1 2:1-2 Like Mary, magnified God after her son’s birth. I. Hannah praised God for His deliverance (2:1). A. She prayed: It was a hymn of thanksgiving. B. She praised God for her deliverance. 4 lines of poetry that Mary borrowed from in her song: 1. My heart exalts in the LORD. a. Heart = throne of her soul b. Exults = to be pumped up i. Her grieving heartache of barrenness is gone. ii. It is replaced with a grateful heart of praise to God. c. In the LORD i. The LORD brought her heart to rejoice. ii. He was the object of her praise. d. Mary was also elated. i. Elizabeth told her that she was carrying the Lord. ii. She used Hannah’s words to express her own soul. iii. Lk 1:46 And Mary said: "My soul exalts the Lord. 2. My horn is exulted in the LORD. a. Horn is a symbol of strength and vitality. i. Horns were used by animals for defense and attack. ii. Some of you have deer horns that picture might. iii. In Hannah’s neck of the woods sheep and oxen horns symbolized strength. b. Hannah credits the LORD for lifting her vitality to bear a child, to give him back to God, and to give her joy. 3. My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies. a. She has much to speak freely about. b. She can speak to Peninnah (1:2) her rival/enemy (1:6), who mocked and ridiculed her weakness. 4. H’s reason for song, strength, & speech is God’s salvation. a. He delivered her from disgrace & curse of barrenness. b. Has God delivered you from an enemy or affliction? c. Then praise him with your soul, strength, and speech. i. Have you prayed yrs to have a child or grandchild? ii. Be sure to thank God. Write a song. B. This scene previews Mary’s song (Lk 1:47). 1. She adds, “And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” 54 "He has given help to Israel His servant, In remembrance of His mercy.”

2. Christmas is the celebration of our savior. a. Jesus came to deliver us from the penalty of sin: hell b. He came to deliver us from the power of sin: flesh c. He came to deliver us from the presence of sin: heaven i. Our world is plagued with disease & disorder. ii. Jesus will return to save us from evil and rule fairly. II. Like Mary, Hannah praised God for His distinctiveness (2:2). A. There is no one holy like the LORD (2a). 1. Holy = special and separated. a. distinct from the common or profane b. Hannah could not borrow ’s tongs to BBQ oxen. c. They were set apart/holyfor use only in the tabernacle. 2. Mary used these words to affirm that only God could give a virgin a child. :49b “And holy is His name.” B. There is no one equal to God (2b). • He is on the highest level all by Himself. C. Nor is there any rock like our God (2c). 1. Dt 32:31 (enemy) "Indeed their rock is not like our Rock.” 2. Large rocks provided a natural defense for towns. a. They formed the center of ancient villages. b. They continued to serve as citadels. 3. Hannah ran to God. He took care of her in His unique way. 4. Mary would affirm the same truth. a. Lk 1:49 "For the Mighty One has done great things for me. b. Luke 1:51 "He has done mighty deeds with His arm. D. In this Christmas season what are we relying on for stability, for resources, for direction, for coping skills, and for strength? 1. Let’s be listening to God through prayer and time together. 2. Ps 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

Revelation 1:5-6 “To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood … to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.