
KEY CONCEPT are a diverse group of .

BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn • Organisms are grouped into • About characteristics of six kingdoms protists • are single-celled • About the of organisms without a nucleus protists • are not living things • How protists get their

VOCABULARY THINK ABOUT p. 303 Where can protists p. 305 p. 306 be found? Protists include the most com- plex single-celled organisms found on . Fifty million ago, a spiral-shelled pro- tist called a nummulitid was common in some . Even though its shell was the size of a coin, the inside was microscopic and single celled. When the organism died, the shells accumulated on the floor. Over millions of years, the shells were changed into the called limestone. This limestone was used to build the great pyramids of Egypt. Some of the most monu- mental on Earth would not exist without organisms made of just a single cell.

Most protists are single celled. When Anton van began using one of the world’s first , he looked at pond , among other things. He described, in his words, many “very little .” Some of the organisms he saw probably were —microscopic but multicellular animals. However, many of the organisms Leeuwenhoek saw moving through the pond water had only a single cell. Today, more than 300 years later, call these single-celled organisms protists. Protists include all organisms with cells having nuclei and not belonging to the , , or fungi kingdoms. In other words, protists may be considered a collection of leftover organisms. As a result, protists are the most diverse of all the kingdoms.

302 Unit 3: Diversity of Living Things Protists SKILL FOCUS What in pond water? Observing PROCEDURE

1 Using a dropper, place one small drop of pond water in the center of a slide. MATERIALS • dropper Try to include some of the material from the bottom of the container. • pond water 2 Gently place a cover slip on the drop of water. • slide • cover slip 3 Observe the slide with a hand lens first. • hand lenses • 4 Starting with low power, observe the slide with a microscope. Be sure to follow microscope safety procedures as outlined by your teacher. Carefully focus up and down on the water. If you see 40 minutes moving organisms, try to follow them by gently moving the slide.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? •Describe and draw what you could see with the hand lens. •Describe and draw what you could see with the microscope. • Compare your observations with those of other students.

CHALLENGE Choose one organism that moves and observe it for some time. Describe its behavior.

Most protists are single-celled, microscopic organisms that live in water. However, protists also include some organisms with many cells. These many-celled organisms have simpler structures than animals, , or fungi. They also have fewer types of cells in their bodies.

Check Your Reading Why are protists considered the most diverse group of organisms?

The group of protists you’re probably most familiar with is sea- weeds. At first glance, seaweed looks like a plant. On closer inspection scientists see that it has a simpler structure. Some seaweeds called kelp can grow 100 meters long. The namealgae applies to both multicellular protists and single- VOCABULARY celled protists that use as an energy source. Both seaweed Be sure to make a description wheel for and are types of algae. Slime are another type of algae and add to it as multicellular . you read this section. Given the many different types of organisms grouped together as protists, it is no surprise that protists play many roles in their environ- ments. Algae are producers. They obtain energy from sunlight. Their cells provide for many other organisms. These protists also pro- duce oxygen, which is beneficial to many other organisms. Both of these roles are similar to those played by plants. Other protists act as parasites and can in many organisms, including .

Chapter 9: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 303 Diversity of Protists

Protists come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Euglena Diatoms Seaweed

magnified 2800 magnified 65

Protists live in any moist environment, including both freshwater and saltwater, and on the forest floor. Some protists move around in the water, some simply float in place, and some stick to surfaces. The photographs above show a small sample of the large variety of organ- isms that are called protists. MAIN IDEA WEB Seaweed is a multicellular protist that floats in the water and can Remember to make a web be found washed up on beaches. Slime molds are organisms that of the important terms and details about the main idea: attach to surfaces, absorbing from them. Diatoms are single- Protists obtain their energy celled algae that float in water and are covered by hard shells. in three ways. Include are single-celled organisms that can move like animals but also get examples of each method of obtaining energy. energy from sunlight.

