International Workshop Rankings and Enhancement of International Competitiveness of Russian Universities , 30 September – 1 October 2014

URAP‐University Ranking by

Academic Performance

Presented by Prof. Dr. Ural AKBULUT (URAP Coordinator and

Former President of Middle East Technical University)

[Metn08/09/2014i yazın] URAP (University Ranking by Academic Performance)Sayfa 0

HUwww.urapcenter.orgUH [email protected] U

URAP RANKING University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Research Laboratory was established at Informatics Institute of Middle East Technical University in 2009. URAP is a nonprofit organization. The main objective of URAP is to develop a ranking system for the world universities based on academic performances determined by the quality and quantity of scholarly publications. In line with this objective, World Ranking of 2000 Higher Education Institutions have been released annually since 2010. Present and previous ranking results are posted on the web page of URAP and all the results are open to public.

INTRODUCTION (*) Performance analysis and benchmarking of universities at national and global levels have attracted increasing interest from researchers, policy makers, students and news media outlets in the past decade. University rankings are used for different purposes by various stakeholders in the society. Prospective students and their families are the foremost interested audience of university rankings, given the stakes involved with choosing an appropriate university at home or abroad, in terms of time investment, future career prospects and financial resources. In addition to this, university administrators increasingly see rankings as a means to develop strategies for fostering the growth and development of their institutions. Policy makers often use rankings to evaluate the trends in higher education systems in the world and in their own countries. Finally, news media outlets utilize university rankings as a means to inform the society about the status of higher education institutions in the country and in the world.

First attempts to rank universities dates back to Galton, where he analyzed distinguished British scientists who were Fellows of the Royal Society. He studied the education, occupation, race and other characteristics of the parents of those scientists to see if their success were predestined by the parents. In a similar study, Maclean examined successful university graduates, and then he ranked British universities based on the number of successful graduates. Ellis ranked British universities according to the number of “genius” graduates.

Ranking efforts in the US traces back to Cattell’s directory called the American Men of Science. He listed the scientists in an order, considering the universities they attended, the awards they received and the universities they were employed. Cattell listed the top 1,000 scientists as the most successful ones, and then he ranked the American universities based on the number of top scientists that they employed. B. W. Kunkel and D. B. Prentice ranked US universities according to the percentage of their living alumni who were listed in the 1928 edition of Who’s Who in America. K.C. Babcock prepared a report in 1910 and ranked undergraduate education of universities. Babcock did not publish the report because it was

URAP Research Laboratory | Rankings and Enhancement of International 1 Competitiveness of Russian Universities not expected to be acceptable by the universities. Hughes wrote to hundreds of faculty members and asked them to list the top scientists and the best departments in their fields in the US. In 1924 there were 65 universities in the US which had doctoral programs. He ranked 38 universities in 20 disciplines. Hughes’ system has been considered as the first ranking based on reputation. Cartter & Sawyer announced a ranking system in 1966 for American Council on Education. The ranking was well received by the US higher education institutions. In 1982, The Committee on Quality‐Related Characteristics of Research‐Doctorate Programs published a report on American Universities. US News and World Report magazine published the ranking of American universities firstly in 1983 and then annually since 1987.

In 1991, Maclean started ranking Canadian universities by using multiple criteria such as student, faculty, resources, student support, library and reputation. In UK, The Times published the first national ranking in 1992, whereas The Daily Telegraph announced another national ranking in 1997. In 1998, three new rankings were announced for the universities in UK. Two of them were published by the Financial Times and the Sunday Times newspapers. The third was prepared by Red Mole which was sponsored by Reed Graduates. Four national rankings in UK; The Complete University Guide, The Guardian, The Sunday Times and The Times have been announcing their rankings annually.

More recently, numerous national university ranking systems have been developed, including Folha’s University Ranking of Brazil, ARWU’s Greater China Ranking, ARWU’s Macedonian HEIs Ranking, EI Mercurio in Chile, Netbig in China, CHE University Ranking in , India Today‐Nielsen in India, Vision in Italy, IQAA Ranking in Kazakhstan, KCUE Ranking in Korea, Veidas in Lithuania, Setera in Malaysia, PBRF Ranking in New Zealand, HEC Ranking in Pakistan, Perspectywy in Poland, Ad‐Astra Ranking in Romania, ARRA in Slovakia, and Top‐200 Ranking in Ukraine.

National university rankings in USA and , paved the way for other national rankings as well as global rankings. These developments led to the inception of several global ranking systems such as Academic Ranking of World‐class Universities, Leiden Ranking, Times Higher Education Ranking, QS World Ranking, National Taiwanese University Ranking (formerly known as the HEEACT Ranking), SCImago, URAP World Ranking, Webometrics and U‐Multirank that rank universities across countries in the world. Since most global rankings cover the top 500‐750 in the world, they tend to include mostly institutions from developed countries. Even though such rankings can inform analysis at the national level for developed countries like USA, UK and Germany, they are not informative for institutions located in developing countries, which has motivated the development of several national ranking systems tailored to the peculiarities of each country. The use of bibliometric data obtained from widely known and credible information resources such as

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Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar has contributed to the objectivity of these ranking systems. Universities from other countries around the world also deserve and need to know where they stand among other institutions at global and national levels. This motivated us to develop a multi‐criteria ranking system that is more comprehensive in coverage, so that more universities will have a chance to observe the state of their academic progress.

