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© Kamla-Raj 2012 Ethno Med, 6(2): 103-109 (2012) Lichens Mentioned by Pedanios Dioscorides

Mustafa Yavuz

Isiklar Air Force High School, Department of Science, 16039, Teleferik, Bursa, Turkey E-mail: [email protected]

KEYWORDS Parmelia sp. . . Lichenized Fungi

ABSTRACT Lichens are included in the classification system of fungi and have been used in medicine, and industry from antiquity to present day in the treatment of various diseases. In this study, Peri Hyles Iatrikes of Dioscorides has been investigated and evaluated from lichenological point of view. It is found that, Dioscorides mentions about medical properties and uses of probable Parmelia species such as P. saxatilis (L.) Ach or P. sulcata Taylor.

I. INTRODUCTION Library of Austria), Wiener Dioskurides, Med. Gr. 1 (Baytop 1997, 2000). Dioscorides and His Materia Medica consists of five books, divided by subjects; 1st Book: aromatics, oils, probably lived between oinments, trees, liquors, gum and fruits; 2nd 40 - 90 AD, in the time of the Roman Emperors Book: animals, cereals, milk and milk products, Nero and Vespasian. He was born in Anazarbos herbs, spices, grains, resins, oils, ointments, (Anazarba or Anavarza near Dilekkaya Village, trees and fruits; 3rd Book: roots, weeds, herbs, Kozan, Adana, Turkey) as a Cilician Greek juices, seeds; 4th Book: roots, weeds, herbs; 5th within the . He was a botanist or Book: drinks, vines, wines and inorganic mate- a physician in the army and saw service with rials (Baytop 2000; Osbaldeston 2000). the Roman legions in Greece, France, Italy and De Materia Medica was translated from Turkey. This military service provided him many Greek to Assyrian and from Assyrian to Arabic opportunities to study diseases, collect and iden- no later than IX. century (Baytop 1984). In first tify medicinal , and discover some other half of IX. century, it was translated from Greek healing materials. to Assyrian by “Cebrail bin Buhtiyeshu” (Gabriel He was a contemporary of Gaius Plinius bin Bochtishô) and soon, from Greek and Assy- Secundus. However, there is no evidence if they rian to Arabic by “Istefan bin Basil” (Etienne ever met or they have read each other’s book. Stephanos). This translation was revised by Dioscorides probably wrote his great be- “Hunayn Ibn Ishaq” (also known as Joannitus). tween 65 – 75 AD, and was regarded as the ul- A codex of this translation is still kept at Paris timate authority and medicine for a Bibliothèque Nationale Suppl. No: 1067 while long time. the others are at Istanbul Süleymaniye Library, The descriptions of plants in his book were Collection Ayasofya (Ünver 1941). The text con- often adequate for identification, including cerned to this paper is in Book 4, under Chap- methods of preparation, medicinal uses, and ter IV. 54 which begins in Greek as “Lichens dosages. His herbal which is originally named growing on rocks”, in Arabic as “Tetter of rocks” as “Peri Hyles Iatrikes” meaning “Regarding and in as Lichen des roches, Lichen Medical Matters”, translated as “Kitab-al petræus latifolium (Wessely 1906; Basmadjian Hashaish” in Arabic will be mentioned as “De 1938). Materia Medica” hereby as it is in Latin. The Other translations in Latin and Spanish in- oldest codex of this book is “Codex Constant- cluding many comments were made by “Andres inopolitanus” devoted to Juliana Anicia, the de Laguna”; in Latin and Italian by “Pietro Byzantine Princess and daughter of Anicius Andrea Matthioli” during the end of XV. and Olybrius, the Emperor. This codex was written beginning of XVI. centuries. Matthioli’s Latin in Constantinapolis (Istanbul) at Prodromos translations were translated in Ottoman Turk- Petra Monastery, later was sold to Austria by ish by “Osman bin Abdurrahman” of Beograd son of Musa bin Hamon, Royal Doctor of Kanuni in 1777. However, this book has not been tran- Sultan Süleyman and is still preserved at scribed in modern Turkish yet (Laguna 1555; Österreichische National Bibliothek (National Matthioli 1568; Baytop 2000). 104 MUSTAFA YAVUZ