Protists obtain their energy in three ways. Protists can be classified by their way of getting energy. Some protists capture sunlight and convert it to usable energy. Another group of protists gets its energy from eating other organisms. A third group gets energy by absorbing materials and nutrients from its environment. Some protists, such as the euglena in the upper left photograph, can even switch from one mode of to another. They swim rapidly through pond water like animals. If they receive enough sunlight, they look green and make their own food like plants. But if they are left in the dark long enough, they absorb nutrients from their environment like fungi.

Check Your Reading Explain how the organisms in the photographs above get their energy.

304 Unit 3: Diversity of Living Things Algae Plantlike protists, called algae, get energy from sunlight. Like plants, they use the Sun’s energy, water, and carbon dioxide from the air or water. Algae contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that they use to capture the Sun’s energy. In the process of transforming energy from sunlight, algae release oxygen gas into the air. This important process, which is called , also takes place in plants and some bacteria. Organisms that perform photosynthesis also supply much of the food for other organisms. Diatoms are examples of single-celled algae. Like all algae, a contains a nucleus which holds its genetic material. Diatoms also have , which are the energy-producing centers that contain chlorophyll.


Algae are plantlike protists. Chlamydomonas is an example of single-celled algae. flagella Chlamydomonas


The captures energy from sunlight. 1500

Another type of algae, called , are microscopic colonies of nearly identical cells. These cells, arranged in a hollow ball, look like some single-celled algae. Sometimes cells break off from the hollow ball to form new colonies. The new colonies will eventually escape the parent . Colonial organisms such as volvox are the simplest kind of multicellular organisms. Seaweed is another example of multicellular algae. All organisms that drift in water are called plankton. Plankton include the young of many animals and some adult animals, as well as protists. Plankton that perform photosynthesis are called phytoplank- ton (plantlike plankton). Phytoplankton include algae and the you learned about earlier. Phytoplankton live in all of the world’s oceans and produce most of the oxygen animals breathe.

Chapter 9: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 305 Protozoa

Protozoa, such as this Paramecium, are animal-like protists. Paramecium food vacuoles large nucleus cell membrane

Cilia allow the Paramecium Food is swept into 40 to move and to capture food. the oral groove.

Protozoa Protists that eat other organisms, or decaying parts of other organ- isms, are animal-like protists, or protozoa. They include many forms, all single-celled. Protozoa cannot use sunlight as a source of energy and they must move around to obtain the energy they need to survive. Certain chemicals in protozoa can recognize when a of food is nearby. The food particle is usually another organism or a part of one. The protozoan ingests the food and breaks it down to obtain energy. Some animal-like protists swim rapidly, sweeping bacteria or other protists into a groove that looks like a mouth. One example, called a paramecium, is shown above. A paramecium moves about using thou- sands of short wavy strands called cilia. Another group of protozoa swim with one or more long whiplike structures called flagella. A third group of protozoa has very flexible cells. Organisms such as the oozes along surfaces. When it encounters prey, the amoeba spreads out and wraps around its food. reminder A number of protists live as parasites, some of which cause disease A parasite is an organism in animals, including humans. One of the world’s most significant that lives inside or on , , is caused by a protist. A mosquito carries the another organism and causes the organism harm. parasite from human to human. When the mosquito bites an infected human, it sucks up some of the parasite in the . When that same mosquito bites another human, it passes on some of the parasite. Within a human , the parasite goes through a complex life cycle, eventually destroying red blood cells.

Check Your Reading How do protozoa and algae differ in the way they obtain energy?

306 Unit 3: Diversity of Living Things Protists that absorb food from their environment can be called fun- guslike protists. These protists take in materials from the or from other organisms and break materials down in order to obtain energy. They are called decomposers. The term refers to many organisms that produce a fuzzy- looking growth. Most of the molds you might be familiar with, like mold, are fungi. But three groups of protists are also called molds. These molds have structures that are too simple to be called fungi, and they are single celled for a portion of their lives. One example of a funguslike protist is water mold, which forms a fuzzy growth on food. This food may be decaying animal or plant or living organisms. Water molds live mainly in fresh water. Slime molds live on decaying plants on the forest floor. One kind of consists of microscopic single cells that ooze around, eating bacteria. When their food is scarce, however, many of the cells group together to produce a mul- ticellular colony. The colony eventually produces a reproductive structure to release . can carry spores about, and they sprout where they land. A walk in a moist forest might give you a chance to see a third kind of mold. This organism looks like a fine net, like lace, several centimeters across, on rotting logs. These slime molds are not multicellular, but instead one giant cell with many nuclei. They are the plasmodial slime molds. Plasmodial slime mold may grow on decaying wood after a period Check Your Reading How do funguslike protists get energy? of rainy .

