Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Condensed Volume 2015, Article ID 683716, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/683716

Review Article Importance of Molecular Interactions in Colloidal Dispersions

R. López-Esparza,1,2 M. A. Balderas Altamirano,1 E. Pérez,1 and A. Gama Goicochea1,3

1 Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Autonoma´ de San Luis Potos´ı, 78290 San Luis Potos´ı, SLP, Mexico 2Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad de Sonora, 83000 Hermosillo, SON, Mexico 3Innovacion´ y Desarrollo en Materiales Avanzados A. C., Grupo Polynnova, 78211 San Luis Potos´ı, SLP, Mexico

Correspondence should be addressed to A. Gama Goicochea; [email protected]

Received 21 May 2015; Accepted 2 August 2015

Academic Editor: Jan A. Jung

Copyright © 2015 R. Lopez-Esparza´ et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We review briefly the concept of colloidal dispersions, their general properties, and some of their most important applications, as well as the basic molecular interactions that give rise to their properties in equilibrium. Similarly, we revisit and hydrodynamic interactions associated with the concept of of colloidal . It is argued that the use of modern research tools, such as computer simulations, allows one to predict accurately some macroscopically measurable properties by solving relatively simple models of molecular interactions for a large number of . Lastly, as a case study, we report the prediction of rheological properties of brushes using state-of-the-art, coarse-grained computer simulations, which are in excellent agreement with experiments.

1. Introduction become an international business that generates billions of dollars annually; therefore there are current basic and applied British physicist Thomas Graham in 1861 invented the term research efforts devoted to their study and optimization [4]. “colloid” from the Greek word kolla,meaningglue.Graham The process of removing particles from waste to tried to classify the behavior of various chemicals with respect make it drinkable again, that is, removing the solute from the to their diffusion using membranes [1]. Over time, it has , is a major problem today, intimately related to public become clear that colloids should not be considered as a spe- health and environmental protection issues. Many industrial cialclassofchemicalsbutrathercorrespondtostatesinwhich processes generate waste in the form of colloidal suspensions, matter is associated, naturally or artificially, due to some which must be treated and purified before being released physical division. In general, colloidal systems are composed to the environment [5]. Moreover, colloidal dispersions are of a continuous medium and a dispersed . The case that important in academy, and their stability is the result of the concerns us is that the colloidal is one in which delicate balance of attractive and repulsive forces [6], which thecontinuousmediumisintheliquidstate(called“solvent”) give rise to complex phenomena of many-body interactions whereas the dispersed phase consists of solid particles (called that cannot be fully understood using ab initio theories except the“solute”).Thesizeofthesoluteparticlesrangesfrom for some simplified models. Hence, models have been pro- 𝜇 10 nm to 1 m approximately [2]. Some common examples of posed based on effective interactions and computer simula- colloidal are paints, , wastewater, and tion solutions [7]. [3]. Of course, there are colloidal systems in which the con- tinuous medium is solid or gaseous and the dispersed phase is a or a , but these systems are not the focus of this 2. Basic Interactions between work and therefore shall not be discussed. The present day Colloidal Particles importance of colloidal suspensions arises from the impact of their industrial applications in contemporary societies. The dominant attractive interaction in suspensions of col- A familiar example of a colloidal suspension, paints, has loidal particles is the van der Waals (vdW) interaction, which 2 Advances in


