ISSN: 0256-307X 中国物理快报 Chinese Physics Letters

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Enhancement and Suppression of Four-Wave Mixing in a Four-Level Atomic System *

CHEN Ru-Lin(陈汝霖), YUAN Chen-Zhi(袁晨智), WANG Zhi-Guo(王志国), NIE Zhi-Qiang(聂志强), LI Yuan-Yuan(李院院), -Peng(张彦鹏)** Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049

(Received 16 April 2010) We report observations of the enhancement and suppression of four-wave mixing (FWM) in an electromagnetically induced transparency window in a Y-type 85Rb atomic system. The results show the evolution of the dressed effects (from pure enhancement to partial enhancement/suppression, and finally into pure suppression) inthe degenerate-FWM processes. Moreover, we use the perturbation chain method to describe the FWM process. Finally, we observe the polarization dependence of the enhancement and suppression of the FWM signal.

PACS: 42. 50. Gy, 42. 65. Jx, 42. 65. Tg DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/27/7/074212

′ In recent years, it has been experimentally demon- condition 푘퐹 = 푘1 + 푘2 − 푘2. At the same time, the strated that under electromagnetically induced trans- strong dressing laser beam 퐸3 with a wavelength of [1] parency (EIT) conditions multi-wave mixing can 776.157 nm (휔3, 푘3 and ∆3 = 휔31 − 휔3) propagates in be selectively enhanced or suppressed and emit with the same direction as beam 퐸2 to influence this FWM [2,3] small absorption by the medium. Such laser- signal while 퐸3 drives the transition |1⟩ to |3⟩. Fi- induced atomic coherence has a strong influence on nally, the generated FWM signal and the transmitted singly and doubly dressing schemes in multi-level probe beam are detected by an avalanche photodiode systems.[4] On the other hand, due to the multi- detector and a photodiode, respectively. Zeeman energy levels of the atomic systems,[5,6] po- 5 5 larizations of involved fields can largely control four- D5/2, D3/2, wave mixing (FWM) processes.[7−14] In this Letter, F/,, F/,, > > experimental observation of the evolutions of the en- ω ω hancement and suppression, from pure enhancement 2 3 E3 5 to partial enhancement/suppression, and finally into > P3/2, F/ E ' E pure suppression at resonance, is reported. Also, ac- ω1 ωF 2 2 cording to the selective transitions among polarization E1 EF 5 > S1/2, F/ (b) dark states of degenerate Zeeman sublevels, we can (a) modulate polarization of the weak probe field to con- Fig.1. (a) Relevant 85Rb energy levels, (b) spatial box trol enhancement and suppression of FWM processes schematic diagram of the experiment. by the dressing field. The experiment was carried out in a 85Rb vapor We can obtain the results of the FWM process by solving the coupled density-matrix equations in cell, whose energy levels 5푆1/2 (퐹 = 3), 5푃3/2 (퐹 = 3), general for arbitrary strengths of the fields 퐸1, 퐸2, 5퐷3/2 and 5퐷5/2 (퐹 = 2, 3, 4) form such a Y-type sys- ′ tem (Fig. 1(a)). The laser beams are aligned spatially 퐸2 and 퐸3. The simple FWM (with 퐸1, 퐸2 and ′ (0) 휔1 as shown in Fig. 1(b). A weak probe beam 퐸1 with a 퐸2 on, and field 퐸3 off) process via chain 휌00 −→ (1) 휔2 (2) −휔2 (3) (3) 2 wavelength of 780 nm (휔1, 푘1 and frequency detuning 휌10 −→ 휌20 −−−→ 휌10 can give 휌10 = 퐺푎/(푑1푑2), ′ * ∆1 = 휔10 − 휔1) is modulated by a quarter wave plate where 퐺푎 = −푖퐺1퐺2(퐺2) exp(푖푘퐹 ·푟), 푑1 = Γ10 +푖∆1 (QWP). The laser beam 퐸1 probes the lower tran- and 푑2 = Γ20 + 푖(∆1 + ∆2), with Γ푖푗 being the trans- sition |0⟩ to |1⟩. Two pump beams 퐸2 (휔2, 푘2 and verse relaxation rate between states |푖⟩ and |푗⟩. Next, ′ ′ ∆2 = 휔21 − 휔2) and 퐸2 (휔2, 푘2 and ∆2) have a wave- we add the dressing field 퐸3 with strong pumping field ′ length of 775.978 nm and propagate in the opposite 퐸2, 퐸2 and strong probe field 퐸1, so the simple FWM ∘ ′ direction with small angle (0.3 ) and they drive the process above can be dressed by fields 퐸2, 퐸2, 퐸3 upper transition |1⟩ to |2⟩. One FWM signal beam and even 퐸1, a perturbative approach for this spe- 퐸퐹 is generated among them with phase matching cific interaction can be further described by the follow-

*Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 10974151, the New Century Excellent Talent Project of the Ministry of Education of China under Grant No 08-0431, and the Cross-Disciplinary Project of Xi’an Jiaotong University under Grant No 2009xjtujc08. **To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected] ○c 2010 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd

074212-1 CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 27, No. 7 (2010) 074212 ing coupling equations 휕휌10/휕푡 = −푑1휌10 + 푖퐺1휌00 + tion dips corresponding to the hyperfine-level transi- 푏 * * * 87 ′ 푖(퐺2) 휌20 + 푖퐺3휌30, 휕휌00/휕푡 = −Γ0휌00 + 푖퐺1휌10, tions from Rb |5푆1/2, 퐹 = 2⟩ to |5푃3/2, 퐹 = 1, 2, 3⟩, 푏 85 85 휕휌20/휕푡 = −푑2휌20 + 푖퐺2휌10, 휕휌30/휕푡 = −푑3휌30 + Rb |5푆1/2, 퐹 = 3⟩ to |5푃3/2, 퐹 = 2, 3, 4⟩, Rb * ′ 87 푖퐺3휌10 and 휕휌21/휕푡 = −푑4휌21 − 푖퐺1휌20, where 푑3 = |5푆1/2, 퐹 = 2⟩ to |5푃3/2, 퐹 = 1, 2, 3⟩, and from Rb ′ Γ30 + 푖(∆1 + ∆3) and 푑4 = Γ21 + 푖∆2. These coupling |5푆1/2, 퐹 = 1⟩ to |5푃3/2, 퐹 = 0, 1, 2⟩, respectively. In equations can be solved when combined with chain I to Fig. 2(a), there are two peaks on the absorption dips give the nonlinear density matrix for the multi-dressed in the up-curve. The right one of the two peaks is the ′ FWM process: EIT window created by the pump fields 퐸2 and 퐸2 in the system |0⟩ − |1⟩ − |2⟩, which satisfies the condi- [︂(︂ |퐺 |2 )︂(︂ |퐺푏 |2 휌(3) = 퐺 × 푑 + 1 푑 + 2 tion ∆ + ∆ = 0 and corresponds to the double-peak 10 푎 2 푑 1 푑 1 2 4 2 FWM signal, while the left one is created by the dress- 2 )︂(︂ 2 2 )︂]︂−1 |퐺3| |퐺1| |퐺3| ing field 퐸3 in the system |0⟩ − |1⟩ − |3⟩ and satisfies + 푑1 + + . 푑3 Γ0 푑3 the condition ∆1 + ∆3 = 0. In Fig. 2(b), each peak of the pure FWM signal corresponding to the right |0⟩ − |1⟩ − |2⟩ EIT window is split into two peaks due to the dressing effect of 퐸2

(a) ′ and 퐸2. Figure 3 arranges the enhancement and suppres-

sion of the FWM signal and corresponding EIT win- dows by scanning ∆3 for different ∆1. The height of FWM signals FWM

(b) EIT peaks in Fig. 3(a) represents the transparent de- Probetransmission gree of probe field 퐸1. The EIT peaks on the transpar- -6 -4 -2 0 2 ent curves are caused by the dressing field 퐸 . Such D (GHz) 3


EIT peaks satisfy the condition ∆1 + ∆3 = 0. As Fig.2. (a) Probe beam transmission with two EIT shown in Fig. 3(a), the heights of the EIT peaks de- windows versus the probe detuning Δ . (b) Measured 1 crease when |∆ | → 0 and the EIT peaks fall to the FWM signals. The experimental parameters are 퐺1 = 1 ′ 11.68 MHz, 퐺2 = 퐺2 = 25.39 MHz, 퐺3 = 51.52 MHz, lowest height at point ∆1 = 0. This is because the Δ = 0 and Δ = 250 MHz. 2 3 interaction effect between 퐸2 and 퐸3 increases when Curve 푎 in Fig. 2 is the probe transmission with |∆1| → 0, so the dressing effect of 퐸3 is greatly sup- EIT windows[12] and curve 푏 is the measured FWM pressed, and the EIT transmission peaks are lower at signal. Figure 2(a) gives the four apparent spec- this point ∆1 = 0 than that at any other larger de- tra. From the left to right, there are four absorp- tuning positions.

