Serials Index

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Serials Index SERIALS INDEX Version 2.8 November 2007 Mennonite Library and Archives Bethel College North Newton, Kansas MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 1 1 Hof Rifton, N.Y.: Woodcrest School, Hutterian Society of Brothers, 1984-1985. Formed by the union of, The Spade and: Ranger's News. Index: Annual index for v. 4 published separately. v. 4-5 (1984-1985) I-W Job Openings Bulletin [S.l.: s.n., 1953]- 1954-1963 incomplete { Detailed holdings: #3-10, 12-17, 20, 22-24, 26-29 (1954- 1956); #12 (1963)} The I-W Mirror Akron, Pa.: Akron I-W Office, Mennonite Central Committee, 1953-1967. v.1-15 (1953-1967) incomplete { Missing: v. 11 (1963) #12 Note: MLA bound copy of v. 5-10 has several copies of each issue} 1-W Newssheet [S.l.]: Ohio and Eastern Mennonite Conference 1-W Pastoral Committee, [196-]- no. 10-16 (Feb. 1963-June 1965) 53 See: CPS - 53 2 MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication AASLH DISPATCH Adult Bible Study Guide (Newton, Kan.) See Dispatch Newton, Kan.: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1958-1974. AASLH Technical Leaflet Continues: Mennonite Adult Quarterly. See: History News. Merged with: Herald Adult Bible Studies to form: Adult Bible Study Guide (Scottdale, Pa.) AASLH Technical Report v. 22 #4-v. 38 (1958-1974) See: Technical Report (American Association for State and Local History) * Adult Bible Study Guide (Scottdale, Pa.) Die Abendschule Scottdale, Pa.: Congregational Literature Division of the St. Louis, Mo.: Louis Lange, 1854-1940. Mennonite Publishing House; Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Has supplement: Beiblatt für Frauen und Mädchen. Has Press for the Commission on Education of the General supplement: Frauenfleiss. Conference Mennonite Church, 1974- v. 45-76 (1899-1930) incomplete Formed by the union of, Herald Adult Bible Studies and: { Detailed holdings: v. 44 (1897-98) #50-51; v. 45 (1898- Adult Bible Study Guide (Newton, Kan.) 99) #32-52; v. 46 (1899-1900) #1-17, 34-52; v. 48 (1901- v. 39 (1974)- 02) #6-9, 14-15, 26-27, 36-37, 42-43; v. 50 (1903-04); v. 53 {Missing: Summer, Fall 1998} (1906-07) #3, 18; v. 54 (1907-08) #1, 26; v. 57 (1910-11) #24; v. 61 (1914-15) #7, 14-15; v. 62 (1915-16) #4-5, 7-11; *Adult Bible Study Teacher v. 64 (1917-18) #15; v. 75 (1928-29) #18; v. 76 (1929-30) Scottdale, Pa. : Faith & Life Resources, 2003- #1-4, 9-10.} Continues in part: Builder (Scottdale, Pa. : Uniform ser. ed.) Abiding Branches v. 53, no 6 (2003 Summer) - Wilmington, Del.: Mennonite Messianic Mission Voluntary Service Unit, 1968- * v. 1-5 (1968-1972) incomplete The Adult Quarterly { Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1968-69) #4; v. 2 (1969-70) #2, Hillsboro, Kan.: M.B. Publishing House, 1934?- 4; v. 3 (1970) #1; v. 4 (1971) #2, 4-6; v. 5 (1972) #1-2} v. 11 (1950)- { Detailed holdings: v. 11 (1950), #2; v. 19 (1953)-} Abraham and Sarah Prayerletter Newton, Kan. and Winnipeg, Man.: General Conference Adult Teacher Mennonite Church, Commission on Home Ministries, 1993- [Newton, Kan.]: Commission on Education, General 1999. Conference Mennonite Church, 1975-1983. # 1(Fall 1993)-#20 (Summer 1999) complete Apr 1975-Jul 1983 incomplete { Note: We have (1981) Jan, Apr only in photocopied form.