~ ESTABLISHED JUNE 28. 1863. TOL. PORTLAND SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 13,_ 1873._ TEBM8 tAOOPEB ASNlTlN ADTABCF. THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS CARDS._ REAL ESTATE. _HOTELS._ WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LET. miscellanenous. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the THE PRESS. PORTLAND P1BU8HINO CO., J. H. HOOPER, F. G. BEAL’S TO LET. henry Patterson's HOTEL, CLEWS & CO., Tenement Wanted. SMALL tennament in rent in SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 7878 At 109 Exchange St, Portland. good repair. 32 WALL UPHO LSTERER NORWAY. MA T.NE- A inquire at No.405 Congress Street. jnlSdlw* STREET. NEW YORK, Teum8: Eight Dollars a Year In advance. Real Estate Bulletin. 33 Tree The Beal’s Offer for .ale a Ital** and Nos. 31 and St., subscriber, having leased Board. a„mbcr of lhe Gqesip Gleanings. THE PRESS Hotel, one oi the best arranged houses in MAINE~STATE It is is 50 a iUvi.* Ju I of Real Eittate ments and refurnished, is SIX the city. References first class. Addn-s pleasant 3 a curious fact while are published every Thursday Morning at $2 MortsageN being entirely Street. YFRTIBLE SINKINU that, beaux year, if paid in at $2 00 a Parlor Suita, Lounges. iu I'ortl ud aud R<-nl Fatale prepared to take “RENT,” Press Office. jul2dlw* CCNU advance, year. Spring ricinity. permitted to go on in the are and sold. Rents collected. lw BONUS way they bent, Beds, Mattresses, bought Apply Summer GOLD Rates or Advertising : One iuch ot space, to Boarders and entire Jul*_ To be Let. belles are to in are — expected go the way they engMi of constitutes a Patent F. G. Families — OF THE column, “square.** JlcOonougli Bed Lounge*, Eu- PATTERSON, Rooms. Inquire at told. $• 50 per square tiist week; 75 cents per daily nmtled Real Estate and mortgage Broker, at a low is one of the FURNISHED No. 2 Tolman Place. w ek after; three iubertions, or $1 00; continu- Chain, &c. very price. The locality pleas- Tenement Wanted. less, orer Eowell’s Jewelry Ntore, antest In the establishment is & Min- ng every other day alter first week, 50 cents. State, a first class livery J"il___*tf_ Burlington, Cedar Rapids The one ap25dtf Cor. Congress Ar B own Sts. and its force of habit is Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; connected with ihe House, teams connect fully illustrated in the wook. after. isggflttf.rep;,lriDg with hH trains sit "outb Paris, one mile distant. To Let nesota Railway Line. ease of a $1 00; 50 cents ]>er week retired who he never Specia For All mail answered. milkman, says Notices, one third additional. Rcut* inquiries by promptly LARGE pleasant room suitable for a sees a can ?2 00 per square eight rooms in a central and desirable lo- At 90 and accrued lute real in currency. of water Under head of “Amusfments,** ROSS & on ONEGentleman and wife at 52 Free Street. without an almost STURDIVANT, The corner House in tlie new block Neal O. first class having per week; three insertions.or less $150* H. GREEN, Proprietor. ,^“ty. reference. Address Jun9 dlw* irresistible Brackett streets. Fne Bathing Room, are desire to Advertisements inserted in the Maine State lUjjjaud Jul2dlw RENT, Press Office. At which price they yield over 9 per cent., and put some milk In It. WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS G is and Possession _ Press” iwhVli has a circulation in every part J&lUJLWater closets, Sebago. Norway, May 15,1873. mylGdlm recoin mend oil as a large given immediately. Apply to F. G. PATTERSON, To strongly of the State) for $1 oo per square lor first insertion, Farm Let. 179 Commercial St., Portland. dealer iu Real Estate. j u3d2w Wanted Nafe and Profitable lurentmcat. Brown says he has aud 50 cents square for each subsequent inser- near the centra1 of the been over per In for tenements, part city* flitting the tion. exchange a new two-story to surface of Sole iu Maine for the sale of house TWOApply W. W. CARR, This is a ion under the thing, long all communications to agents and shipment Commercial in Portland, now renting f >r Railway corjiorat organized enough, and he is now Addros House on New for Sale ! House, ju7dtf 3 Exchange street. laws of the of PORTLAND the Celebrated Coal mined Harn- High St. $300 a year. Will accommodate two State Iowa, which is he most prosper- to work to lead PUBLISHING CO. by Meters. going such a life that seats families; localed. ous State in the Northwest, 'xjing the only State In at ett Neill & of Cor. pleasantly Anply funeral will be at Co., Philadelphia. Cross and Fore Sts. to W. II. JERR1S. Real Estate To Let. the Union free from i»kbt. The Minnesota Di- his a premium. We have also lor Bale at lowest 2I story house containing 17 finished running from to Austin, market price, junl2*dlw Rooms with board for Gentle- vision, Burliugton, Iowa, BUSINESS ANEWrooms with closets and clothes presses, aud every single a distance of 200 was in CARDS. ilkutbarrc, Scranton, and Pittston man or Gentlemen ->ud wives. Minnesota, miles, completed l) Lackawanna, modern cellar and sewerage; Maine. PLEASANT 1872. and earned av- from the of New York. Ves- improvement.; good Portland, No. Februarx, daring that year an A is to be Coals, shipped vicinity house he ted furnace. Lot 33 x 92. This is a rare Board cl's Wanted. jun7dtf 163, corner Elm and Oxford Streets. of clergyman reported •ielH tl for the from by erage $83,0<)0 per month, being a monthly increase authority proem tranportation of coals for a to a of a of opportunity purchaser buy good piece This House built since the great Fire, has ENTLEMEN BOARDERS can be accomodated of $35,000 on the earnings of 1H71. The earnings fbr for the statement that convention of bald- CHAS. J. port shipment any point desired. tfapr27 locate1. G. SCHUMACHER, property, centrally Apply to F. PAT- boon leased by the nndersigued, V* at iso, 6 Chestnut Street. To Let. 1873 are estimated to exceed $1,500,000, or more than dealer in Real [recently juul2dlw* headed men is soon to be held in TERSON, Estate. Ju3d2w and extensive alterations are now being $12-5,000 per month. T* e iluaukee Division, from Boston for [Establishe 1847.*| SMALL tenement of 5 room* in the upper part made, which when completed will make the Cedar to Posrvllle, on the Milwaukee and St. Boy Wanted A of house 22 Braiutnll St., to a family without Rapids the purpose of reviving the old wig party. For House one of the most couveuieut, and well Paul Railroad, a distance of It# FRESCO Sale. learn the Auction and ommis'don business, children. Gas and a plenty of good water. miles, posses through PAINTER, DALTON &INDERSOLL, arranged in the State. Will We entirely nnova'ed, one of the richest sections of tl»e State of Iowa, and double tenement Houses on Cotton street— TObalarv $2.00 week for ihe first six months. Jn3*2w new Furiflture added, and kept as a Hotel be per funddiing an outlet to Milwaukee and the lakes. Wholesale Dealers in No. 13, two five rooms each—No. jthould ABRAM & The Atlanta Sun (Alexmder H. TWO tenements, 9, kept Will easily accommodate One Hundred and BROS., The Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota (Ga.) 5 Block, two tenements, seven rooms each. Also House No. Auction Rooms 125 Federal uu.Ur L. S. Hotel. Rooms to Let Beeping Fifty Guests. The Beading Room will be supplied st., Rail wax* bonds have been admitted to the New York Stephens. thinks there Is 28 Bramball street, arranged for one or two families; Congressmen elect) Plumbers’ with every bally Paper published in the State, Open INTO. 3 COTTON Stock and are dealt in and quoted on AT Supplies! lot 40x113, on tiro streets. This is J«1!__tf_ STREET. Excjiange, dally more buncombe in SCIIUIUACUEK BROA HERS. fronting property June 1st, 1873. *7 the official lists, thus furnishing dealers an advantage than wisdom the remarks newly finished ana in complete order, and will be aprlt> d5mo INos. 17 & 19 Union Boston. WM. F. enjoyed bv few of the now issues of Bonds. St., sold as the health of the owner demands a of HUSStjlt WANTED I tf_ Railway of the press the of in- change Recently Clerk Augusta House. The entire loan has been sold, except about $300,- concerning impropriety climate. Apply to LEON M. BOivDOIN or G. more sale, at Rooms to Let. girls 000, which wo now offer, to cl se it out. creasing the President’s Plumbers* Earthenware a Specialty* Real Estate and Broker. TERMS 84.00 PER DAY. F. salary. PATTERSON, Mortg. ge TWO LATNER’S, Ill WO gentlem- u an 1 their wives aud two or three All marketable securities taken in at cur- iTiiTLAMsoKT my5 fcf mayl6 dtf exchange Iron Noil Pipe and Pitting*. ■Iel0~_315 Cougress Street. i single gentlemen can he accommodated with rent prices, without commission. Hath rooms Copper Teh*. pleasant aud board at No. 75 Free Street. For sale in Portland by A young lady student of startling Copper Bath Boiler*—30 to 100 gallons. Hotel For Sale or Lease. WEBSTER Wanted. tf genius, PHOTOGRAPHER, Bra** &: HOUSeT may9__ who attends Plated Faucet*—every variety, for immediately a competent Loaf Bread Ripon College, lately declined water, s'earn and gas. ^ The well and favorably known Baker. Slotise to Rent or Robt. A. Bird, 382 HANOVER BOSTON WANTED Satisfactory references required. To Lease. the Latin In No. 152 middle Street. Brr** & linoB. BAK*K UdUME, ST., a mall a pronoun, hie, the Pipe Fitting*—full VrcfeL* good steady job and good wages will be upper tenement of honse No. 31 following Kak* cy pleasantly located at Yarmouth, un miles Emery St., 97 Exchange Street. manner: at given. THEconsisting of six r.suns. all situ- “Hie, b*c, h ic, PORTLAND, HK. tUf**AU Manufacturers' prices to the trade only from Portland. The train* of the Grand Also 2 very pleasantly ap26dtf hug-us, hug-us, The refitted and young men from 10 to 20 vears old, those ated; with Gas aud Sebago Water. Ase. Illustrated Catalogue* and Price List, 600 Trunk road stop within a few rods of the Proprietor having refurnished this used to the hug-us.” shoving Baking bus'ness on the Copying and enlarging done »o order. furnished to customers. bouse. Terms favorable. to the Hotel, respectfully solicits the patronage of tho>c vis- preferred. inquire premises. drawings, mylfieodlm very Apply propri- jiiOtf RICE & C ALDER 22 Anderson St. etor on the or Wm. H. Real Estate iting Boston or business or pleasure. Terms: Rooms WOOD, apvlUdtl H. GREEN. All the new Modallion. premises, Jerris, _WILLIAM BOSTON LEAD styles, Berlius, Rembrants, Portland. md full board, $2 per day. Rooms without board, CO., The Saturday Review says there is a he Porcelain, or Mezzotint and the retouched Agent, myl9-lm* help- card, for each person, 75c. to $1. This bh Nat’l Laws exist. large good repair. Land Point keep her down. Isn’t that rather too impress- Chas. H. tending through from one street to another, making Hotel, Wautcd. PIPE. TIN-LINED IRON PIPE Bank, Chicago; Mathews,Capitalist.Schen- Rocky PIPE, ive for truth ? V. J. «. Winsl \v & it all available for man to drive a Bread edady, Y.; Co., Cortland, Me.; Assignments made and sent tor recard. Cart. Satisfacto- and FITTINGS, PUMPS, Ac.. Ac. S A. Yice-Pres. Franklin Bank. HOUSE LOTS RHODE ISLAND. ALIVEry references at Briggs, Chicago; Consul'a im personally or by letter free. Letters requested, G. H. Hotni^r, N. & Jackson, BLAKE’S Onr Pure White both Lcckiiort, Y.; Piiinuey promptly answered. and will shortly be wanted for tW purpose. It will BAKERY, I.ead. dry and ground in oil, The late Mr. John Stuart Portland. Me. mv21dtf Street. wo Mill added music apil2dtf Models and Drawings nirnisbed. be divided into two or more lots h desired. of Congress warrant to be alrictly parr, and guarantee Season 1873. that tor to his other Extensions, Re-issuos, Interference and Disclaim- If not sold before June 1st, it will be sold at auc- ICE HOUSE, MARKET ST., fineness, body and durability, it i* not sur- acquirements. Not only was he SCRIBNER & JORDAN, ers attended to at living prices. tion. Coat and Pant Machine Girls want- passed by any Lead in the market, either foreigu or a keeu critic, but his Examinations made and as to the For at ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. American. playing and opinions given terras, etc., en-iuire Cushman's Fruit store. — AJSD — Improvisa- patentlbilitv of inventions. inyj.jdArw.im No. 306 Cougress street. ed at t3T*In orde- to protect ourselves, we have adopted tion was, says the Musical Standaid, distin- PATENT AGENTS, This well known and popular Summer Resort situ- as ourt ade-mark an eight-poinied red star, with myl3tf ated ou refined taste Narragansett Bay. between the cities of Prov- 32 EXChANGii ST., corporate sesil in the centre. This is or. every pack- guished by and striking 74 and MORGAN original- MIDDLE, COE., EXCHANGE ST., BUSINESS DIRECTORY. idence Newport, will be open tor the reception of SMITH, & BUTLER’S. age of our Pare Lead. None genuine witoout it ity. FOR SALE* cueets June 25tli. To meet the gl demands of Pure Icc for POHTLAND, MAINE. owing •dtf supplied all purpos- No. 2 Deering St. Lot 30x110 feet. In- the public, the capacity of the House has been in- for at No. 12 Elm street tne creased since last season, by the addition of a num- W. F. & Agency Sewing Machines. HOUSEquire between hours WANTED es, and .u any quantity at the Phillips Co., The first woman to bold a In of 8 a. m. aud 2 m. ber of rooms, all airy, and furnished. professor hip SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO EEJECT- »• s. No. St. All p. JuoSdtf lar^e, newly DYER, ill Middle A new Restauraut of an I a Mexican ED kinds increase seating capacity Custom Coat and Test LOWEST AGENTS FOB THE college is Senorita who of Machiom for Rale aud to let* has Makers at BATES. CO. Lozano, apro_ CASES._eodtf also been added, Eight steamboats a nay from api4 Repairing. For Sale or To Let* Providence and ». HATBIAS & CO., lately obtained, on her merits and In JAMES G’DONNELL. Newport. For information in regard alone, etc., my20tf 98 street. 46 & 48 MIDDLE ST. No. 53 Spring St., near Park. Will be togterins, address, Exchange competition with three men, the vacant chair Bakers. about DRUGGISTS STAND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, HOUSEready Juno 15th. For particular* en- feb!8lvTT&S of In the W. € COBB,N«.‘3Sand :<0Pearl Street- quire of QEO. E. DAVIS, 84 Commercial St. City Hotel, Proridence, R. l.[ English female college of Calle San- On CUTTERS ha* removed to direct route between New (u-foni julltf WANTED, BIKBOnc, BBOTHER8, ta Ca„arina. House ami Post Office, near the Market. L. H. HUMPHREYS, FOR SALE ! — AT — NO. 841-3 NIDDI.E STBi:BT, Real Estsfte tor Sale* CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, Booksellers and Stationers. HOUSE at No. fl Ta^e and One of the very best stands in the city Poor (2nd door below Canal Bank.) Street, lot extend- Proprietor. SMITH, MORGAN & BUTLER’S. Dotcn’n Planing 31ill, font of Crass Mt. Matilda Heron once the much-ap- HOYT, FOGG & BREED, No. 91 Middle THEing through on Brackett street, with Stable. ju2 d2w MAIN K. myI7_ dtf for a is on the corner of Fore plauded and “CamH e” PORTLAND, Street. Also, a lot of 10 acres of Hay Field wilh a good Druggist, enlarged #ur shop and fitted it up with only of the American Bam Bitnated in on tbe Pnine road near HAVINGthe latest improved machinery (by the aid of Scarboro, Rooms Wanted. and India which is now offered stage, but now broksu in af- C.mmlsEioner of deed* for the several State*. Book Hubbard Libby’s, ab >ut 6 miles from Portland. The Streets, wbi« h we are enabled to get out our wo’k accurately heart, spirits, Binders. OCEAN HOUSE! a of feblO above will be sold at a bv pleasant part the ciiy. furnished or unfur- aud we are now to laae con- fections and has written a WML# A. Room property bargain applying for Sale. expeditiously,) prepared future, terrible QUINCV, 11, Printer’s to MRS. T. E. STUART, No. 664 IN nisbed, with or without board. tracts cl any size in the building line. Plans and (Vo# 111 St. Washington street, Address E. book about men which no is Exchange, Exchange corner of Pine, Boston, Mass, B., 37 Browu St., Portland. specifications prepared at a reasonable pn e. We publisher willing JOHN O. WINSHIP. For particulars inquire of can SMALL A 8HACKFORD, No. 35 Plum myl d2m inay!4tf immediately on the shortest possible notice furnish the win- to briug lorth. Street. This old and popular Sea-Side House is Lufkin dow and door frame* and all the inside and outside & Co., No. 2 Woodman Block. finish for at Law, Store and Stock of now opened for tne season. Experienced any description of building. Those about Attorney Goods for Sale* side house* take note of ihe Carpenters and Builders. JOSEPH P. CHAMBERLIN, erectingsea please above. Providence has no intention of in the pleasant and thriving of MRS. ELIZA A. CUSHMAN. We have superior facilities for the manufacture of in- consoclatiug WHITNEI & Pearl village junlOdlf Pioprietor. Coat, Pant and Vest Makers 100 EXCHANGE ST., MEANS, (Street, op. SITUATEDHarrisou, Maine, at the head of steamboat nav- side blinds, and will furnish them all and two disconnected Park. il 1873. palmed possibly phenomena, bat ponite igation. Store large and convenient, and favor- WANTED AT Portland, Apr IS, aprl dtf hung quick metre. We make a of long specialty building It cannot retrain from Ataine. ably known a** the Francis Blake Siam', and one of KIRKWOOD HOUSE and seiting up machinery, and would be happy to re- observing that since a Portland, Dentists. the best locations for trade in SMITH, MORGAN & ceive calls from who Cumberland countv, BUTLER’S, paries using power contemplate sausage factory has been iu operation within jull dim PK. W. It. with wharf and store house. Stock with a change of quarters, or that need any service in JOHNSON, orcr H. II. Bay’.. bought Scarboro Cor. Middle & PRINTERS’ may its cash and well adapted to the trade. Also the house Beach, Oak Hill, jf e. Market Sts, this line. We are also prepared to contract for ihe limits there are fewer cats apr25dtf certainly about in which I live, pleasantly located, with about acre manufacture ot patented articles on more favorable than ARETAS Dye-House. } This known and NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP there used to be. SRURTIEFF, of land. Tbe above property will be sold with or favorably popnlar Sea- terms than any one in the city. Side now F. NYMONDI, India St. Velvet Cloak. without he goods at a resort is reopened for -«><*e».t- ... Ifaihieil WILLIAM BL'KKOWt S. J. W. great bargain and on very undersign have this day foimed a BLBROWE.8. No. 6 Moulton. Street, dye«l aud finished# ea*v terms. 11 nor v lon of i»ermaneut and transient for copart- previously sold the nl estate guests MAN who understands repair!^ Furniture. THEnei>lii|» and will continue the busiuess of tf will be ottered at the season of 1873. my!3__ There is a in New York POR'rLAND, MIC., FOSTER’S Dye*V»nRe, i)4 Union Street.* public auction on the day of A Apply at 1‘25 Federal St. publican city who 1873. For further i OTIS KALER & BOOK AND JOB PRINTING August, particulars address SON, Proprietors. apr23 tl maintains his father as a snow — — iun9 aged about the WILL SELL ON Furniture--Wholesale and Retail. J. H. ILLSLEY. im n all its oranclies, in the best style, and at fair prices, READY MADE Harrison, June 7, 1873. Ju9dlw&w4w24 ... at place. The old man is near ninety, hasn’t WAI TER COKEY & CO., No. No. 1 Excbaiuiciitrrct CONflVLlBSIOTsT! Arcade, WANTED! Corner Fore. to bed sober IN Free Street. A share oi business is elicited. SUITS gone tor sixty years, and is bale GEORGE For Sale. aud ALE KINDS REAL ESTATE. A. WHITNEY, No. 16 Ex- UNQUESTIONABLY Harmon & hearty now, which is a house on State COAT MAKERS AT Cuish-ing Jerris great encourage- change S(. IJphol.teriug of all kind. Street, occupied bv the un- CHESIEY’S, At less than Manufacturers’ Prices. '—ALSO — Tliis house is WM. H. CUSHING ment to customers. done to order. THEdersigned. thoroughly built of mch2jdtf I«» niDDLt (STREET. brick and stone and has all modern conveniences. The Best Known and Most PHINKAS F. HARMON. Suits, *#.50, $7.50, $0.00 $12 Thoroughly WM. A. JEliRJS $10, Negotiate Loans on Mortgages ! Furniture and Honse Hoods. ALLEN HAINES. Tested $13.50, $15. $16.50, $18, $20 Furnishing Portland, Sep. 18th, 1872. sepl9-tf Portland May 1 1873. jun6d3w aprltj_ dtf BKNJ. ADAitlS,cor. Exchange and Fed- EDUCATIONAL. $22.50, $25, $28, $30aud 32. Puzzling inscription—The young ladies of eral Streets. a country seminaiy are puzzled over the ex- JOST & HOOPER A House for KEILER, EATON, Old Post Office, Sale! FAMILY Please bear in mind that these act oi Exchange Street. GAS STOVES. mcauing the loilowing inscription, re- KIVINITY SCHOOL snits are all well FRESCO E. F. HOITT, No. Tf Preble Street. two-story house. No, 8 Carleton Street. This made, and for cently discovered on the wall of the PAINTERS, Up- WOULD inform tbe building, holstering done to order. THEhouse is in good repair, is well located in a good respectfully public generally finish and are —OF— a style, durability ladies Has a water and I that I have good assortment of “Young should set good examples, for Office 134 Middle St., up stairs. neighborhood. good cellar, gas SEWING MACHINE to custom Furniture and throughout. equal work. young men will follow them.” Upholstering. Can be seen any altemoon between the hours of 2 Gas Stoves PORTLAND, ME. DAVID W. DEANE, No. S» Federal 8t. and 4. Harvard for and 171 Fore Street. All hind, ofCphoI. and For University. cooking heating purposes. Specially adapted Orders may he left at F. F. Hale’s picture gallery ,-ring Repairing further information apply to for In hot At the done to order. For all kinds ol or cooking weather. Police Corretiounelle. The ana O. M &F. P. Brooks’, No. 333 Congress St. iny27tf ED WA RD P. CHASE, No. 3 Oak St. work, heavy light, and the most SCHOOL Is lo oi all Presi- popular. open persons denomina- J. F. SISK. C5F*A II Orders promptly alt n«fed to. THIStions. aid Is afforded to those who dent: You know that the made Hair Hoods and Pecuniary charge Toilet Articles. are needy aud deserving. Tho next Academic Year J. KINSMAN, Jm>_____dim jan25_tf agaiust you is a one. It Is an abuse of J. F. SIIEKBY, No. 9 Clapp’. Bloch FOR SALE! will begin grave Cougrc.. (Street, oppoaite Old City Hall. ON CONGRESS ST. NEAR Wheeler & Wilson’s. NO. 128 EXCHANGE Leavitt, Burnham & Co., confidence towards Prisoner: W. €. CLARK, CASCO, SEPTEMBER 26th. STREET, your emp'oyer. may 30 dim Oh, Mr. Horse Shoeing and WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS President, impossible. I swear to Carriage repairing Further Information will be given on application to 103 FEDERAL STREET, Hone you my neve- had in the best possible manner by 8# About 5000 employer any confidence 5 Rant of feet Land. Prof, OLIVER D. in Djypr* Temple Si., WOUNO A CO.. No. lOO Fore St. STEARNS, JO., Country Produce in me whatever. Ask the witnesses. With Buildings now renting for or Prof. E. J. YOITNC, GAS Jewelry and Fine Watches. more than ™BS Choice Vt. Grass Butter AND WATER SHOO per year. Cambridge, Maes. ABNER I,4»WEliI,,:i»l Congr.-.. (Street. 