(*) Alaşehir, O., Çakır, M. P., Acartürk, C., Baykal, N., & Akbulut, U., URAP‐TR: a national ranking for Turkish universities based on academic performance. Scientometrics, 1‐20. doi:10.1007/s11192‐11014‐11333‐11194. (2014)

AIM AND SCOPE As globalization drives rapid change in all aspects of research & development, international competition and collaboration have become high priority items on the agenda of most universities around the world. In this climate of competition and collaboration, ranking universities in terms of their performance has become a widely popular and debated research area. All universities need to know where they stand among other universities in the world in order to evaluate their current academic performance and to develop strategic plans that can help them strengthen and sustain their progress.

The URAP ranking system's focus is on academic quality. URAP gathers data about 3000 universities across the world in an effort to rank these organizations by their academic performance. The overall score of each university is based upon its performance over several indicators which are described in the Ranking Indicators section. The ranking includes universities except for governmental academic institutions, e.g. the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. Data for 3,000 HEIs have been processed and top 2,000 of them are scored. Thus, URAP covers approximately 10% of all higher education institutions in the World. URAP ranking system is completely based on objective data obtained from reliable bibliometric sources. The goal of the URAP ranking system is not to label world universities as best or worst. Our intention is to help universities identify potential areas of progress with respect to specific academic performance indicators. Similar to other ranking systems, the URAP system is neither exhaustive nor definitive, and is open to new ideas and improvements. The current ranking system will be continuously upgraded based on our ongoing research and the constructive feedback of our colleagues.

DATA COLLECTION AND SCORING (OVERALL RANKING OF 2000 UNIVERSITIES) Data is gathered from Web of Science and other sources which provide lists of world universities. The reliability of a ranking depends mostly on the quality of the data used. Pre‐ processing and data cleansing techniques were employed to improve the reliability of the data.

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Statistical analysis indicates that the raw bibliometric data underlying our indicators have highly skewed distributions. Therefore, the indicator values above and below the median are linearly scored in two groups. The Delphi system was conducted with a group of experts to assign weighting scores to the indicators. Total score of 600 is distributed to each indicator as follows:

Data used for the Overall Ranking of 2000 universities were obtained from Web of Science.


1. Number of Articles Number of articles is the measure of current scientific productivity which includes the articles published in 2012 and indexed by Web of Science. The weight of this indicator on the overall ranking is %21.

2. Citations Citations is the measure of research impact and scored according to the total number of citations received in 2012 for the articles published in 2008‐2012 and indexed by Web of Science. Self‐citations are excluded. The effect of citation on the overall ranking is %21

3. Total Document Total Document is the measure of sustainability and continuity of scientific productivity and presented by the total document count which covers all scholarly literature including conference papers, reviews, letters, discussions and scripts in addition to journal articles published between the years 2008‐2012. Data is obtained from Web of Science and the contribution of this indicator to overall ranking is %10.

4. Journal Impact Total Journal Impact Total is a measure of scientific impact which is derived by aggregating the impact factors of journals in which a university published articles during 2008‐2012 priod. Journal impact factor values are obtained from the 2012 edition of the Journal Citation Reports. The weight of this indicator is %18.

5. Journal Citation Impact Total Journal Citation Impact Total, measures quality of citations received in 2012 for the articles published during 2008‐2012 period. It is based on aggregating the impact factors of journals where the citing articles are published. Journal impact factor values are obtained from the

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2012 edition of the Journal Citation Reports. The contribution of this indicator to the overall ranking is %15

6. International Collaboration International Collaboration is a measure of global acceptance of a university. International collaboration data, which is based on the total number of publications made in collaboration with foreign universities, is obtained from the Web of Science database for the years 2008‐ 2012. The weight of this indicator is %15 in the overall ranking.

URAP 2013‐2014 FIELD BASED RANKING (23 Fields)

All data for Field Ranking were obtained from InCites for years 2010‐2012.

INDICATORS FOR 23 FIELD RANKING URAP 2013‐2014 Field Based Ranking is based on five academic performance indicators. Since URAP is an academic performance based ranking, publications constitute the basis of the ranking methodology. Both quality and quantity of publications and international research collaboration performance are used as indicators. The indicators, the data sources, and the duration of coverage are summarized in the table below.

Indicator Objective Coverage Source

Article Scientific Productivity 2010‐2012 InCites

Citation Research Impact 2010‐2012 InCites

Article Impact Total Research Quality 2010‐2012 InCites

Citation Impact Total Research Quality 2010‐2012 InCites

International International Collaboration 2010‐2012 InCites Acceptance

A detailed description of each indicator is provided below:

Article : a measure of scientific productivity which includes articles published in 2010‐2012 and indexed by Web of Science. The weight of this indicator on the overall ranking is %25. (Source: InCites)

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Citation: a measure of research impact and scored according to the total number of citations received in 2010‐2012 for the articles published in and indexed by Web of Science. The effect of citation on the overall ranking is %20. (Source: InCites)

Article Impact Total (AIT): measure of scientific productivity revised eby th institution's normalized CPP(1) with respect to the world CPP in the corresponding field. AIT is the number of publications multiplied by the institution's CPP divided by the world CPP in that field between 2010 and 2012. The ratio of the institution's CPP and the world CPP indicates whether the institution is performing above or below the world average in that field. The weight of this indicator is %20. (Source: InCites)

