PORTLAND- ~ ESTABLISHED JUNE 28. 1863. TOL. PORTLAND SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 13,_ 1873._ TEBM8 tAOOPEB ASNlTlN ADTABCF. THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS CARDS._ REAL ESTATE. _HOTELS._ WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LET. miscellanenous. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the THE PRESS. PORTLAND P1BU8HINO CO., J. H. HOOPER, F. G. BEAL’S TO LET. henry Patterson's HOTEL, CLEWS & CO., Tenement Wanted. SMALL tennament in rent in SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 7878 At 109 Exchange St, Portland. good repair. 32 WALL UPHO LSTERER NORWAY. MA T.NE- A inquire at No.405 Congress Street. jnlSdlw* STREET. NEW YORK, Teum8: Eight Dollars a Year In advance. Real Estate Bulletin. 33 Tree The Beal’s Offer for .ale a Ital** and Nos. 31 and St., subscriber, having leased Board. a„mbcr of lhe Gqesip Gleanings. THE PRESS Hotel, one oi the best arranged houses in MAINE~STATE <JV or gentlemen can be ace mmodated with MAXUJMCTLBEB TO IjOAHf on Firot-Clans the State, having ull the modem improve- eight rooms in a central find desirable part good FIRST MORTWAtiE 7 MHVrV of SIXBoard and rooms at No. 26 Federal PERCENT CO\> It is is 50 a iUvi.* Ju I of Real Eittate ments and refurnished, is SIX the city. References first class. Addn-s pleasant 3 a curious fact while are published every Thursday Morning at $2 MortsageN being entirely Street. YFRTIBLE SINKINU that, beaux year, if paid in at $2 00 a Parlor Suita, Lounges. iu I'ortl ud aud R<-nl Fatale prepared to take “RENT,” Press Office. jul2dlw* CCNU advance, year. Spring ricinity. permitted to go on in the are and sold. Rents collected. lw BONUS way they bent, Beds, Mattresses, bought Apply Summer GOLD Rates or Advertising : One iuch ot space, to Boarders and entire Jul*_ To be Let. belles are to in are — expected go the way they engMi of constitutes a Patent F. G. Families — OF THE column, “square.** JlcOonougli Bed Lounge*, Eu- PATTERSON, Rooms. Inquire at told. $• 50 per square tiist week; 75 cents per daily nmtled Real Estate and mortgage Broker, at a low is one of the FURNISHED No. 2 Tolman Place. w ek after; three iubertions, or $1 00; continu- Chain, &c. very price. The locality pleas- Tenement Wanted. less, orer Eowell’s Jewelry Ntore, antest In the establishment is & Min- ng every other day alter first week, 50 cents. State, a first class livery J"il___*tf_ Burlington, Cedar Rapids The one ap25dtf Cor. Congress Ar B own Sts. and its force of habit is Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; connected with ihe House, teams connect fully illustrated in the wook. after. isggflttf.rep;,lriDg with hH trains sit "outb Paris, one mile distant. To Let nesota Railway Line. ease of a $1 00; 50 cents ]>er week retired who he never Specia For All mail answered. milkman, says Notices, one third additional. Rcut* inquiries by promptly LARGE pleasant room suitable for a sees a can ?2 00 per square eight rooms in a central and desirable lo- At 90 and accrued lute real in currency. of water Under head of “Amusfments,** ROSS & on ONEGentleman and wife at 52 Free Street. without an almost STURDIVANT, The corner House in tlie new block Neal O. first class having per week; three insertions.or less $150* H. GREEN, Proprietor. ,^“ty. reference. Address Jun9 dlw* irresistible Brackett streets. Fne Bathing Room, are desire to Advertisements inserted in the Maine State lUjjjaud Jul2dlw RENT, Press Office. At which price they yield over 9 per cent., and put some milk In It. WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS G is and Possession _ Press” iwhVli has a circulation in every part J&lUJLWater closets, Sebago. Norway, May 15,1873. mylGdlm recoin mend oil as a large given immediately. Apply to F. G. PATTERSON, To strongly of the State) for $1 oo per square lor first insertion, Farm Let. 179 Commercial St., Portland. dealer iu Real Estate. j u3d2w Wanted Nafe and Profitable lurentmcat. Brown says he has aud 50 cents square for each subsequent inser- near the centra1 of the been over per In for tenements, part city* flitting the tion. exchange a new two-story to surface of Sole iu Maine for the sale of house TWOApply W. W. CARR, This is a ion under the thing, long all communications to agents and shipment Commercial in Portland, now renting f >r Railway corjiorat organized enough, and he is now Addros House on New for Sale ! House, ju7dtf 3 Exchange street. laws of the of PORTLAND the Celebrated Coal mined Harn- High St. $300 a year. Will accommodate two State Iowa, which is he most prosper- to work to lead PUBLISHING CO. by Meters. going such a life that seats families; localed. ous State in the Northwest, 