
Unit: 4.1 Name: Section Title: Basics of Protista Latin Word:

Review of Old Information: NONE

New Information: Complete the notes in the below.

Classification: • Kingdom Protista contains ______main groups of .

1. :

2. :

3. Slime & :

Basics of Protozoa: • Unicellular

• ______unlike

• ______different

• Heterotrophic

• ______- ______OR parasitic

include ______Protozoa : • ______protozoa can use ______reproduction through binary or multiple .

• ______protozoa reproduce sexually through ______.

Special Protozoa : • Eyespot:

• Cyst: Basics of Algae: • ______- ______protists

• ______unicellular; ______multicellular

• Make by ______

• Were classified as , but…..

• Most aglal cells have ______( )

• Can use asexual OR ______reproduction.

Algae : • Thallus:

• Body Structure: 1. Unicellular:

2. Colonial:

3. Filamentous:

4. Multicellular

Basics of -like : Slime Molds: Water Molds:

Activity: In each of the circles below, sketch a species of you observe under the and answer the questions that follow. 1)

a. Is the species -like, -like, or a fungus-like ? ______b. How can you tell? ______c. Using the pond guide, can you identify the species name of your microorganism? ______


a. Is the species animal-like, plant-like, or a fungus-like protist? ______b. How can you tell? ______c. Using the pond life guide, can you identify the species name of your microorganism? ______3)

a. Is the species animal-like, plant-like, or a fungus-like protist? ______b. How can you tell? ______c. Using the pond life guide, can you identify the species name of your microorganism? ______


a. Is the species animal-like, plant-like, or a fungus-like protist? ______b. How can you tell? ______c. Using the pond life guide, can you identify the species name of your microorganism? ______


a. Is the species animal-like, plant-like, or a fungus-like protist? ______b. How can you tell? ______c. Using the pond life guide, can you identify the species name of your microorganism? ______

Unit: 4.2 Name: Section Title: Classifying Protozoa Latin Root Word:

Review of Old Information: None

New Information: Complete the notes in the spaces below.

Protozoa Phyla: • Protozoa are classified into ______phyla:

1. Sarcodina (______)

2. ______(cilia)

3. Zoomastigina (______)

4. ______(none)

• Four phyla are separated by how the phyla ______.

Phylum Sarcodina: • ______species that live in fresh and water, and

• Movement uses ______(Pseudo= false, pod= feet) by the process of ______.

• Feed through ______ where surround food to form a food vacuole

• Ex: ______(some parasitic)

• Entamoeba histolytica (causes ______and ______) The :

Phylum Ciliophora: • Members of genus Paramecium are among the most studied

• Movement through cilia: hair like projections that line membrane

• Heterotophic

• Found in freshwater and saltwater

• Have the most complex of protozoa

Internal structure Function


Oral Groove Funnel depression leads into mouth pore

Cilia sweep food from oral groove into the mouth pore

Gullet Forms food vacuoles that circulate through cytoplasm

Anal pore


Used to exchange genetic material necessary for

Phylum Zoomastigina: • Characterized by the presence of one or more ______

• Found in ______AND ______Parasitic (Genera Trypanosoma):

Name of Symptoms

Trypanosomiasis Fever, lethargy, mental deterioration (sleeping sickness) Chagas Disease Kissing bug Sand flies

Contaminated water Severe diarrhea, intestinal cramps

Phylum Sporozoa: • Most species are ______

• ______movement

• Complex Life cycle: produce infective form of parasite called a



Malaria: • Largest worldwide in history

• Plasmodium sp.: causes

• Malaria: infects between ______and ______million people every

• Control through ______, oils, insecticides, anti-malarial drugs

• Progression of Symptoms:


2. Activity: Complete the questions in the spaces below 1. A ______is anything that is not a plant, animal, or fungi.

2. What does the word "protist" mean? ______

3. One way to classify protists is according to the way they obtain ______

4. Protists that are are called ______protists; protists that are are

called ______protists.

