SPECIAL International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction SUPPLEMENT Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International /e-mail:
[email protected] • www.flti-ci.org September 2020 Accompanied by the support, the solidarity and the greetings of hundreds of revolutionary workers and dozens of currents and organizations of the revolutionary vanguard of the world proletariat... We, Trotskyists of the Collective for the Re-foundation of the Fourth International/ FLTI Pay tribute to comrade Leon Trotsky 80 years after his murder at the hands of Stalinism ∙ Revisionism and opportunism liquidated the Fourth International ∙ Our fight for its Re-foundation under the Program 2 | Special Supplement Presentation ast August 22 and 23, from the Collective for bankruptcy in 2019-2020, and Lthe Refoundation of the Fourth International / the consequent deepening of FLTI we paid our tribute to León Trotsky and the the terrible sufferings of the founders of the Fourth International. masses, here and there, under these objective conditions, the In this tribute, promoted by “El Organizador exploited are waging enormous Obrero Internacional” (International Workers battles, uprisings, and revo- Organizer) the FLTI newspaper, we were sur- lutionary offensives. At times rounded by dozens of currents, internationalist class clashes are diverted and organizations of the world working class and hun- betrayed by reformist lead- dreds of Trotskyist militants who participated in it. erships. Other times, these Together with all of them, we fight daily against