1.5 1.4 (a) (c)

1.2 nsmission Tra

1.0 1.0 -100 0 100 0 50 100 150 (d) 4 (b) 2


Normalized 1 FWM signal FWM

0 -100 0 100 -100 0 100 200

D1 (MHz) D3 (MHz) Fig.3. (a) The EIT windows and (b) the enhancement and suppression of the FWM signal obtained by scanning Δ3 for different Δ1 increasing with the step of 11 MHz from Δ1 = 132 MHz to Δ1 = −132 MHz. (c) The theoretical EIT window by scanning Δ3 when Δ1 = −77 MHz. (d) The corresponding enhancement and suppression of the FWM ′ signal to the theoretical EIT window. The other parameters are Δ2 = 0, 퐺1 = 11.68 MHz, 퐺2 = 퐺2 = 25.39 MHz, 퐺3 = 51.52 MHz.

074212-2 CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 27, No. 7 (2010) 074212 The curve in Fig. 3(b) represents the FWM signal agree quite well with the experimental observations. normalized by the FWM without any dressing field We also investigate the enhancement and sup- 퐸3. Therefore, the constant background 1 represents pression of the FWM signal intensities by scanning the common FWM signals without dressing field 퐸3 the dressing field detuning ∆3 for different probe while the dips lower than the constant background field detuning ∆1, as shown in Figs. 4(a)–4(c). With (we call them suppression peaks) and peaks higher ∆3 increasing, the FWM signals change from the than the background (enhancement peaks) show the all-enhanced case to the half-suppressed and half- FWM signal is suppressed and enhanced, respec- enhanced case, and finally to the all-suppressed case. tively. Specifically, we can see that all the curves in The enhanced and suppressed conditions of FWM are 2 2 Fig. 3(b) almost show axial symmetric evolution be- ∆3 = (|퐺3| − ∆1)/∆1 and ∆1 + ∆3 = 0, respectively. havior with respect to ∆1 = 0. In the ∆1 < 0 re- In the median of the two conditions, the FWM curve gion, with ∆1 increasing, the FWM signal changes is half-enhanced and half-suppressed. from the all-enhanced case to the half-suppressed and Next we will consider the influence of different inci- half-enhanced case, and finally to the all-suppressed dent laser polarization configurations on the enhance- case around the resonant point. In contrast, in the ment and suppression of FWM signals. We use one ∆1 > 0 region, the FWM signals vary oppositely. QWP with a rotation angle 휃 to change the polar- Meanwhile, at large values of |∆1|, the FWM signal ization state of field 퐸1 by decomposing it into lin- is all-enhanced while in the area of |∆1| → 0, the sig- early and circularly polarized components. Thus the nal is all-suppressed. Moreover, from Fig. 3(b) we can Zeeman sublevels need to be considered in the FWM see that the times of enhancement of the FWM curve process. This is because the variation of the inci- are much more than the times of suppression of the dence polarization transforms the energy distribution FWM curve. This also indicates that when |∆1| → 0, among various transition paths between different Zee- the interaction between 퐸2 and 퐸3 increases and the man sublevels. For example, it transforms the lin- dressing effect of 퐸3 is suppressed, so the heights of early polarized pathway to the circular one. Since the suppression peaks are reduced as a result.[12] Fig- different FWM transition paths are dressed by differ- ures 3(c) and 3(d) show the theoretical results of the ent transition dressing fields (i.e., different Clebsch- EIT window with ∆1 = −77 MHz and the correspond- Gordan (CG) coefficients), the total dressing strength ing enhancement and suppression of the FWM signal, is generally different. respectively. We can see that the theoretical analyses

(a1) (b1) (c1) 1.0


0.6 units) units)

(a2) (b2) 1.0


0.6 (c2)

(a3) (b3) (c3) 1.0 FWM signal intensity (arb. intensity signal FWM


0.6 60 80 40 80 0 20

D3 (MHz) D3 (MHz) D3 (MHz)

Fig.4. (a) The pure enhanced (with Δ1 = −70 MHz), (b) the half enhanced and half suppressed (with Δ1 = −53 MHz), and (c) the pure suppressed FWM signal (with Δ1 = −3 MHz) intensities versus the dressing field detuning Δ3 when the polarization rotation angle 휃 is 0∘ (a1, b1 and c1), 45∘ (a2, b2 and c2) and 90∘ (a3, b3 and c3). The other parameters ′ are Δ2 = 0, 퐺1 = 11.68 MHz, 퐺2 = 퐺2 = 25.39 MHz, 퐺3 = 51.52 MHz.

