(Dayton, Ohio), 1941-08-22
* . * > v ;. r^'-v-. „» - <• '» 7- >" " » . «\ C'"- «, -r z* % ;-»••. - v • * "r^r • T -••.>'"*-• > fj -a> >:*•>} v^V -• r ••'.*<<:-. **•<*: '•, ?"""', •"", •, > ^ 4 \v- ; sr^ i' „ 1 * ^ -- "\ 1 •' '' >•• , s - "• * , 1 ;** i*« '- -; > * - •% * . v<f - - i * > ;, t ' } i - '* „ ' - 1 '•* *', - n * « i' a ^ - "' -*•'' . "'-1, * ,* , *r i ar -'•"' ' • • !>* . .. : • t ' ••.••• , • " • „•. • •• .. • - 4 v : > " ;/' : , Cf"_ \. "7-.- .;• • ^y ;„K,- •" .'-. 7;;;; * "> * J , ' ' " V- ••.-r-,^--' ••••''-.••--•. .0.-: ,• , . ' ••••,• • • .'.-:--v. •• ?-.;•/ >i, o'•- »7-* '.•.- ,;'. •' ;••:"* i-. .'• ' ' -"v" ••"•'• •"•. :••'••';7.*<.. -"if '-i FRIDAY, AUGUST 22,1941 mem THE FORUM * l»AGE SEVEN ' ' ;',y "! * • \ r 5 THEATRICALS SPORTS - LECTURES \v 111 Ralph Jones and V. Hickman * ^ EAST END are visiting friends and relatives LUPIN0 AND GARFIELD Maaton Moreland Co-Stars With while on a 10 day leaves of ab v: CAGNEY CAPITULATES TO 1 * I4 NEWS • • "' " sence. STAR IN DYNAMIC FILM ' 4 Frankie Darro In The Gangs All Well, friends, this just about Ml. Pii|«h B«pti*t Churcb winds up our column this week Beginning Sunday the Classic sinister influence. She doe«vn*t SCREEN KISSES - BETTE'S Sunrise Prayer Meeting. 6:30 and may I extend my thanks to theatre will present "Out of the know, of course, that her "go Hera|At The Palace Sun-Mon-Tues Sunday School 9:30 each of you for your cooperation. ..^ ..,lr.. .. ... .... .... ., Morning Worship ....11:30 Fog," a dynai.ii•; new Warnei getting" boy friend is extorting • * • If this column can be of service Bros, film that co-stars Ida money from her father. Before THE REASON to you or your family, call 81967 Lupino and John Garfield, the he leaves that- night he has Willicm Louis of 806 Irwin and you will help others to keep pair who made so great an im her promise to go to Cuba with "(GET "EADY FOR A RIOT CA«Ji1 street is home from the hospital informed by reading The Forum.
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