'xjing the only State In at ett Neill & of Cor. pleasantly Anply funeral will be at Co., Philadelphia. Cross and Fore Sts. to W. II. JERR1S. Real Estate To Let. the Union free from i»kbt. The Minnesota Di- his a premium. We have also lor Bale at lowest 2I story house containing 17 finished running from to Austin, market price, junl2*dlw Rooms with board for Gentle- vision, Burliugton, Iowa, BUSINESS ANEWrooms with closets and clothes presses, aud every single a distance of 200 was in CARDS. ilkutbarrc, Scranton, and Pittston man or Gentlemen ->ud wives. Minnesota, miles, completed l) Lackawanna, modern cellar and sewerage; Maine. PLEASANT 1872. and earned av- from the of New York. Ves- improvement.; good Portland, No. Februarx, daring that year an A is to be Coals, shipped vicinity house he ted furnace. Lot 33 x 92. This is a rare Board cl's Wanted. jun7dtf 163, corner Elm and Oxford Streets. of clergyman reported •ielH tl for the from by erage $83,0<)0 per month, being a monthly increase authority proem tranportation of coals for a to a of a of opportunity purchaser buy good piece This House built since the great Fire, has ENTLEMEN BOARDERS can be accomodated of $35,000 on the earnings of 1H71. The earnings fbr for the statement that convention of bald- CHAS. J. port shipment any point desired. tfapr27 locate1. G. SCHUMACHER, property, centrally Apply to F. PAT- boon leased by the nndersigued, V* at iso, 6 Chestnut Street. To Let. 1873 are estimated to exceed $1,500,000, or more than dealer in Real [recently juul2dlw* headed men is soon to be held in TERSON, Estate. Ju3d2w and extensive alterations are now being $12-5,000 per month. T* e iluaukee Division, from Boston for [Establishe 1847.*| SMALL tenement of 5 room* in the upper part made, which when completed will make the Cedar to Posrvllle, on the Milwaukee and St. Boy Wanted A of house 22 Braiutnll St., to a family without Rapids the purpose of reviving the old wig party. For House one of the most couveuieut, and well Paul Railroad, a distance of It# FRESCO Sale. learn the Auction and ommis'don business, children. Gas and a plenty of good water. miles, posses through PAINTER, DALTON &INDERSOLL, arranged in the State. Will We entirely nnova'ed, one of the richest sections of tl»e State of Iowa, and double tenement Houses on Cotton street— TObalarv $2.00 week for ihe first six months. Jn3*2w new Furiflture added, and kept as a Hotel be per funddiing an outlet to Milwaukee and the lakes. Wholesale Dealers in No. 13, two five rooms each—No. jthould ABRAM & The Atlanta Sun (Alexmder H. TWO tenements, 9, kept Will easily accommodate One Hundred and BROS., The Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota (Ga.) 5 Block, two tenements, seven rooms each. Also House No. Auction Rooms 125 Federal uu.Ur L. S. Hotel. Rooms to Let Beeping Fifty Guests. The Beading Room will be supplied st., Rail wax* bonds have been admitted to the New York Stephens. thinks there Is 28 Bramball street, arranged for one or two families; Congressmen elect) Plumbers’ with every bally Paper published in the State, Open INTO. 3 COTTON Stock and are dealt in and quoted on AT Supplies! lot 40x113, on tiro streets. This is J«1!__tf_ STREET. Excjiange, dally more buncombe in SCIIUIUACUEK BROA HERS. fronting property June 1st, 1873. *7 the official lists, thus furnishing dealers an advantage than wisdom the remarks newly finished ana in complete order, and will be aprlt> d5mo INos. 17 & 19 Union Boston. WM. F. enjoyed bv few of the now issues of Bonds. St., sold as the health of the owner demands a of HUSStjlt WANTED I tf_ Railway of the press the of in- change Recently Clerk Augusta House. The entire loan has been sold, except about $300,- concerning impropriety climate. Apply to LEON M. BOivDOIN or G. more sale, at Rooms to Let. girls 000, which wo now offer, to cl se it out. creasing the President’s Plumbers* Earthenware a Specialty* Real Estate and Broker. TERMS 84.00 PER DAY. F. salary. PATTERSON, Mortg. ge TWO LATNER’S, Ill WO gentlem- u an 1 their wives aud two or three All marketable securities taken in at cur- iTiiTLAMsoKT my5 fcf mayl6 dtf exchange Iron Noil Pipe and Pitting*. ■Iel0~_315 Cougress Street. i single gentlemen can he accommodated with rent prices, without commission. Hath rooms Copper Teh*. pleasant aud board at No. 75 Free Street. For sale in Portland by A young lady student of startling Copper Bath Boiler*—30 to 100 gallons. Hotel For Sale or Lease. WEBSTER Wanted. tf genius, PHOTOGRAPHER, Bra** &: HOUSeT may9__ who attends Plated Faucet*—every variety, for immediately a competent Loaf Bread Ripon College, lately declined water, s'earn and gas.
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