074212-3 CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 27, No. 7 (2010) 074212 When the QWP is rotated from 0∘ to 45∘, the ing are investigated experimentally and theoreti- polarization state of 퐸1 changes and is decomposed cally. Then, we demonstrate our experimental stud- into linearly or circularly polarized components. With ies of the evolutions of the enhancement and sup- the probe field detuning ∆1 = −70 MHz, as shown in pression, from pure enhancement to partial enhance- Figs.4(a1)–4(a3), the FWM signals are all-enhanced. ment/suppression, and finally into pure suppression at Then, the height of the all-enhancement peak de- resonance dependent on the probe detuning. We ob- creases as QWP is rotated from 0∘ to 45∘, and in- serve the polarization dependence of the enhancement creases when we rotate QWP from 45∘ to 90∘. It and suppression of the FWM signal. approaches the same height when the QWP is ro- tated to the angles of 90∘ and 0∘. The height of the all-enhancement peak reaches its lowest point when References QWP is at 45∘. When the probe field detuning is [1] Harris S E 1997 Phys. Today 50 36 ∆1 = −53 MHz, as shown in Figs. 4(b1)–4(b3), the [2] Zhang Y P, Brown A W and Xiao M 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. FWM signal profiles are half-suppressed and half- 99 123603 enhanced. When we rotate the QWP from 0∘ to 45∘, [3] Zhang Y P, Khadka U, Anderson B and Xiao M 2009 and then from 45∘ to 90∘, the heights of the half- Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 013601 [4] Dawes A M C, Illing L, Clark S M and Gauthier D J 2005 enhanced peaks change with the same regularity of the Science 308 672 all-enhanced case. It is interesting that the heights [5] Ling H Y, Li Y Q and Xiao M 1996 Phys. Rev. A 53 1014 of the half-suppressed peaks change oppositely from [6] Li S, Wang B, Yang X, Han Y, Wang H, Xiao M and Peng the half-enhanced peaks. Moreover, the heights of the K C 2006 Phys. Rev. A 74 033821 [7] Zhu C J, Senin A A, Lu Z H, Gao J, Xiao Y and Eden J G half-suppressed peaks reach their highest point when 2005 Phys. Rev. A 72 023811 ∘ QWP is at 45 . When the probe field detuning is [8] Magno W C, Prandini R B, Nussenzveig P and Vianna S S at ∆1 = −3 MHz, as shown in Figs. 4(c1)–4(c3), the 2001 Phys. Rev. A 63 063406 FWM signals are all-suppressed and the heights of the [9] Zheng H B, Zhang Y P., Khadka U, Wang R M, Li C B, Nie Z Q and Xiao M 2009 Opt. Express 17 15468 suppression peaks increase when the QWP is rotated [10] Wu Y and Deng L 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 143904 ∘ ∘ from 0 to 45 , and increase to their highest point [11] Wu Y, Saldana J and Zhu Y F 2003 Phys. Rev. A 67 013811 when the QWP is rotated to 45∘. Then, the heights [12] Li C B, Zhang Y P, Nie Z Q, Du Y G, Wang R M, Song J decrease to the same point as the QWP at 0∘ is ro- P and Xiao M 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 033801 tated to 90∘. [13] Li P Z, Nie Z Q, Zhang Y P, Jiang T, Du Y G, Gan C L, Song J P and Lu K Q 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 3420 In summary, the dependences of the FWM sig- [14] Li C S, Yin W T, Yuan C Z, Shi M Z, Zhao Y and Zhang nal decrease in EIT windows on frequency detun- Y P 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 064204

