SPECIAL DOSSIER International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International /e-mail:
[email protected] • www.flti-ci.org August 20 Tribute to 1940-2020 Leon Trotsky 80 years since his assassination by the hand of a KGB Stalinist agent Leon Trotsky together with Leon Sedov Days of Tribute to Leon Trotsky AUGUST and the founders of 22 AND 23 the Fourth International 80 years of the murder of Leon *in Zoom Organizes: Trotsky by the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction (FLTI) hand of Stalinism International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International Editorial Board of the paper “The International Workers Organizer” /e-mail:
[email protected] • www.flti-ci.org Sign up to participate In the 80th anniversary of the murder of Leon Trotsky, we reproduce excerpts of the Manifesto of the Collective for the Re-foundation of the Fourth International / FLTI published in 2010, in the 70th anniversary In spite of Stalinism having slaughtered the Bolshevik and the 3rd International’s General Staff… In spite of KGB, fascism and imperialism having murdered and chased ceaselessly the Bolsheviks of the resistance in the ‘30s: Leon Trotsky, Leon Sedov, Rudoph Klement, Abraham Leon among other martyred champions of the world proletariat … In spite of Pabloites and all kinds of revisionists which razed Bolshevism and the Fourth international to the ground … On the 70th Anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s murder From the Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional (International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction) we assert, The Fourth International is not dead! Long live the struggle for the Re-foundation of the Fourth International! eventy years after the murder of Leon Trotsky, from the Inter- national Leninist Trotskyist Fraction we pay tribute to his most grandiose work: the foundation of the Fourth International, Swhich was the continuity of Bolshevism and the Third Internation- al, that is, of the internationalist, revolutionary fraction of the world proletariat.