In the XVI. century, Latin translations in- and refers to use of lichens in treating skin dis- cluding the Greek text of De Materia Medica eases due to their peeling-skin appearance were published by Du Ruel (1549) and Iani (Malhotra et al. 2008). Antoni Saraceni (1598). In 1655 made an English II. METHODOLOGY translation from an early printed Latin version, and Robert T. Gunther (1933) edited this trans- In this study, a number of documents, books lation. Today, there is a comprehensive English and digital resources of De Materia Media and translation by Tess Anne Osbaldeston (2000). its translations are examined by means of An earlier German translation by Julius . The text about lichens from vari- Berendes from 1902 and an anonymous Span- ous translations of De Materia Medica are in- ish translation are available on some web re- vestigated and translated to English and com- sources (WEB01, WEB02). paratively studied with the original Greek one. Chemical data on some lichen species and me- Lichens in General tabolites are given in order to clarify and refine their uses under medicinal purposes. Lichens are symbiotic associations of a fun- gus with a photosynthetic partner either a mem- III. RESULTS ber of chlorophyta or cyanobacteria. Some li- chens have a shape of leaves (foliose lichens), Dioscorides in Oriental Translations others cover the substrates like a crust (crustose lichens) or they seem such as shrub or a fibril Arabic translation of De Materia Medica, (fruticose lichens). According to the substrata, named as: “Kitâb el-Hashaish li Dîskurîdus el- where they grow on, lichens are considered in Anazarbî (Book of Spices from Dioscorides of three divisions as Saxicolous*, Terricolous** and Anazarba)” is in Istanbul Süleymaniye Library, Epiphytic.*** Currently, lichens are included in Collection Ayasofya, with the numbers 3702, the classification system of fungi under Asco- mycota (Nash 2008). 3703 and 3704 (Cobanoglu and Yavuz 2003). Lichens have been used in medicine, phar- The volume indicated as Ayasofya 3703 was macy and industry from antiquity to present day probably written in 1224, and on page 49 (folio in the treatment of various diseases like alope- 25 recto), there is a chapter about lichens: Hazaz cia, arthritis, constipation, infection, kidney dis- el-Sahr, Lîhen kutrun (Fig. 1). In volume of eases, leprosy, pharyngitis rabies, worm and Ayasofya 3702, lichens are mentioned on page infestation (Richardson 1991; Malhotra et al. 167 (folio 84 verso) under the chapter Lîhen 2008). Medicinal uses of some lichens in folk kutrun. An English translation of these chap- and are given in the stud- ters is given below: ies of Cobanoglu and Yavuz (2003), Malhotra About Lichen on Rocks: It is Hazaz el-Sahr, et al. (2008) and Yavuz and Cobanoglu (2010). grows over rocks. When smeared over flowing Lichens produce a wide range of bioactive sec- blood, it stops bleeding; heals the inflamma- ondary metabolites, referred to as “Lichen Sub- tions. If mixed with honey, it is useful against stances” (Huneck and Yoshimura 1996). jaundice and heals inflammations of the tongue. Lichen metabolites exert a wide variety of The Andalucian Herbalist, Abu Muhammed biological actions including analgesic, antibi- bin Abdallah bin Ahmed al Maliki (1190 – otic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimy- 1248), shortly known as “Ibn-i Baytar” in ori- cobacterial, antiproliferative, antipyretic, anti- ental, and as “Ibn al Baithar” in occidental stud- tumor, antiviral, cytotoxic and immunomo- ies; mentioned works of ancient physicians and dulator effects. Even though these manifold ac- herbalists such as Dioscorides, Galenus, and tivities of lichen metabolites have now been rec- lately Ibn-i Sina () in his great work: ognized, their therapeutic potential has not yet “Kitab al Jami fi’l Adviyyat al Mufradat ve’l been fully explored and thus remains pharma- Aghdiyyat,” A Comprehensive Book on Simple ceutically unexploited (Müller 2002; Malhotra Drugs and Foods, well- known as “Mufradat of et al. 2008). Ibn al Baithar”. His book consists of four parts Interestingly enough, the word “Lichen” is including many plants, animals and some min- derived from Greek word “Leikhen - Leprous” erals given in alpha-numerical order of Arabic LICHENS MENTIONED BY PEDANIOS DIOSCORIDES 105

with honey and gargled, is useful for jaundice and soothes swollen tongues even if it is put on palate”.