074212-4 Chinese Physics Letters Volume 27 Number 7 2010

GENERAL 070201 Evolutionary Prisoner’s Dilemma on a Weighted Scale-Free Network CHENG Hong-Yan, LI Hai-Hong, DAI Qiong-Lin, YANG Jun-Zhong 070301 A Simple Scheme for the Preparation of Four-Photon GHZ States Based on Cavity QED ZHANG Deng-Yu, TANG Shi-Qing, WANG Xin-Wen, XIE Li-Jun, ZHAN Xiao-Gui, CHEN Yin-Hua, GAO Feng 070302 Unconventional Geometric Quantum Gate in Circuit QED ZHENG Xiao-Hu, DONG Jun, -Wen, YANG Ming, CAO Zhuo-Liang 070303 Mean-Field Dynamics of a Two-Mode Bose–Einstein Condensate Subject to Decoherence CUI Bo, -Lin, YI Xue-Xi 070304 Linear Entropy and Entanglement in Two-Charge-Qubit Circuits LIAO Qing-Hong, FANG Guang-Yu, WANG Yue-Yuan, AHMAD Muhammad Ashfaq, LIU Shu-Tian 070305 Implementation of a Quantum Conditional Phase Gate for the Quantum Fourier Transform in Circuit QED YU Long-Bao, XUE Zheng-Yuan 070306 Vector Solitons and Soliton Collisions in Two-Component Bose–Einstein Condensates -Xu, ZHANG Xiao-Fei, ZHANG Peng 070307 Effective Mass Schr¨odingerEquation via Point Canonical Transformation Altu˘gArda, Ramazan Sever 070401 Effect of Local Magnetic Field in G Measurement with Time-of-Swing Method LI Qing, LIU Lin-Xia, TU Liang-Cheng, SHAO Cheng-Gang, LUO Jun 070402 Black Holes and Photons with Entropic Force HE Xiao-Gang, Bo-Qiang 070501 Nonlocal Measure Synchronization in Coupled Bosonic Josephson Junctions TIAN Jing, QIU Hai-Bo, CHEN Yong 070502 Cross Soliton-Like Waves for the (2+1)-Dimensional Breaking Soliton Equation LU¨ Zhuo-Sheng, DUAN Li-Xia, XIE Fu-Ding 070503 Intermittent Chaotic Neural Firing Characterized by Non-Smooth Features WANG Dong, MO Juan, ZHAO Xiao-Yan, GU Hua-Guang, QU Shi-Xian, REN Wei 070504 Initial State Dependent Dynamical Behaviors in a Memristor Based Chaotic Circuit BAO Bo-Cheng, XU Jian-Ping, LIU Zhong 070701 Optimization and Finite Element Analysis of the Temperature Field in a Nitride MOCVD Reactor by Induction Heating -Ming, HAO Yue, ZHANG Jin-Cheng, CHEN Chi, CHANG Yong-Ming, -Rui, BI Zhi-Wei 070702 Investigation of the Imaging Polarization Effect Based on a Pixellated CdZnTe Detector , XIAO Sha-Li, ZHANG Liu-Qiang, -Lin, CHEN Yu-Xiao, SHEN Min, WANG Xi THE PHYSICS OF ELEMENTARY PARTICLES AND FIELDS 071201 Grand Unified Yukawa Matrix Ansatz: The Standard Model Fermion Mass, Quark Mixing and CP Violation Parameters ZHANG Yong-Chao, ZHANG De-Hai 071401 Discussion on Cross Section Measurement for DD¯ Production around ψ(3770) ZHAO Ming-Gang, YU Chun-Xu, GUO Ai-Qiang, HE Zhen-Ya NUCLEAR PHYSICS 072301 Theoretical Calculation for Half-Lives of Spherical Proton Emitters QIAN Yi-Bin, REN Zhong-Zhou, NI Dong-Dong

(Continued on inside back cover) 072501 Proposed Chiral Doublet Bands in 98Tc DING Huai-Bo, ZHU Sheng-Jiang, WANG Jian-Guo, GU Long, XU Qiang, XIAO Zhi-Gang, YEOHA Eing-Yee, ZHANG Ming, ZHU Li-Hua, WU Xiao-Guang, LIU Ying, HE Chuang-Ye, WANG Lie-Lin, PAN Bo, LI Guang-Sheng 072502 Hadron Multiplicities in Pb+Pb Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider and Pomeron Loop Effects XIANG Wen-Chang, WANG Sheng-Qin, ZHOU Dai-Cui ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS 073101 Effect of S Substitution for P Point Defects in KDP Crystals: First-Principles Study GAO Hui, Xun, -An, XU Ming-Xia, HU Guo-Hang, XU Xin-Guang, ZHAO Xian 073201 Two Kinds of Cavity Geometry for Enhanced Laser Cooling of Solids JIA You-Hua, ZHONG Biao, YIN Jian-Ping 073301 Theoretical Study of the Influence of Femtosecond Laser Wavelength on the Evolution of a Double-Minimum Electronic Excited State Wave Packet for NaRb MA Ning, WANG Mei-Shan, XIONG De-Lin, YANG Chuan-Lu, MA Xiao-Guang, WANG De-Hua 073401 Excitation Transfer for K2 in High-Lying States by N2 CUI Xiu-Hua, MU Bao-Xia, DAI Kang, SHEN Yi-Fan 073402 Two Electron Transfer and Stabilization in Slow O6+ and Rare-Gas Collisions XUE Ying-Li, YU De-Yang, LU Rong-Chun, SHAO Cao-Jie, RUAN Fang-Fang, -Hu, CAI Xiao- Hong

