

This unique f•cilit• encouragesvolunteers to Long Point Bird participate in important scientificresearch. Observatory. Ontario

OUNDED AS AN ALL-VOLUNTEER bird-bandingfacility under the auspices of the Ontario Bird Banding Associationin 1960, the Long Point Bird Observatoryis located on a peninsularwilderness , on Erie, which is renowned for its concentrations of migratingbirds. It wasthe first Obser- vatoryin ,and remains the only oneof its scopein .It is also Canada's most productivebird banding station, with over 300.000 birds banded to date. The Observatory became an inde- pendent membership-supportedorgani- zation in 1968, and now employsstaff to ensurethe continuityof bird observation, providegreater service to members,and offer a wide variety of programsand workshops.The three staff membersin- clude the Executive Director, the Migra- tion Program Manager, and a secretary. The Observatoryhas three field sta- tionson Long Point, two of themaccessi- i m mm m ble only by boat. as well as an adminis- trative headquarterson the mainland. Plansare underwayto build a field head- quartersand visitorscenter at the baseof the point. The primary purposeof the Observa- is still the studyof bird migration. butit alsosponsors educational programs and conducts surveys on a provincial scale. Specialdemonstrations and work- shops are available for adults and the area's school children. The Observatoryhas three field sta- tionson Long Point, two of themaccessi- ble only by boat, as well as an adminis- trative headquarterson the mainland. Plansare underwayto build a field head- quartersand vistorscenter at the baseof the point. Affiliated with the Federation of On- tarioNaturalists, the Observatoryis total- ly membership-supported,with addition- al moniessupplied from time to time by TheLighthouse at theend of LongPoint peninsula has been in operationsince/830. Photo/David grantsand contracts for specificprojects. Hussell.

Volume 40, Number I 21 HISTORY

Most of the Long Point peninsulawas originallyowned by the LongPoint Com- pany, whichpurchased the landin a gov- ernment auction in 1866. In 1978-1979, the Company donated one-half of its holdings(approximately 3000 hectares), to the Wildlife Service. The Long Point Company retains another 3000 hectares, which it uses for water- fowl . The Observatory pur- chasedits land from privateowners, and the Ministry of Transportationallows the Observatoryto use someof its land. The lighthouseat the tip of the penin- sula has been in existence since 1830.


The habitat diversity of Long Point, Ontario, hasalways attracted naturalists. A view of one of Long Point's beaches. The journals of William Pope. a British wildlife artist who traveled in the area are consideredendangered in Cana- lands include:Mallard (Ariaspla.tyrhyn- from 1834-1902, providethe earliestac- da: the PipingPlover {Charadrius meio- chos), Black Tern (Childonias ), countsof Long Point's avifauna. dus), and the (Haliaeetus Long-billed Marsh Wren (Cistothorus Many naturalistshave visitedthe pen- leucocephalus). palustris), Common Gallinule (Galli- insula since then, but the most intensive Speciescommon to the dunegrasses of nula ehloropus), Virginia Rail (Railus studies of Long Point began with the Long Point include:Field Sparrow(Spi- limicola), American Coot (Fulica ameri- foundingof the Observatory. zella pusilia), Song Sparrow(Melospiza cana), Sofa (Porzana carolina), Red- Habitat rangesfrom duneswith scat- melodia), Red-winged Blackbird (Age- winged Blackbird, Common Yellow- teredcottonwoods along the shoreline.to iaius phoeniceus), Common Grackle throat (Geothl3pis trichas), Common marshesand woodedwetlands. to sugar (Quiscalusquiscala), Eastern Kingbird Grackle, Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza maple and red oak forests.This varied (Tyrannus tyrannus), Eastern Meadow- georgiana), Tree Swallow (Tachycineta habitat is matchedby an equally diverse lark ½Sturnellamilitaris), Killdeer (Char- bicolor). (Branta cana- populationof birds. Over one hundred adrius vociferus),and Brown Thrasher densis),Prothonotary Warbler {Protono- specieshave been recordednesting on (ToxostomaruJum). taria citrea), Wren (Troglodytes Long Point, including two speciesthat Speciescommon to marshesand wet- aedon), and -gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea). The wooded areas contain the follow- ing species:House Wren, EasternWood- Pewee(Contopus virens), Tree Swallow, NorthernOriole (!cterusgalbula), Chip- ping Sparrow(Spizella passerina), Com- mon Grackle, Eastern Kingbird, Com- mon Yellowthroat, and Yellow Warbler (Dendroicapetechia). Otherspecies suspected of breedingon Long Point, basedon frequentsightings, include such rarities as Forster's Tern {Sternaforsteri), Little Gull (Larus mi- nutus), and King Rail (Railus elegans). Projecting 30 kilometers into , Long Point is a major stopover pointfor migratingpasserines as well asa staging area for migrating waterfowl. Birdsare not the only featureof the pen- insula. Foragingand spawninggrounds for many fish species,including three consideredrare or endangeredin Canada, are provided in the shore and marsh Most of the Observato.ry's migration work has been done on the easternend of the LongPoint areas.Long Point's herpetologicalfauna peninsula. is alsoa majorattraction for researchers.