Dioscorides in Occidental Translations

The Ancient Greek texts in translations of Du Ruel and Saraceni, are transcribed in Latin alphabet (!) with an English translation below: Peri Leikhinos: Leikhen o epi ton petron, oi Bryon kalousi, Bryon esti prosekhomenon tais endrosois petrais. Touto kataplasthen aimorragias istesi kai phlegmonas paraiteitai kai leikhenas therapeuei. Ophelei de kai ikterikous meta melitos diakhriomeuon. Stomatos de kai tes glottes reumatismous paraiteitai. About Lichens: Lichen, which grows on stones, some (people) name it moss (bryon), which adheres to dry rocks. It stops bleeding when put upon, drives inflammations away and heals impetigo. It helps the jaundiced when smeared with honey and also drives away the Fig. 1. Lîhen kutrun from Codex Ayasofya 3703 (© By courtesy of Süleymaniye Library, Ýstanbul) mouth and tongue rheumatism. The text in Greek is same in both Du Ruel’s and Saraceni’s works; however there are some Alphabet. This book was published in four vol- differences between the text in Latin: umes in Cairo in 1874; translated to German by Lichen Cap LIII: Lichen, qui saxis est J. V. Sontheimer in 1840 and to French by familiaris, aliquibus bryon appellatur: Lucien Lerclerc as “Traité des Simples par Ibn asperginosis petris adhæret, vt muscus. Is illitus al Beïthar” in 1877. There are also various Turk- sanguinis profluuia sistit, inflammationes arcet, ish translations from XIV. - XVII. centuries impetigini medetur. Iuuat regio morbo (Yildirim 2003). correptos, cum melle illitus: oris et linguæ Today, in Istanbul Süleymaniye Library, Col- defluxiones inhibet. Lichen: The lichen, which lection Ayasofya, number 3608, we find the Ara- grows on stones, is sometimes called Bryon. It bic version and in Hüsrev Pasa Collection, num- adheres to stones like the moss. If you smear ber 476, a Turkish translation of “Mufradat of over the flowing of the blood (it) stops, keeps Ibn al Baithar” indirectly including the text away the inflammations, heals the impetigo. about lichens from De Materia Medica (When) snatched up, it helps to the royal sick- (Cobanoglu and Yavuz 2003): ness, smeared over with the honey: restrains Ayasofya 3608: Hazaz es-Sahr (Tetter of flowing of the mouth and the tongue (Du Ruel Rock); Dyskurydus, Book iv., Grows on rocks, 1549). stops blood flowing, calms reddish inflamma- De Lichene Liber IV Cap LIII: Lichen qui tions. If mixed with honey and applied in body, petris innascitur, et aliquibus bryon apellatur, is good for Jaundice. Soothes swollen tongue”. ceu muscus est roscidis petris inherens. Is Hüsrev Pasa 476: Hazaz es-Sahr; Tas impositus sanguinis eruptiones sistit, kinasidir. Eger yaku etseler issi sislere ve kan inflammationes lenit, ac impetigini medetur. cikan yerlere ve demregüye vursalar begayet Iuuat et arquatos cum melle illitus: cæterum fâide ide. Eger balla karisdirsalar gargara defluxionibus oris ac linguæ succurrit. About itseler yerkana fâide ide, ve dil sisini sâkin ide, Lichen: The lichen which grows on rocks -as in eger damaga yapisdirsalar dahi eyle ide”. the same way the Moss exists and fastens on Hazaz es-Sahr: It is Henna of Rocks. If applied wet rocks- is sometimes called Bryon. It stops as plaster on swollen and bleeding inflamma- blood flow (if) you put it upon; calms inflam- tions and on impetigo, it is quite useful. If mixed mations and also heals impetigo. It helps jaun- 106 MUSTAFA YAVUZ diced (ones) when smeared over with honey: Del liquen (leikhen): Liquen que crece sobre (On) the other (hand, it) runs to the aid of flow- las piedras. [Otros lo llaman ‘musgo’ (brýon)] ing at mouth and tongue (Saraceni 1598). Es un musgo adherido a las piedras húmedas. English translation by Robert T. Gunter Aplicado como emplasto, restaña la (1933) in “The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides” is hemorragia, alivia las inflamaciones y cura las given below: excrecencias cutáneas. Es útil también para los Leichen: Lichen, that which grows upon que padecen de ictericia y, untada la boca y la rocks, but some calls it Bryon, is a moss stick- lengua con él, mezclado con miel, alivia las ing to moist rocks. This being laid on doth stop fluxiones. Lichen grows on the rocks. [Others ye fluxes of blood, & doth assuage inflamma- call it “moss” (Bryon)] Moss is adhered to the tions, & doth heal Lichenas (Probably Lichen wet rocks. Applied as a poultice, staunch the planus, a papulosquamous eruption on skin) & bleeding, relieves inflammation and heals the it doth help the Ictericall being laid on with skin growths. It is also useful for those suffer- honey, and doth help also the rhumes of ye ing from jaundice and when smeared. Mixed mouth, & ye tongue (Gunter 1933). with honey, it relieves fluxions of mouth and Same text from Tess Anne Osbaldeston’s tongue. (2000) translation: In web source of National Library of France Lichen grows on rocks and is also called (Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département bryon. It is a moss sticking to moist rocks. This des Manuscrits, Division Occidentale, Cote: is applied to stop discharges of blood, lessen Grec 2179), another drawing of a lichen is given inflammation, and heal lichen (papular skin with Greek text of Materia Medica (WEB03). disease), and applied with honey it helps jaun- dice. It also helps the fluids of the mouth and IV. DISCUSSION tongue (saliva). Osbaldeston (2000) also suggests many In this study, Dioscorides’ Peri Hyles Iatrikes terms for “Leichen” of Dioscorides: Alectoria has been investigated and evaluated from jubata, Hepatica (Fuchs), Hepatica fontana lichenological point of view. Arabic, English, (Bauhin), Horse Hair Lichen, Lecanora German, Latin, Spanish and Turkish transla- esculenta, Lichen petraeus latifolius, Lichen, tions were compared to the original Greek text Manna Lichen, Marchantia polymorpha mentioning the uses of lichens in ancient medi- (Linnaeus), Parmelia saxatilis, Rock Hair cine. It is found that, Dioscorides mentions about Moss. a botanical drug in chapter “IV.54 Leikhen” German translation by Julius Berendes which is “Lichen” or “Lichenized Fungi” un- (1902), which is available on an internet source der the Kingdom Fungi, in today’s . (WEB02), is as follows: After a brief description of lichens, he gives Flechte: Das auf den Felsen wachsende examples of some medical uses. There is not Leichen - Einige nennen es Bryon - ist ein an enough or satisfactory morphological evidence behauten Felsen hängendes Moos. Als in order that one could taxonomically identify Umschlag stillt es Blutungen, besänftigt the lichen species mentioned in De Materia Entzündungen und heilt Flechten. Mit Honig Medica. However, it is obvious that, Dioscorides aufgestrichen heilt es die Gelbsucht und describes a lichen species growing among beruhigt Rheuma des Mundes und der Zunge. mosses on rocks (saxicolous), since he mentions Lichen: The growing bodies on the rocks - some Mosses in a separate chapter “II.20. Bryon”. call it Bryon - are sticking on moist rocks. When In his De Materia Medica, Dioscorides pre- laid on, it stops bleeding, calms the inflamma- scribes that lichens: tions and heals Lichenas. If mixed with honey - stop bleeding, it cures jaundice and soothes rheumatism of the - calm inflammations, mouth and tongue. - heal Lichenas (probably the Lichen planus An interactive edition of De Materia Medica disease), is available at the website of Salamanca Uni- - cure Jaundice and versity, with picture of a lichen which is a prob- - relieve rhumes of mouth and tongue. able Ramalina sp. species. This work is a result Dioscorides’ prescriptions are compared to of a project coordinated and edited by Antonio the Potential Uses of some Lichen Metabolites López Eire and translated by his team (WEB01). reported in the relevant literature (Table 1). LICHENS MENTIONED BY PEDANIOS DIOSCORIDES 107