Figure 1: Model of interaction between colloidal particles of radius 𝑅 and solvent. The leftmost image represents a dispersion of colloidal particles (in red), coated with , which are dispersed with polymer chains (in yellow). The central image illustrates the size difference between the colloids (in gray) and the solvent (in cyan). Because of this size difference, colloidal particles can be considered as planar walls when modeling their interactions with the solvent, as shown in the rightmost image. is nevertheless short-ranged. It arises from the averaged + + + + + + + quantum fluctuations of the electric dipoles on the surface of + − − − particles [6]; it is a pair interaction that can be written as − + + + − − − − − + 𝐴 𝑅 2 − + − 𝑈 (𝑟) =− ( ) , (1) + − vdW 12𝜋 𝑟 − + + − − − 𝐴 𝑅 − + − where is the so-called Hamaker constant, is the radius of − + − − + + + the colloidal particles (see Figure 1) which are assumed to be + + + identical, and 𝑟 is the distance between them. The value of 𝐴 + depends on the of both the solvent and the colloidal Figure 2: Two colloidal particles (large spheres) in suspension, particles [6]. showing the distribution of (small circles) around them, which Electric charges are usually present on the surface of give rise to screening of the long range electrostatic interaction, colloids as well, and such basic interaction must also be yielding (2). accounted for when studying colloidal suspensions. One should recognize that this interaction is expected to be differ- ent from the bare Coulomb interaction, because the colloidal particles are dispersed in a liquid medium, which modifies it. Overbeek), see the solid line in Figure 3. A salient aspect of A useful expression for the electrostatic interaction in col- the DLVO potential is that it develops a repulsive barrier loidal suspensions, 𝑈𝐸, is [6]: 𝐸 𝑆 of height max at certain relative position max between 𝐸 ≫𝑘𝑇 𝑅 2 the centers of mass of the colloids. When max 𝐵 , 𝑈𝐸 (𝑟) =4𝜋𝜀 𝜓0 exp (−𝜅𝑟) , (2) 𝑟>𝑆 2 + 𝑟/𝑎 those particles whose relative separations are max are very unlikely to agglomerate, due to Brownian motion for where 𝜀 is the dielectic constant of the liquid medium, 𝜓0 example. The colloidal suspension is, therefore, kinetically is the electrical potential on the colloids’ surfaces, and 𝜅 is stable. When the separation between the particles is relatively known as the Debye-Huckel¨ constant. The latter is defined as short, they are likely to fall into the primary minimum dom- [6]: inated by the vdW attraction (1), leading to the irreversible 𝑒2 ∑𝑛 𝑧2 2 of the suspension. There is, of course, a contin- 𝜅=( 𝑜𝑖 𝑖 ) , (3) uous relative-separation distance distribution of the particles 𝜀𝑘 𝑇 𝐵 at any finite temperature, with some of those distances being large enough to avoid agglomeration. However, the peak of where 𝑒 is the fundamental unit of charge; 𝑛𝑜𝑖 is the concen- such distribution will be at distances where the energy is at tration and 𝑧𝑖 the valence of ions of type 𝑖,and𝑘𝐵𝑇 is the its minimum, and as time progresses more and more particles thermal energy. Equation (3) represents the inverse of the characteristic decay length of the screened electrostatic inter- will fall into that minimum energy state. Given a large enough action; see Figure 2, which should be expected to depend on period of time all particles will move toward their global the of electric charges in the medium. Both the minimum energy state, leading to the flocculation of the 𝐸 vdW and electrostatic interactions are illustrated in Figure 3 suspension, although the energy barrier max may be large by dotted lines. enough to prevent such event from happening during a long Since both of these interactions are usually present in enough period of time for the suspension to be practically most colloidal suspensions, the complex interplay between stable. To further increase the kinetic stability period of them has been studied for several decades, giving rise to the suspension, polymer chains are typically grafted on the a compounded potential interaction function, known as colloids’ surfaces, which introduces an additional repulsive the DLVO potential (after Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and force at short interparticle distances [6]. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 3

U(r) between particles coated with polymeric brushes on the 𝑦- axis as a function of the distance between the particles UE(r) (𝑥-axis), illustrates how repulsion appears when distances Repulsive between polymeric brushes are short (leftmost curve). By barrier, Emax increasing the length of the polymer chains, maintaining the fixed number of chains per unit area on the particles, the repulsion also increases (middle curve). Finally, if the length of the chains is kept fixed but the grafting density of chains per increases, the repulsion is even higher (rightmost curve). 0 S r max 3. Hydrodynamic and Brownian Interactions in Colloidal Suspensions