22 AmericanBirds, Spring1986 SERVICES AND PROGRAMS

LPBO providesfacilities to research- ersdoing compatible work in a varietyof biologicalfields, from land-useinvesti- gation to studieson snakesand deer. The Observatoryalso operatesan As- sistant'sProgram which annually allows approximatelya dozenpeople the oppor- tunity to gain field experiencein biology during a one-to-six-month internship. This unpaid positionattracts applicants from all over the world, and is of special interestto youngpeople in the processof choosinga career. Althoughthe Observatory'score pro- gram is banding and censussingat field stations,it conductsmany specialproj- ects. Projectsin the pastincluded studies of avian borne encephalitis virus; color marking of shorebirds;migration of Em- pidonaxflycatchers: mortality of noctur- nal migrants at the Long Point light- Many schoolgroups vistt the Observatoo:Here {seenthrough a mistneO, childrenlearn about house.and long-termbreeding studies of banding. the EasternKingbird and Tree Swallow. In a major cooperativestudy, the Great LakesBeached Bird Survey, LPBO com- the outside. Even a increase in re- donationin supportof a particularspecies piled baselinedata on bird mortalityfrom turnedbands will add significantlyto the resultsin a bandedindividual of that spe- 1976 to 1983. understandingof migrationpatterns. cies becoming the donor's sponsored The Canadian Wildlife Service award- bird. The donor receives all of - Current projectsinclude: ed the LPBO a small grant to cover the ing information on that individual bird: cost of the band•, but continuation of the age, sex. measurements,and details of project was unlikely without additional the banding. If and when the bird is re- funding. The LPBO began Project Re- trappedor recovered,the donorreceives coveryto raisethe additionalmonies. A full details of that event. Migration monitoring

Over 240 specieshave beenbanded at LPBO to date. Twenty-six yearsof band- ing at two siteson Long Point, and daily censussingand observationhas provided the Observatorywith an extensivedata base. The Observatory has been a world leader in developing analysis meth•xls that demonstratethe value of migration countsfor monitoringpopulation trends. This is of particularvalue for birdswhich nest in inaccessibleregions of northern Canadaand winter in the tropics.Efforts arecurrently underway to simplifyproce- duresso that they canbe usedroutinely to provide reliable annual indicesof abun- dancefor many commonspecies. LPBO analysis have also documentedthe ef- fects of weather and other factors on mi- gration volume. The recovery rate of leg bands for small specieshas traditionally been very low. In 1984,suspecting that people who Long Point's sparse vegetationand concentrationsof migrantsmakes this Heligoland trap a foundbanded birds were notopening the practical one. Twoor morepeople walk towardsthe openend of theJunnel to drive birdsin anti bandto look for an address,LPBO began theyare caughtin a glassfronted catching box at thenarrow eml. It normal.ly garners 5-20 birds addinga secondband with the addresson in a drive. Photo/Erica Dunn.

Volume 40, Number I 23 Ontario Bird Feeder Survey

About 500 volunteersparticipate in this annualsurvey, which has been con- ductedsince 1976. The purposeof the surveyis to documentthe numbersand kinds of birds attractedto feeding sta- tions, and to determine whether feeder observationsare useful in monitoring populationsizes of overwinteringspe- cies. (See articleby Erica Dunn in this issue.)

Ontario Survey

Begunin 1981to monitorthe statusof the throughoutOntario, this continuingsurvey aims to provide early detectionof any significantchange in the 'spopulation. Results to date have indicatedthe possibilityof an adverse effect of acid precipitationon loon reproduction.

SomeNorthern •aw-whet Owls werecolor-marked with differentcolors for eachbanding station so theycouM be identifiedat daytimeroosts Photo/Roy Smith. Tree Swallow Breeding Ontario Heronry Inventory Census Ontario Atlas of BreedingBirds This long-termproject was begunin the late 1960s. Since 1977, over 200 nest After compilingdata on Great Blue This five-year project, (1981-1985), boxes at three locations have been moni- Heron (Ardea herodias) colony loca- wasaimed at determiningthe distribution tions,LPBO conducteda province-wide of everybreeding species in Ontario.Co- tored regularlyduring the breedingsea- census in 1980-1981. All 83 locations in sponsoredby the Federationof Ontario sonsand recordskept on identity and measurementof adults (throughband- threelarge study areas were censused and Naturalists, the project attracted 1500 118 counts were made elsewhere, with volunteers,including many visitorsfrom ing), clutchsize, eggweights, growth of extensivehelp from volunteers.The On- the . The atlas results are young, insect abundance,and weather effects. tario heronpopulation was estimatedat beingcompiled into a book, scheduled 13,000pairs in 276 colonies.Colony !o- for publicationin 1987, which should cationdata are still being compiledand provea landmarkreference for bothre- future censusesmay be undertaken. searchand conservationpurposes. Baillie Memorial Fund

The James L. Bai!lie Memorial Fund for Bird Researchand Preservationpro- videsgrants to supportstudies of Canadi- an birds in their natural environment, and for projectsthat contribute to the preser- vation or disseminationof knowledgeof Canadianbirds. Priority is givento proj- ects which involve amateurs in research or field work. More than ninety grants totalingover $41,000 have been awarded since 1978. The Bai!!ie Birdathon, the longest-runningBirdathon in North America, supportsthe Fund.

