424 Guiseley. [Leeds
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424 GUISELEY. [LEEDS GUISELEY (or GmsLEY) is a township and parish and a. m. & 6.55 p.m. Box closes at 12.20 p.m. on sundays. a polling place for the Otley division of the West Riding of The nearest money order & post otlice for East Carlton Yorkshire, with a station on the Midland railway, 2 miles is at Y eadon ; for West Carlton, Guiseley south from Otley, 9 north-west from Leeds, in the Upper LocAL BoARD. division of Skyrack wapentake, \Vharfedale union, Otley Clerk, Christopher John N ewstead, Otley petty sessional division and county court district, and in Medical Officer of Health, ·waiter Henry Cheetham, Town st. Otley rural deanery, Craven archdeaconry and Ripon diocese; Surveyor & Inspector, Adam Earl, Town street it was formerly a market town and the market cross still Collector, Frank Robson, Tflwn street remains. The township is governed by a Local Board of I~SURANCE AGENTS :- nine members. The church of St. Oswald is an ancient General Life & Fire, H. Turner Norman edifice, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, transept, Imperial Fire, A. Earl, Town street and an embattled tower coritaining·8 bells and a clock: in the Norwich Union Fire, J. Wilkinson, lngs mill church are many ancient mural monuments : there is a PUBLIC OFFICERS :- stained window in the chancel, erected in I864, to several Assistant Overseer & Assessor & Collector of Income 'fa~ members of the Stansfield, Micklethwaite and Pollard Samuel Shepherd, Town street families, who are buried here. The register dates from the Medical Officer for No. 1 District of Wharfcdale Union, year I556. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £542, Waiter Henry Cheetham, Town street gross yearly value £790, including 94 acres of glebe, with Registrar of Births & Deaths & Relieving & Vaccination residence, in the gift of Trinity College, Cambridge( one turn) Officer fol' Southern District of Wharfedale Union, and G. L. Fox esq. (two turns in three) and held since I 879 by Marmaduke Rennard, Springfield the Rev. Edmund Thomas M. A. of Hertford College, Oxford. PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of service:- The rectory house, built in I6oi by the Rev. Hobt. Moore, St. Oswald's Parish Church, Rev. Edmund Thomas M.A. then rector, is a large mansion in the Elizabethan style. rector; Rev. Benjamin Shepherd Berrington, curate ; There are Wesleyan, Primitive Methodist and Baptist 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m chapels. A charity, called "the Blezzard dole," amounting 1 W esleyan Methodist, Town street, served by Yeadon circuit; to £w 3s. 4d. annually, is distributed to the poor on I0.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m 1 Christmas day by the rector and churchwardens. The Town Primitive Methodist, New road, served by Otley circuit ~ Hall is a building of local sandstone in the Gothic style and 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m comprises a board room,clerks' office, reading-room, library,. Baptist, Station road, served by Rawdon College; I0-30 school-room, class-room, lavatory and fire-engine house ; a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 30 p.m the cost, about £3,000, was chiefly defrayed by M. W. SCHOOLS :- Thompson esq. of Parkgate, Guiseley : the reading-room, Endowed (mixed & infants'), founded in r622 by Hobert library &c. are rented by the committee of the Mechanics' Moor & endowed by him with a yearly income, at present Institute. The Liberal Club, situated in Town street, was amounting to about £go; it was rebuilt in 1876, at a cost established in I88o. The Conservative Club, opened in of £1, Boo ; there are 290 boys & girls, average attend I87I, occupies premises in Town street. A detachment ance, 235; & 205 infants, average attendance, 164; of the C company of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion, Duke of Thomas Frizell, master ; Misses M. E. Carter (infants') Wellington's West Riding Regiment have an armoury & L. A. Mason, rnistresses and a drill hall here, in Springfield. The staple trade "\\'esleyan (mixed & infants'), erected in 1825 by public consists in the manufacture of woollen cloths, principally subscription, the land being given by John Jackson tweeds, for which this place is famous. In the neighbour esq.; there are about 28I boys & girls, average attend hood are some quarries of first-rate 8andstone. The land ance, 220; & I27 infants, average attendance, 100 ~ i.'l freehold. The trustees of the late J oseph Padgett csq. Henry Turner, master ; Miss Lily Dawsm~, infants.