Citation Impact Total (CIT): a measure of research impact revised by the institution's normalized CPP with respect to the world CPP in the corresponding field. CIT is the number of citations multiplied by the institution's CPP divided by the world CPP in that field between 2010 and 2012. The contribution of this indicator to the overall ranking is %25. (Source: InCites)

International Collaboration: a measure of global acceptance of a university. International collaboration data, which is based on the total number of publications made in collaboration with foreign universities, is obtained from InCites for the years 2010‐2012. The weight of this indicator is %10 in the overall ranking. (Source: InCites)

For the 2013‐2014 URAP Field Ranking, bibliometric data are obtained through Thomson Reuters' InCites research analytics service (2), which provides an interface to the Web of Science database. The 23 fields used in the ranking are based on the discipline classification matrix developed by the Australian Research Council for journals indexed in Web of Science (3) .


(1)CPP stands for citation per publication (2) (3)


01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 04 Earth Sciences

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05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 08 Information & Computing Sciences 09 Engineering 10 Technology 11 Medical and Health Sciences 12 Built Environment and Design 13 Education 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 16 Studies in Human Society 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 18 Law and Legal Studies 19 Studies in Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture 21 History and Archaeology 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies 23 Multidisciplinary


The table below summarizes the ranking of Russian universities in the 2013‐2014 edition of URAP’s world ranking.

Country World Total University Name Category Article Citation JIT JCIT Collaboration Total Ranking Ranking Document

Lomonosov Moscow 1 140 A+ 88.13 70.64 39.19 63.19 49.35 59.15 369.65 State University

Saint Petersburg 2 543 B++ 67.78 64.16 31.66 55.77 45.62 49.02 314.02 State University

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Novosıbırsk State 3 732 B++ 66.00 63.16 30.39 54.92 45.20 45.88 305.56 University

Moscow Institute of 4 Physics and 1315 B+ 43.78 21.32 14.77 32.69 17.06 39.09 168.72 Technology

5 Ural State University 1352 B+ 56.67 18.90 18.42 24.22 12.08 29.32 159.60

Rostovskij 6 Gosudarstvennyj 1483 B+ 34.39 13.72 16.85 20.33 10.21 24.72 120.22 Universitet

Saratov State 7 1579 B 18.45 16.21 13.29 16.81 13.66 21.30 99.73 University

Siberian Federal 8 1581 B 25.43 15.52 12.52 14.02 11.27 20.52 99.29 University

9 TOMSK STATE Univ. 1610 B 22.60 10.71 13.80 15.52 7.28 23.65 93.56

Voronezh State 10 1775 B 21.07 5.10 11.60 10.84 3.81 14.46 66.88 University

Tomskij 11 Politehniceskij 1841 B 7.96 8.53 8.92 9.89 5.87 13.98 55.16 Universitet

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Peoples Friendship 12 1893 B 14.51 4.26 11.14 5.19 2.49 10.75 48.35 University of

Irkutskij 13 Gosudarstvennyj 1995 B 0.32 3.54 5.17 4.75 3.36 9.38 26.52 Universitet


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU) is ranked in top 500 by 7 ranking systems (URAP, ARWU, QS, NTU, Webometrics and SCImago). LMSU is ranked in top 500 by Leiden according to P indicator. LMSU is ranked in top 100 in THE (Times) Reputation Ranking. 2. Saint‐Petersburg State University is ranked in top 500 by 3 ranking systems (ARWU, QS and Webometrics). 3. Novosibirsk State University is ranked in top 500 by 2 ranking systems (QS and Webometrics) 4. Bauman Moscow State Technical University is ranked in top 500 by QS. 5. Moscow State Institute of International Relations is ranked in top 500 by QS. 6. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State University is ranked in top 500 by QS. 7. St. Petersburg State Politechnical University is ranked in top 500 by QS. 8. People's Friendship University of Russia is ranked in top 500 by QS. 9. Saint‐Petersburg State University is ranked among top 500‐1000 in SCImago. 10. National Research University – Higher School of Economics (NRUHSE) , Ural Federal University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University, Kazan Federal University, Southern Federal University, Far Eastern Federal University, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Voronezh State University are ranked among top 500+ by QS. NRUHSE, Southern Federal University, Saratov State University and ITMO University are ranked among top 500‐1000 by Webometrics.

There are 31 Russian universities among top 2000 world universities ranked at least by one ranking system are given below.

1. Lomonosov Moscow State University 2. Saint‐Petersburg State University

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3. Novosibirsk State University 4. Bauman Moscow State Technical University 5. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO‐University) 6. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State University 7. St. Petersburg State Politechnical University 8. People's Friendship University of Russia 9. National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE) 10. Ural Federal University 11. Tomsk Polytechnic University 12. Tomsk State University 13. Kazan Federal University 14. Southern Federal University 15. Far Eastern Federal University 16. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod 17. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 18. Voronezh State University 19. Saratov State University 20. Rostovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet 21. Siberian Federal University 22. ITMO University / Университет ИТМО 23. Nizhny Novgorod State University 24. Kemerovo State University of Culture and the Arts 25. Belgorod State University 26. Chelyabinsk State University 27. Udmurt State University 28. Saratov State Technical University 29. Novosibirsk State Technical University 30. Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys MISIS 31. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


Universities which are ranked 1st in Russia by URAP at least in one field:

1. LOMONOSOV MOSCOW STATE UNIV (LMSU) is ranked 1st in Russia and 140th in the world in 2013‐2014 URAP World Ranking (Overall). LMSU is ranked 1st in Russia in 19 different fields by URAP (out of 23 fields). LMSU is in top 100 in the World in 3 different fields (15th in Math, 45th in Physics and 91st in Chemistry). LMSU is in top 500 in the world in 12 different fields. LMSU is in top 1000 in 19 fields.