Table 1: Potential uses reported for lichen metabolites its color, has been used against jaundice in tra- Disease Potential use Potential Origin species ditional medicine since antiquity (Llano 1950). or active Lichenas: Facial acne control creams con- problem ingredientsor taining lichen antibacterial agents such as Usnic compounds Acid or Lichesterinic Acid have been developed Bleeding Absorbent hyphal Common (Higuchi et al. 1993). These moisturizing property context creams with different levels of Usnic Acid, were orhyphal layer in tallus tested for antimicrobial activity against bacte- Inflam- Analgesic, Boninic Acid Ramalina ria, yeasts and molds (Seifert and Bertnard mations Anti-inflam- boninensis 1995). However, use of these products is not matory Diffractaic Parmelia spp., widespread in light of the potential allergenic Acid Usnea spp. Gyrophoric Parmelia spp., reaction certain people have to this natural prod- Acid Rinodia orcina uct (Romagni and Dayan 2002). Lobaric Acid Parmelia spp. Rhumes in mouth: Usnea spp. are valued for Obstusatic Ramalina spp. demulcent properties and finds use for mild in- Acid Sekikaic Anzia spp., flammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa. Acid Ramalina spp. Usnic Acid has been tested in toothpaste for Thamnolic Cladonia spp., preventation of plaque and cavity formation Acid Thamnolia spp. (Ferrari et al. 1988) revealing that it effectively Jaundice Unknown Unknown Unknown inhibited the growth of Gram Positive Bacteria Lichenas Skin creams Ergosterol Common Usnic Acid Alectoria spp., such as Streptococcus mutans, the primary Cetraria spp., pathogenic micro-organism causing dental and Cladonia spp., some oral problems. Usnic Acid is also effec- Rhumes Oral Usnic Acid Parmelia spp., tive as a prophylactic treatment against dental in mouth treatments Usnea spp. plaque (Romagni and Dayan 2002).