• Nathaniel Eckersley esq. and Matthew William Thompson mistress esq. are the principal landowners. The soil is various; the Railway Station, George Hull, station master subsoil is chiefly rock and sandstone. The chief crops are CARRIERS TO :- turnips with grass lands. The area of the township is I, 525 BRADFORD-Mark Whitaker, daily acres; rateable value, £12,058 ; the area of the parish is LEEDS-Thomas Knipe, daily 8,go4 acres; the population of the township in r86I was OTLEY-Thomas Knipe, fri 2,565; I871, 3,185; in 1881, 3,706. Carlton is a township and village in Guiseley parish. Sexton, Adam Lee, Town street. 2 miles south from Otley. The principal freeholders are PosT, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH 0Fl'ICE, Savings N. Eckersley esq. and Mr. Henry Morfitt Barstow. The soil Bank & Annuity & Insurance Office, Town street.-Mrs. is clayey ; the subsoil is clay and rock. The chief crops are Mary Whitaker, postmistress. Letters arrive through oats and turnips, with grass lands. The area is r,27r> Leeds at 6.30 a.m. & 3.10 p.m.; dispatched at 11.20 acres; rateable value, £1,309; population (I881) go. Guiseley. Parkin son John William, Albion place Watkinson Mrs. Town street PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Peate Caleb, Nunroyd Westmoreland Mrs. Hawk hill Baldwin William E. Springfield Peate Joseph L. Nunroyd Whitaker John, Bedford place Berrington Rev. Benjamin Shepherd Pemberton Mrs. West ho. Bingleylands Wilkinson Joseph, Hawk hill [curate], Albion terrace, Springficld Finder Matthew, Cuddy hiU "'oodhead Joseph, Union street Bradley James, Springfield Preston Mrs. Springfield Yeadon Mrs. Springfield Brown James Padgett, Kelcliffe house Priestlcy Mrs. Cambridge street '::OMMERCIAL. Brown John P. Flatfield house Henard Miss, Springfield Ainsworth Wm. boot maker, Oxford st Busfield John IIarper, .Albion place Riley Matthew, Manor house, Town st Altbam Abraham, tea merchant Busfield William, New road Riley Matthew Barker, New road Archer J oseph Sykes, chemist & drug- Chaffer Mrs. Mount Pleasant Riley Mrs. New road gist, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine Cheetham Waiter Henry, Town street Ripley Mrs. Carlton lane & spirit merchants, Oxford street Chippindale Harold, Park road Robinson Joseph, Green bottom Atkinson John Joseph, joiner, Cross st Claughton Hugh, Nether moor Robinson Samuel, Springficld Bald win Jacob, boot & shoe ma. Town st Dawson Albert, Green Croft house Shackleton Miss, Hawk hill Bald win William E cloth manufacturer, De Maine Mrs. Cambridge street Shackleton Mrs. Robert, Nctherfield Green Bottom mill Downs Joseph, Lands lane Shackleton Richard, Hallumfield house Barrett Chas. provision dealer, Town st Eastburn Benjamin, Oxford street Shaekleton William, Cambridge street Barrett I•avid, pla'!'crer, New road Eastburn John, West parade Shepherd John, Springfield Barrett Jesse, sec. to Mechanics' Insti- Foggitt Henry, Westfield Shepherd Thos. Albion ter. Springficld tute, Cambridge street Gill Edmund, West villa, Bing1ey lands Smith George, Springfield Bateson James, joiner, Town street Greenhaugh Tom Earp, Hawkhill house Smith James, Hawk hill Boocock Stephenson, milk dlr. Spring- Ives Jonathan, Mount pl£asant Smith Joseph, New Dykes field place Kay George Edward, Station road Smith Mrs. Naylor, Town street Booth Mary (Mrs.), beer ret. Union st Marshall J esse, Park row 1 Smith William, Mount pleasant Booth Richard, yeast dealer, Town st Maud Adam Tetlow, Springfield ' Stephenson William, Mount pleasant Bower Wm. corn. traveller, Mt.Pleasant Middleton Edward, Town street Thomas Rev. Edmund M.A. [rectorl Bradley George Termant, cabinet Moon Arthur, Laurel bank, Station rd Thompson Matt. William, Park gate maker, New road Moon Isaac, Crooklands Turner John William, Moor view Bradley Jas. woollen man fr. Springfield N ewsome George, Bingley lands I Waddington James, Alva house Bradley Joseph, ironmonger & tinner, Padgett J oseph C. Tranfield lodge Waddington John, Cassfield Oxford street Padgett William Barrett, Hawk hill I Waite Mrs. Mount pleasant Bray Benja.min, overlooker, Olo:ford st .