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2. ST PETERSBURG STATE UNIV (SPSU) is ranked 2nd in Russia and 543rd in the World in 2013‐2014 URAP World Ranking (Overall). SPSU is 1st in Russia in one field. SPSU is in top 500 in 5 different fields. SPSU is in top 1000 in 13 fields. 3. STATE UNIV HHIGHER SC ECON (SUHSE) is ranked 1st in Russia in 2 fields. SUHSE is in top 1000 in the World in 6 different fields. 4. ST PETERSBURG STATE POLYTECH UNIV(SPSPU) is 1st in Russia in one field. SPSPU is in top 1000 in 2 different fields. 5. LOBACHEVSKY STATE UNIV NIZHNI NOVGOROD (LSUNN) is in top 1000 in 3 fields.


There are over 460 universities in the Russian Federation. Some of them are among the most experienced higher education institutions in the World. Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saint‐Petersburg State University are the oldest universities in the country.

Lomonosov Moscow State University was founded in 1755 and has 11 Nobel laureates and 5 Fields Medal winners who are affiliated with the university.

Saint‐Petersburg State University was founded in 1724 (1819) and 8 of the graduates of the university are Nobel laureates.

Kazan Federal University was founded in 1804 and Karl Klaus discovered the element Ruthenium, and named it in honor of Russia. Vladimir Markovnikov elucidated Markovnikov's rule in 1869 (important rule in organic chemistry). Sergey Reformatsky discovered the Reformatsky reaction in 1887. Tolstoy was an alumnus of the University.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University was established in 1830 and has many famous alumni and faculty such as Sergei Korolev, Andrei Tupolev and Alexander Mikulin.

Tomsk State University was founded in 1880 and 2 Nobel laureates were affiliated with the university.

Tomsk Polytechnic University was established in 1896 and has well known alumni such as Nikolay Kamov, Nikolay Urvantsev and Kanysh Satpayev.

St. Petersburg State Politechnical University was founded in 1899 and has 2 Nobel laureates affiliated with the university. The university has well known alumni such as , Georgy Flyorov and Oleg Antonov.

Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys was founded in 1918. Yuri Osipyan, Yaroslav Blanter and Alexander Shikov are among well‐known alumni of the university.

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Ural Federal University was founded in 1920 and Boris Yeltsin was one of the alumni of UFU.

St Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics‐ITMO was founded in 1930 and is specialized in computer Technologies and optoelectronics.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI was founded in 1942 and the university has 6 Nobel laureates among alumni such as .

Moscow State Institute of International Relations was established in 1944 and has well known alumni such as Ilham Aliyev, Sergei Lavrov and Andrei Kozyrev.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State was founded in 1946 and the university has 7 Nobel laureates among alumni, such as Andre Geim and Yuri Baturin.

Novosibirsk State University was founded in 1959 and has famous alumni such as Eugene Nalimov, Vladimir E. Zakharov and Vladimir A. Vladimirov.

National Research University – Higher School of Economics was established in 1992 and has a large number eof doubl degree programs with universities abroad. Some Suggestions for Performing Better In URAP World Ranking

A) Increase the number of articles, citations and collaboration

There are many other experienced universities in Russia who had many leading scientists in the past. However few Russian universities are listed among top universities in World rankings. The World ranking systems have different indicators therefore a university can be listed in top 500 in one ranking but may not appear in another ranking list. URAP, ARWU, NTU, Leiden and SCImago mainly consider scientific production and its quality. In order to improve the positions of Russian universities in URAP (and similar rankings):

a) The universities must increase the number of articles published in international journals indexed by Web of Science or Scopus. b) The number of articles should be doubled or tripled by most of the universities. First target should be to reach to 1 article per capita in a year (average of 1 article per academician with PhD). Second step should be to reach to 2 articles per capita. When number of articles reaches to level of 1.5 articles per person, medium size universities may have a chance to be in top 500 in URAP ranking. When the number of articles per person reaches 2.0 the chance of being among the top 200‐300 in URAP will increase. c) Increasing the number of articles and reaching to 2.0 articles per capita alone, may not be sufficient to take place in top 200‐300 (or above). In URAP ranking the number

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of citations received is onother indicator. Therefore universities must increase the number of high quality articles which will lead to an increase in citations, which in turn contributes to an increase in citation‐based scores in ranking systems. Each university must convince faculty members to publish their articles in respectable journals with high impact factors. This helps to receive high number of citations.

d) One of the main reasons why most of the Russian universities cannot perform well in URAP ranking is because of low number of citations received. e) Increasing the total number of citations will help all Russian universities tom perfor better in URAP ranking as well as in other rankings. As the number of citations increases the number of citation per publication (CPP) of the university will increase. Since some ranking institutions use CPP as one of their indicators Russian universities can easily rise to upper positions by receiving high number of citations. f) Some of the Russian universities publish reasonable amount of articles in some fields such as “engineering as well as mathematical, physical, biological and chemical sciences”. g) URAP Field ranking showed that most of the Russian universities publish few or no articles in certain fields such as “medical and health sciences, earth sciences, environmental sciences, education, built environment‐ design (architecture & city planning), creative arts‐writing, law & legal studies, language‐communication‐ culture, information and computing, psychology & cognitive sciences, economics, commerce‐management‐tourism‐services, studies in human society, history‐ archeology and philosophy.” h) Publishing articles ein th fields given in “g” will help many Russian universities to perform better in URAP ranking as well as in other rankings. i) URAP World Ranking (Overall) showed that universities in top 250 all have collaboration points above 50. Only one Russian university received above 50 points in collaboration indicator and only two of them received just below 50. In order to take place in higher positions in URAP, the universities must increase the number of articles published with international collabors.