U (r) So far we have discussed some of the most important interac- Primary vdW tions in colloidal suspensions in equilibrium, that is, when minimum there are no external forces applied to the system, so that none of the thermodynamic properties are time dependent. When an external force acts on the suspension, the hydro- Figure 3: The competition between the electrostatic repulsion, dynamic and Brownian forces are predominant (at finite 𝑈 (𝑟) 𝑈 (𝑟) temperature). 𝐸 , and the van der Waals attraction, vdW ,leadstotheso- called DLVO interaction (solid line), which develops a repulsive 𝐸 𝑆 barrier of height max at the position max.Adaptedfrom[3]. 3.1. Hydrodynamic Forces. This force appears in a colloidal suspensionasaresultoftheflowofsolventandoriginatesa change in the dynamics of the particles dissolved. Figure 6 illustratesthecasewhereacolloidalparticleissubjectedto hydrodynamic forces. Whentheparticlesarecoatedwithapolymerlayer,which The hydrodynamic force can be calculated assuming that can occur by physical adsorption or when the polymers are (a) the flow is steady, so that the velocity V𝑜 in Figure 6 is anchored by means of chemical bonds, a repulsive force constant; (b) the viscous forces dominate over the inertial arises at short distance between them [6]. This happens as a ones; (c) there are no external forces other than that causing result of the tendency of the polymer layers to become more theflow.Inthatcase,theforceonthecolloidalparticleisgiven compact, instead of mixing with the neighboring particle. The by [9, 10] mechanism that gives rise to this repulsion is entropic and can be understood, for example, by the following argument. 𝐹𝐻 =6𝜋𝜂𝑎V0, (4) Suppose two surfaces from neighboring particles are coated with polymers grafted to the surfaces by only one end, where 𝜂 is the intrinsic viscosity of the fluid, considered here as forming “polymer brushes.” When two particles coated with a continuous medium. Equation (4) is also known as “Stokes polymeric brushes approach, steric repulsion arises, which is drag” in honor of George Stokes, who derived it in 1851, and the result of two factors, schematically shown in Figure 4. it should be stressed that it is valid only when the colloidal The first of them, shown in Figure 4(a), is the saturation of particles are sufficiently far apart so that the hydrodynamic polymers in the region where brushes overlap, which induces interaction between those particles can be neglected. If the −3 2 an increase in the local osmotic pressure as a result of the medium is water (𝜂≈10 Ns/m ), the hydrodynamic drag disparity in of polymer and solvent. The other force experienced by a particle of one micron that moves at a factor takes place when the polymer chains in the region rate of one micron per second will be 𝐹𝐻 ≈20fN. between two particles that are very close to each other cannot take as many possible conformations as when they are far 3.2. Brownian Motion. Brownian motion is characterized by apart, which is known as the “excluded volume effect” (see erratic motions driven by the temperature of the fluid and Figure 4(b)) [7]. results from collisions between the molecules of the solvent, This reduction in the degrees of freedom, or loss of which is no longer considered a continuous medium. Hence, entropy, is equivalent to an increase of the free energy of the with increasing temperature the Brownian collisions also system, which is not thermodynamically favorable. Therefore, increase. The mean energy per particle due to Brownian the particles tend to separate to reduce the increase in free motion assuming identical and perfectly spherical particles energy. The collective result of this mechanism is to produce is 𝐸 = (3/2)𝑘𝐵𝑇. Therefore, the characteristic Brownian force an effective repulsion between the particles, as illustrated in acting on a colloidal particle at a certain temperature can be Figure 5, which shows that factors such as an increase in the written (up to a factor of order one) as 𝐹𝐵 ≈𝐸/𝑎;namely, density of grafted polymers per unit area per particle or the size of the polymer chains contribute to the stabilization of the 𝑘 𝑇 𝐹 = 𝐵 . (5) colloidal suspension. Figure 5, which shows the interaction 𝐵 𝑎 4 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics

(a) (b)

Figure 4: Stabilization of colloidal particles by steric repulsion. (a) Increased local osmotic pressure. (b) Excluded volume effect. Adapted from [3]. Colloidal particles are shown in purple; polymers are the gray chains with red heads.

0 E z

D x

r Figure 7: Deformation of a fluid element composed of colloidal particles (gray) suspended in a continuous medium (green). The Figure 5: Interaction energy (𝐸) as a function of distance (𝑟) fluid element is being deformed by an external force, which estab- separating colloidal particles due to the steric hindrance caused by lishes a steady flow with velocity V0 between two separated surfaces brushes of grafted polymer layers on their surfaces, increasing the by a distance 𝐷. The particle’s dynamics, in purple, is affected by length of the polymer, that is, the degree of polymerization and the collisions with its neighboring particles. number of grafted chains per particle. Adapted from [8].

x and therefore is comparable to the Brownian strength or may be even less, depending on the density of the colloids. The Fluid study of the rheological properties of colloidal suspensions becomes complicated when the particle concentration is high 0 enough for collisions to occur frequently between them, when the particles are not spherical and when additives like polymersarealsopresent.Wefocushereonarheological property, namely, the viscosity, which we briefly discuss in Colloidal particle what follows.

