Abstracts (PDF)
Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society — Volume 7 — November 2002 43rd Annual Meeting — November 21–24, 2002 — Kansas City, Missouri Posters 1–7 Thursday Evening Papers and Posters Presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society Hyatt and Westin Hotels, Kansas City, Missouri November 21–24, 2002 POSTER SESSION I tection was improved, but stimulus identification did not show a com- Crown Hall, Thursday Evening, 6:00–7:30 parable improvement. These results suggest that other stimulus infor- mation, such as luminance, is capable of influencing detection per- •VISUAL PERCEPTION • formance but may not improve identification. (1) (4) Priming and Perception of Androgynous Faces: What You See Is Prerecognition Visual Processing of Words, Pseudowords, and Not What You Get. JAY FRIEDENBERG, SARIT KANIEVSKY, & Nonwords. BART A. VANVOORHIS, University of Wisconsin, La MEGAN KWASNIAK, Manhattan College—Fifty-six participants Crosse, & LLOYD L. AVANT, Iowa State University—Viewers made judged the perceived sex and attractiveness of male, female, and morph duration or brightness judgments for pre- and postmasked 15-msec in- faces. The morphs were 50:50 composite blends of single male and puts of words, pseudowords, and nonwords when the words were high- female faces. In the no-prime control, only morphs were presented. image nouns, abstract nouns, and verbs and when the pseudowords Each morph was preceded by its male face in the male-prime condition, and nonwords were derived from letters of the same word or across and by its female face in the female-prime condition. The results showed the three word types. Results showed that for both brightness and du- a reverse priming effect.
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