PUBLICATIONS The publicationslisted here are only a smallsample of thosewhich appeared be- tween 1980-1986. A completelist of publicationsis availableupon request SpottedSandpiper chicks in the hand Photo/DavidHussell. from the Observatory.

24 AmericanBirds, Spring 1986 ALVO, R. 1984. OntarioLakes Loon Survey progressreport no. 3:1983. Long Point Bird Observ.. Port Rowan. 39 numbered pages+ 29 unnumberedpages. __. 1985. The breedingsuccess of Com- mon (Gayla iraruer), in relation to lake acidity. M.Sc. thesis,Trent Univ., Peterborough,Ont. DeSTEVEN, D. 1980. Clutch size, breeding successand parentalsurvival in the Tree Swallow (Iridoprocnebieolor). Evolution 34:278-291 _ DUNN, E.H. 1979. Age of effi:ctive ho- meothermyin nestlingTree Swallow,,,ac- cording to brood stze. Wilson Bull. 91: 455-457. DUNN, E.H. 1980. On the variabilityin ener- gy allocationof nestlingbirds. Auk 97:19- 27. DUNN, E.H., D.J.T. HUSSELL and J. SI- DERIUS. 1985. Status of the Great Blue Heron (Ardea heradias) in Ontario. Can. FieM Nat. 99:62-70. DUNN, E.H. andE. NOL. 1980. Age-related White-wingedCrossbills are occasionalvisitors to southernOntario. Photo/LongPoint Bird migratorybehavior of warblers.J. of FieM Observatory. Ornithol. 51:254-269_ andWildlife Service,Long Point Bird Ob- nual report. The basicmembership fee is HOLROYD, G.L. 1983. Foragingstrategies serv., 105 pp. and food of a swallowguild. Ph.D. thesis. $20 per year. McCRACKEN, J.D., M.S.W. BRAD- Members participate in the annual Univ. of ,Toronto. x + 190 pp. and G.L. HOLROYD. 1981. meeting held every spring. (The Baillie HUSSELL, D.J.T. 1980. The timing of fall Breedingbirds of Long Point, Lake Erie. migrationand molt in Least Flycatchers. Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series Birdathon is traditionally held on the J. of FieM Ornithol. 51:65-7 I. No. 44, 74 pp. sameday.) They are invited to attendthe __. 1981. The useof migrationcounts for NOL, E. andA. LAMBERT. 1984.Compari- fall meeting, which combinesa lecture monitoringbird population levels. Studies son of Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) and a social evening. in Arian Biology 6:92-102. breedingin mainlandand peninsularsites Directory to Cooperative Naturalist's in . Can. FieMNat. 98:7- 1981. Migrations of the Least Fly- Projects in Ontario is also available to catcherin southernOntario. J. of FieM 11. Ornithol. 52:97-111. QUINNEY, T.E., D.J.T. HUSSELL, and members.This biannualpublication lists __. 1982. Migrationsof the Yellow-bellied C.D. ANKNEY. 1986. Sources of vari- information on 40-50 natural history Flycatcherin southemOntario. J. of Field ation in growth of Tree Swallows. Auk projects which require volunteer assis- Ornithol. 53:223-234. 103: in press. tance. Each listing includesthe project's __ and A.B. LAMBERT. 1980. New esti- objectives,qualifications of the partici- matesof weight loss in birds during noc- pants,nature of the work, and the orga- turnal migration Auk 97:547-558. MEMBERSHIP nizer's name and address. and T.E. QUINNEY. 1986. Food abun- For further information on member- dance and clutch size of Tree Swallows Membershipin the Long Point Bird ship, or for a completelist of publica- (Tachycinetabicolor). Ibis 128: in press. LAMBERT, A. 1981. Assessment of effects Observatoryentitles members to use li- tions, write to: Long Point Bird Observa- of winter navigationon bird populations braryfacilities, and to receive"The Long tory, P.O. Box 160, Port Rowan, on the . Final Report•on- Point Bird Observatory Newsletter" {a Ontario, Canada N0E I M0. tract 14-16-0009-80-003 for the U.S. Fish triannualpublication), as well as the an- ---M.G. Soares

A viewfrom the lighthouseshows dune habitat and theold field stationbuiMing that was destroyedbyfirein 1973. Thenew station, built in 1971.was lost in a stormin 1985,in which50 feet of protectivedune was eroded. Photo/Norman Lightfoot.

Volume 40, Number I 25