
On the Line: Intrepid and the War Exhibition Questions

Challenge: Using the map of the exhibition on the right, 7b 7c find the objects listed below. 5b 8a Use your observations and 6a 7a the labels to answer the 5a 9a 8d 8b 8c questions in the spaces provided.

10a 10b 3a 3c



2b 2a 4a 1a

1. Introduction 6. Dangerous Skies 1a. Introduction Wall 6a. Anti-Aircraft Gun

2. Cold War Fears 7. Missing in Action and Prisoners of War 2a. Ho Chi Minh Poster 7a. Blood Chit

2b. Map of Vietnam 7b. Photograph of U.S Prisoners of War 2c. Domino Theory Cartoon 7c. POW Uniform

3. Facts and Fictions 8. The Unpopular War 3a. Facts and Fictions Panel 8a. Photographs of Protest 3b. Resolution 8b. Countermovement poster, 1967 3c. Picture of Bullet Hole on Maddox 8c. Photograph of Flag-Covered Caskets

8d. GI Newspaper, 1972

4. Operation Rolling Thunder 4a. Operation Rolling Thunder Panel 9. The Intrepid Four 9a. Newspaper, 1968 5. 3,000 Men 5a. U.S. Navy Recruitment Poster 10. Coming Home 5b. Vietnam Booklet 10a. Photographs of Helicopter and Refugees 10b. Photographs of Intrepid Returning Home

ŀ Name______On the Line: Intrepid and the Exhibition Questions

1. Introduction 1a. Introduction Wall From what or whose perspective is this exhibition told? How do you think this perspective may differ from troops fighting on the ground?

2. Cold War Fears 2a. Ho Chi Minh Poster Read the caption. What were Ho Chi Minh’s goals for Vietnam?

2b. Map of Vietnam Look at the map and read the “Cold War Fears” panel to your left. Prior to the war, , which was led by Ho Chi Minh, strove for an independent, unified and Communist Vietnam. Why do you think the United States would want to prevent Ho Chi Minh from reaching ?

2c. Domino Theory Cartoon What is represented in this cartoon? According to this cartoon, what fears did the government of the United States have?

3. Facts and Fictions 3a. Fact and Fictions Panel What occurred on August 2, 1964? What happened two days later?

3b. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allow the president to do?

3c. Picture of Bullet Hole on Maddox What is shown in this photograph? How severe does this damage appear? Read the last paragraph on the “Facts and Fictions” panel. What did the NSA confirm? What do you think was the motivation for releasing only some of the facts to the public at the time?

4. Operation Rolling Thunder 4a. Operation Rolling Thunder Panel What were the goals of Operation Rolling Thunder at the start? How did they change?

5. 3,000 Men 5a. U.S. Navy Recruitment Poster The majority of Intrepid ’s crew members during the Vietnam War were volunteers. Why do you think a poster like this might make someone want to volunteer?

5b. Vietnam Booklet After looking at the information in this booklet, how do you think Americans viewed the Vietnamese people at this time? What are some ideas they might have had about them?

6. Dangerous Skies 6a. Anti-Aircraft Gun Intrepid started service in Vietnam at near South Vietnam and later moved to near North Vietnam. North Vietnamese soldiers had access to technology like this ZPU anti-aircraft gun. How do you think this technology affected the pilots flying missions from Intrepid ?

7. Missing in Action and Prisoners of War 7a. Blood Chit Why did this object have requests for food, shelter and protection in so many languages? What situation do you think these servicemen were preparing for?

7b. Photograph of U.S. Prisoners of War This photograph was taken during a visit by international observers and Western journalists. Why do you think observers and journalists were allowed in the prison camp?

7c. POW Uniform What can you infer about Lt. Wilson Key’s prison camp experience from his uniform and tin ware? If you have time, listen to his oral history.

8. The Unpopular War 8a. Photographs of Protest Compare these photographs of antiwar protesters. What can you tell about their reasons for wanting to end U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?

8b. Countermovement Poster, 1967 Find the one countermovement poster. What message is this poster trying to convey to Americans?

8c. Photograph of Flag-Covered Caskets The war in Vietnam was the first televised war. How do you think images and video from the war affected public opinion back in the United States?

8d. GI Newspaper, 1972 How do you think newspapers like these affected morale among active servicemen during the war?

9. The Intrepid Four 9a. Newspaper, 1968 How do you think the public would have reacted to hearing about the Intrepid Four? Why?

10. Coming Home 10a. Photograph of Helicopter and Refugees Do you believe the United States was responsible for the South Vietnamese people left in Saigon after the withdrawal of U.S. troops? Why or why not?

10b. Photographs of Intrepid Returning Home Intrepid returned to Norfolk, Virginia, in 1969. The Vietnam War lasted until 1975. According to what you already knew about the experience of U.S. troops returning from Vietnam, how did the return for Intrepid pictured here differ from the return home for other servicemen?

Essay Prompts Using the information you learned from your tour of the exhibition and your knowledge of the Vietnam War, answer one of the essay prompts on a separate piece of paper. Informative: a. How do you think the experience of Intrepid crew members differed from the experience of non-Navy servicemen during the Vietnam War?

b. How was the Vietnam War different from earlier wars in which the United States took part?

Argumentative: c. Should the United States have been involved in the Vietnam War? Why or why not?

d. Should a government ever hide information from its people? Why or why not?