073403 Interpretation of the Experimental Electron Momentum Spectra of 5e1/2 and 5e3/2 Orbitals of CF3I with Relativistic Calculations LIU Kun, NING Chuan-Gang, DENG Jing-Kang FUNDAMENTAL AREAS OF PHENOMENOLOGY(INCLUDING APPLICATIONS) 074201 Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Series of Polythiophenes ZHANG Xiao-Qiang, WANG Chang-Shun, LU Guo-Yuan, HE Ting-Chao 074202 Adiabatic Passage Based on the Calcium Active Optical Clock XIE Xiao-Peng, ZHUANG Wei, CHEN Jing-Biao 074203 Theoretical Analysis of the Critical Phenomena of a Brillouin Laser SU Yu-Huan, -Wei, OUYANG Min, YANG Guo-Jian, LIU Da-He 074204 High Efficiency One-Way Transmission by One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals with Gratings on One Side KANG Xiu-Bao, TAN Wei, WANG Zhan-Shan, WANG Zhi-Guo, CHEN Hong 074205 Photonic Band Gap Properties of Three-Dimensional SiO2 Photonic Crystals -Ping, YAN Zhi-Jun, LI Zhi-Gang, LI Qin-Tao, WANG Yin-Yue 074206 A Novel Micro-Displacement Measuring Method Based on Optical Path Modulation QU Wei, YE Hong-An 074207 A Microwave Photonic Notch Filter Using a Microfiber Ring Resonator , ZHANG Xin-Liang, CHEN Guo-Jie, XU En-Ming, HUANG De-Xiu 074208 Stable Narrow Linewidth 689 nm Diode Laser for the Second Stage Cooling and Trapping of Strontium Atoms LI Ye, LIN Yi-Ge, ZHAO Yang, WANG Qiang, WANG Shao-Kai, YANG Tao, CAO Jian-Ping, LI Tian-Chu, FANG Zhan-Jun, ZANG Er-Jun 074209 Supercontinuum Generation with High Birefringence SF6 Soft Glass Photonic Crystal Fibers FU Bo, LI Shu-Guang, YAO Yan-Yan, ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Mei-Yan 074210 Opposite Goos–H¨anchen Displacements for TE- and TM-Polarized Beams Transmitting through a Slab of Indefinite Metamaterial LIN Yan-He, ZHU Qi-Biao, ZHANG Yan 074211 Polarization-Independent Guided-Mode Resonance Filters under Oblique Incidence HU Xu-Hui, GONG Ke, SUN Tian-Yu, WU Dong-Min 074212 Enhancement and Suppression of Four-Wave Mixing in a Four-Level Atomic System CHEN Ru-Lin, YUAN Chen-Zhi, WANG Zhi-Guo, NIE Zhi-Qiang, LI Yuan-Yuan, ZHANG Yan-Peng 074213 Efficient Tm:YAG Ceramic Laser at 2 µm ZOU Yu-Wan, ZHANG Yong-Dong, ZHONG Xin, WEI Zhi-Yi, -Xin, JIANG Ben-Xue, PAN Yu-Bai 074214 Narrow Linewidth Tm3+-Doped Large Core Fiber Laser Based on a Femtosecond Written Fiber Bragg Grating -Jun, WANG Wei, ZHOU Ren-Lai, SONG Shi-Fei, TIAN Yi, WANG Yue-Zhu

