Received 11 Oct 2012 | Accepted 11 Feb 2013 | Published 12 Mar 2013 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 Controlling colloidal transitions with critical Casimir forces

Van Duc Nguyen1, Suzanne Faber1, Zhibing Hu2, Gerard H. Wegdam1 & Peter Schall1

The critical Casimir force provides a thermodynamic analogue of the quantum mechanical Casimir force that arises from the confinement of electromagnetic field fluctuations. In its thermodynamic analogue, two surfaces immersed in a critical attract each other due to confinement of solvent fluctuations. Here, we demonstrate the active assembly control of colloidal equilibrium phases using critical Casimir forces. We guide colloidal into analogues of molecular and phases via exquisite control over their interactions. By measuring the critical Casimir pair potential directly from density fluctuations in the colloidal , we obtain insight into at small scales. We apply the van der Waals model of molecular liquefaction and show that the colloidal gas–liquid is accurately described by the van der Waals theory, even on the scale of a few particles. These results open up new possibilities in the active assembly control of micro and nanostructures.

1 van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2 Department of , University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.S. (email: [email protected]).

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1584 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 | 1 & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597

he critical Casimir effect provides an interesting analogue equilibrium densities of liquid and gas phases and the relative of the quantum mechanical Casimir effect1–4. Close to the amount of gas and liquid. These microscopic observations allow Tcritical point of a binary liquid, concentration fluctuations us to test the van der Waals model at small scales. We find that become long range, and the confinement of these long-range the model describes the condensation in our colloidal fluctuations gives rise to critical Casimir interactions. This offers system remarkably well, even on the scale of a few particles, excellent new opportunities to achieve active control over the indicating that this relatively simple mean-field model may also assembly of colloidal particles5–10. At close distance, solvent apply to describe the condensation of in the fluctuations confined between the particle surfaces lead to an formation of nanostructures. effective attraction that adjusts with on a molecular timescale. Because the solvent correlation length depends on temperature, temperature provides a unique control parameter to Results control the range and strength of this interaction3. The advantage Observation of colloidal phase transitions. We induce critical of this effect is its universality: as other critical phenomena, the Casimir interactions by approaching the phase-separation tem- scaling functions depend only on the symmetries of the system perature, Tc, of the binary solvent; we tune these interactions and are independent of material properties, allowing similar continuously in a temperature range of DT ¼ 0.5–0.2 °C below Tc. interaction control for a wide range of colloidal particles9. Such By using a new optically and density-matched colloidal system interaction control offers fascinating new opportunities for the (see Methods), we can directly follow individual particles deep in design of structures at the and nanometre scale with the bulk of the system. The convenient temperature control reversible control. allows us to induce remarkable transitions in the colloidal system. Here, we demonstrate the direct control of equilibrium phase Sufficiently far below Tc, the particles are uniformly suspended transitions with critical Casimir forces. Through exquisite control and form a dilute gas phase (Fig. 1a). However, at DT ¼ 0.3 °C of the particle pair potential with temperature, we assemble the particles condense and form spherical aggregates that coexist colloidal particles into analogues of molecular liquid and solid with a low-density colloidal gas (Fig. 1b). We observe that within phases, and we visualize these phases in three dimensions the aggregates, particles exhibit the diffusive motion characteristic and on the single-particle level. Because of the similarity of the of (Supplementary Movie 1). This is confirmed by critical Casimir and molecular potentials, these observations tracking the motion of the particles, and comparing their mean- allow insight into molecular liquefaction at small scales. In 1873, square displacement with that of the particles in the dilute gas van der Waals11 presented a universal model for the (Fig. 1c). The mean-square displacement grows linearly in time, condensation of : gas–liquid condensation reflects the similar to that of the molecular motion in liquids. Moreover, it competition between the energy cost for compression of the grows slower than that of the gas particles, indicating the con- particles against their entropic , and the energy gain from finement of the particles in the dense liquid environment. We the condensation of the attractive particles. van der Waals conclude that the particles form a condensed phase analogous to obtained a universal equation for the condensation of gases by that of molecular liquids. When we raise the temperature further accounting for the average molecular attraction and the finite to DT ¼ 0.2 °C, the particles inside the aggregates form an volume. While for molecular gases, experimental ordered face-centered cubic lattice (Fig. 1d): the colloidal liquid confirmation of this relation remained indirect, our colloidal has frozen into a . These observations provide direct system allows direct microscopic observation and measurement analogues of gas–liquid and liquid–solid transitions, driven by of the liquid condensation. We measure important parameters critical Casimir interactions. Because of the exquisite temperature of the condensation process: the particle pair potential, the dependence of these interactions, the phase transitions are