100 ICE. As to the punishment of murderers, the Agent* for Howard Watch Company. Can at a small oui lay be easily Into three mar27-lamtjel-thenedtjyl IOO Tubs Choice Larii. PIPING. changed 95 “ latest proposition is that be of stores, with the tenemen's over them would then Bbls. Medium and Fine 14 they deprived tf rent for from Pickles. No. Cross Street, Portland. ap21_ Manufacturers of Trunks, Valises aud $1600 to $1800. Buildings in good re- sight. Which is to say that the murderer pair. Title Terms 95 Bbls. Choice Linirn. perfect. ea-y. Navigation School! Orders left at Ice Office, 14 Cross or with J. C must j. n. r o « at 95 Crude and Refined Cider. St., be made iusaue whether he is so or not g , Carpet-Bags. Enquire Pr«>ctor, 93 will be attended J. K. DCKAN A 900 ('rates Bermmia Onions, Exchange St., promptly CO., 171 Middle and NAVIGATION SCHOOL will be opened at No. to. at the time of the of — 5Efr“Bean8. Dried commission the deed- Federal Street.. CUSHMAN’S A 154 March 3d. to be under Apples, Hams, Eggs, Cheese, Oat and Counsellor at _MI FRUIT STORE, Exchange street, Btef 8@fP~Pure Ice supplied f»r all purposes in any •or do we Attorney Law, the charge of Capt. Edward Bret* and C. H. Meal, Buckwheat, Hominy, Tongues, and all uot read, “Out of sight, out of Farley. kinds of canned goods. quantities and at the Masons aud Instruction will be given every afternoon Caot. 1191-2 EXCHANGE Builders. No- 306 by Sold as low :.g the lowest C WBUS apll LOWEST lstl mind?” Congress Street. and aud by GREEN, RATES. _ ST., Breen, Monday by C. II. _ B» 3:13 I •— St. Friday evening* Na. 9 Street. BEPLOil, Congre.. my22 dtf The course will Moulton jun9d3w (Corner of Exchange and Federal Sts..) Farley. begin with decmnl arithme- tic, and well comprise Plane, Traverse, Parallel Mid- Florida has a lovely climate, and the This practical and machine has now YEW LAUNDRY ! Paper Hangings, Window Shades, and easily managed dle Latitude the use of the use feb27 PORTLAND. ME. tf For Sale in the Town of stood the test of time and sailing; Logarithms: balmy summer are rendered West- thorough experimonf; and and a«ave fortunately used ours, irank- hv Sun and and undersigned having assumed charge of a new ful the brook. lv Stars, Longitude by Chronometer by sweet voice of the alligator. The UR. EOTHROP.DEVCTSA give it the preterenoe. as the very liest, both in Lnuar the and best stock ot Knees and would an- HERSOjU CO.,61 Exbange FINE residence otservatious will not be included in the course largest Ship THE spacious Laundry respectfully Sreet aud 48 Harket 8t. one-lialf mile from the Railroad this country and in and in- iii tbe nounce is Palatka Herald mentions a line Europe. Stulv, capital but will be taught if desire ». IHAY'E State. Also best «|nality seasoned White that he preftared tn do washing for Steam- three miles taken the office of the late Dr. Robinson, 260 A Depots, PoRt-office. £0-d Schools and Churches ventive genius have been devoted to its Oak improvement The evening instruction will be given before the Treenails, and can furnish ers, Hotel*. Funnies, &c., with special ttemior in that HASCONGRESS St. six miles fr m Portland; House and EU two stories' for years, now wit long neighborhood along which a Photographers. ti.l, whole class, when the various involved in paid to Ladies Dresses, Skirls, l ares, Gents’ Sbirtt Office hours, U to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M thirteen finished rooms, double parlors with marole problems dre.dful 44 A. S. DAVIS navigation will be worked out Hackmatack. Hardwood or White and every of tine washing. howl is to 10 *V CO., No. SO Middle Street. upon the black-board description continually kept up Sundays, 0£ A. M 4 to 5 P. M mantles, Wood-house and Stable eonnected—all in This belli, with the newest and during J. II. 1, AiyiMilM I Vk u;.iAia hi._g._ and illustrated suitable and Oak Timber and LauDdry provided good repair, painted and Burn 40x60 ITS NEW SILENT by diagrams appara'u*, Plank the the roar of Residence, corner Pine and Emery Streets. Or hlludod, on the FEED, and the use and most approved Machinery, aud experienced help, the night, resembling the African premises; grounds contain adjustme t of Instruments explain- ders out of office hours may be left with Mrs. Robin 15* acres, excellent L a’, er!. collateral at the lowest cash prices, Proprietor believes he can guarantee perfect satisfac- liou. The well 30 and our Subjects to navigation such as Mete- poet who wrote of the voices of in son, Plumbers. fenced, apple pour trees, j acre choice present “Lwk-Sticti” Machine has no eonal in tion to to his customers. three orolgy, Ocean Currents, Ac., will also be introduced L TAYLOR JA1WEN !Vo. strawberries, gand wells of water main (he place the world. The WHEELER & WILSON’S is the had not beard 260 Street, itllliliEEt, !H Fcitrral Klrpet* uiol cistern 111 the rella- at the evening sessions. For to C. II. Portland. Dec. 30.18T2. *1 night of this one. Congress good cellar, cellar under whole ole economical and noiseless. It answers terms, apply En- Evi*ry ile«( riuliou of Hnirr Fixtarm ar- tine cement the wants No. 4 street. feb19tf Location, Bradbury’s Court, or at hi* residence House, bottom; grounds ornamented of the household and Farley, Exchange myGtf ranged and met up in (be beat manner. completely, trance on Fore near India St. with fine shade trees. This isoneoi the finest resi- attended to. SCALE IN Jobbing promptly dences in the Terms easy. BOILEB8. A man who will county. Enquire of 3. R ANY KIND OF SEWING JOHN SPENCER, Superinten tant. take a newspaper four or ±5EiNfJ. KlNUSbUKY, J R., Davis & Co., Portland, or Oti- Brown, Westbrook, Late Steward o! St’r John xml Port- Brook., Boston five years, and then Plasterer, Stucco Worker, &c. mariltf Needed in Grafton I land Line refuse to pay for | the Family can be done upon it with greit- Mineral will Remove and Prevenf febMlyr it, P. Cor. er should FliEDI'Y, Cumberland and Frank- rapidiiv and e.ise of execution to beginners than begin bis name wlib an h and end it Attorney atLaw, lin His. can he on SCALE in FOR SALE. accomplished any other. It naa leceived any Steam Boilers, 01 wi‘h a the g, and put au o In the middle. HIGHEST oyer all-as a WATCHES, [ML LOT of vacant PREMIUMS Enmity FERTILIZER, No. 83 Middle Street, Real Estate land, situated on the west side Macbiue-on both Bides oi 'he Atlantic. make no charge. Address, Gilead Agents. — — (Ohio) The editor who A of High, between Pleasant an I Danforth, Sts. AND Register.) JOI1K C. Wo. Chronometer# and PROCTER, 9!i Exchange This lot has a front of about 61 feet and Is about 194 who GEO. Clocks, will send his to a man four or PORTLAND M^ITvTJE. Ntreet. Those want the best, should obtain W. I.OHD, paper five years feet and plans have been drawn In Tor a destroyer of insects. deep, How, mv3dtf Of and American without bis for (Opposite Canal Bank.) tuay24-dlra GEO. R. DAVIS Ar Co.. Wo. 301 1-9 Con- block ol seven or nin genteel and convenient resi- PHILADELPHIA. PA. Foreign Make, gettiug pay it, should begin Street. and for ilie same. WHEELER & article has been and his uaine gresa dences, adapted Enquire of WILSON’S carefully thoroughly with an f and end it with an 1, and EDWIN THIStested, during the past fou*- years, by many ex- Spectacles and Jewelry, M. CHURCHILL, SILENT FEED two o s in 8EAVET, M. D.. Silver anil Plated Ware. No. 4 Portland Pier, perienced fanners, gardeners, and floriculturists, and Clothing Cleansed put the middle.—[Lima Democrat. mar28 Prom 12 to 2 P. the numerous testimonials which have be> n received ABWKK .SOI I'.n.rt>n. Street. o’clock, M. 242 Street* LOWELL, from those who have it a leaves no At 54 St* Congress given trial, doubt Cleaned and Repaired at short notice Exchange Family Sewing of ire valuable properties as a fertilizer tor all ana all kinds Has added to his business the and Real Estate. Machine, crops; CLOTHES of goods dyed in a thorough man- —BY— We are Signs Awning Hangings, and particularly as an insect it ner. Also delighted to learn that some use or lease AND destroyer, having Second-haw* Clothing lorgnlp. door by I*. I'Ol'Sfi ft at Sale, lor a term of vears, the TAKE NO OTHER. a to rose Agency or tlie Health-Lift Co. CO., N*. 1O0 proper- proved perfect protection bushes, grape All orders will receive prompt and faithtul atten- has been discovered for It t'orf Mtrret. FORty belouglug to the estate of Francis 0 fruit trees, and other vines mosquitoes has At bis room is atn&chiue wliicli all who are troubled my30*2m and Libby, vines, cabbages, squashes, tion. WUI. formerly occupied by him on the corner of Free and vegetables, from rbe depredations of and SEYTER, been found worth while to strain them out of with Lame backs, weal: stomachs or imperfect cir- and Streets. Machines sold on insects, WILLIAM BROWN, Schools. High Monthly Instalments. is cheaper than any of the remedies which have been culation of the blood are invited to examine. Ma- HARRISON J. Milcul,,e Thread Federal Street, for the Superior Waltham Watrhr*, the water before their d EMIMSII LIBBY, \ Supplies, Silk, recommended for the purpose. they get elegant plum- chines deliver to purchasers at N. Y. pi ices. and kKI.MII SCHOOL,43« FRANK W. A<1“ rs- Ne •dies Sc0*Se,fin® the Park. AGENTwhich maintain their well earned reputation me :l seine* an unual. LIBBY, } mygQdtf__Ne»r their tuneful voice and their Homofimfkic Ju3-3w I'ougrfo Nlrffl. mai24 Macbfne Stitching In all its branches done in the —FOR SALE BY— foi timekeeping and reasonable price. In everv vatl- age, blood-thirs- tf best manner. BE CALM, ety of gold and silver cases—open face and i-unters ty appetite, and feed them to tioul. Stair Builder. win »ers and stem young KENDALL & and Kev winders. myl2-dDmo HENRY F. T. MERRILL, The WHITNEY, consider the weight of my advice. We are iu of trout on MBBV. Lo. 4}'i F.re cor. “Limerick favor raising a large Slml, House,” J. L. General tlie € ro**« Si., in fi}t I«>iio'm VIill. Agents Tar (hate, CITY OF PORTLAND. COUNSELOR AT LAW, FOR SALE. HAYDEN, parties who are about introducing Steam,Gas scale. This utility of the diabolical insect re- E* WOOPKH & CO., Sarcemon to Portland, May 30th. 1373. ma.l30-d4w ALLor Wa’er into their dwellings, stores or anv oth- No. K|.« Portland. ®i assures our faith that all are 30 Eiekange Cittlrflrid & VViUon Cor. York dc Ma- Gen’l er place, will favor ihemselves if will call n me Is herely given that the Comro'ttea on warering things The S'...-criber offers •or sale his Hotel Agent for Maine, thej of the U. S. and nlr Min-ee*. REMOVAL. before doing so. for as I claim to w rk for a I NOTICE Sidewalk* and will meet at some Formerly Treasury Department pro) rty in Limerick York living Street*, Bridges, created tor beneficent purpose. m all the courts in the District of Village, County. will spare no to en irt satisfaction in the junction of Middle and Pearl n WED- Attorney olumbia, The house has 22 rooms all in pains give price, sheets, will attend to the of laims before the good repair, 163 Middle neatness, and of work. Hose NESDAY. the lkih of at o’rl ck P. prosecution Watehes, Jewelry, &c. with shed and two stables St., Me HAVE moved my oflice to No. 17 promptness also sup June, U73. 3| M., Court of Cl.tims and the various at large adjoining: Portland, Exchange St., plied, and repaired. Call and see. and will then and there hear all narties interested departments two wells of water on the and I Ocean Insurance Co. Building. Sew Books Wasbincton. octll-:i Mt'DI'FFEE,eor. iWiddlr premises, d3m K. and fix the grade of Pearl Street rom Middle to Received. ft I nion St«. every convenience for a first-class Hotel. J. H. HAMLEN. McDONILD, mch31___ my5dtf 900 Fare Street, fiol of Plum. Commercial Street. The “Limerick House” is well situated for Portland, June 2, 1873. We the of the follow- securing Also, that on the same at 3 o’clock, P M., ihe acknowledge receipt ESTABLISHED 1821. liberal patronage. day 8-itne Committee will meet at the function of Temple new farther of the owner. ing publications: Enquire GRASS SEEIK Notice. and and there bea» all JOSEPH G. FOB SALE. Congress sts., and wt'l theu From Messrs. HARMON. made I> riles interested and fix the grade ef Bailey A Noyes: & Limerick, Me. arrangements with Lumber man- Congress Byron Greenough Co., _ mar!3dtf__ ufacturers of Southern Pine at Weuonab 235 tons new street from Temple to Preble street. 3000 Western HAVING all the princi- Brig weasure- The Ministry of Sono. Frances R. Haver- Bags Timothy Seed pal shipping ports, I am now prepare 1 to fill ordtrs mini, built hi 1856. rebuilt in 1869, and Per Order of “ Committee, De W'itt C. Lent A Co. New York. 140 middle « for Car and recop|>ered in 1870. Rates A. gal. street, Real Estate for Sale. 1500 Canada •> ship, Factory, Bridge build mg, South 2, American Lfoyds. JulldtdGEO. P. WESCOTT, Chairman Indies Sails an* M. about new. “ American and West cargoes, at lowest rates. rigging Good in venture: Salad for tiie Solitary. Frederic Saun- 1000 Red « can be smt to sea with 11 tie HOUSE AMD 1,01 MO. »C STATE Top very expellee, carried ders. De W'itt C. Lent A Co., New York. PORTLAND. ME. ST., “ J. II. 360 ton- coal, 180 M, Lumber, 600 livable Hard l ine timber Lot 500 “ HAMLEN, hogsheads contains 34.000 feet of land, with line ruit gar- Michigan Clover molassis. From Hall L. Davis: “ Lumber and General den, cold, grapery, etc. to •( Commisaion Jlcr- For further On hand and sawed to dimensions. I Firemen Apply 300 Ohio particulars enquire cf C. Military », W- H. ehant, The Year D. Colesworthy. Lee A _ FESSENDEN, “ CHARLES Grand UC | B»w maf”l‘ “ 1ftlf MERRTIL. Army, f Bull, 215 Commercial Street. 400 Ho, Hew “ Hard Pine Flank, hard Pine Flooring Boston. lOilA York No. 17 E change St.. Me. Commercla St., up stairs Shepard, Fluey, B'MfbMi, ~ “ Portland, JunelOdlw_117 Katonio, I Club. 100 Pea “ » No. 47 South St., New York. ASO STEP BOARDS. From Messrs. Loring, Short A Harmon: Coiift'itutiounl Tendeisc!©*. -The In Vine, way for SA£i: “ Portland, Jane 2,1873. tf are 150 " <» Bailroad New Magdalen. Wilkie which different it dividual* atlecied by the some milE Residence of Alsike for The Collins, Har- CAPS AlND Mr. J. M. situated on Sleepers FOR SALE STETSON & POPE. HATS, CHAPEAUS- causes of disease depends upon constitution and tem- * * Churchill, “ By Bros., New Yora. Danforih Streets in this lOO Millet « per Some person*, for instance are to a"2 Sale corner of E Street. perament. prone city The lot is 325 tt. on State Street “ Saw Gummer & the cywhnrf and Dock, Eird, MADE T© some to bEhui* and and 151 fl. on by Old Mortality. Pocket edition of ORDER, fevers, attacks, others en ner- Danforth contains lOO “ Sharpener. Fargo. No. 10 State street, Waver- In cases Street,and about 50.000 ft includ- Hungarian Grass Office. Boston._roySeodly vous uttectionB. all where a peculiar the “ Dflirercd here or any lv Novels. Scribner, Welford A Arm- EJT'At the Lowest Prices. suscept- ing Mansion Hon-e in and lOO “ A and point. ^ ibility to any variety of disease thorough repair the Orchard CHEAP, simple, durable Machine—easily exists, the toning, large brick Carriage House and Stable. It is and uimi Portland High School. strong, New York. Samples sent on application, anti all orders filled at regulat ng and purifying operation of one of operated ig wheels from 8 x J iuches to 12 the most desirable in the either x J. S. of this School reason of .hort no ice. aprttf places citv, in its FOR SALE AT THE lineb. ROBERTS, Principal having, by Science Gossip.—A Tarrant’s present state or to cut In lots. For otter declined to be a c ndldate monthly Medium of Effervescent Seltzer np plans and COnmERCIAL STREET. The engagements, and Aperient call on Price .191 for the . Interchange Gossip tor particulars, J. c. Procter* of'Machine, $15. junlO tf tor re-election, applications position maybe Students and 8afeKaard awin-l an attack. 19 made in or in with Loven. of Nature. “PORTLAND r,;1i'ilb.rf.‘.0lf.niftllCof a billieu^ and mat dlf lowest Cash Wheels which bevel'cd, double person writing, accompanied Q. P. Putnam’s Individuals constipated habit, or Price. bevelled and round references, testimonials, &c., until Julv Sods, . 14,1*73. New York. whose nerves a e easily ex- face $3.13 $7.35, according to thick- Annual iWeelins. The next term will g!*3fctcited, should i° commence Aug. 26,1873. frequently resort to this refreshing ^70 and run- of tlie Portland Steam Packet L1 IMS B. Work ; A Story of K&liue KENDALL & Ts-,.,Pc“,vlorWheels to 24 $00, Stockholders SMITH, Experience by Leuise MACHINEWORKS corrective, especially in warm weather. It is A. S. WHITNEY. ning up inches in diameter. notified that the Annual Meeting Chairman no less LYMAN’S THECo. are hereby S. School Committee. M. author potent as a preventive than as a Sold For illustrated Pamphlets or their Jfflce oil Atlantic AIcctt, of “Little Women.” (FORMERLY C. STAPLES & SON,) remedy. mch26 tf Phnto..,anhs nddre ot tile Company will Le held at Portland. May 28.1873. did by all THE at Roberts Patent TANITR CO Wharf on WfcllNESDAY, dune 18, 1873, three | Brothers, Bostou. druggists._Ju3Tn&S2wAw2t Pure Dry Air Refrigerator' my8eod3m of officer, for Marino, Stationary and Portable Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., jpa. o’clock P. M., lor the purpose choosing | M ay, by Mrs. “At his and to act other Oliphant, author of Dissolution. The best and In Notice to of all -E------the ensuing year, upon any business, Portland Only Keliuble One Buyers oome before then,. Bank, Gates,” “Chronicles of Ac. STfiAJ91 EKGIKE^ that may legally Savings Carlingford,” copartnership heretofore existing under the the Market. CHARLES FOBES. Secretary. Scribner, A New York. THEfirm name of E. McKKXN EY & CO., was dis- NO. 91 EXCHANGE ST. Armstiong Co., Bteam Boiler*. Bleach kinds Cheapest Book Stores Portland, June j, jud5*dtd Boilers and Tanks, Shafting, solvetl May 14th bv the death of the senior partner, to Pi'chers, Provision dealers, Carriages. 1873._ Purple and fink Linen.—A novel bv Ed- Mill Gearing and Giiierni of Mr. T 1HM!.If'!'*pensa')le Machinery. Casting* Eleazer McKenney. !,n'1 Wau Hints. Will A LL deposits of one dollar and com- A New snve mo eV?h,7nr"i.Gwur88 IN THE SEJBAGO OVE HORkS upwards gar Fawcet. G. W. Carleton Co., composition. Repairing promptly The affair* of the late firm will be settled the every Summer. Butchers UNITED STATES. j:\ mence interest on the first of tuTidWu)’^ by who ..fe if in 1 cI8t and day the month York. Mr. W. L. at ihe old wl'1 soon find rheirmeats keep constantly on hand a large as- the date of surviving partner, Alden, stand, sortment ot Book.* or or loaned following deposit. ni«mmcndShCfei,orm- 1HAVK all kinds of suck as Pliae- bought, soli, exchanged, 3Mo. the No. 82 Thomas Block, Commercial Street. The inteinal ar- Carriages lor one cent for cir- 17 Plum Street. NOYES. Treasurer. A Story, embodying rangementraneement is suchsuch*Vi!rfCDKtomers. that a tons, and no OLD per (lay. Send tbice cents niav2D-d»f_FHANK Thanksgiving current oi mid air is Kent Top Buggies, Express and two culars. of are and other moving over n seat \V aeons, and Agents wanted. proprietors this establishment will and 1 Out”, BIO constantly the ?i m21 the side-spring business Wagon, just say Ballad “Betsey Commercial a tor. The Patent which for ALBERT COLBY & SONS, THEt, the that arc to hv New Boarding House. G. W Carle- Street, Copartnership. upon this‘‘"""as ^ef style and are not public they prepared dry N. S Emerson. ,.... tt a Cnn rt» / , been fully tested in durability surpassed. Pori steam and also poems by Kir**or sale 10 lli* r.xcliunge St land, Mass., prepared to drv, e'eanse and tinish subscriber, leased the new W. H. Me. undersigned have formed a copartnership validity established in percent, cheaper than can be pur- Md having and com- New York. FESSENDEN._aprltlf Portland, tern. c:.sesC clsh- chased in the and 156 Baltimore Sr.., Baltimore, all kinds gent’s wearing and also ladies’ modious recently ton A Co., THEunder the firm name of W. L. ALDEN & CO city, at fUftwitwfl apparel, THE house, erected by Geo. K. Da- For f<£26 shawls, all or W. C. Prime. CEO. E. < !)U nnd will continue tlie Flour and Coinrni sion business LICENSE, RIGHTS, &c., dresses, cloaks, col rs, cleansed au J vis lit Co., up-n the “Blanchard 304 I Go A Fishing, by Harper ins, apply to warrant them not to property,” Hieh of E. McKenney & Co., in ihe same Store. No. 82 smut. St., take* pleasure in anurmnclng to the mildic tW»i Brothers, New York. SCOTT D. JOHN Caution. myKdlf JOHN S. MILLEE. he will about the fit st of Thomas Block, Commercial St., to date from May 24. JORDAN, ADAMS’, April epen It (hr a Aral novel B. L Far- PHOTOGRAPHIC W that my wife, Addle S. clues house. R< raw Tnmoj’» Heart.—A by ARTIST, L. ALDEN. areint la hereby given boarding can be seen and full E. W. fob left my bed and board without a. to lernia. author ol “Grief,” “Joshua Matvei”, 316 MTRE1T, McKENNEY. iiaihe. me. NOTICESnell, having Sanford’s particular* Ac., obtained, l.y callnm at je n, Portland. June 3, 1873. No. 2 SACCARAPPA, and sufficient cause, I shall pavno deb's nf her Improved Refrigerators. the house from 10 12 •'Grass,” Ac. Illustrated. Har- the various Park Street or No. 80 Jnst M„ and “Blade T- prepared to make all stylos of Curd *eod2w Middle St. aPr2°_ T T&S 3m contracting. W.L. SJNELL. p- AJH.o jn4_ J’be three points ol excellence which 1 claim, S. KNIOii A Brothers, New York. FirturrN, Rrmbranl, MedallioiijAr., froua to wh- m all applications should be Portland, June 1.. are, M-_apr3eodtf_S. per lids made, and 1873._Juliidtf constant and thorough circulation of Retouched Negntire.. By prnc-ss we WOOD! WOOD has full |tower to settle Infringement., For Sale. 1st, pare air; From Hoyt, Fogg A Breed. G. t Tin Of Freckle*, mule, nnd other in. n.rh"e,siTfL Business 2nd; rvness, oo dampness mould nor taint; 3rd; no Removal. SEBAGO DTE No. IT A Fine Opening of Sin and other perfection, of Skin. For all of which no IfiHE HOUSE, Plum St in into mingling odors; purity and active air, the The Dead stories by Edward the for For Sale on 1 in condition with all or middle man extra to KD and SOFT WOOD Bale at No. 43 Urn Elm Street. good apparn'ui nweaa'Irv a aged of unexceptiona- demerit a of its success. Call, ot send for circulars J s. ol of a Re- charge will be made. AU work warranted for iheburineaa. to the young bobebir, Gariett. author “Occupations Call HAcoin street. Also Dry Edgings. Apply proprietor at No 33 ble charade: Experienced accountant undone Manuiactored and for sale J. F. MERRILL, be- door plana.. and examine for yourtclvet. xnohlSdtf to J. FOlt by ha* removed to 191 C* mmerctal Street, next tired Lite, Ac.” Dodd A Mead, 762 WM. Newbury .Meet or thousand dollars capital. Is tween Cross and Cotton near HUS*. ATOMSBtf&BS?* KEED.^W Slldm. Investigation Invited str., Leavitt, Burnham above old and Straw for AppW aylT eodt Box iou Portland Me. auvSxtt & Co.a Ice He. plate. Extra pressed Hay New York. House, Panlaud, jeMtf •ale a* usual. joajvif Broadway, [From the Chronicle ol New M. wlib water But and Graduating Exerclst* York.] Rev. Hansoom has resigned the charge of on tb« Imt, «nd cap*lz»d. wb»n tbe Examination j The New England Mutual Life Insur- the First Baptist church iu Nobleboro. SPECIAL captain aud vwo seamen were washed overboard aad Normal School. NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. lost. Thiee of the crew were THE PRESS. of the Western escaped in the boat and N EW ADVERTISEMENTS is ance Meeting of the picked up on the 3d riout 13 miles ESE of Normal School at Farmington Company. and 9uar*er,y Phillips Dobot, by The Western Madrid circuit was held at the Bchr Mary E Vaucleaf, from Brunswick. Ga.tor Dam- schools for teach- If steadfast adherence to sound principles Union JUNE of the two training meeting house in West FOR MOTH, PATCHES, FRECKLES ariscottu. The Uio Grande was built at Woolwich in SATURDAY MORNING, 14, 1878 the elder aud honest Phillips. Saturday and 1852 aud bailed from Booth the State. No more beauti- patient continuance in practices go Sunday 7th and 8th iusts. Ami uneRERRY'S Moth auere. Depot, 18 Bond St., M. Y. The is of then the New England Mutual Life Insurance SAN au institution. village dSwsnton FRANCISCO—C.d Putmos. Nich- — with a card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. tion of such 4th, barque ow — New well of our ols. Callao. Editor. All anl bote flue, thrifty, pleasant Company deserves poople. Organ- Pullen, railway, steamboat the highest type,of STATE HOWE for aged WOMEN. PORT GAMBLE—Sid 31 inst. ship Tranquebar, aud art has ized iu 1835 with a guarantee capital of $100,- NEWS. managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding England towns, improved |the Waterhouse, Callao. our as soon as it had served MOBILE-Ar 11th sch H P cred-ntlals of even person claiming to represent beauties which nature has so lavishly bestowed 000 (which was retired inst, Blaisdell, Wood. “bum- Boston. Cloths and Tailors* as we have information that several its its in the company dur- Ag8d Women’C°T' jour.ial, on the and all surroundings. The purpose strengthening ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. THE dl^y JACKSONVILLE—CM 3d, sch Maid of the Mist, the name of the place invrS,cr|tterBHa0n^1fOr t0 mer*” are In < 3enerally Snritb, New York. I seeking courtesies culture of the inhabitants, aud the in- ing its early history), it was amoug those few The epizootic prevails in Lewiston. visit tbe Homo n sItumIy even general Ar 4th. pcbs • and we have no to be, pas- ‘ ® Carrie Walker. McFarland, and J W Press, disposition life insurance which contended HALFORD Anniversary of the of fluence of the literary institutions, there estab- companies The caisson to be used in the first opening Maitland, Colcord, from New H C a to such fraud building the^w York; Sheppard sively, party with the aud of pier of the Lewiston and Auburn Manager, will be In attendance from French, do. TRIMMINGS lished, give a fine scholastic tone to all associa- bravely prejudices ignorance railroad 10a’m till was Cld 5 b. «ch Addle L Boston. and are that rich harvest of bridge, launched at Lewiston last LEICESTERSHIRE Cutler, Smith, and communi- which is of much to the stu- that day, reaping Friday SAVANNAH-Ar schs We do not read anonymous letters tions, advantage morning at 10 a. m. 51^-:___Jnl3«ntd lltli, Delhi, Emerson, New toilsome G E Morrow, Kennebec. and address of the writer are in dents. Beside the Normal school and the their faithful aud husoaudry. CONSUMPTION CAN BE York; cations. The name pub- The old Continental mill is CEKED Sid lltli. schs Wyoming, Foes, AT COST. for This has ever been for being rejuvenated. Portland; Fanny all cases indispcnsab e, not necessarily publication lic schools of the two schools company conspicuous New York. lowu,are hoarding The young fellows of Lewiston, lounge L-E S-A-U-C-E- NfHGNCK'N PDL.VONIC GVRrp, Butter, Sherman. as a of faith. its carefulness iu the trust funds com- along T-A-B llth. gch Henrietta, Providence. but guaranty good which are of State The Wil- investing the of the and 9,'d Langley. just objects pride. railings bridge, evenings, insult IEAVEED SO-CId 9ih,sch Hattie G W cannot undertake to return or reserve com- in the selection of the MCHENCK’H TONIC, \tS®2RGEToW» Buck, i To bo out within a to a mitted to it, its thoroughness ladies bury .Ran cloned lows, school for girls, seems enjoy very rw _'or. munications that are not useu. its of and its disin- The new caissou at The best Sauce and Relish MANDRAKE 9th* "*• deserved The school is au lives, economy expenditure, Lewiston, for the railroad SCHENCK’M PILLK, Benneu 1vS?ON-Ar Stephen Bennett. prosperity. building is 46 Vet0- Baltimore. clination to follow new and bridge, feet long, 15 feet wide, and 8 feet wTlmmJSJR*; Wafts, new structure of three w ith paths experiment Are the medicines that will cure New 9th* Walth DAYS elegant stories, deep. It contains 30,000 feet of and is only Pulmonary York AS? ~Ar briI mi, Trimm. TWENTY Man. with new because were new. lumber, ot the World Alex Our Fighting Mansard roof. The rooms are high, well ven- plans, simply they water-tight. Made in any Part consumption. HayfoVd, s{n7Par^ «ot, -, Philadelphia; Sometimes medicines that will stop a cough will of- Cld 9ib. sch .fSJu B'x'.kj^rt. of the medical From first to last, it has steadily adhered to the a nfhck of The forthcoming report tilated, neatly finished and furnished. The The Franklin Brick Company’s yard at Lew- ten occasion tbe death of tbe patient. It locks up the Baltimore!.” Heath Boston. large were marked out the of the Barter, Boston Matthew branch of the Provost Marshal General’s is heated steam and principles and rales which by iston, produces from 75,000 to 100,000 bricks —FOB— liver, stops circulation blood, hemorrhage ; Geo Kliwk *£i‘# Kinney. building by throughout, in the action of the M & E its Of what character these were, follows, and, fact, clogging very Henderson, Spear ttafSSfJ* Quincy Boint; bureau will some water in abundance is carried by pipes in- projectors. daily. that caused the PHILA present very interesting pure AROOSTOOK COUNTY. organs cough. DELPHlA-ArnST Broad Cloths, be be the extract from Liver and are the causes of Fickett, Matanzae ; ,J H Hor*°® Beals, facts about the to all of the building. Every provision is may judged by following F-A-M-I-L-Y U-S-K. complaint dyspepsia brig* imiiV«'\ average physical American, parts a mass of the cases of consumotion. are Valencia, Tr**ai. fm the first animal ef the made Last Saturday, meeting in the inter- two-tbhils Many Cardenas; Sniall.Sagua- SS*®; made for the health, comfort and convenience report company, with dull In the the bow- Crowell. Gardiner. Western Star, Cassimeres, aud his ability to cope with the est of the Northern Aroostook was now complaining pain side, ; average phy- its then Presi- railroad, costive and sometimes to Ar lltb, S E who the Hon. Willard els sometimes loose, tongue up barque « v sical man of the young ladies receive instructions by Phillips, held at Fort Fairfield. A number of Spring, Small. an*„«. of other nations, derived from the large Pint* OO Cents in the shoulder sum Mmes Lavolta, Whittemore, Cardenas. were coated, pain blade, feeling Woolen Goods and from a of teachers iu all dent: | persous present. A of the medical strong corps depart- very restless, and at other times drowsy; the food Below 12th. brig J Ross. Wyman, fin C&lb&rbm reports inspection ol 005,000 1 .... ments under the general charge of Miss Lucy “It lias been the endeavor of everv one con- Last Sunday, Lyudon dedicated the new Half Pint* 30 Cents. that is ahen lies heavily on the stomach, accompani- Cld 11th, barque J G Norwood. Harkne*s, Liver- men subjett to draft the late war. corned in the management of the affairs of the school bouse. ed with acidity and belching of wind. These symp- pool; sch Tlios Watts. Curtis, Boston. Tailors’ Trimmings ! during G. Belcher, the irom a Ar at Delaware accomplished principal. to its true toms usually originate disordered condition of Breakwater lllh. brigs Ellen Maria different united to company represent the subject in Shennau is to have a soldier’s monumeut. 