Tower Happy Days Erlan&Er "Song O' My Heart" Erlanger

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Tower Happy Days Erlan&Er 8 SO THB PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1980 frank feature production. Tha direc- German, Auotrian. Hungarig, Itralto, Frank Oglraby. tenor (Thejst. Paul** Episcopal Church, Over- +**********<•> «***'.•*<***++'.*+***** >**********+**+*** His Experience Was tion in by Victor Halperin. and Russian characters .,„ 1h: ***•» Narrator), Nelson Eddy, baritone and brook, will be at tbe console of the "In checking ov tbe 500 '•,,*>. (Thomas McClelland and Walter Fvans, Cyrua H. K. Ctirtia Organ at a recital Outstanding performances are offered er Music of the Week by Douglas Fairbanks. Jr.. a* the boy, acteriwtiou. 1 have do,,,. n"™t**- JINISHO*. and the aopraao ripleao will to lie given under tbe auspice* of tbe Same as Many Others time I find that 00 per cent », > be *tmg by a chorus trained by Fran- University of Pennsylvania ia the Jeanette Loff a* hi* *weetheart, Mane 1 Themes and Variations • Th* experience of thousand* of Prevoat a* a "whoopee queen aud were anything but my real or s,t2? Free eoaeart. Academy of th* ces McColIin. Tbe chorale* will he sting Irvine Auditorium, Thirty-third and would- bo acreen playera who journey nationality. Tbe United sZi^"** Spruce streets, at four o'clock this John St. Polls *• a righteou* manu- B By LINTON MARTIN Fin. Art., 3 P. M. without accompaniment. Hollo Unit me citizenship, but the movie, !* «> land will be at th« organ, Koma E. An afternoon. Tbe recital by Mr. Thunder, to Hollywood befell Warner Baxter facturer seeking to *tamp opt tbe evil W Henry Gordon Thunder la or- when be arrived there, determined to "party girl" «y»tem. But tbe ouUtaml- 'I wss born in CoptnhaMn «H »+*++4- •••••+*+••••••••••+•*•+•••••••++•+*****•••••• gel at tbe piano and the two orchestra* who for many years haa been one of mark, and made a happy choice'i."* gan recital I r vine Auditorium, will be made up from member* of th* tbi* city'r most distinguished organist*, crash tbe gatea of movie fame. He ing performance i* given by a new- 1 DOZKN years ago the late Jam»§ early marriage to yon Buelow, deser- 4 P. M. comer, Judith Barrie, one of tha mo«l iectiag a family that was distinn^w *: Philadelphia Orchestra. Will be open to the public. had loat all htx aaving* in • garage ven- on the Danish and Continent,??*« Uibbotia Huueber iiretla'tfi 'hat tion of him and subsequent divorce and Klscald - Llfschsy • Ksufman famoua artist'* model* in America, who "when Ositna 1. Queeu of Hay- marriage to Waguer, after the birth of National Negro Music Festival ture at Tulsa, Oklahoma, and decided essay* her first film role in this app»ar- Lpon my graduation frm,, tha x!S A Trio. Bellevue-Stratford ball- Tbe Kincaid-LifscheyKaufman Trio eniy of Arts in Copenhagen i* retuli. <lovs-enter tb« etaruel aha<iow- Hiegfried Wagner, to say nothing of a Plana are being made for the second Hollywood wa* the place to recoup'hia anee. and from whom, doubtless, much room, 4 P. M. will appear in tbe eighth concert of barked on a career as a paiottv £ lanil,* her |)a»*in« will not g-reatly girl or two that Waguer claimed; her annual national negro music festival tbe Philadelphia Chamber Music As- modest fortune. wUI be heard in the future. lutiiiue the attention of a world whose iiiduniitohl* labors in promoting Bay- Jotaf aad R**lna Lh*vl*n*. to be held at tbe Academy of Music, Party Girl" is a courageous and putting paint on canvas Hi,rli,|i nonnit ** sociation serie* in the ballroom of the For *ix month* he made the rounds peal to me as much rentb and relieving Wagner of finan- on Maturday, May 17, afternoon and unique film, exposing a very prevalent •'.ii„K tar* bus* witb the rumora of mightier two-piano recital. Penn A. C. Bellevue-Stratford tbia afternoon at of tbe studio. Notwithstanding the fact •a U happening*." l>yiu*f last Tuesday in cial fears and nil worldly woes while evening. Inaugurated last year a* an evU in our present-day business life. face for the stage. ballreom, 8.30 P. M. four o'clock. They will play tbe Le-that he had to hi* credit previou* »tage [ subsequently her ninety-third year, forty-aeven year* humming him in with'determined do- experiment to seo if there waa enough experience, he met with no aucceas and mesticity, and her later life devoted to Memorial mu*lc«l*. Warwick clair Sonata for flute; viola and piano; character* In the pUy*™'^ 'T^» after the death of the immortal music- public intercut in the highest muiicat Winkler Sonata for viola and piano; eventually gave up in complete dis- his memory—these are some of the de- ballroom, 8.30 P. M. achievement* of* the negro to justify Strindberg, Bjornsen, Tolstoy ^ Biaker she uiarrled during ber uoeon- Pierne Sonata for flute aad piano and couragement. He joined the Burbank He Has Played Many it* vi-i.ii.iiial career, urn! whose fame ah* tails of her remarkable career. Her MONDAY tbe establishment of the festival as an other dramatUta and eventually death ring* down the curtain on mighty Durufle Prelude, Uecitatif et Varia- Stock Company at Burbank, California, into pictures. futihered in the Bayreutb Festival*. Jean B*ok In leoture recital annual institution in Philadelphia, tbe tions. The members of tbe Trio are: where he remained for eeven years. musical memories! response wa* so great that the com- Characters Thus Far "In 1915 I came to Am. ica .t.