} The Abundant Life Altona, Man.: The Abundant Life, [195-]- Advanced Sunday School Lesson Quarterly Aug 1958-May 1974 Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, [1907?]-1950. { Detailed holdings: missing issues unknown} Continued by: Herald Adult Bible Studies. v. 6-43 (1912-1949) incomplete Academy of Music Newsletter { Detailed holdings: v. 6 (1912) #1; v. 8 (1914) #2-4; v. 9 SEE: Bethel College Academy of Music Newsletter (1915) #1; v. 11 (1917) #3-4; v. 20 (1926) #3; v. 22 (1928) #1; v. 24 (1930) #1; v. 25 (1931) #1-4; v. 26 (1932) #1, 3-4; % v. 27 (1933) #1-4; v. 28 (1934) #1-4; v. 29 (1935) #1-4; v. The ACCK Hexagon 30 (1936) #1-4; v. 31 (1937) #1-4; v. 32 (1938) #1-4; v. 33 [McPherson, Kan.]: Associated Colleges of Central Kansas, (1939) #1, 3-4; v. 34 (1940) #1-4; v. 35 (1941) #1-4; v. 36 1986- (1942) #1, 4; v. 38 (1944) #1, 3-4; v. 39 (1945) #1, 4; v. 40 Shelved with school publications. (1946) #1; v. 41 (1947) #2, 4; v. 42 (1948) #1-4; v. 43 v. 1 (1986)-v. 3 (1989) #2 incomplete (1949) #1-4; v. 44 (1950) #1-3 { Missing: v. 2 (1987-88) #2} Note: Some issues bound and shelved under Sunday School Lesson Quarterly.} * Acta Poloniae historica. Die Adventisten Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 1958- See: Prüfet die Geister. v. 87 (2003) - Advocate of Peace Action Washington, D.C.: The American Peace Society See: CPS - Action May 1917 Located in archives. Acumen See: CPS - Acumen Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission Financial Report Elkhart, Ind.: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, 1972- Ad Astra : Kansas People Issues & Arts Continues: Congo Inland Mission Financial Report. Lawrence, Kan. : D3 Publishing, 2001. 1972-1984 v. 1 (2001) #1-3 (Feb, Apr, Jul) Africa Newsletter $ See: MCC - Africa Newsletter. The Adams County Sun & Berne Daily Witness Berne, Ind.: Publishers Print. House, Inc., 1974-1976. African Circle Letter Located in Archives. Lancaster, Pa.: Mary K. Zimmerman, [1934?]- Continues: Berne Witness (Berne, Ind. : 1932) Title varies: Mimeographed Letter (1934-Mar 1944) ; Continued by: Berne Tri-Weekly News. African Mimeographed Letter (Apr-Nov 1944) ; African v. 77-80 (1974-1976) Letter (1945-Jun 1947). #2-112 (May 31, 1934-May 7, 1951) incomplete { Missing: #8, 13, 16, 19-22, 24-26, 28-32, 34-39, 44, 110} Located in archives. African Letter See: African Circle Letter. MLA SERIALS INDEX * = Current Subscription $ = Inventory Not Available % = School Publication 3 African Mimeographed Letter Alert See: African Circle Letter. Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., 1968-1998. Continues: Informerette. AFSC - Hidden Treasure Publisher varies: Mennonite Board of Missions, Mennonite Los Altos, Ca.: American Friends Service Committee Media Ministries. Hidden Villa Project v. 17 (1968) - v.58 no 7 (Feb 26, 1998) incomplete 1942 { Missing: v. 17 (1968) #2; v. 18 (1969) #28; v. 20 (1971) { Detailed holdings: v. 1 (1942) #2} #36; v. 22/33 (1973) #22; v. 34 (1974) #21-22, 27-28; v. 39 (1979) #32-34; v. 40 (1980) #16-17; v. 41 (1981) #16-17} Agape Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Relief and Service Committee, * 1955- Algemeen Doopsgezind Weekblad v. 1-25 (1955-1979) incomplete Kollum: Algemeene Doopsgezinde Societeit, 1946- { Missing: v. 2 (1956) #9; v. 4 (1958) #1; v. 8 [i.e. 25] v. 1 (1946)- incomplete (1979) #1-6} Located in archives. { Missing: v. 2 (1947-48) #14; v. 7 (1952-53) #16, 43; v. 8 Agenda (Lörrach, Germany) (1953-54) #2-9, 11, 18-20, 37-41; v. 14 (1959-60) #37-40, Lörrach : Janz Team, 1991?