Figure 6: Colloidal particle of radius 𝑎 immersed in a fluid, which moves in the 𝑥-direction at a constant speed V𝑜. 4. Viscosity of Simple fluids For an operational definition of the viscosity of a fluid, consider an element of it that consists of a cubic volume. This The contribution of Brownian motion is more pro- element is subjected to external forces, which deform it into nounced for particles whose size is of the order of 1 𝜇mor ∘ a parallelepiped shape, with the deformation increasing with less; for example, at a temperature of 25 Cthemagnitude time. Figure 7 schematically shows this system. In the fluid of the Brownian force is about 4 fN; see (5). This type of contained between two parallel surfaces shown in Figure 7 motion is known as a random walk whose length is given the upper plate moves with constant velocity V0 in the 𝑥 direc- bythenumberofcollisions,𝑁,timesthediameterofthe tionwhiletheoneatbottomremainsstationary.Atspeedslow colloidal particles [8]. Note that up to this point the influence enough to avoid turbulence, the flow will be parallel to the of in a colloidal suspension has not been discussed. plates. Local velocities in the direction of the flow𝑥 ( )vary 2 3 Assuming that the particles have a density 𝜌∼10kg/m linearly along the distance perpendicular to the plates, being and that they are perfectly spherical with a radius equal to zero at the lower plate since it does not move, and V0 at the top 1 𝜇m, the gravitational force that acts on them is about 4 fN plate. Therefore, there is a velocity gradient in the direction Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 5 perpendicular to the plane of the plates, which is assigned to (DPD) [13]. The main distinction between DPD and micro- the 𝑧-axis; such gradient can be written as scopic molecular dynamics simulations [14] is that the force acting between any two particles 𝑖 and 𝑗 in DPD is given not 𝑑V𝑥 V0 𝐶 𝐷 = = 𝛾.̇ (6) only by a conservative force (F𝑖𝑗 ), but also by dissipative (F𝑖𝑗 ) 𝑑𝑧 𝐷 𝑅 and random (F𝑖𝑗 ) forces. The total force acting on any given ̇ In (6) the ratio V0/𝐷 has been defined as 𝛾,whichiscalled pair of particles is the sum of these three forces: the“shearrate”anditisconstantifthedistancebetweenthe 𝑁 plates (𝐷)andthespeedatwhichthetopplatemoves(V0)are F = ∑ [F𝐶 + F𝐷 + F𝑅]. constant. Togenerate flow it is necessary to apply a force to the 𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝑗 (8) 𝑖=𝑗̸ top plate shown in Figure 7, 𝐹𝑥𝑧,wherethefirstsubscript(𝑥) represents the direction of force and the second, (𝑧), indicates The conservative force is given by a soft, linearly decaying thattheforceisappliedintheplanenormaltothe𝑧-axis. The function and it is repulsive: force required to move the top plane at V0 velocity is propor- tional to the area of the plane 𝐴,sothatthedynamicswillbe {𝑎 (1 − 𝑟 ) ̂r 𝑟 ≤𝑟, defined by the force per unit area, also known as shear stress, 𝐶 𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝑗 ij 𝑖𝑗 𝑐 F𝑖𝑗 = { (9) 𝜎𝑥𝑧. Newtonian fluids are then defined as those which obey 0𝑟>𝑟, { 𝑖𝑗 𝑐 the following relation [11]: ̂ 𝑑V where rij = ri − rj, 𝑟𝑖𝑗 =|rij|, rij = rij/𝑟𝑖𝑗 , 𝑟𝑖𝑗 is the magnitude 𝜎 =𝜂 𝑥 = 𝜂𝛾.