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Security & Defence European IN FOCUS: EUROPEAN LOGISTIC VEHICLES European Security & Defence 5/2015 ISSN 1617-7983 • Defence in Poland 5.90 a • • FRONTEX Česká zbrojovka The EU‘s external border control agency is still dependent The long-standing Czech company provides a wide range on the capacities of member states. of small arms for the international markets. September 2015 Politics · Armed Forces · Procurement · Technology The backbone of every strong troop. Mercedes-Benz Defense Vehicles. When your mission is clear. When there’s no road for miles around. And when you need to give all you’ve got, your equipment needs to be the best. At times like these, we’re right by your side. Mercedes-Benz Defense Vehicles: armoured, highly capable off-road and logistics vehicles with payloads ranging from 0.5 to 110 t. Mobilising safety and efficiency: A Daimler Brand Provider: Daimler AG, Mercedesstraße 137, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany Editorial Iran Remains a Problem State or years, the five veto powers of the clear power to a nuclear power. However, FUN Security Council (and at the same this time gain could – it is hoped – be large time nuclear powers) of China, France, the enough to take the pressure off their strate- United Kingdom, Russia and USA, together gic opponents in the Middle East, primarily with Germany, have striven to get Iran to Saudi Arabia, to also think about nuclear back down. Now, the preliminary agree- weapons, and therefore avoid entering ment from Lausanne seems to have found into an atomic arms race in a region that is a solution in Vienna, with which the dan- already characterised by conflicts. ger of an atomic bomb in the hands of the The Vienna agreement is a success in its Tehran Mullah regime has been averted efforts to contain the proliferation of weap- until further notice. ons of mass destruction. However, it does The cornerstones of the agreement read not mark a fundamental change in the re- as draconian restrictions on the Iranian lationship with Iran. Iran remains a problem nuclear programme, which the ruling state, which is taking sides against strategic powers consistently allege only serves partners in the West – at all the sites of con- civil purposes. The number of centrifuges flict in the region – Syria, Iraq and Yemen. required for uranium enrichment must be In particular, Israel rightly perceives the reduced from currently 19,000 to 6,000 policy of Tehran as an existential threat. This in the next ten years. The existing stocks will be defused if Iran’s short term access of enriched uranium will be reduced from to nuclear weapons can be ruled out. On 12,000 kilogrammes to 300 kilogrammes. the other hand, however, Israel must fear In the future, the enrichment must only oc- that lifting the sanctions against Tehran, cur up to a share of 3.67% of the isotope will give the opponent back their economic Uranium-235, it must be at 90% to be potency, which has been lost in the past usable for an atomic weapon. Iran may few years. A boom could lead to the now use the facilities in Arak und Fordo only for fragile public acceptance of the regime research purposes now. The International growing again. Above all however, they will Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) will be be given significant means to subsidise their granted extensive control powers for 25 allies such as the Hisbollah movement and years, to monitor adherence to the agree- the Assad regime. ments. These are not only limited to civil Therefore, the reaction of the Arabian Sun- systems and research facilities, but also ni opponents of Iran to the Vienna agree- include military properties, if there is justi- ments was also cool. They know that even fied suspicion that activities are in progress in the short term, this could mean a shift in on them, which infringe the agreement. If power in favour of the “Shiite crescent“. Iran, attested by the IAEA, complies with What was negotiated over Israel’s head its obligations, the economic sanctions must not be at the expense of Israel. The which have severely affected the country West must consider the security interests in the past few years will be lifted step by of the only reliable ally in the region. Fur- step. However, the import and export of thermore, even after Vienna, they won’t weapons will remain forbidden for a period be able to afford neutrality in the conflict of five years. The embargo for all products of the alliances, which have formed around that could be required for the manufacture Saudi Arabia on the one side and Iran on of ballistic missiles will be adhered to for a the other. Actually, it is neither in their own further three years. interests, nor does it serve conflict resolu- However, even after this agreement, Iran tion to take sides here. Only a solution is still in possession of the knowledge (and which also complies with Shiite interests, the infrastructure for its further develop- and