1 Fifty nationalities up- was the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so affected, if aud Gip.sey Queen. York, Irom Havana, for orders. The Little Blue School for boys, original- light, and Dot to excite over-weeniug expecta- FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. hold the of the and the average I The house of Mr. J. Davis, of Castle they take one or two heavy colds, and if the cough in NEW YORK—Ar lltli, brigs Jeremiah, Ford, from Also a large line of unity nation; established Jacob who lias en- tions, or encourage the uutiou chat such an in- Hill, be the Atlas. Caibarieu schs Lizzie ly by Abbott, was consumed last week. these cases suddenly stop{»ed, lungs, liyer and Sagua; Powers, Lee, ratio of unfitness was 257 in 1000. In stitution offers its members the means of extra! and remain and and Smith, Baracoa; Bramhail. Hamilton, from Clark’s every deared himself to all boys who read, by such stomach clog, torpid inactive, GENTS’ or nnary speculation. The object is equality CUMBERLAND COUNTY. before the patient is aware of tiis situation, the lungs Island; Sarah Bernice. Proctor, fiotn Musquash NB; nationalities aud races, it would life as HOSIERY, exainiuing intensely interesting s.ories of hoy were are a mass and W D B. Thomas Carrie among its members, aud a participation in the S The Couuty Agricultural Society Fair is to be of sores, ulcerated, and death is tbe Pitcher, ton; Spotlord, Hall, appear that culture or civilization Here were a of inevitable result. 1 Rock port. NECK superior never told before large part advantages of the company, whatever they held at in September. TIES, Bridgtou E- T. ELDEN & CO. Schenck’s Pulmonic is an which Ar 12th, barque Tbos Pope, Richardson, Monrovia; has uot the with of may be, iu the proportion to the amounts con- Syrup expectorant | done much to improve average the books written, lively specimens John Dennett of was a does not contain any nor calculated brig Atlas, Powers, Caibarieu. tributed and it is no of that Bridgton, holding onium, anything j PAPER ; part the plan a COLLAR*,* lor the American born under his It is said of drill a few since. The striker accidental- to check cough suddenly. I Cld 11th, sells Anna Freeman, Boynton, Baracoa; physical tm.n, negro boyhood very eye. him, some shad be benefitted at tlie of oth- days expense Schenck’s Seaweed tonic due v the food, mixes S C Noyes, Lee, do; JK Lawrence, Herrick, Jack- had finished a would ly struck his wrist, breaking it. has the highest physical record. The Cana- that when he story,he ers. There is every reason to anticipate that with the gastric juice of the sto acli, digests easily, sonville. HANDKERCHIEFS, fte. the holders of for who survive KENNEBEC COUNTY. OFFER THIS WEEK. nonrislies the and creat a Passed Hell Gate 11th, schs dians stand next aud then the Scandinavians. call the reluctant boys from their play, and re- policies life, just system, healthy circula- through Cbilion,Grant, tiie of their at the time of tion ol' the blood. When the els are costive, skin New York loi New Bedford; Eveline. do for minutes to the period expectation J. Beecher, an apprentice boy iu the Fanner Bagley, It be that the of life quire them to listen for fifteen shallow, aDd the patient h a billious Portsmouth; Gen Howard. Johnson, do for Narra- may hardships early being insured, will have made a good invest- at Augusta, had his arm crushed habit, for of at the office, badly Scheuck'g Mandrake Pills are Nellie Starr, Poland, New York for Bath. cash,regardless price have thinned out of these races more reading of the first part. If, expiration ment of their at work required. gansett; the premiums.” j ou Thursday last, while on a pre&L These medicines are prepaired Dr. J. H. SM 11th, for David Bug- to their This lias beeu by brigs Ernest, Kingston. J; of that wished to return policy faithfully pursued by SCHENCK & coiner feeble. The Irish and Germans stand lowest time, they Augusta is to hare a horse trot on the Fourth At One Price and no Vari- SON, Noithcast of Sixth and bee, for Cadiz; Kossack. for Ciemuegog; Amelia Em- every administration, and that the insured have Arch ma. for games the manuscript would go into the fire. of July. streets, Philadelphia. Penn., and lor sale by Port Royal SC; G S Berry, lor Darien. in the ratio of fitness— a fact that is made “a investment of their GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., 38 Hanover street, Bos- NEW HAVEN—Ar 11th, sch Win Now’ is an opportunity to secure really could suc- good premiums^” ation Miller, Hurley, Nothing was except what is in Ou June there will be anni- ton, and John F. 8 New York. Camden. One is that printed, sbowu the fact that, after paying out dur- Tuesday, 17th, Henry, College place, Suits lor Men and Boys of lirst surprising. point in our favor Home at For sale NEW LONDON—Ar cessfully compete with play for the attention ing 1872, upon 223 policies, tlie sum of $670,- versary services at the National Togus, by Druggists generally. sepl3sueodtf lltb,sch John Famum, Chase class goods at wholesale prices. the ratio of fitness for ser- in commemoration of the battle of Bunker Hill. Pori land for Philadelphia. general military The are aud 283, the company had, in solid assets, $10,811,- ON THE lots closed out at of the boys. grounds extensive, BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER FALL RIVER—Ar 10th, sch Engineer, Maxwell, Jobbing great vice is than iu and 416, with total liabilities, inclusive of a 4 per LINCOLN COUNTY. Ellsworth. higher England Germany. are and laid out The Pieces Linens for ISc AND SUPPER TABLE, sacrifices. carefully artistically cent, reserve, of $9,610,778, a to lOO Spanish PAWTUCKET—Ar The fewest for were leaving surplus F. S., aged 13, and Lincoln, aged 8 sons of 12tli, sch Capt John. Means, rejections disability school has a national which is well of Ellsworth. reputation, policy-holders $1,200,638. Wm, B. Welch of Westport, were found drowu- LEA A PERRINS’ Worcestershire Sauce found those between the of But this does not tell the whole That yd., worth 25c. PROVIDENCE—Ar schs Rosannah among ages maintained by Mr. Blether, the present etH- story i ed last Tuesday. They been out in a boat fish- lltb, Rose, resarve is not but actually IS INDESPENSABLE. Gilkey, Philadelphia; Ida L Howard, Williams, from BOYD’S BLOCK, twenty and twenty-five years, the number cient only mathematically ing. Portland. principal. sufficient; and that surplus exists in fact, and 100 Piecs mosquito Netts.all colors, 245 in 1000. this rises The exercises OXFORD COUNTY Cld 11th. sch Wm Mitchell, C le, Machlas. being From the ratio Normal School closing began is uo mere product of ad actuarial incubation. JOHN DUNCAN’S SONt*, New Yark, J. Alexander of Denmark, died recently. He Tor 75c. piece. Sid 11th, sch Jas Tilden, Haskell, Ellsworth. until above when it reaches 007 on Thursday morning last, with the examina. The company’s securities have always exceeded NEWPORT—Ar llth,- schs Greenland. No. 78 forty years was the oldest citizen iu town. for the United States. Haskell, MIDDLE STREET. in market value their cost; its rate of interest Agents Port Johnson for Port- in 1000. tion of classes by Messrs. Perham, Johnson, Pieces New oct17,eodsnly Portland; Alaska,Tbornklne, Portland, June 13, 1873. received lias always exceeded at least oue- A. M. Trull of Norway, has completed his 71 Styles Grenadines, land for Nov York. Jultdtf Patten, and Dresser, of the by The native bom American soldier was the Abbott, Pullen, balf that assumed; its expenses have always new carriage factory. VINEYA RD-HAVEN—Ar 11th. schs Wm Doming, and worth 50c. yd., tor 25c. BONDS I N H Wickson. and Com trustees. The young ladies gentlemeu ap- been below the loadings of its premiums, aud PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Cook; Gould. Kearney. Met- tallest, averaging five feet seven aud a half calf, for do to and showed signs of are steadily diminishing; its mortality has Philadelphia Portland; Georgia, Brier, Providence peared good advantage, A. w. unison his been ticket more Silks BONDS of western cities and counties, 10 per cent, for H G do for Wringer. inches. The Canadian was the shortest be- uniformity been less that assumed, and its appointed 15 Pieces Fancy 91.00 Bath; Fay, Philbrook. Portsmouth; careful training and good discipline. The prin- agent, at Bangor on the Maine Central. No interest and principal payable In tbe east. Private St Elmo. Davis, do for Bristol; H M Waite. Gotf, two inches lets. The man of management—well, we can say no more tuan to as well as rea hed. Debts small ing average is an enthusi- one has been in the new public very PbfladeipMa for Newmarket; Addle Todd, Corson, of the school, Mr. Rounds, its of same ex- ret appointed place of the yd., all Patterns and worth property notation cipal say that preseut officers are the in proportion to property and therefore paid. and Virginia. Calais for New Velma. height when he feels inclined to euvy the late W. H. Small, ticket agent. easily Strout, York; ast, in his profession, and inspires all around cellent and durable material as was its first Careful investors are Invited to call and examine tbe Look, St George NB fordo; Harriet Newell, Gould, of bis six A scull race is to come off at 91.25. Bonus. L ws and Decisions of the courts such Me A for KOLLD, commanding figure feet neighbor, nim with a share of his own energy and management. single BaDgor, upon Machias for do; Clara Jane, llep, Lubec do; SMI These its future is as sure June 14th, securities and will find them very safe. Tnere is Eva May. Rhodes. Windsor, NS for Port Royal SC; should find compensation in the fact that the Mr. his first assistant, things being true, PROVIDENCE^ Duroblr; vigor. Woodbury, as One Case assorted Black Silks at nothing better. Harrv Gardiner for its past; its security is beyond question, aud An lady uamed was thrown Percy, Percy. New|»ort; Olive, nearest man—on the aver is aged Raymond, CHARLES M. Warren. Machias for Pembroke r*l JOURNAL physically perfect is a very capable teacher, and its uew and successes will add ma- HAWKES, do; Vulcan, Coggins, Double yet greater from her carriage in Dexter, last Tuesday, and feb7snt28 Exchange st., Portland. for New Haven. their to the name which it has Mpiaal age, is but five feet seven inches high in his of great value to the school. They with terially good already seriously injured about the spine. NEW BEDFORD-Ar I2th. sell New Zealand. won for itself and for life insurance. stockings. The Germans have the largest earnest and faithful associates, Miss Hayd en PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. To Lei. Simmon*. Calais. (OGN, LESS THAN IMPORTERS PRICES. commodious four storied Brick No. 57 BOSTON—Ar 12'h, barque Western Sea, Hanson, measure about the chest at the I Miss Morton and Miss Curtis, have brought the There is still snow to the of four feet Store, respiration, Value of Refutation.—“Burleigh"of the depth THECommercial St.—immediate possesion given. Baltimore; brig Antilles. Thesrrup. Matanzas; sch Kaaital in the near Dover. It is in side hill however. Jas O’Donohue. Smith. Black War- avera inches. But as the ta- school to a high degree of attainment banks, Inquire of ELIAS THOMAS & CO Brunswick, Ga; Worltlan ;e being 33,50 Boston Journal, says: rior, fm AH Mt needed the teacher. The Sangerville cheese factory is in opera- No. 90 Commercial St. Steven*, Calais; Brooks, Smallage, nn- practical knowledge by or bles of races show that the percentage of Whether Victoria Wood hull will live die, tion. Or oI W. W. THOMAS, Canal National Bank. Desert; Henry Clay, Miller. Sullivan. Adjadable The cf the institution, iu the the doctors are not decided. Her Ar 131 h, barque Clotilde. Miller, Cienfuegos; is I than gem however, sickness, SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Prices 91.75 sentl2sntf brigs Curved fitness gi eater among he Germans, 91.00, 91.25, 91.50, Castillian. tm 28th ult: Princeton, of most of the by tlieir which has been nigh unto death, reads a sig- Crouchen, Sagua cunp. opinion visitors, proved A colored man the name of cook Wells, schs C H Chev- any other with one it nificant lesson that should uot be lost. Her by Sewall, me i'ii at Elizabethport; Dyer, Foley. Boldo nationality, exception, was the model and 92.00. ■■nay ana yon tendency to collect there, school, of the schooner Alpine, was knocked overboard erie. NS; Gamma, Huntley. Port Johnson. Firmed. that is as extraordinary career; her of life, which LANGLEY’S ROOT AND HERB BITTETS. no proves large chest measure, not, ana of the style the schooner’s the wharf Cld 13tb. barque Eliza White, Wotton. Ma'anza*; composed cf little boys girls village, she took no to her by boom,at in Bath, no poisons, but pains bide; avowed princi- 17 Pieces Black Hernanies at as> drag', nothing deleterious, nothing brig Mary E Dana. O’Neil, Charleston SC; schs Ad- the sure indication of and drowned. roots and such as wild commonly believed, who are instructed by Miss Gilbreth according ples on social life; her defiance of the laws yesterday, healthy herbs, Sarsaparilla, die Ryerson. Lubec; Sarah B, Phila- TOOL Yellow Ash, Pike, Johnson, PROVIDENCE CO., sound health. The troubles are gener- and who serve that regulate the social have been the H. Wilson, a workman at the Topsham feld Low Cherry, Dock, Prickly Thoroughwort, delp **a. lung to the most approved methods, code, touisniug Prices. Mandrake, so compounded comment. con- was thrown into tho river casks Rhubarb, Dandelion,&c., 10th. schs Native of na- subject of general It has been spar mill, by as to rea~-b the fountains of and SALEM^-Ar American, Agnow. Providence, K. I. ally thought to be the besetting disease to illustrate to the Normal School pupils, in ac- disease, absolutely Calais; Express, Ellsworth. tended that she gloried in her social ostracism; of feldspar rolling down him, last Satur- cure all Humors. Liver and Billious Jaun- Latty, shows theories of upou Diseases, Arlltb, migj Leighton, Leighton. J. II. WORK, Agent, tives of tl is country; but this report tual practice the operation of the that she never was so as when under ar- He was rescued immediately. His dice, Dyspepsia. Scrofula, and all diffi- Philadelphia; happy day. Costiveuess, schs Julia & Martha, Lunt, do; Ella Hodgdon. Nick- she a shoulder was and he was otherwise in- culties arising from a «’iseased siomaeh or 44 Brand street, Bo.ion, .Rua. that the American soldier finds his teaching which it is the province of the Normal rest; preferred the tombs to room in the broken, impure, erson, and Henrietta. Holbrook. Port Ma- average blood. Twenty years of unrivalled success has Johnson; and for her trial as the war- jured prov- Creamer. Hoboken most fatal foe in in School to iuculcate. It was really delightful Astor; panted ed them to be the best medicine in the world. GEO. tanzas, Bragdon. do; Idaho, ; Jaue Junll__ deow_ dyspepsia. Sixty every horse for the battle. Durin" sick- Fish, Keller, pants her Last Wednesday, George Furbish was C. GOODWIN & CO., aud all Calais; Georgie Staples, Lord, do for one to see the children dressed in badly Bo8i.on, druggists. Baltimore. of the Battle of Bunker Hill. thousand between the ages of 18 and 45, bright, pretty ness, all this has been changed. She is now at a mar6 sneodUJw Anniversary injured Bowdoinham, by bursting emery Sid 10th, schs Ocean costume, the exercises of the as a persecuted woman and Ranger, Whitney, and Fannie are disqualified by that disease that the wise gala go through represented poor wheel. A fragment of the wheel struck him Elder, Rich, New York. that no one would become her She an- BATCHELOR’S JUKE various a of attain- bail. on the face, breaking the MOURNING GOODS! HAIR DYE. Ar schs TUESDAY, 17, 1873. are wont to attribute to our and sweet- classes, exhibiting degree jaw. 12th, Ruth Hodgdon, Melvin, New York; pie nounces herself as weary and worn by brain This Hair is the best in the world John ment remarkable for scholars so young. The WALDO COUNTY. splendid Dye Tyler. Cook. Calais. meat ea'ing propensities. At any rate it was work; misunderstood and abandoned by every- The only True and Perfect Dye. Harmless Reliable NEWBUBYPORT—Ar 12th, sch Frances Ellen, and Belfast £M cent of the former Enos ?. Floyd..Essay and Salutatory S, Dyer of Calais, had his leg broke last for Philadelphia; Atlas,Mitchell, New York; Sports- disability, sixty-seven per riod, and will not return to the United States man. The School House as a Factor in Education. Tuesday, by being dragged a horse which he PIPES, PIPES, PIPES. Blanchard, do. to of the latter. The by Ar at Clenfuegos 31st C being rejected sixty-five Clara F. or Japan. His friends, who are charitably in- was into the stable. ult, barque Augusta Small, Elliott.Essay. leading O’Brien, Boston. number of men Illusions. he is There Cheroots, eleven dollarn per lOOO. largest proportional fighting clined, say crazy. were no evi- YORK COUNTY. Ar at Cardenas 5th, barque Syra, Corning, Mar- Music. Tobacco from 25 eents per pound to seilles; sch L* W Wheeler. Lewis, New York. are found among the workers of iron and dences of emotional insanity when in Boston I Goldborotigli’s store in Biddeford, was bur- Abbie Sanders.Essay. SPECIALTIES. 93.50, and Pipes from one cent Sid 5th, brig Miunie Miller, Leland, North ot Hat- leather. The Crusades. prior to for He glarized last Thursday night. The same night, sch Kate just leaving Europe. certainly eaeb to 9100 each. teras; Carlton, B >wers, do. Chronicles. the shop of H. Burnham was entered. A small HOUSEKEEPING GOODS Ar at Havana 5th, Tor Wilder, From these facts it may be assumed that Anna V. Hunt.Class accepted the civilities extended to him in a most brig rent, Baltimore; Music. amount .was stolen at either place. sch Nellie J Dinsmore, Dinsmore, New York; 6th, should the nation involved in war and rational manner; and there is yet a hope that —AT— All the above can be had at H FOR JULY 4th. get Violet Eaton.Essay. A soliooner lying at anchor at Kittery Point, barqne Jirigo, Mallett. Middlesbaro; D Stover, What shall she do? he will make an which will Pierce. New York. Flags, Lanterus. Balloons Torpe- thus its ne.w method of dis- explanation clear was struck by lightning last and con- forget settling Friday, DECIDED BARGAINS. STEBBIN S CIGAR STORE, Sid 5th, brig Yridora Rionda, Sagua; 6tli, barque does, Fire Crackers, Eldora Nichols.Essay. up some matters which are a little siderably Ac., putes as in the Geneva arbitra- mysterious. damaged; H F Huzzey, for New Orleans. Wholesale & Retail. exemplified Study. 360 Congress Street, Portland. In If all that is charged be true, it is a sad illus- Mrs. Mary Lord of Biddeford, was found Case More Bates each. port 7tn inst, barque W E Anderson. Brandt, for tion, it has little to fear from other nations Music. One Quilts $1.00 New York, ldg; Annie for For private use ourB»r*of n*s«rtrrf pieces of the dead iu her store last cause Torrey, Libby, Falmouth, Lewis H. Reed.Class Prophecies. tration influence of life at Washington Friday. Supposed brigs C A for New are a specialty. They give the utmost satisraclou. in a of view. He is the out- —rum. Eng; Spaiks, Bradley, York, do; physical point Music. 13 Pieces more best quality Turkey Dam. WHOLESALE. Jos Stahl, for Committees sf Cities. Tswss hu«4 t lubs upon this promising young man. At Clark, Philadelphia 5 days; Hattie E growth of fifly nationalities but in the blend- Calvin F. Stanley.Essay. Kennebunkport the shipping interests are Wheeler, Bacor., tor North of Hatteras. who desire PIBI.IC DlsPl.AYN, :uv referred Transit of Venus. quite brisk. ask, New Patterns, for $1.00 yard. Cigars very good for $17 per 1000. Sid fm Matanzas 4th. brig Geo Burnham. to our txhibuions ilie past ten years on Bssfsn arrives at a of Sad Termination of Anticipated Happi- Staples, (firectlm the of Bos- ing, higher average physical Nettie H. The United States steamer North of Hatteras; Augustine Kobbe.Carver. Common, under the of City Cortland. Valedictory. ness.—One of Adams mes Monongahela barqne health than all others Express Company’s has lieen taken out of the floating dock. Seven Pieces 2d fir 75c. New Time*, Falmouth E; brig Cascatede.North of Hatteras; 1st, ton, as a guarantee of excellence. together. between this an-* ob- quality, Addie Scud for Price LM. Ord* f early and address JB. of sengers city Fitchburg, Last a were barque McAdam, Partridge, New York: brig Conferring Diplomas. Thursday young couple matried, Old Tines, T. Agrat of the New England tained permission Tuesday of the company to iu Biddeford. and L Staples, Herriman, for Baltimore; 5th, scb Lillias, WELL4, The Convention. Id tbe a social assem- the same night applied to the 91 doz best Turkey Red Doylies $1.00 Idahorntory, C. E. INIasteif. PyrsirrhnUt. Bangor evening very pleasaut goon a vacation, duriug which he was to be “Havana Gems,” Griffin. Philadelphia. police station for lodging; alleging that owiDg Ar 5tb, scb J M Office .17 Kingston Mt.. corner of Bedford Below we the number of towns bly was held at the school building by invita- joined in wedlock to a young lady residing in Riley. Coffin. Havana; 12tb, bark give cities, to some trouble with the parents of one of dozen. No Brands G M Tucker. H 11, HuP, E, (Apl 4.) Nt., Boalon. Jul2-d3tS«Stw tion of the The young man arrived here Wed- and entitled to in the and under the charge graduating thiscity. them, they had no home or money. Ar5'b. brig Maurice. B irt'eU, New York. plantations delegates ami made all the And o her Brands of our make. Iam in a class. nesday, necessary arrange Two bales Russia Crashes for 12c. many Ar at St Jago 27ill ult, barque E A Cochrane, Nick- with number IN GENERAL. yard, to sell at lower ra:e6 than other Manu- Bangor Convention, the of del- ments for his marriage, wliith was to take posit:on any erson. Philadelphia. Business Chance, THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES but the intended Amusa a facturer or Jobber in the State. Ar at 1st each is entitled based on a place yestsrday afternoon, Stetson, native of Lincolnville, at worth 16e- Sagua inst, barque T K Weldon, Colson. egates county to, Actually G effected a by the adop- bride was suddenly seized with an attack of ill- work in Bostou. fell from a staging last Thurs- Havana; schs D King, Eldrldge, Mat&uzaa; C W vote corrected with permanent organisation Elwell. Portland. accurately by comparison of ness yesterday, from the effects of which she day, receiviug iujuries from which he will not R. NATHAN, Giles, tion of a code of by-laws, and the election Sid 1st inst, Bars'ow, N The the official returns; died about noon. A post-mortem examination, probably recovor. barque Sandy Hook, York; Subscriber, the officers aud committees: (Late €. H STUBBING,) brigs Sarah Gilmore. Clifford. Boston; Hig- having the stock of following we is to be made. Her name we Myronns, pnrebased Counties. Towns. &c. Nodel'gts hear, sup- gins, Philadelphia; sch Alzena, Bovnton. New York. 73 Perham. press, en account of family relations. The 360 Congress Street. Portland. DR I AND FANCY GOODS Androscoggin.13 President—Sidney Poisoning tbe Sick. Arat St John. NB, 11th, ship Wm A Campbell, Arocstook.34 67 Secretary—Stanley T. Pullen. young man is almost frantic with grief, aud all ju5 sn3m Liverpool; Peri, Portland; ud leased the store formerly occupied by J. J. Gil- There never was » in Carling. brigs Perkins, " Cumberland.26 133 Treasurer—Warreu Johnson. efforts to quirt him. at this writing, have been specialty medicine that waB Afton, Copp, Eastport. bert, Franklin.29 63 Finance Committee—Messrs. Perham, Pat- l'ith. not pirated. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters is no ex- IMPROVEMENTS. Hancock.33 unavailing.—Providence (R. I.) Star, 32 ST. LAWRENCE ST, 76 ten and Hanson. ception to the general rule. Fraud follows in the Whichever way we turn our eyes. SPOKEN. Kennebec.29 124 We see to rcctive the former and much Eastern Committee—Messrs. John track of NEW AND CHEAP. improvements have been made; June 7, Carysfort Reef NE 20 hopts patronage Knox.15 58 Inspectory the Great Vegetab'e Restorative as it makes miles, brig Tal'y Ho, more. Attempt to Break Alfred Jail.—Duriug Each seeking by some new device from Sagua hound North. Lincoln. 17 49 son. Dresser and Patten. the circle of the and offers its world, pernicious imi To cast all others in the shade; Jnne 9, lat 37, Ion 73, brig Richmond, from Carde- L. C. NELNON Oxford.40 87 Western Committee—Messrs. Tuesday night a prisoner at the filed a bar lotion- to the sick at anxious to Inspectory jail every turn, drench One Case Lace Batiste in all the In commerce and mechanics too, nas for New York. Penobseot.61 183 Abbott and Hanson. the witli their trash. Stripe Johnson, off of his cell window-, but it was public The imitators and coun- Great changes a few years do stow; June 10, oft sch Carrie S from Having m»ld as above staled I rc»pectfully desired 41 fortunately terfeiters offer it the Chincoteague. Webb, Piscataquis.20 Executive Committee—Messrs. Pullen, Ab- by gallon, the barrel, the hogs- Things which our fathers never knew, Georgetown SC foi New York. that all pem ns haviug unsettled Mcount* will cal 38 discovered iu time to his the as well as New Shades for 75e. per yard. Sagadahoc.11 bott and Dresser. prevent liberating head, by the bottle. Beware of this deluge Nor dreamed of fifty years ago. June 11, SK Hatteras 12 from at their euiliest convenience and the same. of abominations. miles, brig Eudorus, adjust Somerset.40 82 other prisoners, which it is said be could easily Bear in mind that the true article See what improvements at Fenno’s, Portland for Huvana. JuHdlw J. J GILBERT. Mr. Dresser was a committee to __ Waldo.26 68 appointed is sold in bottles only, and the imp ess of genuine- Onj Case Nllson Satin Stripes, worth Where boys can buy a “suit complete” have done ou the outsidi and Washington.51 97 consider the matter of the establishment of a by gettiug pick- ness is to be found upon the glass itself as well as up- Of handsome teasonable “clothes,” | .26 115 ing the locks of the jail, which are said to be of on the finely engraved government stamp and the ele- 50c. per yard. Price only 25c. Corner of Beach and Washington street For Peak’s Island. post graduate course, and report to the Board gant label. The great vegetable tonic and a character. could have prevents Jnllsnlw Boston. Total.493 1316 at the next very simple Wagner cures all bilious disorders and comp aims of the di- BONDS. meeting. Peak'. Island been liberated very easily, as his cell is the first gestive organs and the nervous Bystem, maladies up- To the Public. Iitmb.nl t’.napany. It is now on which the vile imitations produce no more effect announced that the practical con- from the outer door. E. T. ELDEN & The Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Ani- New York .... 7 THE WAGLNER TRIAL. than tbe Pope’s Bull upon the comet. CO., City ITEARKB solidation of the Eastern and Maine Central mals respectfully give1* notice that Alonzo.H. Libby, Constable, whose office is at No. 80 Middle “ “ “ Railroads has been and on The Suez Canal.—From the traffic returns e' EXPRESS, effected, Monday SPECIAL street, (up stairs) has been appointed Agent of the next the Eastern will assume the manage- FIFTH DAY. of the Suez canal, it appears that in the eleven NOTICES. One Price and no YariaMou. Society. CAPT41N A. S. OLIVES, The public are therefore to Brooklyn City 6’s months of vessels lequested give prompt ment of nearly all the railroads in the Stite j 1872-3,572 passed through, information to him of any crnelty to animals that Will leave tlie end of Custom Anus, Wharf dally fbr of may come to their and he wjll see to it Evervrcm at Jones’ on of Maine. The is not called a agaiust 288 in the preceding twelve months, Society the Army and NaTyof the Gulf. knowledge, Jersey City 7’t Landing, touching Landing, arrangement CLOSE OF THE GOVERNMENT'S CASE. that the offenders are to speedy and strict and after Jane at 8.45 and 10.15 A. M.,and while the iucreased at a the adjourned of the Executive and NO; 5 FREE brought 111th, 1872, but tonnage still larger meeting Local ST„ PORTLAND. Per order. I. 45 and 3.15 P. M. consolidation, an arrangement by which ! Committees of the Society of the and of justice. Elizabeth City 7’« tons, tons. This Army Navy ap29sntf leave at 9.00 and rate—674,818 against 293,362 wiU toke p,ac0 at the Falmouth Hotel on sneodtf Returning, Evergreen Landing the Eastern is to have five-ninths of the net Moses A. Safford testified that he was Assist- S&SH*? apr24 II. 15 A. and M. to the short cut cent, of MONDAY, Jiue 16th, at 8 P. M. All officers who Canada Southern R. M.. 5.U0 P. Si., and 2.00 and 5.15 P. gives twenty-tour per SPORTSJWAVS ! R., Gold, 7’s On and alter and and the Maine Central the remain- ant U. S. Marshal for the district of Maine for served in the Department of the Gulf are requested FRIEND July let. will rnn a Morning Eve- earnings all the tonnage passing at present between to be INHALATION. In Custom House present. B. & Cedar R. ning trip pleasant weather, leaving ing four-ninths. Judge Rice, it is said, will, I860; assisted in taking tbe census; my sub-di- GEO. F. Rapids R., Gold, 7’s Whaifat 7.15 A. V. and 7.15 P. M., and Junes’ Land- India and Europe and America. SHEPLEY, For C U L E X~ F U G E ALBERT W. Executive Hemorrhage or bleeding from the Lungs, for tag at 7.30 A. M. and 9.00 P. 51. in of the the visions embraced the towns of York, Kittery BRADBURY, Sore for A sure preventative from black Ac. consequence change, accept po- JOHN F. GODFREY Throat, Asthma, for Catarrh, for Difficult Mosquitoes, Flies, Northern Pacific R. R., Gold, 7-30’ Pare <1 wn and back 25 cents, children half price. and or shortness of breath, for all affections of sition to which he has been elected on the the Isle of Shoals, Hog Island and Smutty Religions Intelligence. HENRY T. CARTER. Committee. Breathing WHOLESALE rdan, Co., NO. ISO MIDDLE STREET, was a girl. She formerly drank spirituous show oil which one of the islands they lived. persons Exeter, evening. W. K. Kimball, Edward H. Wilson, 73 Free Street, Portland, Me. feb26 David R. Frank H. Manufacturers ot «£ True’s witness states the names of the Twelve persons were added to the North Hastings, Coffin. OppNsIte Woodman liquors but ceased them some The persons mchl58NlawS3m using years street church iu Bath last Sunday; nine by Jul*sn2t PORTLAND, MAINE, on account of the found on his return who lived on Smutty Nose B ago high price, poor quali- baptism and three by letter. PUREST WHITE 1 O S. A large and splendid assortment ol Island, 19 in all. Members of Atlantic Lodge, I. 0. G. T. SMOKERS’ ATTENTION ty and difficulty of obtaining a under The foundation for the new Baptist church AND N_D supply The State in buttons and taken from Every membrr of Atlantic Lodge, No. 83, is le- is called to tne n«nr method of put ring at is commenced. selling cigars, adopted State or .... the Maine laws. She does her Saco, quesied to be present nexc SATURDAY Maine 6’s CHAMBER FURNITURE! prohibitory EVENING, Shade or when arrested; also the found at The frame of a as business will come before the by Any Desired Color, own b Wagner pencil church in important Lodge. Portland & 6’s Direct from the which will work, aiding fires, sweeping, cooking Congregational Per order ot W. C. Bangor City Mnaafarisr;, Hontyet’s house the after the murder; also Fort Fairfield, was raised last week. T., be «•!«! at Wlisleaale day A.Q. Prepared for Immediate Application. Bath ... Prirrt. and discharging all the duties of the judsnld H. S. BURGESS, W. S. SCHLOTTERBECK, & Rockland City 6’s ordinary tbe rubber boots which Wagner admits to be The Union Church in Clinton is to be imme- f: Direct ezchange between the producer amt consume^. head of a APOTHECARY, ... 7’s farm household. The moral is ob- diately renovated and repaired. SOLD Chicago City in of such are his. LADIES SUITS- ByThe GALLON @NLY jyThose want goods invited to call vious. Prof. John R. Herrick has tendered his res- 303 CoxisreBs Street, one door Wayne & Clay Connty, Illinois, 7’s and examine before purchasing elsewhere. G. C. testifi Yeaton, esq., County Attorney, ignation as Professor of Christian in above Portland, Me. junUdtfCEO. II. MEBBIAM. ed. The contents of Theology Brown, Toledo, Ohio, 7.80’s A package, comprising Wag- the DURABLE, ECONOMICAL. iSOBTov learns that Hon. Bangor Theological Seminary. can BEAUTIFUL, • paper John J. ner's pocket wl en arrested, was received by You purchase a single cigar at the above place, Northern Pacific R. R., Gold, 7.80’s are : of Oxford has a me in an seal was broken Subscriptions being obtained for the at the rate box and Rare Business Perry declined nomination of envelope, sealed; by A usually charged per elsewhere, D. M. YEOMANS, Cedar • a new Universalist church Large Amriiuent Burlington Rapids & Minn. 7’s Opportunity me and contents articles then re- erection of in Rock- ! have the of State Senator in that This can examined; advantage selecting from the largest as- General Eastern Agent, county. in safe at where land. Maine Central, Consolidated. • • 7’s placed, put my my office, they sortment kept in the city. julO-lw-sn 83 Commercial St. Portland. to give our entire time to the manu- hardly be, as the Convention that makes the remained till this lias been tak- The new North chnrch in is to —AT— court; nothing Farmington I Bel2-eodtf sn DESIRINGfacture and sale of our “Middlings Purifiers,” eu from or Entwis- Canada, St. John & Halifax Bank- a nomination has not' yet been held. Gen added to contents. Officer be dedicated Tuesday June 17th. A. PARSONS, M. rctentlv patented, we offer our Mill tor sale at bar- »le delivered a torn shirt to me which remained Caucus. Capacity 3ft0 Bushels. Railroad In front and let- The Franklin Co. Bible Society has made ar- EASTMAN, BROS. notes and Sold. Perry has, however, written a very long in my possession till delivered me to Dr. Bonght Biu.ississipi i River in the rear. Lo< ation unsurpassed, by rangements for the more thorough distribution The Republicans of Falmouth are requested to ami most ter about the ful- Chase for his examination. DENTIST, being hi the finest wheat section, beautiful Republican party having of the Bible in that county. Has removed to meet at the town house in said town on SATURDAY city of the West. Population 30.000. 12f» miles above filled its OBADIAH DUBQIN. WE E. miles Southwest of < mission and other matters that The Maine Convention of Universalists will the 14th day of June, at 6 P. M. to elect delegates to WOOD, Afg’t St.* Leuis, and 250 hicago. Our White Lawn NO. 13 MARKET Flours bare a goad repulatk n already established abounded Deputy Sheriff; had Waguer in dur- meet in invitation of ilie Universa- | Suits, SQUARE. attend the in liberal papers a year since. We charge Bangor by State Convention at Ban or on the lbth. Sent 8-dtfl, Or Exchange St. in the various markets. ing this trial; Wagner made a remark on Tues- list Parish on the 24th, 25tli and 26th of this are not aware that the j at $3.7’5 to $30.00. tS^-SPECIALTY—Administration of Etlier for junl3td Per Order Town Committee. For further particulars apply immediately to letter of Gen. Per- noon as we were him from the month. Rev. S. will be installed day carrying Goouenough the A has purpose of extracting teeth without pain. C. E. WIIiTJIORF CO , ry received any extended notice or called court room to jail; said “God damn them, all as Pastor of the Park St. Universalist cliurcb j Grass Cloth Suits, want is life and can have it with- the JuuI3 sntf MARRIED. h. CIT1 MILLS, QlINtl, ILL. forth any general comment. they m.v they during session of the Convention. CpIyson&coT, out all this fuss about it.” at to J»n14 making The church now $4.50 $10.00. dlw Baptist building at Tresque ! _ In this June Bankers and Brokers, Now there comes a direct At 10 a. in., County Attorney Yeaton inform- Isle will lie ready for dedication by the lull of Cooking city. 12, by Rev. W. E. Gibbs. Alexan- very that Ranges. — report Mantle, and Tasso Linen der Hoyt aud Miss L. both of — OFFER FOR SALE ed the Court that the State’s case was out. J uly. Batiste, Suits, Angie Porter, Framing- a part ot the Farmington do not First class Cooking Ranges amd Stoves ham, Mass. FRENCH’S NEW delegation at to Portland HOTEL, Mr. Fischacber asked the indulgence of the The Quarterly Conference of the York and $6.00 $35.00 CHEAP FOR In I^ewiston, June 7, by Rev. W. E. Gibbs, Warren City %• propose to take Mr. Dingley in theirs at the CASH, ■ • COB. CORTLAXDT S- ATEIV Cumberland Christian Churches was held at E. Wood and Miss Ophelia Pullen, both of L. Bangor 2,8 CHUMH STS. Court till afternoon to arrange his statement call and see before purchasing. State Convention. We do not vouch for its the Christian meeting house at So. Harrison, Linen and Lawn In Bethel. May 31. L. W. Bennett of Newry and of defense. The Court granted his Also Ice chests coolers and Refrigerators. Olive A. Kendall of bethel. Bath.. NEW YORK. but if this and other request. commencing Friday afternoon, and continued Cook Connty correctness; reports ON" THK Forty-three witnesses have been examined over the Sabbath. There was a large attend- ! FREDERICK Chicago i,8 EUROPKAN PLAN. from Lewiston, Gardiner and Windsor should Polonaises and Dusters. BVCKNAIK, * on the side of the State. the ance and much interest was manifested. The W«. 1*» F.re <»». P.rtla.d Me. PITCI). Toledo, Ohio Probably opening Ohio 8’s”,s RICHARD P. FRENCH, prove correct, those fellows who have herald- and of the defense will next, and Annual Conference will be held at (Between Exchange and Plum St.) mj3ien3w Scioto County, testimony occupy the MISSES “YACHT’’ SUITS, R. R.. s Son of tlie late Col. ed the Saco church. In f eeds A Farmington guaranteed O 1UCHARD FRENCH oA two or three hundred residue of the week. The to this city. June 13, Mrs. Rachel W„ wlte of Capt. French’. ha. taken thla delegates already addressees the fire & Rochester R. It. 7’s Motel, Hotel, newly titled ud ju- Rev. Mr. Brownville commences his works. Alexander Small, and ot the late William Portland elected will have an will follow tempo- “With Hata to Match. daughtrr anil entirely renovated tl.e same. Centralle If,rnr.il excellent application oi ry and the Judge’s charge early next labors at South Tukey, aged 67 Maine Central R. R. .7*1 rary Bridgtou a week from Wb.Irsale Henri.Quarter, for years. to the BUSINESS PART of the City. the of discounts to over. next Sabbath. [Funeral services on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Northern Pa Iflc R. R. Gold • 7-80’s principle ponder Ladies * Gentlemen's Dixi.no AFTERNOON SESSION. at No. 129 Spring Htreet. Rooms at- Funds have been raised FIRE formerly o taciikii. The sufficient to build an WORKS. CRACKERS, In New Gloucester. June 12, Otis Allen, Government Bondj, Bank Stocks and _jiL.4il2niw2>m25 Ohio constitutional convention is con- At 2.30 p. m., the Court came in. All the Episcopal church at Fort 66 7 months. Fairfield. Portland, aged years # «vwk afternoon at Gold Bought and Sold. To Be Let sidering a very wh!ch is available room is occupied, largely by ladies. The Franklin EASTMAN, BROS., TORPEDOES, dec., dec., [Funeral services Sunday "Relatives original proposition, County Conference of Congre- at the resilience of Washington Jordan, termed gational churches met AT LOW PRICES! FIRST eLn Homo. the “recall-’ It is a Horses and carriages of the farmers of the vi- in last are invited to attend. 33 EXCHANGE STREET Boarding Tlie house on principle. simply Farmington 332 St. and friends the corner ot and Tuesday, and the Congress _ Congress Park streets well that a surround the Great inter Baptist Quarterly meeting HYDE & known us Miss Jones’ provision district may recall or dismiss cinage court-yard. the same Jnl2 dtf CUTTER, CO., *p3 PORTLAND. dtf ® Boarding House will he day. Both denominations had inter- leased tor n term of its est is manifested to learn the line of Send for Price List. VI iu in lure Aim...'.™ years. I, eoBtafnf a^i’it torw representative in the defense. esting sessious. 53 CHAUNCY ST.. B ston- rooms ha. a general assembly by Moon n» ..I Stable and Ice honse, Is now Our wishes us to Sun rises.4.23 ready for a vote. While it reporter note two errors in Piano junlS sn3w Ij Hijfli watei.i.00 PM I occupancy. Apply to might serve to put the ser- Bangor Theological received the Tuning. Sun sets.7.37 Seminary FIRE WORKS! WM. H. vant John C. Hontvet’s as past towards «. JFRHIS of the people on his it testimony printed. The year completing the endowment Orders attended to personally by Pa. good behavior, of the Howard Association, Philadelphia, ^ also types say that the clock which was knocked Seminary 819,672 The endowment of Portland June 5th. Sg'" might prove very troublesome in a close ED. B. An Institution having a high for honor- from the bracket to the profeessorship has been increased to ROBINSON, reputation ISTEW8. Wholesale tor the sale of Fire Works. sofa stopped at seven ';"ck able conduct and professional skill. Acting Surgeon, MARINE Agents district. * Ull" __ Hie for Men minutes the nVT Treasury, 8181,650,- Piano 3 Cah.on J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D. E-says Young past ten; witness said seven min- L. The sum of is Boom, Block. HOWARD ASSOCIA- Cruelty to Animals ! 850,000 yet needed for the sent free of charge. Address, OF Fire Crackers, of several of uees one. This full (Op|K>site City Halid mar28-d3m. 2 South Ninth Pa. PORT PORTLAND, Torpedoes, The presence our M. past fixes almost the endowment of the institution. TION, No. St., Philadelphia, Y Bangor exactly snSm communication received by me gi Inform- Ds. seems to have time of the murder. Rev. mv7 Rockets, Roman Candles, ation of virg imparted considerable Again the it S. R. Butler, of Mass., AN crulity to liorFes or other Aninals in types say Northampton, examination op teachers Friday, Jane 13. IMS spieeto the proceedings of the Maine Medical was low water at six las been appointed by the Maine Missionary Pin County, stating the full names of theprrsons o’clock; the remark of REMOVAL. ARRIVED. Serpents, Wheels, of su» h etueliv. I Association at Portland. Tne Press Society to the church at and will Now guilty slgne by the writer, will be publish the witness makes it water Washington Steamer Brunswick, Pike, St John, NB via holden sti icily confident Ld if desired. ed a report of the and and the high at that hour inter upon his work at once. The annual examination or candidates for positions Triangles, Blue Lights, doings sayings, which will Eastport. A. 11. LIBBY, Agent. give a fair tide from T. as In the Schools of CH4RL.ES M. H4WKE8. At tie Doctors were so ashamed at sedng their Portsmouth to Mr S. Pi rry of Bridgtou will be < rlained teachers public Portland, will be Brig Durkec, (Br) Kimball. Guantanamo— Blast Society for the Prevention of Crm lt> to Animals, — 40 tes u as — IN 480 hhds sugar, to order. Vessel to Geo H Starr Pistols, (inns, squabbles in that relieved them- Smutty Nose till twelve o’clock. it Swede au Evangelist on the 18th, inst. held in the GirlB* Room, High School Building, on DEALER •ulld&wlw* Office 80 Middle treet, Portland, print they Scb Coffin. Ponce 16 selves Mr. Perry has been ot late the at 2 o’clock, P. M. BONDS. Boston) PK, by at the supplying WEDNESDAY, July 2,1873, Western Ctiy and Connty hhds 21 tes to & Jackson lrackets, Pistols, new, growling newspaper.—Whig. at Denmark and Sweden. days-—308 molasses Pliinuev New :hurobes W. H. SHAILEB, Office removed to Sell Andrew NS— Line of Steamers.—Partie** in Liver- Sprague. (Br) Wadman, Walton, Chinese GIRLS WAITED. The scare about Rev. John A. Ross, who once supplied the GEO. W. TRUE, 105 tons plaster to order. Backets, the chole a in the South pool, and — England, Montreal and in- 96 MIDDLE STREET. Sch Laura BY THE — Quebec, •hurcll iu New Gloucester, but for the last uiue T. Bridgman. Clark. Philadelphia. '®Ported to for ion as STANLEY PULLEN, ei'tf Sch Cannons, be and is decided not r;™ corporal the Mitchell in Iowa is Juuta Queen of the Fleet, Barbour, Belfast. abating, pearB has been Mariou, supplying F. LIBBY, J® e of tlie Company, the capital to be a few CHARLES Doable PORTLAND STAR MATCH #rno for Sabbaths. _. CO. Asiatic but known $M3( ,000,m»a-m in 5000eeiR the pulpit iu Belfast, CLEARED Headers, Mines, Flags, ,, variety, by shares of $100 each,with power CHARLES J. CHAPMAN, BANK OF PORTLAND. Cow of Brig Sebastopol. (Br) Forest, Bay—master. — — somewhat ominous to increase to The forty seventh annual meeting the Sch ALSO name ot $1,000,000. The objects of the Examining Board. On, and after tblB the uu 'et gneri will carry Hibernia. (Br) Coggins, Westport NS—master. Masks, Fancy Pieces. “sporadic,” are the> General Conference of Congregation Churches date, Sch P‘y ,n,‘an', company running of a line of steamers on a strictly business, at the Lizzie G, (Br) Gilchrist, St John, NB-John Towns and cities 91 ecatWred «>d not will be held with the Church in Gor- Portland, June 10,1873. Jul2sndtd Banking fuinlthed with diaulars at the Boys f rom 18 to years of ago. epi- from the port* of Montreal and to ports iu Maine, Homes now occupied by the Secou National Bank, Porteous. demS. Quebec at ‘BANK Factory prices. in the bulf o. St. ham, commencing Tuesday, June 24ih, 1873, in Portland, under the itvk of the Sch J K Howard,(Br) Howard, St Johu, NB—John tw« Lawreuce, and the maritime | FOR THE FACE, Maine, {^"Orilers from the country promptly at ten led to. fa»<_ and toother il o’clock A. M. PIMPLEfToN OF PORTLAND” and as such, will receive Deposits Porteous. Eastport is provinces, ports anJ places, atid for course iff the Co. Wnnlitd a an- Blackhead and Fleshworm use PERRY'S improv- and make in the Sch Virginia, Small, Lnbec—J S Winslow & Boy. ^Pwtedtohave^iected carrying on business as with The Conference will hold its Discounts, regular Ding- generally carriers, Piscataquis ed Comedone and the skin Business. CHAS. JR. & A If Pimple Remedy, great Banking _ NINTELLJGANT Boy from 13,0 17 ley delegates. Quoddy Head power to such vessels and steamers nual session with the church in Brownville, medic ine. W. N. DAY, CO., has, Kitterv3 purchase Prepared only by Dr B. C. PERKY, GOOLD. ItlEHORANDA. ....——r as may be for such The the 17th and 18th of June next, at 9 o’clock, A 49 94 EXCHANGE a won’t, necessary objects. Dermatologist, Bond St., if. Y. Sold by Druggists Portland, June 24th, 1872. Rio from Fernandlna for STREET. chief > Brig Grande, McLeilan, place of business is to be in Montreal. M. verywbere. nuhr22d&win6ffil7 JunXSMwlt then in tf with aleak and filled Junl2 eod&wtJly4 JuUdtl -"TiaJy’: Philadelphia, lumber, sprung No 4 Dealing Block. if the New York Times ball Matne Hospital Fair—The Executive correspondent is relia- Base Baltimore; Mutuals Maine General Fair. NEW YORK. 11, Balti- commissioned officer or a of Buch Hospital addi- ble. | mores a. private, duplicate TPRESS. Committee acknowledge the donation of certificate of discharge, to be indelibly marked, so sales. Maine Congressman elect The band of the Prince that it may be known as a Provided\ Such =_auction tional articles and money in aid of the Smith of North Carolina, George regiment of duplicate: the army, one of the most cer incite shall not be accepted as a voucher for ihe JUNE 1878 following has a The Irregularities in the Freediuen’s Saxony celebrated in SATURDAY MORNING 14, General Hospital Fair, from the published letter favoring the absolute lias sailed from payment of any claim against the United States for Choice Plant* at FOURTH Germany, Hamburg for a toUr Auction. DAY, of Bureau. pay, bounty, or other or as eviddnce in named repudiation the State debt of over #31,000,- of the United States. allowance, SATURDAY, June ut 10 parties: New York. any other case. I4th, o'clock at THE PftiEMN Co. through A. 000. June 13.