KEY CONCEPTS CRITICAL THINKING CHALLENGE 1. What are two characteristics of 4. Provide Examples Some 5. Hypothesize Scientists are protists? protists are dependent on considering reclassifying pro- 2. What feature do all protists other organisms and cannot tists into many kingdoms. How have in common? live independently. Other pro- might they decide how many tists are independent and have kingdoms to use and how 3. What are the three different organisms that depend on to place organisms within types of protists? them. Give an example of these kingdoms? each.

Chapter 9: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 307 Chapter Review

Bacteria and protists have the characteristics CONTENT REVIEW of living things, while viruses are not alive. CLASSZONE.COM


1 Single-celled organisms have all the characteristics of VOCABULARY living things. p. 282 p. 283 Scientists divide organisms into six kingdoms. All living things, including binary p. 284 , are organized, grow, reproduce, and respond to the p. 286 environment.

Plants Animals Protists Fungi Bacteria

2 Bacteria are single-celled organisms without nuclei. VOCABULARY bacteria p. 288 • Bacteria and archaea are the DNA archaea p. 290 smallest living things. producer p. 291 p. 291 •Archaea and bacteria are found in parasite p. 291 many environments. •Bacteria may help or harm other cell wall organisms.

3 Viruses are not alive but affect living things. VOCABULARY host cell p. 298 capsid A virus consists of genetic material DNA enclosed in a coat. Viruses cannot reproduce on their own, but they use materials within living cells to make copies of themselves.

4 Protists are a diverse group of organisms. VOCABULARY algae p. 303 plankton p. 305 protozoa p. 306

Plantlike algae Funguslike Protozoa, or animal- get energy from protists are like protists, eat sunlight. decomposers. other organisms.

308 Unit 3: Diversity of Living Things Reviewing Vocabulary 10. What happens in binary fission? a. DNA is combined into one cell. Draw a triangle for each of the terms listed b. The daughter cells differ from the parent below. Define the term, use it in a sentence, cell. and draw a picture to help you remember the c. Material from one cell is divided into two term. An example is completed for you. cells. d. One cell divides into four exact cells.

11. Which is a characteristic of a virus? a. obtains energy from sunlight A b. responds to and observed a singe- celled microorganism under c. doesn’t contain DNA the microscope d. reproduces only within cells microorganism: a very small organism 12. Which is the simplest type of organism on that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Earth? a. protists 1. binary fission b. bacteria 2. producer c. viruses d. parasites 3. virus 13. Which statement about bacteria is not true? 4. host cell a. Bacteria reproduce using binary fission. b. Bacteria do not have a nucleus. Describe how the vocabulary terms in the fol- c. Bacteria do not contain genetic material. lowing pairs of words are related to each d. Bacteria are either rod-, round-, or spiral- other. Explain the relationship in a one- or shaped. two-sentence answer. Underline each vocabu- lary term in your answers. 14. Archaea that can survive only in extreme 5. archaea, bacteria are the a. 6. microorganism, organism b. 7. decomposers, parasite c. 8. protists, algae d. bacteria 15. A fluid containing weakened disease-causing Reviewing Key Concepts viruses or bacteria is a. a filter Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the best b. a diatom answer. c. a 9. Which group is not a microscopic kingdom? d. a vaccine a. fungi 16. Which group of protists are decomposers? b. bacteria a. diatoms c. archaea b. molds d. protists c. protozoa d. plankton