here particularly the interests of Shiite ment), which enables them to manufacture minorities in Sunni majority societies, is atomic weapons. Only time has been conceivable here. However, the current gained, if they decide to revoke or circum- regime in Tehran still can not be a partner vent the agreement reached again. Accord- in the search for such a solution. ing to the experts, they would then need around a year, to rise from an emerging nu- Peter Bossdorf September 2015 · European Security & Defence 3 Content Legge Navale The Turkish MBT Programme Italy’s Ministry of Defence has launched the Navy’s The modular concept of the ALTAY facilitates the fleet renewal programme to cope with military, integration of technologies emerging in the future, peacekeeping and civil protection requirements at a fact that will pay off in terms of competitiveness and from the sea. Page 42 on the markets. Page 71 SECURITY POLICY 58 Federated Mission Network Dorothee Frank 10 The Polish Security and Defence Policy 60 HOLLAND Class – Operational Record Krzysztof Miszczak Joris Janssen Lok 17 Sights on FRONTEX 64 QUEEN ELIZABETH Class Aircraft Carriers – Thomas Bauer A Status Report 21 Italy’s Defence White Paper – Implications Conrad Waters Luca Peruzzi 67 M4: Another Recompete? Jan-Phillipp Weisswange ARMED FORCES 69 CZUB Ballistic Vests 23 The UK Defence Scene 2015 Marketing Report CZUB Morgan Douro 71 ALTAY – The Turkish MBT Programme 26 The US National Military Strategy 2015 – Korhan Özkilinc a Georgian View Beka Kiria INDUSTRY & MARKETS 30 Reforging Ideas into Reality 73 Securing EUROFIGHTER’s Long-Term Future Polish Armed Forces Plans for the Future – at NATO and A Call for Investing in Europe’s Defence Industry National Level Alberto Gutiérrez Mieczysław Gokuł 76 Rolls-Royce Power Play Jürgen Hensel 36 “The US has never turned its back on Europe.” Interview with Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, 78 TAI – an International Player Commanding General, USAREUR Interview with Muharrem Dörtkaşlı, President & CEO of Turkish Aerspace Industries Inc. (TAI) ARMAMENT & TECHNOLOGY 79 Lockheed Martin to Acquire Sikorsky 39 The Military Engineering Centre of Excellence Sidney E. Dean Christian Wilhelm 81 Portable Power for Today’s Soldier 42 Italian Navy Launches Fleet Renewal Marketing Report Bren-Tronics, Inc. Luca Peruzzi 82 Israeli – European Defence Cooperation Tamir Eshel 45 Logistics Vehicles for the European Market Gerhard Heiming and Michael Horst with contributions 85 NIAG IIG – the Link Between NATO Logistics and from Miroslav Gyürösy, Korhan Özkilinc Industry Peter Janatschek 55 “If sequestration remains unchanged, the impact to the Army modernization will be dramatic.” 89 “The Ankara Aerospace Industrial Centre is in the Interview with Lieutenant General Michael E. Williamson, middle of all these targets.” Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Interview with Bilal Aktaş, Head of SSM’s Industrialisation Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) Department 4 European Security & Defence · September 2015 Israeli – European Defence Cooperation COLUMNS 3 Editorial 6 Periscope 34 Masthead 80 Firms & Faces VIEWPOINTS FROM … 16 Paris: A Lucrative Game at which France is very Good David Saw 20 Berlin: Germany’s Answer to New Security Challenges Wolfgang Labuhn The same countries that impose embargoes on 28 London: The UK’s Syrian Prevarications selling components to Israel or its defence industry Tim Guest often embrace Israeli technologies for defence 38 Washington: The Pivot Problem modernisation. Page 82 Chet Nagle September 2015 · European Security & Defence 5 Periscope ASR-NG for Australian Deliveries, including nine complete and one been problems with the timely process- Air Bases training system, are planned until 2020. ing of the relevant information, because (gwh) Airbus Defence and Space has re- ASR-NG consists of a solid state primary cameras could not be operated in parallel ceived two contracts worth approximately radar using an advanced signal processing at the workstations. The Vehicle Observa- €130 million from Australia’s new Capabil- technology for medium and long-range tion System from ATM now links all camera ity, Acquisition and Sustainment Group to air traffic surveillance. It closes the gap be- systems via a central computer interface, tween a tactical medium range air surveil- creating a cross-system view concept that lance radar and a classical air traffic control enables different camera images to be ac- radar. ASR-NG integrates with the MSSR cessed from every vehicle workstation with 2000 I (Monopulse Secondary Surveillance a display. Either an analogue or a digitised (Photo: Airbus DS) Radar) secondary radar for automatic iden- image is shown on the display depending tification of individual cooperative aircraft. on the role. The VOS has a modular design and is suitable for logistic and combat ve- ATM at MSPO 2015 hicles alike.
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