—It is stated that the Iron The bank at jj. -• That the Springfield Furniture. of War has to Columbia Chatham, j._ a army regulations now in force are be of Fe»- chair *40 Secretary submitted the Depart- J®*1 nw May obtained at the Periodical Depots Evans, lion folding easy A. T. Stewart of New is so far recov- State has suspended. in accordance with the provisions of Kuchmit.. tlouble aud ■enden Brinell & Co.* The Fourth day of the Hospital Fair open ed H. J. LnDoy, York, ment of Justice, a statement of the condition institution, gJJJg ningl. Oeranluiu., Verb^’ Bros., Marquis, Robinson, Misses through package Ivies, Co en, Hello, rope., Hnk. Libby, ered in health as to travel abort but of affairs found the War to ex- The Internal Revenue Fridayamount- Union VorbmmL Andrews, Went worth, Glendenniug MO'es, Hender- cool and clouds of dust were distances, by Department receipts Approved. March 3. 1873. Petunias,Arc., Irom he and breezy. Though fancy ist in the division of Conservatory ot Hovevvey *A Co son. Chisholm Bros., on all trains that run out of Harris> Auburn, cash contribu- has not business the late Freed men’s Bu- ed to $312,1124. Mass. c®4' the in the it was ou the whole ^ods. yet attempted to resume Cambridge, ity. blowing streets, very reau, charged with the settlement of bounties F. O. BAILEY A At hours. CO., Auii(.Wn, Biddeford, of Pillsbury. comfortable. The halls were at a to colored soldiers. The statement sets At pleasant w. Clark, Danville Btnffed forth ;—jjjftjTERTA INMENTS. 2t Saco of L, Hodgdou. tuji; Junction, Charles A. of lost that claimants for whom J”13__ At tern all The forenoon attendance Chaples Belfast, Me., was treasury certificates FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Waterville, of J. S. Carter. perature day. have been At cash overboard last week from the schooner M. W. issued and seufc to the bureau for Uorhani, of News Ageut. was much larger than on forenoon FTf. Lewis, Fryeburg, contribution. At any previous payment never received their Bath, of J. O. Shaw.' Thomas Baker, barrrel dried ap- on the money, although Forest CitvT SPECIAL SALET the Oxford, Drew, passage from that city to Jack- were Foreign Exports. At Lewiston, of French Bros. during week, very many out of town pevple pies. they marked on the records ol the bureau At a Florida. He was old. as ST. JOHN, NB. Scbr J K Howard—1800 bbls flour, Kennebunk. of C. E. Mi.ler. being present. In the afternoon it slackened Citizens of Dr. sonville, eighteen years paid, reported to the treasury by the disburs- Cherryfield, through C. J. Otons l>rau, 26 100 doz rakes, 1 The Western free traders are at ing officer of the bureau as and so cred- mowing machines, but the an immense Milliken, cash $25. assiduously paid, water wheel. Park i little, duriug evening ited on the seen Timmons work settlement of his account. For trotting^ been & cash contribution to the farmers’ hut Scbr Lizzie G—800 bbls crowd, the like of which had not Hawes, $25. capture movement, this fraud the flour, 10 tons feed, 152 pkgs of War wishes to — CITY AND VICINITY. ante- A. Lewis, N. Secretary rakes, 1 00 It walnut 50 bbls concentrated STOCK OF tho halls and Elilily Brooklyn, Y., through the agriculturists seem to turn a deaf ear to the know the of lumber, PORTLAND, Me duriug the fair, packed Dr. toilet cushion aud degree responsibility and relative manure, lot of machinery. at the various Gordon, elegant fancy of “Free uuder the law rooms aud corridors. Sales butterfly. war-ery Trade and Farmers’ Eights.” respousipility of’Gen. Howard WESTPORT. NS. Scbr Hibernia—8 New Adeerti«ea»entft aud his bbls,flour, 1873 June T«-Dny. the and A Toledo. asserts Gar- disbursing officer Gen. Bailaek. When 2 do do beef. Meeting 1373 tables were most excellent during day Mr3. W. R. fine collection (O.l paper that Gen. pork,2 Keith, Thomaston, the War Department took of the bu- New of water color field has “thrown himself Farmers’ possession Foreign Vtnporu. 13th Carriages dee., the buying tickets in the paintings. into the reau records Juoc 10th, 11th. 13th. & itth. evening, though unpaid claims were found amount- SAGUA. Mechanic—339 lihds 9 tes 58 bbls AUCTION COLUMN. Mrs. A. 8. Hill, Kenuebunk, by Dr. Snow movement Brig tbe main portion of the enthusiastically.” In which case, it ing to upwards of were mol it-ses to 8 2 bbls &c—F. O. & Co. raffles absorbed money cash $30. $30,000 although ihey George Hunt; molasses, 1 do su- Furniture, Bailey entered on the records anu to master. Boats-F. O. Bailey & out. Contributions continue to in. it to be feared, be will find that he has “thrown reported to the gar Co. paid pour Forty-one employes C. P. Kimball Compa- and Administrator’s Sale—Edward W. Fox. continues Treasury there entered as naid. GUANTANAMO. Attie Durkee—480 hhds $2500 at Fluent Hall to be crowded with an ny, cash collections $100. himself away without sufficient cause.” Brig auction. Wore Polaris Rumors. 47 tes sugar to order. SPECIAL NOTICES. and Miss Caroline L. Lewis, Newton, Mass., box A with a anxious hungry multitude, the young girl in Alton, la., is b»set PR. of the keeping A states PONCE, Scbr Ocean Belle—308 hhds 21 tes IN PREMIUMS. Society Army and Navy of the Gulf. at work fancy goods. Washington despatch that the Jun- waiters without cessation. Indeed the strange malady. It consists of the hardening mta is ordered molasses to Pbtuucy & Jackson. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Citizens of Hollis,through Mrs. P. H. Brown, to leave at since for Disco and NATUKDtl Junr 14«b. demand is to exceed cash of tbe skin and her feels like a where it Fireworks—B. T. Wells. beginning the supply, and collections $21. flesh; body Upper Navick, is believed some of the Polaris will be utt>. at II A. M. at John French’s New Hotel—New York. all citizens are Ladies of Augusta, cake and cream. marble statue, but she has suffered no loss of found, as it is believed Budding, Bo*ton 8tock liiftt. SPECIAL PREMIUMS. 0NRuAJb’?(vlt1T' JH?e N' urgently requested to send in areas street ••3,1 aml 3,3 Con- W anted—Lobenstein. Wm. R. refreshments. ton would winter the Polaris in Northumber- willbSSaftw ^ contributions of Field, Brurswick, or muscular fSales at the Broker’s Board, June 13.1 Girls Wanted—Portland Star Match Co. refreshments to-day. The Mrs. C. J. box butter. sensibility power. land Souud, from whence Gilman, Bruuswick, some of the crew Maine State Three Hundred a-d Ids ™*- Providence Wrin er—J. H. Work. L. C. brother of the late 6’s.99 Fifty Dollars, sell for i-ilvate sale irads■ *!„”“’yu*>v 5“** m Congress Square Univcrsalist Society have Wm. M. cash contri- Canby, Gen. Canby, would make their way to those 4 to Animals—A. H. Libby. McArthur, Limington, places Laconia Manufacturing Co rights.25* Phaetons, shlf ing top -*?f'!m7 Cruelty bution while on his borne from The remainder of the H-fiine Bnggk. Rare E. Whitmore & Co charge of the tables, and, in addition to the $10. way Indianapolis, seamen of the Polaris Boston & Maine Caen. Hospital Prizes. R Ckutvayp, Carryalls, Bench Business Opportunity—C. leave for Railroad.118$ Wagon, (ffniordr<1 Wa* To be H. Jerri*. Beujauiiu Fairfield, Fan cloths dry- where his to-day New under to ons, Expr. as Wagons, ,tr„ &c. Let—Win. usual hill of a Satur- Tukey, brother’s funeral was attended, be- York, promise First Premium, Martin & wagon, valued H. Merriam. fare, they promise regular er. the Secretary of the not to of Pennell, Also a number of See nil-hand Special Announcement—Geo. Navy divulge any 9250, for horses that have never beaten 2:45. Carriages K'.w C. Nelson. of baked beans. came violently insane and has been in tbe IVew York Stock and market. Ha Business Chance—L. day night’s supply Citizens of Saco, cash collections $355.08. put their testimony. money ENTRIES. and Second-hand riches, Ac., &e. Ocean House—J. W. Wolcott. at The New York. June 13 Morn The ladies of the First are re- Mrs. E. Nott, fancy articles. asylum Fulton. despatch states that enough has been no.-Gol.l at 117.— Geo. H. F. O. BAILEY 4k CO Aa}i|»ortuui>y Is presented one, present leads, and was ev under the influence competitive bales; 20$c. Every E^ning this week, Per order Republican City Committee. idently laboriug jearers were Grand and Pa^t Grand Masters, Elour in buyer’s favor; sales 6200 bbls; Stale 5 35@ to purchase a good hr use lot In tbe Immediate vk ni- Dr. Dana close behind and Dr. and forward the result to for in- • him, Tewksbury of an overtose of his own wretched Washington among whom was Hon. J. H. Drummond of 7 60: Round hoop Ohio 6 60 6$ 9 60: Western 5 35 @ ty of horse cars, Westbrook Seminary, c., Sic. whiskey. Come and a Laugh i EDWARD W. third It promises to into a be- and decision. The is to save Portland. The funeral services took at 9 50; Southern at 620 @ 11 00. W heat is 1 @ 2c 1 »w- enjoy hearty FOX. develope fight Two soiled doves of Canadian were spection object place of estate of Oliver ‘’ importation or with a moderate sales Doors Administrator tbe Buckley, RelilciouM Notices. tween the the of the Church of the which was most export demand; 194.000 open at 7; commence at 8. Tickets only 25 ’pathies.” Success to them. arrested. applicants expense coming to Washing- Disciples bull' N * 2 at 1 1 j 014,21,28 St. Lawrence St. Church.—Rev. A. H. The next place visited was the mixed decorated. The full of the Spring 45 (g> 53; No 3 at 1 31; Win- cents. Wright, A ton tastefully service ter Red Western 1 51 for at a. m. and m. later account puts Dr. first, for examination, as at present. inferior. Corn in fair re- lyimdruction in from 7 to 8 previous Pastor.—Preaching 10$ 3 p. Tewksbury establishment of Mr. Pike, below Nelson’s. Church was read Rt v. S. H. Psychology just Episcopal by quest an I unchanged; sales 168,000 bush; ne v Mix- to the Eutertaiumant. Terms 95.00. J. S. Ac Auctioneer* Newbury at a. Dr. Burr and Dr. Dana third. Jr.. followed juulOdlw By Bailey Co., St., Church.—Prayer meeting 10$ second, There was a somewhat mixed aud as- Tyng, by an address by Re,r. Dr. ed Western 54 ® 58c: old 5c. Oats a shade firmer for in the afternoon at m. juoilant m.; preaching 3 p. worth, and the funeral service of the M a- new and dull and for White: sales 78.000 In tbe contest for the Commander’s but was Hep heavy bush; Knight sembly there, their joy suddenly hushed new Wes'eru Williston Chuucii.—S. S. 10$ a. m. Preaching souic Order. The attendance was very large at Mixed at 40 @ 43c. Beef steadv. Pork Harry Bloodgood’g service at 3 P. M. swonl, Orrin 8. is three votes ahead of when the force were new mes-16 62*. Sittings free. Social meeting at 7$ Fogg stepped in. Three women the church, and the streets were crowded with steady; Lara weak at 8| @ 9$c.— MINSTREL AND BURLESQUE Valuable Real Estate P. M. BY Butrer is quiet and Ohio new State his two competitors. taken there, one of whom was released. Their TELEGRAPH. people. At the cenclusion of the ceremonies steady; 15@ 20c; Spiritual 25 @ 28c. Whiskey quiet at 93$c. Rice steady at 7$ Fraternity, Army and Navy Union In the ou the procession was reformed and the coffin was ! voting the surgeon’s operating weeping was bountiful to hear, aud they filled Cgj K$c Sugar is dull and heavy ; refining 7$ @ 8$c.— COMBINATION AT AUCTION Hall—Children’s Progressive Lyceum at 10$ A. to. tak n to the cars in to be taken to Cottee a Drs. Fitch and .Jersey City shade firmer; RIa 17$ @ 2.'c in Gold. Mo- Conference at 3 P. M. case, Hunt are still the favorite the station with the sound of their lamentations. MATTERS IN MAINE. South lasses quiet and Carolina. unchanged; clayed 29 31c New at Music Hall. GUARDIAN'S SALE. St. Luke’s Cathedral, State St.—Rt. Rev. H. candidates, the former at ten o’clock One house on street was but Swindle* ! Porto fclco 35 30 To-Night standing Newbury visited, Largo ^r,«?ns3«c. Naval @y6<>c; MuwjovJo A. Neely, bishop ol the Diocese oi Maine.—Sunday @ Stores—Spirits Turpentine weak at 51; Sflect last eveniug 61 to the latter’s 35. other all was there. Last 11 J. H. Horton is he means U »s..i in Matinee at 8 P. M. Pursuant to a license from the Probate Court far services 10.30 a. in., 3 and 7.30 p. m. services at Many quiet night at o’clock wanted, having by good demand at 2 90 for strained. Petroleum Saturday Daily the of Guar- 9 a. m. and 5 m. Seats free to all. doctors have received from one to a of of forged checks, placed iu a Phila- dull; crmie 8$ @ 8}c; refined at Tallow County Cumberland, the undersigned. p. dozen votes the streets were as quiet as a country village, Trial of Wagner. deposits 19$ @ 19$c. j»!2___tf houseon succeed- dull at 8} @ 8$e. dian of Charles H. of Portland, in said St. Paul’s Church, corner ot Congress and Lo- each, hut none are near the two named. the number of in delphia banking Wednesday, Haggett despite large people town. ed in lu Liverpool at GRAND cust street.—Services Sunday at 10.30 o’clock a.m. drawing upou them, by telegraphic trans- quiet; Graiu, per steam, EXCURSION county, will sell at public auction on tbe prem mm on $700 were taken at the l^Frereights — and 3 p. m. Nearly refreshment Tais is largely due to the efficiency of the po- over in and before TO — DEFENCE. fer, $27,000 gold, decamped Tuesday, the seventeenth (17) ot tables in Fluent Hall OPENING OF THE the swindle was The were the of Government day St. Sti phkn’8 Church.—Sunday Services at 10$ yesterday. lice. There were but two men in the station discovered. following quotations A. I). a. and securities: June, 1S7&, in.; 3 p. m. The sittings in this Church are The Floral Committee desire we should last for drunkenness. The Reformed Church—A Grand Reunion free to all. say night United States coupon G’s, 1881. 122$ Old Orchard Beach ! At to o’clock im the forenoon, that the United States 5-20’s Portland professional gardeners, as well as of Project* 1S62.1164 the following described real estate situated in said Spiritual Association, Temperance Habby IIloodgood s entertainment naa Testimony Wagner. Uuited States 5-20’s Hall. 35U st. have The General Synod of the Reformed Church, 1864.1164 TUESD1Y, JURfE 17, 1873. Congress Conference at 2 P. M. Sub- mauy private parties, been very generous United States 5-20’s 1865, Portland, vis: feet: Phenomena. a Bother crowded house r>t Music Hall in sessiou at New New old...119 Spiritual iu hut resources Brunswick, Jersey, yes- Uuited States 5-20's new. Lots numbered one five supplying flowers, that present 1865, 120 AND an- (1), (9). eight (8), eleven (11) India last We have so a resolution a com- ‘‘ARMY NAVY UNION” St. Universalist Church.—Rev. Geo. W. evening. given much about to the terday, adopted appointing United States5-2»»’s for the booth are nearly exhausted. All who [Special Despatch Daily Press-1 mittee of ISC7.121} THEnounce to their friends and the public that the^ and seventeen (17) on plm of Meters. Haggett's Bicknell, pastor.— reaching Services at 10$ a. m. and his that it is 15 to consider the subject of a federal United States 5-20’s If 68 .120} Harry company, almost im- June 13.—Mr. are now able to fulfill the premise ade, or giving lands in Portland, the old homestead of Sam- vesper Service at 7$ p. m. can send contributions of flowers today (even If Alfred, Fiscliaeker’c opening or organic union and report next year. Re- Uuited States 5’e. new.Hgi (being to add more. them the first Excursion over ihe Boston & Maim* possible Suffice it to say that tbe au were Uuited States uel F. deceased recorded in Cumberland Y. M. C. A. Chapel, but small are desired to do so. occupied hour and a half. The defence is ports received from delegates which 'eads LO-4o’s.,coupons. ....114$ R. R. to “Old Orchard Beach” and “Fern Park.” Haggett J Devring’s Bridge.—Sabbath lots), Currency 6’s School at 3 o’clock P. M. entertainment is an one, and we to the belief that next the union under ....1144 This is one half hour** and of Plan Book No. Plan 30. GLASS BLOWERS AND POTTERY. unusally good that Wagner is not the man. He is not bound year delightful trip onlv ride, Registry Deeds, 3, one The were the ev»rv one wb > High Street Church.—Rev. W. H. Fenn, Pastor. can assure those head and with one title will be consummat- following closing quotations wer rates.— HALL. Pieachiug 7$ M.,at pottery, making July, for a grand floral concert on State street, the tombs to shoot Stokes. He was a great fa- street*, Bi ngse's, ingrain and oil carrot*. *ofa, ca d Jones of will take Seats free. Wbeat is dull and lower; No l at 128 for England part. of clay. A lump of clay is put into the mill, Smutty Nose; before that three mouths on Star vorite of Fisk, received from him a dia- Spring FLUENT^ and c«-n*er table*, chairs, lounge*, mirror-*, curtains, by one thousand of our school children, accom- having solt; 1 29 for bard; No 2 at 1 on 1 Casco St. Church —Prof Howe, of Bates Col- mond Spring 21} spot; 19} ExecnMve Committee take pleasure in an chamber fumiiure, feather bens, hairmd other mat- and before you can see how it is a Island; before that fifteen on board of pin, gold watch, etc. seller July with early sales at lc lower; No 3 do at will preach St 10$ a. m. and 3 p. m. hardly done, panied by tbe Portland Baud, under the direc- years THEuounclng that they h ive, through the courtesy tre'*es, spring ward robes, steeria baker, re- lege, The Tini“s calls the board of 111; 95 98. Corn dull and No 2 beds, well or vessels off an sometimes upon emigration rejected @ declining; ot‘ Mr. Fluent, obtained ilie use of the and f with the kitchen First Baptist Church, Congress st„ comer of shaped jug pot appears. tion of Mr. W. L. Fitch. on, ashore eight days to abaudon Mixed at 35c on 361 for seller spacious iorrator, crockery, etc., together chapel building and railroad job- 34} @ spot; @ 39} Aug; beautiful hall, knowu as furniture. Wilmot. Rev. Wm. H. Shaller, Pastor.—Preaching at The are at a at Glass Blowers farther along the hall, No doubt our will be lis- time; sailed in old country ten years; first bing, ami attend to the legitimate interests of rejected 30} @ 3)}. Oats dull and declining at 27} 3; Sabbath School at 1 $; Sabbath Social Meeting, potriotism ^reused by seller reected 24 FLUENT HALL, F. O. BAILEY A CO., Asctissrer*. in a room to the There are two came to Boston seven last first the poor immigrants. (S) 2i| cash; 30}c July; @ 24}c. Rye 7$ p. m. Seats free. right. stands, tening to the strains of mo years ago April; No 2 at is dull and nominal.— and that it has been hards and stirring Marsellaise, steady; 61}c. Barley mely conveniently __ _JelO with a man heard of John McArdle, a drunken brute,of Williams- New Jerusalem CnuRCH—New High street.— to each. They heat tbe glass and Star Spangled Ban"er, and Kelier's American tbe murder as I was taken.by the po- Whiskey is steady at 90c. Provisions— Pork dull tlttod up, and will be Hsed as a burg, upon beiug his wife to give and lower 15 on al Auction. Rev. Leonard G. Jordan will preach iu the Temple make almost lice officer in the of urged by at 85 spot; 15 90 seller July. Lard Furniture, Carpt-to. Ar., every imaginable object, birds, when rendered bv sucb a cborus. city Boston. some of the food he had ordered from a restau- Bulk FI KMT-FLAWS RESTAURANT, to-morrow morning at 10$ o’clock. Hymn, nominally unchanged. Meats unchanged. Ba- saie-rHim, 18 Exchange street, on WEDNES- &c. There is in answer to rant for to his last con shoulders at on ^“Or. C. C. Mechan- vases, glasses, tumblers, &c., We trust our young friends will to Wagner counsel commences to himself, starving children, nominal; 6} @ r}c spot; short rib During the Fair. The societies of the ATDAY, June 18tli. at to o’clock A. M., Parlor B'-nnett, Library Room, respond middles at 8j? seller religious city ic’s Hall. —New School of Free. Suu- also a marine engine, such es are used on give an account of bimself from the before evening, beat her brains out. He was arrested. @ fife cash; 8}c July. will furnish refresh men is and flowers. Scores of Suit in B. W. and Hair Cloth, S<-fh in B. W. and Philosophy. tbe call for which will next day Lake Freights in fair demand and to fif not at 6 o’clock P. M. Review rehearsal, appear lower—Corn yung ladies, in prnty and uniforms, Green Kept, new ami second hand Carpet*, Chamber day rain') Subject: made of of different the murder till the time of his Buffalo at appropriate of the steamboats, entirely glass, week. arrest, and con- 5}. will serve on ibeir The flor- Fu niture. B. W. and Pine Ward Kobe*, day’s religious teachings. bbls respecilvo parish clays. Spring •olors, and run hot air. It is a novel tinued his two the time Receipts—6,000 flour, 76,000 bush wbeat. 216,- al dec >rations. which are under the «uiporvi*if»n #*f a Bed*, Mattroawn. Cook fDt.ro, KcTrireraior, Crock- Advent Christian Church, Union Hall. #7 Free by very story hours, covering WASHINGTON. 000 hind) corn. 114.0"0 hush oats, 3,000 bust rye, 1,000 ladjr of exquisi'e ta«fe. will b«- unique and beautiful; ery and Tin Warr, Kitchen Furniture, ,tc. next EliVr J. A. of affair indeed. This room is full of visi- With Passenger Cab Attached.—We to the of his a busb 00.000 St.—Preaching Sunday by Libby, always purchase clothes from German barley, hogs. whi'e several pieces of music have been to Ai 12 M. one Row Bout with Oa *, in good order. West Poland. at 9 a. m. engaged Prayer meetiug tors. understand that a passenger car is attached to Jacob of Fleet Shipments—4.000 onis tfonr, 00,000 bu*l» wheal, 000,- lend their charm to the scehc. V. O. BAILEY A CO., Aictis crn. acquaintance, Toedtman, street, The mail Service. (,00 b»i*»h corn. 114.000 bush bush St at? Street Church.—Prof. Barbour, will oats, 2,000 rye, 2,000 All persons vlsltiug the Fair are Invited to visit JuH»t Still further ou is the Natural room. the freight train on the Portland & Ogdens- Boston. At 4 o’clock took the bush 0900 preach to-morrow morning and Evening. History lines of H«nt- Washington, June 13.—Orders have'been barley, hogs. Fluent Hall. Entrance bv tho bridge which has been Railroad that leaves here in constructed across •i Plymouth Church.—Rev. M. H. Pas- This of course must be visited by all. There is burg at 0.15 the vel’s little schooner at the Hontvet issued for the establishment of a mail service Cincinnati. June 13.—Provisions with a s’ightly from City Hall. No extra charge Fine Pleasure Bouts at Auction. William*, wharf; for tor. Preaching at a. Sabbath School at 12. on improved feeling. Lard quiet and; steam admittance. ir$ m; the live rattlesnake that arrived iu town the morning, for the benefit of such persons as ashore; asked him if he was the Eastern Railroad of New Hampshire, nominally THURSDAY June 19th, at 12 M.. we *h 11 at Conference stepped prisoner belli at 8}c; ke tlo at 8}c. Pork at 16 16 50.— Doors open from 11 a. m., till 10 p. m. Youn* People’s meeting 6$ p. m; between S inborn's and Wolfboni. a distance ol 25@ ONse'l on * >ulb side of Portland Pier the two fine at other day. As every one else was to the may desire to go to Fryeburg, Couway, etc., to the shoals that he answered me Bulk Meats steady ;shoulder in an improved demands jy N. B.-Societies are requested to sen 1 in re- meetiug 7$. goiug going night; twelve miles. fixed hereafter. pleasure Boa’s named Anna and Laura. F.ach boat and Pay 64c; clear rib sides 8| @ 8}c; sales freshments as early as 9 a. id. Bethel Church.—Mr. Benj. B. will fair, he he must too. One return the same The train however, yes; 1 told him that there was a woman who 8}c buyer June; JelO will seat from 15 to 20 persons comfort ably, are In Dyer preach thought go might day clear sides at 8} @ 8}. Bacon—shoulders and clear to-mbrrow, at 10$ a. m. and 3 p. m. The discourses perfee* Older, with all necessary tackle and para- weeks in this room and then not see all runs as a freight train wanted to with rib sides in sales of at are intended for spend only. go him to tbe Shoals, named good demand; shoulders 7}c; phernalia. Sale and without reserve. especially the young. Free to all. The Chief of a *S« nr «f Robbers Killed clear rib positive that is there. sides at 9}c; clear sides 91 @ 9}c. Wbiskev F. O. BAILEY A Aaclisaeen. BPThere will be services to-morrow eve- Jobanuah. Ha answered me if she was going iu West Viraiuia. CO., religious quiet at 69c. jul4 did iu Market square at 6 conducted This all costs but cents. One Mesmehic.—Prof. Stearns well give no enter- she would MANILLA, ning o’clock, by you twenty-five have to crawl Into the bunk, for he Wheeling, June 13.—Wednesday morning, nOltno. June 13.—Flour isoniet and Rev. O. M. Cousins, and on street, near tainment this unchanged.