B) Motivate Faculty Members In order to motivate the faculty members to publish more, the university administration can pay bonus for every scientific article published in journals indexed by Web of Sciences or Scopus. Bonus for each article can be equal to 1/2 or 1/3 of the salary of a professor. The bonus can be doubled or tripled for articles published in journals with high impact factor (top 10% and top 5%). METU, doubles the bonus for articles in journals with high impact factor (top 10% of each field) and triples the bonus for articles in journals with highest impact factor (top 5% of each field).

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Second way of motivation can be to pay bonus each year for the top 20 percent of faculty members. Top 20% of each department can be determined from the academic performance points of faculty members. The faculty members with the highest performance points can receive the bonus. Performance points can be based on; publications, citations, MS and PhD student numbers, conferences attended, patents, student evaluation results etc. Yearly bonus can be equivalent to the monthly salary of each person (may be less but should not be less than 50%). If the universities do not have any financial sources for paying the bonuses, the government can consider allocating a bonus budget (to be used for this purpose only) for universities.

C) Recruitment and promotion criteria can be based on number of publications and citations Universities can announce the minimum number of international articles published and the minimum number of citation received for recruiting new faculty members for each department. The minimum number of articles and citations expected from candidates can be determined separately for Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Full Professors in each Department. The easiest way to calculate the minimum number of articles and citation is to calculate the average number of academicians appointed to the department (or promoted) in the past 5 or 7 years. New candidates must have more articles and citations than the average score of previously appointed members in each department. This approach will help to increase the number of articles and citations of each department (A similar system have been used in METU for the past 20 years).

The same approach can be used for the promotion of present faculty members during promotion to Associate Professor and to Full Professor levels.

D) Prevent inbreeding, and attract successful Russian academicians from abroad and from Russia Inbreeding in universities prevents competition and as a result, PhD students and young faculty members do not publish enough. Universities need to find a way not to hire their own PhD students as academicians after graduation. Universities can start to attract bright and productive young Russian and foreign academicians from abroad or from other Russian universities. There are thousands of successful young Russians with PhD degrees received in other countries. Universities can keep contacts with them and then invite them to apply to Russian universities to work in Russia for a year or longer. The most productive ones can be hired as full time faculty members. A university sometimes may decide to hire an outstanding person who received PhD from their own university. In that case the administration can ask the candidate to go abroad as a postdoctoral fellow for one or two years and return with several articles published in high impact journals. In any case the

URAP Research Laboratory | Rankings and Enhancement of International 14 Competitiveness of Russian Universities number of inbreeds among faculty members should not be higher than 20% in the long run. Some World famous Russian and foreign professors in other countries can be invited to work in Russian universities for one or two years to start new research groups in new areas.

E) Allocate enough funds for attending international conferences Sending a high number of academicians to international conferences will help Russian academicians to meet the best scientists of their fields. This can increase the number of collaborative work with them. These collaborations will increase the collaborative articles of Russian universities. Russian academicians can have a chance to inform university administrators to invite those top scientists to Russian universities for short or long term visits. In those conferences Russian academicians can also meet bright young Russian or foreign scientists who may be interested to work in Russian universities.

F) Do not change the name of universities One of the reasons why some Russian universities cannot perform well in URAP ranking (and in others) is because of the name changes of some universities. Web of Science and Scopus cannot keep up with these changes. There is no standard for the academicians to write the names of universities. Therefore many Russian articles may not be accurately counted because the confusion in the names of universities.

I am confident that with the support of the 5top100 Project, Russian universities will take higher positions in most world rankings in a short period of time. I am also confident that several universities will take place in the top 100 soon. China did it. Singapore did it. so can Russia.

Professor Dr. Ural Akbulut URAP Coordinator and former President of METU

(*) Three Tables (URAP 2013‐2014 FIELD RANKING OF RUSSIAN UNIVERSITIES Fields 01‐08, Fields 09‐16, Fields 17‐23 ) are given below

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URAP 2013‐2014 FIELD RANKING RUSSIAN UNIVERSITIES Fields 01‐08 (C: Country rank W: World rank)


Earth 01 05 and Physical Chemical Biological Sciences 04 Sciences Sciences Sciences Sciences Sciences Sciences Sciences Agricultural Computing Information Veterinary 02 03 06 Mathematical 08 Environmental 07