ΔT = 0.5 °C ΔT = 0.3 °C 10 8 )

2 Dgas

m 6 μ 4 > (

2 D r liq

< 2 0 01234567 1 μm t (s)

ΔT = 0.2 °C 10 10 8 6

z 5 4 15 2 15 0 10 10 5 5 y 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 y x x

Figure 1 | Colloidal phase transitions induced by critical Casimir forces. (a,b,d) Confocal microscope images of colloidal gas–liquid–solid transitions: colloidal gas (a), colloidal liquid aggregates (b) and (d). Scale bar, 1 mm(a). Inset in d illustrates the relation between the imaged particle configuration and the structural motif of the face-centered cubic lattice. (c) Mean-square displacement of particles in the liquid (circles) and gas (dots). Linear fits to the data yield diffusion coefficients that differ by a factor of 10. (e,f) Three-dimensional reconstructions of gas and liquid correspond to the confocal images (a,b). Red and blue spheres indicate particles with a large and small number of nearest neighbours, respectively. Red particles in e demarcate density fluctuations of the colloidal gas, whereas red particles in f indicate the nucleated colloidal liquid phase coexisting with the colloidal gas.

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1584 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 | & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 ARTICLE

reversible: the melt, and the liquid drops evaporate when which we approximate by UattrðÞl  ÀAattr expðÀl=lattrÞ B the temperature is lowered below the characteristic thresholds (ref. 7). Here, Aattr 2pr0kBT/lattr is the amplitude and lattr the (Supplementary Movie 2). Such reversible control offers new range of the critical Casimir attraction, and l ¼ r À 2r0 is the opportunities to guide the growth of perfect structures from distance between particle surfaces. We determine the electrostatic colloidal building blocks12. The exquisite temperature repulsion from the measurement at room temperature, where dependence and reversibility allows precise control over the critical Casimir interactions are negligible. Excellent agreement growth and annealing of perfect equilibrium structures, in with the data is obtained for Arep ¼ 4.3kBT and lrep ¼ 0.36r0 (black to the growth of atomic materials. circles and solid line in Fig. 2a). The attractive critical Casimir To elucidate the gas–liquid condensation in more detail, we potential is then determined from the best fit of U to the show three-dimensional reconstructions in Fig. 1e,f, where we measured potentials; the resulting critical Casimir potential is distinguish gas and liquid particles by the number of their shown in Fig. 2b, and the values of Aattr and lattr are shown in the 13 respective nearest neighbours ; red spheres indicate particles inset. The data indicate that lattr grows linearly with temperature, with five and more neighbours, and small blue spheres indicate while the amplitude AattrB1/lattr, as expected for the critical particles with less than five neighbours. Interestingly, at Casimir force between two spheres7. The range of the attractive DT ¼ 0.5 °C, small clusters of red particles appear and potential at DT ¼ 0.3 K is lattr ¼ 80 nm, of the order of, but a disappear, indicating spontaneous fluctuations in the density of factor of 2 larger than the solvent correlation length x ¼ 40 nm the colloidal gas (Fig. 1e). These density fluctuations become determined from independent dynamic - more pronounced as the temperature approaches Tc measurements. We associate this difference with the fluffiness (Supplementary Movie 1). At DT ¼ 0.3 °C, after 10 min, red of the poly-n-isopropyl acrylamide (PNIPAM) particles: dangling spheres form stable liquid nuclei (Fig. 1f) that grow to become arms sticking out of the PNIPAM particle surface can large drops. After 30 min, we measure the density of particles in decrease the effective surface-to-surface distance between the liquid and gas phases from the number of red and blue particles, thereby increasing the effective range of their À 3 particles per volume, and obtain rliq ¼ 3.2 mm and interaction. We note that measurements of the bare correlation À 3 rgas ¼ 0.05 mm , respectively. length of the 3-methyl pyridine (3-MP)– mixture are reported in ref. 17.