5. What does the word "protozoa" mean? ______

6. How are the four phyla of protozoa distinguished from one another? ______7. What are flagella? ______

8. Animallike protists that swim using flagella are classified in the phylum ______

9. Sarcodines are ______protists that use ______for feeding

and movement. 9. What are the best known sarcodines? ______

10. ______movement occurs when the cytoplasm of the cell streams into a

pseudopod, and the rest of the cell follows.

11. Label the ameba

A ______

B ______

C ______

12. Organisms that use cilia for movement are classified into the phylum ______

13. What are the two types of nuclei found on a paramecium? ______

14.In ciliates, cilia sweeps food into the ______

15.What is the function of the contractile vacuole? ______

16. The expelling of excess water via the contractile vacuole is one of the ways a paramecium maintains


17. ______allows a paramecium to exchange genetic material.

18.Members of the phylum ______do not move on their own and are parasitic.

19. Name two caused by animallike protists


20. by can severe ______

Unit: 4.3 Name: Section Title: Classifying Algae Latin Root Word:

Review of Old Information: NONE

New Information: Complete the notes in the spaces below.

Algae Classification: • ______Phyla • Based on: 1.




Phylum Chlorophyta: • ______algae

• ______species

• Unicellular, colonial, or multicellular

• ______AND terrestrial

• Believed they gave rise to ______.

Phylum Phaeophyta: • ______algae

• ______species

• Mostly marine- ______and ______

• Large, multicellular (Ex. ______)

• ______- gives it brown color Phylum Rhodophyta: • ______algae

• 4,000 species

• Mostly marine seaweeds; ______than

• Colors vary b/c of different depths

• ______- inside cell walls; used in cosmetics, gel capsules, some , and ______

Phylum Bacillariophyta: • “

• ______for cell walls

• 11,500 species

• ______and ______

• Important ______in food webs

• Diatomaceous -

Phylum Dinoflagellata: • “______”

• 1,100 species

• Usually ______; mostly ______

• Most have two flagella of unequal length

• Can produce ______and ______. Phylum Chrysophyta: • “______” algae; color from “carotenoids”

• ______species

• Most ______

• Form “______” to survive in harsh environments

• 2 flagella; ______length

• Important in formation of ______deposits

Phylum Euglenophyta: • ______algae called “euglenoids”

• ______species

• Live in fresh water, soil, and animal digestive tracts

• ______; highly ______

• Lack ______

Activity: Complete the questions in the spaces below 1) Algae are ______-like organisms that make food by ______(“autotrophic protists”).

2) What are the two reasons algae are NO LONGER classified as plants?

3) The name for the in most algal cells that makes and stores starch is called ______.

4) The body portion of algae is referred to as the ______.

5) Match the type of body found in algae with their correct descriptions.

_____1. Unicellular A) Rod-shaped thallus; some anchor to bottom Ex. Spyrogyra _____2. Colonial B) Single-celled thallus; Ex. Phytoplankton, Chlamydomonas _____3. Filamentous C) Large, complex, -like thallus; Ex. giant kelp

_____4. Multicellular D) Groups of coordinated cells; “division of labor”; Ex. 6) Match the following ALGAE PHYLA on the right with their descriptions on the left (ANSWERS MAY BE USED MORE THAN ONCE).

_____ 1. Diatoms A) Phylum Chlorophyta _____ 2. B) Phylum Phaeophyta _____ 3. Unicellular algae; called “euglenoids” C) Phylum Rhodophyta _____ 4. Golden algae; color from carotenoids D) Phylum Bacillariophyta _____ 5. Brown Algae; fucoxanthin gives it its color E) Phylum Dinoflagellata _____ 6. F) Phylum Chrysophyta _____ 7. Forms diatomaceous earth; used in detergents, fertilizers G) Phylum Euglenophyta toothepaste, paint removers, etc. _____ 8. Important in Petroleum deposits _____ 9. Produce and “red ” _____ 10. Believed to have given rise to land plants _____ 11. Mostly marine seaweeds and kelps _____ 12. Lack ; photosynthetic; highly motile _____ 13. Contains carageenan inside cell walls _____ 14. Can have unicellular, colonial, or multicellular body structure _____ 15. Used in cosmetics, gel capsules, some cheese, and gel

Chapter 27: Section Review 27-1 # 1-5.