Bleeding: Produced by fungal partner, lichens V. CONCLUSION have an absorbent hyphal tallus which may stop bleeding or stop flowing of blood when the li- Genus Parmelia Ach was used in ancient or chen is put upon wounds. traditional medicine, as well as many other Inflammations: involving inflammations, genera. Lichens produce specific lichen sub- leukotrienes and prostaglandins both have nu- stances; however some of metabolites are merous and important biological functions. Re- common among species of same genus. As it is pression of either leukotrienes or prostaglandins figured out in Table 1, genus Parmelia Ach. has beneficial anti-inflammatory effects (Marx commonly contains Diffractaic, Gyrophoric and 2001). Several lichen metabolites cause de- Lobaric Acids (Romagni and Dayan 2002) as creased level of these compounds. For instance, well as atranorin, chloroatranorin (grey spe- Diffractaic, Gyrophoric, Lobaric, Obstusatic, cies), and usnic acid (greenish-yellow species) Sekikaic and Thamnolic Acids exhibited inter- in cortex; orcinol depsides, orcinol depsidones, esting activity (Kumar and Müller 1999, 2000). β-orcinol depsidones, and aliphatic acids in In Aslan et al. (1999, 2002), and Dülger et al. medulla (Smith et al. 2009). (1997) studies, lichen species containing Usnic Genus Parmelia Ach. (1803) has loosely at- Acid are reported to have anti-bacterial effects tached to closely adpressed foliose thallus grow- on Gram Positive Bacteria. Thus, one can theo- ing on bark, wood, siliceous rocks or sometimes retically explain in general, how lichens could on soil and is mostly represented by Parmelia relieve rhumes of mouth and tongue, calm in- saxatilis (L.) Ach or P. sulcata Taylor. Both spe- flammations and heal Lichen planus. Moreover, cies form complete or partial rosettes up to 20 Chevallier (1996) reports that Usnea filipendula cm diameter. These species have grey-white to Stirt was used in former Soviet Union for cuts gray-green upper surface. Both grow on rocks, and wounds. walls, roofing tiles from coastal to exposed Jaundice: We do not know any studies about mountain summits (Smith et al. 2009). P. lichens to treat jaundice. However, an orange- saxatilis has atranorin, chloroatranorin, and yellowish species Xanthoria parietina, due to salazinic acid, accessory lobaric acid with or 108 MUSTAFA YAVUZ without protolichesterinic acid or unidentified Aslan A, Güllüce M, Ögütcü H 1999. An investigation on fatty acids. This is the most widespread species the antimicrobial activity of some lichens. Biyoteknoloji Kükem Dergisi, 22(2):19–26. in the genus, occurring in both hemispheres and Basmadjian KJ 1938. L’Identification des Noms des Plantes known to all lichenologists. 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