074215 Laser Resistance of Ta2O5/SiO2 and ZrO2/SiO2 Optical Coatings under 2 µm Femtosecond Pulsed Irradiation LIU Na, -Jian, ZHOU Ming, JING Xu-Feng, WANG Yan-Zhi, CUI Yun, JIN Yun-Xia 074216 A Multilayered Configuration Broadband Polarization Insensitive Reflector Utilizing a Multi- Subpart Profile Grating Structure WU Hua-Ming, HOU Jin, GAO Ding-Shan, ZHOU Zhi-Ping 074301 Influence of the Nonlinearity of Loudspeakers on the Performance of Thermoacoustic Refrig- erators Driven by Current and Voltage FAN Li, ZHANG Shu-Yi, ZHANG Hui 074302 Performance of Non-Contact Linear Actuators Driven by Surface Acoustic Waves CHENG Li-Ping, ZHANG Shu-Yi, GU Huan-Huan, ZHOU Feng-Mei, SHUI Xiu-Ji 074303 Symmetric and Anti-Symmetric Lamb Waves in a Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystal Plate LI Yong, HOU Zhi-Lin, FU Xiu-Jun, Badreddine M Assouar 074501 On the Intrinsic Concordance between the Wide Scattering Feature of Synchronized Flow and the Empirical Spacing Distributions CHEN Xi-Qun, , JIANG Rui, -Miao 074701 Hopf Bifurcations for the Recently Proposed Smooth-and-Discontinuous Oscillator TIAN Rui-Lan, CAO Qing-Jie, LI Zhi-Xin 074702 Nonlinear Flow Numerical Simulation of an Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoir YU Rong-Ze, LEI Qun, YANG Zheng-Ming, BIAN Ya-Nan PHYSICS OF GASES, PLASMAS, AND ELECTRIC DISCHARGES 075201 Non-Uniformity of Ion Implantation in Direct-Current Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation LIU Cheng-Sen, WANG De-Zhen, FAN Yu-Jia, ZHANG Nan, GUAN Li, YAO Yuan CONDENSED MATTER: STRUCTURE, MECHANICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES 076101 Influence of Fe Contamination on the Minority Carrier Lifetime of Multi-crystalline Silicon MENG Xia-Jie, MA Zhong-Quan, , SHEN Cheng, YIN Yan-Ting, ZHAO Lei, LI Yong-Hua, XU Fei 076102 Evolutions of Crystal Structure, Stoichiometry and Electrochemical Behavior with Co Substi- tution in LiNi1−yCoyO2 Positive Electrodes XIA Rong-Sen, CUI Zhong-Hui, LIU Bi-Qiu, GUO Xiang-Xin, ZHAO Jing-Tai 076103 Influence of Rare-Earth Substitution for Iron in FeCrMoCB Bulk Metallic Glasses Abderrezak Bouchareb, Badis Bendjemil, Rafael Piccin, Marcello Baricco 076201 A Simple Theoretical Method to Predict the Hardness of Pure Metal Crystals JIN Yun-Fei, YE Xiang-Xi, LI Jing-Tian, ZHANG Wen-Xian, ZHUANG Jun, NING Xi-Jing 076401 Transition to Film Boiling in Microgravity: Influence of Subcooling ZHAO Jian-Fu, LI Jing, YAN Na, -Feng 076402 Investigation of the Potts Model on Triangular Lattices by the Second Renormalization of Tensor Network States WANG Meng-Xiong, CAI Jian-Wei, XIE Zhi-Yuan, CHEN Qiao-Ni, ZHAO Hui-Hai, WEI Zhong-Chao 076801 Non-Axisymmetric Oscillation of Acoustically Levitated Water Drops at Specific Frequencies SHEN Chang-Le, XIE Wen-Jun, WEI Bing-Bo 076802 A Model for the Contact Angle of Liquid Droplets on Rough Surfaces MEI Mao-Fei, YU Bo-Ming, LUO Liang, CAI Jian-Chao CONDENSED MATTER: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE, ELECTRICAL, MAGNETIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES 077101 Strain Effects on Electronic Properties of Boron Nitride Nanoribbons LI Jin, -Zhong, ZHONG Jian-Xin 077102 Electrical Characterization of Deep Trap Properties in High-k Thin-Film HfO2 Dielectric YANG Lu 077103 Preparation and Photocurrent Performance of Highly Ordered Titania Nanotube Implanted with Ag/Cu Metal Ions LIAO Bin, WU Xian-Ying, LIANG Hong, ZHANG Xu, LIU An-Dong 077201 Band Structures of Metal-Oxide Capped Graphene: A First Principles Study LIU Han, SUN Qing-Qing, , XU Yan, DING Shi-Jin, ZHANG Wei, GONG Xin-Gao, ZHANG Shi-Li 077301 The Topological Structure of the SU(2) Chern–Simons Topological Current in the Four- Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect ZHANG Xiu-Ming, DUAN Yi-Shi 077302 Effect of Magnetic Field on a p-Type δ-Doped GaAs Layer E. OZTURK 077303 Electric Field Analysis of Space Charge Injection from a Conductive Nano-Filler Electrode XIAO Chun, ZHANG Ye-Wen, ZHENG Fei-Hu, WEI Wen-Jie, AN Zhen-Lian 077304 Influence of High Atomic Hydrogenation on the Electronic Structure of Zigzag Carbon Nan- otubes: A First-Principles Study PAN Li-Jun, -Guang, ZHANG Rui-Qin, HU Xing, JIA Yu 077305 Growth and Characterization of GaSb-Based Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodiodes for Mid-Infrared Detection WANG Guo-Wei, XU Ying-Qiang, GUO Jie, TANG Bao, REN Zheng-Wei, HE Zhen-Hong, NIU Zhi-Chuan