— Nawbnry last evening. On Sunday evening he a masked party broke into the boi.se of John Wheat declined 1 No 2 White Wabash 1 No Moanttort, at 7 o’clock. gentleman evening remarked that “if it calculated to bait trawls in tbe forecastle. Left @ 3c; 79; Very Valuable Farm at Auet!.n. will give an Denning, chief of a band of robbers in Wetzel 3 at 1 61; extra White Michigan at 1 80; No 1 White wasn’t worth a dollar it wasn’t worth a red.” interesting religio-philosophical him. Found out that bait was MACKINAW. THURSDAY, Jun* 19*h. at 4 o'clock, we shall herriug coming in this Mrs. seized an at 1 65; Amber Michigan on spot and seller June at seance at & and mes- County State, Denning sell the well known and valuable property kmwn Iff uuicipal Court. We with him. Army Navy Union Hall, that at 11 1 51} ty 1 52: seller last half June 1 51 1 heller ON entirely agree night o'clock Then he asked me if axe to defend her husband, when the party fir- @ 52; as the Cushman Faim In New Gloucester, Me., 18 BEFORE merise a little Miss who has b“eu blind four July l 50 @ 1 51; seller first hall Julv 1 1 No JUDGE MORRIS. I would bait trawls for I I ed, and Mrs. 50} @ '1; miles from Port! nd. ot 120 seres of ex- him; answered would killing Denning, fatally wounding 2 Red ou spot I 50} @ 1 51; No 3 at 1 do . consisting Thursday—Michael Cmley. Search and seiz- years. The 1. nchers left a written notice to 37}; rejected CANTON! cellent land with building* unsiiri assed by anv farm if not Denning. 1 27. Corn is dull and high Mixed on at EOKE8T CITY PARK. employed somewhere else. Took supper the lower; spot buildings In Maine. Orchard contains 600 apple a it la ure. Three months. Appealed. other members of the gang to leave the 42}c; seller June 42} @ do July @ Aug The ladies of the flower stand us to at Johnson’s. Saw Hontvet Hontvet 42}; 43} 43}c; abundance of ther Fiuit Trtes. This is an oppor- request again county. White seller June no J. H. Williams. 44} @45; Sept 46; 46}c; 47}; and all the different and tunity tarely met with. Sale positive. Printed de- say that if mistake has been made in mak- told me it was too bad that be could ade 36}c. Oats dull and No 2 at grades John Sheridan. Search and seizuse. Three months. any not get declining; 31}3 @ 8Ci iptioii and particulars furnished by FOURTH DAY. Left. lor No 2. # at their the amount will be bait a a fair breeze money of Straw Hats for Men and Appealed. iug change table, pleasant night; over to tbe Lake to Buffalo 4 to styles F. O. & Auctioneers. ^ San June 13.—William Ross Freights firm; @ 4}c; Oswego Bailey CO., Peter Silas B. Patrick Kcith- refunded on application to Mrs. H. islands. A man on tbe do not know his Francisco, 8 @ 8}c. O’Connor, Huntress, Philip wharf, committed suicide in Caso Hotel, cuttiug his Children’s wear. Also, the latest Double Journey tickets issued by U. T. R. R. to at- Seirch and seizure. Fined 150 each. Paid. at tbe ball. asked me to bait trawls for him Receipts—2,000 bbls flour, 14,000 bush wbeat, 22,000 tend th s sale to P-wnal ami return at one third inj. The of this race course well Brown, name, on board throat with a razor. He left 82,000 in the proprietors may bush corn, 4,000 hush oats New York styles of Felt, Kersey more than single first cla**s tare. Julldtd Friday.—Michael Cunningham. Search and seiz- his baited two sets of about 900 bank, which he desired the of the congratulate themselves upon the vessel; trawls, proprietor Shipments—1000 bbls flour, 15,000bush wheat, 3,000 propitious house to to his the and ure. Fined $50. Paid. E. M. Rand. Elsewhere will be found au article from an left send relatives in East, but busb com, 1,000 busb oafs. 811k Hats, and a fine assort- ABRAM* A BRO.. weather have thus far There hooks; between 9 and 10; drank in saloons; Seaicli and seizure. Fined $50.— they enjoyed. he did not write their names and addresses. It Detroit. June Hugh Doherty. insurance journal on the merits of the New returned to house back 13.—Flou'quiet and unchanged.— ment of Um- Aartieaerm and Canaaalsaian Mrrrkaal*, were at least three thousand people present at hoarding throngh door; is supposed the man was insane. He had beeu Wheat dull and extra White No 1 Hammocks, Baggy Paid. :ii Haskell. declining; 184; give tbetr special a’tent ion to Rolling Real Estate, England Life Insurance Company, represented saw Hontvet at work there did ill a time. White 1 73 1 Amber Michigan 1 72. Corn Search the races yesterday. There were more ladies baiting trawls; lung @ 74; quiet Shawl and School Furniture and Merchandise oi all kind*. Horses Car- John Cunningham. and seizure. Fined at 42 44c. Oats dull and at brellas, Straps in this city by ,1. M. Palmer, 74 Middle not to I was sick and did not want @ declin.ug 34}c. «Sfrc. Adv nces made on consignments. 50. Paid. present than on any Both the Esq., speak him; to riages, Reg- preceediog day. Freights Oswego 8} @ 8}. can be found at ular Sales of new and second-hand Furniture at the street. The article is of be- to work for on tbe till morn- Large Sale of Stock. bbls track and tbe horses were in excellent condi- worthy attention, him; slept lounge Receipts-2,000 Hour, 8,000 busu wbeat, 1,000 Auction Booms Saturday morning. Commu- Brier Joltings. San June of busb com, bush oats. every cause it is ing. Francisco, 13.—The sale the 3,000 nications mail attended to tion. unpurchased. bbls by promptly The International Railway and Steam Navi- thoroughbred stock of S. B. Whipple, at Sau Shipments—0000 flour, 32,000busb wbeat. 2,000 AB «Ann A BROTHER, thd'stories of the bush bush MAHER A The judges for the day were Messrs. Wagner continued, meeting Mateo, closed 8200,000. corn, 0,000 oats. CO.’s, 125 Fe »eral under the U. 8. Hotel. gation Guide for this mouth has been received. appointed niSCELLINUOim NOTICES. to-day, aggregating St., J. S. James government witnesses, giving his version with Harvest Queen brought 865')0; Hainbletonian Char (.RATON. June 13.—Cotton firm; Middling up- N. B. Money advanced ou Watches, Jewelry, dollars in of twenty were receiv- Heald, Portland, Keegan, Augus- lauds OPPOSITE of Thirty place minute details. he kissed both of Mrs. 810 500; Speculation 8500. The cattle generally 18} @ 18}e. POST OFFICE. Furniture, Clothing, and all goods value. and 3. A. Boston Says dtf ed from the children’s fair. The contri- ta, Stetson, and some Savannah, June 13.—Cotton apr23 penny Mrs. Manchester at the United States Hotel. •Tohuson’s he brought large, fancy prices. firm; Middling up- Thelirstrace was fora of for daughters before left for Bostou; lands at _Ju9__jBdtf butions from the hotel de Prie were $5 instead purse $300, horses 18}«\ that be was in the habit of that that never trotted better than distance Messrs. F. O. & will doing thing. June 13 —Cotton firm; of $2. The amount received from citizens of 2.38, Bailey Co., sell the fur- Execution. Middling uplands The smiled as 18Mob,lr. Those Baked Beans. NEW MODEL two miles and to to first nitnre in house 67 at prisoner occasionally anything was repeat, harness, $175 Danforth street, 10 o’clock 13.—Isham # Bnxton $8 instaad of $800. Atlanta, Ga., June B. O’Neil New Or leaks, June 13.—Cotton in moderate de- _ to this humorous occurred in his story, but in general Three hundred and five dollars have been $75 secood, $50 to third. The following morning. Also, at the same hoar, at the was executed in the yard of Fulton County jail, mand; Middling uplands 18}c. fifty sad and sensible of tbe horses were a appearance situation. for the murder of James Little. He THOSE BAKED reoeived from the citizens of Saco for the Hos- entered; salesroom, fine lot of plants from the conser- to-day DEANS BUCKEYE His will continue in the dird his iu uocence, and without a H. A. Boston. names • m Csouchonc. of story morning. protesting — — and from the of the C. P. Hall, Mass., vatory Hovey & Co., Cambridge, Mass,: will Bnrspvas UarUrU. WHICH pital, $100 employees Ban Blgley, Beacon Park, names b m La- the Associated struggle. Boston, [To Press.] _ June 13—11.30 Kimball dy Wentworth. probably be the last sale this season. London, A. M.—Consols opened at Company. Far Dingier. 92| for money and account. MOWER. F. Bncaett, Lisbon names Meddle- At 11 at ibe W. C. COBB drifts of snow are to be seen on the Falls, Me., g g olclock, carriage factory of John American securities—U. S. Huge some. Eastport, June 13.—At the Bepublican cau- PO H 1 11 1 Gr JN3. 5-20's 1865, old, at 921, 311 and 313 do 1867, 92} ex in.; do new 89». Erie New Model Mower contains White Mountains. The sight is a fine one, the L. J. Brackett, Windham, M., names bm Maine Russell, Congress street, new and 10-40s, 88}; 5s, le selling BY THE QUART, at his Bakery, Buckeye many Girl. cus held last evening, C. B. Paine, Alden Brad- Railway at 49}. new ami important features:—Tbe driver hav- second-hand etc. See auc- THE bciug unusually large for so late in the carriages, harnesses, ing control of the cutter-bar at all can fold or quantity Pruden Letoumeau, West Watervllle, names blk m ford, Joseph Auderson, jr., and J. W. Hiukley London, June 13—5.U0P. M.—Consols closed at 92} 30 PEARL limes, Geutle Annie. tion column. Future Policy of the New iUiuiMry. for and account. NOS. 28 & STREET, untold the bar without leaving h s seat, or raise tbo season. were all favorable to the money elected; nomination American bur perpendicularly to pa*s obstructions; the drive- a The sold Maine Girl Madrid, June 13.—In the Cortes to-day, an securities—U. S 5-20s, 1865, old. 921; do hare been tested and pronounced “Prof.” Haines says lie is going to give ben- pools briskly, being tlie hoR Sale on favorable a valuable of for Governor. wheels run in pifhs made by the track-clearer and terms, Dingley offiicia! statement of the future of the 1867, 92}; U. S 10-40s at 88}; new 5s 89}. Eric Rail- All his from favorite. Meddlesome second. In the draw for slate policy at do not inn over any cut grass; a spring in the track- efit to the to-da.'. profits property, partially with most Fnr Edward Kent. new was a way 49}. GOOD ! Hospital developed, ministry read. It favors speedy de- cleartr all le ket p- it at all time* adjusted; It is hate Meddlesome drew the Liverpool, June 13—5.00 P. M.—Cotton closr# three card monte this afternoon he promises to positions poll, Caoutchouc eucouraging prospects, iu the eastern part of Bsngsor, Me., June 13.—At the marcation of federal states, the restoration of to say, and we will warrant the Buckeye to do any- Republican firm; sales 12,000 bales, 3000 bales for Now if wish to try thorn, yon can by next Gentle Annie Wentworth discipline in the of mar- including spec- you 'sending thing that any other machine will and when turn over to the fair. third, Lady the State. Owners refer to S. T. Pullen, caucusses in this city, 27 delegates to the Re- armv,the proclamation ulation and export. in omer have them bronght from the oveu dnv Esq.. tial law the Carlist the liber your right other machims are worn out and woftli ess the Maine Girl the outside against insurgents, to your door anv morning during the week. Or, if The police force are “putting in the big liclts,” fourth, Press office. jeH-dtf publican State Convention were elected, and of the Antilles and the Buckeye will be good for years afterward. We ty snnpressiunof slavery you say you want there. Sabbath morning (as is the First heat -At the word the horses started off have at our st< re a machine set up in order, now; going for the sinful ones and winning unanimously instructed to support Hon. Ed- It estim:tes Pe deficit in finances at the end of custom) Mr. Cobb will Inve a fresh lot which working Let everybody call on G. W. Rich & Co., to- LAWS ready that we shall be pleased to show you. Maine Girl ibe which the month, at reals. he will send yon Then flit- opinions from everybody. finely, taking pole, she ward Kent of tbis city, as their candidate for present 2,800,000 . Saturday evening. by P. S.—We have, also, a New Horse Rake and golden day for clothing. stock and low them in own ov< n can find ihem Big .prices. Senor Muzo, the new minister of war, is a ting your you there Hay we would like to have see. isn't so safe an in Port- kept to the close of the heat Governor. OF THE Tedder that you Gambling occupation trotting squarely Store 173 and 175 Fore street. trend of Castelar. at breakfast time and save the unpleasant ta.-k oi and Sbe came in about a 9I«| Killed. before are and to the bak- land as it once was. finely. dozen lengths Twice rising you ready hurrying Mr. the firm of & Haag. ery. Prof. Barbour of Bangor, at State ahead, Meddlesome second, Gentle Annie thiid Sommer Overcoats. Blue, Drab and Scotch Simpson,of Clapp Simsson, KENDALL & preaches Paris, K.v., June 12.—Joe Duncan (colored), P. 8.—Take wnr WHITNEY, of New York, was thrown out of a at UNITED STATES choice BROWN street church to- morrow. Went worth fourth. Time 5.31. and wool mixtures. was hanged for the murder of John wa^pn to-day BREAD witk the as or aot, as von like. on Macbias, Wednesday, and was killed. also iu 1872. The PA8SED AT THE HE. Despite the clouds of dust yesterday was very Caoutchouc the first mile broke ber rein Orin Hawkes & Co’s., 290 and 292 Congress St Hawkins, colored, April, PORTLAND, was at one o’clock, and Duncan Jtti2d&w3w24 and was handsomely ber driver. drop sprung THIRD ap!5__tf_ pleasaut. stopped by but the too lie was taken SESSION OF THE FORTY-SECOND Mrs. Manchester, the highly celebrated fell, rope being long, There is a compositor in the Press office who Under the regulations of the course the judges up on* the scaffold aud hung again, this time return MASSACHUSETTS. CONGRESS. „ SECTIONS Physician will to Portland June 12th, crowd was FISH D SALT. oan set, distribute and eat at the same time. were obliged to rule lier out for that race. successfully. A large present. by request, and can be found at her old quar- There was an exciting runaway ou Portland Second heat—After a number of false starts [General Nature—No. —* — ters. The sick and afflicted should lose no 73.] NOW RECEIVING. FOR the horses the and went off in METEOROLOHICAL. AN ACT to the of street about eight o’clock last evening. got word, excel- An Bffsrl tn Increase the Efflcieney of regulate taking testimony in cer- time in as she will remain but tain cases. 300 new and superior lent order, Maine Girl taking the lead. The consulting her, the Fire Department. PROBABILITIES FOR THE NEXT TWENTV-FOCR qtfs. English Congregational Conference.— a short time. jul2-d4t&wlt HOURS. Be it enacted the Senate and House Shore Cod. Maine heat was hers from the start. Boston. June 13.—The Boston Commou by of Repre- virtually She — sentatives qf the United States qf America in Con- — ALSO IN STOII MOWERS AND REAPERS The annual Conference of the Congregational F. W. Nichols has a Hair Council has adopted an order for the War Dep’t, Office Chief Signal i threw her feet spiendidly, and won the heat and opened Dressing appoint- gress assembled, That no witness shall be cnmftelled ment of a committee to consider New Shore and Bank and denomination will be held at Gorham, com- Saloon under Federal special the ex- Officer, Washington, D. C., J. to appear or to tes ifv before any commissioner or of- large race. Lady Wentworth m ide the second Perry's Hotel, Street. time, I ediency of re-organizing the fire department June (8 P. ficer appointed to take testimony under letters roga- meninm Cod. Pollock, Had- Juno 24tb, aud will coatin' 13, M.)) Cusk, At Hanaractiirers’ Price. mencing Tuesday, Gentle Annie in close behind Went- je5-eodtf and other matters thereto. The i8sned or to be issued from any court in • coming _ pertaining Fur New England tory, any dock. Halthnt, Smoked and Pick- ne the A committee on hospital- order for the committee on the fire foreign country, in any suit or proceeding in widen during week. worth. Time 5.31. For Loss of department led Tongues ft Sounds. Farmers can have tbeir orders filled Appetite, Dyspepsia, Indiges- ou Saturday, falllng-barcroeter, fresh southeast- the g jvernuient of such fo eign country t-hall be a Herring., promptly by ities have bad the matter of un- to investigate the recent fire was rescinded. to us for Sections fer all kinds ot arrangements SUMMARY. and wiuds aud of record or in ime.est, except for the purpose Trimmed Fins, Heads, superior sending directly tion, Depression of Spirits and General Debiii The Board of Street Commissioners have re- erly southwesterly partly cloudy party Machines. der and we arc informed that Maine weather. For the lower lake of answering written issued Bloates Me»s consideration, Girl. 1 j in the cost of region, a specific interrogatories qna'ity mackerel Sections will be on both and ty, various other forms, Ferro-Phosphora- ported widening Water street to fifty falling with and accompanying such letters rogatory, and polished side, stamped the for Wentworth. 2 4 barometer, fresh aud brisk south- with Nos. 1 und * of s me. * ith the name of the Machine for which are in- applications places for entertainment feet between Congress and and extend- occasionally such wi ness: That they Gentle Annie. 3 3 ted Elixir of Calisata made by Caswell, Broad, and addressed to Provided, when to erly westerly wiuds. cloudy weather and the the tended. from various sectious of the State is — ing it Atlantic avenue, would be «tunsel for all parlies attend examination, unusually Caouchaouc. 4 Hazard & New and gold all $392,650. rain. For the Middle Also Turks Island,Cadiz ft Liverpool Salt Co., York, by The States, falling haremetei they may consent that questions in addition to those All Knives and Sections Warranted. large. Arrangements have been made with ail Car Huilders. fresh and The second race was for a purse of for is the best tonic. As a stimulant southeasterly southwesterly winds accompanying rlie letters rogatory mav be put to the send size or Section $400, druggists, June 13.—The master DANA ft CO. ordering wanted. of the railroad couipauics, aud the several Boston, car builders, and increasing cloudiness, with areas witness, uuless the letters rogatory, exclude such ad- dSf horses that have never trotted better than tonic for from or probably jul3 2.32; patients recovering fever oth- after discussion, the report of the of rain from to ditional interro atories. steamboat companies for fare at half the usual long adopted light Virginia Western New to the to to third. er it has no If committee a Sec. 2. That n > wi ness shall be on such of $250 first, $100 second, $50 sickness, equal. taken during recommending journal 3j. inches York. For the South Atiantic and Gulf States required, KENDALL & WHITNEY. The superintendent the Portland & examination, or any other under letters to priqs. were entered: seasou in diameter by 7 inches long Axles were also east of the Mississippi, weath- rogatory, The following horses the it prevents fever and ague and other generally cloudy make disclosure or which shall tend to HOT TEA R0LLS7 will run an extra any discovery Rochester Railroad train after considered, and a vote passed to have rain areas, aud fresh southeag to south- G. G. Brown, Bristol, N. 'J., names g g Brlsto intermittent fevers. drawings er, erly criminate him either under the laws of the State or PORTLAND, HE. so that may21-4wt and prepared of the axle winds and clear the evening exercises, delegates aud Bill. specification! adopted. westerly generally weather, Territory within which such examination is had, or Jul2d«frw3w24 from this will be able to return James Bnslln, Beacon Park. Boston, names bg A Caftan Cam. which conditions will gradually extend east ov- any o her, or any foreign State. HOT TEA” ROLLS others city Frank Dr. Urann at Preble House Tuesdays and primer. er the uoper lake region, Illinois and Missouri. Approved, March 3, 1873. can be had from of Portland. at night. The Westbrook The United States Circuit Court to-day be- City home Congregatiou- Boston, names cbm Wednesdays of each week. His cures are won- From Tennessee ana Font”>Beacon Park, fore Judge Shepley, the case of Gazoway B. Ohio, cloudy weather ami [General Nature—No. 74.] alists have kindly tendered the hospitality of rain areas. is el ran that Ibe J dut Stan-M derful. Lamar of New York, vs. Albert G. Brown and AN ACT to restore Absalom Kirby as assistant W. C. Cobb’s Bakery or Carts hereby aid AN ACT providing for the payment to the MICAH Voted, That the thanks of this Post be ten- judges decided it and are therefore uot aud the govern- 20 and 25 Cents a Pound. SAMPSON, ment, responsible, and in Price O’Kelly, newspaper correspon- ment of the sum due on aecouet of rents for At to the a dead heat. Dr o. Fitzgerald, the wonderful Clairvoy- Japan FREDERICK W. CLARK dered several military companies for their of this tbe officials of the dents who were in narrate at lauds and Second trial—First heat—A fair star* ant Physiciau and will visit Portland support defence, legal imprisoned Cuba, buildings occupied by ihe diplomatic and Jul3 _dtt J. F. kindness in doiug escort duty on Memorial was had Surgeon, as to RANDALL. Day; “gain at United States appear counsel, B. E. Butler length their experiences, asserting that their consular representatives of the Uuited States EDWARD the Government for their kind assist- and a good run made, Palmer coming first. The Preble House, by request, Friday and THURSTON, to City tnd G. A. Somerby for plaintiff. places of confinement were unfit for keeping of Japan, and for other purposes Valuable Stock for Sale. WM. McALENEY to the Trustees of judges decided Palmer fiist, Bill second, Fanny Saturday, June 13th and 14th, remaining two Be it exacted the Senate and House qf Represen- Livery ance; Evergreen Cemetery animals in, and that they were to all by Committee on Laying Ont New Streets. third, Mike Time H* Don’t fail to see his cures are exposed tatives the States America »» ( to ill-health I oiler for sale entire for many favors extended; to the several cler- last, 2.35J. onl-V., him; manner of of United of o^gress my my Second truly indignit'es. of Seate be, and he is can be or of tile foi sermons heat—The horses come in the follow- wonderful. juuellth-tf An Railroad Case. assembled, That the Secretary OWINGLivery Stocx. The Stables leased Jnt»3_dtd gymen city relating to Me- Important cm ing order: Bill, Mike. Perry, who escaped from jail in N. hereby, autho ized to pay to the government Ja- void. morial Day, on the Sunday to the Fanny, Palmer, Time St. Juue 1&— he Atlantic and Pacif- Auburn, in the United previous; 2.35. Louis, last after the pan through its representative States, All persons owing me are requested to call and Spring Styles for Ladies Dresses Rev. Messrs. Gibbs and Small for tueir kind Y„ January killing jailor lias the not News c Railroad Company will to-day, to out of moneys In treasury otherwise ap- settle as wish to close business Third heat—The horses were and Other Items. apply been arrested. any I my immediately. invitations to the Post to attend service at their stopped several Dillon bolding lha United States Circuit any sum not exceeding six thousand dol- tiir.i-B before a start ludge propriated, and Street M. to Messrs. Shaw anil good was made. Bill took 3000 I The French government has decided to lars. which may be found mbedue to the government CHARLES SAGER. Garments, at MISS respective churches; True, m breweries iu this country. 'ourt at Davenport, Iowa, lor an injunction to imme- the and came in first. rs.U'r6“re,over a w that of the Unite 1 ou Mrs. Hademau and rs. for donations pole Palmer second, Mike ort has estrain Gov. Woodson of this State from ad- diately transport Henri Rochfort to New Cale- of Japan by Stales, account ol; Portland, June 5. 1673 dtf Somerby discontinued her school for lands or for and to those who contributed third, Fanuy last. Time 2.37. at donia. rents buildings occupied hospital pur- G. 11 Clapp’s of money; houj Saratoga. ertising the Missouri Pacific railroad for sale, and the United MAGUIRE’8, No. Fourth heal—Bill led and won poses, Jail courl-houseby States In and flowers for Memorial to ail the handsomely a State lien on tbe for some A case of cholera is Dock Timber Wanted quets Day; b-st. with Mr. Kimball, chief of the o satisfy road, reported in Jersey City, ! Japan- Lumber and who labored so and in Finny second,Palmer third, and uc Marine ladies kindly "zealously ■a _-n ■ Revenue The is a peculiar one, The Sec. 2. That the Secretary of State, t stairs. will ■ 8,000,000. application steamer throngb he In for Block, Mike last. Time 2.36 Bureau, leave to create life ... Falmouth arrived in Halifax exchange np decorations; and to all who in as it asks a federal court to restrain a j minister resident at in, and he is preparing any ., stations nasmuch from Jap be, hereny au- aprl7 ryt/i heat—cauuy took the at the start "te-saviug Portland, Thursday night. to contributed to the interest of the day. pole along the coast of Maine June i Executive from out an act of thorized rent, furnish, and keen suitable bulletin- ss LeeeieetlTr Bailers, H arim'oatal Engines, __tf way and won lstb itate carrying the heat, with Palmer second, Bill F. B. Tarbell of West Mass., took | itli grounds appurtenant, in or such other Feed and Other Senator Sumner wi 11 pass the he Geu. Ewing and F. Groton, Jedo, Paaipi Machinery. third ami Mike in the rear. Time 2.37. month Legislature. Attorney the Dc Forest at place as lie for a The executive committee of the ot of July ! associate left for gold medal for prize speaking may designate, court-house and Jf .11, BOLLS! society with his friends at Nahant and iowman. counsel, Davenport at an annual not G. H. HOT TEA Mike was ruled other Yale, cost, exceeding five t ousaud THE CATHOLIC WORLD Nye has annoyance for. Goods sent, C. 0.1), to be For Bath and at 5.30 ui lata._Jnl3dtf to honest aud or trailed by express Lewiston, Augusta p. I > Buthcre-sctS^;.