Direct measurement of critical Casimir pair potential.We elucidate the mechanism that drives the condensation of particles Discussion by measuring the particle pair potential directly from the density The precision of these measurements allows us to make direct fluctuations in the gas. The potential of mean force, Umf, is related comparison with continuum models. The widely used van der directly to the pair correlation function, g(r) that indicates the Waals provides a universal model for molecular probability of finding two particles separated by r, via gas–liquid condensation. To describe attractive of B g(r) exp[ À Umf(r)/kBT] (refs 14,15). For dilute suspensions, finite size, van der Waals modified the equation of E Umf U, and the pair potential is obtained directly from the state PV ¼ NkBT that relates the pressure P, the volume V, the measurement of g(r). We acquire 3,000 images of particle numberÀÁ of molecules N and the temperature T,to N2a configurations of the colloidal gas to determine the average pair ðÞV À Nb P þ V2 ¼ NkBT (ref. 11). The finite molecule size correlation function at different , which we show in reduces the volume accessible to the molecules by Nb, where b B Fig. 2a, inset. An increasing peak arises at r 2.7r0 as the tem- indicates the volume around a single particle from which all other perature approaches Tc, indicating increasing particle attraction. particles are excluded. The attraction between molecules reduces 2 2 The resulting pair potentials U(r)/kBT ¼Àln g(r), shown in the pressure by N a/V , where a accounts for the attractive Fig. 2a, demonstrate an increasing attractive minimum as the potential of a particle due to the existence of all other particles. temperature approaches Tc. This minimum reflects the compe- While for molecular gases, values of a and b can only be inferred tition between the critical Casimir attraction, and the screened from macroscopic measurements, for our colloidal system, we can electrostatic repulsion of the particles. We consider the total pair determine the parameters a and b directly from the measured potential U ¼ Urep þ Uattr, where UrepðÞl  Arep expðÀl=lrepÞ is particleR pair potential and using 1 2 E the screened electrostatic potential associated with the charged a ¼À2p UrðÞr dr and b 0.5Vexcl (ref. 16), where the 16 r1 3 particles and Uattr is the attractive critical Casimir potential, excluded volume Vexcl ¼ (4/3)p(2r0) . These relations can be

3 2 0.0 ) r (

g 1 2 T


B 0 B k 0.32 60

0 2 4 6 k r / r / ) /

1 0 0 50

r –0.5 r 0.28 attr / ( attr U

attr 40 U A l 0.24 0 r0 30 0.20 –0.40 –0.35 –0.30 r –1 ΔT –1.0 0 123456 012345 r / r0 l/r0

Figure 2 | Measurement of the particle pair potential. (a) Temperature-dependent particle pair potential determined from the pair correlation function shown in the inset. The symbols indicate room temperature (black circles), DT ¼ 0.5 °C (red squares), 0.4 °C (green rhombi), 0.35 °C (blue hexagons) and 0.30 °C (magenta stars). The solid black line indicates the best fit with a screened electrostatic potential. (b) Attractive critical Casimir potentials extracted from the potential curves in a. Inset: range lattr (black-filled square) and amplitude Aattr (red open circle) of the critical Casimir potential as a function of DT. Dashed lines are guides to the eye.