077401 Film Thickness Dependence of Rectifying Properties of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4/Nb-SrTiO3 Junctions CHEN Lei-Ming, LI Guang-Cheng, ZHANG Yan, GUO Yan-Feng 077501 Out-of-Plane Torque Influence on Magnetization Switching and Susceptibility in Magnetic Multilayers SUN Chun-Yang, WANG Zheng-Chuan

077502 Structural and Magnetic Properties of [Fe/Ni]N Multilayers TANG Jia, MA Bin, ZHANG Zong-Zhi, JIN Qing-Yuan 077801 Focal Shift of Paraxial Gaussian Beams in a Left-Handed Material Slab Lens ZHANG Kang-Kang, LUO Hai-Lu, WEN Shuang-Chun 077802 Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing on the Formation of In-N Clusters in Strained InGaNAs ZHAO Chuan-Zhen, ZHANG Rong, LIU Bin, LI Ming, XIE Zi-Li, XIU Xiang-Qian, ZHENG You-Dou CROSS-DISCIPLINARY PHYSICS AND RELATED AREAS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

078101 Development and Characterization of Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors with SiNx Thin Films by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition WANG Cong, ZHANG Fang, KIM Nam-Young

078102 Influence of Substrate on the Transportation Properties of Co/Alq3 Granular Films on a Si Wafer ZHANG Yan, SHENG Peng, LIU Wen-Ming, SHU Qi, GU Zhi-Hua, NI Gang 078103 Molecular Dynamic Simulation on Graphitization and Dehydrogenization of Hydrogenated Carbon Films in Vacuum QUAN Wei-Long, LI Hong-Xuan, ZHAO Fei, JI Li, DU Wen, ZHOU Hui-Di, CHEN Jian-Min 078401 An Interconnect Bus Power Optimization Method EN Yun-Fei, ZHU Zhang-Ming, HAO Yue 078501 Magnetic Properties and Magnetoresistance of CdMnS:Au Based Structures Prepared by Co- evaporation HE Jun, LI Ming, D. H. Kim, J. C. Lee, D. J. Lee, FU De-Jun, T. W. Kang 078502 Low-Voltage Depletion-Mode Indium-Tin-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Gated by Ba0.4Sr0.6TiO3 Dielectric WANG Li-Ping, LU Ai-Xia, DOU Wei, WAN Qing 078701 Effect of Laser Field and Mechanical Force on Deoxyribonucleic Acid Melting PAN Bing-Yi, ZHANG Ling-Yun, DOU Shuo-Xing, WANG Peng-Ye 078901 Evidence of Scaling in Chinese Income Distribution XU Yan, GUO Liang-Peng, DING Ning, WANG You-Gui 078902 Natural Connectivity of Complex Networks , Mauricio Barahona, TAN Yue-Jin, DENG Hong-Zhong GEOPHYSICS, ASTRONOMY, AND ASTROPHYSICS 079801 Bianchi Type-IX String Cosmological Models for Perfect Fluid Distribution in General Rela- tivity Atul Tyagi, Keerti Sharma, Payal Jain ERRATA AND OTHER CORRECTIONS 079901 Comment on “Q-Switched Tm:YAG Laser Intracavity-Pumped by a 1064 nm Laser” PAVEL Nicolaie 079902 Reply to “Comment on ‘Q-switched Tm:YAG Laser Intracavity-Pumped by a 1064 nm Laser’ ” MA Qing-Lei, ZONG Nan, XIE Shi-Yong, , GUO Ya-Ding, XU Jia-Lin, BO Yong, PENG Qin-Jun, CUI Da-Fu, XU Zu-Yan