INSTITUTION C W C W C W C W C W C W C W C W LOMONOSOV MOSCOW STATE 1 15 1 45 1 91 1 249 1 331 1 228 1 542 1 331 UNIV ST PETERSBURG STATE UNIV 2 366 2 298 2 461 2 370 2 849 2 824 2 1175 3 1023 MOSCOW PHYSICS & TECHNICS INST 3 554 4 599 12 1129 10 1126 11 2000 12 1812 27 2453 4 1282 NOVOSIBIRSK STATE UNIV 4 560 3 369 3 691 3 592 5 1427 3 1108 3 1627 2 1004 KAZAN FED UNIV 5 847 7 754 4 854 7 1057 4 1318 4 1433 11 2156 7 1460 STATE UNIV HIGHER SCH ECON 6 855 21 1463 32 2195 21 1612 34 2536 28 2374 34 2541 6 1382 URAL FED UNIV 7 862 6 710 5 876 11 1171 36 2648 11 1783 8 2100 5 1325 LOBACHEVSKY STATE UNIV NIZHNI 8 901 10 874 8 1067 14 1279 25 2412 16 1861 5 2027 10 1627 NOVGOROD VORONEZH STATE UNIV 9 930 15 1043 14 1154 6 1038 9 1826 8 1629 36 2652 19 2264 PEOPLES FRIENDSHIP UNIV 10 933 18 1267 10 1080 17 1477 15 2173 17 1895 30 2490 20 2341 RUSSIA SO FED UNIV 11 957 8 797 6 921 4 977 6 1433 7 1623 16 2208 9 1603 SARATOV STATE UNIV 12 962 12 886 15 1209 13 1243 19 2188 10 1768 14 2195 14 2052 SIBERIAN FED UNIV 13 979 11 875 11 1127 8 1061 3 1295 5 1485 4 1734 13 1991 TOMSK STATE UNIV 14 1008 9 838 19 1320 5 1035 8 1640 6 1588 7 2065 11 1675 ST PETERSBURG STATE POLYTECH 15 1044 5 627 9 1079 16 1395 12 2028 14 1831 17 2210 8 1493 UNIV BAUMAN MOSCOW STATE TECH UNIV 16 1145 17 1240 26 1893 18 1565 20 2293 30 2403 18 2305 15 2088 MOSCOW INST STEEL & ALLOYS 17 1320 14 959 21 1477 20 1591 28 2440 22 2158 26 2452 16 2119 TOMSK POLYTECH UNIV 18 1398 13 946 17 1302 9 1109 35 2562 29 2380 35 2568 17 2141 SAMARA STATE UNIV 19 1431 24 1595 18 1317 23 1893 32 2502 25 2236 33 2517 35 2557 IRKUTSK STATE UNIV 20 1474 16 1170 16 1287 12 1182 10 1862 13 1826 10 2150 12 1962 BELGOROD STATE UNIV 21 1482 20 1309 27 2004 28 2193 7 1585 19 1982 19 2309 21 2424 PERM STATE UNIV 22 1552 23 1557 13 1143 26 2051 17 2175 20 1990 32 2492 18 2224 RUSSIAN STATE PEDAG UNIV AI 23 1707 19 1268 20 1460 15 1390 31 2500 24 2235 13 2193 34 2555 HERZEN MOSCOW STATE TECH UNIV 24 1799 29 1880 36 2549 34 2388 29 2441 36 2578 28 2454 30 2518 FINANCIAL UNIV UNDER GOV 25 1822 32 2045 34 2378 30 2243 22 2331 33 2523 21 2353 24 2450

URAP Research Laboratory | Rankings and Enhancement of International 17 Competitiveness of Russian Universities

RUSSIAN FED PERM STATE TECH UNIV 26 1910 30 1909 28 2103 25 2050 16 2174 26 2271 31 2491 32 2534 MORDOVIAN STATE UNIV 27 2018 25 1620 24 1859 33 2386 27 2439 21 2099 6 2035 29 2517 KAZAN STATE TECH UNIV AN TUPOLEV 28 2131 27 1802 31 2183 31 2328 23 2389 35 2554 23 2409 26 2487 MOSCOW STATE TECH UNIV 29 2190 28 1841 33 2322 35 2389 30 2442 31 2432 29 2455 31 2519 STANKIN FAR EAST FED UNIV 30 2249 26 1709 22 1768 24 1979 13 2106 18 1964 9 2132 23 2447 MENDELEEV UNIV CHEM TECHNOL 31 2272 22 1498 7 1063 22 1751 26 2434 23 2224 25 2449 28 2514 IRKUTSK STATE TECH UNIV 32 2350 31 1937 23 1830 19 1581 14 2122 34 2547 22 2391 25 2474 EUROPEAN UNIV ST PETERSBURG 33 2476 36 2468 35 2499 29 2241 21 2330 32 2522 20 2349 22 2446 KRASNOYARSK STATE MED UNIV 34 2510 35 2338 30 2152 32 2338 24 2396 27 2361 24 2419 27 2493 RUSSIAN STATE MED UNIV 35 2577 34 2253 25 1860 27 2065 18 2186 9 1654 12 2192 33 2554 SECHENOV MOSCOW MED 36 2582 33 2175 29 2132 36 2471 33 2508 15 1845 15 2197 36 2560 ACAD

URAP 2013‐2014 FIELD RANKING RUSSIAN UNIVERSITIES Fields 08‐16 (C: Country rank W: World rank)



and Society

Sciences Built Design

Studies Education 12 Economics Services Technology Commerce, Engineering Medical and Tourism 16 Environment 13 14 Management, 10 15 09 Human 11 Health

