gislercd a ral~.in I~s glnhaIIH)pulnllul1lncrl'nst-'tIlhr~'t_~ dccalla1 growlh rille by 2"~2 IJer fuhl in the la~t century. IndUl S ~ \ cent amI recorded an improve· Crcw IIl'ilrly livc thnl"to, mcnl In iI.s SC1l. ratio Ilnt! ntl'riley 1111s car's ccnsUlo wm. the- 14th ratC. India is the st.'Cond country .. "" '~II:I' or the dct1lograllhlc. \I nftcrebinn to cross the onc billion ~~:~~~~~IUC ~Ild ""du_culluml ,jata" mark.. • 'Ille usc uf infunnntiull Icdm()lo~y Uttar IJrndl.~h, rcnlid~ll.od rtl;~ madc"ll\(' 11l;tllllnulh c-xcrdsc n dif \ 1 \ Inust p()pulou~ State ~~lh 1 11':1"_ fl'rent mit', Mure than ~.llukh 1'1ll1- I ~~~l~;~~~~(~I~~yC~;::;:~%:I,r;;i: wilh nU'lill("~.~"l'fI' l"(111lRlIS~lull(·tI fur I 9.42 ))I.r cent mill Hihar wilh fU'7 Ih1.· ptuCI ,,0;..

,would not in the long Religious heads roped ' t. however. In to set right sex ratio oDSiderable ~"U.... _II"'."~"I"'"