The Trail, 1951-11-16
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Pt- r! I) r STAFF EDITOR - DOROTHY ROSS BUSINESS MANAGER -------------------------TOMMY MEADOWCROFT Photographers------------------------------------Bob Rudsit, Roy Nickson Cartoonist------------------------------------------------------John Clark Adviser----------------------------------------------------Murray Morgan Staff--------------Doug McArthur, Don Lewis, Joe Contris, Jack Gallaher, Cal Halbert, Bob Daniel, Pat Smyth, Patt Thompson, Richard Dunn, Jeanne Marie Henroit, Suzanne Bervin, Jo Copple, Doug Cullen, Adele Houx, Steve Tudor. Once upon a time, there were 14,000 rabbits - as you can well imagine 28,000 rabbits are quite a few - but the funny thing about these 56,000 rab- bits is that they did not care where they WERE. Now you might think this a little strange because any normal person would be quite willing to be THERE rather than being just WERE 112,000 rabbits were not really concerned about the where- abouts of WERE, because they were too busy being rabbits. Not everybody can be as busy as 224,000 rabbits, so naturally they care about where they I" ARE. Therefore it's quite nat- ural that you should go to I.1 1 , CHARLESONS "Professor Lubnug is still working for peanuts!" J4 — 1M.LMIILIIIrnJ 4 e€ eed Stade.t4 eô&,e o et Sd College of Pugef Sound NOVEMBER 16, 1951 Tacoma, Washington CAMPUS WEEK A strong wind blew an icy draft over the campus Monday. A Sigma Chi work party came back from Chinook, felt the cold atmosphere, and almost went back (See Stu- dents). The football club received con- grats on their seasonal record, and Coach John beamed as he praised their fine team Spirit (See Sports). He traded his cleated shoes for softer ones as basketball season and the first game November 26th drew closer. Greeks and Rally Comm met in the evening and learned of pledge dances, engagements, marriages, and elections (See Greeks, Organiza- tions). The wind still whipped coats and scarves Tuesday. Central Board was short as members shivered in the cold faculty lounge, and heard Cal Frazier remark that there wasn't SAl members Gene Starkey, Maureen Gerrards, and Suzanne West plan much doing during the week (See for their concert this week end.—Photo by Rudsit. CB Minutes). A sparkling layer of white frost greeted students Wednesday as "Jack" made his first strong appear- ance. Campus Chest solicitors wandered in and out of classrooms, friends had a hard time recognizing layer of black clouds, as rain collecting money, and exacting bids. some in their blue suits. While drenched the campus in the after- Classes were out at 11. People went some ate the over-sized sandwiches noon. home for a quick change to shake at the luncheon, others took ad- Spurs and debaters left today (See hands with the General (See Stu- vantage of dismissed classes and took Students) for conventions and com- dents). The AFROTC boys emerged to the hills. The sun shone for the petitions. Vacation was five days for their initial appearance, and General, then retreated behind a away. THE TRAIL Page 3 who didn't get served. Sadie Hawkins It was 12:38. The sunshine broke into the Fieldhouse and brightened STUDENTS Last Friday night students entered the stage. Our Doug McArthur said the girls' gym resembling the vari- "Ladies and gentlemen, General of ous characters in Al Capp's comic the Army, Douglas MacArthur." Bob strip "Li'l Abner". Francisco Equiluz Rudsit and Roy Nixon were the Luncheon With Mac won the official capacity of Li'l first photographers to climb up on Abner as the result of chapel vote. the platform. For 10 minutes noth- It wasn't the first time the college Jeanne Cameron and Doris Phil- ing happened. Dignitaries on stage has dismissed classes in honor of looked for chairs with their names lips tied for Daisy Mae after the a war hero. On Monday, November chapel ballots were tallied so the on them. Dr. Thompson, General 19, 1946, General Jonathan M. Wain- MacArthur, and their wives ate a two chased Francisco around the wright was givei an honorary couple bites of lunch. A little dog gym in a Sadie Hawkins race to de- Doctor of Military Science degree, ran around begging for what was cide the winner. Doris caught Fran- "in recognition of outstanding and left of the sandwiches, potato chips, cisco to gain the title of Daisy Mae. meritous services rendered the and ice cream with five gold stars. Dr. Springer enacted the role of American people during the gallant Miss Margaret Miles sang "The Marrin' Sam to unite the two in a and heroic defense of the Philippine mock ceremony. Islands .....On that day, there First prize for the best costume were no classes at all. in the women's division was taken Wednesday, classes were