«^viu,-aB..I men, aid the of before for.m’19>4\v Has attained the reputation of one of the For Lewiston via Danville at 5:25 m. For no on his brain flight rogues, examined paid being p. * skclp i affirm that this one AValdoboro and Damariseotta. will he right, but 1 hope Ablest Ragoziuei Traiai are Dae al Porlluud. head On that Caucasian you will uot it.” of hail. sign publbhcd iu this country. It contains articles ou al- o is n crown From Bai^and Lewiston at 8:55 a. m. The Why not? If his I most EVERY SUBJECT. Augusta,. Iho Stcmuer It is it has fled! passport is regular From St. John, Bangor, and North and E st at i gone, 110 A new Story of great interest, b> the author of “The And Echo sez “where? right t0 refuse mv seal.” 3:10 p. in. Alex. O Nation a White Man’s and is House of Yorke,” entitled ^S^^L’GHTON And I asks, “Is this Nevertheless Consul, i must detain bin. From Augusta and Lewiston at 8:20 p. m. ______c.il “"d after 30li,J[;,’^i‘*S< r’ *nl things ou the square?” “GRAPK8 AND THORNS,” From St. John, at 1:20 a. m. —wiiurf At" m generally until I have received a warrant from Lou- Bangor, &c., fcvt“y vfi;rJfayc Has been commenced in the Numbt^r for Juno* Through Tickets are sold in Portland and baggage « o’c.ock, A. M.t for Bootlibay, Uoun.1 5f^y at She was known in the camp don.” through and O Each number c mains 144 pages. 50 cts. a number, ©r checked to Houltnn,- Calais, St. Jobu, Hali- Walduboro, every Saturday at7 oYloekv As other squaw,” Mills “Nye's “Ah I that, Mr. Fix, is your but for $5 per year. To be had of all newsdealers. Publianed fax, Dover, Foxcroft, Rock land, CCc. for Bootlibay, Hogdou’n an«l DamuriBcottt An ngthener FOX, Wharf, Portland. And I it is true!” seal, Mr. the fee of the of Tn J. F. Pier grieves Fogg paid visa, coldly and remover Glandular Obstructions known to Canada, Detroit, Chicago, JHilwuu AMES, 38, E. It., New York. HILLS FBOFBIETOK OF TUB buried his face in his as 0F-A_TH0USAm her. May 9-dti “ARCHIMEDEAN/ And he blauket and wept saluted him and went out, followed his ser- Materia Medica. Cincinnati. St. l,oui», Out ilia, he hid it from view. by THE CHAMPION vant— A It la Hpecially adapted to constitutions “worn Maginniv, St Paul, Mult Lake City, Parisian Gallery of Boston CONSUMPTIVE CURED. * HAIL LIAE Anatomy, down and debilitated by the warm weather of Deliver* Mau Francisco, TO LAWN MOWEB OF THE WOBLD. “But vou're tried and condemned “Well ?” asked Fix. just published a new edition of his lactuio Spring and Summer, when the blond is not Inactive and all in the H. a retired 1 points containing nund valuable information And skelping's your doom.” “Well” answered the consul, “he has [the JAMES, Physician, (and by circulation, consequently gathering impurities from HA.i cn tb< he lie DH.nature a ehemist,; discovered, while in the East Halifax Nova causes. and treatment of disease 11 And paused and hemod— air of a perfectly honest man.” j sli.ggisliuess and imperfect action of the sacretiv, West and Scotia, ooBsequcucea the But wliv this resume? Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron- Northwest, Southwest reprislut five system, with remarks on nnd said Fix. “but that is not the organs, and is manifested by Tumors, Eruptionse marnaoc, was the “Possibly,” chitis, and General Debility, when his J. C. the valiens causes of the toa* manhood, He skelped 'gainst custom of Nations, and only child, Blotches, Boils, Pustules, Scrofula &c dUc. FCRNIVAL, Agt. DIRECT ! of with lull a Do uot find that this a daughter was given up to die. II is elrild was cur- instructk>i)*> for its restoration; also a cut of! Hke rose in its bloom. question. you phleg- When weary and languid from over work complete chip ed, aud i* now alive and well. Desirous of b* nofit- THE tor ou *****em»/ and the means or matic gentleman resembles, feature lor feat- and dullness, drowzincss and inertia take the place GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is In gplcudil Wiib connection* to Priucc Edward Is* infection, curt, he he will send the the most on So I ask without guile, tiii£ humanity, recipe, containing of energy and vigor, the system needs a tonic to condition, is well equipped with first-class rolliuc land and inj> comprehensive work the subject evei ure, the thief of whom I have received the de- full di rcctions for this on re- build Pape Breton. And I trust not, in making remedy, free, it up and holn the Vital Forces to their stock, and is makiug the best connections anti yet pujlished, comprising 150 pages. Moiled free to vain, ?” of two to There a regain recup- quick- If this is the scription ceipt stamps pay expences. is not erative est time of ?s?iv route from Portland to the West an v atbsreus f«>r 23 cent?. A. Jdr ?ss, style “I symptom of that it does not at power. TWO XBiripEK WEEK. That is to obtain— unde-stand, but you know all these de- single Consumption Iu the beat of the fryrULLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOM Ur. going once take hold of and Peev- Hammer, frequently Liver Icurttaiii's Office, still a livin’ dissipate. Night Sweat, not AND SLEEPING CAltS attached to all CviiMiltiii)' If here's Captain Jack and Nye with and Spleen do properly perform tlieir through° scriptions.”— ishn‘ss, Irritation ofthe Nerves. Failure qf Memory, functions; tiaius. The new side wheel til no skelp on his brain ? the Uterine and Urinary aie Steamship llaueotk SliMI, Itv.lou, 1U». “i shall find it out;—the servant appeal's Difficult Expectoration, Sharp Pains, in the Lungs, Organs inactive, pro- B checked from FALMOUTH. W.A. weakness of the stomach an d intestines and u ggage Portland to Detroit and Capt. Colbv, JunlliOlvr less me than liis Sore Throat, Nausea at the ducing wiillexvo unaccountable to master. Chilly Sensations, predisposition to bilious derangement. Chicago, and not subject to Custom House examina- Railroad whari, Port- Stomach, Inaction ot the Bowels, aud Wanting tion. land, every at 5.30 P. a More than tha*, he is French, and cannot TUESDAY, Ronnd the World on away of the Muscles. Address The are not -— ’M., and theCARLOTT SiilLgn Wager. h I shall see soon.” And Dr. Company responsible for baggage to .. A, Capt.E. Ip talking. you WELLS’ amount D. Mall igan. will leave Galt everv any exceeding $50 m value (and that itereon- wharf, SATU It- tbe went out to find DAY. ai5.30 P. on Hard Ranter agent Passepartout. al) unless notice is given, and for at the rate of M., (or arrival of train leaving } CRADDOCK & CO., EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA paid Boston at J Meanwhile Mr. Fogg, after leaving the con- one passenger tor cverv $500 additional value. noon.) Translation for the Press of “La Tour du u prepared from the SOUTH AMERI- C. «J. BUSSES* suls we> t to the qnay As he went directly BRYiXiKS, Managing Director. FOR HALIFAX directly 1,032 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. CAN PLANT, and is suited to all these BA1 DIRECT. Monde en Jours” Jules on peculiarly LEY, LocqTkaprcntomlent. All DO.H IN A V* HIPPOKTI'UH AND Qumrtre-Vingts of board he gave some orders to his seivant, it will cleanse the the name of this difficulties; VITIATED BLOOD, Portland, March 5,1873. tf Making close connections with the Nova Scotia Verne. entered alone into his and took his giving paper. mvl9t4w (lie PILE PIPES. cabin, strengthen LIFE-GIVING POWERS, ami RE- Railway, for Windsor, Trurc. New Glasgow and MOVES AI L Relict, Comfort and cure for memorandum, which showed the following OBSTRUCTIONS from IMPAIRED Piclou, and steamers foi Prince Edward Island; al- Ruptukk, Fe- Agents Wanted lor AND PORTLAND & ROCHESTER male Weaknesses and unlike all oilier notps. ENFEEBLED Organs. RAILROAD. so at New Glasgow, N. S., with Lindsey’s Stages for Files, ap- CHAPTER VI. It should be freely taken, as Juruhcba is pro- Cape B-etou pliances known, will never rust, limber, break, chafe, Left London October 2nd 10.35 P.M—airived BEHIND THE nounced Nuuinior Arrangement. soil, nor movo from uctible. The tine are SCENES by medical writers the most efficient RETURNING the Carlotta will leave Ualiiax place,—indcsu Here then.the circumstances under which at Octoder 3d 7. A. M— left steel being coale i w ith hard Paris, Thursday ] PURIFIER, TONIC and DEOBSTRUENT known June “J, 1873 on TUESDAYS, al 4 1*. M.. and the Falmouth on spring rubber, light cool, the Mr. had been u-ed in bath to dispatch concerning Fogg Paris Thursday K.40, A. M.— arrived by the IN WASHINGTON. lu the whole range ol medicinal plants. THURSDAYS, at 9 P. XI. cleiiiiv, ng,.fitted form, universally recommended all as the beid me •enl. On Wednesday, the ninth of October, Mount Cenis at Friday Oct. 4lh, 6.35 JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Platt St., New York, For freight and further information apply to J by surgeons banical Turin, The and best book ever known.—Send for Ki-tabllah- the steamer Mougolia, of the Peninsular and A. M.— left Turin, Friday 7.20, A. M.—arrived spiciest selling published. Sole Agent for the United States. f*a«»enger trains loave Portland B. COYLE, Jr., Atlantic Wharf, or supports pamphlet.— It tells all about the great Credit MobiHer Scandal, Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular Rochester and intermediate stations mar25dtf JOHN PORTEOC3. Agent. incnts 1317 Chestnut St., Philadelphia and 737 Broad- Eastern was at at eleven at Oct. 5th P. M.—em- ■ ■■ Company, due Suez Brindisi, Saturday, 4, Senatorial Briberies, Congressmen, Kings, L< bby, Juu6 -a( A. aud way, New Yoik. Complete as ortmeut for sale, with P. 4wt 7.45 m., 1.30 P. M.. making o'clock A. M. She cairied 2800 tons with a barked ou board the MoDgolia, Saturday, 5, and the wot derful. Sights of ibe National Capital. direct connection at Rochester with trains for careful adjustment, by F. Sweetser, L. C. >ilson, W. Boston, Thin maudiui .flower is uow mo well M.—arrived at Oct. bill, 11 It sells quick. Send for circular, and see our terms over W. & Co., and Thus. G. Pot nominal force o! 5001ior.se The Mon- Suez, Wednesday Boston & Maine aud Eastern Railroads. Also PORTLAND know 11 the Whipple Luring, Hand. power. and a full *f ihe work. FREE TO BOOK tbrontshoul t uiPd ^intes nud A. M.—Total in hours—l.Vit—days (>A. description Address, CONTI- AGENTS connect at, Rochester w ith Dover aud Beware nt imitations. myl beautiful disi and Suez—and 0.53 between Suez and months, days month, regular 000 making direct connection at machine for muiuII Madam H s Uterine Tonic Pill ACRES and we will little lawns, Paly at 12,000 dress, statiug experience, e*c.. show you Itoehester with trains from croquet rivals and the arrivals made each principal Boston, Bostou PHILADELPHIA, a was ahead of time. what our ageuts are doing, NATIONAL PUBLISH- at A. via boston leaving ground*,cemetery lot*,easily operated by Bombay—and always 8.30, M., & Maine, and Eastern lad ornusMof 10 are now f. r the general Tbo who While the arrival of the port—Brindisi, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Hong Cheap Farms: ING CO. Phila., Pa. junll 4wt Railroads year*, price $40; 14-inch, ready public. many waiting steamer, have tried them will ueed no other notice. are San New York Leave Portland $44; 14-inch. Mtaiidnrd Mize, $45; 4S-iuch, They men the Kong. Yokohama. Fransisco, for Gorham at 4.00 p. M. Clyde’s Iron Line of Steamers ! two promenaded on the quay in pouy, 9100; 34-iueli. horse, for an invaluable remedy for aud aud him to rnai'K the The Cheapest Laud in for sale the AGENTS* profits per week. Will prove Loave Gorham fur Portland at 4.15 P. m! public midst of a crowd of Indians and London, permitted Market, by A A parks aud large Iuwum, $145. Every ma- foreigners." 4 »UV it or forfeit $500. New ariiclo just pat- Leave Portland for Saco River at B.JJO P. M. or loss at each poiut in the journey. chine warranted to give perfect *ati*fn<- One of these men was the Consular Ageut of gain UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD tented. Samples sent free to all. Address W. H. Leave Saco River for Portland at 5.30 A. M. Running between Frovidence All Uterine Diseases. He marked then this Oct. his ar- COMPANY. tiou. We challenge the world to a trial, the United established at the day 0th, CHIDESTER. ‘.J67 Broadway, New York, julltlw Stages connect as follows: and Philadelphia every WED- Kingdom Suez; In the GREAT aud to produce a machine its cure PROLAPSUS rival at which, in accordance with the PLATTE VALLEY. At Gorham for West Gorham Standish. and No. ESDAY and SATURDAY gives equal. Try They UTERI, give tone to the other was a small lean man, w'th an intelli- Suez, WgN it. aud you will buy uo other. muscles, and lift the into Its nor loss.—Then he Limington, daily. ■^direct coiumunlratlon to and organ proper position, across whose rules, showed neither gain 9eud for Illustrated Circular. aud it there. gent face, long eyelashes spaik- 11)000,000 Acres in Central Nebraska The New Family Machine. At Buxton Centre for West Buxton, Bonny r..in Portland and all other points in MaiDe. with keep They speedily euro Leucorbcea, took his breaklast in his cabin. As for Eagle D.vsmeuoirhaa and ure a led an eye very bright., the fire of which he seeing and Llmiugton .daily. Philadelphia amlbe'ond. Through rates are given to MANUFACTURED BY THE Menorrhagia*. They spe- Now for sale in tracts of acres and on cific tor a diuretic in Gravel could at will. At this moment he the city, he did not think of it— forty upwards THE EASY RULING j_-a At Centre Waterboro* for Par- Philadelphia and all points reached y the Penn. Stangury, They pro- extinguish Five and Ten Years’Credit at 0 cent. No Ad- LOCJfc Limerick, Newtield, and on -te nervous excitabilitv. Remove ster- per soustieid and Ossijiee, Thursdays Sat- Central the Phil. & Reading R. It)*., and to all Hills “Archimedean” Lawn sleep, allay evident of CUAPTBB vm. vance Tuesdays, and Mower Co., gave signs impatience, going— Interest required. stitch' urdays, returning alternate the principal cities in the South and Southwest. No ility, and all female weaknesses. They are purely Mild and Healthful au days. COLT’S .UI IOIIV to the free from coming—not able to rest anywhere. Fix in a few moments ined Climate, Fertile Soil, Abun- S E OS At Centre Waterboro’for Wharfage. No Commission tor forwarding. HARTFORD, Conu vegetable, pleasant taste, cpiatej and reji Passepart- dance of Good Water. timerick, Parsousfield, Full imformation all Injurious Mariam Utah's This man’s name was he was one of given by WALDO A. — — orupertics. Pamphlet Fix; who was sauuteriug ou the THE BEST daily. PEARCE, FOB SALK BY for Women is out, quay enjoy- MARKET IN THE WEST! The 124 Washington or interesting and valuable. Sent free the of the sent to the various WILLIAM H. TURNER, Superintendent. Agent, St., Boston, J. B. COYLE agents police ing the novelty around him. great Mining regions cf Wyoming, Colorado, Utah Jr., Portland. upon receipt of stamp for return postage, or can bo alter the of the Bank of and Nevada jun3-tc found at posts robbery Eng- “Well, my mau,” said Fix, approaching, being supplied by the farmers in the WM. P. CLYDE, * CO., Gen’l Managers. KENDALL & land. He watched with the care all Piatte Valley. Janll 12 So. Delaware WHITNEY, greatest ‘your passport is all right?” Ills ly Avenue Philadelphia. Weeks A PoUer’s, 176 Tremont St. the travelers the route to and if ElEhssi BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD. PORTLAND, ME, taking Suez, “Ah! is that you monsieur?” replied the pssaroa BOSTON-. one seemed he would send for a Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 160 INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. my!6dtl_ suspicious Frenchman—“much obliged. We are all (Its warrant of arrest. Not more than three Acres. aedil) Sommer Arraugemeut right.” Calais and HI. John. What is Home without an MADAM HEALY’S LOTION, since Fix from At i Eaatport, Rigby, Organ days had received the “And look about the ?” Windsor and Halifax. you country The Best Locations for Locations* AKEEICAN MAY 5. Anil what will an now a for ulceration and inflammation each of a 1873. Organ be, without copy accompanies agent police, description of the pre- we travel so seems to me / box ol Pills. Price of Pills and “Yes,but rapidly,it ESSHUJSB 1 of DITSON & CO’S n*w, col- Lotion, <1.26 per sumed author of the theft. It was that of FREE HOMES FOR ALL! Millions of of SPRING ARRANGBMKNT. delightful, complete or <0.00 a half dozen. Address all business I must be dreaming. And so we are in Suez? Acres OSKBa^a Passenger trains leave Portland trom box, let- choice Government Lands FAIE, Ba lection of Reed Organ Music, called the tois to Madam Box Station the distinguished and aristocratic person seen —in Egypt. At Suez, in Egypt—in Africa. open for entry under the oaaif™*qjMNjltkeir station, Walker House,Commercial Healy, 337, A, Boston. in the room of the cashier of the Bauk. Al- Homestead Law, near this Great Railroad, with good 1872. M street. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK! For sale by WEEJ&S & POTTER, boston, and all In Africa 1 in Atrical lean not believe it. markets and all the conveniences of an lured old settled For Bostou *6.00, '9.00 A. M„ t3.30,16.15 P. M. Druggists. apddly by the great reward promised in case of Wbv Monsieur, that I did not think country. imagine, Returning, leavo Boston at t8.30 A. 31., *12.30,*3.30 On amt aftor Moiulnv ORGANATHOME! success, Fix waited with an Free passes to of Railroad Land. March impatience easy we should go farther than Paris, that famous purchasers aud tU.OO F. 31. 24tb the Steamer New to the arrival of the Sectional Maps, showing the also new edi- For York, Capt. neeu? m me understand, Mongolia. that I saw the Land, Rochester aud Alton Bay *6.00, *9.00'A. M. and E. B. Winchester, and the Steam- j&vcry urgui “And capital; {again only through tion of Descriptive Pamphlet \vith New’ Maps, Mailed t3.3‘J P. M. you say, Cousul,” asked he for the windows of a aud in a rain. I Free ■er New Brunswick, Capt. S. H. coach, pouring Everywhere. For — tenth time.” that this boat cannot be late?” Address, Manchester and Concord via C. & P. R. R. ’Pike, will leave Railroad Wharf, rgau at Home! Best collection lor Reed regret it—I should have liked to see once O. F. DAVIS, The HEfOR is simpler, better made and more Junction *6.00 A, M., 13.30 P. M. foot ot State Mr. Fix. was this St., every MONDAY and THURSDAY “No, She signalled more Pcre and s Land Commissioner U. P. It. It. finished than other machine. Sews For Milton and La Chaise the Circi of the highly any every- Union *9.00 A. M. aud 13.30 P. M. at ti P. M., for East[iort arm si. John. guns ! 200 not difficult pieces at the of and the hundred myJSt4wOmaha. Nr b. and is always no of tension re- For Ola Orchard morning port Said, thing, ready; change Scarboro’, Beach, Saco, Biddcford Returning will leave St. John aud on the Camp Elysees!” in from to work. aud Eastport an 1 sixty kilometres of the Canal are quired sewing light heavy Agrms Kcuuohunk at *5.10 P. M. Returning, leave same days. so or €^an-i*od that no dull music is iu them: nothing “You were then in a w»nH‘{l. Oef. tlie latest and best. Send for great hurry?” inquir- Ci-ciilar. keunclmtik at *7.30 P M Connections made at lor for such a sailer. The Mongolia has always ed the THE 8ECOR MEWING Eastport St. Andrews, detective. N E V E H4CHINE CO. The *9.00 A. M. train connects at Lawrence with Calais, Woodstock and the o r but 'he bonus of £25 which the Ft €>97 Robbinsiou, Houlton. g -An, smooth, legato style #>ed, gained govern- “No! no! it was master. But 1 must jun!2 Broadway New York. f4w trains for Lowell, Mauchcster and Concord and all Connections made at my Neglect a is more St. John for Digbv, Annapo- ment for each advance of 24 hours on Cough. Nothing certain to Noith. grants some shirts and We lelt the foundation Jjr WANTED in for a points lis, W.uJson, Keutville. N. Am- as an orga ^ at Home should be cheerful, purchase stocklugs. lay future evil consequences. every county Pass ticketed Halifax, S.,ShcJiac, the regular time.” ACrENTWnew national b^ok, “Lives and Portraits of the ngers through bv either route. herst. A without auy truuks, only a carpet-bug. Trains at Exeter to “This Presidents,” with 19 fine steel Send for slop minutes lor refreshments Fir*Freight received on days of until 4 light -^nd 6taccato music is u)t excluded. At steamer comes direct from Brindisi ?” will conduct to a WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS. engravings. at first class sailiug “I you bazar, where you descriptive circular. & Dining Rooms, 0 clock P. Jf. asked ” JOHNSON, WILSON CO., Fix. Freight trains between Portland and Boston ^ he a will find all you need are a sure cure for aP diseases of the Or- 27 Beekman St., N. Y. jul3dlw+ dallv. marl8islv,tc A. R. STUBBS, Agent. present Organ iu Homo is often silent, for “From where she has Respiratory Freight rcettved at Portland at Brindisi, taken the “Monsieur, are gans, Sore Ogdensbure R. it. you very accomu^dating.” Throat, Colds, Croup, Diphtheria, Asthma, Freight station until 4 P. M. mails—from which she left Satur- Catarrh, Dryness of the me music is not provided for it. Here is Brindisi, And the two went away, Passepartout, re- Horseuess, Throat, Windoipe, Portland & R. R. Portland, and Manillas Steamboat at 5 or Bronchial Tubes, and al! diseases of the The Ogdenjburg passenger trains ar- Bangor day P. M.,—be patient, it will not be Lungs. epicurean rive at aud from tnis station. marking, “Above all, I must uot miss the In all cases of sudden depart Co» h ome-like, easy, familiar, new music, late. But I do not know how with de- cold, however takeu, these * lecomtuodation. your boat.” TABLETS should be promptly and used. freely They tFast Express. Inside lines between at ho in iu scription you will he able to the circulation of the se- ^Ie every nation, fact ail kinds by recognize your “You have time. It is only one o'clock.” equalize blood, mitigate the dAS. T. Gen. man if he is on board the TABLE FURBER, Snpt., Boston. Portland and Knnsror. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR Mongolia.” drew out his 1 of the and will. In a short time re- FAYSOX Hit, Desert and Passepartout watch—“Only verity atiack, very TUCKER, General Agent, Portland. whom E verybody considers the best com- ! one feels rather than store ;iclion to the affected JHachia*. “Consul, recognizes o’clock I It is only 52 minutes past teu 1” healthy organs. Boston, May 5.1873. mySdtf posers. men. Well*’ Carbolic Tablet* art* in these It is a scent that one must have, “Your watch is said Fix. put up only S A PC E. The sWw,” blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can’t be The Steamer publishers take pride and pleasure in pre- and this scent is like a sense formed * such a ook to the and be- special My watch ? a family watch which came found at your druggists scud at once to the Ascot KNOX ^LINCOLN BAlLROm senting superior!) public CONSUMPTION Received the highest lieve it to be at home iu family. by the hearing, sight and smell. I have ar- from ? It does in New York, who will forward them return CITY OF worthy every my great, great grandfather by at theAmer- BICHMOND, Price. cull can a rested in life more than one of these mail. premium roll'°to Boftra, $2-80; Cloth, $3.00; tilt, $4.00 which be cured my gen- not vary five minutes in the whole It lraai Institute Dj,rcc Wiscasset. Xew by year! Dou't be deceived by fiuitation*- F>iir, !?*|M»|SjlSCastle, Waldoboro CAPTAIN C. KILBY, OL1VERJHTSOS & CO., C. H. DITSON & CO tlemen, and, provided that tuy thief is on a New York 1874. Dainaiiseotta, resort to is trua chronometer!” Sold all Price veuts a box. City, and Rockland. Eciton. Til New York. this stand- hoard, I he will not by druggists. Br’dway, timely promise you slip through “I see that it but have the JOHN Q. KELLOGG. 18 Plati-st., New York. No change of ears between Portland Will leave Railroad Wharf, ju4(l&tv2w hands-” is, you kept ard as has been my London time, which is two hours slow in the Send for circular. Sole Agent for United States. IT IS THE and Rockland. every MONDAY, WED- preparation, “I wish you Mr. it concerns Steamers leave Rockland for all points on the Pe- NESDAY and FRIDAY success, Fix; meridian of Suez. You must take caie to my28__d4wt nobscot Dissolution of Copartnership. the hundreds of an important theft.” BEST river, Machias, Mount Desert Vinul Haven, evening, at 10 o’clock, proved by set your watch at 12 midday iu each coun- 30th ThouMand in Press. Hale incrcasins- TABLE Hurricane ami Dix Islands. For Bangor, touching at Rockland, Camden, Lin- “A the 2.000 more LITE is thrt the firm of RAN- testimonials received the magnificent theft,” replied agent try.” AGENTUnVaiitcd lor our Loave Maine Central Depot, at 7.00 A. aud 1.00 coluvllle, Bel fan t, Searxport, Sandy Point, Bucksport, uereby given by with enthusiasm. Fifty-five thousand P. M. Winterport and Hampden. NOTICEDALL, Mc ALLISTER & CO., is hereby dis “I! to touch my watch 1“ said Passepartout, RELISH IN USE. solved mutual consent. It is acknowl- We do not have a LIVINGSTONE Stages connect at Rockland, for Camden, Lincom- Returning will leave Bangor every Wed- by proprietors. pounds! often such god- “never! never!” ^AFRICA Mond&v, JOHN F. ville, Nurthtiort. South Thoiraston and St. nesday and Friday at 6 o’clock, RANDALL, send. Thieves become mean—the race of over 600 pages, only *2.30. and Interior all First George, morning touching HENRY F. “Then it will not agree with the sun.” Incomplete Kept by daily. At Rockland for Union, Appleton and Wash- at The above named landing, arriving in Portland at McALLISTER, edged by many fades works are ottered, look out for them. Send for circu- EDWARD H. SARGENT. prominent Sheppards away—they risk hanging “So much the worse for the sun be will be ington. Tuesdays, Thursdays and 5 o’clock P.M. lars and see 1'roof i;f t lie success of ilie sea- Saturdays. March 1873. to be the most nowfor a few great.:* Class Grocers. At Tnoraaston tor St, George daily. Portland, 27, physicians shillings!'’ wrong, Monsieur.” And the servant put his son. Rocket companion wortli $i3 mailed free. “Mr. are so earnest I At Warren for Union, daily. Fix, yo« that hope watch into his with a HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 723 Sansom The Steamer reliable ever in- pocket superb gesture. Stiect, Every Well Fur- At Warren for Jelterson.and Whitelield, Monday*, Lewiston, C'ppartnfrship Notice. preparation you will succeed,” said the Consul, “but I my28t4tv Epicurean and Some moments later. Fix “You left Rbiia._ Wednesdays Fridays. CAPT. CHARLES have this a the said, DEEDING, undersigned day formed copart- troduced for the relief and say agaiu under conditions, I fear ycu ii a At Wa.doboro’ for North Washington, London great hurry ?” riHIE WORKING CE.ASS, male or nisbed 'Fable Waldoboro*. 5 Will leave Railroad Wharf everv TUESDAY THEnership under the name of will find it difficult. You know that in tiuoe^Kmark and Liberty daily. and well, “I should think so. Last at A female $60 a week guaranteed. Respeclable em- FRIDAY at 10 for Cas- cure of all this Wednesday At Now "Castle for Bristol and daily. Evening*, o’clock, Rockland, Lung complaints, description, the thief resembles absolute- in to ployment at liome, day or evening; no capital requir- Should Have It. Pomaquid, tine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor, (Mount De- nine o’clock the evening, contrary all full Freight Trainsdolly and freight taken at low rates. ly—an honest man.” ed; instructions and valuable package ot goods to sert,> Mrllbridge, Jouesport. and Machiaxport. RANDALL & McALISTER, and is offered to the his usual habits, Mr. returned from the start with sent tree jVifidtf C. A. COOMBS. Suu’t. public, Fogg by mail. Addless with 6 cent Saul* Returning will leave Machiasport every Mondav ami ■‘Consul, great thieves resemble honest return M. fable and will continue the business of dealers iu Club—At teu o clock we left.” stamp YOUNG & CO., 173 Greeuwich St.. TIlitiH IV Thursday mornings at 5 o’clock, arriving in Portland sanctioned the men. You understand that those who have New *'"**-- Epicurean by experience “But where does youi master go then ?” York.my28-fwt ,||.J. ^|)> EASTERN AND PORTLAND, SACO, & same evening, connecting with the Pullman Night the faces of rogues have one to do Train and Trains for COAL & WOOD of over only thing “Always before him. He makes the tour of C+H* Su'*9f'' early Morning Boston. forty years. When —they must r naii' or they will be PORTSMOUTH R. R. For further particulars of Ross »& Sturdi- honest, the world.” Table Sauce inquire at the old stand ot the late firm of arrested. The honest faces are the ones to 10 PER vant, 179 Commercial Street, or resorted to in season it sel- “The tour of the world?” CENT. NET. SPRING be watched after all. A difficult task I ad- THE IOWA LOAN W"HUflv1/VHO ARRANGEMENT. CYRUS «en “Yes—iu A bet be said—but AND TRUST COMPANY will STURDIVANT, Ag’f. RANDALL, McALLISTER & CO., dom fails to effect a eighty days. invest on first-class Real speedy , mit—itis not a trade, it is an art.” money Estate at 10 percent, Co., Portland, May 19. 1873. rnylDtf betweeu you aud me 1 do not believe it—it is net. ^(u.^TckuS^0 Commencing Monday, April -JSth, »N»3. One will see that Fix was not in a interest, payable semiannually it. New York,and 60 Commercial St. cure in the most severe wanting not common sense—there must be will garant.ee tl.e collection of all loans »0 BlAtKdroSE something made through trains leave Portland dai- Norfolk aud Baltimore aud dash of seif esteem. its tgency. All charg.s tlio n Passenger Washington, else.” paid by borrower. Please for Portsmouth ami (Suu- They will settle all demands of the late firm oi cases of write, before for New York and ST., HOSTOJS. Boston, Meanwhile the became animated lit- investing, New Eng- f■ .'lavs at *1.30 a. M. !)• C. Steamship Line* McAllister A Co. Coughs, Bronchitis, quay “Ah! he is an original then, this Mr land references, «nd full excepted) tti.'S A. Randall, tle little. Sailors of different particulars. Samuel Mer- )ul2 d3m M., 3.10 A. SI., 13.13 P. SI., t 6.25 P. JOHN F. RANDALL. by nationalities, rill, (late Governor of President. Address of this Fogg?” fowa,) ^— Steamships Line sail from % F. McALLISTER. Croup, "Whooping Cough, there. The JAMES B. Draw 1G7 Desi Moi- HENRY, traders, brokers, fellahs, gathered “I believe so.” HARTWELL, Soc’y, Leave Boston for Portsmouth and Portland at t".30 end of Central Wharf. Boston. Portland. March 27tli. 1873. martWdtf nes, Influenza, arrival ot the steamer was evidently near. It “Is he rich ?’’ Iowa._ my2St4w Union Ticket Office. A. SI..18.30 A. M, 112.30P. SI., t3.15P. M.,*8.00P. >f. Seml-Vv eeklv. for NORFOLK and Asthma, Colds, ten. Leave Portsmouth for Portland at tlO.OO A. BALTIMORE. was then half past and he carries a handsome *1. tlO. Cily of Portland. .Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- “Evidently- 38 A. 13.I.U P. 1_ M., M., t5.40 P. M„ *lo.t)5 P. M. u^mma Steamships:— “But it will not arrive said Fix, is be heard Is Boabd op I sum with him in bank notes, and he doe's not 7 to 12 PER RATES LOWERTHAX EVER. Leave Biddeford for Portland at 7.40A. SI., return- William Tjurrence” Capt. W. A. Hallett Health. ness of the CENT; 18^3. in the Chest and the clock port ring. the on the Hold! he has ing at 4.38 P. M. William Crane” Capt. Solomon Iiowes. Apni 21st, f Side, spare money way. We make a Specially of County, City, and School that until otherwise directed we do “It cannot be far away,” said the consul. We have made and can now ticket •Pullman sleeping oar express tram. N. B. This "George AppoldCapt. Winslow Loveland. Liver promised the engineer of the Mongolia a bo- District Bonds, Ouarutffee of all bonds arrangements designate the dumu at the foot of Hano- Legality to train runs does not run "Blackstoyie** Capt. Geo.H. Hallett. ORDERED,hereby Complaint, Bleeding “How long will she remain at Suez?” collect the without or passengers Sunday Slorulug, Slonday nus, if we arrive at Bombay in advance of sold, coupons charge, tar e same morning. William Kennedy Capt, Henry D. Foster. ver street (City Stable lot), ana the dump at the foot at the “Four time to tal.e in coal From as so much casL on sales. lor of Franklin and as the for de- &c. "Wistar’s hours; time.” £5f~Send price list. Ml Points Went, North-West, South and •Accommodation train. "McClellan”Capt. F. M. Howes. Smith streets, piaees Lungs, to at Red posi e of such as dirt, saw dusk, Suez Aden the exfremety of the “And have known m jster a 8ouih-Wc*»t, Nan Francisco. Kansas tFasi Express. Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington rubbish, shavings, Balsam docs not a you your long THE LAW of MUNICIPAL BONDS St. Steamer ot ashes cinders, soot, hair, shreds, manure, oyster, up Sea. it is 1310 and must make City, Paul, New Orieaus, E3?*The Pullman Car Train ar- Lady the Lake. dry miles, they pro- time?” Sleeping Express or lobster shells, or any other matter of kiud Just by our senior, should be in the hands rives at and departs from the of Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg aud any vision for coal.” publish'd and all in Florida, via all tbe first-class Depot the Slatne dead which be removed from and leave the cause “No, I entered his service the very day we of ill interested in this class of securities. Two Vol- points Central liuilroatl, in Portland. Richmond, by river or rail; and by the Va. & Tevn. (except animals) may Cough, LakeShore and or other the “Andfrom Suez, this boat goes to Bom- left.” umes, price $10. IT. N. CO LG it Rail-Roads—Penn.Central, Michigan N. B. The 6.15 A. Air Lin' to all fioints in Ala- any house, cellar, yard, place within (^ity CO., Baltimore M., #.10 A. M-, and 3.40, P. Virginia, Tmyiessee, as is the case with mylieKv/ Smtbeni. and Ohio, Erie, Great Western bama and over limits. behind, bay ?” One can easily imagine the effect of these 17 Nassaa-xt., New York. SI. trains from Portland, make close sonnectlons Geoi'aia; aud the Seaboard and Roa- and Michigan Central. noke R. It. to all in o April 21st, 1873. “Direct without to New York hy one or other of the routes from points North and South Carol in Approved most but it delay.” answers upon a mind so excited as that of the halt. Jk Ohio R. R. I hereby give notice that the “City Ordinances’* preparations, 36 HOURS BOSTON TO CHICAGO. Boston. Passengers ticketed either route. by to Washington and alt “Well”, said Fix, “if the thief has taken the This sudden from through by West. relating to the of rubbish in Street, detective. departure ^AGENTS WANTED • F. places deposit any Lane, loosens and cleanses the this and this it would enter into Pullman Cars ou all Through Trains. CHASE, rates to A'ley. Putdic Place or unoccupied lots route, boat, London a short time after the theft—tin ^-Picture/, Slaps, and Chart.. Also, fo our Sew- apa25tf Sunt. Portlantl Division. Through given South and West. Court.Square. Fine within the city limits, except the lots iu his to land at in order to he carried—his haste to ar- >—in.o Silk and Linen Thread. $100 to cleared Passengers who wish to travel without deten- Passenger accomnocat ious. designated and plan Suez, gain by great sunt which $200 the order, will be strictlv enforced irritation, month active at tion. and with ease and will tind the above Fare including Berth and Mea!., to Norfolk $15.00' foregoing lungs, allays another route, the Dutch or French possess- of an ^pr bygo^ Agents. Apply oneo comfort, PORTLAND & OGDENSBUKG K. iT. rive in countries—the pretext —If IL L. *- line 48 to GEO. W. PARKER, Marshal. ions in foreign GUERNSEY. Concord. N. H. my28Mw routes very desirable. hours; Baltimore $15. timeG5 hours. City thus the cause of Asia. H» will not be safe in India on all confirmed his For further Argus and Advertiser co*:y. ap23e" quick for ?to. R. L. 181 Dissolution ot complaint. “Unless he be ashrewd the WOLCOTT, Chat- Hours. Oti and after June and june2tf 53 Centra/ Wharf. Boston. Copartnership. knave,” replied that the servant knew of his master— N. ^____ Monday, 9th, PREPARED BT nothing "aiu-squnre, my.lOdlwt Tickets to New York via Sound Lines Rooms consul. “A criminal is better concealed in lived in Y._ (State further notice, trains will run is hereby given that the copartnership that Mr. Fogg alone London—that ” securnd at this Fall and T^TOTICE BETH W. TOWLE & Boston, than he would in cures every pain Ac. Trv office), River, Stonington follows: lx heretofore existing under the firm tuuue of Sam- 80N8, Xus., XiOndou, bo any foreign was but knew nothing of the It!*®^ Sold V’**?,R,8E Norwich. All Rail Piovi- And sold lie rich, origin by all druggists. It LUBES Pro- Routes—Shor6 Line (via -HPassenger. uel Rounds & Sons, is this day dissolved by mutua by Druggists and Dealer* 'wnerally. land.” HOYT, dence), and FOR of his ftiture—that he was an impenetrable prietor. New York. m 3H4w Boston and Albary. Tickets to Boston Ideave Portland, 12.30 t". M., 6.15 P. M. BOSTON. consent. no *23 deod&w'oir 1 remarks via Boston After these the consul returned to &c. At the same time he learned Eastern, and Maine, Portland and Roch- Leave N. Conway, 6.20 A. M., LOO P. M. SAMUEL ROUNDS, man, &c., AGENTS HAIV ester, and Boston Boats. * his office, only a few steps away. uot riiW FOR THE Stages for ornisli, Porter, Kezar Palls, Freedom, THE SUPERIOR GEO. H. ROUNDS. for certaintv, that Phileas Fogg would Merchants going to Boston and New York, will SEA-WOLNG Fix remained alone'filled with a nervous Denmark, Bridgton, Lovell and North Lovell connect CHAS. F. ROUNDS. ATWOOD’S land at Suez but went to Bombay. ROME of save t*ie time usually experienced at the depots bv with 12.39 P. M. from Portland. STEAMERS this so GOD’S PEOPLE. their impatience—by presentiment strange, “Is it far to ?” asked Passepar- purchasing tickets at this office. Call and ex- Steamer Sebagofor Naples, Bridgton, Harrison ami Bombay The gi’andest and moat, successful new book out. Ac- amine our time JOHN BROOK* ami Police. —that the thief was on board the Mongolia. tallies, mops, etc., ami bo convinced North Waterford connects at Sebago Lake with 12.30 MONTREAL, Copartnership tonic tout. knowledged to be the most decided success of that wo Quinine the represent all the best roads West. P. M. Portl nd. have thin formed a in if the had left running from Having commodious Cabin ami Stale Room ac- undersigned day copart- And, truth, rogue England “Mo far that it will take twelve days at year—now selling with It con- astonishing rapidity. KOJLT.1NN A ADA J1S. The 6.20 A. M. from No. connects in Pore- will run THEnership tiuder the firm name of Rounds, Sar- with the intention of the New World ■ uune nearly 300 Agents, Conway commodations, alternately, leaving I BITTERS gaining sea.” Magnificent Engravings. Splen land with trains for Boston, there in season gent & Co., and will contiuue the business of dealer* aid for to make mrl3-lf l Exeho.nife Street. Portland. Me. ariiving la the Best Aromatic —the route less or more op|K>rtiinity Agents money. Circu- _No. for all lines to New York vfa Sound Steamer** in Coal & Wood, at the old stand of Samuel W Tonic by India, watched, “And where is Bombay?” lars, full or land Round*, and containing parilculara and terms, sent free. and the 1.00 ATLANTIC & No. 36 Commercial Street. Stomachic ever offered to difficult to watch, would have his preference. “In India.” Address routes; P. M. connects with trains to WHARF, Portland, Sonsy the DUSTIN, GILMAN & 00., Conn The Matioual Hoard of Fire Underwriters Boston will settle all ot firm of public. It will I At PRO VB Fix was not left to his soma Hartford, which arrive in time for Shore Lino or They demands the late long reflection", “In Asia?” m*y31 4wt route DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) Samuel Rounds & JOar APPETITE, EACH/- _ Springfield to New also Sons. blasts of the whistle the -HEREBY night expresses York; quick announcing “t If course.” OFFERS A- with Steamers of Portland Steam Packet Co. for SAMUEL ROUNDS, Bos- -A.T 8 O’CLOCK 1?. M. TONE to the NERVOUS SYSTEM?*'IGOR coining steamer. The crowd rushed to the next fn season ior GEO. H. ROUNDS. “I must tell you—there is something which ton, ariiving morning all early TO E VER Y ORGAN OF THE ROD trains South leave INDIA same EDWARD H. SARGENT. Y. thereby landing. Soon they peiceived the is Secret of ! and West. Returning WHARF, Boston, im A L gigantic annoys me. It my burner.” Beauty at 7 P. AT. partin g HE TH and S TRENG TH. There Ticket Office at Boston & Maine R. It. Station in days Fare $l.f50. Freight taken at shell of the Mongolia between the of _apr5__dtf ia no remedy so good for passing “What burner?” REWARD $500 Portland, where all trains arrive and low rates. banks of the Canal, and, as eleven o’clock depart. of Lois in Ever- “My gas burner, which I forgot to extin- Freight trains leave Portland at 6.15 A. M. W. la. BILLINC9. Aguit Notice to Owners LANGUOR & ruug, the steamer dropped her anchor at the Foi che of No. at J. B. COYliE JR.. General Cemetery. DEBILITY, guish, and whicli burns at my expense. detection, conviction and punishment par- Couway 12.20 P. M. Agent.mch30tf green whether general or acute disease. The ties with the crime of the J. following quay. Mind two a charged arsun, in firing HAMILTON, Superintendent. a YY nerson owning lots in Evergreen Cemetery, Medical Faculty indorse it, for DYSPEPSIA, that! shillings day—more than I June the i.ucic wuic uu Portland, 6.1873. j jTti oar, City Treasurer NERVOUS uittuj paooujjjuD uuaru, can earn.” A bvS» JAUNDICE, DISEASES. mm of one duller fo uach will in- some of whom remained on deck to ou Biid rvivimr th* lot, Price $1.00. Sold all contem- Did Fix understand this affair of the Premises situate Larch Street, For the Islands. fur the saint lhe by Druggitit. gas? The sure the best of care by Superintend- the of the Old Union and plate picturesque panorama city; It is not at the for the current year; any person pajing the GILMAN BROTHERS' Boston, Mass. probable. Arriving bazar, in the City of Portland, on 18*3; said The STEAMRR ent Proprietors, but (he most of went Aptfl 27th, GAZELLE, dollars will secure the care u. them ashore. Fix lelt him to make his furnished «nm of twent.v-flve purchases, charging Reward will be paid only on due nroot'bein*: Capi. C. F. will commence tor all «v*3eodSm Fix standing clo'.e to the Ticket Sands, | their lots by ihe city time. iand'ng carefully him not to miss the boat, and relumed im- tbe Executive Commit tee of the con vicuion and actual Passenger Agency! her trips to JAS. BAILEY, scanned all the At moment puuiHhmont of said criminals. Ord-r of the Ex- ) passengers. this mediately to the Consul’s office. His By Is now as heretofore at J. S. PALMER, Trustees. cou- ecutive Committee, J Dissolution of one approached him, alter having vigorously- jectures were verified. C. E JOSE, ) Copartnership. STEPHEN CEESWELL, Chairman. MO. Peak’s and Cushing’s Islands, found in Ihe iuelnsure alter driven hack the porters who assailed him with said “I 401-a EXCIIAMCE DOGS—Aoy Dogs his IVTOTlCE Is that the “Consul,” he, have no doubt but Nfc.v York, May 15th. 1873. m\24-d2m STREET, date without tile of master hereby given copartnership presence will bo in iierU XI heretofore the their offers of and asked him man. — — JUNE ttlb, existing wader tlrm name oi Ev- service, politely that I hold my Ho passes himself as WHERE WEDNESDAY, JAS. BAll if EY, ans & Greene, is hereby dissolved mut. al consent. he could direct him to the office of the Eng- an eccentric who would make no,*ee: J. S. by the tour of the Running as follows, until further PALMER, The name of either ty will be nm#\ in settlement- lish consul. At the same time be of Peart st for C. E. JOSE. pa- presented world in eighty days.” $300 REWAR D7 TRAVELERS FOR CALIFORNIA Leave Custom Hmtie Wlmrffoot WILLIAM H. EVANS, a Islands at 9 and 10* A. M. and passport upon whicti he desired to have af- “Then he I- and Peak's and Cushing's mylSdtf CHARLES H. GREENE. sharp, intends to return And fixed the visa. Fix ol I’ortlaud. the West. South and North wept, mav 2 1873. English instinctively to London after lie has misled the City procuro Cushing’s Island for Portland at Portland, May 27, took the and at the police of Through Tickets at the lowest rates, via tiie Miclii- Hrtnn,tog“ieave passport glanced descrip- the two continents.” City Marshal's Office, 14,1S73. Central REMARdT May and Great Western (via Suspension at Peak’s $25 tion,—an movement almost be- fan 9iliave CushlngV Island, touching Island above reward is offered to involuntary “We shall see.” trldge) Pennsylvania Central (via New York city), M. any person who Copurfucrslifp Nfotkc. — 11.13 A. and 3,IS P. trayed him—the trembled in his hand are Three Hundred Dollars Chicago. Burlington & Quincy, or Lock Inland, Chi- M, THEwill furnish the dog, and prove his paper “But you not mistaken?” asked Tickets down and baek 25c. Children half price. ownership, the the was attain6 cago & North Western, and all tlie principal and fa- that destroyed the Swans in Evergreen Cemeterv 011 Tho undersigned have this formed a description in passport identical the Consul. Will bo 1 the city to who will give Private parties can l»e accommodated day copartner- with the pal by any person vorite routes to the Pacific Coast and all other points. by applying the 27th bistort. And SPHCI AIj NdTIC fc is ship under the nome of one he had received from the Chief Information that will lead toihearrest. ami conviction to the Captaiu on board. je10tr “I am not mistaken.” For Tickets apply to the Old Agency 'f hereby given that Dogs are Absolutely forbidden of the the of the or sons that sot lire to the house of Metropolitan police “Then How to Bcantify Complexion. person pet within the incloaure of tin* Cemeterv. why does this thief wish M. on EVANS & '“This passport is not he asked of to proTe Welch, Larch street, April 27,1873. W. D. LITTLE V JAMES MOONEY, yours?’’ Ins visit to buez a another to tlio €0., BAILEY,) the by visa?19 If there is one wish dearer tflran GEO. W. PARKER, BOSTON C. E. JOSE, Trustees. passenger. be beautiful. J and will continue the business of In “Why ? I do not heart of woman, it is the desire to mylo Marshal. 40 t il EXCHANGE STREET. J. S. PALMER. ilealefs “No, it is the know, Consul; but listen W. LAIRDS —AND— J passport of my master." to and in a The wonderful reputation of GEO. Portland, 29th—d3m me, few words be recounted For Jan30d3wietostf May “And vourmaster?’’ the “BLOOM OF YOUTH” i* very justly deserved. COAL A AD ! principal points of his is um.oubt- 0. WOOD “He remains on board.” conversation with the improving and beautifying tne skin, it L, JOHNSON & SON. Office of the A. C. S., I Frenchman. edlv the best toilet in the world; it is PHILADELPHIA Foiit Me “But he must preparation Prkulf, May 14,1873.1 at Ibe old stand of t' e 'ate Arm of EVANS A present himself in person “AH of harmless matt rials, and while —HAT IS a TAKEN THE— ELIaS HOWE in will be receives! in the presumptions are composed entirely Proposals duplicate GREENE, at'the Consul’s, order to establish his iden- against him the immediate effects are to render the skin a beauti- Line. SEALEDat this office until 11 A. M., June 2llth, 1873. surely. And what shall do?” Steamship tity.” you ful creamy white it will, after a few applications, for furnishing the Fresh K*ef required by the Sub- HS1 Commercial SI, head Merrill’* “Send a to and remov- RE8TAU RANT Machines sistence U. S. at this Po “What, is that necessary?” telegram Loudon, with request make it soft, smooth beautifully clear, Sewing Leave each port every TVed’s’y & SatM’y. Department, A., t, duriug to send me at once to ing all blemishes and discoloration. six months, commencing-Inly 1,1871 Information Wharf. Bombay a warrant— under the New City Building in Lewiston, for the “Indispensable.” This delightful toilet has been severely AKDEIJTTKKIOK’8 as to conditions, quality of Beef, payments, &c., can embark on board the preparation term of five years, would now say to the that H. “And where is the office ?’’ Mongolia—fol.ow my tested by the P.oakd of Healtii of New York public be obtained by application to WIM I AM EVANS, man wei nta d to keep a Qrat-cbws place in No MOONtV. over to India and on CITY. t)r Louis A. ter examin- every rerpect. Wharfage. G. W. WIER. SAMCEiS- at 'he corner of tiie there, Eu"lish SaYEK8,a carefully Our Bi*. of Fare shall oe in wl'hthe Portland “There, square”— made keeping of Garments 1st Portland. 27, 1873...... accost him ing the analysis by the above Board,pronounced Patterns ?. t..m. ju?-dfd Lieut. 5tli Artillery, A. C. S. May to a distant about two hun- ground, politely—warrant in hand and Boston Markets. Those visiting Lewiston do not From Long "Wharf. Boston, N B. Mr C. H. Greene, will be found at the ola pointing house, —the band Wharf, Phila- dred ox his shoulder.” forget to call at From Pine Street THE staud of the late firm. mv.Sdtf steps. Geo. W. Laird’s “Bloom of Yonth” PI.UMM B~& WILliEE at 10 a. tu. With these confident the agent delphia, “Then I must find my master, who will words, j Insurance one half the rate of Maine State took leave ol the went IInrmle..,nnd Eulirnly Fire from Any. and Merchants r-«Min Agrlcultnral Society not be well pleased to be disturbed.” The Consul, to thy Tele- Manufacturers’ ITS sailing vent'd*. graph office and se the to the Ilcnith or Skin. j will b id Its salute'* the dispatch as we km w thing Injurious Freight for the West by tliePonn. R. R., and South Fix> an(l returned to to the director of bestaiibant, ■ I HH niiNNIHON’H patent st*am4-er police In London. A quar- BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. HHIPPPffi by connectin.' lines forwarded free of Commission. IITn, EXHIBITION AT ter ot an hour Til III pcs BA^tlOH, laler, light valise in hand, he Ask for Guo. W. Laird’s “Blo.im of !Pine Over 200 millions have been used with- CHAPTER VII. embarked your Druggist CITY BUILDING, Street, 111 V PASSAGE, TEN DOLLARS. on the ami the boat Youth.” The fienuiuo lias the United States revenue I U ihe pant ten years without c mpiatnt 10, & Mongolia, ■i\in For or to September 17,18 19, under full on the front label, and the name, bv becoming detached. Alt Freight Passage, apply steam, quickly passed into the slump engraved LEW1MTON, MilSK. I II 1 >f loss tag lW7o. Eor Sale in Portland by HALLL. LCB ”0. W. Laird,” blown in tbe glass on tbe back of II Companies use them. Hold by DAVIS, waters of the Red Sea. l«Vexpress WHITNEY Sc SAMPttON, A|«ntt, in SHORT & K. every bottle. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND LEWIS 0. JOHNSON, JCSEPH A. JOHNSON, Maim and aatieam Everywhere. SyOyer tjiOOOO, premiums are oflored. ION, HARMON,R. HUNT A CO. [to b. continued,] FANCY GOODS DEALERS. Ju2»w Jan22 dlynswsSu aprl7 TTASSm Ju23-ly TO Lsaff Whiff* aula dem »“*** suHj