Sri Krishna Kathamrita
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Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam BBBiiinnndududu Issue No. 62 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications 22 September 2003 Śrī Indirā Ekādaśī, 12 Padmanābha , 517 Gaurābda Circulation 1,389 • TILOTTAMA, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Mahābharata PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO Highlights Highlights gods become frightened. The gods created ob- TILOTTAMA, THE stacles to break the austerities of the two. MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Again and again they tried to seduce the From Mahābharata ādi parva, brothers with jewels and women, but the two chapters 200 to 204 would not flinch, for they had taken their Long ago, among the descendants of the great vows with utmost determination. demon Hiranya-kasipu, there was a strong and The gods tried again by creating magical ef- mighty demon named Nikumbha who became fects in front of the two mighty souls, who the leader of the Daityas. Two sons were born of suddenly saw their sisters, mother, aunts, him, and both were endowed with unusual wives, and other relatives being cruelly at- prowess and frightening audacity. These two tacked by a Raksasa, spear in hand. The ter- enjoyed everything together and would do rified women ran about, their hair and orna- nothing separately. Always trying to please each ments disheveled, and finally, losing all of other with their words and deeds, they developed their clothes, they all screamed out to the two the same behavior as if one person had been made brothers, “We beg you! Save us! Save us!” into two. As the two mighty creatures grew in Mighty in their vows, the two would not strength, they shared a single determination in break their discipline. When neither of the all their tasks, and gradually they focused their brothers would allow himself to be disturbed determination on the single objective of or feel any grief, the women and the Raksasa conquering the three worlds. and the whole scene vanished before them. Taking initiation into the Vedic science, they At last Lord Brahma, the grandfather of all went to Vindhya and there performed dread- the worlds, approached the two great demons ful austerities for a very long time. They wore and offered to grant them whatever they tree bark and long matted hair and drove desired, for by their austerities they had earned themselves to the limits of hunger, thirst, and a boon and by law Brahma had to grant it. exhaustion. With their limbs caked with dirt, Seeing the creator and grandfather standing they began to eat only air. For a long time before them, the two brothers Sunda and they stood on the tips of their toes, arms up- Upasunda, stood with folded hands and raised, staring with unblinking eyes and of- prayed for a boon. In unison they said, “If the fering pieces of their own flesh in sacrifice, grandfather is satisfied with our austerity, then and they did not waver from their vows. let us both become knowers of magic, knowers The two Vindhya hills, which for a long time of weapons, most powerful, and able to change had been heating up from the power of their our bodies at will. And if the lord is truly fiery austerities, finally belched out clouds of satisfied with us, then grant us immortality!” smoke. It was a wondrous sight. Seeing the The Grandfather said, “Except for immortal- fierce austerities of the two brothers even the ity, all that you request will be granted. Select next column !!! !!! é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu Issue Sixty-two, Page — 2 top left 2 Top right 2 some other arrangement for your death, as even lances and hammers in their hands. the gods do. You have undertaken these mighty The two went forth with supreme confidence, austerities to achieve a material objective, and and on the way they were praised by the mystic by any such materially motivated endeavor one Charanas with rousing battle hymns meant to can never achieve immortality. You took to aus- invoke fortune and victory. The two Daityas terity to conquer the universe, and for that rea- flew up into space, for they could travel son, O leaders of the Daityas, I cannot fulfill anywhere at will, and they went straight to the your desire for immortality.” home of the gods in a warlike frenzy. Realizing Sunda and Upasunda said, “We wish that there they had come, and knowing also the boon they be no danger for us from any creature in the had acquired from Lord Brahma, the gods gave universe, moving or unmoving. Our death can up their heavenly abode and went to only come from each other, O Grandfather.” Brahmaloka. With their intense prowess the two The Grandfather said, “That which you have brothers thus conquered the planet of Indra and