Oretta Zanini De Vita, Carol Field, Maureen B. Fant | 400 pages | 21 Feb 2011 | University of California Press | 9780520255227 | English | Berkerley, United States Shapes Encyclopedia | Mueller's Pasta

Along the way, Zanini De Vita debunks such culinary myths as Marco Polo's supposed role in pasta's story even as she serves up a feast of new information. Encyclopedia of Pasta, illustrated throughout with original drawings by Luciana Marini, will be the standard reference on one of the world's favorite foods for many years to come, engaging and delighting both general readers and food professionals. Author Information. General Interest. Add to Cart. Details Language: English Pages Arabic: Publisher: University of California Press Year: Keywords: history of pasta ; preparation techniques ; regional cuisine ; cookbooks italian ; pasta recipes ; food lovers ; pasta lovers ; food scholars ; home cooks ; italy ; italian pasta ; ; ; ; ; vincisgrassi ; strascinati ; mediterranean foods ; food and diet ; staple food ; oral histories ; food and culture ; family recipes ; geographical ; illustrated ; food ; cookbook ; food prep ; kitchen setting ; cooking ; historical ; pasta ; history of food ; nonfiction ; food reference. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions Disclaimer degruyter. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Related products Sale! Quick View. Cookbooks Baking by Hand. Cookbooks Calabria in Cucina. Cookbooks Bread on the table. Cookbooks Mastering Pasta. Search for:. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Read More on This Topic. Alimentary pastes include such products as , spaghetti, , and . Such products are often called . Italy is Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Italy is regarded as the place of origin of macaroni products, and annual consumption in that country is as high as 30—35 kilograms 65—75 pounds per…. In preparing pasta, size is an important criterion. Thin pastas such as spaghetti cook rapidly, so their texture is more difficult to control. Thick pastas, on the other hand, can be heated and cooled in a more controlled manner. Hard wheat used for making pasta is traditionally grown in the south, whereas soft wheat used for making bread, biscuits, and pizza crust predominates in the northern lowlands. Yields in the north can be up to three times those in the south because of improved mechanization techniques and more suitable…. Pasta - Wikipedia

University of California Press , Spaghetti, gnocchi, tagliatellea, ravioli, vincisgrassi, strascinati —pasta in its myriad forms has been a staple of the Mediterranean diet longer than bread. This beautiful volume is the first book to provide a complete history of pasta in Italy, telling its long story via the extravagant variety of shapes it takes and the even greater abundance of names by which it is known. Food scholar Oretta Zanini De Vita traveled to every corner of her native Italy, recording oral histories, delving into long-forgotten family cookbooks, and searching obscure archives to produce this rich and uniquely personal compendium of historical and geographical information. For each entry she includes the primary ingredients, preparation techniques, variant names, and the locality where it is made and eaten. Along the way, Zanini De Vita debunks such culinary myths as Marco Polo's supposed role in pasta's story even as she serves up a feast of new information. Encyclopedia of Pasta, illustrated throughout with original drawings by Luciana Marini, will be the standard reference on one of the world's favorite foods for many years to come, engaging and delighting both general readers and food professionals. It succeeds both as a scholarly achievement and as an entertaining and authentic overview of Italian history and geography. An excellent companion to the pasta recipe books and valuable for all serious collectors of cookbooks and Italian history. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. This book is a monumental feat of love, dedication and thorough research. Fant a native New Yorker and food writer who has lived in Rome since I especially was caught by Ms. Fant's opening sentence; "One very good reason to learn the italian language is to enjoy the works of Oretta Zanina De Vita in the original. Each entry is then provided with ingredients, how made, also know as, how served, where found and finished up with additional remarks. Many are accompanied by simple yet beautiful pencil drawings. It is a treasure trove of history and culture. I almost took away one star because I could not find one of my childhood favorite, "" but I just couldn't do it! Beautifully descriptive, as it should be with the amount of work that Oretta put into this work! You will never look at pasta the same way again. Apr 18, Justin Redpath rated it it was amazing. This book opened my eyes about Italian culture, language, and pasta. As a Latin scholar, I was especially intrigued to learn about the origins going back to ancient Roman and Greek times! Feb 02, Amy rated it really liked it Shelves: food-recipes , nonfiction. This is not entirely what I expected! What I expected was an identification guide of sorts of the various types of pasta along with recipes to use. Each pasta lists its American name and then it's Italian name. Also provided are ingredients, how made, aka s , how served, where found and remarks. These remarks may be a small paragraph as with Pannicelli to a few paragraphs as with to a few pages as with This is not entirely what I expected! These remarks may be a small paragraph as with Pannicelli to a few paragraphs as with Pappardelle to a few pages as with Ravioli to many pages as with Lasagna. An interesting read! There are almost as many pastas as there are cheeses in the world. I just experienced Pappardelle for the first time this past weekend. It was a Mushroom Pappardelle -- the pasta was served with 3 types of mushrooms and I chose to add scallops to my order -- Delicioso! Jeanne rated it it was ok Jul 15, Agus rated it liked it Oct 25, Adriana rated it really liked it Nov 29, Emilio Mignucci rated it it was amazing Aug 27, Eleanor rated it really liked it Jul 29, Pasta | food | Britannica