̇ (7) 𝑖 𝑗 𝑎 𝑥𝑧 𝑑𝑧 of the relative position between particles and ,and 𝑖𝑗 is the intensityoftherepulsionbetweenanypairofparticles.The In the above equation there appears the viscosity, 𝜂,of dissipative and the random forces are, respectively, thecomplexfluidinquestion.Thetypeofflowshownin 𝐷 𝐷 Figure 7 and described by (7) is called “Couette flow” [11]. F𝑖𝑗 =−𝛾𝜔 (𝑟𝑖𝑗 )[̂rij ⋅ vij] ̂rij (10) Those fluids for which 𝜂 does not depend on the shear rate, 𝛾,̇ 𝑅 𝑅 aredefinedas“Newtonianfluids,”whilethoseforwhichthe F𝑖𝑗 =𝜎𝜔 (𝑟𝑖𝑗 )𝜉𝑖𝑗̂rij, (11) viscosity is a function of the shear rate, 𝜂=𝜂(𝛾)̇ ,arecalled “non-Newtonian fluids.” When the viscosity decreases with where 𝜎 is the amplitude of the random force and 𝛾 is the coef- increasing shear rate, it is said that the fluid exhibits shear ficient of the viscous force. They are related in a way as follows: 2 thinning. There are also cases for which the viscosity increases 𝑘𝐵𝑇=𝜎/2𝛾,asamanifestationofthefluctuation,dissipa- with increasing shear rate; that behavior is called shear tion theorem [15]; 𝑘𝐵 is Boltzmann’s constant and 𝑇 the abso- thickening or [12]. lute temperature, vij = vi − vj is the relative velocity between Some familiar fluids such as , yogurt, or paints the particles, and 𝜉𝑖𝑗 =𝜉𝑗𝑖 is a random number uniformly exhibit pseudoplastic behavior. The viscosity of paints, for distributed between 0 and 1 with unit variance. The weight 𝐷 𝑅 example, decreases when the shear rate is increased, so that functions 𝜔 and 𝜔 vanish for 𝑟>𝑟𝑐 and are chosen for it costs less physical effort to apply it to a surface when the computational convenience to be (see [16]) speed of the brush or roller is increased. On the other hand, 2 when is completely wet, it behaves as a dilatant fluid or 2 𝑟 𝜔𝐷 (𝑟 )=[𝜔𝑅 (𝑟 )] = {(1 − 𝑖𝑗 ) ,0}. shear thickener: the higher the shear rate at which it flows, the 𝑖𝑗 𝑖𝑗 max (12) 𝑟𝑐 higher its viscosity. There are other important types of flows inadditiontoCouetteflow,butthosearebeyondthescope All forces between particles 𝑖 and 𝑗 vanish further than of this work. Additionally, there are also viscoelastic types of a finite cutoff radius 𝑟𝑐, which represents the characteristic flow, when the applied force is dependent upon frequency length scale of the DPD model and it is usually chosen as 𝑟𝑐 = so that the fluid responds to such force in a highly complex 1.Wechose𝜎=3and 𝛾 = 4.5 so that 𝑘𝐵𝑇=1[17]. manner [8]; those topics shall be left out of the present work The DPD model can be easily adapted to study fluids also. under confinement, by simply placing surfaces at the ends of the simulation box, say, perpendicularly to the 𝑧-axis, that 5. Modeling the Interaction between is, at 𝑧=0and 𝑧=𝐿𝑧. Various models for such effective Polymers and Surfaces surfaces have been used [18, 19], but for most purposes it is sufficient to use a simple, linearly decaying force so that itis Finally, we present briefly some recent trends on somewhat similar to the particle-particle force law shown in (9); namely, morerealisticmodelsofsuspensionswithsoftparticles.These 𝑧 efforts come mainly from molecular simulations, since the {𝑎 (1 − 𝑖 ) ̂z 𝑧 ≤𝑧 purely analytical approaches have proved to be extremely F (𝑧 )= 𝑤 𝑧 𝑖 𝑐 wall 𝑖 { 𝐶 (13) difficult to solve for many-particle systems. {0𝑧𝑖 >𝑧𝑐.

