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Spotlight@Mittler-Report.De Published by JAN-16-19 / SPOTLIGHT 105 European Defence Industry Summit Captain (German Navy) ret. Hans Uwe Mergener The second edition of the European Defence Industry Summit incited the more than 200 attendants to in- depth discussions about the future development and improvement of EU Security and Defence Policy, inter- national cooperation with non-EU actors and the role of SMEs in defence procurement, triggered by the four panels and a podium interview. In the event organised by European Business Summit (EBS), an independent event organiser based in Brussels, high-ranking representatives of the EU institutions met representatives from the defence industry in Brussels’ Cercle Lorraine. Based upon an assessment of the exis- ting EU initiatives since the beginnings of the European Security and Defence Poli- cy (ESDP), Jorge Domecq, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (EDA), outlined in his keynote address that the instruments and the processes developed and introduced so far were sufficient and powerful enough to enable the EU to ef- fectively exercise its role in conflict pre- vention, crisis management and peace Summit) Business European (Photo: operations. “Looking ahead, we need to In line with NATO’s defence planning showed little restraint as it came to her fully implement the already launched in- process, the EU “Capability Development turn in the panel dealing with the European itiatives, not to create any new proces- Plan” (CDP) describes defence priorities as Defence Fund. She summarised London’s ses, ensuring they are understood by our compulsory goals for EU member states. military contribution to collective security partners, allies and citizens,” he stated. In For the first time, they are to report to a systems as well as the performance of the this respect, he welcomed the establish- “Coordinated Annual Review on Defence” British defence industries and their con- ment of the “European Defence Fund” (CARD), equivalent to the process in NATO. tribution to the labour market. In Evans’ (EDF) as a potential and promising tool. CDP and CARD are both managed by EDA eyes, when it comes to the EDF, it is time Its conception could finally be agreed un- (and EU Military Staff − author’s note). to think about a third-party participation. der the umbrella of PESCO, the structured Domecq was confident about the commit- She added that in its present draft, the EDF cooperation already laid out in the Lisbon ment of member states and the induced is too protectionist. Thus, it seems that Treaty. The EDF generates a higher degree elimination of capability gaps. Thus, it the British objective is more economically of obligation for the member states in ful- would be possible to shape the ESDP ope- driven than really motivated to deepening filling the military headline goals, a “bin- rationally and autonomously. Of course, defence cooperation beyond Brexit [Au- ding commitment,” as Domecq said. For Brexit would lead to a considerable loss of thor’s comment: it should be noted that 2018, 34 priority projects were agreed (see capabilities. How this loss could be com- the United Kingdom does not participate in https://pesco.europa.eu for more de- pensated – a big question for those respon- PESCO]. tails). The European Parliament already ap- sible in European defence planning. Due to In the field of cooperation in transatlantic proved a total of €590 million for the the absence of a Council’s conclusion the armament the well-known constraints per- years 2019/20 for research, develop- matter, he left open whether a so-called sist: Europe’s lack of consolidation, frag- ment and procurement. As of 2021, €1.5 third-party solution could be an option. mentation of production chains and, as a billion will be available annually, which In contrast, the representative of the Bri- restraint from an industrial point of view, could be extended to €5.5 billion per tish Ministry of Defence, Valerie Evans the unnecessary diversification of wea- year. (Head of International Relations Group), pons systems. In addition, there are obst- For a free subscription send an email to: [email protected] ISSUE 105 / 2019 2 SPOTLIGHT acles in procurement processes and slip- course of the day. How to develop the re- ded well to the self- imposed goal to discuss page in coordination during the planning quired capabilities in a coordinated and the three Cs: Cash, Capability and Coopera- cycles. In this respect the industry repre- binding manner remains a challenge. The tion, as a challenge for 2019 for those in- sentatives hope that the EDF will create the participation of third parties, especially the volved in ESDP. One of the moderators saw essential synergies. As stated by Chris Lom- United Kingdom – regardless of Brexit – is the summit as the logical follow-up to the bardi, Raytheon