INSTITUTION C W C W C W C W C W C W C W C W LOMONOSOV 1 259 1 293 1 561 16 2159 1 964 3 950 3 1187 3 872 MOSCOW STATE UNIV ST PETERSBURG STATE 2 735 2 673 3 1284 33 2392 2 1237 2 765 1 1071 4 977 UNIV NOVOSIBIRSK STATE 3 918 3 786 5 1509 3 1690 26 2298 6 1523 4 1617 13 1786 UNIV MOSCOW INST STEEL & 4 1028 10 1375 30 2486 19 2213 5 1708 10 1853 24 2384 22 1999 ALLOYS URAL FED UNIV 5 1090 6 1092 12 1979 35 2624 10 1897 36 2633 36 2645 10 1689 KAZAN FED UNIV 6 1231 7 1144 7 1589 12 2116 17 2171 9 1824 18 2318 6 1258 ST PETERSBURG STATE 7 1234 4 967 18 2147 1 1298 33 2413 34 2453 11 2087 18 1811 POLYTECH UNIV MOSCOW PHYSICS & 8 1266 5 1017 20 2199 20 2214 23 2258 25 2309 25 2385 32 2366 TECHNICS INST SO FED UNIV 9 1321 11 1496 9 1791 32 2379 9 1776 7 1674 10 2081 25 2043 SIBERIAN FED UNIV 10 1326 8 1181 15 2034 31 2368 32 2392 13 1915 5 1868 8 1529

URAP Research Laboratory | Rankings and Enhancement of International 18 Competitiveness of Russian Universities

TOMSK STATE UNIV 11 1328 13 1651 16 2040 34 2445 35 2465 14 1938 6 1883 36 2532 LOBACHEVSKY STATE UNIV NIZHNI 12 1332 9 1327 14 2010 15 2156 20 2213 22 2269 21 2348 11 1763 NOVGOROD TOMSK POLYTECH 13 1336 12 1650 24 2331 2 1477 34 2464 35 2493 35 2532 35 2531 UNIV MENDELEEV UNIV 14 1339 18 1918 19 2197 17 2198 21 2248 23 2300 22 2378 31 2362 CHEM TECHNOL SARATOV STATE UNIV 15 1479 14 1786 10 1836 29 2333 30 2361 32 2405 33 2462 17 1802 VORONEZH STATE 16 1491 16 1876 13 2002 36 2633 36 2638 4 1460 12 2158 19 1870 UNIV BELGOROD STATE UNIV 17 1595 17 1887 17 2131 6 1900 11 1967 8 1755 14 2204 7 1308 BAUMAN MOSCOW 18 1614 20 2040 32 2536 5 1892 3 1421 15 2068 13 2201 26 2175 STATE TECH UNIV IRKUTSK STATE UNIV 19 1655 32 2401 35 2561 11 2074 16 2135 19 2198 17 2291 5 1107 PERM STATE UNIV 20 1693 23 2088 11 1974 25 2276 27 2316 29 2358 9 2058 34 2412 PERM STATE TECH 21 1722 34 2479 25 2367 24 2275 7 1741 11 1880 29 2423 23 2016 UNIV PEOPLES FRIENDSHIP 22 1816 22 2086 6 1516 23 2274 6 1740 28 2357 28 2422 14 1791 UNIV RUSSIA STATE UNIV HIGHER 23 1900 36 2534 22 2250 4 1732 4 1504 1 535 2 1125 1 564 SCH ECON IRKUTSK STATE TECH 24 1963 31 2400 28 2474 10 2073 15 2134 18 2197 16 2290 28 2283 UNIV MOSCOW STATE TECH 25 1987 28 2214 31 2487 22 2216 25 2260 27 2311 27 2387 33 2367 UNIV STANKIN RUSSIAN STATE PEDAG 26 2100 25 2094 26 2424 27 2326 8 1760 30 2399 31 2457 16 1800 UNIV AI HERZEN SAMARA STATE UNIV 27 2119 19 1928 21 2246 28 2330 29 2359 31 2402 32 2460 9 1652 FAR EAST FED UNIV 28 2156 21 2056 27 2466 8 1983 13 2043 16 2131 15 2239 27 2223 KAZAN STATE TECH 29 2326 26 2197 29 2477 13 2117 18 2172 20 2231 19 2319 29 2311 UNIV AN TUPOLEV KRASNOYARSK STATE 30 2327 33 2418 8 1707 14 2129 19 2191 21 2245 20 2328 30 2323 MED UNIV MORDOVIAN STATE 31 2330 15 1831 23 2284 18 2210 22 2256 24 2308 23 2381 21 1997 UNIV SECHENOV MOSCOW 32 2373 35 2511 4 1316 30 2339 31 2367 33 2411 34 2469 24 2030 MED ACAD MOSCOW STATE TECH 33 2406 27 2213 36 2584 21 2215 24 2259 26 2310 26 2386 12 1775 UNIV FINANCIAL UNIV UNDER GOV RUSSIAN 34 2443 30 2375 34 2547 9 1986 14 2045 17 2133 8 1978 20 1925 FED RUSSIAN STATE MED 35 2458 24 2093 2 1115 26 2325 28 2355 12 1895 30 2456 15 1799 UNIV EUROPEAN UNIV ST 36 2581 29 2374 33 2546 7 1982 12 2042 5 1490 7 1977 2 837 PETERSBURG

URAP Research Laboratory | Rankings and Enhancement of International 19 Competitiveness of Russian Universities