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1584 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 | 3 & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 strictly derived for particles interacting with a hard-core should occur only for DT ¼ 0.30 °C, in agreement with our repulsion, followed by an attractive potential part for r4r1,by experimental observation (Fig. 1). Further confirmation of the summing the interactions over all particle pairs. Furthermore, model comes from comparison of the measured and predicted while for molecular gases, the value of a is temperature values of vliq and vgas. We determine the specific volumes of gas independent, and the only change with temperature occurs in and liquid particles from the measured volume fractions the thermal energy, kBT, for our colloidal system, temperature fliq ¼ 0.25 and fgas ¼ 0.005 and obtain vliq/b ¼ 1 and changes directly the value of a via the critical Casimir vgas/b ¼ 50, in good agreement with the predicted values interactions. We determine values of a by numerical integration vliq/b ¼ 1.25±0.31 and vgas/b ¼ 43±25 determined from Fig. 3. of the measured pair potentials (Table 1), and b from the Here, the error margin of the van der Waals isotherms has been measured particle radius, and plot the resultant P as a function of estimated from the error margin of the values of a and b due to V/Nb in Fig. 3. The values of a result in four isotherms. Red and the inaccuracy of the measured particle size, and the measured green curves show isotherms characteristic of a gas, whereas blue pair potential. Furthermore, the relative amount of liquid and gas and pink curves show non-monotonic functions indicating gas– is fliq ¼ 0.69 and fgas ¼ 0.31, again in good agreement with the liquid condensation. To pinpoint the equilibrium gas–liquid values fliq ¼ 0.72±0.1 and fgas ¼ 0.28±0.1 determined from coexistence, we construct horizontal tie lines that include equal Fig. 3. These results indicate that the van der Waals model areas with the isotherms18,19; these tie lines intersect the provides a quantitatively accurate description of the colloidal gas– isotherms at vliq and vgas, the specific volumes of equilibrium liquid equilibrium. We note that explicit measurement of the liquid and gas phases that bound the coexistence regime. The surface and bulk free energies20 indicates that the critical radius of model predicts that systems with average specific volume v within is 2–3 times smaller than the radius of the droplets the coexistence regime separate into phases with relative fraction analysed here; this suggests that indeed the bulk free energy term fliq ¼ðvgas À vÞ=ðvgas À vliqÞ and fgas ¼ðv À vliqÞ=ðvgas À vliqÞ.To starts to dominate the surface term, and the van der Waals theory test this prediction, we determine the average volume per particle for bulk gas–liquid coexistence might apply. using v ¼ b=4f, and indicate the resulting value v ¼ 12:5b with a The strength of the van der Waals model is its universality, as vertical dashed line. This value falls within the coexistence regime reflected in the principle of corresponding states. A wide range of of only the pink isotherm, indicating that gas–liquid coexistence molecular gases show the same behaviour when the parameters pressure, temperature and density are scaled by their values at the critical point. We can test for this principle by comparing the Table 1 | Temperature-dependent van der Waals coefficient. normalized gas and liquid densities in our colloidal system with the well-known universal behaviour of molecular gases. To do so, we determine the critical temperature Tc ¼ (8a/27bR) and critical T(°C) DT(°C) a(bkBT) density rc ¼ N/3b using the van der Waals parameters a and b, 51.70 0.5 0 and the universal gas constant R. We plot the rescaled 51.80 0.4 1.28 temperature T/Tc as a function of the rescaled gas–liquid density 51.85 0.35 3.67 B 51.90 0.3 5.25 difference in Fig. 4 inset. Here, we have taken T 325 K, the temperature of the experiment. Circles denote the gas–liquid Values of the van der Waals coefficient, a, for several temperatures. The values are determined equilibrium described above, and squares indicate gas–liquid by integration of the measured particle pair potential (Fig. 3 inset). equilibria obtained for a binary solvent with composition slightly closer to the critical composition. The solid line indicates the universal behaviour of a wide range of molecular gases18. This 0.2 line provides a very good fit to the colloidal data without any 1.5 adjustable parameters, indicating that this universal description 1.0 applies to the colloidal system as well. We can further test the

kT 0.5 correspondence between our colloidal and molecular systems by 21,22 ) / ) using the law of rectilinear diameters for the average density r