5.1. Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations. Among the The value of the cutoff distance 𝑧𝐶 is chosen as 1. The role most successful computer simulation tools used presently of the wall force in (13) is to act as a geometric constraint it is the technique known as dissipative particle dynamics for polymer chains and the solvent molecules. Polymer 6 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics

opposing polymer brushes, separated by a fixed distance of 45 A.˚ The “heads” of the brushes in the upper layer, shown as dashed circles in the left image in Figure 9, move from left to ∗ right at constant velocity V0 = 1.0, while those at the bottom ∗ surfacemovefromrighttoleftwithvelocityV0 = −1.0. This produces Couette flow. The area covered by the brushes 2 is 𝐴 = 2045 A˚ .Wemodeledthebrushesaslinearpolymers made up of 7 beads joined by harmonic springs with 𝜅0 = 100.0 and 𝑟0 = 0.7;see(14).TheconservativeDPDinteraction 𝑎𝑖𝑗 (see (9)) is set at 78.0 (in reduced DPD units) for particles of the same type: solvent-solvent and polymer-polymer. For solvent-polymer interactions, 𝑎𝑖𝑗 = 80.0;thishasbeenshown Figure 8: Illustration of the coarse-graining in DPD equal to four water molecules per DPD particle. to be a good model for polyethylene glycol in water [17]. To promote the adsorption of the polymers’ head to the surfaces the constant 𝑎𝑤 in (13) was set at 60.0, while for the rest of the polymer monomers and for the solvent 𝑎𝑤 = 120.0, molecules can be modeled as linear chains made up of all in reduced DPD units. DPD simulations in the canonical ∗ identical beads which are joined by freely rotating harmonic ensemble (at constant density 𝜌 = 3.0 and temperature springs: ∗ 2 4 𝑘𝐵𝑇 =1.0)wererunfor10 blocks of 2 × 10 time steps ∗ (𝛿𝑡 = 0.01) each, amounting for a total simulation time of F (r𝑖𝑗 )=−𝜅0 (𝑟𝑖𝑗 −𝑟0) ̂rij, (14) spring 0.02 𝜇s. Half of that time was used to equilibrate the system andthesecondhalfwasusedfortheproductionphase. where the spring constant is 𝜅0 and the position of equilib- rium is 𝑟0. As illustrated in Figure 8, among the advantages Keeping the separation between the opposing brushes 𝑁=7 of DPD is that it does not solve the motion of particles at the fixed, as well as the brushes polymerization degree ( atomic level, but rather at the mesoscopic level [20–23]. beads), we then proceeded to perform simulations at increas- Γ We have improved upon earlier models, especially for ing values of the polymer grafting density, , which is defined Γ the case of nonequilibrium simulations [24], as shall be asthenumberofpolymerchainspersubstrateunitarea. is exemplified in the following section. a variable that can be controlled experimentally; that is why wehavechosenit.Wecalculatedtwoproperties,namely,the viscosity (𝜂) of the fluid, defined by (7), and the coefficient of 5.2. Application to Polymer Brushes as Friction Reducing friction (COF), defined as 𝜇=𝐹𝑥/𝐹𝑧,with𝐹𝑥 being the force Agents. Some experiments carried out on polymers attached acting on the beads grafted to the surfaces (dashed circles by one of their ends to a surface, thereby forming “polymer in Figure 9) along the 𝑥-direction. The force in the direction brushes,” have shown that the friction coefficient between perpendicular to the surface is 𝐹𝑧 [21]. The results are shown surfaces covered with polymer brushes is considerably in Figure 10. smaller than the value obtained for bare surfaces [25]. This result has important potential applications, for example, in The COF shows a strikingly different behavior asa function of Γ from that displayed by the viscosity, as seen the design of lubricants, as slip and antiblocking agents in Γ , and in the pharmaceutical industry when designing in Figure 10. The latter increases monotonically with ,while and optimizing drug-carrying liposomes, to mention a few. theCOFisreducedbyalmostanorderofmagnitudewith increasing Γ, reaching its minimum at about Γ = 1.7 polymer However, the mechanisms that promote such reduction in 2 the friction coefficient when polymer brushes are added are chains/nm , after which the COF starts growing incipiently. not yet understood, which make of these systems attractive The minimum value of the COF is in excellent agreement with research subjects using computational simulations, particu- that found by Klein and coworkers on polymer brushes [25]. larly with DPD, given the scales of the experiments men- This model of polymer brush appears to be a very good slip tioned above. In what follows we report nonequilibrium DPD agent for grafting densities smaller than about 2 chains per simulations of polymer brushes grafted on soft surfaces under squared nanometer, although the viscosity of the fluid always steady (Couette) flow. The reason for modeling soft surfaces increases. The origin of this behavior rests on the fact that the is that we would like our results to be applicable to cells viscosity is proportional to the force acting perpendicularly 𝐹 and liposome covered with brushes under flow. Our model to the surfaces ( 𝑧, see also (7)); this force (per substrate for polymer brushes is illustrated in the left image shown in unit area) is the osmotic pressure of the confined fluid. Γ Figure 9, while the soft surface model is shown in the right When is increased, the osmotic pressure must also increase, image in Figure 9. One end of the polymer is bound to the sincethereareanincreasingnumberofpolymersinthe surface via a covalent bond (dashed circles). The constant volumeoccupiedbythesolvent.Forthemonotonicincrease force associated with each polymer is modeled with a har- in the viscosity with Γ, see the filled squares in Figure 10. By monic force of spring constant 𝑘.Thesolventmoleculesare contrast, the COF is defined as the ratio of the force along shown in red. the direction of flow (𝐹𝑥) over the force along the direction The simulation box is made of two parallel substrates perpendicular to it (𝐹𝑧); therefore, for moderate grafting placedattheendsofthesimulationboxonthe𝑥𝑦-plane, with densities the osmotic pressure dominates over the force on Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 7

