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i ii DRIVING DISUNITY The Business Council against Aboriginal community LINDY NOLAN SoE Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide iii Spirit of Eureka publications PO Box 612, Port Adelaide D.C., South Australia 5015 Published by Spirit of Eureka 2017 Copyright © 2017 by Lindy Nolan All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronical, me- chanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written per- mission of the publishers of this book. ISBN: 978-0-6481365-0-7 (paperback) 978-0-6481365-1-4 (e-pdf) Printed and bound in Australia by Bullprint, Unit 5, 175 Briens Road Northmead NSW 2152 iv About the author Lindy Nolan is a former high school teacher, a union activist and advocate for public education. She served as Custodian and Executive member of the NSW Teachers Federation while remaining a classroom teacher. v Acknowledgements I approached researching and writing this booklet using a scientific method, try- ing to disprove an initial theory that, because profit driven corporations were becoming ever richer and more powerful, and had a terrible track record of tax avoidance, of environmental damage and of running roughshod over Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, they were likely to be up to no good in Abo- riginal communities. I failed in this endeavour. The facts supporting the original theory speak for themselves. Some of the evidence comes from those who stand against the narrative that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples themselves are responsible for the gap between their life expectancy, educational achievement, health and that of others on this continent.
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