requested, exactly as you have stated it, I now the hosts of Yakshas and Rakshasas, and grant to you. The arrangement of your death subdued the sky-borne beings as well. will be according to this boon.” The great demons then conquered the Nagas, Having given them this boon and restrained who had gone within the earth, and all of the them from further austerities, the grandfather ocean dwellers, and they subjugated the semi- returned to his own planet, Brahmaloka. The civilized nations of Mlecchas. Then they began two mighty demons also went home, for having to systematically conquer all the earth, placing achieved all these wishes they were now it under their dread rule. Calling together all invulnerable in all the material worlds. Seeing the warriors they vehemently spoke these that the two great demons had achieved their harsh words: “The strength and stamina of wishes and fulfilled their desires, all of their close the gods and their fortune as well is fed by the associates and relatives began to rejoice and grand sacrifices and oblations offered by saintly celebrate. The two brothers gave up their kings and brāhmaas, who thus flourish as matted locks and placed crowns on their heads, enemies of the demons. We must therefore find out and slay every one of them.” adorned themselves with priceless jewelry, and Thus instructing all their men as they stood dressed in the purest garments. At an incorrect on the eastern shore of the great ocean, those time the two demon leaders and their relatives two proceeded in all directions, fixed in their celebrated the full moon festival, but still cruel decision. The two mighty demons then managed to satisfy all their desires with the most massacred on sight every brāhmaa who was pleasure they had ever known. offering sacrifice to the Supreme or engaging “Eat! Enjoy! Don’t stop; Have a good time! others in the same. Fearlessly entering the Let’s sing, everybody! Drink! Take this, it’s hermitages of self-realized sages, their yours!” Everywhere, in every house, these were demonic soldiers seized the sacred fires and the merry cries; people drank like never before, hurled them into the water. When the exalted loudly clapping their hands, and the whole city sages furiously pronounced curses upon them, of demons thrilled to the joyous celebration. The they had no effect on the two brothers, who demonic Daityas could change their forms at had grown wild by the gift of the boon. will, and in these many merry ways they lost When their curses had no effect, like arrows themselves in play. Thus the passing years fired on stone, the brāhmaas abandoned their seemed to them like a single day. religious centers and fled. Whoever on the earth As soon as the celebration was over, Sunda was perfect in austerity, self-controlled and and Upasunda, yearning to conquer the devoted to peace fled in fear of the two demons, universe, took counsel and called out their like snakes fleeing from Garuda. When the army. Their close friends and the Daitya elders centers of spiritual culture were thus attacked and councilors bade them farewell. Then, and broken to pieces, with their sacred pots, having performed the rites for an auspicious spoons, and other religious articles scattered all journey, they set out in the dead of night under about, the whole world seemed vacant, as if the constellation Magha, at the head of a struck down by the force of time. great and united Daitya army, equipped with When saintly kings and sages were no longer clubs and three-bladed spears, and with visible — for they were all hiding in fear — the !!! !!! TopSri leftKrishna-kathamrita 3 Bindu top right 3 Issue Sixty-two, Page — 3 two mighty demons, eager to murder, trans- priority. Hearing their words, the Grandfather formed themselves into maddened elephants pondered for a moment and then decided what with oozing temples. Charging wildly about, must be done. He authorized the killing of the they sent those who were lying concealed in two brothers and called for the heavenly designer hard to reach places to the lord of death. Viswakarma. When he saw him, the They became two lions, and again two tigers, Grandfather gave this instruction: “Create an and again became invisible — by all these meth- irresistibly maddening woman!” ods the savage ones continued to slaughter the Accepting his instruction, Viswakarma bowed sages wherever they could find them. All over to the Grandfather. He then thought deeply the earth, sacrifice and scriptural study ceased, and, working hard, constructed a heavenly the royal and priestly orders were decimated, woman. He brought together in one woman and pious festivals and offerings were devas- all of the beautiful features of every moving and tated. The Earth could only cry out in anguish unmoving creature that lives in the three and fear.