b 0.0 ( / U

T to determine the gas and liquid phase boundaries. We compare

B 0.1 –0.5 k the rescaled temperature as a function of rescaled density of the / ( –1.0 (symbols) with the universal behaviour of molecular gases P 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 r / r (solid lines) in the main panel of Fig. 4. Excellent agreement is 0 observed, suggesting close correspondence between the colloidal Peq system and molecular gases; this indicates that indeed the 0.0 principle of corresponding states applies to the colloidal systems 0 20 40 V V V as well. We note that, however, more data close to the gas–liquid liq V / Nb gas critical point are needed to strictly verify the corresponding critical scaling in the colloidal system. Figure 3 | van der Waals isotherms of the colloidal gas–liquid transition. Molecular gas–liquid condensation typically entails measure- van der Waals isotherms determined from the particle pair potential ment of the equilibrium vapour pressure, Peq(T). For our colloidal at DT ¼ 0.5 °C (red), 0.4 °C (green), 0.35 °C (blue) and 0.3 °C (pink). system, this pressure is small and difficult to measure. However, A transition from a gas (green and red isotherms) to gas–liquid coexistence we can estimate Peq from the intersection of the horizontal tie line (blue and pink isotherms) is predicted. Horizontal tie lines are constructed with the y axis. From Fig. 3, we find Peq ¼ 0.025(kBT/b) yielding according to the Maxwell rule of equal chemical potential, including an equilibrium vapour pressure of 2 Á 10 À 4 Pa, 109 times smaller equal areas with isotherms. Intersections with the isotherms delineate the than typical vapour of molecular gases at room gas–liquid coexistence regimes. Vertical dashed line indicates the temperature, which are of the order of B105 Pa, the atmospheric average volume per particle, v. Inset: enlarged section of the particle pair pressure. This difference reflects the 109 times lower colloidal potential at DT ¼ 0.35 °C illustrates the determination of the van der Waals particle density associated with the B103 times larger colloidal parameter a by integration. The lower integration boundary, r1,is particle diameter. Therefore, the gas–liquid transitions in the indicated by a dotted line. colloidal and molecular systems are comparable.

4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1584 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 | & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 ARTICLE

components upon heating to Tc ¼ 52.2 °C, the solvent phase-separation 1.0 temperature. This solvent was used for all results presented in this manuscript. In addition, in Fig. 4, we also include data from a binary solvent with 3MP mass fraction 0.28, to demonstrate a more diverse collection of data. 0.9

c Colloidal particles. To follow the aggregation due to critical Casimir forces

T 3 / deep in the bulk of the , we use particles whose refractive index and T c

0.8  density match closely with that of the solvent. Similar observations obtained with )/ g

 other particle materials show that the results presented here are general, and do not -

l 2

 26,27 ( depend on the specific particle material used. We use PNIPAM particles that 0.7 swell in the binary solvent. The swelling adjusts the particle refractive index 0.2 0.3 and density to match closely with that of the solvent in the swollen state, (1-T/Tc) preventing particle , and allowing direct observation of individual particles deep in the bulk. The particle size changes only weakly with temperature, 0123 B / and is constant in the temperature interval of interest here. At T Tc,the c B B particle radius is r0 250 nm, and the particle is 2%. The particles are labelled with a fluorescent dye that makes them visible under Figure 4 | Colloidal gas–liquid and comparison with fluorescent imaging. molecular gases. Normalized temperature as a function of normalized gas and liquid densities for the colloidal system (symbols) and for molecular gases (solid line). Open symbols indicate gas and liquid densities Observation of colloidal phase transitions. 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Reprints and permission information is available online at Acknowledgements reprintsandpermissions/ We thank P. Bolhuis and D. Bonn for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (‘VIDI’ grant) of the Netherlands Orga- How to cite this article: Nguyen, V.D. et al. Controlling colloidal phase transitions with nization for Scientific Research (NWO) (P.S.). critical Casimir forces. Nat. Commun. 4:1584 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2597 (2013).

6 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 4:1584 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2597 | & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.