Slovenská Archeológia
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SLOVENSKÁ ARCHEOLÓGIA ROČNÍK LVIII 2010 ČÍSLO 1 ARCHEOLOGICKÝ ÚSTAV SAV NITRA 2010 SLOVENSKÁ ARCHEOLÓGIA ČASOPIS ARCHEOLOGICKÉHO ÚSTAVU SLOVENSKEJ AKADÉMIE VIED V NITRE HLAVNÝ REDAKTOR GABRIEL FUSEK Redakcia: Archeologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Akademická 2, 949 21 Nitra SLOVENSKÁ ARCHEOLÓGIA JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES IN NITRA GENERAL EDITOR GABRIEL FUSEK Edition: Archeologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Akademická 2, SK-949 21 Nitra SLOVENSKÁ ARCHEOLÓGIA ZEITSCHRIFT DES ARCHÄOLOGISCHEN INSTITUTES DER SLOWAKISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN IN NITRA SCHRIFTLEITER GABRIEL FUSEK Redaktion: Archeologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Akademická 2, SK-949 21 Nitra Publikácia vznikla v rámci Centra excelentnosti SAV Staré Slovensko: dejiny Slovenska od praveku po vrcholný stredovek Zmluva III/1/2009 SLOVENSKÁ ARCHEOLÓGIA LVIII - 1 - 2010 Recenzovaný časopis – Peer-reviewed journal – Rezensierte Zeitschrift Hlavný redaktor Gabriel Fusek Predseda redakčnej rady Matej Ruttkay Redakčná rada Václav Furmánek, Luděk Galuška, Milan Hanuliak, Joachim Henning, Ivan Cheben, Pavel Kouřil, Elena Miroššayová, Michal Parczewski, Ján Rajtár, Alexander Ruttkay, Matej Ruttkay, Claudia Theune-Vogt, Ladislav Veliačik Výkonná redaktorka Daniela Fábiková Počítačové spracovanie Beáta Jančíková © Archeologický ústav SAV Nitra, 2010 ISSN 1335-0102 Bez pred bežného písomného súhlasu vlastníka vydavateľských práv nesmie byť žiadna časť tejto publikácie repro- dukovaná alebo rozširovaná v žiadnej forme - elektronicky či mechanicky vrátane fotokópií, nahrávania, prípadne iným použitím informačného systému vrátane webových stránok. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form - electronic or mechanical, including photo- copy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, including web pages, without the prior written permission from the copyright owner. Vychádza dva razy do roka Evidenčné číslo MK SR 3404/09 Rozširuje / Distribution Archeologický ústav SAV, Akademická 2, 949 21 Nitra e-mail: [email protected] Tlač VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, Bratislava SLOVENSKÁ ARCHEOLÓGIA LVIII-1, 2010 OBSAH Paweł Valde-Nowak - Marián Soják Contribution to the Mesolithic in the Slovak Carpathians ................................................................................................... 1 Príspevok k mezolitu slovenských Karpát ............................................................................................................................ 11 Ivan Cheben - Michal Cheben Research on Radiolarites of the White Carpathian Klippen Belt ....................................................................................... 13 Výskum rádiolaritov bradlového pásma Bielych Karpát .................................................................................................... 47 Zuzana Loskotová Das Waffenbrandgrab der Przeworsk-Kultur aus Stěbořice .............................................................................................. 53 Žárový bojovnický hrob przeworské kultury ze Stěbořic ................................................................................................... 78 Jaroslav Tejral Zur Frage der frühesten hunnischen Anwesenheit in donauländischen Provinzen am Beispiel des archäologischen Befundes ........................................................................................................................... 81 Otázka hunské přítomnosti v podunajských provincích ve světle archeologických nálezů ....................................... 121 Zora Miklíková Archeozoologické nálezy zo stredovekého sídliska v Bajči .............................................................................................. 123 Archaeozoological Finds from the Medieval Settlement in Bajč ...................................................................................... 165 Správy Konferencia „Pohřby na sídlištích“ (Vladimír Mitáš) ......................................................................................................... 169 Karolínska doba a Slovensko (Milan Hanuliak) ................................................................................................................... 171 Prvý ročník medzinárodnej konferencie Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica (Klaudia Daňová) ...................................... 173 Recenzie Tudor Soroceanu: Die vorskythenzeitlichen Metallgefäße im Gebiet des heutigen Rumänien (Vladimír Mitáš) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 175 Eva Lenneis: Rosenburg im Kamptal, Niederösterreich. Ein Sonderplatz der älteren Linearbandkeramik (Juraj Pavúk) .......................................................................................................................................... 