Polymer brushes Soft substrate model F (z) w a Solvent w monomers

Polymer chains

zC Surface

z (a) (b)

Figure 9: (a) Model for polymer brushes grafted on a substrate. (b) A simple model for the soft surface effective interaction with the restof the fluid; 𝑎𝑤 is the magnitude of the interaction and 𝑧𝐶 is the cutoff distance, beyond which the surface interaction vanishes; see (13).

0.18 conditions so that an optimized friction reducing agent can 20 0.16 be designed and tested, using properly adapted algorithms for 18 0.14 many-particle systems. 16 0.12 14 cP) 6. Conclusions 0.10 12 9.64 10 We have reviewed the basic interactions and properties of COF 0.08 8 colloid dispersions in equilibrium, as well as hydrodynamic 0.06

6 ( Viscosity and Brownian forces. Emphasis was placed particularly on the 0.04 4 case of interactions between polymers and surfaces, which are systems of widespread current interest in the scientific 0.02 2 community. We focused also on the application of state- 0.00 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 of-the-art, coarse-grained computer simulations as tools to study those interactions in complex systems. This Number of chains (nm2) is illustrated with an application to the design and test of COF optimal friction reducing agents, whose rheological proper- Viscosity ties were predicted. This work should be useful for graduate Figure 10: The coefficient of friction (COF, filled circles) andthe students in physics, materials science, , and chem- viscosity (filled squares) of a fluid made up of two opposing polymer ical engineering wishing to get firsthand experience with brushes with degree of polymerization equal to 7 beads, immersed molecular interactions and their macroscopic consequences in a solvent, as functions of the grafting density of polymer chains. in complex fluids using relatively simple models and modern The error bars for the viscosity are smaller than the symbols’ size. research tools to solve them, such as computer simulations. Dotted lines are only guides for the eye. Conflict of Interests the beads moving along the flow, and the COF is reduced. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests However, as Γ is increased further, the number of solvent regarding the publication of this paper. molecules must be reduced because the number of polymers increases (to keep the total density constant). This means that Acknowledgments the layer of solvent molecules that was sandwiched between the opposing brushes, which eases the slip of one brush over A. Gama Goicochea acknowledges C. Avila,´ J. D. Hernandez,´ another, is also reduced. The consequence of this thinning of C. Pastorino, Z. Quinones,˜ E. Rivera, and M. A. Waldo for thesolventlayerisanincreaseintheforceofonebrushacting instructionalinput.A.GamaGoicochea,M.A.Balderas on another (𝐹𝑥), which translates as an increase in the COF Altamirano, and R. Lopez-Esparza´ thank IFUASLP for its at large Γ (see Figure 10). The advantage of performing DPD hospitality and Universidad de Sonora (UNISON) for per- simulations is evident from the discussion above, since one missiontorunsimulationsintheirOcotillo cluster. R. Lopez-´ has total control over different variables and physicochemical Esparza thanks UNISON for sabbatical support. 8 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics

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