^i Wagner's widow w»» the last, lone University Museum, 2.30 P. M. William Kincaid, flutist; Samuel Lif- His work attracted tbe attention of figure of the gulden site of music to • • • mittee in charge waa impelled to re- Oliver Morosco, who engaged him to Hersholt, who play* an im-the Danish National Fair « th, « Msndalasoha Clua, Academy, scbey, violist, and Harry Kaufman, Jean Francisco Exposition, dire, ted ,„ cruaa the roiiibow bridge, completing HH I'lIILALELTIIIA OHOHES- organize on a larger acale for thepianist . play a featured role iu "Lombardi, portant role In "Tbe Case of Ser- the entrance of th* god* Into the Wag 8.15 P. M. event thia year. Upward* of 300 of tbe LU." on tha New York atage. He picture* and began as an actor in 9 TUA will tackle full-fledged atage geant GrUcba," which opened Friday lywood for Thomas Ince." a* nerian Vclhulla, and chronologically T production* under the egi* of TUESDAY | cultural, social and artistic leader* of Josef Lhevinne and bis wife, Rosina afterwards appeared In several other concluding an ere actually tailed year* Philadelphia and vicinity have accepted at the Arcadia Theatre, has played a Leopold Minkowski with the perform- "Haaaaal and Gr*t*l" aad Lbevinne, will be beard in a concert outstanding Broadway production*, and before. And the death of this hist Italy, membership on the committee and are eventually waa aent to Los Angela* to moat unuaual range of characteriza- Myrna Loy will have „ pf0__-J ances next Friday and Maturday and "Pagllaeel," by Metropolitan Op- for two piano* at tbe Penn Athletic role m support of Alice White mTV? at her lino pioved tli* prophecy mad* the following Monday at the Metropoli- participating in the preparation* for Club thia evening. Their programme play leada in the Moro*co Stock Com- tion*. by HiairUnr with characteristic acuity, tra Co. Academy, 8 P. M. the festival. All tbe various forma of latter'* next First National *hmS tan Opera House. The forthcoming will include a group of Chopin num- pany there. * wa* born a Dane," he aaya, "be- for her actual end Wte submerged in Sight Staging Class** concert tbe musical talent of the race will be "I picture, "Man Crazy." Robert 2ax3 American premiere* of both Mtravin- bera, to be played by Mr. Lhevinne; Then the fickle film* reached out for Douglas Ctlmore and George wl the news bj( census stories, eoibaj- sky's "l-e Hacre du Printenips'' (The Drexol Auditorium, 8.IS P. M. beard during tbe festival, which will tbe Schumann "Variations" and Chopin him ami he waa offered tbe leading came an American by choice and now •lers, a seafilane flight for Hermuda, include In it* programme a glee club, role in "Her Own Money," a picture in spend mot, of my time portraying have also been cast for this nunT^ Festival of -Spring) and of Arnold WEDNESDAY Hondo, arranged by Lee PettUon, to navul disarmament doing* ami bandit Mchoenherg'a futuristic opera, "Die a sextette, a chamber music group and j be played by both; a Rachmaninoff which Ethel Clayton waa co-featured hold-ups, among the tlay'a. grist of (llueckliche Hand" iThe Hand of Katharine Wolff and Allta instrumental aolo artists. Alice Dunbar- ] "Romance and a transcription of with him. "mightier happening*" thuu the pass- Fate) eyukes excited anticipation near Craig MaoColl in l*oture-r*oltal. Nelson, executive aecretary of the Strauss' "Blue Danube," also to be The picture waa acarcely under way AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS ing of Krau Coainjft. and far, and even New York'* League Bellevue-Stratford ballroom, II American Interracial Peace Committee played by both. before Baxter wa* called by Moroaco uf Composer* assists io sponsoring so is handling the detail of organisation for another atage play on Broadway, In recent year* Cosima has been the A. M. and the selection of the artist*. • • * ixeehtional an event of presumably Music of the Troubadour*, played but by working day and night be mini-! aubject of frequent attack* from vari- THURSDAY "A* the result of the aucceas of last aged to finish in time to take the New1 Only ELINOR, GLYN Could Write ous source* on ope score or another.
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