URAP 2013‐2014 FIELD RANKING RUSSIAN UNIVERSITIES Fields 17‐23 (C: Country rank W: World rank)



Arts and

Culture Studies ry

23 Writing

Religious Cognitive Law

Studies Language, Studies Philosophy Psychology History Sciences and 18 and Archaeology 19 Creative Legal 20 and n and 22 17 21 Communicatio Multidisciplina

INSTITUTION C W C W C W C W C W C W C W LOMONOSOV MOSCOW STATE 1 657 1 862 1 1059 1 869 1 264 1 256 1 409 UNIV ST PETERSBURG 2 1243 32 2152 31 2237 3 1125 2 474 3 839 2 799 STATE UNIV STATE UNIV HIGHER 3 1293 4 1171 32 2239 2 924 8 991 2 711 9 1843 SCH ECON KAZAN FED UNIV 4 1566 2 1078 12 1881 6 1328 6 964 4 877 4 1540 SO FED UNIV 5 1573 30 2137 2 1091 33 2368 16 1229 31 2328 20 2197 NOVOSIBIRSK STATE 6 1637 21 1963 20 2062 7 1589 14 1211 6 954 7 1689 UNIV RUSSIAN STATE MED 7 1813 25 2069 24 2153 28 2310 33 2244 28 2265 18 2114 UNIV RUSSIAN STATE PEDAG UNIV AI 8 1814 3 1145 25 2154 4 1228 3 741 10 1293 35 2578 HERZEN SARATOV STATE 9 1889 27 2079 27 2166 30 2319 34 2253 13 1549 8 1719 UNIV LOBACHEVSKY STATE UNIV NIZHNI 10 1960 14 1816 15 1941 18 2116 7 971 20 2081 5 1681 NOVGOROD SECHENOV MOSCOW 11 1970 28 2O86 28 2172 31 2324 35 2257 30 2281 27 2407 MED ACAD TOMSK STATE UNIV 12 1982 34 2236 34 2310 35 2438 23 1485 34 2413 10 1886 KRASNOYARSK STATE 13 2037 13 1782 14 1906 17 2087 27 1990 19 2052 33 2521 MED UNIV PEOPLES FRIENDSHIP 14 2053 22 1996 21 2095 25 2253 31 2179 7 1155 11 1929 UNIV RUSSIA IRKUTSK STATE UNIV 15 2133 11 1702 11 1832 15 2016 5 841 12 1456 16 2091 PERM STATE UNIV 16 2166 24 1998 23 2097 27 2255 21 1449 27 2213 26 2398 SIBERIAN FED UNIV 17 2175 29 2124 29 2205 32 2355 22 1464 11 1298 3 1428 EUROPEAN UNIV ST 18 2232 7 1567 7 1714 5 1307 10 1043 5 937 29 2488 PETERSBURG FAR EAST FED UNIV 19 2233 8 1568 8 1715 12 1903 17 1355 15 1862 19 2166 MOSCOW INST STEEL 20 2267 17 1889 17 2003 21 2172 30 2080 23 2124 14 2034 & ALLOYS MOSCOW PHYSICS & 21 2268 18 1890 4 1346 22 2173 19 1424 9 1278 6 1687 TECHNICS INST ST PETERSBURG STATE POLYTECH 22 2298 31 2151 30 2236 34 2382 11 1086 32 2344 12 1934 UNIV

URAP Research Laboratory | Rankings and Enhancement of International 20 Competitiveness of Russian Universities

URAL FED UNIV 23 2350 35 2597 35 2613 9 1719 9 1023 35 2611 22 2324 VORONEZH STATE 24 2352 36 2611 36 2626 36 2625 4 828 36 2620 15 2071 UNIV BAUMAN MOSCOW 25 2385 5 1418 5 1605 10 1803 24 1660 14 1750 23 2341 STATE TECH UNIV BELGOROD STATE 26 2388 6 1429 6 1613 11 1813 12 1147 8 1226 28 2472 UNIV FINANCIAL UNIV UNDER GOV RUSSIAN 27 2415 9 1572 9 1718 13 1907 25 1788 16 1865 30 2489 FED IRKUTSK STATE TECH 28 2447 10 1701 10 1831 14 2015 26 1907 17 1970 31 2507 UNIV KAZAN STATE TECH 29 2464 12 1761 13 1882 16 2065 18 1397 18 2025 32 2517 UNIV AN TUPOLEV MENDELEEV UNIV 30 2493 15 1869 3 1338 19 2160 28 2066 21 2116 17 2099 CHEM TECHNOL MORDOVIAN STATE 31 2497 16 1887 16 2001 20 2170 29 2077 22 2123 34 2545 UNIV MOSCOW STATE 32 2499 19 1891 18 2004 23 2174 13 1202 24 2125 24 2390 TECH UNIV MOSCOW STATE 33 2500 20 1892 19 2005 24 2175 20 1425 25 2126 25 2391 TECH UNIV STANKIN PERM STATE TECH 34 2516 23 1997 22 2096 26 2254 32 2180 26 2212 21 2281 UNIV SAMARA STATE UNIV 35 2541 26 2076 26 2162 29 2316 15 1225 29 2273 36 2579 TOMSK POLYTECH 36 2587 33 2235 33 2309 8 1641 36 2398 33 2412 13 1937 UNIV

URAP Research Laboratory | Rankings and Enhancement of International 21 Competitiveness of Russian Universities