Vice-President European another. Furthermore, the involvement Berlin Security Conference (BSC) or even as Business Development: ”To bring member of small and medium-sized enterprises, its continuation. The fact that controver- states together, to reflect priorities and act especially in smaller member states. At this sies were not avoided became apparent subsequently.” point the attentive listener became aware right at the beginning of the conference as On the other hand, smaller member sta- of how interest driven the European secu- the organiser granted a group of protesters tes are particularly concerned about losing rity and defence endeavour is and why it is the opportunity to address their concerns their own niche qualities. becoming difficult to build consensus, and on arms exports and their claim for a stop The extent to which it will be possible to also why a balance is so important for the of the fighting in Yemen. turn the EU’s defence efforts into a suc- small partners. The next European Defence Industry Sum- cess story still depends on the will of the All in all, it was an informative, inspiring mit is scheduled for December 5, 2019 – member states. This became clear in the and, in part, lively event which correspon- save the date! Secretary Pompeo’s Remarks On clear about what America hopes to achieve The Middle East in these conversations with all of the par- (df) Following his travel to the Middle East ties, the Turks certainly included amongst United States Secretary of State Mike Pom- them.” One measure will be to back up peo gave statements on his impressions Iraq. “We want an Iraq that is independent, and future focus of U.S. politics in that re- sovereign, and how it is we might do that gion. On Syria Secretary Pompeo expressed – there are lots of economic things we can that the goal is “a unified Syria where the do to assist Iraq in getting back on its feet, people of Syria have the opportunity to which will permit them to be more inde- create a good outcome for themselves.” pendent and have more control and be Secretary Pompeo continued: “We want a more sovereign.” secured border for all of the parties, not Talking about stability of the region State) of Department U.S. (Photo: even just the Turks and the Kurds; there Secretary Pompeo saw a special threat capital strategy. “In Syria, you have them in are Arabs, there are Christians in the re- deriving from Iran. “This all starts with ex- Lebanon, you have them in Yemen. It is a gion that we want to be a place where tremism in whatever form you find it. In five-capital strategy, right? This is the his- there isn’t violence as there’s been over this case you have Iranian-backed Houthis, tory of Iran’s efforts: five capitals. And these past years. There are still millions of Iranian-backed Hizballah, Iranian-backed our effort is to make sure that the Iranian displaced persons in that region, too. We Shia militias in Iraq, Iranian-backed forces people get control of their capital and that want to take that violence level down so in Syria, and in each case the root of the it becomes a nation that is normal and is that we can begin to return the displaced challenge stems from the revolutionary na- not conducting terror campaigns that are persons to that region as well. I actually ture of the Islamic regime and their efforts unrivalled any place else in the world.” think the President’s remarks are pretty abroad.” These efforts he named the five www.state.gov Germany In Charge Of The VJTF support the German contingent adding brigade in 2018. The VJTF is part of the Al- (df) On January 1, 2019 Germany took capabilities such as aviation and mecha- liance’s larger NATO Response Force (NRF) the lead for NATO’s Very High Readiness nised infantry. France, Belgium, Luxem- with around 40,000 troops. This year, the 1st Joint Task Force (VJTF), providing thousands bourg, the Czech Republic, Latvia and German/Netherlands Corps is in charge of of soldiers to be on standby and ready to Lithuania also provide forces. Together, the NRF’s land forces. Admiral James Fog- deploy within days. The VJTF in 2019 is ba- they represent a multinational brigade of go commands the entire NRF from NATO’s sed on the German “9th Panzerlehrbriga- around 8,000 troops. Germany took over Joint Force Command in Naples, Italy. de” brigade. The Netherlands and Norway from Italy, which provided the VJTF lead www.nato.int For a free subscription send an email to: [email protected] ISSUE 105 / 2019 3 SPOTLIGHT Technology Test Vehicle For Urban Operations mounts and containers at the stern of the (ww) The Royal Tank Regiment and a team tank for weapons, explosive ordnance and from the 1st Armoured Infantry Brigade of access tools, an unmanned ground vehi- the British Army have developed a Chal- cle for reconnaissance, a new MG concept lenger 2 test vehicle for urban operations.
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