Chapter 9: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 309 17. Which obtains energy by feeding on other 26. HYPOTHESIZE A student conducts an experi- organisms? ment to determine the effectiveness of wash- ing hands on bacteria. He rubs an unwashed a. amoeba c. phytoplankton finger across an plate, then washes his b. algae d. mushroom hands and rubs the same finger across a sec- ond plate. What hypothesis might the student make for this ? Explain. Short Answer Write a short answer to each question. 27. COMPARE AND CONTRAST Describe three ways 18. Briefly describe the characteristics that all living that viruses differ from bacteria. things share. 28. ANALYZE A scientist has grown cultures of bac- 19. How are some bacteria harmful to humans? teria on agar plates for study. Now the scientist wants to grow a culture of viruses in a labora- 20. What are plankton? tory for study. How might this be possible? Give an example.

Thinking Critically 29. PROVIDE EXAMPLES How are protists both helpful and harmful to humans? Give 21. APPLY Imagine you are a scientist on location examples in your answer. in a forest in Brazil. You discover what you think might be a living organism. How would you be able to tell if the discovery is a living thing? 30. INFER Look again at the picture on pages 22. COMMUNICATE What process is shown in this 278–279. Now that you have finished the chap- photograph? Describe the sequence of events ter, how would you change or add details to in the process shown. your answer to the question on the photograph?

23. CLASSIFY Why are archaea classified in a separate kingdom from bacteria? If you are doing a unit project, make a folder for 24. ANALYZE Why are some bacteria considered your project. Include in your folder a list of “’s recyclers”? Explain the role that resources you will need, the date on which the these bacteria play in the environment. project is due, and a schedule to track your progress. Begin gathering data. 25. CALCULATE A bacterium reproduces every hour. Assuming the bacteria continue to reproduce at that rate, how many bacteria will there be after 10 hours? Explain how you know.

310 Unit 3: Diversity of Living Things For practice on your state , go to . . . Standardized Test Practice TEST PRACTICE CLASSZONE.COM

Analyzing Data The graph below shows growth rates of bacteria at different temperatures.

Rate of Bacterial Growth 3. What is the concentration of bacteria at a temper- 12,000 ature of 20°C after 4 hours? a. about 5000 per mL c. about 7000 per mL 30°C 10,000 b. about 6000 per mL d. about 8000 per mL

8000 20°C 4. During which hour was the concentration of bac- teria at 20°C the greatest? 6000 10°C a. hour 2 c. hour 8 b. hour 4 d. hour 10 4000 5. Which conclusion can be drawn from the data in Number of Bacteria per mL 2000 the graph? a. The rate of bacterial growth is the greatest at 0 24681012 the highest temperature. Time (hours) b. The rate of bacterial growth is the least at the Choose the letter of the best answer. highest temperature. c. The rate of bacterial growth is the greatest at 1. At which temperature did growth of bacteria the lowest temperature. occur at the greatest rate? d. The rate of bacterial growth does not change a. 0°C c. 20°C depending on temperature. b. 10°C d. 30°C 6. How much did the rate of bacterial growth 2. Which statement is true about the growth rate of increase between 2 hours and 8 hours at 30°C? bacteria at 10°C? a. 2000 per mL a. Bacteria grew rapidly at first, then declined b. 4000 per mL after 6 hours. c. 6000 per mL b. Bacteria growth increased at a steady rate. d. 8000 per mL c. Bacteria grew slowly, then declined rapidly after 10 hours. d. Bacteria showed neither an increase nor decrease in growth rate.

Extended Response 7. A scientist wants to test the effect of temperature 8. are drugs that are used to inhibit the on the same bacteria shown in the graph at higher growth of bacterial . A scientist wants to temperatures. The scientist tests the growth rate of test the ability of three different antibiotics to con- bacteria at 50°C, 75°C, and 100°C. Based on the trol the growth of a certain type of bacteria. The information in the graph and your knowledge of scientist has isolated the bacteria in test tubes. bacteria, what results might the scientist get? Each is prepared in a tablet form. Design Explain your reasoning. an experiment that will test the effectiveness of the antibiotic tablets on the bacteria. Your experi- ment should include a hypothesis, a list of materi- als, a procedure, and a method of recording data.

Chapter 9: Single-Celled Organisms and Viruses 311