All posts and other material contained on this website is, unless otherwise stated, the property of Vincent Scordo. Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials. Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, except for non- commercial, personal use, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law. Requests for permission to reproduce or distribute materials available on this website should be made via our contact us form. Contact Us Advertise Blog Roll. Search for:. Books , food , Italian Culture , italian products , pasta. Related Posts from Scordo. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Encyclopedia of Pasta. Aug 08, Play rated it really liked it. For an amateur cook that happens to love and it's gang, I found this book to be quite insightful. Although the measurement requires a precise weight-in never did that when I tried the 'Egg noodles with browned onion and I changed the cabbage cabbage , you can still easily cook the recipes. If I were to correct one thing though, goddamn 'Lemper Ayam' is not a fricking dumpling. It doesn't require any dough, so I don't know where the writer gets the inspo. Jun 06, Mike Hochman rated it it was amazing. This book has become a permanent fixture in my kitchen. The encyclopedic section was a very pleasant surprise with over shapes of pastas and noodles. I had no idea! The recipes are clear and easy to follow, and I have learned techniques that have transferred to everything I cook, and made me a better cook! I cant recommend this book enough. Aug 16, Amy rated it liked it Shelves: Not happy with the cup measurements. Jun 18, Fullfaun Faun rated it it was amazing. Joseph J Little rated it really liked it May 14, Christopher rated it it was amazing Sep 01, Alex Cull rated it it was amazing Feb 02, Edcurcio rated it liked it Jul 17, Erik Van Slyke rated it it was amazing Oct 31, Roxie rated it it was amazing Feb 05, Beth rated it it was amazing Jul 28, Fiona Drennen rated it it was amazing Dec 03, Ryan Gonzales rated it it was amazing May 17, Caitlin rated it really liked it Mar 23, Lisa Barnes rated it really liked it Oct 08, Hannah added it Aug 16, Rachael Terry marked it as to-read Aug 21, Farfels are ground, granulated, or shredded. Pastas are prepared by boiling and may be cooked until firm and resilient to the bite or until very tender. Prepared Italian style, they may be tossed with butter, cheese, and seasoning nutmeg, pepper or served with a variety of sauces—tomato, cream, seafood, or others. Shaped pastas are often stuffed with meat, cheese, spinach, or a combination of these and other ingredients. Pastas are also cooked in soups and are used in casseroles and other dishes that call for the use of noodles, a similar starch preparation see noodle. Uncooked pastas retain their freshness from three to six months. Pasta Article Media Additional Info. Print Cite. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. Healthline - Is Pasta Healthy or Unhealthy? Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree

Spaghetti | pasta | Britannica

External Websites. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Noodle s are solid ribbons, about 0. Macaroni is the commonest type of alimentary paste; it is hollow and has a greater thickness than the others. It can be shaped in a variety of forms, such as long,…. Give Feedback. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Spaghetti has a diameter of about 1. Beth rated it it was amazing Jul 28, Fiona Drennen rated it it was amazing Dec 03, Ryan Gonzales rated it it was amazing May 17, Caitlin rated it really liked it Mar 23, Lisa Barnes rated it really liked it Oct 08, Hannah added it Aug 16, Rachael Terry marked it as to-read Aug 21, Kim marked it as to-read Aug 23, Martha marked it as to-read Sep 18, Morgan Rebecca marked it as to-read Oct 05, Holly marked it as to-read Oct 17, Lynn she, her, hers marked it as to-read Oct 24, Caroline marked it as to-read Nov 05, Camille Chieco marked it as to-read Dec 12, Chris Fahey marked it as to-read Dec 15, Beth Callahan marked it as to-read Dec 30, Jillian marked it as to-read Jan 12, Nicholas Baldinelli marked it as to-read Jan 28, Itsonlycleo marked it as to-read Apr 14, Dawn marked it as to-read Apr 20, Jenny marked it as to-read Apr 29, Lauren marked it as to-read May 18, Angie marked it as to-read Sep 07, Mari marked it as to-read Sep 12, Jessica marked it as to-read Sep 16, Justin marked it as to-read Oct 08, Faith Francis marked it as to-read Dec 26, Travis Heller marked it as to-read Jan 13, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Serena Cosmo. https://files8.webydo.com/9591935/UploadedFiles/1EA43E47-2511-57C2-5796-7992B8AE7522.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4645217/normal_6020c2c69df7e.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4642835/normal_601ff9b898fcc.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9590430/UploadedFiles/FF022CA9-A0BE-C3B3-5592-FC5C709E661B.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9590193/UploadedFiles/98DEA1F9-042D-06BB-9D4F-F1017E20529E.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4640289/normal_602136c83a6f1.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/5fbaa4fa-569e-43ad-a8ce-e4abc01bc780/druckbare-arbeitsblatter-fur-vorschulen-17-3d- transportfahrzeuge-zum-basteln-kunsthandwerk-fur-k-81.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/0f070cb7-0073-4830-a625-7617c107ec64/allerweltsgeschichten-ein-novellenbuch-10.pdf