177 Skratky - Abkürzungen - Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................... 181 SLOVENSKÁ ARCHEOLÓGIA LVIII-1, 2010, 1-12 CONTRIBUTION TO THE MESOLITHIC IN THE SLOVAK CARPATHIANS * PAWEŁ VALDE-NOWAK - MARIÁN SOJÁK This report evaluates the Middle Stone Age penetration in the area of Northern Slovakia from the point of view of past research as well as in the light of results of two test excavations on the southern slope of the Tatra Mountains. Information’s about the Mesolithic settlements in Slovakia are random. They are related mainly to areas of southern edge of the Carpathians in the vicinity of upper Hornád river basin and Danube river plain. In this context assumption concerning the existence of Mesolithic also in northern Slovakia, specifically at the foot of the Tatra Mountains, should be remembered. In August 2007 the small scale excavation took place on two sites, selected for testing after repeated previous surveys, situated about 2.5 km north- west from the city centre of Spišská Belá. The first one - Vyšná zákruta II position, is destroyed as a result of multi-annual, deeply ploughed and drainage works. The second one - Hoher Rand, produced small inventory in the stratigraphic position. Among tools trapezium and middle part of unidentified microliths should be exposed, both made of Cracow-Jurassic flint. In the paper also the first data concerning Mesolithic settlement in the northern zone of the Tatra Mountains are remembered. They were described from Middle Beskidy Range. Some elements of Chojnice-Pieńki or Janisławice culture are discussed in the text. It can not be ruled out that such discoveries can confirm the late, “trapezium” stadium of the Komornica culture. Two excavated Slovakian sites are evidence of human residence of late Mesolithic groups in the sub-Tatra area during the Atlantic period. Attention should be paid to the immediate proximity of the described Mesolithic sites, situated not far (only about 2 km in air line) both to the village of early Neolithic “Linearbandkeramik” from the music note phase and Bükk culture and the Spišská Belá-Kahlenberg position. We can expose the lack of the oldest phase of band pottery culture in the Poprad Valley and upper Hornád basin. The mountainous territories of Western Carpathians are non questionable domain of the Mesolithic man at least from the beginning of Atlanticum. The good orientation in local beds of silica rocks - radiolarite, Mikuszowice hornstone suggests, that Mesolithic groups in this zone existed not only episodically. Key words: Northern Slovakia, Mesolithic, chipped stone industries, raw material economy. INTRODuCTION sequences in the Obłazowa Cave (Valde-Nowak/Na- dachowski/Madeyska 2003). This communication In the most general summary of results of the is a review of recent evidence of human activity Stone Age studies in the Western Carpathian Moun- during the middle stone age in the area of Western tains, achievement of the research of Palaeolithic Carpathians (Fig. 1). should be placed on the first plan. A surprising number of discoveries in the caves and open-air sites in the Slovak part of the Carpathians were CuRRENT RESEARCH OF MESOLITHIC so far documented (Bánesz 1961; 1962a; Bárta 1965; IN THE AREA OF NORTHERN Slovakia 1980; Vlček 1969; see also Kaminská 2005; Soják 2002a; 2003) in contrast to low number of such sites at the Information’s about the Mesolithic settlements in territory of the Polish Carpathians. Slovak discove- Slovakia are random. They are related mainly to areas ries belong to Mousterian culture, as well as to the of southern edge of the Carpathians in the vicini- upper Palaeolithic culture, especially Szeletian and ty of upper Hornád river basin and Danube river Gravetian. In the Polish Carpathians such discove- plain. Here the findings in Barca, site I in Košice ries to the mid-seventies of last century couldn’t be Valley (Prošek 1959) and a group of sandy-sites in the made because field initiatives have not been taken south-western Slovakia close to the Danube river here. This was first due to address the problem to plain - Sereď, Tomášikovo, Mostová (Bárta 1955; petroarchaeological identification of Pieniny radio- 1957; 1959; 1960; 1972) should be mentioned. A spe- larities, which quickly led to a series of discoveries cial place among the traces of Mesolithic settlement of open air Late Palaeolithic workshops of this rock in the southern part of the Western Carpathian (Kozłowski et al. 1981; Rydlewski 1989; Rydlewski/ Mountains takes Medvedia cave, near Ružín (Bárta