dismissed home by Anita Roberts, who was between 11 and 2, except for Dr. dressed as the Wolf Gal. Second Coulter's. His 11 o'clock class was prize went to Shannon King Davis in perfect attendance. for her interpretation of a hillbilly. The new blue AFROTC uniforms In the men's division, Maurie had their first showing to the CPS Davis walked off with first prize for students Wednesday. Outside the his characterization of a hillbilly, Fieldhouse, the honor guard as- and second prize went to Richard sembled while Major James issued Star Spangled Banner." Then Dr. Raphael of the same category. the order of the day, 'Don't chew Thompson called the "family meet- Music was supplied by Iverson any gum, men." ing" to order. Cliff Erdahl intro- Cozart's band, Marcia Wallin and Inside the Fieldhouse, new maroon duced Rep. Thor Tollefson, Senator Larry Tyler were co-chairmen for and white, orange and black, red and Mrs. Harry Cain, two Army the Indeq-sponsored tolo. and blue banners hung on the con- Generals, two Air Force Generals, crete walls. A member of the field- two Navy Captains, two Army Col- house crew said that it was the first onels, and some members of the Se- time the banners had been used, that attle Centennial committee. Senator Job Placement... they didn't cost much and, that the Cain reminded Seattle that Mac- crew didn't go to much trouble to Arthur was here for the centennial The College job placement service prepare for MacArthur's visit. because the Tacoma fire department has been revised, and now has regu- At 11:30, CPS's Doug McArthur had saved Seattle from burning to lar office hours. The BUreau serves announced that lunch was being the ground. students and graduates by helping C' The general spoke. "You out here to secure part or full time employ- in this part of the country don't understand what a great record he (Cain) is making in the Senate Many disagree with him, bu all admire him." After he had intro- duced "Jeanne from Tennessee," the General stepped back, joined the crowd in singing "God Bless Amer- served. The crowd was slow in ica," and left the platform. The arriving. As the people entered R.O.T.C. snapped to attention and they went straight to the lines to get cleared an aisle through which the their $1 lunches. Annie Wright party left the FieldFiouse. ment. To take advantage of the serv- Seminary girls came in their official Except for the three bouquets of ice, the applicant must appear in dress. Not many students from the chrysanthemums, three microphones, J224 for an interview. Applications dismissed classes went. Drs. Jaeger, 20 "officials'" chairs and the band's will be filled out, and when a job Coulter, Magee, Frederick, and chairs, the stage was empty. Student Weatherhead were among the fac- opinions of what had just happened fulfilling the demands of the stu- ulty members there. The lines of ranged from "It was terrific," to dent, and fitting his qualifications hungry people soon extended as far "Oh, it was all right," to "It was becomes available, arrangements back as the scoreboard clock. It just a political campaign for Cain." will be made for an interview with the prospective employer. was 11:45. The CPS concert band, It was after 1:30. Just time for a in uniform, played the "Billboard" cup of coffee before 2 o'clock classes. The new placement Bureau is be- and other marches, but the crowd Why hadn't CPS given MacArthur ing supervised by Dr. Battin, and is was too busy eating to applaud. a degree like it gave Wainwright? headed by Les Rhea as job place- By 12:15 nearly everyone had been It might have been that Wainwright ment director. Larry Engle will be served. A member of the welcome came to CPS. MacArthur came to the interviewer. The office hours committee told a radio interviewer Tacoma for an informal meeting. are: Monday, 12-1:00; Tuesday, 8- that food had been planned for 5,000 CPS's Fieldhouse was just the big- 9:00; Wednesday, 12-1:00; and people. There were over 400 people gest place in town. Thursday, 8-9:00. Page4 THE TRAIL CENTRAL BOARD MINUTES IFC Convention November 13, 1951 Arriving home in the rain late Sunday evening were four tired CPS The meeting was opened by President Cal Frazier. The roll was fraternity men. Delta Kap Don taken. The minutes were read and approved. Jaenicke, Sigma Chi Ralph Mackey DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS and SAEs Ray Harbert and Wayne Men's Intramural—Cim Haslam reported that bowling will be held Haslett returned from their West- Monday through Thursday of this week. Badminton will be the next ern Regional Inter-Fraternity Coun- Sport. cil convention in San Jose, Cali- Dramatics—Don Wolvers announced that work will begin on the fornia, and brought home an honor Christmas play.