- 51-52; v. 16 (1961) #18; v. 17 (1962) #21, 29; v. 18 (1963) Mär 1991-Sep/Okt 1992 #10-11, 25; v. 20 (1965) #39; v. 22 (1967) #33; v. 27 (1972) #24; v. 28 (1973) #1, 20; v. 37 (1982) #8, 31} * Agenda (Winnipeg, Man.) Algerie Aujourd’hui Winnipeg, Man. : Janz Team Ministries, 1993?- El Biar (Alger), Algeria: Mennonite Mission, 1964-? Win 1993-Fall 1999 v. 1 (1964) #4, v. 2 (1964/1965) #4, 6-8 AGORA * Tokyo: Japan Anabaptist Center, 1978-1982. Alight 1978-1982 incomplete Harrisonburg, Va.: Christian Light Publications, 1987- { Detailed holdings: (1978) Apr, Sep; (1979) Jan-Aug, Oct- v. 1 (1987)- Nov; (1980) Jan-Oct; (1981) Jan-Apr, Sep-Oct; (1982) Apr} Alive Agrartechnik: aktuelle informationen über Ackerbau und Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc., 1967-1982. Viehzucht Absorbed: News of Mennonite Broadcasts, 1975. Chaco, Paraguay: Servicio Agropecuario v. 1-16 (1967-1982) Mennonitenkolonien, Jan 1990- 1990-1993 * { Detailed holdings: #1-10 (Jan-Oct 1990), #12 (Dec Allegheny Conference News 1990); #1-7 (Jan-Aug 1991), #10-11 (Nov-Dec 1991); #1-2 Scottdale, Pa.: Allegheny Mennonite Conference, 1954- (Jan-Feb 1992), #4 (Apr 1992), #8-10 (Oct-Dec 1992); #1- Continues: Southwestern Pennsylvania Conference News. 10 (Feb-Nov 1993)} 1969-1996 located in archives. v. 11 (1954)- incomplete Agricultural Almanac { Missing: v. 25 (1969) #12} Lancaster, Pa.: Printed and sold by John Baer, [1826]- Other title: Baer's Agricultural Almanac. The Allen County Reporter 1849-v. 145 (1970) incomplete Lima, Ohio: Allen County Historical Society, [1944?]- { Missing: 1850-1851; 1853-1855; 1857-1858; 1867-1868; v. 28-48 (1972-1992) v. 137 (1962)} Allentown Daze The Agrogram See: MCC - Allentown Daze See: CPS - Agrogram. Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift AIMM Contact Berlin: M. Warneck, 1874-1923. Elkhart, Ind.: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, 1981-1985. 1879-1917 located in archives. Issued with: AIMM Messenger, Fall 1983-Win 1985. v. 2-14 (1879-1887) incomplete Continues: Contact (Elkhart, Ind.) { Detailed holdings: v. 2-4 (1875-77); v. 6 (1879) Jan, Mar- v. 23 #3 (Jul 1981)-Win 1985 Sep, Nov; v. 7 (1880), Jul; v. 10 (1883) Jan; v. 11 (1884), Jul; v. 13 (1886) Jul-Dec; v. 14 (1887) Jan; v. 16 91889), Jul; * v. 17 (1890), Oct; v. 21 (1894); v. 23 (1896); v. 34-38 AIMM Messenger (1907-1911); v. 39 (1912), #1-9, 11-12; v. 40-48 (1913- Elkhart, Ind.: Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, 1972- 1921); v. 50 (1923), #1, 3-12} Has supplement: AIMM Contact. Continues: Zaire Missionary Messenger. $ v. 40 (1972)- Along the Galician Grapevine In archives, MLA.MS.259, Glen Linscheid papers. AION Winnipeg, Man.: Helmut Huebert, 1960-1967. The Altona Echo v. 1-6 (1960-1967) incomplete Altona, Man.: D.K.
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